- - " r - - - - - a i . " ' - -i .m - - ' . . ! '..7... i'.l't li ' j VOLUMK VIII. . rfiTQ.1 POST AUVUl- " TUIN'O RATES. TW .tt, lW k- lir.t io- r'U "I , I t.aiee rwnu rr lie . .1 i,vr,tio. . ' ... r.lS 1 1 1 ha-", N.nirril lyi--. o n t ,lrru,'U'"' charge.! at rates. e - --- ccia! raU-s can bad f" longer n ,BO"tWfj mni bu-oe should w J.IfJ u T,,K Wii.misutow Vil3tn;'.n. e. c , .k-.rofH pfire ! III. WL- II ilffT The circulation of the Vti tr j. jtjtpv. lUisine Manager. BlK i?K XKW HANOVER. 91.0CO.00O I CapiUl f id la &D0.WH) r r .:: i .-ii. 1 -i4rt. ml NATIONAL HANK. SJ50.0DO j lit Kill" -s". I rM UM. .Sir. . a ! PAWSON HANK sioo.oou U k k.i.t UN I. i. I'f'-vJfQt lorn, I I if ntl U of .litfil iii uvmrnt in nliirlt 1! i .ItfT.. uit to t k;aerv r fo.iy uii pre- .o,..,; , ! Ii nx t.. Hie 1 tlVvt that JtlcuU- ,d that 'ieidriit liraat ; fur Uf iiiiii'u tht th result the to r 1 I. ' '.l it III'" Ti'idi 'i. n rr 1 apali'i ! iu.:i:i; iwii I : n . ! ; licr, ia t Win tiii 1 raic- tti l.t n ' I'U'. l'.Tety -.r. 11 w'.ioi - 1 iiiAkiu uch a m nfil r fttt a adding one and one. wool I l' lliat JuJc ft I ! ti' ii a tlnii -. 1 1 ui, tL- I'ti-i'V i: lw 11 .Vlile would j I tf.? ojnnion ! itrn Mm. to a ''I'v r:c i l 1 to. ."rr . 1 t. I Lnnery.'t the .v ?ateiuent j 10 ti wr.ter knowin- it to be i a.itiu'.ii. awl la ti. y i uppiig ) ...-.! w.iiM h- kt him. 1 ! aMr.UK AM t irtXK.Ns m n It All El- - re Maaaer la Which .Vlrntxr of ib Ualitna lleiarnlaa Urt! are Trtt. mliu 1 U. r -k T.li". ! P 1 iin.ii'.i, tv. itaah Mft.rv Well and .n.!cron. m ih h)nau IvetMrnin l rd. are tr.aie'l I' tle Sergeant at Arms of the H w iano!rage ujon indiiilual r-.k- al e.umo devvnev which Wd ! t..!er.-l l-y th iowel fir n-ort in America toward the ui vjraul charged with crime, lie ?cr f tle Hoa haing the i 1 cq in rn. ..! rera to make it a 4l t- put crrry jiibU iitdigutty :ain. avl tiiere are g-"I grounds fcalis IS t thr U dviue by dirrv t v( Ua.lwtg lKmocra'.a like Field 1 llaat. S are conducting the I (xwn.al.ua of 'A'ciUad ui a. iate-s. K-e a4 Caaaaav. Uie colored mem-l-r ..f ta Vur 1. are proHlcl aith c-oipiiTci rooKtabie .juarters, b ia cvalavdia the room thccooi- iter ea Trrntor e. Wells and An ro ata ia a dear eon ia the crypt, aat out from tt. ualy;ht, with closdy ba.Tr! aioili., thregH which no fair air . t i-nelrau. Tua walla are Jap an 1 limy, aid the air I lol aad aau.rat.pg by rraa of gas eep 'rB brtca tp-v I bia luhunian lrv:mnt ia aravalrsl by the fact that ilr Well a man of -Mer 7';car of Nooae UailoaeU to cviuiuuoieat iih lie i-"ocr, a ad the are gaard d a ir.sUy aa tbough they rr fl sx aaaiiiug cjpilal uaULoieul. Oj !itlj laH Mr. WiUao. a aneaiber of ta H hiw, 1V.1 a lawa, bearing ol t h i tnaaleat, cacluUd to vuit Mr. wiaa.l Ibt. AwierwMi toa-scerUia if a xry m4 their ita jfioosl waa I'psm reaching h duageoa be aa Jeaml adaimioa by t ha jailor, 11 laea vauKsl U vficw of lh Sergtaat at Araa and, ia cooapaav wii& the laaysaty, agmia refioaVaxl to lha daa va waak lava yewoaeea a iocar iavautl' T jailstt rvnaaed bias rr U'...r. .... I'.K it .TK minllfrl ana to thea, after which Mr.v aaitol wpowj cVeatrv llaa4all. a attest roa rpai laaWMj lis cvf ilm oaiarw bHar rwmu-d aasiee aia aJtWity, awd Adrd thai psrmiwiva b graai4 fa , kaurUiiif T Skr lUa-i siaU iVswe4 va U aarprtrd al the ia- j Vutfvace CuQVTTesJ to Hjaa ana rave a lreaatotj cynkr af Mr. WUon to ! W to kava la. mo rt aMttJ Vo aaora viltf p to t-vafght, hava art Un 1 lainilea. U QUI vosieruay r. nnw o l permuted to leave bU call. except to go to the cwnnnitM r in . oWkow to the aummoaa of Mr. .Field. I Yeaterday. io cooeioeoce of the pro- i teel of oo of Mr. Welle' friend, Ser- I rriBt it Ami Thorn won Uiued an rUer to permit turn io wais arouoa to Capitol rroaod io cmpaoy W"ll