mm-, fiiiiiiiii::; wmm VOLUME VI. T1IK COWTJCJTTlOr. The member elect to Ike Cooslitu tioAjl Ciaf enlioB, net ia Kaleieh on iWav. Uh inst, promptly at I -vWk. aad waa called to order by Jedx Thomas r5etlle. Associate J ustice the Speesse Court. The sweann .aof the saemhers waa im media telj be- ,.J carriel en without interrupt ioe rxcrpi ia case where cooUts were Miliar, ami these were all adjusted t ik admWioa of the partica bearing the berths certiocaie. At io as iUU was concluded, the Convention rmretded I" ballot Ux a President. a na. O. II. IhKser, 1105 piacea in nnesiaaliofi bj the Jlepnhlkios and I Fdward Ranaoea, by the Detno- Th malt waa 68 vote for - - rwkcfT. M for Hansom.. 1 for Bekl i i VhrJr. These two last air(J . - - - beta vHd W by the candidates. An-db-r ballot in taken with the mm realt. when the CVaveetwa adjourned naiil Teesdsy t 10 oVIoek. At the 4p,.Mittl hour the Convention sssem Med. called te order .and the bel Mir mmmed, which was continued alii ibe fcntrtrvnth ballot, when Dr. UnHM bv futinjc for himHf, was MWUrl eJ-rl l that position, a .a it 1 t'ok tb I "hair. On UliM-jy the Convention completed it orjrjmxjlHJO ly electing Democrats t all the tar pilK)M nreewnary l that rml. When it became apparent that the political complexion of the Conven ing rented entirely with one man, the f jr of Jic -vplc of the w bole Stale, mr may aj, wrre tarnol upon him, ml numrnm were the cnjpclurc m t,. tn hr would dLpC of the RTie rrpnilitity which be fui reeling np-Mi hiu. Tle Imocrat cerUinly kU aotbin; to expect at bU banda, tiil the Urpublicaos had cvrry rca mn to belirre that be would not de rrt thrm. Having acted with them r j tar, and hat iug been honored by thnu wiih their couGdruco, they felt taal they bad much to hope for, not -nth-UnJinj- thl be wat IbU time clerted an iodependtut carwlidate. We do not bcliere that Dr. Itan-orn haa rorocd the course he ha taken from aay m reentry motif ea, but we feel that he ha acted cootcientioualy ,know las aa wc !, that it waa merely the matter of immediate adjournment that far the tioi" bein-;. separated him from hu party, fa all other matte n that may come before the ConTention, we bcliere be will rote withthe Ilcpub lican idt of that aembly. Ue leel that I here U nothing which ha transpired either in the rrnult of the election, r the formation of the Cou rtntion, that should caac a feeling of despondency among the members of the Republican party. They hare been orenrhelmingly victorious, and that cannot be denied. They baTe carried the UU by a popular rote of at leaat l oX They elected a majority of the Jeletcatea to the Convention, but by the atoat laring fraud were cheated out of at leat two of them. The good working majority that the Democrat ooarneatly bepe for, can ia bo event etceed two, and this will not certainly embolden Jheni to make any very op pmwiTe change in our organic law. They hare a check upon them ia that body whkh they cannot override, and we do not bcliere they will attempt it. The people hare spoken and they lear them. dot Kit it or nncKiuB.n. We had the pleasaire of calling oa owr eirelleataad much esteemed friend roT.Cwrti II. Ilrogden while ia Raleigh afcwdjjaago. The lie Terwor i look -isg wU, and no woedee, a ana who Vm a saaay rod and tree friends as he aJtoaht Mm be sick. He certainly is ewe wf the very beet Kirtwtire efl rees the ut ka ere had, and the satiafactory Buaner la whkh he Alia the poaitioa of Oort rwoe will foeg be rrssesabered by the good people ef thk Bute. Haay ( the be4 awea ia North Car oliaa are rtrj aeriowjly talk lag of hiat I Ykw-rWdcat, a4 If he desirea it, there k no reaaoai why he showtd aoi he aoaBiaxUd. II cerUialyewy the eweidewce hk party aad hk iUta. Daring the whole eX hk loag lite ao act ef