V r , - . 4 1 , ' .rrf -- i TFT; . t D.1TT WTLHINGTOITPOST.' Wilmington; n7 c.a. APRtir25r, iks. Important Order from General Canby. OFFICIAL. " ' J t - . Headqtjabtbbs Second Mhjtabt District, ) . Chablestox, C, April 6, .1S63. s. ) GENERAL ORDERS, I - KO. 61. 4 I The Commanding General has received information from different sections, of the States of North Carolina and South ' Caro-T Una, and from members vt j both- .political parties, that combinations have been formed or are now being formed o prevent, delay or hinder the execution otrtbe laws jot; the ;United States, or by force, intimidation; or threat to prevent person from, accepting ; or executing the duties of jany omce dr employ; ment under the United States,' at the elec tions to be held under the: authority of rthe law oi March 2, 1867, "to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," and the laws that are supplementary i thereto, s , While he is satisned rtnatr jthese complaints apply to a few persbris' -only" ?of both nartics. it is oroDcr that All such per sons should be warned that anv attempt bv r force to prevenL-hinder or delay the" execu- tion of the l$ws of the United States, under 1. 2l:l to oenseaiorau me Articles, ., u . . . t - u. i i; i i V and 5oi 2 for Steel, Iron, and Culinary, purpo the ftuthonty ot which the said election is " tin h,m thr'i. mnh mt. nJ&rtZrt ordered; or by force, intimidation or threat to no prevent, any pciiuu -Uyui acuepuug ur holding any office, or trustj or place of con- trar. Superintendent, Judcre- Manager, In- L spector or Clerk, or other employment at said election, will bo amenable not-only to, lm nnltfp prescribed under the authoritv - eni :-.j.oe Bampie aiYvxu.AJb jbUibttX-jur-5 i -5? prescnoea unaer ine antnoruy you for tegting ita merits isx policing ? of the said laws; bnt for violation of th6 Act cleaning the engines of steamers Fulton and . of Congress 'to define and punish certaia conspiracies,'!; approved' July w 31, 1801.- fBtfntao nf I sivno Iivn 1Q TAinn XXXTTT -v- . . yxiTTTT ' ; f- ' --"j s. r j. j It is the duty of the. jcivii.and.a3iilitary au-1 r . r ' ' - - - - . - ! . inonues in ooiu otaics 10 secure 10 every A Z A. Z " A- I 1 M- A A A I rerristered voter the1 full and ' free exercise I ' nf hia rircht At antfranrn-nnrl t.hi rf ritv 'tnrrat. I be" full v. faithfullv and imoartiallv fperform- wi? :ftnn tiie uomraanainff ienerai continent-n ..'i.. - ' '' J w -i a l , J . , jr .r win unite in seuunnK ior eaca oiaer xue iuu ana proper exercise oi tms irancmse. ruuij if in any District or County, or polling sub- division of cither State! the election should 1 . r i -. - .. . . i -.. . . I be, prevented or tlie ballot-boxes or po auuuiu uc ucsuuvcu. ui iuu viKiswio uuij: j registered under . the laws oi the United f Statcs should be prevented by force or ih- M.nAnL?nW i Wf?A Ill U1X fc-A. llllil will I W U&UA LB Al W W U A LIU W W A. A A I , . JL, -it , - . De oraereu ior sucu ajiswice, vouniy or i - polling subdivision. . ' 'n thn pnrt that thfi AW nt . thAI niteri : cers Charged with conducting the. clectionaf j protected franchise," Commanders of Posts are aiithor- ized, whenever in their judementit may be r' Jl T zr r ii i i l t :n l i necessary, to appoint, from - the1 Officers j of the army or of the Freedmen's Bureau, un der their command, Military Commissioners for Districts or Counties -within the; terri ten- rial limits bi their commands that are so re mote from their headquarters that the pqw-! ers conferred upon Post Commanders cannot be immediately or directly exercised..'; ; .i-'.; The Military Commi ssioners so appointed are invested with all the powers oi the Jus: tices of the Peace of Districts or Counties, of the police magistrates ot cities, and will ; be governed in the execution of their duties by the laws of the State in which they may f be