lUn0T02t. N- CL 1 rulDAY. OCT. 13. l8Tg.' 2 saittco. f,.,oioj gentlemen compos-; ijb! Executive Cam s'." Wr.Vr-l- II. Wt- a ;rr-J. II. Ilarr.-. .Mtrt -l II- -arou.k. lr -I1""' Jenkins. -PlUcknrV l",Um. ' .rjc-W. W. Holdeo, I. a Iaie o, N. lO cuiuuKioicaiiMiit liuld LjijktrrTWN, Oct. 3, 1S76. ;T. l"i.T.-l"uruani tn a call -.ui'tt A 1UIU. I'm).. Chair .nvj'i! Liuue Committee, the ii i,'ilkwil. tv.. was called to liJ It rJ " lk,0n requcst d i ' rrtry- Ti f-nominiliiOt were Siad : r.ct.U'.. Aleiar.dcr MclKo- S.r .J-.Vadrr J..-u4w. f. ir.f lluj.'u 'J. McCotium. U-pnttt i-( IVd John 31. I'xGtvO. tirior K4 f u IIiter. C-a: tCRi';tner V. A. At 4 W. T. I'ridsrn, r; ( ; i uiUujj.iii prevaiH-d. j ,';& i tLiii ttte and iAAu . ' .'! itat llliy Tulm in L1 ,wi-iC . f '.ntxit-Mly rifcet w I ..unUffi ui.-jvrjly aa cl u . iii. ':. t ll'. t onlitul;ua. - - l it' oTeralw:r JClec" M i t - at the (u. n ; .r U'.i., ut.l i i-re the . r i !! t t xi will be II T" J, il.r tickM arrnc! sc t at 1 Iv : ii i" . k . i . - liu KleUr i Tr. -irtii and Vi e I'-t-oent itlie l'n:.'i ".t .k'.f I ik ki-t. - .i-rt.or, I-icu- 4.1' m'. iixt!ir, ntury oi clalc, ' l'r iurtr. u; ria'i livliUt of I !-: i-1. i a-i-i Aiu.rcfy tien- -.r I'i.k.i.; ..t li.u -l U.-pr. -ntu'.ii-s of I'w ! U l"-.rin of the I d t2 I J'taUi. I. I. 'v'l'Utnf 1 u trt. "enator .r ."tt.-t -- ;it il.' ll.mrjl A iubv auI tii' r "r ..-.fthc t'len'ral Arai- i-lv. j. V.utuy IU. Let. -iVuuty lrca. ui, r l; r .it LK-d. l uuly uf- ,-.,r Utv Couriiv r.inutni(fr, Cur Mir 4i .""acriiT. i. c svtitutiiijl A un i.lui ri t Tick- r.i .lull hati.l ; lal- .4. l v. I-'. :'u-j! oarcluiiy Ihf i,"'t ui tin l-!ltt lt-. rut ltr.H f the '"si's r iu . ir- ru' l-d -:i.rt"l r.-wia-il of Jrtl" lAf i t-1 nipire. :.-trl in hi peeen it Metf-J Hail Wednesday rV. la.f. tiut Mr. l.uttre:i. while ru'y i tl'C Treivscry. covered up : l ui- n i lie t ioverniii'Mit tj ihc ut "i ;.' Vl,,, fcvur thh t t .r.n.'i.-i-.u kie, and w t iuladd to w r Ihe iuin'1 f ni-ny of !iU igflO- ah-I moiKil Lrmtttr. Ii iay iitw .avii in'.rn i t brrac the f-rre fU..n r i-.-ahti. .!iile Attorney ief4i ihe .filii,l l'l'l rate . j. I n- ma ;.rTe Divi, is a 9a' k . ' I ,'U ' . in I l I tt i the character of ' .r.ii.itl. f X .k tin Ull I I Jrr! Davis' jnvt, ..'. o' iLe sir aArf ail ? vi it a.) o;rul. He m, a r j,r 4ri ..(her raaa ia the uth, U ta i vou.ii i f Jrl'. lavawi io; rtiMf r all the i t .4.4 i . .. -i property in Nal'ar.on .Ut Kvery dol- - ir:S ,. r;vrty ar-d every life Cnajj ;-'u't iearrh throah u. Ni, t i:irii(a'..V (. the juc!i tU it -n c er bv ilii. imt man I'm., j ,. , ,. ty mmr r" " V'r ,m i t Af-rtrs -. : , ,M,IDM0 ft I Kit . vr . J.srv trfa. IU 1 .. Cr-r-l nlfcM bl wiUrT U p I--- kt a -id rj, ;. ra of ace, uiaay ..f fr- j . &' Lakrupt would b ii!ri.i!,n.i tni? ; any many uww rj uua weeping i t La-Nin.I., uibre and .brothers !i-di titer rhsfrful hearts. Ie Kha last uch a niSQ ihMild u . oT4iHa ! lo be forgel laat tar ,r tboattds of survivors of JU U: ttviU ytt walk log th eaxtli? '.a U p:ird ailr f broken down rv.rj, that the biozd af LaxoV cms ot scalrst him ? Thiok of A. Jt hard wvrtia of SM'ta Car ia. Tie ,j .Iakms CtrnmU Jf ;jnm k!.V mm urn IMUMr t.i .tetu tU Ih old North btate i-1 s vry presence U aa iaault. ss tel t he rendataaaiaU that Ucar Us rd. . pi, tear frvMst farther. J lAew eae. the appear ataoa of sach i as Davit oa (he stuap in iSorte laM ss, . caKahtl, ssd we dobl " eiU. arue every true cooserva L,. a. caa such idif&aUoe as will taeaa u aa lagfedosis slefeaU ' VaiKTiUw have oJVred bm rrrater V the oaecvsUve people of the Aa f rbU rsifsof tW l a lrt'" Ui solicit tbeir vote. k-rT' before the pecple, that Joe pCUurd. ihm Dtornue caadalste Pwcrttary U Siaie. said ia a pnval vvwrsaUasx, U Ue Uwa oX iivrs tw. aliubell coaaty.a abort tiaae sea, tai it mmv caas Imtm tVM dtt sua I WXT9 wWld not Uaiiwed to head -- The Election of 1S73. No cstsnlcU itloro cf the election of last year, in UU Eutey his ever been publiahed? UOro. The Mowing tody cf. Lbe.roU is made ! froru return under the hand of every R tr ot Deed ia the Sute, aud nuv therefore be eoniJrd correct in every pellicular. These reiurr.s, ujm being tabulated, give the following rt.-'iits : For lVmorralic eai.drdale, '.'I, .'3 7 Againl ttguiar iH'ruoeratic candidate. 102,000 3It.j'ritjr ainit Icmocrt.lic. candidate.. The entire vote iu llie tu tc wa. The entire eotc In 1S72 ira, 7,"i-.'J i:,C27 175 in excc f l$72, Fer pUje .f incr-n; nearly .77 Democratic vote, 1872. 1?75, J1.6o7 Democratic lotj, rerceotaseof Iw 2.1') r c; It is a fact which b been o io. :it. hitherto uonouced, that iu eery county in which an IndeicnJent candidate was elected, a regular Democratic ticket was in the field, and that the t-r ceut aje of Democratic low in thre coun ties waa leu than their average lm in the 'Sute. In the nine which Indcpc-ndenU rur. counlita iu The Democratic vote in 1S72. -i.i - ." ace ucuiticfAUc vote in 175, . (".," I IVrcentageot iK-n. I i t i :. from tbcc Jta, it will be tvn the vote which elected the time InJc ter.dents, two of whom wrr? rf.trw.irJ bought uj by the I H-ni'A-ra y. irn an anti-Convention, ami Iknicralic, ir Hepublican Vote. much mi that tLc Democrats came n-r r polling the lull rote of lv72 iu tho-c cm '.tics thin in any otherA. Will thi.4 7,.V.i in;,j r:r, r. ho wre Oj'ro4J t' a i u(i t!,:.D i .iiiinatuil, endorse the inxr'lin i I .i b-lv which vi t iu detuue- ot will' Will they luak ? Hie Jlobxjwm i-ounty I outrrpf a precedent f x un:rjulou j pa:tiia iu liio iutarc Wi:l they wLo j were j.aioca I their n-iti ta-.i j..o.a i mcir r.sji -'-1 i thry ftared t tru-l a ton tit '.ton, en- ; dorse their acU now inal llo y e lh;r , rights invaded and their manhood de j fiid. Cot'!m.'iM. j Tin- "H itlint W i ii. A. 31. Wad h i af.en.'. . at Hl'ilHieiii4 Sat n k, from Carthage, a 1 liml.i I ii prisvot, v!;.l i.l ..i it i.:n iiiiit- ji- t i;!y f"iir ieliver h.i tint ill mi;n. it W I fl t- Carth m ir.iw.l l ily !i a-e .i' d aI'lr' -il a r thtr. Tne n.-..;. U-..: not ai'i'rrt t'e (hi -:i '. e.i. i .i- would ilkr to b- ap; r eia'i d 'Ac !. lleTe the l l. ii.-K ru' ! ro t j- U d .'.roniy to hi. noti: tu". ion llie Al.ijj Colia t."olivcnti'i', liit I i- Kitilided to t rce him lip-in lliei:?. wo pre-ume that thev do mi". D;uj n- t the pill. They are hoi.ct in llieir opi'dor.., ani they do m: like .o be mil, I'.ed to vote for a man who hai a rec r J like WaddeU. lifrm !o. 1 no", n.un l well when it coir.c froiu uh a m uth piece. l'eople le l !ur .-i!.a-l;ii;: lliat Kcform -liould b"-.::! s.'. I'hey wanl, at a!l cwnt. tl r !! r d .how Mme sincerity .uch hih u:i !iii words d nt come w Uli a l.v ;rable ui terance frpi a noiori pa:ni!er, ti r are they favirably ii-ciivid. We le lieve, howevir, tint Mire eunty gave a majority avain't Wa-I'ii !l two yrari ao. lhere i .vry u.i-n to think that w til be .!:. .dtrably increased onlue7:b o! u. Noveii'.er. We are willing t ';if a i i i : ! c that Waddrii'i d.iv in I" ; r.