. 'v. i r , W In I NEW AD VERT2SEMENTS. WILMINGTON. . U 0(.lUlt(,. ti,, fc.llowiog ywl r JUI AY. JUNE g. 1876. i correct ! arrange to writ yourself y ' ' 1'. I. ! t 1 "4 . i 1 'Way Obiiipauv' - Pakki.ai,N.a,My roth. !;. , . ' , , . , wrna Ma upngm. v , t t 'U In J i . .!; -jf i!J wj lie. KmrvK: IVimil i . " I'm -r w i. . . . . . . . .. .' I ' I ftt!.,l in .i! I'Tr-i ' , , street of th crtyY I happened by Kndorecd br the hi bt aa i i t- -. - . 1. 1 ft. .! r . . Ufa lbrouxloal lbs word as Tlt .l an - " j - . . . - . , t ((NBMdii vf U f-imer M ' TIiaI u r XM.tIjr Lai e a,.i mm im ih'u ccntenaul jr far, with aaiorial jh of evofedefrntes swAvmtM of IVatocratk lltcr. aaa a - '''" , 7 J; J U kal lh.a jou an. nc ,W,m ... , f,Wrr-r -Hyo. Oliver II. IXk - eft ( nkkmonU of (ranTill. " Trmtmrxr . . Irtwuian. o Mitchell. IV .4 ayiaVw lieu. Allan liulherfoftl, -it .cw fmr.rrrwrj , ...... - .... .i i llaarrton, of Iluwan. )mr AUmrmry Gmrnl -J. V. Albert mtm, of IVrjaimar. f'mr iTtmtrJm t H imUir ImMrmr B. I"uroell, of Foraythc. Theae Bea are all abve reproach aad aa?0 mnT tMt ocniy can irtig afainot them. With auch nanea tgtmt Bat-hal c Ritxl carry the at ia November nt by an over afflin; anajonty. The iNrrmjcrala frarctery nan aaaac I, and would not i.i Btaiixo a ay noe of them. la &cir tharfea a;aiiut Dr. Howertoo, the rcrttary -f tair, they have been ao b-HT hipni and their infamous mo ?annzly epei that tbey are a aick of lb w kind of warfare aa their sinalcnicBt of Fublic Instruction, IV.4. t of taa I'eabudy fund. I am not alUBtpiia; to tiictalc, but precol lliec iuum f the consitleratioii of Jelexatea In tbr mntratiiMi ami a those for ' a creat ovanv lLfpubtirajt r.otiM r.jtr ailh plcaaure. Awl, Mear. F-l- r .1 . L-t- r." f I'T'ri-i. a cU .ho claim the r.ht to dicta!' ar whom the people shall vote. Ihu j I-. a people'a ikkel it U a ticket W , in. Vour V Vniiir A l!in r.iH i i MnbbiWM, ami hia lursiKlii-u CwMMilirr. . . . - . WlLKISOK, ..t., Iy i . i , . . . . ' ... v . ,, . , . . ' .Hir .reeuUlne. . Kobbin.-, ha. Iw-n emleavoring for "onirliino ti I an an lavntiratinc t'oniBiillce toe-1 ....1 .1 CMrnnr Irau.li in thii a Ml awy iimiMBi .-- . ... w-ii i.. I-....IU ..Tr.liil i (JUt I IV "rf - - - - ' ibU ereal. eloriona, ami iu hu rsli- i MiKtn. ailed that will render bim (aa-, and ever be revorvlcil in the an aaK of l'ktfr; but iu the eyei of a Ljrr fwftioii of bis constituency he ii 4irr branded ai a wretch who, L-tiat aball foikit all reaoaa. JlaJ Joably dtlacaball go dvaa ' fa tb iladat from wbkh be apiac. . l'aari'4, Baboaorcd tad bbsbb: A I Mated, Mr. Robbim has uc tteded in hu design and wo have been viiiled rcccatly by that committee AaJ lUaogc to ay, their iavfiigation proted iiui to disastrous to wmicof 'i wost intimate friend ; for instance a Mr. jVblU.Bgtoa.oa Reddiea river, lost about 13 hundred gallons of wb'ukey. akile others too trdioua to mention, ks4 slilU and fixture, also whUkey in avaller iuanUtiea. The Repablicaaa