i , -ll,il..-.,,l.Jr, -- ' - -f -najaw li itiii, ijj' !' iiw" iii 11 i iijisj 111 j -Ll!wWjtli HIE WILMTyGTOy POST. FRIDAY. alAUCIT 17., 187$. BOOK Alt O If AOAZIXE8. lir uou MeMoirV by llr. C. A Warficld, U pablbbcd this Jar by T. Ih Peterson A Fro., iliiladelphi. Iu this new dotcJ of Jlrv WarteM Uirieia'g Meiris,M Ibc reader wlw U familiar with ibc tcculiar power aud style uf tbis author will rH be disappointed in (be excclalkU' of delight that will aCowjpay iU pcmal. 1 1 i a i-loty of tbriltui;; interest, and it in all rrcvt a worthy ciiupjuiou to iu r.dcTTts-or. "Ibe Household of Itwtivcric. t It L drou in plot, varied in iucidrut, and enchaining iu interest. In miwjf re--ptgUi. bw rriuarlabfe wotk lla lory to read utmost hr.alh !.-.-ly and Ibc lf rating of lamp burnt Bp ad wel ling cuolaiBtn a woman and her dang V ler. I And Ctna'aDaliand I tit. .Loaje bar each retributed; within therpwt w eck. another to Uie banc, dark, appall ins 1W And -yet,' - tbV intelligent American woman: itl go on ki:.4Jing her fires and refilling bcr blazing lamp ill iifiitt 5 dfMrnctieuf until, f Hke Elijah of old, be is awrpt from the earth in a chariot of flimr. Fool with rnnnowder.ia eaaisUr. keg or barrel;.' firm at ?l I2J for B and C. aud $1 45 for C, 1) and K (Sales of 710 bbU Strained at ?1 -121, and COO do Good strained at f 1 40. 133 do E at f I 60 330 do F at $1 CO, 19 do O at 1 80. aud 30 do I and K at 2 75 cr bbU. CltCIiE 'TCKrEXTlITE. Receipts 51 bbU. bale of 5 1 this at f2 33 or yel low dip, and f 1 .30 lor hard. Market stead r. dally srile wrtro-glycjnne, sport with Tajt Kii,i Ll.l. l..f ThomaaWs dynamite cheats; play upon ! T. "" b " of " 1 the cockatrice a den; ana- laugh lae uot. aaars.es atcaoy. Klioi'seJAcoisplaecat chuckle; but, at you value earth with all Its" beautiful and lovely thing, handle your lamp with rare. There i widow bond and orphanage, a dies, groan and tears, in ctcrv one of thcin. iVW'. OUMMERCIAii Corx. Market quia at 621 eenU per bubel in bulk. CoTTox Ueccipt ill bah-. Mar Lei dull. Sales of 151 bales at from 10 ; to 12 cent. The following are the j official quotation: . Oordinaiy, Si cents "p lb Krr r l.t l7.yfi Jfarlr;. lwMiddlinf. J I " " - -4 , i - k - - Middling 12 ) March t. , ( MiddliaAT I212r " ...lin..lr liil Fufc-hal. e.u if lb f- , - . - - - t . . i . f . . i . .f.. ik .i i . . ..... . hi!f -r tbc i-b'. f-rt It i " I fc ... ,r. Aiareu U. , iv , . ..f tbc K-l novel tf the-1;,,0,, 6m -'Uihcrji pflckajr Cralesof' brimid TtarE-MiSE Receipta frl .... (. . ....,,.i.l,,.v. -"" "irnUDriitjdillcd. cak. QuoUtionu firm at 31 cents per WHOLESALE PRICES. - - . t 1 11 r - --j - r 9The M)wlaff qitoUUoBk represent th wbolesal prices generally. In making mp small order Kicker prices bare lo V charged. Aarricbsa. raicas. HAUOIKO UUUI7, iKmble Aachor -a" BA(XN North Carolina, nuu, i w. It - - ll-M IM M I" I Hbonklera, fi A.. rKiea,w, Western HmoAed Hama. . Bides y A Hhooldfr . ; Irjr Bailed J7 tf 14 1 12 MISCELLANE0 VS. lidew II II' Mtwuer A iV II BKKK On the boof. 8 BAKRKW-UptriU Turpentiu. , Hecond Hand, each . 2 00 2 V. fc'sw York.eaoh. i! .70 (9 New City, each 2W I 25 BEESWAX A 27 ms BKICKo Wtlmington, V at S 00 K K) Korthern.... w . eflt BUTTER North Carolina, A. as- Northern, f A .. 3S 49 CANDL.KH Hperm B.. a n Tallow. f A. u 1 ''I Adamantine. Vacit JV m l f H K K" nrtnrn PacUirv. ' i , .: t iiii 1. 