C--; ...-"1 - , , ' ' " ' rCj ' '- . ...... .... w-'.- - - 1 1 1 j r'r 11 , ! I I 1 I 1 r- .''in VOM'MK VII. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAUOMXA. FIUDAY. JANUARY, 7. 1S7,!. Siaste Viies 10 Oats. NUMBER I' 1 I I MhihJ'i nil! I i i aWt-as I maw r 19 a a-- k. niTiitro8i Ur paU-a tW folia-Oiaa Irttela Mfc-al rnnmrtl ia Ibm t -". las ill l.. ... iw af aett. tt will mw tW-l all ka In-mtmI AlUa l...lrrf-.rd ka-.a h.a l U- a rail- m.- n U-wir an4 iau-a-rtty Tir t'tKl lITaKTMr.Xr. I 1miki Arfrr rrr-r-. U..t. iv II. i:itiw. mixciu) r mi. Ttr.vi KT: -ir: A rrrral nrja p-r ia l.aa. a.f I !. TpihaUff It a aiaM fit ..J.tjrr .. rrni.a..MM, -Kiel. l tl c.Hiir-ii Hi l.. rrilh. i rrlrrriKv ! lay r H-r ia lb- Trr.urT lv,rtmrnl li.rrr aa. anj- ,!.- abH-h n-S.vl.t i ay aivr ur., mr riuf Jdrr r ntr;riiv. :Wh-. I am, rj """ imiIU. I 1. 1 Kri ii :nnii:i 1 Ki:-fKY lr.r.UTM:T. I ! r. r tiik r m:r kv, Janiurr 'tli, lTli. ) I:R Ml - I barrvniir imc of lhi nrrtuii.' hi !tir!i aL wlittlirr in rni.wt-iiiMi m li jiur n irii4!in, Thirl Anlilr "f Tri-aurr, i.r in rttrrru-i' yur tt ir- in tin jnf.m-! t . if ilicrr la Iwtii anytUint. cnK'k r-l1- Inl iii any manner iij.ii fiair t!urji trr i.r inlrjrrily. a-l in r W l.jtr ihr i'raiirv ! iin.- ynii (jt l charge Ii4 Ix-n mj.lf aAUKt t-mi in llr. rrxt. arl llut yir rrig mtcn U bvn aTvplovl aitlnni. iKc .lililrt imKil.i! i-:i n yinir iulrjrily t ia I'tScrr. Vrrv rrit i I fully . IS II. r.U.TU. Nv'tv. .1. x I I N lit 1 III l: I f l. Iliirw Aii-IiCoi. l ur.MY fo4.1lwliM:U. Tn rrk llie l' i iaili-t .it. t'itioii the f.rl llijl jiill.oii-li a j- jiivj l.al lluii on ihr r-jf'l f t'ounir t 1'UiniiMiiiiH t tt- inw llie irifrnatMii of Jaiai W i!mi pii, .-t llir tjiuui) had i."tUr:i tilted. V iRk ihtamiiii ! tirj;r on llie ha la nee of Ihr lrd the ere jily of liirir taking ininirlute art it in the mailer, a dn to ll.t m- U e-, lo the t-plr and the material niterrt of llie rtHinty, and to the Republican arty ttiat rlreu-'l lliem. We thought that r Uaddi ued llio mailer u thi it nllr, 4 n. I r re t-ld by air. A. II. Morris nnf ol the IVmmiwH'nf r, thai at the j nel r -u'.ar Hireling i f the I'-Mrd, i n. Ii mx to orrur on Monday the 1 I hit J instant, th.ll he intended to tc ilh ae; Itnuf the other CoDiiuiin- ior mmt enmpelenl ssd hoara He- ) I nblrrait mr name mi'ht It i.fTcrcd, j a he L'.l the odivial blialion that be ! a under t. fill the vacancy. ' There a mertin of the l'ard of 1 I 'umi)iuiB('t4 on the third in-tant, I tn.l when the mailer of balloting for a j uitable peron to till the vacancy i . It. .nxli i up, Mr Mrri arie in j ex , ntcd manner and taled in effect that !e had ln i harped in the Pi4r wilh baring voted for a lVmoerat and gave notice that hereafter he would not vote l..r any white man to fill the vacancy on rl.- l'mrd, that be had beu placed in Li )ii(ioii by the te of negroes, and that he conideretl that it was due ! them that rnr of tbeir color hruld he oelevtol. and that be wou!d how lite lf r tbal all hia votia in the future , , Haleij-h. leide three white schoo's. hi t. le ct lor colored men. j bare hero furoUbed aims from tha ar- Sn after the rrignaii.n -f Mr. f nmjf of whoai have received brrrrA YiUon, Mr. Moirr. appri-aehol a prom- ,trr, ami tne has a battery of artille i.huI white Kepubltvan of lln city and 1 rT " be cidred people can, with more lrl hint if he aeuM allow bis name to U- ued as a mitablc ero fir the ta-snvy. saying that hetMorri) pre fcrred him to any oliier per-on thai b o!d think of or suggest. The gentle man gave n rBiion to his aime, aed Mr. Mortis raid he would rT. r u UAr the Hoard at