seemed dispawed to kt the lateraal Revenue frauds rest in the archives but nothing would do but tkese thing most come to Hgbl, and lo aad behold, be was bitten brhiiown dog, amllthiak it.tuite likely that Gov. foraSeld will defeat this f 3 man bx tb Bomiaatio &x Oowgresa. I tniat the neat coaamtUcw will coaae via Ral- cih aad eismiae hia record a little aad ate how it wilt bear iatestigaliag. As I was pasdag aloojr the road a abort Uaae aiace, I met a fellow" drir iajt a steer hitched to a slide, aad you may iaugiae his load. The ntawot be saw Be be dodged iato the bushes, I said to him, -I am wot aflec too." II lb poked hH bead rroca behind a tree aad asked, "Ain't yceott of l'bbiaa lavestigaUoa Cbeamiltee r 1 assured aim I was Dot, he the, eaaerxed from hia kidiBX Place aad accuated thaa : heard that .lobbies' UveaUgatiea . loajBiiUae kaT been playing atap Ike couaUT. aad 1 tkht yea waa bsm ef Ucsa, d-w hia I thought Croaa the way he talked aad palavered arwaad he waa a friend to we block . aderV bet I ace he was only deiag this ' U lad out our Irkk. Mister, have a ariak,d-a ifcTer 1 rote foe Robbie . axaia. Well, 1 P St "P IKck-T i mA k. m. i .L.n iK. mail ia?ia Ubin' tafweite air, "Fas going dvwa teJanlaa, hallelujah,' If XX Eohbiaa U the IbrwaecraUe caadalate JoT iVagTsn, d If he will srry toe A few more lavesAigalioei Cueamiueea to hnt ap his fhead- we td rvlin him U the shade of pvhUoal rr4 hem moJeafy aad aaawse ol peo priety Wvald have ag7ted hi to have rM km but w aat coaVd be more prrroslervua thaa the hiea eX swodesty aad peopciatf coaaected with kim? He la too irwe A specimea ml the lachf derma ta speciea, a . fail kdooded abort kwrwed Rhiswcciav aad barwa hia back be the lash adaurayy. if arete be rfreaw1 . crau la Cgrcav we uU prefer aat teg grailemew of epriitilaesa, aad ia nenty, ot by mBrilpUd, aWwh mj sWwaagvwea aad political Ukkatrrs bU XX Roboias. We wwU hke to hare who daslala to creep lab eA ce BBdcr the cloak of rclixvM. vad all whe are aralsid wilh thss l"harnai calWtag kaow this to be oae af hi peine pmrta. ..-.. Tttetlsl as it wilt, lTet?;Uaw W lie til.. ?vtef to-dar. aad XX Rh biM lie exa to 2 1 tie ecssjiCeev , Yours trmJy, Ma. Huiu: bexyvt e, ill allow c a ti.trt t-tca U yecr paer tx tit aritovrr frww l)rir Unguaj, I coakj rwlUUcrve that okkr htmJs bal !ai!BUtcreJ lw ilteuj an J tiuUltcd J . . , r joxmg miaU IkzV lixaZhtr? i i I arrugao I " " O - f vaxa. BMMaa V u J !rteiUbla cvn amooff ihmaelea. I . . , . . . ... . , .. mwn n u nvmn biui wiin i . . v. n youthful jea walked alleotlf awaj. But I propoM to aaawcr thl uaJer f he.rtjd chlkf. queation. M, iikou.1, ia aruwcrsH utv iod aiBca) j , it .