: ... -j - . --'.i; -.1 " -rt,..i."iV 9 1. jWILHINGTON POST. WILMINGTON N. C FEBRUARY 4. 1863. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. 'Northern through mail. ... ,...7:30 P. M. Daily " way , " .........8:00 .U ;.!,," " Sundays excepted. , Southern mail ;.8:00 ' W. C. fc R. R. R-, 8:00 V . Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Fayetteville via Warsaw... 8:00 44 Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. j i , ! Smithviile via Steam .......... :,ft00 u three times a week. ! MAILS, iRBIVI AT OFFICE. Northern tfay mail 9.00 P. M., daily except Surf day. Delivered at 7:30 A. M. Northern through mail 2:50 A- M ," daily. De livered at 7:80 A. M. i Southern mail 9:30 P. M.t daily. Delivered at 730 A. M. - J ' ' W.C. & R..R. mail, 3:00 P. M. Three times a week. Fayetteville mail 9:00 P. M Three times a week. Smithviile mail, 150 P. M. Three times a week. Office open from 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. 8undays - 44 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. r - r ED. R. BRINK, P. M. Poet Office, Wilmington, N. C, Nov17, 1867J LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Wilmington Post Office Unclaimed. Anderson, J A & Co Andrus, E Baker, Ann . ' Ballinger, G B Ballinger, AB . Ballinger. SAC Barden, B II Campbell, P Capenart, Jas Cbainia, John Cooper, John C Castello, P : i - ; - 1 '' -''"- "' ' Davis, Peter B Dawson, J W - Ad wards, Allice Elliott, 8 A - - '' ' - ' ) ' ' " Faircloth, Wm Fennell, Mary Furuer, Albert Garr'ts, Kindrey Gilmore, Jas R HE AS Handy, Jas A - Harding, Thomas H Hawkins John W Henderson, C -Hewlett, E D . Ilefllm, Ham ' Johnston, Ed W Lamb, R G Letherman, C Maning, H &Co Marshall, Saml - Mitchell, C J. . Miles, Robert Morse, 8 L . Netts, Chauer ' ' .:; (' :' '.'.' Phelps, Sarah D Prater, V C Read, Mary W Roubiutuu, II II ' Bobbins, 8arah Savage, Mary E, Saute, VV J J ' Sellers, Nancey Sherman, L J Silvester, G i Taylor, GHDr Terry, A E Thompson, AM Thompson, C . Vamow, Rowland Walker, Joseph Walker, Wm Col A. Andrews, R W Armstrong, Ilnlda Beck, Tbos ; Bissett, John Bond O Bostic, Isaac Burke, Mollie . CI Covill, WK Coffard, Egau Cumbn, II Fy Custis, Ailin D. ; Dove, Owen E. ' . Evans, Capt John Felpps, Saml Flora, Joshua M 1 G. Grun,RS Griffin, Thos J II. : Hiestand, Asa Hlghtin, I L Highmant Mario Houston, Peter Holmes 'Elizabeth Hugglns, Caroline Hussel, Wra ' Jones, Richard - : : X' f!-l T ( lilUCUUU, A - Lomack, Danl M. - : ,' McOanny, Abbj McGlinchy,HugL McCloud, Al Mclonis, M 2 ! McSuliggin, P N. ... ' :-. Northrop, J B p."-.As::;;-r.v.. Porter, Win r. Robinson, Charles Red Rush, Julia . .. S. .. ' - Speyer, John . Stickney, Fred E Swann, B F Swindell, S D T. -'vv' Thomas, Nancy Thomas, Smith Tunis Tucker, Florence , Veroml, E B W. -.' 1 Williams, Jno ; : Williams, J H Wilson,i Jas H Wilkins, O ' -Wilson, T A Willston & Walton Wright, Bailie , ' WHOLESALE PRICES CIJI'REXT. j. WTiLMiKGTOsr. N. C. 1863. -T 1 - " " " t . . 4 1 I - WALDRON AIN'T GOING TO TI1E f.n mwjDT NATIONAL BAN f r r tb QJ JCL P An 5-WWTW XTHTfl'tflTrf f i"J BKESWAX. lb. SaS30 O BEST CA.TTUE. ioas..