VOL. 1. WILUIKGTGiT, N. FEIDAY MORNmG, APRIL 24 1868. NO. 154. . i wja milk ra, tixus or sccscuimoa istaciisly in adtixcs Ter Mouth .75 cents. RATES OF ADVERTISING ; AvertisemenU will be Inserted at II 00 per square for first Insortion and 50 cents lor each subsequent Insertion. Ten lines or less, solid miniou type, constitute a square. IS PUBLISHED BVEKY MONDAY. subscription: rjoo One year Advert iseiaents $ 1 per square. "post office directory; H AILS tCLOS E. "v. -.--5 Northern through 4$; way mail 8:00 P, M. Daily. 7 4:00 P.M. r except Sunday. . Southern Mail ( ' 6:45 P. M. W. C. and R. R. R., 8:00 P. M. Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays, r Fayctteville via Warsaw; 8:00 P. M. days, Wednesdays and Fridays. ! Smlthvllle via Steam. . 2:00 P. M. Mon' three t ti mmmm mmx post UIUUB tt Vf I2CJW. . "i V MAILS i.BRIVB AT 0ICB. 1 Northern Through-Mail 8:00 A. M. Daily, except Mnndftv. . KAPti.Dn 'rin-fttifrtr nr1 . Wiiv Mail. -8:00 P.M. Dally. 't : ( In . . . V - r n -1.. n 1 .t An ; ooumern, :w a. m. uiiuj v .w W. CV and R., 3:00 P. M. Three times a week, i Faycttevllle, 8:00 P. M. Three times a week RmithvlllQ. 1 :S0 P. M. Three times a week. . . Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. w , - ED. R. BRINK. P. M. Post Office, Wilmington, March 31, 1808. , RAILWAY DIRECTORY. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. President B,. R. Brldgers, ' - Directors oh tte iari 0 fe 6wcftw)7fer-W;A. ' Wright, S D Wallace, Eli Murray, Alfred Mar-, i tinA HVanBokkcien. Geo. Harris, of Wilming ton, and John Everett, of Goldsboro'. - ;r Directors on the part of Vie State Edward Kid der, of Wilmington, N. C, John Norfleet, of Tarboro', and Thomas D. Hogg, of Raleigh, N. C .' ; ; :.a :;; . , -. .v ChiefJSngineer ana General Superintendents. L. Fremont. - '"- ' Matter of Tra)tsportathnWm. Smith. Secretary and Treasurer J. W. Thompsons f Master of Machinery 3. M. Hanklns. i' lator--G. L. Dudley. ; I WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER R. ROAD.' I President William B. Giles. Directors John Dawson, Henry Nutt, O. G. Parsley. A. J. DeRosset, D. S. Cowan, Geo. J, W. McCall, W. E. Miles, James G. Burr, Rich, drd Bradley, J. Eli Gregg. " General SnperuUendantVfUllam Macrae, t Secretary and Treasurer Wm. A. Walker. 4 Oeneral Freight Agent John L. Cantwell. WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE & RUTHER FORD RAIL ROAD. ' 3 rraldetML Robert IL Cowan. . i Directors-. J. Persan, A. IL VanBokkeleu, Jno. A. McDowell, Robert S. French, Walter L. Steele, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel H. Walkup, E. Nye Hutchinson, Hay wood VV. Guion, C. C. Hen derson, A G. Logon, A. R Uolmesly. r i SuperinxendardYf. I. Everett. ' Master of Transportation V. H. Allen, f- Secretary and Treasurer I, T Alderman. Mailer Mechanic W. Gill. ; Freight Agent W. R. Frehch. MASONIC DIRECTORY. St. John's Lodge No. lf Meets last Thursday evening in each month. Horace H-Munson, W. M. Wm M. 1018SON, see y. v Concord Chapter No. 1 , - Meets Ui and Zd Mondayx in each month. -itTHos. M. GaHDSBr, M.v E. H. P. . .x , Wm. Larkims, Sec'y. V ihnington Council No. 4, ;.. 1 . 3aets 1st Wednesday in each month. Altrbd Martin, T. L G. M.. 1. D. Rtttbnbbro. Recorder QDD FELLOWS DIRECTORY. Cape. Fear Lodge, No. 2. Meets every Tuesday night, ; Wm. J. Yorr, N. G. " , v rnmnbcll Encampment, No. l. Meet first and tiird Friday nights in every month. WM. J. JACOBS, v. . J YopPt Scribe; TEMPERANCE DIRECTORY, Mount Olivet Council Not 0 F. of T Meets rvery-Frlday 'wming..