their racrt ; Ibal hiht He dKl not do it, but, ita n-4Ser ineathcr steadily oted nr a I Vat. s; rat. A we bate l-r Ure said, we hae seri vu .etiiow . Ur. Morris )oing to sit a )Vmsrai n the anl. lie lK' that tberc are lifpublicans sutta-l'- to fill ib -vilion, and if b per M(ral!y sod cspliosjsly refuaew U rote c socli a peraoa, il well lo let it be k wa. We are glad vf sw thieg, b'erer, aad that i that Mr. Morris id hereafter e f" a llepuhbxaa, aal ibal he will no loager cqiett hi the IVatorrala. UUt lUltiaKW bslliard totiraameat tirwrr beat hr&Ua ia a thrrt hall pa of X poiatat Sratosa iorrd piau. Seilon Wat Garalef ia a Imr (sail gaate ia three iaaiag. iarriaf 17 puiat assi average of 17. tai ww-t ia Isvi iaaiags) ran 111. tVske. the llawxariaa tate-sasxa is sWad. A Ueaswkrtr-) a bis4i;es tSottU U addisaaJ' TWB YVIUWI-e-aTOW rvjwr. WilamiajU. X. C AU adrtrrtWeaeata will be charred W abere ra". excey aa feIcw at tract. The sbcriptasm price ta Tub Wil- iBsrrws rvarr WWW pre yNsa Br aiasU est test Ut clab W Isf5 ti tai per cwpr. ' The orcwlatimt mi th-e rr i the Wraat a aar rrrr La s - rsr v . a mm v.s . ... rV-ar U the Urssaa mf Bay prrT La I 'erta Caraliaa. 1 t i.it'iikf i;ir-rat.i a f )mrf. It kl fk.H I tV-r J. IS7-i. . - . l-inoa ar. Ni:-Ur sUrtttM Km been ca!kl , ertarle in Ik WJa.nrta a-. a-or Ino I-a . enuiJevl, --armiag Xnfw-,- wkkk,' Wy iatrr"" Bta4 aiatiaf waat Uai Mraal ,, mmtt m facU, cmUim titau ark il.-Mi2. yMr eorrert lU I 1 t T . . I .1 . u r-.ry Inoj lk rrntn I"1" lb ' The. Jmrl ay: h "Uh'y Ir f rrjn ia tbU city, rkU-oUin ial , . . rfiir4rt ' - . - ' trxrt, t lb anooyaaor and Uiiurb alirr of tlrfHK rilitrna. aa wf II aa the larjrr t..ron,t ,f acro a.iliUry compa- i ..ic. aruiol ami nittippl. .n rrerr IHlblif iKXHn. ifMiucr U to ak III- Uroclen why i il a liberalitT to the K.-r Henry, m. thai tlirre i aurh nr-;r'- in llir Jilribulin f rm, ami u li a -arituoniou npiril manifcleJ lowmli tlir wliii. I there political or any oilier ieuiricance ia the mat'er Wliitr com jani- have organized and I -lisn.lnl lcauc arm could not le l:ainel, and w; Lave aa artillery com pany, organized and uniformed, but bkh cannot pi t any armament from the (iutctoor. Indeed he ay, to we iind-rtfMid, thai he ha already Riven a bitlrry tu one abile company (in Ilal rich), and that the neat battery i tojro i. a n-r companr. And wc further U arn, I hat leading Hi publicans in thi rily n!ii had igncd a petition to the l inrrnr to arm thi company, rUted liim l hi flier and advised a.uniil it. What i-r all Ihi mean. What il-ira all thi mean." I there i to bra military preparation for the Snijin tf l"7" Are ihewhilelo bv denied arm, and are ore of ne ro oinie- Iw Inrni-hol there with There are now nearly or quite a many neru military companira in tbi t it t. a there are white rom panic thriHihoul the limit d North Caroli na, and Governor IlrcpJcn mnt have known thi fart whinl.e profi-wol lo refue givine a battery to the Cae i'ear Artillery of I hi ity iijxhi the ruund of a deirr to distribute arms equally bctnirn the rare. I ir.i I I I i I... .llir I II inrrr iia r cx m"j iiwjaiiii t lb "nigroe'' in the iuc of arm, I am not aware of it, and all the State arms have been iued, throuyb this .f?iee. There ha been no arm issued t a toK.rid company aiucc Governor Itrogdrn took the oath of office as Gov- ernor. ior. Caldwell iaaued one hua drcd Maml e-f aw:rV Inn-.tmj mmtrt to a eulornl company in Wilmington ome time before his death, and lhce are all ibe arm ever iueI to eolo redempa- niea iii Wilatington by the ."Mate. A eoUrrd ii-mpanr in Fayrlleville was furnihed, undtr Gov. Caldwell's ad miairtration. with anuixle loading mua kt ts, and tbee two iu- constiluta the h-t-il for the. entire Mate, lurnUhed to Colored coaipaaie. Sis while eom pariie one in Wilmington, tne in SalM urv, two in Fayettevilte, and two prtpriety, complain cf 'liberality" to the whites, an j "psrsiwoniusnei-. to the colored rootpaaies, if an eqeal divi.