i "'V. - -:,-::V,- - ' .aartiaii o a Mi ! -I mry vulval dvr :mv . ,y.:i avsao J .w ut in '.'' '. "f: m ' ! utT i - Tn t. .ftr f I ' ' ' ' 11 n ,:tfvj .ill icrr-jilVsetTliMios j ia miiJ V wwi ,;:nl ifi f I-i sV -' : .sTT vmim si'i-m-i r.fii :ht j b-jq'? ninivn'Ci.I T ?.r: '".', I''?" '' " il-CrU-A-fcltai -Lavs-lid l U jl tfnaiT :-r. .'.ui.'.ihui,' : VOLUME VI. ; . V I J;M INGTON, N( ) UT H-tfATW M N, AFHI DA Yi SEFrJSBBR' 17, 1875. ; I Slngie.Copies 10 Cents. 1 I I J. !! ! .Ellf f tf I la I Ilk! U liul V mAl lull I.ua rlJ UJLb,f.J iJ UI IrJ kltvii L Un : ' '.' ' b'.iiift 5 WILBUWOTON POST JkDVER TISCTG RATES. H n t'iSiWM S A SO H 3 H 5 5 K 13 c i i t t r. m 3ggS5S533SSS58 S T 5"- - do & M J5 5;'iy5;ii.5 2 3 j. : Muiji-i- r. -i u . 3 3 H 3 5 5 s u s y s s u s tfAl ralca can b kad lor a loogrr im tkaa o vrek. Rjclt (") liac. Nonpareil type, eon Utat a iurc. All aJTrrtMenjcnU will be cbaiccJ at tae iboTc ralra, except on cciaT coo tnex. AUrimimunicrtioni on biinr nltoald he Mreel to The VlLliTus IT, Wilmington, N. IT. The Mb-riplHn riee U Tltr. Wll. 1NT U t-1 per year far rf4e; lor elaK f 1U or 'JO $2 per eopy. Tlie irruUlion nfttu Ir i the Urgent f any piper in rth CaeJin. THK COMVrWTION. Tile "ilowin,; i- a resume of lliriurl imrtanl lunn Iraixaclel l-j tin lVnVealtii iikt 1 ut-Inj, U'- th Vrli -Ijv, Iie Uiifl -Ijv, tl;. fiitl Ini'Miit m !' -l-.-t i i Sct rvl') . J- li i"lie Jii', tli-Mi., l Wli'. :-. -i ' V. N. Ki. ii il ! iv . V".il . i'r Ai-I.n:l ; i rrUTT. Ni.-M-. X. II. Il.ir.lj, . f oWov, auk Jii'. cinil,.ei,j iiowii-1 .iki, kira niial ii rl.ilMm "f lr. Hanlr, .! 'or Iluof Li'rpvr, JmIiii II. Hill. ! f rUmJolpi). ami Peter I lufthe. rrp , AUmancr. wore noniintleJ, Hill i v eeiring Ml toU, but belre l ! T(e vaa Atiuounveil rbAOgeM tool plave wUhK reu1tfit in thv t-levlioii of Hughes. Kae AiUot Doorleeer, J. I. Nor ton, deai., of McDowell, and Jarae H. Jooa, rta-, of Wake, were nominated. Norton receired 61 rote and w de clared alec ted. Tlt contention beinjc now fully or ganised, A motion to adjourn W i waa Jefealrd by a eote of to 47. Tb irt ordinaace introdneed waa one for the rrmoTtl of the disabilities of Itoy. HoUlew, which waa placed on calendar. After aererml motion in regard to ralea of order, tho death of ex-Oor. Drahaaa waa anaownced, whereupon rcalwtiona of respect wera offered, when tha cooTention adjonrncd. Oa Tharaday, tk fourth day, rcolu lioaa of lnqnlry U regard to tac legali ty of cerlala member hokliag their mU wera la trad need. Aeommitteaof ore waa appointed to iafbrM tho Oof erwoc of tho orranlxatioB of tha eo- eatUm. rtndiag the appointment of Uh committee Joaiah Tamer, mad klmaetf rery eoopkoa in opposition, but aa the taal ToU h waa the only atemaer that Toted nay. The rvworattow of raapect to et-ClT. Graham were laea talcn a p. Tha rota oa them wera Ukew aUsding aad la ailewctaTery mem Vet TotUg in tha ai ftmalira. Tha coareatioa then ad jowraed. Om Friday, th fifth day ffuadlag coaamilteea wart appoialed. Mraara, Uaerwa and Waddell wra eleciad rwlUaf CJerka. Ow faMnUy, Um aixth day, a moUow waa made that dp. Jarrw he made temporary Chalmaa, which waa roled 4owm. Amoag tha oediaaneew iatro dacad, w noiico tha following: TVa aheliitwa of tha - tawwahip ayatewa; rea weatkM af the oli ooaaty covrtx; dec Um e magWaica by tha Lrgklaiara; aWettow vt Ovwty CWWoetn by lh magWraUa; payment