- r'-V:1': Wm. M. Hays, President, 7 a 4 ,rw. i . W. F. Corbbtt, Secretary. vVi iif nrinR Temoerasce Society. - Meets every Monday night at Seamen's Bethel. Wm. M. Hats, President . - J. J. Hawkins, Secretary. i 4 400 Acres of Yaluable Real Estate for Sale. ; THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED 20 miles from the city of Wilmington at the town of Iillington, lying between the main road and Riley's Creek. The land is of excellent quality, laid off in 21, 5 and 10 acre lota. On each lot there is a sufficient amount of timber for building and fencing purposes. " : v ' v The subscriber has so arranged the survey that each lot lies adjacent to a road running from the m&iu roaa 10 ruieys urees.. 1 rru 11 . . Ak t.. xtn x wm sen we aoove real estate la quuiuura w suit purchasers at the following liberal terms, viz: one third cash, the balance in six, twxlvb, JEIGHTEKN and TWBSTY TOITB MOKTHS I . Por further particulars apply to - ! J. L. RHOADES, . ' Attorney at Law, Office over offico Daily Post, . Wilmington, N; C. 144-lm april 12 Government Wrfecksi TTAVING BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE 8ECr JUL retary of the Treasury that a contract has been made by him with GEO. Z.5 FRENCH and IttHJfiKT STEVENSON. from wrecks of all vessels belonging to the Gov- vernment, on and adiacent .to this i . "uv. having been appointed by him as agent to super intend their ODerationft. T horrhv warn all ner- I hereby warn all per- om uleriering with said wrecks or any Hill THE ivr uovernment property on the coast r L.G. ESTES, . . ; .lx Coll. Ink Rev. Umlogton, Aug. 6f 1867. - ..- ::tf daisy day-a nnntstscctccc or TIIAVIIL ST J02S o. SAXS. ; .Gu7 Diem! Hon. It wasln an Irlihclty, In the pleasant month of May, -That I net the clever, pretty, LlTdyi lovely Daisy Day. like myself, a transient ranger, ; s From Columbia's troobled shore, . Could I deem her quite a stranger, Though we never met before ? , Love of country so despotic In our precious native land , Finds us doubly patriotic, ', 8traying on a foreign strand ; ; Hence, perhaps, her friendly manner, . v And my pulse's quicker play, When beneath St Patrick's banter, I accosted Daisy Day. , . Bless met bow all eyes were centered 1 2; . On her, when the parlor door -Opened, and the lady entered like a queen upon the floor ! -t ir 'Tikbs ayi; Ihat umnier even, - , tru. Cr5 auperlaUye perfume, . ' Waiua by the Dream 01 neaveu. Suddenly had filled the room ! - . , " ' i ; , . . . - . . .... . . Happy favorite of Nature, Hebo in her sunny face, ; J uno in her - queenly stature, . More than J uno in ber grace, . Eyes befitting Beauty's goddess, , Mouth to steal your , heart away, . But that strained her ample bodice Such was charming Daisy Day ! Wellwhat then? Ah! Holy Mother!1 Pardon one pathetic 6igh ; ,, She's the partner" ot another,.- And I own it so ami! . But a poet owes to Beauty More than common men can pay, I" And I've done my simple duty, , Singing thus of Daisy Day ! NASBY PAPERS. TEi STATE OF MICniOAN THE EXI'KKIESCE . OK 31 It, NASBY " THEREIN," AND A FllIGHT- FUL DREAM THAT HE DREAMED. . fFroni! tlie Toledo Blade. , Lansing, Mich., March 28. Ef ther is n State in tins Yoonun entirely worthy uv bein ranked with Massachoosits, entirely worthy uv bein?considered scarcely second in pint up IIam:ridiculin, Onesinius defyin and Hagar-rejection Ablishn infidel ity, that State is Michigan Massachoosits is onery and cussid, Michigan is oneryer and cussider. They her colleges in, every ' other county, skoolhouses, gorjus and costly, in every town and ef that ain't enough, they hev a crooel, tyranikle, barbarous Taw for- Ki.nr, thp sipntrininmi Tn ti,V ir. ge towns where .one .. kin; without material fior f ontlnn flnctninin mnnirinal law RtPiin 5nd comnelsthe disnensers thereof "if 11 v m TnthWtnwn fmm wIop T write. T