1; era 1 :u v, Irrtind m iiki(i(.h lt h, a 4'Ik, :k! . oid by ail I 7 j 'lv. I'l'pirlol ' :. v r a lull b -t f . : I V. r " . nt t-j any 5 .j ai; 0:1 remitting .. . v.. iic I. lu the Pob- " .t,r .1 A rru., rhiu-i f : -1 a. 1. Jlein-bcr-"- k .!ii Mu ic .Slcrv, in tf the t Am l9a 6m Smihcrn packa , 1 Vl cak at cent f)r ii ..1. I IIolN IfvicipU IJI' J bbU. Market rallon for Southern tpiotcd rirm M $1 12 JorJl,C,audl V I 3 casks city distilled at 85 cenb., and 10 fr r,'l and K. : JAfcs 'of 75 bbU f Jo at 331 ct. aui cfbwrv." a M.'iual to Minima Mcmoin," by 3Ir f. A. War bdd. is jut I'Ubli&hrd by T. it. 1'cter oa lro4., rbiladelphia. As the lieroins drawi near tbc time of her rosjority, she ukes iujgr al.Sirnnuali on a steamship fur New York. Tbc steamer takes lire iu mid-ocean, .mi l after Ioti ciiosure aud incredible suf fering upon a raft, Miriam, lot thcr with a few others, U rmunxi 111 an n-i- S a- touactous conuiuou bj a Hup 1:1 . n. ;i is her terrible enemy, lh cictutur of ,trcr faUici will. lie has had her dc - nbcl aa an ccaicd lunatic, and xt- ii k' the caplaiu wf the truth of trained at 11 42, 1I do Gool Strained at 51 42 and 1,50 do at 1 t per bbl. Cuuut; TcAtafTix lUrceipu 411 bbTs. Sales of 111 bbls at 12 3" lor yel low dip a ad fl 30 lor hard. Market firm. lAU-Kweli-U vZ bbU. talcs ol '2T1 : bbl. Sales of 303 bbU at $2 3-3 for bbls at tl 70, 300 at II 05, aud 150 do, yfcMow aip and ft iQ orhmd Taii Receipts cClbbU. fttlesofoll do at 33 ct. ICusiN lUxcipts 7. "4 bbls. Market quiet, tfales of 075 bbls SUained at f 1 424, o00 do do at $1 45, 4 14 do Good Strained at f 1 45, 15 do G at ?1 80, and 50 do M at fl 00& 4 25 per bbl. CntTE Tcapei riNK Receipts 303 i l SJ A Xi 1 2i 1 )'l tm V W 4 in order, at $1 05 per bbl ffxm. Market I.I.I. . i f. .... vi. i r..i,.. . i CoR-Market .ji.iet aud uo alc rc-, CoRN.-Marketuiet. Sales of 0,100 ' o i busbe,s at 01 nts rbihcl. vv.-v,.-,, 1) U.1C.. ar- Corrox-ReceipU 02 bales. Sales of w rr (; e9 oi u"c " tr cu i 121 cents ib and 4 at 1 1 per pound. Tbc fallowing ; Tim r.n, .. ,i ; i 1 . 1 HO lulloninr art llip nmnal mrl. arc the ofScial quotation- Ordinary. io"l Ordinaiy, Ii-.v M i'Mli'i .liddl.r.ff M tent Mi " II 12 '2i " lrmctit. -.Vcv jc Jinly .-he i gic:i up to bcr cueuiy's poKKAiou, and ujon tbc ships arrival iu tor; she i lakcu aalioreand carried to bii hoti?c. Here be haurrouuded by every luxury, but kept a clo! prisoner. Her jailer in rlicU ujoii her tbc must rvliucd lvHur to uakc her jicld to his nil!, Lai lic kcvi-4 up a brave Jcjt'. under (.irt uiu tiOU.: (Quotations coufurm lo the claaiuca- j tionsof the American l.'otton Exchange. WKh'KLY MTATEJIEXT. siock or ivrrox ami navai, broRKiS. The following is. the stock of Cotton "and Xaval Luorcs in yanl and afloat at the I'ort Wiliuiugtoii N. '., as taken to-day March 13, 1870, by the March l). C-iikiip TlkI'KN riNL Receipts 100 casks. Salr of 7" casks at 35 cents fur titv diAillcd. Official uuotaii'Mit quiet at '.ii cent. .! lUwix KcctipU lHi'J bbl-. Mirkct ; hrm at 1 42 for II and U, aud l 15 Secretary or the IVtxlucc Kxchangc, for ('and l. Salc of a email lot ol I and compiled from tlic ImmiLs of tlie S'rained at ?l 12, 1.175 bbls Good i fame: Straiucd at $1 15, 01 do 1, K, 1' and G j t'olton in yard, bales at ?1 45, l and (1 70, per bbl. 1 " i t'Klln: Tt ltn:NNNK Kcccipt.H jp SjnriM Turpi, in yaid eL bbK Snl nf 251 bbls at 2 i for ycl 1,317 ' 2,252-",.tl 3.yNJ 3l5- 1.211 27.031 u.125 SI ,050 Unccn that c would think Would how j;.. .i i . r. fclnL . j K.hiu iu ard. bbU. cru.th Ibe reason out ofauronc. The ! i:rm utliut ....... .i ' lutcrcat ol tnc book leomc-. nvt in-1 Tan lkn irU 122 bbN. Sale of I t'rude TurnL in vanl. hhU 353 l;nsc here, aud the reader i kept in a i ,i,. al ,;v ,,. r I.I.I. Market" " flyat, 55 I .Wis vuiuUut latc of siMpcncc iu l..lluwiug firni. Tar in yard, bbl. IJ0M the incidents of her captivity, f .r the IV.b -1 Ium--. .1 .. ,.... rr- " alloat. 