1 A. ' WILMINGTON POST. ' ';. ; s. 5 -i t . f ' r i WILMINGTON.- N. . 0., APRIL 24, .1868. Important Order from General Canby. OFFICIAL. ' HBADQUARTBBS SECOKD MlLITABT DISTRICT, ) Charleston, 8. C., April 6, ,186V J OENERAli ORDERS, 7 ' - no. 01; J . v ' ' The Commanding General has received information from different sections, of the States of North Carolina ; and South Caro lina, and frdm members ot both political parties, that combinations have been formed or are now being formed,' to prevent delay or hinder the execution of the j laws oi the United States,' or by foroe,' intimidation or threat to prevent persons from accepting for executing the duties of any office or employ ment under the United States, "at the elec tions to be held under the authority of the Jaw oi JIarch 2, 1867, "to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," and the laws that are supplementary thereto. While he is ! satisfied that these comnlaints aool v to a few persons onl v of both parties, it is proper that all such per sons should be warned that any attempt by force to prevent, hinder or delay, the execu- . . . f At Tt j i rii j tlon 01 tne laws oi xne umtea. Diaies, unuqr the authority oi whic'i the said election as ordered; or by force, intimidation or I threat to prevent an v person irom accepting or holding any office, or trust, or place of con fideuce under the United States, as Regis trar, Superintendent, Judge, Manager, In spector or Clerk, or other employment at said election, will be amenable not only to the penalties prescribed under the authority of the said laws, but "for violation of the Act of Conffrcss 'to define and v punish certain conspiracies " approved July V 31, 1861. .Statutes at Large, Volume 12, . Chapter XXXIII.) It is the duty of the civil and military au thorities in both States to secure to every registered voter tne tun ana tree exercise of his ricrht of suffrage, and this duty must be fully, faithfully and Impartially perform ed: and the Commanding General confident ly expects that the people, of these States will unite in securing for each other the full ' and proper exercise of this franchise. But if in any District or County, or polling sub division of either State, the election should be prevented or the ballot-boxes or poll lists . should be destroyed, or , the. electors1 duly registered under the laws of the United States should be prevented by force or in timidation from voting, a new election will bo ordered -for such District; County or polling subdivision. To the end that the laws of. the United States may be duly executed: that the offi cers charged with conducting the elections ' may be protected in the discharge of their duties, and that the qualified electors may be protected in the exercise of the elective franchise, Commanders or r osts are author ized, whenever in their judgmen tit may be necessary, to appoint from the officers of the army cu of the Freedmen's Bureau, un der their command, Military Commissioners for Districts or Counties within the t ternto-J rial limits oi their commands tnat are so re mote from their headquarters that the potr crs conferred upon Post Commanders cannot be immediately or directly exercised. 111 The Military Commissioners so appointed arejinvested with all the powers ot- the Jus tices of the Peace of Districts of Counties, "or the police magistrates ot cities, and wilt.;t)e governed in the execution of their dutiesty the laws of the State in which they may ; be serving, except so far as these laws : may f be in conflict with; te laws Of the United States or with-theL orders issued , from, the Headquarters of thi3 District; and, in addi-: tion to any troops that k may I be placed at tjheir disposal, are given tire command of the police force of Districts, Counties, "cities and towns; and all police .officers, sheriffs, "constables and other peace ' officers are re quired to obey' and i execute the; orders of the Military Commissioners in all such cases. " . The Military