7 r r; 7 UOOUM'. i' i Zlft: ': VL' I I I ; . . ., : "... - -V '.--S: , .. ... ; v. ..... - ..,,-,...- - ,......-..., . -v.. .. .... . ;.. i . V . ,. . -..-v;..- -.-L-r.'- 'i - !..fT ..,fi-i:;..irt .:: 17 1 .IV, .ft. '7 f 1 - , t.- ir j.i -ei.t - ....... ... , j . : ... I . J ' . ' 1 nl I I . ' : Ill I I I - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' n ' 'f VOLUME VII. WlLaWGTOH TZSXNO POST. ADVXLOv rates. m rita uaun u mmiua. -- i VllconinttoIcrtroatoabaAlaibwaM U-' a.l lraMJ k TMaWiucjxeTCUf P.T, Wtlminjioo, N. O. : Tl. Wn.Hi P?i- J WJL- - AlI aJfertcQUlUrd4l 50lb.oo tba.VaUkAle. of .u b.iTe ru, fr on yxta ot ;trju 'nr m . w T i. ' r- J Ui dirr Wll.EatardjTcaue. aod it trt,fcdrIof hT?1J' WfH, "f.lk5?i ihiii (hh week. .." J:. 4 JbtM pal4,,b Mcd Jo pat la 4a 04 iw 1... " tt.fj l f- T-V- " I k. ;.kl IW m the "Ur-t f aay, paper la Sorxb Caroitna. 'h t IL KcxPY.lWucatlXaaagei . . ,- - I Ih rr. II la aaUkort I't.tnrl H. Trlrtt has eoaWfltrt lMiwa Wrvtrrn North Corolla la taln tomrt uTTms 1Ukt. II U alhrU4ilt ri ijLSLaaii iku li ujiii . - IIUX.O. 11. UOCKKHY. , fl?w. O. H. Doekerr win address) thft fri'U if the Third CagreaaIoaal DI inct .1 the Mlowioc; time and places: KmaiMville, Deplia count, Oct il. ilmlf. r'impK'Jircnnnty, Oct. 15. !.jcUcili-. .Cumberland ' couoCf, Oct- 2. nf iUr, TUsden ctMiety, IM Iml-.r". bUJen canty, Oct: ti V bat i i I ic. til u m bu coun t y, Oc. 20. Xrtfm.Ppon. (at night,) 0.i. 31. Ca.iL H- Msaoieg. and other dU uiaWkfl peakef. will addrtsa the ivy' ion county on the pnlit icai tpiciuf ins day, at the Allowing plof- : Nc t a tirove. Siturday, October ;uv ILU's Pret nct.MaodAy, October IHh. lloaeycau', Toelay, October 10th. OacaiviU, Wrdnes'Uy, October lllb. iKD-uir Cr Thursday, keiwWeJ7U. t.wba. Kri ly. Ortber I J Ji. IlaffuVT tfion-, Saturday, October llth. lit urJr o4 the IUpaLlica Eiecu live 0mm?ttrr. CUffuS WatP, Chairman. KCTfLK AMI VAf.CK. The following sppointments Kave Iwu iuaIc and s greed upon between Jwige SlUe and tiov. Vance : Nw liat. Wake tounlv, fcfatnrdayj Octal r . ! ' t la fori. Oranville coaaty, Monday, October ft. - ; .1'. Iwoxborn, IVrM ' couatr. t Tuesday. HuUbora, Oraage coalyr ThonJay,' tKtooer 12. ' (irahsm, Araroance county, Friday; Ocfrjbev IS. COiaiUKT.tUV. In the Atheville Aswr of SepLOO, we find the following compliamtary 1 atice of ourxlf. The article aJluded to -Tie lied Si aa editorial pabliahed la the Itwr laat wiaUr , ' "We ca!l lie attent'ea of bof rtadert tsa article la another cola at or beaded rhe Red Sea. (t U copied from U Hilmingtoa fiotT.and ia n rvaast tn from the pen of CoL CkaaJdej-, Uw brilTiaat ' editor of that Jmraa1,- than wbat bo mas in North Carolina, wle'dj a aroe ready, fcile and graeefal "pen' The arwle baa pecalrar merit, erf acre; tody, tfcoeght, elonueocw and scholar ship, togtther with aa fpttada aad brilil Aney of tzprrssiea seldom toei a tb ordiaary rdiiariak of roatlae STaty. It la a powerfal appeal, as weil aa sol tmm aad porteatowa warajajg. and wilt Wttt rtpa cartful aad ibougklfnt fee WA UDELL SAID: I. o. u I VADDIXL ATTUWIt CILWXat This ditrguihcd ftf Tcnnrf spoke at Ta Cptkf rWwwjckcpcJityj oti Us WrJ olay , ta a cr ri s4 Aboui ir? taty pervooa. ' Ula habits aawbecoate sa aotorioM red hie dtrUloUotui so aUg raat thai Ve waa BaOtf lie tectmitj cf aancaaetag firesa the atuaap'thai ia.swf eev.- At iba cstexiaaloa wf.kde haraa gae oW mWgtiUed lBJlvldaa wJ Car : Lrg4 fA'pr'Kly, and a as sA ljncrtnl 6t le teoptr aX fhc,'frwaat M U peaV ptoea &r kW IhaHaiUrmTe. ala ajuatr gteeU! the pnpoaTUe, aad lb . gtaasofper f Aured a ta. TH at rfoW, where be waajnatk jaded, . : )VU ..QraMleppcf 4ra44U got " thrwek wiUaialhiCpteiam ' Treat atrect WedaeWsy taikV w igaT tkrta rctulo tletfi U, dewier; Tey. avj.! sUy saw Uat Ue game wjawo- wii Al--rd 1 tad Uew yaatH fchKtha oaoir a: rnnuit xn' n t AtifOHT. : ' LtM..