J -.".-'.'--"- I f ' - . , , . v .- : '. : . . : I lUii rvt in I l.fivif ;1 . u ft ISS WIL3IIGToN post. d-w "O K th Convention sojourned. J. G. Christian. Chairmaa.- JUS CELL A KKO U6. r J JROSrECTUSL BAIL-ROADS. ' "lTLMlNGTO N- a i . ti. aloxxi, Vrcnixrj. mm-. r i a n or .1 . I i1 V Hp rS-c Carolina Central , ltall- ' . -LL .t? JTT, M fc, i . ; ...p ....I.V ,-. - iTJ IN Goldiboao, N. C, Jom filh, 1876 ft" fji rou Pwt; The scene at tli N. ..'I - Grud Bqiir and Upright CI - - s. A T-m by in reidat or C. Railroad ticket ,filce ia GoldAboro. tit r ran ames. rendered i dcenly mUmIm . br ih I u".t!Sl" ft ""wri- ' I. ti . ?. Mi! il Y' GKOCJ5KIES J5rr man, miut ha Tiewctl f fnwD 8 iwu.. mortto: w J. rui. Jitlesale ZPices.'? iso in . our reUil tales iodacea v to giro the Gunsutucc all lLa IB pit j a ixl human aisdoraa cooJenaed I rroa B 11 Cruuir. aW Cbaa. rabon. j ... v! i MTantarea of , . ' ' . I i WTTOT.TCS A I, TP. PT?Tim?.S r ' CH1NGE OF stllEDDIX i I nd pm up In Uat man. BnIU.rarlj ' " "' ' ' ' f Ml TRJ ill :o; i. iii ...i i , j n : i IMPrAJ)QLQNG AND MIXED ou Ul; 1'JSll i'UUJND. .... .1 i r 1 1 IIP aa at r t - RBGL TTC J - . - I j u;. ti a 4 r i c::. an of lit . . i orrins o kmx' superj jrrtJtDBNT. 1 1 tl i isvn r.i n .-1 :..- I - .in. ' t . . i. i - i. iTi . f t 1'tfci I - - -i a . f s-ai r m tkdd rmn a i a b a am a . . - - t ' - m i i L. kfhv rffommrnd tl I UM4 want re inui lnitndMtir. n i... k. .iT S" i. .i a : I v. ri t . . ... IIJIIIIII and Lionns: I r" , . aM lul Utf T Cau 0 I . .. "7. - i .... I. I . .i.. tii rACBaiAtiK AND M1IL t TBilMIL . it W At. .Vl'...! of th roor nnfoftsiiAtiL tfca hv - tHw weraey, UOA ."Wr"'V""L. - - HOB HX-TUc of h! crur,ir. anl S rcc of utxaa aad waat ia M 1? lf a I l)Tr 1 T Cl ...,,.: laja Caariotu at.. Mr. X nSt,l U JJllilib "..: 1. i U columna of hia ncwiDtwr. Tk 11 -M. IV JtV 1 iVljOI I ArrtT ia WUmlnrtoa at.. t.aOA.MF 1 .. Tt IT iuA aa ia U0 I . I Caa0 Uaf cpt in pn f'l ia orice oi lite LA fuIUntry of a fS.OOO aaU ?Vi ioih iBteallhAt of ffn7 cent ia rriLT, i, .WmJ pronr ofmoal ioumpSlm wtll.-.wbe. .. .. t .t i uupv were imiurto no &ai rrr.K : ;.:r t;:::':. u effect. VT. Aa for th nat-.r nan hm It in r . . m " I lall.. a . !. a ( - 1AC L .k" II,. . rf liri. Trwident of TliU Week. WACCAMAW A CATB rAR FRCSH Tkt Grtt Priaciplii o' tli rJfaV j ... v . i ., . ,,. , ..' ... ... , .. .LJi.. 1 In: - ' ' . i ' i - t AST TSX1G HT AKiy PaSSENGIR iaaported at nnprecedentcd low prices. . FAX 8nor.E RlACKEmil, AMS AND SHOULDEES. ' TONGUES AT 81.00 ONLY. t Fim CAStfft ninft' iMPnnTFn Air - Ai$15 00 per caakef ieht dozen. Arood bann ibrthennMt a1 in th ft. NAle. d' bereby declare IIA3H. dIDES, SHOULDERS. ' ' tional BepuMieu Party. leiVa clSlSfe" THE CHOrCEST LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CRACKERS, TrHd.,.. iwurd.ya: 'H BEST 'BUTJ'ERr IN THE WORLD kiri:tf.iMif .L--.i-w.4; SooiiVoijiAii HiBtitatvai aaa e e e Arrive at Cbarlotta at... . .1 l i Ln &l in n i firnui umiiIuIiaii -r urrt Mcb reila. 