I i '"iSr"""vf"" "" T wsBe!fe. e;p-iMi Aafainfc-i& : 7 n - : i I " - " T . VOL. 1. r -lUiiiJlJij - - - - --- ' " - : i I ? ' V y l ( J TOE VUIKGIO DAM POST TBKMS Of SU8BCBIFTI03 INVARIABLY IS ADV AKCB Per Month :.;........ ;.V. . . '. . 75 cent. . , RATES OF ADVERTISING: . Avertlsements will be Inserted at ,f 100 ; per square for first insertion and 50 cents tor each subsequent insertion. Ten lines or less, solid minion type, constitute a aquare. . , T TOE WllIKM 1 j IS PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY. j ' suBscKipnoa: One year.:., .................... . .$3 60 dvertisements 1 per square. 1 DIRECTORIES. POST OFFICI5. Li-:-,. M Jk.1 JUS C JUO S JS. .' .Northern through A way mail 8:00 P. M. Dally. . . . 4:00 P. M. " ' except Sunday, t ' Southern MaiL J 0:45 P. M. , W. CandR. R. R., 8:00 P. M..Mon- p days, Wedncsdayi and Fridays, i ' m Fayetterille via Warsaw, 8:00 P. it. Alon 1 - days, Wednesdays aud Fridays. ,l l . . SmithTiile rto Steam, i 2:00 P. M., three . times a week., , .-: : " v.iv 1 ' HAILS ARRIVJS AT OFfJCK,' ' j Northern Through Slail 8:00 A. M. Daily,' except Monday. Northern ,Through and Way Mall, 8:00 V, :.3M DaUy. 8outhernr4:00 A. M. Daily Delivered at 7:00 A. M. ' 'v -!7.--.-.'v '-Xf,v,V i" VV. O. aud R., 3:00 P. M. Three times a weeli. Fayetteville, 8:00 P. M. Three times a week. . Smlthville, 1:30 P. M Three times a week. ' OClce opcu from 7:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M.T , A - Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. , f v , u ED. R. BRINK, P. M. Post Office, WUmington, March 31, 1868. t RAILWAYS.. 1 -: 1 WILMINGTON & WELDON RAIL ROAD. , lYesUtetdRi TH. Bridffcrs. ; . Director On Uie part of tlie Slockudders --W. A. , Wright, S D Wallace, -EU Murray, Alfred Mar tin, A JI VatiBdkkeien. Geo. Harris, of Wilming ton, and John Everett, of Goldsboro; K jv $ Director on the part of the Stale Edward Kid der, of , Wilmington, N. C, John Norflect, of , Tarhoro'. und Thomas D. llogg, of Raleigh, N. CJilef Engineer and General Superintendent S. I. Fremont "" : - : : - . Master of Transjj6)-lation Wm; Smith. ?: ' 5 Secretary and Treasurer J. W. Thompson. ' ' Matter of MacldneryJ. M. Hankias. is " Audilor--G. tu Dudley. - r : XV . WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER R. ROAD. - ' IViwkiamB.:Giles:x':r Directors-J otih Dawson, Henry Nutt, O. O.' Parsley, Al J. DeRosseL D. -S. Cowan, Geo. J. W McCall, W. E. Miles, Jarae3 G. j Burr, jRich. ard Bradley, J. Ell Gregg. ;r :.; General SnverinU)ui&)UYim Macrae. VEEKLY POST Xa " .-n secretary ana Treasurer-vm, a. gaiter. ,t j M;,,A,1 FORD RAIL ROAD, Pmidena Robert H. Cowan. Directors S. J. Persan, A. H. VauBokkelen, Jno. AI McDowell, Robert S. French, Walter L, Steele. Stephen W. Cole, Samuel II. Walkup. E. Nye Hutchinson. Haywood W. Guion; CV C.Hen derson, A G. Logon, A. II Holmesly. . j SupcrintendatUW. I. Everett. I X X V Master of iTraiufporiaitqnY. il. Alien. Secretary and Treasurer VT Alderman. XftouO W fill! -:: t- 4 " Wt ').;,' .Wuiivf Mbf nvmivi t aa; fl v. freight Agent Vf. R. Frehch. MASONIC. St. John's XLodge No. Jfcets li 27t rsday evening in each month. Hokack UXMdnson, W. M. f v; XX ; ,'V'X. X.-' X- Wm 'M. Pojssqs, Sec'y.X J Concord' Chapter No. 1 j,; ' f;:;- 'X; X J; Jf lr aul 3d Mondayt in each month. X Taos. MGAKDNEn, M.. E. II.'