II ; ft 'A j THE "WILMINGTON POST. FRIDAY JUNE 0. 1876, V.UXA9 ETHTU WX, HutDj: Qii N. C '.' Juae olb, liCti. LmroKa 1'ubt: Tbe joe .art showing ap the rascality tf the Lc saocracy 1mm le effect of cauaieg iLe tore hoocsf. IJcmocraU lo look at things ia , somewhat; different nirec titMi from wiial they have ia tLo pxM. and Buuijr of theat are latIoin con fidence lathe Dcejocratic partr.' Aiauy of them who bare been induced to vote the Democratic ticket by Democratic politician, who for political capita would bare them to believe were they to vote any other way than lor Deinj- critic candidates that the KepubliCans would force upon tbeai "Civil Rights and con pel while and colored children loaltecd the same sebool,-thai they would be compelled to eat end sleep with colored people, Ac, but they commenced seeinr fbrf'JiemwlTe. and do loo re r out any confidence in such a w nolitical dejusroroc. The Republi can of the countr at larze are eerae- Ir at work, and tou mar rot aMOrd T w ' that next Norembcr old Bladen will roll ud a maioritr for our candidates that will astonish the nalires. The weak-whbkey salary-grab-Waddell CoaTention which a.-sembled in ayctterille a few day ago will aavc iU effect in adding to oar strength, fur ly Waddell a renominatioa the Jiepab licaa rote In this countr will be in creased at least one handled above our regular majority. Borne of the Demo crat have already aaid they wouldn't vote for Waddell, and ataed to it that they will not, They say they dou'twant be represented in the United Mate t'oog reas by the Wiltningtou bar-room any longer. espcciallT by Waddell.' Messrs. r Alitor, you let u hare the lceocrauc party in iU true color during the aproatbinr CAfupairn.- Hold up cftephrn l. 1W, "Our Idviug and Our Dead'' lmocratic Pupcrio Icvdent of l'ublic Inslructiod, aud de faulter who entbexxled the Pcabody f-cnoot eond"' instrusted in bis hands to educate the poor children of "our living and our dead" soldier. Tool u one of the leaden of tho Deutocratic arty in ihU Wate, so m Pwcon. lUb iu, Vance, Ilaowm. Waddell, fcc. and uch fellow, will bo nominated ia the Democratic ."-Hale Convention to lead that defunct party (with the aid of whiskey through the i-wmipg campaign, provided whUkry will nominate a man, and it certainly will nominate a lkmo cral fUr wbukey u the tuling element in all Democratic Convention. On asking a certain lieutocratic gentleman, t who was a delegate to the KayeUcvillc Com ration) he Mid they had arpleiaJid To Coogre4oeal - Cootealioa 1st 1 pmcAtSUle.omcera. wiUL the two ac township,- J. U,Vg9-Q.y F. (JilbertJ tide dial vacancies judicioualy supplied, Richard Simpson and Charles Lowlier; I constitute the beat and strongest State can , present, and aa preferences and kind- id township, JoJ Edpey, Imd tif ket eUbfT party. I Tolly; 3d toffns&jpHeep-v I were personal rigg hod J.KCepW. i T J . red considerations Oa toeUsfs l&tfMm.isrjJie Cliaf man and rereta?iM Krf added. To Senatorial ConreaQon-rli town hirlCbarteati) iUniilgi H.t. Ifook men and John W. Draper; 2d township. Jerry awl Joseph Cdney; 3d town tiijr:X'Ai aiid U-tu. iiobb. The committee ou resolutions through their UairaWn fepprtW We'falKibjM Wc the Republicans oOboa county in convention assembled do resolve, IstiThatwe hsre'in .eLklij faiib in the' principles of the1 National OJnion Re oubfican Tarty aa baa been hereto- I tore annunciated ipjUcoorentioQj and platfom, n beifeTtr'tbat ibettetRife and prosperity, or the nation . depends anon the supfrmacf if this iarly J 2d. That we extend to our Chief Marfetrale oT tbo- natlowsl'teaident U. 8. Urxnt.purXeavrueJt thanks Xor.hia earoet endeavors in enforciog the laws,' preserrwig MCMk heme and abroad. ana nis man i t cuurse in imuuuiui cue rap and dUhoneat efficiauv end lastly for,-bis mriianlmpoa.condoct to. he southern perpleJ t lei I I I 3d. That in oar Governor. Curias H good and faithful servant, 4tn. mat in ine auuainisirauon 01 a free rovemment. it becomes all rood citizen to participate therein and to select the best men to fill the higb trust, and wo do; denounce- erery .oisbonest and eorrapt rain who holds or has held an v nosltlon lb CTbersl. State or county government, aM we further de clare we will not put foward or support aay but i houest. fere lied; lienttblicans lor wee. I , Hh. TuiU we denounce ibc, revolu tionary measures of the' fraud Ci3bren- lion which was perpetrated upon the good people of tbe State, and it be hoover every good citixeu to vote against the amendment. tnereur savin? our beloved old State from a tyranical rule bv a few men "who hat to see tho co- ple rule and wc cordially invite all good men without regard to past politi cnl difleraoco so unite with us in the great work. 6th. That wo instruct our t tbe tate Convention to cast their votes for Hon. Thomas Settle, for nom ioaliou fer Governor. 7th. That in Augustus M. Moore, wo Lave Implicit confidence in hisf legal auiuy anu unimpeacnea cnarac-U-r and we hereby recommend ' him to the State Convention for the position of Attorney General and do hereby instruct our delegalot o to cat their votes. Mb. Wa present lite names of Col. 1. Mcl). Lindsey, to the Republican t.ungnsksiooal Convention as our choice for the nomination lor Congress and do intrui t our flelcgalei to role for him. !th. We present the name of W. 1 ought, to be suboidi- iated to the one great object of auocesw. both as to the State ticket, and the leg- Islature,' let us - hold fast to those who good, able and "UShjp Mi mm "' IU"' w imMHI n.