T3. tar dit a sot O III II ('.YAtlJLKAJ I -A I'll ,,;j'-' -T''' Jj'' L'i'l vv '. f i .YJOI&AUaT. V :dJ I an lf jrctr ; ; fli -rLfM $ JVl,T MW .,a. i W a . , '' " - - -W- 1 .... 1 1 tl l.ti ! I .aw-' i s---w "-bw. i aw-" w . m m 'bairi J i . i i i -4 -M L. .LSfTL ...... : aw. - - m 1 w u m m VOLUME VII. PKS0CR1TIC CORRUPTION ! t.VATK MATT. W. KANSD.M, Ur I'aiJ frr bi .Vit ii iHr vriilr ! ! mt' liZiihratir. ah invwnuATiuN ukmanheu: A NO I HER D1SGIUULD NORTH CAROMNIAN. StXDKUR FKRSJ)Ni AND I'AFKUS . A WOMAN IN THE QUESTION. M. W. RANSOM THK HH1REP. Z. B. VANC2 THK 1IR1BEK. M i be .ixi ul the mrsl Am.-im-tt wf Nwftb larulin in li'. et-tJor. .. K Vance cleitrd l thr l'nilrl -cU ".nlc. t- u.rinl 'o eli i". MIU 31 r. iuc nmt at thai time Ut"jnn utvlcr olitical Jibililit-. thicb aaa known to the lx'Ulturt -hkh elected him. Keo.utkn were inUedueed tuu07 i CiMiRfCii by the ' DennxraU to reaioe Mr. Vance'adwa-. bdilie. t'win. Iiowetcr, to thara J .-..L- lUl Vim LIU I iotrrxir tif North Carulioa durioz the war. bad i cmlW ioaltratel Uniuii men in the i Mlm Mil nt lliSllt I hi nolu. ' i . kua; fire. .11 tke ieteAi..ii f the Ji'lalure the coaU'rbii wa "Hen can- ! upKi by the Icmocrat. 3lanv plaa were prvi-ied fir the !uliuu uf Ilie kittHtv oiKliow. bnl i.oiic loile-l till '. Matt. V. ICan-om ram Torwanl ilk hi chettte. Hi Tpr.ition was I that, a il Keeaiol pn.babU tLat Mr. 1 Vime'i diaabiliticJ woulu iwl Iwj rc- moved, thai he ht-l r i-n, aifl that i : l l ... I iuaoi nimren mii,i i nv m , 411 i L. . . . ' Ii. m ... I 1. 2 . " . M V - . " . " IikikI at Rrt rerid. Mr. Iw.ii.ni then wade a n.euiary iWler to ViiHf, ' hivb tbe Ultcr ilod with. The uer W4tb: Mr. Ianui n ! the -ubi if two I Wouatl hie liwmlrel lol la lu Mr. Vance, wIhi wa l wl in Uis nsinaliow, the ij'ko a then fMMinaf Ir. Kato"a, and a the dui .ral had a larg? ! "I. r- Mr. Kau u cln.tr I anil W "W weupir 1 1 Senatorial rat. lkec fact can be Mib-tanlMted A "4jaUtul cvwaaillea a liarr thet vi ilmf wheaever deasamlcd. Idevliou a ltd eiber fraud have beeo m-r; in W aurwlKMi of tho tuuHtiv until it is f rvird alatwt to iadiH. Kul none have -rtiliali tarry with ibeas aoee jljring riencei of a or mpt per pet rated Wr-Md cvar-f. T-ra ess ksi drew avXhlar Treaavrx, IW a petty fdace a satlcr, tad a jaa bvrUof lasligaalio has for tver WHed aiat ia -olitkal aad, per hapa. peraoaval rata. Os. Ue ailaer aide at a aa CJt-iavcawrl aoad a SatAior aavd cs-lwi-pdlcr ileateral seiliajr aaj bay ief esse of la-s taowl eiattcd wraitKsn i tbe L'aUed i?utc. it dcsaaasit rroatp r,M-c"s ! j e call p Ike rTcr ewatonal at . a a a. V a "" r""""""" Jot asatxsiK' Extutrttota The JWra4 yesterday aaaraiag t-walaiaed a tetesaat 4ate4 at tTaiUtUh tYesa the frd-rwhtaUe CWsaaader aTthakft wicx JoaaW arary. Wirsi U Is iiawW- that thasw k sas eraa4 eAci tAteUlwaaw Ue kasataadrT elVa 1A alar waa la takt city la waake tvicsA faUewlsrc tW day the dalae tadjaratcsi, taarargy a eau U catrnwx sa law fwWic U iVe aaaUat a aewa S1 W rT7 Mrgi. taaa mi-, .-s.cn a ira.H, . - I rlcct a Central lu publkau Cooocilfor, ... , . . and .ub-4antial bri.kc. but lansl-caf-o .a r- t f I Tr- IffU at IU mW It .- I '.a T ' I " i ,. .. cxevatory a-d u.,sr ' - " " I th countv-aud tbe follow in-r are the I . 7 . ! artist don t rrr-h .bre iu, sketch it. . i .. . 1 1 PIMttllurai rxuiiaiii vi nawiiiii, - ..Ll ll.at Ilia llialorian Wi,l.lril hi. I , C-tWiraC. WMW I-sit iu ani . --. - .l .1 IJ V'mlnrirlr - braulus tor it III tlclritlaf. ... . .... . . ..- I anal a rrmili! thai bid Impcb ut ias laete i ti1"" mrK " , t : ,i . : ' ii euaapu.ai ar itaianevltaiciy out ot cotiri. , . ' , i v--v.a if p,.r-.ii "w-r."'