of pU tac aa a twaUAcalioa tor rating; cowtcwU a avt ta W caJVd aaloaa lh wmtiaa U awV minadaa tha p af r, ham eat aw h W aw atadw a fcw almpU. Ow Monday tha atresia day, a Urga awmhtf wf cedlwaaraa la amewd the. XWkaUoa) Tera Utrwdvcwd, awa caw pUUomy malUg lha term a fwhw Omt Oct La ami Solicitor! tww yraia, aad Jadgt tm jwan. Aa ardimiaca pruhibiliug any one u nui Uie ex iatenco of (Jod from holtliuj; any ciwU office, waa alo a n-aolu:ion in rrgard to the Robeson connty contestant. Tuesday, the eighth day, wsji con amcl in tlie introduction of ordiiian eca aud resolutions, among them we notice the following: prescribing nn oath for members of the Legislature; prvhibiting counties, dtic. Ac, from contracting debta ; lor nno half of the State Senators to go rmt of office at once. The ordinance in regard to tho pay of members dt tha (ienerat Acnibly waa taken up. The Committee reported that the Constitution lo ameoded by the addition of a section to follow sec tion '2D, ot articlo 2, ia tloc word : S.ction 3 Tba member of the Cicn ral AsMembly tor lh term fe wbk-li they may have been elected, ahall, re- ceirc as a. compensation for their acr- icf4 the anns of three doll.tr per day for each day of their eion, for the period of sixty day, if they shall re main in session so long ; and for a fur ther period, not exceeding SI day. they shall be entitled to receire two dollars per day only ; and should tlicy remain longer in acwion they shall serve without compensation. They shall aim be entitled to receire ten cents per mile, both whilo caning to the seat of gov ernment and while returning home, the aaid distance to be computed by the nearest line or route of public traTel. but they shall not receire more than one set of mileage each way unless called to an extra region, in which cae their rumpem-alioii shall be thrve dollar p-r day for not more than thirty days, ami the mileage the .wn.o as above pi-ciTx-d ; biit at both the reg ular ami the extra sc-ioii the pr Hittn roinpcnation of tin prvuMing i-mocr-. of the two llotiio h.ill In ix dollar Sr vrral niin-iidiiu iit ! nllrii-d to tin- alu-vf all of whii'li were vi'trI lt?n n. IVmlinrj the filial t the iir!lioii a s--int to -nii.l rsM- Ivwplh, nhi- h a ji-irtifijaul in ly tcsrh. iCIihl' n'.i,.i. Kiii inj;t-r, Litnni'i J". Tourgrf, M! i; ..t ll'iKrlcr, TuTton nml Sniy! h. I llv orilinnia-v a arNt'O'k ltft.1 then :i .i!. o ;i I oli" of 77 .14f. ul H.1V-. 'I. - . !'..iii i'l.-r, llryaii, I 'K-t;"r, l"u I.. ii, I ".-!.. I mi. i, lltrtipt'iii, llii:-nl '. '. I -- i iiJkin, 1 1';i'ii.iti, ; . ... . r.i.. IN,., Win. I, r, Wiison. V, ,,.'!: i -n-1 Vuun, IfvpuUiiuaus, niil VU-m, t.t otin tr thr or1in.in-e. An . : Iill.U . II ti.MliHTil miking tin- ' . of tin- mi i'ilw r ! the t '..i volu iiMi M', tli I 'fiiiiliii" I ll'.ii r $t, ami the ilhr otUerii :iul ihViiilc-aj-.e l'iTnts, to liul mii' .iinrmlhicnt was acieptrd giving the lYi"i.!ent er dav, the princiml t;iil Assistant Clerks the same, ami oilier iI.mIs and asmisUnta fS, the fc-crge-ant At-Arir.s '., and doorkeepers aiHloVhercmlojr?K. Tending this amendment, fhr CVn vention adjourned. - m m Mr. Abraham's gon-la-Law. "Mr. Abraham," said Lord Mausfieid, "'this man is your son and cannot go in the same bail bond." Abraham "He ish not my son, my lord," "Why, Abraham, here are twenty in court who will prove it," "I will shwear, roy lord, ha ish not," "Take care, Abra ham, or I will send tou to the king'a bench. "New, my lord. If your lord ship pleases. 