THE WILMINGTON .POST. WILMINGTON. 2f . a FRIDAY. JUHE 16, 18781 Urand 1111 ol Bennblstaaa offen der County at Point Caswell, f nl tlb,197fl. Tne lUpublkAo of the county of TeoJer, each anJ erery . In" viled lo meet at Toiot Cjuwell. on tb Fourth day of Ju'y, for the ruirpuee of celebration that national day of oar independence. A committee of three of rath township, will meet ml Point Caswell on the 23d ol June, lo make arrangement for the celebration, rakers will be in .attendance from abroad to address the people at 12 o'clock and dinner will Uke place at 3 o clock . BU TT, a Iton. Daniel L. lsuascll. Gea. J. C. Abbott, Hon. W. I. Canada. lion. James Ilea ton. Col. O. L. Uabeon, Mr, lit. W. I'rice. Jr..Mr.Gcc. Z. French. Mr. John 11. Srrnjth, Gen. 5. II. Man ni;,Mr. Jo. 1). fcfcllax and B. B. t,.,er will be invited to address the pr'ple. CoilMllTEEO MAJiT CiriEEKH. I'OL'KTIT CONVKItTIOJC. The Urpublican County Contention f r Hanover countr cooTened In - - - - m tbe court houc in this city on Salur dav June lvth, James Wilaon, Esq., wa.4 elected chairman and II. E. Scott secretary. The Mlowin ticket waa nominated: senate W. II. 31 wore. ."SerilT II. Manning. lU-gMer of Deeds Joseph E. fcfatnp- u. Treaturer. Elijah Hewlett, Ciruner L D. Hewlett. ur eyor Edward Lynd. CommLioner-Edward Kidder.lXjn can Holme, ! VanAmringe, Delaware Niiuu, John G. Wagner. For the House of Representatives. Jame Wilson, Joseph C. Hill. Keaolulions were pa-ieed endorsing the action of the Tender county con vention in the nomination ol W. II. Moore for the Senate. Resolution were passed empowering the Count; Executive Committee to fill aJI vacant-it that micht occur on the ticket. It!ee-tei to District Convention. L. E. Kite, U. C. Myer. Ja. A. Iowery and Alfred Howe. Alternate Heary Taylor. II. Ilced. V. W. Foster V. H. f tcrkeo. Delegate lu.Mate Convention W. H. Movie, Ja. 1' talon, i. H. Manning and Owen Uurney. Alternates Jaa. Wilson, Alei. ampoo, W. H. Howe Henry lrewington. "the following compose the Kepubli tx County Executive Committee: Firt Ward Henry Hrewinglon. jjecont want e. s-.. m Third Ward-W. II. Moore. - Fourth Ward-Jamc K. Citlar. iJTII, CapU W. L. CherTT of Pitt tor Itata Trcaaarer. Bkautokt Co., K. C.) - - - Jxrnz 12th; 18ToV' Eitoks roeT I am lad. U see he name of the abore gealona and patriotic Republican promioesUr spoken o by! the Prm for Treasurer of the Slate.' I lha Press fur Treatnrer of tbe State.' J already too welt kaow.wbsVa fiaatof strength be would 1 bo to the J party ro tbUdUict;fo, every ltepublicsa there in are,aaone mao,in thedrairathat tbia old and tried veteran iu'rliiiesradl champion of their right and liberties, should represent them as .Treasurer in tbe Slate corerninenL ' "Capt. Cherry "id well and unirernally known through out tbia district aa a man of titae, yrf-' bity and nerve. 4 gentleman soeie ty honors Uirn; to his msgisterial duties, the oppre?ed bare always found in fcinv a utrt and merciful fijend; in hia oficee of trust, the public bare erer found bim. to be at ml aru aiuigeni in , Dcauiew, prompt aod tfflcicnt in the execution of the dutie thereof.' I unhesitatingly aay .that be will bavethe hearty aod f00!" aaoua support of this district; and itr, the Republican of the east earnestly 1 hope and aak the convention, vben it Dieeta at lUleigh, to look to out inter est and the interest of the party in the State, and place tbe name of CapU W, L. Cherry of ritt county upen the State ticktt aa Treasurer. Tho eaat will do her best in the coming election, and we have no doubt but the old banner of Republicanism will once more un furl itaelf io graceful triump'j over the entire tilate. X. X. Pursuant to call, a meeting of the Republicans of Kinatoo township waa held in the court boute in Kinston en the 10th day of Jane, 1876, for tVe pur pose of electing delegates to the coun ty convention to be held in KinMon on the 1st of July, and to elect delegates to the Stale aod Congressional District Conventiona. W. W. Dunn waa choacn chairman mud 11. T. Randolph secretary. Wui. W. X. Hunter moved that the chair appoint sit delegates and a like number of alternate, to attend said county convention. Tba motion pre vailed, and the chair appointed tbe fol lowing delegates C. C. Fhillipa, B. F. Farrvtl, H. L. Taylor, Anthony Clount, Ned Gatlin and Wiley Iowery, and the following alternate, Wm. W. N. Hun ter, G. T. Rrown, J. K. Dari.i, Iaac t. Murphy, Redding Cokcr and Eliaa .Newborn. Loud and repealed call for King brought tbe old wheel borne-, K. W King, to the front, who made one o hia very bet ecchci, QU. F. I'arrott and L. 11. FUhcr, alo being called upon made very good peecbe. Ik F. I'arrolt introiluccd tbe follow iemirci. i uai w e, me i.ei'uuin:mTT, Kinatoa townbi?in convention aem MM, havi guised letlow citizen Hon. R.W. Kine, and feeling inexpresably grateful to mm lor past valur tle aervioea rendered the great national Republican party, ureoy expreat our preference lor him to repreaent this Congressional Distnct in the neat Congress of the United frUte, and earnestly request the Con greaaional Convention to tender him the nomination. On motion, the resolution waa uaan imoualy adopted. On motion of L. II. Fisher, the pro ceedings of the meeting were ordered ta be sent to tho Wilmington roeT, Ike tbmf