-ci..ue ,i.uuca aaa ,aoc ubd. appraraace, Tbtrawtre ooaoparaliTeJj fw.poV U towa,' ad tbWetr djd &ot aaolfeat abj reat coDCni to bear wt4i Uje k Tb aa well be.lold of ii first a last. It faaat have been Tery,.aorUfjing to tke crtaV Desaoaibeofsc to see r fe at braoted, by bis 'hlT eloqaence. Those who were present, were drawn by .merex cariosity to bear , what the Kraat "civil righUr" aa4 toaay. Jieoi porary awniagn had ben erected ' by the Reformers, to shelter the vast mul titade of admiriag listners from the scorchiog rays oCHie September sun, ; but it was "iraat cry and little wool" A for a few umbrellas would have met the oeeeseities of the great eccaaloo. We do aot propoee to follow Mr. Tkosaaa tbrowgh bis loog rig -ma-role el a speech, as it baa toea rvporUd to us, buv there is one peiat to which we I fhaU miU 9ma -Uictares. ahall call atieauiofl. aad apoa which Froav. what we Uara, M r. Tbomaa took it upoa himself to institute a com- uriUvMB til UkA candulatea of the opposipg parties oa the State and Congressional tick eta. This wa car taiaJy rrry kind ia him, thoegh it must have been a labor of love to oae so re- ocfitly cea verted to the caue ef Re form. Of course this District was looked after in tbe geaeral review ; and to thil JJiatrict we. shall confine our resaaka. According to Mr. Taosaaa, any one who aspires to a sea tin Coagreae should beamaa.ef culture; of education; of refinement ; of broad and compreben aire sUbesmaoahip. This waa simply a delicate way he bad of telling those protest that JU possessed all those qual- lUes; aaa ins ner w b U the poneasor of aU these Kifts aod grace," br occupies a poaiticn sun ilar to-that -'-errant who .knew bis aaster'swill and did it not," for no man (except perhaps A. U. Waddell) ever did lea fo. hi constituents, or leas to make himself a name while in Congress than, Mr. TIjoiaMr The oply act of hi CoJgrassioail career which seems to have' attracted any attrntioo wai his vote in favor of the Civil UighU . 4a 4 . a bill. His . oLjectioo to Air. tanaaay, was (he wat or the qoaUflcatiooa above set forth, a. i JlrJCanaday'i moral ckcterJM arooJdsjvr. nothlag, but he waanot a man of. edocalioe, Ac A- 1 -i !-.:. U & I I kQowlcdfwpfbookal lather.iotaocii I UOT (UKMIINI. .wiwn I . iKiBa . aa -rim men sensrractical sjoae? Have bo greaaeat aienthU country eter peodoeed beea eelf-made menT.JAraU llh MnCaBaday had . C " - .. .. nol lhsx adraatam teioyed BT AIT. I Tbonat and Cbl. Waddell, Ut.ra uy it boldly, Jhat he d serves more credit thaseith. bi hem. What aa la, he baa made suaaself. . Dy pluck, fry ea m W 6rtjereraae. be baa vaofked hk war UP fibd tach snea ahoetW be I eucoareitd la AU ffort, to adUte auccesaia aay aoocrae plus". 1 -... waa wrka'bl waw.p i the world u'ceHalhl v asore deaervieg Uan j the oae who baa enjoyed all the ad I taaUf.ee wkick edaoUoaC aad wealth I couid confer.