- , W'vY VOLF.MK MM. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY iib 1S77. Single Copies 10 Cents. NUMBER 7 ' iLnOTOM POST ADVEIt TISINO RATES. CITY ITEMS. We bad th- pic i-nre. incr.ljv. ul .i T.j-. T r -i .1 T1IK DEATH OK A 1'wO HINrNT t a u w.- . . WASTED. I Col I on So. ;i -, f SijiM-on c-.un'.r, 1 ,"" I"r "T l"r I will takea rair of mule tod feed he was lo.Lin.' . I! .1 in ...h1 -ii-is. ' Tin II . Silas N. Martiu dieJ at Lis M ! '""Y iriron? ' V them well, ia tavct, take the beat care of . -- j residence in this citj at 6:30 on Mon "' Ua Nonpareil fiw con-! .hn for their work during the winter j "-rc u.iuruuJ U.U the lotion tlay In,jrning, the 22d iost. While '"' 'la'e. " ' i lo work io the city. I CoBprlr..!ni.jny ::l .- .sr. - about , his death was not unanticipated, yet its . , r.- etrept on petal oo-i i lJ K"" ' I ' A It r a t rv i. r. : t rt-. etcept "n petal en 1 rale o wad i'-r a longer ,11 l..fl l..o,tl.. .-tsa ' iicit.a-an.cr.io'.. ua uu'or huld 2j.J-rs-.l L Til It Wii.wljttiTojr n rr''r ! T,l;: XVl,- I! pf or rb circulation of the j r'.S fafl fP. Iinc jlanarr. 1aK UK NEW IUNUVKK. The (. U mean. 1 It will toon be time to purch dor j mat if l.. ,j , btdr. i mcrtin. i.t Mh not pay a re:! : MarLrt lrtcl will look splendid whrn f. nihr-l. .t t!i- It ,y iii.-li".. . ..... ,-v. i jK)iI ' tax. T!ie road to the Cemetery Lould I ! 1 " '",r ' wdu:cJ. , tj.t Ju Lt 1 .,, There are ten priurri in lur uee:i urii appy l-i . t'c. i.i.li i: I.I .... . . I 1 . : , c arc J .i l-v has i J :". r- i Xj!l?n:J Capt.il 11 CiFtti! paid id r i.!:us..m: 21.000.000 StXI.000 S5J.CC0 )-n I U I lhank to- Col. V. V. Kithard.n l.r : public Irpiialire docuienU. fltfT NATIONAL BANK. C4?;Ul r.fttiit"-. 50.000 Juj nr Court jUjvurneu out of rc- j Thir. j, ;i c.c.i l.i.t. jct to Col. rtranKe. i men camn: Ijj l.iii ' Wo " ' it : i! M to rt-r ! M il:.t I . y I proro-'y l!a ir !.i'.y. fu r.or Cturt i iu .oii, IiU Honor, JuJj;e 11 Koy, presidio;. Kain It La been railing f.-r t!ie pa.l work, floppy is no name f jr it. Sila N. Martin a, estimated to be worth fl')V made it all by hard iir. . itnlnr N rii.c .t ! r drrd t r in:!, 1 i t'.i : :!.:in 1. lie w.i U!.iir "! .ci! r.' iK in liarin- 1 1 1 1 1 1 S li-- r dutif- tii'-r..'i'.i!v. PA'-YSDN HANK. j Caix.n, oflhc Kiral Ward drnund a brid? icri the Itailroad on Mixth 1 trc l. ' A larKe nuoiher'of th if tc arc U.-.W SI00CJ ! UP b"fre he Major' court f r f x.mi- t k rtw ii.vt t: t iii a,M.-r i m nui'i: rrM i . I r li4f of thojale c'.cti-: t'roui Frt- and I n cun:.- n-i i .r. . I. . - w-i'.i l.tll' cum j;tr inji- .... f'.t . I r a"rr, an i i rn-tii .i:r nia '- mjrit t.n brmjf a .. r al .a'e I n -rt - r i- tri til n in -rn-t'n i;'it It, 4. . c K 1 I.'r t is l carl in f".rr i .-. I rwi'iru ir mi 111m or.ly Ui? far'.y o("rcrm, ! nation. Nw i the time 'or our tniiiito place their '(, in a rod sanitary condition. TKe jh.Iicc ft.rce of the city hculd nt Lr allnwrd to rarry on sny priiate bu- ir . Marvu- ay tin wbo wan! gf-od l.ik-ff can prt it Ly railing on hin, ou Mark t street. ()v.rLK - Arc still in niarkt I, aud can always be found at the 'ITuf in the o'd l!o(!icc aller. of AM. r ii -1, it .i.r tlie Cnv ( i -! - Laul.nr and i i . a !--a;'i' r. li ir Leal.'.. -;.. . duty v . i. i im;re i. .v L'lti- ii-i u iiin . w.oLtd -;ii'l- lii ii.iird .:...vir- ; rcrt Mr. F. M. .1 .i. - ' .1 Liilcd, ti'-t l. .. i. rilaer. .: I .!".. . hint, Kr.'.; w ; ' win. ui.! rl.ikr l : - - jl . M.cll.i. l Ho r . . Sj'Vc'.i-i -!..rnl . ;..:, idence. in . i' y . i rl.CJitati ii : 1. 1" lt hit .f : ::i 1 t. f ( i t. A i -ir- J: c tlriuatily r-. ; r .. . ;: ' Ilailroa I. .::r:-.. 1 nr-J. iv iir:'i. !.! : . lit-, l ri: 1. 