. P.v --iX;, P , t Wm.' Lakkihb, Sec'y. : ..X- -, - T" " ; X- V -Wilmington Council No. 4,- ' Meets 1st Wednesday in each rnonth. Alfred Mabtin, T. L G,v M.v . ' L D. Rtttehbbrg, Recorder ,r' j" - Cane Fear jLodge. JNo M Meets every Tuesday night, Wm. 4. Yorj, N. ii. U . i-.'t.'v- , Secretary. a. i. ioit. Campbell Encampment, No 1. Merts finl-and third Friday nigldi in every mouth. WMJ. JACOBS, u. r. . - TEMPKRAlfCE. itlonat Olivet ConnciMNo, 99 F. of T,; ' JUeeto cry Friday evening. , W. Fi Corbett, .Secretary. Cape Fear Marine Temperance Society. : , Mitts every Monday night at SeaniciCs Ectticl. ; vvm. m. Uats, rrcsieienu ; X J. J.Hawkihs, Secretary. WILMINGTON LIBRARY VX ,'VX; -TION.XV-V, ASSOCIA- Dr. Won. Geo. Thomas, President. Dr. Thomaa F. Wood, Vice Prcsideut . . CoL Jat. G.'Burr. Corresnndlni Sftr.retArv. J.T. James, Recording Secretary and Librarian.' ; amcs u. oievenson, leeasurer. Gen.' Robert Ransom. Mai. j. A. Knnlharrf. Col. Wm. L. Smith, Junius Davisf 8. A. Ashe, John T. Rtnl ln Wm IT Tf11w . r t ., ,. . " , 1I0IS FOR T1B IIIESSj: 4)0 Acres of Valuable ;ReaT Estate foriSale- T"?? PROPERTY IS ' jLOCATEP ' 20 rt,m the city of WUmington at the :nF.Ll.ulnStoni lying between the main road mu. ft 1 k- The land i is of excellent vSJliA,11 a efficient amount of., timber -Muuuxnganaiencing purposes. ik? u,bcrioer has so arranged the survey that ch lilies adjacent to a road running from the wain road to Rilev' rrppt. I will sell the above real estate in quantities lo uit pureliasera at the following . liberal terms; muuwou, uiq uaiance in six. TwELVB. Jror further particulars apply to .1 J. 1 UHOADES, Attorney ai Law, Office over bfiice Daily Post. JT, ...,. . WJlmington, N'. C. " : , ... Read the following exquisitely beautiful poem, which Miss Doten, a medium, assures the world was addressed to her by thi spirit of Edgar A. Poe. ; A POEM FllOia TUB SPIRIT OF ED GAR A. POE. From the throne of lile eternal, From the home of love' supernal. Where the angel feet make! music over all the f starry floor, f Mortals, 1 4iave come to meet you, ! Come with words of love to erreet vbu. And to tell you of the glori that Is mine forever more. f Once before I found a mortal, r Waiting at the Heavenly portal- Waiting but" to catch the echo from that ever opening door ; And I seized his quickened being, And through all his inward seeing. Caused my burning aspiration in a fiery flood to pour i No w I come more meekly human, And the weak lips of a woman Touch with Are from off the altar not with burn ' iDgs as of yore, - Bat in hOlyHLove descending, v . With her chastened beiris- blend'uiL". I would fill jour soul with kusicfroni the bright f celestial shore. 1 " I r As one heart yearns foi? another, As a child turns to its tr tother From the golden gates ofglory, turn I to the eartn once more: When I drained the cup of sadness. Where mv soul was stuntr to madness. And life's bitter, burnipg billows swept my bur I dened being o cr. f Here the harpies and the ravens. 1 Human vampyres sordid cravens rreyca upon my soul and su I ed in anguish eorc : ! listauce, till I writh- j Life and I then seemed loismatcd, T 1 . . . . vr x accursea ana iatea, v Like a restless, wrathfal spirit, wandering on the Stygean shore. j i. Tortured by a nameless yearning. Like a frost-fire freezing, burninst- Did the purple, pulsing life-tide, tfirough its severed channels pour. Till the golden bowj lifd's token- inio Burning snreas was DroKen, My chained and chafing spirl leapt from out my i prison door. t t But while living, striking1, dving i Hever did mv soul cease-crvinp- ' 'Ye, who guide the Fates and Furies! give, oh give me i implore, y From the myriad hosts oil nations," cllationsX b torn the countless conat One pure spirit that can love L :. can adore :-, me one that 1 too Through this fervent aspiration. Found mv faintin? soul Riilvalinn For from out its blackened fire-crypts did my I. restless spirit soar And my beautiful ideal. Rurst more brightly on my vision than the fane v iormea j-enore. . . . .