LI .DECEMBER 5, .185? in theiTal- jnad, is recorded' to bare said On three things stands the world j , on law, on worship, and on charity." j . 1 iv . . - The two former of these qualifications are eminently the gift of the citizens of Wil diirigton, hut of the latter 4-we regret to s.iy il there is but HttleJ , r i Ve are aTlaw-abiding peoble. The.record of oai' forefathers biick t3 and before the ilys of thejRevoIutMil. a ieU as thelater hifiori pour own tUy, ii the best, proof nnsitire of this fact, 5Ve- do not Hesitate to say that the records ot our courts, if compar ed with thoie of others, eith er in thvi South! or the North, would show, indisputably, that the reverence for law and order is one of the ilistinuiahin characteristics of oursi ves as a people. There are criiuei to which many .' vcled, either through the: necessities of ex ist!n0e,or from' the inter iVpernnce of their O wn pa$iqns, which cast nu.ny foul blots over the fair escutcheon which ye bast. .Yet these crimes are incidental to a community, and are, in a measure, iifjcefsary - for the true vi ality of the on ti t? same' principle that if there were o vice, l here wUl be no ivir- tuc. ic w prenU)V t ould natural y hayebeeu expected, lose most conversant with tlie,ele- v . j . nients'ot our own uamescic society, mac me . 1 . .1 J ? i . 1 . 1 ' . . I - . . ; i ' clfOSC f the war:-and the absolute autajjou ism into which the two elements of popula tioa were necessarily jthro w.n by the result, woald breed a terrible and revolting state of society one in whicli lav would sink to tile level of favoritism, and 6rder be known how differently only as a synonym. Yet has the result 'been i ' Ana how, under th tost trving of circumstarices has it been pro en that with white and black alike, thy reverence of the law has rale of life.- Tr.'ij- been the abiding j Let us gpeak'' uowjof In' the woranip. uiidst of all of the political rouble which has hun cfbudlike over us ; with friends gone, and cone in vain and wit one time a - threatened total. devastation of the harvest ,BeIds in! the : Southi, - and partial realization ni the close of the year off the hopes and labors of the past seasons, our eople haye not yeisauk. into despondency, ud given up, not poly their; belief! in the et overruling care ot Providence, but in the regular and tleyout worship of that God who dispenseth evil and good , at' the dictates of pis own will. Th close itteudince upon: Divine worship, aud the large accessions' "! t i' 1 i:' i ... L i . a. J i.v. wmcn nave oeeu mane iu iiie laemocriuip of the different churches during the past two years, is an evidencarof that godly fear whicli leeks an outlet in godly worship. .. Yet the third of those qxilitications upou which it was. asserted this world stands, is the one less known j among our people. We mean charity not only the charity which relieves the world y distress of'others, but that which applies; the true intent' .of the word to the ever v day actions of life. The charity which can shield - the faults of a brother, V as Well as look ' -wr the motive be fore censuring a deed, is not such as should accompany the divine exceljehcies of a mark1- jjd t observance of law aud worship. This char ity f as evidently the broadest sense in which the word' was use in the ;ext,' but even the charity of giving .13 not such "with us, as the uecessities ot our community demand. We have miny poor among u who look to their monTfuvoreU neighbors for food; and fuel throux'nout the colder winter months which have now made ah udveutU Tiiey are God; -ehildren, aud, as such, are all our brethren. hall their appea s, tlie ippeal "of brother s , unheeded by ? Do not becausi misery does not the public highways of to a brother, pa Jet us think ,that confront us upon the city thai it is not present with us ; that because