$70oio oo BXRBELS. - , . Spts. T., new iW.T..L...3 25(33 75 2d hand do.. 2 253 25 Scantling, i 8 (X100C White; piBe.45(X5500O !::' -... uai& , bbl........000190 jcoiasses, gallon. Cuba hhd..... 4i52i do tierco. w do bbU.... ' 55 baggdio. ayrupbv.i,...w(i w Gunny. jstw ougur xiuo....ay4i Dundee .SW Rope...U...... i- BKICK.B. Mi..i..ioooi5 oo; COFFEE. S lb. ' - Java....!........ 38a40 Laguyra.... 2830 KIO. .......... . ..isiiqiiio St. Domingo..... 2123 CAXDLE8, H. KAILS. 19 Cnt.J $0 507 00, Wrought . .... . . .00UU , oils, 39 gallon. . Rosin J.......f0 85(0 55 Lard..: 130150 Kerosene .... 60 65 Unseed....;. 1 75i 90 MISCELLANEOUS, PITCHL......3 503 75 PEANUTS. 8perm...l..i.,.,..5055W9 bushel... 2 002 65 Adamantine., ... .2023 Tallow.......... 1820 domestics. S yard;--"- Yarn, bun i fimi FISH, DDI. Mullets Oakbbls.f0 00(S11 00 Pine do..$0 .00 50 Mackerel No.l..l...200021 00, No. is. j.. .iy ouau w No.3.....15 001600 Kits...!... SOU 3 25 Herring, Nova Scotia bbs,...... 500 700 Herrinsr. smoked boxes. .!. . .00 60a00 75 Codfish..!. .00 900 10 N.C, Boe...O 00 00 FLOUB, bbl. IrishbbL....$3 504 00 Sweet, I bush.. ; r 801l PBOVISIOKS, lb. Bacon,) N. CL Hams..........Pi Middlings...... ie17 Shoulders.. . . . .14 15 Hog round ..... 15ltt Bacon, Western .Sides'.... ..... 15 : Shoulders.... 1213 flami..-.......20 Pork, bbl. City m'ss$23 5024 00 Thin l " 00 002S0O Prim....OO 002i 00 Rump ... .00 0000 oo Beef . . .00 0000 00 Butter, 9 lb. Country........ 8335 Family. ; i .$12 50(gl7 00! Goshen . J . . . . .-.4045 Super t.....10 0012 50 - Western..... ...0000 uneese. w id. : English dairv.. 15)20 State. I . . . . . 18:'J2 Fine........ 95010 00 gbaxx'. bushel. Wheat. white.fO 00(30 00 Wheat red. 0 00(30 00: Lard, lb. Corn, North.. 1 251 3Ct N. Carolina. ... 00(16 Corn, Eas Co. 1 100 00 j Western i . . . ...13(?jl5 Oats 95l00i ; onions. Peas.....!... 1 30l 40.9 bbi..j......4 50)a5 00 Kice. rouffh.. 3 50 sugab, li Ex. Rice, Carolina. 10 Cuha. . . .'L2i 13 c l. rice . i... iirau , ia urusnea i ...... . .uxa) let Glue, 9 ib ... iW(c0 25:rorto Kico.,... Hi5 fTTVNY Kins. . fd A IJOttfiflL-. Guaho; Peruvian, jB do....i.... 16i17 ton...0000(aV50jU do. ...!.:..... : 15il6 WAY. Eastern. . J...$000i 20 Northern..-.. 85 95 hides Green. ,.L......; 110 Dry 1. 161? iron, V lb English, ass'd 8 (& . 10 American, ref. 0 Cd. 10 American,! sheer ;..L.. .M (ft 10 Swede.... ...10 (& 12 Hoop, I 9 ton, 150 C0155 00 liquors, if gallon. Brandy French . Apple,NC. 0 00i Peach .: Whiskey4 Bourbon N. C U 0020 00 Havana Brown. .12i13 salt, sack. Liverpool from store; ..Zi 20230 Aium, &usn w u vsk SQAP, .f lb. ' Brown.... .M-mY shingles. If M. Common 1...S2 50(33 00 Contract .. 3 50(34 50- 1IMBEK. Shipping .1. .12 2512 50- MillDriai.. 9 00O10- Mill fair. . i '. . .7 508 75. ami ord'jt 5 5U 7 oo TOBACCO. TO SHINGLE 1AUFACTUUERS. Tbb nndereigned oilers for sale the patent right to manufacture and use la any of the Southern 8tates, the r , c - s " ' ' 1 t MILLER SHINGLE MACHINE, - .... . i .! . ... . t. . . ..- , ..: . i V which Is one of the best machines for sawing 6hinglcs, in use.' . . . ' . . This machine was patented ontbelSthof July, 1S58, and has been much improved since; but owin? to the war. has not been introduced into the bouth. It Is adapted for Slaves as well as shingles, cutting. them even, or with any taper Dry GtoogLs i CHEAPER .n United sVateT. DettiiJ f I ! . . -Aeent. . .i r-t. Than any other House j in - r';.. .1-.. ti- . .'