hk has rree soiled the history of thkmawaweeUh, and km aaoihee it aire, ooald to-day embrace hlaa aad traly Mr, "aay soayww hare avrrrr eoaa a0ud aa act thai pwt ywax awother U shAat ajat the hAt4 earned eat a HKhera ktttractloeta. Yew hare bee We e yoar Ood, year coaatry aa4 Tewnetr Aa4 what k ako tret of Wee. Brrgdea, he awrer jraa heatea foe aayaOre. lit haw alwaye heea trwe to hk prty d thoae ax the awe to trwt. . It the OeTtraaaeat wowid ealy I ahaadred taUlioew al gTeeahacha aa4 the ahoUsh the tax whisky. Ue WTsahlhe awe toeacwreaa i W cheap awaaiej aad hkkr. I aerhaiw abaadow Ita erpeaiUeft to CITY FITS MS. Bogus oickeU are in circulation in thk city. Look out for them. The evidence are that we ahall soon have a turnpike to the Sound. Nothing startling baa trarwpuod la magisterial precinct during the past week. Zcb Crummct aays, ''Vice never looks with a frieudly eye on the grave monitor who censure it." Get your money rraily and pay up your City Taac by the itb of October If vow do not want your property ad- vertised aad sold. reaches are being offered in IUIti more at from IS to 54 cents a bushel Woo Id not our citizens like to purchase a lew at that price? Our German friends bad a high old time, at their pic-wk at the Wilming ton Hardens on the 51 inst. Krrrybody enjoyed tbemselvr bogelf. Our friend Gerkea know bow to fit up such things. The Democrats paid a bcay rrnwrn for the lVesidcnl of Uio Constitutional Convention nowiusr ton at uaieieu. wnen we uic mw enideratin the mortification it inul havecanseil them to rote for a llrub- Ikan. Our markrt is being well supplied with northern cabbage. We notice ito, a few fine apples fmm the same aowrce. This leads us tak: will North Carolina ever supply bcrelf with cab bages, apples, onions, etc? lho an swers. She could if he would. Reruembcr,-hatonthe rote to adjourn the convention s'e r, every Krpubli- m aa can voieu lor n. inc iciuincans have, therefore, carried out in good faith their pledge to the people. Will the Democrats do the Vauic in regard to their pledges? Wc nhall see. M iMTit T. Oa Friday night od inst., the commissioned otneers, com prising the 22d Regiment North Caro lina Jlilttia, met wben an election was gone into for Ilcgtmental officers hkli resulted as follows .-Colonel W. P. Canaday, Lt Col. Ceo. 1 llab- aon, Major (eo. W. Bellv The Mayor returned from his trip to Raleigh on Tuesday and has since dis posed of the few evi l-doers who awaited the dispensation of justice at bis bands. "Fifty dollars and cot, or thirty days work on the streets," is fast becoming panacea for those afllicted with a mania for putting at naught the peace of the city and the dignity of its laws. $mall Vox. One case of this dis ease has made its appearance in our city. The victim k a liule child in a family that haa lately arrived here from Phila delphia, and the disease is believed to have been contracted there. Every precaution haa been taken by the city authorities to confine it to ita prseut limits, and we are of the opinion that there k no cause for alarm on the part of our citizens. Fcpuil I'oist TowNMiir. On Saturday Ust the Board of Trustees of thk township met and organised by electing Thos. M. Gardner, W , Chair man. The School Committee were qualified, also Balaam Wade, who was re-elected Constable, and renewed hk bond. The Clerk was granted further time to pre pare his boad. PvLic School. The Townbip School Committee met last Thursday, 31 int., when tae following named ladies received appointment as teach ers ia the varioas white pablk schnok of this citv : Mrs, T. W. Kaaaiag. Miss M. K. nilsoa, Mrs. flora Wke, Miss Mary Pagvid, Mka Sallk Bwrch, aad Miss NsilkOook.. Thay are all Sow th era ladies, aad all of them asosi e eel lent apfolataseata. McssvrTOKa. Namrrwaa