1 r BO i The CUrk and Treasurer is i..a initarrants filled cut sraiinl rnin f r non-payment of Uxe. ii-urc Mr-r,(iti La l'wn:r I r a!e al hit f.icmii tiitj on Market Mro t. I. nry ttlii.kr-y i all the po. aud 1. ulftican tfiv l"ld r ran bv eharjcr.1 with ' ir.coiuj t'.nu y ttirr.-. fh. t!urn, fn m A.Iir nnan mif iliirr.-l to the ?Srrfrtry .-.a:r un ' AUJ an 1 withuut riitflMjv. Ahr f .... v.. m m ;'a r..w ..I I CfJ4tr T , v .... ........ . ctd lpuhiii.aa uiu holder can i-v Tiic Finance commute of the 15aid (wrrl "incbuiM lenrr" n uta'- " of Al hnmn La l-e-n iatrucfed t rc- stilix irieutar return. The pr - j rrt the city tax lery lur I S77. ftt x'. not aiaied to tl:c rt Sirt .'"-" ci'unlie, aud trao.cc to nt. t-e--; 7 couu'.ie-, f them iVnt. cratic majoritif. aiid be!cd eleif Van:f. and no It.'pub;can of- Cw r t n h.i t i -ti'ff i:.-p. rii. rui ii i.. t 1 lit w I . : " i ' - v . 1 1 1 . i . i : . i I., v." tr KoUir ait lw char,;rd with "in- Tite grand jury arc bavir g 4 ood lime, e kKouUI judge, frru the length of time the, remain in cion. , Mr -1 I t, c ..1... 1 an I ii.t. .... do I' . t cro!.: 1' -r ; tli- h.ir i 1 1:. .6 1 i . r-MH tci; t Ul tuc J C"U!i:". 1 1 all.ti ' t 1 th;-. triiT fl Int- ,jav craliv " loo m im J iu inakm me mara, the Ute election, the re Una ol a nundr i cu.Ttie-. alul 17 r ar' loforajol, were revrieetl t tie 5-ecretary u" rUte ntil many At, af.er tao i no designated by law 1 Uat t- be placed in the band of Tie Mayor has had a larc number f Hix'n up lor riling liuor without l.ceo'. a!o lor ixliiog lijuor on un- Tlot tit yrui lo be dealing in cotton citenitc!y lately; piit houebr akiug and embarked iu the brokrrsge buji- The Supreme Court has decided the suit -f Darby and others against the city if Wilmington, in fa tor of the CltT. Otcixir tae parry thai a!l j sflae taLimr and hcoety of the j iKa aall uk Le tuiSly c f uic.'Oij'- j lhoshrritf acd his deputies are busr la (u.'h a matter as making isrijfta rtturri-i. tuii h le ougiit it to ascisrrrd to it that the said elect K-n warsa wvre ta.uUrJ with sucb gr-a uTrtj''riiie a hvu'd haie cauel tiesa U kse bexi tiro wet out in the .wax U wu.d be tSio heigal of rHitaoi aaiusdarwt to 1 nli oust e that teae rsurat tad bevu held back by tkeertjer iftht3'.h,r of the infant.us telefrsais io -UU KoWson anl ta Ni:,' bml to an uo prejudiced stisd u Dij:d err jitnly -crm that with kitlsc threw eicepuows, this ir 'rt'.arn wrv froiu counties iij y aad.r tbo!itical octroi ol tVsvxraa, aid that the "irregular me" a4 le'a;s were M no other pjrpoe taaa te :uw oppwetuauic of "Joctor kf." ad ssakiag cerUtn the !ctioo 'ai io JmI Ml teceiee vt tk tt baw?j cat a: the tkiak lLat ote f iLe greatest aa4 svi , 1 niHaaWs the iiepob.i- FrtT af Noeti CarvLaa eter suade ta H taking nu the ruru aa4 w,tt act ooly tit legality wf ib re tri y vtsK-atSe lkra acratk party Hw4 ia poiawrs-uoa of ike 5taU terawat, Uit, U x legalU a-l tuLoalitT of the late cvaatita "aaai Coareataoa tlat Laa subieneU tke law, a, Uavl aavi aa'Jona4 aa pisswibW legwUtart V change ad d aLrogiis will certala rwr what ts sapposJ la W tike wr uun Us Stat itelH li fU ar kwww) lirarr -iaB a Cwttraof Vaact does aoi see as to bo trtt saXaato ! k' eaerratire to tb LaisLaUre. N staUw- gite saAjfactasMi to lav Deea- running after criminals for court, earn ing Ices acd Isjing in a supply f4r the summer. Kx-Uayor Martin is the first Mayor or of tiie town or city of Wilmington who has UjeU. AH the rest are tow lii g Col. W. W. Itollias has calleJ a meet ing of the Coanmisaioocrs of the West ern N. C. Uaitroad, at r!ibuiY, "Fri day, to diy. The countre people are sending in their natal stores, limber. A:., on the frrshat, and are rcceiiing T-hJ prices f.,r then. The oewiber of burglaries haee grown remarkably le since the Mayor's order that be would