1 will tell de truth." "Well, I shall be glad to hear the truth from you." "My lord, I wash in Am sterdam two years and three miarters when I came home I findlsh this lad. Now the law obligee me to maintain him and consequently, mr lord, he is my soa-ia law. "Well. Moc. tbU is the best definition of a son-in-law I ever heard. Watertajrriaee Toetry A young fellow from Brooklyn, writes Eli Perkins, who wears a dyed mous tache, paper collar, velvet coat and big solitaire diamond riar, has been spend ing his time writing his same around ess, Saratoga mirrors, w I ado w panes, Ac. This BBoralag he took the. early train for lUchfttM, all because one of owr pretty rirla wrote wader his name with het liule diamond : ' wsowe'se I sss a Mlew's aasss Vrtusw ls ims. 1 assy bsv ysrs a AM Ass atsaussesss-asaai laaapUa aa a rwwltlee. A correspoodcat of the New York raraser'a Clmb glrea aa instance ia hka a woaaaa'a arm waa swelled to asewormowa sin and painfully infUnv d.QA poultice waa made of stewed pwmpkiaa, which was renewed every tfleest miaates, aad ia a short time prod teed m perfect ewra.' Thu ever dxawa wt by the powllkw asade them extremely oiewsive. aa they were Ukea Thoasaa W. Nkhohs the ahscowiiag teller ef the Caaadiaa. Caak. el CW merce, at Olowlrtsd, Is swrrcsrd to hare WA U New York ea urdajr last, la eomraay wClh hla father. The swat take la aahl ta exceed M.OXK. le tectivea are aa hk twkv -( .-Ask my wile. If ldo1 Ura-lvtv CSiriitlaa, waa the aft U patclli a caadalata br church asehsrh!p m he saw tha bmhrea were kanrjjnt bfisd with hia sKraoaai tiperkweew . ' 'CTV V" T'i I ?M JhTn-f '"T'1''' WrmOMt,.- l;nuv?'i:Ia rSibhat:MlfnR'WM!ducti?n'oi' t:ixon circus pcrfirinanc;V 1 ilfEWAlXVE&TJSEMEXTX. S ' n"f' .wtiln i-vs.mTM. lrrsriseVvr.tai4-iilJ i orderM that'the tax on If aydenV i.Hll ItVV'Ik t rj" )tCi$a-ais.&fvil Vltv"" ' Mf''? f.'Arry'' -friwiiknxii..n l.";Used no.nhe hi-j' CU o. . I e ; or day. I he's i'-er h. JiisAlSlV lUOlVC, , Circus blir J3 cow IV ,r;Uv j Amc 4fa.ir-i" .-U li!..T.f be, , ,oo -tL, .fabi.-U-f Ur'i Ar;.ir, itum of 11. & Pwideiiio iVc l Uon anions the juvcuwev .... .. . .rimW.Linr ei.dieli-odci b tke-1' irM1.wrt,!:ti..-n.-?:s -iWoeliW ' ' mi?...V'..r j.,v. , n-:. n-n'Vr. .1 i V i :.'o -.f. Time "klWiljrsa ellecat L.ay in your wniicrd sup:-lv and coal. All of you wbo'cia. .o new c.-i" s i v- r " . - - reported la.sC wccl Wild ilucLs are i.oi' LtVn' uirefedlii sale in thb market. . Thy ari -ty kiiown a summer Duck:, aiv;n a Ueui the Iirit of the scxmiij. f Young gents whnmaLv a practice" of diMltirbing eoiHrrTrsli'inn while at church arc iiutifoKl that llio xlicohn-e them "HNtted." IKk out. ' The circus is beading this wy. W. W. Cole's great Zfylogical and lvuc- trian ExHi(ioii i advurtised for Wtl- dorr' on the 27lh Inst. IJnys. kivo up your pewii.-. " Peaches arc so plentiful in fUilthnore that pi-oplc are nut arri-stcd for stealing tin in. Information ii tsttaply lodged wilh lliu nmlrrtakrr. and the fruit man move on as umi:iI. Ihn'(. yer nice, fine "scupprr-MlnsJ 1. M ' . f 1 ' l. g r a p e r, live feius a uari, is ine soii I hat our cilizm iv retlcl wilh at every torn by an innumerable limn- Ikt of iiim-raiit vemler.' ' Th'- V'iftMirtnth f!iiter(iri that I 1., B . ' . 