. ?.,! ! imm- T.-i'4-; the :state; s Since the heavy declihe In GoodsJ WALDRON consequently turns out bettr work than can be has been North and bought his aone by moot other macnines. i ii is siiupio construction, not liable to get out oi repair, ana b built entirely of iron. It occupies & unflre of four feet bv six. but can be built of any size, the ones now in use .being for staves or bhingles ixom 33 inches down , CO VJTTY or STATE hlGUTS i i t r f.-i ;;7 j j ; FAU & W1NTEK I A - ' ' I i i- FOB SALB ON . Tcry Lilieral Terms, r ? .'J fcJ 1- I Machines ! can be manufactured in this city,' A machine can be seen in oberation at the sub-' and jnow : offers: .for ale ,.one , , of; the,. MlS 1 , scriDer's mill, on castle street wnan. ror iur-i EXTEIVTSIVE and 7 BESTS ASSOltl JiA oct 8-tf J. C. MANN. t ; Wilmington N. C. 21, 23, 25, & 21 Broadway, NaYi vpponie imcung yreent , . STOCKS Oil DRY GOODS in, the c.ouptry, at Panic Prices "of 18 5T;!7.; f'r I I 5 r iDOisiESTIGiCOODS. ! A full line at the very ;bottoii.'of7,tli market, Calicoes ot cents ana npwajus. , ; -' Bleached Shirtings 6i cents and upward$.4 DRESS GOODS; Merinoes, Poplins, Empress Cloths; A-Alpacas and othr uoiralar fabrics, in -all delfeirable Stylo THE EUROPEAN PLAN ; THE STEVEN3 HOUSE IS WIDELY AND well j known to the travelling public. " The location ia especially suitable to merchants and business ineu : it is in. close iroximlty to the business part of the ci'v is On the highway of Southern; and Western traveland adjacent, to ail the principal Kailroad and Steamboat De- THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accom- and other uouular fabrics, in 11 desirable Stylo modation for over 300 guests it is well furnish- and Colors, all of which wilt be sold atpopu:a ed, and possesses every modern improvement prices; - -4 ! tf - lor the comfort and entertainment of its inmites.: cr .ari :,h 'i ;- I. Go to THE ftREAT Wyte prompt arid respectful and the table is gener- ousiy proviaea witn every aeucacy oi tne season at moderate rates.' ! ; i; ; i t - i.5t i The rooms havinir been refurnished and remod eled, we. am enabled to offer extra facilities for the comibrt and pleasure ot our (iuests. UEU. K. UKASE & UU., , . Proprietors. - T1' ". ': ' I-tf r j I I 'J 1 1 J J " t? fl DJBBCTOBS : -.!-' v .-v. r "'V- 8. Jas, H. CHADBOUBir, Kli Mubbat. T W. H. McBabj, n TVAT.T.AC15. i)Dv, ra E. Bcbbuss, President: 1 ' . Asa K. VVAUUCB,:Chier. , jwTn vvatacsl JB.?Clerk. iJ " . - w. ' . - mnn 1' - . . TtTq'iRANlCTlS.KOWiOPEN.iJtUtt .iua I 4; : ; J . " ' i j v j.trz?TTi 171? rruw r.nrprnment Bonds l . 4Ji aiidSecuritiejr--;. fa u.rlvk U V J 4' NOTES .OJr.fiUWUU-"1" j"" i .f fJfpTisiiTa RECEIVED; ind carelnl; attention 1 wa?s - Stock '?.and;;Assortiiiei 6. t I t f i 4 l'f u t 1 tot.he;stat it -r X TVBNKING HOUSIr --Corner Of Nassau Street,iEW TORfii '.-j:: ' T rvi".. paid im inBTiirDU nrifr WEpHc5rSi tWt it" 'i.'rMl and sale of SHOCKS, BONDS andOLD. j . .-o'f j 1ih,U! jVJ.rVW --CONVEKSIONSr-;t;: ;- l,... - ' X w0 .nvrt the several issues of Sevbn THiB. fe VOli ' ' V- tliin ir'-'-iicinsill-w lir-r" -ill .. Jrsf Classlnryr Goods? House aug Housekeeping .0 00( 000 000 ..' 2 00m 4 00 .. 3 00 4 00 liUWUSIU) Ai I U 9 Alt. Widebds. .fl0 00l3 00 8canUing. J . 