- . i I ti"S one iBKrmatiOQ la rfjxra to (he arpancu, (Hit ii jou ara uaairoua i od . rrmnant,rotyoanatlf on Front lrtH otirwwiUi Ka rutlili-sl m-rmtf-rw mlnr (Km yoi can rcadilj apvt jery oae, hj their i nrrvtnlnL arara f tKnurh But k rmint in their pocket: l karo lr hold their ct-uKonial poIiUcal mteUnn. and wbjIliAMS, .SIDES, HHUULDEKS, tuey aciect uih pieaaaat re ( treat ( you can aurmlae fur youraclrea. Air friends. artaocracY baa loaj since played out,but uv wuiicu icwuuu arv attii ciDa;iBr; to the ume like grim death to a cert Lard talk, aod I fear if boom of their friend do not open a bar room or grocery aooo, they will reluctantly be cam pal Jed U vamouae the raocbe. And thn wouM nerer do. Wc do uot waoC the "city bj the a" depopulated, or io apeaAios pL-un, we coalj not afiurd to toae theae j diilio(uuhed (varraol) ireotlcraea, iW if they were to leave, we would have a depression of buaineaa, thousands of book-keeper woulvl be I brow a out of employment, bar Kteir and collect or would have to acck a aioro rcuial , el i male, and the broken merchant would ciccodinly naoura their loas of tuvii 1 .virr T.I IBVH 1 wviiv HKmiil Uud tlieir sJ( for noibioS)cu3tomew. VpV.t aUBoaca It oa a Waea aa Bix.l W.'li agat aatll lu wob. Ve'a atocd tUe alse for lea loog jaara, WiiBiBtabaUJal.il. A riod ami boBrai Caaa l(e.r y, la blm we traly Watt. "c mttntd by ui tbrouU lhtk a4 tbia. I" sJ" bcr ciBaiZBa rcl. Al If we do imm aa lu a-is Ibc icaall will iroe tbc Mia a, JWJ btL t nun true frieuil, A. M . a-i iluwruor The Wtaliev wf the r-0lc. Em UM of Ttli; 1'iHf : -While other ctHjuiid throughout lhc5Ute are urjing the clainii ol gcnUeuieu lor tne ioIilirl coutoit M November ucit, we. Ihe Rood ooplc of Montgomery county deiire to ciprea.1 our good wiibca in the inalU-r, and iu doisg to Ihiuk we have rcaiui unUctioiiblc lor urging the imnrtaiicc of bcariug at our maaldicad an ' I mtut Wkfj, onf whu WJt, reared by a patriotic falh- I .... ; t- . i er, ana ootn rearcu id uc acuooi oi 1 .. it !. Ii :. UlC licnrj i-7 " I nrvcary lo rtxall llic rcvoru oi .ioni- I pnnirrT roil air. lu this ,ioiiit all mll know she b.i ever Wn a Whir , , . n .. .. ,v. I " I rouuty, auu nau wo wiumruwa ih iuo Democracy. A nominee lor governor, bearing the above deacrihed reputation, would carry Montgomery by iXJO vole .t .1.. ;.. il.. mi. i. I more man any wmi s i- i Though this ii a nuall reaoo why we ahould bring out a big, tmpartd I .ilk . innu- kraai!hnl bv Ywttk. II ill IB I bu incendiary -t M prove the uTcrthrvw of lemocrvy In tbc Naliooal rooted ami the cause of j larre Republican gains ia each tsUU, or another dumiUoa of the Union. Bother rcasoji for a IrAi, cautU U the probability of VaaKe.ijetUBir the Ku Klas DomiaaUoa, al ia that evcat, he (Vance ) na log ooce beea a Whig, we want a ma or unlrapcach able Uatoa record to swwe awa wk the atrocious' crisae ef aeadiag tUtttm year add bft U the baUfe' lie LL, Yes, Vance a coajcicace ia stamen wit lhl iaauNoaa wrl aad other coaaected wkA his conlempiible war record, watch aaowaa Win siw mw aw - mm a people, would but kaow-It weir; 'be I .....L.I tm nm11 br aul k.aMa loiiac I - . .... . I ciureaa, aod dropea use a ao. erica, i U la aanaceaaary so say ioai oae woo has been a Democrat eeaaM aaaj aaate these