B BIS jailer, thw btlog lb oly opPWtuaUj oaVreJ bim for erjojinc frta air a4 cxercia sine bU coofiaemrou Mr. VeiU aod Aa4era ar ardt4 ao col7 that all letter ftddreaaed to them are withheld, and oven whiU io the conaitte ron 00 o ia prmittod to peak to Ucffl 00 aor abject, ex cepting ia the preoce and bearioc of a Ifcputy Sergeant at Arm. Tb He publtcaoa baT jul learned of Ibia uutnftoai bratahtj on the part mt the ot&cer af Congrera, aod it n probable it will be brought to the attention of the lloaae and toe country 10 morrow. It is quite certain tbat Sergeant al Arm lbotnioo, would cot treat the persona in the maoner described onleaa ; by iiMlrnctiooa from prominent leader uq the lenvcratic aide. The coonel for WrlU aod Aoderaoo Ulk to nlgbt aUut applying to the court for a writ of babeaa corpus. tKW IOOK. "I.:ah . or, Tba Kunaken," a Lflfa Story, by l. Mcnthal, U publiahed by T. It. Peterson St Ikothem, rbila- dclphia. For Sale at P Heinbersrr4 I;ouk u,e Wilmingtoo, S. C, j Whitefriarn; or, the Days and Time! r Cl.arU the Second, by the author of - Whilebal'; or, the Iay aod Titaea of j O.iirer Cromwell," i one of the lot j historical noeU ever printed, and ia ; t ubluhed by T. U. Peteraao Si Ilrotbem, Philadelphia. For aale at P. Heina- 1 T. . . mm . . Urrti Iitc li-yia and Jlu.ic r-iore. a' Wilmington N. C .... ... it.t . . r . .v . t 1 tr.n.. W.wl ll a tl-r of "vd.t Lynae." "hdma,, ami other w-.rk written by thi giltI au- ! -i.-l.l.:.l.I..T; ....... tnore. un i puoiiinni iuiuj v j f i' 1 1 a, ,. hn 1 n iiaiiei nnia. 1 t I lern t iruiner, 1 0ua..r.,.u. .... . .t. ri.:i. 1 .1 - v. : . I uc M ry ojh-q m aa nf, llf plol i irs-',,ll but natural, an 1m worked out with a akill that ner allow the interest of the reader tc rtR. fwr ii U full of dramatic inti dent. anl i faciaaliog throughout. For ?aie at P. lie ioberiter' Lire Book and Miiic More it thi city. IMrron'i Mainc lor March opeu with an ci)U.s;te stael enraTinp, Coming llf-roe," which is alone aorth thr price ol the nuaioer. iu.u u i-o owel by a double-sireu coioree laanio-i platr. w.th fire figure, a very beautiful :Iair. Then cornea a col red pattern j f..r a tiJy 00 Java canvaa ; then a . - . r- , i I caarminv engraving, iue ri 1 i.mu " and tlvenxme frtr other il- Iuatrationa of laahion, work Lablsat- r, - . A. The atorieasare uausu. ... , . . a.iy 5"HI lUIJ Uliiuw. nu'" ' -, to Januiry inclusive, can alwva be furoubed. Adireisa Charlea J. Pete Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Cyrilia," i a charming love story. caipiisitrly written, while tha charac ters are origioal, and ia oue of tho novel which will continue to be read, like tho of Scott and Dickens, tor all future generations. The author of it ii the "lUrooe- Tantphoeus," author of the world-renowned work. "The loiliala." and is a daughter of the eel brated'Iord Fakine, formerly Lord High Chancellor of England. Elucated ia lircst Ilriuin, but since her mar riage to a Herman nobleman, residing on the I'nntioeot, aba depicta life with rare fidelity. PublUbed in a la:ge oc tavo Tolumc, pper cover, with the edge cut open all round, pke e.ren-ty-tive cents, aod is for sale by all book el!e. or copiea of it will be aeat to any one, to any place, at once, on their rem it ung lh price of it in a letter, to the Publishers, T. R. Triers . Hroa., Philadelphia. Pa. For aale at Y. lleiosberger's Live Hook 8lore. He pure baaed his aweethoart a pair d ten-button glovea and banded the m ia at the door himaelf. " The aervant girl took them, and going to the foot of the alaira bawled up: "Fle.o miaa re' a young mil baa bruoght you a pair of leggia'a." Wa anderaUnd thai the Utaat iavtn U n ia a "aktrt anchor," to be uaed br ih ladi-w during tba prevaleac of high wiDsla. We en-sxl they anil