none meet us in the . .street and hold put to us the appealiug h inds, that there is not misery, and woe, and want abounding in our limits. It is with Us, and it must be alleviated, and the wic oy"s"and fatherless, and friends and dependents of those who died to Drove that thev 'were risht, should not be left dependent upon the mercy of the stranger for food an4 fuel- Let us then fulfill this "duty as a sacred aud a tnifi ntirt and therebv build up tor our selves the only one wanting to make that triune of virtue of which the sage has spoken, upon which our little world should stand, aud. which, may yet in the future, in I some dread day of wrat .1, avert from. us the displeasure of an offended power, above us On aceonut ot the in- clement appearance ofU tlie weather . yesi r day, it was decided to postpone Col. Bun's lecture. Aa the address ot the ColbneWHl be addressed more Particularly to the f-e! - iii?s and svmnathies of I the ladies ihan f " " r . .'i I their ronahpr ennanrta. it is well. Derhaps. that this postponement has been held. The city papers wUl annbapcej Jtn dutiAea50u, the evening which: has been chosen for its livery. r i . a .Lady. evening; after, dark, as -On last Satuvda,; a lady resident of hc eastern tjortion of Princess Street was reu ur ing home after a day's 4ort she was accost- ed by a stalwart colored -man? who proffered hi, services to see hethjme, ,13 ot, coue retused, and ran from him; and succeeded in getting clear of him. We regret that such a thing as this should have occurred. an4 it lis the i first time that we hive been called nnoin to record a similar t.i m. i 4U -i . t i will see that it is the last, and thereby Pixarixt. Simon the Just, prevent the -evil disposed few from such acts a3 we learn by telegrams received at Stock wwilr tendto cast Teproach upon the mo- holm'Kovehiberd,- which state that the lality of the whole. CRIM-ICounr.h!st' court has ben steadily engagedr since; Monday kit, in the trial of such cases as. are brought before it from the docket, ,On Tuesday was tried a Wit, in which the State was plaintiff, and the au thorities of this city, defendants ' The case was, r,eJave to some obstructions which had been placed in a portion of the city," which the authorities failed to removej It was, as was thought, successfully .established by Wm. A. Wjiight, Esq.,' the i able City Attor ney, that no (street had ever existed at.tlie. i""? "ucicjiucee oosiruciions were placed, and therefore that the city Council were not held amenable: To this effect was the jury, charged by Judge MEABEsJbui they brought in a different verdict Under the circumstan ces, an appeal will be taken from this deci - Yesterday the! Court was occupied in the trial -of several T petty cases of. assault and battery. But one larceny J case was tried during the forenoon. In this latter, Jerry Mack, alias Jerry Fillyaw, colored, was sen tenced to twelve months imprisonment at hard labor inthe County Work House. Thespian AssoCiATioy.AtnlifuiDci s h.., geutlemen of Raleigh hae mtH together, and have organized themselves into a Thes pian Association. They have already giveri two performances iu Tucker Hall, and threat en the people with more. Their efforts have m been most snccesstul. tJrowued houses Awaited thein uu each occasion, and the Ral eigh papers speak of their efforts m laudtible in the extreme. Whv cauuot the young men of this city form such a society as this,, and give us, du ring the winter months, some of tlelr perso nations 1 We are confident that there is equally as mueh, if not more, talent here flhan Raleigh can boastj and if, our young men would form a theatrical association, and give occassional perfrminces, they might", by that mean, obtain considerable sums of money, which, if p'aced iu the hands of some charitable association, would greatly help our