7T . . f 4, f .. 4 I,. . , Mi t - 3r .'v . , r a u ..u-- 1 r-. V t" 1 1 I. t '. . It . 7 . - s. i - ii If- 4 , I! T - i i: 1 f -I - . - - Si, i. L i 4 -v. ' WILMINGTON, NORTH GAJ10LINA,DPW.:; Single Copies 10 CentsT TCJMBEIl 'A VOLUMK VI. 1 Ttt71 m r1 HJ - Of . - i ".---- -VI h . I .'It 4. CITY ITEMS. Ix:. have a park. . Silver cltango j more leatv. t Ta. iclegraph wire .prill reach Char lotte direct froai Wilmington in a few I LUY8. 1 ' 4 Tho market has beir awfulK bare of . of soaicthin to cat during tbe bail , Ineather- The raaaqueradeba.il held at the City I mittee. Bill of Gowey Benson, tabled. Hall on New Year's night was quite an I Bill of Henry Hall, Clerk and,Treas- tnjoyable affair. urer of Caswell township; referred back , , m 1 1 trustees to be itexaiied. WKtaW "f" xuu H E gcol gapCrintengcat of the ob was committed to jail last week m Po)r H rep0rted the ramb of Dr. default ot $-.00.bai!, charged with har- j F K phygiciarj flfc that institu. rr 1 - . T 1 TT - - t I ' looj .Djenrj oym. - ment of the Board f last mcetine." During the year ending December t H. ttwn, cowtjible of HSldea t!Te-ai!t,;365 marriike licence," fcyc towns.P, prenUi .s bond; rcceired :. ii'r7 toL-il:;ir V.X-iiSrS eW rtaadard keeper, it w.-.s ordered that h875 on - i . i jviiw- . "- . - - i . - - il. .r &Kr i. , ii i i. : , .i . r J i . . j OA v I tuu uui ui tfuv iief year ue iiiiuweu uilu i nest --tb!4 citv on next Mondar. I havin?r the Drenonderana of 29. ICS be- 1 . . . I ucai ; - " , . . i . i i j iot 4 I to secure a convenient place to keeohis MississDni. t . . ' . . it I ing wsucd to white couples and 197 to . ,. t SomcbcHly duty is to hare the I., , , weights and measures. any in the i - . iwnarrcs kent in proper repair. Some p - - - - - g 44 of tin: wliarre look like ther needed .work fii i Ik wi. Wc call the attcution. nf Ihv ritv a ::t :.ri titv to tl lie ;act TU2 W ilnuntoii t :t'n 31illi are proKroin linclv. It i- t.xpected that by t!e lir-t of March i: will be at work. The manufacture of cloth will be thor oughly trif l; if it prospers we may look fr ple:y if ctton mills. No country cm pr.p r without utilizing its labor Fi:ucn million of dollars, ppcut in North Carolina annually, fur whiskey wwuM pay thj tatc debt, build the ound railruail and .-upport two public IjIjimiN ir: rvt-.-y to'.i;!iip iri t!i Mate. Beside- all this t!ie people ivouW be 2 W h im"'. ' kta-r utl'. Tr- it. if rou dit:?'.. Co i i- i i. :; v ArTi.M'.vNi-:; o vlioiw.. Any t i.ri'tian wl: walks the reeti Wilr.iingt :j and ee the i.afmz Application to build a bridge over We have been in! ormed by a gentle- ortneast ivcr was reienca. man who has jut returned from Twaleigh, ' deports ot Committee on H ork that the colored people celebrated the liouse and Commutes on Hospital and pmanrination nroel.nmatinn on thft 1t oor House were re? ci red and ordered of January, by public speaking at on "Ic 'Metropolitan nail." br Messrs. Elli- A"e County 1 reasurer's report lorthe son, Gorman and Lane. The meeting month of December, 1S74, was received wnj iirMldod nvpr hv f? T Trnrtrr Fjin and Ordered On lllc. joaouacd Ihem equal to the best " oil paintings, v. u The , Eeicue," which ; is given to out ad i ance-payhij; pabscribers, is a copj -pt aa original oil pairatjog', and can not- bc procured " in any etbe manner tian -by .fcnbscribing.jto ' the magazine, ts it Is the property-o the proprietor bf tHoIdy V BooK, r Per' sons anbsetbws must send- cent to" pay- ppstar::.1-' "AdjiiUs Ir, JiyGvdcfj f I, r i r -. " i A -;: Vl ." therff&adef incendiaty speeches from V " .' ' . Marshal Serrano 'has reachcd;Baypc- a restauraHt ' opposite, recom mending -j tic , i ' -. ' t " the crowd 'toko bacVlbr'their arms; V- . " Tbe my dobt of BostoVis $2000,. . ia?fT xf V' : , - ; O0a".