1 ni'-.e ears J! ive aircayr . 'yC.O en?m to t,rjiKnt the ei'uun uuu-f oyer t'ai fVj!.nrl royl ih;in verc eKrr c1ax-b'r-l 'n-fcri..- K rtv-to b'tr-lcp s-ars ,1 1 1 f ai .-lij V - 1-6 n ' Vhf. rtiV I ; : I 1 . t-l. .. . J:fi.. riil- ctv i--iMinSUjJlf , ... ! . - : ..-imN ,i T i t i ( ..l . it t: ':n't" 1.4 l'lU.U'iLilU ft ... .. i iiii-T Jie ens .1 ?-r Vj. sl I-I..-.1 ii i-i- -i.i. v.a ..tvJid- ..... - '.- esl tin t:it. ml r!i:n-rt o: tlio-l in-t Itapti't t'!n;re!i in t!r eil, r.nd IJi ioiMv ."iv. !i.s "'i charge ot b; bi. i 7. i a i The Ma vol ! '' ' I lo iu remind h'Vi r.nl ! i clinol diiring the ' laws must - n lars and eo-tn ha., i.ij -that be ii.eans lawi nev-. i 'i 1 1 tite !. ' V-Jill - Tho sneak thk-vea and honso robiv, continue tl ir depredation In tin.- my We are pleael to lenm that theM iior is giving thee gents hi attentiim. a'M ; we be sw)n to her of t esptnu o some f tliem. lie .ell.H-.r t. its. .rf he sets hihead lo arcoi '. ' j :i i ii-b jovt lit'. The pic sue .i ti c ... , y.r dens, WrJreolay-i.ii" . j been n giai.d -w - . ' 'ftii rrt were kc; r.M.-.n.j : i I :r. n t. v ; o'clltk lll 'lV li '.Ulliu,:. ..ir (ten-:!!. fiit-nsK alnay tin 'W th' r isliidu gHs mtoriMVeiiurpii-c they uncinate. be alt iletther hUj'Me; plcamre. and 1 ravs Miciiid! Uncertain ii thg place where your fltet is uow i'lel on the sidewalks n 3Ia i ket trei U Inn iwmfiit whea you least expect it np goes your heels and down coracs y.ur head to try the solid ity of the pnvemcnt. Crapes and grape hulU are excellent things whea pot to a pnpcT ns,, but when scatter ed promiscuously over the highway, they become dangerous iu the extreme A correspondent, in iampson cvunty, wri:e us that Albert Johesoe, a coler ed rcau was elected uiguitrate la Franklin IWuship, ia that conaly, but as he dt Dot prvsewl .himself to he qualified within the tea days preacrihed by law, that the Clerk of the lpcrisr Court refused to do so whea ht, dnl preseat himself, ami at the same, time states that othc magistrates, who were elected and dU n3YTwrt,l'nic're withia thersresKrUKdr tm were quali fied. If thUhu' Ixwc CUtk ' haa has overstrpjsfd his authorityj w tV1": he hould n4 hive qisaloVrd 'aaV est tVcws. ThV maUcV rorfn1 w ith Ahe CVmtr , CetamWKsVrs V 1 aprvial. Jwhasos) is t-irswwX a harirg ses;4 yeaawia thaft oUsMhy-i aad aalaa4 loXfrew ewlare sUstastV-et fThr-; cars whea tTcCc tSoaTXl at.: way, asak U a. rsssw. tTsae te iusaC Esmk cX Cwm sscrcaUsd ' cawtf cd Jxy Issr, tiUtr ner no.' - -iiii! .iiitui, 4uc.- awn jw.aif- gard fashion, and folly to. ly'-. ,'! ;.. -r'tn. .-"i'oe tr. Aif.f fifiieb -ri 7- i " . "T . ' i- ; : " t My. I-V", a iiPtXW-sUst. The equinoctial florin t.r .' ' j y i't-j- r'-'tT "Old IVol." l-.as -A r-l., j! vrv; .Ht.x - tljfr. goby. ' tXi:l:.ufiii-i..i-i.jAiis Hi iru v rw u hi rrit-L uTi imn ii tt . . . . . i . . : t . . i n . . ; : c i i - entirely oat o, da , .f j ...jiit -V7-!VHirF.W.4 Ui iu.':l.;r - T, ,, ........ , !nti. U iduf-i;i. ltt.v.d. 1 . ,,,, .;(, The 9 Liver um v -t; . t .- is-ce.nlf , . , 1 1, . , .sii3i fl '- .-' ' lowing, hos I,-. a 'imf i ; f vif viVt.7"K,7r ' ' , . wiwe acconiii.ariv. . " - - rA- t -V'1-:'! S'.HijjiaUHr.t,!,..,., -4 .iS--' r- . . , , . ... ., .. . , , i . -------- - , f it'fi.'.vp.fiw ir.i-:?v.M-rry.ai - i ii.iivii. i i ir r rr r'l i i r i -.-i i i , ww i . . 