seryingjjexcept so far as these, laws may - be in conflict with the laws of the United States or with the orders issued from the Headquarters of thisDistrict; and, in addl-?, tion to any troops that rday be placed at their disposal j are given ; the command of the police force of Districts, Counties, cities and townsj andalkpoUee officers sherins, constables and other peaCc " officers are i re- quirdd to obey, and .execute the orders of inc Military commissioners man sucn cases. The Military Commissioners will promptly report all cases in which they assume juris diction, and the disposition made of each case. When parties re held for trial, either in confinement or under bail, the case will be so fully reported as to, enable the Com manding General to decide whether it shall bo tried by a military tribunal or be brought before a civil court ,.; r?!fv&;r 1 . i The jurisdiction herein givWto the Mili tary Commissioners will iW determined and limited bv tha "- authoritv heretofore dele gated to Post Commanders by eierat Or ders No; 32, of MaY;8O,a8G7nnd0eneral will not be cons'trued asJ extenipV toi the V .1 i . jl! . '1IZL31 ' 1.1. lnnauitants in ineir.oruinary personal reia ' , .i i it ' T" .i f i i uons, unicss tne civn auiuoruies soouia re persons, whether in authority or not, are re quired,to obey and execute all lawful orders of the Military Commissioners to. the same extent and in the same manner thafcthey are " required by law to obey andj execute the" writs of the civil magistrates.' Some of the complaints that have reached the Commanding General apply, to colored voters Of the two States,' and to sections where they have -the numerical ascendency. To them it is proper to say thaf the elective franchise conierred upon theni by law car ries with it no authority to" restrict others in the free exercise of that right; and. that while it ia;ftheir duty not to regard threats or in timidation as to therasees any ;,combina tions toprevent by force intimidation or (.threats the same free exercise of this right by others will be unlawful, and will subject the offenders to the penaitieaprescribed by law and by military orders. They are counselled to exercise the right of voting in. a quiet and orderly manner, giving offence' to no; one; and after casting their t votes, not to linger 'about the polling ;places, , Jut - to return quietly to their homes and to " tlieif custo mary avocations. ' ' Commanding Officers will cive as wido a circulation as posssible td this order' within the limits of their commands, j By Command of Bvt. Major-General Ed. gj ' - Canby: ,5 , . . . LOUIS V. CAZIARC, , j l, Aide-de-Camp, V. ; ' Actsr AttU-AjUGenl., ' ufficial: B. T. Frakk - - 'vim . Bvt.Lt. Col. & Capt. 8th Infty. fuse or fail to suppress insurrectipnr; disor der and violence, and to give air frightful protection to persons and proper hnd all L. A. HART. : : ,"' - 'JNO. C. BAILEtf , ' wiiiSiiWGToiiir. ; 1 IRON AND :- COPPERr WORKS, -rAND MACHINE SHOP, '1 LBO Mannf actu ters of TURPENTINE J. STILLS, and' COPPER .WORK in all its branches. ? f f ? i Front Street,' belowhZIarketl Street, Wilmington, N.ACU DART & BAILEY, v Proprietors. SPECIAL. WHITINGFS V i, Warranted Superior to tny thing now ;in nf c to" Cleaning and Polishing all kinds of Met- ' al s ; Mirrors WindowAGlassj- Faint, and ail sucn J 1 Fnrposes.) iFor sale Wholeealo and Retail by ' r J GEO. Z. FRENCH i No, 10 Front Street, , . WILMINGTON, N. C. No;-I i It Apply with a damp sponge or cloth, and iub dry with a soft cloth or leather, till the lustre ap- observe the Number. Use but very little at a uuie.t - ' Price Twenty-five cents per Box. I -r . ' Read the . following Certificates. Mc8srs - WHITING & COy t . i Arago, has proved itself verynseful for thatiur-1 pose, and equal, -if not superior, to anything pi j LUC &1I1U X JJUVo CVUr BCCU uscQi - IL