diMharje the pdic-e it it was Dot stopped.. We understand that at least six of tfce essteros belonging lo the city are out of order. This matter shou-d be iookeU iato at oe. t l. lleiosberger. the Liee Hook and Mitsie store nan. sella all kind ot books, sUliooery. Ac. cheatr and Ut ter than any ia the city. CUUaa baa charge of the Ofice yet, aavi aaj any oe o calls at his stand, ia the cl4 letofiee ai!ry. can gst a lUr far 10 ceaU, or more. We adsi-e persoM ia wa fia B-at,cleais to erder it fnxa Tucker CvtArs at Rale 14 W. Yeat caa sare at Lraat 50 per ceaU la Jotag ao. 1 1 If yoaa tut U lay grooi Txa. ck sm tsal t-s parcaaew af OoKS Mtat, ere yva caa always jet the ftOTaJ murti ikaa aaf dace ia Use. riTT. it- I" 1 1 1 1. M m 1 1 I .. "1.' -i . 'I . .'.I v N 1 Wn r i- M aii - W the n : .1 " Wet k 0:1c. -:i.J - 1." i 1:1. Iapetu, ai.d u.o.c .- suddenDesa Uxk hia friends and the , public by surprise. lie waa bora in j CaMine. Me., on the 15th of January, I ""'S anrl ronM-illn(.lv a fern Amv 'xx t r ' t J - " J " o do i moTC 1jan f-rty-nine years old. While a boy be went to Miqueloo, an laland in the (Julf of St. Lxwrence, where be lived for about one year, when he went to the island of Gaudaloupe, where he remained about two years, ai clerk ia the ofaco of the American Consul, when he came to this city, and in May lS-IS, entered the aerrice of the firm of Totter A Kidder, where be remained until January leo3, whei he become a partner in the new firm, of Kidder & Martin. He remained a partner In tb is important firm until January 1868, when he retired from mercantile life, with an ample estate. Ou the 4th of August 1S70 he waa elected on the Board of County Com missioners for New lInnoYtr county, was made chairman, and being re elected in 1872, ssrved a chairman for two ycarj more. Ho was elected Mayor of the .i:y f Wilmington and entered upon hit ibrie- J111. lit, 1870, and hav ing b en rc elected held that office un til th.- 13: Ii day of May 1872 His otliciul .1 -lion iu b at la these important p.witi i)T m- riied and received the gen eral c :iini mhI ii .ri of bis fellow citi- Z -Ml-. He wa-- .11-0 I'n -.idt-nt of the Wil mington, Ciiailolte it Rutherford Rail- r - roau irom wcioocr jhh, 11 w vuio- bcr 17th, 172, and on the rt-org.inia.i- 1: vl.. Ol 11011 ui iiiai tuuipiur uiiucr liii. iiiic ui 1 li-- r v h.ts I the Carolina Central Railway was a W- . 1 11 tf ... . 1. 1:-. tirecior ana v ice-t refluent, ne w;is Trisident of the "Wilmington Trust Co. and Savings Rank" lyr two years, and for a time one of the tni.-te s of t ie Freed man's Rank. Few men have filled a more honora ble space in the business of this city for so long a time, and no one can leave behind a more unquestioned name f-r Wc j careful industry, for integrity, for hon 1 - .... i or or lor success. nalever trust was tin uiut excellent judgment either in private or in public affairs. There wa.s no iuetion of interest to our city or State or country which did not engage his attention, and while peculiarly a bu.-duos man, he was constantly atten tive to the duties and the responsibili ties of elevated citizenship. Nor was ho indifferent to that personal culture which comes from letters and the arts. Not many among us had more broadly ranged in the fields of either, or had brought to the prime of manhood more i f the culture of travel and observation. I c . : . LUl r. i: .v.-..-. tr. r l: .. ; t ::i; cti t I ti.e N. C. v Wcd- i - Hit l.il l.l ': - i . r vo. iteport of th Jont Select Committee of Congress on Conation tbo Elec toral Vote The Bill on the .Subject to bo Freaentcct for the Ccncnr rence of tiio 'Mvo Iloues, te. In their report submitted with the bill the committee t?.iy they ' have applied the utmost practicable stu-ly and de liberation to tbe subject, and believe KOltEKT ST1XAMK IS UfiAD, We know mat tins aunour.cenient, will carry gloom and -orrow into the hearts of many who teal it ve know that it will produce a nr-st pro found impression '.