7orth, he wUI t Sri 1 thair.Vr Cr " rtje abtAin the floan- M : 1 .1 eial autua of each, donate hberaltr to I ... boy uirn I" ' T iu wui i the thousand aadoaeappltcaata for re KrUr ' Ha I ai th. City of tylT0'1 f l mtk r aW af aar 11 1"?. and of the J. i. I. f lha Loitfd butea L. . ;am. llMll.tS ri.n, .VtttUfT "f M4le. Knirot-i Wilvisotos 1-t: II ia now time for u to become alire to our nofninatiuoa for btale oiSciala, There ia one io particnUr that I deaire Id mention Uiroujh your ralaable paper. thai ia, i&e Hon. U. JI. Howerton for Secretary of State. He baa hither to maJ a rcry efllcieot ofilcer. he haa I v.lely alaodcrcd and (Dry 8alted and 8 mo ted.) English and Scotca Alst. COFFEES ol all kiode at reduced rHcea, Flail CASH GOODS of all kind, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale aa4 Common SOAPS, Twenty differ eat kiode of TONIC la aaoordaaea with the Mare Cbarlotta it: ......laii if ArrjTf atWllnOrtctoa at.........lL30 P. M . ., l. . J. i i- jt . - 6U2LBT DlY18lON.:,i,: . leava ChartoUa at I;.'.'.; 7.00 aIm1 Amre at Caariotta at4ni..,4. CM P. af A a-a-l mmt m, lki.ll.. i can a . Baelby 1 - CONNECTIONS Lr. M I T16 Urdrersal Cbmpound Bitters has gladdened oyer one hundred persona with- . I'll-:- ; i if r-j in the past month. ... f TfiYITt TRY IT tt TRY IT it t. Arrive at ebaiby............,.JL80 A. M ....... Lw . . a. Laare . .4 ms. j3 -A. S S' , J Ha 1 1mported) tl5 00 oer cask. 8 Dozen each. v.i IHENNE8SEY BRANDY, Vintage IBIS. '.... (- Hand mada 8our Maah Whfalrtr . T ? the,be:st inthe state: BLUE GRAStf, KENIUCKY GEM, OLD JAMAICA RUM. Z. lLViS: PHILADELPHIA PLATFORM, raoT. '. tl. Jane 3J, IfC6 Ljl t atrfire the Keiublicana Tm,tj omaij ml al the coart I , . Li, .r..,i " UITTtKS. I fcv m v a j wvav aw aiBBBaau s ru ayw n ctenton wa caUed to the Democratic pre, and some of the . f. hmrt "h. hnef leadiu- DemocraU, but with all their ClriTI, Tobacco. Kerosen OIL Lm4 aj eipUinel the Ujcct .V " T ' " YVt - . , i owi, ibii, irua ioq carpcu, vary Udepcisfeat ax (o Ilea, Bit Ntt VAISF.Y NI S ri"tTM IVHISKKY. h:J Hie Iiet Ever Offered in this .Market. GjlNOER ALE, LARGER BIER, NEW CIDER. J 30 DOXEH A8NODTED CItACIiKIlS. p m aaa Wilmington, Columbia Au- Jenny! Lind, NicNaca, Boston's Oyster, Soda, Milk, Snaps, Lemon, Haud Made - Baiirod eloaeljr. . , , Butter, Reuta, Tiffli ihim viimiHiA. in - "! With a full assortment of it - -oonnacUonbiway, aVAon I 'IMJ?OH.TE13 iCIiACICKHS Gonnapla with is, a t a n n n . Cbnaacta at Wiimi.rtnn with wiimin. ton A Weldon railroMi at 7J A. at. and as tt Part, 8. IL FKZlfONT, 1 Chief Engineer and Buperintendent. my 13 . . At extremely low price at QEp.BMYEli8. 