urOuuCCa a. I reaay, Dngm poiisnf ana rcaujr, uiigiib puusu, auucuuurcs me aamp ana whenTriffhtened. bv .ant other ' materia? - and T iiULft til Mic iiin nu uk- lii si. v ri'M i t" r x i.iti i. i. ihi i consiacr n nigruy useiai ior sieamships. " . . ' A j - , - ' Yours; very truly, - T J . -v--- --;-11 vjt wvo. u. vviu.oxvyxv. ... '. . .'t. . - ? - non. . i. . cuff i - 5 - - . .. -. ..otu ;xuicuuu-xow. A.1VHITING, Esq., Sir: For some time I have used in my h nnmihir T find U fullv mmi tr u vnn n.v Af it.. With one fourth tne labor and without, dirt it gives a superior lustro-ahd ' more lasting than anything Lhaveeveri nsed.By using a sponge ylQiriTvort nrlth vntr with a iirr.io rit vnn t AlilTOror irlcture off with a clean cloth,' it will clean them in one- twentieth the time, without wet or dirt and give Umost beautiful lustre, I am satisfied that if any person uses iu iney win never De witnout it. 1 A v ... j v.... - . ; M -WILSON ' : .: . . No. 229 South Fifth St., Jersey City. V ' y6ur Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, and! being ak no Mrs. VAN 2ANDT, 86 Clinton Street Brooklyn. . - . :i , 9th August. 18C6. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir: I have given Nos. 1 and 2 of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in the NeWiYork Hotel, .a -fair ,tiial, and find it all and even more than you recommend it to be1. It gives a better ana more lasting - lustre in much less time, with less work, and without dirt, thai anything I have ever seen or used by 100 percent. i: 1 r' r JOHN-CRANE ?dkini i iUr 6.nite gleaner,-rew iork Hotel. tn AUfiust, isoe. .:.nui! s Ai f WHltlNG, Esq., "Sir W have carefully witnessed the use of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in our Hotel.and can fully and do cheer fully endorse the above.' We can with it clean all the windows and miirors in our house in one tenth the time and without wet or dirt. Send us 200 lbs. of No 1. and 100 lbsi of No. 2. T - s CRANSTON , & HILDRETH,: New York Hotel. . .; Astor JIqusc, New York," Nov. 5, 18G5. T. Sir : rUnder our snptrrisioinV we have had your Whiting Eureka Polisher, fec, tried in the vM dus departments of the Astor House. Its qtSLk and .clean'actiotC:its brlUiant and lasting lttst!';"'lT'"'',,?M."l,?'',',!ri makes it a'vefy useful and desirable articlctor all the purposes you claim for it. jIn bnr-opbiion it is very tar superior to anything or the Jtmd now in use. . Wh have and shali-ontinuc to use it. Signed a r . STETSON & CO Sir : We have used for sonie timetourEureki Polisher sSfcCj in our Hotel, and can folly recom mend it to the public generally, and we . can cn: dorse what the Astor House say of it. . . .:., Signed r .t. PATTEN & WIELD- ' ' Pacific Hotel, Greenwich Street near Co urtland, Sir i;-Jt have 'tried your E8reka Poasher, &c. in my Hotel, and ,' most cheerfully endorse what the Astor House say of it, and do with confidence recommend it as a very economical, useful and .superior article -r;-..;v Signed '-wvtii ' . . j -'! -1 y :-:,;fL:'.FISK, ' ' ' ' ?i? " s Stevens House, 37 Broadway. , ; v New-Yorkept 1866.' A? WHITING, : Esq., Sir I have tried your Eureka Polisher, Burnisher," and Enamelerj and take great pleasure in recommending it as a supe rior article for the uses for which it is intended. Please send us 1 100 lbs. bf No. 1 and 50 lbs. of No. 2. J. WARREN COLEMAN. ' J i . - Superintendent South era Hotel. !' .) I ii ij ! i luiai uiiito UU lUUUi ' A. WHITING Esq., Sir:-We have tried vour Earcka Polisher and fully agree , with! the New iork MOtci ana oontnern uotci, , in its value lor all purposes von claim for it. Please send us 100 lbs. of it.7 n: BAIN, & HAM, ' . . Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St., and 3d Av. . '. N'ew York Hotel,' Sept; 1st i860. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir : Having witnessed the use oi your Eureka Polbher at the NowTork Hotel, we are fully convinced, it is all you claim for it, and you can ship to our address 100 lbs. of No. 1 and 100 lbsv No3. V: : , 3, ; ; Very truly, yonrs, HITCHCOCK CO., ! : i 1 1 1mperial Restaurant New Orleans, - ' ' ' September 3d. 1866. A. WHITING, Esq., Si After a careful and full trial In our. stables of your Eureka Polisher and BurnlBher, we most thecrfully recommend it and we are certain that n one who has occasion to use any thing of the kmd will be without it. It is by far the best thing we ever saw or used, Please send us 100 lbs, of it at once, J 4 ' : ' - POST & NICHOLS, Ki , , National Sale and Exchange Stables. 1 ' Nos. 156, 158, 160, 162 and 164,' 24th St , N. Y. .... . - i ' , - t ,-tf ' , I agree with and cheerfully endorse the aoove " ; - : - "JOHN ROBINSON.: v No. 156 East 24th Street. - -t n T .-. NewTork. Sent 24th. 1S66. ' A WHITING, Esq Sir:! have. used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher: in various ways In my housa and stables, andaaost. cheerfully re commend it's being a very superior article, fully equal towhat oxxt claim for It. -I ahill use it, and think no one who everdoes try it,iwill ever be without it; - CHESTER LAMB. ' St, Nicholas Stables, 57 and 59 Mercer St - - r .. - - . . , New York, June 12, 1866 J A; WHITING, Esq., Dear Sir I have used your Eureka TPowders in my Saw Manufactory, and I find it very good for polishing on a wheel, but as a Polishcr l find it makes a lustre 50 per cent, better than Emory, or anything I have ever .used, and with much less labor, which preserves all articles from tarnishing, f and from my expe rience I find that it keeps them'sb, and that they do not require oiling. H. R. WARNER, ? 123, T25 and 127 Worth St,; :trt'&i)-$&X Oct16, 1866V j Sir: I have given your Eureka Polisher, tdV a critical test,' and can say with Mr. Warner;4hat : it is very far superior to Emory, It works quick and requires hut little labor, and gives a most leautifuLand)ating lustre, and is very cconom cal. . I do most cheerfully recommend it, and shal use it in all my works. v : JOHN BLAIKIE, Electrician No, 74 Ann 8trei. Oct " . Si 1 IB COLORED PE0P1E THE NATfiOBJAIi FREEDMEN'S SAYINGS ND TRUST DRAllCI! ATYILmiIjQTOUi U. G.t overthe-.; :;; I. POST PUINTINGOFFIGE, r On Market between 2d and3dSts. j: TRUSTEES, DISTRICT OF- COLUMBIA ? IL D. COOKE, C. TT TTOWARD ! f "'7 E. B. FRENCH, W. S. HUNTINGTON,? J. IL BROADHEADr GEO. W. BALLOCH, ju P. KETCHUM, JOS. H. BARRETT, JN04 R ELVORS, V B. W. '.nr'rmv,nv t WA i BRICE, WALKER LOUIS, w : SAMPSON TALBOTT, J. W. ALVOKU, Wi A. BOOTH, II. H. GARNET. MASSACHUSETTS, , HON. W ILLIAM CLAFLIN. IIII0DE ISLAND, . HON. THOMAS DAVIS. i'ejhnsylvakia; HENRY SAMUEL. MARYLAND, - .,.. b. p. hunt; j10N nil Gil BOND SAMUEL TO WN8END. liUW nuuu UUS1' .. xynnosunu. ' VIROIKIAj aiON. J. C. UNDERWOOD. f-" KENTUCKY,, - i ::.) ' : HON. BLAND 3ALLARD. onio,J LEVI COFFIN, ' REV. J. M WALDEN. f ' IIOKOKAUY MEMBERS MAJ. GEN. tt O. HOWARD, COL. WILLIAM H. SI DELL, U. S. A. .5 -ii k FINANCE COMMITTEE, ' 'Jj(: " . H. D. COOKE, of Jay Cooke & Co., CUairmau, W. S. : HUNTINGTON, First National Bank, Washington, D.:C", L. CLEFLONE, Collector of Internal Revenue, , Washington D:c.; - - GEO. S. COE, American Exclljugc Bank, New ' " York. EDWIN KITCHEM, New York. . j ';' EXAMINIO;';COMMITTEE J. lt. ELVORES, Chairman, ;0;r- W Si HUNTINGTON, H v'. y-" GEN. GEO. W. BALLOCH. AGENCY COMMITTEE , PC- 1- GEN. C. H. HOWARD, Chairman, - s j. H. barrett; v y ;; J. W. ALVORD, : 4 -r SAM UEL TO WNSEND, t ' A. P. KETCHUM, WALKER LEWIS, f : A. S. BARNES. - ' ', ' You have here presented to you, the names of many of tho best men of the couutry, who have gratuitously assumed the care and responsibility of a Company for the safe keeping and invest ment of your spare earnings. . ' . . If you work hard you will earn -money the same as other folks. ,. None of you need remain poor if you are careful and do not spond money; for Candy; ( Cakes, Whiskey, or costly clothes. Tobacco and whiskey arc two things which all men who are going to save money must neither touch nor taste. - 1 xi yuu wiu twu io iu , vui ui this have the first year $31 20 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th ; 7th 8th it i !ii ' it ', i tt iv it t tt 33 07 : 05 05 37 15 V 39 33 41 74 44 24 46 90 9lh -10th . 