ttntiom and New Heme Tlmrt with the request that they be published. W. W. Dcx.v, Cbm'o. H. T. Randolph, Sec'y. ' ' vXSMMXIRCXAia. A'rrtrw of Ik Ultmimijiom JJarUt. T Jnne 10j SrtBJTs TcaprjrTtirk Receipts 161 csska - Market quiet and steady at 27 centa.alea of 161 casks at IT cenU, per eall'on for Southern packages, abd ?3Tdr itf ttiIlilliJjst271 rewta.1 i i uetwRecelpU 7$5bbla. Quata tiona quiet at$l 20 for Strained and $125 Good Strained. Sales of 500 bbls Strained at $1 25, Low No 1 at 1 1 IP 12 15 d Extra No 2 at $1 60, 21 do EltrNo 1 at 2 20, 150 do Low Tale at i 60, 12 do Fale at'$2 "75, and 3 do Low N at $3 35, per bW. Crude TcarcsTtXE-Receiptsof 275 bbls. Quotations steady.' Sales of 275 lblsJ at'iOf) for Tirgia, $1 80 for ytl- . low dip, and $1 00, lor bard per bW. 4 Taav Receipts 4 bbbk Official qujo- lalioss riaat figure $1 60 bid." Sales of XfVVS rafvapt oast V wwm Com .Market quiet,' with sales of 1,906 Wh'eU in bulk... , Cotton Receipts 00 bales. No sajes Na effieialquoUtions. , , iaaaajBB,- II ., . v - Jane Smritb ToBfXKTifiK. Receipts 0)0 casks .Market firm at 27 cents. Sales of 2tf casks at 27 cents, per gallon for cSouthera packs res, and 25 do. ci distilled, at 271 cents per gallon ; Rostji Receipts , 000 bbls. Market firm at tl 20 for .Strained $1 25 for Ooof Strained. Sales of 25a bbls C at $1 25, 100 do Tale at $3 37), and 43 do Extra Tale at $3 75 per bbl. Market closing quit, with $t'203$l 25 bid. j CUde; Turpextlse. Receipts 000 bbbv Market firm.', Sales of 6 bbls at 12 00 for Virgin, $1 80 for yellow dip and $1 00 for bard. J i - Tab Receipts 0 bbls. Sales of only 6 bbls reported at $1 CO, 100 do. in or der, af'$l C5aod 170 do do at $ I 7( per bbl. I Corn. Market Marketquiet for good at 66(3,67 cents per busbel, in bulk, and 79(372 in bag. Sales of 1,728 bushels, second grade, at 60 tents per bushel, in bulk. CJTT03r Receipts 00 bales. aw . sales and no official quotations. 1 June 18. Cricirs Tt'KPKXTtxi Receipts OU0 casks. Sales of 3o0 cask , at 27 cents icr gallon for Southern packages. Rosur Receipts 000 bbls. Market oteady at f I 20 bid for strained and t 25 for good at rained. Small salp of Low Tale and Tale at $2 oOfWf 1 75 and Extra Tale at 14 25 per bbL j Cauufi Turpentine Receipts 44 bbb. Market quiet at $1 00 for bard, $1 70 lor yellow dip, and $2 00 for vin- gin. Sales of 417 bbls. Tan Receipt 00 bbl. Sales of $0 bbls st $1 CO per bbl. Market firm!. Cobs-No sales to report. Market qeiet at 6SJ(nG5 cents per bushel, in bulk, 67(3,69 cents in bags by the car- XEJ7 ADVERTISEMENTS. STATES MAILT No J Cottoh. Receipts bale, JCo salts. b. VanAmringe. Cape Fear H. Y cwtU Federal IVint lUalam Wade. Majwnboro J, G. Wagner. Harnett -I. C. Davia. Jam us Wiijh.v, Cbm'n. II. I- tnurr, Sx'r. FlMtOB.- IVT: On Saturday the 10th iimC, pursuant to a call of the County Republican Executive Commit tew of Warren county, the delegates front various townships assembled in the court boue in Warren ton and were called to order by the chairman of the Executive Committee. Richard Bur xrs wm unanimously elected perma nent Preside at of tho convention. Tbe convention was composed 0 thirty oue delegates, and stood seven teen for Thome aod fourteen for IIy maa. After preliminary business bad been dLfed of the convention proceeded la elect delegates to the Congressional a ad State Convention. It was required tkat each delegate elected to either of , the conventions ahou'd not receive less than sixteen votes, that being a major! ty of all tbe delegates com posing the convention. The . election mailed la th selection of the following named : grallcmca to represent the county of Warren in the aforesaid conventions: To Congressional Convention Albert A. Hawkins and D. J. Johnson; alter nates; Merlin- Alston, Richard Dor , Geo. 1L King. Daniel R, Johssoa Jskv U. Crosby, Wcklosi Montgomery, M. . lawraton. Mason WUIiaav, Ed I Market nmiet. Selliai from ward Dowtiii, Alfred Sprain and Henry I atnrra at I7iCsS0 ccnU per boahel. In I A1 THilUk. To tbe State ConvtnUon.-J. I BJC. . JZ U. Crosby, M. F. Thornton, FeUr I CuTTOJC.atj IS bsdes. bales of Lrvwa and t. W. Rridgeford, altera f 70 baJes at 10 ceata. Xooficiai qnota. aw, iieary AMoa, cSUoasoa JJulioct, WlUuSl llkla. WflJoJi Um. Jassw lJackaell, Isaac Akion, Stepnest I Jaa 3. IWaws J aars A Ilea. Jaa Vang ban, I hrttirs TtJarjrTtaav Receipts iX) Jsv Collins, 11. II. King. D. R. Joan-1 aka, QttoUtioca&rm at 27 ceata per Ka hard Barrvwa, Rkhard Lam I (alicsi fur Sowlhem rsdim. Kaleaw Spirit? TvirPNTtBrveceipts ICO -wsmy. XTfflcial quotations steady at 27 cents. Sales of 150 casks at 27 cents pergallon.j , ) fj'.l' ; j R06IX IxeipU 100 bbls. Market qaiet at (1 25(11 ). Sales rf 100 bbu) Good Strsiocd at 1 30, 70 do Exlr No 2 at U 50, 60 do Low No 1 at II 75 25 do No I at f I 'JO, 30 do Tale at I25Q and 26 do Fxtra fale at 1 3 75 per bbh Crdpb Turpentinx. Keceipt 65; Sales of 65 bbls at tl 00 for hard, and; tl 80 for yellow dip, 2 CO for virgin; Market steady. Tar, lUecjpts 9 bbls. Sale of 3 bbls at II 60 per 'bbl. t Corn. Market quiet. o sales. CerroN-r-Receipts 28 bales. Sales of 1 bale at 8 cent, and 20 at 10 to 11 cu; per lb. .