HIE WILMINGTON POST. WILMINliTUN.N. C. FRIDAY, rm. 4. 1878. - ( UrkiU RpaUksin. Tie Xew TrUl. Tke recent speeches of Mr. Bayard of Delaware, sod Mr. Tucker, of Vir ginia. srrl from lhe dec"ioa of the r stl 'he amendment of the federal ptitution. They reafinn the doctrine ihil'the ?iat an unqualified , .vvrviffnif, ami that the Union u com puseJ of confederacy of SUU aad is g.4 the of a majority of the peo- i not necr-fttary to examine the original article f agreement, nor to irawple tT K10 scarce quiet fmn the deadly strupf'e which haa trained ii surface. We do not support any ooe claims that a enple are bouod t, abide by He disputed constructions i any other pep1e or period. It night (trn be granted that the Union m a confederacy, but eucu an admU toe would no more stop the people front farming a new and more perfect aioa t&an it did our ancestors from pain from a con We racy into a ITeiuo Tfee question ot a statehooj inde pendent ( the Union ha been settled by the urrewive renuocialiona of the dictrineof nullification Ot the few that betd il, and of ccr;oii by the power- fuJ ir-ni itin which avtertc that riciit- I there a representative man to now claims that under the decision sfthe late peace a Mate can pronounce $fn the validity of a federal law ? there one who can affirm that a Mate the admitted rieht to quit the I'tiHin In what, then. consist the right l lhe.late"? In a simple rijht t.f petition to the c-urtor to Congre. Try thw tjurtin a. we may, it roust rniae back totbLt inexorable obligation. The njrlit of the iatea mutt b decid ed by the whole eople of the Union, richer by legislative r judicial action. i hy thee jeaker should awaken thi oeMion a io exciter our surprise. It can hare but one effect to renew the iiue which it was hoped the war had settled. The speech of Mr. Hill haa been deprecated by the Northern Demo cracy, and the Washington correspon dent of the Chicago Tribune aj that Mr. Tucker denied the nationality of the United tatca. The Northern Democracy could not acknowledge this x their d'M-trine, and ), say the cor rrndent : llolmau (Democrat) wn impelled to rie and denounce this exhibition of Calhounism, and to init that the United Slate i a nation. The North ern Iemtcrat who havw accepted the result of the war. Union men and doughface, stand aha.t at thi exhi bition of Calbounisiu. Tho awault ujon tho Republican party by ihe o!ilical aaaocis'e rf Tweed, because of alleged corruption ia office, U intended to cover the Ha rriot anU;ni.n of principle among tle iVowcracy. It ha. been hoped la Curat wig bod r would carry the wort under that outcry. The steady refutation of that imputation by the Republicans is rapidly relieving them from daojrrr of a surprise. The next campaign i bfjiinnin to be understood anion? the people a a new trial of a tery old Une, which the re tarn in; soldier understood u hue been rltled by the war. How far thuae w ao apcaled to war for a decision of the dispute! conatruc tioa ran justify themselves in attempt- mr to revive thw dispute, we cannot imjcine. The new State of the Uniou are far tore numerous than the old ; they are iu auny in.tancra more powerful ; yet thee Mate value the protective: power of the whole people more than a right of separation which bring a Uo Ih re pooibilitieaof aelf-protection. Nevada m a uu jut aa Carolina i. Nevada rrli