WILMINGTON POST. WILMINGTON N. C, DECEMBER 5. 1867. v POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. ' i r, t VilLI OL081 Northern through mall.. ..7:30 P. M. Daily ; way I ..i. .....t$:VU Sundays excepted. Southern mall "'f ....... i.8:0O W. C. & R. R. R., ...'... .8:00 - days, Wednesdays and Fridays. , Fayettevllle via Warsaw. . . . : . . .:00 days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Smltbvil.'e via Steam. . .. . . . . . . ..2:00 it t ... Mon-Mon-three times a week. UAIL8 ) ABXITI Northern way mall, 7:30 P. JL Delivered sfrom window at 8:15 P. M. j. Northern tb rough mall 2:0 A. M. Deliuered . ' 7:30 A. M. "' . I' ' V ' ?:, Office open from 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays 8:C0 to 0:30 A. M. - .KILv.. K BRINK, P. M. , Post Office, Wilmington, N,, C., Not. 17, 1867 Slow New York was Carried by ;thc uemocrais. The. Citizen, cd i ted by General Halpine, ( , ..flf -.- . ... I. . 1 I himself a Democrat, makes : the following statement relative to the New York election : It is notorious that the Tammuny organ! ration, utterly unscrupulous,' and with un- controlled 'access to the city r treasury, must have apent an aggregate of not less than $300,000. of private and public money in the recent contest: All the nav rolls of the-citv departments for the pat two months have been lengthened and strengthened ly thous ands of siriecue ''inspectors" and other place holdersassigned to nominal duty, but real ly with no other change than to electioneer for the Tammany c indidates Apart from these sources ot public or place-holding cor ruption, we have reason to know, beyond any ' question, that the friends ot one single -Tarn- - - .1 . "-. - J I. 1 ' ' ! jl . -ft. ' - many candidate sunscriDcn aua paia out in his behalf, and for his; private benefit, in the late contest, a 6um more than four times, the aggregate ot the entire sum in the hands of the Democratic Union treasurer for the conT -I it is notorious, aisoj that with tue enor mous money s power thus" placed under its control, there was an enormous illegal or repeating" vote organised and registered in the Tammany interest say; not less than from 17,000 to 20,000 which not less than fraudulent votes of from 10,000 to 12,000 reached the ballot box in tavor of the Tam- m any candidates; , the remainder being eith- ef scared off y the activity and early arrests of the police, or being unable, trom sheer lack of time between sunrise and sunset, to vote in as many election districts' as they were registered in one case : naying ueen trustworthily reported to us of a man who was registered in no less than fifty-eight elec tion dutricts l Holding these tacts in view; let us now consider and review what was the fate ot our candidates.' : i: From the' Mountains. ! The white Republicans of this State Vho stood firm on Tuesday and 1 Wednesday last and voted their ticket will do to count upon -hereafter. Our colbred friends may rely im pliedly on such men. IStandard. 1 " ' ' , ? If our colored friends and our white friends of the eastern and middle portions of the State will give a little attention to the Blue Mountains of the western portion of the State they wil discover, thatt the whites who will do to "count supon" are as thick as blackberrys in1 AugustJ They would always do to count upon. Tr ey have lig and loyal hearts, arid they have gained a glorious suc cess in the face of every scheme that could be concerted or thought of to divides and distract their efforts. What J few freedmen we have stood like a wall of stone, and the white Republicans have, amidst the storms of epithets, taunts, and jeers which have been continually heaped upon their devoted heads, stood as firm as the eternal rocks ppon which beat the avalanches of snow and ice that pour down from the 'steeps and cliffs of their native mountain heights, over which' the eagle. of liberty soars and looks down upon with contempt, in the proud triumph of his: gifted rjowers bestowed by the same Almighty hand that created the love ot free dom and liberty within the breasts of all mankind. -iltAegiZfe Pioneer t A Ilolly Springs Auctioneer and Gen. r ,!'