gathered tosrethar a few uv the faithful, and wuz a conlirmin uv cm in the faith when, ez the clock struck eleven, the landlord put out the lights and us together simultaneous Kin sich things be, and overcome1 us like a summer ciouu t niey L-5r IT-xr pnnran fhrt pan't ' Iia nr "whnlp. hearted Dimocrisy in sich a State! They been beaten pummeled and rolled in the gut can't hev time ' t5 get fully Dimocratic. & $ hung, but thank the . Lord, I wuz m Eleven o'clock ! The Dimocrisy uy Michi gan, is a eleven-o'clock Dimocrisy. They don't live out half ther days. . They fall short uv the full stater uv full-grown speci mens just an hour, j The only good and troo ones I hev seen were a few farmers and sich, who carried it home in a jug. But, alas ! cz thev never pay rent, they don't stay long enoush m one place to make tnerseives ieit. Thev naterally drift bacc'to Southern IUinoy, where line-tootu comos is unitnown wuere the wicked . ceese from . troublin, and tne weary are at rest. But we hev cnutf uv that kind here..' Ez I retired to my couch last nite, I was filled with sadnis. The elcckshun okkurs in a week or two, and the Ablishnists porpose to tear down the lew remanin lanu-murks and give votes to the disgustm niggers in that State. Contemplatin ,pe gull to which Michigan is approachin, with my sole filled . . I x L' 'J!, T .11 ..n.,kln1 olnnn and slecpin, dreemed. t ' r Methawt 1 wuz in .Liberia, that country across the waters, settled by civilized; nig gers. I was some wot supprised at wot met my gaze. luggers to tne rite uv me nig gers to the left uv me niggers in front uv me- roae tue six uunureu tuousana uv em. Occasionally in the streets uv Monrevia, the cheef town.' I seed a white man more frek- entlv si mullatter, and occasionally one in wicuwuzoniy a tinge uy wiute dioou jisi enuflf to show that his anccsters had left Kentucky many years and generashons before Passin a fnli-blooded nigger on the street, he oushed me contemptuously into the gutter, and Tortnwim a rauuie uy iun-uuuucu "ig aeel nig- in at me, , "White ger boys pelted meAVitn muu, yeni 07. thn it was a opprounous term, r Vfthi wintc man : laui lau wuu : - - White man 1" A' mild-faced nigger came to my rescue and rebooked the boys. "Is he," seel he, "to hiftmc for bein white r Hememoer, uoys,itue same God" mide him ez made you, and that he is not to uiameiui ww At this period he stoppea taiKin. 1 ne r..t ni'nrpr returned, and damm 111m lor a zricHirhin one idea Radicle, knockt him into tuow "'tt . -r, mutterin suthin about bein frnn tn the traditions uv nis race, siaiKeu ua nii - - . - .. . l r iiT. .Wean lnillLf UUUll V. UU m,pcr nntrarres Am I to submit to being .nA) Kno anrl nnmmelled bv men, and "AUrs. sir!" sed the bcficvoieut-iooKing n;rrroi iin Tied the sDDe&ahce ur a Sunday school teacher, "alars sir, there isn't. Yoor color, sir yoor'colorl TUey hev prejoodises which they can't overcome, and that prejoo- rlis the boys even possess, jarewen,- aw, enmftdav it will bo different, but now-r- i And he drawee! a sigh and walked on- hastily, cz he notist a fresh crop of boys ap proaching, t . t ; - . -V 'rj 7 , v: house I entered it It wuz the capitle, and Kftiriiw T" red to pass vue . uoor. me dr.irppnnr -with a expression uv skorn I rifeiflft uv Kentucky, rcmarkt that the white gallery wuz up that way. Up T AsspnrtArL r.lost unaer tue ruui, wuac mere wnx nrmsihlv dozen nz nossiblv a dozen more use me, ana i BAf. nnrt liRtpriprt tn n. CUriOUS debate. The deration wuz a : auiena strikin r muUAw thn initmnment lug y uiu uiava ' uu u i"" Thft thinsr had loner been nendin. Advoca- tin it wuz Halt a dozen incmuers in a r comw by theirseljes, and , opposin it wuz an mc rest uv