Commissioners will promptly report all cases in which they assume juris diction, and the , disposition made' of each case, hen partie3ire held for trial j either in confinement or under bail, the case will be so fully reported as to enable Nthe Com manding General to decide whether it shall i be tried by a military tribunal or be brought ( before a civil courts J The jurisdiction herein givcrf to the Mili' tary Commissioners will be determined and limited by the authority heretofore dele gated to Post Commanders by General Or- ders No; 32, of May 30, 1867, and General Orders No. 145, Of December C,; 1867," and will not be construed as extending to the inhabitants in their ordinary personal relations,-unless the civil authorities should re fuse or fail to suppress insurrection, disor- : der and violence, and to 1 give all rightful protection to persons and property; and all persons, whether in authority or not, are re quired to obey and execute all la wfuV orders of the Military Commissioners to the same extent and in theBame manner that they are required by law to obey and execute the i . writs of the civil magistrates, i ' ; Some oif the complaints that have reached the Commanding General apply to colored voters of the 'two States, and to sections where they have the numerical ascendency. i To them it is proper to say that ttye elective franchise conferred upon them bylaw, car ries with it no authority to restrict others in the free exercise of that right: and that while it is their duty not to regard threats or in s timidation as to themselves, any 'conibina.- uons to prevent Dy iorce, intimiaation or i threats the same free" exercise of this right by r others will be unlawful, and will subiect the ' offenders to the penalties prescribed by law uu ujr uu.um.iy uruers. xucj are counselled' iu cicrcisu tue rjgat ox yoimg in a quiet ana r orderly manner, giving offence to no one; and aiter casting their votes, not td linger aDout the polling places, but to return quietly to their homes and to ' their " custo- mary avocations."": - Commanding Officers will give as wide a circulation as posssible to this order within the limits of their commands, . By Command of Bvt Major-Gencral Ed. S. Caxbt: , . . , 1 LOUIS V.CAZIARC,J. t j Aide-de-Camp, Actjr. Asst. Ajt. Genl. .' Official: , ; - , .", : R. T. Frank, , . Bvt. Lt. Col. & Capt. Sthlnfty. , L. A. HART.o 5 , iJNO. C; BAILEY r. i V. ! IRON5 AND. COPPER: ; ' and- -'-- MACHINE BjatOIf , A L SOL M anufacturer s of TURPENTINE XU STILLS, and COPPER WORK In all ite branches.' u . - ' Front. - Street, below Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. IIARTk& bailey. Proprietors. augQ - it special; WHITING t V E U RE 111 JP O Is I SHE It . Warranted Superior to anything now in use fo Cleaning and Polishing all kinds' of Met als, Mirrors, Window Glass, - Paint,' and all such. - Purposes.) For sale Wholesale and Retail by - n 2t '" GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. lO Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. - ISTo. .1. DIRE CTIONS. Aunlv with a damn snonee or cloth," and rub dry with a soft cloth or leather till the lustre ap-I pears. ao i is 10 do usea ioranxme atimuub, and No 2 for Steel, Iron, and Culinary purpo ses, and where there is much rust. Be careful to observe the Number. Use but very little at a time. '. . . Price Twenty-five cents per Box Read the following Certificates Messrs. WHITING & CO., i Gents The sample of WHITE EMERY fur nished by you for testinc: its merits in polishing and cleaning the engines of steamers Fulton and. Arago, nas proved useu very userai lor that pur pose, and equal,: if not superior, to anything oi the kind I have ever seen used. It produces a ready, bright polish, and endures the damp and heat or the engine room to a greater extent than when brightened by any other material, and I consider it highly useful for steamships. i ours, very truiy, i-. Capt. JOS. J. COMSTOCK. New York, Feb. 12," 18C7. . v i 28th August; 18G6. A. WHITINGS