-n i cneeded lo l-r ju-t ar.d pri er. The Cotemor, on making a rrqu-i-lion for arm fmnt the general govern arent, under ibe law of 1. , i reuired by act ef iVajresa, of l7tt, Wfore arms will W issued from any I'nited States arartiai. to certify "that ia the organi Aatien and rqairaaent of railiUry cefn pa tic- a ilh such arms, no discrimina tion shall W made Wttrren cteapaaiee ausl orgaauattooa oa account ef raoe cvlor or former ronditioa of servitade." Heoce, I aaaame. (if the JaarwssTs ia former eve reel shoal what the C-over-aor "says") he base hi refusal to allow Ibe Wilmington company to have a a battery of guas, apon the coodilaons he wtxikl W reqaired to certify to, apoa making reaisiuoa. ao.kl d4 that thre art ca hie in my office, atanl 10 aprdicalions froaa dif fcrcat coeapanie Uronghont the State, ft arms, abonl cqtutlry divtded as to cvlor. Wt tW tlorernor is loath to far- nUh w lib araaa aalil asore suiagent aa! xcccwaty rales aJ regwLalaoas are ' enacted k tWir g-avermaet a ad disci- pliae. aasl rrgrets that this policy had ac Wen aJoptcd froea the atarA. 1 will alaatat that 1 hare written thU wiihoat arxrtioa ea aalboritj frssa ike (esvemor, aa aa act ef simple jastxe, as well aa to allay any aprrrWa sion the Jharwefe artkio ic asoag the asrrroaa aa4 timiJ rimscrcy C Ih-t Cb.- Fear rrgV. -j . sloax C. OoBJiAX. , - - fraiMl ttal srf Wen rtM feswt llartrr CITY ITEMS. , , -m9 4 -MMMiam of W. X. C. J. atrt at tW r .t Tn-Ur u . jtmmMrr (W 1th. 1 'r lUr t-mim ta- ' iral Railw-r 'oanpaay, IwU a mrciias j i ,rk "'rlr'UlT lu,Jimurj MV,ummH -y. il d't work I " ai aanla ataia. ! ((. V. Crier, Jr., km ..ro-pteU an i- vital htn I.. i Iirr mi aklrci in IVub ;ck nr n rl-. uljcil "Wtt ' - .c i i-Ki.,.!.' i,.r... - lion. . n "tmT.-CoI. lockery J ! ty wrck looking a if ,,r w rnyj,Smv ut.i ... ..c..u "r Saturday "a train fr hia borne' I Iiichmwiid rounljr. Tbc Colonel ia iu m xpirit, nn) .iy tiir Mat will po Iii publi'-.m llii y- ar by a very large majority. Tik I)irrnniT I"ki r Pet.-, ha.- ac pjired r:(t ceh brily f-r its fund ajf quaint hiitnor, sparklir wit, tdorie, sketchc. chice general literature, che. and puzzle lolunui, new, etc. We have aira.i-ol l tlab Tiik Wli.MIXii tox IN r witii Tiik i'KTi:ir Krfk i. . .1 i i i :n Kl yreai.j imjuuh hut, im .... lake ,u.,.. r. ,.;... . t u.e io pa,r .or 1 : 1 a . r . f-'S kt .ir t'.r rlulo ot lo of e;ieli a- tr. imI iii your i-ulfcriplion. Hlw k Hawk Trihk No. .. The following oiruer he of thi Tribe of bfanl RnJ do,oruinJcdf WM aoweJf Ihe Improvcl order of Kcl Men were . by ,,)C jjgn-c,,, of lbc Coun the priv on Tucxlay night u..-t.,!ll by IVputy of Mo Jkhp(, llHn the Vice Gr.ai l.ieohoi.c Clowe: ) pjlyiierit wf which he paid and v . il. i irrxcn, i ropnei. C. II. tiilbelt, S. S. T. Putts, S. S. II. L. Clowe. J. S. II. A. Price, K.of W. llow.,.i:i n:t.in. -At a meeting of the Howard Keli.-f Kirc I '.ngine Com pany No I, li.M Monday night, the fil lowing ..li.ei rs were eli clcrl for the enning j c:;' : A. Adrian, For. mm, Y. Marl ii. I'.rst A .-.isl.iiil. J. t S. t rdenbutle', S. eond A-islailt. - J ... Madden. IV. sM.