F ! . 1 1 . ; . r, K L iWILLIIWGTON P0ST.: LMINGTON N. C, DECEMBER 21, 1867. WHOLESALE PRICES CUI'RENT. , Wilmutqtox, N. C, Nov. 23, 1887. Scantling.. 8 Of 0)10 00 LIME. LLANEOUS. post office directory. MAILS GLOSBi . BEESWAX. 9 ,..S235 s 0 BEE? CATTLE. JlOtts ;$7.0010 00 BARBELS. Spts. T., new i N.Y.......$3 253 75 Jd hand do. .2 253 25 BAGGING. Northern through mall . . , . ... . .7:30 P.' M. Dally i Gunny. .' 2425 . f " way " ,fc; 8:00 " ; Dundee........ 2628 41 it Mon-Mon-three Run H a v . p.xeent.el - Southern mail' W ......... o:W W. C. & R. R. RT; . . .8.00 days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Fayettevllle via Warsaw.. . . . . . . 8:W T days. Wednesdays and Fridays. StnlthvUle via Steam'. ........ ..2:00 times a week. , : ' . MA I L S ARRIVE. Northern way mallt 7:30 P. M. Delivered from window at 8:15 P. Ml Northern through mall 2:20 A. M. Delluered : 7:30 A. M. ; ' ."; Office open from 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays :w to :au a. m. . r ED. R. BRINK, P. M. Post Office, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 17, 1867 MASONIC DIRECTORY. St. John's Lodee No. 1. Meets last Thrrsday evening in each month. T. M. Gardner, W. M. " ' -' Wm M. Poisson, Sec'y. ! Concord Chapter No. 1, . 1 and 3d Monday in each month. ' ' T. B. Cabb, M. E. H. P.. : " ' . 1 . A. P. Repiton. Sec'y. Wilmington Council No. 4, " Meetilst Wednesday in each month. Alibed Martin, T.v L. G..-M.. r t . k A.vp. iJEPiTO; Recorder.- ! Union Leagues of America State Councils of the Union League of America may be addressed as follows : W. W. Holden, Kaletgh, JN. u., urana President for North Carolina. Charles' Wilson Horner, Raleiguy N. C, Grand Secretary for North Carolina. Thomas G. Jiaker, 74 Wall street, iNew ork. ; ft ii: --:.: ; 'yy-. tj--: Samuel P. Gwinner, cr Wm. B, Thomasj Philadelphia, Pa 1 Benj. S. 3Iorehouse, Newark, N. J. Charles H. Gatch, or Henry Stockbridge, Baltimore, Md. ;fcFn:r., , Andrew Washburn, Richmond, Va. . S. Pillsbury, or Ifc.W. Mackey, Charles, ton; S.1 C; i . ' :- i ' , ': r r- Wm. Marham, Atlanta, Ga." .-;!.! - A. A. Knight, Lake-City, Florida. - r i John C. Keffer, Montgomery, Ala. A. Mygatt, or James Dugan, Vicksburg Miss.' I , ::v : f i Geri. H. H. Thomas,' Nashville, Tenn. r V. Dell, Fort Smith, Ark. , ! H. C. Dibble, New Orleans, La Geo. H. Harlow, Springfield, 111. ; r - nupe . . . . . w I BBICKS. M....-I10 001500 i . COFFEE. S B. Java............ S840 Laguyra-, i . '. I i.2830 Rio.. J-Atf.i'A .2m& St. Domingo..., .2123 ' CANDLES. 3 lb;; J Sperm.. :. '.. ... .: .5055 Adamantine ,'i .;.-.2023 Tallow. . . 1820 i domestics, $ yard. Sheeting, 4-4.;.. 12i15 Tarn,0 bunfl 701 ,75 i - FISH, If DDL Mullets- Oak bbls.$0 00(311 00 Pine do..f0 00 9 50 Mackerel- No. 1 20 00(321 00 ;-No.2....;l9 00(a20 001 i No. s;i;..i500i6 00 Kits...... 8 00 3 25 errlng, Nova Scotia I bbs, 500 700 Herrinff. smoked i boxes...00 6000 75j Codfish.;; .00 . 900 10 N. C. Roe...0 O0 9 00 Family.... $12 5017 00 Super ...... 10 0012 50 Fine........ 9501000 i grain. 38 busheL Wheat,wbite.f 0 00a00 'Wheat, red.. 0 000 00 Corn, North.. 1 351 40 Corn. Eas Co. 1 45(1 50 Oats......... 95(3100 9 bbi;.......O00190 molasses. IS gallon.' Cuba hhd. w 4752 ao uerce.. uu do bbl...; 55 Syrup......;... 60(31 00 Sugar House. . , .4547i - NAILS, ID. Cui 6 507 00 Wrought ...... .0000 oils. callon. fr ' Rosin j . . . S50 55 Lard......... 1 301 50 TO SHINGLE JL1ANUFACTUI1ERS. The undersigned offers foe sale the patent right to manufacture and use in iny of the Southern States, the ! - ; ' - MILLER SHINGLE which is one of, the best machines for sawing shingles, In use. 1 ( . - This machine was patented on the 13th of July. 1858, and has been much 'improved since: "but owing to the war,- has not.bfeen introduced into the south. .1 it-is, aaaptea ior staves as weu as or witn any taper MAcniNE, Kerosene. JT.i"i?i 60(3 65 shingles;1 cutting ihem1 even Llnseedi.a iAl15m 90 desired.rfJ..';-i;.