Ay VOl.l'Mli VI. : r- - i i i i - WU.MINGTON, NOttTH CAROLINA. FKIDAY, JUNE 11, 1875. . . . ... v .. . . . H . a ar Jr r Ui'-ii'. " hum -j k.i.r.,i..r an art ir'r which we I eursion of tin Yoontr Catholic Friend's ;.rtlf nni vrrv important I Soeietv. nn hoard the steamer Gov ikint i" . I (.t! The Republican party have I ortb, loo lc uu lueaoay laaL . ... i,... i.r 'ram ilmuM-nta I XatwithsLandine' the we weather an n.'i'Pi i i " ! j,.HiM that part j ever conn inlo I exceedingly pleaaanl lime wu apent. .. . i. i : I r l. L I v : I , 4 I TkM n tlii-M or four huiulml rwr innii ii i j i ir r II . ' ' a in I I m v. " - - g - ,,fT f-ur hnurs before they would J aoc on board. The t.ov. Worth got i . ... r r ln..l.irr ri.iTiniliiniaMii - r im 1 1 1 t n iiiii in r v ill aiuu iju a ui ","v..,.. v. m v i. ts t r ' I . .... . ... . t!.. I.nd. President Grant I deUin-d until tar into the mgbt ierore K,i rrtjui a democrat in the Put making her api?aranc at the wharf man i I retained io I of uneaiuc!. Ilcyond thw nothing . .. j j rlcrk. when they botli I occurred to mar the p eauirc Of the ticumoiuU. Thk Y. C. K. KxtTirsiox. Thcex- ill inuvratt turned out v jt n.r iiin the verr author .i i. L. I I r.. Mi m "i "uu uriau anu it- I li.iii me i ri can cum t.FKti'I. Int ninth it !i-pc oob to ae ,,rr.U.''. tlifx' ..,.1 .. i in- . iintnr I I,., i i. it.M Iul l! inlniman curMiof , w m?a;ttj in the txk . r.f a I the - ltlin if ides. ... i . ,.i!iati"n. ui"'n tin- lrad aw Tlirrr ! in the Ltml an enemv . .i... . i r. rr of affair, a dra i ..,..-- iL ri-ht. ami in fa ror of ... ....T... in.. b-r rat- That ene- ,, , ,. t!i I s .t ratio party, lead a it . ',.r- in tli witith ! reactionit nnd t ...nifi'in i .:l!ed in our Mate f, I'll? I ! .1' "i i nii'il', uinan ru iidv iii the liandi of the property, wa referred to the next meet- I of the State) the filling of the two va cancics into the contention of both Application from Tboma Monk, to Houses, in which (together) the Re- list his tax in Harnett township, waa I publicans had a majority, and under granted. the pressure of party Oo. Weston and Communication fiuui John (i. Olden- his Council, without donbt, stepped buttle wiw referred to a future meeting, outside their authority. Communication from the Cashier of The broadest error into which Gov. the royctteTille National Bank was Westoo and hia Council hare been led, laid on the table. aside from from exceeding their anther- Application from the Chairman of ity, is in ignoring the latest and most the Hoard of Trutct of Kocky l'oint authoritatire decisions in regard io the township wm referred to the Com mid- effect ef Votes cast ignorantly for ineli KioncM of render county. gible candidates. Nothing is bow bet- The !kard then took a rcce until I ter settled in the United State; than WlLMfMiToX AS A WATE RIXU Place, "We to jk occasion a few weeks ago to call atienUoo to the reckleM manner in which mwt of our health Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Ronsinjr Kepabllcan ConTentlon The Wheel-Horse of Lenoir Coun ty to the Front. Koi'tfroK, N. C., Jnnc6, 1875. Editoh Post: The Republican Cojinty Conrention met at Kinston Codayt all the townships being represented.- Wk ' Y. Bonn was Slflsle Copies 10 Cents. A Third Term. If there was ever 41 time in the hia tory ef our country when a third term was possessed for the Presidential in- cumbent, now is the time. If the country ever passed a President that was worthy of a third election, and in uu- republican pui in ,v4 .. .w.i mnn.v A j 'Ant par tin leave this city and vicinity. fii.wK. t1rTj t4,mmtr, lor health or recreation, nrviriil a civil war. I and thee .Vm upend on an avernge tX each, per month for board, Whl b amutinta lo lb iqm if t Their railroad fair vtrajea 1100 eiteh j.tot Their eitra rxpna. MiTinti hler. rarrlaae hire. Ac. prtalac to leav- !