poor to pass safely through the rigors of this winter., Let our. young men think -.seriously of this matter. - ' -i ' The Daily Programme. The above is the nquie of a little sheet, published in Charleiton, for daily circulation. The prin cipfe upon which it ij conducted, is similar to that upon which the . Daily Visitor was established here during the winter ot 1865 the advertisements which it contains paving the'ebst of the issue. It is a very neatly ar ranged little 'sheet, "ancl appears, from a glance over its columns, to meet with abund ant favors: from the enterprising, men of Charleston. . ' Tue JMetiiodist Coxferexce. -After a very lengthy and important- session of six days, the Conference ot the Methodist Epis copal Church South, adjoarnad- sine die on Tuesday night last. Tliere were in attendance on its sessions a large number of delegates, both lay and ecclesiastical, among whom were some of f he" ablest men of the State. The reverend Bishop Doggett habeen filling the chair. AcciDENT.The steamer General Howard, owned by the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road, and forming the connecting link of the road between River side and Wilmington, was yesterday injured to such an extent as to necessitate'her being placed upon the ways for repair; The acci dent occurred during a dense tog on Tues -day morning, and while the boat .was rounds ing Point Peter She there ran upon some obstruction and stove two holes in her bot tom. She lias been taken to Berry's Ship yard, and jin a fewdays will have been thoroughly repaired, and ready ,to resuine her usi;al labors. Mayor's Court, December 3, 18b7. Two white men, na;med respectively C. M. Bonhain and Thomas ' Thompson, were arrested and brought before His Honor, charged with having indulged two freely in a street fight It having been proved conclusively that the provocation came from Thompson, that in dividual was fined $20, and Bbnham $3, for his share in the fracas. ; Another white man. named Frank Black man, was fined $5 for drunkenness. Library Notice. We, are requested jto stata that hereafter the Library Room of the Wilmington Library Association will be opened on Mohd ay an d T hursday evenings of each week, when members can obtain books, or remain and read the periodicals and papers to be found there. We ' learn thaX great distress prevails among the laboring classes in the north of Sweden, in that bleak and desolate region bordering upon toe. Arctic circie. a uo Swedish" and;? Norwegian -Vice Consul in this city sends us the tollowing appeal, to which a response has already been made in New' York : . ' ' " Famine has befallen the northern part ot Sweden; far the last seven years the har vests have filled ; the last year completely ' . i . - .fit? ? I I I so. starvation anci extreme snuenuy wm undoubtedly; he the consequence, as the in habitants have louna inenieive3. entering upon a. long winter season' without any meaus of subsistence.. Iu order to alleviate their sufferings and relieve their extreme wants subscriptions 'are solicited, to be transmitted to Sweden for immediate dis tribution among the sufferers.' 1 1 ' TF tliift rail for relief seems to come from rather a remote quarter, we will invite the attention ot our reaaers to tueionowing iec tert which has been comunicated to us from another source : . l- . I 'iiv ' 1 f vf s NEwftOBK, Nov: 25 1807. ' f My Dear Sir:-Iu reply to your letter respecting the famine in the north of Swe den, I regret to inform fou that it is . not as vou suppose., a -threatened calamity. The ri I famine already; exists."., attended with; the usual appalling horrors ot a Famine in . Wi . .. . 8et aturebeing 2 poirl and tic coantrr ,uk 1 ine iamaine RfnVimrnmv;nn. Jemtland rand Westeiverlanrl and tl whole ot We-terbb"tten and Korrbotton.'lx' fining at the 63d parallel and extendir! 