-ai. nt'rn lkUIC, ICfc US BOIU Mt have proreiheanaeJves faithful. yl!J.Ttr. . 'A I HIAU fXJS.atL'.ft f ( I emrh. EiMTOKJ : 1 see that many oi our feJMwcuMxenetin different por tions of the Stale are recomending for the different offices of the State prom inent gentlemen . of the : Republican party, all of which is right and proper) and following their ' example," I 'hare conelwded to submit to the, oonsidera- tion of the Repuhlieao' voters or the Sute v tbo ' WIowiDg ticket, . which, it nominated, will sweep the track and muTy our goou oia duuj oy su,wv mm Joritj. j . -'ILZr Fr Governor Curtis If. Brordeo. of .ivayne. ., .- . v.., . - . .-.,.. tor Lieut. Governor C. II. Doekerr. for Treasurer Dr. J. J. Jlott of For. Hecrriani of ur Samuel e JV. v atta; or liranviile. vi i. torAUormei General Marcos Enrio. of .Buncombe. -'i'( r -i.f n. lor Superintendent of PuMie Inttrnc- rionVT. t j. c. Carson, of Henderson. tot. Auditor John Riler. of Cum berland.-i . . ' . Should this ticket be nut in the field. tbe Democracy would fail to find men in their ranks able to cope with any of we aoorc namea gentlemen on ue stump, and above all they can bring no cbarges againet the ticket ; that would weaken tt, ; 1 Yours, ' ,' i- ,1 UlXK RllXiB. Em, ISoitternxA Slatesrille Amtrimn, pleae cope, .,,-, UNITED STATEiJxMAIt. j POfT OKKJCK VKPA BTalENT. I WAHijit;rox. lh stay, 187. I EROPOS 4 M will be recrt i mi the eon tract ttt 1( itaU Uepariraeat until 3 o'clock p.h7 ottMh July 1S7S, (to be decided by twsaist Jaljr) for earrrinr tb matls of tbe United Ktates from October I. 147S to Jane XL la, ta Ui fo4 owlut Motes laiUie Stale rf Jfrth Carollav.aad br thm aehedaleoT trt"re d arrtvaU e(eia peeiaed. IXTtJ Trotn paitenMM. UoffUoCbTe and Mld- wowe. io uoooe, m miles cdU bmek. leve Patteraoa Salarday at 130 a on; 1 i stood reaulredw n rrem t Maiotrr LanrelpriBt,' a weea. !. Jeflyraeo Saturday at T a to. aww a uaper Drum., Lre Gap Creek Batorday at I p m. ' Arrive at Jefferson by a p ra., . . . fiood repaired with bUi.tjA f. 3TRUCTIUNa?0 1?IDDER ANlXjg ( ; POSTMASTERS, J j jla QnliniMj qtfo .coi'1U(oi3 to te tttcorpo- J Lr rnled in, ikeMrut'h IM ttfsmt tJl& Department may deem proiter. '"I I eave Boone Friday at j a hi; Arrive Patterson bras sn. Leave aColberry Friday ttttm; Arrive at Laurel Hprtura by 11 a mt Leave Lsvoret B prises Krulav at 12 m: amTMi HU1DVT7 ortpm. BoodSMatred with bid. f JUL ' USKrom.roota. Flora io Table Rock. , . A miiea wa dacjc, oace a week. ' I Leare-v lota Klora eatarday at a w; Iau 1 kfcla Rock R&tala .ili.m. Arrive . UFonta Flora by 1 p n: - Bond required with bid. SJUQl MOO From til ars hail, by Leioester. toPlceon River, j f aallea and baesr, ones a week. i Leave Trlg-eoo Klver Tuesday at a aa; Arrive U Marshall by S p ra. , , Bond iMaired wlLh bid. f: ' . 13J0I Frosa lawsball. by Waiant atna. to Bis; aarci. i bun awa oacK, onos a week, , Leave Stars ball Saturday at a m. Kl Arrive t BiaLaarel bsr 12 m.- Leave LAurat Haioraay at I r to-, . J Arrive MVMafvhsil by.7p m; ''- 'U i,; Boad rqalred with bid. rJuu. ' Una From ', Salisbury, by Pool, Heating BortnpH and Jackson H 111, to, alUIedge villa. SI miles aod back, onoe a week. Leave Miisbwry aionday at7 a m si auiieaaevute by s p m; Mil i Arrive , Leave ledireville Tuesday at . a m- Bond wiv Jrrd with bid. SjO. me; From iptrtbas;. by carter "s Mills. , rtmp'i i;w K rower hiik aiomt'a Mum. mD Mill. Akheboro, Brown's Ctom Roads, and Xt Market toHIbPolot,eu aallea and beet, twlee a week. Leave CJrtbace Tuesday and Uaturdsy Arrive U IlUb Toint nelt days by S a ave h. i " . Leave rUb Point Monday and Thurs day slipm; Arrive slCarthsseTuevdsy at Patnrdsy by H). m. Bond rOinlred w Hi bW. SljUL - j 1 J . s- i . a A time, nominated Waddell. and that L j --ny. i-., ou iu anu rccooiniena iK.-vt ik.,. .....i.rw.ttt.nwt.iin.lr.! i him to the slate totiveiition for the umnken'men iu ibe bmise among whom wastheiSerretary of the Cotiven I too ! Think of it io a Congressional Convention, three hundred delegates! ! Yet they nominated Waddell. l Wt you know there was iHrniocracr iu iu 1rity? Let us put in the field eh Republicans as C II. llery, A. lUnherford and W. 1. Canaday, honest stateameo,Cgeullcmenhigh- toned lle publicaoa, wboe naiacs on the Uepub lieaa ticket will mskc the waJU of Democracy tremble worse than did the walla of Jericho at the sound of (Ikle vo's tru m pets. Vou r, Catk Kkak. XIt&a&. Utiroc: Will you allow aoesufficint siace iu your valuable paper t) say a few words in regard to the State ticket we will soon be called upon to nominate. This I think will and ought to be the ticket : For Governor, Oliver H. Doc Very, el Ilk h mood County. Foe Lieutenant (Jovernor, J.W. bow man, of Mitchell Coaatr. For Treasurer. W. II. Wheclrr, of Forrythe County. For Secretary of Hau, Williaoi JI. Howertoo, of Kowan County. For Attorney General, Col. T. L. Hargrare, of Greenville Countr. 