m . ;. :bb . y ': : J : 7: ..; - :, : .. -j :-.,: -i.i- v j ,; . . , .......... -. ..- ; ' " ' 3 rr WILMIITGTO?X)STi wrf,;!hyGTo5. &c..KRiL,$&' THE CITY. -HbJi Services at St. James' Church da i tin Passion Week and Easter Tide. Weday" " Morning: A"- 7 A.M." ' ' IiUny and Ante ' L ' Communion. U.H A.M. i evening A'raycr. . o x.Mf4 Li.;av ThUrsdar-rrildTHinar 7. , -4o--xEveninfi Prayer ':,-, Communion .;.t 8 p.m. good Friday.'. 1. Morning Prayer.. 7 a.m. . Litany and Ante- Communion...; 11 a. m. Evening Prayer.. 5 p.m. fjiter'Xv'h.Saturdayy.Mor, Prayer aidV-; ; i ': 4iAnte-Com'n,Jli5'iJL.M, l ! Ev'g Prayer. . 5 p.m. lajttr, April 12. "i.,.:M'g " 7 a.m. - Litany and Com ! ..' i munion... 11 jlm. mV?Tt1Evenlno Prayer... 5 p.m. Easter Monday. ...Morning Prayer & ",'vJ Antc-Oom'n..... 7 a.m. luster Tuesday. Morning Prayer ; , ; ' ' Antc-Com'n. .... 7 i.v. The MTerali Boards of Registration Jwill h it as below, for fire days, commencing Taes- day, April 7tbaud ending Saturday-April jlltb, for the purpose of correcting the Rcg istratioh lists. Persons having resided in the State one year and in the County or pre cinct ten days" can register. ft - 'j i j Comprising the city of Wilmington, will lit lit the City Hall. r ? . 1 ' L. N. Barlow, Chairman: SECOND KEOISTKATIOX, PRECINCT. , ' , Comprising Middle Souncf, Topsail.Sound, Kocky Point, ' llolley Shelter, Masonboro' Bound and Federal Point, will sit at Middle Bound. ' II. E. Scottv Chairman. -." TUIBD KEGISTItATlON rKECINCT.''. Comprising South Washington, Upper Black River, Lower Black Ri ver, Caintuck, Long Creek and: Piney Woods, will sit at PiDy Wood. . ' r . : ,E;lL. .Wilson Chairman. Midnight Cotton quotations Bl': TELEGRAPH. J ' i 5- , M Zl'JL.l Mil. tAf)ril5th, 1S(S. , jew i oka, jaiuauugs uc. 1 BiLTbtORB, Mi). Dull at 30c. I i ; LrfEBrooL; "Quiet i raction higher. Uplands, ChiblestonSI C.2-Without! deniaud quotsf- :." . , tions nomiualli .-t;. 4. A.r;-.;. ?- - Acscsta,' Gk. Market ' iasicr middliug 1271; . - (awe... . .f - ' - j i' -. i : i&iTANSAB, G a. Opened quiet and closed lirm' -middlings ndmlnally 28lcs rn ' ..Modili; AtAi-jiJa sales. ,S.',' iT. 'J- ' STs Louis, Mo. Dull uiibCttkd cent lower.1 TueJewsii .Passover. rThis jiUritival . coinnicncerl 'on 'Stitiday', ;. which in the Jewish' calendar was the - 1-ltu day of Nissau, and continues eight clays. The first and last two arc kc) sacred arid during the four in ' . tcrmetlitttc days bftsmlss may be attended i r i j ' . - j. . rt i , to. vur rcwucis are sumcicnuy acquainted A with the history of the Jewish nation to rc- call the events Icadiug, to thejanstitution of iho Passover. During the fespval nil kinds! , of leavened bread are abstained .from, and there arc very few ol the Gentiles in this sec tion who have 'not, enjoyed the delightful lubstitute byway of curiosity at least, known m 4Matzas,M; or Passover cakes.. The pro-. ?.EiDiuon aocs not lnciuuc a generous diet,' ts in the case of the .Christian Lent, tjiiougli; ; temperance iniall ihihgs is enjoined., j Varii out ceremonies are customary! ampug the; . ttrictly religious, and wlierever there is a Bjiiagoguc formal exercises and - ceremonies' . treinclispensablc. Jrtinr r " . ' .. Wb are Glao to IIeab It.Wc are glad ; to hear that a number of the young gentle . menoi our city have banded themsclvos to other into :Glee Club, for the delight, on clear and delightful nights, of such numbers of their Frienda and fellow-citizens as love iweet sounds. For ourclf ',wc .'glahly feci this fact, and hoppitatl this i effort' of our joung friemdsjmay meet with that full cn cpuragement.whjch it merits.,- ) f Bv a jwrmiMton4especlally!' accorded to us, we give the names oD these yoring 4 harmo uns." ; :; I :- .'V.i: CLl'U ROLL. Dirtdor. W.K.Xmoie. ill . Assistant M(rectar Chas. 15. Arey. 7'fiw'drt?