have been the plans aaggested and remedies ap plied to assist poor exhaased haasaniiy to enjoy aa tare's repose withoat being torateated by thewe detestable blood awcxees. Bat la most Instances the tiaiily applied haa prevea aearlyjif aotaite, aa rtxatiowa as the depreda Uoaa t thewa lomcatora. The follow S we dip beam the New York aa a eare aad pleasant waj to circa save at the Itttiaa; c hleod by thaw eaeaaiea of the haataJi racei aTagea la hot cliaaalaeceTer their bodice with oil, ia eder to aTwU the attack af TTwoaeowa lawecta. The aaoaqaito k a hlood thirsrwvrtchbfltwmaottoaKhgTvaae. Ow rKiriag at alght, rah the exposed peetloaa e Caca aad haada wllh sceated at! or poeaa lty aad althowgh yw aaay hear the aaeeatluee ' acreaatiAg all areaad, thrr m ao4 towch yew, aad Ttm caa calaaJy mhaide lata sJcrp Vahaliag the fragrmacw af towerv" ,. T WILMINGTONJ NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. -SEPTEMBER 10, 1875. DiacuABGHD. John D. Water. white man, who was arrested a abort time since near Magnolia, oa a charge, of perjury and reeling the offioer of the law sent to arrest him, and wbo haa been coufinc I in the jail in thk city, succeeded on Tuesday last la giv ing a justified bond for 11.000 for hia appearance at the next term of the United States District Court, which ia to be held at Nesrbern, on the 25th of October next. 11c was discbaigcd from custody aud went on his way re joiciog. . . hi Have tlio olc ever msu a more disgusting thing to the ruocak of a Slate than for a man after stealing a piece of properjy to brag about it. Tli at is the way of the Democratic par ty to-day; every oae who bad any thing lo do with the outrage in Robeson coun ty is a fMilitical thief, and the receiv er of the htoliMi goods if no better than the thief. The Democratic party in North Carolina hi been tried ami found ruilfv oft larcenv." and if th v I' n-t refcive thvir punisliuteot in this world, it is some relief to know that the drril will c I the last one of them. JIdi h: vj. Kat. tin Tuesday even last Justice Hill Issued a writ at the ri-qurt of a "iiioum:" cmploytd on the Journal for the nrrcal of a '"rat" iu the same employ, charging him with "as sault and battery ,' or rather with using wonls towards him which iuipliel the . wa . I. 1 1 ..ill name thin. 1 lie inai io.k piace sv ne Justice's ollkc at C o'clock, who upon hearing the evidence, dismissed the case uimiii Mio ilelctuiaiu s payirtsr a iinu oi one d llar and co-.l, which apregated $.5 2-". The "rat"' stoutly niaintaincd that his tlin ai-s were all in fun, but as the justice could ee. no room for fun in threatening to knock a "monso" down with the handle of a prw.lct him o.T as above. The "rat" forked, over but locked dejected, while the "mouse" went otf w ilu flying colors. ArTKMPT Te Commit Suiiiuk. We learn that a Mm. Tincr, living on Sec ond between Cjs'.Io and tuecii Erects, in this city, in iJo all attempt to commit suicide on Monda) :g!it last, by taking Isudannni. (in the i-iei becoming k non n a was immediately called, who siucisiotl in counteract ing the jwiisnii, and .she is now considered out ef danger, as far as that dose is conccnied. This is said to have been her seeon.l attempt to enter the "Valley. of the Shadow of Death. Wc have not been able to learn any particular cause for her actiuu.but ii is believed by some t have been frmn mental aberra tion. Thi.s t!ic second attempt in this city within the past wee, to com mit suicide, ly the came meaus, both ol which have Taj led. Kkki: i.ovi: IiixicC. U. i. O. r. Th-j f.lloi:ig namel officers were in stalled at a meeting of this Lo.lee on Wedneslav nigUt last, vix : J. K., 1. N. K. Bristow Broadhiirst, N. F. J. W. Moore, T. N. G. A. J. Walker. N. G. Saudy Brown, V. (. Jacob