-.UNITED : t7X.aJf VfcAl.t-Ii.A 1. ti- orricl: PfAfiTii&xiJ 1 washi ro. Sana slay, isror PROPOs4I will harereidslUi- eontraei utQcm of l hia lpfMtrtiBeBt until S o'clock fi. m., of iM July is;, (to be decided by b Slat Joly) for etu-rylnc I be piUi oT the Uaited Miui rrom October I. 187StoJoas SOL 18H0l ow tho fol owinr 1 notea lsttba Htate oNortb Caroltn. and by tba schedule of departures aod m rivals herein peciaed, Jxm rrom TaUern. Buffalo COvs and MldJ .... dlaUwne, tiluoae,ao BUIes evtl back, . ' oom av wer. . ! Patterson Balartfay atSJW a w; , , Airlva at Boone by & p an; , , J aavs Boon Krldajr at J30 m m; .. Arrive as FaUaraoa by sptn. atona reqairea witn 01a, USX Krom at ul berry, by Hall a Mill-, lo Leave Mnlberry Friday at Cam: Arrive at Laurel Hprtnr by 11 a m: Leave Laurel Sprtucs Friday at H n; AiTlre at atulberry by ft p m. Bond required wltn bid, rJUO. 13X3S rroaa JToat Flora to Table Rock, 6 miles and baek.oaoe a week. Leave Fota, riora batarday at 8 a ans M 1 - Arrive at Table Kock by M a m: ' Leave Tails Rock Saturday at 11 a in; Arrive at Fonta Flora by 1 p bo; Bond required with bid, Sluu, tUUO Krom MarshaOJ. by Leieeater, to Pisoon River, 30 miles and back, onoe a week. ' Leave Marshall Monday at Sam;. Arrive at Pireon ill ver by S p m; . . . Leave Pifeon River Taesdaai Sain): Arrive at Marshall by p m. Bond required with bid, ffVJO. 15101 Froa Marshall, by Walnut Bun, to Big aurel. 14 miles and back, once m week, - - Leave Mars bail Haturday at 6 a 10. : l Arrive at Bis Laurel by 12 m: leave iis isara oauiruay at 1 p u; . " 3 Arrive at Marshall by 7 p m; . Bond required with bld,aaas 1 n(t UtB2 From. baiUbory, by Pool, Healing ' BprlBfs. and Jackson illll. to, Milledge '-' vllle. Si miles and back, once a week. Leave Salisbury Monday at 7 a m; Arrive at Mllledgevilie by s p m: Leave Mllledgevilie Tuesday at 7 a ni; Arrive at Salisbury at 8 p m; Bond required with bid. JU0. , ' UK Front Carthage, by Carter's Mills, Brewer's Mills Molrlt'a Mill, "amp's Mllla. Aabeboro, Brown's Cross Roads, and New Market to 11 tb roint,6U miles and back, twice a week. Leave Usribage Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p m Ieave Jefltersea Saturday at 7a m. A rnve at Gan Creek brum. LnTellsp Creak lialardsy at isn. Arriveat jenersoa oy ep m. . , " 1 - - - r IXSTRUCntgSTO BIDDERS NfJ, i rl I PpSTM ASTERS, rr aSb conditio to be incorpo rated in ike cifaractol&jMV3ctiml tha Department tndtf deem proter. The Fostmaiiieri General' Warns bidders aod their pmetltw to acquaint themselves fully with the laws or Oongresa' relating to contract for tbe rarryinTuT the malls, (tbe important 1 provisions., of 'which e: cited herein J ana also to famUUrlxe. lheasaelvea wltn tue tnstrucunns ana mrms nerem iur held until contract is executed and the ser vice enmrotneed by the accepted bldoer. Cheeks will then be returned by mail, 00 the written request or the bidder, or deliv ered to any one oa bis order. ' SI. Tbe contractu are to beezeeuted and returned to tbe Department by or before tbe ana daytflT Hefttember, itos, otherwise he accept ol i tier will bd considered as lav lag fiUled. and the Postmaster General may proceed to contract or the service With Jtb r parties according to la w. J ' 22. Section .tttot the .actor June ,. 1KT2. provides that contract lor the transport lion ot the mall be "awarded to the lowest, bidder tendering sufficient guaranteea lor bUthfol :- performance without- other refer ence to- tne , mode of such , transportation than may be necessary to provide for Uie doe eelerity , certainly and security there-o."-Under tbts Isw bids that purpose to transport the malls wtthj cewrttyi oertaia iahed. belore assume any liabil- I ty. and security " haying been decided to be ties as aucb bidders or.setreUea, and tore- It he only lega4 bids, are eoaatraed at provl vent misapprehension or cause of complaint I ding for the enUre mall, however large, and thereafter.i i 1 , ., I whatever naay be the mode of conveyance Postmasters are required to'tnske inem selves familiar with in htwa and these ln- t radioes that they may. be ab'.e io Inform wdaliwetothersJ t ' f il Aivsa wiiaaiexare allowed tbeach In termediate omce, woen sot oerwiae apeci fled, for assorting tue.matls. , .(,,-.(.. j. on routes w here- the mode or convey ance aomiia of it, the special ageiitsof the, lust Oiliee DenartmenlL also post office blanks, mall bags, leeks and keys are to be conveyed without extra charge.' . "Way bills" or receipt.: prepared byj post master or owe? ageuta 01 tne ueparv- neeeeaary to- lnaare Its eelertty, certainty. and security," and have tbe preforenee oysr ml others, and no others are considered ex cent for steamboat roaies. w.