( home on an rieoralon. will mr- rrut liuo more .",) Kuotlnc up IbrsmaJI amoul oi fjuutv Now if itome one would start a hotel at the sound, within six miles of our beautiful city, our hard worked bui- nesw men could attend to heir dally biiHiii in the day lime and spend the pleasant Mimmer eTeningn and night ith their families, at the nxmt ideavtnt waterinc I daces on the Atlan tic coat. lj itpendiii thcstiminrr at our souud they would save the railroad fare and per month of their board, and two- thirda of the eatra expense that would le necevary for a trip from hmc, hich would be a clear eavina of at least II.Vi.i.kjO. In oneyoar the amount J U! t.'lf l l and ih-l" d I Minx-ralic party ri..- -i.i-i mmi'iil at aHimzton is itir.' t!" "' n fariu schemer in L. i-in- in i.flii r, m FfUftf otfier, men ;.i-t and upliold tlu:.- men who ..j.-nl m-tk .iain-l ur povrrnment -.rjV l-iudir t rrtinattr at Kay r st. . . hi flt-rk ani nephew wan :-'.'i I Vmi rat. and participate! n tii I ni H i4ti ctiiT-iilion last week .. n'ii"it- candidates to the convt n i. uh ih 1-to droil our t mstituti'n ,n I p'il it in the tenr and haitj nec- -iry t ml .ff-wdoni't'. ilr. Iau -:tt ,-iii J r-Minl vote latyear would ir ti'. ilu- t-iwii in the hands td Ke- lan.4iid 1 he .ujrter ol tiic Ha muli administration. This was denir! b2jl p-iillcman. w ho holds a fat ifve, and n ld rmhl here n help or iantar,a t- the Irit nd ol this gov . . ..1. rnwrH. II Is a Lurninj siiame mat Tt'lAY MUKNIMi. l'reent: Cinmif3ii)ners Morrw, Van Ainringe, Wagner and Nixon. Mr. WiUon, Chairman, being absent, Mr. Wagner was called to the chair. Township claims, presented by the following olliciuU, were appro veil and paid: J. J. Caiidey, fc. VanAmringe, Thos M. Gardner, K. II. McQuigp, W. II. Moore, J. C. Hill, N. Carr, and J. W. Whitney. Various bills proenled for the ap proval of the Ikiard were ordered to be referred to the Commissioners of Pen der county. Mosr. M. 1 ronly nml .1. K. Hrown, by apxiiitment, met the Hoard and a conference ensued in . reference to the a-sscsMiicii. for the Township of Wil mington. The rcirt of the Auditing commit tee was received and oriercd t-j be spread out the minutes and placet! on file. In the absence of the Chairman, Commissioner Wagner, Chairman pro tern., was authorized to sign muny war rau ts. It was ordered that the Clerk of the that, while an ineligible candidate hav ing received the majority vote, is net elected, aim ply. because it is au impos sibility for a person to be elected who is ineligible, the voting does not re sult in the election of bin opponent, be cause it would be a palpable defeat of the will of the majority. Tho common practice now is to tender a new election. or to accede to the method provided for Kiu amI t,,c homestead; King and the a new election whioh in ihkni. . Mechanics Lien'law KirfonndtheCen-l by the vote of the members of the two "8titution for the Pr man- called in thA eha.r nrf ! cf.'tl th nh. who9e handa the honr Aad P " ' , , ., ... 1 , 1 r. ner, after which W.J. butten and Isaac I hence, a third term with Genonl Gmnt fc?. 3furjli were elected secretaries. . I for its object, presents ner se no cause On motion, the nomination of a can-1 for !rm. But we object to a third difcj-.,.