- Oood," htrd, practical auiae acrissj.arntlrtd rrj' eobtacA with the wor)3 -la fax aoxa Taloahle ; taaa a. at rf IheorelKaj yjrVfr-.i1" kwj he. made praXliraiJj afaUaUt. WehAva iolealia'UMTlatnAt awajx elCaJsadajy aatiiing errr . aad : Mad, .prftctkaJ, every Uy sense wUIacrphsX starts bee tarm la CW!, Ui"ltf. TLomu aTilWa aK ibow U WV.vUUampU cile?h M hi eaat male a. effort UlIiltetTertUt)itrtWka f leewaba W ataeaaaaahip. .Of, TkoekDtUCMwyicm aUeVOItj H eall ml .aaj ITutftaa.fi rrmi eUeen. UdiU lithVatUiirUW,. wwAhfaVft maaTeJUkf a ttcaU Irom it awa7 laahl. par, ia onleTtLi ai. lterity Vlght U ad- vWd tharUsc-ecceplea a neat U Ueliifm.kfVaala4itemk Vy earthlag'f"kr praa dpJaT of JeTlrg 4 eaiSV wU V U ' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, "ERIDl. OCTOBER, 6, 1S7C. or mot be did anjU!us in behalf of hi coiutitaenU. If Mr. Thomas bad th .,jtiir rooH iN'a fkiund . Tb Democratic party has erer claim edlbati jtm the peculiar cbampioo and frieod jot tie ruor. Word coat pobiBf, and tbia Ls beta a favorite Actioaa peak louder Ibaa wordN .d the. aueopi mado by the raU of th city of Wtlmiogtoi their co laborer, the Ieiroerala Demo asd of the laat Lrgialaiurr, t deprire the poor wbiu tuen ul Um city of their rigbtaaa I !l!..n nt.l ot l..rvnl!in J , . U will b remembered that the act to I amend the Charter of the City of Wil- mingtoa as passed by the Legislature, provided tbat the city should be divi ded into three wards, and that there should be three Aldermen elected from each ward. According to the actr the boundaries of tbe wards were defined, giving to the First ward an area of twenty-six block, with a valuation of $90250 and 220 white and 80 colored voters ; to the irecon I ward an srea of twentylwo blocks, with a valuation of s,ii ..u w u.,n ww.- orruTUier, .hu iu ui iuu w.ru iue c-i e.i i- vmiMOKV 01 inc citj uih vmuria-u iu lue other wards, with an area of Jrr Attn efrrtf and forty-one bfcxL with a valua tion of $2,003,405, and 750 white and 2,250 colored voteis. It wss claimed by the Democratic ruovrrs of this scheme that lh:s le-dislricting" tbe I wards of ibis city was made n a prvjxTfy Uuu No romplaint had ever been made I Lai the previous district ing of the wards was unjust or unequal as far as the citizen, as uch, ws con cerned the complaint of thete aristo cratic sore beads was that or nan bad too much to nsy and do iu tbe con trol of tbe affairs of the city. They claimed that vwnry not men thould be tbe basia on which the city thould be districted and represented on the Hoard of Aldermen. Hut there was no hon esty in evrn the plan that they adopt ed. If arra was to to the Icmi, we fcc that they plsnd 22 blotks in one wan! and 28 bWtL in acotUr, while in the Ihird there m i'M biocki. Ky tbat arrangrruent 0 !!(- ki n rr to be rep resented bv fix a'crtim n and . 'AT blocks br three aldrrmtn. It i he xaluationof the rial cHatc i li t- tui-i.'. we tee that the 1002 .250 of the I'irl ward and the fl, 17l,100 of the Second ward aay 12f& 1,350 were represented by six aldermen, while the Third ward with valuation of f2.0S3.-10-" was to 1 are bat three aidrrmen. If tbe apportionment was as regards the colored voters of the city, the 80 in the First ward aud the 60 in the Second ward, ssy MOcltrcd voters were to be reprcseat'd by ix aldermen, and the 175 colored voters in the ThiiJ ward fet IhrM ilJrrmrn. If the mMfrtion meat wa. as rrganls trAiVr ot r, we ce that 220 white toterN in thi First ward and ISM) in the retond ward, nay 410 white voters mere to be reprrsenud by alx aidrrmen, and 750 white tours I, rr- . 1 1 .1 J in toe aniru waru uy inrve aiucrmer If the basia on ail tbe voters of tbe city, the 300 in the First aod tbe 250 in the Second, say 550 voters, were toe.'ect aia aldermen, while more than 3.000 voters ia tbe Third ward couid eleit bat three aldermen : That is tossy, in the First and Second wards, in a fitch " ...v,, j were to have aa aldemai to Us than arery 100 voter, while in the Third ward where there were 750 poor white men. It required more thai a thousand vetra 10 eieci an awerman. - Orf to put tbe matter in another way, than 400 white aristocrats, drsiross ofcoptrollpg tbe