Jff-. ... - . .. . 1 Or j V' WILMINGTON ,N.r CX. PEllj 8 1&8. POST OFFICE DIKECTOItir. C LOSE. Northern through & way mail 5:00 A; M,4 Daily. 1 W. C. and R. R.R., rr vJ.fW tv m. lon 1 ; days, Wednesdays and Fridays. ,, , ri J Fayettcville via Warsaw, v.: 5:00 A. M." .Mon- ! days,' Wednesdays and Fridays;? ; " ISmithvllle via Steam, 3:00 P.M., three ,-1 . timcjs a week. ; ; i':yi:y.iiUl'1 1 i-Vj. . j vUlLS AKEIYB AT dmCE;i.'i ' tfr : Northern Throngh Mail 8:45 A; M, Daily, except : . ! Monday. v?y,.r: ; ' ' Northern Through and Way Mail, 8:00 P. M. Daily, ,'l.vi a. . Southern, 4:00 - A;" M. Daily Delivered at 7:00 A."AU x.n-. -1 v. u. anax. a:w r. m. xnrce map, tt,wcs)u, Fayetteviile, 8:00 P. M., Three times a.weeka U Smithville, v 1:30 P. AL Three times a week.-t -f f Office open from 7:00 A." M. to 6:30 P lL-t- Sundays from 8:80 to 9:80 A. M. :' ::n': i, :&xr.iED. R. BRINK, 'P.M. j Post Office, Wilmington, March 31, 1868. RAILWAY DIRECTORYr WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. ' DirkWiimthepartofm Stockholdcrs-Vf: A. tini A H VanBokkeieni Geo; Harris, of Wilming ton, and John.Everettrof Gollsboro -j ' J - Directors on the part of. the BUUe Edward Kid' der, of WllmingtoUi ' :U.,T Jonn'NorfleeVof 1 - xaruorw , tuiu xuuuiits x. xiugg, -ui jaicigu, 4.. Chief Enaineer and General Superintendent-. L. Fremont; - J' ' ' - - ' f " Master'of TraTinxn'tationWTn. Smith Secretary anil Treamrtr J. W. Thompson. " .- Mailer of Machinery-J. Ill Hankins.s ? Auditor' GLJ Dudley. , WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER R.-ROADr- PmiWilUamB. 'Giles. W f(nv?ftr Directors John : 'Dawson, Henry Nutt, O. G. Parsley, A J. DeRosset, D. S. Cowan, Geo. J. W. McCalL W. E. . Miles, James G. Butt, Rich, ard Bradley, J. Ell Gregg. v ' ; ' :- - General , SnperintenfantVTtiltem Macrae. - -eretor amr7Vawm--WmrAr Walker.- " General fyeigM AgentJ ohn L. CantwelL. WILMINGTON 1 CHARLOTTE & RUTHER- I ; :; PCiJtAILBdA'v , ZfasidwRobcrt H. Cowan. IK ; 2ircctorS. J. Persan, A H. VanBokkelen, Jtio. A.' McDowell Robert French? Walter L, Steele, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel II. Walkup, E. Nye Hutchinson; Haywood W. Guion, C C. Hen derson, A:X. Logon A. R. Holmesly.'. - , Masteroftlra7isjnrlatiQn-W H. Allen. Secretary and Treasurer! T Alderman. 'JHasfcr ifecianio-W. Gill. ; . i. ; Freight Agent Yf. R. Frehch. MASONIC DIRECTORY St John's Lodge No. 1 Hobacb H. Mussok, w.. m:v ".: - v . t :Wm.M; PoissoScc'y; Concord Chapter No. iffiyfht f Meets 1st aiid 3d Mondays in each montht Tnos. M. Gardhsr, M. E.VH.. P,v . Wm. Lakkims, Sec'y.; Wilmington Council No.54,r?rr . Jtfcefa 1st Wednesday in tach month? i i.l Alfeed Mabtin, T. I.'. G. M. 1. D. Ryxtbsbxeo. Recorder PRbVOST COURT. Headq'es Second Military District, Charleston, S.' C, March 23, 1863, SPECIAL ORDERS, ) ' . No. GO. ) ' 1 . . i , . ; Extract. VI. , A;Provost Court is hereby constituted at Wilmington, North Carolina, for the counties of New Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen and Colum bus, North Carolinai with jurisdiction," as re stricted by paragraph H, of General Orders No. 18, , current series,' from these Headquarters,' of air civil cases arising wiuun ,wift limits oi tnat Post, in which the amount, in controversy does not exceed three hundred . (300 dollars ; and of all offenses, npt under tne Articles ot war, wwen may be referred to it by the sPost Commander," except murder, manslaughter, assauliwith intent 10 Kill, vioiauou 01 me iawa against uueiungt. perjury, rape and arson. Sentences and judg ments will not be executed until approved by the. Commanding General. ; .." ' 1 : ' . - The court will 1 ordinarily ait; and be ' always ! open at Wilmington, Noith ; Carolina; , but will, when needful repair to and;, temporarily sit at other points within said Counties, as the inter : est of justice may require. . . The procedure Of the court will be- assimilated to that of magistrates under fthe laws of the State, aniwifl conform to -the-regulations pre scribed for like courts in General - Orders, i - i The proceedings Of the court will be forward ed through the Post Commander for review and final decision.. Hvi;aUif .