-.! sasar-aiisre and Hon. K. W King was unanimously our government The time may come nominated as a candidate for election when a designing and unscrupulous aa a Uclegate io the convention that t pwuucuin may occupy in j re&iaenuai was ciilhsj hv tle la;t nsnmrAusm. chair,and who.subverungthe vastpower ' 1 , . jjooesessed by virtue of his position. I micht ce it to his own advantaire. and The convention was harmonious and J foist himself upon the people, not only exhibited great determination on the I Ior5 tnira term, but Jor iile, or worse .a k T ...1,1: il. ""Km rauiw m iKaiM;iuunu uicwuir- 1 a... LJtXl It VIA IU till I V U1U I I ... . . - . , I Wl MVrUKV, l, . . . u 1 -j 1 I ship that weuld again involve our I Arrive at Ooldiboro at ciilintv liir lit, kt'iiirlarrl. Iton rnr I 5 . ? .... I "'" uwu,wiw j . ..... - country in anotner ana more terrible I Arrive at Jtocky Monatat lou can put down this county lor I civil war. New Berne Times. I Arrive at Welcjon at . NUMBER 2( SEW AD VE&ammKJK y ' ry iirr. ,, II, t't' I .' ! H f 1 111 WilnlBgtoa & Weldon B. B. Omca UKMEAAl.lTPEKltTICMRNT, I W llralngktA, i, CL, Jaa 8, lS7t C&AMGK Dr 8CQKDTJUC. On tod after June 9th, FMBcer Train on the W. A W. Kailroad wUl rja MloUows; ' MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot, daily, 8uii- . .7.:i5 A. M .11:45 A. M ..IMP. M Leave Woldon daily a.. . .10:ifi A. M Arrive at Kocky Mount at 11:41 A. M ..1:S5P. M . .0:05 r. M in Franklin Pierce's time, if the read- I Arrive at Unioa immi. .t er can recall so remote an epoch Keitt. I of Sonth Carolina, had been airing his I ixPRKiS AND THKOUGU FRJtlGUt ujuituMii ior me lanKees, ia lue irue i nrovinri'll Xfilif lirfn iitvlo if wViir-li nnr I ' KAIKI. libraries and old newsDancr files pre serve the traditions. Breckenridge final- I Leave Union Deot daily ut 6.S0 P. M lr Ihrnir in 9 m.rt Ho irnnM orl iu I Arrive at Uoldftboro at . . 12 "fi A 1 oration Day by the their vnunr fripnd Wfor dUrintr Arr?Te'??y Mount at S80A.M salute of an nrtilterv i)ic(!. at sundo.vn I war ininriip nmmi nf nu i-nnniliiKni. I ?Ve0'i at........ .....6:00 A. M case.ontended that a it was ncrfcet- . . V. . ... . L'f? T X'XTZ' Tl00" '"' 1 on rriuav eveuinir mm at me iauouai i uu wc u ivui uirouiiu iuc xionu, i Arnrg n aockt Mount at i-:ai i m ( mri.-rv tl... r.u nr.U ..fwl.w l. hn "if only for the purpose of teaching Arrive at eoldaboro at .12 as A. M . T them what an almiirhtv biir countrv Arrive at union Lepot at AM Ilir inlnrniniil nl iiv.t -'MMI l,,lnril I .. .... . v - " " I Houses in convention. These princi ples were settled so fur as relates to thin country after the mast exhausting argu ment on both sides by the ablest law yers of the land, in the case of Abbott r. Vance. Mr. Curbing in his brief in that Ycur, W. W. N. Hcster. Sausiu;kv, NVUMay 31, 1875. Editor Wilmington Post: The jieople of liowau county were reminded of Decoration i ..I i i .i. .. :i - f MfOI WUU I UMIItl Will IIIV l It. .1.. ..t lioaril le iiistrnrtril to turn ovpr to the and the railroad to the miiihi; place carria-rm on ihe lurnpike, thoroughly lock the railroad and have' lUXMKo lrfl to build Ihe handsomest hotel at the sound that would be in the i-oulh. The idea of v roiling !leaufrt, Long Commissioners of I'endcr county ab stracts of the tax lists for (runt, Holly, Caswell, Union, Columbia Lincoln, Kocky Ikiin!, and Hidden townships, taking receipts for the same. f . aa a . -a . a iectiy wen xnown io tne ortn vareii ua Legislature that Vance was ineligi ble they willfully, in the eye of ;I.e law, threw their votes away, so that they ought to be counted as blanks, and he fortified his josrtion by tho uniform decisions in England and by a majority of the .decisions in tbe United States. And after a most able and elaborate argument by Mr. Carpenter, and anoth er by Mr. Tool, contending for the the ories ol the brief, and after the argu ments of Mr.'Thurman and Mr. Logan, in refutation of them, the Senate by a two-thirds vote decided iigaiind. tbe