upon the protective Pwfr ' f whole American reple. The Carolina doctrine u that the Mate can protect benrlf Mter than the whole people. Event erm to have proved the fallacy of thw lat theorr, and the new State, each raual in abstract and conceded nku, are of opinion that the doctrine J oi Mr. talaoUn neitber conoria wun ho idaa or lhee interval. If, how nif, there be any portion of the peo pi f the United Male who prefer to try the old iu at the ballot-box after it baa been deckled in the field, they have the undoubted right to dicu it. rfce pevponed reduction of the sala ries sf our diplomatic c (Beers ia simply a ssece f infamous demagog iam. The Tr the diploaaatie re peesen ta ll let af (he i-'nitev) Stales art rr peeled Ucasse of the importance of theu urariBrsjt, aad are cooacejweotl ex fected to act the same aa their cotenv paraxiea froaa, other govern ateaU. The ssiane paid to thesa bow axe aoi aafl rieet to support them ia their eflbrts to Vs thia, aad they are coaaeqoeally coaa wlled to draw apoa their private saaaaa. These facta are kaowa to the DrasocratM deaaacogaee ia the Uoeawx, aa welt aa the farther tact that the Beav ate will rrfuje to coacur la the pre pee4 redociioav. They will claiaa, how twr, whew the teaate thae refeae. that they aUteapUU to cat dowa expeaaee sad were petveated froea eo dotag fey the Rerahlicaa majority U the rF Ueaae. This speciowa claim, presewted ia the coeaiag campaiga, will aerre aa politieei catHUl about all of that scarce asaienal that the DeaaecraU will be able to ducjwr. MWA) .lad aww the tpaaih dir Urns tie rep reseaUUvea are hlaadly UUia the va rio coert eCVMitiweaUl Dafrthat the Madrid pvrraaseat will jeet ae oowae tthaa aap iw 1 1 the CariiaU eea4 amfictal feiasWeeaaaata U Oaha U weU Ue rereHtioahwa. Tab sows verr mach Ulelhe Uoaal aadeava 1. peia haa aaa -dal;iyw rvpectiag t ahoLtseax af alaeryeai tho W-d, tho taaaelise af Watai eolrage aa4 other aeatauea of aau rilaard. a axfare a hich hare eh4 Ihara tat aoaxir ahl Jtara, , . Tliw PUtWCkMde Conteat. ' WbeaJI. llarrus of Virgin ia, WM Iktexlclllrmao of iU Coimitt t I3aJona hi waa Jpelily nnioonced that the parpoaw oi the appointment waa to aecur Ooode of the aame Bute In the aeat he occaptee by the moat do bluahlng fraud and usurpation, and to prevent the consideration of the caae of Mr. riatt until the cloae of Ute Forty-Fourth Coogrei. Mr. Hani, we regret to aay, ia giving color to auch aaaertiona by endeavoring to force en the committee the adoption of a rule in coniJeriog the coatfattd election caae by which the caae of Piatt va. Uoode will be the Iaat eonaidered. If thia role la adopted no argument can convince the country that ita purpose la aoylhiog bat to make thi caae the last to be cooaidered. and to enable Good to hold on to a aeat and draw nay to which be baa no right whatever. The Democratic pre) and partv have for yeara denounced fthe Re publican for unfair and partial treatment of I DemocraUo coateeunbjio aeate in Con gress, bat we defy them t ahow one caae ao flagrant aa thia will be ifllarria aucceedalo hi attempt. No Republi can Oo great ever yet made the Demo crats contesting wait until all olhfr caae were beard before taking up a IenYOcrUe caae, Mr. HaU is the on If Republican contesting a seat held by a Democrat, and we submit that no pre cedent can be found in a Republican