Esq., Sir : For some time I haye used in my house, your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher. 1 hnd it lully equal to all you say of it. With one fourth the labor and without dirt it gives a superior lustre and more lasting than anything . I have ever used. By using a sponge damped witn water, witn a litue 91 your no. l on it, and rubbing the same over any Window. Mirror or Picture Glass, and after it dries, rub it off with a clean cloth, it will clean them in one twentieth the time, without wet or dirt, and give a most beautiful lustre. I am satisfied that if any person uses it, they will never be without it- - M. WILSON, ; No. 220 South Fifth St., Jersey City. ; Bbookxtn, Sept. 20th, 1866. A. WHITING, Esq, Sir: I have carefully used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, and I have no hesitation in recommending it as being fully equal to all you claim for it, and think no housekeeper should be without it. ; U Mas. VAN ZANDT, 86 Clinton Street Brooklyn. a9th AugustV 1866. . A. WHITING, Esq., Sir : I have given Nos. 1 and 2 of your Eureka Pelisher and Burnisher in the New York HoteL a fair tiial. and find it all and even more than you recommend it to be. It srives a better and more lasting lustre in , much less time, with less work, and without dirt, thai anything I bave ever seen or used by 100 per cent. s V dUHJN JKAJNJS, Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel. ' - ; 20th Aurnst, 1866. - A. WHITING, Esq., , Sir :We have carefully witnessed the use of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in our Hotel.aud can fully and do cheer fully endorse the above. . , We qan with it clean all the windows and initrors in our house in one tenth the tinie and without wet or dirt. Send us 200 lbs. of No 1, and 100 lbs. of No. 2. I CRANSTON & HILDRETII, . JNew xork Hotel. Astor House, New York, Nov.- 5, 1865. Sir -Under our supervision, we have had vour Whitins: Eureka Polisher. &c..v fried in the vari ous departments of the Astor House. Its quick and clean action, its brilliant and lasting lustre makes it a very usetul and desirable article for all 1, . nA Al.iM IV.. U' T .-U.. is; very far superior to anything of the kind now in use. Wh have and shall continue to use it. - 8ig?ed STETSON & CO.' ' Sir : We have used for some time vourEurckk Polisher, &c, in our Hotels and can fully recomv mend it to the public" generally, and we can en dorse what the Astor House say of it. ; i Signed , PATTEN & WIELD, Pacific Hotel, Greenwich Street, near Courtland Sir:I have tried your Eureka Poisher. &c'.V in my Hotel; and most cheerfully endorse what the Astor House say ol it, and do with confidence recommend it as a very economical, useful and superior article Signed ' . , ; . L. FI8K, - K''--:;.-';; y f otevens House, vi uroaaway. i v : i M ' New York, Sept. 2d, I860.' A. WHITING,' Esq.; - Sir : I have tried vour iiiUreKa rousner, uurmsner, ana inamcier, act take great pleasure in recommending it as a sup nor article lor tne uses lor wnlcn it is intended. Please send us 100 lbs. of No, 1 and 50 lbs, of No. 2. i J. WARREN COLEMAN. Superintendent Southern HoteL , :! -"-'I "Kara Vrtlr 9or ,'12fiA A. WHITING. Esq.. Sir : We have tried four AurcKa rousner ana iuiiy agree witu tne JNew York Hotel and Southern Hotel, in its value for - 1 - i A ...... all purposes you claim for it. Please send us 100 lbs. of it. r - BAIN & HAM. f Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St., and 3d Av. ; Ixrw. vk-i, n.t crt' t.i- ooi j I A. WHITING, Esq.. Sir : Having witnessed the use of your Eureka Polisher at the New York Hotel, we aTeTmryncTonvmcea it Is all you claim for it, and you can ship to our address 100 lbs. ol No. I and 100 lbs. NO. 2. . , Very truly, yours, HITCHCOCK & CO., : Imperial Restaurant, New Orleans, 1 September 3d. 1866. .A. WHITING. Eeq., Si : After a careful and full trial In our stables of your Eureka Polisher! and Burnisher,' we most cheerfully commend it and we are certain that one who has occasion