be uaeJ a it aaoolh here, - I by aay P. itl wUhiog lo imprwaa a Toang UdT. ion a if yosi lived ia it," was the re- H.T- A lady tavtsl herwtlf aoaaa Ujory by taJliag ia a wheelbarrow, but the spec tator La gbed jaai thsj aaaae, - 1 mi - Tha Eaatera oaioa ha ba ai Ued fa LoasisM by the aaamage of Tbosnaa Tart with Jaae Kaa. Wky ia a riag give a a pa ( aiauiaaoaT ? IwoiaJ there so ewd la a bsti ia dtaUwciiosu Oar ante weal to aaarie4 UU tag an axaw-i. a aw egga wttl hatw to b bougWI a vac agsiav Tairty tva daya aaeaady aie vtbaavg in aa at BMwrUarn CiUaw. Va aSonl gH any ia ours. . . . t t - i - u 1 I WILMINGTON, NORTH OA CITY ITEMS. TTASTED. I will tile a pair of t..n.. ..ud fred than well, in fact, uko : car f tUa for their work dur in- .! winter t. work in tie rity. W. P. Cam:t. .-frior Vfntr: lui B.Jjvuru"! Bn.kpn paremeut art beiiii: n fairrU..' . Another mtn-trap .n .Scu I aaar Prioceaa atrret. . Judge McKoy b .!d h; nx. c -urt at Lillicgtoo, Hirntll tc-jart. Il'in. Jaiuci Ti!v w.t ii. 1!. riiy oa Tueaday, looki.i eli. nadct of the PoT can ro'.y 0:1 i.ur market repo.'ta aa being corrrci. Threa aailvra were put in a.e ij.rd houe for aafe keeping, tne i t week. No Larr'oirni ojn lat SunJar, at leaat tone repit -d. So fara the Mar aba!. Iiobeit McKcMa', ol' the niIit po lice forcr, iia tak'-u nn'o h::uolf a bet ter half. Cow will do: 1 allowed In nm at lar an. il nf.fr ihe lr: dr i.f April. 80 saya a city orditiau Therv 1 t -o muth ft drivn 5 io our city, LjiIi on Lt-n bck ai.ii .t. thitlea The MiTvi' ciuri di.;H-s ! ali vio lator cf law, k lookout, When j-hall we Lave tlie e ma., is the eTery day ijucllon. Wc be!ire the right uii 11 lii' I'm- ui.il tr in liiitid nd will av that it i inale a ucccs. liou f!io. ."liie pavi-.-d l.trojii ur c;tT . rrW dAt uza 011 i;-. way to - Florida, wi.t rtr be cot, 1.. ho.d h. timt . t f-. .1 w.-i-. court a a JU Jt-r t.i iuc i nmu oun.-. - - The famer thiiik it railu r iia::g4 that thf rc aro m. i.imv '. !! people in ihe citT, while there i much Wnfk ti do in the i.u:.'i; , uu l da it. hauu '. j Tlc pian ! u'.l.i if' hoi-is toiuu at larfc-e .: u- ;ivei 1. f etimg to L-e a v rious n.ai'j.' ai.J oiil : !o 1 v. ! rs are mere 1 rtini me! ml v -a;. I a fine lo .p4e. Kl'Mti til' In i.i i; r No York ; i. ly rrev:' 1 .s '. ro.iiii Srcret tne n.w'. ry . 1 by that in.'. p , .i Hrrit l.ia. - 1'es.l'. rio4c, writer Mr TLc aidena'k near t.'i. corner of ThirJ a:vl t 'h. nnt ' :, in a condi tion to d s-tic "re .;';, injury, and then who will a7 lUe !.. nngo? Not tha eily, tl. no The peanut cruj tha la-t ea- n eenia to be fine. We have 00 ctii:ia of the nuantitv ieaJ'. In: judin f...m the ft pricea at which lhy are farmer have done well. the dur Mayoi has about vide i ihe 'tramp'' oucaiion. Thcv nre consider- ed vagrant, and put t work on the etrects. They don't fancy such treat- mtnt, and gie eur city a wide berth, Hard limes can be cured bv a i l rial dre of printera iek. The P-r wdl avlmioiater the mcsliaiu- at anv time; chaigse very moderate. N. 11. It acta lice a charm when. payed f.-r promptly. Several stables hare bren robbed lately of srtts of, fcartio but ne don't hear of the tbirrc being caught. Are tie pyace gvtling di'atcry ai?aii ? If so. tb Mayor will have to give them another wakirg up. So, look cut i!ice. All the adverf.atd r.al estate, upon which the taxes are i:npai ls baa been sold by ( i?y Treaaurvr Seiva. The property ran be rebrueJ fr m the purchaser without the payiucut of twenty fle percei'. addiiional. if at teaJesi to during the pre-.! montn. .Our aubac.nrti u luiaieaany m.rta t in Dua.bers. Pes pie will haie Ike PtT, to read, aa every ortion of it i intertning, and the price i a. !us that the poorrt can aOJnl U take iU Daly ti 00 a year Kr a! amjle t-oi y. or ia ........ : clabe of li. 1 W each. Ca.h m ad ?aace. We b-re the rd.a dealer, w.r. iLla ; ari.g. rut taeir pr.c down i ten e?aa iwr quart, ad let ibt pov erjoy j it. As our frieos! liavrell ha. given uP i buaioeaa Tor the m-fnt. J: L-atea a Urr aekl l.e the llam- of the daJra,aad w htr tbey will act ac-I conliagry. Toe chap had legs like a pair of Late I rvatciaa, Swaail boy yeiWl to otber avail hi: "Say, BUy, lXit Mle.- gs j a keaa t ouurar te rik h:aaelf rat WJ on each leg aa tax as. thia aeaihef." -Whj?" "Might free ar, break ofT. ikk in kin hod ard bleed Via l death Lkea waal aramU bcsa cf lave Jr- TCOLTN A; FRIDAY," J0EBKU All Y 9, 1S77. J.-i.."l a Irr' ... TLo InyvfU cburt, Ar the At areek ' U . been iloliai 0114 justice' la lha nit'k!, plentifully, ,od will cubUjuu j t.t j !xg people djwrqpv , yjie ,K,!jct. have poeitire ioUuaioJo i fcrn9l tTvrj person bo,.ia uuj vj, I commit an act that coJnJ, uadefajay- J ordinance of the city,, , tn, ,;-r .r getileman, a gennfne lleocicfa,- , . - ; with a raft of tnrpentlnt, and Ibe tnt j inrntaacnt' 60 nade wn'to'HqbsCrlba for th WiLMtroTOsr Post tor tht'ycl? 1S77. He says be dent Tile to be ! wftiA out tLe Pcrr, as ir aflbrds blmTgteat tit-. j- a jlJ-JM' picBfure, rfpeciaiij lur cunuaj fcau- irg ' W .1. The? Hay or .baa diar barged at poiiaa) nien'iii tbt paat week far tarioqtwffam cc, a txl baa appoinUd tHhcnr 4erlhrir placee. W are glad to see Ad inprare-J ment io tb looks and quality of the pallce. lie baa appointed two SarjcaDl, N. Carr aud J. J. Forest, both of them excellent officers. From tbe way toe Mayor ia dealing with incompetent po licemen, aa well aa the ilne'vcs of our cite, we may expect 10 hear uo juwro of robberies at uighl. We underetaod that the Cane Fiber vorka, in the lower part cf the city, will be in 01 crari- r. as tooo a all the mcaaoicvji arranvnioula are comple ted, which wiil cwjvVyment to n.imber 'f itir eit-en and thry will hail thi :art of xvorks witli joj Thryi:pccl ; give employment to a lare bu:iier of hiiK I'roni tht- cutting of Ihe can.- ; h jrnmp?, ti tlic final preparation f :!n. fir for paper. We wish theui .vt.y mjccai. V3 hope that tho City Mmshal will visit 'ho IJtat aide of second afreet near Markot, Saturday night at any time after dark, and listen to the obceo and vulgar language used by. those who congregate therr. The sidewalk l. simply impassible at times, and many itrrou who disiro to pasa through j Sccondtrcet are Cjnipe'Jed t go a l:are out of their way, to g?t clear of the d:jutinj scenes. il. tu IUuiel L. Ituiac'l, att.-iuey at Ur, has b-cn retained by the C-mnni--aioacM of the Western N. C. Kailrrad, to defend tii2 suit now pending in the Supreme Court of the United State Southern Express Cotopaaiy v. V. X. C. K. H.. for money loaned Mid Knad in tltU, aajountlnj to 920,000. The Commissioners believe the dalt is hard, as the lload waa sold under an execu tion by order of the U. 8. Dltri t C'Mirt, and ia now owned by an entirh- new Company. The abie nigomen; mads by Julge Hassell before his Hotter, Judge l)iek, in the above case, is ppeken of very highly. We truly believe that JuJgo Ravall hi, to-day, the most able atUr ney practicing at the Bar, iu North Carol ins. ) Frank Lrslie's Popular M-our-dy rus Uken rank aa the largest, moat liberally ; illustrated, and cheapest family rnsga- ; tia9 of Cfner,i reading. Is page are Ilrg typography btauliful and clear, j eujTinga firt-class, and lit j rio ia within the reach of all cle-. We have in the February !anrtcr accept ab'e ar'.icles from the pens of the ablest wnt.