thiags count worth a teat, com pared wna the ItoavU. U. Dockcry. who fills the bill ef the above pictured ami deacrihed U UU letter. It was he akssi falihfWUr rerreaeated as la the Third Ciwssaowal listrica beajre the lkaiacratte verymaanar - aae m well kwowa to all North Carol iaa foe ki. nsJmmachaLIa csaxacter lot how- eaty. his irrerroaarhaWe poiitiead rweard. hi iwcogwiae imwi wwwi in, Msrvtrat; hi Lheral viawsoa poiiuca, hia J7sfsaW ssVea riA aad aafarr. aad above all hU nasywrW rawArwyd for political riaj aadceeaWaUoe. The taller cause witaia ttseu saotaiu. he a caaabbirstioai raaa mswcimcw. for It ts bo who t iaaepesMcws fx nags ami their braladoU.ct'Bt, whocaal rTi. i j .-w-tiiim to amr Ms I ' nana " T ;.rr . . I ssvl daeredilto ajirmxuoa. l Another tmmw ea eeawUerahU Isa port U UTor or vo u tu the repUUoai ha enjoy a taoas tae 4Iy aisa wwa caw cope ssjrreauu.iy with Yaarcwa tM aiamjv. the lrhlkaa- of 2fcarU Carokaa say if Vaare Is the K krar tlaw. Oi Asr Irry is the a to 'T - 1 lew OL 1 1. Dockerr the ewlyaa to the Btala tlaA Vaace ilrta-l7 1 ta aiimple idea UdlU Dodcry b aat Urjtr Hi b iUAf I aavvrraf wilh tae, as ansa af the rtv; 6 ai-'i t ' him the mwaiaauasv lhw t t-el aafa wader lis ledtri.,"V Vi - ! 1 eaviarx eocaetiir; . ahoui kho i tkheft ia fall, bet war t:a U tiLxmL Look eat fee ear CVmrrs'i ta tVar atara, (kwre 31 o' -rasrrry eweaty aloww ir LVaryAU.4 lywUic ire to 5A- vox ivrru. r4l( a. ltaai Cteoo, bohM mm u y MUaa m rnni lO Mrwaio rroot B If CurmaaKwi V tliamb ttmrg. TIM Bltx no nsf lw ba4oft rek Mnia tW KITW nura MUilaKUQBL T J JH HolUurjtr, Tjrroae, Ha, aajra: , .-Th. Pt io haa , . aoaa fcwale. bMgnr inm mm aimmm .... riAMrrr. v ri'ittv Whinjton, New Jeraej, U A , NEW AKRI VALS I i This Week. I W AIX1A.11.V W A L'.kfK a'alAR VRKMR j bkatkm kick. I 1 ' ' (lry Halted aad timokod.) Kngluh aid Seolch Ales, J COFFEES ol all kia.Ii at reduced rricca, FL311, CASK LiOOVS of, all kinds TOILET rJOAIV, Fine Tale ami Common bOAre, Tnenlf dilTcr entkindaoflUNlO Cigar. Tobacco, Kerosene Oil, Hay. Corn And Oat, WITH MUNOKiaaSOKUfHtKABriCLXll Or larocrrirw ajf WhoIaAlO, t'All or tlose bujing customers can be Miitol alaayo, with (Sood Good at ill 1.1 IaiwcsI llarkel 1 new. A I MCI AN A VOLLERS. jauo-lr HKA'n'YS I'AIlLOlt Jri OKGANS. KI.W4 A KT KTY Lfl wfh Valuable Ina- tni.Vinuia. New snabraatliiilHoloiMofia. rl(iB.n en u.t. Titin MA.t ii iiraaBiats sou Muik-uas.- lo.lor in--Organ. ml rwm. Mill IBrsn si HTIlll ll.l IIKfTtliAK! t. .,. ijrtflmni-jn and daraWllly. War- rsnini ior sis rr. Moat Elcerawt avad Labtesl proved. . . mmm-iamm was) am s a mi nrfii awaniai ine niiiniAi rni uaiUHiatwoisMlUoa wlilioilwM tor cirJJt)lielt y. DnrabiliU. PromollMS ' w - BF" - U PIANO UKK AlTION. Pure, awrri, and evenly I alia sad Ions. armsaiai rnsrw. aaa imwbwbvwsi whlch MJf r-xad luUif rrt. bhj m crc iiac Address. . DANIEL F BEATfY, " aihiegton, ew Jersey, una j, t tp JTI V CZ tJ V I I IV i L 11 VJ la all Ha brancbaa. WBATLY MX KCUTJKD r S. G HALL. C0UHEBCIAL FRINTINC; ttLL Hl. I ' ' ' ,- . Blf, - 7 - r atniif v arr a rvarrn. 