. i - - UUaUra -.11 kaow. that lh u !?T " KeuvUl"' Washi.gto. in a farce exdeU -Inside r. PttflliK , luv.Thl- i. -.. I1 ir, hatred dolUr ,aid by " ber the .tor, a. true or Uh we j 1 1?7 U Vfe w' lhc Uh 1 Wa", day iu the moaning, .ml the a .... i ili, iot care to i ivi a i re. but we have this " aic iioj-ii aiaavwiia. . m. ;,i...i. i,a , i i .: i-i ia la aBKcwa w eiao nvai ... .a. i .1. ........ I.l.a.! irork- J W I'.rstwn "-- .. .--".j- i vm ii ui owu - vc nm-t.. uvm.; tK -rsl rs. rcrhcsJ rlar. aaJ I UJ W Ihw TrUr. tlt if U cxpcs:U .Iwrani,,. Tl.e IlibernUu .Hencvolcnt " . .... ... . ' .1 ll,aJ. In milit Ml. ll krf U MI- ll"" "' ' '- o',v,,n v.- , . . j. , .. i . leeaUy Iroaat l.e LaileM ZHaics , . . . j w.T'-.-.. hii.-. J..d 5--- ------. --'- I ---- I .aaocia;su i.i cc ioraic k m; vj wsry. Air. Iklkaap took ti,Oxsi j If by slwita-: -P U.-gracen- ai-1 ja. "T.,- llt-' t. .sl' I Os lUlliuKKe sua. the eight kuadrtd j ltrwl pare an.1 appro,rUtc religion. a ia-TKlaai tao waa oacarc, I -- - . V . . . i . .. ,im ;,v iwv .-,., t uoiiara oe uavv.-'" 'or ni tyj-,- cr,K-e) a: inoaias vaurcu, ana a . . . a a . a I aT.a a a-a ra w fKaa a A aafllMH laaaT IkU T aaSa BT- 1XS vra- -- a - - - -- - a I . aVem 7 . a" a : a . . a ft I f rV. it. VuLta.l I rtajr at fcw, aau u tot unoz w waua- I r.tarravaa who fou-bt tliat tier and I ..... 1! ' .t. 1I..M i-. thr- .xra. TIIll LtV 1IAX11 nUIKtf TIOX. Hit irM'It mI i In- v4im 'n'tr lal 'I ur rctf stiilirant tf I'aratncly uiKKdutlrnil by ImvmI , Ii.km. llx-w tanmT iwtinci nr nl cltinRt in ihe mnn r in wliivh ut arravol ittlf -llic one ( Urillirjii I in MnJit lH ul UC Mjlional licy xiniT Lincoln' election, i a ii-1 lite i-tlir f Drtnucralict in Iircct i f-iti-iu it. Mn-", tlic I)cnim;rat-j ic i-itixlitUtr Ff (ivvcrmir, aiull, .lvr..i iitc-n.-.l. Unci -latk.n Uvc- I rv lH-iiH-rit. lit- j in Coiigrcs : iltirni' the war ;ml iiiiifurmlr ftlel with the lwtnKli'iii-t.-. Hw reivrd in j that hily w.t uurai) in aainit all uuaurt. lending I" oprea the rebel- . : lion, that uobudr dupulcd it, oeillier Initio If. 11m immrdiatc MiiMjilcr were 'f the -nine !tn, and whenhc wal ii'.miiMtol it nat known that the 4tlitlt-I lu-l 1---ii thnmii down. t n j the (her h.iifl tlic lir"i'lu n t audi- , Ijlr. ftoTeiiiur th in-y. w .i- entirely i the opuilt . lit wj an ilhrer in llic ; .tiniT lirin Ihr w.ir, ihI Iij1 never ' watered in it it dctutiun to hi eunntrjr and to il- y mim c I m.I, a. w a In -fore, t here nj no rnal i-ue at all in Iim nitu-, Iipmh?" IcmIi an liLtlt nirr.-f iiiiinat liable land ing in thtir ii rMul ri hit h . I hi : toU ay to iLv fimlry -'"We dun't like I'-en. 1 1 i!l' anl Tu nilV iciche? ' nor -IttT. I4ri' h ltn; we don I like tne -reeiit attitude rl the Nih-rn c reUN; wc ud by the men and Kartywhiih .lil.lfjid ;m. -.lied the t'nivn: c will bcrcalu i trul the fri. ndi id the onmtry in firlervme to ' lt elirmu ill the vMiih vir "ive ear to the i ii.-iiUhlr.' fan thrr atford to tnllc fur the i 'Ihi- r-iill in In itb-1.' 'I'hi- rnll in New llamj 'bir-: unrbl In llir rye nf tlie t uthcrn I ino-f at-. 1 hr north know. ihi i.Hiditnn ! -otitbcui -rnlimiiit. uola ith-t tii-ln.- lb- aleiiil I mI.-, , ire tbewi, and tin- i- tin ir verdn I. When ; llifr can k nl ami lionet jciei l- j nice vl the ic ull !" the war mi tUe , part id the e-ril-! the north will; 1 . II. I !. ....... lil Tlii.' jutui ji-i .ihii'h-i ...-j a- I i..tt .iiiiibln' :iiiil ifaititalil' . . - - " . . - ....... ..... reu.liat ion il tlue.hi value anl Chri- ( ti.ui amn- ntent in whieh the !nithern to. hue lat-lv in ln!