1U0 miles beyond fie Arctic circle. Thron out the who?e of this region, covering j area of more than 50,000 square miles, crops have entirely failed; the frost havir completely destroyed the grain, the wretc ed inhabitants beins not onlv rWint. of bread, I but:, of jseed JbrexiTlprid It must not be inferred from this "utter de titution and want, that the people of Norl ern Sweden lack thrift or omit to prepffe for bad harvests. The fact is that the i fated region alluded to has suffered frcm acyiarvestl six yeacCii? secession. i"Hence the Calamity of a complete failure durincthe secentn year has overtaken the oeoDle wheu utterly exhausted by previous efforts to 5ear up uhderi .their , misfortune. , TruaJ tri th humane custom ot the inhabitants 'of tlose luuusp.tauie regions, mutual relief has been given unti ;il now the entire population standi of that speedy assistance withouf! in need wuicn tuousands will: perish during the com ing wihter.1 UnfcrtunatehoSwedeTrnevitr Was les3 able to afford the relief needed, thin at present; The harvest in many ot the midland provinces ha3 proved almost a fail ure, while the commerce of the countrv is in a very unsatisfactory state, owing to the tionsl,LdeCreasing demand bv freign na the forest; wh?cr?icct3 the l Junes and - YbufeH1?1 4 Svy?deD- ' I Wr$?it -Mm? Hon. G. Fox. . ox The facts here given must appeal power fully to all Americans when stated by that native of Sweden who in onr moment of dire necessity came to our relief so effeetive with his Monitor. r We are requested to state that contribu tions can be sent to Mr. Gjert Lootz, Swedish and Norwegian'Vice-Consul, at 27 Ceatral Wharf. ' , i HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker House. 1 December 4. .' John Smith. John Colborn, Max Weil, Tbeo. Wohlbrick, Wm. liaynie, AC Alurruw, Thomas T C Cox, Thomas iiruiuurd, C M Smith, K C UockWell, J 11 A Word. W.J Corbett, C P John son, Andrew Frotr, .John L) Aiebaue, W 11 Houeycutt, J It A Leonard and wife, John L Ale dowc raft. - , - COMMEIillAL. W 1 L iH IN H TO $ lUAitiijh : i ' ' ' ' t December 4. TURPENTINE. Sales yesterday of 15 bbls Crude .Turpentine, at J i0 for virgin and yellow dip, and for hard, , 83 lbs. f'"-:; i . ,( TAll Has advanced, and tben declined 5 ets. First sales were 7J bbls at 2 33 per bbl, alter which 43 bbls were sold at $3 25, the same as the prices of the previous day. i ROSI N Sales were made of 1,QS barrels at , ?2 ifor common and strained common, aud $3 for No. 1, per bbl. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. No sales whatever havo. been reported in th j market for this arti cle. Buyers demand a decline, which holders are not willing to accede. Last sales made were at 50 cents per gallon. COTTON.-The market is yery quiet. Only 13 bales changed hands, at 13e fi for low.mid dlinsw :-' , - i '-.t- .1 -.1- H.UUXE iNTELLiGaSUH. , Arrived. : . . ; December 3. Steamer Gov. Worth, Hart, Irom Fayetteviite, to Worth & Daniel, with tilt bbls rosin, 15(5 do spts, 72 do tar, to Williams & Murchisdn, Rob inson, Smith & Co, Russell & Ellis, Worth & Daniel, A Johnson & Co, Sprunt & Hinson, H B Eilers, A Alderman. Steamer A if Hurt, Skinner, irom avettevme, to Worth & Daniel, with 341 bbls rosing to Worth & Daniel. : December 4. Steamer R M Orrell, Orrell, from Fayetteville, to A McRim ' on &Co, with 130 bbls rosin, 30 do spts turpt, 10 bales sheeting, 7 bbls flour, 5 bales ras, 6 bbls dried iruit, for A McRimmon & Co, ,V H Lutteriob, A Johnson & CO. ' Cleared , Decembers. Steamer A P Hurt, Skinner, for Fayetteville, by Worth & Daniel: Steam jr Governor Worth, Hurt, for Fayette ville, h Wortb. & Daniel. v " Steaiih.p Frances, Harrington, for Baltimore, by.Atl-insou & dhepperson, with 103 bols spts, 1,033 Lo rosin, 119 do tar, 16S bales cotton, 25, 000 shingles, li pkgs hides, 4 tons iron, 5 bales