1. . " v - wasrM.wV CUBCXI. i t t . . t ITriR UlADf -. BtrCElrT.me Mil DID - V I .- ,1 te i ' ee m wst f! I - t r nattrelr H s a r n 0n, w- i'WB aw adlaske) rtal i i ' n t B K ; r a ; I i w. of Ue very ., ttHniH 19A -" VrU' assat bt4a s lk . h " - - - ,. .. , . . uCAaUUrma KATtsTACTTOJI taaUi i k . 4 t 4-4 e-v me. A. - e),. 4 - !-. - , r - - . ? i J . t f ; TUIXMS MODLItATC i rAltrSJrtete?wwBirr teat aaa. W ,- .-...,.-,. . , roll cenir C-a lsCaA Uk wi ithM iwi lawful- -! .i SWaMBMBk :, L . .... . ill I li d ! , l J y ; i , . :n . lMnJt l .11,1 STHICtlTAOTilCiffAtllii lit -I I 1 1, v.wM S.lt.! M!i.f i it- a; vi :t w.i, r t, ;,ir, i i.-v Jui- .,t-iT ai ; -i I l.M 4 iuTtnA fee i tli ? t ;j ', j-,M .r- I - a I. iaf f- 1 JtaYa vi 1 t A eawa W a wm. mm a Tka Great ' Priaefn!ii'nf -thw' Wa. . vi . .in v TriHof. .-, i .ILeaTe Wltalflgtoa ' ' ",v tioial RemiMiraa'Tarle- ' ' UOlal laejmDUCAl rUlT . - , i li t t vstbnil I -.i.'-'l - ti.olHI . .. hiii 1 (a .. i ,!( I ii' ,. i . i . . ti. ..( --. , h;1 he il t VUl ea with '.'77: 1 i unm t, u ii i,r.,wi I la aeeordaBea i :l" " ,..'. 1ttnf I i . - . ..lulu!. .fi; 1 lllJ ( ..JWlML I'H ' M ' 1 ' -v.- Mil. A flt'l PUtl If ITlllllll . v mMsm tun m. ma a v Antra, ; f.i ., ' r t- tj . - a a b m.a I i I ' w U Pari, ' r r I I I i And will adtocata the axtrtlit r more liatblwBeoathapartoflhamen wboetaim u baiaf to aaad parlj. - -i ....:. I It will be devoted to exposing etrruptiou w bar ever louBd,,ioaay and all patles. It will ataml bp for the good naau ol i ' iV-:' ISarlb Carolina, and every ntaa bo alaa- i - , ders lua Old North Slate wil) be cualdered I ' - - lf - t - .' heraasmy. V!r,!.'i:-': 1 "ii1 Wa aball Join nanus with lbe, press of North Carol laa to ewcoarag tmratsraUou i-. ci-f. M V. a ii T V . i , , - i'l -'v.i i , i tl .1. , I.. : h ll1,li;" I .:--a 'j'. : - 1 .tan l n .'..iwii ui" t i !l 4 '.1 . ! .-t- (...! ....i LWH DliPAUTrSENT. ... !l . '; ,-.J.' ' i- .imi " " .K .-!: f i ' i i - We saaU aire the latest V; ' ! I - , t . l - ;' J' r- ' ... ,'i , to : ) J . , .,!,. .... ;. - r--..,.;..v i.i ji,,;- j . . - . il.iJii,, .-;- 'ol I, f f . ! jt I f . .V i-I.U . H ... : lal.i 1 -1.lrvJ ( I Uol, Nttiwskriww rmlrji' Nem. I - I - . . f ,. J . , ; i fc.-. 9f .l ?,-.,;.: I i ' to .n'.tia- uhi JF tiraat paiae wUt he taAea W il t I . . j- i iKi. , . .0, m t , j . ar ' '. 1 .l,liM..,., I . xl - -l. ,...4. af wiaio' A Ihrrrrf Umttmtmi aZJU ia JVa- ; i ti , 1 k a s-a . -.' t tcitiu wiWswr,::; t-m . . .- . i. i V - e iUery XsaBrydieaj - i! : -. , ;,; - ; - fe -v ' A laa. a awrraek i,, is '- - a tnw '.r. t c 1 .t 4 -......... ..-' 4 g i, Jba. f .. ij ',(.-"""" l - ...! flli'f,.l. H( ? 1 "i - w t: s 4 i- ' ' ? . . fc.. S-t ".- 1 . 4 , - ; I - 4 jr--1 Ij ji ,m stwH , I , I -. .- f , . . a rsamtftl' tit; Ctrisw Rrpwrt. t I -..- A j!' - 'j. inl mi-f 9 . 