-el. neh a ku klntin. ih'.ti wliipinn, niiu MMirdirnij:. "Wliil League" rilclliun. ; "Whit I. 1. ii-iw -laiilurrin-; , anl all the mrl di viltry wlikb Iu! beu ; caiiird in in the uih b lliiv who Imn l vil l atned viLuU A iTO'i.t f n a . .. w.a.a. ale . ll i. M 11 1 It Mm Haltimore Hirii Lirui-he a Ur-c proprlio of the HaHovdlc on whnb many liightotiol, moral iH-w,. I'! - " Ol UR" aVUth SI led. M C MO- ... . . .. tU- I hat a it i Lam Iillle la k ales I TV.-i V.- eunlruurarv draw .everal column iworr or !-- every day Uoui ued c saall proceed to give Ue seue- , olocy ol.uua.bcr of csdortvl citicus - . - - . ... t r : .la-.i tiiaiJr Air-1 the citiitrn t-mt-cvUokl to aftel h lurn-M rtrr thaM imlrl. f thrs city. lc l-oat of whom .tote , . j, the Ir-W-o- U"MCS oaua J ahoukJ be . ceatoea were aad are aow of the WsM cotiic ' rabU s-wt of whoe drasovraU. t Better avt fVght oa Oai Uae. j .amLani, trmif Ym aaaay wikl 1 awiaaa ; C.lalaliS . .. . CXMllU35JLaaWADUk;LU J vf ! to its , Whether tha Desaocralk Hoop J?rMUlir9 wUl naU order la iwl lai. sirlasMaa ra Bab art freea nistl thla sirtaoaa raaabarr frr-at its body er aos, wa rewtare the aeuo that the cipoaare of his cuodaci thai ha, brew saade la tha Bust will Ccfrat kLsa frosa ever briaj ektcted ta Ca Srras agaia, aaJ althowgh the FaTett viila feOr, has liaJ aa4 fatteriag srvnU for hiss, wa are aetlrU4 by a (Vkwd he pCtt to Ut owe headrrd dol lara thai 1 CaWl YsakUU wiUak-e tho i-rlax biiIiii as the IVsaecratk arty foe re-akctisai ta CWcraaa, a4 ha win Wt atheff headrtd ddllan that if he la m aoiieitrd, he wul awt be ebc w . . . lc4. Sre hUe, It ." Y P WILMINGTON, NOltTH -CAROLINA; jtfBWA J UJIKUK. TKLL lit UUKRK I m:ixy vvn i;i:n iiu.i. amm HHI.UU?::: liAJCK UJM XIIUITIM IM A 1L4 IT I, fcOUNP. . -N KN ll.MIHIKK IK UK DLUK! - - - :t..ioo tia Je'iiiTV. A IMIKK TATF SKNATtlK! 1 A KKI Ti;l.K AN i;t)AKI OF tiiMi.i.i.tn: A Ki l l Id. K AN JUHMl'U AS- skmhi.y: a Ki:rT.i.uN i:n vi I" . n - Ki l l Id M AN r.x VliKNMK ! a i;i i i r.i.K an mmi.: I K I.AM i.N l II. I. "'HUM - p mi 1 b- !i!b in;; Ul-iani ; ii n lo r tis ii-w and i ;J.iM- it -til. "lKcii'l I rji'i; 'a ii lnlli !.-1. WaIMN !, !.''., Milllh I '111. The I .i'iiiih .i 1 1 j ai ty of New llaui 'iir' .it r.-l in il winding !irct. ll in ie'ci y r"in lete at every in'. i-1 : n-ir . I.m Ii. I y i. iiuj-rii ri... -u: .-I lMe .'i-iiiiUTi ili.l ! lb- ' util. li: ;- K.-lillbll- tan. an. I m lii - Avmiblv there ii a Keib:i ..n ni..j i iiy .f at Ir tU twenty tie m-. in iii a Ki miMi- in Senator in the pla.-e f Senator t'ragiu, whuoa term evi i Much lib, lJi. 15. Cm in. t 3liiii in I'lii.irt i'.m i . ioimiii;: K' - iblie.iu Mass meet in.' w." b .Id at W iivuv mi ".atur .!. y tbe I lib Hwt . .illeli.lt.l by hun-dr-d "t peopl. Ii..'i Ibe m i-;ldiurhool for nub . ..r.-iu-l. Mi. .1. . I'ai-on I a- y h.ii'iii.in a iii in me a tb-ifoiib I nii.ii --.b. Il ki. James Ileal-. n 1 tit ii jkI.Iii-m.I the crowd on the i -'t t . t i -in - f the day, and in a leti;t!iy aium.nl ul nearly three j hour i diiialion. ! e i uj the ran'aiiiy , AH. Ill - I""". lUll-ll Ml I I lt I 11 Mil - 1 .... ..ii.. ... i i ..r ii.. t .. klnx I Vino r u y, an i mpii.tiieaii v ! "oLibind them iilm . j Mi. tie-irgv -' W. I'm i- Jr al.vi , ' atretilnd foilli lor :he eueinv aud 111-ritinM a-vata av - , . a f f I a I .11 I ..ld.aiiaa .1.1.- 11.. .T.-ni, Mr it alikiil 1 1 L r Price w,.nh a cent -lie talk plainly ainl n.ake mkIi ..Us p ami wide thrusU . into them, ll alray-njoK-c ihe hearts s , ol XUi- wuintn -"v -..v.i ' ( ... . l . .. ii.. ...I l.. ... I ' -i"-.