- ! - 23. a mod lfi cation . of a aid la aay of Its osonntlal terasa Is Mtntomosmt to a new bid cannot too received so-aa to Interfere with regular competiUoo. -Making a new bid la proper form is tbe only way o foodUy a pres 1 postmasters are cauuoneq, nmier pen al tv of removal, not to aisa the aoaraval of the bond or any bidder oetore tue sood M a the aparoval of signed by tbe bidder and his sureties, and men 1, will accompany theals, specify tngi Look unliVohUrely.aaUsnedo theaoffleieocy n joi tne eeveraj. lioi xne raruia k- ' -. . - the number and d est ors Lien jot . ' 1 I , mt ftwJL W . . UagB, IO DO riKIDlDCU HJC toinsure regularity la tho delivery of bags 4. Ho pay will be made rr trips. hot per forroed ; andJOr eaelt of such omissions. If the railereiae cceaSioned by the lauit or tne contractor or carrier three times tbe pay of the trip wui be aedaou-u f or arnvain n 1 rar behind time as to break connection with depending malls, afMl not suiMcientJy ex cused, one cotnpensaUon lor I the trip is subiect to torreti ore. r or repeat ed.deiiuquenciea of tbe kind herein speci fied, enlarged penalties, prnporltoued U the nature thereau and Uia importance r the mail, may be made. a. For leaving behind or throwing off the malls, or any portion .of 1 hem. for the ad mission of passengers, or for bvtog concern-. ed in setting up or running an express c n veylng intelligence in advance m the mall, a quarter's pay may be deducted, c Finos wWt be imposed, unless the de linquency be promptly and satisfactorily explained by crrtiHcates of postmasters or the affidavits of other credible persons, for falling to arrive in contract time; for neg lecting totake tbe mail from, or deliver it into, a.poKt office; fur caSeriug it to be wet, tnlnrod Hestniveil. rohhed or loat and fnr Arrive at Ulin Point next day. by fl refusing, after Remand, to con wiAe mall -V BTrarit P . . 1 ' . 'f """."'r.Z":?.. !irL'"",!" t -with celerltr. certain tv. and aeeurltv" for No onsi master, assist ant -postmaster, or clerk employed in aay posieffloe, khall be a coo tractor or concerned la a contract for carryiag the mall. 1 v - 2,x poNtmasters are also liable todlsmtasai from office for acting avs agenta of contrac tors or bibber, with or without- com pea sa ri oa, in any business, matter, or thing rela ting to the mall serxice. They are the trus ted agents of the Departments andean not consistently act in both capacities, as. In rase the route la not fully sopplied with poaches, locks, aod kaeya. requteitton J . . - - . k . 1 i mus OS ua VVVO UIV owuuu ahuwui Postmwter tieneral for the tame before the date of beginning service. 3 Proposals altered by erasures tatcr- Iiaeatioae or tne route, rne service, ine year ly pay. or the name of the bidder, will not be considered. ..... 1 r.-t FORM OF PROPOSAL. BOS D AND CKtt f i TIF1CATB PRoroaau , The undersigned wUoAe port office address is , feitate of propos es to carry the me i is of the United States, from October 1, 187ti,to J uoea), W...,on Koute No. between . and Htate of unaer tneauvertisement 01 ine Leave HUh Point Monday and Thurs dayatapm; Arrive atCarthsgeTnesday at Saturday by 10 a m. Bond required w tli bid. J l.JX). l:iKi from ih ville, nj. Mitriug Hope, to stanhope, 15 miles and ua k, oucy a week. . . , , ' l !- f! Leave KashviUe WedeHday at 6 a lot Arrive tt H tan hope by 12 m; Leave (Stanhope Wednesday at 1 p tu; Arrive at .Nashville at o p in. Bond Required with bid, 3X. l.lKVj From APderson'a 8tore to High to wen. W miles and back, ence a week. Leave Anderson's Htore isalurday at 8 am; Arrive at lllghlowers by II a irt: h Ivcave tUghtowersMAturday ut 1.' 111; Arrive as avnaersoo s etore nyjp 111. Bond required with hid, Sluu. 1SIU6 Krom r' ran kiln, by Kugar Fork, lligli- lauds. Horse Cove, to Wal halla. ft. t '., :i miles and back, once a week. I,Mave Frankilu Tuesday at 7 a in: Arrive at Walbalia next day bv 1- u; Leave Walhaila WedneiHluy atl p in; Arrive at Krufcllit next day by 7 in. mnd idquiisi with bld.S-iUI, l;JW7 Krom iJiesville, Htanback's Ferry, to lUttle Mills, 11 miles aod back, once a Leave Ulesvllle Wedcewlay at :i ) p in ArrivefiaS Little's Mills by t p in; - Leave Little's Mills J hursday at 7 a ni; Arrive at Lllesvllle by li m Hand reauired with bid. JU0. 13108 Krom Ruffln, by Marflcld and Oregon, to Leakesviiie, smiles aud Dacx.oiice a week. teave ltuflln Halurduy at 1 p m; Arrl ve at Leaksvllle by S p m; Leave Leakesvllle Saturday at, S a n ; Arrive at Muffin by 12 ro. Bond required with lud.l.W. MM Krom MadlKon, by Ayiesvilie, Sandy Kidge. olesviue. reter s ciwk,.r ran Cisco, and Weslfleltl, to miles and be Jk, twice a week. Leave Madison Wednesday and Friday at 1 d m: Arrive at Mount Airy next days by 6 JfE WAD VESaEAfENm Jane 8. Brians TcsreTiSK. ReceJr4s230 caska. Market firm at 27 cents peri gallon. Sales of 2o0 casks at 27 cents 1 V iK?L,LT.1 IS.T.XCK KTv GOOD TO " g.. m u city atsuiieu, at : I'oimsia & turn if. u:i , Pnawnasj' Dvpavrtaasmt. WILMIMUTON. It. e, Jane IS, UTS. zii cents. , i i M HTM licctifu S20 bbls. Market quoted firm at 125(V1 SOiorSUained and Gool ritrained. cLJcs of: 620 bbls r-a a m e a a - - uooa atrained and MrsioeU at quota Uona, 150 do Low No. 1 at f 50 snd 101 do do at 2 40 per bU. Cacos Tcaj-tXTtx x. Rect!jU 7 bbl. JSaJcsof S7 bUaat ft 80 lor '.yel low dip and 1 SO for hard, t2 00 aor tlrjiav .. (. " . , , TAARecespU bids. No aiTiWKTr-LI2CA8UM TovirMJlKIAnPlU.NO. vu Petersburg To HOLTU CAKOLI2CA RUMMER RE- ARK NOW OJf KALTlt CXfOM nwMrirr. f"pae Card, price Ltat. and ail need, fml laoraMUoa laralihed on arplieailoa. A. ivrv yv isfw ueaierat day at 7 a m. Arrive at Madl n next days by IS ni. nonu rwuirra wna oiu. wh 13(10 From Raleigh to Leecbburgh, 13 mi!es H . sa . vaa ve wr BK Leave Kalelgh Wednesduy at 1 p in; Arrrve at Leeehburch by S in; 1-e veLeaehburgh Wednesday at 7 a m: Arrlt e at Raleigh by hi ni. Bond reauired with bid. flu. lllll From Mbrrisville to MorinchVille. ,s mliee and back, onoe a week. Leave Morrisvllie Haturday at a in; Arrive at Moringsvllle by 