(iai(ireoce Tyler. Augustus Lippitt, E. Sternburger, W. B. , Bimford, J. A. Mcbane, Frank , Swannj Daniel Stevenson, James Brown, W." A. Martin,- N. Mayer, S. S. Nash.' Chas. Burr. Matob's Court. Tuesday, Aihil 7, 1868. Jasper Walters, colored, suspected of having "vtuyue oi me laieiy-aeiiverca jaii-mrus, as released from custody, as the evidence Adduced did noVsubstantiatc. " Three white men named respectively ! Jas. Jl&aon, John White, and; Tljomas "Granger, , , Another white man! named Lee, (not a christian man, as he said he had no Chris tian name) arrested ior creating a disturb- WcCj was discharged. George Mark, whit brought up for bciug found drunk, was iremanded for further cx- annalionT i.ri )Vm.! Rse,' colored, haying been proven SUilty of; the several olTeuces rof creating a disturbance, and of resisting, and abusiug tne police, was fined $10..; ' Not 'llt'RT , Mucn. Yesterday morningi , community in the vicinity -of jlfourth ad Church fits., were considerably alarmed by an awful crash and some terrible screams j i loccasionca !by the failing bt a : house and by rH5yfftemmaies, wuosc escape timbers and bricks was mi- JteeriWfluUappened toybe passingjnsi , . jat the timei and hastened to the rescue jiit found .Uianporaa-.liut t all, but the andai,Rfth will keasUii fero ckcry 40 ,no money uiba wanted, That Hat Agakt. ATcry,rnuch to "bur de Jignt no one called-yesterday with! 'a beaVer in hi3 generous; hand, to rcoind pvtbat we, were not entirely forgotten and hatless,' as was intimated -by-US- locally nn jftaterday. Neither (and we are extremely and gener ously sorry now) did j that young fellow of the Star get that hat for Sunday wear pre maturely bragged of yesterday. ' -;-att&IiAtveteryDUQg genfemir speaks of, is,rwe are80ib8ay7 thesame hat that we didnTt get last Spring. Too Much Wateh, There is a sewer which rnns fromher fow; grounds in the rear of this officef acres' Second street ind thence transversely across JIarket down into the river which should do more properly its work loi bearing on lire? kttrptus waleV of this neighborhoodwhich has an unpleasant, and not by any means harmless,-' habit of accu mulating in peoples door-ways after every rain. I If the proper authorities of this place will try and remedy this complaint we shall fees extremely obliged.! if Get CLF.AN.Carraway, on Front Street, just below Mayer's Saloon, ; offers mapy in-, Au?L8;tefltt7i iop tok cleans them-? elTesas;alLcan.iee: by to-day advertise mentjt ile fhas anothernew taber his employ whom we can both recommend and I endorse from acCual mpl6yiient ;1 anA be- siues mat dcoh ts unere ana- can 5 neip an, disposcdto help themselves. iZ J .:; i It. R. Or: in other words Registration Revision. Wftrroapnf bprpwitli !-! rWnrn n,U .4- t - xii i r of the first ay's Revision ot the ;ilegistra. UUU AjISIS, as received UV' US lrom tUe 1 resl- I t I dent of the Board : 1 ? - n Registered -Whites, flx Colored,:: : 36 iT 179 235 IlBtiisTitATjoN.-We doriV thinkr thai any one, even among the " best of our very best friends, can for one moment doubt the ne- cessity which all good men should eel, for a nronmt nnrl ; r.nrfin . rrcwsf rut inn nf flinir names as voters during the approaching dan- vass 1 - ' . . " . J - --' . I Lot every body of those who ar 0113 to vote go forward and register at on Too Late. -The Criminal Court closed at such a late hour last i nigh t that 1 we jire unable to give as' complete and as detailed an account as 'we would like. There is, however, nothing lost to our readers as its accounts were not, on the whole, very in- tercstinar. althouffh. irenerallv. very lmuor- tant. ujiARCHiNG alokg. ine weainer yustcr- day took several of those peculiar turns, so unfortunate to it of late. It turned around every corner in, the city, turned up tuo dust generally and turned every thing topsy turvy that it could. It, was March re-turncd in April. Not pi Failure.