11 and ia Front Mired. aaast to Ue to rcorjanixe the h.. :irn.; f!iIld to ittBlifth7ir laf! Li hMQ ouioiitteca and ,jiy, be ba Tindicaled bimself from all , mxx'-r lo the Ut anu I their Tile abuiK1, and now aland firmer kuaai tat en t Dr. J. Ci V a :rc'.ol chairman and P. Wvincd la act a aecretary I r . . . panM apoinifu a Co situ 11 r Aran reo.auon ciprt- m km of the conrention. liCt retiml and in a fthort jraaf tit IS1 lowing re-olulJorv fct uaaiaKKif a'loptH: ' IkWrrJ IT the IU-publica ttabo a.mbIeJ, that the Carnal principle, hitherto f the aaitooai liepu oilcan wrtby rt-anned. utttml MucAlton. equal is la aad enul rirbu at mx ha.'I mt adhered to f.'ILa of our libertie. ft Praisr our American tkm nor fully' to rmt aad atuch desired boon eaf 'orih Candina. we do 1 Uaar aext tioTernor the i U llaa. U. II iKxrlerr of aanty, keliet inr that ia mui hare a Goveraoe f aad the colored, the I a a a m ' pf. saataat we wuiacnu i Xt Raleigh cooTenUo be km a long as bi nhtlire the contention, at 'AirtT-ooe Cooatilulioey raw mbaniited to the peo- swrrauon of 1 573. meet id eaademoalioa anddU- t s they are ia our opio tstaar coodUioo aad aub aheniea of our people. pra ia fraiK ami their utatttria partisan bitter 'i. bUu that the iaVtverton baa been Tity tied nkilo wo ancuodi aa aajihiae like fraad Ktkdaetolr. Hower- ,41 the chargee prefartd lT the Uemocratie preaa of H ttt Mftf Minxaaaad MUUf derelp d jaatice 1 !DL A.Jelia we have Sornt olScer. fi tias coot 'm kiaoOctal capacity. ability aad ekieay Reilly as auditor of aitxpiaiiocd approral, U will not be a caa Cvaeratioa. Were - aoakl heartily aup Geatral T. L. HarjroTt, ' t-awU and tpreae e kare a aaaa of pra ' vtrriag iategnty, e Wiaiajt the hixk puaA .WylUa. ' " Catatioj appeiat repreaeat iaibw UnrvaUoa aad are , UfTWfeMoai Dbirkt I Tythme rtaolaUoeaU atkaad WU- rhikatioaj, and that rfs papers of the t SahH natl ii ! ,tJCUaa to the guts tat wil r .u,AkitlIed4rao. U A Grahaja, J & arraWasdele ;i Iiauict Cbai ee- AUrakaas aad P U eaoma vrr tkras Le each Uws s4 ta cooperate Wy tailed ai aad sddroaM4 ,wed with, mac --UadUtx assoaj sts 7 932y aau be pat in our rank than he haa ever done be fore. Tbey have failed to put a blot upon bia official career. With him a our nomine for recralarr of btate we cannot fil to be victorious at our 1 nest election. Then let u unite', nom inate and re elctbinn to the position he now 611, and baa filled ao honorably in the paat. EasTERX RaMijBUCA5. Tbt H ay Tbey Do It In Oeorffla Only One Klection I Tecioct la Chat- bant Conn 1 7. In