affain of this, city, Uy their hesJt together and get an in lfcwo hv the Lrgultture I eaknbtted to enable tbem to accomplish Uetr desire, as w nave mown, every frouad on which they could have bttlWcd a claim, ia entirely untenable. iVathey well knew rben tbty were maklaj 'their calculation The fisct Is, these deatruetivr. wanted to kk the Republican out cf the control cf the cared aothleg whatever about the jouJce they TV" Jvsl0 white mew. - The HAy thxk.cemised latwo ward. la which tT coaulaed bet very the white me. who lived la the Third aa many of them there as in boi tl caase U wf a wviry a to da toa He the- U cheat, -roag the . lUpahLcaxa. Money, mo7. aamWr eX .meeu Aad taj Ui fprem Cbwrt wa- njn. Pftti W acawae the aafi tk hm G RlSSlIOPPEK .WADDKLl.: UNPARALLELED HEARTLE 5S- j;! vs UVCM it fin 'i N0 ; SX!IPATHr;F0R ,SUJ?Ea f "H 1 1" HE tiKAWjJ W "SMX PAY. AND LKrsPQOitfJBOPLE ' v-t DIE IM WANT r-." A; THE KANIM! vll-.i. 1 1 Lot Ererjbody Read, and let A. BL W&ddell Answer. If any one is aot entirely convinced that A. 31. Waddelli la not the veriest charlatan; and entirely devoid of sym pathy towards tbe poor and heiress, let him read the following- : It will be remembered- that in the gut ptrticaU'r,T and wegUrn NfbrMkl were .fflictod with grasehop n. th. fink M.t Af r w " J ' ' J' 1875, Congreaa being then in' session, Mr. Cobb of Kansas introduced a bill before the House of Representatives for the relief of the sufferer from these pests. It authorized the President of the United States todireet the issue through the proper officers of the army, tempo rarily, of supplies of food and disused army clothing, tvficieitf to prtveni $tnr vaiioH and offering end extreme want to any aad all destitute and helpless per sons Jmojr on tbe western frontier. who had been rendered so destitute aud helpless by tbe ravages of grass hoppers during tbe summer last past, and to report to Congress such issue of food and clothing; and the bill appro priated $150,000 to carry out its pro visions. Mr. Cobb, in presenting this bill, said that 111 his opinion this proposed relief wai the only means to save many of bis people from the horrors of death by starvation and exposure. Private re lief had been bounteon., but inade quate. The act of God alone had re duced them to the dreadful extremity. He also ha-i read a letter from General E. O. C. Ord of the United States Army, stationed in that country. General Ord said: "I am satisfied that therj is a famine prevailing in weatern Nebraska and Kansas, and that probably 30,000 per sons and their animals are in danger or starving umleta food be nt them rjxra iy. I have inspected reports of relia ble officer from nearly every county devastate by tbe, grasshoppers, and ihtte olacers. after reducinz the appli cants to the" lowest number consistent with humanity, -, swearrng 1 applicants aa to their- means, and striking from their lists all single mentor others wub resources convertable into food, compel our aid committee la Nebraska to issue supplies 'to 13,602 'persona' la thirty seven counties. I believe the distress is still greater ia Kansas, because I learn the grasshoppers, after destroying all in their way across Nebraska,' act- tied on the the fair fields' of 'Kansas, aod destroyed all they could findv Their teams are dying in large num bers. In Nebraska alone 300.000 acres or land are plowed in tbe district de valuated. W ith the mercury ranging below svro, aad their stock ia a state of starvation, it ia impossible for Lhcm to M. Cobb also had read a letter f.oni Mr. Frederick WaUs to, pi Commis sioner of Agriculture in, which he says; The area