the House. I . The scn wuz very much sich ez, I witnessed a good , nany . years ago at Washington when John Quincy Adams xsnz a chaiapioa ja the idea ut the ekalitj gt all mca in the ' House. One member denounst the leader ur the little minority cz a -basc; groyelia, low wretch, who bed lost all pride ut race, all regard the purity 01 blood, and who wuz insidiosly plottia to debase the pure and proud race or Ham, by nungun wun u me paie, miiJfy uioou ut the inferior racesi f pV"': "'C'. Another wanted this House to ask itself, "Do you want to march up to the polls Ion side tnr a white maat" Do you want to be tried? for yer little crimes afore si jury ut white men ? - White men in offis ! , I shud der at the thot ! See 1" said he, puliin out from under his coat a f portrate ut a white woman, ez I seed Yallandigham do wunst in Ohio, at a Dimocraticmeetin, only he Led on his pasteboard a wench ; "see tovrhat- the gentleman wishes to ally himself.M : Another member askt the House to seriously ask their selves, afore they voted on the bill, whether this House wanted to marry a white woman He wftntcd. this Uoua toasicerseitjhetn-i er she wanted her dorter to marry a white man ?! "Ef we let em vote; we must marry em !" The vote wuz taken, resultin of coorse, in the votin down uy the bill. The sis Rad icals were to wunst expelled for introdoos in sich a incendiary measure, and the House adjourned. The populace got hold uv the news, and the wildest joy prevailed. One wagon wuz rigged up, into wich was twenty four black girls with a banner over 'em "Fathers, pro tect us from white ekality" and another similarly loaded carried; a banner onto wich wuz written. "Black husbands or none ! The purity uv our race !" Noticin me on the street, the populace went for, me. The police, wich ought to have preserved the peace,' (they were most emigrants from an island off the coast, which they had left on account of being oppressed byUhe king uv another island wich lied got posession uv 'em, and wuz a.bearin down upon 'em,) the perliecemaD, insted of pertectinme,headedthe hunt, and liveiy they made it . I wuz caught and rolled in the gutters, amid shouts uv "Kill the d- d white-livered whelp t" and they pounded and pummeled me, and tore my clothes off. ' "To the white orfun Asy lum!" shouted one uv 'em, and to that cry I owed my life. They beleved in wholesale killin rather than ,'retale, and they made a rush for an asylum where the orluns uv the few .despised whites wuz a livin. Short work they made uv it. The orfuns wuz roasted and beated to death, the teachers run for their hves,and the buildms wuz sacked, the black women meantime, ridin' around ".l?c cm, uu..iua pal citizens addressm the mob deprecatin violence, but nevertheless applaudin uv em o the zeal ? preservin the purity uv the race. Two white skool-houses and eighteen dwellins wuz gone thro with, cz ef j by in- sprashen. Finally they got site uv me again anA ez there wuzn't any others in site, they cheerfully ceezed me, and riggin a rope, run me up to a lamp post. "Wat inhumanity ! wat crooeltv! wat injustice !" shrcekt 1. Forechoonltly I did not further commit my self. The shoutin and the sense uv chokin awoke me. I wuz not in Afrika. I bed' not Amerika, the land uv the free, where, when such things is done the white men , do em thereselves, wich is more comfortable, Bur what a iriteful dreem I Wat a mis- forchoon it must be to be uy another race when that race ain't in a majority. I reely sympathize with the niggers in this country. Petroleum v . JN asby, if . m., (Wich .is Postmaster.) Good Yarn. In the village of W., lived a man, wlio bad once been a Judge of the county and was known all oVerit bv