-f sorrow i.i the hearts of all who knew him for 'all who tnpw lii tn lov-p.l l.im His nit-mo- ry belongs to us. It is a most sacral j laat tLe rorlod is tl:t bet attain privilege that we all erjov. that I of ! ttb,e diiP1,siliou of thc dlfl,ca" l,rb' cherishing the memory of tbo bel ied len,s and ii!cd theories arising out departed, and Robert Strang has lang I f the latt' clti,r- 'cuL of tIl since so endeared himself to this com- I Uifficu!L ofrdjU,or a c . and munity that he had b.-cmo, s.v' to they deal uita ab.tracl qutio, save l. ...... i . r :. -fi " so far ;:s tinv ;itc nccosari V involved siicaft, a tun 1'uri. aim jaii.vi 01 11. , soul of love, worth, honor, chivalry in In M-.rr tU an,! f.oM in l!,.. f..... thlt I l'ar- JlpCS 'l he has departed from us-that we i.t'ir had " lhe accoulaucc witb .. i iue ioiisi .nil ion, t iij. .i.r iviuiuiiuc t!i ink that the law proposed ii incon- 1 1 T I snail look upon his face :i':u.). Mils us with a i.fiinfnl sail ii. ss i I s h ;i h no t'l.c . I s'.sl.'nf nilli tli" ( tw-i r 1 1-i nil tiiforios can or may deprive us. 1 1 is t.ame, nis 1 fame, his honor, his C..,d,o-s b,!on-s "l,u lao ut'ject- Ta U!1 " 0nIy to os all. and around his ;nd I recUd to ascertaining, loe thc pur- o er his memory we won l , , "Scorn the pro i i man who is llU.x:i to I- CO."tti;utioual Vvtes ,.i tiie re- weep, j upecuve Sftatc.s, and whatever jarisdie- l lie co ul wmtrv wuus. tu.iv ?c.': desolately over the bleak hills of Oak- dale where his re.a.uas lie jurieJ, but the mcmor) of Robert bira'ig.' Aill ever be warm and fresh. Toe droughts of tSummer may scorch the urrouaJing earth, but the tears wrung from loving heart will moistdn and keep iiuun-l above h ai. ;.reeii ihe r; i u fill A :.iiri ws, r. al .i.l'e; 1 .. , 1 the -'. reels, :nc ri."i- ii -erves ..'a-'.ry :u i i tv : wet k. i'i'l i very . '. iv ;arv :e. I ui. , l'ot'. ma.', i C hope ! c .'. :.1 I: i!..ik ti : t . . . ' f i?k imlex " l.l', b"forv u(a:ii. it-i tractive, tacit n ontb k . and useful ise-. pi- gentleman to i..s -1 it:; subscript i f:i t t - . nuB'u:n. r-inJ K. ictin r i x' !t .40 . I rail Jilphii. l a ? t 1 i.r i c !l F. r.i L.-.n- u lit i :ii, w - i i Ii ..t v ; y Ir. m a ! u: : . . a v ( ar s ; v i risiing i . in !oi. .S. ' f - e i -v:.:.- -iri et ,..-.t. .1.: :il . Al.t'KRMANIC ClIAXOES. As will be mc-.i in another .column, there has been mimic important changes onjlhe lH:ird ol Aldermen of tbiscity. Alder man Casidey, Rrewington, Nelf, Hates and llankins tendered their resigna tions, which were accepted, and Messrs. Coiville, Atkinson, Adrian, Mitchell .ii.d Kalz were elected to fill their Cajtiin R N. N "ri.it r.'. i it pre-e:it Solicitor, ha ;.v.u till..- -.i:.: .ction to ever 1I '. iluit.if. 'lb i d he Ovti'.ir.ue i i !..s i-i.mo". .i:u.ent cowrie he wiil le ft-e!-i;d la without' opp t-i r. A'' t. e i f.p'.tf want i Cvh d .!i u r- e . :! cp, whet!. if iK-io u-.'.. i-r K j i..::.-.i;i. Col. S. 11. tt ...i.- .i.. r proiuiaeiit ity uia t i i.l l-elore the ul l-e for '.!. ir,o!e-. :tt. i invites his old f. ie : i ! n'l a' the e'e ' :-n tand on Market . :ii i v ri ii.e i..s bal- '. astrt- i'v. tvl.re 1I truly I ..t d" n loU, III li.C ba,r:ol loe 11. Blent 1 1 ii .- ll-f TOling a! any . Ler place, a relwiia wi.J;it. , r. l h.: his j r.ct t suit itlotai ar.d re.oruu r. We oflVr to apo.oyt i r puU k-liing an cdttoria!. taken from e Ca cago 'r fi-i, oiiiiVrn'ng ht d stia iruishcJ Pi.. Mr. M !y. Wc h po he nsav I1 i.idu.vd U - c.tb. for bisenict-s are ctrtau.t i.eo-ied. No reople e-r reel a t !.