--t- - - thedot-lrint. ol ' lUrubiieaaiMU. Several idher tell in- -.eeehes were 1 . . " I with all J. of ih c-.trr. U iorica aow beiag cirx-alatcd br Ue as- I aaasia l-r- Uve a erigia rwlr ia the w L,h that Ihry aay W trwr. Wek rcr-- s areas- aaiated witivtac c-w.-m unsoa Ikk a.a a . i . a. II iL . a. jv. ja vtl I Ijarirah histdey to recall ih Uaacs ad " ..... .a- . ntwa tastes rt l--ou. ia-jrr- VU. lUsaaa aatarr 1, toctvrr the aasac. "Thctw bcb, a hea they md a ready ttrariag roa a ooaaiaaav ' WU wcrehrtOct lacsa ergrMd rart-f la a PHli-di IIoaeef lf M-larntM.frMvll!i CasuMat, swv-re awar the Itrrs a ia- u asxttat asra. i i I "" " L '' 1 ! May wo tit ivaddy Wrve taaia) MT-suiia sais. A srrw lV-oratkr Uasaa wf rrratailTrs j weaaa la -pela, AU, kas ta Vtrt U war ewa rwwatry la tta aaxkrty to J trifieta, tww el wloea are bacV as4 ' i I ... . a .. ft l. t . UTvtiirate daoag a a, l-eriaryr UfAary I a rirestv 7 I .. lbe Oxford fercA .epcikiug oJT Sj llic comiug Juno Cumncaceiutnt of tuc L fcjUto Unireritr,bopc3 Ut "thciccL- L a Uit arc to be ucurcrcvl by the youoR rcullcaMU will bo vriUea by lltvut and ihe'cfafoSTl lic'retolvritaUi hopes rrircrwly wnottobc jtOYtra- that the Lmrerwly is out to oc jrortra ed exclusively by joIiticiani, and riot under the control of tbe two smallest christian denomiaatious iu the State.' These remarks are pretty bard licks at our lazy young men who think Ibat the great ends of their lives arc accom plished when tbey succeed in viucczing through a college ; at the di.f,ustingly partizan character of tbeac who have the control oT the manuagcincnt of that Institution, and tbe evident iutcnlicu to run it iu the interests of the puobi of a certain denomination. Our special artist has again enabled u. to issue an illuminated cdition'of the IV-T. This time he has given us a view of tlie meeting of the dead lcat Colurcl Auiericati voter nh- want to be acknowledged by tho lemocriitic parly and participate witli it in the I spoils of ofbee (when they get them) and the big ruau ol tho AVuVf. Ttic cartoou represents the moment n ben the uoo.envwueniue it bad caucht a " "" , irt rtie neck orit Rrtiew, tbinkinjr that sardine, thrw1Wclf on" colorel brother exclaiming -''Beloved, we long have lot el ihcc, but heretofore the cruol eonTcntionalitics of our aris tocratic democratic party, that contains all the chivalry of the land, have forced us to conceal ; our love. Hut now the milleuium lis- conic. Polities ha taken a new departure. Silence is no longer ncce-ry; to keep i!encc longer woul 1 be diagfaeefnl. Wc rrjoiee now in tha bleated pr ilegr.-vnd we take advan tage of it to tell tli-rc we adore thee. IKk not coldly on tu dearvt; "purn in n! Iruui inr sweet enibrae? See us clinging around your dear ueet, imploring that you will conic rrt in our lmHm and hereafter vote for ui. I ..I.1 lb- .inn-, ab iut, u-. and av tliat ... . a MVltU a UlC H Ull 1 . ay yes. and let aiav Ira aa all la Uihsiii .alriaf-Ikl .". , .,.. w ,,c A...i .uutMtutf si (.-mlHiim.1 ll-r me inae, nruiun. i. :,i i.. .. - i:iil. i-" nig iii-r-rr wilh the ahad-bcllv coat is over . coane bribe A'-rea-'a k-ai vear ardor drew oat ihc s-rgrat ai Areas lor his ry -hrrewith f pay the liule Ml Un otkcr Cars, asaa h-J already gvtic. a-d fc- wluch hrwa, .net -arda aaard; -a oH.gte-a.aa whs. rtaJe lo - V-j hai. Avenue ia a .talc vf ieWskativw w tth a celebrated (raaale . .I- .-t..i l -.1 . 1 y a-r, .