57-2.531 author wnu to have experienced ocry ,rtc.. ) Stateuient of the l.'ci-ciptf, Kxpurli aud coiotion of love and hate, jealousy and CuIIln Kmihi,;-! I.lr, s-ir i Total Sum-lv of Cotton aud aval f 210 bale at price raogutg from 0 Store al and froui the Tort of Wil to l2cUt-r lb. accord in; to quality.' ininglou, N. C, for the week ending The follow in are Ibc olKcial quotation.-: March I:;, 170: A lialrjr' creain.ll A State, Y A.i COKl-'EK Jata, V A Rio A J. Lacuara, V A. COKN M KA Ii y busUt'l COTTON TIa-V . DOMESTIC BheU D. t-4 v J iara, T "incn . .. i . , riJH Alack crclNu. l,Y boLK 0 i J m No. 1. V Jii ! W t Mackerel. No. 2. t bbl ...l vt n Na 2. V J j bbl . : 7 So w Mackerel. No. 3 V bbl 11 OU fill Ml Mu I lot. M bbl. 5 59 m 5 00 N C Hrrriar. V bbl J uo am in-VCod. vbbi 7js o rivOUK-rMne. V Obl 5 Oil & Haper, Northern, V bbl... tf ow ft 30 Kxtrm do. y bbl 7i m7 W Kami It " W bbl 7 Si M 9 7a Olr Milt Mupt-r V bbl H fin y9(U Kxtn V l.bl.. 9 !A tpVH) " KamlJy bbl...IO m 9IV M) " Ex KaniUy Y bbl...12 60 n00 0U FKKTILIZKBS 1 Vravlan Uuano, V yvo As. ..SO 00 feQn (Ml Uaufli's Phosphate "....nuon (i,Q0 m Cwrollna KerUlizer " "..d W 3 W UrouDdBooe. "....0") w Mtn H tliin. UmI a. M in .K ftfi I ' . - -k . ...w . " .1 - Flour. " moo 57 00 Navaana Unauo, " " 5,00 ft5 00 t Complete Manure " US 00 rC7 w Whaon'a Pbosphate" " V0 on v70 00 Waado PhuKphtHe. " ,. 0 00 (y7i 00 Berber Brulz's Bbos. " l(H tW W Pb'nlx 00 00 Wilcox tlibb a Co., luaiuspu- lateo Guauo... IW m UI.UB-f.. 13 fo . 1M OKAIN Corn, store, ad A ! A 1 W txrn, caro, y o s Corn, ycl., V bushel OaU.V bushel Peas, cow, y bushel...., HlDiSi Oreen.y A Ury. A , U.VY Kastern.t I'm As North HUer, y hsi Bs . HOOP IKON y ton liA RD Northern y A.... North Carolina y A LIME V bbl : lA'MBEK Lily KtoMUi saw ed hhlp stuff", resawed, y M ft...-1 on 7 i' KoueIi ede plaok, y M r... fl oy ;k) West India rarifo. ccordiDK tofiiHlit-, y M it f m j-;i I resd floor! n. seaniieU.lV W i) 00 SoantllnK and OoartiK, coni- iiiod, y M fl ! li ("I m IO,ASri CuUn.blid on ,., r, Cuba, bbU, 7 fcal 10 is H igar house, Iihds, V gal, 21 20 -Lbblsyifalj. 27 (9 ai HucarSyrnp. bbl,y gal ft t no N Vll. i'ut. Id to 20.1. p ktr- 4 Tj m .3 . OII Kerosene, y sal I o ik Ijird. yral. ; 10 I 4.'. janseou, y PLANTATION FORfSALE. ri'llt M ULlltRRY PLANTATION. In Brunswick tXiuiily, foricrljr tbc place of Thomas I Hall, U teased, sJttzated between the Cape Fear river and tlic railroad, only aheut ton ui ilea from WilmlnatoB. It pre sents ; fin i-firt unity Tor any man who TTHiits it plrai.-iiil hvme and a fine farm. Apply lo: . I. i KL'I.SELU nol.' tf at Wilmington. Tile ibst nit .7 .v,' 1. STRICTLY A REF0BL1CW PAPER PLOTTS sr.ut ORGANS Any person, inalw ur lenale, who has a little leisure time can procure a first rlass Instrument at a greatly reduced price Hend srtnl eiamp for particulars. Address ED WAKIi rxriTSs. Wanbluglon.N J jilyf-Sin : ... -Aity aratdaafUON PA4NTKHaa Il TEJIKH ran learu atMnethloz k, UU.d 1 Uge by ddresKtnc the inantctunV DANIEL F tEATTV. 