-j i 'Mid the sunrinsr seas sha found nic, V; With the hiliowa hrpakirio-' And my saddened, sinking ajar-it, in her anus of love upoore: ' i ! Like a lone one, weak and weary. Wandering lof the! midnight? dfeary, ' On her sinless, saintly bosom' brought rue to the iKwiapiionajiiejtfin I ' M-tir i i i j . th h-iii) ni,iiinnw ke the rainlKw?a6even-hud glef y,bIendrouf Ml Earthly.lpYe and lusjLeniaved me t I AS iui Mivincsb loye uas eaYou me, t v ! And I know now, first and oh: y, how to lovci and to adore. O. my. mortal friends and prothera, IVa lira on nil and all onrttlii-'a" An4 the soul .that gives ost freely "from its 4 Would you lose your lifcj-4y0tt find it, ! .'And in giTing lore you bind it, ' ' Xike an amulet of safety, on ypar heart forever- more l..r:iM.-.:V- I CONTENTION STAY ?L AW. ! Headq'ks Second Military: District, Charleston, 8. C. April ; 18G8. '! GENERAL ORDERS I No. 57. Tlie Ordinance of the Toustitutioual Cod-. ventipn of the . State of ! ortb Carolina, con- vened in conformity OTitlrv the Act of Con- gress dfMarcb 23, 1867, supplementary to the Act ofIarch 2,48G7, -t4jto provide for the more emcienc goyernmpni; , oi ; tue repel States, entitled An Ordiniiice respecting the jurisdiction of thcX equi ty of this State," wuicu was rauueu in saia vopvcniion on me 17th day of March, 1868J and which is here with published, is herelW approved, and will have 'tlie force of law in said State until the question the iratifcation Or rejection of the Constitution tranidd by said Conven tion, by the people of. said btate; shall nave hfin determined bv an election' held in the manner prescribdd t laW, anjdin the event of the rejccUonVther further peri-, odftdfi thirty 'day l that the terms of said Ordinance shall! not lie held to apply to or conflict with any agricultural or labor lien; guaranteed by any law of said State, enacted subsequently' to the organiza tion of the provisional i government ot said State under the President's proclamation ot the,29th, ofrAprj1,Vl$05; or by any military orders from these Headflnarters,'no w in force. And proYiacQ jartuer, iuar.au proceedings in any court of "North Carolina, recogniz ing or i sanctioning the" n vestments of the funds ot minJieirilofi-femalea, or of insane : persons, in the selsurities of the late rebel government, or tho securities of the State of Korth Caroinacreated for.ihc pur-, pose 1pf . carrying; oa war" X" against the' goTernmcnt ot the 0 tTnitcd States, shall, as now. be suspended until the: Question of the validity of such' rnvcstmts'sball have leen StatcsXor bv natibjai legislation. And noth ing in the provisions of this order, or of the UrainanCO UCIomtU JUUaui,Uj ouaii im ueiu to bar or hinder any , Jegal proceedings in lwtiif rtFnnv minor-lieir.t female, or insane pcreon,irespecting trust estat, property or interests in the bands; dt executors; adimhis trators, trustees: uardianSji'cbnimissioners, masters or cierK3 oi equiiy;couris, auu oiuer fiduciary agents or nrestecl by them in their fiduciary character.) m ' i,v J" ' ' , ; By command of B'vt Maj. Uc'n.ED. R. S. CANBTr , rv ,LouisV: CAziAitc, , , ) -; -, XAid-dc-Camp, AcVg Ass't Adj't Gen'I. AN. OBPASCE RKSrECTIKQ JUJiisDIC- ; TIOW O'THE tXMJBTS OK TtttS 8TATE. s i Section J.l -Be it ordained by thd' people of North! CLirpliaain .Convealioa assembled , That iecttonsi 1 ;ahdXa tlf thd ordinance of the Convention, adopted June 23, 1800. entitled; "Ah Ordinance to chatfjre' theiurisdtctioh' ot the courts andtbe'ruiesof pleading therein." t" n " .;.