- . . Scritt.e orsaea ithtwentysixmemv .1. ' , ; A V ' " :: bcrscueof-thhty-shr. -. " ' 1 fsA. Catholu-i church; ia Boston was- ,.t f- ' ,;,-r -i-j';; ; -. -' - - ; m burned.- : :v:- - Bjof IsviaxiQ; rLIoyd, vthe .t J.: Ai..' . r A ansr trispatchnariQances the'deatb? famoug ; map- man; ,T7ho.madc aU the v ' ' " T . w . - , . . . ' - r KCc,': t Oand Chestnut - streets,' F11 -isoum.,.-:v,u 4 maps lor uisnerajraati .nna tnc ur;on ; :; Pbiiadpi.., !?:?";- imffis'lv : ; v-'"1' . SiA'ri mr4'tS3P'trn7c2.imhi310 ttrr5.4 .-?" J,TiS.i, less invent. ,u ;.uv c - - . . ' . neU verCand MontHyior January ltt Oir ii-.-' " . . -.. 10,. . - . , , - ff . -.- . .t ATUfj x- " S I i. a-relief plate Aomsteel -so as-.tp v.at r-4--; . 187o is on our table: It 13 one of the At Uondoq navigation a ad travel is Ti j 1 . ".""' i . -vv magazines published west of the much suspcoded oy ice 'and rants favorable with Tvro men Hllprf United States The publish ers promise to'make it still more attracl- ive the present year. They say: "Fcr the future we can promise the sei vices of an able corps of cotributors, whb showing r-om ocer?n to ocean--dn' on K entire sh' 2i lof bant note aaner. 40tA0 c by esplosion ina tunnfel. - inches la:-ge on a lishlning rtres3, and Judjrei Hard?n late Judrro. of lh colored. a2ftdI.'siTHl.'vjiTo?ihpfl ffirilm wnlf so as to stau washing and mail' ng any- and wc understand much credit is due the chairman Mr. Proctor and Mr. H. H. Lane, 'for ths success of the eel- ehration. numb', r of -t-rt'oi chihlrcn tbou, uVit bo ir.iprc.i?cd with the Mem :n-er--;iy ot" . mo v.:: -ns to rid ure!vi ti i iVarful :mi.-ance. The jrofanity, vr.lr; y, impudence and flthi:ic- ! m: Ue. Report of special committee on jail received and ordered on file. Application of J. W McCallistcr for reduction of taxes g anted Application of It. Y. Colling and A Sr. Lours Advertising; Aoexcy. I others to attach a portion of Lincoln Mr. (eo. P. Itowell, of the widely township to iloldci was referred to known and justly popular advertising Commissioners Morris and Nixon to re- agency of G. P. Howell & Co., of Nw port at the next mect'ng of the Board- York, has associated with himself Application to build a bridge over Mr. NeUon Chesman in the carrying Northeast at Groom's Landing was ic on of a Ceneral Advertising Agency at ferred to Commissioner on lloads and irt. Louir. ihese gentlemen are of es- .Bridges' to report at next meeting tablished reputation in that line and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, EiiANCirATiON . CELUBEA'i -ox. On and t?t. Louis may congratulate herself tli0 first V of January the colored . . . 1 r At -t ... on the increased advertising facilities pcopio oi inn city, ana many wmte the 1 - n tern- now within her limits. The Cincinnati and Southern railway runf from Cncin ."Hi tn Ch.attanooga, Tinn, :I0 miles. The dizi named city rho - cm aad op-.Mi up an ulct on the Atlanf'c oe.in. Advertisement i n.w made for ale of one rnillio.i of tho bonds of the Wc sincerely bono, now that Front street is paved with Belgian blocks, our ciiy fathers will havo Market street, from Trout to Third street paved in the same manner. The improvement to property is very great worth much that, there , was a veiy reipeclablo turn- more man its cose, circulate me gentlemen met togeiucr in .front of the City Hall to show; a pioper re spect to that day, it being the 11th anniversaiy of the Emancipation P:o clamation by President Alraham Lin coln. The weather was unlit for a itreet pr.iade; b;it, notwithstacdinsr mpltie to M tporiant connection, thb other dav." It is wcirirecellect peti- oK me line lormea at rz M.f urcer mJia v Kentucky Court of Appeals, is dead. ' - The Mesons give the king of the ... .