doctrines of Cushing's brief. This de cision was taken at the time, and pro bably will betaken iu future time, is ut of over 12,000 federal they will have to whf for th ' .f 1..,,., Hi iv, I in I,a Uol. I .1. C -.. ,J Ft 11' " i, j.In..i,i-traiii keep-, i.mi in ou-e nranch, Newin)rt or anv other water k, i 1 lioin -., rnrrni aim w-miht .!Ih au wt-ohl aeerpl the place. Mr l-julrr j- reputed I'nioii .rw.Ul.r-. lli" jr. anj tlioii-h he k ti- io.ii Ud oath to hold tilTiit lirt x :. l n vvr sulferrd for it cssniit :u'vu I'nionUni during the mr. Ilr has rM-cr W-ta a Uitblul lie .ii.Vi.an .iin-e. if "r jIe by bis ,..rl. H'h'i . . r -aa lr,T l-iuder'a i. .-in, i;. pul'ii. -n niet tni,:,? Why Ii..uM hi :-rk 'UtU hi pl and 'par . aitli the esfiouixls in nmi- tili ardplat- to reVduliouic our Mt4ti:iiiKn Fl the Kedrral Govern .. al ha determined an K'x'--K UP tlC ,tilu ul the war anl to leave ihe true .-men. .l the SMth l the lender i. -w ics of lbo- aim have been treasur ) their arath miht iheir defeat, ,. a 1. 1 iM v.rve liuderls- reUined as l Ma-ter at Kayetuville. rr en uranient at this j-rlicular tiuie to hold u h i,:iis ! The really good en alio love their government and mi it Mi-tained, niul learn lo lAbor ki .. aait. Ut the tuA W ever ao dis ran. a . 1 nT JTKMS. iO HANDS WANTED ..ui a.-l will give regular em -Moirni to the aUvtf number of gool fkin-; men, for the oet ix months, tt W. 1. Caxapay. TLATTINO WOOD. 1 i,k to hire a flat to bring wod ta Town Creek lo Wilmiocton. r. i,hin; l Hal wtaatwill please t me a call mat .'1 It W. 1. C tlY. A remarkable -juicl week. a rtcunioQ will take pUce lo iartSUV b Steamer Gov. Worth un it th auiers of th VleehaoisU ami Iji kmiih 1'nton ua Jely .Vh. - F Tr riwi.s TiiakC Chrtbs nm r.vn, ivi vn 1; i: rr a 1 1 c a a a- r THKia livv.-We publiah rrisiet from Kinston, evocerviog KrHjllxaa Convention that con rewsj I Vrc en Saturday lat, 6th lnt.. 4 n vew rBCaraxinf iasleed. If il e frxrvK will make a gad nomi t!sM a the Ixn,r cvtaaty people have v akail vrrUialy have a ciareolista ol vtne. We are prBally aerjaaint l.wiU tW 1I. IL W. King, and can y wiia truth that twarre is no truer fwbUaaa ia the Stale; k i friend ta pa.r aaaa. and eew that they rma r He ha. ts-ew tried and fDd M and rtlUhle mm t of R a a mewabev ol ibe roaven lW trtmJ nar perarnt eeetatitn kith warlrr to ewry amaa ku Wfare the law. l!ia lW nwa nlva Kmi! aaml naaint- rT aeotaatilalioei (naif prraent rlthai rim ihe aaawe rihU W the twUut atnar eilinrna were rati lied andre ij lVncrnlic niUna. It. KmC nOl avtaialv U etVrrnd and Lenoir eemnly will W well and "7 rvprferatrd. Iri an hav Kh ing place, when we have right at our loors, Ihe retliesl and lest in Ameri ca, is, in our opinion, ierfectlr ridicu lous. We hope the time is not far dis tant when it will b d- and if lhc gentlemen who have the sound road in charge will do their duty, wc have no doubt lhal il will lie rrry aoon. Iel us attract to. instead of detracting from. our population during the summer months. Cof.MY CoMMisMuxtR.-The reg ular monthly meeting of the Hoard of (bounty Comroissitaiera took place on Monday. Present, Chairman James Wilson and Coraraisaioners Wagner, VanAmringe, Nixon ami Morris : A communinalion was receive! from W. U Jewett, Recording SecrUry of the Wilmiogtou Steam Kire Kngine Coniany, enclnning a list of the mem- ber of aakl cempany, with a view of having them relieved of jury Iuty un der the law providing for the exemption of firemen. The cmiaieatin ws ordered on file. The application of Henry Sharpie, en ling certificate of physician, to be relieved from poU tax was granted. A communication from S. A. Ashe relative to listing hi taa wa laid on the table. A