- are c..r.ri:i- el within the pace Uli;'ii th:aiil the tlh of March neit. We ttel per fectly sure that W. V. Cu:.-Ja i t ' to be elected, and tl.i cy a l..i:.d some majority ; and we know of n. o:.e whoeouid more worthily lot ihe pt- tion. He deserves U-..-CCSV .wii ' .ji.'i Srii of tk ia'. Jiiilv (:. Thrv never was a more ."..i-it and chivalric stand.irl bearer than Judge rs ttle. Hy the fore? ot 1m inUllex t he ha toniniaiidid attention Uj.ii .u. peo ple and parties. No one e.iti ay aught agsirtt Judj iSettle j..T:t ti ia-s and uid men. Iu v.ur l.-in, ... iuay be een by cur report, h held g--i!la:il ai.d connuoring aay. Us uo'jle bearing and his fearless swiy r.iaJe mn'y Iriei.oi for him. No in rVy elteille, who creutol a do-;r imprea ion upon the cain:umtr. W e or that there ucver w is a -p u'.; i.i such ability and force delivered in our town. Oki men and young rue i prais. iu Ihe farmer, the :uechau:r. the t:i leol. the merehanl, nil apt recia'e it. The wb.u evMumuniiy wa enr.ipturel with it. The statesmanlike view, and the great truths etntainel in hinpeeeh made a Issltog imprrsion on his hear era. Union tucu said for once they had last a defender. On who was willing t jsUcd ur aga'ui't Vauce in bU cru sade agaiaat od Union men, and ted hln b his fser how he treated them. AUojrlaer Judge SeUle's ntxh was the usMwt issporuiat addre ever deliv ered in our town. Probably no public speaker ever appeared befoie a Kay etteville audience, who was more gene rally admired, than Judge Settle n his speech se Tarsdy laC fkjttfrru'te 7ewAt The ll LcgislaUire of Norih lUr,. lisva bad sv smaioriiy of broken down artskrsL, and a 'ut till ma pakx! wlkk eaeswpted thews fnw taxation to theaaxMintof fIJM. bile the pvr naa was tuade to lay uxes even ass wife's sreariaf apparel. When a lpublican rrnonsUaied against this great Ujxk, a avsbob aiswe aad said inat such treatment was gnci enough fur "crabs" meaniag the working saen eftheStatsv , , . Althoegh the party to which Uie S3a Uloag had brought on the war aad forced the poor saen to fljht it out, jet, they refused to allow a ct to pu chae artificial areas r lege for the poor disabled soldiers.. This U the party tbai Vaaco belongs to, and be red orsra all usM thiagv The Daytoa, Ohio, Joernal aays that TlUea'e ant war U the cbargea of de (raaiiag the eerrrnment by taW re- aasi TlMenis expaaauoa taat oe cot taloa aleerd&g car Drt wtuaa - . - . . m U4? y Lair hv saiatake. have a woes-leef d sisa- not la kind, Tbeymake 1 he Ko Klux in Sampson Constitution. The following letter from Clifton Ward, Lq., postmaster at Clinton. Ssunpaon county, will explain itself. Mr. Ward i a Federal officer, and man 01 excei. en cua racier, tie u ine imtpuwiiuiii vuum.vic lur me c?cnaic iu aaiDflon countr. And this reminds u of the fact, that in 157U tno poslmuter at Com nap y oaopa was loreaiencu or l lie Ku KliTi. and fled to the Governor at IUIeigh for proiecuon, anu wDiie absent, a band of uicu, ariucu ana uutguifieu, Tisiieu nis house with the purpose no doubt to take his lite. And still complaint made that rederal buoervisora are amointed to see that we nave a jeaceabie and fair election in this fctuie. Who believes for a momeut but that for the stroog arm of federal power, the people could