Coogreat wbicn justiDea Hearing Diteea caae where DemocraLs conteat aeats held by Republican, and putting off the only Republican contesting a aeat held by a Democrat until the Iaat. If Mr. Goode possesses the high sense of nooor ine .oriota pre aacrioe 10 nim, we do not understand hov be can con sent to continue to bold aeet aad draw pay to which he ia not entitled, and be should be aa anxious as Mr. riatt to have this caae decided, and Mr. Harris should be the more anxious for ita speedy settlement, for delay through his action in the oatr case in which ne can be supposed to have a personal in terest will inevitably excite suspicion that be i using the position he jccu pie to advance hi personal cods. I ruJt i ayfo Republican. loeul Telerraph. The bill introduced by Senator Sar gcant "conferring certain privileges upon telegraph companio' provides for tbe establishment of a new postal telegraph system, of which the follow ing the main featuros- Everv postofSce in the Unitep States, situated at any point on any telegraph line, shall also be a telegraph station, at which any telegraph company main taining such linmaT establish and ope rate it instruments. If ia any caae it is apparent that the duties of postmaster and telegraph operator could be filled by one person, the i'oalmaater General may appoint a suitable person for both du ties, and all postmaster shall receive messages for transmission by tele graph, and cause them to be delivered, tbe telegraph company paying to tbe government a postage of one cent on each. Tbe charges lor telegraphing all messages to be received at or delivered from postofficea shsll be fixed by the Postmaster General, but must not ex ceed the following! For ten-word messages, ess than 250 mile, ten cents; for distances between S30 and 300 miles, fifteen cenU; from 500 to 1000 miles, twentv-fire cents, and for all greater distances, fifty cents; the address and signature to be free of charge; and for additional words, the rates to be in like proportion. The bill, however, authoriaes any such telegraph company to maintain other offices in important towns or places "for the receipt, transmission and delivery of messages of an important character," and to charge duties for them higher than the foregoing; provid ed that government business shall have precedence whenever the bead of an executive department so requests, and that it shall be done at the lowest rate fixed by the bill. The government ia to have the right to purchase any line accepting the privileges of tht bill at say time w i thia three Jeers after com mencing opera Hons under it, and at the actual cost, with six per cent interest added. The last section directs the rostmsater General to advertise forth with for proposals, and to award the contract to any responsible party un dertaking to form the telegraphic coo; nations and carvr out the object of the bill for the lowest varm no aciDa I tbe prices above named; tbe contract to be for a term of twenty Jtars, unless the government snail duriar. that period purchase the line. Ilsisftsa iVeo- When Geo. Joseph K. Johastoa told Jefferson Davis at Greensboro, ia 163, that tbe straggle hopeleea, and, that it waa best foe the country that terms, ef peace should he aaade, the arch-traitor opposed any propoaiUoa for peace aalawait pvovkisd tor his owa aafcty. Ue was wfllUf that