rags, b pkgs mdse. 1 s December 4. Steamship W P Clyde, Powell, for New York, bv Horace M Barry, with 2,050 busbels peanuts, 524 bbls rosin, 379 bates cotton, 7 boxes, 14 pgs mdse, 3,200 lbs old metal, 2 bds. rags. Pilot Schr Albiou, More, for Hassan, by Har ris & Howell. ' : :; - ' Cooking, Parlor and Oflcc Stores, A LOT OF GAS F1XTURE0, Just Received. AGENT FOR FAIRBANKS STAND ARD SCALES. For Sale by ;';'' A. M. 31 131? If. Sor 2G ' tf UNITED STATES INTERNAL COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 6EC0XD DISTRICT. XOUTI1 CAIIOLWA. Office Hours Irom 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Iv A. .ESTES, Collector. aug 6 . ' - . , .. tf TO SOUTHERN PLAHTERS, Union Rice, Flour & Feed Nps. 218 and 248 Cherry Street, Corner Rutjerft' Slip, ALL DESCRIPTIONS' OF RlCE CLEANED AND REDRESSED, Also, Flour, Corn .Ileal, ana reeaoi an kiuds Ground at Short Notice. Excelsior fresh Rice Flour constantly on ; hand. s REFERENCES r i j Fowutr Ss Ward? Rice Importers, 87 Water St. t""7T,- nr. . " 185 Front St. t '" .crtvVRfce Brokers, Corner Wall and Water Streets. . it l; Kbapp, Baxter & Van Pelt, Grain, Meal &c .-. nrhiiolull iitrf.f.t. L Sos & Co, Flbnr. MeaC&a; SO.Broad St. if K THCRBSB-:&' Co., IT3 and 173 Chambers St. '-' For Terms Address : - iOIlN FITZGEhALD & CO., 840 and 218 Cherry St:, New T or?. wm FIYTIRF, AimamesMo Bine. THE GREAT THROITGH SHORT ROUTE yt.; TO THE NORTH. ' - The most direct and comfortable route to PHILADELPHIA, , . - ;;?:vTij,n. ,:; :t BOSTON, AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Thronsh Tickets - cold and Baggage Checked from all principal cities-ia the Southern Atlantic and Gulf Stated. .5, ; . JsrW t-aVnAJiAV il . V SLEEPING CARS DH"5fIGUTl TRAINS. " Ns Omnibus transfera on tWa routes '.'-1 . : " This line also forms a part of the -GXEAT SEABOARD INLAND AIR f.TWR FRRIRHfltOIITE; J--! comectini? with Seaboard and Roanoke Kallroaf atPortemouthya;;-;'-!7 f. reasonableirates;f THROy.QH EEQEIPTS given to and from ' --jf s lr . PfllLADELPHIA AND PRINCIPAL P0INT3 SQUTIL Marine and Fire Rik Assumed For farther information enquire at stations conneming railways South xr o Agent at Nor- lonc, va. General Aent, . Norfolk, Va. octl3 tf popTASjlOEg; LARGEOT If EiDRTH CAROLINA QUR FALL STOCK OF Boots, Shoes, Leather and is now complete, embracing every ptyleand vari ety offBOOTS and SHOES ; manufactured, which are offered to the public at very low prices. COUNTRY DEALERS and the WHOLESALE TRADE will find in ouf stock the BEST SE LECTED AND LARGEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ever offered South of New York, and at prices that ' i - CiMOT BE BE1TX by any jobbers North or South. An inspection ii all that is needed to convioce any candid mind.E Cull aud examine for yourselves. " ! i Price List furuished ou application. I NEW GOODS BY IM STEAMER. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON. 2a North Front Street. :- i- I: lm oct If) IIOrELS. PARKER HOUSE, FRONT STREET, r OPPOSITE THE CAPlfl FEAR BANK . "Wilixiing-ton, Oi rpHIS WELL-KNOWN FIRST-CLASS HO X TEL having recently been r ENLARGED, REFURNISHED AND REFITTED, f offers MORE and BETTER ACCOMMODAI TIONS io tha traveling public than any othei House in the City. ! I Coaches connect with all Railroad trains. f The Proprietor deviates-his exclusive attention to the comfort of his guests. f J II. U. PARKER, f oct9-tf ! i Proprietor. I i SPECIAL. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTU IM 8YRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, f greatly facilitates the process of tetthinjr, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammautn-i-will allay All Pain and spasmodic action, and is - .