1 1 For Auditor, I. E. West, of'Craien MMBty. For Superintendent of lublc Iu structioo, T. IL lurnell. our bold, young sUndard bearer io the campaign of 187 1, who, single-handed and alone caavaseed tbe State and though defeated deserved tuccems. All of these genlle oscw are well known, and each have atroag friends to advocate their claion. Dr. llowertow, the prencat Secretary rtfiTute, has saccrWaWr net ertry charg the DeanocraU hare broughl agaisnC bias aod e I noted their lata. MousattesspU Ubrrmk him dow'n be eau. ef bis roal poitlaiity abd devvtios) to the lpebricaa party. This fcs a Ucket su defeat the k'e Klax IV- wtucracy. and w UH it the victory i. our e are eipectiag great work frtt your lr during the coining 'cam lrw. and judging the future br tbe rvM. w will bvi be disappointed. I am yours, c 'A TatK Citr.; iHxition of Mate Treasurer. luth. We present the name of lion. John Ij. CbauibcrUin of Camden, as our choice fur nomination for Secretary of State. 11th. That we eudore the Xotih CUr iai.u4 as a true Republican paper and recommend it to the party for support. On motion, it was ordered that the proceedings of this Conveution be sent to the A"iik Girplinia, Wilmington ltirr and llatcigh Era, with the request that the same be published. Gn motion, a vole of lb auks was tendered the Chairman and Secretaries. A. l. iloore, Es a Ju rested the Convention iu a short but spirited and appropriate speech, after which the Convention adjourned. Jos. 'A. FATr. Chairman. -luliv I. Pi i vrnv I j. il iiAsstxi.u Ur:, horaetbouifhts on tbe Cotulnjr Cam- pals a. EtMTin o the Post : the time approaches, Cor the "tainslis'g Cvnren tions the leading and more knowing of the Democrats manifest leas confidence and enthusiasm regarding loeir success iu the Sute. That Coavenliou which they momld hare last Fall has defeated then before the tight has began, and ther feel it. They recognize now that it particually loses to them the west; wbtcb baa been their enly hope and sal ration. They would, it, they, could, gladlw ware the amendments out 'of (he'Aerpaign, tie Jvmrmil te too cosilrarr aotwilbsUnd w lng.p tirana I'araue.or uic si Btepnen'd A. U. E. 8endar School. JUwKOLtA, lH.rtlic Co.. May 2t, 1876. Ms. Editok: Thinking that there may be some who desire to know wbeth -er we were successful or not, I will here state that we bad a finu time, the pro cession rtacfcitrC nearly two block?, 'and on returning to tbe church many bad to remain outside for the want of room. Messrs. T. W. Payne and G. W. iVice were with. lis. Tbey both de livered xVerr fine addresses, and . manr express rrgret because of not baring heard these gentlemen, and now we say io mem, come when you may, you shall alwsys be welcome In Msgnotia. Our pastor, Ker. R. 11. W. Leak, we believe to he tbe right man iu tbe right place, and we love acd honor him. Yours respect fully, JI. Hbyx, Superintendent of St. Stephen's A.M. H Sunday School, Magnolia, N. C. Ijeave liashvllle Wedesday at 8 a in; Arrive H utanliope by 12 m; Ieave Htanbope Wednesday al 1 p ro; Arriveatiahvllleata p m. 4 t lioaa iscqaireu wuu ma. JJ. ; tllM Front AtderMns Store to llurbtowerx. It mllet sl bKk.snosa week, - i leave Aaderaui ki atersft Saturday ix w: i 4 ..... r i Arrivullllffhlilttnbv II m ' Tbe PoslmaKler Oehend wsrns bidder and their vmetics lx aeqnaJnt shemsives fully with the lawa sT Ctnig-reva. relaUasr Us eositraets lor tbe rarrylnv or tbe mails, (the Important 'provisions which--are erted herein J and wJ so to ramiihuisv themserves with the inslroctioas aud forms'bereigesr niahed,belare they shall aasame any liabll ties aa such bidders or Sureties, and to re vent mlaapDrebenaion or caueorooninlalnt tbereafter sr . - Postmasters are reoaseed 4 make Ibetsw es mini ar wnn ute lawa. and taese in-. lotions toai tbey may . be abte io iaform. direct others. ., . , 1. Seven mlnates are altAwmi Lo iairh tti. termediate efflcr, when wot otherwise speci fied, for ansortme tbe maUs ""!.- 2. On routes where tbe mode of convey ance aamlts of tr; the special etreeis-oT the' Post umce Department, ateo pos' oQlee blanks. malLbaasldcks nad keyawrb to be oonvye without exirs charge. -A "Way bills" or receipts, prepared by post masters or other enia of tbe -Department, artll fteo6mpan iaemals,epeciryi the number aad destmaUon or the several bars, to be examined by the postmasters, to insure regularity iu tbe delivery of hers mu furacora. f-'ire r,r No pay will newmde'ftjr trips not per formed ; and tor each ofsoch oniissiona.tr tbe failure be cerasioned by the fault of tbe contractor or carrier, three tl mes the pay of tbe trip will be deducted. For arrival an far behind time as to break connect ion with depending mails, and -not samcicatly ex cused, one foart u of tbe corn pen Rallou lor the trio is subject to forfeit ure. For reneaU ed deiluqaencies of tbe kind herein sped. fled, eouueed peaattieai priporuoaed to the nature thereo aad the litortance f tbe mall, mar be made. - a. For leaving behind or tbrowlneorT tbe mail, or any nrtton of I hem. for the ad mission of ikt-nrei;orfu ueiofconosm ed in settlus up or running an express e n veylag intelligence in advance n the mall, a quarter's psy.ipiy be deducted. . Fines wr be imputed, natess the de- llnqaency be prom pur and atisnclorily explained by c-rtitlales of postmaster or th affldalis of otlicr credible foerons, for falling to arrtv! iu omi tract timr; f.r neg lecting toteke tbe mail fr-is, or deliver it into, a jofct ottiop; fur uOeriuR it U be wet,' tnJureoVjdestrvyeU. robbed or lost; and lor refusing, after demamt; to cou vey rite mall as Ireqaently es the contractor runs, or is concerned In riiu-tiin?, heosch; car, or steam boat en a route. 