-. - v. charaeurs a ilk hxh ts, arr-tre4 U W UmilUt. TftWitareral M. W. iia ina ii.ii .'uc-a mrxr Kan- cvr a 7lla4arkal t ribc. to Mr cvUan tv- 1 -m of that Utile ipkl ajfhia at the f n-raaimth Irwaa the ymakres , 4-Hbj uwar.wbw Iras thaa tatrc . t.. -..es, sracw, wxj-cb, hUdrca I pmm Wavate. tier awiMWi at a. waaaa 7' . - i 3 1 V-' " IP i':f 'A T" ( U ' lilvW a 17. r tM-.ii - J .VjTrtn.sinci cnrrimTii',allop$ liualj IfWtK. l'. F s -:" . - -1 f TliCMoall scar hxs ctilyMlicil out, and one never brar'i it Fjiykcn of uow' 1 n j Tiki mudi t-it. Patrick-tu alluw the. regular meeiru of the Board o'd Alder men to take l.lacc to-iigUt. j There has been two accidental deaths by fire in tbi city in the past week. Will people nrrrr Icatn to be' careful? Captain YV. J. I'enton, who was so ill with small rox in our city, has entirely rccovcrwl and i.s attirudin to hi usual buincs-s again. Mayor t 'anaday ha-s flown oil lor a few day to attend a inccliug of thc Coniini.iuiici i of the "Western North Caiolina Kailruad. - - A rr:in-j;eniont- are being mu le where by tourist can leave tbii vity via. the t'.iroliii:! t Vnlral Kiiad in the morning Ul id t: dinner in Aheillc the next llav. And now the It-live plow is furrow Ml the fair fields d gardens, aud i . truckers anticipate eatly and Urge rc turn-i from their iiucalliunt in the boout of uioiher inrih. Let us have "" jj . Captain Smithei land, the livery stable mart, is helling able In "lied jackasses at remarkably low li;-itres, and' yet ihc proprietors of the 1'ntrmd Complain, of the four dollars per week thatlhcy have to i:v lo liieir local editor j i I All of our Wiluiiiitui Mc'jrchaiil.-. a:c iAyil i(( unM.uaMy lar-c bTlpplies of , -. i i . n',!1 (1 , demuyhua aud jiockrl flak-i; and bust- . , , . . . - " ." - rTT . head whtKv in anticipation ef the wants ... ol their ilcinui io.tii i ii .-i'mim i ouiiii tin- ai-proavhing campai;u. I b Wt tiubicij TtiligtR: 4ul ponily i.pic s the !;! KNiH .-- ul lone w1iicliciuiii.il' - 1 to in tbe jtlci iur of a belli lil u I or;.i:i a-c, up.tijw hih is iu scrilid llic name. 1 int i( I'. Ikady, Wa.-hi'i-jion, New J r-cv. : Jw. Tbe l.iiiioits i lit I.t In I. ii Jon Zodo-jic.i I. garden - i--It -vlfifi'. -till that ll l-J other fvlb.v, " the ;. -iijouliiiui.-i cliatb r -jujwk aboul jibe piobablc chain e i I tin- 1 1 i.ii -r.j i.icts ol New- ll.iiiovti i'-uiily i- -itc; f r I'cmo- . erat- Jn I. at this tunc iifni.:--lou can, tioii-ii-j a lot ol '.cn-ocrais witu laces . as long ja.Ka-ciiid Ivtk as-sole .urn i a, ow !-. The k,u k'.ux juiourucri o a I about ihc ultecl-lor nl-il'deiufcraey at ! the !y a I Net l!i t-lnnne. Svlali '. lie t- il ..n - i i ! J f j aJNKV-i:m,t...,- l hew -irnctnre on Fourth Slrvct o.if the tracks of the 1 ...! i. . i t : iii W . tx iv . 1. U. t ., has Ik- n eompletcU I - .. ami r oh u lor travel. II i a atrong riii- liti---a cvirii Cssr -lite c-c of the toiU-1 sLaics apaiast tteau V. V Cos and lic Csniu.Moer af lU-brsoa cuwaly, charged wtUa toap4fA cy to defeat the wiil of tha pevplc ta j onU an. T-r rai-rws tkal Ikary. tho tleUioa of Ikejcgatca to the lata , actm4 iaaUsadataUy ia i-auacwtiag salc CtaaetitBti-jwal Caa-ixaiioa, will the twit ka aatUrr Baailcr. Nor ssthae roaao ap for a preUmiBary heanag k-c- the eatly tajary Utai tho rrorae laasw tVrc.U. tf. Cotamsasioarr Caaadry ia - artsid. The dTttsiatiMi of the the U. Swcvart tuoea "ta tai city lo-day. f credit v4 tk-e sjaary- awd the wwtwlii Tae cane rurto t-irrat4 ta-rr. j c-awt ta what a ail tho esidawcwa of Use . ' .V ; . j debt ca Ue c-aawty are rrCwcod. i ta We rear t f a rclaV-e ra s f aV itnm utWsWkaU tha rataiJr-Jae- t.st r.