name ot Judge L. lie kept a store and sawmill, and was always Rnrfi tn - hftve. t hfi! hest ot a bargain on nis side, by which means he had gained an am ple fortune, and some did not hesitate to call him the biggest ! rascal in the world. He, was very conceited,vvvithal, and used to brag of his business capacity, when any one was near to listen. One, rainy day, as quite a number were seated around the store, he began, as usual, to tell of 4iis great bargains, and at last wound up with thev expression :. Nobody has ever cheated me, nor rthey can't neither. " ... ' - v" - 'Judge," said an old man of the companyr I've cheated you more'n you ever did me." "How so ?" said the Judge. uIf you'll promise you won't go to law 'bout it, nor do nothing, I'll tell you; or, else I won't, you're too much of a law character forme." "Let's hear I" cried a half dozen voice's at once, "I'll promise,' said the Judge, "and treat in the bargain, if you have.'; 'Well, dor you remember that wagon you robbed me of?" ? . " I never robbed you out of any wagon ; I only got the best of the bargain," said the Judge. "Well I made up my mind to have it back, and "You never did !" interrupted , the cute Judge, 'Ycs, I did, and interest too. "How so ?" thundered the now enraged Judce. " ' ; ". '' "Well you see Jude, I sold you one day a very nice pine log. and bargained with yoa tor a lot more. Well, that 102 I stole on vour Dne down by your mill the night be fn. and the next dav I sold it to you. The next night I drew it back home, and sold it to you the next day,' and so I kept on until you had bought your own log twenty-seven "That's a lie I" exclaimed the enfuriated Judge running to his book and examining his log account; "you never soia me tweniy- seven loirs of the same measurement" j know it," said the vender in logs "By drawing it back and forth the end wore off, and as it wore, I kept cutting the end off, until it was pnlv ten feet long, just fourteen feet shorter than it was the first time I brought it, and when it got so short, I drew it home again and worked ' it up into shin gles, and; the next week you Dougnt tne shingles and then 1 concluded I had got ray wagon back and stowed away in my pock et book." ' V " - , The exclamation of the Judge was drown- ir! in the shouts ot the bystanders, and the logdrower fouud the door without the prom i isea treau An Early Prejudice. A California editor, participating in a debate as to the best method of building a certain bridge, obicctcd to a coffer dam . for making the piers! lie said he early formed a prejudice against the thing. His uncle 1 once had a cow choked with a turnip, and for a,' long time it was thought she would coffer dam head off. He had been opoosed to coffer dams ever since, ; , All forms Child. A short time since, a rather rough appear log man from the remote Interior walked in to the Granite Bank, Augusta, He., and in quired: . "Is this Mr. Johnson, the cashier T It is, sir ; what will you have r "Do you pay any of your old bank , bills now?"- : . . , .... . Certainly.M 1 . ' " " "Well, now, that is good. : You see I had some of your bills, and the other day I offered j them at the Sandy River Bank ; but they didn't want them and said you would take them, so here they are." . The cashier counted the bills about $100. ; He then inquired : j i "How long have you had these bills ?" ; "It's about six years. -How happened you to keep them so long?' f Well you see I had only one child a girl fifteen and a half years old, and she died; and then 1 didn't care about the money and put it away in an old box, and there it has been." Vi " ;'::T.' V':C : r'?'.?