7. The Posluuirter ,iaerl may aouitl the contract f -r repeated isilnren to ritu agreea bly io contract; fur HMfcipnlnt; tbe contract; fun violating tbeorst ottieeMtws. r diso beying the iiistrucioi s or tbe le(tartiiienl; for relusinc to dliMbsv it a carrier when re quired tiy in LHpi rtmeiit to do mi; or run ning an express as aiorcsaid; or lor trans porting pcrkont r packages, routes lug mailtlt e matur out or the mail. 8, The lNm:inatcr Uencrul iiimt orJer an increase of wrvlr- on a route by allowing therefor a pr rsU increase on I tie contract ne tuay-enangeseiteoiiieK or tfenart- held until contract Is executed aad the ser- I ijt: cmnmeneea by tbe accepted bldder. I??.111 tbea be retoraed by mail, ou I the wi itten request of the bidder, or dell v- j Si. The oontraeui an in t0r1 PJr"1 by or before the f .?pm.br..1. otherwise tbe .ixinr Diuun-vni oa considered as ha.v in feiledw and the PaBtmaster Ueweral may er parties, accord inc to law. - . i rscctin zraoruse artof Jnoc . IKT2L nrovides that eon tracts for the inwunru: lion ot the mail be "awarded to tbe lowest bidder tetderins: sufficient iojuiiiUm iatthfut rcrformancs .wiLfaoat other reiut toe moos or such transportation being a Coutt of Record, dobertb eertlfr thst . , whoierenulaesiBuatnresDe-iv totheforeaoing.niuavit.waVatlKE?!. sicning Oh, Mate, a Jattice ibe UaTi- . qnailHrd, mi.I that all hi eflicial iVi sin-h are cu tilled Io lull fiuth and redit In tfvtlaiaoy wbcret. I baehiiii m v bsr.i . m . lef h , and a m ted t he wiiTr tk.. ' ence to tlian may CEUT1KIU.VTK OF POsmiAKTEIt . , , . the undemgned, pnntmastr at " ; State of . after the exenWof Wna dtllieence to tuiorra myself of I he oL!l ryebiiityand responsibility of thenriaei.Zi bo BrcietlMinr1 to nrurbl u th. due celerity., certainty, and security there of." Under this lw bids ' that pornoae to iiuniv ran snaiis wiut ,-oeitrtiy, certain ty, and security." baviog been decided to be thsonly legal bids, am uons trued at provi ding for the entire mall, however large, aad whatever may be tbe mode or conveyance neeessstfy to iusureita Velerlty. certainty, avnd security," and have the preference ver ail others, aad no others are considered ex cept for steamboat routes. 23. a madiaeatiowv efa bid cannot oe reeetved so as to lntrrr with retro lar com petitkMK afskinga new bid to. i " oiuty or tbe pri actual " i and his aurettea Iu the aforrpUag buadLalTi of the uuineutnleretl real mists omm ? ' bond and cert fv that ih.j i.-2TT,H . suflicient-snfflMent in my roller to tVsL. , , the payment, of douida ii. ...VT.. . ' or the said bond: and I d ibHk.. ' Uiat the said Iwnd ns duly sUaed fc 7 .i.iu. hkider. and .i.'l ."VTi rT" -Mr before slgulntf tats eeiun,s. ? , wisssier. Dated In Mt nC lis 1 aad mlmn In, tin.) rt...i l.TT.:. . . lft- le esseaUat terms ts 'antomoHnt to a new bid 1 to be cnlraced I n l e,. ,BLlL4? V plilr proper form is the only way to modify a nrc- vioas me. n i l n i : ; !.., .. i .....1 . . . i 21. Poatma-ters arAcauUoned. aader 'pen ally of rnoal. uot U sign the approval of j ui ww wmi MHiacr ociore me wood is signed by the bidder and his sureties, and verttsement of this tale la n.7,r7I7:' i inviting proposals tor mall servici ia iT C to l found at llu tni..T . ""'"w of ibe shove rotttes. and to In, bains cation to tbeSoeood AssUtasu I'M 1-1211. f Bhls shoaldbe sent ln ssled ri?.!' n'-erBerttesir-Nait rTopoaal.KtisWNZi CasfUlna. aad .LIm!L.i ... lHf'' noSnntUenUreJysaUsfledotthssufflclsiK-v Isi&Lant PustmaMer ie.i ,n,3rc,, of the sureties. - i 7 T:f - .alAnsiiiTr iv iso poasjaunttm-i assist aat eosUnasler, or clerk employed in any pos'office. shall be a contractor or eoaceraed io a contract foe earrylag the mall. - . Postmasters are also liable to dismissal from amclor'acUnc as ageau of oon trac tors or bibbers, witb or without oompensa Jioa, ia any bttsusees. matter, or thing rahs ting to tbe mail ser Alee. They are the trus ted agents of the Department, and eevnnot consistently act in both capacities. , 2U. Incase the route ts not fully applied wiw, nnHniwu,Ha aneys, r mast be made upon tbs Sooond TOswnsi ter ueneraj for the oate et oegtnejn service. rrODOSalS altered br tnutnm Inter. llueaUoDsofthe rone, the service, the year ly pay, or use name or i ne Mdder, will stot irannifHwna, June w Postmaster (ieaersr. j TAX OltDIXANCK IJillFURENCK TO CUXIMJ tURCEft t)iiorU blrf suiJt id' v h ..t . - ,-i ' FKlTOfcD.Vi.NKOby the UoarU of lWer. iooood Assistant follows: V V V Ts . . : ' rame before tbe . i t ,, . ' ;-r::'v i!1! 111811 .:Akaii4re-T. ' thiscUr, thai! by jitntt r n- n- FOHsl OF 1'ROPOS A IfcBON D A1CKU JIMVATK for busiavfcs oa. St' umbo s.' 1 1 ... ' - " i r hsCTiox M, That any peion ioUsbtUj. " '?.'.- mreAt:': ! ' ProvbfclonsW this ordlntthceV lisU bta k MidrsigWed..;..w.awliotieioKt , .', '11' V' -,-'.. ,vw address a...-BUUof...,piop.av. Jecl loarinasrf Urn dlUrs fwr rrk itw,w. " .." Ueltod aUate,' .it , . .if., f . ' Leave Mlf hlowers Huiurdsy at 1.' nil; Arrive at Anderoa sblore by $ p n, liond rrtiulred with bid. Sluu. ' ; From Franklin. u Hugar Fork, High- . WW . M .