- Pitch , 3 50(33 75 '-- : " PEANUTS. ! . ? bushel.. ;f2 002 65 " potatoes; bbL Irish bbU.;,$3 504 00 Sweet, bush. 801 v fro visions, lb. Bacon, N. C. ;: - Hams........;.18 Middlings; ;....1617 Shoulders .. . . . .1415 Hog round.:. : .1516 Bacon. .Western ' Sides. .......!i5(a Shoulders .... 12i13 Hams.....;...2022 Pork, $ bbl.- Uity m'ss$&s w Thin " 00 0023 00 ; Prime.... 00 0021 00 Beef........O00000 Butter, fJ IB. . ;; Country... .....33S5 :4 Goshen i .. . ... .4045 Western. . .. . ...0000 Cheese, $ B.r English dairy ;.1520 1 State. .... ... .. .18(332 I Lard. Jb.-r - . . M. Carolina... .wcgio Western:.... ..0013i ONIONS. Peas. J. ;.;.,. 1 25l 30; bbi... .. ...4 50(500 The saw first enters the bets on the side, and conseauently turns out betten work than can be done by most other machines. It is simple in its construction, not liable to gel out of repair, and is built entirely or iron. ;It occupies' a space of' four iet by six,ebut can' oe tJUiii oi any Bize, me ones low - m- use . ueing for staves or shingles from 33 iiches down.1- COUJTTY ir STATE MIGHTS CPECIAL. WHITING'S : ? 5 "? -OB- 1 t J I Warranted Superior to anything now In use fo Cleaning and Polishing all kinds of Mefc alsf llirrors, "Window. Glass I Paint, and all such Pnrposes. ;l For sale Wholesale'and Retail by - . GEO: ZV FRENCH, - ; 3Vo. 1 0 Front Street, & . i, WILMINGTON, N. C, f " ' FOB SALE ONI Very Xilieral 1i rms. . Machines ' can -be manufacttfecL in this city. wnere ail tne patterns are on naia, u aesirea.; scriber's mill, on Castle street Wharf. . For fur ther particulars, address or call tpon J. C.1MANN, No.', i: DIRECTIONS. Apply with a damp sponge ! or cloth, , and rub A. 1 fA 1 .1 l!1t il.A lnAlA 'W V . vt r , U- 7t r V A dry with a soft cloth or leather, till the lustre ap A jaichine can be seen in opektion at the sutK ra , N t i8 to be uged for Fine Articles, Tiber's milL art Castle street Wharf- For fur- i ,-oi i -t -i n.u..,nM. OCt 8-tf Wilmton, N. C. 21, 23j'25, & 2T Broalway, NJ Y. and No . 2 for SteeL ; Iron, and Culinary purpo ses. and where there is much rust. Be careiul to observe the Number. Use i but very little at a time. - f - Price Twenty-five cents per Box LIST OF LETTERS Remaining Vri the Wilmington Post Office 1 Scantling., 80010 00 Rice, rough;. 2 252 50 Rice, Carollna..9 10 E. I. rice..... 110 12 Glue. & 2025 Gtjnnt Bags,Y..S0 32 Guano. Peruvian, $ ton...$000093 50 I " : , . HAT. ' Eastern.. . ..?f0 001 20 Northern.... 85 . ,95 i HIDES. Green . ... . .'. . . V(cfil0 Dry .....1617 ! IRON, U. English, ass'd 8 10 American, ref. O 10 American, :: t sheer..... 4.9 10 Swede :.10 (3;, 12 Hoop, i v J Mill prim ton, 150 00155 00 . liquors, $ gallon. Jrandv jfrencn : . f 4 uuftcw w AddIcNC. 0 00(3-0 00 Peach.. -..0 00 000 Whlskev ' Bourbon . . v W(g 4 w N. C....;, 3 0U 4 00 LUMBER. RIVER, WJVL IWidebds ..$10 0012 00 ' SUGAR, lb. Cuba...!-;;. ...12i13 Crushed: ..0018J Porto Rlco...;. 1415 A Coflee...;.. '00(317 B do........... 16t17 iCdo.;........'. 15i(316 Havana Brown.. 121(313 ' , salt, $ sack, . Liverpool, from v store 15230 Alum,bush 60 062 soap, IB.- Brown. Z...;.,.,..9.cc SHINGLES, M. Common.... $4 005 00 Contract .... . 