-..V .11' - J. C. Jlfann, Esq. is hereby appointed sole Judge of said court, and his compensation as ? 6uch fixed " at one hundred" (100) dollars per ;montiu.-:--,;;-;-m7;.j'i;4:W?- The court may. employ a clerK at af compensa tion not exceeding; three dollars; a day, who shall keep the; record Of Its proeeedings. fThel fund3 accruing front finet and costs 4 will be ap propriated tor defray the" expenses of the eourt. Simple rules and forms of procedure, and the fee and chargesprescribed by the wjirt, will be; published by the court for general Information. The Sheriffs of the said counties of New Han- rxrfT Tli-nnotxrllr : .TllaVfon cmI . pAlnrnVina1 4-ViaIw deputies and all constables therein, are reqiired to execute tne oraers ana decrees ot tne court. At the end of each month a return of the cases tried, and of all receipts and expenditures, with -vouchers, will be made by the court to the Post Commander,; ,and by. ehia forwarded jto these Headquarters. , :t f:,t.. .'. .w:::,;,,;. t; By Command of Byl Major-Gencral Ed. R," S. Louis V. Caziabc, t - Aid-de-Camp,- . AcVgAsst; Adj't GcnL The following are some of the regulations gov erning a Provost Court : . .i :.... j . No Provost Court will entertain Jurisdiction of any case, nor will any Post Commander refer any case for trial to any Court, unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of thePost Command cr, and shall be certified by him,' either ttrst, That the case - Involves matters' of dif ference between employer and employed respect ing rights under the provisions of military or- t CrS J or - 4 -1 - v r-fr -V w Second, That the proper State Authorities have refused, or unreasonably failed, or are unable to take action needful for the protection of persons $M$tt 'Toatere iTgood tTnd:?ioV believ ing, upon facts shown,- which1 inust be preserved on record, that Impartial ' justice cannot bo se cured in the State Courts by reason of prejudice on account of race; color or former condition. a t ai times; :-iSAX. ': 1 It CASTLE 8TREET, ; . i j-fS.J. ivO . .. f V-Cl: 7 curfrom 7 feet A inches in length up, not less than 15 inches In diameter, and tree from knots or shakes. . ;t - , ' ,'; ' ,. TERMS -.-CASII .QN DELIVERY J. CMANN dec 31 UNITED STATES mTEHNAlV C COLLECTOR'S OFFICE SECOND DISTRICT, JKOICAMoLVai Office Hours frdin 0 AOl to 3 P. M. ' ' .nlVG. ESTES, MccioK - j . MISCELLANEOUS. f 1 NOTICE. rpiip UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE in large or small quantities, ' CYPRESS and JUNIPER M l Sawed in a Workmanlike Manner. X Thee e SHINGLES are admitted by all who Lays used them to be . - BETTER AND CHEAPER han anv in the market. rIt takes LESS NAILS, aid LESS TIME , to lay them. They make a BETTER ROOF, and IviJL -two- top aniTiPi? anv hand ,T?e LESS PER SQUARE than any . hand made fehingies. 