- i ;h verhau'.-ln-. in a nligu u j-o.r.1 icw. mere iSaa the ix-utbeia Hcp.c do. 1 be-e changes arc iu accordance ' t an understanding made by and We bate icvthtd js'.t! . '-i.Il is beiu widely li'iu a.i'i. -v-c rg Coo gTt" to li-' country a Fi-ta; Tel egraph it heaU be :gst ! St every lutiirt can ia Hue coaairy. 1-ete-litioa eve c to Lvw that tLe rovera- m.t can furwUi lie tcleerai b at ! ! " 'r7 Urge; aaora persoaw , i mi the City Kaeculire Committee c! t.'iit democratic party and the A M i n.e;i and other leading Republi cans, i;id is calculated to give satisfac tion t both I democrats and Republi cans. The IVtard a it n t stinds consists of W. P. Cauaday, Mayor, and Mcssr. T. .".I. Hardener, IL. C. Myers. l. Holmes ami .Vv II. Ranks, lie publi cans, and Messrs. Coiville, Atkinson, Adnau, Mitcliell and KU, lVmocrats. lng majr they wave. ir-cUT this our jti O.ie stalk of Uaden's Prolific White Flour Seed Corn, with 5 to 12 Kan oa the sulk, rreto every Agent, to show the leopie that it la kmm&xj. Tais Corn is a new variety and will produce, oa g xhI soil, as high as one hundresl bushels to the acre. It is what every farmer wants and wiM ouy. Active A genu caa max from l to 2 jO per mania, Ukiag orders. 8eod II for a sample bag of this earn, with terms instruction, Au, waici will be seat prepakl by ata;L Now ta this usae U sec-ire U Ageacy fr yoar couaty. SeaJ n:oey by rora.' Ordfrs or Rovlered Letter. AJdrea HUNT Jt CUL. CaaXiaaocsgw, T' Tae fuasrraU of Mr. Marua aaI CoL tears may lljiv freely al the thoug.t oi" a gool man goi.c lo Lis rew:ird, y 't:ie indoesna of his loveiy i:n-l u:ioiC.;i- tatious h:- will b-j leita;d rc.i.ciiurvi in the heart-s oi" the iiiimiiieraole U m -bcr of llioie wiio havo bevn eheeitil and etico.jr.i -cd in tl.cir b -iir ol s.i i- nesj by his Kind v .ice, i.i i xei 1'i. ii1- advice and bis ope ;i hand. v c Li.tiik God that we hav: '.h.' privilege o. .re membering so awcei and invcly a lii-in, and revering hi-- ui'-iii'.-i v. i "j if n ml 1 1 1 ui ;M I a i.i-.- .. i; J- i l.le liy kUW, ; j- l.o ivln il l ii s an. I . i k1 v. v. i l.. i ; I aieie s i:aiils ;i. j ! ' j All w ;t5. l.i i ! irk :i ni.-lit , j 111 tlie iiid.iw.- I.s 1M i!il ; ; : . l n- iicirilmr at tie- .1 -r. j' :io freiu.M.il mi lt .utie ln.l i-.- . 'i l'r the iloor. 1 1 1 s'.n.t i I ,-' . ; ortliro" t lie h-iihIuuk vte -ua.. .- , I he nakcUnes.s ami ai-.ii. y ' ; Of the dark Uc- rtt-.l !i use. ; ' "Come away ; i: more ol i.u: :i; . Is here or merry iuakie s i;n I. -; ; The house we.s buiUUsl .f I In- eai t !. AliJ i-li til tall t;ain to 01 i .1. "Come iiway ; for I.ll -aii.I lli .olil- II.TC no loiiKir Urn II : ' I'.nt iu a city glorious - A vrea'. and distant e.. '.."( !'.(. A mauilon Incorrupt il.le. Would they could h-ave si j . i . u a I nil SSSS1SI Sill I II I II II I II n Roakd ok Ai.i'i:r..Mi.., lion exists for s ieii purps-, the bill only regul.u- tLe mtt'iod of exercis ing it. 1 or iiiis tiie 'J tisiitiiiion gives warra'st, and lbs rv f ire" live law propos ed is iiot ineoii-isi-, m wi'h that instru meut. T;ie e-oiainiileo regard i: :s of far gre-t i 'iuoiiie;.l t'.utl the w ill of the people b jtild Le legally einied out, tliau lhe ipKti-:i of vs iio li;-.ll be Presi dent for a preseribiil time. Tiiey there lore endeavored to iVatue a lair and impartial measure. ' Ti.e legislative and judiciary are lepr.-Vea'.e.l in the tribunal in apia! j: op'.rli om. Thu Comjinsitiu of tbej i ii.-i.i! p. rl nf ibo commission looks fo a . !.v.;.,:i from diii'erent parts ol ibe iVj ;i vhilc it is supposed to be five :'r .n any prepon derarue cr suop s il. l l-i -s, aud the addition "!' the !:ceccs.:rv constituent ! purt t ti.e ui...!.-. io t td. r : ol.