-... " lanas, nunc vn, iu wainajia, is. .ii miles and back, once a week. . Iave FtankiiM Tuesday at 7 am at wain pay. uren and arrivals in ail casts, i-ml nartlcu. lar y lo make them conlorm lo couuedioos witb nUlvqad wtjhtmt increase of pay. pro icu tu ruin ina; tiiiic v aui aonugeU. The POHlmssler tin ral may alwo diHcon- liuueor curtail tii rervirc. In wliolcorin Lexoir Co., Juue 6tb, 187G. KdiiR3 vr Tilt roT:--I wish to kep our easteru candidates name's be fore the public for the office of Secre tary of Sute; that genuine Republican U. V. N. lluuter of 1enoir county Mr. Hnntcr will. If nominated, carry the Republican banner victorious from Currituck to Cherokee. If the wen tern delegates will co-eperate with the east ern delegates Jto secure Mr. Hunter's nomination, we, with the united rote of the central and western parts of this SUte, will insure them that Mr. Hunt er will be elected. Let us bare Uunirr ir Secretarf of State. Vaiin . , mi.) A liEPf hLk AF, La Gbasge, N. C, May 16th, 1876. , KniTuksoF the PoiT : Please al low ma space io your valuable organ to announce the name of W. W. N, Fun ter, of Lenoir eouniy, aa a aflilabte and competent man for SeereUry of Slate. I am certain there cannot be a better nor truer man found than Mr Hunter a belter Republican never trod in shoe leather'' Yours truly, ' " '' ' " La GitAxtip. t r J asi f 1 Ma. DixielF. ITeattt.' nianuUct- urer and proprietor of tbe Ueatty Piano ana Uealty a celebrated Uoiden Tongue 1 trior organs, Washington, . is certainly- a rcry reasonable and gener ous boa ta traossAi buiineas with. He .1 - ... . .i W. hr only now U make nofaul Cm.T ClKfi misULe. and tbe lr?Ld.ilure ui LunL I CJInM i ' -tr ik. l..i. . T2l 'z . " w 4 I w. w w , Arrive leavoVialbalUt Wednesday atlitm: . Arrive s Ir uikllti next day tty p in. Hood I en uir i with bid. t-'iui. : f.Ki? t'rosa IciMfMvtlle, tManback a Ferryt to DHlle stills, II miles and back, once a leave LAeevllle Wedcesday at :i.r"n m Arnvcat Liiue i Mills by t p m; t ' iMti Lntle s Mills Jburaday at 7 A m: Arrive at IlesTllle by Um Ifond reqsured with bid. 9JM. ' 1 oo From Kuffia, by MayQeld and Oregon, to Leakesvtlle, Smiles and back, one) a week, i IjeaveBafltaMatnrdMy all pmj i Arrive at Leaks Hie by m p in; j Ieave Leakesvilie8alurdiiy at An n ; Arrive at Koffln by 12 m. ' liond required with bid. :. ! l il'PKront MadUon, by Ayiesvillc. Hsndv Itldce, r-olo-iville. Peter's Creek, Fran cisco, and WesUteld, to aloint Airy. .VI miles and bajk, twice a week. , lcave Madison Wednesday and Frbdar at lpm: Arrive at Mount Airy next days by 6 D m; 1 Leave MOoat Airy Tuesday and tliurv- dayaV7am, -i- ... Arrtvaaf Madl on nest days by I? m. Bond required wl tb bjd. o, . . ISUO Front Racigh b Leebburgb. 1 miles an 4 back, once a week. lieave Itaielgh Weduosday at p mi Arrive at Leeebbunrh br S mi J jm v Leash bnrgh Weduetdsy s 7 a m: Arrive at italeigh by Um. i Hond ree uired with bid, rjOU. ! l llll From Morriavlllo to Aloilnssvillc. S miles and hack, once a.week. Leave Merrisvlile Saturday al 9 a in; Arrive St alor.nrsvllle by Km;' i Liv Morlngsville Uaturdsy at 1 p m; Arrive at Atorrtville by 4 p m. 4 -liond reoired with bid, Sluu. . . , U IIS From Xi organ too to bbelby. -ti mile ana oarK, ooce a weex. 1 leaye sferganton Wednesdsy at 0 at m; Anfteattheiby7pm: j UvaSbelSyTbursdayat .a p Arnvs swiww uj 1 y ni. Uond required wttb hid, ; (tin From MU;avle liiUu-efeforss, j mJits and bsek4 onos a week, I eve Mica ville Wednesday at T a til Arrive at Three Forks by iL'm; I ieave Three Forks Wednesday atl m Arrive at Atleavllie by S p m, , part, I a order to pw on Ibe route superior I eunlsrliy, - to tulrt'l my obligation orvcr.' or wbtf.ever n- publie luterrsts, I bidder; that tbe bid is made in gotn In Ins jadicxic. t, kim;I ieiiii c ucl. discou- I aau w,lh tbe intention, lo enter In rrvreJiao mt Cbowaa Ilepahtkaw . Costvcatsuss, . ltrsuABt U the rrrwlar call vf Kr Cajtirmaa of tbe CefUicaa) Hxecwtire , i'osaatiltct vf Cbowaa cooaty Ure dele gates selected froas tbe several toww&hlpa set at the cwwrt wostseta Kirnloi m rsurdsy Jcwe "-l, at eclork lallwf, as well as tbe Sute is ours. ouccets or defeat to tula the next election depends largely, U smt ewtirely, osj tbe selection ef the Sute ticket. The whole SUU is sAttsHed with aad eslorca tbe adsuis4ar&lkai .of Urrr or Urjgpew and the cowdact of all the SUbaeBeera. Thty tare circa ,' aa cstfdtowally, good and boaeai gorara- aaent or all of the pest four Teart. w Jf the instuaient does not pro to sallsfActory after a test trial of are daya after receiving it the prrhiitt eaosrry will be refunded apusi tba re turn of the instrument, aad be will pay freight cbareea both wars" ' This is ( certaialy aa exceeding, groeroo, aad safe asaarrr la which te transact busi- with him. JU nrraaUait laatm' BaeaU for six years. b a4rertiae 1 awS t jaja. M-oaa. lioud reoulred with bid rjon. 1.1111 From Joaesvllle, by Laurel Falls and Boon ville. to Mount Mebo, 14mi.es aad ' LWJlwVZLnJd2li s tfaiy I : Arrive at U04S I Hj by 12 m; Leave Mount ebo riai.rdjy atj P m; . Arrive at Joaesvllle bv± r Doad required wlih bid.rJuo. 1JI13 From Ciark'aMllia. by Benaalrm, to Brewer's Mills, Si miles aad back, one awea. I ave dark'a Mills Moaday at S a m I awsai aw mm w wi a sb wisuajj as a o aa j An Ive at Clara's Mills by i p m: tkmdreqaireu wttn dm, HO tin nance or curtiiiltmrnl lor any otber cause bqallowibg, ui inn nuiviuiiii-y 10 -oiilrctor one monlh'K extra pay 011 ih amount of service dJitpeuKed a lib. and a prorata com ptmsaiMitsiorotls kai tit 1 1 s-r vievrt ataed and continued. i. l'a nieiits will be uiado hv 1 ulli-. i Ions Trom . or dral t ou.'po'-tii H.vl crs or other w ise, sfter ibe expiration of i;u-.n jiiHrl-r Key in November, Febiuary. l. imd Aug 11-1, provided tbsrt reiutrt't rvHln e 04 arrvles lias been remivtd. 