.. eral Ord. ; , 'v: Holly Springs, Mississippi, possesses an auctioneer namel Lee Roberts, who is quite a droll character in hie way. He carries an empty sleeve, having lost an arm in the memorable siege of At anta Roberts -is a strong conservative, ot course, but as soon as General Orl had become domiciled in the I town, called to pay .his respects. AIn intro 1 during himself he said : ."General, my name is Lee Roberts Capta ri Roberts. I'm the principal auctioneer of this town, and think ing that probably you may have some con demned horses or mules, old army wagons, spoiled meat,- or something j else, to sell at I odd times, I would like ; to have the job." The General, Veeing that he hadan bdd,ge-r :- nius to deal with, commenced questioning -him. . j 'Captain Roberts, arm: how's that ?" see you" have lost an I iYour folks shot it off at Atlanta ) respon ded Roberts. 4At Atlanta, ah !" resumed the Generali "by the way, I've been told that a one armed auctioneer has been cursing Gill (the Radi4 cal recently shown up in the Avalanche) about the streets; are you the man ?n- V,' f "I believe I am, sir," replied the Captain, with a bow. : - -: :7 . ;V4 i 'And I suppose," continued the General,' looking out of the corni;ra ot his eyes, vthat you'll bcursing me ne:ct l" ; ! rlNot at all taken aback, Roberts straight -encd up, and looking IheGeneral straight in the face, paid : '- yipiLit iviVityr Well, General, I nave never done so. I don't see any room for it ; but (a polite bow) if ever mil fret In he d d mean as this : '. - -i !it ti man win, in give you the best I've got in the shop.I; t n 7 v--i.'-;r - r: : The General fairly "roared" when Roberts finished, and replied : - Well, Captain, if I huve any occasion for an auctioneer's services, you shall certainly have a showing. Good day. u . Tbe latest demand for proscription in Vir ginia comes, root from J Sir. Ilunnicut, tmt from 'John ilinor Botts, the model of the "White Maoj larty R(pablicao. He calls for ft decisiatory act to include meralfn of the Constitutional Conrrntico imtmgState oCcerf" who tit required to Ukt tha oath of purgstloa lie Ubrs to w mi the Con endon cf its CcnurvatUc memtirr, fearing tbatthfy will Ulr tt incorporate oliou. protiItj ia tit CVrntlfti, :i, io u to se cure irt rrjrr ti ,o. Ttcf tr.s.y I e -v n 4l ti it t. t u Ut k'tt tit rf 1 1 Ultit rs i". t v T.- 'f ' ' U i . : s!- c! . i ' - f r. i titty 1. 1 t'sr it i StUwi Luii Glycerine,- in its pure state, is a clear, col orless, liquid syrup,' of a sweetish taste, being the sweet prinbiple contained in oil and fatty bodies. .'Although its - existence has long been known to science, yet, like many arti cles of kindred nature, its value; to science long remained unknown!, In 1844 its value to science long remained unknown. In 1844 its value for medical purposes was first dis covered, in which year it was first introduced into tbeLbndon Hospital for diseases of the skin, , deafness, and other complaints. In Russia this article is extensively used by all classes, who apply it to the face, hands, and ears, as a. protection against intense cold, as it will ' not freeze at any temperature, and excludes the air without evaporation ; it is also much used as an adjunct to the bath, softening the skin pleasantly, and also bears a high reputation as a lotion for the com Dlexion. Id the arts its uses are. manifold ; by perfumers as a preservative fluid for.flow ers and fresh plants: in photography to keep pictures in an unfinished state, and also in keeping the colors of organic bodies. Large quantities of this article are consumed by manufacturers of chewiDg tobacco, who find it valuable in maintaining the ; softness of their products while imparting sweetness to the taste. i ; . ! '4: ; 7 v -.