'i f I r- - , . i . r l " - -.,4,. - -' i . W 4 I ' 4 . , H I . I . - . J ' s; tim . . . il I I ril . H I'' ' i.' wasswassaBakMata ' " ' w lainae.' a n ie pejwsBBev - - ,:' - n.lit . . -- -.: i j. ' . i , . - si - t, '-jk$ iw i I ! i k .-ii. fv.,;.,!. . . ik " " mtbwssmt j mt m r W . jjjt , ; , . .. i swiv V :, 'v-- 1 ss. ir r J f i a ! . m i ia( . -'.." kl 1 ML-. U fM AND ArTKK 'THE 11TB rIN8T.l Tralna.wIUaa aaa, over taia-Ballwav roiiowi : t . j B MIOWI : ..V rAC8&,UfS ;AJJ, MAIL THAI MS- tflfM-f-WUW! wpted.f f tttlt I aeava caariotie at ;..'..&aur. at .1 ArrtTla WUaalactoaaL.liV.'!.:T.aOA. M tjsaihb TueadaTa. Than dirt ard ftataroaia. i v.,r- ii i - Leave WUmlojttoa at ........... 5.30 A. M Arrive at CharioUe at..... 11.45 P. M , Leate Charlotte au . . J. . .'. . X .5.20 A. M iM..imnii.7. .i -l , tr . I i' i.J , v 8UELBT DIVISION. ; IChajrloUoal4.,..,,.,l....,7.00A.la Arrive at Charlotte at. L0or. M Arrive at Cbclhy... 1. . .11.30 A M Lea vaBbelby... 1.30 FM .i ." , ;,.?'! 1 1!. 'i x . - I'onnecta' with' the '''A". T.f A OI' ni'lr: 'and Vcstara Hi C. otoaaly' 1 . ru.4i- ; I , , , . T i umiecu m wumiagtoa wua Wlimjnx'- ion c wreiaon rail road al 7,w a. at. and tJU P M aoU WUintogVou, Columbia A An saaia xuuirou ciooeiy. Time from' Wtlmlnston to Henrys, 23 rrr.,",..v'iuuuBW """'i aaa ou Chief Knetacefaod laperlatea4eU tn j 13 . ,,;.t;iir- 'f i- 4f .. .. 1 i-'-. : ; Wilctlogtoii. fulnrabU & Aal KOjiU R. II, Conpinj. WlLMIbvTON, N. V., Uooo. 1, 187. CHANGE OF 8 CITED U LX. nd after 8ouiar. Juuc. lib. I N and after Bouuay, Juue. ith, the fol lowing Bchcdalc will be run vb this read: N1GI1T APKE88 AND PA?fcMiEK TRAIN, (daily) Leate Wilmington. vrs Leave Florence. Arrive at Columbia.. .. Arrive at Aaiputa. ...I..U5P. M ..11.6a A. H .4.00 A. M .....I.V00A. M LcsTO Aaj;uaia..., ............ Leave Colambia 1 ....... . ..i.oor.M .w.oo r. m Leave norenee........ ;. ...... tt.03 A. M Arrive at WUaiocton J.73A.M Fa ta orer going West beyoad Fioreoce take this train, leaving WilauDgtoBSte.85. p. m. j , i . i . j Chariest od Passenger Traia Dailj (except ..jj ";Suudsy.) , Leave Wllmlnon... , Arrive at Florence Arrive atCbasrlcatoa. Leave .,H.l0A. ht ! 100 P.M. i 6 45 P M 00 A M Leave Florence.. .. . i.ao r. m. Arrive st Wilmington . . . . .7.05 r. M. Throuyh Frcigbt Traia Daily (except Sundry! Leave WiralrKU. I.UJ PM ArrtvsatFlorcace....... JOJA.M Arrive atColnmbU 10.10 A. M Leave Colambia.. . . . ...... .can P. M Leave Flereace , 4.00 A , M Arrive at WilmlastoB .2.45 r. M rasscacra bnr CUsrloUm. Columbia and Aacwsta aad berond. ssMMiid sake Mgbt tUprtanTralwo-oaa WUnMaston. Threaeh BleeipiBr Care ow aihl traia for Char leatoa asd Aagaata; . f JAMEA ANDAKAON. . e I U ;, Uca. BaparlalaadcaU , , , , ' i, , . .. VTlInlcjtOB &.Wc!t!oB R. B. fnpBj :. v- HI O i ' 1 : ll jI'i i- VeVsrn i law raal M'rcai wrtw am, I I. CApvU 14. MS ' 1f 4.'i i.45 : .4i. .... ,-5 ,, t XIL1NO t UK ecOEOLXE, . .. t !--- .V f . -1 Y - J- -I ill f.fii.- tn sa siirr toc osta, raaaeacse xratae ee the W. A W. lUilrwad win ran a teOewss Laava L aioa IJrfol. daUj . 