vote Ireely la uch counties &s bamp- son 7 I'LISToX, SaiuHn Co., N. C, ( ! October 4'.ti, 1S76. j j 71 ihr I aIUm oj ti? Comtilution f" Democrats arc occomicg very in- t Icract here, unJcr the teaching of auce and Lii co workers. I have been tn ice atsaulted in my cfiice with in the last I wo weeks, beiJei bcioz re pea ud iy in.u!ud. I was told on yes- terJay bv a man of icaltk and intelli Democrat, that I had from now until the ffentr, aiull.H j a belter be careful election, for the ri-aon, as he said, that henry thrr-jt hrr lcn madt against you : i i : r . . . . . - .i me;. l upix-e my uie is lurcaieueu. Mr. Ames t. C. Powell is the gentleman who told this to me. I asked what I had done, I fhoulJ I e threatened in that way, and he !.iid it was because 1 had n.t;roe in t.'i" post cfiice late at nihl 1 told l.un lliere wa no truth in that fUituun.t ; that I did not have nrgroe a crowd if lit-roes; as he said) in my t llice ; that nt-grots only came in when any and all pervons came in after mail ; that there ucvir lim been a time when anycr'n would have been re fund admittance to the otlice, except when aorlin;r the Now, what I't thi in an 7 Are we to have an other rebellion; r iither Ku Klur r. -in of t rr..r 7 Or :re we to have t-eace 7 1 i.ce 1,'cuiu.t.iH -ccm de I'riiniiol dial we Lall r.o' have the ui ninio olevini.'. 11 lliev can ueil lt if ihiiin continue to grow worse niuci, longer, a man w ill n jt dare to advocate K-pubiican doctrine or Union .icntimenu here. 1 suppose these weal thy lcmocrat Ihiuk to intimidate everybody into votii; the Democratic ticket, but they have- uii li r;akcu the wroni? man th: tune, i mv, ive mc liberty or jrive me letli," lor without the one the other in jK-rleruble to a life ef suL-i rvieney an J ?tibiui-ion ;ikiu to slavery. i ht.j e u wi'.l e.-'ise tliis lon p -l-cripf. "l-ir. ti.e ubj.- t matter i.". 1 think. fcutVcieiit exeme for letting the jjd eople of Norlli Carolina kuow lUe vpiril w hieli anim lies il,c lK uio crats of li.i:npo:i cuiinty. Vi.urs truly, L'l 1 l lo:; V i i. r.)-lmatcr. Col I ii m and imv. Vanee. In the i i.i - of the joint disc union a" Jvihiiioi. More, Wake county, (lie f.i'.loa ii g i i uri . .1 ietwveii Jii'lge Set tle and liov. V jnee in rcsr.-ird t' a ataU in nude U .'.. I. I'. 11. Ku-s about ! Vaiiet-'s ii'l.!i n to -nccced Ji 11. Davis : as l're-id. Mi .. the Southern t'oiifcde ' racy : ! Ji i,i: m i il l. -i wid now rccat ' v li at I -a1 I i.i .iitloi I ordiou when you 1 n:d I :i:-( ru-i. Y'i; aked me to lix I :lie time wlirn you iccrivd the Union no ii ol Norlli laro.ini, whotoowyou u," and ina:e vou ti.'M rnor the lirst I tune VoU were e.ccted' I replo-u that I could not h the exact date, but that Coi. J. P II. liu-.-, of K tleigh, could. C d Hum is now a Dt in rat and was S. cre'ary of rtate while you were Clov erucr. He was al.o Colonel of a mili tia rigiment of Wake ouuty. He ia that your fcelaf. .ii;air.t .It ll" Davi were b.ttcr thai y.i rcal- j iy coutemp atI a colti-ion w u :i him, I and would not ae.ept his llu.s'l rciR ! nation as Colonvl ot the miiitia r gi- nuiit, betaue iu eu.-eol .-uch a col.n n -u wauled him to command a mi.i'.ia r -giiiie d. While i liter taiiuri' feeliiia of litis Mtrt, you paid vitit lv-iiichmoml, where you remained aiiout a week. t)a the next ni wiiH'i: at. r y..ur return from Uiclmioiid vou went into the Secretary ol Slate's I'tluc and lot kd the Jtor, when ami where yon thl Colonel lluvt that vou had Uen lo Kichnioud and ihsl tlie whole thing had been laid be- I l re i t: :!'