( . . : I Sandwich Islands a snlrnrl irl rnrpni-iftri win maintain tne reputation ine uver- . land Monthly lus established as an- There' was. a great loss of life by a ponent of the Scenical : Charms., the colliery explosion recently in England. Unique Life and Character; and the 'Congress ru ring the wesk past, has Remarkable Eesource3 of the Great been engaged in the Louisiana troubles. West, in generkl, and f California in Prince -Alfpno. son of ex-Queen Is- part.cular , we nave maue spec a. ar, abeiiajfias -been, ps oclaimc-d king of eIid fes- cent, .VtU I. Vd Map t. ' 'JvaffiLdL ' y : . Company, 5P adclph a, and you w -M iiuoa wiunuCAutuui va i ucii, v-t.. CGI O " jii J where :n the, world for? 23 carits.-or rn Yarnishcd fo.-10 cents. Th's map shows the whole UiiUedSt5U.es and Territories in a group, 1" om surveys to 1S75, with a million place oil it, such as town3, citir3. vll'agels, mountain?, l iken, rlve, streams, gold mac'V railway sta.ior1?, &c. ih'-i man should be in eve r for a series of papers on the Resourced of California, and upon other subjects' pertaining to t'ais coast. Brantz Mayers well known in! literature as the author of several large and valuable works on! Mexican history and archeology, will contribute a number of original Amer ican Historical Papers. We shall con tinue to heara from John Muir and Stephen Powers, the former on Geolo gical and th latter on Ethnological subjects. Cjiarles Warren Stoddard will furnish a number of unique articles 4 . ' . n studies abroad. Miss Coolbirth, the favorite Pacific poet, will continue to contribute exclusively to te Orerland. Dr. J. B. Stillman.is still gathering notes on Climatology, which ve hope to spread before our' readers in the coming year, bo also Henry -bdwards, who is well Known as an original and Moody, a . prominent get a copy by merchant of New Orleacs, committed suicide last wejek. The BeecH er-Til ton case wascallecl in New on' JanuD-y th'e 4th, but Tilton waa not ready.. Lcuisiiaha affairs are still muddled dent of the U retarn ma II EA DQtTA 1TE 1 3 Military D.v.s q$ or Mo., J New; OniJtiiNs, Jf nr y -1 9 p. m. Qemzral Crd,Ko. 2. " Under instructions oia the, Presi- nlicd .S'ates, commucicat- uation. and the wires arc daily thronged with ed through te Adjutant Geneialoi the news upon so'me'new phase of tbe sit- army, the undersigned hereby assunr j control oi we Jjepaicmenc ox tae.uuu-,, consjstinsr o2 the S . . of LouVira: Most of'lhC;opcrativc3.in the Cornell Arkansas and Missslnpl, ard the GjH' watch factory' in San Francisco, have I posts as fatH c tw.vv j:id embracing struck a-a-isl; the employment 0f oi Jeffeoa and Key Wejt Florida,' exciuain ttije poss n iviod 'o Day, Ch iese. that t-adc and trafilc follows good pave- I Htc ao old vcLerau whose headquarter mcnts. In five years Wilmington will I haeleen for many years,lik Sheridan's be a city of 50,000 people. Wrill thse during the late war, ia th'e saddle, tho clly of Cincinrati, making $..700,000 people go through mud and water to Kco Band in front the three irl- of bonds ofTerccl up to this time. With make their purchaser, -or walk over itary companies of'ilr ; tiy i .ext, the prupcr ct.or. liip'iictwn can be matte smooth and pleasant wavs Now is the I cotored 1:;o.h :5, 'hen tho ir i.rf for t ? i i - weu-r:i trido. time to put down cheap pavement. Laborer want work. A notaBle;feature of New Year re ceptions, at ihe Vhitc House was a del- egatioa of ;Hes:caa war veterans head ed by Gov Hebert. A Mcllfrd-telegram says the Skone gan Bank has recovered most of the se curities stolen ?n Octbh-er. huh th hanlr .. - J.1J I TT A 1 I i j . " ' ertoipio- jc.titf - - a It ' rp: which w. I berea .cr cor-stitu f one of the deoa one fits of 'ho Mi;r : y Divi sion oi Missotiii. P. II. Si 3RJDA V, L'euler-nt General U. S. A. OFF.CTAL DtTCir TO xxl E SZC iTAY i. ' 1 '' . OF 5V : Gen. Sheridan hai.sent rhe i folio v p carriages marched Market street, down Mar- At ( Dec. ti per u rca r.t s.ile in rhirulelphi.i, J.t,?:"),!;:!, Vecond mortgage