8 0010 00 Flooring... 14 0018 00 Flooring Mill . : Rough . 1.2. 0000 00 planed. 4. &5 0040 00 Navy.. 25S5 Medium. . . . . s .. 3040 Manufactured. ti0$l 00 TALLOW. ' wooi Oak.... Ash ..... 1011 cord. . .$3 75ra4 50 3 25o.'i0 asu ...... l . . o auitbo Pine. U. 3 253 50 Land Plastek, ton.... ....... .18 00 TO SOUTHERN PLANTEF.S. Union! Bice Flour & Feed Nos. 246 West, Chadwick Whitney, Charles S Winslow, David Williams, D-inl Williams, Jeffer Willis. Joe i Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." " ED. R. BRINK, P. M. P. O. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 1, 1857. - I i ONOIIY IS WEALTH. Preminm Awstrded by the AMERICAS IOTll FAIR OF 1S67 0- IVIE RRITTfS EUREKA SCARF AND TIE HOLDER A German Silver Frame or Plate, on which any one can form a Scarf or Tie in any number of etyles. with a small piece of silk or other materi al No sewing required. ONLY FIFTY CENTS EACH ! They are light an d pleasant ; they are durable they do not break the collar in adjusting; they do -not come loose; with one every man can make bis own Scarf, and being of German Silver they will not con-ode Agents wanted every wnerc. - A liberal dispunt to the trade. 8amples sent by mail on receipt of the price. JAS. C. ' MERRITT, Sole Proprietor. Office and Manufactory, 507 West Forty-third street, N. Y. and 248 Cherry Street, Corner Rutgers Slip, ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF RICE AND REDRESSED, hAlso, Floor, Cora Meal, and Feed of all kinds Ground at Short Notice. Ezcelsioxj fresh Rice Flour constantly on i . hand. BRITISH PMIODlGALiS. London Quarterly Review (CouservdtlveJ. The Ediabargh Review (Whig). ' The Westminster Review (Radical). , The North, British Review (Free Church). A Rnlcndid Btoo.k. onsisfina' in Dart : ot Quilts, Tickings, Sheetings; 1 Table Cloth's, table 0am asfcs.HapkinsDOilies. Towels.Ta na loweuug, from the ordinary qualities to the u-jqrld renamed namesly uoods ! s Jj'ruit Cloths Tan tt jsmoosseu Table? CoversCln wool and fell tll colors! and x. j;-t i ;.fS:': I?;' 'V- " TIES into FlVE-TWBNTIES b THE MOST FAVOBA- wo ' tvino' the 1st series ai jovjsk-- a r SisT Rates, allowing a commission to: dealers k Circular witn iuu paruc.uiu uimoMw If cation. svj. a(306k:e W'cd ,1 m TreasurlhelMitea f to. ' mid-?: rit'iifi f:i5 A DIVISION Oi THE 'NATION ALt BAN KS . Wip1 4- ra i TtirwTiYr-ERTTFrED THAT' THE '.First National Bank of .Wilmington, N. L.t a. o Nrttfntifll iiirrencr.'iseciired by a pledge bf United States Bonds.-.ind to provide For the circulation ana reuempiwu iu r". . -i' Proved 'June Sd, iw,jnaving compuwwuu piruyot w . . J. ,,V. iiApu A ntA 'with 4-. BLANKETS. i -3-rti't ?1 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory). ket for lesa monev than anv other Ueuse in the State. Come and examine, them and bolcon- These periodicals are ably sustained . by the J vinced. contubutions ot the best writers on science, i. ..it FL. AN X EIi--Best tiialid; CLEANED REFERENCES): Fowler fc Ward, Rice Importers, 87 Water St. Juhn Bento & Co., . , " 186 Front St. Moses Webb Rice Brokers, Corner Wall and Water 8treets. Krapb, Baxter & Vax Pelt, Grain, Meal &e.. 25 Whitehall Street. Lane, Son '& Co, Flour, Meal, &c, 90 Broad St. a. is., ahubber 