to use any thinjr ol ; the kmd will be without itl It 4s by far the best thing we ever saw or usedkj t icosc hcuu ua iwius, oi ltai once, - ' ' . POST & NICHOLS, National Sale and Exchange Stables: -Nos. 156, 158, 160, 162 and 164, 24th St. j N. T.' ; I agree with and cheerfully endorse the above JOHN ROBINSON. , No. 156 East 34th Street. New York, Sept 24th, 1806. A. WHITING, Esq- Sir : I have used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in various ways in my house and stables,, and most cheerfully re commend it's being a very superior article, fully equal to what you claim for . it I shall use it, and think no one who ever does try it, will ever be without it - CHESTER LAMB,' St, Nicholas Stables, 57 and 59 Mercer St New York, June 12, 1866. A.. WHITING, Esq., Dear Sir: I have used your Eureka Powders in my Saw Manufactory, and I find it very good for polishing on a wheeL but as a Polisher I find it makes a lustre 50 per cent better than Emory, or anything lhave ever used, and with much less labor, which preserves aii arucies irom uruumiig, ana zrom rience I find that it keeps them so. and that the do not require oiling. H. R, WARNER. ; 123, 125 and 127 Worth St - -. - New York, Oct 16, 1866. Sir: I have given your Eureka Polisher, etc.', a critical test, and ean say with Mr; Warner, that it is very far superior to Emory. It works quick and requires hut little labor, and ; gives a most beautiful and lasting lustre, and is very econom cal. I do most cheerfully recommend it, and shal use it in all my works. . ." ' ' ' JOHN BLAIKIE, Electrician No. 74 Ann Street. oct Zi 22 TO THE COLORED PEOPLE t I r. f ,. .4..- . . 'I ---i-7 A ,--.-.- "j";. tfV ' .' . " v:-V- THE lVATIOSfAIf. FREEDMM AND V TRUST COMPANY 1 BRANCH AT WILUlUQTOtl, II. C, ' Wo. 7 1;MALIUET ST.,- . OVER THE-- POST PRINTING OFFICE, .1. On Market between 2d and 3d Sis. TRUSTEES, D1STIIICT OF COLUMBIA : H. D. COOKE, : e. b. French; ? ' j. m. broadhead, a. p. ketchum, V. H. HOWARD, W. 8. HUNTINGTON, GEO. W. BALLOCH, JOS. H. BARRETT,1 B.W.BRlCfii 1 WALKER LOUIS, JNO. R ELV0R8, J. B. HUCHINSON, SAMPSON TALBOTT, J. W. ALVORD, W. A BOOTH, II. H. GARNET. 'MASSACHUSETTS, HON. WILLIAM CLAFLIN. . ItUODE ISLAND, HON. THOMAS DAVIS. , rENKSYLVANlA, B. 1M1UNT, HENRY SAMUEL. MAHYLAKD, HON, HUGH BOND, SAMUEL TO WNSEND. - ':( ' :'" " " ' , ' " . ' " VIItGINlA, ' ; HON. J. C, UNDERWOOD. KENTUCKY, HON. BLAND BALLARD. OHIO, LEVI COFFIN, rev. j:m. WALDEN. IlOKOKAltY MEMBERS, MAJ. GEN. O. O. HOWARD, COL. WILLIAM H. SIDELL, JJ. S. A. FINANCE COMMITTEE, 1 II. D. COOKE, of Jay Cooke & Co., Chairman, W.S. HUNTINGTON, First National Bank, . Washington, D. C, . L. CLEFLONE, ' Collector of Internal Reveuucj Washington, t). C; GEO. S. COE, Americau Exchaugrc Bank, - New . ,York: ". - ; . EDWIN IciTCHEM, New York. EXAMINING COMMITTEE, J. R. ELVORES, Chairman, , W S. HUNTINGTON, GEN. GEO. W. BALLOCH. AGENCY COMMITTEE, GEN. C. H. HOWARD, Chairman, J. H. BARRETT, J. W. ALVORD, SAMUEL TO WNSEND, A. P. KETCHUM, WALKER LEWIS, A. S. BARNES. . You have here presented to you, the names of jnany of the best men of the country, who have gratuitously assumed the care and responsibility of a Company for the safe keeping and Invest ment of your spare earnings. If you work hard you will earn money the other folks, Nono of you heed remain r i A rr nnt fmonfl m ynrmp.y flUyiB now offered, you to e care of VOUr hard . p.amlntrR- nlft it. nrw-in vj, - " : ' o-j r Tnteiest in a Bankv and when you find yourself I Ihrown up9n a ;bed of sickness you,: will ; have Something to fall back upon. In your freedom you have nothing to depend upon but your own resource. Freedom brings with it many grave and trying responsibilities. One of the best and most conclusive ways for you to prove that you. are equal to the emergency, is to take care of your money, and. make it useful saving the money will bring with it pleasure, pride inyour self gJod habits and above all things a good name, and all people will trust you. Men: will point you