7 Washington. New Jersey, U 8 A u !1 MoiS8 Wiani.ecLi : 1 0 000 roTXIV5 R w V wv & 1 gooil price will be paid, by1 ' 5 ,.,,-U -.KA.KMITH. BEATFli'S F"5S!i2?T Containing nl0 clruicuts or hinri? iik easy nd rorrMwaerclira toMfriciia. player In the art of hintio, (cither iw!! Organ to which la added over sixty Wi? -T ea. folk as, Marches, tialopOperaiie u I.i die, linncr. etri bv ltaulrl t nJZT.J' le voted lo J i i.).iiMiKin. .1. j,natoi me oKt wkftfeK IU kindevfr rnlroduced. Kbould b In ikZ . hand. ery : ptaouand Orgaa pi. S 2?" P J"'. Prt nflhtlMM, , Stales or t una.!, Rr rply seventy, ft ter7 KRDAPlOWc., 11 VratTsl5Si?WrV burpancs in tone and iowcr any Kreil ur gau heretofore mauufartnred in IIiIk coun try. It lus beeu tested by many compete"1 Judges and The Great. Principles of ' the Na- Addrcsf, DAMELr iirarn, : ashiugtou. Ne Jersey, U y A Are as 1 i lit t ':u lor . m sm ! lactilivd. IWi-rinU'ii- MIU-itrd wiik J .., Kanihtx, imiHic mn aud f Iie4rwle. VrtUnT tional Rppablican rartj, In accordance with the July -iin WUII SIS I fll". . 0 m .. 1 i'j 07 (- K U'Jo. II . 1 Itl 1 21 Hi 1 U .IU 'I 117 10 IS 6 17 UI (- 00 1 ) 1 Gtrcs UNIVERSAL Salisfaclion. By v skilllul ti- i( tbc slops, and of the patent knee fcwt'll. the music i adapted to the human vob-e, rauglng from theaoftest flute like note ! a volume of sound, l:ii.viiri'aMMl Ii) any iDtrumfOl, The proprietor ls notett cart-fully for many ytitrs the 1 in perfections and needs of the reed iustrntucnts. nnddlrcctcd his "prac tical experience lo the correction of such Imperfection, nnd Ills r..perimeuU have resulted in the production of a qnalityof tone which assimilates so closely to the nu iiiin.n iiium 1 . 1 Grand, irqwarc hM UprixkU- IANIEIjr lUiATtY, ' ; Washington, Xcvjr Jersey, U ii A j- mt ORGANS - IVHiLA DELPHI A l'LATFOKM, lodepeodeal as to Men, Bat Not as to Party, t TIimI it 1 fear, that ha inspired the creations of her cu. There i a onLtiou in her carnedact., and t doubt not that uuiucmfl.1 readers will followr tbc for luuos of tbc beautiful but mnch-rcrsr vutri .liri.vm with breath!-" lalried We will not K trait frni I In plcaun of thvn wb will read the lv-k by kctcbinr an Mitline of the I ruin this vint lo the couclui"ii. Siirlu c il to say that adrHf ipti ohiM .lo jitv tKC to the ruzcnnilv of idol and the I changed, ralo d dexterity with whkh iti tan;led lhrvad r ity distiilcl. are unravelled by tbe practiced author. KtesIN. Ittccipli 55-S IM- UrUiuarv, I Good Ordinary, I ow .Vpidlirt-', Middling. UI Mi bllmr. ccnl'r Ki t I.I II . II 12 I2l i I2J ! Cotton. y gal 1 01 i 10 Itoxln. y gal Mil w 10 PKANU1"H y bushel 1 00 2 oO POT.VTOKr Hwect.y bush. M) h 1 OU Irish, NorthTli. y bbl 2 .1 US PoRK Northern, city uhm.. iw .V) Thin, y bbl 00 oo "0 Prlmo, y lbl.. ') ( ( 00 Kuuip, y bbl 00 () rfOO 00 KICK -Carolina, y A 0 East I adia. y A OH tm UI Itoucb. bushel 1 JO 1 311 RAtw ivwintry, y A K.w w J1 :t 'wi 2:5 i i so W City y A.. ROPE- WAIJ' Alum y bushel pirits Tur entiiic. Jlar-.b. II. rii:u.. It i;ii.mim -lutcipt-i "'I .... ... . laskr. 1 Mnviai outalions utitt ami tin ca.-k-i al :;i ft., , We rrKf ur rra-lci-t-i the l"k itjwli j tion.i quit t and unchanged. Ji-'t fi- j . It i hi. j 'to in i. no Isr e dudt nno I u rvs 1 12 for II aud C, and 1 15 f0r ' ; Uomii, ; Crndo Tin eiitin, I far, 1 1 rnRi. Cotton. ; Spirit I nipt nt i tie. , lain, tul ! Crude 1 urH-niue. lume. b. "nd tt morocco cloth. p!t C, 1) and F. Sales of 171 bids Good !. I . an. I 1 .IJ by all b-Jok-j Straiuetl at jl 15,133 do I' al H hi .it fl r .1 1 q.. K.t silo at I. I aud 55 do Extra V at $1 0o per bhl. i II-i'- ' . r, -,i I ie 1--.V snd Mnc I Cti li. Tl crtJt f IX t. Noiiuotation "i tJaj city. j icccipta or axle. i'XR Receipts 5'J bbls. SaUa of llM ! !'( Vie.-s any rights Lids at 1 (5 and 225 bbl.-, iu ordci, at f 2.i70 bales '. iaks II.5.I hbl.4 :.53l casks :',i;J hM 2,13i bale? 1,123 caks, 2,110 bbls 255 ia-k 2.'J2 bbls l.lverpool,y aace A oner lean. sack .. j SlKiAK Cuba, y A w .... Ui Ml 17U .... I 05 M I 071,3 Porto Rioo. y a O'flec, y a I- -. y a. i-- V Kc- y . , Crnhl y A.. KO A P- Northern, y A. 811 INGLES -Contra es r M, 1 1 "ommon. V ft ... t r press saps y I'yprees barla. 