- The attempt made by the young man up in the moon to rain last night, was not exactly a failure. We like tn h-ivri uirh ntlp'mnK rrnpatofl at intervals to na c sucii attempts repeated at intervals, and will gladly always welcome snch genial frf.1i..t 1XC3UCIS. I Again. It has cleared qp immensely since yesterday; so much so indeed that twir finite are inlnorW ovltoTicf nfl flinrphtr iinrl- i . " y y - 1 aucreiorc we onervno apoiogy ior a snort local to-day. Almost $2,000. -1,088 bbls.. rosin were yesterday sold on our wharves. Why did'nt somebody compromise, the matter by buy ing; more and i thus making the entire aniount $2,000. - . . . Wanted Immediately. Ten good hands to go into the swamps to cut timber. . Wa ges good and sure pay. Apply at Mill foot of-Castle Street, r J. C. Manx. boLD. lhe putt ot wind, that tried so hard yesterday to doflf our ' local hat. v. We have before had! that experiment tried upon us. , W Those favors that a certain friend -.u Vi'i-!Tof Worn ftnrt uunM wnu viiv uw d, .4 &v.w theretorc we can't "reciprocate mutually.'' Paris is amused by" a story of a young at .. tache of the French embassy at Constantino ple. At the court balls the Turkish ladies are visited, by those of their own sex only in their, apartments. Faud Pasha recently gave ball and the young diplomat irieci to (alaporte) Mr45olhern the -fjonimedianf while . lui ting with Baron -Rothschild's hounds, very nearly met with a severe accident, lie toOK a vorv rippn r i rnn - Tflnra in a roaa. anu com insr sUddenl v UDona cart driven by. an old pwrxi a : brcaic over tne ruie. Aie gare uis arm io iue Tlie Negro Sufl'rage clause killed it. tteventy I wife of the f French minister and led, her to, towns including Detroit givo 8,100 against the itheobiTbfZtJie' harem. ?M te. was abbtit".toA Constitution : Y ;J ' . 1 eross the thr4old, e h the entire Demo- I watching him; approached and said U "par- Thc Democrats earried Keokuk, Iowa, which !non mel si-vbil are accredited to the Porte went Reinblican last TearL ' xour missiuu cuu3 ucv. i 1 r- wohian,!wha 'pulled ier horse the; wrong retaru 0f peace. -way,1 a foot and a halt of the shaft of the i . cart ran into Mr. bothern suorse. . i ne actor iust saved his leg by a quick motion; The horse (lilaze), well Known wuu tne paron s bound was snot. n?j i During the rebellion; aregimiuVot Arkan sas men. was marching pno day knee deep iu mud. & nart of them uragemff a cannon. haye any more Unions to break up, you may lust bet yer life I ain't thar i1 4i mrv: Lord Chelmsford was terribly ucut up" by his loss' of the GreaC Seal."4 Mr Disraeli ofier ed him the Grand Cross of the Bath, but his lordship thinks suclia-distinction is unsuited to fa Jfischancellor f Meantime they have not shaken hands as was reported.,, n :'A grcat-graud-daughter of Madamelliyierci the sister of the tragedian Racine, has just died at Soissonsf France; ir8he was eighty-; twf years of agcLPplj one direct oiescend ani of vRacino is now living, and beflis a An onicer. xiing.4uy was uauetu u-wuov them with the remark rl I'Wa'al, Colonel, I'll co through with you this hitch; but if yon I : S-k M A TELEGRAPHIC. f MI Dm G PIT DISPATCHES. i i' V From New Orleans. HOT rtsw O&LBASS, April 7. Yesterday an order itsued some days ago vby, the Chief of Police, Williamsonv'to one of his Lieutenants, relative to a disposition ot his forces, was suspended by. the Mayor. ' "Williamson pro tested in a caustic