-7 : T 1 r ' r-.. WILMINGTON POST. 'WILMINGTON. C. APRIL 23, ISG3. '." Important -OrderXlrora-General Canby. :OFFl6lA2tt)li5'J'' J.'ilO '-1.. HeADQUJlRTBBS SJEC03TD MHJTABY DlSTSICTj , CHASUSSTOJf, S. G, April ,as63. ; f GENERAL ORDERS, ? . no. 61. . V . : The Commandinsr General has received information, from different sections of the States, of North Carolina and South Caro lina, and from members ot both political parties, that combinations have been formed or are now being formed, to prevent; delay or hinder the execution ot the laws oi the United States, or by force, intimidation or threat to prevent oersons from accepting or executing the duties of any office or employ ment under the United States, ..at tbe elec tions to be held under the, authority of the law oi March, 2, 1867,-"to; provide for the more efficient I government of . the , rebel States," and the laws that are supplementary thereto. While he lis satisfied, i that these complaints apply to a few persons only i of both parties, it is1 proper that all such per sons should be warned that any attempt by force to prevent, hinder or delay the execu tion of the laws of the United States, under the authority of which the said election , is ordered; or by force, intiiSrdatidn or threat to prevent any: person :s, from acccptingr or holding any office, or trust, or place of con fidence under the United States,"as Regis trar, Superintendent, Judge, Manager, In spector or Clerk, or ; other employment at said election, will be amenable not .only to the penalties prescribed under the authority of the said laws, but for violation of the 'Act of Congress "to define and punish certain conspiracies,' approved July 31, 1861. (8 talutes at Large. Volume 12, Chapter xxxin) x..-: ;x ;t n nt It is the duty of thS civil and mihtaryliu thorities in both States to secure to every registered voter the full and free exercise nf his rifrht of snffrflcm ranVl this Vint v mnsfc L Z TEi," iJZCirir "liZy be fully, faithfully and impartially . perform cd; and the Commanding General confident ly expects that the people of these , States will unite in securing for each other thefull and proper exercise of this franchise. But if in any District or County, or polling sub division of either State, the election should be prevented or the ballot-boxes or poll lists should be destroyed, , or the electors" duly; registered under the laws of the United States should be prevented by ? force or in ¬ timidation from voting,- a new election will dq oraereu. ior suca4 uistnct, uounty or polling subdivision. vfi To the end that the laws of the United States may be duly executed; that the foffi- cers charged with conducting the elections may be protected in the- discharge of their duties,' and that the qualified electors may . be protected in the, exercise or. the. elective Iranchisc, Commanders oi Posts are author- ized, whenever in their judgment it may be necessary, to appoint, from the v; officers of the army or of the Freedmen's Bureau, un der theircommand, Militaiy Commissioners for Districts or Counties within the territb- rial limits ol, their commands that are so re- mote from their headquarters that the pow ers conferred upon Post Commanders cannot be immediately or directly exercised. . ... The Military Commissioners so appointed are invested with all the powers ot the Jus tices of the Peace of Distiicts or Counties, or the police magistrates ot cities, and will be. governed in the execution of their duties by the laws of the State in which they may be' serving, except