4 iKN.-- If. -1 4? ' I".: t :' NulffUEIt .0.5 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1875. Single Cobles lO.Ceuts. VOLUMK VI. fO 1'" .! t rVr1 H : .o u H' 'i - i . -. ....... Ii I" ii m i ' .' a Bl I p mm. ci i v i itims. t.r i I U.IO W H !! r i . i . s , I ) i - win -.iu m : (. . ii i n tt-n.it -In I. -gi-r M in-In-, bet u 4"inlcl bt the "I Aldermen, Chief i.f lli- lire I -jMiU'H ill. An exec-lent II-. II ' .M .ij I riinpnrt f-.i v m .iMgii.c in flu' vii-rM, .in- llii-vin li iimmI ii. ! ri -if p!iilphy, I i kn. l I' .- ! I, iili ttliic-U oiru ii. I ' Will ll-'l 1 1 .hi. I inrl l. UnwII and family. are lr.. in the inooiiUiii f-r their heil(t. .oid vi i (o n. JiiM-pM ( Ablott. V- t y .hi rilnnt ! ir i.mr iinit li improvrd, : wc li;ii- im ,,kiiI iSi- will. , v .!l IM-l In lillf llltlll i II. .M.iniiiii.", our- of mir able - iin.s i'i t!if I "ouvi iilion, on ( M II- " .i .-. , i- i I- il.iy .. ilioitvno f ,1 i- lo.-Lint tti-'l, .Mid v.i lioiuc on jl ti.ti l.. In- lamitv. m !.iy J- v i r i i v li Hj "iiiti-l .i;it- i:iimi-iiH r t ';-i-l-v, n 'oli.-. -lay . fc i-l U f.reliim .t young Ul I'roin Mj;iiiIm, ihargrd with rob- l-in llie 1-r.t ol'.ki drawi r .it that !! . i i i - ... - ; ... I ..i i--i'i I t. ;.,fcar U.'v liw Tniled latt- I Hi' n.i iri1! ii 'i- in .i if-i'ii - v ' -.n...i I-...I.I kt K..I. i-li ii- Nov, ni!..r. l nrtl . - - - Mr. T. ' S rv.-. ir i-mi U, ni ami J l-.i-io .r I "n v 1.iV an I I n--iurer " atrv'itniii i'H lo Ul Irwii'li a, llie Norih. Tin i b'- lii"t i-il out of the Oty for many r.irv lie i I-Hiucfnl a man lo bv a'.l cd t-i work Uiin--lf dwa. We h-;e he may !iavc a pleas ant lime and roturrt iioin.- in n.-ilendid hrallli and piri. j 1 ,UM I Nrw Mii.ir.ti-.i Iowpanv. miliury cmpary eomjol of colored j citiwn called the I'.replen Light In fantry, La beep oraniicd in thia city. The following comjri the cCictr. fapt Sd. W. Njh, First Lieut, li. 11. Kinaey. Second Lieut. Jno. Sutcher, Trwidcnt J. C, Si-ott, Sccrcliry IL II. Finacy. We h arn fiorn a priale source that fVn. Allan liuthcrrord our worthy and etfieirnt Thinl Auditor in Hie Treaurv IVjvirtno ul al Washiu 'ti'ii, I . (' leave ! -r et iork i-i a lew iMys lnm whence he will ail for liuroe. Wc wish him a plea-anl voyage and a afc rrlum. We acknowledge ih" retcipt of nn invilatioii to a .lend the I hirt er.th An nual Fair ol ihe Cin.ibcTland County Agricultural Sysriily lo In Id at Fay eltcille -ii loe lith, 17th, lSih and I'.Hh of NoveuiU r nr.xt. We !ear:i lhat e Tor la arc luring in de by the S iely lo make ihis the Bnrt simc-fnl Fair evi r held in Cumberland. We hail en deavor lo put in an appearance u lhat occision. CAru F:ak.' Ao-.i n it i; vi. As lATIoN. Thn ugh the e.-uil y t.f Mr. T. C. iVrlUawl, Si ti lai , wi have f.rr us llie Kub ind lb-eiilatioif, ami tlf3 1 'rrmium Ll-I of the al-ie .vni aU.ki, f.r the Fir t U- held in thiseiiy ul IHli. l'Hli. Ulli 'd JJlhdavsif NotemUr next. TW whole i iu pam- phlel form, ami from the pr ol" the MtrmiMf Slir of thir cily. The prcoil uaa lt i V r) V-miph le, and ihe ditTer TwtdcpartHKiil under llie up r i-ioii of eomptHelU I upiiBlcndetil. The pinwiuuK I'll'. ri ale cxcresl.:ig!- hU ral awl wc kao d .ubt that wiihtoc prvper cs ry ii the part of the Aa r i aliow ihe coining- Fair may W uad a craal ucct. rirtnaus Ho IH.-rBt. Wc ar awrry lo ee a, liwMUem on the part of aoane uf or aaerchanta la aco4 abfvJ ta ha? their pr inliag Uoa. A oir ia the only Bcwpapcr office i" the city Ikai Waa ayH a b department coa frfctoi with itv w feet lhat w caa rail atUatioa to this matter without beiag OMaaiiered pcroAil iaterfated. We lean that a d rammer from a city la aa djoiaieg State aaakca rcgwlar loura to Um city er three timea a year, aad wcwiit ia peocwriag cnatracta for peiatiax t4 the aatoaat of aeftrai lioa ami aVaUars. If the wvek the carried esf co!4 ot Katc beca dooa here a aaatlj, aa cheaply aa4 aa expediUewal aa i Web ere, ear aaercLaata wroalj te aerftcCr jaatliabi ia eeaJiax it aw a. Bat maefe bvaoc thr caa. We Kara sere la ivaUit tbree job eAccw: ibe Air, iba iWwvin aW Mr. ?act Q. llaXTt, wbtre, aay a ad all work thai baa beea aaat aT oaaU bare beea 4oae aa4 eatkfaclioa ittm la ererf tvapect. We talak mf . bene eaircyeWa aWeJd be let iTH 1 1 by ear eti pec-pie at WaU. Eacb aaa af U eeuUiaaaaeata refee. red to give employ men tu m-i ho prml ihi'ir ntowry in thi riiy, and i with the were merchant who send off to gut l.icir pr.nliii,; d 'io. That this Is not right, a". I will ru. And if our but chants will i-neouragu iiurown printing edabl.