-. t. T. !iiloi, Vic- Piea.de r. John Merer, I'r.rrcq onding Sjotr'y. W. J. Ihihiojiiii, l.'ii-orditig Sec'r. ti. II. W. Kunge, Treasurer. Walter Furlong. Engineer. F, W. Icaieaii, Asist.nit Fngineer A. II Morris, the Kepuhlicin County Commissioner, who hv ln-en voting for a .democrat Pxurd of it recent meetings or the "t" ""v .1.1 a-.-.! iaa t n C .lsfaes A aa1 1ara la Ja .tiniv I ommissiont T4. ami who was p.l:i.l i bis support, made a -eeeh t tlo K-st n;cetiiig f the pHiard, iallr lH.Liu ; ;iruUlid and find- in? no wb.'e ieilator ireent.k to the effect that he had ix-rn charged bv ibe I Pusr with voting f-r a democrat. He gave notice that hereafter he would u .t ' M rrvl ih niSbl W4,cb vole f.r any white ..an to 1,1. the rae-an- ma ,f ' r,un,-v liacontinu cr on the Pard; that the nrgroea were ' 'ai:ilr.l i . ihr i.. that ihr- B.ard 1 ; -Jjourncil lo meet Friday night j was mi ler obligation tothein, and that he w u'd show the lVn-r thai no wou.d rote t r black man in llie future. The follow ing Patet t' were is-urcd by the Patent Clli-v to the ctlicnsof North .Carolina, far the ucth ending lWeuiter -I t, I lUle-Tiea and II. Laches. I. I. IVslciihan r r Kernersvt ; nVdN. .. Spinning-Whe i Joim J. Kendall. (rrens.bor.Nigh, lid April it, l7. To enable thrdrieirg-whrel an-l spindle lo W raised or lowered. s- that the op erator may either l iw.l or a at work. Cwltiiators. T. J l-i-e, Pender County; bled tXlober V 17". A ur face-acraper at Ue lard ta a plow-Warn, to operate in advance of the lam'plow, and a hilling-scraper see u red to the land -side. Powers for iVllew Gins. B. Stub, iVaaett tVo Iload. filed IKtoWr 9. l7.Y (SU. tjBrt-B l BAl LitU The in. stallaiioa of the oi&cer ef North suie Lodge No. 22. I.'O. H. B. ti the en wing rear, tok place at ihe Ut regu lar saeetiac. al tW Lodge lUw-aa, Castle HalL TW following is tW IU : S. 11. Fih Mate, Pre-wlewt. w'a.liiaia Vice Presi-tenl. J. Kohas, llecordiag .srvtarr. X. Jacr-bi, FiaaiVal Srfretarj. Svd rar, TrvAsBrrt M. M. Kai. MoaiisH. 11 KarWWrg, .Vs4at Maiioe. J. S era berg. Warden. F. Ley. OaarXaju , II. nrwahihl, F. HWiasacta, Manas , Pear, A. laKl aaJ SWss, Tnas- ' , s r .a. 1 1 lraacee rat laran Tsar i -r CWa-cMt Nllltf lisi. ' . . . -. . - i ' l J. Isatx Baal J. L Mseks tVoea. I I.O.H.F. Tkt WIowIbx ftaUef ' m Tararla alrkt laatalLid u ofi. ; cat LoUj ;LU.u. ' ft tW eMiaff term. Tfc CW- nia were pcrlwmil y I). U. U. W.f ' O. y. Aluffcr, aawuuJ by lat Grand B. j. joat0f j. Yopp, IL 8 Twa- , MMJ, jM MaaaderaJkl Jha C. KacL: Matthew P.Taylor, X. (I. X. Jacobi.V.G. I. G. Go. II. Kcllej. TL 8. P. O. II. Wot. L. Smith, r. P. O. Joha A. Xkbolaoo, Tmuarer. P. O. John Uauftder, W. ; Dcnj. Bell, C. P. G. Waa. Gomlmaa, R. & tN. G. Hm'l llamteiD, L. 8. to N. U. F. V. R Yopp, o. o. I Jno. Kernan, I. O. ' " , Iter. Joseph L. Keen, Chaplaia. I Jaa. II. Hicks; I. 8. 8. V. O. Drown, R. 8. 8. . Jno. CnlTille, R. S. to V. (i. Thoa.'H. 8mih. L.T. toV. U. Fob the Peni?extiary. Sheriff A. V. Horrcll left here Thursday morn ing in charge of five convict, which he is required to take to the tate Peniten tiary to undergo the judgement which Pender Superior Court has inipo-cd upon them f r their aoveral o.Tnces. They were all convicted of ,7rr'Yiy" durinc the recent Term of that Court, t and two of them are sentenced to ten yean in the Penitentiary, one for three ; rear, a ind one for live year. , - f , . I,Iias. iii.ihar itruonuP ioii ft rt I . ..... - . r. i. : . ... ...... .i ik i i .... ,.r 11 , , , ,. I.nrt it in u-jd rliijl lltu.n lii . . ) ,k.:-JinM. wiWH, l.-.i n u 1 lir anuniT "is i t.uh-. wa ilischarged. This clears the jail, so far a Pendei county prisoners arc com-crncd, and .