-. - Ll i I " n : . I SEcrdK 2; jBe it - further ordainecTniat ' pecuon 6 ot the above entitled Ordinance be amended to read as: follows : V - - " 5 1 - r SECTtos 3. That all actions of debt; cov enant, issumpsit'and' acannt now pending in the superior Courts, shall be continued to. SpringTerm I860, and that the . several Ban perior Courts at therpringTcrxa thereof only, unless otherwise herein provided,: shall have exclusive : original j urisdiction of all such Xiauses 1 ofj action, i except ; wlier jurisdiction hai been'v or jshall be given to' a Justice bf the Peaco by thei cbnsUtuUoi of laws of North Carolina. Should the defend ant at.the f SpiingTenaX; of 1860. on' writs which shall be returned to that Term orinany iuit for ihe above causes of action then pend ing in the Superior Court, pay or confess judgement to the, plaintiff for one-tenthi of the debt; - and demand, " (principal and in terest,) ahd all costs to that time, '. he XshjaU be allowed until next Spring Term to plead At the said Spring Term, should the defend ant pay to tlie plaintiff or confess judge ment for: one-fifth of the residue qf the srifd or demand and costs,;.' he shall- be - allowed until the succeeding: Spring term to plea'd; At the said Spring - Term; should the 4c fendantpay to the plaintiff or cofaf ess judge ment for jone-balf of the residue of; tile debt debt or demand, he shall be allowed until the succeeding ; spring term to plead. At the said spring term. . the Plaintiff shall have judgment for- the residue of his debt or demand ; Provided, however, that the plain tiff, if required, shall file his debt or demand in. writing, and if the defendant shall make oath that whole or any partfthcreof, is" not justly due, or that he has a counter demand, 1 X I f ' 1 'l 1 1- -i t 1 ' . - 1.' an 01 , wnicn saau oe 1 paruguiariy set. tortu bv affidavit, then the defendant shall nav the installment required of what j he- admits to be due, and the court shall brder a X juij-y at the same or some snbsequcnt term "to trv tuc matters in -.'Gispuie Detween the parties, and at the next spring term the ' defendant shall be allowed vtime . to plead onlv upon paying or confessing judgment for one-fifth of the residue YoZ the admitted 'j amo'iint add whatever the jury finds him indebted over and above the same; Provided, further, that should the defendant fail . to pay or con fess judgment for the first or any subsequent installment then and in that case the; Blain1 tiff shall be entitled to proceed to- judgment and execution for sucli ins'talmctit; unless the deicnaant shall put in pleas, rn.; which; case the -'ajjit shall X proceed Xa'ccordlnff to;, the course of the court in 1860 :i i Provided.' further;-that by consent of thf plaintiff tl& defendant, at? any terra of thie Boui'ma -confess judgment fpr a stipulated sum in fufl : and hnal discharge of all further demand or liability upon such claim. . - , - Section 3.Be it liirthr 6rdained, Thalt Section 10 of Ihe aboveefccdtAcI shall be amended to read as follows : Section 10. , That the executions on iiidrf- luvuu .ii uvuvu jm. ; UCUI, , itasuUJUSll, : UUVCf nant or' account, or decrees, forr money, del mands in Equity," which have been or shall be issued on judgments or decrees'; heretol fore obtained, shall be levied oil the iroi perty of the defendant, Xand returned witht out sale : , Provided, such . return ' shall not prejudicQ any lien the plaintiff may acquire ; At the jppri hg term; 18G9.xeciition tonsil such judpimehts br4dccrees' shall issue fo j residue ; atl tlie springX termUlfbr 6ne-l uan oi me residue, antiat spring icrni lara tor the balance of the debt ; and no execu tion sUair issue from the fall term on an such judgment or decree except by consent; of j the defendant ; that no mortgagee ... or trustee shall expose totals the property con- veyea in sue mortgage ot irusi ueea, wnn out the consent of the grantor before the first ot March, 1869 j should ? the mortgager or trustor at that time pay one-tenth of the deutg. mentioned, toe saie snail dc posiponeti to first of March, 1870 j at that time,v should the mortgager or trustor pay one-fifth of the residue, the sale shall be postponed .to the first of March, 1871 ; at that time, should the trustor or mortgager pay one-half of the residue, the sale shall be postponed to first