the county of Chatham I here are nearly eleven thousand roler., and for the convenience of this rreat number of persona the authorities have pro vided one election precinct, which ia eatahliahed at the Court Houae ; from Hay, Corn and Oats, WITH IIUNIREIX3 OF trTII EH ARTICLES I or Aa4 will a4voeal th axarl arjnora GEN. BUrXRlN TEN DENT'S OCEICJ5 fp. lf . , -JV V X!. -f . IJhe Self-AdjustiDs Scrubber cleans dries and takes up the water. IWt fail ; J.i . , . . , : " - "," "to see It - ; ITllBlne-riin PnUhl. '"ii 1. ATMQBE MINCE MEAT AND ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING, bWEET UliniAgtOn. I OllBbia & CIDER on draught Table KherryfStK) per dosen.Bt T ..!. . , GEO. -MYERS' January 21 tf 1 11 and 13 FIWNT .fifTREET. 'ftaulA R. R. Conpanj. 1 WiutiaeeoM. N. C. Jane. 4, 1870. T 1 CAWH or cloee buying customers can I to baton; to said party. be auited alwaya, with Good Goods at Lowest Market Prices. jAo 8-1 v ADRIAN & VOLLERS. BEA TV Y'S PARLOR 0JRGANS;: It will bdvotto aayoslng corruption whararer found, Injany and all partisai ' CHANGE OF 8CHEDCLE. OH and after Bandar, Jnne, 4th, the fol lOWtnr achednla will ba ran na thla read: t NIQI1T EXFEESS AND PASSENGER TRAIN, (dally) ' ' " 1 NOTICE. arolina. Central Railway. General 1'rriRlU Depart men I, WILMINGTON, MARCH 31T, U7b. I In all ila araocb. WKATLT KXSCUTID all part of the county the ciu'reos . mumahiiW -T.K.r i- must wend their way, at considerabl rfrttiT&SK thoit.sanii orxaai ad if.j.mvanUnfv ami l(m at time Bttd Bt HaleiM ldof UlvtHvan.apU rorcom- inconvenieocj anu loan oi wmr, o KTUii'rl.Y kikmt kiuaub that place await their turn to vote, to ia wm. Mecbanim and durability. War-, aay nothing of the peraooal danger to raavaJ for .i yrar be apprehended where ao manv excited Moat ZUeaTaat svnd laOast Xaa- proTOd. Hara txa avardad U N Hi H VXT TRK- tinae, the democratic legislature paaaed UlcAWin eofuuoo wimwihrfoe a law forbidding the eaubluhmeot of SJnpllcItTi DttTabUity. ProopUCSS addiUonal precincU without the reeom- riANO LIKE ACTION, mend at ion of two auccenaive grand wu and evly katanaad ton. lUriea. AO mono W no arc aoiuatuwvt I aw aw Wl tnKU. a mmtm a.aaw . . i. . V . I w . - m kl in ft tea IM.I4. WltB UU KCUOO OI Ul CUM, 11 miy in I ' nnnceaaarr to aav that the grand juries I ed fbr pnciiut. Addraaa. are democratic in compoailioa, but those DANIEL F BEATTY, not aoiuainted would natarauy seppose I that all claaaes of ciUiens were reprw l AVaahinctoa. hra Jersey. U o A aoBtl thereon : soch being the re- I . irujrw JO B P It l NTIN G mhfra it interferes wita eur pmuaicaw at annavrant interests, ao that the craaa jurie. with a half doaeo individual ex ceptions nave oeen ewoaww year, and the requirement of the