3 s m ' i . Oar estrptc. at.. T.i A. M aVmee aTiafbantai.u;4..iiii;a aM Arrive a' Hat by bt awai a. 1 7. ... .1 r p. Ja Arrive at WtMaw at Jte p. M Laava Wekai dally a..; ArrlvwaCstorhi Jlowet at too A. M .Ms as Arast a at aselAsbtirw at.s..., . . IU P. M Arrive a b'aloa MepaA at .A p. M artffTJXBBOr FETTVTIT Lre Uasaa Da AaZy al.U.TSt P. Ariive at C al i M. . . ...... . LJw A. h Arrtvw a WTsUsW at U A. b f Lasee s4aai aa"?y. M... ;.T9 r. H Arrve a bvavky Mawe at ....w it F. M Antte at t i .a bam at........ t SSJLM Arrras a Casea Oere at.......aU A. kl . -Jf : mur-4 !, v i- 0 . . 4 .-. Ksa!Tr lawA.: W eaaae'daaa a Vrkaaw aU pwsaaa JJkartk eta tot Lim Psrwr CaW rteeea tUa traia tatewts IT arrreaa TeaM ArisU t -saa VWtaw i ea ez Uesftsvg ksaru fVi I rv aa eV3 tone trjurn ai ktlA ct aaa smw a Ltd rJl desa r. rrrrrx. ArX 9 ' The Urge increase iu oar retail hale 4 - XEAb,5U 01 -ii jXioesigTaucs uuponcu MiW LAnCK FAT - :. utnmif.iLi naaa1' iupohtcd ale AhfIS 1W per caak pf eight doxen. . .,!--' . 7ut gi- a . i-siM7 v K 'TiiO'riiiriTiiBWi v vriy ivinnnv aiii iiaiv.Tinfiiiiu,i,i'Wf,''i' t . 15liT JiUrJTjn 11N Till!. WUICIjU.- ., . CUUK1NU UUTTElb at 20 cenu per pound. The Universal Compound Bitten has , i , m the past month. ? ' ... ,fl . rrr try it n try it.:: V. (Imported) $15 00 per . HENNES8EYBRANpY.:yintuSu . 1' Hand made boar Maah hi&kev, , . THE t BEST IN THE STATE BLUE UliAfcSV KENTUCKY GEM, ! TIte Best Ever OtTered fit JlarkeL GINGER ALE, LARGER BIEK, N E W CTDIUL SO BOXES A8SOBTED C'UACIiiUltS. , Jenny Liod, Mc Naca, Boeton's Oyster, ),.', liutter, lreuts, With a full assortment of IMPORTED CRAOKEH8 At extremely low prices at ' GEO. MYKltS. 1 11 and IU Front Mrcrl. I EOOlSrpjVCY. , . he t-lf-Adjutiug K rubber clean dries and takes tip the water. IVu t tail to see iU ' ATMORE MINCE MEaT AM) . . CIDER on draught. Table January 21 tf NOTICE. Oarolina, Oentru,l jRctilwa-y . tacurral I rcislt Urp.trfnunl, a '. WILMINGTON' , MARCH olKJ, lU. rpHK ATTIiTMN UFTUK Pt'BI.M In I aa Vntral railway baing i-ompirini on miiy tiuipM ir kumuc eoantionaal WlliuiaaUm, lxlli is dinvl ktrauii-r hni-aiMl via WeM lu HaUlHXHX, Pbiladrlrfals, New Vork business sbliuvnta from ' , - i - "W'ilmingrton aoid. a.11 -Csbstorii Cities,; TO CHARLOTTE, STATES VILLE,' SHELBY, Rulherfordlon, AnIiciHIc, L'rrfniillf, SdflaBuur, and all Slalloita on Ibr .Mlaiiti-. Tiu. sod Ohio, AtUuita mcl Kh Iiiimhi-I ii I ji.. . ,, tit, laxollnaaad Vf ester a Not Hi (Bioliua ltnllri-l, a aril nil Miuia mi A m- bama. . Insuraara Iron Kaslrrt rllirs usrsalrrd m liw la su ithr lli,r. N l I iuul trsnsier Pbarars. and H1 Al.WA.HAi LW AHTIIK ln r Rain to all niiaUiafsblMa uimi aplHlbiii lot Its uuUrt(id. 4.th. I. New llaner building, april Swir Parlor Organ easily earned by a lady in TWO WEEKS. Caavsamra Waalcl. aval or Icswatr. Kind r rwwta for aasapia M abasias and fall par UeaJara. Addrcaa T.aa iHrTi"i Nmnti Waabuactoa. New