11111 u w intti ! K1 11 'ill- -i.'! i f '.. t ' t it.ii..r, . - t:... .. .4. ;i . iT (!uri;..iiu.-, Kji.ii.e fc?. 1. Cwtiu, fJeo v. lUcr.'L'.'Cfooni, neofe" Wil liam;, v: S'. PriJeu-; unci Jolirt Talkt ier a'a aurctfVs.'V.'rs received and order- ctl unfile. ' ' !,Tho lxml of P.. t): Lurkin, Comity Surveyor, with Jovl llincf," Wm, V&tf crs, E. lWers and J. W. Murray aa sureties, was recti red ami ordered on file. " ' : 'J. ir.' Prown, Coroner, 'offereil his bond, trTth W. P.lanaday, K J. IVi nypackcr,and Rafiis Oarrii m curctiesJ, Which was received and ordered on filr. ' Tho Il-giter of Deeds waa granted further time to prepare hte ftnd. ' SevKntii HTnEKT.-nAttcotiou baa alroaxly been called to tic condition in which this Ftrei t i.s left iucc tho tear ing op of the street railway track, but as it has relred no, nottee,; either t tho liaoJ pf, tbc owners of the fail way or the eitv athoritita, we-again. direct attention tothc matter'. Oorcotempo- rary'of the iSrtrhns already srrgcirted that a. ballast or ra-vl road be c)nstrnc- Istcd along this sjroot roei Market to Red Cross snd np ItedCrww to-Oak dale and Pine Forest CVmcterifB. The idea ia a. happy opr,' jud W jjescrving the favorable . cunsiUeration of our City Kathcrs.' "And we wmld like to BtMJ s tia!lar rda,V'-riidrnck,T'8hng tfeventh r'$kiKl , to Castle VArret' '. 'WftH such u rsl ibo L'eiovlCfy-ttuttl be mal "eaMy av-dc.Jible tl all eiw vl our . it?7MiT"i3 n-nrlt e0rt j-rti.n ol Lliucity. .To tbu rroi c loiltm. 'la, wL wur-eU'eiip the VimJ u ' :.; uc- ,ih.-, a tin- Mialti i ii-v -t.anii, by l.V.".n- of rfii0fi V 1 1 1 tin tir. tr .' - .. i , . . i lUJ.e, :.tn.. j.oorin.- ri..s , ilio- are n r. an;e liii"-: ean.aes al Cl a (''i' i-, ''!' " .'.o l'i.HKiui t'i,- i....;!i:i.-.'.n 'r'. ir -i i.'.- .T' T r ! r V,..!k .lN . V ! ' a'.'.t ii'i i i.- in;. , i - i fi il.ll'i 1. ; :n , i .- f u ! C (A ii ic'-' ' i ';i " ..-;?: i..Ti f.. vv;.ik i w it.... v. ' . -A ;i! t . I- .li- . f t1 t. ilf r-d . 1.4 n , ,u ; v . ri . .--ii j,;.. ' ..ri.. ,. rolkal u,. i . T r s r IJ . . .... j. ... . . uiV.. . . ...P. I'-iil, ..i.- ti wori.',' I .f A I 0 ale is a ivm' aud aaiiiii.t omy.'Wt cjn'up" but wield a tlgormrs pen also. Iu iU review of bis trip dowp fkro',lie give our city aud U- aiertliant thu following eompliiiHNiSary noiic: - "This old city bv the iea holds her own duringthe dull Ts?inf the year aud when basinesn orH.is atber pert her rrospcrity canmt be eMprenendel. er merchants are mew f excellent business qualiftration ami in the con struction of their enierinise display wonderful Ingenuity and puMie; spirit eslacss.' The irKf mewta offered br this city totbetflde OT Western North Carolina are equal' to 'those of any Northern eity. ttood of every imag inable - grade aod kind caa be pur chased of tba wholesale hnwaea there at New York and lUltimore fignres.minus freight : and this beiagrwe, it b a daty iocumheot msos etvry maa o4 the rsUte to iwvoM hia aaewry at hoane aad thereby asaioUia tSe iosutaliooa ami manufactories that fWoaWe oor own writ's re that keeoewr rawdataoarowa hands asri rsrrvrwt lamssrial wreeV. The paakr whkh has perraded osrt country Sw two rears ra4,wwohi aot have we4ghsJ so Warviry wpew wsrfr? had wwerhsWr adheres! lo the mat taa, elf preaervaihio hi tho ftrsa Uw of Na twre, and exrewslesl wwr swraao jwsftci esjsrf. . ; r -.. iIlj " - i .j A dVpatch from fTivassa; eVr 13th, Woaifa4 iaiaaila aad aoii'dusvfsa to' issu eje -eassjdassss ss -sal rWrw T sVtalU havs fcarrtQea, hi frtteajoko farmi at AaUjs sWCstbaw ? tlaaud XTil Im i mimo atjJaaUehi lVs laasi aerthwthl s t r ! i jTm!ftr'h tirvi ;f out.