49 7L tl A ' i 52 69 and at the end oi ten yedrs you will be worth in caah.... . . f411 13,,.; and all this from savin ir what voupav for a mean viar or a iriass ui vurv uaawuiBucv. : . . - The office of the Bank will be open from 9 to &o to Y-rwnere you can aeposit irom o cents, upwards. An opportunity is now offerecL'you to Uko careotji0r L.ri eipUc. it opoa- intetest in a Bank, and when, you find yourself thrown upon a oea oi sicKness you f W141 nave you haTc noUiingJodcpcna upon but jour own rusyuruu.' xruBuom unugo .wxui ib iuuij grave and trying responsibilities, i Onfe-bf the best and '',-. ' . a . nnnst. rnnrlTiRi vp. wavn fnr vnn m nrnvft that, vnn . 77 ' ' : 7 -7; - y-- are equal to the emergency is to take care of your money, and 1 make it usrful-saving the money wiU brinff with Itpleasure, pride ihSyour- self-god habits and above all things a: good COMPANY wuucj ouu uii ;cup nm li j utu , cu wiu v-apo x vu vxxu juLuaaayf next sacceeoiUK iuv point you but, "There is an honest sober indus- fourth Mondaj in April, then and there to inter tribusnan" you can trust him ; so' too will your Sbih' d to make elr aUeSation8 wife be proud of you, and your children "win grow up willing and obedient, followers of your example. . . By a man saving- ten cents a'; day for ten years, do you suppose ho will be", content to let that money simply bring him 6 per cent in terest ? No when he gets say 1250, he will see an opportunity to . put, it , where he can begin business for himself; though on a small scale, if he pursue the same course then as he did to ac cumulatethat sum, he will soon-double, and threble the sum he begun with. . ..Thus good peo pic live.- Thus whole nations grow great. Thus In cities'do 'jJSIeciianics, iaborers,ic.;'have to their credit from five hundred to 5,000, dollars, In having commenced - by ; 5 cento deposit in a Savings Bank. Take this advice then, avoid evil habits and put your savings in the Bank. : AprU31,lS, . tf BAHHDiU ? FIESjV NATIONSBANK OF . WIXJrllNGTON, IV United States Depository and ; Financial - Agent. -".-7 Dibectobs: '. : W. H. McRabt, , , Ja.8. H. Chadboubh, 8. Wallace, , ? T?r EuMckbat.; ' : " DdwisE. 13UEEUS8, President " " Asa K. Walkxb, Cashier v.j . WiL Labxxks, Teller. . 'I IL M. Bowdbk. Book-Keener. S4. 8. D, Wallace, Jb., Clerk. L rpHIS' BANK IS NOW OFSN1 FOR THE : J' TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS - GOLD AND 8ILVEK COIN, Government Bonds NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State Banks - purchased and sold. - - . ; - EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH .. . itrmw riTini inn AH a 4V ..1a COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in VAAV AAA VV'A 1 baUVOt fliW AV DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention given to the accounts or Dusmess men. -ana. 14 i . 6-mos FitEBbM'S'S'AYINGS .r"fi v AND TRUST COMPANY ThV Dusiness of this Institution will hereafter be conducted by Mr. GEORGE M. ARNOLD. ; ' . - .':. . J '. ' . . :t tt 'i.'-T. 4."-. ' Office is in the room over the office of the Wilmington Post.- Ofilco hours" from 9 A. M., tUl 3 of clock P. M. and from 5 till 8 o'clock, P. M. lieposlts oi five cents ana upwaras rcceiveu. Depositors take notice. , : . t m. r S. S. ASHLEY. anriU . 