WILMINGTON POST. WILMINGTON N. C, FEBRUARY 13; 1869. OST OFFICE DIRECTORY." '? IV V. .11 ,.,7:80 P.M. Daily .' way 4 " .........8:00 8undamexccmed. Southern mail it W. C. &R. R. R., Mon-Mod-three davs. Wednesdays and Fridays. 1 Fayetteyille via Warsaw.... ...8:00 I f days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Smithville via Steam. . ........ ..2:00 ; s rtimesa wek;'4 ; 4 ;;.f"' ' -ry. f f'v ;,kA J 'm i't.b: t raica-ftt f V Northern way mall 9.00 P. M., daily except" Sun T day. Delivered at 7:30 A, M f VV. i Northern through mail 2:50 A. M.', daily. D e- livered at 7:30 A. M. v: . , Southern mail 9:30 P. M., daily. Delivered at 1 i 7:30 A. M. " .. . ; W. C. & R. R. mail. 3:00 P. M. Three times a f week. "'!(.""'!-''.' i " : f ; ! .' . FayetleVille mail 9:00 P, M Three times a week. Stnithvllle mall, 1:30 P. M. Three times a week. Office open from 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays ;t 8:30 to 9:30 A: M. f I , .1 ED. R. BRINK. P. M. Post Office, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 17, 1867 'Forthelbst.) " Cousin Bernard. i Cousin Bernard of the "Wilmington Star,1 Although he twinkles and winkles afar, J Once left his home and went to the war, ; f And "kivered" his heels With "rosum and tar. He knew when the fight was hottest and thick, i Unless they Were tarred, Lis feet would' nt stick - So like a brave uiian with musket and tar j Cousin Bernard went; off to-the war. H Now after a while his tar was all gone And Cousin Bernard came up to see J ohn f; McDonald pf Chatham. It was very shortmetre With Cousin Bernard so he made salt-petre - And Potash, and stayed from the heat of the war, For Cou in Bernard of the ''Wilmington Star Which twinkles and winkles and glimmers afar, Had lost Lis musket and used up his tur. The war was i.ll overfarewell to salt-petre, And Cousin Bernard's amort happy creature, But bhould It begin, in a month or a day I lea r u lie has found bim a place where tp 6tay ; In the Intaije Asjlum, swett C usin Bernard All hppy and cnizy and feathertd and tarred "Will takcVis aoode and keep out o the war. Nor use any more saltpetre and tar. r " Cousin John. Bob O. Link, to Ilice Bird, Esqr. OnCe more I send you a morceau which I have chanced to spy with , my little jeye so I hid it under ray wing till it could :be Post ed. Who is Cousin Bernard ? Did you know before that he is a regular tar heal t Do soldiers put tar on their heels to make them sticlrwhen the battle is hot and thick ? Would soldiers run away if theyfididn, stick themselves down with tar ? " Did this Qousin Bernard sneak out. of the war, by pleading that he was a salt-petre manufacturer away up in Chatham County ? Who is he any way ? U he the VeviV" of ; the "Carolin ian" ? If 80Khow I do pity him to be obliged to be the uPevil," of such an al mighty man of meanness : as that "Carolin ian." But do tell I know nothing. j Your brother, t - Bob O. Link. Cnstom House, Wilmiugta, N. C, Collector's Office, Feb. 3, 1868. 'l: NOTIGE8 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL ' sell at Public Auction, in the Public Ware-, house at this place,' onWednesday the 12th inst., L at 10 o'cVock, A. M., the following described ; merchandise, imported in the AmT Brisf "Ann,"; Johnson, Master, by Shackelford, Hass & Co., Feb.-12, I86tt, from Nassau, the same having been surrendered for the duties, to wit: " : 23 cases Whisky,"jr&"cases Braudy, (Cog nac.) 2 kegs Brandy. 