'Call, examine and judge lor yourselves, at Mill foot of Castle Street. V J. C MANN, ; 1 j Proprietor. r jan v . tf OUR LATEST IMPROVED XIPAV CSCaiB X iaH0-Jb 01x6. TWTOTICE. After the most flattering testimo nMs from the first Pianists in the country, who. kt our solicitation, have tested them in the severest ; manner POSSIBLE, have been pro- nounced The Finest Square Piano-Forte Made in Hhe World. &4 V It lias always been our policy during the Thir-ty-six Years that we have manufactured Pianos, twelve-thousand of! which are now in use in the United States and Europe, to give the finest in strument at the lowest cost. Our superior facil ities enable ua to, offer them from one to three hundred dollars less , than any other first-class House. . 1 ' - ' i Thdtone of these instruments areremarkable for their peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy. Never losing their quality whenforced to their utmolt capacity. The lower register retaining its positiveness does not destroy the middle and upper registers by mingling wit n them in disa- freeable confusion. The refined beauty of tone eingj equally delightfuUo the unpracticed and to tne most cuiuvatea ear. They are an entirelt new style of Piano, finish ed inl the most superb manner, with four full round corners ; front and back, heavily carved Legs ftnd Lyr&f Serpentine Base richly moulded, ande&chmstrumentis fully WARRANTED for 409 Broadway, New York. ; dec? - d&wly. . fHITED STATES OF AMERICA, district of Cape Fear in the District of Worth Carolina. r i h Whereas a libel has been filed in the I)istrict Court of the United States for the District of Cape Fear, on the seventh day of November, 1867, by George Harriss, William Harriss, and Andrew J. Howell, partners under the name and style of Harriss & Howell, owners of the steamer Brandt, of Wilmington, and John F. Gilbert, Master of the said steameiVlor themselves and all others entitled, against the schooner Eva Adele, her tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo alleg ing In substance, that the said schooner Eva Adele, while endeavoring to get into the Port of Wilmington, went ashore, on the South side of New Inlet Bar, amid the South Bocakey where she stuck fast, andwas unable to' relieve herself from the perilous condition in which she was then placed. The said John F.' Gilbert," Master of said steamer Brandt, upon., discovering : the condition of said -schooner, f Eva Adele, immedi ately proceededi to the place vherelhe said schooner, Eva Adele, was ashore; at the immi nent peril of his bwn steamer,, and approached near enough: to said schooner, Eva Adele,: to re ceive a line, and draw her from the" breakers; and after considerable difficulty' succeeded in hauling the said schooner from the shore," and towed her into the Port of WUmington : ana that they ar entitled to a reasonable share or. scnooner an cargo, for the salvage 'thereof, praymg proces against said schooner and cargo and reasonable and proper salvage, and that the. said" schooner, her tackle, apparel, furnitures and. cargo, may be condemned snd sold: to pay ; such salvage, with costs; charges and expenses.; ,-.,,..: t -1- u5Now. therefore, in pursuance )f the monition under the seal of the said Court to me directed and delivered,' I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said ship, her tackle, ap parel, and fuxniture,.i&nd cargo, or in any manner interested therein, that" they be. and. appear be fore the said District Court, to be : held in the Citv of Wilmington, f La rand for ; the: District of Cape Fear, on the Monday next succeeding the fourth Monday In April, ; then and there to inter pose their claims, and to " make their allegations in that behalf ... .. ' . , 1 Dated the 22nd day of January A D: 18G8. - ' u.'iH. liUOJJx.Uj, I ."iu'JUS. Marshal. ,i I - . -" JOSi H. NEFF, , ' Deputy Marshal. AdamEmpie, v n. : - - Proctor for Libellants. . jan25;:'" l . va " 20t : TO ' CQUTIIERtl 'PLATITERS. Union Rice n Flour & Feed . mill s, Nos. 216 and 248 Cherry .Street, r Corner 'if'! l?ntr Stin: s.' I ' i -. - j ' O v- Mr w 1 1 ''.oriirijrbji. 