so far as these laws m4y? be in confliqt "with the laws k of the United. States or with the orders issued ;n fxomjthe' Headquarters of this District; and, in acldi-; tion to any troops that ; ' may be placed? at their disposal, are given the commandt'of the police force of Districts, Coimtiei. cities and towns; and all poliee oflicers,,. sheriffs, constal?le and other peace; ofiicers' are Hre quired to obey and execute " the r orders of the Military Commissioners in all such cases. The Military Commissioners will promptly report all cases in which they : assume juris diction, and the disposition made- of each case When parties are held for trial, either in confinement or under bail, the case will be so fully reported as to enable the Com manding Generaf to decide whether it shall bo tried by a military tribunal or be brought before a civil court. : v The jurisdiction herein giyen to the Mili tary Commissioners will be determined and limited by the authority .' heretofore' dele ders Ko. 32, of May 30, 1867,- ' and General Orders No. 145, of December, C, 1867, and will not be construed as extending r; to'' th$ inhabitants in their ordinary personal - rela tions, unless: the civil authorities should re fuse or fail to suppress insurrection, disor der and violence, and torsive ; all rightful protection to persons and property; and ahY? persons, wneiner in antnonty or not, are re quired to obey and execute all lawful orders of the Slilitary Commissioners . to the - same ' extent and in the same manner that they are required by law to obey - and ? execute the writs of the civil magistrates. . Some of the complaints that have reached the Commanding General apply ; to colored voters of the two States, and to sections where they have, the numerical ascendency To them it is proper to say that the elective franchise conferred upon them by law, car- ries with it no authority to restrict others in the free exercise of that right; and that while it is their duty not to regard; .threats pr in timidation as to themselves, any. xombina. tions to prevent by f force, intimidation or threats the same free exercise of this right by ' others will be unlawful, and will subject the offenders to the penalties prescribed by law and by military orders. They are counselled to exercise the right of voting in a quiet and orderly manner, giving: offence to no onq .' and after casting their votesj not to linger, about the ; polling -places, but to return quietly to their homes and to. their custb mary avocations. , s . Commanding Oflicers will give as wide a circulation as posssible tothis order within the limits of their commands, ;r . ' . By Command of Bvt Major-Geiieral Ed. . S. Cakbt: . t -V LOUIS V. CAZIARC, . : ; j '.'-, : ' ' Aide-de-Campr 5 Acts?. Asst.; Ajt. Genl.-V Official: . . . .' ! y ."..,' R. T. Frank, i " Bvt.Lt. Col. & Capt. 8tli Infty.' L. A. HART. . m" ' JNO." C.' BAILEY 1R0N 7AND . COPPER;- WORKS, . c-1 ''c-' 1 1 'iU11'-1'- -turn u . - ' - AND MACHINE ;pHOP A1 L S O il a n u f a c t u r er s of TURPENTINE STILLS, and, COPPER WpRK in all l branches, -f. :,V.x'" ;,v;r. Front ' Street, ' below Market Street; 1 '' r Wilmington, N. C. !. SPECIAL. i-' Warranted Superior to anything now in use lo Cleaning and Polishing all kinds of lie t- als9 Mirrors, Window Glass, ii . i r i , Paint, 5 and all such t : - : Purposes.! ' 'K,: Vp :,;.'..:! it- . :!