of March, 1872 and at that time the " trusted mucli of it as ' will realize the, balance of, debts : Proyided however, that v should the trustor or mortgager fail to pay the .first or any subsequent instalments, then in that case the trustee or mortgagee shall sell !' at six months' credit so much of the ' property conveyed as will realize such instalment. l-f, Section 4.1 Be it further ordained,' That Section 11 of XthcVaboye entiUeActJje amended to read as follows : ; 'YX -X:- Section 1 LjvThat rib warrant before J us-' ticcs of the Peace shall issue or be return able until X Jianuary 1 1869. Should ; the defendant uponrsuch jireturh pay. riflf the plaintiff, br thd collectirig officer for his use,- or confess judgment before tue magistrates for- one-tent Xof ; theXdebt and; demand, (principal aud interest,) he shall be allowed twelve months , to plead : . at the expiration of that time.1 should the defendant pay to the plaintiff, dr confess judgment for one-fifth oltne rcsidncjoi tue saia aeot, or.s ueinanu, he shall be allowed twelve months more , to plead; at thc expiratibn of that time,' should the defendant pay to the plaintiff or confess judgment forione-half ot the residue of said debt or demand, net shall oe anowea twelve months more tof plead; at the expiration of that time the plaintiff shall have judgment for the residue otliis debt or demand ; Provi ded, however! that tbe plaintiff, if required, shall file his claim in: writing, and if the de fendant shall make' oath that the? whole or any part thereof is not justly due, or that he has a counter demand, all of which he shall particularly set forth by affidavit, then, the defendant shajltonly pay the. instalment re quired of whatli.e admits to be due, and the Justice shall proceed to trv the mattereT in dispute between the parties; and at the exf piration ot twelve monius me .ueimuauk shall be allowed time : to piead only np6n, payment of one-fifth of the amount admitted to be due and whatever the J ustice may have found him indebted', over and above the same : Provided, that should the defendant fail to pay or confess judgment for the -first br any subsequent ..instalment, thea andi in that case thej plaintiff shall1 be entitled to proceed ( ,tb jndgmcnt ,and,execution for such instalment'.Pjovidcd, further, that by consent of the plantifl the defendant maj at any time confess judgment;fjxristirila hed sum iri fullJ jand vfinal . discharge i of all futher demand I or HabilityX upon' sncn claimj' that: all "executions , and V judgments3 in Victions Xof debt, r coventi Assumor " ao- .1. A - : i. z : ' - "connt, : which, have , been .or shall : be ii9i sued on judgments heretofore obtained, be -a r I - . '' i i,l a '. ... ' . : property the defendant ana returneo; WlinOUb a-;'1-" ' UJ,Wl'i"; .fclTCiTU tnonths 11 socn, f return, , . cxecuuon, op au such indsita snau issue xor urn j one-ientn bf the arat then due; 4at the eiratioa fiflK'of tl and at the expiration of twelve m is'mbrifbne-Tialf bf the residue; and at tlipiration of twelvemonths more for the h tee otthe debt.i i 1 Suirrif . Be it further ordained. That Section of.the aboVe entitled ordinance be amcii ta rcad as;fQlloWs jas te! et d 0 , f gEcri the .v pTOTiaonsi ot this Ordinal eball cot be construed to extend Altieifeocft j V. lboa: wnicn.may,4preajtter do contrac- m1 nrlurred.4 mentjtetitSrik fonnded rm iiy-bojprbmisfebi 1 or anTierinsrjumeni; tJi-wriung or ; parol i promianadc since nrsc uayittoo, in re- n neawdicsabggtnte for a-xontractrinade I pribtMay, infl ZiiSA.--,A ttltlinnthtl.Ar rx r.nr TinjTin.1 inn muirRSL fir sl cipiil piisl. i i considQ than such v prexistentr debt, ancrexctaisp acuons suiis or process w Ut revivff, dtiiiuc or enforce .any judgment heretofofecovereil upon ; any i such,, bonl. promissr note, bill ' of exchange or other instraihi'of writingbr- parol promise, as i SECTr6. Be it further ordlided, That this Oriancc seal I be in force from Handraf- ter. its ification. 