1 aT.T DESCRIPTIONS ZOF RICE "CLEANED Akr,REdRESSEi ut Also, Flour, Corn JJIeai; and Feed of all kinds' Ground at Snort 'Noticed Excelsior fresh Bice: Flour, constantly on "i: 0: : '::;R'EFlB;E.HCtESrh.. Fowler. & Wabd.. Race Importers, 87 Water St JOHW -BBHT6 & CO.;V' 180 Front St Moses WebS, Rice Brokers, Corner Wall and yvateroireets.M l;-! Krapp. Baxter Vfc Vas Pelt, -tiraln. Meal &c, - WhitehaH Street. i ' 3 , Lane. Soh & Co. Flour. MeaL &c. . 00 Broad 8L H; K.jThubber & Co., 173 and 175 Chambers St. iiENBT KEiMEBS. ?J7'Wali Street. ' f ; f For Terms Address; 1 ' - ; j r-'jopix, jzgerJlLd aco., r - - 246 and 248 Cherry St NewTork. Alum and Dry Plaster, 1 Fire and Burg- ,- . lar rrool , vvm . ' ;;lf ith ? Combination JLock. YXTARRANTED ,THE BEST in the WO RTM rTJf f Never corrodOj theJoiL ? Never lose their nre-proot qualities Are .me , only Safes filled With Alum and Drv Plaster. .' Please send or call for an Illustrated Catalogue, Principal Warcrooms: j -1N0. 273 Broadway, New York - ' .-. no. vx vnestnut ot., riiuadelpnia v I dec 7 - mi I'bokinParlor and Oflce Stoves, n-l 1 A. J.DT opAS f XTUREa, 5 Just Received. AGENf FOItJFALIAJf HS1 STAND ni:f- PRSCALE Nov aa , tf SPECIAL. AVHITTIVG'S Warranted Superior to lay thing Cnowt In ue fo Cleaning and Polishing all kinds of Met als, Mirrors, Window Glass, Paint, and . all such K , u i Purposes.! -' -; .v t,, HMr.x .. . v " For sale Wholesale and Retail by h ; i, I . : GEO. Z. No. 10 Front Street, WILMINGTON, JT. C. No. DIRECTIONS. Apply with a damp sxonge or cloth, and nib dry with a soft cloth or leather,till the lustre ap pears. No. 1 is to be used for all Fine Articles, and No. 2 for Steel, Iron, and Culinary purpo ses, and Where there istfuch rust Be careM to observe the Number. Use but very little at a time. ! .jJVf Tie Price Twenty-five cents per Box. Jtead the folio tc In a Certificates Vocam .WTIITTVn no E.I Gents ,: The sample of WHITE EMERY fur nished by you for testing its merits in polishing and cleaning the engines of steamers Fulton and Arago, has proved itself very useful for that pur pose, and equal, if not superior, to anything of the kind I have aver seen used. It produces a ready, bright polish, and endures the damp and heat of the engine room to a greater extent than when brightened by any other material, and I consider it highly useful for steamships. Yours, very truly, 1 Capt. JOS. J. COMSTOCK. New York, Feb. 12, 1867. 28th August, 1866. A. WHITING, Esq Sir : For some time I have used in my house, your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher. I find it fully; equal to all you say of iU witn one lourtn tne laDor and without dirt it gives a superior lustre and more lasting than anything I have eyer used. By using a sponge damped with ' water, with a little of your No. 1 on it, and rubbing the same over any Window. Mirror or .Picture Glass,.and after it dries, rub it off with a clean cloth, it will clean them in one twentieth the time, without wet or dirt, and give a most beautiful lustre. am satisfied that if any person uses it, they will never be without it, f WTTflHM No. 220 South Fifth St.', Jersey City. Bbookltn, Sept. 20th, 1! a. w xiiii-iNu, n.8Q , cjir: 1 nave.earetuiiy used your Eureka Polisher and Burmsnr, and I have no nesitation m recommending it as being ully equal to all you clainrTor it, and think no housekeeper shouW without it. MRS. VAJO ZAMDT, - 86 Clinton Street, Brooklyn. . 29th August, 18CG. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir: I have eiven Nos. 1 and 2 of your Eureka Pelisher and Burnisher in he New York Hotel, a fair trial, and find it all and even more than you recommend it to be. . It gives a better and more lasting lustre , in much ess time, with less work, and without dirt, thai anything I have ever seen or used by 100 percent. Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel. 29th August, 1866. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir: We have carcfullr witnessed the use of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in our Hotel.and cari fully and do cheer- uny enaorse tne aoove. we can witn it clean all the windows and miirors in our house in one- tenth the time and without wet or dirt. Send us 200 lbs. of No 1, and 100 lbs. of No. 2. , CRANSTON & HILDRETH, j ; New York Hotel. Astor House, New York, Nov. 5, 1865. Sir : Under our supervision, wehavehad vour Whiting Eureka Polisher, &c, tried in the vari ous departments of the Astor House. . Its quick and clean action, its brilliant and lasting lustre makes it a very useful and desirable article for all the purposes you claim for it.- In our opinion it is very. far superior to anything of .the kind now in use. Wh have and shall continue to use it.' Signed , STETSON & CO. Sir : We have usedfor some time vour Eureki Polisher, &c., in our Hotel and can fully recom menu n, to me puoiic jgeneraiiy, ana we can en dorse what the Astor House say of it. oignea rAi xJSiJM (X wiJLiL, Pacific Hotel, Greenwich, Street, near Courtland " 1 R!r T hflVA trinfl vnnr TT.nrnlrQ pA..olm in my Hotel, and most cheerfully endorse what tne i&stor House say oj it, and do with confidence recommend it as a very economical, useful4 and superior article Signed . L. FISK, Stevens House, 27 Broadway. r 1 Vftw YnrV Sorf OA IfiAA A. WHITING, Esq., Sir-. I have tried your jcureKa x-oiiBuer, xurnisner, ana Jinameier, and take great pleasure in recommending it as a supe rior article for the Uses for which It is intended. if lease send us iuo lbs. or Jfo. 1 and. 50 lbs. of HO. 3. tf. WAKKEN COLEMAN, Superintendent Southern Hotel. , .. - ' ' i - i 4 New York. Sent 3d. laflfi A. WHITING, Esq., Sir We hate tried your uuiwaxvusuu auu iiui) W1LU IUC Pi CW York Hotel and Southern Hotel, in its value for all purposes you claim for, it. Please send us 100 lbs. ot it. BAIN & HAM, , Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St, and 3d Av. i New; York .Hotel, Sept 1st, 4866. the use of your Eureka Polisher at the New York Hotel, we are imry convinced it Is all you claim for it, and 'you can ship to our address 100 lbs. ol wo. 1 and iw lbs. jmo. .r Very truly, yours, HITCHCOCK & CO., .Imperial RestaurantvNew Orleans, ' i ? r t ir i -'September Sd. 1S66; A. WHITING. Esq.. Si : After a carefnl and full trial in our stables of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, we most cheerfully Recommend it anu we are ceriaxn mai n one wno nas occasion to useanytnmg 01 tne jemd will be without it. It is by far the best thing we ever saw or used. ricase send us xw ids, 01 it at once. i -w; t POST & NICHOLS, National Sale and Exchange Stables. Nos. 156, 158, 160, 162 and 164, 24th St. ; N. Y. I agree with and cheerfully enddrse the above JOHN ROBINSON, ; No. 156 East 24th Street. . , New, York, Sept 24th, 1866. sx. xixxxvr, u., oir: x nave used vour suutkhs. xruubiicr naa uurnisner sin various ways S A n . 3 A 1 . iu iujt liuusc &uu ButuiuB, una most cnecnuily re commend it's being a very superior 'article, fully equal to what you claim for it I shall use it and think no one who ever does try it, will ever De witnout it. UHJSSTJfiK JLAMB, i St, Nicholas Stablet, 57 wid 6 Mercer St ; Vrr! u : ' r -r . .New York. June 12. 