WILMINGTON POST.' Mr Davis and The Texas Pacific Rail Road sug- Trmfts anc Texas are--getting up a very heavy mutual traffic, which will add greatly n thP wealth of both.v Forty thousand head of Texas cattle were slaughtered in Leaven- WILMINGTON. N. C FEBRUARY 13 IS6& . r npnnblican State Convention. ,nffl direction 5 of the Republican- State r.AUittAit Is hereby, announced that a Convention of theRepublican party oi North h,. hftkl in the city of Raleigh . wr K- Oftth, .rlav ol February, ind to perform such other unties - "S'KpuWis of the S.ate are earnestly reouested to take immediate ep : i p requests" ..Kn .invention. idiet K , prtSr the State" be represented. It cp4 J r . . Q. tQ fl,Ppra members ot The National Commercia. i . The proceedings -of this Convention are - s f. , watched.with' great J , V" - stion of the New. Orleans Picayune of - Mr. worth alone last year, and the merchants of chants all over the unfieu V - -J. Davis for President of the greav thfttplty:maaeaies euiug ua . 1 an rn i f las ucaius to be hence to the racing nuu uh"." r--- . but is first to unite JNew.urieans wim Austin, San Antonio, L i'n .Tffferson Davis , miioh (rnna vi 1 uouuuc have no aouoi i"" -- -:- si mad that is -"r Uninircna onrl com he this interchange 01 yi"-.. 17- , - - . ' ' rU PAntrnnttATI parison of ,local interests, u"-- is discussing among otuer iuauCl? 4i rrrNatlSnaFCbamberlof Commerce, ;VA uniform standard bf weights and meas- etc. ures, Protection to home Agricultural interests. Removal of imported goods directly to iL .i..f!nof!rtn wWhnnt hondini? in the meir ucsiuouu ..-- -0 delegates to tne member .c Of..tn T.mriftliitnre OTLivMiira 111 1 1 1 1 . uintv ."I .., Ai-.Affi-wiir. le elected on-the anil utiuui j i'uvw - - - - i . j ...hU, ti.. institution is submitted I1H V till ' ; i .1 foratifiedtion. Let the Republicans ot the 1 . oi'a in . i he. irreat: worK state rt)ue mcmscnw " o -bef.re them. L-t them unite as .one man to Sure the ratification ot the .Consti ut,on and the election ot loyal men to all .ht offices, and thus render certain the rtstora of the State U,t.1jJTeaUJn.DE- ; Chairman Rep. State Committee. Seaboard Cities, Another Pacific Rail Road, . The resumption Qt Specie payments, The adjustment of taxation, A Southern loan of $20,000,000.- of a Ship Canal trom I ancouvei Island is apparently wil ling to take its chanceswith, the pew Dominion, and Canada is very anxious to annex it. , The nresident of the Kansas Senate is a leading Methodist preacher. ) A vote was ,i afrikinior out the r enacting road .hroa?h fmo, Ne XZnp p l ton to the PactSe It ,T is ?bat denomioation. and io his ag non the me peauo auuu u i.iSu..", f,.P 1 nrtite,ni Anntmncd the result xnus,: c the writer of this, is a candidate fo Plnted in the affirmative ,.ffh.nrn in 'IVIH8 SOU luo l Scuusiuvu . ----- . i - . . . ; : . . .. Tf ton Columbus, The Houston Telegraph says : fTK d:Ltt.L n.iminatpa Mr. Davis 88 the head of an Organization to build the ran RAIL ROADS. the agi adjacent States, including California, ire subscribea The construction rl, nrt (Tptmnra lind and v . to"- -; . , ......I n a to the road than ever was sudscuucw -road before in! a new country, ! in the same length! of time we promise to give up all our claim to good j judgement. . -. . Such a pouring in of help . to build the . .. lL . x i 1,0 "fia- N ith ftniit i. and maeea, irom the Atlantic Coast viatue "f - n hfi, witnessed, ISSippi.' river, n.u?uvw- - The Convention visited the Massachusetis legislature on Friday last, and the iollow no report taken from the Boston Advertiser WilfereadvitK interest : 2kli1rini&&nt two'o'cloi and only eight Methodists in . .. SI- I I the rooiion, preyaus the negative R. G0MPAUY. AND AFTER 'rHE ViTH OCTOBER O the Schedule will be run over this K0iY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Wilmington dlyuns excepted) at a a f Arrives at Weidon S r. 31 i 6 Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 A M ; arrives at Wilmington 7 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS MAIL AND PASSENGER Leave Wil mln-ton daily at... . . ;. v .9:30 P, M, Arrive at Weldon at.... - " 'g.os p S: Leave Weldon daily at.,...