10 si 00 'y press t STAVW-WO bi WM lf N KObhd.y K..... t j prs, y M 1 TALtaJW y A - Tl M ftr.lt - "hipping, kg... Mill awl nae. M. M . 0 v: . iCi' ... ii' 1 ... H': ... II ... in fs in' ; ... I,?'.fcs 12 ... 7, ... 4 ll UI ... 2 l W 3 00 ... .M .VI y ...as oil ...U) U MOO UI ...im etouoo a m I7 00 friOO 00 l t o 14 m j0 t14 IV es 00 illllieti'l l tHl i ntliish bclwcrn the two. this niHuiiiit'St has 411 Ibe LaffNl IniproTrmfBfs And every orHii K f u 1 1 v WMrrniit-'d. Ijire Oil t'olisb. I'.lwk Wainu. pHUeled rases tint And will advotato the eieretse r more baekone on the part of the men who claim to belong to aatd party. WlkL NUT CRACK uR WAR And lti nrs iu nd'iil ion : ph ml id ltrti liient ol inuste. A IiEAUTlFUI. 1'IECE UF FURNITURE Th if orc.'n ru unit lo be .etr hi ln'.i prreiatcd n.l I- sidd i KXTuKMhl.t iiuw jimcjjl:?. It will be devoted to exposing corruption wherever found, iuoj aud all pari Irs. Jend for prR-e lin mid llt ol Icsllinonisis.' address ivinVAKHlI.01T. WatdilagfMi NjJ ; July tki RPATT V i'1 U n'oTTI UDA 11 I ; t: A N IMstfl'AKE AKDi'A. , KiiiFir. ag-AgenU wast-' td everw here. Address j DANIEL IF11EATTY, j Washington, yctjcrscy. U S A ... , j - HAVE y0UA DOLLAR? ; I l'UK ONE DULLAK , 1 Wc will Send,, postage Fa id, i Till: WlitliLV WOIILII i. it 1 oittAius all the id ws of tbc pals. cu days, eollreled ty I ha M-enl and eorrrs. i iKinUentsof the the Nevii ork Issllr WwM nnd in I ti I news, nniae Mild eutel prise i Ibis r. sjkh-I Ii dfi tiallil. - , 1'. Jts Agricitlturul lixiltuicnl coatsias the latest news of latin i-tpet imenta at home and nbnuiri. jConBribultoaa by liosan and lor Inn ru t, im reports of thsrae- ., nets t'.ubol the V met lean lu.tltule. Sad iuotatlui of Milmtble ;ini-rellM: artlrtes iiptai iDc in the uiiunil weeklies sad mui:axlPeM. .!. ItKifunse iu'Wvtrf whieh attrntloa Is scciatly called, is a Irs tun- which mate found in no otbsr pawri All the sKisrc. attlin einiiiiiaiict uf a great mutrorolilsa dally newspa(er hreetu.lo)rd In IU eullrr tlou. attdtliu le.ult Imm paBe c,h rrfe week Where the iruili, my flod a eon., pleta rittinl of the woik of il- r 1. , njr nmic 1 iip i 11 ton for lit kt tcvea : tt,,,i,"jn lo this Mcikiv rccunf , lll,r.OH.l)Bivisthccrvajuolalfl.ucal itraiig pMM n.in il,e Htale. This tteisaii. ! ineul is and w ill os.liaeto ba mihIcV the , , eliaigv of ouv of tlie setie laeiahna of U. 1 I older. I . . I. For the t ireshlo IN partmenU i 1 Koriali. . ill eirlinni'-. ' lion to4ls other Ktliarllou. such siswrlii. , me ol , niiM-ellun'-. ImnioioUN I'Minei', actfariag ' J theeontlnii.venr. Ihert; Wll he ins lew I ha a kian.i one hundieti shoi t lK i ! I h v ln I w I Hera I 01 neiiou III i.iimikI . Mnrrii-a. 1 . 1 . ki 1 &. 1 . . . . .. .. .... 1 . . 1 I , oi'i'iff,, iiiuiiii im ia ll will Maud up lor the good ua North Carolina, and every man who slan ders the Old North State will Me eonsMcrcd ; O-c hour .r puidi-ni: o. aroSJu Isnata ran lie uitoie. 1.1.1 1 1 in.tikl;i ieiirtc4 her enemy. not li.-uoi In -li 11 uirnie taken i I AvsvuIk VVaintccI, We shall Join hands with the rrcss of Immigration 1 1 . til a - tv.nu.it m arc oouua ip Aj ; bbL Market ii I'li-iion is rcnaereu 1 . ... v I....J. nt whirl, .--.ur. I oKV Mgtkct steady. Saies ol tR-0 v .1 - Mr. Townarnd. ot I bushels at 05 cents per bushel iu bar. 1 - CoriOX. lircaiDls 212 Lbbu No offi .. ur..w. went into cue ?ut.i.t.ccr ut wiLhMiDjaladv Trientlsto I ' 1 . .