6 007 00 UMBER. Shipping : . .12 2512 50 I ON, THE, EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE IS VIDELY AND well known to the travelling public The location Is especially 1 suitable toperchants and Dusmess men ;-it i&J ic close t pnximity to tne Read1 the following Certificates Messrs. WHITI ni Ac t!U.. - Gents : The samnle of WHITE EMERY fur nished by you for testing Its merits in polishing and cleaning: the engines of steamers Fulton and business part of the elty-is onx ttes highway of I Arago, has proved itself very useful for that pur 9 0010 Southern and Western travel am adjacent to all the f principal Railroad and Iteamboat De pots. -Ft S 5 if j. 7 THE STEVENS HOUSE -t has iberal accom modation for over 300 guests it b well furnish ed, and possesses every modern! improvement tor tne comfort and entertainmentjol its inmates. The rooms are spacious and wel ventilated provided with gas and water the Attendants are prompt and respectful and ' the -feble Is gener ously provided with every aeiicacl oi the season at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnislcd and remod eled, we are enabled to offer extra! facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guts.U t f. ' ; ..,,1, GEO. K. CHASl & CO., a ropnetors. 2 ? '! ' Unclaimed. . A. ' Adkklns, Miss Allie Allen, Elkanah Adklns, Oapt , Anderson, Mrs AnnMaria Ballenger, S B Bookhart, Solomon r Barrett, Aaron (scuoon- uostnwicK, wames , er Frank Walton) Bowen, Mrs Martha E Bate, Margarey , i Boyette, Bec&y Ann Bavlis. Peter R - , Bradford, Wm J Beazley, Thomas Brown, Richard ; Berron, Mrs Mary . Brown, Wm. Best; James , : Brown, Onslctwl . , . Bevan, E Bryant, Rebecca i Bissett, John Bunnell, J Sf(schr S W Blakely, W H (schr Jas Bunnell) A Parsons) , Butler, E S R Bobo, DE , ; 4 I vl-" t'1 U-nUxZi CallJCapt Joseph, Xschr Cherry, John E Sequin) --Clark, Calvin C Call, John . i- Melrose) Campbell, Dr T F Coleman, Handy Carev.Geo T f U S S Con- Coleman, Joel S nemaugh) Connor, Thos .- Chandler, Henry , : Davis, E D Dickerson, N B Day, Lamb S (schr T J Dove, Sophia . c . JLockwood) 2 Dove, Pin X Evans, ;JW - 1 -" ' F. . ; " ' ., ; ' Forbes, Captain Frank, Peter - 1 Greeman, Geo B (schr Fuller, Jas (U S S Taco- E C Gates)-. , ny) G. - " Garrison, Capt Wm C Godwin & Co (schr H W JohnsonV Green, Hugh ; . G ould, Capt Elijah (brig Griggs, Capt Thos, J Flooring... 14 0018 00 Flooring Mill- Bough . . ..25 00(300 00 planed, . . .35 0040"00 Mill fair.... ..750(38 75 Milirord'y.. 5 50 7 00 TOBACCO. Navy.;.... .. . 2535 Medium . ; . .. : . . . 30(340 Manufactured. 60$1 00 TALLOW. m...i....ion wood,,! cord. Oak. . . ... .$3 504 00 Ash ..... 250(3500 Pine......... 2 503 00 WANTS. it j -; WANTED, WHITE OAK' AND HICKO TIM BER Logs or Bolts. Land Plaster, ton.... ....... .18 00 J AM now paying TEN DOLLARS PlR.CORD for White OaK Bolts ; sawed intoE4.or 68 ch lencths. Bolts may be quartered or not, as Contractors may prefer. Wood mustbe sound and free 1 of knots, not less than 14 jhches in diameterl! and suitable for sawing staves 4 I will also contract lor : 1 , pose, and equal, if not superior, to anything of the kind I have ever seen used. It produces a ready, bright polish, and endures the damp and heat of the engine room to a greater extent than when brightened ; by any Other material, and I consider it highly usetul for steamships. Yours, very truly, i t '; Capt. JOS. J. COMSTOCK. New York, Feb. 12, 1867. 28th August. 1866. A. WHITING. Esq.. SiriFor some time I have used in my house, your Eureka Polisher and i$urnisner.T l nna it luuy equal to an you Bay oi it. With one fourth the labor and without dirt It gtves a superior lustre and more lasting than anything I . have ever used. By U6ing a sponge damped with water, with a little of your No. 1 on it, ana rubbing tne same over any winaow Mirror or Picture Glass, ana aner it aries, xuo 1 off with a clean cloth. It will clean them in one twentieth the time, without wet or dirt, and give a most beautiiui lustre. 1 am satisnea mat 11 any person uses it, they will never ne witnout it, . . S HIT T17TT OAV No. 229 South Fifth St., Jersey City. . v . . . . Brooklyn, Sept.