10. Tbe distances Kivcn mm iH'lievcd to be stibtilautiully corn c : but no ii iituMrd nay Will be allowed should tbrbe great r than advert ifJ. if the points toTe supplied are corretitly siatcU.i ladders piutt iiionn tbem aelves on this point, id also i rcfcrcuceto tbe wtlgbt ot iuenai;,iiiecoiidnion or hilts roads, btreams. Ac., and all U.ll bridges, turnmkes.p'atubrtiMdii, ferries, or oitruc lionsoi ioy Kiadby waicb-rxeiimHybe Incurred. No claim f.r adutiional jay, bssed on sttc'i uromid, cn be vMsi'rrcd; nor for alleged lutsmkt of inU.-iirebeaKlon as to the degree, el service; nor Id UrlitgoM de stroyed. ftrrie dliKontlhdtd, or other ob structions causing or Increasing distance or expense ocvurriiieduringlbccoi tr.clterm. tHTl res established after ibis advertisement is isvuud. and alco duriugtlic contract term are to he visited without extra py 11 tbe distance be not Increased. 11. ladders are cautioned lo mail their proiosals Jn time lo reach the Department by I be day ainl our named iu tbe ad ver Usemeut, us bids received after that lime will npt be considered in competition witb bids of reasonable amount rec ived in time. Neither ran bids be received without the bond, oalb, and certificate rcju'eil by sco tion i, aetof ioae st, 87. 1 II. Uidders should rtrn prcpoe hr tcrvlce strictly acoorcing to the advertisement, aud thea, ir tbe uesm, separately tor dJfter eat aervicet and if Ihe regular bid be the lowestofferrd lor Ihe advertised service, the other propositions rosy be coosidend. IX. There should be but one ronte bid for in a proposnl. ConsollfUted or combination bids ("proposlUK one sum for two or mere routes") cannot be coosidertd. 11 m.J...i. . I .... . . 1 1. 4 h luiiir, .hq yi tidc, icbi ir nay. The office es to carry irom October 1, lt7,to Jnneir), 18.. ,011 lUwte ao. , between , and istate t :. under thaadverUsemeot of 1 lie "ostMsater General, dated May 20, iKTs. "with celerity, certainty, and securitv," for the annual sum of dollars; aad it this proposal lsacoepud he will enter into con tract, with sureUcs to be approved by the Post Master General, wilbia the time pre scribed In said advert inemcaL Tnu proposal is made with full knowledge oftheoistaooeor the route, tbe weight or the mat! to be carried, and all other partlc ulara in reicreuce lo the route aud service; and, aim, after eareinl exsuiinaiton of the laws and instracUeoa attached lo advertise men to' luail service, .... , Dated-. .... ....L..::.:....'Eldler Oath required by sccliiau ns ot an Act or Congress approved Jnet, Dm 1, to beaftixed to each bid lor carrying the mail, , and to be taken before an officer uualitied 10 adminis ter oat tip. 1 ..; , of ... bidder for currripg the mall 011 tHit No, .......... from to do swear tlMl I liave the ability, po- I as kUrli mm! laith, Into con tract and perform the service iu Vm i-c Nsiti bid hsll be accepted. oktios m, ,dt oruiOAnce or patters. dlna;ce 'ctmflicUjig heitfwilb, are Uenb 'V ' ' . repealed. ' The sbve ordinance., was "'elt by tle lltiard o Aldermen tt Ihcir u-ts Jaas A 7h, l7ii. June! ;:i.i T. f. KKItVtS. i f-woru toaod subs or inc.. topi the napie gad rpidece of the Idthler, (that la, bis tisualHWstofflcp address.) aut the nmc Ac ji-nen ? a 'ru-m whefar a company .ar,vhnu4,R,MltAu-tly xtatod. 1. Bidders sre reiieietl to ue, as isr ss practicable. the printed proposals rurnUbed by tbe L)eparinient. to a rite nut In full tbe umof their blde.and to retain ecpieso tbem. pearly pay. or the. name im tbe bidder, by erasures or interiii raimnv. snonio not be submitted; and if so nlmiMed will not be consideieu in awsrdlng t be contract. No withdrawal Of a btl will be allowed unless tbe withdrawal irorelsiiwenly four hours p rev ions totneume nttdior opening the proposals. la. In easei f faiVte of pie sreetded bid der to execute, a contrast, .or o lle sUan uoemtnt 4 ervSo- dSrtrg Ihe I ran tract term, th service will be r-advertlaed and rribrd brfore me cf this day of A. i. 1x7.... and In Is ai. I testimony wliercol 1 lioreuulo tub. scribe my name aad allia my 4tlicial thed;iy and eur aloreHMld. ; . Not Wlisn (be ealb is litkcn itetoru Justice of the IVacc, or any otber ofticer not nsliigsn ofttcial seal, except a Judge of a United mates court, thecf rtificnteof a tli rk ol a court of lecord must be added, under his seal of office, that the person who ad ministered the oath tsdulyuttuliried ss mh-Ii oibcer. . olds mul Ii t iu-coiiipauied t l-y a crlifl.il chccfc.or draft, on mnii hoIxciiI National Iiankt raysble to tlie order of the I'osIhuih. ter uciivrat, eiiusl to."ier ocnluiu 00 ibo present aanuat 1 ay on the r ui w hen tbe present pay exceeds ?,i.r.ii; or in case of new service, not- lessthiui per rcutunt of tin amount of the bond aeconfntiiug the ttld, li said bond exceeds &.uu. lbepropoal mustbeMgnrdby tbe bidder or bidders, and the date of signing ffled. 1'lrect to the -Second AsMstaot Post nut, ter General, l"osl Office lepurtmeiit, WmkIi Inpton, 1. C.," marked "l'rooaU, Male of .C", Hoi!', ' Principal and sureties in iuii in tne oouy 01 ine immiu; ;iis From Troy lo Ashboroogb. 2T miUs and back, one a wees. IjitO roy Thursday at am. Arrive at Asbborosuth by 4 pm. rowan r 1 rin pe expe n;e of the falling bidder or I proposal of the said confrsxAor, a id'aarlapird td4erwh 1 - iibwTtheAmdilloa shall wroogfulfy rcrus or Uil to enter lato I Is swab. Ua4 if the iUKXx-rio.