-"i-. s f Til t it- ?rn t.iifpyiT; -,of Uip. s.'ij.-T' I j ;,'':. t. ririad l..'oj 'ivf-nqitK- i r.- )i.t I -liIH'iays.ir arfl ''. .l9iiysy ft iuv -ah. 'art di xhi liyiti h U;. iiLWlivii lo--iu uvi;.cjtn aibu imtw wl -itt biui ee.ik ior h.rs4xJ,uu.Xiie; juievi. ilo aays; . I- notices au articJu ' iu your vai .uajble fapur 6cpleiuber iuiii, aixui bvcoj liy thi reading of llic publica tiou, J, prcime your friiid are the common black variety, it our bee keeper bad formed an as-tociatiou, f very one jvpulJ have beon enlightened, and known that I he lUiliau bee bare been for ycaxa iu-our city; they , were iiuiiortciLte Lher jUpitcd. States in 1860, and nave hastily been. bought up by our different apiarians in America. There are no bej to be compared with them. Tbey ore of a yellow ftrired color ami much larger than the common bee. The Jioney harvest of the Italian hee is five time greater than that of thecommow black. Kach hive bus. one Queen" add -many tbonsntul workers, aud froui one hundred to throe hundred dronev The life of n fneen is from ono to three- years, tat of a worker, during rtie honey Benson, from tw' to -three rnvontbs. at. other time trom tlx to eijrba ' month i.' Dronr are rsised during' tbc summer :ai'1 are killed Ky tH Italian bees sbont tho middle of (KitAber. The' Italian be gather honey until every visible flower i en t Arrn -by f ovt. Jjoner iflHthered now rs fnpt on hiri-c'' tb summer. M'i rrveTsa'wVtfaJt tlfW(MM trom m Meh lbV g(ltfir hneyojn .' Aliicli is lli.? iv:!l . ih;iM Mcii ti r- luihans sear- b- I iVifthHn rrry rapidly, und I 'am n itin. fi l if wibb 'm i honey banvM. I ii' f,iiior! jn ir' hivisaio Ui.Hl-fcv iviiny !l I..rn.f, Still nil tt'l ll l.ililt'..' :lff.1V u ili- :- i I: in. ii-.- iVl'-M; .' w , ' -or VT'innnr nciv :i ' 'f'r't vf 'i or i: -. t - ' i' U 'fr : I' -f m ii! I.- ( !'! ''.1 '.'-.i !: ,!. ) . i. 'i .s.. i,-;.tij;- h .! .! . i-.i t .A . !, 0' h li i' So fti t? 4' '. in.? .a t iS i II. i ' t ' 4 t . . ... . 'i .j . . -i i . 1 1. 1 r flss.-s-. 1 4. i.i . . 1. i -I-,-! ' ( . i . i f 4i"xl ;i i ii'MH. rfi -oi ;(r i. : r v I 4' ltil . ii.-.- i. ; .. j . ,t,f I .t .. , i , t' : . -".'! ' . I i.t. - . -i"f iv.' '- ;;- s - t '' iuii u. r ; . '-! . . . tako lu-r i'i'V ..;!. . . hiyc. t ' ; At the VVi-enu.-in 'oun-ution ru in rbruirv JVt. a rvli,i'i was p.iil slating that tho Italian Ke fu!li.-us-laiacd its J'urn.an rrpulation. and the as-soriatii'n bchrtily ri-.-oiiim.udcd it fr general -ulttvaTton. "Ss lj inp more har.tr, vigorout and fertile. -and .i a consequence more profitable CsJVSrrT COMMlSKlNKRSTbc laure met, aiccwrding to adjourn mrnl, on Mrmday lasii Present, the Chairman, Joha CI. Wngwer, t"j airrCbmmis atoaera A. IL Morris, Suecy, Yan.lm riasreand Delawaie Nixeo. Appitcatsoa fsr rediictioa tf taxes on prof erty of T. II. isaiild referred to Fiaaaare cosaasitloe. Hepswl of X. O. WagiKsj J. l cor erioar oshw received by him. i f reived and) rasierrst fm whs. ; Application ef Osew Iklrwey sVt rs duction pf Uxcsi. owtog, to a mistake ia UaJ lasted, w aa frraaU J. j Aprdati-s. s4 W. U jVosw4l for mlwetiow of taxes, was wk gveMesl. . AfycstiMW of Ctol y ; A. M oetii, AfvakSv-sWe re4otms ow Mr. tVwawV f ay rty. sraa grsMed. "A tKarffew of Lewis Lrt lrssd fcw rranMoo of deohie poH 14x was graaA JL . ! '!!'' .isrswri.sl arrtVtascsU of A. R. dach TMoJJramsr.so USi mU I si. wis vWrvsf amllrfsl osj HV. Uy sttrw lelartaiiw of tatasy wao rjraslcd. . J.Vfi Uaydasm astras snUal aW to- 1 iK-Ioi? c T dviil-lc t.iS, IV A . .; . a. Jit .l.' tVV V 'fa'rjt1--, wiu grac 1.. , ' X V v.,..r . r-JJ , ' T -1 '.