out, "There is an honest sober indus trious man" you can trust him ; so too will your wife be proud ' of you, and your children will grow up willing and obedient, followers of your example. By a man saving ten cents a day for ten years, do you suppose he will be content to let that money simply bring him 6 per cent in terest ? No when he gets say $250, he will see an opportunity . to put it where he can begin business for himself, though on a small scale, if lie pursue the same course then as he did to ac cumulate that sum, he will soon double, and threble the sum he begun with. Thus good peo ple live. .Thus whole nations grow great , Thus in cities do Mechanics, , laborers ; Ac, have to their credit from five hundred to 5,000 dollars, in having1 commenced by 5 cents deposit in a Savings Bank. Take this advice then, avoid evil habits and put your savings in the Bank. April 31, 186ST -1 tf . 1 j :-t BAIJKII1B.' FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; United State Depository and, Financial Dibectobs: W. H. McRart, Jas. H. Chadboubw, S. D. Wallace, Eli Mubbat. Ddih E. Bubkuss, President. AsA'K. Walkkb. Cashier Wm. Larkiss, Teller. IL M. Bowdeh, Book-Keeper. 8, IV Wallace, Jb., Clerk. THIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND SILVER CIO IN, Government Bonds and Securities. NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State Banks Diirchased and sold. . EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH- , ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United SUtes, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention : given to the accounts or Dusmess men. aue. 14 Tr.- 1 -' - 6-mos FKEEDM1N?S SAVm&S AND-- TRUST COMPANY The business of this Institution will hereafter be conducted by . Mr. GEORGE M. ARIVOED. : Office is in the room over the office "of the Wilmington Post. ; - Office haurs from 9 A. M., till S o'clock P. M. and from 5 till 8 o'clock, P. M. Deposits of five cents and upwards received. Depositors take notice. Ls 8. S.' ASHLEY. apriU 1741 BANKING : HOUSE' r QJ JAY COOKE & CO., Noi 20 WALL STREET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. W E BUY and sell at the most liberal current Ti(4na and Iroan rvn honi . fnll Rnrmr GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTESJ and execute orders' for purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. CONVERSIONS. We convert the several issues of Seven thir ties into FIVE-TWENTIES ON THE MOST FAVOSA bletebms. taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. JAY COOKE & CO. '- . l-tf Treasury of the United States. DIVISION OP THE NATIONAL 'BANKS Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. TT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE X First National Bank of Wilmington, JN. u., a Banking Association organized under the Act 'to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge ot U niteu otates uonas, ana 10 proviae for: the circulation and redemption thereot, ' ap tiro ved. June 3d. 1864. having complied with the requirements "Of section 45 of said Act, and with the regulations of this Department made in . pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Depositbry of Public Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and by yirtue of 6uch designation will als be employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. v (Signed) ' ' F. E. SPINNER, , j.: Treasurer, U S. aug. 5- . , t ';". k - T -' i l-tf MISCELLANEOUS. BEARD'S PATENT LOCK-TIE, ALSO ' Beards Patent Self-Adjusting Tie, THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGE FOR BALING COTTON, MUCH SAFER FROM FIRE, AND CHEAPER THAN ROPE. TTAVING SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON THE PATENT LOCK TIE, fwe can recommend them to give entire satisfac tion. We have taken the Agency for the State, and will continue to keep a large supply on hand. For one Ton and upwards, to dealers, a liberal discount will be allowed. E. MURRAY & CO., 4 Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 29, 'C7. ly. TO SOUTHERN PLAtlTERS. Union Rice, Flour & Ijed MILLS, Nos. 216 and 248 Cherry Street, Corner Rutgers' Slip, ; JTEW YORK. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF RICE CLEANED " AND REDRESSED, Also, Flour, Corn Meal, and Feed of all kinds Uronnd at Short Notice. Excelsior fresh Rice Flour constantly on hand. REI'E RE N C E S : Fowler & Wabd, Rice Importers, 87 Water St JOHN JdENTO 4K uo.. " " iw JTrOnt St. Mosks Webb, Rice Brokers, Corner Wall and Water Streets. 5 Kripp, Baxteb & Van' Pelt, Grain, Meal &c., wmtenau street. Lakb. Son & Co. Flour. Meal. &c, 90 Broad St H. K. Thueber & Co., 173 and 175 Chambers St Hxnbt Reimzbs, 87 Wall Street -For Terms Address:' JOHN FITZGERALD & CO., " 246 and 248 Cherry 8t, New York. Union Maciine Company; MANUFATCBEBS OP Steam Engines ; Machinists1 Tools ; Woodworth naners and uatcners ; improved stave and Bar rel Machinery ; Barrel, Tub, and Pail Stave Saws : Chair and Hood Machinery ; Wood - Turning XAtneB ; cawing maumuus ouu oaw ATDOrs : lm proved Circular Saw Mills; also, - TURDIIIE WATER WHEELS, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Mill Work, &c, WATER STREET, FITCHBUEG, SIISSACHUSETTS. april 4--. 137-3m STOYES, GAS f IYTUBES, Cooking, Parlor and OQce Stoves, . A LOT 0F QAC FIXTURES, Just Received.' ; AGENT FORr FAIRBANKS' STAND. - JaJlD SCALES. tv n For Sale by A. H.: :jveff." N0T tf FRENCIl'S COLBini.' OR:'0'GJEBIES. THE IiAQGEST Stock and Assortment IN THE S 1 ' v.r AT I 4.: for C A! S Hi Extraordinary ;Inaucenieiits TO CASH BUYERS. ' . : '. .1 : 1 ,,' .. COUNTRY TRADERS Ilili DO WELL TO CALL AND Examine my Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere. i v T lie took Consists ot ALE, .- rjV' DRIED APPLES, ALLSPICE, ' , AXE HANDLES SALT BEEF, N DRIED BEEP, ; i BACON, ' i BOTTLES, ' . . BRANDT BROOMS, BUCKETS, . I ' BASKETS, r;:-' r':': 1 1 1 , BLACKING, : BAGGING, BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE. CODFISH, CANDLES. ' CASSIA, COFFEE, CLARET CIGARS, CANDY, 7 CRACKERS, DEMIJOHNS, , r FLAVORING EXTRACTS j FLOUR.'. s DRIED and PICKLED FISH ' GIN,) GINGER, ' ' ' ' GLUE, . . HAMS, f HOPS, HERRING, JELLIES KEGS, KEELERS, i ' LARD, J LEMONS, , . , ' LEY, BIOLASSES; MATCHES, fl CONDENSED MILK. MEAL, s NUTS, all kinds, OYSTERS. , PORK, ! PORTER, PAILS, PEACHES, raisins; ( RUJf, RICE, v SYRUP, SUGAR, , f STARCH, BOAPS, SNUFF.tr SEINES, !. '. : 1 .4 ' h 115 J - , - SALARATU8, : SARDINES, SALT, 1 SODA, BTOBACCO, : 1 J TWINE, TUMBLERS, TUBS, TEAS, VINEGAR, ; WINES, aUkindi, YEAST. POWDERS, WHISKIES, And many other Goods mention. , too numerous to I .1 10 So. Frotit Street. wiLMiNOTdrr n. c . " " t f . "" f " . - j AND . - TATE OD NORTHERN I'ltHB aug new Yonn :coLunN.i ; OUR-LATEST, mPROyjED New :i iScale Piano-PorteiiM NOTICE. After the most flatterbe ten nlals from the first Pianists lnufe i25? Who, at our soucitation, have tested them severest manner, possible w 'rr" the nounced - uecn. The Finest Square Piano-Forte Made I s theVorld. l v It has always beerrar policy duringUie Thir ty-six Year that we have manufactTirH i pu -twelve thousand Mtmbix arTnowSL-fi United States jnd Europe, to'Sv! theTiff strument at the lowest cos't. gS f; JfS iUes enable us to oner them ; fr Tr hundred dollars ro loco 4V, f v w buret 11 House. AVB The tone of these instruments-are , for ther peculiar sweetness and irreat able Never loslns their quaUty when io?CCd fe? utmost capacity. , the lower regSterreUiw1 its positiveness does not destroy the nJSS upper registers by mingling with them hv S freeable confusion. The refined beautv of 7t1 eing equally delightful to the unpracticed and to the most cultivated ear. , Ufc They are an entirely new 6tyle of Piano, finish ed In the most superb manner, with Teund- corners front and ba ck,- heavily carved 499 Broadway, New York. dec 7 , uJcwly. REEVES' AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR. ! , '.' Improved! It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. It causes the Hair to Curl