-- 1 . ... . ! iri-i nnriiir t'n.ni H to 11 rrnli nrr ... i.itui i:.v . .. i'j iu 1 otomac iroui 1 o - - - 1 tLo wiu.lww. I l.e cSrk, an eaiplove I lb, according toquxlitv. The follow i or wl tfie frvaiC Uclrlu.,111 Ui the Ute I.,- th. U.L ..ftU-i.i nwJilmn. I Vlinrv ' SI rial it Bsau rui ui iA imiiuinfinL iawniiaTrir.ir 1 . I . . T 7. I I inl Inlinsi r VI T-i.fu- w MJ5K T" Peri of Wileaiavargf. March 18. MARIN C j Scbr James LUias, Match, Itelfat .Me, 1 B F Mitchell Sou. J Scbr Clara Fletcher. Sargent, t rient. Lvfil. ..;n: r l . llei Mill, lalry Inferior InDrdiHurv.S SI WHIHKEV Northern, y gsii I n (t nono vwrniina, rf.. 1 ;i k 1 jii VTt iL C11 washed, y A. .. -.vi w 1'nwaJiMcd.y A... 35 W I'l Malo or feiuale.) In vrrv eouut.v in the) tnlted Stales aud t ana-la. A libTal di- 1 North Carolina to encoerar count made to Teaelirr?, MP.Isti rs, church- e-i, HcIkkiIs, lsljes, etc., whe re I hero Isuoj avcul lor the. 'alar' Organ. Illustrated cat. aJocua aud p'rii e list free. 1 orrrspoodruce ! aolleiteii. Ad.lresM the mauulaeliirer. KDW AIM) IM.OITS. Wuslniiion, N. I. MOWEY MARKET. Ju!v'' Kxehanga sight ou Northern t L I. Williams & Murchisou Gerbnslir Witte. Zepbeo, Ir, ! ..4d.sC j 'Z"lu? Z: 'AXT Africa, Feachau A Wcstcrmann. cium.. .".!. ii':yciis ' ' , Vav.ni;i. n.i -in Ger banpae Ottilie, Gottc. Madeira,! "siiitaj Ul 2y.3l. long, b I , wreck or brig wiimiiigi.m Buihiiug Htorfc ft I JJ U I IU IK UilUnliU Samuel Welch, of Fbi la., abandoned t " " J!f I !.-. .-.i. .t..l. l.- .t... r.. 11 r, f " "V no uiiiii), tjm wHt wv wiii.iii, mu 01 1 N C Hood HI V I RU, 81 I I.I N j , , . .100 III OW! I PLOTTS URGAW I OlIl'Mli' ! 1 r.-t',l .11. I v 1 1. ' PLOTTS ..vk URGANSj e shah gt 1 e the ltet 11 12 water: carro timber Scbr Spray, Fentou, Little Hirer. X i. ' Gillicau Schr Leviathan, William. laK-kwiaid ' ' Folly, A Martin. i Sloon Joaerthinc Suviih N.niili V, I TV. latter cl Heht diim:l iiUMUHp. ,.4i7.-, oj,teT. eesioas of the committee, but at do i-rcu K; fViil ' tortmu' nicn .v. and al.teJ iiTik. .irnrii aiarru iv. f In let, A Martin. 3 th.LSh xLtTiJtLA TimpETiM--Rcvipull? schr Ware. Morc. Little Kivcr, toX MJiaaMl ou ni) " niiM.i.Mi. Icavk. Market firm at 311 cents per 1 ltHcaia. tmLaa I (fAaktl It SasT affaBWSWa t I m SAa spaASmss-a f. a Its vw - s-aw Sk-saiwawai asj kV IV I 1 JLs IVSU tS.lg aJi aSSV I M WVasaUTy, 9 VI Towa-a srwh oa the hffly llc,SI, tt tii wnU Aud j; Oothr snalUrto th committee, anddecline.1 t serrw a loag as tha present clerk is Kcsis Kcti.ts tv bbU Market esapJoywd. If ao actios bm Ukco by tirni at fl 15 lor UsumI C, aad E. pales rf oOJ Vbu oX Ceood krlrxined at tl 4-5, m do II al 12 00, 20 do Extra 11 . 1 ot a. v a., v.- 1 -s .v -v. sn-wV,..w v.n;i. n. V.. ...1 t.-sstssdiisir sja.aasat a a w w a , a.v w vi sw . II h will rrport It to tko hen iu prop learn thai there is ne aam aad apeedicr root to hcarep r the other aaU sAure faahiosiahle pUce of reaert, than attswrtinff to kitdk a are of na a irunutc laasptrun a cosJ oU s keroacaecaA: at vUl-tWv awaxea to aa appreciatiosi ot too tact that, aalewa they ha re their aajrl prtuav ready. 