137-U: :i BANKING HOUSE, JA COOKED CO., . No.V 20,iyAII ' STUEET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. "TTE BUY and sell at the most liberal current TT prices, and keep On hand, a rail supply oi GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL v IBS u SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and sale Of STOCKS,1 BONDS and GOLD. ; conversions; We convert the several issues of Seven thib ties into Five-: bus teems MENT RaTBS, Circular with plication. Treasury of the United States DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. 1 TT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE X First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C.,'a' Bankinsr Association; organized under. the Act "to provide , a National currency, secured py a pledge OI unitea ;Biaies Donas, ana w proTiuo for tne circulation and redemption thereof." ap proved June 3d, 1864, having complied with the requirements of section 45 pf . said Act, and with the regulations of this Department made in pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Depository of punuc Moneys, except receipis from Customs,' and by virtue of such designation will also bo employed as a Financial Agent of the Government, , , . . s , ;' ' Treasurer, U S. aug. 5 ' ' -- i ;,-', a -.i 1-tf BEARD'S PATENT LOCR-Tlfi,: ALSO : I Beards Patent Self-AdjttsUn Tie, ' THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST IMPROVEiiENT OP THE AGE FOR MUCH SAFER FROM FIRE, AND ? i la CHEAPlfillTIlRdPE: " ' TTAVING , SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON THE PATENT LOCK TIE, , rwc can i'recommend thete to give 3 entire satisfac tion;;; We have taken the Agency for the State, and win continue to keep a lanre supply on hand. if or one ion ana upwaras, to aeaiers, a iioerai discount will pe allowed. -' vt - r ; . ' E. MURRAY. & CO.,: , Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 29, '67. i" i I lil-IJ.1 I I m. ' ' . ' " - .... 1 . i - TWENTIES ON THE MOST rAVOBA-! 17111 II. -ifJi. J Viw ;,TiTw kv,i , taking the 1st series at Govebn- rjXlKlOrUlUttrV lUUUUeiilUUtB , allowing a commission to dealers, r . - ;' ;;' ::r-i',:1r.iW'r' '"'M:',JV!;; full particulars furnished upon) ap- j i -r , , -t ' ' TiV nAAlTT? n I -Til.: V i,'.r 3-' i -':;"." ' - 4 m Ji'll.'.i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 7 - - .;..-'W-J..'i,j'wi;,..-.i.,-.i.'' District of Cape Fear In the District of Nortn uaroima. : ,.b.i- , Whereas a libel has been filed in 1 the District Cape year . on tne seventh day of November. H i i ' vv s n vii t n. r-i.ii.riM v.M . i.j in imiti h mill style of Harriss & Howell, owners or the steamer oranat, , 01 vyumiugiuu,1 .uu iuun x. uiiDeix. Master o the said steamer, ior themselves and all oiuurs cauueu, againsL me scnooner vdva Aaeie, her tackle e, " apparei, lurnuure ana cargo aueg- bur in sut as in suDstance, that the said 'schooner isva aDsiance, mat tne saia scnooner isva Adele; while endeavoring to get into the Port of Wilmington, went ashore, on the South side of New Inlet Bar; amid the South Bocakey where she stuck fast, and was unable to relieve herself i lrom the perilous condition' m - wmcn she was then placed. The said d ohn f. tiiinert, Master of said ' steamer "Brandt, ' upon discovering , the conaiuon oi saia scnooner, Java Aaeie, lmmeai- afAlv1 tirtViAH ' fi - thA Tk1nA' hm fhA col. I I At, t?tt a0i a,,.0 v. 5; iinemnemuiuis uwu eieauier. uuu inDruacnea 'and dw h frokO brersTand near enuugu io stuu ucuouuer, xva Aaews, iq ro- alter considerable aimcuiry succeeded in banling the said schooner from the shore, and towed her cargo; for tha salvage 'thereof, praying process r agams saia uuuuouer aau cargo ana reasonable condemned ndoM to pay euch Ballage; with- cobw, cuarges ana expenses , Now, therefore, in pursuance of? the monition under the seal Of the said Court , to me dirprtpfl , . . wi w iuo UixeCLCU anddeuvercav laonereoy give public notice to all persons claiming the said ship, her tackle, ap- pare! and furniture, and cargo, or in any manner JJ City of Wilmington, in and for the District of Dated the 22nd dav of Jannarv A. D. 1868. ' . D. R. GOODLOE, - - 1.. w . . . Tj. S. Marshal. ; " ""JOS." H. NEFF, Deputy Marshal. : Adam Empw- " . .l u proctor for libellants; k :jan25l ,Ci;.: v 20t VooIdcParlor'and OCee Stoves, A' lOT'QF QAG FIXTURE8, Just Received. AGENT JJOn FAmnANKSy STAND- ''.1 w.