11 m; lieave Moringsvllle Haturday at 1 p ui; A rn ve at MorrisvUle by 1 p tu. Bond required with bid. S100. UII3 Froex Morgan too to lhlby, U uiiUs and bark, once a week. ' leave Morgan ton Wednesday at o a ui: . Arrive etishel by 7 p m; Leave Khelby Thursday at 5 a in Arrive at Morgaatoo by 7 p m. Bond required with bid. 1.1111 From Micaville lo three Forks K mlha and beck, once a week, lieave Mica v ilia Wednesday at 7 a m Arrive at Three Forks by u m; Leava Three Forks Wednesday at 1 p m Arrive at Mlcaviile by Spm, ; Bond required with bid rjuu. 13111 Krom Joaesville, by Iaurel Kail mud Mount &ebo. Umiieaamt hack. ance a week. Leava Jonesvllie Haturday at 8 a w; . Arrive at Mount Kebo by 12xn; " r 1 m Xieavessouns neoo naiuroay aai m m; Arrive at Joaesville by 5 p m; Bond required wM h bid. rJO. 1UH From Clark's Mills, by Bensalem. lo aivwwi auii, ai mun ana mci, vuc a week. Leave Clark's Mills Monday at 8 a m Arrive at Brower'a Mills by s p m Leave Brower'a Mllla Tuesday at 8 a m: ., Arrive at Clark's Mill by s p m; ' i Bood require with bid. jiu UI1S From Troy to Ash borough, J7 mile aad baek.oneea weea. Leava iroy Thursday at Sam. ' ' Arrive at ashborouch bjtpm. Leave Ash borough Friday at s a m. Arrive at iroy my x p m. Mood required with bid. Mju. U1I7 From Orulsborough to, Ainora.r IS aaliee aad baek.esseea week. - Lea ve4iraa tabocc nah eMurdayvt 1pm . Arrive a Aurora by p do. Leave Aarora Hatarday at 7 a m. Arrive as Uraatsborough by 12 uu hnut an a route. I ' 7. The Postiuarter General may annul the contract for repeated lull a res to rua agree-1 bly to contract; rer ausigniug tne contract; for viol an uk tuerxst office laws, or dUo beyiog the tnstrqcionK of the leprtncnt; hr moanssfnaviltena ge a carrier when re quired by. th' ZrpAriineitt to do so; tor ma ning an exprnt as aforesaid; or lor trans porting perou r packages couiejlug mailsb e matter out ot the mai!. 8, The P: master Oeneral may order an increase of service on a route by allowing therefor a Df. rata increase on the contract nav. lie may chauge schedules ot depart-: urea and arrivals in ail eae. una parucu- lr y lo tnake them coufoi ra to connections with raiiroHUK, wiinnui iucreauc tu, pay, provided the running not abridged. The IVslinaster t-ti rar may alo discon tinue or curtail tlie rervire, in whole or In part, in order to p:ac on the route superior service, or whenever tl public iuter-ta, in Ins ludx we.t, liail reqal ei-Deh discon- 11 nuance or curtailment lor any otnercause heallowltiic, as lull indemnity lo eon tractor one month's extra pay on th amount of aervicedhtpeiised trth. uml a pro rata com Kensatlon for tue amcut ii srrvuie retained . and continued. " . IHtyments Will le m.-ule by roileotloos from, or draltson, poslinasU rs or otherwise, after the expiration of rwcU quaner say ki ove1iiler, sl-bruary. May. and AurusI, provided that required evidyiiceyl service, has lwn reotvid. 1U. The distances given tc lelicvcd to be Kubotantially torrcc; but no iucreaM-d pay will he allowed should tbey bu greatrr than alvcrtied, if the points lo le supplied are correctly sttel. Bidders must iuiorrotuem Helves on this point, and aUo t.-referebte to tbe weight of tbttmaif.llieeondiiloH of bills rond. streams. Ac, and all toll bridges, I nrnnl km. niaiik roasts. iVrries. or ohp t ruc tions oi uuy kind by wrlehexienemay be Incurred. o claim for aiUlo(at. pay, liased on suct ground, cih Ik; considered; nor for alleged mistakes or miianprchenslon as to the degree i-i service; nor Drniges oe Kirnvnl. ferrie discontinued, or other ok ... fi... innB causing vit-wikik uisiiiDce or Unices i ill mil irrnrn ftiniin l hi tr pi ti-nj the annual sum of ....... dollars audit this proposal is aecepUd he will enter into con- tract, wiutsureues to oe apprevru oy i no Post Master General, within tbe time pre Hcribed inaald advertisement.. This proposal is made with full knowledge oftheaisianaeor the route, Uie weight of the mail to be carried, and all other partlc ulars In reference to tho route, and service: and. also, after caret ul examination of the laws and instructions attached to advertise ment o mail service. Iated" ............,. Bidder. Oath req ui red by section 2 of an Act of Congress appreveu jonca, is, to ueamxeti lo each bid for carrying the mail, and to be taken before an officer qualified to adminis ter oaths. J of , bidder for earryteg Uie mail on loute So, from ....... to .......... do swear i hat 1 have the ability , pe cuniarily, to fulfill my obligation as such bidder, that Uie bid la made lu good laiih, and with the Intention lo enter into con tract and perform the service lu case said bid shall be accepted. Sworn tonnd subscribed before me lor the of tbls day of ,' A. f . 