--v." ig a J -iwnt. Wilmiiijrton at.............-i".A. M. a!"' " rnntTV EXPRESS rKKiuui, ift. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Leaves Wilmington daily (Sunday ecepted) at , rie8 at Weldon at tt P. M. 4 wiSSn dailv (Sundays excepted) at it ..irl uerrmish the world. VVltn mauj ...ni rrrAm iJnt of old Iwar feeling: with a nuuiu &lV" - , ,i i htr it.' would ffroW OUt Olfl binenre iespec for the grand genus andbis trir.Ji ,rHRfnUa ol the man. Men who have IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF.STOClL AND STOCK The Neit Governor of North Carolina. Who tball he be? This question is not only ttractin attention, but is assuming importance and intert at seco vl to none oth er ,in this State. Undoubtedly there are nv able and worthy men in North Caro . ..i:? .i.t 0,1,1m th it nosition : whose una, wuo wuu m r - - - . a . ri ,uikm and selfacrifisi'ng loyalty justi fe tlwrn in aspirin- to this cHgnity-and bi,tite their friends in desiring it for them. anil it is zwitlv ti be regretted that all Cu- nnt be rewarded according to their merits -.xr. A.,fuV,o 7?h! our. friends in their ' embarrasment-buta choice must be made wi,n '.hail h taken ? L Of those who are mentioned for the office of Governor, no man ot the Republican party in t his State iitancU out so clearly no man has so strong ft hold upon the popular mind no man is working harder for the success of the Re publican principles than W. W. Holden he is standard bearer his place is in front, vt and around him we must rally rally with ' an enthusiasm, a courage an determination that will bear down all -opposition. Mr. Holden's hearfeis in this wprk f of so recon structing the political affairs-pf-thi State, ' I that she will be frevermorafreeCommon- 1 wealth. -His knowledge of national affairs; j his acquaintance with; North Carolina men and tactics; his hold upon the;loyaTnjea of I the North, both in Congress and out; of it ; his signal ability as a -politician and a wri ter and his success as an Executive officer Dreeminently qualify him to be the head t 'i. ff,;ra f,r th ruxt four vears.i ILet the thing be done, for it is fit to be done. .What 'is tit to be, shall be. ' ' 'l':-' . , Our opponents' would prefer to oontend with any -other man than Gov. Holden. 1 Theretore, it becomes the Republicans of I North Carolina to make him tl&ir champion. Letjhim be iiominate I by (acclamation; f i ii i 1 a .nirtii n:lHt tWO O ClOCKV MM f ...... .1 A. mittee ot'the legislature arrived to conuuci the convention to the State. House, and a .:. ,;nuiinnr vi-mt tHken. - recess n uc ... tt f r Ou arriving in the Dall oi uie nouc u Repre.entHtives, where the two branches of I lie legislature, wun B"""""1 " T. , live council, were, assembled, the president of the convention was assigned a place ot "honor on the speaker's platform at the ,i,rht of the govenor.l When all were seated, l7 Schoult-r, of the Senate, chairman ot the special committee appointed to wait on the conventim. addressed the president ot the Senate, who occupied the chair, as follows: FARMERS' AND STOCK BREEDERS' ADVERTISER. ; , ONLY $1 PER ANNUM J IN ADVANCE: TTirRt-rlasa Monthly Journal, !. devoted; to eeams. i , J differed from him in politics wouia ... l f.r. ah fontrht aainst his armies Wamsnt,anfi stock Bree woGii e p.4Henr, Ward'' Beech would uToT S large douMeolamu pa wouiu ueip. -t xxc j tu-o.ii in hft- ith Tmmerous