-ccaUy wored Wr Vara that the CWsaarasa. la st arar tU f.orac f N-ai ad trw-l ta Wtstf aa lr daaasa tiat CV-tsi,: atcci ia Uli ikx a tlw - iW srTsrrs wf tha lajaactiaa laaaO. aa4 cunt'ef lie uirrarr aad hartrd looa 4 tW rwiwUTitar are that th aS-rawtr4 lag cdator 'ef a We alJry IVaavlanr re- : crtslpg a sat-Ulcar4 (rass th ?atogcr It U that IW ywr su sfwai boatt Omvem alc .a ti; Vrrs il awl atrrrr Vxi.J . llui it waa bk4 a krtaerwaaal a Crfcw4 caJ h tiasfacc ' - Siigle CIes 10 Cuts.' : : llicluid C. JBadser Esq, U & Dis trict AUorocj is expected to be in thi eitjr tUii evcjiia, and will probabl tbo in aUcaiUusq at the case vl tho United 'tkatwasaip AVMJB.i.P cL al Uat L will ba iu beanos Wore ,U. S. CnoiWr giowcr.yasa'ideyalthcJL, 8. Court room. coBTcrsatMn he r,,ss luii; with a chaat, upeakit IinsdebtijIajUasbingtoaaiidhisl gamb- tued Rr them iu WilmiDjtou, tuat be waa a aMwl reaiatkabfo'aaa, as b bad tbrec kaaib : "Ila'i get a little bchisUt hand.?..', "Lii iiotlicr C tmt and Hot ality duitccrtt thltiiucl sfltklel iritb the oationaf tlcoiocratic complaint, btcafmi. "Tie umbu., ireofrria.baa been indicted by w oe a relative oi oenaior juud i. Gordon. And now liambler NYaddelt has becu invited to deliver the literary address at tbe Commencement of the University at Chapel Hill in June bcxU Probably be will tell ibc-boys the secrets of poker playing and how he lost all bis money fighting tbe tiger in Washington, and bow be was sued for the same iu Wil miugton. - - - -The cacs that have becu ending iu the !nicrior Court", firsi in this county then in Urunswick and linally in Columbus, against several colored men, charged with rioting on election day in 1871, bare been transfercd under the Act of Congress, from the State Courts to the U. t. li6trictCnrt wbkli convenes iu this city in May next. The ease agaiu-it James lleatoii. charged with the same oflcusc, was to have lceu tried at Whitcvillc on yetcrday. 1 i-.iii Ait' Wf rail tli-irtioii ; to the adverliscnienl of James Wilson, j ollering building lots iu any itorlions of -ii ..;..- 1 1 I our rapi uy growing ctiy tonn n no inaj desire to become their own landlords Mr. Wilson also offers to those who be come purchasers of lots from biut to loan thctn money on very moderate terms lo eiiablc them to erect their house-?.' Any industrious man who can raise llni means to secure a building lot from .Mr. Wilson can .il-o obtain the inuucvlrom him with which to build I.: I l;..r.... ll lll--V IIIVIVV.ll. Tmi; N:w PiLbr Law. The pilots , , n i l f ' thai Itoblo and hardy clas of our citi- . , , .. .. , . . 7s wkw are rvJy at all Uiuci t rk ,. ... ., . ; tiieir live m me ui-cuarje wi incirnuir . .. , . c ill t-nolinx vcsweia uom -ea iui uiir i I a ' river-, and harbor., will ace hoW their ' deiuoc. alic frlenI- in tVingres- propose trcaling tliein iu the waller of general pilotage law. J he bill agreed upon provide "noowucr, agent, master or eoiir-ignee ol any ship or vessel, duly cnrollcsUt.dl.ee.ised and engSgnl ,u ic coasting trade or fishery, shall, by ( . ! virtue of tho law of any State, be com . p Jleil to take.or employ a pilot hot vol- rt - trilv euiplovctl on entering or dc- . parting from aoy p.rtor harbor. Or tn . terinj-, pa.sinr through or leaving anv elianoel. itasaaze or strait wiUiki the waters of the Pnited states.'" flirl'i-lXlV IJt Nov Ct-i.. - fhi eac of certain tax paicih reprc- Miitol I'V W. A. Trench rf. fH against i 1 1.. Commi-Moiif r of New llauover 1 f 1 Hi III C na I I3il a Ill-arill- ill nil -ll. . I , I . .. . I . . , I prcmc -Lvuit, ami the injuuetton Iiaa j . ,. , ' tv-v t. sa mi -. s v v i i Tbi been one of the j greatest j uutra--vs over icrpetraU-d ajraiot a " ! uiunamlr. A few sorehcaa?, led on . i . . i ty a ..'appointed poliluian lanu ,ex j im.i, . t.M " . .. .,i. awvai . ' , an,- i. . v. ii.