-top the e.vene to the county, as to this item. Cjf xiv Co il M l s s I o N K r s. The I Via rd of County Commissioners met in regular session yesterday at 3 p. ni. ; pre-ent John G. Wagner, Chairman, and Commissioner A. II. Morris, S, VanAmringe and 1. Nisn. Dr. A. K YVright was appointed physician for the caunty jail, he having made tbc lowest bid (11-10, from the 1st dayf Janoary, 187C, to 1st day of January, 1877. s Bill of Sheriff W. A. iVane of Wayue county, to the amount of $16 7o. waa approved. The report of Elijah HeTrlctt, Coun ty Treasurer, for the month of Decem ber, 17,, was read and ordered spread .srr..v.... ... ............ referred to the finance Committee, John Haar and John Myers were granted liUorJieene for the year 176. Kill of A. V. llorrell was laid orer UntiI the c ia qe-tion isdrrn-ee-l of : . i w : r. in the Su pet ior Court. t lock. I, t::osj Iitn.E No. G7, I. tk O. F. I.ire nnmWr of ladies and gentlemen assembled attidd Fellow 'a Hall Wed nesday evening to wilueos the installa tion f the ih-w offi-.-ers of the alove named I dge The exercises were con ducted iiy District D.-rity Grand Matt er G M. Altaner. a-itd'by Iat Grand Master Y"m. L Smith and Jo. 1 Keen, and Past Vice Grand J a rue Fleet, by about the following elective ami appotntne flicrrs w re duly in stalled : J. W. Hjdge. N.G. . IL Fiahhiate, V. G John U Ihtdlrr, U. K J.dia It. Tark-e, P. S. Newton Gilltcan, T. W. J. Pvnnr, W. W. II. Gerken, C. H. J. AnJrrw. U. S. to X. O. S. T. P it. L S. to X O.. Ja. Keadris-k, ChapUia. C. M. Ilsrria, IL to V. J. A. Welch, li. K 8C A. G MtOirt, L.S. s. CM. Ypp, O ti. J. II. lVgh,l. G. After the tw-tallatx. rrrrmmc were roaclisdsrd. Pas. lira ad llaatcr Seailh arade a few resaarks of eaers,! iaterevf. At r-a.Uaeore, Henry U- WartH , i a t ...e i i re caasa a.,v -.""-j j laoa ia IX Wiser, baa laatilaUsl rv-c-J- , , iag c-sate-seiag tW circle al tarav j C. LatrvW. tVa-h-crai- eaasiaiale, a W k.. i--ai taatadiasj la aaVo. TW New IUapahirr Py T.fca dlato Coarrcta .at atrial aMaiUaatod P. C . J t s I I CSTTr.lyMa jaaaai J waa i . i i a . s- 1 i.a .L-. f.i tjnxr..a. a va-a-ai - - -- ; . . a. -r. - n.w.M.. 1 irre iai.n-..vM-i.o.n. m . iataoao rrwSx naaAlcraiJe eff- j ! rIhrtl-i ( CMiciriiiM ITtw rUa1lk The new year IST'I, cone ia with the j rrjoietas of a large portion of oar citi zen over thi great intrutnent of lib erty, that made hundrel4 ami thousands of homes happy under its benificect proTisious. On last Friday evening a large num ber of our colored citizens awemblcd at the Man-bar Office to make arrange meats for the celebration of the great natal day of the colored man of Amer ica. After customary organization, a com mittee of arrangements was appointed and but.inesat once entered into. That staunch friend of civil liberty and hu man right?, Hon. James Heaton, was unanimouly reelected a the orator of the day. Hon. George W. Price waa ap ointed master of ceremonie,and Hon. W. IT. Moore was elected as chief Mar shal, to the satisfaction of a hot-t of friend. A specal committee was appointed to wait upon the Hon. W. P. Canaday and request of him an address at the hour of exercise. All was attended tu in rapid dispatch and the meeting adjourned to await the coming of the new year. Long before day the bells of our city tolled the advent of our centennial J01"' ,K7,;- The cannon's opening roar ww ucarJ. uo . Mt I'triotic, and roud of our iudej talent America. I v . , sl,nli-ht of the first I davoflhe hundredth au'pveryary ofiudc I incidence to American', and of the thir- tcenth anniversary aif ;he freedom and liberty of the lurditud colored people of the south. 