Johnson, K. S. V. T. Harris. P.S. T. F. Hali. W. T. U. F. White. W. C. T. V. Siott, U. S. to N. G. A. Teadcn, I. S. to N.G. N. Malini. B. S. to V. G. ' Wm. lhil, S. to V. tl. John Phillip, Warden. Wesley Howe. I. G. Franklin Wright, Marslrsl. r We learn this Otsler is in a wxt pnsperus ronlition. Tiic Ili K-.i ARs. Taken as a whole. these curses u our community, aad there myh ti le a number of them, are the ntfct fortunate of the same class of individuals we ever beard or read ot Within tbe past few weeks there have beea at least twenty puorvWul robberk, aad quite as many frustrated atUeipta. Still we are yet to hear of the death or even the capture of one of them. Oar cstiaeos freweatly wake up aad see taetn stalkinp about ia their lcd cham ber, but before they caa say "Jack Robinson," the Ihkf k gon aad no trace ef him k to be found. Others raktly ait with pistol ia hand and watch, until they feel that they are are ot him. that escape is Impossible, aad take .deliberate sms, when snap goes the weapon, and off goee the rob ber, aahaiU Others ge ia aad ovt at the houses of ear citiacna, aakaova te theso, until they iie ia the morale e to Aad that their doth ing has lea inferr ed aad their drawers ra&sackrd, aad valoaKe artklea carried X . Wku k the aaanetf Have are the ahra a sua sea of Ukvee ia the whejftowatry la ear axidM that they caa act be detected? The police of thk city coom Ia for a ahare of hUm'e, U cc ass ;aeac s U their at hciag able to Veiag to jastke least; of tieae desperaJ Jk ' motion has heea made that the citizens take the, matter in their own. hands, which we heartly second, aad in doing so, we suggest to them to keep a strict .watch on servant and haagers-on aronnd their own premises. The vigi lance of a police offioer is perfectly set at naught when a thie', can he furakh- ed with keys and rendered -other aid from tiMioV the boose he wishes to rob Keep your eyes and ears open iad kill a scoundrel or two and this, matter wjdl cease.- '". . : Jail DELiTXKT-On orIpesdaj evening last about 4 olock, awio pris oners confined in tae County Jau, suc ceeded in making their escape, ander the following cirenmstaneft i ' There being a woman confined ia the jail wbose term of rmpriaoamentnad x pircd, the Jailor proceeded te release her, leaving a boy at the door to lock him in as he entered and to open it wben so ordered. The Jailor entered and brought tbe woman to the door and gave tbe boy notice to unlock it, which he did, when just at thk moment the Jailor was grasped from behind by two muscular prisoners, named Levi Pope and Jesse Nixon, wbo were given tbe liberty of the passage with tbe other prlaouers, and thrown violently on his back on tho floor, and before he, could recover, the two above mentioned with six others made a rush for the door, prostrating both woman and boy nd made a successful escape. The jailor immediately gave the alarm, in fact be succeeded in capturing one of them before he could leave the premi ses, and following on horseback, with the depuly sheriff, and a number of citizens, sucxeeJed In capturing four, which with the one taken iu the yard by tbe Jailor made five out of nine cap tured before night, which speaks well for tho energy displayed by those in uruit. We direct attention to the advertisement of tho Sheriff, givening a description of and offering. a reward for thoso still at large. A Mir 1st kh i Embryo. There lives in this cily a little boy, aged about six or seveu vea -, tho sou of a widow lady, that is in ur opinion pos sessed of most wonderful talent in his wsy. lie seems lo ave a perfect mania for preaching. He is never better pleased than when he can assemble a hevy of little boys and girls and grati fy his great propensity for preaching. We are not