-.ji cr i :T . .... . i .ii;v:u . .i.r . . . . U i... ,.. . i;i.Cj, Ava referred to l.,: i' a'- v......iuilie.. Ai'M-Ca.Ion 'l N. Jones ilr reived 1...- eapitiritivj an sea pod j risoner, was nlirl to tlie Auditing committee. Application ot" Anu:o tiutlierie for i uii.-iion of double tax, was referred to the Finance committee. Application of 1j. Fremont for eorrectiou in bb tax list for the current year, was referred to the Finance com- milte. Ajplieation of W. Turlington forte duction of taxes was rcferreJ. . Application of Joliu W. Moore, acnt for the late J Daniel Ilaync, for rcmi sion of double tax, was granted Im port of W. W. ITumphrcy, J. P., covering lii of fines eollccte I by hltn, was roCeiveil and ordered on file. Applications) of 8. W. Uoldcn and E, ("rem for remission of double tax were gt anted. Applicattoiiof .1. I,. Pry for rolnc lion of taxes wa.! referreil. ! Applican of .1. 1. Woody for rrdtif tion Of tax. was refern d t the Finance committee. ' A pj -ligation of F. Tl. Pn ington ' for rrdiieli-in of txi-'x fr 171 w 'iiot rr.uiteil. " ! ' ' li:ird adj inrnil, sitWji-et lo'thr f-di of tl'M 'hairmati. 4i ' ; ' . 1 i UMMARY OF NKVVtj. s.ij A. I-iint. 4pml lilUtti ye'sr, bot i.iai.M il iM itio.i y. uiiM'iiiiig in Ju.)ui, at iJr'ifc-v.i i-. .it. t lie i Uii? vvas H drs;id tii 'oiaj' lo -' bMi. . l'li.- .,..M,..ii..:i (.f '.iliho ria J 1'i.mti ..- -it N'-w YiV. : d"j t-'l r. solu 1 ti.i-. -f f'..- tin- death oi; Wm.C ' 't il-)- i:. :;nd "f '.-lid .'.-lie ' :ll.d- jai- ; pa'Ily .' i !.N r. i : i . ' I . . ! j c- ;. .. a i..t. ot vctc- f i . ,'vi. ..i.i wiii evU.br.iUU the I i-.,. i-i s . i : i i . -t;ii . w; -a:y i : t .. i'.;.p- ii . i M . , i . .v w -i';i-.. licar.u ..!U' ;i '!.a. I V.l'iJ iv . :., . : o ve i : 1 IVJW I. ;.u .i; !l.i'. : . ,i '. I a . i M :.l:.y 4- i. ) H .v l I!.. ' J'.l. i i ui : l .1 O- . . . 1 .B' lis- t'leir i eti.ir,- tmi i i. i .r'n .. l ik-. i t i j.i.il. 'I 'he ( iranl Intern : Iiii-nof ib I'.iotfn i!ixil 't lH.iiii tH Ki'in--v will mai in New rk Wednes day.' 'i t.-lt r Tbr 1 XHftrtWite Ko gineits" Life In-ia.mce A- TJ:.iliun will meet at the -thie time. i' Ih r t A . Kittbii , f-muily wider f th.-' Foil i th National Ilaok i ar nStol in Cincinnati for forgeiy.' The Ctiplina!it i hares Kitcbie of fjrgrg klfd.tliaiU-s lavrnport' n.w lo three humlrxl hares of telrgrspb li k owe years. ag. iTiarlca, PIk-v, wIm was atirttcd to Columbia, Pa wmc time since Psr pansiog a lar anvpyat ef fifty -cmt cwrrency; but wbo broke out ef the jail at that place, waa arrested at GeUys borg by aa operative W Ue Oovi mcot secret crv ict& , Farthe acraunU v( . Uiv mvsJcwI to the steamer rnate d Yirgiota, sy the leak was tLscwvrfrd ska the stcajacf a oas hoodred auk cast of Cape ILr. foanna fret of water had fskherord iw the butd WMr t fsssitiam of tho Irak cxsmkl Us si - 4. Wa ll niftt csrtsst arr4 lc I'rrssdcw tirjflot Wit Lxeig LsASKh Twrslar sW Washiatoo. tie was, mr cMfsaoird by ?mmy IMkwsf . tis era Rahrak aa4 loat' aa-' A asevsiog of the Cahhwi fcsoA flacw mm TVwfssJsy. t W Vior( i-r hkli sraato rsswpaa4 eOcirot awam em t aort I of tho il s i ramawt. .r ! ti B . . .