every ill lege aad has lei ia the land should be Uid waste, aau, that the wives aad child ran of tho poor conscript soldier shoe Id perish with hanger, rather thaa that he aad hie so-called Cabinet should riak atrial for treeeoa. Thje Is the aaaawhoea Joa Davie, Waddeil, Vance aad ether Deaaotratk Ooognm aaaa are trvlar to have agala jeade eligible for a seat la the Vailed BUtee Seaata. Thlak of it. ye poor, eHrtOed begrared, ex-Ooa Iterate eoMwra, thJaK af at) isv . f Whoa therVoefliosr broke ot a Cap? taia of Polka at the Capitol balUIaf deserted hie post aad wtat to Ight U the) raaha of treason. Ha waa a aaUre ar Virgiala, aad arrUted frosa that State, The Deasocrslk eoailrol ef the Hoae of Reiraatatirea beings tats Tautae Acaal uto the pablie service agala. The exOsafrderate lWWefer aauhiaa so a teMssahUKsitsaa 2im he hail. frosa .Caliloraia. fcavta naania aw 8tau aoosi aner tae asuniusT a aJedaracT, Altec this apT wao will doaht the letw at Dssa- Uadsc the aw ceamUa tlaa af Texas, alaaaa iwty aaay i salsa a eerdkt. Thia will Vssaasi the cxMawsa aCaeawsa- ) JtJSCZLLA XKO Uf. BEAlTOtt 'PARLOR ORGANS. f.LWJART STYLES. wtai Valuable Im- pr.irroirai. rew ana baitirnl8oio Mop. OVXR ON& THOl'HAND OnioUIM4 atusieians I odors thwOrnnund reeom jneoa mem aa HTKIUrLY KIR8T tow, nrriuiuni ana aaraoiuty. W rantd foe six Tears. . t Moe daeravat avad Lavteai Xaa pro-rod. Itav been awarded tbe MIUHEST PRO iiM3 ia cempeuuon with other for Simplicity, Durability. Promptness PIAXO LIKE ACTIOX. rare, aweet. and erenly balanced ton. ueci. ua instacttaaeoas acct which mmj bn bad lo th read. Send foe prtc lUt. Address. DANIEL F BE ATT Y, Washington, New Jersey, USA NEW ARRIVALS Thin Week. WACCAMAW . CATK FKLKU .KAH ! BEATEM-ttICK: HAMS, SIDEi?. SHOULDERS, (Dry Salted and Smoked.) English and Scotch Ales, COFFEES of all kind at reduced Prices, FWII, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET tKJAFS, Fine Tale at' Common SOAPS, Twenty differ ent kinds of TONIC 1 J ITT. li.S, Cigars, Tobacco, Kflrosena Oil, Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH llUNDKEtWOKorilKKAItTICLE or CJroccrir af IVIiolaale. CASH or chise buyiuir, customer can he suited always, with Good Good at Lowest Market Prices. ADRIAN A VOLLERS. jan 8-1 r BEiiTlf 1 I A N O. Grind, Square tad Upright, Kroos Rants SHoyder. o. ihs Arm of Kny- T ; "rYi f? .m. maauaseisrvrs, i m puors i aa. 1 mat poqfs I aanllT know how la ei praa ray aratiaeatkw oo rvoetvlag to a 1 1,7 Pi.o you shlppad to m. It Iaat list all t oo hi ash. wUh ne ssprt. On as war most ssalaeal maslelan Utd it and spaa In lb most favorable Istms, after tsomwgbly lestlag 11." aat oAr Tr eisva. atwt7 rvnaadsd sow mara ot P so, aad rrtoa-htcharg faid by aa(Iaall K. Ilraltjibota ways If sll aAkrlory , iire a tt trial of ar days. FVaao warraatsd for six years. Address, DAJE F. liEAri'V. Washington, New Jersey, USA BRICK AT REDUCED ?RICE3, HATHI8 & COU, once f..t if Onixe ll PUIOE 87 OO & 88 OO PER TIIDUSAND. v Delivered to order at II per tloaaaad Jeb&u-tt BEATTYJSiS QEST TM TJaX, DANIEL F BEATTY, iVashiagtoa, New Jersey, USA ISO TO a UJUw eefMsCm aisiai la tb mU. Ntasi aaraaata aew M.istwH" assd s wtta bia ryr Swaard ta aUMstlwawsas isvsaa Ssaasas ta waaay isaib. raru la tba awaaa bas ta laass S U iiwll ssaa tao I mi at seesesaalty aa iTruv.T qj t f RAIL JlCLlDSy .TIME-TABLE WE3TEKN N. , C. RAlLiBOAD Take effect on and after Monday, De cember 27, 1875. G0IN3 WEST. sraTiovs. aaaiva. lkatr. Ballsbary 5 00 a.m. Third Cracks. 