informed whether' he can read, bnt that seems to make no differ ence with him, just so he can procure an audience, a spelling book or an al manac serves him the same purpose as more sacred one ; with his congrega tion seated, he will monnt a box or barrel, give out his text, and proceed with all the vim of a learned theologian to expounded and explain his subject. He gives out numerous hymns, which we presume ho has memorized, with remarkable clearness and correctness. Ue raises his owu tunes, which are al ways joined in by his little hearers. Ho also leads in prayer, seemingly, with pious devotion and deep feeling. The control he baa over bis voice, k iudeed surprising, as occasion requires he will speak in a low, modulated tone, but as he waxes warmer in his preaching or prayer, it will gradually rise higher and higher until he reaches the climax of his . strength. For one of bis con gregation to laugh or in any manner act disorderly, is deemed sufficient cause to dismUs hem. When ques tioned by adults in regard to his fore tit preaching, always states that he intend to be a minister. Tbe little fellow is certainlv a 'prodigy,' and we have no 'doubt that if his desires grow with his growth and strengthen with hk strength, that he will some daj make, with proper culture, a prominent divine. Bkxa. A friend of oera, who gives hk' bees especial attention, and who, bv the way, makes a baaskoase profit off of thews, took us a few days swce, through hk lot and explained all the minutiae of their breed ieg, work ing, care, etc He handled them at carelessly as we woaM t tot mt hessse tie. Tby seewted t anderstaad him. and he was apparently as well ia formed aa to what was going oa ia the hives as the bees tbeatxWc. JJe woald thraat hk hands iixwde. and handle the Utile workers and their well stored calk with perfect latpwaity, when wc would aa a hare f ashed oar ana tale the Bra. Several of the fctlTV were fall aad "sealed to the Wwca," aad la theW the yearly alaaghUr of the 4rBae' was going a vigoroasly. We were iafornt edtaat at lhieea of the year, after the labor of the sastoer k aboct at aa eaJ, the hi raw bring &2e4 lac viator ase, the services of t!aa "dead hearsy if sack they aresdiacTMsl with, aad they are eeierwd le vacate wkkh. they gcae rally etba hod, hat after drataad adaxlUaw, kh art fused, and iu consequence, a battle en sues, in which the "laboring class' of the colony k sure to come off victorious. Aa last as they intrude thoir presence within the confines of the hive, tljey are arrested, taken to the door, their wings clipped, and thrown out to perish. Tbe ''drone" in much larger than the working bee, hot k not armed like them with a sting, which accounts wo pre sume, for their east capture and des tnictioBw Tho "drone" must be of some service in the summer, or they would not be tolerated at all; what it is wo do not know, bat it ; is evident that their presence k not of sufficient importance to justify the "workers" in feeding them all winter. We were informed that a few, probably the mo4 industrious, are kept for breeders for the next season. "What a comment upon "htrmah' in dustry docs the action of the "little busy bee" afford. "Drones" arej not permitted to subsist ou the labor of those who work. What a slaughter there would be in the human family if all the "drones" were killed out, and in what abundance would the remaining producers find themselves if suchcre the cac. But we forget, these little toilers are governed by thejaws of na ture and of nature's God, while wfe are ruled by laws, concocted iu tbe most part, by the drones of society them selves, thus, unlike tho bee, the idler is armed and the laborer forced to submit What ax Old Tar Said About It. While strolling on the wharf the other day