- : - i ; - Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to i Relief and Health to your Infants, i x We" have pat up and sold this article for yearl, and Can Six in CosriDENca- and;. Truth of t what we have never been able to say of an v other j medicine Nevisr mas-i Failed is a.; IdiKOCE Usi3;a"i6'ETf r jl C nte, wnen timely used. Never did we kno aii instance of, dissatisfac- tlon 6y any one who used it On ithei contrarr, I all n delighted. witU ita operiLtion, und "speak itierms ot comraenoauon oc i magical . eaecjs andinetlical virtue.'- We spealL. in this matter nYHArC nI)UKN;0 V;? alter years ot experi ence, avd HnoG our Reputation tob tb FCXTILMBST OF' WttAT WB HKBtf DECL ABB. In al most every instance where the infant is suffering Irom pain and exhaustion, relief will be fouqd in fifteen "or twenty minutes a.ter the syrup is ad- ujiuisiercu. . Full directions fot using will.accompanyj each bottle. . Be sure and call for " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," Having the fac-simile of "CURTIS A. PERK- INo on tne onisiae wrapper, -au omers are base imitations. ; ! ' f : T . :r Wrirp mi? ttfi rtS net9 Boltlii. rCC Cf 9 , r H ' ' -A OFFICES: - . i ; OFFICES 215 Fulton Street, New York, 205 High Ilolborn, London, England, 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal Canada. An. 29, 67i '! ' ; m BEARD'S PATENT L0 CK-TIEJ :- ALSO ' Beards Patent Self-Adjusting Tie, THE HOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVE ilENT OF THE AXJE - 0; ilUCH SAVEU FROMJFXIIE, . i CHE APER TH AN BO PE .1 1 n TTAVINQ SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON ; THEPATEILOCJT ' j; we can recommend them to elve ; entire satUCw tion. We have taken the ? Agency fori the State, and will continue to keep a lare supply on hand. For one Ton and upwards, to dealers, a liberal discount will be allowed - " f U.teiun E. MURRAY & CO., - Wilmington, N. C Aug. 29, 'Ql. lj.l STOVES, ;&C, f OOK, PARLOR, and HEATING STOVES, r- tt nc hA at 1 - l' ' T " - A. H. NEJF.rJ v rovll by the of J RAIL ROADS. YJ itninQTon aud; veidoii n.- . i prncs Eko. jlsd 8up't V7 fcW. ILR.,) f ! 0 Wilmisotox, October Ji, 18J7. N AND AFTER THE M2TH. OCTOBER the iollowinff schedule will be rem over this Road: . s '-4 ? ;' . i . - DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. J Leaves Wilminertondailr (Sun data excepted) at 6 A.M.: arrives atVeldon3 P. M.7 ,, : , . ,v - TfTu . ta. - A 1 - & weaves vireiaou aauj tounutij xcpicu bi 10:30 A. M. ; arrives at Wilmington 7 P, M. NIGHT EXPRESS MAIL AND PASSENGER . : TRAIN. - - Leave Wilmington daily at .9:30 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at.....;.... ..... . fcQO, Ai M. Leave Weldon daily at.. ..6:25 FM. Arrive at Wilmington at; .......... . .zvai A. M. ;!. i EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Wilmington dally (Sunday ecepted) at A. M.. and arrives at Weldon at 6 P. AL Leaves Weldon' daily tSundays excepted) at 4:00 A. M.. and arrives at Wilmington 1 0:W r I Trains pass Goldtboro' at 2:00, 10;30 and 10:50 A. M.. iroine North at 2:50. 10.15 P. M. and 10: ;50 A M.; going Sbnth; connecting "with Trains to KaleiKb ana JNewDern at iu:ckj ai. ana tar ther poinU at 2:50 P. M. -. - ; ' -- ' i v Ehgineer and Superintendent Wjinti9txi & Manchester II. R heiBsfsoPl General, Superintendent's Office, 1 ! i Wixi & Ma. R. H. Co., 1 v- Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 5, 1867. J ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 6th. PAS3EN str drains of thia Road will run on the fol- I lowing Schedule.: v : , EXPRESS TKlIN. C Leave vv:iajieton;....N..: 1...... 2:30 A. M. lArriveat Florence... 8:10 A. M. ! Arrive at Kingsville. ; . . ...11 45 A. M. Leave Kinirttville 1 1 :SO A. M. t Arrive at Florence ......... ........ 2:55 P. M. j! Arrive at Wiirniagton 8:55 P, M. ACCOMMODATIONVTRAIN. Leave Wilmington. .7:50 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville. 