cent, bond ef'thc AtlanU k Richmond Air Lir.e Railway Company, puarHr.tecd iy the Richmond u Danrillc Company, brought cents en the dol lar. Twcntv t!;yi;sand shares per ceat. preferred -took of the Atlanta & Richmond Air Line par value $I0 o!d for 7 cent per shore. Tiiirtcen Irjiulred slmrrsi Northwestern North Carolina, par taIuc $100, sold for nine cents per .hare. Cleveland Springs, Cleveland county, within two mile- of Shelby, offers our citiiene a charming summer retreat. The waters arc iu!phur.nd iron, as good as can be Ound anywhere in t!;c world. The fruit ootl and plenty. "The Car olina! Railway" goes to Slielby, twelve I.ojrs from Wilmington, by day or night train?. What is wanted ii a large hotel of capacity suiTicicut to accom modate 'J pcr-on. The merchant of Wilmiugtou can visit their families without lcs of time and communicate with all the world by telegraph, which in rrry foon to dc pui up. v no goes for a mountain residence next Mim- Harbormaster's report of the number of vessels arrived during the month of November,' 1S74: Steamers, Ikiniues, Schooners, Total, 1C o 23 4S ket to Froni street, down Front to Castle street, up Castle to Fifth .street, up Fifth to Red Croi-' Church, where the Marshal disbanded the precession, and the Master of Cercmo- ies, James Ileaton, Esq., couducted the crowd into the Church, and i after prayer by the Pastor of the Church. Rev. Jau-. Nich- oh, Mr. Ileaton introduced Mr. G. W. Price, Jr., who read the Emancipation Proclamation. Then Mr. John II. Aggregate tonnage, 1S,1S2 ; aggregate I Smythc cams forward according to l to- foreign tonnage, 2,745, The reports of the pilots of sound ings on the Bars and Rip, at low water, are as follows : Ball IIad channel Western Bar Rip New Inlet Rip 10 feet 3 inches. 11 44 C 7 " 6 7 " 7 " 9 " 0 " H. (i. Bates, Harbor Master. gramme and read a poem written by Hon. Geo. Baker, title; "The Black Re giment. edobut simple justice when wc say that it wa-J the" best read poem that it has ever been our pleasure to hear. Mr, Smythe has a full round mu sical voice, and he understood the task thoroughly. When Mr. Smytho fin ished tho Master of Ceremonies intro duced" the orator of the day, Judge Ed. Cant well. As wc publish his speech on third page, in full, we will leave it for our readers to criticise as they sec pro per. At the end of the oration Rev. Geo. W. Price pronounced the benedic tion. Ihe whole was one ot the beit lurnlah" r.r& if a our early Californian matters" . LirfGrcss ' JoTm H. : Carmon & Co., Wasii ton street, San'Francis co. "Price Cp?sT3er arnumor ten copies L' J3.EA C QITAr.TEE3 ) d AAA I ior 6J. r: w . T. T aH mtiTJtt mrmox of Mo and his molher, sister and sister's child Hon: Wt w:m!m Wdr burned to death, and Mr; Buggies la- rrW n r ' " - itr- r I . '-'r- " - V i - communicated. Beaufott, N. C, Jan. 1st. A frrand mass mcelinjr was called on It IS Wit 11 d'i3P The Newl :'l 'Hampshire Democratic annornc a 'o vouih i ' regret tnat I nave to e existentfj in th;s tate Confection.-'met 'in Concord on State of a spirit of defiance to all law- f al authority and an ns yiilty of life which is hardly real: d by the General Government or u:il y at large. The ivesof citi -ds fcavq b: ome so jeop: ardiz?d that ur'e.is'someth'nj? s done to give p.otcjtion t the p' )pie alt se curity usuay jTord' X by ' tw v."'1 be 'ldi- i w , . . -I ; 1 . 