3&uo ith ana 175 Chambers St henry keimers, S7 Wall Street. For Terms Address: JOHN FITZGERALD & CO.i 246 and 24S Cherry St, New York. Annamessic ' Line. THE GREAT THROUGH SHORT ROUT E TO THE NORTH. CARRYING THE ' The-raost direct and comfortable route to PHILADELPHIA, i ) ! .. ; .1 ; . NEW YORK, - I BOSTON, ,ss Ajuii ruiiNia wuKia and east. Through. Tickets sold and iBassaee J Checked from all principal cities in the souinern Atlantic and Unlf States. Religion, jand General Literature, and stand un rivalled in tne worm 01 letters, i ney are indis pensable to the scholar and .the professional man, and to every reading man', as they furnish a bet- I White and Colored, Piain and Twilled, at prices ttiy rirrrr1 ri r n rnpiunT lirfimtllPA nl. iha Hav I tliar ntinnAf foil r nloaaA fT't'5' !T .t f than can be obtainedirom any other source. terms for 1868. CLOTHS AMD PANT GOODS!. Vor auv onei of the Reviews, lier Annum . 4 00' I i f : i , ,3 i For anv tv.b of the Reviews....-....,...- 7 00 Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, . Satiuets; " . . . i. - - r I . . J . TT J . , - . . For anv inree 01 me rve views .....: iu uu 1 i"ew, a.cuiuci.y dwiub. aiiu .aijciiciiinusij uiv For all four of the Reviews. . ..... . . . . . . . 13 00 ment lot Men's and boy's wear, at lowest ( Jash ror tJiaciiwuuu s aiaguiiue.. 4 w 1 ynueo. For Black-wpod and one Review 7 uu For Blackwood and anv two ot the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Ke views. Id 00 Depository ov-rwuc;-.jmuucjd,- -i-ctr,rria and bv virtue of such destenation T .i i.-i; ,. lAliiiii Vinanplnl 'Airent of the Will aloO ots tuiyi"j v w. " o- - Jfor UiacKwood, and tne four Kevlews . 15 00 r u r ?p w a n n i J The best assortment and at lower prices than' any" otntr noue rx tne wnoie s30utnfr j y o trj , rt(J, ; Knit .Goods. ; Evening and -Breakfast Shawls. Alexandras. Son- tags, xiuoiai, ocaris, nooas, cjc, etc Ail fluaiH ties and prices.; : r . 7. 4; Vf ; v hl? 1 1 , . This Department' like all others1 at this popixlar Estabii6hrnehtis'c0mplete.u :ilii:t . -Aii ,w 001 tsnawife i ana upwards. ui clothing: O EiAJ rsT13:0 3ST .... ;!- 1 :i i------ 1 COUNTRY TRADE 111. PO' ,WELli TO CALL 1 1 is once again .in -fult operation,, and the Elgewherc. , , Pro jrietors tavine. .?JJ s. .4 . . . : '' r ' .'i LiijidiiuraOLDSTAirbV' CLUBS. A disco mi of twenty per cent, will be allowed to Itibs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies y Blackwood, or ot one Keview, will be seut to v e address for $12 80. Four copies of the four Reviews ad Blackwood, tor 4o, and. so on. .. --.' POSTAGE. fSubscribers should prepay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. , The fostage to any part Of the United Sttites is Two Cents a number. , This rate only applies to current subscriptions. '-.'For back numbers tne postjge is aoueie. PRE9HUDIS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above peri odicala for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one oi the four Reviews for 1867. New f ub- ctrihrft tr nil fiuo, nrthi Hnruilpg trr"-lKKS maw receive, gratis, UiacK. wood or any two 01 the jvur j j xiobo anuArenis; ouctts xaj cenxs ana up JXevievto lor loov. r t , i . ;i nuN ,-.aii graaes ai saiisiaciory pneesu Unkx . n . . 