engravings.! Specim P CaUII tt OVW"" J rr, . i . rrV. XTn Vrrlf Tri The New YorK in bune would give the whole force of its migh ty columns in ita aid. The London Times would stir a 1 the respectability and money of England in its belialt. JJiCKens uu.u Hhritendom With Waive iaugiiu ji... " t lectures pn the subject. i and all along the route to uie people would put whatever oi jilr. DiVis might desire ai ms REMARKS OF MR. SCIlOUf iER. F.sioh number con illustrateu en Copies loampT with list ofsplendul Premiums to Agents. j HORSE AND CATTLE DOCTOR, FREE. r. L oKiieKoi of the America. Stock -Four- . r th JnmisiL. .wmcn is piaceu mfder the Siaree of a totloguUhed Vet-rlnary as to me a'7tc7t ui - r with th JA in - in connection witu toe onZo inefVnould. be tred for We prescriptions are given jwj aud , t bus every Bubscriber to the Journai. h.a always at nis Sand a' Veterinary Surgeon,; jfcW- VrroTxr Warmer ana BtOCK. Drcvuti J ' . T L . vac "rr.vat Wirmineton. 6:00 1;VA -tX. ill., auu ....r- - , . M. o.nn in.??rv an M-rj AM Roine Nonbt at 2:50. 10.15 P. M and 10: trA Vr s-oinff South, connecting with Trains SiihSanfNewbem at 10:30 A. M. and fur ther points at 2:50 P. M F?EM0NT .. ; Engineer and Superintendent. J aug5 - ..: ; :-h'. Xt Wilmington & Manchester RrR TICB, V - ir President : As chairman ot the joint committee of the-two branches of the legis lature to convev to the national conyeuuu.. of business men assemble-! in this city the invitation of the General Court of Massachu .,lr lipr !in theState House on thi leri Mr. Rjiautt of Beaufort. The course this gentlemin has seen fit to pursue- since his entry into the radical troupe "at Raleigh is such as tf entirely separate him from ttil great mass ;.of: his friends who hitherto 'took a pride in his acknowledged abilities and who now .regret tint the hope of personal, and, political ag grandizement could thus induce him to torswtar ill his old principles and cast him self, body and soul intothe ranks of the most ultra radicals of the Convention. r-Thahe has doni s ; . th it he ir now re Tfdd as anrackiiovvledged Reader of the rl rkurtw in Vhi Stnte. will not be- rlnied. ' Uoon thelmost trivial as vvelJ .-s the most, important questions his vote; has been mobt invariably cast with the republicans, nn.l hii stands to dav befure the people oi North Canlina as apolitical apostate of the deeuest dye, unwortny tne conmienee um '0'....n'i' n( .mo ivurtirtii ot a o irtv hs lias so shamelessly deserted; ; We clip the above article from the Tar boro Southerner to show the general feeling of the labels and tfieir Press against all parsons w!io h ivd;th(3 mnliiie4 to take a stand in favor ofsCo.istituti'.).nal liberty. "The member of the Constitutional Con vention, Mr. Ilodmnn, of Beaufort,, lias per sued a consistent course tlm far hi Conven tion, anil deserves dm credit from ! his con stituents at home and the people, at large. f.. If he h isj forsvvorn his '-old principles . e. cut loose frm traitors acid becoma a cliA np- ... I MAAi.i irnn rtv T 1 1 1 i.wif ill auiiv ri iltT Til I If-" I I .1.1 V Kf 1 of the legislature anil to be welcomed to this ancient commonwealth by ; his Excellency .i... ri.nr,r T hv the honor at tins time to present to you, sir, the president of the convention and the Iconveution itself, in ac ceptance of the invitation exteuded to them. The president of the Senate then address ed the convention as iouu wo , ADDRESS OF TII PRESIDENT OF THE i ' SENATE, if Mr. -President, the two branches of the islature are assembled in convention im the purpose of welcbming you ana -your as o..n,Lo tn nnr State capital. And in behalt O V V- 1 t V V. J V" ' A . , ot the legislature, I bave tne pleasure m ieu delink to you end to the distinguished gen tlemen representing the boards ottradeTrom Ro many of the commercial cities of our n;n moat heartv and a most cordial rreetin". 