communication from John Mc Iiurin in reganl to ihe liating of taxes was referred to another meeting of the Hoard. A communication fnm J. M. toy. relative to the ame was referre! to the I omuiisM oners of Pender ceanly. Application of Emanuel Schaff, in regard to peddling home made clothing was not granted. Application of the Federal Point Hoard of Trustreea, atking that a lax of three cent be asew el on every IC valuation of property I defray lownahip expense was referred to the next Meeting. CkMaaiBDkaliona from Claudia Kcr grnoa aad J. C. Shepherd, were refer red l the committee on poor. The report of the committee on Work ilovw a received a a-1 ap proved. Cvanaaaarratiea frewt J an Grant, relative to the bridge oa the oW New IWrae rand, bear the city, wa recdred aad rearrred to lh conaanttn lUada and IVWgT-t, A Uteacat relative to tht hridgea ver Smith's Creek waa received aad referred ta the MLte Ronda aad Hridrea, with pewtv to art. A eoiniaaicjai: fraC. W. Oil haaa, execaW ef the eatale ef Janvra fnakVry. deceanrd, ia ref ard lh val maUo U ptwely WUngUg to thai cntate, waa laid wver aniil aext neet It. W. II. Geriea, Keabea iooea and J. IX K Under were graated Ikeaxen to reiail tpiritnotna Ikfwnee, CbaaaiBBkaUoa fraea Jaaae Ander , rtlalire to the tax anxsnaneat o Chairman. thfk noltlA.1 orarliiA in tliia iwnintrt t i : . i .1 ....ii ,i. I i - wl""ll .iinguiriini siiimwi i" t .in ui int.- i ,r , .. ,, . . . , , . J riiese hew Hamixdnre cases ( Head aid Dcering) were in no feature so stroij as in the case of Abbott r. Vance, ii asmuch as it is not rctciidcd tliat tkc constituency were informed that there was any question as to Head's legal Tin -w llampaKiro Controversy. To ik. frlil.tr f th-- ffrt: If you will erniit one who was for r-niiliar with ncarl ll ic parties l .11 (lot lnerv b .to ... leering was iuc Hampshire, nod who by cirrunistaucei foro tnat t t)C (iovernor and Couir.il happ iied to Ih- made wry familiar w ith jia,j ay jurisdiction in the case beyond the law and precedents of the case, to merely reiorting tho state of the ccrti- say a word, I will pvc you my views. f,c,i returns, they ought to have decided I may, bcfoie i losing, be a little chatty, thit there was no election. And, in - bull will iittempl to st..le the legal deed.it is an amusing feature in tkc cjiiotioiis clearly. The fact- are these: Xcw Hampshire case that the Deino- A man who was christened "Nathaniel crats are citing Carpenter while ihe Head," but w ho in ipiite a long busi- IU-publicans are citing Thurman., The ness and othcial life has used the name Senate-decided w'lu Thurman. of "Natt Head, ' was voted for under ... . lulrtN , ,,, i41.,ini flr ,bis ri tliv wiiiv saw -w--- - thcMattcr name for the Slate Senate. There wa no election by the people, there King three caudidates, and the Constitution of New Hampshire re piiting a niajority of all the vote lor election Now the Constitution of the Sftate ropiins the Governor and Couu cil to "exaruiue the ieturns'(official re turns as mvle by the Tow n Clerks) aad summon Mich as "appear to be elected." Hut the Governor and Council, as is claimed by ihe Republicans, assed be yond the directions of the Constitution and not only decided that Natt Head waa not elected, but that all the votes cast for biui were blank aud not tube counted, and that Head's opponent waa elected, and so summoned him to ap pear at Concord on the first Wednesday in June. ' There was another case in another Senatorial District on this wise: The three candidates were Todd (Rcp.1, Proctor (Dem.) and lk-eriog (Indepen dent). The Constitution requires that a man to hold a seat in the Senate must have lived in the State rre years, which