-taiu an j iiiR yi ti ntimln-r vl t:. i s;.i:-.-.oi, is t left to a . 2ge:iey l'...- UirLlie. -I ri ie.oveJ ir iii ::ii. r.njiiniee ! a tull,.il'' '5i . It Wl.llal ' i. i i:a;u s.ible, the i'-im; t-i t.-tioiiish a iribunui t ' ii s i . u! K i : i I I';. v e: -u ii a tie. Tii. i-':!i;..KUe. i. .1 .-.. u i !; !ie -t ill.: V to lit le i. - let lings -t.uul in the w.;y il i.pi:.l anii peaceful in.i-ure ; tricating the '1'ivstion fn.:n -1 rassnienls that :it presi :u : . r be a i - I'A, if 'link, 1 be than I 1 he,.coiMiiittee conclude .- iti coiieliisioii, we ' r , Lave to iaijirtss upon t :;cc;iy -J a speedy tli t. r. on this .-nbiiet. it lhe paty i j-i-t, r ex- e:obar . i- iLir.d it. l.ows : i :!:ii!y beg n-re-'s the : i . : i o 1 1 u;- Houses. Upon such readiug' of any auch certificates or paper, when there shall Le only one return from a State, the Prssident of the Senate shall call lor objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing and shall s:ato clearly and concisely, and without ar gument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and oue member of the House of Represen tatives, before the same shall be receiv ed. When all objections so made t- any vote or paper from a Si-a'e fhall have been received aud read, the sea ate shall thereupon withdraw, an! such objections shall be submitted lv the Senate for i'.s decision ; a'ld the Speaker of the House of Representa tives shall in tike manner ulnm such objections to the llouso of Representa tives for its decision, aud no ele t ua votes from any State from which but one return has been received sliall he rejected, except by the allirmative vole oi tlie two Houses. When the i.vi Houses have voted they Jiaii iuu.iedi ately again met-t and the presiding cilicer sbail then autiounoc tiie'iKcisioa on the question submitted, whole. They are at once .-:.!. iiuoi-ed as public wiuitsses. They c me fie m . Peoria, from Oj:aha, 1-oiu S.ta l'.a i cisco, from lV-.roit, from Roto:i and New York, until a thousand of them are redeemed. Mr. Moody aud his work ers especially that great worker and wonderful rnuuipii! itor, Mr. Sawyer . keeping an eye o:i them, cuifiriiiing their faith, ami delivering theai over to thc watch of those who will help them ia their endeavor lor a new Hie. Hurt was a spasm of movement an; i.ic out cast women; but while Mr. .So.vly preached earnestly and well to ifu m. i did not seem to be in the pregramu. ? to take lliein ia unless they cuine v, i-.ii-out help. If ever anything was pin fonvar-1 by system it has beon this revival umv e ment; one nun per fo lining one kiinul labor, and another an e.iier kind v.: I ; bor. Mr. Moody and the taiiii.-tt-i - and the workers -miniu ir. m o.' ..nd more warmiy the great batile cry. lac itiatruuieuiaiities have b.vii .-i. m., prayrr, iiort'seri'ii.u-, paih.li. g-Kpel, sjng, lbble rv-Kling-. hard woriw, e n iifoa ner.se in an unusual degu-e. a-, i .. Zealand faith which grew:i - o,i;i r every hour up -to the c!o.-e, 'lie Naurev hiuiting a marvelous con initiation i nature and spirit ot U 0 shrewd i.i. a ul the world, an I t!ie meek child, of i.l tllf combination of prayer and stioni: Lial taliiotis, oi" nioney spent , lrie ii'.ti, ami a religion kiadlnl ia the very boaes of t!ie pvople. i Tt rennias to be seen how t. a. u is ..! llo 1 tiud how inaeti of n..:ii, ar. 1 w In la ea the work ij -'ciiduring ,t:i . 1 1 i. . We wiii hope- ti.at u i- j . nn.iiii nt. 1 hat great g m.-I has oi-ea .u .a;i i-bed is the sentli:i'-l:l o! aii, in !i e !' theological iioK-reiiee. i he iMl. 1 1 ' ' In- l.o - end o! :i .1 pat i ie- liiimin t'lv i'. iloe. ir ir-:.ei .il,..? ' j o-io.e to ! country siii.g state an ! power- it. d paralyze aiid private i !:e :-'Oi.. in l.oi ' disturb v. av and mar their haj i'iness. 