-20th, 1866. A. WHITING, Esq Sir: I have carefully used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, and! have no hesitation In recommending it as being fully equal to all you claim for it, and think no housekeeper should be without it. : 1 Mrs. VAN ZANDT, 86 Clinton Street, Brooklyn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ' r. WILiMINGTON, :C. United States Depository and Financial Agent. Directors : t - r-s , '' t. Jas. HChadbourn, JLI AlUUKAi. THE W. H. McRary, a n WatJxACE. . Ddv in E. Burruss,' f resiaeni. - Asa K. -Walker, Cashier. ;.k- -i : Wm. Lahkins, Teller. . , -lH. M. Bowden; Book-Keeper. 1; a D. Wallace, Jr., Clerk., ,. , II IO U1NK IK . nillll Ul.UI :". i TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. -GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds NOTE3 OF SOLVENT nd otter State 'BanK8 ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in VVA1 fTj-i ofnfDc with nrnrnnt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention ' eiven to tne account v V iaugl4.v . j r-..-tf-;' hj-a-.at. BANkiNti HOUSP! -"'-OF - "1 ; JAY COOKE & GO,, ; no. 20 wall; street; ' ' Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. TE BUY and Bell at the most liberal current 1... ia taon riflnn a iuii euuMiT GOV JCKJN l-cu" w XJXiZnv Fp iarT vnTPsi orifi -?pnt orders for 'purcnase a7dale of SOCKsTbONDS and GOLD. fA ' CONVERSIONS. v We convert the severM issues of Seven thib- Tm-TWHHTri VOX THE KUSITAYUW BBMS-t.ktag the, M . ta t OJJ52J- MENT Rates, auowmg a coiuuibbiuu mnur with full particulars furnished upon ap plications , - m. v 'l-tf Treasury of the United States. . DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS ? Washington,' D. a, FebJ 20, 1867. XT IS HEREBY ' CERTIFIED THAT THE X First National Bank of Wilmington, Ts. t;, a Banking Association ; organized under the , Act "to provide a National Currency, secured by nioi-n rtf lTnitftrt States Bonds, and to provic for the circulation and redemption thereof,', ap TYrntrori .irmft 3d. 18H4. having complied with the requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with tb rPOTiiationa of this Department made in pur suance thereof, has this dav been designated as a rnoRitorv ot .TUDllC MOnevs. exceui, reteipw fmm tiTifttmnfi ' and bv virtue of sueh desiifnation r .. ... .rn wul also be employed as a JBinancuu Agent, oi ,uw Government. (Signed) aug. 5 '.F. E. SPINNER, .-'. .Treasurer, U S.' ' . V ' ' Mf AND J i i ; . Stock; andrortoentj- si. ' ; l 1 IN.:T.HE'STA.TEI: - tor v: i . . ). .-.S; -ijf .! . .-. . - v r. - " J v"; I! ii i-i r miu ' - - - 'v, . , , j- ' - r. ,r'iry- , ;:i;;offer ,:; . 1 Extraordinary Inducements TO CASH BU1GBRS. it CLOTHING. 7 5! K"- (brig TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. Union Rice ilour&.Feed MILLS, Nos. 246 and 248 Cherry Street, Corner Rutgers' Slip, 1 JTETF YORK, ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF RICE CLEANED AND REDRESSED, Also, Flonr, born Meal, and Feed of all kinds Ground at Short Notice. Excelsior fresh Rice Flour constantly 611 " i. hand. - - 100 Mi FEET CYPRESS LOUS. - m to be not less than 15 inehes in diameta at the small end, and cut luto 10, 12, or 1, feet engtns. h j.;; r ; u -1: aath Auzust. isw. k A. WHITING, Esq., Sir : I have given Mos. 1 and 2 of vour Eureka Pelisher and Burnisher in tne pew lorK tiotei, a lair; trial, ana nna w bu and even more than you recommend it to be. It O Tj E 1ST 3D Q 1ST CLOTHING HOUSE. '. All logs to be sound heart Cypress, free of elves a better and ; more lasting? lustre in much knots, and suitable for sawing Shingles. Also, juniper, Poplar, &c, wanted. -TERMS : CASH ON DELI V El Y at my wharf, foot of Castle Street. All limber subject to inspection. .",-' Wilmington, NJ C. Oct9J: tf less time, with less work, and without dirt, that anvthing 1 &ve ever seen or usei uy iw uerceui, - J - . - " JOHN CRANE, 1 - Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel. - . . : , -i 89th August, 1866. A! WHITING, Esq.,! Sir : We have carefully witnessei the use of your Eureka Polls ber and 1 0 COUNTRY TRADERS : i , '1, W1 rpHIS MOST POPULAR ' ESTABLISHMENT X is once again in lull operation, ana tne Proprietors having fc . - " " ' REPAIRED ! AND REFITTED THE LL DOWELt TO CAtt'AIfl) Stock before 'Purchasing Examine my Elsewhere.' BRITISH-PERIODIC A! REFERENCES i Fowler & Wabd, Rice Importers. 