-thmeiHs their proprietor will In enabled In add lo litem all the modern improvement, both as to tye and prr---s-, ami thereby be prepared to do t'ieir wurk even Wtlrr an I chcK.T, llisn t!itr arc now liAring it done c!m:- whi-rv. Wc hc tln-y will n'tC thii HiBl'rr tluc cuiiklrrinn, mid l.entc- I ! f-irtS, liy ll-.rir palronngr, help to filtr n-. luiilil iij-lhi f tv of industry in our in i-1 -.1. U'lvsoki. and Tar Kivkh Kaiu. Wc arc fc- ripl of complimentary iiivilalmn Innu the Si-crclary ol tlic rJMnufcir arP Tar Uircr Agridittural J Sckly, to .iliend iu dixlh Annual K.r thr day l Us hld l,Veldon on .1i:hf Jlli. 2Mh and lUtli of Ovtolxr nciL The Faim giireii 1 y lLi fcirty are mlwaya the ov.it ircn in the Mle. The premium' or the coming Fair arc larger than li4Tc ever before been offered; the olfi- cvr arc geiitlemi n well known for their energy ami ecwI; llt fnenil, of tfic o- eii-ly in Virginia ami North Carolina arc min their lnt rirorta in it In-half .ind,nl'ogrtln r. wcescct it will be the uot NUraelivc nitibilKm evrr ccn in llaU-rn t ;irolina. . Naicrhw ".-- WK. Some of ihJ b iy, both while and eoloreil, in thi - ', have Uely Ui om.- .heply have la'ely lieoin.- iheply 111- 1 Irrcxtitl in l!i manufacture ol walvh guard nude from Iiomc hsir, :iu to j,rin.urc tjlC Beee.rv matei.ii levy rnlriliuti'iti rnmi every pacing sliced that hi:) Mihmit t i having a liortion uf hitmaiie or tail extracted, and in lluir cagcriie. to upply tliciuselvo wi'.h toc ti work will:, oieasiona'ly run very narrow -ri.ik of U ing killed or eri; pic!. Yeterd.iy we a w a lad wjlk upbehindacouatrynian who was riding a fttccpy looking animal and taking hol.l of lii tail nroccolcd It ou!l there- fnm R hanafuU of bair( bul UU llr:. hip not relishing the operation, let fly his heel, which larely miw'l lad'a heal. The toy turned looc and qatckly departed, to loot, wc presume, for a rnor docile mbject. lVb tailol horsea are at a dUcouat with tli bys Tiik F.vasiMi Review. Thia is ihe iiauieof a daily eveuing paper which Mr. Josh T. Jatieaand 3Ir. C. A. Trite, &.w.k l.k rnm rri a 1 1 r I K I ill HI ira I li II 1 . . f ... it.' ;fe n g r sfaaltlt ill tiff lf i IK-tubcr next. Mr. James for the past five years has tilled the poilioii of local editor to the Jnvru.it v( this city, and Mr. Trice, is a miii of one of the founders of the wuir paper, and liu also had considerable exjK-rieneu in the newspaper business. These gentlemen have therefore, a decided advantage over the majority f htm)iis who embark iu this enterprise, and ll.eir success may te the more cer tainly anticipated. They are IkjiIi fully coiiit u nl to the lok of prodticing a gooel paHT and nw-ctl of llie energy n.juisite to buiht up a remunerative ncws;ai r buim-w. We heartily w ish them sucves., and extend them ihe right hand of fellowship. S e pr.c-pee Ills under lo ad of uew ads. Juslgt McbToy should have the Com iiii-i:oticr of Uoleon Counly, indie(c-l airl punUbtd Ur ihe frwiida upon the pvs.plc f thai counly during the lxt eli-sliou. e Iiojic he witl stiow me n-vple of ih: district, that he will punih a friend as well as an enemy who cooimila fraud ujon the people If he ha Um awilter thoniaghly invewti gatol, ihe Cominissionera will certainly be- ssnt to ihe I'eoilcntiary for the vktlatioa of the election law, and then rrprrwcntalivra will be cls?tetl by the people Instead of being declared e'ectc! by a Hoard of Com ta iasioncrs by their w will alene If these are not pun bed, tho County CommUaioocra cf each csiaal will bertaAer, elect who they pleasa regard. e f the choice of the people. There witl be ao u going through the fcraa of