.- ; n TO3," 'TTOTHvT to or. WILMINGTON N. G.v THURSDAY MORNING - JANUARY 46, 1868. - ' V"OL. I. t" ' NO. 122. k. ; -Oft. W hoy J) i ! c. 30 NIT :f that i Sniok Morria ;tb Car- ' bytlie It, . red of 3'vi )ine; others .r, Hnd ruction,; I It U not ' pcwi-l times. I a., 3, boll t r . .. i IJ8. j (Const! jh rcli? I rj i- I'. rccor' .an o per air t'v- f one or m . Tl 1 . quart, as to' CEXt , curff o post - he tt': j'tec for;?" odor il If ii vA or any1 ul forf .,-forf ibers,1 t.for the .iiero 1)10" pr S WILMINGTON POST. BMS OKSCClPrioTAKlAW.t W ADTASa Tri-Weekly .onefyear:x.v:...w , six month8.;.v.-.i, '35 - one month . f v- .? : ; : ' i?J RATES OF ADVERTISING: Wertisementa will be inserted; at $1 00 per ,quarc for first insertion and 50 cent tor each t! JKSSw a square. , - ' - THE 11 1 nil Mil X IS PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY ,i srBSCKUTio : t- one year ... AdvertUeaiento ft per square. .13 00 BUSINESS CARDS. WM. LYNGH, IIERCHAT.TAILOK. CLOTHES CUTlAND MADEIN THE i iT eet 8tyles and of the best Material, i North East Cor. JJarktt & Second Sts., WILMINGTON; N C. , o jpjt -"a : DANIEL A. SMITH, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Parlor, Dining Room. , Chamber and Omce! Furniture, leiViVi Mattrasses, Feathers, Window ? Shades; WaU Paper, also Sash, Dlinds and Doors, r 50UTH FRONT oct2T ST., I WILMINGTON, N. C iy ; - JOSiBPH jOl NEFF,1 ' v." AMD peWleii " in I SHIP STORES, GROCERIES HARD t jvare, Paints, Oils, Boats. Oars, &c. ; o' 2J Water, and 3, 4 & 6 Dock Street v-. WILMINGTbN,:N.'C GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 10, Sonth Front Street, Wilmington, MS. C I 9, WHOLESALE DEALER IN , Liquors. hlCigars. IVo f if , Wi II o ir , - and Cora inon Crockery Wa re. tjj Cotton and RTaval Stores Boaffht or Received on Consignment. . i ? oct 6 r-- :-y-'!':V- -r-tfr. U. DOLLNEB, FOTTBK, . CAME DOLLflER, POTTER & CO ! Commission ) Merchants, : .' "New Yorlr. . ; : Liberal cash advances pn consignments ' of Na val 8tore, Cotton and other Southern produce. E, VESCOTT; 7 D I i A L R I N G R A I BT, Sonth Side Princess, near Water" St., WILMINGTON, N C. f I7-EEP3 CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL VIA- supply ot ' 7 :' , " Corn.AIeal, IIomony,'Flonr, Oats, Peas, Rye, Bran. Hav. &c. &c. tf TICK, JIEBVNE & CO.,i It 1 forwarding and commission! merchants, I Corner Chesnut and Water streets, .: Wilmington, N. C tf : O. C. HATCH, U O. XSTE8, H. V. HATCH. I New York, r Wilmington, fc.-C New York. nucn, ESTES & CO.; , GENERAL Commission Merchants, NO. 133 FRONT 8TREET,! CORNER OF PINE OCONaiQNMENTS OF COTTON & NAVAI V. stores solicited. Usual advances made- ans" Ii orders DromDtlv ezapntAd AUj'5th, 18G7., ; . : !l' II ! ( ! JNO. C. BAILEY L. A. HART. WIimiVGTON. .K IRON AND 7COPPEB WORKS, t.VrVvr:J"--"i-t-t--ii-;-MACHINE HOB A LSOManufactnrers of TURPENTINE tX STILL8, and COPPER WORK in all its Jranches. . , ,t 5?a ita-i-, srom street, below. Jtlarket Street, 4 WiimlnStoii n; u. ,77; tt " (n DIRT & BAtLEY. ' i Prolific tors.! -sept.-25 tiurj :toi-':;.:7 " tf. IS. t. P8TT8WAY. aoozR Mooua TSfTEiVAy'&lilObEE'la lii IENERaL COMXnSSION MERCHANT. I NORTH WATER STREET, j 7 S.VILMING TON, 2ii (7. SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, -?tAVAL STORES AND COUNTRY PRO LCE. . v. -.li' -t. -k4 us.dun.ais lor tne e Mantttacturers are reparedto nil, on the, most' reasonable term rders for - 1 . 3 . s !EO. KIDD'S CELEBRATED . , . , , COTTON, GINS, miiL, UAWBONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE, JKUWITS COUNTER, ,i I ' PLATFORM and! RAIL- " ' ROAD SCALES. Have constantly en hand IPRRTTT.T5fTf.R .11 1g 5 vEEKLY POST . . .- ; . 