5 &t a. m. 02 BtaUavW M " 7 10 " Plott's - T W - T 41 Catawba BtaUoa- SOT S 10 Newton 11(1 . 9 on Canova . t Z3 " t M Hickory IM " 10 ok Ieard 10 ' 10 St " storganlon 11 Xt M 11 44 Krldre water 11 27 p. m. 12 X! p. in. Marlon 1 13 - 1 17 " Old Fort fW GOING EAST. STATJOX. . ABSUVB. LSVAVE. Hallsbary 4 p. m. v. tn. Third Creak a 4 - .1 M PtatesTlll I 41 S 01 PloU'a . a is - 2 11 Oalawba Btation 1 41 - 1 44 Newton 12 41 " 1J 4 " Oanova 12 21 " 12 2b Hickory 11 4.1 a. m. II St a. m. Ieard 10 IS " 10 Si Morcanton t .VI HIM " Biida-ewater " 9U Mai Ion 8 21 " 8 2U Old Kort- . .. 7 40 Malons. Trains naaa at I CARD. 1 the nn train Is bablod time, down train will wait thlrty minoi. sua proceeu, running tnirty mm at balilnd time, till up train Is met and If down train Is behind lime, up train will wait ons hour and than proceed, run ning oo hour behind Ita tluie. till down train Is passed. If both trains are behind time, the train bound East will navetba right to the road Indefinitely, as against tram bound Went; and train bonud west will II otl till train bound east paste or is heard Irotn. Joins West Breakfast at UUtesvllIe, at Oi a. m. Going nt. East Uluner at 8lteville nt 2;ll, For olher rules and regulations, tee lime table No. 22. W.8. PE1130N, Master of Transportation. dee .11 if A.. T. & 0. R. It. HLTHItl X 1 K S I F. XT'K O KK H :F. Chsi lotto, N.C., June :lKb, WV. On and stter Krldsy July 2nd, Ihe follow ing Hrlie lule will be oer,tel over this roaxl: UlltXtl NtlRTH. Leave Charlotte Leave IXtTldsou Cliet Arrive atHUIesvMl tiOIXU HOL'TII. : A. M. .0 A. . 8 SV A. M M. Leaves tatesv hie Leave Itavidson t'ollege.. Arrive at Charlotte .11 :i A. . i c r. . 2 : 1". M. M. M. CI os eonaecllon iftad at Hlalesvillv with trains on W. N, C. II. 11., golnx uolh Ki5l and West. Tickets on sal to Ashevllle, Marlou, Mora-auto n aad Hickory Htallon. , 4.J. tiORMI.KY, sep 10 If superintendent. pions'i sT.vn mm Any rson wishing lo pnrebae u arkT atra Uir la aoant loc ui --imr. would do well to write fur special rate, to lotrodae this Instrwsaent. Aldreut l.l WAHD Prxro. Wssblnston, N J July PKOSPECTUS! OV Naiurdar, th StU dy Joury. lrH, in ur dermic lard will em liivttc thep Mleatlow of tb Pythian thv Th tH will bath orxsn of (lie Knlahls of l ! la Ibis Ktste. tb United Mates and lb world at larf. Wbiiviw Pytlhka Ibo wi IbepubilUied la tbinleeetor lb stmabis of Pythl.tt will ever bnrlnmlnil th Ihre lireat l r dlnal Prlaetp whk-h unit ua Sriead ahlsk, Clvsrtly and IteneTnieoa. KasateeiBa this, the eolaaiaa the bo win v b opa tn Uuyolet clUs. Tb I. U a O. K. M. aad lh K, a A.sf. will eh bar aswae tbroach wbtcb tby will b beard. Tb object of lb Kcbs will b to f it tbe ltt lalortuatloa oslssd at tb boor of going lopreaa,osi ail tofnea eaoart4 with lh Order at bmu aad aarua a. It wllialna to beeoru l a -ataat eosaiwabwi .r vvry Urotbr la tb tatad:!! will alaq aisa tbeouaa eareraf lrtos rsosa Ua bt wrtUr. to beosn aa aarsabl Ttsluir. worthy tiiSd aad row. saline la tb assail l or lbs taUra Itroar bood vr srtla( Us bt laiaresta, la all it deaartsaeaia. taadiag lotas faral wal of ta Orde, lU t;ltvwt asaUuoa will b to beooca worthy, Utroacb Ua wrula. ot t rood will aad palroctag ot all abva. Tb Pytaiaa Eobo will be published svery flalsrrlsj- at tl swe aaaass. Adsartisi suU seiteiiad aad lasartatf at low rates. 