' . V 1 trrfr Mr 4 m L'l VOU'.MK Vlil. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MARCH 2, 1S77. Single Copies 10 Cents. NUMBER 12 i-lUISliTO:. POST AUVEU. of Liit-I .O-. k rOl-IC W i'Ar- I for which they wr intended. Ooe of A .... L . 1 w!Iffr'. Tirl., 1-tn.wiM mai0 ,leri of business ledirg yrren toord Democrat -our ova pop.e who. acticr under leral In- ..." ! 'ructioo, look the booda to Well l-f I.u : 5reet, ia New Yore, And sola them at lair uj satisfactory price, end thepfo- Ceeis were appropriated to the parpoe Som? utwpap.r ;Le other i.. an nounced tint tiicro was a grave ione rt Eden loo on which was i.-,. ,..ime ct Cornelia Harnett. Th. r- - : one wilh the same mm? in i-: .ijuhb' en- Ciusurc, of ti.n c;. D.., -.tly quartan Li gaii to ;n u';i:- m CITY ITEMS. WAITED. 1 wi'I n'.n pair of roub and f.-ed iLtm v.-rl!. in fact, taie the best care of auti- J then, f.r thir wort daring the winter i the 1 to w-.tk in tbe city. i 1; ... I r .- espm ' I. -i . . into Witmintoo (we allude to the ciix-uuu:.cc. IIj . :.. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford uiau di d t.c, ... .tc . ol t a . coaiai .1 r. r. l'.Vv W. P. CXJTADAT. year; wi : jcju t tl;-' Supreme Court of the 5Ule on cXvCplio: taten at the time of tliu tri.;i3. Ir w-il also be remembered that G.v. UrcgJen granted absolute jrJon tu Mr. Ueaton T 1 1 J . , . ' ue vruer teems 10 aave risen inori iW ... . , hirrh nwsr (ha b.. U nnt.n 1 1 I --O-J uvnu ujlu urison ana lumn L"Z '"ui;".uw. Aw to his loved one. AfW mabi;. igenienis ior nis aeparturo from id biddin? a last lone" farn-l! souib, east and west, linkinjr.them to- TT - . en 4rtl nulj he started Over the whnlo enntinvnt nf Ammim -I l" fl nnfiriinrf it. t.iSZ' aH Tangements for his deDarturo from jj aa wr :r:.-' . . i- . t r . u i ):ie-tf . " - i Rilnad CumptDj, bow the Carolina Atoar t Wat-re....... .1 i.a Sight 11 better than seren erery time. i a tw.:iv"Iiould Ceotral Railway Company) receired a I hero bom rnjnr... j.n-.rJ I j--l t Thi; Wi t. mi MiTus i ery Urge slice. WuIjus;. t. ; H'f are told by the Gkerver that the U' 1 1 . i . ..... 1 ....... ... "-- nie oust rrotxo liii woum be 1 -.."T.-f v. rcifwaii n of the i :i"n between creditor! of the State, '.r i ': n- " r-Pr Q OJl oa a cru against the 1 v,u.. Ui... ,.k EnUcd. v l- )nn was born 1:1 i.!, t year ii... i.i ;. .. I:. 1 nkt Uc a 1, Ju l AO lUi.'t, ."lantrrr. f people of North Carolioa fron Cber&kee I 5iK .NEW inXoVKK. SI.COO.OOO Ai:lui espial ail Cj;.til fiii ia r 1 . ; :U-r .NATiuWI. Ii.N.. i Currituck. Without Atopping to tr.t;cix th 06rrtr'$ highly co.ortd picture of the "drvoUte wooao wbrwe I has&Aod fell fighting in battle." who I predated tn uolawtul claim to the i Tre.4.urer of tlie blate. aod, demanding S )0.C00 ; Pym"it lor the aaaae, wa rtfud; and ; the "rich Northern man who had nerer - jj.000 t tvf-re ben 5-uth, aate, perhspe, a- a buu-cnrr in hherman's army," who pre otrd Aj claim at the aame time which i Cn'y honored, we io-ik to aee what .r; of a rraon the (4,errrr giTea for ln J ri;ord rcfud alion oi the iMa'.e '! 1 Jnt- 111 f-U C.50.00U Ov.tkis lis 1 u i.i'..ur K-leiit-.n, wlitTv iti'f t"..."-. k. . 1 . . UVID. k ... .. ili.l ac.ri4U-.l, 4,1-u ' j wa a:ao (....... i.kci wad li.i.vIiia.'V UIKID the hiaCurtcul .:j'.i'.u.j-' il c'.it pvople, the pul!:c ,:L-.;V The puu ul ii..j iir v ... ..... 