of this distructire- visita tion of grasshoppers comprizea, a one two hui.dred and twenty firs miles wide, extending' from the settlements of sou l hern Dacota through Nebraska aod Kansas gm, &vc AnnWred . Piix in leogibi . A ne exient 01 icrruory yiaiveu bv these insects In 1574 rrry ctMwtdirra- cry txreed ev aTwWmf fkmd tymrt M(A I tniaK 11 aot atau exirava- rant to amiga threw quartera of a mil lion aa the approximsia population of these districts. ' " From reta re received It appears that casea of toimt dutJmim iq fty ooua tiee reported, 1 vary &um - forty to two thousand ia each county, dleporta from countiea awila this aaaer t injurir aa severe aa ta asry.otacr.' - ana aver age ia astdi cowattew 1st Kanaaa'ia ire huadred asd fifty fir ia eacat cMieiy. Tbcae do aU tacbada caacar ftf aiswf if deatiltttioa, which ia aosnej eoaataerare aa high as owe thowaaad. r T casea of ami pavruai oeaswaoasi asr taeto fi Ay eoaaties aJmjaU tar eet t avsrty 1 Addtaw casea eaatac tae Mafsoeri; I esdataie the aomWr car people aaerewr lee awvermly afSatted by Ihi peat at oae haadred UkmkssjhL" , Upon a cairtSTTh TT tod aays, a v w nnt aJ (lh iHI.) wapasW.by aaJmoaaaAi- role. ACcs tjejrfcA vri AaAl WXV jllaj ntklU whosej laieriaga . hare beea s palarVly.pscUred, waa ALFRED M. WADDELL member af Co foe the Thirl North Cxfoilaa nUrkt ! j " . . t 1 tee wmjremsoaai Xf Ar piAIOiltriirsMr SSSFecear merud em ret-. fimryll$T? - r. : . fa a man who with the regulantv of clock work has drawn hu fire thousand dollars' each aud every year for the past l:x years, bcaide his back f alary crao, who while siUio? in his velvet covered 1 chair in the ' House of representatives at Washington, ; with bis f?et on' his I desk 'Add . his lazy body stretched ; out white listening to the sickening tales of sorrow - acd distress inflicted br the bue f'VS?? which were pnto- as terrible In their visitation to the poor 'people of Kansas as was' the locusts to the Egyptians of old,-quietly and pertuicotly votingj aeainsf giving to these freezing and starving people, a a lot of moth 'eaten Ami cast off cloth ing, and to give them sufficient food to keep their nouU and Lodie3 together during the rigor of a terrible wintarl - WADDELL SAID: I. u. JUDGE MeKOr. Au important qucatiou tbat the peo ple of this Judicial District arc vitally interested in in how far Judge McKoy 4 bound to obey tbe uebesu 01 tue party that elevated him to his office, and when if ever, durinx his official life, he will bo free from the political Bhackela that bind him and the politi cal influences that surround him. That he id so bound and influenced is evident to every observer. Wc have ever been ready aud willing to give hia Honor credit for proper motives in exercising his judicial authority, and have usually refrained from what wc conceived to be just criticisms of certain acts of his, because we were his political opponents and diJ not wish to even sec in to be captious or faultfinding. Iu this both Judyje McKoy and his friends will bear us out. lut there is a point where for-; bearance ceases to be a virturc where eft repeated act, all tending in the same direction, forces the conclusion that they are done with a fixed object As often as his his Honor presides over a court aud Republicans arc convicted of violations of law, just so oftcirdo we see mm sentencing tnem 10 long A - i All 1 terms of imprisonment, and enforcing on them the severest penalties of the law. On the othr hand wc find him ever read to condone Uic lauus 01 Democrats, and allowing them !o go al most scot free. ; When a Judge is seen sentencing to the penitentiary a K-.