14 A Bramiu on s'lotua pod m -f fj. i if ii Then planting it, he asked In prayer For some new trait, unknown and lair. A slave near by, who bore a load, .' ' . v , Fell fainting cn the dusty road. The Bramin, pitying, straightway ran . $ , , And lifted an the fallen man. ; -vVa ? ' ; The deed scarce done,' he looked aghast At touching one beneath his caste. : ; "Behold 1". he cried, "I stand unclean, f My hands hare clasped the vile and mean i" -Qo& saw the shadow on his face,, - . --- ' And wrought a miracle'uf grace - s " , ; The buried seed arose from death, i : And bloomed and fruited at his breath. ; ' The stalk bore up a'leat of green, Whereon these mystic words were seen. , ; First tount men all of equal caste, , . ; " : Then count thyself the least and last. The Bramin, with bewildered brain," Beheld the will of God writ plain ! Transfigured in a sudden light, - The slave stood sacred in his sight. t . Thenceforth within the Bramin's mind. Abode good will for all mankind : , i i HOUSEKEEPERS. DEPARTMEUT. - Bbbad. Sift into a good sized wooden bread bowl a nantity of flour, say seven pounds, make . a hole iu the center, of the sponge (or in winter some prefer setting the sK)ijge in the tray of flour), or if, the sponge is quite cold, and you wish to hasten the pro cess, put V ia warm water or milk, a little hotter than It would do to set the sponge in. Thicken it up with flour until cool enough to receive the' sponge; then add a handlui salt, then the sponge. Stir the flour around from the inner ? edges 7 with a spoon,until a tolerable stiff batter is formed, . knead until perfectly clean and smooth, arid if kneaded several times, it is finer grained. A small Mump of butter or lard rubbed into the flour, wniie it s ury, uiaa.c a uitw viusw. , . u ; In hot weather the batter should be made of cold water, especially if set over night, whicn is a good plan, preparing it about bedtime. When light again after i keading mold into JoaVes and put into greesed pans ; cover and let it rise the third time." ; Wnen light, prick the .loaves, to prevent cracking, and bake in a hot oven. Care should be . I taken that it does not be chilld or scalded. If it threatens to be sour from the yeast or beat, dissolve a small portion of soda, and incorporate it thoroughly. It is.th0ught.t9 be a great improvement by some to add a small quantitie of -mashed potatoes : others add a small quantitiy of warm Indian pud ding. . ' ";- - . - I ' A'vf , Rye bread Is varied but little . in process from the above. It is preferable to set wheat: or middlings for the sponge, , . add a piece of butter or Tard, mix most, entirely - with a spoon, then : makew into loaves and put, into well greased pans to risef It requires "8 Ion ger time to bake, and a brick oven, and 1 it remain in the oven until cold, it is improv ed. . i ,R" -: Sponge Cake. Pour a half a cupful o cold water over three -quarters of a pound o lump sugar. Let it desolve.- and then boil it. Break seven eggs, leaving out three o the whites. " Be particular not to break the yolks. Then pour the boiling sugar, and beat eleven minuites. Stir in a half a pound of flour and two or three drops of essence of lemon. Do not beat after adding the flourJ Bake one hour in a slow oven. - Take stale rusk, or sponge cake, butter it and put wine on it, have a layer of ruskj then cherries, jam. or marmalade, then , rusk then fruit, or jam, as before alternatilj , Set in the ovenwhlle beating whites of three eggs with podered sugar quite lightlet it stay in half an hour or so, then pile up the! whites ot eggs on it set again r in .the oven not too hot till hardened and slightly brown,! make a custard with the yolks" or cream in stead. HUNS or K0LL8. Thicken one quart or warm water or milk, add i a little salt, one halt cup ot melted butter, and one cup o good yeast: make into buiscuits. for horn ing, or into an oval roll, and draw a deep out. it not very light, add rft little soda. 'Pumkin Yeast. Boil a pumpkin soft, and uiasu une, anu tnicaen . wnn xnaian tneai and a handful of salt ; when cool add two cups'otyeast. 