-jARD SCALES.'. . - h For Sale by Not 23 . A. n, NEFF. FRCKCII'S.GGLinil.1 Jl AND Stock and "Assortment ;! f J , r .1 r.5d ..-' .. i' all' Y 0.i t X. At v fiii Uf If; 4 'in: I . : i , -.t'.i, t -f .1 iflt.v "i "; ' " rr mm irni h t v I '. - - r " ' i - J Jul w ILL DO WELL TO CALL AND Examine my Stock bclore Parchasina Elsewhere. i THeStooK ALE," '"(!r -''- : DRIED APPLES -a JCLLSPIQE, SALT BACOXti'jivtuO o BOTTLES, u ; t : BAbYi r ' r' . - "BROOMS, uuujuiiID, . iUl i. ..HA SlCETS -''it Iif;r.'!;l ,j ! BASKETS, i -A.j BLACKING, - BAGGING. 1 ' w ! '; BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE, s codfish: OJll CANDLES. - 1 - - - i ' . .r V.-i -f., .CLARET CIGARS, l CANDY, ' 1 CRACKERS, TU1LrTTrttlVrO r . FLAVORING EXTRACTS f FLOUR. DRIED, and PICKLED FISH s . uijuxjj, - UAJS1D, ) 11 i 4 HOPS i M ; TTTR'RTNO ' ' ' ' , . TOriTrir ', -x?-- .:.-- n .( . JELLIES, XEGSi i il KEELERS, LARD, i : ' " - ' ! XiEMONS, ' - , .... LEYy . : fl TS MOLASSES, MATCHES, : . ' 1 f , CONDENSED MlCkT. ; ' : J ; MEAL, -T-'f : '- -y V " NUTS, all kinds, oysters.; ': 1 ; ' '' t-tr;u'i'. : PORK, ' , ' - ' porter,t; .',,,;,;v:j'.v'-;i. - , PAILS 'r' 1 ';-., ; .i . - PEACHES,irf; i ' , ; ,:'-'. . ;;; RAISLN&, ' ,f ' RDM. RICE, . .. ' ; t?vw SYRUP, s-;, ' -' SUGAR, ' -V starch; :,f . Jf " ' : . SOAPS; I , . 1 SNUFF, ! f. 's ': . j -SEINES, SALARATUS, ' . v -h.,. ru:.r , SAXlDINESy t. ;mMnwrwmr . f-"?' riz s 8AIaT . i-- ; , -; . " ' " ' ? '- " ' - r I SODX, -. ; i.' TUMBLERS, f V ' TUBS, " '-. .! .! teas; -?-'- , 5' k, :j: VINEGAR, wnnis; n kinds, WHISKIES, YEAST PPT7DER8, And many other Goods too numcroni f to mention. f . j 1 WILI2INtOIIi r( c. :. .... r . , f , .. ; .-, : .. "."'. 1 x Ak 1:1 i: - ItY'f i , i i'i:: "; P-ia i7 -H hill i . r BTTYP ft T. COUNTRY TRADERS ii,. ri ? AAJS XtAi11iL'D and Beantv of Finish, have, bv Inderal' been nro- BEEF, -.- - . i, ';... nonnccd UNRIVALLED. ' J-; . . . . . ' .. NEW YORK' COLUMN. OUIt LATEST IMFHOVISI' r i -.t- NOTICE. After the most, flatterinjr teHm nlals from the first Pianists in the counSJ who, at our solicitation, have tested them in till : severest manner POSSIBLE, have been The Finest Square riano-Fortc Hade' 'in the World. ' . a'f It has always beer our policy during the ThW ty-six Year tbat ,wq have .manufactured PianlS' twelve thousand of which are now in use in 11 ! w&ubvu. utawo auu Aurupu, lu give UlC flnest I strument at the lowest cost Our supericrfflMi ities enable us to offer them ; from one to thr " hundred dollars less ;than anv. other it!e House. , " irv'H - The tone of these instruments are remarkM for ther peculiar sweetness and great brimancV Never losing their quality when torced to th' utmost caoacitv. The ? loweivreoUf . eir !it positlveness doe3 not destroy the middle T5f npper registers by mingUng with them in dS?- grccaum Cviu uoiuu. iuu reunea Ocauty off tr W being equally delightful to the un'practiced and to the most cultivated ear. ' ' - They are an entirely new style of Piio. finite ed in the, most superb : manner, witli four fnii round corners front and back, . hcavilvrt!? Legs and Lyre, Serpentine. Base richly morida and each instrument is fully WARE antut ri 4ve years. , GROVESTEEN & (xv . f irn: ..