1 bbl. Gin. 1 box QMustard, and l one-eighth cask Brandy. D. RUMLEY, Collector. ! " feb4:' , ts j . ! ' ECOXO.IIY IS WEAIiTfl. Premium Awarded by the MERRITT'S " EUREKA SCARF AND TIE HOLDER A German 8ilver Frame or Plate, on yrhich any one can form a 8carf or Tie in any number ot styles, with a small piece of Uk or other materi al. No sewing required. ONLY FIFTY CENTS EACII ! i They are lij?ht and pleasant ; they are durable tney.ao not create me couar in adjustinu; ihey do not come loose; with one every . man can - make his own Scarf, and beiug of German, Silver tuey wui not cor- i Agents wanted every wore. A nocral discount to the tiade. . Samples sent by mall ou receipt ol the price " JAS. C. MERRITT, Sole Proprietor. ) Office and Manufactory, &07 West Forty third street. N. : ft, ' I v . :i Jao 2 1 fr;:---f .j..-. - . , - ;,: 5w STOVES, GAS FITORES, &f. " Cooking, Parlor and OOee StoTcs, A LOT OF OAS FIXTUnEO, , Jnt R-celrcd. f ! GC7IT FOR FAIROAJIKS STAND ARI1 SCALES For Eatt bj r.ilr 4 Lik Urn Nov as tf IIouco for Rent.? . I ft RESIDENCE ON nrTll STREET A .c th5lflLf six rowta. lu KUcacn. rood I ' si iix.ni in Tt,m"i . U Ul bm rvU4 tltvsp UaUl tKtabr lt, Aft ? ls ' 4 ten t rRFMH, .. 11 if ri:ci:D:iAX's savings . i r T COMPANY v -is. i ... i AMERICAN I NSTITUTE FAIR OF If , WHOLESALE PRICES CU BRENT. j J - Wilmington, N. C, Feb, 1868. w -... o iv am tit. - BBltSWAX. scanning ... ouuww ,10fts..7 00l0 00 S bbl.; i. .... 0001 90 11 mousses. U gallon. . BJLKKJLbB. , r Srl " T.. new ' Cuba hhd. . ... 4?52i do tierce... ; w do bbl..... 55 Si. X.. ..' "'IU 2d hand do.. 2 25 3 25 Syrup..........60l 00 , BAGGINO. Gunny.. 2425 Sugar House.... 4547l Dundee........' 2mm NAILS. ID. Cut;...i....f6 507 00 Rope;..'...... ; h BRICKS. 101 Wrought........ U0W H oils, gallon. Rosin ......0 350 55 ' M......10 001500 Java. . SKkccwitiara..,. im&xw rlvra ....... .2830 Kerosene, . . . 60 65 ZrUZ:" P2t23 Pitch. ...... 3 50(S3 75 Pitch....... 3 50i CANDLES, f 1X. I" ." PEANUTS, i bushel... 1 2 002 65 potatoes. bbL Irish bbU...$350400 8weet, bush.. , 80fl pbo visions, B. Sperm.. ........ i .5055 Adamantine;... ..2023 Tallow..........' 180 TWME3TIGS. yard. " Sheeting, 4-4 ... i 12il5 Yarn, bun$17075 Bacon, N. C. Hams.......... 18(35 fish, ooi. , t Mullets ' Middlings...... 1617 Oak bbls.$0 0011 00 .Shoulders... ,,.14 id Hog round , . ,.1516 Bacon, Western . Pine do..$0 00 9 50 Mackerel- No. 1... .20 00021 00 Sides......... is Shoulders.... 1213 Hams ....20;i2 Pork,. $ bbl. City m' 8823 5024 00 Thin " 00 0023 00 Prime.... 00 002 00 Kump;...00 0000m No. 2..... 19 00(020 00 No. 3..... 15 00(01600 Kits...... 3 00 3 25J Herring, Nova Scotia bbs .. 5 00 7 00 Herrine. smoked- boxes. .... 00 60f2)00 75 Codfish. . . . .00 9(00 10 N.C. Roe...O 00 9 00: Beef, i ..... .00 0000 00 Butter, $ a. f Country. ....... 33(5535 FLOUR. f bbj. Family... .12 50(317 00 Goshen . . . .40(043 Super . .10 00(3.12 50 Western. .... .. .00(000 Fine........ 9 5010 00, Cheese, fi.- grain. $r bushel, . English , dairy . . 1520 Wheat, white. 0 000 00 State...... 1822 Wheat, red.. 0 00$0 00 Corn, North.. 1 251 30 iuard; n. i N. ( Carolina 00(016 Cora; Eas Co. 1 10(00 OOj Western I3l5t ( )ats; . ....... 95(0 1 00: onions Peas......... 130(1 40.$ bbl 4 505 00 Rice, rough.. 2 25(0,2 501 sugak, $ lb. Rice, Carolina. .9i(g lOffCuba.. . . . . . . .. .12 13 K. I. rice..... ll(g)0 l2Crushed 00(lbi GlCe, , tt ..: 20 25;Porto Rico,.... 14(015 unny Bags,...30;3A CotIee..rrt.. O0l7i GuaKo, Peruvian, i , B do. 16i017 ton. .$00 0092 50 C do . . ; . . . . . . .. 15i(016 : hay. i I Havana Brown.. 12i13 Eastern .$0 001 20 j. salt, sack. Northern.... 85 95 Liverpool, from i ' HttiES; -iJ ' " store 202 30 Green . ...... .... aud'Alum, busn 60 ($0 621 Dry .......617 IRON, t Jb. I English, ass'd 8 10 American, ref. 0 (gf 10 American, P i sheer... 9 10 Swede....... 10 .12 ITmtn ;:!:.! Brown ... ........ i .9(cglS SHINGLES, ff M. Common.. . .f 3 503 00 Contract .... 