1j 1 . t - "t J1 a former dispatch reports 3 kiibd. . viuuais seems to dioqk u upon oy tue Gen-, limlry rectified before the Con- gives 'impunityi to T who caw :e,tp;"n- gressionai Investigating Committee-yes- rd?lSf in either and the civil govern- . . , . . A, . ment appears powcrl o praish, or teraay, stating among other things that firm arrPU t ,,v, i.Whf .Jimpd - Adrian it Voi.I-ERs, We desire to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement vf Icsr!?. Adrian v County Commissioners Extract From their Proceedings During Tnr. Week. A called meting of the Board of County Coramitsioners was held on Fridaj- last at 3 o'clock: pres ent, Jno. G. Wagner, Chairman pro cciebratioas that ever took place in this tem., and Commusioners Morris Van- city. everything pascd off, thanks to Amringe and Nixon. tho Chief Marshal, perfectly atisfac- -. . ....... . i it was ordered tnat the Cliairman ap-1 torv. point a committee of two from the Board to meet Faturdav .Tamiarv 0th LITEItAltY. . 7 187o, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of " Godcy's Lady's Book," offers some Vullcr.". wholesale grocers of this city. I the" County Commissioner!, to assist j very fine premiums to their subscribers, This is the oldest t-irictly wholesale grocery house in North Carolina, and one of the bet. These gentlemen have beea in every way successful, and the priae came ol their financial suceess has been the square manner in which they treat their customer what they tell vou can be relied on. They can the County Treasurer in making settle- all those who do not take it, should, for mtnt with the county officers, as r- it is a vary valuable fashion magazine, quired by law. We quote from their January number The Chairman apointed on this com- the following : Godcy's Lady's Book mittec Commis.Moncra VanAmringe and offers to every Subscriber, whether sin Morris. gle or in a club,. wfio pays in advance The Board met i a regular monthly for 1875, and remits direct to this of- sessioa again on Monday, which was fice, a copy of V The Rescue," the ell low because they buy for cash, di-J continued over to Tuesday. ' handsomest Chrpnio ever offeree! by a rect from the factors. Their meats they The following applications were re- publisher to his 'patrons. JZncoraged bring from western house. Country ceived and acted upon: by the success -that has attended our merchants can da better purchasing W. E. Cowan, for privilege of selling premium feature the last two years, we goods of those gentlemen than they liquor; license granted. J. P. Biddle, have endeavored to secure fbr our sub could froai northern cities. W advise for the same; granted. Application of scribcra for lS75 the best Chromos that our up country friends to give Mosrs. Eetsy Bowdcn, for aiiistance; granted. Art could produce. We feel that in Adrian V Vollcrs a c:Il and wc are Application of Thomas Blandon, for .this wc have succeeded, and-can safely sure that they wiil continue business lissistance; granted. Wright Farren. challenge the publishers of4 Eurone or Wednesday '. it s one of the largest ever held there.. -Hiram E. Roberts was nom- ihe 1st of Japuary, at the colored Chap- inated far (-overnor.- el, at C:30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose ' A dispaLoaafrom Rotherham to Lon of celebrating the emancipation pro- don reporthat 90 Jives were lost by clamation. There was in attendance a the colliervcxnlosion at thrt nlaca on nvflrrifhlmi very larjre audience, including some Tuesdaw This is probablv an error as Defiance to laws and 'inr -tier of i '. i r.'-. : - : : . whites. On motion: of John E. Henry F. W. Gibblo was called to the chair, and on motion John E, Henry w;as made Sec retary; Rev. Mr. Pitts acting Chaplain. Ths meeting wa3 opened with prayer by the Chaplain, aftv which Mr. J. A- Norwood favored tho , audience with music on the OrgaD, which was very gocd. The Chairman called for the reading of the emancipation proclamation, which was done by John E. Henry David Parker, Esq., - was called on and delivered an address which wTas highly appreciated by the audience. He spoke some time on the importance of education, and advised the colored his troops '"we're all ordered there before f control over the electiop ? by d'.