- ";:-' V North Carolina. The stereotyped, incessantly iterated false hood that the Republican party in the South js a negro party has received iio more signal ; Werwhelminsr rebuke then in the late North CaroUuitUn ) , A very decided majority of her registered voters are wu4, 'her 'peo ple are white by a largo majority ; ot net eighty eight counties, but thirteen have more blacks than whites. She is eminently a con MTvative ; State; having gone' heavily for Harrisoti in 1840, and decidedly tor Clay in 1844. Her population is almost wholly. na tive to her soil; and in 1860 but 331,081 were slaves out of a total of 992,667. Yet, in spite of a damaging feud among the Re publican leaders (whites) she has just rolled up 25,000 majority for a Convention, and at the same time elected a large majority of Radicals as delegates. ' That Convention representing no caste, W taction, but the whole people will jsoon meet, and will waste little time in framing a Constitution adjipted to. her wants ,.and needs, securing ' equal rights to all her citi zens regardless of color. A Governor and Legislature will thereupon, be elected, and representatives chosen to and welcomed to seats in both Houses of Congres. ,That done, is there a human being blind or- mad enough to snppose that it can ever be tin done? iV. T. Tribune. An; English Chancery suit, recently com menced, has developed some facts concern ing the consti uction of chignons, and other hirsute deceptions. ThU3 it appears that mohair, or the hair ot the lama goat, is large ly used for head dresses, mustaches, and wa terfalls; .It ris first boiled, until all the ani mal matter is extracted! then washed in a hot bath of salt and water ; then it is plung ed into a bath prepared with sulphate of copper, where it remains twenty-four hours; then it is boiled in catechu liquor, to which, alter a while, sulphate of iron is added; fi nally it is washed in warm soap suds, and then dried. ' Valuable Discovery. Immense deposits of valuable phosphates, said to be superior to Peruvian guano and ot incalculable value, have been discovered ou plantations hitherto considered of little, yalue, stretching along the . banks of the Ashley nver for miles above Charleston. A company has been formed, backed by North ern capitalists, to utilize these deposits, jwhich consist of animal remains, lonning a thick5 substance for many miles. The sub ject excites much talk here. Death oi Rear Admiral Sloat. The telegraph informs us of the death of Rear Admirals John D. Bloat, in New York, )n th4e 28th inst. Admira S. entered the navy on the 12th of February, 18C0, and re ceived his commission as rear admiral on the 25th of July. 1860. He has had seventeen years and six months sea service, besides twenty years and three months on shore duty. He returned home from his 'last Cruise in December. 1852. The city ot Paris has presented tlia Fm press Eugene with a Itjou in remembrance of the banquet given to the sovereigns at the Hotel de ville list July. The ornament is a reproduction ot the city aims, azure beings represented ;by a magnificent sapphire, on which are encrusted small fieurt de Us in gold ; gules is formed of an enormous ruby, whilst the symbolical vesel is executed in powder of diamonds. The whole i sur- roundld by a row of"diamonds withiu one of large pearls. The wives of high city func tionaries wear a similar ornament as a badge on their left shoulder. The Empress wears it on the corsage of her dress, attached to a bow of tricolor ribbon. ! The General ANsemb'F of the Presbyte rian Church. Nashville, Nov. 29, The General Assem bly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States adjourned to-day to meet in Baltimore on the third Sunday in May next. The ac tion of the assembly & year ago in excluding colored people from tbo ministry has been rescinded, and all persons having the requi site recommendations will hereafter be admitted.'.'