aa electioa by the people ; jat leave it to the Coemiioti er. We ba4 a well aava money, ua leaa Ibey are broajbl to jastke tLe OommtWioaers ia the oiher countle will do the aamsx runUh thia offeoce aavl It will pat a stop to it. roocsrroaESk We recollect before the war of hailar, bear4 the proprie tors of a ceruia baslacw kott ia ibis citj charrej with aeadias their shirts oerth. to have theaa oeasf p aa4 Ucu aecls lo te daraed, wbQ they expected ta be pelresvted ia their particaiar Uoe af bttaiacea by ear eiUaewa.' We are ot rrr pared to voweb for te tratb of the abavw ajawettow, btrt w do kaow thai we, have im ear Uat penoaa who aeasl abraa4 toc beoijs, eUUaacry, etc that caa be bowgbt aa cheap froea ear lal.(baJblactv Ami erery ailf. toa(saI Mbacriplioa aftat that cooaes alonj find no difficulty in procuring baycr for book that could ba ordered through our own .k.-rllcrs at a much lean price. I tir !m ik-'-orcs are public neccitii, and our people should buy from, or or.h-r through ll-eui, aoylhiug in their ii'.e, whicli wc know, by the energy and cnlcrprii nianifetcd by them, can bv doi;c at as liule co- t an by any other nieatiK. We have nietilioned the printing and liook 1-iioine.sfl in w hich our citizen mnd inoiiey away that should !; kept at !ioiue.v fruoi the fact thai il I:. i- come 1:1 ro immediately to our ul'ii-iiti'iu, lr.it tuero arc thou sand of oth'.r wila.s for nint h our pcu pie neud abroad, that could be procured at home, or t'.iroug'i pg.-n'.a here, that would slop n i:iit;i' n-o amount of money in the oekvts of our own eo pie. If thi curc wo pursue 1 we wouhi hear L-v t.il k. o! liard timeri and inability t un-cl o'.ir li tbiiiticc. Wo are an ad jc.;!o of Livpin oir m ii-'y at home and pa'.r lu'ziir o.-u an ither :ls iiitu-h as p-H.ibh-. I 'id's rv Cum m i-l i: i: i;. The iViar ! of X.) iu;iiy I ' n:ni -ioisi is met Fii lay 17lh, and . sch-cle 1 a vcuiro of jurors for 1'ie tclol. r I'erni of Jujrior t'ourt, :l follows : ' II'.. - Aiii- It. C.ori -, John J. Forrcl, Alex. Moore. I'lcot liratly, Jiis. Walt. :i, ii Itry.m:, Henry I.vi.i, Henry lel!y, ll.-t.ry loyaut, lu.nrlcii Ciolde:i, Selli W. Davis, J union llrowi), John D. Nixon. William Mcliurin, Wriglit tin.d lv, Cranville I'ottcr, W. S. H.-ivlet;, (ieorge Leonard, William Mt-Niiil, Jeim C.inip!-ill, John W. tft. (Jisir---. J.i'hi t'urti", Joseph Farrow, J ilin I' l.-tci i!, Al n.', Hewlett, Jo.seph W.i! I. II, W. M. Fonville, SoWon King Jo!.n . Nix-hi, J!.ri Ca-ii, John Taylor, W:.i. Farrow, (leo . Itcwlcit, Ja ne-. A. Hewlett, Kicini i 1'. Hall, iJha.s. W. Stokcly. fi.r.i't lirr i --S.itu!iVl I ' tv's W.ll. Snerdeii. W. II. la:t, S. I'. Thomas, Jerry Fonville, l'hiilip Newn-.cii, Iaac Northrop, W. (J. Fowler, Jr., Sylvester Fcttcway, Win. J I. t'otton, Samuel N. Nix in, l 'lau Shri ver, Keuhen Itcthea, Thom.ii My f.u . Hill, Nathan Iiecv.-, Allen. I OI.C-, Spolt-swood Im:: Moiid llie li e Fi:n: .-. linn.-.-On ii il;.y i I t etoln-r next i, tor boili v. ltiie and il.v" I M iiO. Ct'irs e.l.iire:i, w. i i-p -n in mis e.vjr. . ... . : .. l : . : .. And i. ve i. i !e.i-;u.r 1-j i.oticc the eiy il:.T igu and clack.-: it manner iu which ti.e iie'-v'y i leeted i"v huol CoUi iniite l.avcgoni '.owoil. to make them the very bi ?t uL.ic f: ce school., ever had in :h:.- lily. Tliey h.i'.c displayed ;i.ln.i;:i ..e '...-tu ;;i their s. icctiuu of tk-iiei.ii i'i .iiopa'., Ti iiic.p.il.i a:id Avitnt 1 cachet. We ; e g?: d to y.v :!..ii ii i.i have lllI'L'ili.l! I ll.C ... f.ic: i; .. ;:a k l . c i.i oar 1. 1. col p- r-iii-- "fci euiiipt l :. . iary i'.i t cilv, i ih ougli i'Wi lie i r hi i ; lh''!.- io'i uilh ii.Uiik bee'.i ;i Line eoui 1 in-. ! i ace, hi:. . and lli. i- i. the i ohn 1 with ' .i. 1. i all- i i, j'1 '. pel n.;.i . . .i..: I. in :" i i r.i, arc ,o i..e ?Uiiau UeC- ii:i . i. ihil'Iiciioi ihis v. 'ii:e e- ! led, a tl.i l- . i 1 1. -li i.c . . ii. There Las a i ti the w hile 1 li..ic lk.;i supplicel l.iii I l i lo may have il.,.i ihciol'iid schools ...vc t- 1 1 tii.: ticirown lliiii'i. thai lime 1. at passed .., ii l oi ly i!i- sli;le, but .il- , i.kii ivn he iisuiu-hed uaivkl ...ui 'tig us, or who ti r.i our lily their .'