. v oil. and t h it we niut .np thia "at all hr.rd. Col. Uus ays ..u .id led ti e t xi'tr-'ii'ii "there is no i rtao:i u'..v I cauuot the next Presi dent of the S.u:ltf!i CoiiU!cracT. I ea:i be Jrtf Davi' m ccch. r." Kn, Tucker, 1 ijiijcr.i 'colored j Klour ntiV and Cabell, weie all on the Demo cratic ?and M l.yuchburg at ouc time. nd addreed .a lVmocralic meeting. The Lynchburg r.r-jiituit the next morniug pronounced them a "brilliant tuartette,"' and it . geucrally con cedt."d that Dungee made the best speech ol the evening. This public rect-cnitioii of the colored man's poi tiou ia politic by the Dem.crata, ef leetually etps them from crying "nig ter jartj," a!id dcuouncing. the negro as Incapable of appreciating franchise. It seems that it is all right for hie lo vote the lcuiocrtic ticket. Nothing is said sgainst that party becaass of iu llut LU identity witn the l!publicans I heralded as evidence of the banding of race against race. The argunQt furuUhed by Dungce'e prvsen.-e on this occasion ii very clTecliie against the tallica ol the IVmocrits heretofore, and cannot fail to hare its eJect. We do nt regret it. Tiryiaar. .- General lluger, commanding the IV partment of the Suth, ttrJered the (juarterm aster at tssvannah to turn over to the Mayor of that city for the benefit of yellow fever su Jerers, govern ment commissary sUre, auiouatiag in vatne to fAv. The rot band at General Kogrr's head.paarters, Atlanta, gave a concert for the benefit of bavan nak. At "Savannah ani Itmaiwlct the ep'deeaie h noabated. The physicians of New York bare shipped a quantity of blaakets and quinine to Savannah. lwtlaad, .Me., has cotribated f33 to the avaaaah suffers. All accooaU agree that Caaaday. riepoblicaa candidate for Cocgresa, ia Ue Wilsaiagtoa lvsuict, will be elect ed over the aworal Waddell by a be try TOU.-CWuViss. a. Disgraceful IUot "itlaene Irlah . men Soldiers, :: " ":! i Morgtnton 14 la si ' state of chio. There u no more mnnlcipu lair than in the wild of Africa. .'The riot, d-1 a I order, yelling, gwearlng catortlng and i pawinr dirt ana tniowiar recxa lau i oaiuraaT. wai a cuszTace sob wir- vo th tnmn Tint tA rJvilicatlan ilaelf. Not only waa It impoaaible for ladie to pass 1 the atraeta. bnt men t were in danger haTinr their akulia. cracked. - liaut. Gifford and the .writer escaped a brick I bat by the artfulleat kind r ox dodging. i and we were enrr dutanc apecxatora. Some of the. natives rot: into a tow with a n amber of Irahmen; and one of them drew his alia on m soldier struck him, and then - several soldiers came running op to the scene and weanttei oated a bloody time ef it, bnt forta- natelj Brindletowa and Utrnting Creek were sot in town, and a. fw nsugbt braises was all the damages. 1 All thia took place In the most public place in town, ia front Of the Walton House. The Mayor was and is yet sick in bed. Mr. lieach having resigned, we are without a constable.' There was no civil officer in town. The Grand Jary at the neat court onght to ' indict the town commissioners for not keepinc or der and carrying oat their own ordinan ces and then Indict the lawyers for crippling the confidence of the peopl9 in lh0 itr of the law Incorporating Jh townA . l! of iasi, we mine onr citizens naaneiier move the women and children out of town Kfnrsm.tna Ttnt)f . Klottoral Vote. The following is the electoral vote of the different States: Alabama, 10 Mississippi, 8 Arkansas, C . Missouri, 15 Calilornia, Colorado, C. Nebraska, 3 3 Nevada, 3 6 New Hampshire, 5 3 New Jersey. 