't - V':: !l' Ratifieiis' seventeenth ' day of March, A . -D.,'lp.;-.: .v.. . ,!.';.'; ::iW.-;itffi : ; i f . Calvin Jj Bowles, ? Pjtfdent Constitutional Convention. X .T. AJyknes, Secretary. r i . . i . ' f Department of State. V ' 1 T T? 1 T? pot flaitrof a nr f a' 1iaia ' ot onv inat ine ioresroiuir is a xrne i copif the original on file in this.. office I i IsE-lpX1 :;xv -Secretary of StateX;r ? ':; " " TrrJIW - Secretarv of State, XX 4TinciMI?CC BljSIlNESS , CARDS. -v- - U-Ui . nKMItl A OMITII UHlllbk Hi VI. II I III Mutacturer ana ueaier in ail Jonas en ParlK IViiiing Room,- Chamher j ;t ' widr Office Furniture, . , , ; 1 rasses Feathers, Window , Sbin ssWal Paper, "i.cX; also ; ToX asli, Blinds and Doors a X sdtJT FllONT ST., WILMINGTON, " NX CX j Oct . - - w ly.; - H.-DOJSBBf O. PQTTJSB, J. CAMBBDEN. vwssBiaBj m mw m mm mm mwm tmw mw uwtw . L. -. -w . v - x V ' nmfssion Merelmnis ? -M New York- Li biii cash advances on consignmenU of Na- Tai Bttes, Cotton and other aouthcra produce.. septMsiLi : ly O, C.lATCHi' L. G. ESTEB, M. F. HATCH. Newlork. Wilmington, W. C. V.nr Va.1- rinmnn PA GENERAL ' - Corimission Merchants, NOi x3l IONT STREET, CORNER OF PINE NEW YORK. ';.":V'X tCOBIGNMENTS OF COTTON & NAVAt V8tot solicited. Usual : advances ' made and all ordf promptly executed AuWtb, 1867. : tlx ,0. Z. FRENCH, o. io,f JSoutn jr ront Street, '! I I .S..i ! At U, ,i i .- J ' ' . Mllmington, JV. O., WliOLESAllE' DEALER IN ! ' Grocrics, T ProvisioiiN. Wine, Liquors. Cigars. H tinii Willo w, and Com- ntoti Crockery Ware. x C4on arid Naval Store Bought or 1 (eceived OD consignment. ' OC6J , ' : .V. . . , . tf ; -. rr i - , : , r- ;. .i .i. ...... ANUFACTUBEB AND DEALER IN PTAVES, SHINGLES, ST i BLOCKS, &c. rSUUID FOR WHITE OAK AND CT- VJpfcsslmber delivered at his Mill at wharf ,6otpCAie street. .. X- Pronh)ttttcDtion civen to orders. ' '' , -WUmhion, N. C, Au:. 5, 18G7. . X ,tf . AJ SEPH NEFJB, , UND deai.kr.in SUIP STjRES; GROCERIES, 11ARD- warn Ikints. Oils. Iloats. Oars. Sec, No Vlter, and 2, 4 & 6 Dock Street, : IW1LM1NGTON, N. C ? T" AS. -KIT ''AT. . Koexa aioOKs W'PS1PEWAY & E100RE' QENBRAJlCpllMISSION JLERCHANT8, NO IaII( WATER STREET. O OLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF; COTTON, 1 ..... D NAVAL U'OKES AND. COUNTKX JfRO DUCE. Bcincr AG! for the Manniactnrers are prepared to nl orders for mthe most reasonable, terms. GEO. lODDICELEBRATED w i COTTOK .GINS, 'ZELL'S WBONE 5 SUPER-PHOSPHA.TE, BROW1TS NTER,- - ORM and RAIL- 7 ;.; ROAD SCALES. -Have cons on hand FERTILIZERS ol all descriptions. vng5 A SDVES, &c. ptOOK, PAlRv' and HEATING STOVES; V- p rt w ; 'Kerosine Oil, (flea, House FuraUhlm: Goods) &Ci to ue had (1 ;iHvf-;M! unt Lit . , I . XL 1 E ' . . "fc n r : i i xxTAiLDRON ISTTO WtFFEltinG CHEAPER'" ; - . n ?: ! li'J-t'l Than any other dome in tho-Statcv - 'Since the heavy dwlinein GoodiWALDBON baa been North and bought bis. t - v . -11 ' A 8 " i U;;; ' i" . ; jT irir7 iPTvC! : : : . ,iijjnx.jf V jr nJt t ; I 77 . , :TT", !x.5 ... !. I nowoffers for. sale oneof.the HOST EXTENSIVE and BEST ASSOnTED t -" ' - ' . - i. STOCKS OF; DHY C0X)I?3 in the country j Panic Price. ori85T.i:Ui:r ..-;.A.VJL Jreishl have ba received to-aayt s A full line at the very : bottom of the market t wuicow o cenu ana npwaras. ' - Bleached 8hirtins 6 cents and upwards. X rf i Brown Goods, very low, if :t-f liix DRESS GOODS. A.UW0, . A VAUO .Hill 1 Qn VAWUQ, AtLntVW and other popular fabrics, in all. desirable Style ' pacas 8tylc: and Colors, all of , which will be sold at popnla j prices. : . y , i mtiir "fini!'4T ; i:; p. tnine usuauy ucpi xn r v . i. irtt rivA .rrMv. -f..i. t to tixiHX -X'X "'r'r-loldrco'ntsin i!"