letter, closing as follows :'(. If those who are personally interested in the ' great political contest- now pending! desire to: manipulate a portion of the police force of this city, for their own purposes, they will find an insurniountable obstacle in their way In the de termination of this office to confine ' the opera tions ot the police force to its legal functions, and it is believed that not only the laws, but the well being of the people, will sua tain this ac tion." . , : Charges of disobedience to orders, and inso--lence to orders, and conduct unbecoming an offi cer njid a gentleman, will be submitted,' 4 r- $ At an extra meeting of the ; Board of iPoJic Commissioners on Saturday evening, a summons' wes issued to Williamson to answer on the 9th ot April, and he was suspended from; exercising the duties of his office until further orders.- Gen. Buchanan has set aside .this suspension, and ordered Williamson to continue on the dis charge of his duties, as chief ot police, ?nntiL further orders.,! O Li Li U1AVCiiiij At a Democratic Parochial Convention on Saturday night, ; a full parish and municipal ticket was nominated. A resolution was adopted requestingli;the StatoCentral Committees again toplace lefore the people inominees ibtJState.' offices lately received by Committee, and fill ja-.' cancies irom declension or otner causes; also a resolution requiring that all candidates pledge themselves to oppose the Constitution of to day. . '-.. '- '. - r V ' - r"T i Virginia Reconstruction Convention. f 'j- Richmond, Va., April 7. iL Gov. Wells, after taking the oath of office, was Invited to visit jthe Convention.! Jodge Under wood, on introducing him, endorsed ins political views. Gov.! Wells made a short address, and to the point. He said that for the short time he. should hold office; he should endeavor to pro mote the prosperity of all the people of the State, and he should try to promote the harmony bf the Republican party as the only organization mru"Su wuicu iuu prupcni,j .wum cym vuuc l a: - i i i 3 A resolution was offered by a colored member prohibiting the Legislature from establishing any system of separate - schools for the two races was discussed all day.-' The black delegates urged it with threats, one or two threatening to oppose the adoption of the Constitution if this was not incorporated.'-- .' ' i rv-t-' i Congressional. ? ; 1 WAsniNGTOK, D. C, April 7. Shate. Three thousand negroes ask aid to. should assist these people to go to their native COUntrv. . . . , ftmendmant on the Sumner's motion by taking A1 sa a.: At.-:,jr i t -, the appointing power t from the Mayor and giv ing it to the CouneiL The object is to give ne groes offices.., Adopted by 29 to 10. :v The navy lappropriotion passed. The amend ment reducing the Navy strength was lost. , , Executive session adjourned. From Washington. , Washington, April 7. Tierpoiut, Uawxnurst, and Dr. Bayne, (negro) from Richmond, Va., called on Gen. Grant, and fere with Gen. Schofleld. J. Ail at tawnet including ben. l nomas. From Ohio. Cincinnati, April 7 The Democrats elected a City Commissioner JL ' The Kcpublican majority From Indiana. Ejvansville, Indiana, April 7. t The Democrats carried the town for the first time in Ecrcral years, " New York Markets. - J 5 V; New York, April 7. Commercial. Cotton dull v and irregular. Sales oi 1,000 bales middling at SOi. Receipts bale3 ExportB Z584 bales. Sales yesterday of 000 bales. Receipts including ' Sunday 3,713 bales., exports o,l Daies. i m j a . Qnn,nfttirvAinKn fiuur Birauj auu uiui. oui'uuuuTivU)fiw. Choice Extra, 114. Corn firm, $1 0G$1 10. Hy9 wcr-prime Ohi River 1930. Tft Pfrk. 28 25. A.