-... v.. jr., ,j. For sale Wholesale and Retail by ; t -u . , GEO. Z; FRENCH, No. lO Front Street, .rX -'1 ; WILMIWqTON, N. C. KTo. i. Apply with a damp sponge or cloth, and rub dry with a soft cloth or leather, till the lustre ap pears. No. 1 is to be used for all Fine Articles, and No. 2 lor Steel, Iron, and Culinary purpo ses, and where there is much rust. ,, Be careful to observe the Number. Use but very littlest a time.. .y v v'f Price Twentr-five cents per jl6x; Read thei following ' Certificates. Messrs. WHITING & CO.x-- - - " Gents : The sample of WHITE EMERY fur nished by you for testing its merits in polishing and cleaning the engines of steamers .Fulton and AragOj has' proved itself very useful for that pur pose, and equal, if not superior, to anything ot the kind I have ever seen used. It Produces a , ready, bright polish, and endures the damp and neat oi ine engine reom to a greater extent than when brightened -by. any other material, and I f J Ti T t 1 I I a - . , consiuer it mgujy usmoi ior exeamsmps. ' 'Youra. verv trnlv'' -i u; . .- .u v. . . CAPT; JOS. J,, COM8TOCK. 9 New York, Feb. 13,1807 - 28th August, 1866. A. WHITING Es4.ii&ir:rFor some time I have used in my house, your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher. I find it fully equal to all you say of it. with one iourtn the lanor ana i without dirt it gives a superior lustre and more lasting than anything I have ever used. ' By using a sponge damped with water, "with a little' of your No, 1 oh i and rubbing, the same .over any Window.' Mirror or jricture Glass, and after it' dries, rub it. on wnn a ciean ciom, ji wui. ciean tnem in one- -nm - - -Mi. w . -: . , -m . twentieth the time, without wet Or dirt, and give a most oeautiiui lustre, l am satisfied that if any - J" " - S A- XI til T !11 11. ucxouu us co ib lucj win uuvcr UC W1U1UUV it, ' -,: -' M. WILSON, U'l -No. 22Q South-Fifth St., Jersey City. - ; . .. i Beookltn. Sept. 20th. 1866, A. WHITING, Esq Sir- I have carefully used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, and I have no hesitation in recommending4t as beiner iuiiy equal 10 an you ciaim ior n, antta ihmK no housekeeper shoula he without It. v - - ;, Mrs., VAN 2ANDT, I . " V 86 Qllnton Street Brooklvu. '-"" " th August, 1866. A. WHITING. Esa .': Sir:--! have criven N-dr. 1 and 2 of your Eureka Plisher and Burnisher in the New York Hotel, a fair trial, and find it. all tand even more than you recommend it to be. .;.i lt gives a oetter ana more lasting lustre in f much less time, with less wont, and without dirt thai anything I bave ever seen or used by 100 per cent. , , - JOHN CRANE, . --t'i'.v ;-. v Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel- ::: -.L,.f. ;-- 29th Auirusti 1866. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir: We; have caref ally witnessed the use of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in our HotcLand can fully and do cheer bupenntendent Southern Hotel. r V in 'fit 1 , 'Katm VrtfV Qor( 1 lac :a: WHITING,vEsq.V.Sir:-We hlvetried your Eureka Polisher and fully agree : with' the New x uf&.,jxu.Lci juiu ouuiucru xiului, .in us vaiue ior all purposes you claim for it. Please send us 100 lbs. of k ' ; ; ' . ,. Y-r BAIN &. HAM, , ; Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St., and 3d Ay. : 'r "iy - - V lNfiw Tork Hotel; Sept 1st; 18CG. '" ' A; WHITING, Esq., Sir Having witnessed the use of your Eureka Polisher at the New York Hotel, we arc fully convinced ; it is all you claim for it, and you can ship to our address 100 lbs. oi No. 1 and 100 lbs. No. 3. " . T, i Very truly, yours. HITCHCOCK & CO., J Imperial Restaurant, 'New Orleans, , - ftKjx ls,'J I . September 3d. 1S66. 