-. In Kelt tbe names of the : atsi tbe date. Tbe signatures to the liond should he witnessed, and the certlflcate on the Inside should he sic ned by a Justice ol 1 he Peacr, adding bis official title, or, II slsn edby a Notary l'ublic. he should affix his seal., Know all men by these presents, thai ., of in the Mtate or . . princi pal, aud and or in th Htstte of as sureties, are h!d and firmly bound n.to the United HI stem, to be paid to the sa HI United Hi ales of America or itadaly appointed or authorised officer or officer; to tbe payment of which, well and truly to. be m da aud 'done, wc bind G twelves, our heirs, executors, and admin rotors. Jointly ana severally, hrmit by Uiese presents. neatea wtta our sea s, and dated 11 its. day of , . 17... Whereas, by an act of Cuarress aroeoved JaaeSt. I7i, entitled "An Act making apt proprbuiotts lor be serrie ol the road office lepartmt lor the necsl year ending June inirucui, eignieen nunarci sou seventy "vs. and for other purposes." it ta provided; ,'tliat every proposal tor carrying the mail shall be accompanied by the hood of the bidder, with sureties approved by a post master," In pursuance whereof, and la crow- pitaare with the pror isloos of sad taw, ld boad ia made and xeruted. subject to all tsia 11 wis. coooisiosta. awq rrueritea tteere oa, la tbe said act pruvtded and prescribed to accompany tne survgotng asm aonxd l ily t lei k a Treasmer. ; AN.OUDINAXOK ; 0Nfi:iUNiNU CKIiTA 1 X AN13ALh .KUSN1NU AT I.Ai;UK WITHIN TIIK OiTY ii.M ITS. . ItK II Oairti.Nt i Hit- t.miid of Alder llien el lie lily i,( S II111I11-U.1., fi, C. SS follows : Hn itos Im. Thd scmdlcr wnj ht, pig. Ko:l 01 Kl-I. Ii-iiikI i iidiiIi g al large withia the cll i nn's h i!l im j..iuletl, sail miI y thcl'ily Maiflial and li prtireetU paid lnl t ru Uily Tres.ui.j . Km iijj :d, TImL 0 t.t ti rll, o bull, be - nuilt-.I t.. run si l-ijf it dblu llir clly hum , l-i-ltt,-, 11 ll.c .M (rf Novipt iHtuud the tlrl J.iy w Mj Ml.' ring w e.u li j iir. t rill'llU.N Ui, 'llieownet clou) ol tbe slxrve ' iiitiiicd Mimtial, wliit'li may e K ui. al l.irr i-oiitiMij n ltn 1.1U ii.iihi, sbail llji!f iim iti.e ot tin doiii'i-. Km rack tad every auiinal mi .'tiiii.l. ttiii'N Hli, An) iiiii:iii r tt tueicof toliflkt;i Villi lli' limit iH lb oiiliiiiiiirr. ine tn-rx '.' ir 1 iah'1. TI'c;i'oc ord:iiniJ pKirl by lbs iktard ol Aid 1 iu ti rt tlx Ir iiirrtliig June lh, l-Tii. T. t . Vl.lt Vta-. June a .i.j nt) t :ik a Trtssiitrt, in i.'w ki;i .u; iu tiik iii.r TllUCl lN imm.K "HU-I ltU.M. lK I I I III ! .tS t iumi of the tlty l fo, lou lll. T II K by the loaid ix Ai,k- lrrl.H. N. t" aa Leave Aahboroagh . A rrp et Troy by IS aa. toeMX rsajiiiisBi wiis BMevaMssu rtdey atsa 1 IxiiT From Clraa'aboroajh to Aaiora, miies suu oarg.wstea wees. si lAAvs.aniWiproMihPaiordayst I pi Laare Aarora rtaiarusy at a m. ' am Arrfveet Aurora by 6 pm. yataj urn or Haae repaired wth bid, f p cc a tract la due iotni. and perform tbe ser vice descrlissd la his proposal, ansur .be aeemeu gutityot a misuemeaaor. and. 00 ooavtctioa thereof, be ttned atd Imprisoqcd loeretor. i i 17. The roslmaster arral reserves tba right f e rejretany bad whirls may bedeemed eatrarsgantj aad also to disn card the bids! of bvllla contractors aad Mdaers. Vo contract ror rarrjlagthetaall sbali be ntbde jrtin any person who ba.al eopoxiU lu ealrY, lb;0 at y eopiblaattoai to pret ea t M ssf bg a a a r bid lor carry lag 4 XEW A D VRJSE2lEStTSi " man taey not be resiosaiaaA-1 nii. ..i.--r -i..ivrT.rSF edtoaasaa? A. cvaabiaatiitj Ivla' W lW 1115 iUUXylAiAtf .1 A5DTHC Uw sAhaa,Jwavc-b Im lratt was elects ed diirmaa and John F. Clay te aad Jaa. 11. yaaaias kwwcsacsI td act as ifecnUisea. ; . Ow SssAWm, Ure chair arWatrd perhapa tbe strvagr4 Ucket that cowld serrll. Wins better foe tkat -itosi j L"; thaw W II. Ikvstkeey: PkA,i the I f " :n Hr-V ablest campariwer (a the SUle.awd th I ' -L' - V caeAcwsM.iswx fcie rts 1 jft'im sa f re 1 sr tr . J vmm vt4e Msasstt a r . f - . u,, - . i i . . r .V IXIIS Fruea WHdon te AuretUn tWtaca. 1 I pre teat rhd mile and borsuooawa weak. I tbe asaii.or who hu wwtUe snumsiisL eave WaAdosi Wednesday at II am. 1 or given, or pswtecexd, or promised to give any coashirrauMai was lever te Arrive at Aerrllasi f prlars by a a, aa Leave Aaretlaa fprtag Tbarsday at HJdSM. - .lMVJj.lSki.''V- ,N ' ' Mossd renalresi wttb btd. tJUB. j Itr9 From Vsadnsie H oonsw Creek Is. i iAf7saHaassessM;aNstwaseB . j Isssve Vsajimr ra 1 bssreday as 7am . ltfli UllatJ IISM Illd4 kl II H or perform tadace aay ut pri Mark roouwrt. t Jfr'f s lvs OgoaeCre. IB Xawraday at A rrfve aA Vaademrre by pj sa. ' - rtaswd res?ed wt4 btd. fejtt. lit Srssrt Umllbaell. brlSDiVllte.Ttar- per, ran saga n.feaiaii,osiivia aw jaasrw iiniN. pmitasssi, smiea.saeasjraaaaaargsar Laavr sUwItaAWtd Tbarsday at 9 a as. f Arrive t usaii anus rtssay by a an. bslm. Iaitioa T The place el faperiateadeat of rablK I astrw-.tivsi is alswta be) asm piled owtbc Mate iKirt. Oae'tWsoav vwessmiurc sf ire hs draft reawJatsoat I of UeademNi cwwaiy; baa'beea ss cipreaaiTe ef the sense of tbe cwarta-! gestcd by tbe western cow.isra : aasl LV f the ieuc rsar: I localioa s a rxsd ewr : tLr.tWr west k llesk. Jesx U. I'are, XCdwaxd 11a re, ( emUUed lo k trrat .Nal n Lr' msiisr 'JL:'" '-HL-: Hear? llobba, Ui, Holly aH Willlxat CAavpaiga, mw.k s.iptWwf WrJ a-, m a IZ ZZZSZT T X caaAkicraUi port of the weaterai 1 - . ' - Y;w . A. t . C. It, TW7itUTuroM.MXixtaaosjtcxxTm ws be eat aat ifltK , arTlt.. AT Jkl4 rodn Asr tbssar dalisaa ssf vtattlet be McarirrArsos 04 xofrm rAttirrwA srKIMta KHklJIT. 