Jersey. BEATTVS PAKLUlt UltUANH BSTABLlMltKI) IN PCa. riKTTOiJIlA PH3M. Brsala. iaa lam naaaaaiM to UmAT advaataca, Addrvaa DANIEL V hEATTXt WaalaiaNewJrmy.UbA SECURE A ilOJIli miiil.tv.! unv nuiLDi.vt; uiTh j tt wss iu L iy tJPumA BLa ami II KA LTlt Y tCA t JTtCT Ow Castla, Cbwrtw, Saa. Aa. ursae. , 4,-ks.taat. Wfsiaat. Maiaory. ttd Orwsa, I wynw. Panata. rvwa waaiaj, aisw, t wyav Wsaaba. rvwaa stiia, nna, a if . auu. Niaia. W a. (Sasawaasv Tswaa, jOeaaaib. asajta Tbirssswia. at ALbO UUdJEi FOUtiALK I V. 4.'. - ... .;. j' r . Terase arsamiallaa. MosKj twaaaw fta Uaaav w bAiaa bs bikA Apady b i JAataM wTIUwl. a A A N O. A Crtxl, &iwre Aii UffiikL I bra U Unbrr; am at w tt Ltb . e Bia Ska raj , . t NBIIM WlbStaWlMl Ha, a ssi Sbmsv wswanaa, awssstknA. I e St ava waa aanasf any fcisw tax, - DANixL r tiumr. New Jrrwry, U tjf A the rrrr toox muz i If A AAWA.s an w aan It awnMwl .amis. I- WaaaaataSI pi ast r'aaswr jrsai'?iw aa-as s jwk ae-e-tMa .! nliMai4Miuai. aj-SK, sw.aa. g JJ .i. ssw S asx ssssssssaiswajj atKswdsssaak. ai. i aaafliinaaw r-mr irir- s.asstf ty , ,;. -.- ats-.41 f a aliUk, , .- I aritirtriBMik 1 - ioduccs tu to give the Onsuoicr ail the PER rOtlND. v at unpreccucuuaa tow pricva. - SHORE 5IACK Kit lil.. TONaTTKSlAT SI .00 ONLY' A good bargain for the nuest Ato in the market. v r '' gladdened over one hundred iitmmi with" cask, 8 Dozen each. Old) JAMAICA JUL'M, 25.T:AM5EY Sod, Milk, riaapa, lnun. Hand Ma Jo ENCLLSH PLUM l'UDDJMJ, hWEEl Sherry JFJ ,W jer doeen, at GEO. MYERS' 11 and 13 FRONT STREET. nM lfull lullt-d lo llvia4l4i ll.r 4 milIji. ir. wflris silh ll. 'ehbMi and Purinanoaib Uuslun vad Piovldvu.v, iu.i)taHU lavlltl sut P. W. CLAliK, General Fit uM As i BEAITY'Sk I'AllLOH OHUANH roaa Wna POwi. Mcr I sJU. N Y. ctaJ nioniit us-1 it rUjmi I sj iu I N(iu ) u ml Mt, Mi v.ft sse I III om lb be4 na4. 1 1 Urn rtrtakunn' lis vsrtuu. tinui mtv sunt 4uil. I mmI brMljr imHMSK4 )tti t pslkis, sebooS ebarvb or HJsr . ' ! Moasra. tiso P ftawU A C. N V. X an fr ii4pprvpf say. "lisaUl J' Iksllir. lbs Mit iiilf. d I Swalailaa. M . prisma sufwsad altw . trnUml tt.' illtAI jnsnwJF. mUm vt I tttU Fsawt ttcptwvar, aAcr ns. in bis ms wrruna. iTaaE l1? imrKl rtt4 Moaey rraai" m amant a mrt 1 1 swai i aaatlaaas tr tmrnUf i Sua a it ans4M lastor. Wra taw lisl nt Bi aa JsswwaV Jlvwaa''Jfcaw wSta wsSsW R pWesdWV ssJJni JsJw tssll aissd 1m a IswaissiAala asiasin bwa m ' a CWM israsa. Aaa DANIEL F RiaTTY, WasaaUigtecs New Jersey, U fl A CAEPEjrTKli & SIUUBP. J. IS. TVrilAM 4k C. HORSE: BLANKETS; I tf Trxil ii U I U), rADDU. oF aU. KIM. 1 lKtri lti Lib, MHk tl.tklt IJUIlHAHiWItm ao- a,i (j.v . UMtliKBim i m.Al4JlM tt, af as aa. I ClICAl lull CAMU ALLADia; iPr.i?imm?tFnRKiii! Wtw a e f pTe Wt VUU 4at CHUVP. pME tltf LtiEmtsT rLAtAIa.a aVaaaastA Csstis. tmwmf? t4ssa aff ; Taawai P.gstU s'sj.i'staaBsito bsfws'' ttwes JTaaf m aw4Mt asUiiswvf , iBj-gbw IWWB i1jBBsW'BWti jl i'm ai A laefyiaagvaaagr law- eaMw srm, " s . j -'r:- aB..tallia Z '-: 1 I