in search of something upon which to base a local to 'regale i it . our rcauers. aou wueti near me poiut of giving up in despair, our at tention was attracted by an old f'Tar," silting on the wharf, apparently .in a very meditative mood. Approaching, we accosted him with: "Anything new?"' To which he replied: "No, nothing new but ttcsainc old story, the laborer has been defrauded of the fruits of bis toil." Pointing to a dirty looking, rag ged old craft in the stream, apparently without helm or helmsman, master or mate, remarked: "Stranger, twenty years ago that diip w as the pride of these waters, her clearance upon any voyage of enterprise met with a hearty God-sjecd ami a safe return. Her arrival into Krt was the occa sion for great rejoicing among the mul titude. She was under the command of a captain, firm, resolute, and honest to a fault, who knew his busincssj and attended to it Hmhij, one who, when ever the ky became obscured by clouds and a storm was, imminent, stood t- the wheel, and trusted not for a moment to another, while his mate kept watch on the foiward deck for all obstacles that might in any way endanger the safety of the ship. Under the command of these noble seamen, this gallaiit craft for long, long years, braved the tempestu ous sea, and was the source of wealth to her industrious owners, the captain and mate. Aud the jolly .tars, too, shared the profits of the uobleold craft, they loved their officers and were loved in rcturb, and would have stood by them until tho last plank upon the deck had givcu way under their feet. lut a sad. sad change has taken place. Tho good old captain and his mate have been "gathered to their fathers,"' and the staunch old ship ha. f.tllcu into other hands. For a few years, uoii the rep utation gained, and with tlie rations stored away in the "locker"'. by-tbe honest old captain, this vcmc1 made a number of successful voyages, w ith the aasutancc of the-"old crew,'' but the. new captain being one of those men given more to pleasnre than to businos, permitted his ship to ail frequently without him, although in charge of au honest, industrious second . mate, but the purser being one of those w bilker loving popinjays, the detail of hk office were not, at all tiroes, cor rectly attended t, and:. with the. noa-attenUon of the - master and tne loose business of the ptirsci, this good aid ship casae iato disrepute; the "old crew were compelled to leave her. tbe second mate did likewise, ' aitd there she lies aa you see, nearly disman tled, a coanplete wreck ( bev former elf. - IK yt blast e bm foe looking aadT ust to think that that craft the kaask of a competent seaavaa. could yet be made tW pride of her forsaer dwurers aad a oarce mt reveaae, shoaJd be pevwitted to lie there ia the current for the worms ' to devoar, airrs ly to gratify what? ) A aaa that has pbmb hiaaseif iavoaspeteat to asaad her." "AadsaM tlx old tar, a of the, eo4 aiagwlar cmaridea Cjsmaeeted with thk M ship k. that Caring the assay years that she as savler the comauad of hrr gaUaat cajwaia aU a "rat" waa ercr praiiieJ so lire oa beard. Wat laUcrly Ue a swuaher have foaad hilktg ptace sa her. aad their rWiaaalj grsawia caa W heard Uy aad alf U.aaJ it k tWad will he the fcadir the oU ship k KftrW m$t Copies 10 Cents.1' ! of them quickly she will evidently sink at her mooring." Teel ing that we were intruding upon the old man's reverie, we departed in silence. C O U X T ;Y CoMMIdSIOXKJtS.