3 504 50 UMBEKi i , Shipping ..12 2512 50 Mill prime.. W10 P ton, 150 G0i55 00 Millfair.,....7508 75 liquors. gallon. Mill :ordy.. 5 bum 7. 00 Rrandv ' !l TOBACCO. French . . $4 00(S20 00 Navy . . . . , . 2535 3040 Aoule.NC. 0 00(a 0 00, Medium . . . . . Peach?i...0 00 0 00 Whiskey.,;, ' MiiPi- Manufactured. 601 00 TALLOW. Bourbon.. 2 00 4 00 N. C...... 3 00( 4 00 B) 1011 j wood, f cord LCMBEB. KIVEK.i W M. Oak.... i. .. $3 75 50 Ash ... 3 25(0.50 Wide bds..10 00(312 00 Scantling... 80010 OOPine., ....... 3 V(6 50 Floorin?...! OOftCIS UUj L1ND rLASTER, Flooring Mill- ! I I Rough....25 0000 00 planed....35 00(140 00 ton.. , ..18 00 TO SOUTHERII PLANTERS. Union Rice 'Flour & Feed tv r t T t d i Nos. 24G and 248 Cherry Street, Corner J nnttrpra' film. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF RICE CLEANED AND REDRESSED, ! Also. Flour, Corn Meal, and Feed of all kinds Ground at Short Notice Excelsior fresh Rice Flour constant on hand. REFERENCES : ! j Fowler & Ward, Rice Importers, 87 Water St. John Bento & Co., " 44 186 Front St Moses Webb, Rice Brokers, Corner Wall and Water Streets. v 1 j. Krapp, Baxter & Van Pelt, Grain, Meal &c., 25 Whitehall Street. - , 1 Lane, Son & Co, Flour, Meal, &c, 90 Broad St. H. K. Thtjrber & Co.1, 173 and 175 Chambers St, Henry Reimers, 87 Wall Street. j i For Terms Address: j JOHN FITZGERALD & CO., 246 and 248 Cherry St, New York. Annamessic Line. THE (JREAT THROUGH SHORT ROUTE TO THE NORTH. CARRYING ij. S.T9IAIL.. f t The most direct and comfortable route to PHILADELPHIA, i i - . . f :ir : NEW YORK. -h:- f;i : ;' i- BOSTON, 1 AND ALL POINTS MJKiU AL JSAsl. j Through Tickets sold and Baggase Checked from all principal cities ia the Southern Atlantic and Gulf states, j SLEEPING CARS OM NIOUT TRAINS. No Omnibus transfer on this route. This line also forms a nilCAT 8GAB04RI I part of the INLAND AIR LINE FREIGHT ROUTE, connecting with Seaboard and Roanoke Ral at Portsmouth, Vs. - j roa FREiGIlT3 forwarded with despatch, aiid at n'-onUle rates. THROUGH RECEIPTS given to and from I aj PllILADELPIlIA AND PRINCIPAL POINTS! .r- -i bUUilJU Uarine and JFire RUU Astnmed by ;' .Company.. . . ... j the For farther Information enquire at stations of roftDing railways South or of Agent at Noij folk, Va. TOMPKINS, General Ajrent, aorroik. va. ltoct tf J ?f TLU U irntr the ?ra of troirreM-,l anil . - -: ; - . -m--m U Americao fofl are, beyond doubt, fir sbtaa fall ethers, j ThU Is clearly demonstrated the ffottnx Mhlne whkh Is, strictly iakln aa American lorrvmUon. i Ia tuis braab f maoauctare the EMPIR iEWINO MAnilNH CO.; odce Cl Bmadsy, t Tork City itatas prsfmlDut. Their iisj rotid Utttarioj,UUqe,w Las bo tU tU It Is bo. t oa sound taerhsfilc! 'riir!slr i, i Rtixttiun uj fecimtoI, at4 vt U!t tt oat cf ordvf. !f III lfjf U4Us, f4rlkoJr!f oatluthsbd m futBtatfij if id em vit,M a&a tk tauitf f mir a:e. 1 1 5IISCELL1NE0CS. UK TO SDINGLE MANUFACTURERS. Tm TiraNi nKiM f-i-!i p thpi catent right to manufacture and use In any of the Southern MILLER SHINGLE MACHINES i- - -i t - - . i - ' - . - which 1st one of the best machines , for sawing shingles,1 in use. ,.),- ! This machine was catented on the 13th o Joiy, 1858, and has been much improved since : but owing to the war, has not been introduced im.o thel South. " It is adapted for Staves as wen as shingles, cutting them even, br wita anyl taper desired. 