7Tbis is Tery convement and nice for winter, as it will keep four months or more in winterf if i kept in ra cellar where it will not sreeze. All yeast should be kept where it will nol freeze in winter. '. . ; . ; , ' English Potatoe Balls. Boil some.po tatoes very dry, mask them as smoothly a possible, season well with salt and pepper, warm them with 1 about ! an ounce of butter to the pound,' arid ' a few spooofuis of good cream. Let them cool a little1, roll them into balls, gprinkia oyer them some crushed ver macelli or macaroni and fry them alight brown. :v::l.'i:;c;,---u ? - Vegetable Meerschauk. Chemistry has discovered, writes the Intellectual Ob server, a new and interesting use for pota toes and other vegetables, illustrations' of which might be seen by visitors at the Paris International Exhibition. If potatoes are peeled, macerated for about' thirty-six hours in water to which eight per cent suiphuric acid has been .; added, i.well , washed , with water,, dried in blotting-paper, and then in hot sand for several days, on plates ot chalk or. plaster of Paris, which are changed daily, being compressed at the same time, an ex cellent imitation .of meerschaum, answer ing well for the carver,1 or any purpose not requiring a high temperature, will be ob tained. Greater hardness, whiteness, and elasticity will be produced, if water contain-" 4ng three per cent., snl phuric acid I is used. And If,5 after the potatoes have been: macera ted m the solution of soda, they are boiled in a solution containing nineteen peri cent, soda, a substance resembling stag horn, and which may be used for knife handles, etc., will be formed. Turnips may be used instead ot potatoes in the production ot the artificial horn ; and if carrots are substituted for the potatoes a very excellent artificial coral will be obtained, - i ,.4 -t The Lotus Planter- - PflUNNYGRAEJS. ; 1 x n: - Remarkable Caligraphic; Phenomenon. When you rest your pen on the ledge of your inkstand, what does it become Surely a pen-sill,. , r , . . J - . A mm worth f ourpence Jobn 0Grant Maukied at Last. A Rhode Island newspaper prints the? following among-- Its marriage notices : - - In -Thompson . Conn., Nov, 20, Rev. L. -W. Blood, Rufus Briggs.to Sarah L. Greenleaf of Auborn, Mass., alter a long and tedious courtship'of over five years. 7 If you give a friend a cigar, and he says" emphatically it is good, are you in courtesy compelled to ask him to Havana therti a. sweet aeiusion. a lyere. 7 uThe Prince of Wales has written a book.n A book of Lamentations by Wailes? V ' How can nocts ahvavsbe singing about 1 the -"peacefaF stars of night," when :, every luminary in the sky is a perpetual revolver. 1 An old lady living on Stateu Island who ia a strange advocate for 'female suffrage," says she has paid taxes on her dog lor ten years, that her patience isgetting worn out and that if she can't Jie, ..allowed t67 yote she will kill the dog; I iK'tf. Politekess in C&ujt6. IrHassurek in his Hhterestinsf ivblunae on the South American Republics, gives the following 1 lustration of the politeness of the people of Quito : 'It is amusing to? hear a Qriitonian lady to send one of her servants to deliver a message to. another v-Udy Translated into English it sounds mist ridiculous : Go to the Snorita Fulana de T.il, and, tell her she is my i heart (que ' e&toy hturienddms por no haherle pisto) foi ; not, having seen- her, and ask her why.slie does ,,h'67comV to ;see me V tell her that III havebeeh awaiting her for more than a week, and that I send, htr my best respects and considerations ; and ask her how she is and how her husband is, and how her children are, and whether they are all well in the family ; and tell her she is my little love, and whether she will tot be kind enough to send me that pattern which she promised me the -'other day. ' Now anybody would suppose that the servant; intrusted with this highly important 7rnessage- would 7 forget one half of it, or b6 unwilling to delivir the long preamble to the "fsshort argument . but it is not so. With a conscientiousness that does not distinguish them in other respects, arid with a strength of memory taat would shame there tentivness or Saocho Tanza in deliver ing hi3 ! master's l message from ' the Sierra Merena to the Bulcinea ot his heart, the ser vants will