1 A. WHITING, Esq., SI :After a careful and full trial In our stables of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, we most cheerfully recommend it and We are certain that a t one who has occasion to use anything of the kind will be without it. It Is. by far; the best thing we ever? saw! or used. Please send us 100 lbs; of it at once, - i t. i -j POST & NICHOLS, i ,i National Sale and Exchange Stables.! - Nos.,15G, 158, 160, 163 and 161, 21th St , N. Y.- I agree with and' cheerfully endorse the above JOHN ROBINSON. ! No. 155 East 24th Street.4 . r New Tork SeP 24th, 1866. t A. WHITLNG, Esq., Sir: I have, used your Eureka jPolishcr and Burnisher in various wav& iu uuj uuusu uuu Btaoies, ana most cneenuiiy n, be Without it. -it -. . CHESTER LaV fi ;." St, Nicholas Stables, 57 and 59 Mer .-:r---t -JM'S--.::..- ;...s ; fi i ' .J --New York, Juno i tavt t , A. WHITING Esq.; Dear &."-j!'SvTSed your Eureka Powders in my Saw MannfaetoiTr and I find It very good for polishjQ? but asjPolisker f find it makes , ttf K J! 5fSSRZr SSS ever used, and with much less laba-r-irhicli preserves all articles from tarnishmg, andifromimy expe rience I find that it keeps tJem so, and that they do not require oiling- i H. K. . WARNER, v i-A"., fci, tftec. ! A':m i6,'18G6.: 5 Sir : I have given y QUr Eureka Polisher,' etc ' a criUcal test, and car x say with Mr. Warner, that it is very far superior to Emory. -It works quick and requires but. lTttle labor, and gives a most beautiful and lasting lustre, and is very econom cai. I do most cheerfully recommend it, and shal useit in aD my works. - ; r ' r JOHN BLAIKIE.l - wuuuvuu xv o uwug a yc jr Bupenor arucie, IU'Jv equal to what you claim for it. I shall U3 it. and think no one who evpr Ano w if' f 7 ; TElectrician ; No 74 Ann 8 tree?. TO nn COLORED FEOFER lilti a FREEDMEN'S: LIVINGS TRUST COMPANY DRAUGII AT VILr.lUlQTOn, U. G., OVEB THE-T " V I r. - POST PUINTINGtOPFIGK, On Market between 2d and 3d Sts. 1..' -f ! J : -: :.' I h- l.:'jr r-77: ci'J'X'fi i .TRUSTEES, DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA: H. D.COOKE, . C. H.' HOWARD," J ; ' E. B. FRENCH, " W. S. HUNTINGTON, J. Ml BROADHEAD, . GEO. W, BALLOCH, , A. P. KETCHUM, . . JOS. H: BARRETT, JNO-R.ELVORS,- B. W. BRICE,' ; ! J. B. HUCHINSON, 1 WALKER, LOUIS, " f SAMPSON TALBOTT, J W. ALVORD, . W. A. BOOTH, - Hi H. GARNET. MASSACHUSETTS, HON. WILLIAM CLAFLIN. !:. V linODE ISLAND, ' 1 Vr HON. THOMAS DAVIS. PENNSYLVANIA HENRY SAMUEL. B. P. HUNT, , , MARYLAND, ... M , HONi HUGH BOND SAMUEL TO WNSEND. . , : . -i - i . . r ; ; .VIRGINIA,, . ) , '; v Hok;J. C. UNDERWOOD. ,! ".".: KENTUCKY, . i . ' . ' V . HON. BLAND BALLARD. ' ' OHIO, ' , ' ' LEVI COFFIN, . REV. J. M. WALDEN. , IIONOKAKy' JIEMBEKS - ' MAJ. GEN. O. O. HOWARD, COL. WILLIAM H. SIDELL, U. S. A. ; FINANCE COMMITTEE, H. D. COOKE,- of Jay Cooke & Co., Chairman, ' W. ' S. HUNTINGTON, First National Bank, . ; Washington, D.C, .,,. -f L. CLEFLONE, Collector of Internal Revenue, . Washington, D, C; - . - x GEO. S. COE, American Exchange Bank, New York. DWIN'KITCliEMr New York. ' ' " EXAMINING COMMITTEE, " J. R. ELVORES, Chairman, .. W S. HUNTINGTON, t(j?EN. GEO. W. B ALLOC U.