9 Connecticut, Delaware. Florida, 4 New York, 35 North Carolina, 10 Georgia, 1 1 Illinois, 21 Indiana, 15 Iowa, 1 11 Unio, o Oregon. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, . Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, 3 20 Kansas, 5 4 Kentucky, 12 7 Ixuisiana. 8 12 Maine 7 Maryland, 8 8 5 Massachusetts, 13 11 Michigan, 11 Minnesota, 5 10 Total, Neceaaary to a choice, 3G9 185 Let every Republican reader cut out the following item and paste it in hia hat so that on the day of election he may have it to refer to: liear in mind, that the law passed by ( ongrcss to protect voters in the free and lawful exercise of the elective francise, provides that any man who interferes iu any manner with any other man's rizht to vote as he pleases, bv threats or intimination, "shall be liable I) instant arrest without procesa, and shall be puished by imprisonment not more than two years, or by a fine of not more than three thousand dollars, or by both such hne and imprisonment, and shall pay the cost of the prosecu tion.' Tilden swore that he received $20,. uoo in ibOI as a fee from the St. Louis and Tere Haute Railroad, lie over looked the trifling matter that he bad previously sworn that he only received ei.u-'J 111 that year, buch men as Til den should have good memories, or o'se they may occasionally be accused of lying. OFFICIAL VOTE FOR ERNOR. GOV- COUNTIUf A 'itimtucf Alexnotler ... Alllinj-... AUtoD ... Ahe Ittttufort lertle, UUtlrn ...... Kruiivrlck . . Itunooiobc .. Ilurke. t 'nliarrua . ... I'.MvrU famtlen l"mrlrl. 1otwell.... l'Uwt Clitliaa .... flierok 1 ii. l lrTflU .... I'.iiUiuUii . I'nurii I'umlM-tlitua tnnrliuek .... lvlloa Iwvlf- Iulln I wni Eitaeooaat . Vimy Um ..... KrsnkUu . .. UutOB.. (HI OrmavUle .. Grpvnec . liullfoot (irabam' HallfikX 1 ( eU lly wontl H ItvrUora.. IrmMt... Jtcki Julia Jone. IDolr , I.laoulw.. Mai Marti Mellow! I Maiwbrg MIU-IM4I Monlcosnorr Moorw. Naab IWi 1S78. a 5 " I ; o fc o - I I S L11S 1.191 7S1 7.11 JrVi 131 1.SI4 W8 1,44 10 W Vll ;. . 1.IM 1,W era tfta . .. n I.M1 ... st: fct. . Stj T3M l4 4J" lsi l.ew 1 774 . t m . 1 mM i 1 1 1 547 1.IMI asu i.m 2.7V 1.14S . l,x .a S4u 7m .. t t4 srtj Ion I.l 1,71 K7i SO . X.46J( 1.474 ----- i.ucr 1I l47S Ms1 rr SZJ t.a 1,7s ... . H7 tw I Ml . . ... :zltz s,ssi 1 z m draa 1 lls snrj i 1 I ..!.17ZJ H wsl 1 '.. '...'. I J SflKd mom' 1 UC4I 1 1 I I . I 4- aH -asfl A V LL I cow .. I assj I I I mom Sill txy I 1 Nw llaoTt. X.4I4 rwi , r NortaaaX. IS IjmJ . 1 t SM , ; , (Vmar . Ut riMt4k ism si ,w. ...... rr4 aiwuiw ua hrnua. S4 l.lill Pitt L77 lrsxa . ia so fcsi rwif .,. . as - 4t . Kawolrh t Jks4 .. . RlrllMMlJ 1M LlH, R.HMM lw uml JZZ- tUwklwsjhasw , ., IM Laa - - Kovu Uii" tatNsi . KaibswSbnl UU rr ' ? ir wssrl ., mmWj m , wsnk . . ... - mm svai . . . .. , Hrr . t p-m lml jc TvwaaTrvi - are ..... Tvrrvi C . n fwtaw eai mu -. JLt ajsi wan tsv ijm waauvu m: sr, Walawaw . - ... SVt mmJ wysw- Urn Xjm y;r l ip Vmi. 1 .I - , 1. Vi am . . Twawl Vrssa.U' - ' RAIL ROADS. WilnlnjrUn & Weldon R. R. I f ompallj. 