1 1 does !..r tn : e : Il lends lo brin-' republican : a -'. i : utioti into discredit and to cre.it ! -.nb:s ot" tlio a il mi r f kroi .f . - tt ri'inr.nt Alderman Caidey then u t.ihi.d bis alJ , v ,., a,? lepubnc. reaignalion, which was ai n-picd, and i il 'coiisidtrati-'.i.s i ta in ;, I pat-' I .. li 1 1 i rint stn Mini ol" a la i- a a i i- i .i . 1 1 ni.ind - ' ing of the lavv-i.ukir.tr power :. 'ti -.i-'ire j .1.... .. ; 1 1 i'.,; . .. ... ! I'i.iL 111 i.'li:i '. .H.l... j i a i the ctnn.try and sn. w th il i:i ie,.unii- j can i a.-'. :'. iitaiiis a: i o o.i i . ...... ; r- . I i ,:a v. ; neuev , an 1 in i;.:- e ..( je ti : '.- i tu- . jj u ! not ri Irain fr-.at e x p; a. t o'T at tsi.u 1 1 1 1 liint voar ou iiiiiii-r, c oin- ! "?'. 1 i i.ioti.il tat ia tn r-oi i.in j-a.iits, , tstimato the material br daiiv sustains from the : .. ..1. t i, a...... .. i oi uiicci irtiui i . jk uuri." meeting of the Hoard ol Aldermen, j mby tends to unsettle .: held on yesterday, the loil-.-a it-ir chhrt- bu-ine , to weaken pub; . . - i creuii, ami id create a ges were madt: . . , ... .' 1 ... . . . i ii the nua is 1 the people lhe rcMnatioti . Ad . a ;a ! - " . tK. mC.Uc-iuI tenor of tin n ington was read and recc;vcd, ab. u motion John coivue w..- r.et ; o .o till thc vacancy. . co ii: r- Ool. J. W. Atkinson was tU thc vacancy. Alderman Neil' tin n ten !. signation which was acct-pttd ai I A. Adrian was elected t nil li e v..i. M sass. Atkinson and C ..i.!.- appearid and uaulii'i I tkiag toe A l-t lli-ile.- faclf : It tj . 1 i-r . ti,r - i . a : lh:;t Mr. H.-uaett :-t: ;.. . attciitioti. lo'Mi-.. M iv. .i seat of bo no." oa the o.. I ., She had the seat the h ei.-i Oil bo.ud iiis V.l'- it. l a : ea t ler they siri-vu n nnn-'i !.; driving, at the theater, ..t t at dinner t artic- at t o ..; ... i 0 ; t a. and ,t in. . w . .. 1 lit- la.iti II ii V I'.e sni it was rumored t engaged to be married. was regarded as a brilliant on. young lady's friends -i'ei ml; v, .. . . . young people seemcsl ib-vote l t ( i other. The friend? of Mr. IU an ; . . '. his "iib.is!rio,.is father wire ;i. . pleased, t:i' ti;li s me who eic ae,.,i tnat lla-y ai'.g geatlem an i. id an . little, i; t.a -I. no a I h i V e I ! . 1 th ualortuaate te i e ver i . 1 1 in - ! -ar. I : t. : e; oath o idiie!, vt b icii t : - ;.uinii t-tiivd to them t'V J. .. t'u.-s'd. v. l.-'i , i. .Li-Lei. of the Peace of v w Hanover toat. v. Alderman lkit r -.gn..ie-'i w.. sl.en tendered, vvl.ltb was .itcc ''', ate! the vaciucy liheil by the i-l.:ea -a I . Mitchell. Alderman llanki. .tn n i. i. !. r. .. i..s -i hav e I ! la .al .-. !..: i.c- e. at-tt-ii t alnn.-t ua i ...tii a.i i l-.-l 10 Va.a aa ::-!v . . resirnatio-.i. nuir.i electiou of Mr. M. M. Ra1. Tho Mayor nm-uucinr' 1..- .. to lc absent from the c.ty fo. davf. Alderman tiardncr t1 act a Mayor t r .Vj t." Ti.e folow:ng res-.Iuti. parsed: WllfckEAS, Ai.i . rmcul'--ington, Nelf, Hankie ..d tendercvl taeir roignati r. of this IVard. wbicb re ir I plan cin-:d-red bv . :it :n ail l-e aud i-IIlt ient. Wo :..f recommend lite proo-ro a ' r-..tri.t e and jastju e... : .-' ;.;.-a ill (ieorge 1-. F i.r a. : etik i. F relinetiuvs -ti.-U c't it. 1 hurui..ri, T. F. d e n; t r i . i M': M. : t is i . .. . v '. I i - ..ai .0 iv ever, t ha' M r. It I !v II. -t di'Volf'l to Miss I v erv t !.at .'-ling v- uag 1 1 . iiope 1 I .r t.o- Lie-;. 1 -. w.i. r.i?-. .... 1 liijii a date in May bad I - a U i r the Lilnti.ls. Su ldetiiv, . I :o i-.eit. i: j always accur, aad j.i-'i a- h- .... i o -' j tc-U d-e ! : -tr. lue tj; , .,'...