- ' ' J ' " AGENCY COMMITTEE, ..'" i'1 ' ' - ; - ' . t. GEN. C. :H. HOWARD, Chairman', J. H. BARRE1T, - ; J. W. ALVORD, I - : . . . SAMUEL TO WNSEND, A. P. .KETCHUM,- i : . ; . WALKER LEWIS, . ATST BARNES. . i Yb(u have here'presented to you, the names of many of the best men of the country, who-have gratuitously assumed th care and responsibility samq pthc,r; folksy ; None; of you . meed remain poor u you arc caroiui ana ao not spna ? money forCandy,'Cakes, r Whiskey, or - coetly clothes. Tobacco-and whisko-y arc two things which all men wuu ru guiw iu save uiuuuy uiusb nciiner touch nor taste, If you willplace ten cents with, the Cashier of this bank cycjry working day in ttae year, you will hayc the rst year $31 20 2d ( : I i' 33 07 35.05 :S715 ;39 S8 41 74 ,46 90 49 7L 53 69 -3d sth . 5th, 6th -7th . '8th V 9th " 10th U and at' the end oi ten vears viu will'. be 'worth' in rij-h ' sin is and an Ud. torn mU 1nt youpay lor a mean Cigar or a glass of very bad whiskey. ' ' in of a Company for safejkecping and invest- discount will be allowed.--, . . -v ment of your spare earnings. ' . .. .r"' ! A ' ; V E. MItRRAY'& CO., . ' - Vifyou work hard: ion 11 earn money the .'rS fyV'Ti'inK G-' , The nflW of 4, iionV win ho nnrn from 9 to 1ear enough to said schooner, ..Eva Adele, to re ihc office ofthe Bank will be open 3romy to ceiVQaline: and dw her from the breakers, and o u iu wvcre you can acposii, lruui u wu upwards.' An opportunity is now offered jou to i - . . . . -.. uko care, fyour hard earnings, piaco it upon inteiestln a Bank, and when you find yourself wuuw upon a oca- oi sicitnus juu nux. uavt? someVaing to fail back upon. ?. In , your' freedom you Joave nothing to depend upon but your : to depend upon but your own rcso urce. Freedpm brings with Jt ;manys grave an trying responsibilities. One of the best and nv ost conclusive ways for you to prove that jou fire equal to the emergency, is to take care of your money," 'and "make it useful saving the money will bring with it pleasure, pride iuyour selfgood habits jwoodwe all i things a sood name, andplejwiUt point you out, "There is an honest sober indus trious man" you can trust him ; so too will your wife be proud ! of you, and your children will grow up willing, and obedient, followers of your example. By a man saving jten cents a day for ten yearsj do: yon suppose . he will be- content to let that money simply bring him 151 per- cent in terest? No when he gets say $250, he will see an opportunity to put it where he can begin business for himself, though on a small scale if he pursue the same course then as he did to ao (nimulatethat .sum, ho will soon double, and thrcble the sum he begun with. -; Thus good peo ple live- .Thus whole nations grow great. Thus in cities "do Mechanics, laborers, c, nave to their credit from; five hundred to 5,000 dollars, in having ; commenced by 5 'cents deposit in a Savings BaJik. Take tMs advice then, avoid evil habits and; put your" saving in ihe Bank. 1 : 1 FffiST NATIONAL BANK United States Repository and Financial .- ..4 -"-W- Agent -, , - : W; H. McIUaTi O Ji.8. H.Ch1z)boubs 8. D. Wallace, Eu Mubbat. ' 1 Ddin B.' Bubsuss,' President. ' , ' ' Asa K. Walkkb, Cashier WuLabkiss,--Tellers -8. D. Waujlce, Jb., Clerk. THIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. , THE GOLD AND SILVER COIN, .Government Bonds and SfirnriMfift. k I I I I - f 5 ' ? , NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State Banks purchased and sold. " EXCHANGE ON. NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES alwayS on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United States, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention , given to the accounts of business men. au&U 6-mos FKEEDMAFS SAYINGS ? ; -'fa r. AND . J TRUST x The husiness of this Institution will hereafter be conducted by , Mr GEORGE M. ARNOLD. UlUbC i3 : 1U' tiLJ X VUUi v w v vww - Wilniington