-rs, including A. II. CJacrnser, Leonard Scott, Alfred Tennyson, Robert Mcrti. LL. IK, E. iore,. United Stan Navy, Prvfesior C A. Joy, and otbei of Inowu ability. Its 12$ beta tiful pajes, 1X) illustrations and able contributions furnished for 20 cents, give it the large-t circulation of any month' 1 ubliahcd in America. TbQc of our readers w'u reil at a uiUncc from boo itoui and neadealcn,t Ul do well t aecd f 2.30. the subscription price, to Frank Leslie. 537 Teerl Street, New York, aud receive the Monthly for one year, pottage free. 1 ha tollow.i,g casea were tried beiora I il. IYnr'a Oauri aino lha lftt of Feb- ' ' ' mary: Selhrg l:ir oa Suodav, Diuakeaaeaa. Iroeay, Diaorderiy codurt. I Sell lag liquor without a lioeoac, , Violation of geoeral ui orduaaace, 1 AaauH aod battery. Poiicetaeo disrhirgrd. Allowing a dangerous J to run at rge trsKiaj imi a-H veaice. aiw le.sprv t eonrt afteTi. "I bom'S t touk SO The three cases if larrtay wrebvnJ over to the etxt term cf Sttpcrir CVsirt, s-d in f ci taa raara, aWifg laqaor oa Soaday, laa partara apfeaJl o tba a panara appeal! tba Snpresaa? Cc-art, na-ir jtstl2vl boavla. The VtTrjaU anwaxal cf fiawe aa4 caaia in la aiovf cars ansa tSW id. Only oaae cao aWa4 nit fwilry. K f fee raawsj jasignteat was KtuSni.? the Cava Wtwg ent The cultrrAtiou cf hsy in oiirSoMth ern country iri an established f.ict. Dr. J. E. Winanbj ha devoted several years to the preparation of hh fields fox that ptirpose, and ihe crop that was gaLhereU durini; the Summer or 176, haaaatisfied the most .tdceptcial. The Doctor aays. that (he demand for bis hayiia. been .greater than lie could apply. He aays he is not troubled With the high tide., aa iie his :i steam tatop which will drain his land; in a short time of all surface water. Let the owocra of the field xn the C-apo Fear follow the example of the D.clor tad wilh him reap a rich h rv.-t 1 r-tli of bay and money. "1 am willing to risk my reputation a a public man," wrote iviward lime to the Liverpool Mercury, ' if the worst case of smellpox conno: be ciircd in three days, simply by tlw use 1 cream of tarter. Uao ounce of cream i.f tar tar dissolved in a pint or" waier, drank t intcivals. Tvheu colu, is a ctrtuin, necr faiiing rtraeJy. it his cured thousands, never leaver a mark, never C tUHee bliuJness and avoids tedious liujeriujr." Horse-radish is said tj a siaipieauid ctl'ecluai renieily l'r ticu raJgia. Urate a'ld mix in vici'ir ir, t'no same aa for table purpose, an l apnlv to the tciaplo when the ia 1 or head is aflectC'1, or the wrist when th j:in in tin :1r'.:i or .-lioui'Ivr. How Is This? -)n !o.kifj' hi r liio luinua i:" ti i c I lo'.ior.ib'- - li j ii. ik" nr laws in t'n1 Lciilatiirf this uinl-r. w tii.'i t '.1 n!i rl in 1 iini.'y i'urtiislics the sr,'iett-t l s', :i-i l ;i!a .-iijjtiic.- a tjoil-w in; .ung,) i wunty .-:-if i.-i atiray beird; (itiiiford re:;ds JU ! I om of her St.iiiie; A'amaiice ?eni-. iicr i.u-n of worll'; Asho auppiics ti. T.i !l-; B'rtie will Ward o:l trtssp.se r-; luni O.l.bf, V:irr. :i a1: 1 lly-L- v:j..:vi:. Clch a 'atlcr fur u.icie Suinj t:.-v-; (t birru.s wiil t . . I i 1 1 1 1 '.1 lU.ri- I lie II mse; Cilneli will ll-tnk attytlii:!,' il can lay h rd ( '.im l:-:i f trjii-'i 1 irre'.ij;'; . it .!ioli; Ca:t. ix : li-s; ij-.i the jt'd iary Yiiii .1 '. i.'-jiii ; 1 '.:-.. f'i COKC in to Cary li n i :'r'i no!; Cherokee ' u:iiK,r;.t!',s I 1 : i". t!i hoo; s 0:1 nil mcaiuiM - i: ivi- ttiv buat hea l, and sends :i lloopc: : I'ltvivait undertakes to IN anl o!l a!l u l niarj. tcrs iros-ri her Towns-heiid: Clay v. iii (Mc)Llurc cmigranU lo ! while Cleveland furiti-'ies oordei jav k i- (Mc'iBrjtyer to oiler i'i hi. I rejoin- 1 tion-; Co'iitn'.'ti- hns .; -A 1 anl .s.-u;) t'l.in my o:'i. r e m tend ivr sun j-i l" .siiam '.y; Craven :t-: L.-ae'.i of Davidson, a icn i business lavie Pirni- to t.o- us a -j . ' 1 ' ' uutrdi Price; I . 