11 is vasaje to pnog ere aau hsjsuiae, krroaree, coai-st or aay la fiissib iaamiaaUas Baal, vithia a AaaxLTH awiis each etaer ? There is iesah fur ta each arrrsge Bre-gxl sea caa, jwdaciottaJy dlnbctcvl, to pat a ahoea viliajn Imo oaabra ctim aad A a. w a w . . w -. uac&-oorerra AaautrrcAtela. llrery Uay "a rprri furvUib. awfiL crfabaxmt jv iVMruei aau . jMxcctAea mrsaeaia niwi'e are daaJy aad. airhtly tack an erer th UaX. Oaeoioor wsasraerraiaga. lsrscoeAaiaved lataMooIasaa acevssrato eT three thock lZ Ad &U1sx1jU frajoa th caf tews e e thia saom tlaabie hat tes rihle arret. Aa ladiaaa toaa aoi ksB2 tiare fenth4 aaosJsrr ta vrhkh a eaaa. LT,WW4 Usap.' Uw mp has fcraas. kukd taree asf has twiUrea aal diiad fry ratrmt us-l taerrxVj hlsa tit JaTlalraia.aaVsmt.ss-'s Lorcnau, liusMll. Xew Kirer. Anderson & Loch. Scbr Samuel. Styron, Igarka ood'j Folly, Anderson A lawb. Schr Zenith, lloorr, ShalloUe, An dersoa fc Loch. Nor brig Taritts, Knudwn, llonfleur j France, It E Hcsde. CLEAKKD. luaiMi C Hnoda-ld E-OHiBoti ml Ho Kndtug lsC. -Ii tS - WW 14 la New 12 Ikj Speetal Tax fr lo l. W C Railroad n a W K It Hooda 7 pc.Oold lut-sj i'l'RU Hosads, see 7W 'Ml'llaitngtoa illy Honds, a ye 7a 7 ye.... olds yeai - neSyeftnjOold Int) New ilsnovrt'u lioods (10 years) s ye rtioi.l latv .7S WsWKH atotk 1 Par I am as NCR It - ( - lM Si CC Kallrewd " t - InS Viim- - ait Acml sup li.l t li-tii-lla dy ni- ret tllou Itt I he kmiiic ): of iMsiramanls ry ir. Address rl'WAUU PlaTTH Washington. N J July 9 6m bates or rum gut. frrrSti To ass loss. I" I Per Hail- irnrg Vea- ei. at a is i, i 00 tv sm i per oot. ' ) t'gxang. CatPU TvKreXTTXK. Koceirta- 4 Suaasahtp IJ Foley. Frier. Latli- Salcsof 7lUbat ll 4 forhArd, awd 2 X5 foe yellow dip. . - Taa-iCeYwJpt f5 bbls. Sales of P5 hUs. al t 65 per bbL Market qnJet, more, A I Caiaux Sxbr Samuel. Myron, laackw ovals t Follv. Aaderwoa A. Loeb. Schr eaith, Mootr. Shollottc, Aa- dersoa A IacU Coax. Market qwiet t--5 cents f Oer barque Julias, Frcoci, Parkea- PcrbttshcL acsMl. i.nr, loaaoas r.raas. .Z . V. s. . . vr SchrMarf Wberlee, Forreaaa Rk-h, IVrrruv Krwitisa 57 hale. Usrkr . . .'. ' ' 1 inicv, Mariiau dull. Sales of t oalee, al froaa 21, to Schr rarroa. A1UUas. (ieiauatoa, 12 ccats peg lb, .The following are the 0 F Mitcfceu tjoa. eficial oaaiMae: . l oerqeeaua suit ioppta;. txKg OrdiaarTi Crwde TarpcwUae f bbld Vs ssj MfSts Tar V bM 1 A is e ea svp TarrUa p bsdis ys es Koala yMd . tssas esx ivostoa ? fcaie -' w pvwawU y Aac- heiaJ Ta PaiiantLniu I Osssa Twireaiiae y - esH Tar y 4 m eai SsUTarsrsUMf a4 Wse. I is-j Hsms y awi ia a tauoaslalt. 3:s:ef? see. Urerpooi, Alex Sprwat sg MidJl.ar. Uyod Maidliar an sah v T Schr Srrsr. IVatoa. LitUe Eiver. X illicae. Sckr la-twthaa, Williaaa LA.kwoud Pwaaauy bwsbcl A la UasereN Psm est To Atnaeaa I tde TwryewUSM e bbf 1X4 g Tar v aw . , , .. - us w HaaaTyryesklaaw WbSaUf af W .FUf. A Msrttts. . , i Sdon Josphiac.Ssalla, SavUh, JUw c.... s....-.. - . . tl Ger esuwae ssu. tariii.-nstfiru -, dasa,0 liarker 4 Oa. 1;: -tri OCcIal sjsMUtieaa tree at Si rata per gailoa sW Sentheaa tarkaxic Salea of casta M 31 ceax aad 54 U rity distiiVra at 27 ft. l:as Uepta 73 hhk, Mas Let AaVjersOss A LtL Ceurr ScHr Wave, Morse, Uule Kit rr. te X GiUsraa. 8chr GaU Lra; Mo-re, Xc aueer, EJwara.AllxiL t Sctr Ivsu Xev Hiser, p teak gav rtaaais 9 t ask a I sss e 11 t.aswsjreM tassgaSU TA atoawsMs rrasSa Tarpsua y kaMtiSi ea Aan f bad k-m last y : l awsl eo lASBvawraat Saa savi esi e.as a a eew : 1 w a 1 Saaw IS eeaaj eie J- dc cava aja f essas ee tmm etW eaaa e as safe :as esaas ea ase, a laay se TEN Tnoi'SlNU AND ONE TTENTION i inliol' In lie iinancuc lock aad ci eat Mnr i( i -t I j ihhI, mow at the l:vk i-ok stork I: Ji err in nl n'tiirl h)n; fc Call al oacc lsl make omi k vi H.n Croaw 1 , the tieantifal x jrlcl j . ! iu:inshi:ir;i:ks I one v n.rse sHeiiii I. iiowieoi:e ul trsiaiag , lli.me ium inn oesi uninoMII lipoM I hat ; snl.jn l In I ho I nitfd Ktates. i 01 m ruw; . ' and ninpleleiie I lie iii.ukil ii-tMjrtSj( TI1K VVOIII.Iiaii uimvnllid. "1IIK WOtll.ll i unl only lite lw. Inn tbcchcapcat ueapi r rvn ftid Ibclar- wrr." heml Weekly ibil Nv. if.'