25 1 7 of I . IT J N OrZICK UlNUUL BCPKKIKTKlf DK2TT, I VUmiufton.N. C, OeU 5, i78. CHANGE OF BCQJ2DULI. On and after Sunday October fcth, 1876, Passenger Tram on the W. & W. Railroad will run asiouows: DAT TRAIN. Leav Wiimlnztos. Front Street Depot, at 7:45 A. 11 Arrive atGeldsboro at ....11:42 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount at 1:40 P. M Arrive at Weldon at 3:20 P. M Leave Weldon daily at 12:40 P. M Arrive at Kocky Mount at 2:23 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro at 4:05 P. If Arrive at Wilmington. Front 8U uepot at 7:50 P. X NIGHT TRAIN WiTU PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED i ieTe wilmisgtOE. at 6:15 P. I Arrive at Goldsboro at 12:43 A. M I Arrive at Rockv Mount at 3:87 A; Jt LeTe Weldon daily, at 8:10 P. M. I Arrive at Goldsboro at.... .. .. .. 1:50 A. M Arrive at Wilmington at t:15 A. M The Dsv Train makes close connection at Weldon lor all points iNorth vw Kay xane. daily except Sunday, and daily eta Rich mond and ail-rail route. Night Train mikes closs connection at Weldon with train for Petersburg and ; Klchmond, Freight trains will leave Wilmington tri-' weekly at 5:30 A. M. and arrive at 1.40 P.M JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup't. octC tf Carolina Central liail- way Company. OFFICK (JKN L SUPERINTENnKNT.l WlLMlNUTON, C bepl 10, !Jf7J. . J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. f-S AND AFTEK SUNDAY. SEPT. 17th J 157G, Trains will be rua over this Railway as follows : PASSENGER, EXPKE33 AND MAIL TRAINS DAILY Sundays excertc.l. Leave Wilmington at G.oO A. M Arrive in Charlotte at SWP.M Leave Charlotte at C.30 A. M Arrive in Wilmington at. . . .S.30 P. M TIIK0UUI1 FREIGHT Dully except Suodiys. Leave Wilmington at 7.0 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 12.3o P. M Leave Charlotte at 0.45 P. M Arrive st Wilmington at 1U.S0 I if. LOCAL FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington 0.40 A. M Arrive at Lanrinburg 5.'J5 A. M Leave Laurlnbaor 5. CO A. M Arrive at Charlotte 4.5 A. M Leave Charlotte 5.00 A. M A rive st Lanrlobur 4 SO A. M Leave L.aurinburg 5.00 A. M Arrlvs at Wllmingtou 4.30 A. M CONNECTIONS. Thia Train leaves Wilmington untl C'liar- lolte Alucdays, WnJucd.i s and 1 ridays. IWMienKcrii will not be taken t-xeept on I'aa.ucvr. Exrcs anvl Mail Txuiua. V. Q JOUNSON, Chief Eugiueer and SuperiDtenOcnt. sept M U EN. 8UFKKI NTENDENT a OEFICK Wilninton. Columbia &, Aa- nsU R. R. Coopanj. Wiuiixeroa. N. C, June. 4, 1S76. CUkNGZ OF SCHEDULE. ON aad after inJy. Jane. 4th. th fol lowing schctl ale s ill tc run ootbts road: MIGHT BIF&EAS AND PASSENGER TRAIN, (aailyi Leave Wilmington Learw Florsaea. Arrive at Ool areola.. .. Arrive at AaxwsU Leave aesrsuta Leavs CrWwsabU Leave Flovwt-c. Arrive at VFJavinrtoa;. . . .ti.25 P. M ALU A. M . .4.00 A. M ..900 A. M ...4.30 P. M ....00P. M . . X.0S A. M . .7.N3 A. M Pmtnxr goiag West beyond rioresee take tais trala, laavlag WiiaiiSjrtoe t 6.S5, P- Cbarlswted Psaacairer Traia Daily (except Saaday.) Leave WUaataxVoa Arrlvs at Floreace... Arrtte at CTsvarfsetava . . Leave Lear Flcrrse Arrive a WUsimgtoa. 