provision made Deeriag ineligi ble, he having resided there only four jftLT, Hul the Governor and Council, having der ide! that the votes for Dccr inp were blanks, ami Proctm having more vote than Todd, iU decide! that Proctor was elected. Now, therefore, the question raised is whether lie Governor and Council had a riarht tn consnler the question ef the eligibility f Heed ami IVering at all. It claimed by the Republicans that they had nothing to do bwt to ex amine the o foetal letarns and report to the Fenate the facta as show n bv then; aad that it was not within their func tion to coaaiJer the juration at Urad'a or leering'a eligibility at alu The pcmecraU claim that the authority ef the Geveraor and Coo act 1 waa bread enoagh U coprehei aa exaaaiaatiaa at alt the detain) of the election, and lo decide all acaitowa na ta the right to neat, hjrct of core to the revision ef Ua bJy iUeU afUr it waa orgaa Lard. I hare ao UaU hat the ajraaee ia the better apinioav They eargfct te have rrportetl ia both easra that there u so cWtia. Hat IhW wvafcl hare throw a (aerordiag to the Wuiatioa alteiupt to cheat the Kcpuoncani ei New llampshire out of two Senalnrs. Harry' Hingham is the leader. litis, as is his brother, a member of the pk--eu't legislature, is a lawyer of uixiies tioneu eminence, and a man of ge.at abHitr. Hefore llw war be wu. a straight-out Democrat of the must v lent tye,aud haa all along out Uerooeu Herod in delence of the South, aid special Smthein measures; swalloajig the worst measures of Pierce and llutb auan. He ia to New Hampshire what Bill" Eaton is to Connecticut, with more br.uns. The sjecial meat iu tht particular cocoanut is that Harry want to be elected U. S. Senator uext year in place of Crngin, ami he takes this method to trig any measure of thcjrcs ent Legislature which might facilitate Republican ascendancy next year. Weston, the present Democratic Govei- nor, U a quiet, pleasant gentleman, has been liked where he is best known, was a civil engineer, and has once or twice been Mayor of a Republican town, and waa a war Democrat. He is now evidently an Implement of Hingham, ami he acta as if be was determine! lo put himself beyond any chance of a further political career. "NaU" Head, lately risen to a notoriety which has, haa led the pictorials to portray hi, has already been a member of the Lcg hdature. aererml years Adjutant (tcaeral f the State, bank and railroad dirve- soldiers, most of whom died in the Sal isbury prison. Tho general hurroundings of the Cemetery mark the great care employed, and extensive improvements. The na tional government has erected an en closure of solid .stone masonry, five feet high. Tbe grounds, under tho di rection of Capt. Richardson, have been regularly laid oil' and adorned with (lower gardens and fragrant shrubbery, and near the Superintendents residence the liberty ihJc rises to an altitude of 7.5 feet, from which the American Hag streams over tho burial field of thous ands of fallen heroes. At Nunrise ou Saturday the fcalutc of cannon summoned a largo concourse of people from all parts ef this district, who assembled on Main street at 11 o'clock, a through. Springfield Republican. XETf ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND EXCURSION TO CHARLESTON, W ILL l.KAVJS 1'NION DEPOT AT C O'CIajCK. P. M-, ON THE Mail Train makes close connection m Weldon for all points North via Bv Lin.- and Acquis Creek routes. KJ" Express Train connects onlv with Acquia Ureek route. Pullmtn's Palace, Sleeping Cars on this train. Freicbt trains will luave WiltiiLm-toa tri weekly at .00 A af . and arrive at 1.40 P.M JOHN r. DIVINE Sept. 1 tf Ocnend anp't. JfU DAY OF JULY, 1875, AND SPEND THE IK 5 lib IN CAHRLESTON, S. C, lU'turniug: Ia'iivo Cliarleslon Monday. 