- The . i Board of County Commissioners met. in regular annual (and monthly) session Monday at 1 1 o'clock a. m.; ; present Wilson, Chairman, "and Oora missioners J. G. Wagner, A. H. Morrk, Stacy VanAmringe and Delaware Nixon. Commissioner Morris explained 'the law requiring the Board to reorganize at their auuual meeting; whereupon the bony proceeded to elect a Chairman for the ensuiog year. Commissioner VanAmringe placed in nomination J. G. Wagner. Commissioner Morris was appointed Teller. Tbe Board then proceeded to ballot, resulting in J. G. Wagner's receiving 3 votes and James Wilson 2, whereupon Commissioner Wagner was declared dulv elected Chairman, aud took the seat vacated by Mr. Wilson. Couimksioner Wilson tendered bis resignation, which was, on motion re ceived and Ordered on file. Oommissioer Morris offered the fel lowing resolution, which was unani mously adopted: Whereas, The lion. James Wilson having seen proper to tender to this Board his resignation, and feeling the Ios of so promineut a member of tne Board, as well as so prominent "a citi zen, and feeling that his resignation is regretted both by this Board and the citizens generally; by it Kewtird. By this Board, that we ten der to hira our thanks for the manly and upright course pursued by him, aud the courtesies that he extended to each member of this Board while Chair man. And bo it further Rctoh-erl, That a copy of thk pream ble and these resolutions be forwarded to the Hon. James Wilson. It was ordered that James lleaton, Clerk of the Superior Court, be allowed until Monday, the 13th day of Sep tember, to renew his official bond. The Board then took a recess until 3 p. m. The Board reassembled at p m. pursuant to adjournment. The Board proceeded t" receive bonds as renewed for the ensuing year. Three several . bonds, aggregating $28,000, with Sarah M. Manning, Dan iel L. Kuell and W. 1. Cauaday as suret'os, as presented by S. II. Manning, Sheriff, were on motion, received, ap pro veil and ordere! on file. On motion, the bnd of Elijah Hew lett, County Treasurer, for $TM,0X with I. B. Grainger, A. D. Brown, John Mc-. Rac ami Rob:. Ilenning as sureties, was received, approved and ordered on file. The boridof Geo. W. Bordeaux, Reg ister of Deeds, for u,000, wilh James Wilson and Fannie J. Sampson as sure ties, was received, approved and or dered on file. .Mr. James Wilson reported to the effect that he had received from Messrs. Jones fc Jonc, Attorneys at Law, st Raleigh, an account of the New Hano ver insane in the asylum at that place, and had turned the same over U tbe County Treasurer. On ; motion, the lond of Daniel O'Connor, Standard keeper, for f l,W. was received, approved and ordered on file. On motion, the bond of 11 D. Hew lett, Corouor, for fl"V with C. Schrtver, J. J. Forrest and Daniel O'Connor a MireUcs, was received, ap proved and ordered on file. Communication from Gen. S. II. Manning. Sheriff of New Hanoter County, stating that he has received no public funl for the year coding Aug. 3It, 1S75, wa received and ordered on file. Com uiuoicalton from Dnncan UwIoje. eoforrd. applying tor the vacancy on tbe Board caused by the resignation of Commiwioner James WiWn, was re ferred to the next meeting of tbe IV ard. Application of Robert 11. Mania for the position of janitor of th Coert House, wa referred to the or t mrrtiog of tbe Uard. It was onk-rrd that the Caerk wf the Board nuttfr the forrsaaA of each fit company to furnish the Hoard with a list of thrir membership. Apltcatio of JohaC Saiitth for tic posntKta of Jaaitor of the Ccnart Hosxae, reirrrrd to the aeat asectn. Applscatiosi miJoiUm KsaagelMt, pre sent ktewsabwat, for the aaase rmmi'Jom, was rttVrrcd U the next asixtiog. 