-":' :- ' IN GENERAL When the jubilant repuhhcaiis of New York were - receiving the cheertul returns from the prcsidental election of 1860, and each despatch brought reports of larger ma jorities than its predecessor, one enthusias tic individual, who had not been tod abste mious, nnable to contain : himself longer, sprang to his feet and cried 'Mr, chair man and gentlemen, I move that we make the whole d d thing unanimous." ' Rev, J S. C. Abbott has been lecturing on louis Napoleon in. the Westbut with lit tle success, the audiences not having the admiration for the Emperor whicbthe lec -turer manifests, '.;,,. r. Same of the Southern pipers arc urging an entire flliAtuVnraent of the culture of cot ton in that region. They say that even when the tax is removed, they cannot compete with therparts of the world in raiding this itaple cheaply. ; . . ; ;- . ' Workmen n Ohio glass fuctory recently by mistake em tied a barrel of suar instead i I salt into the Furnace, and procured orne f try nottl chemical ctttOcs. .The eipcrl mrnctwt 41500,. r -AittCiCi fktni laipruvrmenti in tock," It i iatl that YVttmmt ht new breed at Cjtts Uh lcti tail, lbs sdrint4e 1 t!r tl,U t! s rn.birt istot Hil leth s !q frt n rtr rkfd upon, snd i tn tlry w tri'uf aiJ- ui tie 1 -r cn tit ctrd mtr. Au'tfU tat a trj ruftct r.itulif n f tit-.; t r 1 f vu j . tx r 1 f r tU is ill ruUfir r:,l . FIRST NATIONAL BANK x OF WIIiMKVGTOX, , S. J. United States Depository and Financial Arent . ! DinscTosi: -"i i W. H. McRakt, 1 - Ja.s. H. Chxdbouejt, S. D. Waixace,: 4f KlxMubbat. Ddwtn E. Bubruss, President Asa K. Wauuk, Cashier. - Wm. Labeins, Teller. - : ? H. IL Bowdxn, Book-Keeper. 8. D. Wallace, Ja.. Clerk. THIS BANK 13 NOW OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OP BUSINESS. GOLD AND rILVER COIN, Government Bonds aud Secnrities. , NOTES OF SOLVENT and other Stete Banks purchased andold. : i EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND "SOUTH- E RN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points In the United States, with prompt returns. ! DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention given to tne accounts of business men. auz. 14 - t-fL 6 mos BANKING HOUSP COOKE & CO., No. 20 4VALL STREET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. TTTE BUY and sell at the most liberal current nnvirBft'S8' and keeP on hand a fnU supply ot SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPdC'152ii:5 EST NOTF8, and execute orders for purchsise and eal of STOCKS. BONDS and GOLD. CONVERSIONS. We convert the severfal issues of Seven thir ties into FlVE-TWEHTI OM THB MOST FAVOBA- ble terms, taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing & commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. JAY COOKE & CO.' 4 t-tf Treasury of the United States. DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANES Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. TT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE jl First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C., a Banki'.ijr Association organized under the Act "to provide a National Currency, secured bvja p'edjre of United States Bonds, and to provide Llor the circulation and redemption thereol" ap proved June 3d, iob4, naviuir (complied witn tne requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with ti e regulations of this Department made in pur suance thereof, has this dav been designated as a Depository ot Public Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and by virtue of 6uch designation will also be employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. j, (Signed) F. ;E. SPINNER, ! Treasurer, U 8. aufj. 5 1-tff FURNITURE. FURNITURE. , FURNITURE. manufactured by 96 AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY. all this lurniture consisting ot PARLOR, CHAMBER, . , DINING ROOM and is ol the latest styles and manufactured of the verj best material, under the personal supervis ion of the proprietor and guaranteed. Parties in the South desiring: tine household furniture cap be supplied directi from the manufactory, or, those about visiting New York will find it to their advantage to examine our stock beiore purchasing elsewhere. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. j aug 8 . 