.-Ik. We iiii'li i l and lhat all of t'-c ti.u'.vi- ..jpo.i.Ud uuslcr went a i;ii.il e i uuiialioli before tho LwrJ ol iiaaumra ai d pie-td them selvia eioiiiii tiv entitled to the ivrtifi- catcs We t ...I. ll.c prcaeut Sshoul Cfiu.-i tUe Line alniek the ke) Polcol 'huti in mir Ireo seh.ad sr-U-m, and .f thev ni'l i-"nti;tnc as ihey bate begu;. their eJvirU ill redound to thci." or u credit an I to l!c peruia nenl bv uilu i li e coiidren. Mrs. M. Y. r.ll.-n, an acvvmplrshcd and highly ci irje'.ent lady has the ap pointment a tiei.cral l'liaoiial of the whit hcs..is of the city. The II cat oi in way school, on Fourth be tween lied Ctum and Campbell street, with au average attendance ef ICO choUr. ha lln. Kira Wte, aa iia cijal acd Misi Mary IL Hujuwl and Maggie I Van ail at aiUntn The Union wtLocl oo Sixtli alivcl, ia the rear vf liilh tret il. K. Cbarcb, with aa average attcr-datce af 15 achotar, rr ilr. W. I annlnx as principal, and MUc Addie Moarva aasl Sally rorch a iokUu. Rr. D. J, Saaders of the Firt'e.l.r rresbyteeiaa Cfcnrcb. a seaCciaia wH u!icd f.r ioj i:t. ka Ucb, aptiatesl 'sutxl ' kV.jai vier ihe cvKired acbiU e4 tie ctte. ! ta gooe raeartny t rk H r-rJt!n txd ,radiag these scLcw. Ia Uie akXataera po Uoa of to citj w- bare the Wiltiea eclt, katol oa TVk between Aa 5n?ia atreeCs, abb aa avenge atWe-laais u( SSQ fx-bolars, Tptusvipal ta tiua arwr4 I taeA yei aaated, aasl oe aaitaat la aliso to be appointed. Toe following ladie have receired appointments as as.si.sia"tic Jlisscs Sfarjr W. Howe Sarah Jane Kicaud, and lira. Venctta (Jrcjn. 4 In the northern portion of the city, the Campbell Sjuaro school, between Fifth and Sixth, and died Cross and Campbell street, with an average at tendance of 200 ncholars.has Mr. Fan nie Smyth ad principal, and Mrs. Mar soK'iie Sadgetrar, Misses Soaie Sampsoo and Jennie Sweat as assistants. Trinity Chapel, o-. Druriswick street, with art average attendance of 40 schol ars has Mn. Maggie Franklin as prin cipal. Mount livc school on Second ttrvcl, in the Southern portion of the city, not yctMipplictl. I'.y application of a nuaibcr of col ortd citizens in the viclijjly of Ninth street, a sehol wil.1 lo osUbl'lshctl on the corner of Ninth and Chestnut ts. witii Mr. Carrie K. Sampson as teach er. It is the purpose of the Committee to make the Campbell Square a gram mar school, thereby 4ablishiug two of that grade in thecity for cdoredyoulhs, one in the uoithcrn and one in the southern portion of the city. All of the .scliools will be subject to a strict discipline, but coriMircal punihmcnt will not In resortiil to except in ex treme eases. The school house have undergone repaint and renovation, and everything that could be done to insure an auspi cious owning has been brought into rc quUitioii. We shall look for marked progress among the children at the cad T the cominjr session. lJoAKH OK A I.PKrtM KX. The Hoard of Aldermen met iu regular session on Friday evening 17th insU The Mayor mode a brief statement in regard to the collection of laxes dtte the city which he stated was not paid as promptly as heretofore, on account ol the tightness f mouey. The following recommen dations were submitted to the Hoard by the Mayor, which were adopted : Owing to tho great depression iu business and the manner in which the tax-paywrs were pressed for money to pay their necessary expenses, the Hoard of Aldermen, in January last, while levying the taxes for theturrcnt year, reduced the taxes on the merchants ol our city $J0,KH). The Hoard of Asses sors reduced tho assessment on real estate in tho city 400 ,000, making a reduction in taxes of $S,000, and the tax on merchants' sales, known as the license tax, has fallen oil" over o,000, making a total reduction from the amount received last year, and less than the amount collected iu either of Iho past tour years, or f.i.J.tW. llie lact of such a large reduction in tho revenue of Ihe city is to be very much deplored. Owing to the hard times it becamo the duty of the city