11 were merry, and welcomed the lie year. It was ordered th.it the procession should form in front of the City Hall at 12 M. Tlx gallant militia regiment under co:iiiuand of Lieut. Col. Geo. I.. Malleoli, assembled in front of the City Hall, where the various civic societies had gathered,, together with a large concour.se of our citizens iu carriages and on loot. At one o'clock the pro ccssinn moved under command of Chief Marshal, Hon. W H. Moore, in the follon ing order: Clii.f Mar-iii I and Aids, liatul, Wilniinirloti Light Infantry, under com mand oi t'apt. Alex. Samson, Company A, Ki lie Guards, commanded by Captain J. S. W. Kaglcs. Company It, itiilc (iuards, commanded by Capt. Cooper, llrooklvn Zouaves, commanded bv Capt. YV. H. Howe, Cariages containing rator, Master of Ccrtmotiies, Chaplain, Presi dent and others, Differeii Orders of SK-ieties, under di rection of Duncan Holmes, rvw , Citizen lit general, under direction oT F.tias llalsey, Kmj. The line of march was through tke principal ilrcct of our city, when the pnM-eaiou rrtunusl to the City Hall. Here a large ssse-mblage of eople had gathered The military moved at once into the large hall, followed by orders of societies and citizens. The blessiri of Providence was in" vokrd in fereent prayer by the llev. G' D. Janiiw-n, of t'Jiristian Chattel. Hon. Gcrpe W. Priee then rose and in fit tiug atrolie letnstks - kc hi grati tude fir ihr freedom f bis race, at the conclusive of which he read in a clear loud voice that boon of liberty "The Emancipation Pyc!aruation." Amid thought of existing liWrty the orator of the day, lion. Jamc Heaton, was intr -.fduce.!, and greeted by the cheers of a people that always admire him as a speaker and a true patrtr- citizen. Hi oration was i i V v ;hl oi' all of his effort, replete w-th scholar y and en-iha-siastic language, drsplayuig a com ua: i of oratory that would honor any head. May he loi g live toae'rrc a fond and loting -.-tlt. Wc regret not hav ing a copy of his oration f.r publica tion. , The II'nerable YVtn. P. Canaday was iiti i n ri ! lie ia alatva r.uiA . . r , ' liung ia res-v.U.a en iuc ea. , aa apprecaaliag eople; aaJ sard tbal t W eeebralt-o f t Ina grrai day artstei etcry dranf feeling of sariottsaat and wuw'.d ciei BUd ia Lioa aa ealha aatie co-operate-r.. aud a farihful worker. As the round of:apfdaar followed tW clo-se f hi remarks, tW following rrs- uHUa were rra ana nnaaiaoir , rr ad and naaaiasowaly adsjesl . f Ared Thai we aa? giaWaul to AI- i mtfhir taal aof tW irtara of er great i natal isy. tho aaairerwary of thai treat ' dar aa wfiarb. br tW iV-ctaar.sitt.n of I tW icac4-iai Laac-ala, -.eBif banvaa beisa-v cm lad ta lk iawaf- of oar ' . ... . . . . 1 . V I eteeaa eirswc, swan n rum i BIaKia Mwrt frrw fr, i AVW. That ae ha 1 au ckhwi tao f mi e-f" ts;is- rruaersi It ae P-T ajnTWM, "saouea. tsararil.tr. jaYiMOSfr. aaxt tW vawd tsiotna rf or cntry as cl-mrly t aVawoaiatrala! Br too eauatfuaei at IW m - - - mr.:. .- t mmrw ,wmm. w m mm mwj WU n oanr t-irr. ' . ... i TTbBt. WO wwrnXtmlmlmim W ... 1 Dm Vmrnri a Uroraars e tW lralanal raar A- ! terpisv, and totheav are cheerfully ac- jj corded the credit and honor of having inauge rated a spirit of anxiety, concord ' goc-l peplile of our UloTed Camltna. FszrJtv.f Tlmt th ronriiirf f I Inn Jno. A. llrman, Kemiblican (.'onjrre-s- man from this State; is deserving of the: highest appnural of his State, and we; cheerfully accord to himoursincere and hearty indorsement as well as to all others who advocates and sustain the! sentiment, that he who saved his coun try in the hour of peril, should not be deserted in the hour of peace. Retotrrd, That tho