3meod ; MISCELLANEOUS. OUR LATEST IMPROVED Nm Scale Piano-Forte. NOTICE. After the most flattering testimo nials from the; first Pianists in the country, who, at our solicitation, have tested them in the severest manner POSSIBLE, have been pro nounced The Finest Square Piano-Forte Made in the World. It has always been oar policy during the Thir tfrsix Yean that-we have manufactured Pianos, twelve thousand of which are now in use In the United States and Europe, to give the finest In strument at the lowest cost. Our superior facil ities enable us to offer them from one to three hundred dollars less than any other first-class House, i The tone of these instruments arc remarkable for their peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy. Never losing their finality when forced to their utmost capacity, j The lower register retaining its positiveness does not destroy the middle and upper rerfiters bv mlnsrline with themhrdliai greeable contusion. The reflneaTtJeaufy oOghrrr oeing equauy aewguum to me unpracuccd ftnd to the most cultivated ear. ; , They are an entire' y new style of Plano finish ed in. tbe most superb manner, with four f-a.il round corners front and back, heavily cjfrvfcd Lees and Lyre, Serpentine Be richlr rtoulded. Hand each instrument is fuliy WAKRANTEP for live years. : unuvLoi&E.ii au"., ( 499 Broadway, New Tork. Aus. 29th. d&wly. I OFFICE OF WHITE'S ' - Patent Lever Truss Col No. COO Broadway, New York. ! a AUGT GREGORY, M. D. Pbesident. I WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and FEMALE SUPPORTER diflr in principle from all others. No pressure on the back. It is light, clean, and easy. Persons ruptured should aLe JocST6TU)S' the be8t Tru8 to prevent IMPO KNoy, and secure yourself against oiKanuutiAiiun ahusuuukm DEATH. , Directions lor Orderms Measure around the bodv two inehM hAin. j top of Hip Bone. 8tate the side sffllcte. '?o if sendinsr. Cash must accompany the crder. A, special department has been fitted op for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia and klnd rvd diseases. It 1 under the spec's! care of the President of our Company, who Is acknowledged by the professioo to have no equal in ibis apSci allty. By wearing tbe Lever Trass and bathlne the afillcied parts with DR. GREGORY'S CELE BRATED 11 ERMA LOTION, themoat obaUnatl cases can be cured. Prices for Trasses vary from 5 to SO Dollars according to quality and the condition of the Ruptur. Hernia Lotion Is 13 per Botte or 15 for Two Bottles, r JOfllT.HlLDRLlU.Cen.Acent. tUg. SI. ; r : - . .y . .;. ...... tt TIlEIIEflUnO PCOLI II A loons flea on the Crime 01 Bulitede, scd tie Dirstr acd Abuses which crtste liar3Iaitm!s ta UAliKlAG with urmesQt(f fcciicC femtla scaled letter rnr!- fr''.t1" Addms, Dr. J.eKILUN Hoti.HIUN, j h ji. Ta s: t, S3 liuwsrd Assoc iaUoi. I'Lailel. QWK. rAlilOSI, sU iltAllNU nlyti, Af.,t ttLU st ' JAY FIlENCn'SCbUJMN. s Aim Provisions. THE IiAQGEST Stock and Assortment; IN FOR O I OFFER Extraordinary Inducemexits TO CASH BUYERS J COUNTRY TRADERS ft" AND -yILL DO WELL TO CALL Examine my Elsewhere Stock before Purchasing t o o k. Oonsifsts of ALE, DRIED APPLE 3, ALLSPICE, AXE HANDLES, SALT BEEF, I DRIED BEEF, BACON, BOTTLES, , BRANDY, BROOMS, BUCKETS, BASKETS, BLACKING, BAGGING, BITTERS, all kinds; CHEESE. CODFISH; CANDLES. CASSIA, COFFEE, CLARET, CIGARS, CANDT. CRACKERS, DEMIJOHNS. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FLOUR. DRIED aud PICKLED FISH - - GtNQyR, J GLUE, HOP8, HERRING, INDIGO, JELLIES, KEGS, KEELERS, LARD, , LEMONS, J LET, . MOLASSES, MATCHES. - ! i CONDENSED MILK. i MEAL, NUTS, alt kinds, OYSTERS. 0: . PORK, PORTER, j r PAILB. 1 PEACHES, RAISINS, RUM. RICE. 8YRUP. I SUGAR. V 8TARCH, SOAPS. SNUFF, SEINES. 8ALARATU8. SARDINES, SALT, SODA, ITQBACCO, mtnm U TWINE, TUJIBLER3. vj : TUBSr - TEAS, VINEGAR, WINEV il kind, trmsiriEs, A t cisy ctlty OctIi too Cjr&tioa. 1PCj. rvc;:? ?;:;-z:t. THE STATE PIE on A, Z3 ,;.irr- wanted; v f WII1TE OAK AND HICKORY TIM - BE It Logs or : Dolts'. " .' I AM now paying TEN DOLLARS PER CORD for White Oatt BolU : sawed into 34 or 68 inch lengths. Bolts may to quartered or i not, as Contractors may prefer. Wood must be sound and free of knots, -not less than 14 inches la rtiamp.ter- Riid suitable for sawinz staves. I wai a'so contract for - 100 M. FEET CYPRESS LOGS, r h nnf 1km Mian 15 inchtis in diameter at the mall end, and cut into 10. 