87 Water St. John Bento & Co., " " 186 Front St. Moses Webb, Rice Brokers, : Corner Wall and Water Streets. : ; ; -i Kbapp, Baxter & Van Pelt, Grain, Meal &c., 25 Whitehall Street. ' . , h- i Lane, Son & Co, Flour, Meal &c.i 90 Broad St. H. K. Thubbsb & Co., 173 and 175 Chambers St. Henbt Reimebs, 87 Wall Street. , , V For Terms Address : JOHN FITZGERALD & CO., , i 246 and 248 Cherry St., New.T ork nr n ' eT A wn your .tturega ronsner ana .-, . TT -1 i J r1 1 1 J 1 I . . (i . . if i!'."lit Villi! Burnisneriuoartxow3i,auuuiuiijr uuuV .i k ;ir f fully endorse the above. We can with it clean UVJYY wub r - all tne winaows ana murore in oar uuuse in one tenth the time and without wet or dirt. Send us 200 lbs. of No 1, and 100 lbs. of No. 2. ' CRANSTON & HILBRETH, ; ' New York Hotel. AND E NTS' FURNISH.ING) GOODS, i 1. Consists ot London Quarterly Review (Conservilve). The Edinburgh Review (Whig). "The Westminster Review (Radical). The North British Review (Free Chiicb). ALE,' Astor House. New York. Nov. 5, 1865. Sir :Under our supervision, we have had your Whiting jsureKa ronsner, dSc.Ltcu in tne vari ous departments of the Astor House. Its quick ever offered In this market. ;. They have also engaged the services of a t OND, Blackwood? Edinburgh Magazine (Thy). S P Brown) Haar, Martin Hall, Annie J Hawkins, Sarah J Headen.Thos Heflin, Ham Hegertyj Cornelius Hines, Enoch J Hill, Gen D H. Jenkins, Saml G Jones, Joseph Kelly, Henry Key es, Marcus Lane, Levin Leek, Randolph Long, James , ., Marker. Geo ' j Mallett? Johu W Mann, Leonard H fairKaii .Tnhn " r iMcGreel, PM (brig Melrose) H. Hill, Capt Edward; (schr 3 DolDhln) 2 Howard, Geo W Howard, CH Howe, Chas H Huse, Capt Saml A (U S S Shawmut) J ' - Jordan H C -King, Benjamin Kllng,,F L. Lowery, Henry S ? Lynch, Mrs Perty J. O. MAJNN, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Stares Shingles Last Blocks &c. CASH PAID FOR WHITE OAK AND PER simon timber delivered at his Mill at whar foot ot Castle street. . . . ' 1 jf rompt auenuon given 10 oraers. s - 1 'Wilmington, N. C., Aug. 5,1867. tf m M. I : Merrick, Harrys . Mlddleton, York ; j Middletbn, Harriett V Mitts, Laura Mongomery, Miss G H HOYT'S . I HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. WARRANTED in all cases to ( restore Hair and Whiskers tou their ; original color, re moves all Impurities, makes the hair soft and silky, and gives it a life-like appearance. 1 No Lac-Sulphur nor Sugar of Lead. , : ; js Application easy and agreeable. - An invaluable dressing for the Whlskeis. , Price per Bottle, $1. Hoyt's Minnehaha Hair Gloss. 1 Superior to any dressing for the Hair in use. Unexcelled In keeping the hair in curl, or in any desired position, r Price per Bottle, 50 cents. 1 McKiney,Miss Melvlna Morse, Miss Sarah F MciNeii, Jonn Hoyt's Imperial Coloring Cream.' Morehouse, L M Aiurpny, Jack Muse, Lizzie Musgrave, Samuel N. , Noies, Robert O. O'Hara, John r 1 P. Pescand, E McNeil. Georee Mc Williams, Peterl Merrick, Benjamin - Nelson C A Ohert,Benj Omohemdeo, R - Pierce, Baker (schr , Su-Price, T U (schr Ida . i san Stetson) . Nicholson) I r;j;:!S?;Vt'-:.!'R't;t.TV" ' T'ir Ralps, J S ' Robinson, Peggy Richardson, Rosalie Robinson, Robert Robinson, Rebecca Roddy, Rosanna S. Sanford, Floyd S (schr Sickles, Jas Chas Dennis) - - 1 Skipper, J Bird Savage, Jane . . . Smith, Silas T C . Sellars, RL (for Mrs Su- Smith, George 1 - san n. v;raig tsmitn, jt A most superb