4TAWKA. ltCV- Kl KXt. . ltd i crab Tier. It t 1 rtwtred witb 1 Massy aii se sssev.eiBis wwaw, 1 1 w t I Lseveedy Mw) Friday ai 7 a aa 7 Arrrve as craw xre syist, lassve tvas Trw Friee sltpat. Arrives sjasr sea y s pasw renal er j aa iit, f-vs. wot lo btd fur aay lll'l-n m bmdtbf sarrvmrUemsJis sVssliW released 'fra wlseAdtgatmw ssader Was bed T mat.! SMrtwtthfaadig M aware, to a lower bidder waul a eaailrart war IbedcslrasJedservtrsaWI bavae been daly xerwiew ey esnsa svwrr eseeer ami mm sera ties, aad mcrpted. aad lb aertb rwteres npun br UeiLsssrswss-wtbe mHafsHosi ef rj Post ssst4Mi 1 m-tm 1. Vy regwsstmsi'of. (be 1 err1 asewt. a, rar- nerraN m empoyw wisw t assArrststerw years T Age-, bad bssMss win be arward wbots susrr twvwtyear sears eSMv.es what fs a marrsed wismea. 1 Is. Tba bla abwpM sealed, swswewrtdL at all nupaia, mswsr swa tarwii dlraesed "VSseeod Aastil t Pin imaalir GeSMrral. Oawlrart lerw." tk, Kveey re yasal as wst te arcaea faa srsl Tssssssin .tsro asr. Psved by a paavaee,bd I tssrsasasaaAasT w basad esra "s tl rs rV. by at Ssssl arsS. sssua isr- tbteA rba-. vsr lb pay k WbSrb at tbe UsW4itt dsMsjsvSV of the above ohll est Im Is swab. UuU If tbe aaM . Li.l.ir asaajraaaia. soau, witaia such utwe sner Ads btd toaeeeptedaa tb IMtmster Uea era! has prescribed ta aaid mlverUsement. eater late a roe tract wttb tbe United sMate of America, with good and swflVrtm t sarettm to le approved by the rost master General . lo parsacm th tbe servK ptopemd ia bta said bid. and lartber skaii perform aavd asrvlr accord lag to bis onatrart; thea this obllrmUo shall be void, otherwise bslatisj full sura aad erfdiamiesi la taw, Is viUma wbereof ws sue bocnntii m I or bands and apsis (hi day ir? ira Aid .KALi 'ifcAlJ SS t.o Thai the lw ntdl.aae l thlscil, be nrmj.,.(i h-d at tbatoa sad alter tbt nrtt-raUt day of Jua Is;, aU doss '' lmpotiodcd,ir swt teloc mrd., tlllbeds ta. ed st t tf.,ra p. m., si tbe day t"ey sis lmpon,ndct. e-iVftu a, ty "U.itw or pit M'rrr of onortKSUMt witb tb rruvbns 4 tsts orJiMftm: statu ut j ri-rx?rd. , llieaiiovi' ordinaiiro a a d by ISs IkavrdoT Aldersnrtt as fbrtr mrrtiae J T. I". fMlVis. t ily t : rt k st rreaere. Aay aJteratiitaj by eraasde arsalsvtiswss. m a snaiana ssmrsee tbaoratM baaad wu raaoe ll l be r?rtcd. it appears by a d sflsa rrtseTsarrlofWWaM4tb an airy afaaaAd MX bS lMidb cws arri or , , . 1 sssretses tat tb Sae uasSssl Fbswasi Am Herat bal Wfbsa1 ,11a, I Issewsew esrvssas era is lawaa d daMVss, VBsaiWasad re a. soeS a wevy. J assrst bessoom-aird Vy sort lawwe ArTterr' TVarsday Al Sa SB. ewesr.tsr draft, yrU ttaeswre ssT 1 Armve as ta rsa x hi ay s p as 1 ivsnaasairr ie.evai. ass istvee. . J sBr ! ro MUa t rVaay at s a as. I beak eg tvm I new ayprssu .tmrssisrtsr'snsyi 1 isms usrassan fiss 4 rwosu.ad n)iM.iiS 1 iar f Utn ra alsaios. by I rua4Aa.se btasrt I . ssb . ssr aea aSm I srd tl , I tii unwis suisavid la aaM btsssi assseraas be re easd tbsaas b) bws i Sf ai sears. 4 sa.asaicsMb' t lai t sWa-.tswa y. b ba esvM4 lb wtffete hisi. awanb it 1 wwiwgtejr Maa.i sssBSGMd s-sesart bra-tag tuwg s ath warar ad twad f sa srtsvsne stsalat aasaafc aw aad ISUesm, Oa aavisosA, the Uslr waaaalborixcd U appoiat the dclriica to tbe State, Ao.,TaiiB,l aad cewasariti. CVm Uoaa, wherrepoAi baa sWbra lae are tor JmL-m JUmU aad Cmi lAackary. Utbers are foe Dovierraasi Eliber'crtLc wwJdHr strewt ta the State tic&ei aasl be trea enly accepUbU U aH jNxtkscs t tie jwwea-u U.T. i a Mast MeasAsr A Uk aa. Arrre et Mesa pry 11 r as aa. iSsNsi aval day I ssaasasbsl 1 -s-. gas per eaweaas sT ts sua boad a, anaari jysf UosU. af tasy eaxdasW ta l! ljss- C re ( BSM 1 Mtl 'bassu a.-lS t t IM ejapiias T ed wry of ta a-rnSau mm. ? $ . all pas sUrjr'TA', ' tomm swamp fstt rssast l ' ! ems Sr. )af Frwaa 1 -d to As A r.-s 1 r-f.aa , Ita e a. m . J t. .- at a - - Arit A ll 'tlyiysv t Laakia-( Airy 1 tiavay MajSX, r-vSi " --dW , .. f A jlA .aa .: - Tai aiAa '1 sat . I a 'art r y w mils. y wissai M selsisej.isssii - v . t . i . a sasi-d Is Uaad I . . ru.TT-nna tJUa-i wnaiamniin taesf fwaaessss mala. I ' 3ttm ark BLaaBBBBBSa SSHaBaiiAV aaWAWA aa'WS ay tbstoafti ftstsArW a Js,idsUtwsL sat aaart e r. S4 kS sswd adasttaaa. ja KKYrmi.MJ rUlXTINO ISK 0 MtstrrArrrpp.as r 1 rniTiti iMif. ( Hook and Newa llWk a pecislt IfjteaTii HfTlt inifrT, ilitMPrijniitl, ra. tar (is Aref a t4twrloe-ibAidt. Wflj made 'torn the tei iarrediewts aad Bjodft tbe p roel soperv th of a rrectka! ltlet aad ftMaaa, !Wr for we will gwAraalre erery pMiadof Ibk avid t leafs r-ri,.f Jt laart, imick iHifaa ratirrly rreefrsws. t hnr rekrii ar f fr SiJ 1 w'9 pre rt. Vf aay t4br f U BAif sft rd la tbe rBtudeuW'-''1 -y -- .1 frUl ef a sample ir bill cvwtiar aay prtntrr that' be tubs lm fwf w,fy L!e wkat be sm4 fee Jala If tlMr idist. let aa ia ter aad . ' ' .td-Jrtws. - -t " i Krt?tvsjcJytriailts. r. . t Jsrt na b utu m:!iTti 11 Sih!i:i Ef tiji at sSsaea bb wswsS ag sv 'aaasSk afteixi ajaei as mmmg . - - - , Suaaad rKa waata, ' - re ta siamnaiffa W 4 anui a4 fkvrrawja a SmSil. fWaflais as n.aW aa tb aaw-as aaA . W. mma 1 1 rriatol t . . , , , ., C J Csarataar-0. K. Hubert, il,aJ Jw!:aE.r?xa. . f. a4 aviatc t7 V d taHnraatauc't-.; . sms - feat Xwrr tsate, mj. . HXU rs J. r-c ... 1 1 arare 0iA.bS . bcalsist tbraav, Si s . it rat 1 iite rrv a mi sm. -- a, in. Cat aritr all tl:t tirrssTtftacct, tit V -7 -I I eevry rtear 1 AX A4cbsx J .r-. . 9 1 Uesyt.j kJ . , . - I . 9 v : ' .i;M;i.r .ad ... ace wi be I - Ift fs Mi . t(...w S a 4- ij .f-t. - .. v w . I f v" t ( Mr;. .t :rvf -n?5 AS" i sajaw jsajgj . , 1 V- -4."