- .i. .,r other diaapjtointed oliliciau and ex legal adruer of the County Cob. siouera, for the sake of fees, taotoncty or -otuelhing of the aort, acdoced cer laia good, liatfieat, crcdakoa mmU to 4ie oat aa iajaactioa agaiaat the Coaa-niMoM-r reairaiaiag thesa froa the colIettM of a, certaia tax. Tle iaal i tcr weut lajvugk the cuaru, and aow j the Jprcac Carrt baa t4d tiseae to4 I aata tcUow.ihat tlary kaal as raaac vf" TV. a a-iiai ha. aa.l iaa III rSa uf ihas (vuaty thustaao la of doUara tW lawyer ' fers aad othcf rspcasr. iacaf red ia the krsMe ol the aft. I, aa4 the wVe -ce4 their aei kVal wr21 aarswrwoa caaaata 'ah wt Ia4 Oaras lata tao -1- r-AUaa aayttlat Vw w-aailVesrnr K' I to saw) eksrVte A. Ikaaw, nmnnmi, m9wm tXkt tatOao aa4 tilaekaa aaattaaao aa wtaskl arawsst awfer Usa rtvwt t irMiayi iw. ; KUMBElt i - "''" " ..' I. -... .1 - Mc Dxarixju l-Ceattt. , manu laotv urcr aad proprietor of theaUaattr lUanu. r and Ikatty'a ceiebrateil Culdca TagiN i l-arlor Oigan-n ashingtop, X Jf . ij ccrUinly a Tcrjr rcasonaLli juid oui iiiAu to taujsatiiefs xi)tKi fogTa ; , '.ir.-i'-.iestnimr al.il jnit JiYc,yiWt9:r; tkrMi4,vk five days "after retcv.uig it the puaiuUe moucr will bo refueled upon the re turn or flic lustnnnen t, and he" wi It pay freight eharnea botbr way.,, ' 'Thir L i certaiuly aitcxcctxlin gcacruiw, ainl , to tuauucrM vvhkdi fu txaai-iut Vu' BCS with hiui. 11c wartairts bu iiiftri- ments Torix yc;iri. !cc lis adirjfrtle- AX Kobbuts will , not be driven Iront " taking twenty doHar' fees wheii be bsg" an opportunity by the iwira)iers;evMr -though tbe mcawytdtoald be the yrioe of his voto'iii ; lhi North Carolina inn ate. .tarl :vtjLa.-c .1 n inaacs, wis very lair, ,pryiguuou to aoy tA w bQ may favor bjtu witn au ,oir.,a4,.. mmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmm'mmmmmmmm "tC',gi.-J r I nils ta to sir nolle that m tli tiUi ila.T X of Math 138, varrant In btMiJuriiplrjr 4, was Issued tit of the phrtrtet IVnirluribn UmIUU r-Hat for the Cape fear ltUtrtotaf " NortJi 1'axullDa armiKt the . eute r Jotiu J. D. Iok, of Whit Hail. In lliewxinty of llladan, in uiiU lHstrict, who haa ba ail i adject a bankrupt u.on hU ownpetlUon; batUipa-aentf aay debts aud tbdr llvery of any property hcloucin to Haiti Bankniptv to btm or for lila uae, and the - -trwnsler of anyrropcrty by him, ar forbid da by lav. That a meeting; of lu erHlrUm of aaid bankrupt, to prov their dcbU,attd cbooae one or mora atlrneea of hta estate, will be held at a Court of llankrulcy tolq holUcu on tbe Utli ilay of April A. I. t "!, . alio e'etock, a. m., ai t-'ayettcvtUe. N. IX. beforo Wm. A. Uulhrte, Kq., KcUter Ui liaakrnptey of naid liOrlct. J. U, 1IILU mar 17 Jw V 8 MarsttaJ for aald ltrlel T11I3 is to rdve doUco Utat oa Uc 1 1 La day of Marcli, ISTC, a warrant In bankruptcy led out of tbe DUU let Court ot tho United State fox the. Cape FoarUUtriit ol NortbCarolina itaiiit tha ratal ot Jaiaca 1. Metta. of WUialat: too, la tli c eouuly ot .Sew Jlauover, iu aid district, who has tieeu adjudjretl a lDkrtipl upon bia ownpellUoa; that lb paytaeul of auy debts, and tUo Uelivtiy ot any propel ly tHMiMiiritiir to lankrupt, to hlut'or lor bia ue, an J tbe traaslcr ol any propcily to hlw, ac fwrUliklcu l-y law. lhat a incstiug of tbu creditors of taUl baukrupl, to prove tlnir debts, and ibooo one or luoro aaalsaot ol hi- e.latc, will bo btld al a court of l-aukruptcy, to Ik- hotdeu on the Mb day ol April A. I). 