-publican lor the term of live years for the theft of a chicken, acd allowing a Democratic ruffian who, with bludgeon in hand, makes a ' murderous assault on an un suspecting citizen, with the avowed 1 purpose of committing murder if nec essary to enable him to wreak his ven geance because he had boon exposed in a tilliany, to escape by the impositiou of a paltry line of a few dollars; "When we see a Judge ordering a nolle profeetjUi to be entered in a case in' which a political frizn-.l of his had. been indicted for a libel and withholding from a political enemy that had been indicted for a similar iffiuse cveu a common and usual act of justice in the removal of a cauc wheic uu impartial and speedy trial might be had, people j are brought face to face with a startling state of affairs. Where is the wonder ful purity and integrity that was prom ised when Judge McKoy was cauvass- inz this District for L11 election? Why Jon' l he give au cccoaiou.il chi bitiou of il 1 Arc we to have iu addi lion to hi ofl-repcatcd displays cf favoritism to bis political friends, other aud quite as oft-repeated displays from him of hi veaom and rpile against Republicans?, Wo arc Juiced to ame to tho conclusions, that be i not the lair-tuiudid and hecot JuJgc that he ought to be, knowing nothing but J- tiee in tbivxvrcie cf the datics cf bis high oflice, and i tte s.avc of those who boiatcd bim iuto his office, and dare not to rcfuM: to cairy cut their beheMa. , m '"The way he setllr for tbn little afrairs b with an 1. o. u. That's tbe way A M. W-dloll - wik'es them. ' , Thc.Miltoii fkrnU.'i: thiukj if there were any law in this State fr tbe sup- ! prewion of obscene literature, the Wil- miogton !VfT and, LeamgUm 0trI ; ouKt; coder. And the Wil miotan Purr iLiaks j that if any one desired to find the ceo teaalal and cLaapon iJiot of North, Cartiaa, he could be fbttsd at the edi torial desk of the Mi!toa -OrwuVv. WoLaTOtheaaikorily of tie War reatoa Oh jar at for aayUg that CUhop tymaa, aktisa traveled me, ha cvtt witaersed Mich c:,ihaiaaa a sw txirts Ut 1mv. S'lMf." Pciksi Dkwp Lymaa wtwVl like to Use the stamn fa Yf to, all right, aV Lhoaa, we dWl ladak thedktie rkhed preUu coald give alvtiti U kf Icsa a.7t tct We KUrabicaaa wto a'Kpl)ofuIlaa waat to kzow if the ISaf b really galas lata poliiks. .1 t- ? Single Copies ID Cents. : V7 nr.'p.-clWADAr. We learn that, Hon! W. P. Canaday, our candidate lor Congress in wis dis trict, is making splendid .lime onhJai Q U A Sn OPPBit ITADuKLls course... He don t brag much on Delng a stump speaker, but on a "still hunt he beats every thing ever started In this sccupD. wuv wuuwea uo i crats t.turee-ioTiruia. or them ,ltepubli ocraU is that they "don't kiowi juat I bins) assembled on Front street on acUy FhereJoJ5ndAim ; When they tmnk they: hava. bua he a net there, ana. tftose woo tnow aay 'tbat-almost any wbero along tbe roads be wx vela he stops a few minutes be coUecU larger impromptu crowds oC interested listen era than graashopper Waddell gota at uiis rezuiar appoinimencs tnas nave 1W.M A t .J..UUI 1 - vsmm wuici; wiHumu ' ' - Y: r. Canaday is emphatically a man of the people. In 1861 at the age seventeen years he enlisted in the 10th regiment, JNorth Carolina, troops, and rcmaid in the active service of the con federacy four years and seventeen days! No skulking with him he fought it out like a man he never oaoe- had an at tack of dry grtpes as grasshopper' Wadf dell always had when he heard tnte fird of the enemy's guns, nor did 'he once want to resign his commission ami study for the ministry as grasshopper Wad dell did. In 1867 be became Repub- ucaa and bas been a