Hale Oil. Changes Light and Red Hair to a beautiful Dark Brown. Price per Excelsior Toilet Powder, and Excelsior I Blueing. ! For sale by DEMAS BARNES, & CO., 21 Parle Row, New York, 1 and by all respectable Drug gists, Hair Dressers, Perfumers aud Fancy Goods u eaters, every wnere. . f dec 7 6w COWL. COAIi. ; TTTE HAVE BEEN SELLING THE VERY VV best Red Ash Ess Coal at 87 50 per ton. delivered, since November 1st, and have now a large stock on hand which we will supply 'at same iigura. ; - f I PETTEWAY & MOORE. dec3 , ; - tf Sheridan. E Shier, Geo W Tate, Robert - . Taylor, James Terrell, George " Vann, John T ;' '' 'iti'v ' i,f Waddell, DrLP Walker. Mrs H G Wallace, John W Waters, LB Watson, J W B White, John W , Whlttaker. John, Wiggins, Malinda " WilUams, S allie E Smith, Madison H ' Stratton, Jesse H t. : 3 Tracey, John H ! . Trask, Mrs barah H Turner Penelope 'V. ' , ; Vinan,' John y W. . . Williams, James ; Whlttbank, Chas Witley, WmH Wood, David " Woodlifll L A WoQleyjLN Wood:ock, J J wngnt, Thos 5 Wyche, IraT J . , Persons calling for any of the above letters trill please say " advertised." '; ' ED. R. fcRINKP. M. Vf O, Wilmingtoa, N. CM Dec 17, 1W7, : UNITED STATES INTERNAL i COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, " h SECOND DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA, Office Hours from 9 A. HI. to 3 P. M UG. ESTES, Collector. aug 6 , , ' - tf -.. i, GAS FIXTURES, 'y Cooking, Parlor and Office Stores, A LOT OF OAS FIXTURES. -,".'r ' . - f. Jnst iReceived. : , . V ;"Jl i AGENT FOR f FAIRBANKS' STAND- ; ARD SCALES. f r For Sale by - - jr . -ii-: "A.- EC. NEFF. Not 20 , tf 1 These periodicals are ably sustained bmhe conti ibntions f of the best writers on Sciace, Religion; and General Literature, and standpn- rivauea mtnewona ot letters. xney are imis pensable to the scholar and the professional nan, and tQ every reading , nian, as they tarnish a let ter record of the current literature or the lay than can be obtained trom any other source. M TERMS FOR 1868. For any one of the Reviews, per annum . . .$ 4 For anv two of the Reviews . . . ..... . 'JlOO For anv three of the Reviews,:.. 1( For aH four of the Reviews ....... . . .... . . 121 For Blackwood's Magazine . . ............ i 41 For Blackwood and one Review.-. .. . .4 ... 71 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10! For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 For Blackwood and the four Renews. . . . . 15 and clean action, ita brUliant and lasting lustre TAILOR, who if an artist in his profession not makes it a very usemi ana aesirauie article ior all w uoduidw., , the purposes you ciaim wr 11. in our qpmion it 1 .. , -T AmiAnk AA S M. O V A. U111 V. i&il AJ JU&Jk A. J aUo abound in this House, and their Stock of SHIRTS. ' ' NECKTIES, - r i SUSPENDERS, ' 1 8ACKS. and - . .1 UNDER CLOTHING, Making: up their own Goods, and being con nected with a House In Philadelphia, gives them facilities which no other House in the State can lalm. ..... Mw-Awt 1 - , lT Country dealers would do well to call HAAS & CO., v , PROPRIETORS. ,Sept a, . . ' ly. :Y : r... . ; v ' ! ' i , - - .(A i I I' 1! CLUBS. A disco int of twenty per cent.Ul be allowed 1 Clubs of four or more persons; Thus, four cbpi of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent one address for $12 80. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, ior $48, and so on. y-y':yy POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter. The Postage to anv par tne omce ot aenvery. rne Jfostage to any pan of the United States is Two Cents a number. 