government to footer business and relieve the hard-w. irked merchants as much as it was iu their jiowcT to do. This, I um glad to say, the Hoard cheerfully did. Now it le (Miuoa our further duty to rt-duce the expendiluresof llie city correspondingly or as near a possible ; and I know that tho Hoard of AldermeJ, being, as you are, well aware of tho urgent ncccasity of making all procr reductions in the city cxiieuscs, will cheerfully sup port such measures as will result, it is to be hoped, satisfactory. Tlicrclorc I re ipecllully recerumend thai the salaries of the oifieinLs and .employe of the cily bu reduced icslollows . M or MarNluU. ... iHi-my Msirliiii f 2.""" riluee lo I,NN - l.-VAl l.fn-Noiio after a ui-ny. I. nilUkX- lo ll.-i Ics l I i pill lei k . illy Ailorucy KaKinn r. . A-kiHkU.nl KnillesT Ms-ns;i r .. Markrl Irrk iplam ! Pttfle . U l'plrfl.'l "I Police Three lrT1s of l"lirv Ktrtwu ISWlcemeo HvalUi (tlK.Vr Janllor I AIUI I JKU1S SuyL Urt llajjtU. Yurd Marmbal. . ... n 7JI I '- III 7.s m Tjn ,l s,im .ISU I.IMII l.a 7.M 7 ll ri 1 . : Mil 7JI u.i I.KJI 7.JW 1 XI l MM au ' Iiete-.-lIT . . . - h ifU-etl SkU-rl IIwimIji. i 1 hir l'lr t-Otalnr l'u . au I'll .- Plij-wctan . I.JU al.sr i'is b lil;v'lir MaJllR a toiaJ drOucUon of . . Ttoe olice force I have rclucrd U fifteen, a reluclion w-r annum of ?3,7; the a tree I force to fifteen, a reduction of I2.7.M The otfiee of clerk to the IViard of Aaaciwora baa been oWnutiaa ed, snaking a further reduction of V. There abouhl also be oat two Svrgeaata of the ice f.rce, awakiaga further re duction of I shall also, if the Hoard will auataia me, retreocb la other departiuenta of the city gueemaaeat at Icaot f Ii.taJO that ia to aay, ia the ordi aary current cipcaa wakiw; aa ew tire redaction f i!.?TS lb. j A number of petitions wee prcsetiteJ from rariKis eitlrent, which were re ferred lo the proper coiBaittee wbra the Board adjourned. ' . Tmk Tax Patk Mkwti. At the mcctinj held on Monday eteaiag last, a conatittee was appose led to ia aagaraU a toil raim4 the coaoty ami city aatboriusa te eaoia tbeaa frost CK'lectlwf the Umca that hare beea a x!. It U a bu! apalax that thia oaUef was ao( ioekrd ailrr beiore. Ia Itttthaassregata Ul was laryery la e eea ef what tbey aw arr, aasl aothiax w aakl ef Clexi tirtiaiwi AaJltLcra karc4 beeai a yaat aiaoa, bat whalUtt ecwasty ai tftata taare bar bee la rxce ef 2-3 reals oa tbtlllTJ. nation of property, and the party who was then the head and front of our city and county a flairs, is now the most bla tant in the. cry of excessive and illegal taxa'ion. Verily, circumstances alter cases. Wo appcud the following statement made by the Mayor and published in the daily papers of the city, giving a com parative statement of the expenses of the present city government with that of 1871, under the Mayoralty of Mr. '6. N. Marthi: SlULtT 1'EI'A KTA1ENT. Martin's aslnitnUlratloo, rxieuUi- tnrrw ..SI7..1T.1 HI I'reteat nxliniiukiratioiif a.AJOOU I In favor f i.rtriit Ktivernmciit.. ... J 8.UC139 IXLIfE DEl'AKTMENT. Mariln'a a.JmlnlMration $IS4MiT0 lroent a.liiilmsljallon ; 1 1 ,MU 00 In fvor or present government. 6,s6T0 HOSPITAL rATJPEKS. Tla mnnaat anslcr thin brnd paid In lsvi. while Mr. .Martin wax Mayor ot V ilmirK(oii, and with out aiiihorlt of law. w as. .IJ.tl7 41 NoTK Tho present ndtululslratiem atMM not support any hoiital or uuperii, liavlng no uutiiorlly ol aw to do B0 ' . SACAKIES AND FEI. Martiu's admiuUtration - Present administration, . K.'iKJ Ol In favor of present povernment .. .i i.Rctt I IKI: I'EI'A KTM lyNT. Miirl in's nl mini st rat Ion fresen I ad nil n let rat Ion In favor of pri'f-cnt government... (i.i;i ; .r,:(4 00 SIM) 00 ItBUC Bl'ILPIMiS. Martin's administration : l'reFent ai)nli.llr. liou. S :t.-J! 1 1 In favor of pfi bcut oM-rnniriit . ..S l.'VVIll 1'ITY I'Ol'UT, Martin's :itiniiils'ration S 'J,!liij 10 1.154 50 I'resent a tin I n 1st ration. In favor of present Kovrrnniput..... l,S0,J.00 I.KillT.S 1 1 El A KTM EST. Martin's adiniiiistnition .f7..illi.ri2 . i,100 00 I'reseut aduiitiist i atlon .' In r..vor of present Kove-rnniinl SI, I1U o3 PRISOy A'D I'RIeOXEKS Mirtlu's Administration , ? l.lSCR! rre-sciil Aduiiuistruliou WO 00 Iu favor ef presenl (ioverument $ ZJG82 . rr.INTIXCr. . Muilin's Administration ...I,'I01.7 . 