beautifully. It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy. .. It invigorates the'Roots of the Hair. ' It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxnriantly. - - ' . : i ' : i :. ' It Immediately stops Hair Falling Out . , . . . . It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Age. r lt restores Grey, Hair" to its Original Color. It briags out Hair on heads that have been bald for years. , . ... It is composed entirely of simple and ' purelj vegetable substances. . - mmmmmmmmmmmm . v I It has received over 6ix thousand voluntary tes timonials of its excellence,' many of which are from physicians of high standing. ' It is to'.d ; in half-pound bottles (the name blown in the glass), by Druggist and Dealers in Fancy Goods every whereat One Dollar per Bot tle. Wholesale by Demas Barnes & Co ; F. C. Wells & Co. ; Schleffelin & Co. j New York. , aprfl 4th, C8. , 137-dfcw4y J. BAUER & CO;, " GREAT PIA.NO FORTE, ELODEon EMPoniun, 650 Broadway, New York, and l, . C9 Washington St., Chicago, Crosby Opera House, ' t Wholesale Agents for the United S fates for, - ' Wm.Ilnahe&Co.'s Celebrated Gaid. Medal Piano Fortes. , , -j - j - ? Also, Agents for A. IL GALE & CO., and other ; . v First Class Pianos, j , We have the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCK . ot PIANOS, which, for Power and Sweetness of .Tone,'. Easy and Agreeable Touch, and Beauty of Finish, have, by judges, been pro nounced UNRIVALLED. . ) ( Wholesale Agents lor CARHART, NEEDHAM ! COS Celebrated Harmoniums, Melodeons aud ... Organs. Manufacturers and Importers of -Musical Instruments, Strings, Accordcons, , VioHns,Clarionets,Drums, Guitars, Brass Instruments, and other Musical i " Merchandise. Remember the Place, J. BAUER & CO., ' V i 650 BROADWAY; NEW YORK: and ' i 69 WASHINGTON ST.. CHICAGO I Jan 21 - , ly.' OFFICE Of WHITE'S Patent Lever Truss. Co. No. 609 Broadway, New York. ,- C. AUGT GREGORY, M. D. President. 'ITTHITE'S PATENT LEVER ; TRUSS and W FEStALE SUPPORTER differ in principle from all others. No preslUre on the back. u It is light, clean, and easy. ', Persons ruptured should at once procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPOTENGY, and secure yourself againat STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATIL 4 Directions lor Ordering.- i .; . Measure around the body tWf inches below tho r lop of Hip Bone, State the side 4 afflicted, also if sending. Cash must accompany the order. A f special department has -been fitted up for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia and kind- red diseases. It is under the special care of the v President of our Company, who is acknowledged by the profession to haye no equal in this ipeci- ' frv,? weariDS tne Lever Truss and bathing the afflicled parte with DR. GREGORY'S CELE BRATED HERNIA LOTION, the most obstinate cases can be cured. Prices for Trusses vary ,, from 5 to 50 Dollars according to quality and the 1 condition df the Rupture. Hernia Lotion is f per Bott'e or 5 for Two Bottles. JOHN T.HILDRETH, Gen. Agent. - aug. 31. -i ttL BIARVIN'S PATENT Alum and Dry Piaster, Fire 'and Burg - - lar Proof j With Combination Lock. TTTARRANTED THE BEST inthe WOKLf. Y V Never corrode the iron. Never lose their fire-prOof qualities. Are the only Safes filled with Alum and Dry Plaster. Please send or call for an Illustrated Catalogue MARVIN fc CO., Principal Warerooms: NO. 276 Broadway, New York. 4 ' . .No. 721 Chestnut SLi Philadelphia. - dec 7 . ' ' . . m ocisnwiiiMGEa & cp., MUTUFACTUKEBS OP Improved - Triple Flange and , Burglar Proof Fire With Combination and Powder-proof Lock', warrantea iree zrom uampness. ' ; - Jewelers' and Bankers' Safes - Made to Order and lined with Hardened Steel. Manufactory. 180 to 193 West Houston Street, Depot, 100 Maiden Lane, near Pearl Street, N. T W.Terwilligr J.8. Lockwood,WH. Terwflhier. dw7 " i. - ! -- ''Cs js iuu jujic, ouipuuuuo xase ricniy moulded ""' and eachinsf rument is fully WARRANTED for five years. , : GROVESTEEN & CO SAFES A"