4 Thii rate only applies to current subscriptions. Foi back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS! TO NEW; SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any .two of the above peri odicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one 01 tne jour itevtews, ior looT. -n ew e u b Is very far Buperlor to anything of the kind now In use. 1 1 Wh have ana saaii continue to use it. Signed - e , : STETSON & CO. Sir :-WWe have used for some time your Eureki Polisher, &c. in our Hotel and can fully recom mend It to the public generally, and we : can en dorse what the Astor House say of it. Signed ) PATTEN & WIELD. ' Pacific Hotel, Greenwich Street, near Courtland. Sir :I have tried your Eureka Polisher. &c. in my Hotel, and most cheerfully endorse what the Astor House say of it, and do with confidence recommend it as a very economical, useful and superior article. aignea L. FISK, , . Stevens House, 27 Broadway, r New York, Sept. 2d, 1866. a wuniiMu,. iiiBq., oir : 1 nave tnea your Eureks Polisher. .Burnisher, - and Enameler. and take great pleasure in recommending it as a supe rior anicie ior me uses ior wnica 11 is intended. Please send us lUO lbs. of No. 1; and 50 lbs. of No. 2. ' V... k J. WAKKEN COLEMAN. : . Superintendent Southern Hotel. , 1 : . New York, Sept 3d, 1366V a. wxhaahu, Asq., oir: vm e nave tried your Eureka Polisher and fully agree with the New York Hotel and Southern Hotel, in ita vaItia for all purposes you claim for it. - Please send us 100 1UB. Ul 1U - r,K. DJXXEi tlAAl, ' Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St., and 3d Av. si BEARD'S PATENT LOCK-TIE, , ALSO Beards Patent Self-Adjusting Tie, THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OP THE AGE FOR MUCH SAFER .FROM. FIRE, AND CHEAPER THAN ROPE.' DRIED APPLES, I- 1 ALLSPICE, ;i - AXE HANDLES, DRIED BEEF, BACON,'; I BOTTLES, ; i "i . ; !.,- BRANDY, . .... : . J, t , , - w BROOMS, BUCKETS, BASKETS, , - -BLACKING f : V - BAGGLNG," 4 1 -A ; BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE. CODFISH, 7" " 'CANDLES, - - j CASSIA, : .y . ..,-(- i t t i COFFEE, . J . . . , ; CLARET, CIGARS, l. V CANDY, - ' ' ' - J ' CRACKERS, . ' ' ' , i DEMIJOHNS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, FLOUR. ' ' - ''"'DRIED and PICKLED FISH ! sf ll-AaiMUi--.v nmi:tM:ikitSj- GLN, GINGER,' t. . ,.. . glue, i ; ;hams, HOPS, f ' lf v- HERRTNO. ,1'H New York Hotel, Sept. 1st, 1866. A. WHITING, Esq.; Sir H avinsr witnspYi use 01 your .Eureka Poli&her at the New the York H i.t I f 4 m J .IITDIGO, AVING SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON scribers to aU five of the Periodicals for 1868 may Hotel, we are fully convinced it is all von ninim THE PATENT j LOCK TIE, . . . . A. Tkl . A -A - jm 11 A T - . I i ! J S22rJE? - K WOOa r any OI tne?r nSl VSJ fm ihtNnip Ur aaare8S 100 lb- ot J wecan recommend them to give entire, satisfac- KEGS. , KEELERS, 1 JELLIES, Reviews for 1867. T Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : The North British from January, 1863, to De cember, 1867, inclusive ; Edinburgh and the West minster from April, 1864, to December. 1867, In clusive, and the LonkonA Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866 and 1867, at the rate of $1 50 a year for each or any Review ; also, Blackwood for 1866 and 1867, for $3 50 ; a year or the two years to gether for $4. ; , Neither premiums to Subscribers, nqr dis count to Clubs, nor rednced prices for back nuihbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the IxMlxTiers. No premiums can be given to Clubs. - THE LEONARD SCOTT PUK. CO,, 140 Fulton St., ISm Y. , TheL. $. Publishiner Company, also publish the FARMER S GUIDE, by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols., Royal Octavo, 1600 pages, and numerous Engravings. 1 Price $7 for the two volumes by mall, post paid, $8. nov7 . AKKER I0USE, : S JFtlOnf STREET Ci, A OPPOSITE THE CAPE FEAR BAJfK.1 "Wilmiiigrton, IV.