?'--- 1 XlkaidcbnsW "f ks, .Toffe, t2iJS;& ; from the ordinary qualities to the world renowned ordinary Goods Barnesly Goods I j Fruit ' Cloths tl TaKIa IVkVora Iti wrvnl anil foil rrta - ' ' ' ,-.,i....-.:..t - . BLANKETS. BLANKETS. A lull stock-rv"1" aB4 Colored, j A better hlah' ket for less money than any, other Qeuse in the tate. Come and examlno - them and becon- incea.-:. tiur u(m White and Colored; Plain and TwllledJktiJrlccsV that cannot mi to please,, r:v w..'. CtOTilS AtlD PAtlT QOODSi T J -11it. T-k 1.1 a.U.ota Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, . and . a general assort ment for Men's and Boy's3 wear, at lowest Cash' . ??5S5-.ti' :-vaV -o-- ? jXri ' at fttl .Il ' J i .. ine, oesi assonmpni ana ai lower prices tbn any Other HousS irf thehole Sduth. 1'-'X-'- - Evening and Breakfast Shawls, Alexandras Son tags, Nubias, Scarfs Hoodi, &c, &c. AU qualw lies ana pncea.4 Uti ,rjy t. ijn xTXUv This Department like all others ?at ? this popular: Establishment Is completef XI :,X 'i X; ; X t AH Wool Shawls It arid upwards! Ui lnl f II0CIERY AfJD CL0VEC. juaaics nose ana uenu; zsocks iat cenu and up wards All grade at satisfactory prices: g; J 'X? i'iu'1 ':.v:hn"-'o'rjif tv.tlicl tili'im tv.v-sU:, ( CORSETS AND HOOP MIOTS Ari Imported Corset for 75 cents, arid a Tegular line to the Finest French Corsets at $3 SO. ' i f f Hoop Skirt 50c.ri75c., ft, $1 ,25, tl 50f $2, and upwards. ..---y J .-vv-'x yMi : -t n , Beaded, and Trimmed, from 6 cents..' to the best goods in the marketX ii -tfcw? f 1 .' If. in tnis Department may be found every variety, Plainj, Embroidered, and.rHenx Stitch! 121 cehU and upwards., aL- - ': A" y ,i h f Modern Styles and living prices. , ; , t , Fine Shirts and Underclotliinarfor the Million The best Paper Collar in the world, Linen Finish, Cloth Lined, Button Holes . 'and Jiagenta Edge, riot to be found at any other House in the city.' Gentlemen call and see them. ' - 1?,. ' .. . . ' i .. . , : . - VV-i -4, A ana OAif S 4 jiyrnri f" ..x x: x Fashionable Shapes and L Popular Stjles. .Call and see HAMILTON; Jb. It is presumed If von take him he will get wet ! ! ! WHOLESALE BUYERS ; v. 1 r - are cordially invited to call at The; WMmgtpn ; Regulator, and get . posted up, and thereby save time and money. ETcrbody vranting anytliins in TIIE DRY GOOD3 .UZTC-: : , will consult their own Interest by going to ftlfSnVfri TUB CHEAP STORE. , . TUC CHEAP STORE. ' " k , . : 1. TUB CHEAP STORE. 1 1 X ;.l X, -X iiit 3i'X -; ypiU, z::a i -Xf ;;'c'pfeiAi:Xi:oTisE.-: ' , As a particular lavor, T7ALDRON requesla thai his Friends and Customers' come prepared with Greenbacks? ITbc times are'such that hereal ter he cannot take Gold in payment for Goods.', -i- - ' . X'X.7. .X.K-.?wAi02orr - . - "'. ; """" 1 v;itt:i::3Tc:iAr:DiUEiD0Ei.n. D.-.c::.:?A:7.:-:-:'',f xiTzrwz .-s-; -.-.., rivr-:- ! . ;rr "I",.;; -U nj Vi' f 4 ' V -v Atbil 8th, lSGS.-1"! "jiL (N AIM JJ ATI 1UU1 1 AIU, TUC ' Dasacnsrer trains -will leave Wllmlncton at" 5 o'clock. A, M., and 5 o'clock, -E, M.f and ar- rive in Wilmington at 7:50 A. M. ana 7:oU f . M. SSESl uJSlSS ? S. L. FREMONT, s .. 1 Engineer & Suoti -1 UK?t;3: aPrU0 wu & BA1LKOAD COMPAN YX, WEL. BAILBOAD COMPANT, Y eChxzt Eko. &Uk'i,8upt., .V MIKOTOK, N. U , April SSJ. ,1803. 1 t -: urTICB vvm i r Wjxmikotok, WOTICB ,TO VEGETADLS. --u G A RDClYEHS. 1 - f' MpaS tlhjbxniid COEkrrOOUlS iS' ITIlIlhMIlT . .(III LUIA . IVUUU . UJ HCIKCK Fladelphia. , S3 .... ! . - - i. s .limn irnm iviimn Time from Wilminsrton to Baltlmorb. 