law a so ecvou prrcavi that when the democrAU of Chatham maatr ara rraciooaly pleased to per mit the six thooaaad republican mil tae county will be graaUd a place to vnta i The repvblKaas hare not o, u mij aub- ItLeil to this oatrage. roar umrs tbey have appealed to grand juries to rwcoeasaead the esUbladaasesit ef addf tiorntl preciacta. The first time the lory did so recommend; the second .: J. tkaw daclined : the third time they declared -after dae eotoideraUea ad Ibe petition of David Porter, la behalf - m .1. Kiwi ta.l ot ntsaseM bm t-i r . . . ia orjedgment is aaviaao so rw commead the 4aUihaeat of addl- j . 1 a. 1 lk!. nlw " I ttoaal roting prsciwca iw.j. ivi. u Mnahla n two cocfcttnte tioathejary beiag detnocrsOic, fcuad that ia their judgment it was e ad- viaable, and that jnMrment saay aav Wn mada bb andaUdoeoced by partr mmLImuW hot what ahall be said of the nctiosi ef the grand Jary of the I February term of the sopra conrs which was pablkked laU Msy. May tt, rtiikks mt Dtavkl Ptteter aad others for the sppoiataseat ofadditioaal votlag precinct aaa Meat coaaaucrw. bat aw U i errwyraaoaei are. la s. g: hall. COMMERCIAL PRINTING?, B4I1 ROAD PflllflXG, .... . , ' - ut,' tnn- :. . . alia odaae Mr eapaUaw With Katlraly Mw Mlortl aw a flCAiJLsrrxxa vaaAvaaa f adding Car. ' UHtoUaew. ke.a."S th Afdnioei ml the cvaad jary. ay, they recaaaaea4 taat , not graaitM. - , i ' 1 Thee) sac there are ad a tha--deliberaUl7 place themselres o racord, decUriag that tlecuon pre cinct at eW aav4 TTT 5gw' . . t ill. J La. m I imj. aaa Vetera. 11 un nrja . rnrn ATtr T Oevtaialy a aaae aaaa mil i xtiUAiO dtw A(i . . ; . tin! V ' of tt Littst Ctrl. . agree that U atatsaaeot Is correct. U! in hm ataiad td IMS M W a . .. Z B ML; nttae snsariiTy naa saaMty. The real diocany ia tAU aaaues a, u. I a . seema to DO aurr aaca; w raaoc acieace; sa do things la a body that em ftti WLatIICTO O ft". SewVaUaotdAdeladlTiary: t S-OC and to aoch aa extent ss this Ins that I rrWUaC si, U eeesas almost IssposkUa to arc em plhdt aay meaasua which wul give to lh amaaa of the peep la that Irredcrt contemplated bj Ca retire of oar inniauoas ; n j va.la overwroe:. Itjaaia and Ir . iv. aa. aladu nnoaaSI UU kamceeaty' vUl c Uy b a matur ef ova a mw o o -4y P I A I'Oa - -.. . : DANIEL r rilkTTY, - :.Tmllsrtoaw U5A the peat, and tha pecrle erul tUm woa- M derlthat ssxh a fool srrests eomU ao (12or 4 s!a4 lor sw inav eontlnwa I'lnt r 'jao. I AbassSb. aa. sane St ty ion It will aland ap for th good nanpi 04 orth UaraliaaVaoa svery mn wljo flan- dara tha Old North Btat will b oonaidarad I her amy. I ! - We shall Jot a ban da with th pre a of b 1 Nona CaroUao lo neora lmmlfr6on Laare Wilmington....... Leave Tlorene. Arrive at Colombia. Arrive St AnjrQBU.. MUtUUUSOil,.. ......W.I.OOP. If Leave Florence.. 