- O. , npHIS ' WELL-KNOWN 1 FIRST-CLASS MO Jj TEL having recently been ?' ENLARGED, REFURNISHED AND .REFITTED, : offers MORE . and r BETTER ACCOMMODA TIONS to the traveling public than any other House in the City. Coaches connect with all Railroad trains. TV Proprietor devotes his exclusive attention to the comfort of his guests. , . - ; : ' - H. U. PARKER, j oct9-tt - - ; .- Proprietor., tion.. We have taken the Aerencv for the State: and will continue to keep a large supply on hand. ruruue awuuuu upwiuus, bu ueaiere, a liperai discount will be allowed. . . . ' ' E. MURRAY & CO,,'5 - . (Wilmington, N. C. ; ; Aug. 29, '67. :, . .r -.-f9.- riy: No. ! and 100 lbs. No. 2. Very truly, yours, HITCHCOCK & CO., M j ' Imperial Restaurant, New Orleans,' s . ; - SeDtemhAr 2rt iSRfi A. WHITING, Esq., Si ;-?-After a earP.fnl anil lull trie m -ur stables of ybur Eureka Polisher nd Burnisher, we most theerfullv recommend it. a we are certain tnat n one wno nas occasion use anytbing ol the kind will be without it. Is by far the best thing we ever saw or used. ease send us 100 lbs ot it at Once, POST & NICHOLS, National Sale and Exchange Stahlpn: Nos. 156, 158, 160, 162 and 164, 24th 8t t N. agree with and cheerfully endorse the above. JOHN ROBINSON, No. 156 East 24th Street. New-York; Sent. 24th. iRfifi " WHITING. Esa.. Slr:I nave iV X.KXZS t0' oeswruss. to prevent mh T&Xj STRANGHLATIDN ANDSDJOEN DKEL commend it'sbeintf a very superior article fh iV - iriiuns ior wraenns. eqml to what you claim for iL Ifihallnaoit I ? Measnre aronnd tho hod v andvthink no one -who ever does try it, will ever t-op of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted, also If be feS yh,.- cMCS?ST?KLAMB1 . lean or. fleshy, and give plain directions about "v" uiauicn, u auu o mercer at. Lmawung,- asu must accompany the order ; A XT v: , , special department has been fitted up for the NpW Vni.b Tnna IO tool , ' U...i..i Lj . . f XS-"& Pear sir : bave used red diseases. ! It is under the special care ; of the jum r.urKKH riiwnpra tw v tt maw . . t. i a . a . . company, wno is acsnowiedged v tuna uu 04UM ui lixLB BptJCl- SS'S?? oranything Ihave ever the afflicfed parts with DR. GREGORY'S CElS used,!and with much Iaaa iftbnr. 'whinii hnATi?n utDMT t ATTnw 4 1 z: . . '-'.--C' nil nrtinlo. fmm -t-CI i i rvcciB wiiun, me LUOSt ODStlnate Sr?Wllnv from my expe- cases can be cured.. ..Prices for ',Trn MM'nfn O. an1 that tA. I frnm K in Rft nnllatv a Mm1U t it, . ...J OFFICE OF WHITE'S va Patent .Lever Truss ' Co; No. 609 Broadway, New York. - " C. AUGT GREGORY, M. D. Pbesideht WHITE'S I PATENT LEVER TRUSS and FEMALE SUPPORTER difler in nrinciDle from all others. No pressure on the back. It la u -L J,; rr 7 """lauiory, jrreBiuenv 01 our and 4 find it very erood for noUshinu- nn a nrT,Afr I kv but a a Polisher Ifind it makes alnRtr ko I I ofu tr,, ir.n NflwTftft. nt 1ft KM Sir :4-I have ffiven vour TCnreka PnlUKo. a critical test, and can RflVwit.h Mr WflFna uZ lt.b Yey Ikr superior to Emory. It Works quick fSilteW6 ?abor. ! rfves a most T . tI5 "wung lustre, ana is very economi JOffVT-TriT.TlTf 1?ttf . . i ono- tT ' ' wcu. Agent. SkuiifltSSwoffi rec0mm.e,1 lt f WT8 TO SUIT. i t JOHN BT.ATTTTW Xletriclan'No. 74 Ann Street. For sale bv' fit v. 1: I j A KIl j ' - , I LEMONS, ; . : i s It ' L . . MOLASSES. MATCHES,' f v ' :V ' CONDENSED MILK. 1 r - : 1 i; j-,. r.. meal, v !...-. - f, I NUTS, all kinds, oysters. ; J . ; , pork,! . PORTER, ' " ' . )?Jv tyi v .-r ir37- PEACHES, : - V .-, - ' . . : "f .:t I 'f . . -k i r , ..i ;i RAISINS, ',v-.V:;-;t-...,-.iU.: ... . T1r RlfTEfllfillft 8TARQH, 1 :K SOAPS;r;v'. ,,; snuff;":,. .v ; TWINE, s SALARATUS, f salt. - -r.-;:::: t'-soda; , , rroBAcco, TUJIBLERsi ' TUBS, i TEAS, I-:' ' ;f:'"Y ' VINEGAR, . r:. V i ' ' '" YEAST POWDERS, Anci .many ,qther; Goods s too numerous-to mention. . " l .... ; ' 'Eo;s;FhENcii;h';:": " XOlSo.Z Front Street. n u I 21 A