24 honrs. to Philadelphia SG honrv Jersey City, 82 hours. Xr, : U JSKJSMOWlj ' ' ' t uEng& Snpt.Af ' ."Xv,. . n iu4ik- ' april 25 V' V yfiTIL. & MANCHESTER R. R. CO, ; . . , . i-ikl! - i.. M. " " i - y n and attek makch ssth, tassen y v" fc" 1 rowiffton .; . ...4J.. 8K.P. M.:t Florence...: .............. &1& A. M. Arrive at Klnirsvmc.........t.. 7:30 A. M. Arrlve-at: Ajeavv A.uiKviue ......... . . . xv. iu. Traln-connecta closely 'at' Florence; Mt?tto N5rtn Eastern Railroad for Charleston,! ua rh. . n,riinnn u.itm. fn,nhN ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ?'.'Wtt.iiBWWU'n' Airtl ft 1 WK '. .-. vi wiRiiiu a wx 4K vt ui'il av.nv AND AFTER FRIDAY the 10th ' KM Inst, the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, ou this Road will leave '.'Wilmington- bnl3Iondays Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8:30 AM.; arrivo at i Florence at 6:50 P.- M. ; Kingsville 3:00 A. M. Leave Kingsville Tuesdays," Thursdays and Sun-' flays,' at &tr.'M.y arrive at Flerencp at 3:15 Ai 5 ftr i tirti i..t. i.in r i fi - tion at Wilmington both ways with tho Vf : & Yt SU R., at Florence Irith the C.andD R. lt,! lori in. j a vri in. sai. i. cs a i. .... L&eraw. suuu ai iviuinyuie wivu vuv ouuiu viro Una Railroad to and irom Columbia. LWM.- MJlcRAE,'. .-1 V It i . ucn'l Su upt. 113-tf aptttl0::-frvH::'S?5,: CUKIilEFORDR.BiCOIIPANir. j ii.-i Wilmington, N. aAtttf 0-1867. ;X 1 w fiwuviu vwgvWM 1UUUIJUUU' ,v riaveAVadesboro (Stage) on Tpesday dav and Satuday, at 3 R fl., . j ,f t r 1 Xave Rockingham (Stage) on ( Monday Wod ftesday and Friday at 430AM.U ' ,'; , v v 1 Leave Band t Hill (Cars) Monday Wednesday and Friday, at 7 oelock, Ai Ik t v ; Uili t Arrive at IVUmington same data at 3 P. M, C j t'-:'.i.. aug'10 - , . w. it jsviskeh, vjj General Supeiintendcnt. Y :. .. : -;X . yvi-'xr-i-f ,..:i . . ... -.V I ! S GREAT THROUGH SHORT ROUTE I ! "-f51 c AJa is Y Irs o 1 Thn most direct arid comfortable routd tb PHIIJUELPHU,r, . ; ,-v j i - , ? ' ' ' A 4. -- -BOSTON; AND ALL POINTS liQRTII AND EAST.7. f Through Tickets" sold and Bacraee ' Checked from all principal cities in the t Southern Atlantic and Gulf Statcsfg i SLEEPING CARS OH NIGHT ,TRAIN8 , No Omnibus transfers on this route;- .; ; ' X 4. Jin; ;t&U line also forms a-rnrt Jbf tW GREAT f SEABOARD INLAND J AIR i , UHB FREIGHT ' ROUTE; -connecting with Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad at Portsmouth,' Ya. . ;-.' ?tn : . 4 UYiinifX j), ri j.r-f -:,;jT;a. ".il i ' j FREIGHTS forwarded with despatcbf andJat reasonable rateay v THROUGH RECEIPTS given tacad from.- :-,.-js-r.i1--vy- v -;- Vif.-t; ai;J-,N PHILADELPHIA AND PRINCIPAL rOINTS ... '." TsouTa. x- . ,st . . " ilariae and Fire Risk Awumed by the "X - Company ' . - ;-' t i - For iurtber information enquire at stations of connecting railwayt South or of .Agent at Nor I folk,,Va, '. :. ..J , , . " II. Y, TOMPKINS, General Agent, Norfolk. Va.i J IS oct i f. I J W '' H O T E I. a. i r : v:-.. FBOPBinOR ! " R. DAVIS, of Mills House, Charleston, 8. C. I.oLr:,': ' ,. : -''. t:" -- t Coach, Carriage and Baggage Wagonv alwava . ready to convey Passengcrji to and from the Rail- ' roads. t :. .j.-. f-t apri! 4-1374T ;' -xflxJ HAVING CONTRACTED .WITH THE SEC retary of the Treasury for the salvage of all "Blockade runners" and other wrecks, and prop-r i erty belonging to the United States on and adja-'t t cent to this coast contracts will be made with ? parties -desiring to engage in wrecking, saving iron, Ac . GEO. Z. FRENCH!'' f r . 1 ROBERT STEVENSON.. ' ;; : 10 8o. Front SL, "Wilmington, N. C."' Aug, Cth,lS37. 'ixl j yt Wj. 1 VIITIlD fi7ATC3 HiTCHNAL; V. CB VENUE. I'- f10IJLECTORS OFFICE, ' t 8ECQXD J)ISTI21CTt,KORTJl CAROLINA, r 1 ! ! CUi co Hours Iront tf AVM tol3'P; riJ f ;xi Ji vVld;ESTES,-tWfertor:. MtfXMniPKMTS-:flViili!R . . -wm m . ; .U fUW.W JkM MU. W.. .Willi V . V W V . and Embossed? d al Klrgsvllle with the South Carolina Ball all colors and adfot tlumbUand Animsta v - &?inii 'V. f .1: april 13 fore anjniast118! tttH be levied c?n the 4i ... . I' t 4 J 1