1 T V ' i 11 I . .. . . . .. . n following reduced rates, viz: flftRfiRT AKli: nO(lP KIITS! TheAortA ZftKfeA from Januarv. 1863. to De-1 vwww"w uyw uu,"f'' cember lSbTincluslveIand the We An Imported CorseV for 75 Wi nd a Vftgiular r.V "vvvuaww., i line lo-cne innest Frencn UdraetR at sxrTXf i f of are now offering the largest stock ii ft " ' " ? - '. . - '. , :. Consists pi ENTS: fLlpHji S H.I N G jGO'CD.S,-i.1:n;fefe Thev have als3 1 jeniBraeed iithtfc services; of & ir -s'-'fA J i " J 'iiYPinhT TAILORv who iPjan artist in, his profession not .Ui,- , iti-nt H tr h Ttrna.Rt w r , HOSIERY AND GLOVES. t'iiS1 Hoop 8kirUi 50c, 75c, $V$1 25, 1 land 18oo18bbandl867, attherateotr50ayearfor upwards - --i?r .1-111, 4 each or any Review also, Blackwood. for I860 ru 'C-,- . V-', n 1 nd 1867, lor $2 50 a year, or the two years to- 4i i :Vf "f aether for $4.1 -: , t,; jAIRliNETSi'-' A , -r .i BjNitner premiums to Subscribers, nor dls-1 nt ftI.f-fK?lr-;I '.nft tri- ( count to Clubs, nor red need prices tors back Plain, Beaded, ? andTrimmedJ from 5 i cents JCto numbers, can oe allowed, unleas the moncv lai thphpstn.. u ; , : H KmiUed direct to OelMiiAer,,, ..PC?.-.-- M" i Nopremlamscto'giventoClubs.. .. if .1 . "SffiUffiihtfjS I fjoot ROYS'. CliOTHLIIl t lAfl 1 A1A1 also abound in1 tbli 'Hbusehd their Stock of I t a nnw uawii , u ,.!5f4 'i Ttw . .tl ,,r .ir I YiiT- i3U.ACK&iandwHilT. ltHfi-'iBASJhTlSvTnC.iy. nnnnr H VnTtolW ftftllth nr KfiV YoVk EW 4 . 1 . . . ' r V ."."1 '.BAGGING, -d:'-! iti Hatno-up.-tbeir; ' ownfGood8d4leing . con-1 -, -.,.. , nected with a House in fhadeJphiar'gives them uufiifiois: " v 51'' faciiities which ho other .Hou?e,in the. State can hu$ m CODFISH laim. . " : T . : : V. ' ' ;! ' . ; -' - nA-NTTiT.-fi'ffl. . i. .' X tF Country dealers vrould do'Well to call. 44 ; j iivoiixi, iJ r y .if-tl t I - .-. - i f3il;i.'.' ''t- -fi'ili a-'vrk h. CASSIA, (:t ' it SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. no umnious transiers on ttus route. jan 21 5W' OA BARRELS AND OU RELS SUG AR, HALF BAR- in store ana receiving at .j. i GEO. MYERS, 11 and? 13 Front street. gEEF TONGUES, DRIED BEEF, SMOKED SALMON, PICKLED SALMON, I . No. 1 MACKEREL. J ust In store at 11 and 13 Front street - -f CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent NCUOTY SAUCE, STUFFED OUVES,: ENGLISH TABLE SALT, PRESERVED GINGER, JELLIES, PRESERVES, ttC j . &c, &c, At GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 Fronfcstreet . u CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent dec 31 tf V-1 House for Rent. the This line also-forms a tart of GREAT SEABOARD INLAND AIR LINE FREIGHT ROUTE. connecting with Seaboard and. Roanoke Railroa at fort8moutb, V a. ' FREIGHTS forwarded with idespatch, and at reassouaoie rate , THRU UGH. RECEIPTS given to and from - L PHILADELPHIA AND PRINCIPAL POINTS V ! SOUTH. mm . - ' Marine ana ire uisk Assumed by the For lurther information enquire at stations of conneciing railways South or of Agent at Nor folk Va. - . l H. V. TOMPKINS, General! Agent, ISoct tf This is truly the "age of progress," and the American people are, fceyond doubti far ahead of all others, j -This "is clearly demonstrated by the Sewing Machine which is, strictly Speaking, an American Invention. j In this branch