2.u a. aa Arrive at WUmlnartoa 7.SS A. M , ....... ' Paaiengers goiajr VVeat beyond Florence tax thla tralB, tearing Wllmingtoa at 6.8S. Chart eatod FasaeBger Trala pally (except . Sunday.) I . , 8.(0 A. M r s I rpHE ATTENTION "jor THE PUBUC la m A O.Z9 r. M I aaaBaHlMM.IWIIm(atnB hmk vlailiiwt ....ILMAiM I toBaJUmore, rbiiadaipbia. New York. UaaUia ' 4.WJ A. M I nnainaaa aaipm" f" la re.p-rlfuUj- invited to !! fact tkat tba (rut. aad tally a nipped for buaieeaa. vHeia wtiu II. rwrt steamer Ilnea and vtn Woidoa and. IViwW BOOAVt Leave Wilmington i Arrive at Florence. 1 Arms at Cha tries ton... ieare. Leavs Jloreac , Arrive a Wllatlagtoa. t A i Tarevrk ' Frlht Train Ually (except ' .. Sandaya.) Leave rflimiPA-toe Arrive a noroao Arrive at CoUmbla Laave Cotvaabl. .:. Leave Ftoreoce ..... ... Arrive at Wilotlsgtoa... "7;ilTnirrtAn a-nH jail "mr,..L. si,d TO CHARlloTTE, 8TATE8VILLE, SHELBY, ! Rnthcrordton, Ashcville, Greenville, Sparlanbarj;, ; : v ! 1 : ' ,! " . : ; . ' and ail auitlona on tb AUntle. Tenn. and Ohio, AUanl and Kiebmond Air Nim 11. f -arolina and Western Nortb cmroiln Kallroada. aa well a all potnU in Oc ku aul A 100 P. hi. I bam. . 1 S ... w I 4S P M I Inanrane rron rrr r 1 1 1 e. ru.r.B . rr.lV' - " - traoueroaaxsw. mma ir ixn . " Twl" T' ,4 ..v ... BIS JUrniBllTtA HPVU apa,ars-aa,van aw saaw mwrawof va- w. K. W. CLARK. Oeneral Firisb t r .......... I Katea to ail poiauAir ..... 10 r. au 1 aw Haaevar Wlldln. ......... . r. Mm I anrll 4 1 4- 1.30 F. M . 300 A. at 10.10 A. ht .i......r. at ....(,.4,00 A M E4S r. ht " - t a f-1 Ii ma nn ami salt oT'oTll'll A . i maiBiiTrs btfbt iui ssna atvmm. viura ui IVEW8 DErADTnbNm AstI n-ronji. bouid ta Nttat Throash aiocplag Car oa SlAht baine Chartatoa4staT' ' . .V J AME3 ANDERSON, 1 (. BsportnUademUi WaahaUgiv I foe CharUatoa i Ul.tf I , t I VTllnlB.toa & Weldon R. B. i Local, Ntlital til Firrigi Ktfs. ; !.i OrA Boio srta w tahea give dtCarreef i 1 i i i atUJUwhstaV; CWmo W m - 1 j ,,, t i a p "i - 1 i ' . . ,1 'i - t CcRixl ; tsl lUrtat Rtport ....... I SI. ....... , , T befaiTHiaei i. ' , . - . - . tAorortT " 1 '" "irtwirjrupojr. X.G. i - - " J ' t . -1 ii if - (in. , 1 IWV.J QLkKQ i OF acnEDCUC ' ,.. J ... tt .:, "' i . t'i' . orrrtjtanjii.crjfJal Wtlmlarteo.N. AprU 1. t7a .. . . i 1-J ' Ooaa4anf"ta.FaaarevTrJse am the W. Vf. Eaiiread wUI ran as isoGowt- . r - r, tv? - -. JI JltEADX. - J ... f .r - arTtraatal.ora n ...Mlt:0 A. M Arvtveat ftattf JCoaat as... ...:. F. ht Arrive at YcUao U........iaM F. M Leave ValAao Aaiiy .o ...leo A. H ArrtvwaX EoThy hiiat a....ntl- A. M aCflW ttsV a4olBaWl ovare)ao1'-29 P oW aVtvtve at Catem trpe at..