1K70, at 10 o'clock A. M., af the I mtcd tiuiui Um trict Coart Koom In VUmiu'toe N. V . before War. A. WutbrSe. K , ItcaUloy lb baakruoley ol void dUtrict. J. U. 11 ILL. mar 17-Uw V 8 Mambal lor aald Ulatrb t rJIIS lato-ikvp uotleo that on tbe Mb tay I ' of Xliu-rb, ltr. warraot In Itankruplfy wan ln-sufsl on I I In Iiinlilet Court of tb ultrttMUs forthetwpe Kewr Dlatrtrt trf North IVrollim. H(nlL I tM fUU ut l.rortr .. Krurh. of W limine Umi. in Ibo rouul v of New llnii i r. In unl.l ill-tilct. hJia bf-cu adjudged a lntikrit uou li imn c Itttou; lhat Hie pnyinent of nuy drill, niul the ddl very (if auy iro-rriy lH-tun.lUE M rnUd Imnkrui'l: to him or lor lil nw, u-l fheiransfrr auy profn-tly by him. ar foblddau by law. tin I h hkcUOi; ol t tin erediUirs ol hankmpt. to rmv-r Ihclr dbWi, and rboo mi or nnnt-. MM4suce ol hit eatalf, w ill Im- In lll a -uorl of Iwnk ruptey. to e hvlrftu on tlitr lllh day l April A. I. IT. 1 l"o e'. k, . tt., iTtam Wan. A. Cluibii. fi.. HeKintrrin SUnk ruptej uf kll lHktrni, ul huirfUev iu a rtiVTlll. N. . R. HIM mat !' "mr U. f. Mlil K atd I 4J Kt . . ri ill I. i.. i, i ....... ii.-.. ih.i i, iiu.ui..l.. , - , , . . , I of Mareli. Is,... i -amitaut In laiiklui-lr won i-ud wii -l Hie Hi-iri'i iri i In I x.wthi'roiiita.ucat-t ine iaie wf-iitiiii I 1. I .1.. r... tl.Al .... I . r I li . I . t. I ..I ll.l ob.-n.ol I a 'tftl v ill. It tit lonnl) vl iVuibortand. in aald I'iIiWI. w l.o baa brcn Mdjadacda bankrupt -upon biorn -itio, Ibat ih p' nai ot " y lJl.i nl iii lH -cry of any profcrl ImIohcIuc iuM bank runClohlm or Kit lb is ur. nu.l tlm lianiht ' of aoy pr-rriy by blm, nt" lottitlrn t- f lidnH, T.V.VV u'Tiol . will C tihl at a l rt ol liankltjiplry.ini' boMtn oa lb losb 4y r April A. 1j. li. .... I 1- - ... . 1.. ..... 1 1 u. . ... 1 . .. i-, ruuirr m iian,ro.i.vr .a m.i inMri. x l l? ..... mtri; i i.ubj.i s mm tii.tth-i r . 'hl l t" cl tol it Ilia ut lb I lib day I i.r alar, T I a iair.nl ' i. I..t.kiui-L v (iiniil u 1-atihiupU f Ik I Hat ri.l I'milillti ; inH ii r iik ininsri tMrttf ih i i nitc4 nuir, iw uto))-- I v a i latuivtm 1 North tarollria i-ait Ihc r-tatr of Jo h - l.MH-HM. IH.V.I01. Itak.la Ihc riHtMly Hla'l-n,lo taitl tHiUMt, a l. h lrn a.l- iwdred ahaafcrapl. P-' nan pun; Ilia t itt patiitvui vl ant iW,-t. a-i Ibo lll of antr rly l.ijla lo aatd lt.iiklU'C I . aad (Ik liaafr of poprflr t.j blai. r kMilni by . 11lKwblif ailb i - JtaKaai Wai. w awitMi(.i4 s bt raut. win hi-t at a t'ut lak- j rnp-U-y. to b tM l. l.i m Apnl . trmiiwi m n a a i - . im iirni , . . . . .... . . . a . . .... . . . . . A.l. Kk,lloo.. , a , ai N)Nb ;ttBJm:rH-' J " MIJ- i aaae I. iTw 1 a NiiMuii a um iswmi ' - - '..attaa.Sf. at t I IJsl,.! I JCl'a aV IH.U', rir- m il.lMNO UjT ett al Mt IM. I a L MXfaUfOXattd 111 At A If V li AtJTtm m taasta. --. taa. Aaa. raa. I -j.ua!. t a4. J4allary. Ia4 IVaaw. uvraa, fUatlav. oi' ftata. -sr-n-aili. Slat. aUste. !. Waaa. IWM, Twla. r3raaia. tfU. Ikulnalh. a4 l,Danu'uUTM ALb) HuLl.'! FUKtfAlai;: t May )ori t iwaai .-i k-.i. ! - mmt &-ltf?iX. IXSUJIAN'CE AREJilTf f40.-IKW.000 Atttta Krrrryrlrd. tiac iat avasaa t via r a .. UxTA A t0mm&m A tiaW.Ifta4. llaaakaif lIocaTtca, t.taaw-r. ( - AI4hr la4tijr-s, )4V, Viaaa I V aai aarsavr, fc;.a.ka.aaii. Cijy, !TWVawd. aaiSa.tfW SlaSasJ. Ukaiai. 0U Sort- ia&r. Wrm4aat, rYAaAtrA-s i'a,ai aaia. . kaaPCaafcaWaap aatHalt .. jtsaa waaiaif'iaa aa --, ta&'ita '- strtaaitaJi tHaaJHaitM(t Wf M. SaaaS aaaWa WWaifnii ft ta m$ - Qaaaa-iaa itajjawaaii.i.iiiiii aaiiaai ,. , tfj ; aaatasaa. Saaa at - tuem.sb. . . i Jl m n