deliver themselves with a parrot ike fidelity, and iu a strange, monotonous, sing-song Key or voice, or tne complete mass iif compliments confided to their charge : they will rather add than omit any rather improve on the original than weaken its efiji an abridgement. In London orie of the Fgreatest"curiosities is its directory the sixty-ninth annual num ber of which is just issued, and is an impe rial octavo of 27 15 pages. The striking feature of this book is its street directory. wherein is recorded the name of every street in London, and the name of the occupant ot each bouse'4 arranged in numerical order. The intersections of the streets are also giv en ; and if you know neither the name ot the person ycu want to find nor the number of his house, you may .discover him by the name ot the 6treet alone. The conveyance is a very great one, and this list of itself oc cupies 500 pages ot close - type. The com mercial section, which gives name of all persons in business, fills over 700 pages ; the court directory, in 600 pages, collects the names of all persons in business, arranged under their respectivetrades ot professions. There are, besides, , official, law, parfiamentry,' postal, city, clerical, conveyance, and bank ing directories, each complete in, Jtself, and putting its information into a shape of such compactness, so easy of reference - and so exact, as to be above all prise. Somebody has taken the trouble to calculate that it contains 4,000,000 words-asmany as twen ty closely printed octavo arofumea? Not the least wonderfultbirig about it'is its cheap ness, the pricebeing thirty shillings about seven dollars and fifty cents in gold. ' I A private letter from an intelligent citizen of eprgia by 'no' means a supporter; of the Congressional plan ot 'reconstruction, ' savs that the removal ot Gen. Pope, and the ap pointment of Meade, seems to give general satisfaction 'amoi Gonseryali vie jmeni "al though," he adds, '1 cannot see what Pope has done, so far as Georgia is concerned, to have made. him obnoxious to anybodyr he made very .few removals, was neither dicta torial nor vindictive; but, on the contrary, was tolerant and generous." This is a com pliment, to the -General's administration, no matter what may have been the cause of his removal. IT. Timet, 77 The Whiskey Bill: The President has signed Mr. SchenckTs whiskey bill, and it is no w a law A telegi am 1 rom New York to this city states that1 price of fmu3 whiskey decreared yesterday fifty five cents per gal lon, and, that whiskey could be had at one dol'ar and twenty cents'a gallon, Including certificate of payment of tax, &c. : : Union Leagues of America iy j State jCuncilsl of theUnion Leagues ol America mayarletted as follows : W. W. Holden, Raleigh, N. C, Grand President for North Carolina. Charles '. Wilson Horner Raleigh, N. C., Grand Secretary for North Carolina, Thomas G. Baker, 74 Wall street New York. .:; J . i Samuel F. Gwinner, or Wm. B. Thonias, PJ51rlflrilii a 'Pa - ' . , L , Benj. S. Morehouse, Newark N. J.; - 1 Charles II.. Gatch, or Henry Stockbridae. uaiumore, JUtx. m i I Andrew Washburn. Richmond, Va. I S. Pillsbury, or E. W. M.;Mackey, Charles, ion, a. u. -ft. 4r- jt, j jWm. Marham, Atlanta, Ga. , , . , 4 , A.' A. Knight, Lake City, Florida. 3 ' J John C. Keffer, Montgomery; Ala. '-Vi -r 7 A. Mygatt, or, James Dugan, , Vicksburg Miss.-: A;;.5 evtii a. ... : i Gen. H. H. Thomas Nashville, Tenn. , r t V. DelVFort Smith, Ark7 -1 r i H. C. Dibble, New Orleans, La. i Geo. Hi Harlow, Springfield. XIL z , ; Headquarters 2sd Military District. : ; Charleston, S. C.;.Dec. 31, 1867; ! Greneral Orders, ) ; ." ; ' w "J' - - j , 'No. 163; - f , - -' i i : - i I i At tkeelection Tieldin the State of North! Carolina, on the 19th and 20th days of No vember, 1867, pursuant to General v Orders No. 101, from these Headquarters, f dated October 1$, 1867, a majority qt the register! ed voters of the said State having voted on the question of holding a Convention, and a majority of the votes cast being in favor ot holding such Convention, the delegates elects ed. thereto," and hereinafter hamed are here by notified,- in conformity with the i provis ions of the fourth section of the Act ot Con gressof March, 23, 1867, to assemble itfori-4 yentipn in the city ot Raleigh, : North Caro- Jina, at noon, on Tuesday, the 14th day, of January,. 