of manufacture the lEMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO., office 616 Broadway, New York City, stands pre eminent Their VImproved; Manufacturing Machine," lias no ri val. It is built on sound mechanical principles Is simple in construction easily understood, and not liable to get out of order. -.' "'- " . Its sewing qualities, particularly on cloth and leather, cannot be equalled: and as such we re commend it to our friends and the public gener ally. tan 21 E. S. M. Co. twim:w6m A FINE RESIDENCE ON FTFTH STREET : . containing six rooms, has Kitchen, good -Well ,and Out Houses on the premises. r Will be rented cheap until October 1st, Apply to L's , . ; J . - GEO. Z. FRENCH, " - 10 South Front St Jan;S - - - tf UNITED STATES INTERNAL BBirBiy QOIXECTOR'S OFFICE, v SECOND DISTRICT, XORTH CAROLINA; Office flours from O A. 21. to 3.P, 31, U G. ESTES, CoTUctoT. aug 6 - -;,;-' ; : ; i. .::y-r;;. ,:;I: ti TIIE LEONARD SCOTX 1FUB. CO., - V.-: rTr- !1 ' : lw uuon St., Y. t pToin ' ijKilTl. j Plain, Em broie'ered, and Hem Stitch, 12 c ents TheL. S. .Pullisnimr-Company, ralsbTpublish' rXTZZr? '- AV;;M- f.vvj U '' JJEAilfi'S; PATENT ... . . 1 ' -TIE, U4 '4 t: n the FARMER S GUIDE, by: Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P.NortOn. of Yale lito College. 2 vols.. Royal Octavo, 1600 pages, and ,M J.' Ill H ID Ml lift j UUU.D Is7 for ; e tW VOlaU,eSy A? erutyiesand Irving prices!, tTHE MOST SIMPLE ANIX GREATEST IMPROVEMENTS THE AGE: FOR j : Tiff' Mm;t: r i ..p. . V-.. j HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. noTv 7 . Pine Shirts and Underclothing for the Million , --t:-..- ,,,-; i'vft 'JEPS Paper Collar in the world! Linen Finish;; - 'c ' i f not be found at anv other Honsv in h Mtv Gentleman- call nnrl aoa Hn i - A - 1 -i t MIMM . i -v V,.. yt WARRANTED in all cases to restore . Hair and Whissers to their original nninr.r. 'moves all impuritie makes the hair'spft ,ahd QiiKj, biu Kica ie-iise appearance. -t No Lac-Sulphur nor Sugar ot Lead c hi "( Application easy and agreeable. .An., invaluable' dressing for the Whisker s. ' l?rice per Bottle $L Hoyt's Minnehaha Hair Gloss. ' ; Superior to any dressing for the Hair in use. Unexcelled in keeping the hair in curt or in any desired position; Price per Bottle, 50 cents. "uj uupcnai. voioring vrc ""n, . A most sunerb flaie Oil. Chan Red Hair to a beautiful Dark Brown, rr Price dpp Bottle 75 cents, i Excelsior -Toilet Powder arid Excelsior For sale by DEMAS BARNES & CO , 21 Park Row, New York,; and by all respecUble Drue--' gists, Hair Dressers, Perfumers and Fancy Goods Dealers, everywhere. ----- .- J " MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Staves Shingles Last SBIo Setts fall CASH PAID FUR WHITE OAK AND PER simon timber delivered at his Mill at whar foot ot Castle street. , v Prompt attention given to ordered s : Wilmington, N. C, Aug.5, 1S7. - tf "'-'" "I'-; , "'v''-. ' ' r- HAVING CONTRACTED WITH THE SEC n t, ""l117 of tne Treasury for the salvage of all Blockade runner." and btberw.iecks, and pror erty belonging to the UnitecTStates on and adja- cent to this coast; contracts will le made with parties desiring to eneage in wrecking, saving lron,&c J jGEO. Z. FRENCH, .1 ; 5 V. ' r - -1 -1 ROBERT STEVENSinv ' 10 So. Front St,4 Wilmington, N. CJ rr"- I.,-:. v;au takehimhe wiilget wetli l .