0 EKK EN d M ACX'M Rt. da 17 U. aatitors sad I'rofvtaiora. o TO A LXCa'it a4 haoa at Ua c wail Villi ARX. Ja4 ra lv4 saavn U D. L.jKUSSELU Atlornov at , U lrTJ. G TO. V. 4a U TO ALXJUra AND JQKl CEp1CaitAL STAR . L. FEXHOXT. I I a.-.w.- - 1 - rH sT.aTTVJL ' Z?'KuwTto j rs aawTaMac aae sa rsK ata aa I a Xmm atnal HStWeaajatetaaa iF-dsa ca caaaea. I SZim RAIL 110 ADS. G JCN. AUrXHIfsTatMDKNl'tf OEflCX UiInin-(on. Colnabia L An- ffiista R. R. Conpany. Wum inton, N. C. Dec 15), 1875. CUANUE OF SCHEDULE. fH and after Sunday. Dec 19th, the fol KJ lowing scbednle will be run on this read: NIGHT EXPRESS AND PASSENGER TKA1N, (daily) Leate Wilmington . ....fi.25P. M Leave Florence. .... 1.55 A. X Arrive at Colombia.... 4.15 A- M 9 00 A. M 4.15 P. M . U5 P. M .... 1.S5 A. t Arrive at Anrusta Leave Augusta Leave Columbia Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington.. ..7.10 A. M Passenger going West beyond Colombia lako thia train, leaving Wilmington at 0.33. p. m. Day Paaaenger Tiain Diilv (except 8nnday.) Leave Wilmington Arrive at Florence.... Leave Florence Arrive a'- Wilmington. ..8.(0A. M .. 1.40 P.M. . 1.50 P. M. ..7.05 P. M. Connects at Florence with N. E. trail j for Charleston. Parlor Carson t.i. traiu btlwt-3 i Wil mington aad Charleston. Through Freight Train Daily (except Sundays.) Leave Witmirgtoo . . . I.S0 P. .. 100 A. ..10 00 A. ...4.S0P. . . .4.00 A ...2.45 P. M M M M M M Arrive at Floreoee Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia Leave Florence Arrive at Wilmington yOcal Freight Train, leave Wllmlnvton Tues days. Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:20 A. M., and arrive at Wilmington Monday Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:"W P. M. Passenirers lor Charleston. Columbia and Augusta and beyond, should, take Night .express irain irom iimmgion. Through Bleeping Carson nUbt trains for Charlebton acd Acgnsta; JAMBS ANDKK80N, dec 1 y tf tien. Superintendent. Wllalnsrfon & Weldon R. R. (irapany I-.agiLgM OlUl'K (.tS tKALSlH Wlluilnf.ou. N. KKIKTKNUKNT, CHANGS OF SCHEDULE. Ou and aftrr Dec. VJth, Psaoenirer Trains on tbe w. a: w. KsiiroaC will i uu aa lollows: MAIL TKA1N. Leave Ubion Ueot, di)y, days excepted, at arrive at (ioldtboro at Af rive at Kocky Mount at.. 8un- 7;35 A. M 14:S0 A. M l.SS P. M :40 P. M 10:05 A. M Arrive at Wtldon at Leave W Idon dai ly a . . . . Arrive at Kocky Mount at 11:50 A. M Arrive at "oldsboro st 1:S5 P. M Arrire st Union lie pot st.. .0:05 P. M EXPRE 8 AND T1IK0UG1J FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Ui.lon Dejct dsl!y st 7:30 P. M Arrive at tioldsboro at 1:30 A. M Arrive at Kocky Mount at 4:34 A. M Arrive at Weldon at 7:15 A. M Leave Wtldon daily, at 7.00 P. M Arrive at Rocky Mount at t:57 P. M Arrive at Ooldaboro at 1 35 A. M Arrive st Union iepot at 7; SO A. M Mail Triiu make close connection at Weldon lor all point North via Bay Line and all rail routea. Psr'or Can run ou Ibis train between Wllmingtou snd Portsmouth. i-T Eiprcs Train rcnncta only with Acquis Crick ronU. Pullmtn a Palace Sleeping Car on this Ira n. Frcig' t trains sill leave Wllmlsgton trl week I j st 5uu A. M. and arrive st 1.40 P.. John r. divine, Grnsral Ssp'U d.C il tl Oitfoliuti witv