-r 499 Broadway, New York. v i - . I U X i a i! ; r.u . . d&wlv. REEES' AMBROSIA J ViP .Vf Jj-ffj V i.i .; . ,r 31 i V.'f FOR TJE3EE HAIR; Improved! It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair.' " It causes tho Half to Curl beautiiully. . ( 1 It keeps the Scalp Clean and Healthy.' f t J'- V;t'. I 4$iAmAmm f ' f It invigorates the Roots "of the Hair. ' ' " ' It forccs'tlio Hair and Beard to grow luxnriantlj. It immediately stops Hair Falling Out. . It keeps the Hair from Changing Color from Ace. It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color, it6riigs out Hair oh heads that have been bald v V ..for years. It Is composed. ; entirely of simple and purely vegetable substances. - -It has received over six thousand voluntary' tea Umoniala of its. excellence, many of which are : : ; from physicians. of high standing. it is ;.fc6!d in half-pound bottTcs (the name ; blown in the glass), by-Druggists and Dealers in a Fancy Goods everywhere, at One Dollar per Bot tle. Wholesale byDemas Barnes & Co; F.C. ' Wells & Co. ; Schleffelin & Co., New Tork. I - aprG4tht ;C8.;f ; . k 137-d&w-lj BAUER & CO., GKEAT PIANO FOBTE. e lo d e o n e ri p o ri u r.i, ' 650 Broadway, New York, and . . , ...-. ; 69 Washington St., Chicago, Crosby Opera House, ? Wholesale Agents for the United States for WmILnale&Co.'s Celebrated Gold ' Medal Piano Fortes; Also, Agents for A. H G ALE fc CO.y and other ! - '.! i s:v. : First Class Pianos.- - - ; We have tho LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCK i of . PIANOS,' which,-' for Power and Wholesale Agents for CARHART, VNEEDHAM ox CO.S celebrated Harmoniums, Melodcbns and ; .I Organs. . . f, -. Mannfacturera and Importers of ir.;nn1 Ta4.rannm4. Sfrinrra'- A pohrilnnna Musical: Instruments, Strings, Accordcons, j Y10J ms,Cianonets,Drums; GuitarB,' Brass V5 Instruments, and other Musical , " j , Merchandise. ' ' ) t ' ' 1 ! ' Remember the Pla6e,M ' ' J -.:; -j. Bauer & bo., ' v 650 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK,' and ' - 69 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO Jan 21 . ' . 17. A : 1 : 1 , OFFICE OF "WHITE'S Patent Lever Truss, Co. , - Ifo. 609 Broadway, New York.. 'h C, AUGT GREGORY, M. D. pBEsmaMT.' TTTHTTER . PATENT LEVER ( TRUSS and YY- FEMALE SUPPORTER difler in principle from all others.- No pressure on the back. It lights dean, and easy. Persons ruptured shoulo at once procure THIS, the best Truss, tp prevent fifPOTTCNCY. and secure yourself i asrainst STRANGULATION AND SUDDEJ DEATH. vJ . - Directions for Ordering. fMnret around the bod v two inches below the top of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted, also if sending, uasn must accompany the omer. a special department has been ratted up for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia and kind red diseases. It B under tho special care . of the ality. ?r wearing the Lever rruss. ana dwiuu ed oarts with DR. GREGORY'S CELE the afflicted BRATED HERNIA LOTION, the most obstinate cases can bo cured. 1 Prices for Trusses vary Trrtm K in Dnllara of pnrrJinP' to nnalitv and t&e condition of the Rubture. Hernia Lotion lsf3 per Bottfe or $5 for Two Bottles. f I & JOHN T. HILDRETH, Gen. Agent. t JLlARVIN'S PATENT Alum and Pry(Plasterr ;Fire;and Burg- -r i n lfi tomtinati6i XXrARRANTED THE BEST in theTORiJ. VY Never corrode the Iron. Never lose then fire-proof qualiUes., Are the only; Safes fiuea with Alum and Dry Plaster, v. . . a 1. Plsaseend ot call for an Illustrated CaWozue. MAAXXf 06 1 Principal Warerooms : : - . - . no. tJ uiuaunajifn a 1 dec 7 unci IJurglar JProof With" Combination and 1 Powder-proof r Lock& f v warranted free from dampness ; j Jewelers' ana Banters' Safes, Made to Order and lined with Hardened : Btwj Mannfactory.' lSOto 193 West1 Houston Strew Depot,4 100 Maiden Lane, near Pearl Street x. W.Terwilliger, J.S.' Lockwood,WH. Tcrwilhget . V. i I a . . - Tr ... m 1. rresiaent 01 our uompany, who is acnowicugcu by the profession to have no equal in. this spec- .ttki