1868, for the purpose of framing a constitution and civil government according to the provisions of the aforesaid Act of the 23d day ot March, 1867, and of the: Act of the 2d day of March, ,!l867, to which it is supplementary. , f A copy of this order will be furnished to each of the persons hereinafter named, - and shall be the evidence ox his having been J elected as a delegate to the aforesaid ; Con- n vention. . OFFICIAL LIST OF DELEGATES, - Anson. Henry Chillson, George Tucker, Republicans. 7: : - , . ; J !,. . Alamance. Henry M. Ray, Republican. Burke and McDowell. John S. Parks, W, A. B. Murphy, Republicans; Brunswick. E. Legg, Republican. ' -T 1 Beaufort. Wok Stilley, W. B7Ro4man; Republicans, '-h'-m :. Bladen. A. W. Fisher, F. F. French, Re publicans. .Jv--'i;.i- tif t Bertie. B. Lee, P. D. Robins, Rep jb cens. '-?v,i7--7-"3-7 7,.77;: Cleavel and. Plato Durham. Conferva Caswell. Wilson Carey, Republican. Phil lip Hodnettj Independent. Cumberlanl. Maj. W. A. Mann, Rev. J7 W. Hood, Republicans.- ? t-'5 1 Craven. Hon. Divid Heatn, 'W.' H. S Sweet, C D. Pierson, Republicans, 1 M' Catawba. Dr. J. R. Ejlis, Conservative. Cabarrus. W. T. Blume, Republican.' ' Chowan. John R. French, Republican. Carteret. Abraham Congleton, Republi can.; . 7" - ":-" --'7 : " i;.-"-;i., Columbus. H. Lennon, Conservative. Chatham. John A. McDonald, W. T. Gunter, Republican. j ,i " 7 j Curaituek. Thomas. Sanderlin. ' I : Davidson. Isaac' Kinney, Sperice MulH can. Republicans". r 7 ;- 7 Duplin. John W. Peterson, Samuel High smith, Republicans. t .' 'c r i . Edgecombe. Henry A. Dowd, J. H. Ba cker, Henry C. Cherry, Republicans. ; - Franklin. James T. Harris, John H. Wil liamson, Republicans. ' Forsyth' E. B. Teague, Republican: Guilford. Rev. G. W. Welker, A. W. Tourgee, Republicans. ' 7 v ! Gates. Thomas L. Hoffler, Republican. 7 Granville. John W. Ragland, J. J. Moore, C. Myo. Republicans. ' L l j 7 Gaston. M. J. Aydlott, Republican. Harnett. J. M. Turner, Republican. f. Halifax. J. H. Renfrow, J. Hays, Hen ry Eppes, Republicans. v .7 Hertford, J. B. Hare, Conservati ve r Hyde. Andrew J. Glover, f ? - 1 Johnston. Dr. James Hay, Nathan Gul- ley, Republicans.; Jones. David D. Colgrove, Republican. Lincoln. -i Joseph II. King. Republican. i Lenoir. Richard W. King, Republican. 1 ' Mecklenburg. Edward Fullings, Silas M. Stillwell, Republicans. T Montgomery. Dr. Geo. A. Graham, Re publican. . Ii7-' , 7; ;V; Nash; Jacob Ing, Republican. U ? Northampton. Henry T. Grant; Roswell C. Parker, Republicans. ' ! 7 New Hanover. Gen. J. C. Abbott, S. 8. Ashley, A. H. Galloway Republicans. " Orange. John , W. Graham, E. M. Holt, Conservatives.":?A-7-::5 v 7r - Person. Dr. Wm. Merritt, Conservative, - Perquimans. Dr. TWilli am Nicholson, Re publican. A : , ' -77." , Pasquotank and Camden. C, . C. Pool," Mattchett Taylor, Republicans. Pitt. Gen. Byron Laflin, D. J. Rich, Re publicans. 1 . r . 1 . Robeson. O. S. Hayes, Joshua L. Nance, Republicans. ''.. r . Rutherford and Polk. Rev. WHj Logan, Jes3e Rhodes, Republicans. Rowan and Daviel Dr.. Milton Hobbs, Allen Rose, Isaac M. Shaver, Republicans. Rockingham. Hry. Barnes, John French, Republicans. Randolph. V-R, F. Trogden, T. L. L. Cox, Republicans.1 ' V' ' "-; ' ; Rich moud. -Richmond T. Long. " RepuW lican. ... ' -.j 7; Stanly. Li C. Morton, Republican. 7: Wake. B. S. D. Williams, S. D. Frank lin, J. P. Andrews, James II. Harris, Repub licans 1 ' :''y ';rt77 .7';" Warren. John Read, John Hy man, Re publicans. r " ; Wayne. Maj . H. L. Giant, Jesse j Hollo well, Republicans. - -:y:, iksrJ.' Wilkes, Iredell, Alexander, Caldwell. J. Q. A. Bryan, Calvin J. Cowles, C. C. "Jones, Wesley George, Jerry Smith, Republicans.