1S66. - A WHITING, Esq., Dear Sir I , have used your jsureKa rowders m my Saw Manufactory, and I find It very good for polishing on a wheeL but as a mistier I find it makes, a lustre 0 per cent better than Emory or anything 1 have ever xisea, ana wnu mucn less labor, which tireserve 4 all articles from tarnlshisv and from I . . . .... 3" . J nence a una inat 11 &ccps them so, and that they ' 123,125andl27Wprtht ' if 1 Vr Vn.v rrm4 4n'- ffea " Sir :I have given your Eureka Polisher, etc, a critical test, and ean say with Mr. Warner, that it Is very far superior to Emorv. It worim nnlrk o Vil Mnnima tin litil. 1 1 3 . . j "vwo utuur, auu gives E most ucauuioi ana lasting lustre, and IS Vervccoftom cal. I do most cheerfully recommend It, and shal eitinlllitty works,' " ! FRENCH 306r-r, r i 4 4 r- JOHN SCAIKI : ' 'EftctritlanNo, 74 Ann Btreej. oct 24 i y FIRST' NATIONSBANK', OF WUjMINGTON: S'A C. United States Depository and Financial r 1 1 Dibectoes: i - v- U .1' ,f W. H. McRaBT, ,f I JAS. H. CHADBOtEH, S. D. W ALLACE, v - KLX MUERAT. Ddwin E Bubbuss, President. . Asa K.'Walkeb, Cashier Wm. Labexkb,, Teller. ! H Mr-'BawjBW, BookKteeper. ' S. D. Waixace, Jb. Clerk. - THIS r "BANK 1 IS :NOW OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS, GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds - ana Becnnties. , h NOTES OF SOLVENT an! other State Banks EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN "AND SOUTH- i?u; ERN CITIES always'on hand and for sale, COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United States, with prompt returns J ? -DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention aH& 14v?: '; 1 - -6-mos: EEEEDMAFS SITINGS -AND TRUST The business of this Institution will herckfter be conducted by - jl Mr. GORG M. ARNOLD. Office is in the room over the office of i the Wilmington Post. - i Office hbUrs from 9 A M., till 3 o'clock P. M., and from & till 8 o'clock, P. M. , j Deposits of five cents and upwards rcceivied. . Depositors take notice. ! i , 1 S. S. ASHLEY. april4 i'! : : 137-tt BANKING HOUSP. OF- &C0., No. 20 WALL STREET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YQRKJ WE BUY and sell at the most liberal current prices, and keep on hand a full supply ol GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL. ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders for purcnase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. CONVERSIONS. We convert the several issues of Seven thir ties into Five-twenties on the most favora bly terms, taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon, ap plication. 'Li .- p JAYHCOOKE & CO. Utf Treasury of the United States. DIVISION OP THE NATIONAL BANKS I Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. T IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT jTHE First National Bank of Wilmington, N.'C., a Banking Association organized under the Act "to provide a National Currency, secured j by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereQf3' ap provedxJune 3d, 1864, having complied with the requirements or section 45 of said ActJ and with the regulations of this Department made in! pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Depository oi Jfuuiic Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and by virtue of such designation will alse bo employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. (Signed) F. E. SPINNER, Treasurer, U S. auff. 5 ' ! 