Post." -s . : , . ;T -r . ' rvm t- r O A till Q rt.lrtr P. Af. KIUdKV XlUUrs XIULU O Xk iu w Wvv". p , and from 5 till 8 o'clock, P.'M. Deposits of five cents andup wards received. Depositors take ;notice.g 4eY. april4 ,;--;;n'a;i ,v-r 137-tl BANItlNGJttOUSB: MY1 C00KE ; & GO:, No. 20 WALL STKfiET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. , TTTE BUY and'sell at the most liberal current YV prices, and keep on hand a full supply ot GOVERNMENT! BONDS OF; ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THDRTIES, . and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. -' We convert the several issues of Seven thib- SSfiTEK: tTEsr Rates, allowine a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. JAY COOKE & CO; Treasury of the United States DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS i ' Washington, D. C.Feb 20, 1867.- XT TR HEREBY ' CERTIFIED THAT THE I First National Bank of Wilmington. N C; a Banking Association organized , under the , Act ''to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," ap- requirements of section 45 of said Act and with tfce regulations oi tnis jLepanmeni maaiu pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Depository of ; Public Moneys, ' except receipts from rhistoms. and bv virtue of such designation will also bo employed as a Financial Agent of the (Signed)' " " . F. El SPINNER, , , . , , xruasurur. u o.t aug. 5" f MISCELLANEOUS. BEARD'S PATENT LOCRrTlE, .'"'':,;-::ALsb 'n:-;?:;,- - Beards Patent Self-Adjusting Tie, THE MOST SBITLE AND i GREATEST . : IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGE FOR MUCH i SAFER. FROM FIRE, AND ' CHEAPER THAN ROPE. JJAVING SOLI) LARGELY LAST SEASON THE PATENT LOCK Te; ' ; we.cn'reconend''them 'to giveTentire satisfac- I tion." We have taken the Agency for the State, ...Aug. SOG?. til . Vrrmrm omimrto nn iirnnir a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Cape Fear in the' District of North Carolina. Whereas a libel has been filed in the District Th X W iNemlber Court ot the United' States for the District of 1867, by George Harriss, i WUliam Harrlss; and Andrew L Howell, partners under the name and style of Harriss & HbwelL owners'of the steamer Brandt, 1 of Wilmington, and John F.' Gilbert; Master of the said steamer, for themselves and all others entitled, against the schooner, ifiva Aaeie, her tackle. f anoarel:. furniture and careo alleg ing in substance." that ' the said schooner' Eva Adele," while endeaVoriniE: to get into the Port of Wilmington went ashore," on the South Bide of New Inlet Bar, amid the South Bocakey where she stuck fast, and was unable to relieve herself then placed, a The said John F; Gilbert, Master I of said steamer Brandt unon- discovering the I condition of said schooner. Eva Adele. immedi- gf nentperii of his own, steamer, and approached i alter consiaeraoie aimcultv succeeded in hanlinir: the Said schooner from the shore, and1 towed, her, I into the Port of WilrnfTiortftrf. onrl h- M cntitled-5s5.Sottd cargo, for the salvage thereof, praying process i agMuui omu wuuuum uuu cugu ana reasonaoie Sl.! KSZT,. condemned snd sold to pay such salvage, with costs', charges and expenses.- ? v - , - Now; theretore; in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court , to ,me directed ana delivered, ldo hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said 6hip, her tackle, ap parel and furniture, and cargo, or In any manner interested therein, that they be, and appear be fore the said District Court, to be held in 1 the City of Wilmington, in and for the District of uape jrear, on the Monday, next sacceeaing the fourth Monday ih April, then and there to inter pose their claims, and to make their allegations In that behalf. ! t -,'.!