1 I : ; 1 eiiJ- .1 L t n'u i : . ' it (Kenan); rugeco;n.e urag .i h goon id! H ITOOIl brown llunn; tb' gent'iciuau ircjn For ayth O'lntinups bis Lineb.v; l Iran vide ... rypplic Crcrt', Haliiax send-, .1 V.'hite mau with a black ski.i, lie. id. 1 - ., ,Mp. plies a H.kkI. Iredell ser.d a t. -ji.irpe member . fwi .lm-L-vi n im .11 hfr --i!l - -- ' - ' - always Spake f .r hltn-or. .tohnson ftcnds a mp.n with tue siutilir name of Smilb; Lincoln furnish, s a Cobb-s for t.te whole crowd: Ma.-oi, - memocr is a;ways in a i..;-1.; p nv ell's mau ii alwavs in a Ilr.- n tii.v. Mrokiciiburg has a in (labor win. .-!; .'.- well emHi;li to gi himsidl' in the j t: t -tentiary f,-t knkhixin: Mi'.eUi: i- al nays in a llcp "! .rti','. , Na-h' membfr brays weji, t'.'i.a .ij ;-id-eri:tg his opjuirtunii'ev N w li.iiir.r. stlann; t'l ll. l. largest Hi'! i:i he Sta 1 ' u ii ts-e the black htl'.i-, iiul'ietf -r i h..- ..li its eve; Samt n ;rod;. e., , n amount of. i ec'. 1-vniic :. . qs a K g. .t; i Sairy ;u;n: ir.ly made trave; T..-vli :- a i in l: tu llai; :ii iter la r fau.e a..:t tin. :..-n he v."iid-; Wake U'e-lsoe il...t ;. 1 no get along without iusl-s! 1, At.ia- ra is ;i:t.ij i Council, Wa ,u- Peel -!'. i',(ij:iiu'..' Va:.i. h.is a., the JrvGt, Hand .'pi. ha a wu. jo a, Lith aaond d iii'i T. .i v U uia -ti . while tht lt Seuaorial District -'.r.d a i- r cer, thei:h . tik.nr, th- Mh a tt:.;:i decide! f!..rn, I tie '.Ha ui.. A-.a, the 1 1 tti a mau we'd Dual , i.'ie U u a man w.th Moore i.g! t!.. n .rary, of the I3th, thcv i i - iy .hat 1'ku rat (Bennct everj tuiug o.i ::.e 15th sends a man w;:h a .-he and 1 ng o g-, the It-la aL. . ;' the na ui r I J Jan, Tr y, the I7ih. viUaa '. Wad $11 ai.'g. lw VJJk awndd a Thorite thai woerira ike aidoa of ihe1 relif totta Dea- ocraer, the ISA aewia a nua a'ij i Albright; lie gC-'eaca irota luc ilU Live a lt.lt aisl fnrai.' ta ."vs'r I aVeded. the jvn:ara of ;:h 3j- j J ply the IahUiu, lL; -ah La. il-tc ! iv rM ulare, ijv a.aili-: ;r.-ui to-' ; 3 h wiu Tyre Vok ar.j da. W( have fi Ftk al a Yoaag maa rrca ii ' ;; the oa y Hagtr ii tc Nat exxaea Croat iU T.o, asI we rl Jtbi.: fraaa lS X3.a. A aa ait ai'ackrd w.ta a ..' Uraiy. Sad a gnl t a J os l rfa Single Copies 10 Cents. II A U AND It 1 Villi iliiNTS. I W PROVE- WII.MIXGTOX, Feb. o. 1377. A. IL VauBollcftii, Esq., PrcciJcnt 0 the Chamber cf Coauiia cc : Sm : Youc committee made a visit of inspection lo the public works for improving the harbor on the 2d instant, , and nw hare the honor to report that since their repr.rt of the 2Tth of Apgust last, id iact, since Juno last, the work has been entirely suspcnd.nl. owiut; to the political uuIicuUi in which the country ha been unfortunately involved the appropriation of $do2,J00 made by the ins tlongriss not having been approve! nu uenmtely confirmed un til Deccndicr, when it was cut down t $100,000 by the . Secretary 01" Wax. Your committee have boon Agreeably" surprised to find that' the apron which had been lai! a?rostue Inlet remained intact as it was placed, cot bavins re ceived any uaciae from the delay, but rather sttengtheced hud secured by a covering of sand. At Federal Point the sand is accumu lating, the beach ua.sLiing up over the marsh, luc two points ot shoal alluded to in a former report con'.iirac to extend .Southward into the lulei. -ka's Island (so called) has lost en tirely its identity as sncH, having been t!oroti;hly aniifxeil an t inrvjd'iuto Smith's Island bcMeh. No obsticle or ditiiciilly iioweisi" in va.!ki:i dry-foot td straight alon tiu- ocean shore south from the Inlet to th? (Jape, atany time of tide. The inntr beach of Zoke's Inland point has i iiowcri the apron ou further titan lat reported, iav 190 ftfct, owing to the toie being irrogalarly placed, admitting the pas:tgi of small currents of water which prevents the iiCCUTfttilaiing sand from following the apron. This wiil be ibvintel in a few days. irin Z-jke's l'oint. :tt th ;i;uviu, the shore line has cxtuulcd c-'.nsideribly both inward and outward, particularly the latter, the connecting -i; U ofwhich being bare at hall tide f'.r :t q iarter of a mile or nrare seacard ; and between this and the old beach p iiut, in front of the old brenkwater, ihe shoals are ucclimu!f tiii g in a vc:y satifactury manner. Th oM ire.ik water cohnect ing Zek.