-- H ! i "Fashionable Shapes5 ' adPopuiar ' StvhS and see HAMILTON. Jsi lt is tesume run nn ? Utl SAFiER FROM FIRE, D i WUUAA.UW !urA ... HAVING SOLD LARGELY XASTI SEASON' -- ' . - ' ' .-r-r .. ' ""- ' I - I '- - - v -n r vmTi t we can recommendJthem to givejentirp satisfac4 iiaiq i iitii ?aV. f MATCHES55 ; : ; CONDENSED MILK. ? , WHGLESA LE 4', LSJJ ,i " are cOrdlaUy invited to call at 1 .': ' . ' ,.. ,1 ' . ator, AViliuiiigton Resu. ' .. . -. - : . , lJ and get posted up, and thrtbY aVe' -time and 1- r. r.iJt. ?Vwhj iwauung aiiyining in 11 -.jJj-j ii r '. - ;r?Ci. .. . ... ..... 1 v jU pnsult their 0vn interest by going to l-.v ' :. I Aug. 6th, 1867 Journal copy; ; tf THE CHEAP STO HE j ' ! nf:lf I.SffiiPHE AP STORED !ifw ; v.-: .-j a w rt ; V cl. oJTH JCS CHEAP STORE! 34 Market Street,; Soiith Side Between w -r.. F'ont and 1 Second' Streets, t ? 'I i w j GPEQIf 4fc tlOTIOEv tl - Particular ikv, r, VlALDRON:reque6tsthat hUri!Rd91and Catbfeere4reparW reee tannot .SffiS X2RACKRS, f ; ;. -f ;;. : 'W FLAYORING EXTIU V Hil- DRTED aiid PltJEtLED FISH GINGER, " 1 i H Hf " ' VtXlUJii. ' . I HOPS, f ) i wrrtTiTNG. " ; - TvniGC a i i:i vKEELERSi! i via li; si jr; ti'on, tii We liave taken the, Aeencv for the8tate. and will continue to keep a large supply on hand. ; i'or one Ten and upwards, to dealers, a liberal aisc'ount,wlll-beallowedi,'-.J". i'J3 lo f lo- :;pimsite- 4i E;: MURRAYCOi, i v limmgton, jn i u. - -0 tj -r - 4T44T- orrr i.OF.WHIT.E'Sbyfel v4 t. PFFICE Patent. Lew Truss 5 Cd:j . sfc No? 60 Broadway, NeWiYprfc. ! . ai Ci ATJGT GREG0R.T, M. PBEsjipjasT. 41 W;mTE'8,PATENTLEVER, ,Ttoa and 4 FEMALE SUPPORTER difler Iri principle from all others; No pressure on the back. ' It is light; clean, and easy; t Persons ruptured should atooe procnreTHlS th best Truss, to prevent IMPO t ENCY, , and U secure yourself, against STRANGULATION AN D SUDDEN DEATIL ' . ( X!!tl Ofderinff.j .,r , Measure around the bodytwo inches below the top of Hip Uone State the side afflicted,1 also if lean or fleshy, amlv give plain directions :about, sending. i-Cash must, accompany the brder.i A apecialrdepartment haa ibeenf fitted up t for the treatment and radical enre of - Hernia and Jk In d- "red diseases. It is under the special care , of the President of our Company,. who la acknowledged by the profession to naye no equal in ihis' speci ality.; By wearirjg the LeVer Truss and batninff the afflicted parts with' DRf GREGORX,S CELE BRATED HERNIA LOTION, themost obstinate oises'can .be cured, fiees -fdr1 Trusses vary from 5 to 60 Dollars according to quality and the condition of the Rupthre.- - Hernia Lotion Is $3 per BottVor fdr-TwdB6ttle8.'ia3 - JOHN T. HILDRETH, Gen. Agent. R !-.Ujt:SLS ?.C mm O k! li WI4 ifrt?is'l".. tt r, t t .'U Hi.: I i t - (TiQOK? PAELORncV 1IEATTNCP STOVES; ilerosine OU, -Grates, pnipae:Funiisliiifgf Goods &c, to be Wilf5.81t , tf- - V ' OYSTERSa .ife -v SALT;5 r . -'; . SALARATUS, SARDINES. it .. " ., , 1T0BACC0-,; r!3.1I. .("' .vii- jtii fvSG?! Ustttl SODA, WHISKIES. Ana Pniany-'oxner uoous iw-"-- ? i "I 1 n. s; VTAXDRON. no? 2S ,'i--' O.-S&v'-A,' ti. 4 JfiJTiT. nOTa ' -'::' ; . I 0 tf i '. '

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