-." ;",-,; . ;.raxea me wna aay oi iauuaxy jx.. u. j.ooo. . D. R. GOODLOE ' ' U.S:MarshaL r - JOS. H. NEFF, v . -. ..-'.;.. i i J j ; Deputy Marshal, , Adam Emxte, . ,.,-;,--' v Proctor for Libellants. i" ' " ' ' 1an25 4 v-" ' - ; -".-'-'aot ' STOYES, GAS FIXTURES, Cooliiii, Parlor and Ofice Stoves, 1 r A LOT OF GAG FIKTUBEO, ; ; . Just Received; AGENT' TOIL' FAlHBAJrKS STAWD- : 7 AltD scales.1" ; ; ' 'l For 'Sale ' ' COMPANY FDEjcn's coluoii. aS:OO..E:SIB.S T. AND '. v.- i ; T, I :-.' Oil J tub iAnaisoir 1 1 i-jiJ-V? Stock and Assortment s i if V SOlfl AT I i i ii::rj FOR : . "'", ; - C3 H' ' Extraordiiiarv Inducements TO 'I . . COUNTRY -TRADERS ILL DO WELI TO CALL AND v - Examine my Stock beiore Purchasing j Elsewhere T lie t o o k Consists oi ALE, DRIED APPLES; ALLSPICE, ; ; T AXE HANDLES SALT BEEF, 'T , DRIED BEEF, i - . . -: : : r . , , ' bacon,: 1 mi 'f BOTTLES, J . Mlvii ' .. , 5 BRANDT,: lu-r- ; BROOMS, BUCKETS, i ; f : BASKETS, BLACKING b BAGGING, vi i ! v r,: - BITTERS, all kind, CHEESE -V CODFISH,;, t CANDLES.: - v 'cassia: : V' V JviJ UliAIUST; CIGARS; ' CANDY, to a ntrt3to - J' i-. i vivav jxuuu, : . DEMIJOHNS, ! V1 FLAVORING EXTRACTS FLOUR. " ' . - 'v: . : . DRIED and PICKLED FISH-, - GINGER, N . GLUE. ; . ..,. HAMS, ," ;. w., HOPS, -..v XHerring; : L- ' ; ,NX : .INDIGO, JELLIES, KEGS, - '4 X v ' KEELERS' : ''" . K- l " - LARD, ..Mfr:.:.-l-M. v: ';"'-;'v J LEMONS, j . ;,rv JL .!-;' X. . : Ir t , c X , LETr : "J .r.7Xi ' i 7 MATCHES, . CONDENSED MILK. MEAL. ' - : i ;,.':,:. all kinds. - r JHU IB, all kinds, ' 1 5 . . . OYSTERS -PORK, c. X, PORTER, .. FAILS,; ; ff PEACHES,'' .J f,; . RAISINS," - '.; ..- - , ,. RUil, RICE, ' i . - - . , , syrup, .xv x.;V; .X . . v SUGAR,' ' ' " rtK STARCH, J . SOAPS, sinJFr, 1 4 ; - SEINES, SALARATUS,; Q r;;', ;!V .Vl - SARDINES, 1 ; ; : 3 ; SALT,r::.KN.,.- t x;-x stobacco.x , TWINE, TUMBLERS, " -7 V - ; v . , 4 TUBS, J " ' " , v ; ...i TEAS, .'-u VINEGAR,' ( o v .v WXtnSS, ; all kinds, WHISKIES,' " . "X X . , YEAST POWDERS, And many other Goods too- nnxnerenSj to mention. . . ; s . ; :Mr 0RIQE1 PulS IiEU YORK COMM. OUR LATEST mrnovED New i Scale t Piano-Forte7 : "7VTOTICE. After tha most flattering ; -V from the first Pianists In tho connSr The Finest Square Piano-Forte Made in It has always beep our policy during the nu ty-six Tear that we have- manufactured PWvT ttodve thousand of which are now in ua fnM? United States and Europe, to give the SS u ' strument at the lowest cost. ; Our sunrt- 5 lues enable us to offer them from one to ih hundred dollars less than any other iC8 House. , - . nr8t-clw3 , The tone of these instruments' are remaA-w" for ther peculiar sweetness and arrcat bHrt e Never losing toeir quality when torceSfeuS;, ' utmost capacity. The lower reiH.w JZiT- its positivencss does not destroy he ml&duZS upper registers by minglingr with them In S? eing equally delightful to the unprTctiJed ar ? thn mnst. IhnTtlTAted car itucea and to They are an entirely new style of Piano. fl.i. " edln the most superb manner, with "St round corners front and ; bacfc.'fc Vh :' r.f"!? NewTork. dec REEVES' MBROSU .'Improved! It is an elegant Dressing for the Hair. '' . It causes tho Hair to Curl beautifully. : It keeps the Scalp iJlean and Healthy. , It Invigorates the Boots of the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxuriantly. xwrnmctuaiciy csiops jaair Jjainng Outi' iullV 11 It tlie ilalr from Changing Color from Age. It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color " ' : ... k- I' ll briigs out Hair on heads that have been bald - for 'years. 