1(01. M 1.0 P.M. 4XP M SWIM 1-30 P. M. 7.03 r. kC XHUy (exevpt Taroart Fralckt Traia Ssadayv) Lswvw Wrssicoa. Arrive al flav ce. Arrive at OalasibU Leavw CotssmMa.... L30 P. M .... JW A. M 10.19 A. M P. M COO A M .....rur. x Cfeiaswbiaaat Arrrre at WUsaiartow . lalf Kw Tbeeb tWpsawt Qusm aiAt trsiaa far Cbartsatoa a4 Aacasta; JAJtXS AXDZJUOJt. aortal SBfCSSOft Awsrswa sa4Wta I. tAoaWI fit 11 Tenia ftsasn rUswlw4V NSW ADVERT. WE AHE FAMILY The large increase in oar retail sales advantages or WHOLESALE PRICES. GOOD IMPERIAL. TEAS, 50 CTS. WINES AND LIQUORS. Finest grades imported at unprecedented low prices. NEY laAXIGE FAT SHORE MACKEREL. PIG HAMS AND SHOULDERS, j BEEF TONGUES AT $1.00 ONLY. FIFTY CA8K8 DASS' IMPORTED ALE At $15 00 per cask of eight dozen. market. . , LAGER BEER PIJYTS .l.YI QUARTS. TI1E CHOICEST LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CRACKERS, BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD, COOKING BUTTER at 20 cents per pound. The Universal Compound Bitters has in the TRY IT! TRY -A. S 6' (Imported) $15 00 per cask, 8 Dozen each.. HENNESSEY BRANDY. Vintage lfc-e. Hand made Sour Mash Whiskey, THE BEST IN THE STATE . BLUE GRASS, KENTUCKY GEM, bUOTUli WIIISKJSY. The Best Ever Offered in this liar ket. GINGER ALE, L A R G E R BIER, N E W CIDER. 50 BOIES A8OBID CRACKER Jenny Lind, Nic Nacs, Boston's Oyster, uutter, rteuis, With a full assortment of IMPORTED CRACKERS At extremely low prices at GEO. MYERS. 11 and 13 Front Mrct l. ECOisrojvrY. The Self-Adjusting Scrubber cleans dries and takes, up the water. 10 see 11. ATMORE MINCE MEAT AND ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING, SWEET CIDER on draught. Table Sherry $3 00 per dozen, at January 21 tf NEW ARRIVALS This Week. WACCAMAW: CAPE FEAR ;FBE8H BEATEN KICK, HAMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS (Dry Salted and Smoked.) English and Scotch Ales. COFFEES ol all kinds at reduced Prices, FISH, CASE GOODS of all kinds, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Pale and Common SOAPS, Twenty differ ent kinds of TONIC BITTERS, Cigira, Tobacco, Keroeeie OR, ' Hay. Cora aad Oata, WITH UCNDSXMOFOTHXKAJrriCXjai or Crosrrric at TbolaaIe, CASH or close Wyiac btaiited alsraya, sntk Gssed Goods at Lowsi Markrt Prksm. ADEIAXAVOLLCE3. jaaa-lr xJMSW AD VERTISEMENTS I3ST THE CHOICEST GROCERIES 55 induces us to give the Consumer all the -:o OOLONG AND MIXED PER POUND. :o: -:o:- A good bargain for the finest Ale in the gladdened over one hundred persons with past month. IT! I TRY IT! ! : ALE OLD JAMAICA ItUM, Z. RAMSEY Soda, Milk, Snaps, Lemon, Hand Made Don't fai 11 and 13 FRONT STREET. VAlalJAlllaE PLANTATION FOR SALE. CHEAP. T HK MULDEIlIiY PLANTATION, fit'- Brunswick: County, formerly th plaevus Thomas P. Hall, deccaasd. situated between the Cape Fear river wad the rallruaU. only abul tan miles from Wllmluclon. 11 jre sents aflaeopportnolty for arty mm who wants a plewawnl bons asnl a floe J- urui. Apply tol -r. v. KV1UX. vll U at Wllinlnttoo. HO! FOR THE MOUNTAINS ANU TUE Ccal Sprius cf tie Hill Clutry, By CtroliatVfBtrtl RiUwiy. JOUJCDTRir OB KXCCEHJON TKXLTH wui bs on swis JUM UTT1L AT ALL POINTS. fortbsSM! ot vUtUac va MOCICTAIXH and XORTH CARft4NA nrRUtUSst SHKIJT.CATAWHA. HP K OftY. AffHKVILAJt aas WAHMllUtU ai PKlCk2l LAW tmtU rmjtout a. tor4 w stay ml tunas II narxl r.mM For rorUMr ru(jaars fTT m or u t XY. W, CL . jM a ix a. t. x. 1 . c. k. FOR BUiL,IIlSO LOTH At S3B, PX t. S3B also noc&a fousau: sa- sw ATii aal imm mm ass rb. mm Um IKi'buI .in raslila Oiaita, A. Orwsasa, CThssawsa. Wtavsa Jasus-sTr. M O. OsTTSfcsv, TUi.Ha, rwar easia. ftav. "ftaaa, SSsrM. Xurt, Wmm. (Via Jsua. n wua, Twstfta. Tadni-wtay 1 as-ir. . . . , . . Bjcej kt4 g excuse " ' - " T .... t t;f .1

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