10:3rf A. M. Leave Kingsville.. ....2:00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington i .5:15 A. M ! Express -Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road, for Charleston. land C lie raw aud Darlington Hailroadfor Cheraw, and a iu gsvuie witn tlie south Carolina Uail road for Columbia and Augusta.' - ! Accommodation Train wiH run daily (Sundays excepted) and connect at Kingsville with the 'South Carolina Railroad for v'oluinbia and Au gusta. -: ; f Wm. Macrae, General Bunerlntendcnt. aug 5 - . - - 6m Wil. Char. & Ruth. RR.. General Supekistbndent's Oitic Wilmington, N. C, Aug , 1867. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXTv AUG 13th, the Passenger train on this Road wil. leave Wilmington : on Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, A. M. , ! Arrive at Sand Hill, bame days, at 3 P. M. I Arrive at Wadesboro' (State) at 12 midnight. 1 Leave Wadesboro' (State) on Tuesday, Thurs day and Satuday, at 2 P: M. - - - i Leave Rockingham (State) on Monday, Wed inesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. v ' Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. f Arrire at Wilmington same days at 3 P. M. W. I. JSVEllSTT, General Supeiintendent. ; aus 10 ' . - . tf NATIONAL freedmafS" Savings AND , TRUST COMPANY. CHARTERED BY ACT OF CONGRESS . OFFICERS : M. T. HEWITT, President, J. W. ALVORD, First Vice President, L. CLEPHANE, Second Vice President, DANIEL L. EATON, Actuary, SAMUEu L. HARRIS, General Inspector. ' Bonking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, Corner of 19th Street, Washington, DC. , BRANCH AT WILMINGTON, N. C, FRONT STREET, CORNER OF NUNN., RESIDENCE OF S. 8. ASHLEY. Open every day, except Sundays and holidays, from 2 to 4 P. M. - Deposits of any amount received from any per son. Interest payable in January and Jaly, In each year. ' All deposits will oo repaia with interest due when required, , ' All the profits belong to tne depositors. Branches have been established In the prlnci- p'e cities from New York to New Orleans, and accounts can be transferred from one Branch to another, without charge or : interrupting : the In terest, o - r . ; Investments are only made in securities of the United States. 8. S. ASHLEY, Acting Cashier. Nov. llth. 1887. : Sm. CIT Y -TAX FOR 1 867. Mabsuals OrncE, Cirr Hall, ) -.- November 18, 187. ( THE TAX LIST FOR 1887, EMBRACING the subjects of REAL ESTATE, POLL, SALA RIES and JfiSKSS, tlUitoES and. UArvKlAvr&o, is in my hands for collection. y instructions irofli tno proper Htuiioruy, tne coupons of the "Town Ot Wilmington," due on the Utday ot January, February. April, and July. 1867, respectively; auo those ot Ut January, aud EVT,.;AU.. icnj .oill Ua ln nvmunt nf February, 1863, will be received In payment of the tax uue said list. All partif sowln2 any of the above named taxes ire hereby notitied to attend at this office for payment of the same. . ' , - Special Deputy Marshal. novl0 ' - lm Government Wreck?, l-'. TT AVISO BEEN NOTIFIED BY TEE SIC il retary of the Treasury that a contract has been made by him with GEO. Z FRENCH and ROBERT STEVJSSSON, for saving property from wrecks of all vessels belonging to the Gov- vernment, on and adjacent to tnis coast, ana havlns been aDnointed by him as agent to super' intend their ooerations, I hereby warn all per Boni from interfering with said wrecKs or any other Government property on the coast. ----- u u. jca i its, - CoU.Int.ReT. 'Wilmington, Aug. 5, 1867. . ' t Journal copy. j NOTICE. HAVING CONTRACTED WITH THE SEC retary of the Treasury for the salvage of all Blockade runner" and other w.-ecka, and prop ertv belonging to the United 8tates on and adja cent to this coast, contracts will be made with parties desiring to engage in wrecking,; saving iron, BC? 5 - - uibu. a. jtkkmuii, ; ' 10 So. i Front St. Wdmington. K. C Aug. 6th, 1807. - ..... .. , -.!.; v. '.T : -? . ' - ' k ? " ' tl ' j WRECKS. rfXTtALBRONlAiN'T OOINGTO-Tnil- Contention 1 3ntwnersound jo ell'f i ' .!' '.'r-. ...... - . Jf 1! : : Than any ; other House - in lb e S tat e.'