- Wilson. Wiley Daniel, Republicans n Greene. John M. Patrick. ' : ' Madison, Buncombe, Henderson and Traa I vania. G. j W. Gahagan Th'os. 5 J, Cand ler, James Hit D uck worth! Republicans.' Mitchell ' and Yancey. Julius S. Garland Bepublioan;7777:7:t':7l7;.7:7 Haywood and Jackson". -W.B.G: Garrett, Macon, Clay and Cberokee.--G ,W." Dick son, Mark 3Iay, Republicans,- 7 ":'' ' ;Af " Moore. Sween 8. McDonald, Republican. Sampson. Sylvester Carter, Alexander Williams, Conservatives. . ' .1 t :r Stokes. Riley Petree7Republcan.7iHi Union; William Newsom,' Uepublicau. . Washington and Tyrrell. Edmund W.; Jones,, Republican.-; 17. tfitiikA$&eZ Martin-S, W. Watts, Republican. ; j Onsiow.-UjasperEtheridge, Republican.; . I . .;774CtAIiCpAp WE HAVE BEENSELIJNTHElVERY best Red Ash Egg Coal at 7 50 per ton, delivered, since November 1st, . and have now a large stock on hand which we.; will 'supply at same figure. : ' PETTEWAY & MOORE. .NOTICE. 7; 7;: npnE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS ! FOR SALE in large or small, quantities' C YPRESS and JUNIPER ' Sawed in I Workmanlikn These SHINGLES are admitted bv all who have used thetn to be ' : - 1 t t OETTER ' AND; CHEAPER than any In the market; ' v ' 5 ! It? takes LES3 NAILS, and LESS TIME to jay.them. They make, a BETTER ROOF, and require LESS PER SQUARE tthan. any hand made shingles.. . - r 1 . . , " A,.' Call, examine and judge lor yourselves, at Mill foot of Castle street. . Proprietor. - if jan9 tt'f-- Government AVrecks. HAVING BEEN: NOTIFIED BY THE 8EC reary of the Treasury that a contract has been 1 made by him with GuiO. Z FBENCtl and ROBERT SrE Vic SSON, for saving; property from wrecks of all vessels belonging to the Oov yernment, on and adjacent, to this coast, and having been appointed by him as agent to super intend their operations, I hereby waru all per sons from interfering with eaid wrecks or any other Government property oa the coastr - ' , J'- ' - Coll, Int.' Rev. Wamiuston, Aug. 5, 1867. ,.:, ; 5 tf juarnai copy..;,. . . ... UNITED STATES Itf REVE1VUE. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, JSECOND DISTRICT, NORTU CAROLINA, Office Hoars Irom, 9 A. MUL. to 37P.7jH. 7 7 our, latest; imfhu v Jew Scale Piano-Forte. ' "VTOTICE. After the most flattering testimo- J.1 mats irom ttie nrbt fianlsts in the country, who, at our solicitation, hav tested them in the severe&t manner FOSSIBIA'C, have bcen pro nouucttd : ; :.,., The Finest Square PiamVForte Made in ' ' the World., 7: V'f'Jj ' '7' ' It has always beer our policy during the Thirty-six Years that we jtiaye man ufuctured Pianos, tuoelve thomand of which are now ; iu use in the Uuited States and Europe, to give Uiq noest in strnmeut at the lowest cost. Our superior facil- ! ities enable us to offer' them from one to three j hundred dollars less.' than any other first-class mouse. - j.. .;, r, ;:.;:;v j;:rfs The tone of these instruments are remarkable forther peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy. I Never losins; their quality when forced to their utmost capacity. The lower register retaining" its posuiveDess does not destroy tne middle aud iupper registers by mingling with them in . disa-, greeable contusion. The relined be iuty of tone being equally delightful to'the nnpracticed and to the most cultivated ear. ; 1 ' I They are an entirely new style of Piano, finish ed in the most fcuperb manner, with four full . rouhd corners front and back, heavily carved Legs and Lyre, Serpentine Base richly moulded, and each instrument is fully WARRANTED for five years. GROVESTEEN & C ., I ; 499 Broadway, New York. S dec 7 : . 7 . d&wly. j S j 1 E , - r'i . t - ;" - v:. ' j L. WALTERS.' i The best Ointment in the world. It cures eve rything that other ointments will, and hundreds of things that none others can. Price, 25 cents per Box, ' ; This is the article that every one while ironing so much admire, as it so effectually prevents the iron from sticking, and gives sucu a smootn and ivory-like surface to the goods. 