13, or 14, feet IpTlTthf. - ' ' All lnfrata be sonnd heart Cvnress. free of knots, and suitable for sawing Shingles. Also, Juniper, Poptar, &c.,. wanted. -, TERMS: CAS1T ON DELIVERY at mv wharf. oot of Castle Street. All timber subject to inspection. J, C. jtlA'NNt Wilmington, N . c. Oct 9 . , i'tf T70R TXJV T?WflTtIVU YKAR A Ti WKT.LT NG HOUSE with seven or eight rooms, Kitchen and Stable. Tobpwitbin five minutes walk pf the Market. GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 10 South Front St. tf. auj;. 18." miscellaneous; TO SHINGLE MA.NDFACTUBER Thb undersigned offers for sale the p itent right to manufacture and use in any ot trie soutnern MILLER SHINGLE MACHINIS, which is one of the best machines for sawing 6hinsrlcs,-tn use. This machine was patented on the 1 itb ot July, 158, and has been much improved since; but owing to the war, has not been introduced injto tbe South. It is adapted for Staves as well as shingles, cutting them even, or with any taper desired. The saw firt enters the boItsfon the eide, apd conseouentlv turns out better work than can be done by moit other machines. It is sirap'e in its construction, not liable to get out of repair, and id built entirely or iron. It occupies a space of four feet by six, but can be built of any 6ize.; the ones now in ue being for staves or bhmgles from 33 inches down. COUJTTY or 8TTJE IHGHTS FOR 6A.LB ON VeTy Liljeral Terms, Machines can he manufactured in this city, where all the patterns are on hand, it desired. A machine can be seen in operation at the sub scriber's mill, on Castle street wharf. . For fur ther particulars, address or cxll upon J. C. MANN, ;' j oct 8-tf Wilmington, N. Cl ; 21, 23, 25, k 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Greent ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rpH 8TEVENS HOUSE IS WIDELY Jl well . known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and busiuess men; it-is ic close proximity to the business part of t oe cr v is on the highwayj ot Southern and Western travel and adjacent 1 to nil the. urinciDal Railroad and Steamboat De pots. , I THE STEVENS flOUSE has liberal accdm- modation for over 800 truest s it is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement tor the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ;j ; a 1 j . .1 n ,1 a i - . ' proviaea witu itae auu waien lue aLienuauLB fire prompt and respectful and llie table is genfer ously provided with every delicacy oi the season at moderate rates. j The rooms having been refurnished and remod eled, we are euaoicd to onr extra laciimes lor the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. j. GEO. K. CHASE & CO., ' Proprietors! ! aug . 1-t BRITISH PERIODI0ALS London Quarterly Review (Conctcrvativi The Edinburgh Review (Whig). The Westmins.er Review (Radical). The North British Review (Free Church). AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory). These periodicals are ably sustained bv the conti ibntions of the best writer on Science, Keiigion, and uenerai literature, and stand un rivalled In the world of letters. They are itidjs pensable to the scholar and tbe professional mam, and to every rcadirg man, as they furnish ft bt ter record of tbe current literature of the duv tljan can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1808V For any one of the Hevlews. per aunum...$ 4 GO For any two of the Keviews.... ........ 7 00 For any three of the Reviews. ..1 10 00 For all foor of thb Reviews .....13 00 For Blackwood's. Magazine , j 4 00 For Blackwood and one hevlew.... ? 00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews . . . . . 15 00 CLUBS. : . j i A disco int qf tveenty per cent, will be allowed to Clubs Of four cr more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be seutko 6naddrmtorllitiQ. , Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, lor $18, and so on. ' POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The Postage to any part or the united states is Iwo Cents a number. This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For back numbers the postge is double. . f . PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above peri od cala for iSSSwlil b eutitled to rfceive, gratis, any on oi the Jour Review for 18(57. Newmb eeribers to all live of tbe Periodicals for 1808 may receive, gratia, Blackwood or any two of the futtr Jicvitw for 1867. V I. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz: The Worth British from January. 1863, to De cember, lb67, inclusive; Edinburgh and Hbe Wast' minster from April, 1864, to December, 1 $07, In clusive, and the Lonkon Quarterly for the years 1863. 180(5 and 1867, at the rate o' l 50 a Tear for each or any Review ; also, Blackwood fur l&tt and 1867, lor 12 50 a year, or the two years to gether for H. " Ta E7" Neither premiums to Subscriber, nor dis count to Clubs, nor red need prices Jor back cumbers, can t allowed. unlta the tnocpT it 1 remitted direct to the J uUUhcrs. " 1 2o premiums can be given to Cluts.- TIIE LEONARD SCOTT PUB. CO., 140 Fnlton St., If, Mm I IbsL FnblHllnsr Cempiny, aUo 'put&Mi 1 F AKMElt tt GLIDE, J llti.ry tjtei-1.. r. to; j Edjoburgti, and lb lat J, T. Hunixt. of Xsii Coilrg. 3 vol., Ruyal Octsto. IW0 rsjrrs. SSd numtrost Eerat li g. I: fiica II far tbe 1 wo volsut bv taatL tft li, II fey? Ti WANTS. TEASTrDwunict f-roTtn:tnt In CrctMrt! cNsmTiU!i nucn wniiorf S'Al j 1 f ) a is t; ; lkW j? iht tm u A i.tiertii 10 e-fl f ti c:f'- t kit ' rf SPECI4L7 "WHITING'S -OR- Warranted Superior to tny thing now in us e to Cleaning and Polishing all kinds of Met als, Mirrors, Window. Glass, f Paint, and all suclr . Purposes.) For sale. Wholesale and Retail by GEO. Z. FRENCH, IVo. 10 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. ISTo. 1. DIREGTIONS, Apply w Ufc a damp sponge or cloth, and v dry .with a soft cloth or leather, till the lcstreap pears. No. 1 is to be used for all'Fine Article and No. 2 ior.Steel, Iron, and. Culinary purpc 6es. and where there is much rust. Be carerul to observe the Number. -Use but verv little at time. :";. " , ' ' . ' Price Twenty-five cents per Box. Head the following CertmcaUt. Messrs. WHITING & CO., I Gents The sample of WHITE EMERY4 far- nisneu oy you lor testing us merits in poiisbiiiff and cleaning the engines of st am era Fulton and Arago, has proved nseit very uselul lor that pur pose, and equal, if not superior, to anythU g ot the kind I have ever seen used. It produces a rrauy, uriaui pouau, ana eta u res inc aamp ana heat of the engine room to a greater extent th&n 1 a. 1 i- 1 j - wnen orightened ov any other material, and I consider it highly ueelul for steamships. ij x ours, very truly, j , V A. WW. .V. VVWHIUVA,; c w , vi n, ecu. xe, igui. . , i 28th Aueust. I6C6. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir : For some tim'e-l have used in my house, ycur Eureka Poliehcr and Uurnibhcr. 1 hnd it fully equal to all vou sav of it With riYt fWnrlh tht luhnpeniTnilkniit Al it gives a sujfierior Ju&tre and more lasting tfcan an) inmg 1 nave ever usea my using a sponKC clamped with water, withalittle of your No." 1 on ir, ajid rubbing the sdmef over any Window. M irror ox Mcture Glass, and alter It dries, rub it off with a clean cloth, it will clen them In one twentieth the time, without wet ordirt, and give a most beautiful lustre. I am satisfied that if any . person uses it, they will never be without it, 31. WILSUN, No. 229 South Fifth St., Jersey City. -Brookltk. 