1-tf BIBCELLANEOllS. BEARD'S PATENT L0CR-TIE, ALSO Beards Patent Self-Adjasting Tie, THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGE FOR BALING COTTON, j MUCH SAFER FROM FIRE, AND CHEAPER THAN ROPE. JJAV1NG SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON THE PATENT LOCK TIE, j we can recommend them to give entire satisfac tion. We have taken the Agency for the State, and will continue to keep a large supply on hand. uor one -xenand upwards, to dealers, a liberal discount will be allowed. j , E. MURRAY & CO., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 29, '67. ly. OFFICE OF WHITE'S i Patent Lever Truss Co. No. 609 Broadway, New York, j C. AUGT GREGORY, M. D. President. WHITE'S -PATENT LEVER TRUSS and FEMALE SUPPORTER difierin principle from all others. No pressure on the back, i If is light, clean, and easy. Persons ruptured should at once procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPOTENCY, and secure yourself against STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH. : Directions for Ordering. Measure around the body two inches below the top of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted; also if lean or fleshy, and give plain directions about sending. Cash must accompany the order. I A special department has been fitted up for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia rand kind red diseases. It is under the special care of the President of Our Company, who is acknowledged by the profession to have no equal in this speci ality. , By wearing the Lever Truss aud bathing the afflicted parts with DR. GREGORY'S CELE BRATED HERNIA LOTION, themost obstinate cases can be cured. Prices for Trusses vary from 6 to 50 Dollars according to quality and the condition of the iRupture. Hernia Lotion is $3 per Botte or $5 for Two Bottles. I JOHN T. HILDRETH, Gen. Agent. aug. 31. tf. J. BAUER & CO., CHEAT PIANO. FORTE, MELODEOtl EL1P0RIUM, ! C50 Broadway. New York, and I 69 Washington St., Chicago. t, Crosby Opera House, i I Wholesale Agents for the United States f6r Wm. KnabeCo.'s Celebrated Gbid ". . i Medal, Piano Fortes. Also, Agents for A. IL, GALE & CO., and other First Class Pianos. . -: ' . We have the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCK of PIANOS, which, for Power f and Sweetness of Tone, Easy and Agreeable Touch, and Beauty of Finish; have, by judges, been pro nounced UNRIVALLED. Wholesale Agents for . CARHART, NEEDHAM & CO.'S f Celebrated Harmoniams, Melodeons and :..: ''i:-;'- i Organs. , f t Manufacturer and Tmnnrt nra nf i. . Musical Instniments,, Strings. Accordeons, if xojiiiiarioneis,ijrunis. liuitars, .Brass ausuuiuuuis, iuiu ubucr jxusicai Mercliandise. ' Remember the Place, J. BAUER &rCO., JAY NEW AfiVEBTISESlEiT, WALDRON IS NOY OFFEItlNQ; ''If ft T . 1 1 Tiiail Rliy Other HOUSC , III a- tho State, Since the heavy decline in Goods, WALDRON has been North and bought his and now' offers - for -sale1 one of the MOST 1 EXTENSIVE ahd ; BEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF DRY GOODS in the country, at Panic Prices of 1857. ' DOMESTIC GOODS. A full line at the very bottom "of the market. Calicoes Gk cents and upwards. . ; . Bleached Shirtings 6i cents and upwards. Brown Goods,-very low- DKESS GOODS. Merinocs, Poplins, Empress Cloths, Alpacas and other popular fabrics, in all desirable Style and Colors, all of which will be sold at popula prices. - ; . Go tO THE GREAT 4 for Every thing usually kept in . First Class Dry Goods Mouse. Goods i S 1.1: A splendid stock, consisting in part ol Quilts, Tickings, Sheetings, Table Cloths, Table Dam asks, Napkins, Doilies, Towels, and Toweling, from the ordinary qualities to the world renowned Barncsly Goods ! Fruit Cloths and Embossed Table Covers in wool and felt all colors and prices. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. A lull stock White and Colored. A better blan ket for less money than any other Heuse in the Stata Come and examine them and be con vinced. FIj ANN ELS Best makes. White and Colored, Plain and Twilled, at prices that cannot fail to please. : . ; CLOTHS AfID PAMT GOODS. Broad XHoths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and a general assort ment for Men's and Boy's wear, at lowest Cash prices. f WHITE GOODS. The best assortment and at lower prices than any ointr nouse in tne wnoie aoutn. ( 1 Knit Qroods.i Evening and Breakfast Shawls, Alexandras, Son-, tags, Nubiai, Scarfs, Hoods, &c; &c. All quali ties and prices. ; SBLWi'S and CLOAKS. ; This Department like all others at this popular Establishment is complete. All Wool Shawls $ 1 and upwards. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Ladies' Hose and Gents' Socks 121 cents and up wards. All grades at satisfactory prices. CORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS. An Imported Corset" for 75 cents, and a rcarular line to the Finest French Corsets at $3 50. Hoop SkirU 50c., 75c, 2L, $1 25, $1 50, $ 2, and upwards. , - HAIR 1VESTS. Plain, Beaded, and Trimmed, from 5 cents, the best goods in the market, : to In thisTepartment may be found every variety, Flj"n Embroidered,; and Hem Stitch, 124 cents and upwards. v Gts'FuxTUMng-Goods. ModerriStyles and living prices. Tine Shirts and Underrlotiiinr fnr th MHUntr x ue oesi raper collar in the world, Linen Finish,' lix juiutxx xuuon xxoies : ana Magenta, idge. not to be found at any other House- in the city. Gentlemen call and see them 1 r fashionable Shapes and Jpopular sStyles 4 4 '. Call ana see HAMILTON. Jb. It is presumed if you take him he will get wet! It .5 - 1" arc cordially' invited to call at The ilniingtonR and get posted up, and thereby save time and money. : '; :-: "t-a::, ,4? ' " - - 'A' :V, i . , , ;- Everybody wanting any thin 5 in . THE DOT GOODS JM E will cpnsult their own interest by going to - WALDRONS, THE CHEAP STOREl-'-"'.V;' 'j , i"1 THE CHEAP' STORE. ;-ut THE CHEAP. STORE. SOUTH FRONT STREBT.'L SPEOiAL' riOTlCE. ' ! .' . . i . . . t '. f , . . i f . . f : I As a particular favor, WALDRON requcsU that his Friends and Customers come prepared with "Greenbacks."; The times are such : that hereaf ter he cannot lake Gold in payment for Goods. WHOLESALE BU YERS -i.'.! t. I. AND ,1 THE liAHGEftT Stock and Assortment IN THE STATE. At ROfflllM Pi FOR C A. F - " Extraordinary Inducements TO CASH BUYERS. TRADERS ILL DO WELL TO CALL' AHB ! Examine my Stock before Parckasins Elsewhere. T lie Stock Consists ol ALE, - . DRIED APPLES, j , ALLSPICE, : AXE HAtf DLEff SALT. BEEF, DRIED BEEF, i BACON, BOTTLES, BRANDY, BROOMS, BUCKETS, BASKETS, BLACKING, l BAGGING, BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE. - V CODFISH, CANDLES. CASSIA, . COFFEE, V CLARET, CIGARS, CANDY, CRACKERS, DEMIJOHNS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS FLOUR. DRIED and PICKLED FISH GIN,' J riTNfl"RTl' MirWJ GLUE, k -1IAMS, HOPS, i I herring; INDIGO, - j v JELLIED, KEGS, KEELERS. ' LARD, . LEMONS, ' "Ley ' ? " v 'molasses, MATCHES, 1 CONDENSED MILK, MEAL, . NUTS, all kinds, OYSTERS. PORK, PORTER, PAILS, PEACHES, RAISINS, ; ; ' . - RUM, RICE, j SYRUP, r SUGAR, ' . STARCH, : - 80APS, , v' SNUFF, f N ' ' SEINES, SAUARATUS, 1 SARDINES, SALT, ';, t-; soda, , IJTOBACCO, : TWINB, TUMULERS, 3 TUBS, IJ. -TEAS, : . . j : . , d- VINEGAR, : , . 1 V WINES, "all kinds, WHISKIES, 1 c ' YEAST POWDERS, And many other. Goods ' too mention. numerous to -. .- 1 : i j j ....... ; :. : ' ' L 10 80. Front Street; COUNTRY , ; 69 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO. ja& 31 1 iy WILinNISTONaNCC. tt