-n v- - Since .the heavy decline in Goods, WALDRON haabeen North and houghildv. , t if Seoond Stoolr and now offera - foxsale ; ant!$ of Kihn: MOST. . EXTENSIVE and BEST; ASSORTED STOCKS br bRVGOOps In tewntryi at Panic Prices of 1 857, ; DOMESTIC GOODS. A full line at the very ' bottom of thi market. Calicoes 6 cents and upwards, v ; y Bleached Shirtings t i cents and upwards. . -.. Brown Goods, very low. ' ;- Merinoes. Poplins. Emnrcea Cloths. Alpacas and I other popular fabrics, in all desirable Styles and Colors, all or which will oe aoitt at popu ar pric8.i;' "A ; ; "'' - Go to THE GREAT 34 for Erery- ' j- thing usually kept iu , JFirttClass JOry Goods Houte. . Housekeeping Goods. .' ' ;r";;' ''' ' A splendid stock, consisting In part ot Quilts, . Ticking, 8heetlngs, Table Cloths, Table -Ham-asks, Napkins, Doilies, Towels, and Toweling from the ordinary qualities to the world reriompd Batnetly Good I Fruit Cloths and Embossed . ; laote covers in wooi aua 'i ui cuora uuu; prices. . -,. U; BLANKETS, BLANKETS. it: A lull stock White and Colored. A. better blan ket for less money than any. other House In the State. Come and examine them and be con vlhced. . - f . ; FI,ANi ELS Best makes. ,t.i i White and Colored; Plain and Twilled, at price that cannot fall to please. ', r.t .-. ,'. v AND PAUT GOODS. Broad Cloths, Doeskins, . Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, - and a general assort ment lor Men's and Boy'a wear, at lowest Caen prices.".:; ':r-r- ; WHITE GOODS. 1 The best assortment and at lower prices than any other House In the whole South. v - G-oods. Evening and Breakfast Shawls, Alexandras, Son- ags, Nubia i, Scarts, Hoods, 6zC. dec. All quail' les and prices.- f ' ' SHAWLS and CLOAKS. This Department like all others . at this popular JSsvabiibbment is complete. , , ah wool shawls )Bi and upwards. HOSIERY AUD GLOVES, Ladles Hose and Gents Socks 121 cents and up warns. All graaes at satisiactory prices. - ! fcORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS. An Imported Corset fdr 75 cents, and a regular Hoe to tbe Finest French Corsets at $3 50 -Hoop SklrU 50c.t 75c., f L f 1 25, f 1 50, 3, and upwards., ; . . .. - . ; , . I HMR ISTEXS. i'lt.ln, Beaded, and Trimmed, from 5 cents, to he best goods In the market. . .. . l IMJVnKJERCIIIEFS. J l - - ..---?--- " ' ' , WINT EE In this Department-niay be found every variety, ' , f lain, Embroidered, and Hem Stitch, 121 cent! and upwards. -' : . - I . Gents' Furnisliing Goods. - Modern Styles and livinar prices. - Fine Shirts and Underclothing lor the Million. Ttje best Puper Collar in the world,- Linen Finish, Uiotu Liueu uutton Holes .ana : Magenta Edge, not to be louna at any other House, in the city. -; Gentlemen call and see them. ; ' 1 J ! HATS and O-AJPS Fashionable Shapes and Popular Styles. Calif1 and see HAMILTON. Ja.. It ispresamed if you ta ice mm ue win get wetit i : T-...; : WHOLESALE BUYERS we cordially invited to call tli 'I Ihe WUmiiigton Regulator, ' .t;-. ... .v 4 f .. .... . ' and get posted up, and thereby save time asi mnnnv '.v.-.-; jsj-.; Cj-iI;; Everyljody want in 5 anything in 1 THE DRY f GOODS' UOT ' " ' . . . v , will consult their own interest by going to WAUiRiiGMS, THE CHEAI STORE; , , V ITHE CHEAP STORE, X' c iiii I t THE CHEAP TORE. till i iJ liiii-J.Ifciil.Ci. Vw .v 34 Market Street, SoutA side lletween Front and Secon4;Streett4v( ? s a -:4:i,A.yirm $-iiu,?!w$L'f iiy-rtviii';-i SPERIAl riOTICE. As a particular favor, WALDBON request that j his Friends and Customers come prepared with rurecnoacas,". ine umea are nutu iumirs er he cannot take Gold in paym,env ior voqus. ; -. h 1 1 iJfc I .! 11 1.1 '- h i - 1