1S7.., and in fexAL. testimony wliereol 1 Hereunto sun fscrthe my name and affix my official I ho day and year aforesaid. , Note. When tbe oath is taken before a J ust ice of t no Pence, or a u y ol her officer not using an offioial seal, except, a Judge ol it United states court. I be criincete or a Clerk ol a court of record must be added, tiuder his seal of office, thut the person who ad ministered the oajris duly uuaHticd as such officer. Bids must In accompanied by a certified check, or lrnfl, on some solvent National lianta, payable to the order of the lV.t mus ter oeueral, runal to 5 per centum on the present annual pay on tho r -nte when the present pay exceeds ..; or in ease uf new service, uou lots than j per rentum of the amount of the bond accompanying the bid. ft said bond exceeds s..uuu. la issued, and also during tbe eon tract term are to be visited without extra ray If the UIKUincc w auiiucrwsiu, IU Bidder are cautioned 'to maJl their proMsais in nine io reacn tne Department by the day mid liouruaaael in the adver- tieujenT, mdiui receivea atvrr tbat time will not be consldeied in competition with bids of reasonable amount rec. 1 ved In lme. Neither ran bids he received witboet the bond, oath, and certlflcaie reia'.ed by sec tion M- act of June i, 1x74. li Bidders should first propose mr service strictly according to the advertisement, and then, if they desrt-, separately ror dllTer ent. service; and If the regular bid be the lowest offered lor tho advertised service, the olherpropositlons may he considered. l:i, Tliere should he but one route bid lor in a proposals Consolidated or combination bids ("proposing one sum for two orators routes' ) cannot be conslden-d. 1L Tlie loute, the service, the yearly pay, the name and residence of the hiddsr, ubat s, nis usual osi tinier Ruurnsj anu tne lame of each' member of a nrm where a ipany otfers.rhould be dktwefy Staled. lo. Bidders are reuesicd S as, as tear as The proposj jjeetma shmm.; Poi m- direct to tbe ter General, Post Office Department. Wash Inifton. D. C." marked "I'muitali siii X.C" v BOl. I 1 UElTIO ti. a-Tnsert the names of the PrinciitaJ and sureties in full In the body of the bond: also I he date. The sign at u rev to the bond shtHild le witnessed, and the certificate on the inside should be signed by a Justice of the Peace, adding his official title, or. If sir n ed by a Notary Public, he should affix his being a Court orKeeord, do hereby certify that whose renulne signal ure appeal s to tbe foregoingaffidavlt,waa,atthe UaBenf algniagi I ho same, a Justice o the peace a aud ("F the eownty and Htate afnreaald. duty quailned. and that all: his official mim such are ea ill led lo lull faith and credit. .In trwUosaoy whereof,;! haveherennloset mv band as clerk, and affixed tbe MaJ of aald cnai t, un ihls ,, 4y of u., Uf . : II.Ul . . . ! . . ! IWk .... i ,. CK KTI FI GATK VF IXlOTMaTXR, ' ' I. the uoder.lgned, poslnatr at Kinte of ..afne tbe exercise ofdne idillieence to luluria myself of tlie peevata. ryabllliyand responsibility of tbe prlnrii aad his sureties In the aforegoing bond. and of the unincumbered real estate owned hv wtean. respectively, im itercny approve sata bond and eeriify that the said sureties are sufficient so flleteut In ay tellef toiaaeie the payment, of doable the entire asnoaet or tH &aII ttoad aMl 1 d., ft r-f bmm - that tbe said bond was duly signed by -, . bidder, and jud. his sare- Us, belore signing tiuaeerurWrate. ? For foms of propoO, bond, aad eertteala and also lor Instructioasaatotheeuadltioe to be embraced In the contract, ae are ad verilsement of this sate in pamphlet torrn lavtilag proposals foe mall service la Mela Ac to l found at the terminal postorOr of the above routes, and to te had on appli cation to the Second Aaaistant P. M.Oeaeral j..smu -MNtu nunA Bciiieu eaveiopea. surerseriitedcMell ProfHwwIs. Ktitenf Nvrta Carolina,', aud addreuaed to thetSecoa As. alstaut lVstmaster neneral. . - . . ; u. . . . MAitsiiALL ;kweu. . , -j; v vi i.iimi, . ORDINANCE in uc &ub.i v.u v vmfuau BAKBCIt V8HOI"aOXfcUJtl.lY!. " Ek iTOKDAl.vEnby the Board of Alder men of loo clljr .f Wilmington, Jf. ., m follows: ' - I;, -v. . JSatcuox Ul.Thai no aasBaa snors la thai city, sliall be pvimlttcd to be eaeatd' for business on Kuudaya, , , Kxctiom &l. That auy person vluUiUiu , provlsaions of fhu ordinance, shall bt slV. jeet to a Hue of teo dollars for rack ufitsst. W - j . - t . ' I. I i itn HPitluhM. .., m - diiiavcc coiitiictiiig herewith, are hertby repealed. .Tho above oruloance m.ui a s-d by lbs Board of A Mermen fit their uurtiiig Jane i Till, 1S7I5. June !Kit. T. C. NKKVtKsK. CHy I leik A Treaauie. j AN" ORDINANCE' ' CONLliUNINU CEUTA1N AMMAIA UUNNING-At I.AUGK WITHIN THfc CITY LIMITS. i BK IT OliDAIM 1. by the Voaid ol Aldvt- men of li e of Wllmlugluit, Jf, C, as follows: HrrnoN 1st, That lert alter auy hog, pig. coat or kid. loumi ruuuiug at larse within the riiy llmils shsll le impounded, and solJ hy the City Marshul 4U.d the proiecds aitl lnU thct'liy Treasury. Hrr-rios -d. That no cw iir ell, ex or hull, be pel mill' l lorimnl l.iri,e ithlu the City limit., between the ftrsl day of Norim- luriiud the first day l Miy folle ring I each j car. Bki-rioN yd, 1 he ojvuer i.l.ny ol theabove tieuivd nuliuuis, which may l lenl at la rc. contrary lo tbU oidinanre, fhsli llalilo In a line ( leu duller, f 't iwrhlhd every animal so fou ad. HKiTioN fib, Auy .idiiiiic -r fjirt thereof couflicllug with tUv Irrms uf Ihu ordluaiicv, Mreherri' irahd. TIicmInivc ordliioiict wv ps.el by I be lioadl f .Mciuiu w,t ll.eir meeting Ju.ce lb. KC T. C. KKUVtsy. Junetsi. uy c.ik a Tnaserv. Cracucauie, i ne priuieu prtosais lurnisned y tbe Depanment. t.w wrtu- out In full tlie sum of their ;hldr, ai d to letatn e-jlr of them. Bldsaiiereu. in ine rouie, inoeivice, me 'arty PSj JtmfF,',tm , ' hid er, by rasisrea xa- Infeflh eaifcms, siiotud not be aubmltted; and if so ubmuied will nut be consideiea In awarding the rwutract. No wltlidrawal of a bid will be allowed unless the withdrawal isrerrHedlwruty four hours previous loihetitue flirdmr opening the proposals. j is, in rase ot failure oi uie arcepiea Did der to execute a c-.iitnsrl, or o tbe aban donment rf service duriag tbS contract term, tbe service will te rvMdvertUrU, and relet at the ex pen of the Ssallaa bklder or contractor, and aay accepted bidder whs shall wrongfully reiuse or tali ( ra lee laid per an m the aer- be- ren tract indue form. and vice described la hia proposal, deemed suliiy of a misoeaieaaof coo vicaon thereof, be fined aad ImpxIsHaed vnrrrww. , . , i i i i i ll.