9 X targe aambrr of fwtitkass AP,la nrgard to tk sulkr sf Uvc, aercra fcrrel ta la rmww cVaaitbe as reprtA. The Bard tmk a trxm aaU day moraiag et, at .W m'CmkiuS X railed aarrtta at thk tmmi held oat Wedoewdsy eealar J, JU lasemhert rtn jtnral Tk ckihaaal af Jaae IlcaW, Ortt tl the twrkr Gosrt for 9&k .OlitUJl it Hon. DjmieiLk' basefl an iary Y. Heaton as aureUea, was tenderec t ac-, cr pbsd andordexed on'file. y IV. , r The Board then adjoujmed. . . MAJXatTJCD, On the 5th Inst.. 1 a t.J. etty hytha Ilev. O. IX Bernneim, tin. XuwkutC if. Vixkbk. ami at hs. a mh a at. W. s.' mkk. 1II. htlA3raaira.CWon,'tlM Oth of An-., Wim J. bTTO a ids .S3J j or ot his The. 4aoaop4 was on eaercrtle ami- In" dustrtous. younf maa, audatways ready to extend the naml of cuarlU to relievo the auBtertos. l" e - i He waa bektesVaa4 rospeete4 by alt who knew him. IIq was hwrloi with the hoaors of the 1. 0. p.1? ofwhlch orUcr he was aa ' exemplary member. Tha iuemoera efla .tmaoatac eessaoog M, '. r-u:. -reaee to blsahtf, f JiEW AD YER TISJiAfJiNfK : 100 DOUiAKS REWARD. J: QN It XUDCJiXf VOUULllS KiuWARD will be paid for ta eipture and rtvllvery ot the following named nroners wbosoHped from Uie cowaty J all atoaensbrr nth, lT;,or T WENT Y-FIVE DOLLARS, for each prisoner citored. DESCUimuN : . -v I Pope, about ean uf at, . fectl' Inches high, brown completion auU llapa when speaklog. Weighs about 1 10 pounds. Tom Nichols, about 97 yearn or net. eom flexion block, otto trout, toolh oul, ifcrt'i inches high. MTafrhloRiou Joy, about 25 JCnrs of i;r. complexion black:, b feet 7 loelies high. Hut Joucs, about 3) yeara of nxe, .' rsH btgh, black coiniticklou. , 'P. U. MANNISi;. eptIV?t ' " ' "f frherlfT. A., Vi k O, it., U. 8UrBHINTENF.NTHUKr"M'K, . I Charlotte. N.C., June :tUi, 11 I . On am! after Friday July tud, Una follow ing .schedule will b ui-vrUxl ovrr tltu road: IHIN1 NORTH. Istvefharlotte . .!........ .J. ,r . A. M. 1 loavf.IlwvNson UolieKi'if""". ' A.M. Arrive atinatesvttle a A. f. ' OOTSOSorTll. ' ' LouvostnteTlllp .. ' II A. M. ave Itavlttson . 1 U7 r. M. Arrive at Charlotte.;.... - r. M. Cloe connection nad at RtateTtlh with ' trains on W. M. C. 11. iW Koinif both ImI . and Woit. . Tickets on sale to Asbrntle. Marion. Mvr. . gaatouaod llikota tttnn. . j J.J. lilMl.M 1X1 . epl0-U bapeclaU'adent. Second Street Market. r U1K UNHIvllHKiNEI' WIU. Ul'KX iN Baturttay mornlner ue.vt the 4th lnl.. tl hvotid tttruet -alatket, jhcn liownl ki -i ronntMiilly M Irantl HtPVlKX-teol lUs-l. Mm . ton. Pork. VI.VIihmi. UttlaeiiantrMsl aud uudruMK.d, in fuel vi-rj tiittig Uial k-s-s ommiMipt rvi Bincicea uuiiioj esu iHitvn lie (uiina uirre. Tliolnslile biioiucvH of this innrtr-l will In1 coutlucitsl by air. (. C. liWU. Onlrr ruiuily niltst. mpM . U . F. IniTTKll. ' HAitXKSS. n Carriage and TVun Making TAULljiHMKM, have aIJMl the n( M nrtcHt. T U I M M K It . ua lake Mrawre m uallfu4 !! t-nlfllr bnt ihirTMim win rrsni itu m-xiif i- tixiltoo. ttiares ! an l allsrHint cut1d was I' M. II A I IH-K. IlamM amu ivsirmii furux "Mtssnliful !" lMMibf ! -(Mi. how lovly r - liat am ihrr wvrth r A , HocO at aetamiaoo by who w lie lar rlrcant Idimh rstdas-sl by lb Uaropmn mm4 ,mrtmm fkmw I'ahiMtlng Tliey M all pnlcrl ;r of Alt Noaeai rtwitt ihm trailaittt In bar wben serin th 1 1iroi.. liuiiw. cs-, Agvwta. and ladiea mfA tnttntrtt ami A waaptoyatsssi. wilt Bod lata imi bnt of-rnloc rf Ifrd I aenur. I mil Mrursisn. mum mwb mt tnmmtmM rtrmUkt, At4rw F. l.t'AxlJI A tU. Waabiwrsoa ac. iiia, )Uh. mm ,tah oEsiis Are eHm rated Snr ir mmntymt tw. sl Ulogw. Sm. I 1'AIU rtajrrntts Jaly ULUTOIll) 1 1 0 USE. O.V XULBk'tsr iUKKitr. tsirrwKO KTw,ILfJI otjnrt.wit Aitts TlttttK-tw XJ lb tmu mmrti t mj. r4m-t MaaraiMNW irt mm rw t. Map film wtU evrry iaseey IW MltHiSw4i, lai 1 1 wtt m Atmm U' AlO 1 VOS was--.-- - ry swaaa CO TO w. uxm Aito oirr n.Tt3rji t. afarS-41 CIVIL ACD iUICLIAIIICAi avr Tatat lutmftMuattS' Hu.xrtxnxic umrjT. rtrv. , t.v ry 1kwa. Aarwk smt Wfc Ammmi t-Mfc .ts.- wmmr. wan a m tm'Wm.. SSoCasawaaotML vsruuS a u:: flora ..rvr. Svm W Si i i tl Mmmmm .tttm i -J 4 It

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