-V I-'ar.il nith the bfnrh sxmh, ' is ill f' 11 i condition, strong' r :r;d tnor" ' teciirc 1 nan u li:.- ever t'ocn. Ilia tllll of Spi miier lal.took (!!' about lo'ifeet of' iho upper woode" .-ujier-sLriKt ire which had been weakened bv j ivih'w . but doing the w ,-r n m.iterial i.njiiry, as the beach ii quito wide., in i i.i iit, and entirely ah-ive. h;h wal tor, til in its reir the said hr. ii' mutilat- entire td :.!nio,t t,, h 'h :'.!er L-oglU. From the best inf..r..iatian wc j C'UlId obtain liald Head c'j.; inel has l depr.ciatcd since last reported, about I otirt f(Kt. and t!n outl 't hns -li'itlv ...vl westward. " Show's Marsh channc' !. t- a prteiated about three feet i i.:h. j de- upper -cud ol it, produced, no i it; -;, bv l!.e 1 11 1 r 1 a. tioii of the currents, a- .1 '.:! in ! tliat can be clainieil for it r.o'V. T.ig j I -hind shoals remain as lav. r-ported. In October last a contr.u; j by the Supervisor with '. -r. llangs : ec Dolbv, for pluoins sto;.t upon the lll-l.l. apron across the Inlet up t low water ImA 1 . 1 w 1 nn in tlla u..T-r - f I I. r. wo, v,'""f- lw "- J v weather during the winter tl:-'- far, and outer eiieuiosumces, liiis n,ri iv-s not ; 'coiumenecd until a few dav, arro ami up to this time five fltt Uir.-t , ? about jll A) cubic yards e;u;h, ha-e been placet! if" Plu"nf 1 b..i'm.y .v. ca:njand uv.iii v.i.ii .-11 1.1 .v.i. in to.: .mail . . " . - ' nii.l I - tv .... It...... .t.U. UIUI-I', ...11..-, UW lilll.l- lor injr it up to the finishing iht above c ;rrv- kh'n wate r, :r :or irci -m : .r ti c im- i ..n ot uhiUl lt j, u. 1. us, , ltlol ililpai i.tnet to prck-i en:.' vr. n eergy and ,iluout uuuv io Hiirc the '" thut ha be.-n and ia : .. done, j ainl t restore :'. le.i'. tJi- .I.4 u -lit oi ' water which existed prh r to the -n j'c"ioa of work in .lun-" !?t. Wc liierco.i. earuvaily reconi :m t .1 that .-.e;i be iiktu niie. for m- ong the ta.atur if -he a: ( r pt.a!t - j i: : by the las; C-.t!gre., IT'. '.;ijr; .'r in tLe next aa ptiprlion -..o'li. - nt to ! Pn s"'-'.;l lc ui k to a su. ct liil iMi-. 0 further rvutatiicud ti.t r mvw I '1'k'u!J be uaadc to the ptojitieiy'oi a-tmg oi fvOSgreaa a jt i... jt ovher- i n- j. in,i'jrM.iu,.t .-loo lent iflc Zi I couttucUou an-i ei .ipiiii at of 4 uc i j. .1 ; i. on urc-sge "i in. m-i in rovtxi ! mod 4rn stvle, f..r ue upon the Cpo Fear river, which u.av afurAard-s be '.scd al i any ether p j;at rt ,a.iia i. j li is cl.'ar'y cvidcul tnal lu?"unpar- .1 i.leied ucoi- which hi attnde-i the f- . t - , . . ujf rauyus lor i iupr. .n ur oaioor, and'thr r-.t critrjee litre ": ; ..'uu. will ell'-. ' a fcY-duliMi to rt pria'.r cr lesa vilviii tu tlx-Msleiaof lar.r improve mf ui ou the Ai.a4..ic caa-st at leat, aud tLt at no di-iaul day, ibe prt-u, iherrf.rt-. apt -car a fkvrhlc iM.c-too lor introiii u,.t. p.i.cl sieai. tt llati i. a fca..b..- .lins rul vif eijrtme:it ;; daul' v ; : an c il thf i. i.,. ui. and thereto!