-The Posf master USeraJ reserves the right lo reject any bid which may be deemed, ex Ira vacant aad aivo lo dlert gard the bid of lallln cootraetocs aad btdaera. No eon tract for carrying the mall shall be made with aay person who ha ra teres, or peopoaea isrsirr lasoaey mswuuca to ' ;,CHAP- BEADING fke -WAVatRLXT MAOAZIXaT la the asedaisn aad larissS literary paper la I be Catted HUOea. The en MM are au eoea- slaea J i I ae I ; asetetai each pare ef maaas Sbet be : reeatiag-ar aaveOee paper. eUateea dltter. aaasbera will be saw tie aay rartaT! JaUH UHKH A. tAW. mi I v -t I'o the vnekla rima.Va rarassa ymm tsayiej saewi at whjeai SaAke wry large pay. la ywarerwa uea, wttaaaal Ms away n use atghC Anal etalH la tvwy eewatytelake taxi.ris.t Sac be Cewseas. aial lia a, the largass pabhealiMSt La Use x suae nans is r-agsw. ti uHian, its set ly Ureal rated; tersaa eaty f I per year. Tne seeord as ewvaui , ta wh lever as es i raneaar hnaii Road renal red with bid. tML m Fraea iSMdMta Aaretlaa Hpriaga. U swereat tho saaklages aay bM few carrying swllawaad bark. cateea rrk. the snail, or who had aaade aay egret meal. Leava Wetdosi Wednesday at II a m. or given or persaraaed. or peomlsaj to give Arrive at Aerwilaa Springs by a p aa or pertorm any coasMerauoa whatever te Leave Aareilaa fprtaga Tharsda at ladeos any ther pcraoa not to bid Soraay MLaSaas. soch rontrae. i , rnve at We'eVa at p m. I fo bidder or carry lag tje malU shall be Haatd re a I red with btd.SAB. , v . released -sroaa hie obligsuaa aader bis bid til Free Vandtmees to Oouae Creek la- I or propoawL aotsnibaiaadtag aa aware lead. 17 asiieaaaa aaca. oaeg a week I naue u a to-wwr dmow bbui a coatrarl aw Leave Vaadeeacre i harrday at J a as A tbe dalgaatad eerv te abail have beea datiy Arrive a unii treea isiajsa ay 13 as I kwwm ay ww msaw aawa aas sasw Leave Ueoae Creek Isiaad Thareda at I Uea, aad accepted, aad the errrtre eatered las. ,1 J ai ay isxsKauessuinjcoaaf Arrive at Vaaoewsrre by B a as. 1 the Ppataaastcr tiwaeral. Hoetd rswwtred wllJs bid. SjaU. I By regalaUoa ed ihe I erael meat. aa ea4 UXJt Freaawaaltlinelil. yeatoa vllle. Har trier eaa heesaaloywd ehe ta assert six teva uona wiae I y ewrw at; aava mm m uw ww a asm li who as aaer tweaiyaae years of wise la a married woanaa. IK The ata aheasS ae sealed, sea era t ibsd asau 1 1 ue i as. sum er ?ierta t Aaasstaat Know all mea by these presents, that of -, In the Htate of . . prluci. pai.aua - aoti of in the Htate of .. as sureties, are hid and firmly bound unto the I'nlUd mates, to oe paid 10 ine aiu i nileo Mates or America or fu duly appointed or authorised orncer or offieet; to the pay meat of which, well ana uuiy 10 oe m ae ana done, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and admin istrators, Jointly and Severally, flraaiy by lanvj'mrBii, tsealed with ohr seals, and dated this oar 01 im... Whereas, by an act of CoagrcM approved June ft. KI, enlilled -An Act making aiv proprUUont tor t he serrlce of the 1 oat uffiee Ur part meat roe the nscsl year coding June thirtieth, elgbteea hundred and seventy live, and for other purpoeee," It la provided: that every proposal lor carryiag the mall shall be accompanied by tbe bond of tbe bidder, with surwttea approved by a post master." in pursuance 'wbereof, aad la oom pllaaee with the provlsloas of aaid law. this bood Is made and executed, subject to ail th terms, conditions, aad remedsra there on, in toe eeia act pruvwea aad pi to aceompaay tae awegotng aad proposal or uie snta - ,, ,, Now. the rood! uoa of theabove obligation U saafa, that If the said , , . t bidder a aSirtasid. shall, wtlhla socb Ume aOer his bid Is accepted ae the ftavtaaaater Uea eal has preseribedi at said adveruarmeai. rater I eve a roattact with tne tailed ntatea est America, with good aad safflrteat suretw to beappeevsw by the Peal master Oeaerai. i tae aervue aroiand la farther shall twrSuras s. tar to hia snabarti ism isi. omiratjoa soaii . ae vasd, otaerwise la be fa iui aaraw ssa eougauoa la law. 1 awuaeae wkereo we hare hereunto k! SgAbi TaKAU fKArt ... : r , iadSAM " HIMI aaaexed AN ORDINANCE IX WFFr.P.K.x'cK TO TI1K 1A1LY lirJ TltUCnuX Ol IiUUM KltUM Tllfc" IVUJ5P. UtiiuiMuli) ib liuard of Ahlrr mea of lh.o Cify of il w nti. N. t, as mlaws. f-si-TJos li. Iliat tbe lUfg tttlii.MOe of this rily. lc v ar 4Iuj:i led. at that oa aad alter the iuttutit dy of Jaae 1C, all dug lwpuaMudtrif t4 rhWd. ball Mdis latj cd at 6 w I J p. to ..mi the day IVfti latfouiMUd Pn-Ttonil. ,y otd.uowee or ret tbsve of oua aid log. a lib lb ituiuuwt ot tat ordinance are 1 rrtlod. Tbeabov wdlaaaw was aard hf the ncatdof iMrnniS a Ibctr awUx Jeae 71b, June a-X r.. frtvts, C.) 4 '.era a rtvaaarw. Ibta KKVHTliSK l-lUNTIXtl INK O) - Masprartrara rr PUITIU l.VIiH. (IVio. and Nnst ISat k a icialu.) 