1,710 00 .. l'.U "i7 I'resent Administration Ia favor of present Government. MtSCEI.I.AXEOrs. Martin's Ad tn In 1st ration. r.,r, a su 1.UOU00 I'rcocul Admiulslratiou'. Iu favor of present liovcrnim-nt. $ 2,011 Sf IX A 1.1. OK TIIK l'OlSEIiOlNi: Mailin's' Admini-trii)ion, "for ordi nary exiines" ?.ls.i3J I'rcsenl Adiiiinistralion wilt not ex ceed in.:ai50 In favor of present riovernmcnt .. ...ss;,7'JI S2 The above compariso!i shows t!iat there willwc savesl lo the tax-payer.s of the city of Wilmington iu the current expenses this year under the present administration, as compared with the administration ovcr'which Mr. Martin iresidenl iu 1R71, the sani; of thirty-six thousaiul seven buinfrtd; and ninetv- fotir dollars and eight1) t Wo cents (foi,- yi S2). We are of the opiaioti that the w hole matter is a put up job by some one to make money at the expense of our al ready heavily taxed iiii-ns. They will in the end have the whole burden to make tip in the way of increased taxes, while some few may increase their already well filled f pur-os. We advise all of our citi.- iH who can do so to pay up their taxes promptly, and leave the dis.iir". ted few to shoulder llie responsibility that they are e idi-av-oring to create. Ur.-1'i or J. II. rsuiylli, or New Hail over, upon tho Iteaotutioii in Kuliuy of lioveruor lirah.nm. ' Iealh and its ace nn ponying .-orrows and regrets not uufreuciiiiy cou us to In- Teganlle.v of many imp-irtaut facts, loo often unintentionally, ami heme il is we behol I in prewnec of this gr:ni desitoyer, but one side- of character, one side of the lile thusc wo bury. The extremely:' r;,'sl or the eXlrcmely bad. . From the language of the resolutions otltiresl by the Honorable geullcmau fiomOraiige.it would rieem we come "not to hnrv" William A I irah.nn "but lo pra him," and I am!: glad to know thai be is tint u.ricscrviitg ol lau latiou for his ciuiiK til services to our common country. There w a r.".tti wjiy the "sweet iviiu of A vmi" plae-isl lhe--e ii'h in the mouth ol Marcus Aninii: ITm: tl lUal men !. Irte aiVrr llicoi; lli cl l on iiu-:rl wiiti ilir bt. With this rcaHi no ri-ader of llue Romaa time, I apprebco! iJ unac- quainteU. I u-rI aKp4 subtle atyle of cxpruMkioa io apcakiag of Warn. A. Grabaiu. .Vroni the cxpcrene-c of linn familiar with human nature from the earlicwt aod highest ciritixation ol the ancicoU, dsiwa tkrourbi tne ti1, of time, with ita many aaUf eadlesM aauU- lion, to this oar time i we have beea taught that mro'a good, ratbec than their evil, aurvives thetai The converge of the Uocaaa'a peop.ailioi bi true. There are ta oar hi4ory, Mr. rreakkal, too many, vUy too maav. eaamplea r in tKia arnrCt la Vifil MB . k. i. li I I lroaw right aaJ dale, fc p to paac to rravember that the rrrit deJ waa iw la vmpalkv with r ami iwiae, acitber la tie Gael ol hi, rnuibo air U U. , rirs of hi age. I r " UKtUcltaatbe waaacoawaati-atoff aaeai 1 4 iu uiaaiM ( LbT..m U negro, yet b ia a4 bar trratei Uaoat 4 ta raca vna vata m raaw iwcea-tactwith afcawiakbaJaeaa. Ta fcw bawar aaaa Jkaateicaaj htm kr4 boa Cuatawnam coaatrrdaJ ibvUr, aal f i Bjinl tbc aeeeaaace eibbi Mat fraaa tbwC'i a ... be Uttcft ally discovered more fore for bis Stale than for the Union. ! Imitating "our fathers and mothers who were born and lived and died here and throughout thia sunny clime, r-- givmg the enemies of their Iibertiee, and iu the eloquence of their ignorance crying out in the language of ilim who was no respecter of persona, "jatber locHve them, thev know notwhai Uiey do." I also, and on the part , of the 80,000 negro citizens of mr. adopted State, on tho part of tho ' 4,000,000 of my race accept and act upon luoaciitt ment of the Savior of mankind,, not only, with regard to tho statcsmau and1 scholar whom you eulogize, but atl those who directly, or otherwise brought upon us untold, uncrauicated miseries. Mr. 