5th, at 0 o clock, and arrive ut Uniuu liHt in., when a procession, well Tuesday morning. 6th July. matIi:ilcl and extending three-quar- ierojof a mile, marched with majestic amviWivrWrnirr1 cVrvn-Se.ts- o.Aretr, the ladies and children were burdened with wreaths and flowers, and all bowed in reverence to listen to the prayer of Rev. Mr. Hyrd, of the M. K. Church. The decoration of the soldieh graves was a most affecting scene, men, women and children, most of whom, with cheeks be limed with Uars, sincerely knelt and scattered fresh garlands on the mounds which mark the last resting places of those unknown dead, who h.nl passed away to the "starry court of eternity," to await the pound of the last trumpet. IJy artillery salute the gathering . i i t ...ii aaui circle!, :inu memorial .murcjws were deli verts I. David L. Hringle, Vx , presiding of- heer, introIuccil I r. Isaac v. Jones, , . 1 1 an Uoqticni speaker ana promineni cilieu of Salisbury, who flxixl the at tention of his bearers during an address of twenty minutes. Ihe speaker dc ploreil the manifest by bitter prejudice indulged in on the part of the sympathi sers of the late rebellion, who deride the thought of paying tribute to the memory and roiicct to the unknown honored dead who wore the blue Col. This. H. Long was next intro duced, ami in wrapt eloquence held the great audience spell bound during his entire discourse. The words of the orator fell deep into the hearts of his hearers, and drew forth an outburst of sympathy for the widows and orphans of those gallant heroes in the conflict for freedom and right. He, alluded in i happy manner to the flaj floating tbove him as the true emblem of liber ty, and exulted in the hope that its am ple folds idiould never again be tram pled in the dut. and that our fair and fruitful land wuld never more be de luged wilh the blood of America sons in internecine war. Iet the result of the civil war be accepted as finalities, ex- lor, and what not. He i a heavy bui- denied, the orator, and assuage the ens man, a moat excellent frieod and a bad taan ta oppoae. a public favorite all arownd, and what is curious hold ntveral roan mission stgnrd bv Wesloo, whea he was Governor, styling him -Natt Head. He ewe of lhnse fel lows who has always been doing akt thing foe the worW. and the wtwWI ha and bin well. He & alway in lack aad I wwatktVt be arprned if ne year the IpwNica were to pat ant forward a their candidate tov- aaNatt I Iea4. elect hia nt aaae of the fraatrated Knghi An Uch for Lra4 a niche ia the teaafde f fcaaa. lcrsisicnt struggic to destroy the spirit of .r present Couttution,as relates to p"' polar auffragc. A. ?. Richarvl-m uet sfke in fit ling term on the memorial occasion. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Hyrd, who ia language pure and rh1e defined the past anl present Ottnool the American people, and took pntt.I rrle ia rx-akin; of our naliaal govemm-t, ahcltt-rinj; the hapiet. frmt and bi4 proapero people n the gW. Caanona-Iinr was araia n-mnx!. - ILaan arrve j aauch credit for their ktlkd enTwta ia nvaaagiag the arullrry. KterlWat rde ajd rrfirrt decoranv mb o alw-iyvi eitaraetrnnrsf tW ewtire aiair. aJ lb Ml who wish to visit tho iua;ultricenl city of Charleston will never have a better Kuuiul Trip, J. -. I-ly and tit iitlcnuin. ts in) for tho two. Tickets for halo by , JAOlll llOUDE.M'X. JAMES K. CPThAH. June 11 11 ConmiltUf. gUUTHKUN ILLt'SIRATKD.AGE: Kaleih. 