.njm; llly ll i Num.,' Jl inrr, yrr. siptliiM 11 c.pu- sent 'uiVi .ipi '.M aiJJua. Aildrrs "IHI WuHlh," "lark llow, ta irh. j THE ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL 'imii ; A'i:n NH .vwi mt i:naI. f I IStdlpvii.rtblr lo -vrt ifliiM .4 I Ua . Mllilaty and ,Nt. Sutin, ,ni lo ailta. , tt reaUd In ! il ol U ai .11 MildlS : teuularly I . p til j onielal Ii 1- ..f all aj p.-lsKmrals, ' I proni'.ii.n.liBi. ,1 itiit4,.. haihaiS' I itH.itloll. dlliltr t. Mtd wl lo f ttinagrsia ; the prrMMiui-l id I lie I t. v r Irra. 1 A Itatot Ibc rMall.Mis of I . M, I irKS, i ml iimI iMrla In 1 wnmiivii. i. A lull aud lellatda rreSM.I of all Hon by tt Aimi ntol Nm y. - . L llic iiii.il l 'al iHUi i. astd ! ; lai Mun. Uo r and Navy iwii. tornts and ll.muah Iho M-ad nanTts o laa Aiaiy.. A I i I r UriHitl 1 wwit martial . lcili. and .le. rtuiu lit j0t-rral le. ; paniuttii of tlx i..v rf ! at aflrt flag IS J AUy aad Navy. ! ... ifttelal li.l. ol Aim; aud sij in as! . iiafi and r.Miftinilioi ! tlir l,.iaal aad lh t ,H, hmmr. (. a. ItrwptHHi. vf lwv.iitl.4f ad isafv. j fit. nl rtialln to ! art uf r, unj of ' niwnts an4 Jl..otH HtaMfaflsa a UlilllllV .U .N.lal M IrlMf III ILUnaatll and aoruad. an. I alMf.tf .tu, M M iay i williiary h) cto . sbt v 1 7 ihr ..aiiafl ... -. .... osNiiiNam UK XnatsN sr. local, National ud lert gi Nens. LMiues-V.i.11 j pwaia oat tpet ds rT fi.-o. fuMlr af itw jaoHrrvtrra. Ureal paies will be ukea lo'gtve S AatSM. In Siil.i.i. . m.I V..-1 a. An cermtttt 1 t.r na?taaC f-nl of Harris a arsuKrsaaHl k.tkr. 11. ai m Vlilllatv ai.a Xai.l salt I a me ilw a brti piiMi.ra j IU Art"l Vfvti Mttllatt nd Xst Igiaarrtag. 1 I-. Kditortal tlixttwa-Hi im NiUuii . , , , . . . . ... I ItXsJtowal aard a.n. li.iy.ifi m sal A tmm liottment f tk Mir it I n A- ! paaa (nurf.w.: t,tm mi m Asv 1 i iaasl f .uartt la afaUs, aaJ asaa ta JSort$, CWhM Aad VWeer, e Ettrj ifscryVrw ; Also, a correct ! ! iw rataisas. u law Numw ai inf -j stM-ala. rrnsawsSMas. vmsstIis. asd ad ffSJ aa Sfti.liiUrt. ffvaata .SVrt llaadsMU-tata at lb auwwaJ Ur TI1K aweo esa est efaseeti eesaaeax eoa zj asas Sfh) s sex IN Live rok and Muh- Store. TO CUNSOKPIIVES. i CottBuerriaJ ai4 CtTiaw Bepert 1 UXx 1 GO TO TAeadeevtWr.a ef rk;f-ia. tti ctlta practlrr, Ksia Aad rtacsd a krskawds by aw at lad'.a Mlslnwary ta Awwsais sd a ispt retat-t rtraacay. ar Ike speedy aad mcowI ti.it Mfias . . ... . v wci a, waa, aaaa 1 mimwmmmmmMS .scenaaM. Suawa rWa. 1 kw MaiaAeal. - 1 1 '" w mm .n.vaBT sa asiity fssaa ail evHM tssasadaasMa. aOrf assslwai tAswassgAty sed fta nssafraxt rwraiiva pwwsrs ta lasaana .'a iaj, saHa it ass kCese j " Utmmm a aw Ass sswsftaf H- lu oa,waTu. swottve. aa4aees- eaju aU 1 kriiatim asa ..i.yi.-f riTlflM sasassaaas j Ae w ski sasad t aaa aav.smaaafsa AsaaAo I aWe t ai re-wipc. w StAaa3stlmaaAjp ipretrvaaMaajtrsasny aaaasg. Asms ty -' s - . CHICAQO LEDQEBH XIIX. CHEAPEST AUD pArca nr Tnc coumtT. $1 50 Per aAcnum. UsexccUed !r Aijf WwUr Lilcruj Pabllratloa. last or Weal. I a th 11 ee tiAixtn imitj: n .C tVIXAU AM A IMU. sO ygaVACJI rtswara WssJi by vaiK COrfXX rVTaaaksa tOso fcatae arU,aa wttk IAaasBe t - fwtli. t fcarg. ey raaw. X. T. - f f It- - XU a aawaSral la) Xrs4 ta uastvtr. AlUcisciex. .t. Tilt: I.I lAiLC C3.nrra M. nitia Pr fj ft? Aun ODWda-V WS I ma vrewas 7 1 at tatioiM Sn. ituxaua ! tsvaM l laaa gs y swSte'ssysa.ia. ysatjr'1 .Vis It ll I l1. 4ratt tit a. sr,Atijua . a-a tkakcavarcMfl aa infn . swayS-gf 99 IJ wad m adasha. mmf Or.:;:-".-..'-!' -r ,.aww W nis.,.. kttaVI

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