-. t .! r,f rvi RhnnMitw iSi rtm-1 sides 18. ( k Lard, quiet and firm ; prime tierces 171 ; Kegs Financial. Gold $1 39i-. j Sterling Bank 5151i. - ; ' York eight!. Premium heavy. liHUimorc mariteve . , -Baltimore, April 7. Cotton dull at 29 cents. . i Flour unchanged. , j; ' ' Wheat very firm. v f White corn $1 10$1 11; yeUow $1 18. Oats and Rye unchanged. : Mess Pork $26 50. i Lard 17il7i cents. . Bacon active and excited; rib sidc3 16 cents;. V . . i " . T.JT .1 . clear sides 17 cents; shoulders 14 cents; hams X820 cents BY CABLE.. Liverpool; April 7. Cotton closed quieter though a fraction higher; uplands 12il2id; Orleans 12; 12i z Corn 40 shillings. yr . , : 3 i Lard and sugar firm TOON DISPATCHES. rf '. f t' Political Matters. . ;j k u ! a Washington, April 7 Connecticut, except thirteen towns giving English a majority of lf39jL !The Legislature-is Radical. 1 r ; " - . 1 ' The new Constitution of Michigan is deieatea.; U i J ; Washihgtow, D. C, April 7. iu cafe of Steamer "Battle" captured ' at Mo- bile, Ala.; the Snpreme uourt aecmea inat cap- i iuio uuaiwuvuo. TheSunreme Court has decided that a con tract interrupted by war mttSt lbd fcompUtcd on 1 i Ji ll Haktfoed, CosKtApdl 7 . The Democratic majority is 1500. - .H Thc Republicans has an increased majority on joint ballot, securing a Radical Senator " ..From Canada. fu-.js la: ' MosybIcaI April 7. D'Arey McGee, Member of the Canadian Pat- rfi . . ...... a j -r... iun..nt xc ithot. ilrad at; Altama tc-dav. The .n . . i - ' i New York Markets. :,. 4 Naw York, April 7 v Fimakciau Gold, f I S7iJ -' Sterling, Ql. '' y ;J ;f? Sal KAn1c Virginia sixes, new issue ; . f 1 1 m i North Carolina Ex-Coupons, old Usuc, 63, new, 61. I - ' . i' V-J' i" "V' 1 Tennessee Ex-Coupons, new issue, 68, Commekcial-" Flour 510 cents lower. Wheat 13 cents lower. ! p Corn L2 eents lower. ; - ;. ' Pork firmer at $26 30. -j Lard firmer at 16t17i. , ' Cotton dull, heavy and lower at 2fc . Freights dulL ' ,. . . ... Nayal fitoret qniet. . y. ( T , . . ... From lUtiiiniond; . 1 rN.Apri!7. Gen. H. II. Wells, of Alexandria, this morning took thf oath of ofiicQ as Governor .of YJfginia, and enters upon his duties $ 1 ill From Ohio. lin'f ! 9 . ' Clravelahd, Ohio, April 7. The RcpQWican elect 13 of SOtConndlmen a 41 f : mn U .V j A -x tilDY CABLE; ? -i-h Foreign -Markets, io'I buasui i vobuil6NPOK,apxil Consols 939SL; Un h.: ,;n- fl Bonds active and higher, at 92U t i ' ! Liverpool, April 7. Cotton dull and . heavy,' declined i2 Up lands on the spot. 12h afloat. 13. Orleans 121. Bales will not exceeds 3,000 hales. Alanchcstcr aances xiniavortbie. j I h V ill 'I Bombay shipments tar me week .endinr 28th, H acca5,vw oaies. preaostuus ana provisions aetandunchwge4 ars 1 7,0 ' i London, April 7. LivxurooL. Anril 7. Cotton still dull and irregular, and declined id., with rather more animation, t Sales reach' 10,000 bales. More doing to. arrives. Uplands a rived and afloat, at 12d; Orleans 12id. Breadstufls daU. ",? !;v' )'vs rC f Provisions active and liighef. ' " ' " '. 1 Lard 62s. ; : i Bacon 46s'. 6d; . ' ': ':',J ' 1 4 Pork-finnV --, ' ,lj - fVf Tallow 45s.' Cd., " J ; - ' " it SPECIAL. nnntuniin i; iii 1 111 12 M"RS. M. .B01YDy has opened her first class t "J i it i J : V H '-i'Aj 1 ' ? i s 1 f DRESS HAKinO ROOMS at No. 4if "MARKET, STREET Wilming ton, N. C., over the Drug Store of E. Willis, M. Refekences. Mrs, S. G. Wood, . No. 5C9 Broadway, NewYork, and her numerous patrons in North Carplina. ; 1 1" Catting and fitting done on Tuesdays ahd Wednesdays. yl , P.J april 7 . , . . 139-3t COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. '' : v V . . , -5 Aprl 7. SPTS. TURPENTINE. Sales yesterday of 73 bbls. Spirits at 61 and 60 cents per gallon, the latter being the closing sales. ' TAR: Sales of 136 bbls. Tar at $2 20 per bbl. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of only a few fmairiots of; Crude Turpentine at $5 55' lor Vir gin and of another small one at $3 00 . for .SoitH and f 2 15 for Hard. 1 ROSIN. 1,088 bbls. Rosin changed hands at 2 30 for Strained, f 2 50 iorNo. 2, and 3 W for No, 1. C-M-V -V ';u:l :t" -;,.' s- u,;,. . COTTON Dull. No sales. MARINE INTELLIGENCE.5"" ' " : ArriTed. . : .' '.April 7. Steamer A P Hurt, Skinner, Fayetteville, to Worth fc Daniel. Brig Olive, Harvey, Philadelphia, Ilarriss fc HowelL ' ; Schr. Milton, Coney, Alexandria, Mitchell & Huggins. run, . Cleared. Steamship W P Clyde, Powell,' for New York, by H. M. Barry. Steamer A P Hurt, Skinner, Fayetteville. by Worth & Daniel. x Z . ' RECEIPTS. Per River Steamers. Steamer A P Hurt 113 bbls rosiu, 13 boxes tobacco, to Worth Daniel. -- Schr Milton-4,000 bushels corn, 1300 bushels oata, to Mitchell & Hoggins. . . . ': ' EXPORTS. New York. ---Steamer W. P. Clyde 13 casks Bpirits, 2,057 bbls. rosin, 10 bbls. crude turpen tme, 51 bales cotton, 67 bush, peanuts, 6 pkgs mdse: :- 's':- ;. t ' : l ' ' radse. GROCERIES. SPRING OF 1060. I I. CAKES, 1 . .-.. :T-. ' ;: '.- i CRACKERS, t : : if UTS, ? V.r;,:-.. i ; . . CANDIES, CURRANTS, .CITRON, RAISINS, r r PRESERVES. uburfcoii, Rye ' Irish 'and Scotch WHISKIES, Qin,BRAIlDY VlflES&CORDIAlS all kindLs: ALES, CIDEK, : ;: PORTER, &c, Everything required for ZthefInaer Man,'' for sale very low for Cah at- Geo; Z. French's, lO Soxitla Front Ht.9 apr2-' -; r ".. 'f ' ' tf CASH GOODH, ; -j '. at-, LOWEST PRICES. i?A boxes ASSORTED CANDY. 100 tr' ADAMANTINE CAN DLES OA boxes SPERM CANDLES, U or kegs best Lard, c? . - kegs and tuba BUTTER, . t 1 K A boxes RAISINS, Wholes, Halves OU and Quarters. 0 boxca CITRON, ' 1 g0 cases OYSTERS, 25 CaC 'ivODSTERS,' --"' . CTAeascs TI cases TOMATOES and GREEN M ! CORN. At ; liiaiid JS' Front Street, CIIAS. D. MYERS, Agent; dec3U. PURGELL HOUSEJ fc iWIWUNGTONtN.C n. J K PEOPEiaTOU : j. RDAVlSof Mills House, Charleston" 8.' C. 4 r Coach. Carriage and Baziracc Wa?on4 alwata ready to convey rassengers to ana from tne Rail- mnmAm t ''' ' ' ' .,11 i.19?.f I m m w i c " in vn 1 IIKE IfAIUUU 1 - NEW.Yo::;i-coLu;jH r;1 4; r - p. ; i-..v j if .t r .1;; ft :f f 't - ' f i J f 4E ' - - ! 4 i a - A i i Jt -a Jil -f yrj s---- i- - 6 J. . I 4 1 .truri; i "jut A i . . - , t ."; . 1 L trjrst it m f 4 "i ; . i Of i r GOSTilR'S " ETERYBODYTries Them t EVERYBODY Uses Thenf I , JEVERYBODYBelleves in Them I EVER YBODY--Recommends Them. Are you troublea by Rats, Alice, c Roaches, Ants, &c? - tss Buy a 25e. or 60c. Box of Costar's' Exterminators. - 1 "Only Infallible Remedies Known." Tree from Poison." Not dangerous to the human family." - "Rata come outof their holes to die.' ImpTOV ved to keep in any climate, -s ? Are you annoyed .with Red Bugs ? Can't Sleep nights ! : . u r-Buy a 25e. or Kte, Bottle ot Costard" Bed Bng Exterv ,-t , f A Liquid. "Destroys and prevents. Bed a mgs.Tri "Never Falla.?' for Moths in Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Ac. tSfBuj a 25c. or 60c. Flask of etars" Insect Powder. ' Destroys instantly Fleas and all In sects on Animals, &c v VA sure thing." Thousands testify - to lt merits. -j. - . . P f, S 7 Buy :a 25e or te.-Box of- vc jbr -tCorniBunionSt Ac; ji Trtn' Tiffp.r with Pain ! . A Wonder - I' in I ' , 1 ntt power of Healing ! 'Everrftmily should keen it In th house, , ..j . IST' Buy a 25c or 60c. Box of Costal Buckthorn salve. Its effects are immediate. For Outs, .-' Rnvna Tlin Wnnnili Ram RrMat Piles. Ulcers.. Old Bores, Itch, Scro j U: fula and Cutaneous Eruptions, Chap- i ped Hands;'. Lips, 3tc, Bltea ox Am mals, Insects, Ac "A Univereal Dinner PUP ' (sugar- 1 j . eoated.) 