1ST. C Th- .inly ILI.PSTKATED WEEKLY In the Soiitu. EiKht pngra. Forty eolnmii. CoutaluiiiK more read lng matter than any Keekly published iu the .Southern .stale. The Ilrst number of tho SOUTHERN 11 El STRATF.D AGE will be Issued on Saturday, 26th day of Jdme. 1876 The Publisher Intends malting It an Illus trated record ol tbe times. It will treat of every topic. Political, Historical, LJtcrary, and Scleiitiflc, which 1 of current interest, and Kive the best, Illustrations lbal run be obUlwed. original or foreign.-. Tbe hOUTHERN iRfcWsTKATKI AGE w ill b printed on new type, and heavy book paper. ua Ita Hal of contributor a III be found Ibc names of many of tbe best writer la the South. Serial aud short atoriea, norma and sketrbe. and well conducted editorial departments, giving tbe laleat personal, literary. ecicaUnc, political, rat igloos and commercial lulell igcnre. will laraiab evary week aa amount of reading matter uatur pasard by other papar. in excellence and variety. It is intended to makelheKOlTII KR' ILLUSTRATED AGE a journal lir the Ores Id r; several col am n a w lll.be iwrial ly devoted to all uhjrcu pertaining lo do mestic and social life. No family should ba without It. Sutwxrl pilot) price ouly f2 0J pr annoa. PosUce free. R. T. FriXJlirM,Kdl!w. jau 11 1 Rallth. N. C Quarantine Police. UNTIL FI'RTII IK SOTILTt. all vetla from Torts eoaih of Cap Fear, will coma to at tbe V tatting Slalioa near Deep Water Point, and awatt Ua laaprdtoa ef Ua Quarantine Fb)icuB. AU reaael from Port wkera Tellow F tct or ikrr Inlvntona dtsaaa nttb, wtll be ieaird to andcrga ritd aad pra tonxed qaaraatinc. AH vaaU or boa u of aay caarartcr aav iag wUtn on board on arrtTal. or havlaa; aad slcknta aar Uase artg U vjx. ara rnaalred a coat te at ta ttio for m aprcUoa, wttaont rerara to U port front wfceae Utry cn. Vcaocia not inclnond aa above wtll peocud wttaont del ration. Pilau are opeiaII eatotaod lo nlt earrial ra-tairv. rviauro to vanMt. At .and if not aalkanrd fl tao atatentrota of ta Captaia or lontataaaw. ii vcaoat la la a tny roaMtntonw w l trwl loal ina Nation fa-ta-1 FOR COMMENCING .iUNE 1st, is?.'.. A FULL l,!XK OF UolTND TRIP TICK Is to all Summer Resorta of lut.-n-i ... importance in Upper South Carolina, Western North Carolina. Middle and Western Virginia, Northern aud Eastern States, W 1 1 1 be on sale nt Trlee LisU, Time Cards nud in.llul Itiiforiuutlou luruUhed u uppllcntiou b the underhlsnttd. i . - . A. It-ei., June I 2w liru I Ttcki-l k hI EN. BUPXKINTKNDKMT'd oKKICL, Wilnlnglon. lolMiabia 4 u- fiisti R. B. Coapaii) . Wilmimovoh, N. C. Mi !.. CHANGE OF tfCUKDULE, ( N and after Taetday. June In, th loi V I0WI road: rlnc tcbedale will be run on Lis WIGHT &XP&K&8 AND PArM.Nt.aU TKAIN. (daily) Leave WUmlnKtoa... 'Jr. M Loava Florence. 1J..M I. M Arrive at ColamHa. .l j A M Arrive at AaratU ,-.. Leave AaraaU 4.li F. 8 Leave ColantbU ISP M Leave Floraae . I to A M Arrrva at WUauaftoa 7 10 A. M rnataagrra going Weal bry ocd l oiotnl s Uka UU train leaving- Wllnttngton t a Tt. Tbroayb frclfct Train nilb pa!' Ctrtck attacbad daily(cicrH at. Lrava Wilntteglca. ... Arrtv at rjormea Arrive at Coleatbta . Lmva CnlanMa Lcnva Ftorrncn..... .. Arriva at Witnttnstoa . iur.it saA. m let A it v r. kt ir. at . i tajr M Throach coearcUon at r"" HJj train lor Cnartctwon. r s aaiiy (sMtrf rtF" " arrtra as W tl Uajf. , ; .;. . tamu anr . V-t i-r Tarrsar rwM - . . . - - . -' -aiaHUi. NaU. aad the rover htm in to iHodt. portnleoAksJ bv t aptr Joa A d rSwchaat. T P J. C- A. Thia ia a ha re mailt. will Vckf the pefsW of Salisstry . oUitoill vtoianatf loa Ua r asKt lo tmUiyj7 kaanral doTtara a day itoli l a tb voarantlao la X ra-swtr,, 1 .dna a LAM W nwdwr iwvana hnr roc and taa aaanj AU t n i ill anaaort. yf tb ntvlitH't wiiVITZJl. rxtnc. rri tnAa, Jk ar wriMMno. Qoaraouaa Or", iV !Nnuttiredr jao w tnj 0 TO A tucxw - i ' , nil' mm-mmmmmmmm