1 resident, when the ' brave aud courageous liobt. E. Lee, presented to that great soldier and great citizen, U. S. Grant his sword, the war was ended. peace was proclaimed, citizenship and larlial citizens rights were guarauteeu ty the grandest and most sublimo in strument ever written or amended by men on this dfltbybther continent. Those whom I in part represent at hist became what vou were and are citizens; became, what the honored W. A. Graham was, till the brittlo thread was broken, till the Damoclcau sword lei H each one of us an American citizen As citizens of a common country we, mingled our tears and share our regrets with the white men of Icrth Carolina and the United States, in view of this great calamity which is no less one to North Carolinians than to all American citi.eifs. His virtues, his learning, his excellence as a citizen, his national re cord made him ho property of the whole people. I honor hiui as au illus trious American, who in other times, among other peoples will be revered not so much because of his birth place, Carolina, but as a great American. : His rise, his progress, his not un timely fall, for ttie ripo matured fruit ever falls to earth before the unripe the unmatured, have become familiar lo me since his death. 1 forbear to allude again to those after hearing the concise, full, graphic words of eulogy pronounc ed by the gentleman who presented the resolutions. Hon. W. A. (Jraliam is especially la mented by the gentlemen of this Con vention, because,-he was a personal friend of many, because he was fain) liar with the Constitutions of tho State and the amendments thereto, because he knew his State and appreciated its needs. Let mo say to the gentlemen of this Convention, his immediate colleagues, that I shall be, and those whom I re rescnt on this lloor, most happy to iu- dulge the hope that the excellences of (irahani will be emulated by us all and them, aiui that they shall forget in the presenceof the illustrious dead, politi cal party ties, oelitical pledges, iKiliti- cal affiliations in doing the work they have determined on with no higher, broader and other consideration in view than tho conservation of tho best interests of the whole regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. -Mr. l'rcsideut, I placo a garland on the grave of Win. A.tTr'a- ham. bir, 1 have done. t or the Potw Doctor ltarnsom'tf Men. - It seems a little siugular,what an ac- 1 a live part soitio i x-Kcpubucans la&e with the democratic party, it looks like they are afraid unlcvi they pitch head !.ng with them into all their radical and extreme measures, lhat they w ill be lsked upon w ith suspicion and doubt. And they seem to forget that the Dem ocrats are laughing in their slcovcaat them, scoru and despite thtui, but axe w illing to u -e them juat at his lUomeJit, before the amcudmeuU aio buboiiUcd lo the jicople, after which they can slide. 1 am led to these thought by the poiii-u some liadicals have Lakeu in the past few days iu regard to tho I iiruii lion business I wonder il UkMi p.irlit-.- think l-ir one moticnt tlaal tluy are the only heiticrl and firluvf meuin the eoui'iitiuity, and that notbini: can ' s- il'iii- nithotil having them at the i helm.' If such is the case lle ooiu. tln v Htifvl this thought from thitif pi i od ihe iK-tler for them- Ives and the community. I have known Kuf, lucen and wvuld lc lnidenU iwf H't'lrfm h lo die and sobie une be foiui to take their place and fill Ihetu wilii honor. I he fael of tho mall, r la SIc--r. Mditor,H stem, that the "wul ' would like to get ia. (and the) find tbey can't) vi they take pleasure iu Miajli&g al the ban and the ouly raoo tbey hurt arc tbeniaclrcm. Uu-CfiMe. AM. fur tbo INt M c. rUMva.llcjorU are ia 'cirm ialioa that the two iboaad Jollar received aahaa'ly from the rrabod. luod by fiU N. Martia, white l-c wa Cbainaan pf the Scbe4 Onaaaittert wa pail istotbc kaadaof II. t lUake, L wa spr4ate4 f-sipeiaUtdet -f Ittblic ScbooK wjiboat atLor!y 4 t. m m wti-a be oevrr usbt acbool a day cl tb fcw uthttt mtit4 Ut -U 0 d3y . . t , , . . iNrv,r r-crtre4 a ?f lUt UO, la terW . l ItK Wy are aa taiuaaid by ouU.sJ inca Uai ttnitat fay if H- bile Use cbiMrea were UrCx kx. a iiu pares- w au ar. Martia If lber are fact. If a-, iVc a t tVaaa ksa a trae taUarl. .; N-pCesaVrr 23k, 14. J CArrXlV-Jsud!lenly, Kaptembc ISlh. at lirlakleya, Hic Uvulae Dctutu;,.Jio el Kdwarsl Oiiiiwcll, a-od - years. A HEW OAUT PAPt-R 1 V lN W1LMINGTNN. VWMti Jt lie' Ennlg Reiiew. OtftniA hoot 'ocf iixiizR vi vr, tiik L'ltsWrvljrtiis! 