'Price 25 cents per Cake. i ' OIPfiltlAIi BLUE. Superior to all other Blues. Ail we ask is one trial of these articles, v Manufactured by the iL - NEW YORK STAR'JK GLOSS CO., ' v : f 7' - 218 Fulton St , New York. Will send, post paid, a sample of a box of Gloss, box of ue, and box of Ointment to any one sendA .g 75 cents.' Make large discounts to Agent " q Trade. : : - . I dec , '. 6w " i yiN'S PATE XT.: ,7 Alum and Hry Plaster, Fire and Burg 1 " lar. Proof , . ."j.. - . . With Combination S Lock. "ITTARRANTED THE BEST in the WORLD. W - Never corrode the iron Never lese their fire-proof qualities. Are the . only. Safes filled with Alnm and Dry Plaster. -1, -V-, .- . Please send or call tor an iiiostratea uataiogue. y.-'-l - A-:.. ?':.??; MARY1N :& CO., Principal Warerooms : - - " - I i i - U' i j i Jo xio uroaaway, new ioi-k. j -?t No. 74. Chestnut St., Philadelphia., dec 7 . '' ct;:r' ' 7 .-'l;.."- 5m 7 NOT FOR-A DAY BUT FOR ALL .TIME. iiifiiiiniF Wf T DflUfnCD . 7 jlllrnLLIULC ICH9I rUWWtllj The Best and only Reliable Powder in Use ; War :-iKi J- e rj 'i. ... to make-t "r-: GoodBUcit't: Bread. He Crust, Majjlns. ! HaJIa,. Indian, Mtici'owiL, ana otter unaaie AJake.r AUo' JiUed faaairig, Dump'inas, 2U m, Equally good for all. It Is warranted not to con tain any deleterious drug, but is made from the purest material!!, is of n.wy whiteness, and per fectly congenial to health. DYSPEPTICS are particularly recommended to use it. ' ' - 1 " TRY IT AND USE NO OTHER. 3 FOr sale by all Grocers throughout the; United . j '- .5 ii: States and Canaoas. ' fcf .ni 5; The Trade supplied by the Manufacturers " - Address the 1 DREW MANUFACTURING CO., ! r 'JHA'' ?-'2l8 F.nlton Street, New York. ; ktj WANTED. Good and reliable Agents in every eity and town. Liberal Inducements will be'otferea. oena on sppitcauou. dec 7 6w THEHEAUIIQ P001T ; N Essar for Young Men on the Crime r iitnd. and tne Diseases and Abuses Mch create Impedimeata to MARRlAGli,, with sure means of Relief. Sent in sealed letter en 1 vei ones. free of charge." Address, Dr. J, 8KILL1J HOUGHTON, ; Howard Association,' rniiaaei i y . ' " - phia. Pa. iept.25 1- -a.' itttj d&wSm The lanjruuice ot ratnre and exmrii.nr strates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasnNs vi iuuu vuo vtuMuc!) ui iaaascpca tne Joys o " companionship the richness ot ilterature o ' the honors of station and renown t preserv" heir health. , '. . . -,.1 , The stomach Is the reeeDtacle of all nnnr!!.. ' raent, andthetonntaln from wh!Mi oil r.ra f the body, derive sustenance.- The elTect of loul mjanous rood entering the stomach, is to de range the dteestlvo organs and produce headache, loss of appetite, nnrcfashed sleep, fcetld breath, lowpints, tevrlsh burninsfs, constipation, (n-! capacity to perform any mental or physical duty, "-m " w uaw lupLuiua 01 mai norrria disease ft , 1 .j r. -5 1 DYSPFPsia"' - "- which assumes -a ttiousaud shapes, and points towards a ndserabU life and pruiuAurt d eu w. '1 he Medical Faculty hu labored Tor ?eueiauona 10 H discover reliable aooetizers of overcoming stpmacu derangements. . Certain 7 tiircuienis uave oeen loug known as pailluily effectiye. . Amomc these were .a ji , r , CALTSAY A nRK ST.CUOIX Rl'M. I An invalid rhvslclen, solonming: in thu tropical. k isl nd or St Croix, ohservlnsr tJie habits of the natives. ?ftth;r?i the recipe ;for the final nccom- t nlfchment of thi riost Important end The art i clefls flrM: nsd as a privnte mediclnevwhen Its faintarV enVcta becoming known, it was brought 7r out under the name of . . . , . . . . . . ', 'A : - .'.:- ; 1 i ( . r : ; h" . y-: ;-.'