1 Cheers.Q But for the purpose of mnre H t Ml 1UOIC cmH"u"'!'""J ?n to vou the CteeP mieresu ieu j , . ut- onrl l!t IB WUIIIC utwuio v,j. i.H .'till lucim v J T .- , State in the objects ot your national cum mercial convention, permit me, sir, to present to Yoi the chief Executive of the Common wealth ot Massachusetts, His Excellency Governor Bullock. r The Governor welcomed the convention in Iu Teias, Pacific, the ther lauds disposal.- ! And the Southern wbmen generally, what would thtv not do? Every remnant ot . . i i . e 1 . Kn f ..-I rlrtrinty' I anrihA for it. tlie leweiry tuey oo iieeijf uwuLii"Lii,w. i : j , the war they would invest in siock. Sent Free -55 juonws iu f And, spkking more gravely. Mr. Davw subscriber tor 1858, received by the from his U gh standing as a gentlemen- and fllflvJFebruaryt wiU receive the October No- . . . i L . : ..1 (lm,.n , fllO WIIIIIK I i n ..rlKa. nnmnpiM ni lUI. HWl tie is iue priuvie ui gcmcuicu iu " ' 7 vember ana uwiuuw f?" " i of vc,irlil-4c0u d make anv necessary ueguoi- makins: over aw aiBy":rrj ,1" Europe. "irr i th 15 numbers. All ior iue rpuiiu y 1 nauivi - not stop atl the vexatious and profit- low price 00$$c Publishers. tiou.in VVhv less nrosecutions aginst him, and let him do tiiia rMt. work for the countrv and tne t " world. i . The foregoing 1 morceau, copied from an exchange exceeds in impudence anything ever seen. No doubt Jeff would be President ol something. His rebel friends would like again to dip into the flesh! pots, as they did in the "so-called" and Wjould therefore like to elevate our il lustrious Ex. to a railroad throne. GBNERAI. SUPEBINTBNDfiKT'S OmCB, WilrainfftonvN. C, Oec. 1V, iwi. N AND AFTER DECEMBER 20th, PAS O sentrer Trains of this Road will run on the following Schedule : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave v .aiLJagton .................. 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence. . . 8:10 A. M. t K-inrville ..11:45 A.M. Leave KinssviUe........... A. M . Arrive at Florence. v Arrive at Wilmiagton .... o.oo r. m. -connects closely at Floreace with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington Uailroad for Cheraw, aud ai Kir gsville with the South Carolina Rail road for Columbia ana aogusia. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. 3:00 P. M. , .9:10 A. M. .3:00 P. M. Gum feh!3 Tree, Chester Co.; Pa. . it we have like to the following words : ADDRESS OF IGOVERNOR BULLOCK. The "pouring out" to take place when that auspicious event shall happen will no doubt be an enlarged amount of vitupera tion on the government of the United States of America and the powers that control 11 backs being scarce. Davis would make an accompusnea gotiate a loan in Europe the Bond affair would give great to a new j loan. We think we see tne ! Bankers!) rushing to take it. The rreeable countenance of Mr. D., so taith- portrayed on Confederate Bonds (to be worth 50 per cent, in gold, premium; is rnot tamiliarly known all over Europe. He woulji get about .01 in cash. CUSTOM HOUSE, WIL, - MINOTON, m C. ! Collector's Ornct, Feb. 10, 867. . ttttfttt rril-n TpnVTaiOS of the Uth section of the act of J u y 18, 1866, notice is hereby eiven that on the 6th instant, S?ere ere seizlf at this port, the following des cribed merchandise tor violation ol the Revenue T antra tct Wit : I i ! ! FIVE (5,000) THOUSAND CIGARS, from on board the Am. schr. "Jachia,'' Herman, AC COM MO DA'. Tififlve WilminKton. Arrive at Kiqgsviire. T ,.,r.. iriniravillft . A.,iva a Wilmington.. . ...lO.lO A.