Wilmington 7W; in ita able adracacy, of the rights of onr people both civil and political, is: deferring of our highestcommendation and we hereby extend our hearts in-: dorsmcnt to its editor, Hon. Wm. P.: Canaday, whose sterling integrity, un daunted courage and UQComproin-rincj republicanism, hare inrariably placed him in the, front ranks of our party. ' Thus closed tho ceremonies of thii first of January 1S7(J, and long will it be remembered. Industrial Fair Ascuviatiox. f The followinsc awards were made iii lK"partnent "4'' by the Awanling.C nnj mittee, consisting of Messrs. S. Morton, Jas. Clark an 1 the I'rcsidcnt, vi.: : j class rouii. John IL Davis, Now Haiiowr, best spirit cask, premium g"'d r; Henry Sweat Nov.- lliovi r, second best spirit cask, gold premium J 0"; Anthony Peden, New Hanover, bev-t spccimeii samples of rosin cut, premium il koU!: Chas. Walker, specimen of r-.unp'.es of j rrin cut, second bc?t, diploma, David Deal! ct New Hanover, ( in. spirit cask diploma; John J. Y Lite, t '.luinbifw. ' spirit ca.sk, diplom:.; .hAr.i II. Davi 1 New Hanover, one rtfuu i- p.t.i ea-k:, i iliploma; David Wiggins, o! Njl-w J I an- ! over, one bbl. of No. 1 ro-m di-tilied 1ST"), j,"old premium $2 -Vi; I.'.Lu. Sw a:itr, New llairiver, one bbl. No. 1 nitif, J distilled l 7o, gold premium J -i. ; t J'.IUlK M.VM'N ".- V.illilv. i Awarding Committee: Unity II.U, I John Waddcll and Geo. W. Price. r. ! i AWARD- ' j Henry Given, Koman arch briekoi ki, j premium go hi, Geo. W. Price. .Iri, j Now Hanover, bc-i. eollce!i !i or-natucnt!- ! premium; Henry Green, bc-t .-peciuu o j of plastering w.-rk colored i Lp!.)ina; ; Ix-e .V Hooper. New Ham.ver, besjl j specimen ot circle a:..i - jM .rc Dries, . gold pfemiuui. i 1 o-. ME'ilAMt At. t;;iv;;i m!.m. Awarding Comir.ittce.- -M.-s--r. A 1 fresl Ilcngcune-, K :.uU r M. I.rido, Geo YV. 1'iiC, Sr. AWARD.-. Frank P. Willi-to;.. r,,,,,!, ,;.,. gaug plow, diploma; (! . I . '1 . il. Cumberland, held plow, p. i...u.u,; i'.i- gr.m l . barge, t. umot ru tnr-n;-:.t "4 OH, picmiun ; .!.. l.,iwery. N i ! Hanover, carriage, gold pr miarii; .1. Council, Cumbcr.iU'.i, o:;e o v'-y, g-'Ifl prcmiam: G.-o. C. ,-k i.;rk, t 'uuibeiiatid, i cart wheel, gobl prcmiu::i .Ifti .b-ti.-v. Jr., New Han- ver, one a:ivi! premium; A Kellogg, New 1 1.i:; rr, .( t of mechanic, tools, premium: C.ileb Hauey, New Hanover, -. tcl caliper!-. diiloma; J A Hargrav., N .w !l..nuv.;r, steel implement, primiui; ; .1 I' Mi Neil Cumberland. Iih c:. pr.nii:ii gold; liiehard li u-go n, IV.$- n. shin -anchor, diploiu.i; L :i. ."', "...ii, Cumberland elaw i.amuui; .1 p!ctuu; J II Kic'hard.soii, New llnovir. . oUe- tion of tine, r.re am! init.M'.un- ;'tat gold premium, George W :s. ill.. iL l cson, collection of tinna; . uip!.-a-.a. Ibe remain Jer o tin announced l-re-nr-cr. in-ira mi III l 1 i n . How to I lei At 'Z- lK.n'i si .j I U s'-.rie. ;u ht3tS. If Voo have a ria:c ot f usd thrrr !icj it5tsj. No man ran gtt rirh by amund the t-rc anil a! M.tix Neter f ou busj jics na'.i-r- II: also' :z, v .cr4. rvn.: Do not tuesidle otasioc- kno, oC I K tA kkk eert stoae ia vji.. jib. Mutt miirt nn bel e;a-ir iw i.-j, .J by going sieadi'y ti Par aa ViTj - c A ttvan of hio-r rf-;:- U. be d.sr hs lt3 I Help other i! jt r-3. V,; gire wrbat : 1 b-- j; M fa-LacMSkaUlr-. . v . v nappiE j if t d. Ut,.., i- arm:y ami rep;tfay. I w mr c. a btxit, s.'- ixn iVaid oi r. IVara fc Ui -.. Karp sws-a-4 liswrs. raibet iLa.a -.,! At. New York. iuc YtiiS . . .s- , staajso l'5 ia,:.r- - rrsi ; TW i s - -4 ta a jwty, fc-e aja, .wf-re, a U t4 ZrA. rOU ara. - - - - - - - , ,: . ...... i . I . s-TU war ar. t fm mm .t ... t - umm .