-a vr mtt t ML ' V 1 i - - : wui t j. iil liuriili.TiiMiiC' s.a ilvhvc'nr w rof ..... nrtif, wTii jirrJsccsvTS wno iis'iiiied T.'. - ihcee'un'y J:ih r-t UluUr Sth. lh7o,or T tt&?X-&XVSi aOLdUARS, i . - . ? i t n t i Levi IViH atioul 51 j varK vi" nee, j fitt Hf Inchon til?jti. brovTBt omi'ilWion anit IHtps wben spesklnr. Weigh suohI IK) ihmiioJs. ; Tom Mclials, aiKtui enr v( yt:e rtw 1K jtou ,b!:ick, ono'lr.iiit toiith out, 4 f.etO 'eches ldKlr . - ' " :'" AVsatUngton Joy, about Ci iars ot ae. coiuplexion bUw k, 6 rwi.t 7 Uioluta !;. , ' , Ham Jones, about' a yesrii orKO, a He I hfsti, black complcjlou: , ti. II. MAXMMi, setl'Ct,; Vi eAi'riU. A., T. & O. R., 1. SirpKittNTKNflltNTSOKKtrK. ClwalotU.. fi.V . Jua:tb, L-Oi. j On and after Friday J sly 2nd. tti folio ing SehKlulo Will be tHKTAlfU over thl coaU; n- HOltm , NORTH. Iuiivv ClMtrloltc ;r Iieav lUivldnou Oillogc. Ain vt,itttsrlHe ....... a A.M. i. vi A.m. ... ..s .O A. l. . . 4i01NU&UTH. , LcuvoNgiteKvUl? .i... It. Si A. M. tidivi' lUtvldsoa IVd-lrKV- I Cil'. M. ArmeHtChurlotie - . MtH: at. lUii.) cuuivi'elion mMfiatiHtJiUV)W mIUi Usui on' V. N.l'. U.K., ci.itig l4h,t sno n osr. - -. ' TU'Ho'i Kale to Ai-sowllle, Sl-UIOM. Mfir. anion nnd Itickoiy Btatiou. J-J.feoIim.KV. CJ iO-tf SiHH;rtuldeut. Kreoud Mrrct "larkrl. Xtik F.TKi:if.'ED 'vriiJ.-otW'oj tfoturrtsy tsoraiussmst tits niilwi , tUo s..-,t,rtii isij-.H-t Sf.ok.''. li.'ti' tn- will ktji onkiiair n h ui4 tlie oImm i4. lkr. Mul Uu,rrk, f-.i'niMMi, i.'lil. Us-ii.i (1'mhI Still UM.IrHi-siH. In lurt vithinj; Itist (Toss ilv.ivt. low inl tlM-re. ' lb. lf Holn burin of l)ll MlMki l Wilt IM iiii.t.n K.I iy Mr.e.e. IJwi.1. rd- iipminv lilltsl. ' , w. i . jutTUt. -.1.. SIV iarri.tito au l IVV.'oii Miking i?:.u;i,i-:iiii:N l, i... I- ...; Lti Ui- - . i i u ii.t-tij. m.q vi: s w . y , r u r. is i l j v; i.i.-vl.; 111. o.''li"- itU.t. .li. lc at ' , l .n' .-.l-i 'l IO N. lltT-l. C u 4IU i '. ..il , ..ti I ' t . I (.-' . -... ' i- J , i . i It. 1 U I ill J ' - i - '. r . i". il ls. u fei. fti.'vJJli (.ilIu'.I - 1 5 .'" - I. I'll! t.il,H I".- 'is.;. ..- i.'.f tM.'-W4 i. . . . ., . 4 i . K ; iii-H. ' i ' . '-'i-i .ir. !.. lHa-- . . ... , uJ s- l.ll; liii ti Mil i ili i.. IU!.. !!., I.t K. i . ' Ml I Hlt Ml .lfc .IMII-) . t-M i k .1 ii.t . .i.4iii. - i r. uIIaI t-ilar-. .VtMt. lil.OMi.S A t,...7 !. i-y-1 J.i St. Jetton, Ma. i..i -r. I'iOiiv .: uR.m3 kr-s c-lrUri.i r U-4r pailyW lute. rani . ! lti in4 ..fmitlT .Oo.iiim . -w-J f 1Imi. ' .Mdtsn KIWAIit t"t.rrs, m 'hio.ji. a jj s OA" M.ink'I'.T SIRKKT, UKrWKKN HtaXi Jt Tilt KH. I iMnfil 4U ltttncl shj mnuMti. I maw ncsljr TmiihJ.sni tal-U n Mif. tilt4 iU r-jr lsssryisuMaW. ss( i IMsi i tfTAU "r-w ssst tf ssftl 4rrc rll s .- 4. AsMissw aJJOAliO Isjrnx vsaa.c. uw. n .-:. jsiss-s 4ir - -i - i, ; - . AUU SJOIt JUKT A CttrKJKaiAI. ttA - j UmsUU cttii AnoyqEcriAcicr KN&ljN-KK HI N( at Tiii: iti'sndutjtt tsiiLtrijiitic nwyiim Ss MwrTSsi!TrS Jmsmss ( J'sJbs' lomsY trSa-sstassVem) eVswlfJmsaey, ssVksftflMttAljfJ rswssotmi sTUssv iitsausi law tt f0fr Or tsjylfy adj f iofy la. rsr tsiatrn jesr. - - oor -wsa . 1 1 "i-i