-M.. Arnmortntinn Trains will run tri-wcekly, arriving and leaving on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. i ,. General Superintendent. green Mij, atient to Mississippi eclaj ereat agi fully m ... mnlallAn All Master, from t. i nomas, thelst Section of; the 'Act of July b, 186b, j i ' i . i ' , EIGHT (8,000) THOUSAND CIA8;- Gardner, Master, ! from Cardenas, Chba, for violation of the sauK- section , j All persons claiming the above described m er chtndU are hereby required . in this offlco, th-ir claims, Within twenty aays trom the date hereof. . TTVTT Lv: ; Collector. jghvt ; i- Thb Noveltt f ocket Timepiece-Piucb One l)OLLat.-Constructed on scientific principles and warrmted perfectly correct ; cannot; get out of repair, and is neat, cheap anadurame. uoou metal, white dial, and handsome cae. treme cheapness places it witmn tne " GOSTAR'S" PREPARATIONS aug 5 6m Wil. Char. & KathMtR. v J- Its ex- reach of kVERYBOD Y--Tries Them ! OTKRYBUDV-Uses Them! SvpaYBOUY-Believes in Them ! EvlRYBODY.--liecommendS Them, Mr: Predlent ma uamemsn vj incis!, Comrriprcial Convention : Bv reauest ofhe Senate and the House of Reureseutatives ot Massacuuseus, u is .my profound pleasure! to meet you Here, and in the name oi Legislative auvi ualvuw.wv (ijvernment to welcome Sent securely by m iil on receipt of iWrtmnnta of the .v r this Commonwealth, and to express ... i . ? 1. 1 iirrl 4-l rsi the respect in wnicu juuiauvw c.v. vou liepresent are! held by all our people. I may properly say that the proceedings of your body are 'likely to form an epoch in the history of industries of this country. The purduiu of agriculture, commerce, man 'utactures and the mechauic arts, ot which the ioint vveltarehas been the sulyect (if your delit)erationS, consuiuie me i-aoc . prosperity aua social me Ftw.v. ... all the States, ithoau interests are united m ime -common- destiny. Tliere is no such pos sibility as isolation or seperatipn in the em pire of'modern; labor. All these ! activities and employments make a charmed circle trninwlncri .no link. can be spared without detriment twd, disaster to the whole. The country owes much to you tor your efforts to liariiiouize and strengtlieu these mutualities and recioroctties of relatipuship. ; The communities of men are also sulyect to tUe same law of unity.- So long as there is a New York, an Onio, a Missouri, Massa chusetts cannot1 afford to be without them, and they canuot afford, to be without her. Tnere canuot be a complete or satisfactory sergeant Bates.- Our readers are aware that a man in Wis- cousin oy tne nwme oi wws, uao to katry a United States flag and walk trom Vifcfcsburg Mis., to Washington D. C. in or One Dolb. Address, NOVELTY CO., Box 742 Albany, N. Y. feb 11 3t der to prove the "loyalty of the South". All the papers on his route!, so far. are loud By S. fp .AMRliNGjEi (Auctioneer rjHERE WILL BE SALE OF WROUGHT AUD CAST IRON Arp. VOU troubled by Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, &c.? a Buy a zoc. or jm. uu .r-rtstftr's" Exterminators , i-Costar Tntkiiible Remedies known." ' "Free from Poison " Not dangerous j to the human family.'' "Rat come out of their holes io tuo. ii""' ed to keep in anyclimate. - GenerIl Superintendent's Offic , ) Wilmington, N-. .C, Aug 9, 1867. J ; ON AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT, AUG 13th, the Passenger train on this Road wil . leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thareday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, A.-MV Arrive at Sand Hill, tame days, at 3 P. M. - -Arrive at Wadesboro' (State) at 12 midnight. Leave Wadesboro' (State) on Tuesday, Thurs day and Satuday, at 2 P: M. ' . ... i Leave Rockingham (Stae) on Monday,; Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A M. Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, W edneaday and Friday, at, 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at Wilmington same days at 3 P. M. W. 1. EVERETT, General Superintendent wTlMINGTON & WELDON RA1L- R0AD COMPANY. Thursday, February Utn, at 10 o'clock, A. M. feh8 L. G. ESTES, Special Agent Tresi. Dep't, ts. MEDICINES ' .. ...:......- a nni.n f StfttpS union or interests wummi , You therefore will undoubtedly concur wuu ion of law, order aad hu n m progress his ii orl ir anl stand bv hirat bit if ha or any other membor should truckle ;to ine, that for tb most full cjevelopment and n" 5 ft L ftv. luff n ,u adjustment ctf all the tces of American in- W 0111g Ol iraifcoruusaiiatvlia i .w v-. iljce he would be condemned 's an enemy to truth, justice and liberty. ; ; t' : in I his praise the Southern railroads have passed him to Vicksburg the ladies honor 8aved from Government wrecks, at ! him atld he is the recipient of public recep- Stevenson's wharf, Wilm.ngton. N. C, t on. Committees are appointed to see that he is unharmed on his route, and all to prove the respect the people show to the flag. No man believes tie win oe uarmeu, 1. I i-ionnlc nil ftlnnor the especially wucij t-v j.w o - i -p. -rx -rN re route are on the lookout tor him and bis jjjlJIU trip Will no ClOUDl pr)ve au uvauuu. Bates offers his photograph for sale for the benefit of the widows and orphans also. Some men tight for glory some paint, some write and some- walk. This man will at k ast, gam notoriety, and we look to the President ot'the United States on whom he wijl call on his arrival in Washington, to con gratulate him on his hair-breadth escapes, and to give! him some nice position where he can reap the reward of his intrepidity. Alter all this is done, the questihn arises cui bono?. at French & on I Are you annoyed witn Red 3u-s? Is Can't sleep nights! i Buy a 35c. or 50c. Bottle ot ostar's Bed .ff- and prevents Bed bugs." "Never Fails." Office Eng. and Supt. W. & W. R. R., K Wilmington, January 9, 1867. ON AND AFTER THE 9th JANUARY Passenger Trains will leave Wilmington at 5:00 A. M., and 9:30 P. M., and arrive at 2:20 A. M., aud f:80 P. M. g Fremont. " i Engineer and Superintendent. jan 9. ;. ; ..' r- . .; m ' 11 SHIPPING. I For Moths in Furs, Woolens, Carpets, ' ! &c. JBuy a 25c. or 50c. Fiask of icostar,8' Insect Powder. V destroys instantly Fleas and all In- S Beets ou Animais, glc. EXPRESS STEAMSHIP LIME, . AND . ; '! - -. FANCY AllTIGhES "A surethingi to its merits. Thousands testily Buy a 25c. or 50c. Box of 'Costar's,, CorniSolveat. ; OS For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. i "Try it." rpo CLOSE OUT STOCK, I WILL SELL AT COST for ten days, the stock of .i ' DRUGS, NEWS IN BRIEF. MEDICINES, j h FANCY ARTICLES, , :&C, &C, &C, ! Don't suffer with Pain I A Wonder i tul power of Healing ! Every family 1 should keep it in the house. , jggf- Buy a 25c. or 50c. Box of iirnatar's" Buckthorn Salves -MCostar s Its"effcta are immediate. For Cuts, Burii8,Bruise6,Wound3,Sore Breasts, , Piles, Ulcers. Old -Sores, Itch, 8cro 1 tula and Cutaneous Eruptions, Ghap- ped Hands, Lips, &c.t Bites oi Ani mals, Insects, &c- ... . The Issue Gov. Graham declines to consent to an educational test as a condition of exercis ing the elective franchise. His. ground is, that he will pot consent to disfranchise any white man. Color, he says, must be the test. : v ' ; Now; how stands this matter ? In this ' light : Ignorant white men .superior to inn,, telligent colored men 1 1 1 . Gov. Graham is the oracle of the Conser vative nartv : the uartv" Him, makes this issue : Ignorance to be privileged Intelli gence to be prpscrioed; Ignorant men vote intelligence must be disfranchised. Very well we accept the platform. .Colored men are those Conservatives your iriends ? Europe. The resignation of Mr. Adams as United States Minister to umgianci uas ueen an nounced in London.