1 1 The saw first enters the bolts on the side, and consequently turns out better jwork than pan be done by moat other machines. It is simple in its construction, not liable to get out of repair, and is built entirely of iron. I : ; -; j It occupies a space of four feet by six, put can be built of any size, the ones jiow in usej, being for staves or shingles from 33 jinches uowti. r-r r V--V; L-.t ' : y- ' COVJTTir or STATE IlIGBLTS ; fob sals on .. Yery Liberal Terms. I Machines can be manufactured in this city, where all the patterns are on -hand. It desired. J A machine can be seen in operation at ihajyab scribers mill, on Castle street wharf. For fur ther particulars, address or call upon J J. C. MAlf N, Wilmington, jN. C. oct 8-tf . ' " 1 IT 21, 23, 25. & Zl Broad way JN. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ' . ON THE EUROPEAN PIAPT. , ' TRB STEVENS HOUSE IS WIDELY AND well known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is ic close proximity 10 me business part of the crv is on the. highway ol Southern and Western traveland adjacent to all the principal Kailroad land Steamboat De pots. ! ' ji i THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accom modation for over 300 guests- it Is well furnish ed, and possesses every modern improvement tor the comiort and entrtaihmentof its inmates.! The rooms are spacious aiid well ' ventilated j provided withae and water the attendants are prompt and respectfuland the tabl6 j is generi ously provided with every'delicacy oi the season at moderate rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remod eled, !we are enabled to oifvjr extra facilities foi the comiort and pleasure of j bur Guests.! uuo. Ji. CHASE & CO., i Proprietors. ? I ,- 1-tf aug BRITISH! PEMODWALiS. London Quarterly Review (Conservativej The Edinburgh Review (Whig) The Westminster Review (Radical). The North British Review (Free Church) ' I , ! and! i . Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory These neriodieals are ablv sustained hv tJi'e conhibutions of: the best! writers J oh Science, Religion, and General Literature, and 6tand un rivalled in tne world of letters. They are indis pensable to the scholar and the professional man, and to every readit g man, as they famish a bet ter record of the current literature of the day than can be obtained Irom any other source. ! TERMS FOR 1868. For any one of the Reviews, per annum ..$ 4 00 .. 7 00 .. 10 00 .. 13 00 A jy t or any two ot the Keviews ...... J ... . For any three of the Reviews..-.. . For all four of the Reviews.. For Blackwood's Magazine. ...... For Blackwood and one Review.. 4' ...J... 700 For Black woodland any two of the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 CO For Blackwood and the four Reviews . .'. . . 15 00 CLUBS. A disco in t of twenty per cent, will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copi es 0' Kiackwood, or ot one Keview will he sent to tr ie address for f Vi 80. Fonr copies of the four Reviews aDd Blackwood, for f 48, land so on. f POSTAGE. f j Subscribers should prepay by ithe quarter, at the office of delivery. T. he Postage to any part of the United states is Two tents a number, rate only applied to current subscriptions. This For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. j New subscribers to any two of the above peri odicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one ol the four Reviews for 1867. New sub scribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1868 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any (100 of the four Hevietcs for 1867. j Subscribers may obtain 'back, numbers at t he following reduced rates, viz : j I j The tforth British from January, 18C3. to De cember, 1867, elusive; Edinburgh and the West minster fromf Aril, 1864, to December, 1867, In clusive, and th'L Lonkon Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866 andvo7, at the rate ol (1 50 a rear for each or any: I svlew; also, Blackwood for I860 aud 1C67, lor 17 00 a year, or