5 ,. It is composed : entirely of simple and purely 1' ' Vf vegetable 'substimccs;3 1 'V':ni It has received over six thousand voluntary tes-:- timonials of j its excellence, many-of which are 4' j blown in the glass), by Druggists and Dealert in Fancy poods everywhere, at One Dollar perBoW tie. ."..Wholesale by Dcmas Barnes & Co; F.C. Wells & Co. SchleffeUn & Co ewort ; aprfI4th,63. Ji BAUER & CO., ... :U GREAT PIANO 1 FOJJTE, :- "' -".-and MELODEOH EMPORIUM, 050 Broadway New YorJc9 and '3 y CO Washington St., Chicago, t ; Wholesale Agents for(the United States for J TFmi ILnal)e&Co.'s Celebrated Goldj ;:'. f Medal, IianoljPprtefcXfevi?ff. Also, Agents for A.1 H. GALE & CO.; and other' L , First.Class Pianos. V We have the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCK ol .. : PIANOS, t which, for ; Power an4. 8weetness of Tone, Easy and Agreeable .Touch, and Beanty of Finish, have, by judges, been pro- nonncea u Wiu v alled. ! ; - sf c u i ; j -TiniolesaleAgents.forji:3.s'.: CARHART, NEEDHMI & CO.'S Celebrated Harmoniums , Melodeons and i&vhh tt 'u'tri Organs i- . r-ipi ?-:d .t ; .Manufacturers and Importers of . Musical Instruments, Strings, ; Accordeons, vioJins,vJiarioneis,jJxnms, uuiiars, crass ; . ; r j Merchandise. " ; ':' .rRcmember fhe Place ..'. .r.'J. BAUER A CO., ' - ..... t Vjan 21 :VIX-.,', - --;..; ,:' "; '- W - . r . OFFICE OF WIIITE'S ; , . Patent 7') -i Nd. COO Broadways New.Yorki C. ATTGT GREGORY. M. D." PBismm. TTTHTTE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS i YV f FEMALE SUPPORTER diflerin princip J from all others. jSb pressure on the back. l . j light, clean, and easy. 'Persons ruptured snoow at once procure THIS, the best Truss, ip pr rifPnTK'.'Vr'V a-nl oannrA vonrffftlf STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH. 1 1 ' Directions ior Ordenns. ." top of Hip Bone. ' State the side afflicted, bo leanorneshy, ana give plain airecuuuo sending. - Cash must accompany the oroer.t special; department' has been fitted. up for jj t.rAflfm'pnt. mrtirjil ciire of Hernia ana KUa red diseases. It is under the special care of j President of our Company, who u imbwww by the profession to have n? equal in tms b, fifv i kv wftftrinsr the Lever Truss and Mt nf? t v ) i k v wearinff the Lever ; Truss and M toeyaffli?fed Srte SriS DR. GREGORY'S C; B RATED HERNIA LOTION, emosiou cases can be cured. l Prices for Trussei w Smfi Mto 50 Dollars accordhig tp j Rupture. Hernia .Lot Pn U PerBotVeor5forjt he cureo. irnces iur "rii4 JOHVT. HILDRETB, Gen. Agenfc Alum and Dry Plaster, Fire and B' , : , iar jrruu , Siiilx Combination TTTTARRANTED THE BEST intheS VV Never corrode the iron, y Never lose fire-proof qualities. Are the only Safe t: With Alum and Dry Plaster. - i ; " 1 yXl0i. Please send orcall for anniustratedW - - f ' .w. -y. .:- MARVIN & Ct;f Principal Wsreroomss: ; . dec 7 " . I t MAKUTACTUBKBS OF end Uurglar JProor With r, Combination and Powder-proof, f0? j 1 ' warranted free from tampnes. . Jewelers' and DanKeitf i Made to Order and lined with Hardened : Manufactory -ISO to 103 West Houston! Depot 10Q Maiden Lane, near Pearl Street , W.TerwUUser, J.B. Lockwdod,WH.Terc seyercst nianner ; POSSIBLE, have, been pro nounced 4-; l. . i ii!.T:f - - it J..... - - Nqt23 ,1 Sflsin .Tri'V- ii . -r ... ... ., .1 MiXXX v.: i'-A .i.: lit- t V1