80 years administered In a Phvsieian's PracUcc v - ; j . , f3T". 25c and 50c Boxes Costar's" Bisaop rius." 41 v ii v. Of extraordinary cmcacy for cost! ve Indigestion, Nervous and Sick Headache. Dyspepsia, u Dvsentery. General Debility, Liver Complaint, Chills, Fevers, &e sn ot .v griping. Gentle, niia ana soouung. j "That Cough will kill. you. Don't neglect it 3y"25e. and 50c Boxes Costar's'' Couxh Remedy. 'i i t The ehiidren ery ior it-rvs arsootn . - ing Syrup. For Coughs Colds, s Hoarseness t Bore Throat, - Croup. . Whooping Cough, As thma,Bronchial r Afiectfons. Smgers; Epeakers, and an "troubled -with Throat" Complaints. - 1 i Uwill -'find, this a benefldal Pectoral Remedy. : 'i i ? L Beautifies tho Complexion, giving to 'the skin a transparent freshness. 'V i -A t rr. Bottles SI 00 CosiarV. Bitter Sweet tZ.. .. ' and Orange Blossoms - Renders the skin xlear, smooth and ' soft. Removes Tan. . Freckles, Pim . pies, &c . Ladies, try a bottle, and -J see its wonderful quality. 557-1 ! ! Be warl ! ! ! of all Worthless Imitations, sly- None genuine without COSTARS" Signa ture. - . i-r ' "' : ct- 25c. and 50c sizes kept by all DRUGGISTS. rzz- fX) alica sent bv mail on receipt Of rriec1 fX) ria vs for an v three 1 1 sires bvExDreas. ggfS 00 pays for eight $1 sires by Express. Address, uf.ij .t tnn -MiK Vsi BVdadWy1, fr.!t.A For sale by . f U tt ' T. U.,MPITTr Drce-ist and Chemist. ' Sold oyaH Wholesale Dregglsb'taali the large CiUW. ' . 'L ?, JL X vJLliJL JJlX VJ.JL XXVl 1 BAlLJIOADrU, .TTT' VILnmQTOtI AUDLAVElDall OniGl'EsO. AMD 8UTT W.A W. R.R., Jf' 1 .-w. 0 ON AND AFTER TO-DAY THE" PASSZN QER . .TRAINS wlU leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 4:30 P. MV, and arrive hero at 7:30 ". P. M. and 8:15 A. M. ' 1 In consequence ol a disagreement between the ' Railroad Companies North and South of nsl we shaU run EXTRA TRAINS, 4 to carry through Passengers on as soon as they reach us night or day. Wecanntibe tmt i th mrtmn n t h i B.IL. xREMONT, r:;X I ij-." ;Wilnuiigton,llrcli2lth;iS63. v 185-tf c,:'. WltniNGTOIf -CIIAnLOTTD 'iliDi ;;:RUTIIERFQRD BiBOaPJNT GxxxBAi. 8ci?muirrEn)EST,8 Omcr, r WilmingtoniN. a AugO, 1867. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXTi AU6f l : 13th, the Passenger train on this Road wil: leave! Wilmington on Tuesday; .Thursday and, Saturday at7 o'clock, 'A. M--;i -k- r- -n: "- -Arrive at Sand Rill, uune. dayv jat 8 ?j M. t . JUrrive at Wadesboro1 (Stage) at 13 midnight. - AaTe Wadesboror (Stage) on Tuesday, .Thurs-: . day and Satadaji at 3 Ps VLn?;- .i:. ::. Leave Rockingham (Stage) on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at40 A. M." s ,a Xeave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 olock, Aj M. , "i -Arrive at Wilmington tame days at 3 P. M. - .V 1 . ..1 , :W. L EVERETT, V- J . Q eneral Superintenden t. U- auglO 1 1 - tf Wilnington & Uanchcstcr -K. R - n t t -I 1 .1 " ii 1 -t-I-.l ,. 1 ..... : 77 ,V: it mm Hi 1 Qhkxbal SuTSBrNTEin)zirrTa Omci; cx,kt w jrhiKjr 'T e J XTT . fi. II... T) T 1 , Wilmington, N. C.v March 23, 18CS,. GN AND AFTER MARCH IKrrn;0 PASSEN- eer Trains of this Road will run on the - foUowlng Schedule : -i ''-"tvvi. : p EXPRESS TRAIN; . s Leave vtilmington.i.v,;.V...vl,y SX)PM. " - Arrive at Florence.; ;. .V.Vii U.; Ji &15 A.'M;?X Arrive at KingsviUe. . : A . i'. 7;S0 A; M," t Leave Klngsville, . . . .-."i . t ..V .-2:30 A.M." Arrive atWilnungfon.. i i v; ... :. ; . 8:85 M., Express Train connects closely at- Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston; V -and Chcraw and Darlington Railroad for Chcraw, and at Kirgsville with the South Carolina Rail- road for Columbiaand Auguata.1 Ul . O ., F. "l ACCOMMODATION-TRAIN, k Leave Wilmington.. s.. t, ;3:OO.P4 M. Arrive at Klngsville'. . . . '. '. . . V .000 A'. M. Leave Kingsvllle .......... r 1 , . . .3:00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. I . V. . . .' . 