-r.-- l W-ea sWaiaai-Tte tVrci at:. 'Ut'' tsjaWa-Ti rasaoas.uai eeria,i.e--. NEIVS BUKMARr. V bill taxing church J rvpcrty baa i .InlwclnceJ ia the OhW LegUla- 4 t ure. "if' Harrisou Gram bo, a very prominent-' Philadelphia onUor in real estatU dead. ' f The Plymouth Church ptw rcalfxeu $03,S0-J at the sale to day against 170,-' 1 W0 last year. . " v !' The Madrid lutparctal report that Cardenas lias been offered the mission to the Yitican. An unknown schooner, with noona aboard was run into and capsized near Long Branch. . ; (. Arch Juke IludolphC, Prince Impc rial of Austria,-" will be crowHsd.!hliar of Hungary in July. ...n t " The Maryland Ucuau of Ik legates has organized, wilh L. C. tuillh, -of Washington county, as Speaker. Tho Toronto (Jlvlr has an article urging a more extended extradition treaty with the United States. Judge. Peter (Taiigvoort, of Albany, N. V., is dead. He was a -son of Gen. Giiugv"oirt, of revolutionary lame. The verdict in the libel suit for $10, OOu in the case of Metcal vs. the Bos ton lleral was for plaintiff for one dol lar. A St. Albans U legr.nu says llw boy who claimed to be Cliarliu lioM luu becii lully ideutitkd a Jiiuiuy lilancll- anl. A Cape Henry telegram .-ay the bark Luiiiy lkiiTiubiuo has lloatcd and pro ccciletl lo Norfolk iu tow of a wrecking ta. . J- llamilion, l.ielianisoti & Whitney, dry goods dealers, of I lot. ton, are re ported as failed, with liabilities atnouut ing lo jsJ.Vi.iiM'i. ta- Serious difference.-- bvlwet ii the Kht tic and Mr. Ca.e, ISritlish eomuiis- sioiu-r, heretofore rep-orted, arc con firmed by private advices. At ImMoii, i;iJd!c'i carriage factory . and six teucmeuln uere burned yestcr d.iy los. ?10I0(.H). A man who entered alter tool was burned lo death, The house where the remains el tien. Montgomery were laid out L offered for sale to the . I'niled Males government x uiouiuneut. lor iLic eivciion of j llamou's steam milt ut Lcehurj, j Ivy.,-exploded it-- loikr Monday, kill . ing Andrew and Cbar.'e Hamoti ami .Mr. Driskeli, and I reakiug the leg of . , II anion's lather. J he ope-rulives . ( ibe iiUcLrntori ,. i .YLuss. uitolcii iniii? .truck agatnt a . -Ht n jM-re.ii!. leductioii of wagtaaitd , burned the mau'age-ra baru. They; luitt ; tiin aten in lil. A - I .!' VI. Ul iA.y.A A. ... .T . .100 Vol, iu Our! Agents Wntited for The Library of POHTRY' & S0NU. iiti'i -r fit 'rvo frvtn tUr fTftt - WILLI M Cl'LLEN ARYAN,'. I: tsa.i il, ..!i, iu tit sU la-r u. ',!:.' Ijtr !.lira-r, Ua buM V. to !. br Wotjl.: I.wt saiw UlSiUUHM' -i f tt. MiMmrrlf.tvr tt IbinktUt of ' !!,r n.rri l3r tfctrt fs i realaUyaa. j t)k -x-rioJ Hurlnj wutHi thry wtotr aflat (:- bo aorr4 ljr their l.lrtfc. k. fi..mlJv, ' rifjenl tola tor fftr- h-u-iturxna-t autl ' !ijl ubfrrirtin retatf Ifattt a; iti iiiim-oai aa.a. T.x.n lran t-nj m3f ffTrcUSar J. H. I nr. I A Si. , lfck llaare Vfw Ti-r. i ! 'I'll 11 1 ' Si ilh? 44 1 ON " ' OK THE OKIVERSITT OF NOSlH CAKOUNA y ji t riK.ii. i?r TitfR.fw. icv AhV ih, :ct Tia M-iwa (Imm ar liif a (" feJl at fTeSit;f a4 f-'Aia-.ii, m iii r;vtrt it- W ;a I '.-f en-air r Hr ta MCK'8 nwrr at. - TixiiatSe .ctsf i its t M feaawe, ."TW a f. a tl f ak yanaa ta Jk aalaa m4 '.tt rmti i hStti I mwmwtw0mm j nasi s Verrtafclaw. rTW4 rarnaraw mtml t9m ajl atw ww m IW fstr j . V ItMv'H ' & M WMUiki mk fc BMNl t it mmmIS' a txotxL .t ion T. r.anaa1 n I twaUtaMM ta eaa rt.M M m WW Uma. 1 t,i n.m .' fW r tx V ft t s ir i a mm ill I . II I I .N i H I I ', I " " " " - saiif rwt.-.isa.anawi ha rM,ia 1 tr . f" --- i na n .rria. i

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