Centrul Kail Coiiijanv. PI'PKRI NTKNIKNTi oVKK K Wiuiim,hin, N. C- Ih-c. 1, CRAMaE OF NCHEDILE. i ON aXll AFTER DEC. 19T1I. IS75. tb Traiw will be ra. eter Uis Kail wsjs lollows; PA5SENGER AND MAIL TRAINS -DAILT-fflaaasp &stcd 1 Laave Wllsstacta a 7 eo A. M Arriv la atUsslSflaa Tt9 P. M FaST FE EIGHT ASD PAS4K5GEJL. TaAiNS DA1LT. Laav wTUsaiacto at ....sear. M ....tase a. M Arrive at1 CWaevts wtta tb A a a at Ustls CVa-ttt st tlir. wL aad . r. M Cae-rtt at lib WTTusff CaNwtiaa bit P. M. a Ailasda aaWd, aad 1 kSS A ta. at. tT- Ta S4 t Wsars, . aiTK aataUe NEW AD YER TISEMEXTS. aROOERIES WE ARE RETilLICii T1I15 CQOIUEST FAMILY GROCERIES Vv liolesciJe Fxdees, The large increase iu our retail sales WHOLESALE PRICES. GOOD IMrEKIAL, TEAS, 50 CTS. WINES AND LIQUORS, Finest grades imported XtM FAX WG HAMS AND SHUULDEI, BE EE TONGUES AT 81.00 ONLY. FIFTY CASKS BASS' IMPORTED ALE At $15 00 1Cr C;uk ui eight dozen. JLAGEK BEER PI.1T f.l'Z QU.111T8. THE CHOICEST "LINK OF FOREUiN AID DOMESTIC CRACKERS, , BEST Bl TTEK IN THE WOULD. COOK1NO 1JUTTER The Universal Cuiiijk;.iiiJ Hitter has hi the TRY IT.' THY II ECONOMY. The ?H'!l"-.djuiiiijj St rulli r i ! .ui ATMOKE MINCE M E vT A N 1 lENtJ LIH1 I'LCM CIDER on draulit. Table .January 21 It NOTICE. Carolina Central Pieiilway. . 1 tsrucral FrriRhl Dr part metal. i 'I'llK ATTKNTi'-N nt THI. I'1'IU.H i irji Uull j iuUcd U the iat ll.l tl.n 1 aa tVuUaU rsllwsy "in rimlt-ld d fuliy euulppe.1 hit b'ustar. in w tlb II eonnerlionsat Wlluilucloo. lih vis 'iitrt Iraoirr litiraud via H 4dua sad -tartni.u. to UalUraore, ihlldet'ha. New York. l-tu t J iTv tdrtw. uaeaalrd Im-UH) u. business shlpmcnla frv.ni Wilmington and. ail EaiBtern Citiou, TO CHARLOTTE, STATES VILLE, SHELBY, Kutlierfordloa, Akrillr, Grffarlllf, Sfarli8lrar?f aad all loto tbe Atlsotie. Ta "bta. Allaata sad ttUbaoued Air Ua. .Vi.. (-aroitaa aAd WesWra ortn taroila Itallroads. sa well as all pate t a tn Uwnraiaaad A- rmo Kastevw c.t riirrd trasr rh.tn, ul KjTM ai m" i urn. iaw imj Kih..ii pnats rsrtbd aswa rpllcUi ta tb aSi(td, SW la Ub at w iiaav unB(. aavti U WANTED. a iKNTs MALa. IM 1 -M.V,t. T j a, a! Pvtarm. rwr br - i I aad rUl by cts s.iata as ssaat aaar aoy a Uaa If w ua a t7jsa Saras, allwbsd. Towv Pwtattw f 'as reybdy.F " 4 -' swiswd tb a ywa sead. aad awd 14 ta day- Walf snA4 lb trM as Sv aa 'b-t ff-f Gad k ; rW) yaa eaWIdl Ia rarke t ar-xa eW rr4 hf a la4y aa TWO WEEKS. ' till s.1i.. waned i NEW AD TEE TISEMEXTS. IN 59 induces us to give tbe Consumer all th advantages of :o: OOLONG AND MIXED PER POUND. :o:- at unprecedented low prices, HUOUE MACKEIlEl.. A good bargaiu uiarkef. fur tbe lineal Alu in the at 20 cents per pound. gladdeued over mic It u lulled ptfo w t'.Ji past tnuiilli. IT. TJIY t l GEO. MVK1W. antl i:t From Htrvrt. dries and tak w up the nler. -IVti'l lull rriun.MJ. mv i:i;r .Sherry w jr doecti, at GEO. MYERS' 11 and i FRONT hT REET WILMINGTON, MARCH 31T, l7:, ma Xb teaial r. a . cuttuc.(caetai r 300 Vol. InOnr! j A feat WaateJ it Tb Ubraryt.f POKTHY SOXti Ikim CXmt ft fwk fjar fU, Emffkt KasVas va mmf ' Ammemm WILUAM tXLLCN IfcYA.Vr. w"" s a aa ta . tumu a We S3tary. sai;a ara a aj iMfl eaw) wuaA. W5ti b wewka4 ra bfpfaacw twu, a Tb ns t ., in. ai sea. tssd! swa. Haa wsvawtt I- ft. rM a .' ra iaHr ts-.- iBEATfn lUXtr WUTTY. WaJbctv Xra Javwrf, CSJl I UwamCa iaa "'r"" - tt-t aaajat twsft f