the two years 10- ether lor f . i Rf xelthelppremlums to Subscribers, nor dis count to CIuik, nor red need prices for back numbers, cane allowed, unless the money U remitted airea to ins 1 tux inner. No premiums can be given to Clubs THE LEOIARD SCOTT PUB. CO 9 140 Fulton St., N. Y. s The L. 8. iHublishine Ck)m nanv. also Dubush any, the FARMER; tJ GUIDE, by Henry Stephens, or Edinburgh, atd the lat J- P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vdi., Royal Octavo, 1G0O pages, and numerous EnftravlBga, - 1; Price I i ion the two volumes by mail,' post paid, $3. I n f .1 , ' npv7 HOYT'S. I illAVATltA IIAIH RESTORATIVE. TTARRANTED lu all cases to restore Hair V V and WhUker to their original color, re- moves all impurities, makes the hair soft and sllkT. a id irivts it a life-like appearance. wo LAuipnur nor ouar oi jueao. AppUcstlon easy and agreeable. An invaluable drvMlng for the Whlskcs. Price per Bottle, $L Uort'if SXianebaha Hair Glots. 8at)erior t4 anr dressing for the Hair In use. Uoxcelled lit keenlnsr the hilr in curL or in idt desired posltn. Price per Bottle, 60 cents. Hoyts Imperial Coloring Cic am. Atnostsurb Hsfe OIL Ichansrea Llvht nA Red llalrto 1 beautiful Dark lirown. price per UottliTSceoi. T rl rxceltlor Ifollet Powder, and Excelsior l . uioetaz - ; ! For salt b'DEMA3 BARNES & CO 21 Park now, w i wit. and by ajl mpectable Drns riita, Ualr Iljresaera, Pe na 'lopri and Fancy Goods Ueaiers, everywhere. ace 7 fitaTevClrTlcji list CIccLmCc. CASH PAJI1 lull WHITE OAK AND ThTL imoa tt jabrr delivered at tl A1U1 al Ur t.tttiitrevt. !- J ... Pfmi t aftcctton glvra io frs, Waauastlia, Is. CrAsj 5, Imf. t I: , ' 3 NEW ADTERTISEMENT, TTrrALDEON AlIfT GOING TO THE Convention t But he is bound i ! Than: any other House, ; in . u A'Vi the S ate. lr-V. '- S Since the heavy decline! in Goods, WALDRON j i i i -. i - - s been North and bought his Second. Stools o FALL & W and now Offers for sale one of the JIOST: ASSORTED EXTENSIVE and BEST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS in the country; at Panic Prices of 1857. DOMESTIC GOODS. I A full line at the' very bottom of the market. Calicoes 61 cents arid upwards. I Bleached Shirtings pi cents and upwards. Brown Goods, very low. k DRESS Merinoes. Ponlins. Empress Cloths. Alpacas and other popular fabrics, in all desirable Style and Colors, all of which will be sold at Jpopula prices.' ; .-;v . ";; -'.f Go tO TULE GREAT 34 for Every- j tiling usually Kept in 1 First Class Dry Goods Mouse, ' - .- - - . .f Housekeeping, Goods A splendid stock, consisting in part ol Quilts, Tickings. 8heetins:s. Table Cloths, Table pam- asks. Napkins. Doilies. Towels, and Toweling, from the ordinary qualities to the world renoirned Harnesly uoods - ruit AJloths ana J(LnDpssea raoie uovers in wool ana leit an colors ana prices, -r - I : a- . . . . t BLANKETS BLANKETS. A full stobk White ahd Coldred. A better blan ket for less money than any other House in the State. Come and examine them and be con vinced. ;j- ,: FliANNEIi Bes makes. ' :: - - - -I. f : White and Colored, Plain and Twilled, at prices that cannot fail to please. 7 j ' CLOTHS AND PANT GOODS. Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans.; and a general assort ment lor Men's ana JBoy's wear, at lowest jasn prices. ; WHITE GOODS. The best assortment and at lower prices than any other House in the whole south. . i KLnrt C3-ood.s. Evening and Breakfast Shawls, Alexandras, Son tags, Nubia j, Scarls, Hoods, &c, &cJ All quail- ties ana prices. SIIAAV L.S and CLOAKS. i i . This Department like all others at this popular u.8iaoii&nmem is complete. I All Wool Shawls f 1 and upwards. HOSIERY AND GLOVE! Ladles Hose and Gents Socks 121 cents and up warns. Ail grades at satisractory prices. CORSETS AND! I100P SKIRTS, An Imported Corset for 75 cents, and , a regular une 10 me f inest irrencn corsets uisw Hoop Skirts 50c, 75c, ft, $125, tl 50, $2, and upwards. .If HAIR NETS. Plain, Beaded, and Tdmmed, from 5 cents. to uib ovu gooas n xae marKc. H.i.VDrinncuiEFs. SabJPePmen ma,fou5 every variety. rialn. Embroidered, and Hem St ten, 12rcents ana npwaras. Gts' Furnishing Modern 8tyles and living orices. Flue Shirts and Underclothing for the Million. The best Paper Collar In the world. Linen Finish, Cloth Lined Button J Holes and Magenta Edge, not to be found at any other House, in the city. uenuemen can ana see tnem. i and GAPS Fashionable Shapes and : Populs and see lIAMiLTOS. Jr. It is take him he will get wet !! 1 r Styles. Call resumed if you WHOLESALE BUYERS are cordially invited to call at The AYilmingon Regulator, and geUposted up, and thereby save time and I motxtJ everybody wanting anything in TI1E DUX GOODS LWE V will consult their owa interest by going to i WALBRON'S, THE CHEAP STOHE. tnn CHEAP CTqEE. THE CHEAP STOEE. SS Hatitt etrtct9 Eonh tile, Ccttreea riozX as4 Cf ccs J Clrtets, I:i W kt r S INTER Goods I'--" BANKING : FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON N. C. United. States depository and Financial Agent. i Dibsctobs: . J ' . .', W. H. "McRart, S. D. Walulcz, i Jab. H. Chadboubx, . Eli Mubbat. Ddwin E. Bubbcss, President ' Asa K. VViLKML Cashier. - - Wm. Laskins, Teller. - - -H. M. Bowden, Book-Keeper. S. D. Wallace, J u. , Clerk. ': rrfflS BANK ! IS NOW OPEN FOR THE X TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bopds aua oecuntieB. . ; - NOTES OF SOLVENT and other Stete Banks purchased and sold. EXCHANGE ON . NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES alwavs on hand and for sale.: COLLECTIONS madejon all accessible points lu the United States, with urompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention enven to the accounts or bus in ess men. i ausr. 14 - - I - ' 6-mos , BANKING HOUSI . . . j,.: of - - JAY COOKE & CO., No. 20 WALL STREET, Corner of Nassad Street, NEW TORlt. M ,E BUY and sell at the most liberal current nripea. and Ke6D on hand a full supply ot SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMfOUJNli ijntji-k-EST NOTESi land execute orders for purchase and sale of STOCKS,) BONDS and GOLD. , . , CONVERSIONS, ; We convert the several issues of Seven thib- ties into Five-twenties on the most, favoba ble terms, taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commission io aesuers. Circular with plication. j nil particulars famished npon ap- JAY COOKE & COi l-tf Treasury of the United States. DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAI THJS First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C., a Banking Association organized under the Act to provide a iauonai vurjicuvj, bctuisi u pledge 01 unuea oiaies oouus, jimu m iuiuo for the circulation and redemption thereof." ap- nmtp.fl jnne 3d. 1864. having complied with tne requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with SSSSSP suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Dettositorv ot Public Moneys, except receipts from Cnstoms, and by virtue of 6uch designation will also be employed as a f inancial Ageni oi me Government. ' 7 - (Signed) IT. E. 8P1JNJNJSK, aug. 5 CLOTHING. O Ij Ji. K. E 1ST ID O 1ST CLOTHING HOUSE. THIS MOST POPULAR is once again in full ESTABLISHMENT operation, and the Proprietors having REPAIRED AND REFITTED THE OLD STAND, are now offering the largest stock of : CLOTHING, HATS, AND EN TS' FUR N IS H.I N G GOODS, j ever offered in this market. They have - also engaged