-. ...AO t. M gotrxE a and TBtot:rm$2tz Lsavo Cntoa Dpa daQy aA...Taf FJIT Ajvtos a ii illiS us as....M;. lS A. M Arrive at Hcy atewat bUm.'. i A. h Arm at Wau-a at .tLthaV M Laave VrtLro oWy. aaMMMWt:) r. M Arrive at E(hf Itmal aa .....-T F. M AjitveaSlialSbo a,...,..- tt4 A.)f Asm a Caseo tvp sMM M..tl A. M ;'.;-r'.';v.--; ",i-a. lta Train saaaos toe eowwlrwj "a Vaseoa aa pot rta ru re Uao sbm oa tvaurooa v ; ... ,. atom a? Far-ar . r -a r ! r?C sT?w AtA i5cx ret. tr; g Cam est ta cvy ca rea nuN srrrvo as Las rJU araitia jtszs r. enrrx, lament tsyi ,oo Parlor Organ eaaily earned by a lady ia TWO WEEKS. CkartiMri Waalerf. aval or female. Brad -'Addra,i- Tkm ' Varnnarfa Maoaaiiib Wanlnov.NwJra3r. ana g-m. - PAKLOB OBUAX torrABU&HED Uf ias. piIOTtXlRAPH EJW. flrat elaa. nan leara aaaailSliai Sit Ibrtr anairr Aodraaa ' J DANIEL F BEATTY, . Washington, NeW Jersey, USA. SECURE A HOME. RUILDIN0 LOTS v. :r. nmiBsnur-! health y localst? e Oa raatleii fanfrm. Jt, Aa. (mnrv w. (awtaet. ativl. ilbry. tied Owa, lTaa, TfcaAAawjriwoV mala. wi. Wttaa? fait;0atv CnarhiaJav TwaaAA. TaArvnaotA. . f. i--?" ALSOHOfSEirOK SALE ! aw.'i 1 S tlMOt WfebUMt V bauid. 4 ; JAhtxa sriLiiox. -1 - A N'O...,.. f li BEATTY'S I l Sqrart a4 DprlttL OMLWr.tmaf WTaa St LSkS ! BltVT!LU.trA WSIa.iMlarvS(A I . MAt'tHM St-kW, ian utno 4 la Mai rsjkHtiJU '!- .. . itar I oa tua- awmtj - nvra nsKiua, SMMilNUMNMI. II CKLKIIH A TKlutil.tK TONUCE PAllLOli OltUANfcJ From Wa l"ooi, Nlsra Fall. H Y. Teral montUa nji of lbleaotPtor Org. tt aawk aaav Ml.nr .n thai lit oa of lb he nd. It baa a rtrtt Unr, 1 1 rloai tame a utt pitwoa U 1 ml baartil rroannted your rctt. fur r ir , aabooi. dbnreb or Mfre n." affair. Geo P tWalt A On. N Y, N tiiiancr. tmj. Pmalel F p4y. tba organ l4. 4 WafelarUM. M , frrM oeaj ! srentcvt Tisw. Mr A B Beoadlrt. raiLuet the flrrat ral lUrorWT, mRt twnrtvias kUVTf wrUe. Yeor a v ortav FarVw ars aaae ly. ml wailrtm twva toXMtt 4 Moaa.a4lt A Ill IttW; kiiM.1 l"MaTraik . . IWt crflrr err Say rrfw"d rvuirw of nrraa a4 trl,n -tnr M ty awdaaW t' Bilty awt nnaait SaetnTf. aW-r a ta uialaTSif data. r- ilMkf iMH. wa awn a mmt I.I- HI. mm 1 1 m m bdil DANDXK KEATTVi Wnahingtoa. New; Jersey. USA IJABPEtTEIl & lilLiSRD, (atraaayoa To) j. & ToriLur a co. HORSE BLANKETS. THE if Tniii U tit Cliy. tULUDLDf, OF ALL KIKIH, m ais of u e.a 4 amaAjaJplAmamk, a tU-anwrO. la. 9 ,.-., v vv)tes4 3vw cocam rf..tn ?XXaXlXLy CEATTT. -fTaahiasto - ins cm iox stoie "" AALWA.a - mm ia.i !; ..; a.'! J? . f Miw ?' ' ' A ! - . '.'f ' .' A aai Of Fa-h I in 1 . t-iaS ta. (wkccay m i asxa JtO"1 11 M.i' t.attsa. " 1-uiiur! j-uii CAJijt. PUflTATIOD for sals. , 'taiEAivV.:. At tt LSEXUtT njkixrwjtm ts Otw r ttswr am Tr owonwanjpspvaw-. JtffOthC aai ! rf ayMsmwaw, t