-:: The lump came to his throat: and the tears streamed down his furrowed cheeks as he turned aside, in memory ot his child, for whom the money had been saved. Touching Leave Taking. -The St. Jo seph Missouri Herald reports an elopement case. A Mrs. Carson has left with a doctor, first addressing the following to her hus band.:.-"-'- ; V y.h -K::.' ; . Dear Uusby. You're played out. I like Dr. so well that I prefer going with him rather than staying with you- you good degenerate cuss.- It's none of your business where we are going to. It won't do you a bit of good to follow us, for I wouldn't live another day with you to save your life. You made a mistake in thinking I loved you. I never did. I married you merely for conve nience sake.' I take the baby along and I'll take care of it. You can sue for a di voice, or get married as soon as you please. The woman who gets you next will have a healthy old prize. Good bye. Be virtuous and you'll be happy. Your - . " Late Wife. BUSINESS CARDS. DANIEL A. SMITH, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of .. Parlor, Dining Room, Chamher and Office Furniture, Mat trasses, Featliers, Window Shades, Wall Paper, &c, also Sash, Blinds and Doors. SOUTH FRONT 6ct2: ST., WILMINGTON, N. C iy H. DOLLNER, G. TOTTBR, J. CAMERDEN. DOLLflER, POTTER & GO , Commission Merchants 9 i'. New York. Libera.', cash, advauccs on consignments of Na var Stores, Cottou and other Southern produce, j sept. 24 ; ly L O. Cv UKtCOl. L. G. BSTES. M. T. HATCH. New York. Wilmington, N. C. New York. HATCn, ESTES & CO., V.'M" GENERAL Gonunission Merchants, NO. 133 FRONT STREET, CORNER OF PINE NEW YORK. C CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON & NAVA1 stores solicited. Usual advances made and aUOrders promptly executed. aoui. GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 10 South Front Street, i 'Wiliriin.g' ton, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions. Wines, Liquors. Cigars. . Wood, Willow, and 6m- moil trovb cry wurc. . : '. r ' ! . - ... .: ; -Cotton and Naval Stores Bought or Received on Consignment. oct 6 ;-; ' - ' tf MANUFACTURER , AND DEALEB IN - . -r-r-rm tait -HaI ' A : ' QT-TTNli I H X OlBa V TlJlO, Olllil VJUiliKJ, GASIl PAID FOR WHITE OAK AND CY press timber delivered at his Mill at wharf foot ot Castle street. Prompt attention given to oraers. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 5, 1867. tf JOSEPH H. NEFF, SHIJP CHANDLER, AND DEALER IN i J. SHIP STORES, GROCERIES, HARD" ware, Paints, Oils, Boats. Oars, Ac. No's 23 Water, and 2, 4 & 6 Dock Street, WILMINGTON, N. C oct ly AS. T. FKTTSWAT. BOOKS MOOBB ; PETTEWAY & MOORE' , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS; NORTH WATER STREET, " WILMING TON, N. C. SOLICIT CONHlNMJia OJf VUTiUW, NAVAL STORES 'AND COUNTRY PRO DUCE. Being AGENTS for the .Manufacturers are prepared to fill, on the most reasonable terms, orders ior . GEO. KIDD'S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS, ZELL'S RAWBONE 1 ! SUPER-PHOSPHATE, BROWNS COUNTEK, - r. r , PLATFORM andRAIL- ROAD SCALES. Have consUnUy on hand FERTILIZERS ol all descriptions. v NEW M) YEIlTISEIIBIiTi YyAXDROIC IS NOW OFFERING Dry THaU any other IIouso v in t tho State. Since the heavy decline in Goods, WALDRON has been North and bought his . . - and now offers . for , sale one of the HOST EXTENSIVE ' and DEST ASSORTED STOCKS OF DRY GOODS in the country, at Panic Prices of 1857. - DOMESTIC GOODS, A full line at the very bottom of the market. Calicoes 61 cents and upwards. 