4111 Mfln !i- publieiUoii In IholHy of WliisiU'irtou. uXlhe Mt.MMi ilaviKW. ' - Tb KlkVJKW will U&puUliolietl every even. Iiitf. except Sunday. 11 aliu w 1.1 be lo fur- nlaa the title., tho bt-l,aiid Iho imhI relia ble neva, I u every metuilUj; of the. icrni. ' Tb feUttoruU lpartnicul will bo lu able bauds, aoid ihe looU reinwu will l furnisbx ed by Mr. Jaaae. for five yi-an. iist tim.oear editor of Uie Ually Journal.. - Mr. Charles A. trlco.usiu of inn of tin fiiuaderaoi ttie Journul, aud bluiseU e trn Ueliuui of several yisita ixrieuie la tliti bualuma, will hav ehiurca uf Uie bumnesa deuartmeut of Ibe i-uper. 1 UnuMiml attntiou wll! be tlvcn to IU market rern rt wllti-lho view i lurulalilua Uio full tninKacllona o( I ho dajf to Ilia clmw t b9 UN bOW. l bs ma-lo by a cniefu', lUoroegtily eapeil eneed rjtrricr. Ou the wliole. Uie iwiikt will te kcwiv. eaeapnixt reUuble , hiJ a special lueU-um Hi route li which theiHMir nuiu and Iho lalK.r Iuk classea may be hcterd. i erma of subscript lou: fu jnir.ii n uts a luoulh and 1'.' ceuU h wet. Au. i l.jlnr. rates very low. Iu coiuos.-4.lon wit. I tbo itc-its Ueiwlnoiii we will esiabiiali the liKA'mw IV, k and Job l'rlnUut: OrUce, ulivio .oompeteul ami sk 1 1 Ifo-I OiHratlves will be eniWicO, i.i it wiiero it ia nefslUta to say we will do cur best to lurnish our ) a Irons wllU thu berl ' work for the lowest iimkhihI of imsnryv JlJBSIl i. JAM l Kepi. 21 -If I'll AS. A. 1'lkH'K. Free Public Schools. OTIUKislIWtlUiV Cil Iv.N JUAl ilil. i'ubloi Sk'Uwoll ul Vlir.lui:toii, will t 1 . -i opened on Mobdav the II h ttsy of tiiihf, IS73. i ,'"' ,H ft-Sioiars "ije-ifris 'ihIihi.'. i'n i. . Krt promftly. I'he wlilU sellouts will !-' u.ul-r U e n:( ervlsion of N! iAiL. l.lii-on, i'i l .;- imI TeaelHT, out ft Ui islbll mK-siini-.it :. in ;t Soutt. The 'pn hired fflln i! will In- .: '.- i I i.i crvtHiou r Ilav. I. .1. !tllnl-r. !r 1 iieij it, Tisiolier, ooe of Uie lincul c sJel .. holair. in thu Slutc. - . , Tjia (.'omiiiillc-.jii.o ; o to i.i',.. ll, Kit ehoi's first class, ahd Wix thy o' l?i, li-1 ; t . . and of the roondcoee iif the people. .. : , AUe.tJs.rt;.s u. Miikhis-. t'.iali i.i;:i :i;!i-ol ' jiimuiux . M-pt 21 It liliANK BOOKS, i " I'PiHiKcs. ,.iui. it;; a ui. i. ;..i.k,. J HooUs, liivi.lti- I: .k-, i;.t-.,ni liookii, i'lowt lluokvN Jt: 1 Unit me! lit-n t 11 -ol:, se I n l.uti vuilkiy.nl I Ui;iNKLiail.R'o; riAs au ti rc::.as. I i'f kVe I . l.. il vl llie-tv Ulollllilv lii atalltneiit l'':.e. i-t JIEiNSUKiiiiKirs , Lire I'iok ano Mt:- eJr'tre. .-xipi i; UAJwoNKSS. S i .VI - Carriage and Wiri Mjki.;,; IvSTAULlSUMLM. have adklid l!ie sviv.e, :' : fir i i ..I - t li i M m i : i :m mi l it.' : ! :.un- I'i .,J tliui liivi! . J, i' iO . . k l k !' lilltlllll. ' . li;:ri-- Iiu .... fi.i JnH Jt. J! ' . . I I'i k til .Ilk U 1 if l.k. I ! I ;frit.t . tli t ii .iiid 11 . i i :. 1.' i I'UkJ h't -'l-U- . Ail4i. UO'IV, latMi.; t'l. J ohms j ikmhii .s - 1 ft C.I.. . I 1 t-. . I i - I : a t. I t . -kt ai In . I" .' too, H J u' 4 1.1 IS- M fV CIVIL AKO til.i i .;. i . .Si. M. a MECHANICAL KN(I r. K K li lNi; AT Til 14 lKNMIU.j; si .s-fr'l. w h. IJfcKJiJtri, liwvi, t. I ! A.t ;tj- :.. ..'S.i, M r. I in ili r- k.u V K'r i.i.i al e !-, I e-jls. i4Hk if4. l4lr. U. AlutaAi IUl.Ji, klm4M.j4 lMSltiiia4 tHt, k l nsU ills, a41iw I'tt-r, I it If.U.s I i. .l lfnm6r. TWO kj. I- . f fcs-? . PLOTTS ORGANS t n - - i ! - -A ffsma. KM in Vss.' Vi warn mn,r-mir. 14j. - UO TO j. :--.- -i ' ; . UUP" a4r iUt-'-a'--l yfecc it it u wmirM Hmymnxmm m -si tu i Ai4 Fein iCae-eaeifa -. nifc. af-ia, - . 'mi Z-mm taa ary Cfm rv. - j - l l .... 1 - ' ' : r. 1 . i