consistent one ever since, never having put his hand to the pisw and then turned back as grasshopper Waddell did. ' Canaday is a working man, sure. All that he is and all that he has he made by his in domitable energy, pluck and persever ance, aud while the soles of hi shoes often wear out, the ' back part of his pantaloons never have pxtcAet on them. O. A. M. XJ. . WADDELL. A JUDICIAL DlfFlCRENCfi Last year when a white Democrat was on trial for his life before the Su perior uourt 01 2ievr Hanover county for tho murder of a colored man, Judge McKoy presiding, the case was given to a jury composed entirely of white men. The evidence was very strong against the defendant, and disinterest ed persons whe heard the evidence thought that the jury would certainly bring in a verdict of guily. They were mistaken a verdict of not guilty was rendered and tbe accused went free. At the same term of court, and two days after the trial here alluded to, a colored Republican, was on trial for an alleged assault on a while man, with the intent to kill. This case was given to a jury composed entirely of colored men. , 1 be evidence was circumstantial and it was not at all probablo that the accused had committed the crime with which be wa charged. A verdict ot not guilty was rendered, and he went free. Upon the rendering of this judgment of not guilty-in favor of the negro by the negro jury, one ol the most remark able scenes occurred - tbat waa erer witnessed in a court house ia North Carolina. Judge McKoy, seemed to entirely loose control of his judgment and temper, and so far forgot himself and the dignity of his office aa to pub licly reprimanded the jury because of the yerdict they had rendered. A more severe, tongue lrshing we never berd, and it was remarked by persons who were present that his Honor would not have tiara! to thus insult white men And wc do not think hcwould. He presumed on the timidity of the colored men, and the prutigc of the law which he pretended to be administering, to be guilty of an outrage on the sanctity of the jury room that would be tolerated no where else in the country, aod not even her had his remarks been made to a jury of white men. And to crown this act cf oppression, be proceeded to iotimidato not only Ibe twelve colored men then in the jury box, but bystand ers also, by dichrgig the jury and sending them out of court, with ia struct kh to the sheriff not to allow any uu of them ever to come Into court again in the capacity of a Juror !! The white jury above alluded to while out coo side rirrg the case commit ted to them, were guilty of excesses that we think deserved severe rebuke at the hands of the Jadge. It is a fact that they had in the jury room T with them a jug of whiskey of which they partook, aad some of them became eoaftiderably ander it laBocece, Vat Judge McKoy bad do words of reproof fr then) snca who bad - sjcqwiued a w k ita aa far kiUi-ag a -aiyger." ' It is evident that Jwdgw UcKy treU U a duty which mm owes to Ida farty, if aw v jwttk to nus Id ceart to the ead that ao Deaaocral may be pwsuJard, aod that every CepwVicaa b- m aa- fc.-UatM I pcwvktdad ashed. ' s. J 1: O M. WAtJDLUL OaL WadJaU apfwarW M. WADDELL. I ... -i . 8PEECII. " T- An immense assemblage (of leu than Uireet hundred) of enthusiastic Demo- I Wednesday evening to listen to the im- J passioned eloquence of the premium 1 grasshopper orator of the day. The it dazzling scexe was illuminated by four I faintly flickerine kerosene torches, a part of which, during the speech, re- fused to shed any more light on the 1 subiect. Tbera vm in . fM t. l A t 1. 