--.;,::..),-, . ... .' : '-; ".. : V'i 't-..v: 7si--i--j' if BRVKK'S 'PLANTATION I They act w'th nnrrins power,' tltTTKIl and are taken f with the',p'eapni"e rtf a bverare. They perform f? TBOsMrpnderful cures in 8tub-orn case of Dys pepsia, uvcr-uom plaint Nervous Airi-oilon, Loss of Appetite, 'ntemiittent Fevers, Dlarrbosa, Sour Stomach, Hf adache, F ver.i and A true, Weakness, Mental Despondency, ifec,'; JAsn morn -I injr appetizer and after dinner tonic,! they. should ,:t hein every family. They are a deUghlfal ex Ml c 4 ratinT4simu1ant, without any Subsequent stupe j ying reaction. rfe:;: ,,,,, n:.u ,i - t- . Hit. tisi-.ij7 IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE u .' ' i Koch; STEit, December iSitb,,l 861 , , 1 MessrsP. II. Dkakb. Gentlemen ;'-1 have suf fered terribly with Dyspcp ,la for' three -or four years, and tried many remedies without effect., ; . 1 , r had to abandon my profession, and suffer id great ly from everything I ate. I have now tied the & Plantation Bitters they helped me? I continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. ? I know ot several similar cases. "RcspectluUy yours, , ; ' -Rev. J. 8. Cathubs. " : i.' -.: . , .. .' i i; J. t s . r . ; 1. , 1 .j,;,. j .... ,.: Intelligeut persons' and physicians can judge on tue enlcacy ot'tue flautatiou Bitters from tne following partial formula: : - .. 1 - . 1' M f :- ,1 CASCAItlLLA II ARK Was known aiitl used il Germany lor Dyspepsia Olironic'Diarrlioea, Ouolic, Dfseutery, ami eases ef the atoaiachand Bowels, as early ad ltiyj DANDELION. i For Infiamations of 'the ' Loins and Spleen in -Dropsical Affections and Miliary SecreUous,;or l Obstractions of the Abdouiliial Viscera, wituxi '4 CALTSAYAr 0R'?KI'S BARK; Was uknowu to civilization until the middle the 17th century. -- Humboldt ( makes favorabicJ mention or tne febritnge qualities ttji artnle as an Antidote Fever and Ague,, Internal tent and Malarious Feversi ? In his . extensive South -' American iravels.. ,The ' Couhtess, 'wife of the ' Vicerov joI Peru." bav' oar' experienced the benetl! cial effects of the Bark, sent it to Europe l:i It was R'ld bv the Jt;uits fdr the enormviu ,wm of its weight in silver, aud was! thus called J scnaV'. I . . . - T - T V. . J tl.... ' ... ..fl. f ' with great nccess in France; in the treatment 0 Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, 'Nervou Affl-ctfous Loss of Appetite, Weakness .and Deuiliiy,,.jPal pitation of the Heart, Diarrbcea, &e , under the name of English Powder; and in lfi"9, ' he sold, the secret ol its origin to Louis. XIV, by1; whom it was olvnlged. It is now a etandaf i reraeJy in -all Pharmacopoeia and is employed! id.' prepare ing the Plantatimiyjuter., -,'f & i..Vj t aj., i ChimmniUe FLomrs for enfeebled Duces tunis ; Wirdergreen-, Jval uabfe; for Scrd Ula, Rleu tnatlsm i and elraticAffectroniv7'''Ti Fljuxr,, aro--raatie. St nuUn. and Tonic, liigbly Invigorating.: in Nervous Debility i nJte, un - arouiatic carmi t nativr, creating flesh, muscle (aid milk. J)luch . . . . ? a j. rtf. 7- ! - JJ f L . 'J S. T. 18C0-X. I ' Another ingrudiuui ot rciUAr4yie and wonder , fttl virtue used tu tue prtparatioa of these , Bit- ' ters, a native of Brazil, .and its) el uukuoru to the eoiauiurde ol the world. A. apaulau .writer' , - "- " """ii f ' ? I ' : s i' 5 - i -V, Hi' administered with Sfc Croix Ru 1 never fails to reUcvc uervou treiuor, ake-1 futneiM'. disturbed bleep, die., aud toat it is ued , with treat effect by tue Brozillaii-, Spauish iind r Perutian ladu-a to heighten tueir color and beau-"-ft imparls caeefialiie to the disposition, vigorjto tue appetite, aud briiliauey io tue com blexitfa.'.; r-v A -&'7 -r -.' ' . ' '. . i r We withhold its name from the public for thd" present, c , ' - yf t-v- To tne above are added Clove Buds, Orange, Carraway, Coriander, Suake l&oot, ail prv-; tervea u periectiy puru :-.v. r-,;,. '"if-.Vi'i ' r . . ST. CROir ilUM. , 7 The tonic properties ot St. Croix Rum, and its powerful invigorating effects, ha ra been long xnown to the physicians of the world. i ? r . ; j : Bilious, Interoutteit aud Cuili Fevers, euien. dered by tue cuauge ot wter and diet of travel. ers, particularly upon western rivers, are pretent-" ted and cured by the 1 Plantation Bitters.'" They; n.n ska ralUhia ta nrevtiut tea sickness. . U .t-..!V-- 1 -1 ! - f Ir " .1 . :" 7 1 ' I 1 '7";7 1 -. A- . r, . - tat . tl 1 1 in: "... j '4 J 1 .' 0,7 L i 'r ' i .. y. V ".SM-