- The fact that negotiations for a commercial treaty be tween Prussia and the United States are dusirv it is ot the first importance that there should be an early and an enduring reunion of all the States of this " Confederacy in one common causeancl under one common flag. I cannot doubt that such assemblages as yours, so intelligent anct so' impressive, will aid in promoting the restoration it an undi vided nationality tor wuicu au sections are progressing favorably have been omcially anxiously looking. : r . Berlin. Admiral Far- Gentlemen, I the hearts of the people of puouc lujjuiiiu. Massachusettslgreet you with cordiality, and ragut, now in Florence, uas oeeu receivuu their hands will unite with yours in the obf with especial: htfnors by the Italian Minister jects which you have assembled to promote. the Marjoe. The latest news from , Mr. Fox, president of the convention, re- Ahvssinia is verv discourasrins. and To, bids ... ! i rj ; ' W " . in Store, No 71 Market street, lately occupied by Day & Wright, and by J. L. Rhoades. . This is a tine opportunity for Country Physi cians to supply themselves, as the goods will be soWatoostv-ithoutres H feb 8 4 11 FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE A. No. 1 BKlli . siKui , Strout, Master. Cargo to West j Indies preterred. Apply fo feb 6 WORTH & DANIEL. - tf CASH GOODS, sponded a3 follows : ; RESPOXSB OF MR. FOX. Mr. Governor, Mr. Pitsilent., MrJ Speaker, ' Sena tors and JiepresentatlvvS : As president of the National Commercial Convention, I am instructed by a special res olution to express to you, sirs, the profound sensibility ot the ? high, honor conierrea oy Ihe chosen representatives of the ancient Commonwealth of Massachusetts in inviting us to meet them in this hall. And to you, Governor, what can I say? Your greetings v a hfip.n so cordial and warm that we re- the hope of a succe?sful or safe move of the British expedition this season. at The Land We Love is something the peo- . e .i a . i. i l aA ' onrl it r1 inn 1(1 be wratifvino- to them that the nasn literary cogni iu juuf ., Sa orew England bas tceu'supersedei indasiw) interns "J . i P.. iu.: arA mtMrt. Tir advance. TADDlause. 1 inave w-x w n -f r n rtYV-TMi iiino n . i r i mhi i iiiiii.l. 'svh.'v - l. a. w a nantoman i.naa riiinHnn tn the cause 1 the honor of presenting the m j We commiserate those reporters who are stationed in cities where sensations never come, and are consequently reduced to the necessity of varying the form oi words in which common occurrences are narrated. Some of them are very . ingenious however, ay for instancehe who described the condi tion of a drunken person by saying that "he was deeply agitated with benzine. ' LOWEST PRICES. boxes ASSORTED CANDY- - boxes ADAMANTINE CANDIES members of the It is related then Commodore Biddle was Paying a visit f. a Japanese junk in Jeddo pay, in 1010, a sentry pusueu mm uaua. his gig, as he was clambering over the bul warks. ! Thecommodore's omcial wratn was kindled, he returned to his ship and sent a 60 inn 20 bOX6S SPR3 CANDLES, qj kegs best Xard, I? j " kegs and tubs! BUTTER; k a iinTPA rAtsins. 'TV holes. Halve OU aud Quarters; f boxes CITRON, - c q cases OYSTERS, t 0 cases LOBSTERS, I AO .'. "A Universal Dinner Fill" (sugar j ' i coated.) 30 years administered in a i I Physician's Practice. (l ' . r" 25c. and 50c. Boxes "Costar's" Bishop Pills. Of extraoramary emcacy ior vutiyc ness, Indigestion, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, General Debility, Liver Coaiplaints, Chills, Fevers, &c. iNptf griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. "That Cough will kill you. Don't neglect It. 5T25c. and 50c. Bcxes ((PnctnrV Consh Remedy. vvo.. . -. .. ... lilt 11. The cniiaren cry ior it li Ba-oootu-ing Syrup." For. Coughs,. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma. Bronebial e Afleetions. Singers, Speakers, and all troubled with Throat Complaints, 'will find this a beneficial Pectoral Remedy. " ... : THE FAST AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIPS Captain POWELL. REBECCA CLYDE I Captain CHICHESTER. - will sail for New York every alternate WED NESDAY, from wharf loot of Chestnut street. ; ' Tirvu nu xt it ikrV Aerent. Wilmington, N.. 0. JAMES HAND, Agent, New iorK, dec 28 tt FOR PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY . THE FINE AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP Beautifies the Complexion, ffving to the skin a transparent iresnness.- ct-. Bottles $1. 00 Costar,s, Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms. J . Renders the skin clear, smooth and soft. Removes Tan, recmes,-rim-ples, fcc Ladies, try a bottle, and see its wonderful quality. k .&, . , . ... i j i w..;.oi , Pimivmroiftl donvention- ot the People of the loveliest and richest section of United States of America to tbecivii autuor, peremptory demand for an apology and m- our country. Montana. uemocrat. unes oiuie vyomm wua.v , , l lueuiuny ior tne insuii. iue repiy iTLbucj anu conunueu appiau'c.jft r 5. , v. mrnea as speedily as tne cireuu When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to, be wise." So runs the old f adage and we sup pose it - i Monthly. ' down here. Gen. Hill fought for the South- from the hall we 44 hain't got np use for you" the House, and then the convention : VJUV i'. LI C AT inft'ClUW Ul IUCSO wvrv-"-""f w" Up the delegates were introduced to the Qover- ut orders, but that hi ntic nor, President of the Senate and Speaker ot already cut off, wi nn" i rrc onrl thpn the convention retired was -re el rcu instances would admit, that the sentry had acted with- his head, whica . had was at the commodore's service. Chiago papers are pnblishin . - . TH! " a list of 'em cause and of course his publication in a I , java must ke a pleasant place .for a resi- promineut citizens of Illinois who do not literary sense are far above the writing of an A'rfi -prom 130 to 150 persons are ! killed want to be governor of that State. In the " raence. -r.TV.v I. i .-i ma nnf;.ciianimpa Emmerson, a Lowell or a score of authors there1 by tigers every year, mty oy crociaues ""V" r a cases TOJiAioiis uu A ilUCOBN. ..At: 0E0I1QE r.lYERS', ' 11 and 13 Front Street, CHAS. B. aiYERS,: Ageat. TTTE HAVE BEEN SELLING!: THE VERY W K-t Ash Em Coal at $7 50 per ton, delivered, since November 1st, and .have no wa large stock on hand wnicn we ; ouFF.j same sgnn. r , - pETTEWAY & QORE.1 dec 31 I3T" ! ! ! Bewarl ! ! ! of all Worthless Imitations. E.XT : .tthnnt l'l'flSTAR'9" Hirmo. lure. r- 25c. and 50c. sizes kept by all DRUGGISTS. igy- f i oo sizes sent dj man ou receipt oi price. $ 00 pays for any three $1 size3 by Express. frf;Eo ou pays ior eigm i sizes Dy express. - Aaaress t - , .;. .1 : , ; IIEI1RY R. C0STAR, 7482 Broad war If. For sale by . W. HLIPITT Druggist and Chemist. ' . WILMINGTON, N: C. Sold nyall Wholesale Druggiata In all the large cities. . - : "4 ' ' ' -' iebll a&woiu F I O IV E E R ' . : r J. BENNETT, C o m m a u- WILL ARRIVE AT OUR WHARF, fjot j Oran-e Street, on FRIDAY, February g. and will sail for the above port on. wJ-iwy DAY, February 12th. i ; ' nqT0S, Throna:h -bills of ladirg I-rpqOL. PROVIDENCE, N ORLEANS, LlVERry. For freight apply I WORTH & DANIEL No Passengers taken.? V Agent in Philadelphia,' w T JAMES, 1 314 Sopth Delaware AvenJ feb 6 ; ' v;"-:',;V :-'v'-.'J' v-" - 4- F00T A T ALL TIMES, AT MY MILL, CASTLE STREET, . " ' , . cut from 7 feet 4 inches in length PL0t tnan io incnes in ammeter, uv v . or shakes,; . . .-,.;...? TERMS :-CASII ON DELIVER Y dec,31 anu CUUHiWUtWio ams

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