1 i kempt mauo Dy a parcel 01 young men to make a noise with a lot of horns, but of the horns all. having been taken before, the attempt was not a success. According to the programme there was to have been a flag raising, so accordingly tho flag was raised, but it weiit up very quietly and without even one huzza to greet it. Where up ii clung limp aud motionless to the most, as if ashamed of having been hoisted by such questiona ble hands. It was tbe American flag. Dave Worth spoke a little piece, writ ten for bim for the occasion, but not having committed it well to memory, stammered and stuttered awhile aud made way for tho aforesaid grasshop per, who came trembling to the front and' said : . the GUAstiiiorrKUs Lin li: si-lkcii. Fellow citizen's : ( 1 Ie a! ways commences tbat way). Suunso in Brunswick still hunt at the root of a pine tree ran him tweuty-Gvc miles- I am rather jaded to-uight (he calls it jaded) inspiration of the occasion (this he got from a bottle labelled li Select) long suffering (had it all day) Grantism Graiitism army of office holders red-legged grasshoppers (h e did'nt say a word .about having voted against giving relief to the Kansas 8ufTerers)Granlism when I was in Congress waggon load of silver doN lats - Louisiana poor downtrodden state carpet -baggers our Southern blood Post tradcrship Grantism the infamous -Judge Durell San Do mingo job-j whiskey whiskey Itab cock whiskey Judge Durell of I Lou isiana. : Here the distinguishedjspcakcr could keep lip lio longer and they dragged him olf iu a carriiiire that was coven- iently near, And that nan the extent uf it. And he lilted 'up his voice and ::: 1. p. u. aid: That's what A. M. Waddell said. HEFORHKlt ltUFUrt i A I.I.OVI a V. The PoT announced a fi-w weeks since the defalcation of the notorious Rufus Galloway, sheriff of Iruuiick county. The amount for which he is a defaulter is noi exactly, known, but can be guested at pretty closely. He has collected the taxes for If 76 and for apart of lf7G. He is otill about f 2,w.o behind for 175, though every dollar be has collected for 1S7C bas been ap plied to the settlement of 1S75. The amount then cannot be less than ft ."-'. AttHe last meeting of the Co mini sioners this reformer was asked to h j down, abd one Mr. Otway wa aj-uint edt&x collector. The Cvmmiiotirr were very delinquent iu pacing to Gal loway the j tax book for 157; They knew he was a defaulter. Wbethc this congenial pint will be taken from the local ticket t Rruuswick county by bi brother formers, wc have no Information. rc- And be lifted Up hi pen and wrote an !ji .' I: I o. U. That what Al M. Waddell wrote. Tttc Datjobcx CiCAKi.An cnui taiomenl will be given at the tUy iUlt on Thursday evening of neat -vctk, October l?lb, by tbe IVosdeu Guard, tbe crack military regiment uf Nwrth Carolina, uader command of IV!. t;ou. L. Mabeony fit the purptuuk cf rin fund to jay fur new uaifWaa. We hope that tb cxertiotts of tluv hating tto affair band will aeet i;n un bounded for if there etx r tia a set of good fellow, tbey arc fe be tmt$ ia the -Gdard'aZKl smw that tiuty are armed with, pat cat Sprtg'iic:d br th loadiog riffp, e want t r ikrm o war street pm dftsw parade, im c aai- sorm. - t -:'t 'Ilk! iief! 11:;: I- ' 'A..1L Warnttx. 1 Alfred Itevsit 16 a vm t ' wf . fcr or ta Ic ia aary way impfd ly tW distls srai ia Use Ir of Li fsuie sr rtaLuilae. . To arxa a yrpvfvta- mas of being iadbctttl watt m svsJ Jssa9PWsWs ttwfttiasi de 4 aeeesMarlly lm yptlam3 ti iwceeMifkt. Vm a M k4t-AlfrcJ, wkwar Iw4 t$ 'im hi UtU Selttt t re- Wicav he caat aasraf 1st UWrv uU abasi ai Taisv . tJwt mm tU - i bWW 1 tloaaL ' ' 1,. 1. J ' ' .. " I ,'