1 Bleached Shirtings 61 cents and upwards. Brown Goods, very low. DRESS GOODS. Merinoes, Poplins,- Empress Cloths, Alpacas and other popular fabrics, in all desirable Stylo and Colors, all of which will be sold at popula prices. i , f Go tO THE GREAT 4 for Ever y- . thing usually kept , in First Clasa Dry Goods IZotiae, I Housekeeping Goods A snlendid stock, consistinsr in nart ot Quilts.. Tickings, Sheetings, Table Cloths, Table Dam asks. Nankins. Doilies. Towels, and Toweling: from the ordinary qualities to the world renowned Barnesly Goods I Fruit Cloths and Embossed Table Covers in wool and felt all colors and prices. : ' , -, - . : -. , BLANKETS. BLANKETS. t . 4. A Inll stock White and Colored. A better blan ket for less money than any other Heuse in the State, uome and examine them and be con vinced. FLiANNEIi--Best makes. White and Colored, Plain and Twilled, at prices that, cannot fail to please. ; . CLOTHS AUD PAUT Q00DS. Broad Cloths, Doeskins Casslmeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, and a general assort ment ior .M.en'8 ana coy s wear,, ai lowest vanu prices. " j " ' . WHITE GOO D . The best assortment and attowerpHifrllianDy other House in the whole south. Knil: Grobcis Evening and Breakfast Shawls, Alexandras, Son tags, Nubia), Scarfs, Hoods, &c, &c All quali ties and prices. - i 8HAVIiS and CLOAKS. This Department like all others at this popular Establishment is complete. ! : ; . All Wool Shawls $1 and upwards. HOSIERY AI1D GLOVES. . 1i Ladies' Hose and Gents' Socks 121 cents and up wards. All grades at satisfactory prices. . CORSETS AND HOOP SKIRTS. An Imported Corset for 75 ccntt, and a regular line to the Finest French Corsets at $3 50. Hoop Skirts 50c, 75c, 1 1, II 25, $1 50, $3, and upwards. , i HAIR NETS. ! Plain, Beaded, -and Trimmed, the best goods in-the market. from J5 cents, tor -In this Department may bo found every variety. Plain, Embroidered, and Hem 8titch, 121 cents and upwards. ? : Gts' Funiisliing Goods.' Modern Styles and living prices. .. ! Fine Shirts and Underclothing for the Million, j The best Paper Collar in the world, Linen Finish, Cloth Lined Button Holes and Magenta Edge, not to be found at any other House in , the city.i Gentlemen call and see them. A : J HATSand Fashionable Shapes and and see HAMILTON. Jb. Popular Styles. Call It is presumed if yon take him he will get wet ! 1 1 WHOLESALE BUYERS are cordially invited to call at The WUmingtbn Regulator and get posted up, and thereby save time and money. , . ' N h- Everybody wanting anything in THE DRY GOODS UUIE i 'X - ''' ;-V -y - 7 - -i- - :;' -;i ry ,r- 4 i will consult their own interest by going to WALDRON'S, THE CHEAP STORE. THE CHEAP STORE. THE CHEAP STORE. SOUTH FRONT STREET.; tSPEniAttlOTIGE. f As a particular favor, WALDRON request that his Friends and Customers come prepared with "Greenbacks.", The times are such' that hereal ter he cannot take Gold in payment for Goods. J R. S,TAXDHOn tp? a G-GODS - i vjituinQTon aiid A'piDon iu n. conPAriY. IF T . April Sth, 18CS. ,j Notice to Passengers.;, ON AND AFTER THE 10th INSTANT, THE passenger trains will leave Wilmington at 5 o'clock. A. JL, and 5 o'clock, P. 'M., and ar rive In Wilmington At 7:30 A. M. and 7:o0 p. M., until further notice; . : S. L. FREMONT, 1 .'. . ; . Engineer t& Sunt' - ! inril O : 111 -St IITST WIL. & IIIKCUESTER it. B. CO. IT Hlrrn!! YN AND AFTER MARCH 29to, PASSEN- XJ eerrrains of this Road will run on the following Schedule : . - - TRAIN. . i - orm r ir . . O.WU A. . L. Arrive at Florence 3:15 A.M. Arrive at Kinirsville. . .... . . . . ..... . . 7:80 A. M, Leave KinrBvUic...., ........ ....... ;asua. m. Arrive at Wilmington......... ...... 3:35 T. M. JCiprees Train connects closely at uiorence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad for Cheraw, and at Klvgsville with the South Carolina Rail road for Columbia and Augusta. - ACCOMMODATION THAIN. Wn.MrsGTOjr, N. C, April 8, 1S6S. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY the 10th inst the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN on this Road will leave W ilmlngton on ' Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8:30 A. M.: arriva at Florence at 6:50 P. M. : Kingsvllle 3:00 A M.. Leave Kinssville Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sun- days, at &a) P. M.-, . arrive at Florence at 3: 15 A. ' 31., ana v umington t:iw r. m, v;iose connec tion at wummgton ootn ways witn tne w. w. 1L K., at iriorencewith the u. ana u. it tt; lor Cheraw. and at Kingsville with the South Caro lina Railroad to and from Columbia. - i . - WM. MacRAE, '". ' ' ' Gen'l SupL , aprUlO 142-tf WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE AND; RUTHERFQRD R. R. COMPANY. IT Gbsxbal Sufxbintskdzkt's Office, ) Wilmington, N. C; Aug 9, 1867. f ON AND AFTER TUESDAY "NEXT, AUG 13th; the Passenger train on this Road wil. leave Wilmington on Tuesday ' Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock,; A. M. : ; Amve at uana urn, ame aavs, at 3 ir. M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage) at 12 midnight. ," Leave Wadesboro' (Stage) on Tuesday, Thurs day and Satuday, at 2 P: M. 1 ' Leave Rockingham (Stage) on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. 't k - I . .Lieave Sana tiui uars) Monuay, weqncsaay and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. . Arrive at Wilmington same days at s f. M. .... ' 1 W. I. EVERETT, General Supeilntendent. THE GRIJAT THE0UGH BH0JlT,tt0UXE" Tf THR .TSrnPTTT ACR KING RdT The most direct and comfortable route to PHILADELPHIA, ; NEW; YORK, . BOSTON, AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. Through Tickets sold and Baggage Checked from all principal cities in the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States. SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. No Omnibus transfers on this route, i v.v?,:; - . . . . , This line also forms a part of the GREAT SEABOARD INLAND Allt LINE FREIGHT" ROUTE. -conmecting with 8eaboard and Roanoke Railroad at Portsmouth, Va. FREIGHTS forwarded with despatch, and at reasonable rates. THROUGH RECEIPTS given to and from . , rxiUjutuijL'u.i& an il PRINCIPAL POINTS . . SOUTH. : i Jlarine and Fire Risk Assumed - Ify the -! Company. : : X: -"'.. 'A -'V-t i-.Vi :H I ; I For farther information cnqulrq at stations ol conneciing railways South or of Agent at Nor folk, Ya. ft V. TOMPKINS, General Agcntr. ''' Norfolk, Va. 13 oct f . tf H T EL. PURGELL HOUSE, TvII,MINGTON,TN. C. ; ' ". raoFBizToa:. - J. R. DAVIS, of Mills House Charleston, S. C. .. ! - -- , - T -l ' - - -." Coach, Carriage and Baggage Wagons always ready to convey Passengers to and from the Rail roads, april 4-137-tf Attorney, arid Counsellor at Lair, WILMINGTON, N. C., v , Office, 71 Market Street," oyer Office Post.-EST- Particular attention paid , to prosecuting claims in the U. 8. District and Circuit Courts. and Court of Claims at 'Washington, D. C. The patronage or non-resiaents ol the Bute is re pectfufly solicited.! z ; apm iu r -t lw-ii NOTICE. , v rjpHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE in large or small quantities, . ' 1 ' ' CYPRESS and JUNIPER Sliixierles, Sawed in a Workmanlike Manner.' These ' 8HINGLES are admitted by all who have used them to be : ; , . ; - DETTEn. AID:CI1EAPER han any In the market. It takes LESS NAILS, and LESS TIME to lay them. They make a BETTER ROOF, and require LESS PER. SQUARE than any hand made shingles, ; H , - . - " . Call, examine and jndge for yourselves, at XliU foot of Castle street. : - : 1 - - J. C . ,n- - -it v . " Proprietor. RAIL ROADS. GEIRAL iPERIIEID IS OFFICE