10:10 A.-M? ; .Accommodation Trains 'will run tri-weckly, arriving and leavinz on .Tuesdays. Thursdsjrs. and Saturdays. ' " Jh t ' 4; ' -VH t WK ' MaCxSAJS, -4 i " - General Superintendent. 14 ir .' apr2-tf. AmameifetLiiie THE GREAT THROUGH HHQRT ROUTE TO' TOE K0RT1T. 1 i r .. .: -i".. U S. IflAll., ,a ' The most direct and comfortable route to f PHILADELPHIA, NEW XORK, ' BOSTON, AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. , 5 ' . . r Through Tickets soldi and Baecasrc i Cheeked Xrom all principal cities. in stho , Southern Atlantic and Gulf States, uy.t-. f ) -2 . V SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT STRAINS.- No Omnibus transfers on this route; : j to- This line also forms a part ' of the - 'V ' ' GREAT SEABOARD INEAND - AIR conmecting with Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad i at Portsmouthv Vai' .;4-:. .-nv.v-j.- - ii 1 11 1 ii in ' ii im ,.Yt " . CAR RI I ISU.fm t FREIGHTS forwarded witf cspatchpd iVat.v.t reasonable rates., THROUGH RECEIPTS clyen ri1 to and from r;,.--.'t ;.' .ri'vv::: j., ,1,..,.. DT3TT 4 TlTf TtfT TTV Vlt 71X111 ITi'lTllNTH' 'fi'" .ii n . .... r . . " j Marine and -Eire Bisk Assumed . Jutiihe i Va! UIiam 1 1 f A 41 mm AntiA' af4irna '-.' connecting railways ; South or of lAgent at Npr-?.V folk, Va; rt-n. A -jiiaFUiny otlhii.-,z-'iL ' X Ul 1UUUC1 iUiUIlUAWUU Uil W 4Mf. .Uil i : . . iti. V. luairjiXKD. uenerai Aens, ; ; . j .. f JNoyfolkj-.Vai,ijrst.-. 'lSoct v.'iii.i-nvMiri .lil '. -'-:rrf- i . ,tf -; . -. MISCELLANEOUS. TO : THE v PUBLIC; runD UNDERSIO NE D, HAVING k X bought out GEORGE IIOSLER'S interest on Fronf between Marlcefi attd'Doek streets, is prepared to serve the public in-the, most;satls- factory manner: -1 shall treat all mypatrons irith the utmost politeness. VT l t ns 4 J - t ' t None but the most competent Assistants' cm- -ployed. -'''ki v- r Ji'- - :'jk 1 ( ' Special attention given' tOCutUnw .children' hair and particular attention is called to the- fact " that for this work I only charge 35 cents. " m V JAS H. CARRAWAY. - anril 4i,;-:-r -: b -13T-tf Tf TTA VING CONTRACTED WITH THE SEC JLJ4 retary of the Treasury for the salvage of all "Blockade runners" and otherwrecks, and prop erty belonging to thc United States on and adja- , cent to this coast contracts will be made with parties desiring ej iajrrM-aaTlng iron,' Ct !f-W i W ujs.u. -.a. x n&nxja. v , .. Aug,'6th, 1861", 'Journal copy. f '-iv ,,' r-i!2lIiJ"t ANNSIREE aElSaSUILLVV: HAVING Of JJ.NJSL lxxi adu v A. ciiJUU i am -now prepared to furnish stores .'and-Taml- t lies witn tne best quality w ueu, iioouBy annr4-t.. Cracked Corn as cheap as any-lllll, the Cty. . Comgrovdd u desired cheaper. than any: other,.. JtfUl iii I mil im. imii -iiiw Persons wishlngincaL or anything in my line, left In any part of tho city, MUST PAY FOR IT ON DELIVERY, as I need money to earry on my business, j UK a i l t W. C. LORD. april 7. ' ;r ; 5 ' NEW'SAEGON.J mm RTTRSCRIBER ' WOULD- RESPECT- X fully inform his frienda and the'general pub .11." . AX : at the corner of Becond j and Market Streets. where. In addition to other attractions thebcst brand and make of Cigars will be oHercd ior sale. ; f A large portion of these Eigara y Ul be of home j majte anamanuiaciurea on me spo. . wuvo r in see them made, t and? the material used In can see them made, t and? the Ornate trmf TnannTarLTirR. irprrniTcrawiv patronage, he respectfully eoBcits an cq.ua! share" , i HT7DOLPH F. EYDEN. terUT -. t .v.m - ft"

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