17 xoktii rirTM ifTtAj:r,. niiMPELfiita, PA. Any allrrauoa by Waaare car latsilia of S MSOrM tatt af Istbtwmsf toad UI 1 It Sa a fvseeaa. aasaws llafewara srs 1 a y Use n ?; I WJt Frees ear Orweckw to amiihasld. ft i was to , Lsave amltaaed TVarsday at 9 a as. Arrive t use naat Id Frsday ay a p as. - - ram aa red wsth ban. saaa. ttO rreaa eaesy Mass Sw CJw Tiea.ll orna, L4axrvi lA)Ua.Tna TitliLaAs. I caU atI7rta. anU H ritv die. I rr Tha ureat xaiaiivea aa rau- Leai II. alias CVaUn Kearney, a J. tiHJ. at Z2 ce.L, TTJZIIV JannaM, AUre4 Broaa, Camatll 1 1 Eoaxx-Tcrirts 970 Msk. Xlarkei CrtLityTa-i1 aa iiaA lisaaiam. Jci Eaiea ml l?o Lhl F.tra l.u assisairataeTsurs, rwatl I tBVS'-skady Moa Friday at 7am ,,lf The I I Arrive a Crab Tr-w by 1 p as. - flJ i eg I i . Lea vatrwb Tree Firaar S 7f 7. aad) tea-I Am veal Maadr Maa by aVat. I fir ra, Kvery i r ii si mast by a in a S a Ui lee ar B proved by a swwtmasf ec.aadj te saw a saaa a I or iea si-Jet. fales ot HQ tUs Extra rale al I T4 Ttrtmx"?Tmm laaiowiax (tnOesnea aiirraseJ 1 13 73 per LU. m, . h eauuad.cia itmimaraaei V .: r r. . . I r . I neaaweajva wai - aev. as, M.auor.-as, vatus a vmjsj f lXB-Ureipta jm ltows, J. W. TVwm aasl Jnos JLlXj tUs. . 8siea oX w,- oU atU 00 aW aaan. A Rar the CbarraXMsi kaj aJ- virxla, f 1 0 sW jviUw atsm, aad f 1 taj jonrwea sat Ue JoUowta U- aar kanL XUtlH mUmSf. . awn a4irrsat4 the cUiaena rrrseat-- , TJr-Cti;ti 4 IsUs. ' Uona, U. 11. Kt. L4wx4 IaUa,LtUaitl CO pe JXarkrt etar. I ar brpaei liarnea, WUeoei XZkH aa4 I rVmw, fgrrTs peaa Bt g.a rrwr wfi I raews1. a are seat rrwa swaii waetyt 1 aurert . lucuAxo Lcauiaat, I saJrteXlOO rrcsavlrat 1 CanrenUen. I Qmrs--XUcTru 1 U!s. Sxlca a 1 at tbe Owe I sseeary ec taa. ttiuw i f aea.- so, xi ay ar lawaww. Aavyeaseeaal i rvaaa. s asUaa aad bawa a wvgtL. sssaassis n isn l tptfnfba itis the I 1 lansluaawMis Isyaalaaw. fnrss4 pertateajsj hah Ira eg aawM- I 1 Amvw at asamawy Iwsat aeat dsvy I beraaeeeas.iy e4wi rywara, Tbara I llasa. ' as aa eiasia that aid f 14 this at Kwa I i Leave auarrr ra Th s Say at I p oat, ae have areata vMsrsatluMl mre at !aa;ea awat, kits an ttrstl rewta Xaw st I 1 toa4rna.r ta tiaansma-t wy. r aarmbartt eaesa I UtH Freea iZartt I I amvsslh waa sw Va eaaa. areas aad as. I rwsaiiaiaaa uwfiiinsai lia'lni aaaVa) I V aa4 rvn taa 1ir -ar. As r-a. 1110 llS mslna alia btd. rSL UOS fxaaa Ars-legvwvw s MS Ksiafc w If ills. ' !'. I an. Al s urw 1 war aaay aa S ata. f" Arret at ta Ha-a"w iils by S p m 1 - Lear fw l eak w Mtua t rbsay aa a Am;-at Arr r m ( lasssdrer,wirvd wiiatLla Utn s-Twea SaAsshys4Aaa.aaaji aaaaasa a . aara la At Atrf. t a wrwa. .... iwiaisilSM .. t Any by a aa. ilewa Airy ratay at S a as. Artlv slMlwi k y i p a. .s-it. J.-irwa. ty twar O aratsaa." aeeamaeatsea is-srsssi aswlhs Uaawof adv-r- daiis istL arse si tu a a. ar third Use ray aar ahsra at taw nnaist r sen aw arw i yasas i r n m f aa i s y a caruawsl 1 f-rwas. sa a ase at tae I a rwaaawaaase- as esi. est saarswat aaa a af sat Isawtasa ae par asaoat af the aaaaal aay a i lien 8e fwresmism eg taesa.utaa uisia srtsnri-- ? ' ' i asm fartesic are aaeiais la tae swsad Its aartaeraaip aamsafcwald aestat -. bat wvifriacr sheald alga has lasUsadaai Carjrrr t n , i i ea ihatAay af . aa i in ib an assail -ZLZZ - m'IMm sweas seal, law ,oray ' Tm at iJ i a. aad warn have a lad tawaaaaa a-aaea, aaaaaaag by ma defy eaaja.ea. awa aad aay, aad eaa star Maissir dwsm fssaaraea as sawrwetiy ata. i a ss lb asawr es raad.. that assejerwaf lad tharna. that leMavawfasyiaf 4 a4 bwaat aWassra. eacewde ittaa'i wa alhsaiag ail .tae asawaatiiag ssataf t Irr Inks are of m utetr iaaliiy. Wlstnetl front the Ur4 icr4imie a4 taaoVr the wrwonal tmtm 4 a react kat ptietrr an4 ffnmmm .tame- farw " Will rWarSStrw vm S-aaSul ml tnkaaUta Wftf a tfntviiJ 'j iufc Qnkar frrl gt4 rntirtlr fee baa ar rtlers are tnm ?H40-rf cni. Wf Uian ajrr itbrr !tls bus.(.h. t4 ta tae tnitraAit. A trial of asm pie arf auJ csmtlaea any rerter taat U k Urn reiiag nemrff tlol wUl ae -hM iWnae laV ta tisata rt. Fnt mp im irrsaaai bsrrr4k lt ft iMUgrs. ' l "' . ?XoaniiWvet. law Mml avelkiaiaada ltsrasraA i irt aa Use af l&a tSastUsrw are Law .Mist use aad we l ag ty yyaat ti a. an-w a; tt aa awmiwaaer eeia aal Istiim. al . - . . I ... - - - - - at as. I dauraS tcTT . r ''ta.isaai , 1 & s . . . . . - wfaw4IMwirtart wewwwee HIV Sw.: TO K lA DortheHUX i af aaaadrvaalrad 9tl3t par wawa egci mr areetaieUU la eaary aa Sarvl waare sae lata . m t - Wsa)" twwur a tswaarn tat et Limlua u ttialm Etkix js5witu fa rraanre aassisi a awa mmitt , swtawesaaiassaiMasif aaawa ,1!.' ts-SJsaa. w saaa-. SaeatAw4. aa-amw mm asaa ed aaaaa,. I re lean, i uea mastfysjws aeaaa SI4ISWT, sMaiuwHwi taaxta tt ta wasiwssiiiai Sad ad r m i i m aa4 al tasasrg taa. fiadib saasm sasssV. at w mW $ as smwaj ft. taewwywssap aawy as. aavwg awr rw ae U10ry .r w a sa. - Jt, JU vrrur, Sec yt. 1 Uie at 19 a vi, a . .. i a.. a.T.s : use UasA,U ml s aad aaaa,t vaartaresj. is 1 hut re mi hat wa Lree I -; a. I . Ay" ; $ t A ,r-05 taaaka ni. sarrlfc.aartsj .yfW'aijBja. I " - . . . ...... u i . ' vi '