8ert. 2fMh 1RfiA I- Jl. WHITING, Esq. Sir: I have carefnllT nsed your Eureka Polisher aid Burnisher, and V have no hesitation in recommending it as bemsr fully equal to all ypu claim for it, and think txo housekeeper 6houId bfl without it. . I MKS. VAN ZANDT, : ' j - l." - .. " i 29th August, 1868. A. WHITING. Esq.. Sir: I have tiven os. 1 ahd Sofyour Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in the New York Hotel, a fair tiial, and find it all and even more than you recommend it to be. It uives a better and mor6 lastiDg lustre in much less lime, witn less worK, and without dirt, thai anything I ;,ve ever seen or used by 100 per cent JUHN CKAMS, v Knife Cltaner, New York Hotel. Zoiu AUgUfit, JOOO. j A. WHITING, Esq., gir: We bava carefullt witnesse . the use of your Eureka Polisiier and j Burnisher In our Hotel.aud can fully and do cheer- luuy endorse the above. w can with it clean all the windows and mitrors in our house in one- tenth the time and without wet or dirt. Send us 200 Ihs: of No 1. and 100 lbs. cf No. 2. CRANSTON & HILDRETH, New York Hotel. Astor House, New York, Nov. 5, 186i. Sir :Under our super ision. we have bad your Whiting Eureka Polisher, &c, tried in the vari ous departments of tbe Astor House. Its quick and clean action, its brilliant and lasting lustre makes it a very useful and desirable article tor all , the purposes you claim for it. In our opinion it Is Very tar superior to anything of the kind now in use. Wa nave and s:iali continue to use it. 8ig?ed STETSON & CO. . -.!'."'''' ' .-' ': : : -- Sir :We have used for some time your Eureki Polisher, &c, in our Hotel and can fully recom mend It to the public crenerallv. and we can en- dorse wkat the Astor House say of it. Signed PATTEN & WIELD, r Pacific Hotel, Greenwich Street, near Courtland. . Sir I have tried your Eureka Polisher, Ac, in my Hotel, and most cheerfully endorse what the Astor House say ot it, and do with confidence recommend It a: a very economical useful and ! - . j ' . L. FISK,- s . Stevens House, 27 Broadway. 'New York, Sept. 2d. 1866. ; A. WTTTTrVH Van .1t , Qtrn 4ttAr1 rnnv z,ureKa rousner, uurmsher, sniEnameler, and take great pleasure in recommending It as t supe rior article for the uses for which it is intended. Please send us 1U0 lbs. of No. 1 and 60 lbs. of- Superintendent Southern Hotel. Incw York, Sept 3d, 13C6. A WHITING. Esq.. Sir:-We have trltd vour I Eureka Pplisher and fully agree with the New luuk. uuici auu ctuuiucru auiei, . iu no vaiue or : all puiposes you claim for it. Please send us 100 lbs. of it ' - BAIN & HAM, , j Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St., and 3d Av. NWw Ynrb Wotft! Rpnt. 1gt.1Sfift j A. WHITING, Esq.; Sir : Having; witneased the use of your Eureka Poll' her at the New York Hotel, we are fully convinced It is all you claim 4 fr it an A rnn to n hi n tn Ati. a A A mat- a 1 HA 1 Kb r I W. BUM JWM U BH1I VIU UUUi VO. tW U V . No. ! and 100 lbs. No. 2. very iruiy,'youra,: miviUV& AlU, . Imperial Restaurant, New Orleans, ' September 3d. 186. ' A. WHITING, Eq., Birr After a careful and full trial in our stablts of your' Eureka Polisher and Burniaber, we most cheerfully commend it aud we are certain that no one who has occaaion It Is by far the best thing we ever saw or used. Pleads f-nH tin 100 1h nf ft - w wv W wkW VUVV POST & NICHOLS, National 8alo and Exchange 8tsbles. p N os. 156, 158, 160, 163 snd 181, 24th St , N. T. I sgres with and cheerfully endorse the above. I JOHN ROBINSON, -y No. 159 East 24th Street New York, Sept. 21th, 1866. A. WniTING. Lto... Sir: I Lavs tued rour Eureka Polisher and Burnisher In various wait, in my house and stsbles, and most cheerf ully rat: eauat to what vou claim fur It. I ahill . 1L sud think so ons who ever dors try it, will ever b without It f CHESTER LA11B. bt, Nicholas btablca, 57 and I'J Mercer pL H New Tork, Jens ! iC6V A. tVHITINO, Esq , Dear fir :-I hsv. used jonr Eart-ka Powdrrs In my 6a Manufactory, and I find It very rood for potbiBg on a whtti, cot as ro.uijtr 1 Cn4 u cuius a jaitrs wxt Ctnt. Utttrtha lvponr, rr 4njtlirg ltst t tier Ut-d, arid witb taucfe 'ls labor, Lich prrv s'l srtjf U frf :a trrticf, std frti.V tajr ss rktcs l&zi ttat a it:;itta sa. st i tt atut j si&t rtMirM tLtr. It. It. WAUM.it ) . Isslt.J VctUPt Stm Vv.t 14 I VS. ,ar 1 ih a V ilte. ' . II U iiy Ur u , f ! rij r'fAli ms' t4 1 t;.' . fUvtr.UH.l it 1 i 5 i1k ii.st sst J' & la TI A JL.il. JL tf 1.

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