- H -.a wen; o.; oa ol ;.n .:a. rtua c ?ple . atl J tiie preparation fr the we-ld.ng " re j-r .aptly a pt ti ic-i . The pree ovit, and tiie unfoitni . ! Ft. a-.r.k-i iyi. r.i. Kur.s.,ai. . t me Scuate cvtu- j m4a 0-2ce toorv i-i the fa.J po lea i i ai several i sen lo .C- liiCU n. i; I 1 .1 1 III . r. llunton. i Uin r(.ai el.l Mi bine aiey, lircw- j Itle have xs me:a .-rs , m(tl ln li i.ttf ling. A. M. W mittee vv .a .4. r.-.. r, .. . . icrarv. ; ,..,.- t rw Cti. F. I I itr, i teo. Wiilard, ( Houv f ,,rftTin!: to n ieaw c-)i.i:nitic-. ; frsnkiy acknowle-dga.g t A bul t provide Kr ami r.-gi. laic the , tb;iak Liai-el: V .rti.y i conn. iig oi ii.e votes J r Pro.iae.il ai.d j tj.mt oavc raarra 1 he.- icc-1 resident, an I t.e d v:?i n o! tie ' w-mjU t-e j-.nrra. .pJetion ar!tnj thereon, fr t.V term I he relente-l cetn neee Mirch in. . I. 1 ,77. j .fler ia.t uittasei . . 1. ... acteu. t..j -.. tnate Jrtonic pax Mr F.-n in i ll.a-e ot l.cprts uia'..vt' aall rrt an l tir;-l '.:- .tVlJli - . s w a . , v - . -Hr.-.r, Old . I a i.' urnce mr r rt.t j por: at ii: .rr a been accepted; it i Ih.rcior.' .. . I -r- .- 1 ! Aao.rri, inal lo u.w ...i.;-g : Fearuai e, A. 1. 1; a. l I . ..... . ... - aermeu we org icatc io ie-i..:i..- dal oJ lUf. lo the faithiul manner i:. aien tey ; their oi-ial J-j.us, I have disbarred their ot -ial and lave trusts irap.cd uyonifient i rxrv !: :r 13 ( enair . in!r-i on 'O t n CTi-ry capacity wbKii dcvo.teu um j j, ol p.. f.KBii;,lr . t. . l . ...... v I weui as .tiunuiru n a.. i." v. t " (Dig ton. if ai.. if i..c li .ue of I.er t-'r i1..! rnarti! tho Dour of I ct, bra of tae UmY.r wer- u I ia-r,dian. on the nr,l rbarlay in j rTI-,u tar--atiiOu t-e " :t N aai tr lVrw- j j, With the rcintt. u , .t ic . ., i f p.'C- t .ti. nmn c -n rt:n,. . i" ' . ...! ;jiar t-..tcr j wo ir..-r . i -. i t.r. v, a.. 1.x .iji s.s i. VARIETIES. . i - - - . - - . - . .tae ? wbkch the cJv.-n ofL iii -rt- . t- t' I harw deanani oate ii aasoas. W .-etcd ly j tJ; t . io tie! Oae day taVr, - M. t1 be n-t.i' -a tmali i-yp. .'! t-.rtiim rf w kich r4aUreia asd sftes-i. a ttcj, wa fjtuti. i Cir iikiar bfic a.'.i.ieU n. .t i:...!. BeaaeU May turo np ia A r.ca. lletar i a Ha!-wSi In the Se.e. Tae Jjiit cvt-i.i;tc. .c agreed to , the Pre.d-. ai ..: ;'..e N-a' certifia:esi an i paper r -' crttiSrate oftl.e ,-uf4. ! certiTi.-air o4 paper, a. ".. . . W - . I , . ' ' . - f...iu.n , aisae ia- ., iwii titit iu lw , w.ix. ise :t.ee -. il t ret:-e, trflcfwwsi. Atws leeteaoi iaa. C(t tisea rr 1 iie ie ;a li res I e teyit:. ti tittjit tat 1m r . u'J, ; wfa5 aec; ' le s-e-'X.' SSifc, cace aj.1 .eai.sc aubla. a cotirt of iv trc.r t to dc.u , l maie a ,i .d -i,e r: - 'iiry rnia s-,?a-4 k lite rrssdieaey. K i-ivai. tae fasi 0- c : . n-sl. tryug to blaukwa.. J -. wIL Ii srott'l work. pear froai tae -';J su5.ada. satesat -TW-gicK. .-Vr..; ttai i aal lhe - ii- aai . t;e-i s - r".a.ia-l 1 taaa ba!f the present rate charge! bT the Wetera I'at. o rde. ra; a C. a ra y. Py all aa;i a g lerrmeat teJegraplt. 1 StaStatT aavj Ixtier retiam 4 V Mar JsMiee IU-xctt. UW ftt t-i tl k.4 -.iAct ' rJi i .-dUkM tv. ..-..? a,..,. i.i t x - . wittrtKl I if grta t tLr mxi J ae.'M.' - I""iei V at ao. ui wsHiag Sf t lis .a;- i Lifriii-i liinsu .i-..rt'i. ..,.t f ....... i Trj n ia Ute eca-e Utts. K. t ie T A 1 ti : f js-e.s, i ure ta . -.f si ir , g . - aay. lisr'sl. wkkea aaat-seirw&esa I rrewda! arr.t 4C.s, i lattJv - a oo ska lxi Trf. is aware tax: U ; i, tkrt m.'Jx a h.l A tJT-e t-''- mi Lr atf. Hist iWr4 Aa-1 IV. ILaa m u aaaa awarJ frusta. caat l aaaaxagr ka i p.vta: Uaa-r, j hw ewtervi a tVe j--rU 4 i ttrs f i w karr , Sesvate wwsiU Ke a tnraeU ot t pr tae Last tribate of re- s;rl to th rrwaalat el laawt rrataewsea t - -j itxaa.e wre. ta naay a oay.- . iikoai H i Uttu, M4 CoCa w era of war aaat sabwlaattai ot 1 . . . . cXU teea rcua Preawie&t aad , ia LaT- aaag raiWs A-V. .Vrw .Wy. 4 lae IaatJ Z f