the services of a TAILOR, Who if an artist in his profession not to bej surpassed. BOYS' CLOTHING AND HATS also abound In this House, and their Stock of SHIRTS, v NECKTIES, SUSPENDERS, - , 8ACKS, and , cannot be equalled South of New York Making up their own Goods, and being con nected with a House in Philadelphia, gives them facilities which no other House in the State can laim. 53y Country dealers would do well to call HAAS & CO., PROPRIETORS. iy 8pt 21 BEARD'S PATENT LOCK-TIE, )- : . : ALSO i. Beards Patent seir-Adlustlnp: Tie, THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGE FOR, BALING COTTON, MUCH SAFER FROM FIRE, AND 4 CHEAPER THAN RO PE . ' JJAYINQ SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON f THE PATENT LOCK TIE, we can recommend them to give entire satisfac tion, we hare taken the Agency lor the mate, and will continue tp keep a large supply on hand. or one 1 en and upwards, to dealers, -a liberal discount will be allowed. J - I . - E. MURRAY & CO., : : Wilmington, N. C. Ang. 29,'67v ; .f : ly. - OFFICE OF WHITE'S - Patent Lever Truss Co. No. 609 Broadway; New York. " C. AUGT GREGORY, M. D. Pbbsideht. WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and FEMALE 8UPPORTER diflerln nrinclDle from all others. No pressure on the backT It is light, clean, and easy. Persons ruptured should at onee procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPOIENCY. and secure yourself , aeainst STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH. Directions for Ordering. , ! Meaanre around the body two inches below the top of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted, also if lean or fleshy, and give plain directions about sending. Cash must accompany the order. A special department "lias been fitted ap for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia and kind red diseases. His under the special care of the President of oar Ootapany, who is acknowledged fcy the rrofessloato hare do enual la this speci ality. lJy wcaritjj the Lexer Irusa and bathing the articled rrtita DU. CIlEGOIlY'fl rri.r! iiUATl 1 iLliS I A LOTION, the Qoat obsUnate tun fro a COSE per jut'r tj fnr Tw jv,,.f. - a-- i it. v4 m ft ticca iur imitci ni 5 to tDDoUarsaccordir-? toenail! nrl th r.Uomofthe iiorture. litnik itiftn uti FRENCH'S COLUIIN; GrROCERIES AND THE LARGEST Stock and Assortment IN THE STATE AT FOR C A. Extraordinary Inducements J TO CASH BUYERS. COUNTRY TRADERS W ILL DO WELL TO CALL AND Examine my Stock before Pnrchaiiai Elsewhere. The Stock Consists of ALE, I DRIED APPLES, ' ALLSPICE, AXE HANDLES SALT BEEF, , . r DRIED BEEP, -BACON, BOTTLES, - BRANDY,. BROOMS, BUCKETS, ! BASKETS, BLACKING, , BAGGING, BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE. ' CODFISH,' candles; V - CASSIA, COFFEE, CLARET, CIGARS, CANDY, ' CRACKERS DEMIJOHNS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. FLOUR. DRIED and PICKLED FISH uff. GINGER, ; GLUE. HAMS, HOPS,' . - - ' HERRING,-7- KEGS, ' ' KEELERS; " LARD, . , LEMONS, LYf MOUSSES MATCHES, - CONDENSED MLLK. . MEAL, '. . NUTS, aU km OYSTERS. ' J -4.-"- " PORK, i-" -; PORTER, , , , PALLS.. - . . . PEACHES, RICE, . , SYRUP, ? SUGAR, STARCH, SOAPS. r, SALARATUS, . , - v SARDINES, SALT, SODA, r ITOBACCO TUMBLERS," ' i TUBS, vnnoAR, wmsiaxs, YEAST tv" Antl C2ir.T ctLcr Goci!j too tn- j JProvTSions OD Nom I'lillB 1 ' K t Al a f artitt&tf ff cr, t AIX," t! rrart ts tUt : : -tilt m W At's ra i qo;: pAr.ijn, r.i nrATi:.u irqvn?, c,melUs! C r- 'Crrtt ils.M TU list ani !s tUt Uftl 4 "i 9 ':. , r,. U "- .u,,s tt fcqfif- lUars ffcia 0 A ! t 3 t tU 51 f ft? is. 1 r e-v i tf, J . . : il .-4 V .fcf . -Mk K .-. I A i u

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