-, ii-.v.i. ti,J 4 uoovti laves tiiti .u oi' ihe .." -:, w ,'. : -f.tUk ac U'JO & IUJV t '..r All o tui..i i rvsrttoi a?ta::t'l U. Mir.' t'l UjiKMiH-y. da-, II. i iiA,'vi t's. .v. ir At' iy.A..A iy.; x YALEMIXEn A stiuiX m to-iKmaT'iwialWU -.r mic a x t A 4. ...... . i VESTAL - ii 1 V rvraj m WtAJurmK ma4 ; Vr r K.. t ae-a a;.. .. taoi tmam I'S'i Cem Vm rrj aa4 w i r ;s 4aiMb a f -' ' T a4 Vui nr NUMBER 9 Bank of New Hanover. Pursuant to uotico tho regular iit.ual meeting of the Stockholders of the D.iuk of Xcw Hanover was held this day at their Hankiug House. The mcetiug ivas-callod to order by the Prcildont, oa whose motion A. 11. NHl", Fawj., was called loathe Chair and Kobcrt Hiamiiig, 'Esq., requested to act aa Sec retary.' A Cvmnittcowas theuappotUe.! to ascertain thcN iamouut of stock nprv scnUxLandontbei reporting that there wei S.loS shares rcpiresented iu M rsjVi anl 3,5G0 by prenxvj tho Chairman declared that tiw meeting was ready fur business, as a majority of the 12,tHk). shatfs f tl.c Bank was represented. Tho minutes of the privious n.evtiti;: www rc:ul and approved. TLe l'rcsidcutiof tlo IUnk tiicii to:i.!e a report atating, anmng other things, that although the past jcar had not N.-.-n a very favorable one fur the general unsines.. of the couujtry, the bttaine of ti.e ll .uk had been steadily progressing, the anntiht -of deposits being inuth in cxci.-s t" w li:t? they have liver becti Lcrctofcre, as.d l.a.1 declared two somi-anmial diaidetids ef four ier cent, eaeli aul had 1.. i !e losses whatever dt::iug tho ;v,ir. lie submitted a detail.. I report ol the eond:- tion of tho Jlsnk-audcacli of its bntneKe.s. Oa motion the renurt of th w.S received and adopted. t'n motion an elect i-m .IU'; t lor tho ensuing year, into, (.J. W. Atkinsju .r.d W.r.'.i:. Calder King aj.poiiitcd tciieis.) lea ili.n ; ia tuo ciectioii ol tne old to.rd. iui.mii UoUiilv. as follows : I. i; ir. .;v " 4 Jo!i:i Dtusm. I. II MnVt ):. ... , D .' ! MclLic, II. Vollers, I.'. II. r.rid; , ;. I. W Atkinson. C. M. St'.-.!in u:. J. .. I. .d Ii. F. Little.' I!. M. ll.rde:. M ".d.-'! On motion the-'meet iutr ad; .-:i:, d. A. II. Xi n .Vi. Iloii'i Uknmno, Seeretarv. Wilmington. N,. V , l!.'v Is. ;. Ti:c a in; ve 1 ' 1 very just c.rp!i.;i".. to one. of the.a'-lot iinanierv in N'( it': Carolina, or, v.c inav .say, in the .-..:ri . Captain I. Ii. (iruinger, after s.r i:j; c. President of tho Hank f r si y. .u 1 ;-. again been unauinioiisiy elect', if-, i ! i compliment is to be more applet ;a:- i I y Capt. l-raiiiver ai.d his friend, v. he:: i: is taken irito ,:j,i. r.tti..n th;it ihe ;'cn mrn coiujiosiiif: t::c M..ekii- !d i . i th Iiaiik are of the Hi,..-1 .-'.ib-'aM:;;, !;i cial men ia tin- S'aU. N'otv ud ing the Im.d t:.K C.iyi: u.i ,:..,ii a by his carclui nun;, -i iih o: , i.:t ni.nl. -his stoeLhul 1. i., large .iii idci.d- ivov year, and i.i- reHiit r-i m- 'he lo be i. ;iii c.c. lieiit coial.t ion. , l'lt-C" l i;t.-- L. atd fnj. Mt.-sr.-. l"..'i ilie v l a. of Walnut street. ) e.. . 5. d -VAT Mi yiliaiS'AUiAS i v THE BANK OF HEW UAKOVEl;. . Dividj,il r.'oticc rPJIK - liOAKil Ol- lUKKtli'Ks li . X JwJareJ a .Seitii-aumi.ti hmiu-.. ... Kikit per ."cot. out or !! ..; . . pank for the lal M ruoi-tu-. . . and after lJtli lut. s. iv v k. I'uii..- ren !-!:. Mateturnt of t oiulition ot Iluni. of ew Ilanotcr. In luillnt; Cram li es, uu l ebruary 1. ih"7. Kt 6l UCi S. iu i iii-cuact y iU-t t -lalt .. . ii )ilii- Kurnitur acJ .-(. Honda atd Mvck . ... n - . Chr-k 1mh I ' . Ciifi in other llaclt .utu.i: Chtrk I SI, .1 l Catl. a hat.J.... l - ft .. ... L1AI.UJIJL.-. (.'al St- it I octiTivJcsl I'roitts 1U:U payal'le. Liar lr'i".-! t Mateturnt of l oudlllou s iiuW l Itmlncton, I rttruar) I. is:?. Uiti it l I'ijutu b-c-odl uJ "Uiii - 1 Cak Hk j Ch i ,UmI lt.kj it v- ' (k. ; : ,ie (aa kit 4 t I a I I J Ui !-t . I i.it-i-d ia.u : . pi 1, S. t VI IttU i i m 1!imi. V iwrnv n s i ii. Hi: Ox ... I A U. AU-ii . SthmM .4 r-fa i4m t . it . I SlTf . 4f;LD: pli.m?: ! OtLDM- ia. 4 r-T s vr . t y a i n aa l4-f s.j? a nm tt t i. a . x i"f j a i4 . r a I .

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