-cetiou of Attorney Gulf. General Williams,-.and that as .far as he knows thev were on! v Used to nre- serve the peace. . On. last Saturday night at Vicksburg, Miss., a white? man his wife and two children, andj also three negro boys, were " murdered and their bodies con sumed with ihb building. There is no clue to, the mi rders. Monday w a day .of considerable trouble in Louisiana. Gen. P. Sheridan he Department cfhq : ' " - a , - Lieiinant Geneial, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW AElilY AL3 ;v" Tins . Weeir.- ' , V WACCAMAW & CAPE FFAIl i BEAlftN RlCi". FIJI sij-- people te educate heir children. He took j charge oftHe State House, the told them without education they never legislature being . in" session and! clis- could rise to any importance, and never banded it. Catie alleged illegality in would be -fit to hold any position of the election of representatives, trust. ; New Or.LsA,' Jan. 4. TheRepub- G. W. Jerkins, Esq.. addressed the licans had fifty-three members, the meeting in a manner which done credit Democrats forty mne. The Republic to himself and race. He stands first cans admitted -the Democratic contest- among the colored people of Carteret ants to seats jps! the- floor of the House, county. upon a solemn pledge that they would Mr. Silas Bleunt addressed the meet- rioti thurst themselves by force into ing; he told thejcolored people that they thek contestedjseats, buf await the cr- never could prosper unless they -were j ganization of the House. When they temperate, and that intemperance would found taemselyis in the minority they prevent the progress of the colored bodly attempted" revolution, forcibly race. He spoke principally on temper- driving the clerk -from the platform be- ance. fore pe finished calling the roll, seeing The meeting closed with remarks that j if the roll-call was completed ex- from Messrs, Thomas, Turner, Rumley Governor . Haiij, who had the united and Rev".-M. Pitti. suopbrt of thl I Renublicans and two Johjt;E. Henry, Sec'y. Dembcra The message of the-Mayor says the "t I " ? - " 0t debt of the city of New York i4l42,- the-puse ja final! v ected there 000,000,. Tha expenses of the current J i& -fifty-three acting with vcar will be $37,000,000. HesavsAvo .RenublicaBS. and HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked.) English and Scoich Ales,' COFFEES of nil kinds at reduced Pilces, FISH, CASE1 GOODS of , alPlandsTmBET ' SOAPS "3 ' - . i ' ".: . . .; Fine Palo and k Common ,SOAFS, Twenty d?u-: , entL'nds of TONIC ' BITTERS, ' ; ) :'r Cigar?, Tobacco,, Kerosene Oil, Hay, Com' and-Oats, AVITH HCDIIEDS OF OTHEIl AT.TlCS OF : v.. 1 ' Groceries a; Whrili&ale CASH or clo3C:buving cusfomcracah ats bejide, would be elected I bejuited.lwaysj with Good Goods at Wnn a les-aloraniznt'on vowest Market Prices. " -X it . Tynfen a iegaiorganizauon - ADRIAN & VOLLERS. . rt-k finn lit . I 1 en pavements are n'v . r, uer useful nor Willi ttiem. nicy and their clerks arc tor exemption ironi public duly, grani- i America to cquaijii h--- jHilile and attentive to their customers cd; J. H. 'Turner, for remission oflprem aiofthcm as nnd Moreno pain. t, p!easothcni. 'double tax referred Q fiu- . s. . Many of our amateur art- . com- isU, to whom tiicy have been submitted, A boiler in the Warham Iron Works of Boston, bursted on Tuesday,-killing one and wounded four persons. . four others-a clean majority? The clerk resumed calling the roljjiwliere he was forcibly stopped, and pfdVernor Hahn wa3 elect ed Speaker. 'JEhc Governor's message and a large number of vetoes were sub- cqiiently received.; Wiltr. ana liie - janS-ly t ' v i , ' . . iVolicc i ri?LICATlON WIIL EE MADE 1 J Tli S preseatf Genera! Assembly! to . secpro tiio passisga of an ac? ciiartcrfcg tbe Patrons of McrcyLIse. Nor"'; - DAVID A -T' HWKTOn, Scrt ry . i. -yI 4. -t ir

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