1 i . . j ciety tAiiuit..ci ft -. . . j'ue , : Citing nul-j-vt. N-.'h. r -;.t t-- .n : to bo dett.':k;.' i. Mrjf. Victor's Stort. a atory of tbnlhna' intirt br Mri II V. Virlnr. author of Who Owned the Jewel," will uon be definitely announced for '.:. lion. DUbllCAt on in fh Vw Vork- . tweuty -.ires a: .usively ud at 1 . 1 a. i. l eierson x urouiers. o. 300 Chct,tuut street, rhiladerphia, Ta., liaa j at published ' Baail ; or, The Crossed rath," by Wilkie Collins, author of "The Dead Secret," "The Woman in White," etc. One roluce, paper cover, price 75 ecu:. Kor ??1e by V. Heina tergfr. in tLU city. unfurling its banner of Friendship; ZL ?i ? ? r tois departure from Charity and Benevolence over north! Vf, k .1 b,d,dlnir last '.?a rewell .... j . t . ' to ma broken hearted fim h ct.ri geiber with the ti?a of one common JE.. V ei"r"e.meet the gnra monster brotherhood. May its march bo eTer thi V'n' "6! lu arrival onward, until at last the whole world p.th Jor,?f con and will recognize iu beneficial influence k w.V d orlto 8Qff?r death for .11 t... .v . ., iiiiiucm,t-, hi3aoeut friend. F rml k.im.) iK. . tion of the sulFerinn akin to humt. ?Hh fm hi. dun-eon to the scaffold, - uti ic.k , - .uti otuy cneu, " T13 sweet to die for came, and his friend Tli:i:i N v. - . LH-mocra'., a y-u. piprd hi . ' 1 ! dbt. etiog that the usaal cry oi j Itivv!y a VvUlhl'til wl.' per- .1. tt e:coi)Co -k ll't itrt ii ri . Ttit: h r tk ti:nT '.V 4. u t more I i 4 1. .1 . 1 k. !- -r i . ; 1 1 t... ..: 1 . t 1: it r .. . . . i. I !! ' IC 4 U.l ti.o ui,''r. K:Uwig and carpet-bgr" avail ia thi instAnce IbAt rne but the faithful LaJ ever fingered a d ..ar ( thi honrally burrowed tr.'Mi-T, a:. 1 .Itrpairing of aut capitAl bein u; io Uctutc of the chArActer or p-..ti. 1 I thirK" who authorized the Jib", a . i of tli'te b'j rrceived tho bv-.i f.: I" it. tbe only konombU ?) t ..r. I r our Loaorablr (?) (Ltrrrrr to 1 i ! att4ik tLe cLarctpr of those crv iui u r-n'-Icnieo who iuvestcd their m i i . irt North CaruliuA Aecurili.-!, I w.ta iu- confident eii-rctAtion that t wLca they fell due they would be paid, j T.- of the SMAte' ohiialion to pjy i' it ( ;c".rl tL.u-. "lie i a rich man .u I a .'jr!."trn man. lie wears tine lir.en ) not purple, lie farra suoiplu i : n..v Uav. He haa never before Kvrt .ate. erhawi, as a bummer in '.iriu.tn' army. Anil he guet ' t lal tr-" t.ie whole he di not d such 1 a la-l tl..:. afur a!1 in buviuz up thure li I. And a a companion picture 1 arc t d that the "deflate wociak" Ln) prnli i'r "bond. a lawful cou.d u;ake thrm. and with shruuk : ci t.'.rr po lit-, to tae genuine aijrnalurc tl. : :-j o:" tLe lawful lioveroorof Ncrth 1 1 . . ! 4 I 1 - ' . -.' : . i. a :n a a. 1 .4ntr Imm.. . of the lawful Trrascrer 1 ., - r. I io r .ortn Carolina wman a V - I i pro i..e "T. r 1 , t .... - iZ .1.1 ... 'Kid' '.. r 11' '. . a ! Hi 1, . t . v w i.,.n . Chi j' r-un . !..rir j .!. a ? rr c!i -.' A ' ); -i :.. j rr. w lint; t at-rvpt ' ! .. .1; :: 40 tf tae : t:- tu i -i is . t ! .' . : r i.vir a. a . N arifTi. !.. jr.- 1 .,r..- b : . t t.iat ir, v. a i mJ? tl"J la"k ' GoJ lb V. M.re thr, .I'moim.! U-rH-Muan ,rty that the laws of the ' thta-i- 1, u ! ; . .. ; . heaven? ' J -li l-ru!...l t. from hit i -k. 1, 7 ! Three t ih tv. Ir CJtU'-, t- f.. ;;i :-. twj the l-u r.-i-.C ' ' :i: a they're t li v t . ; 1 ." " Why , ! -'. i 1 1 .: x . saiJ, " .j w 1 In even ? I.u. w . iy groan..', " W- .1. tu: we Ik-. J. "' . :i '. make yon :t - . i ;ir, . ing i;cr, 't.'.s i'i- 1.-:. "O d - ih: i;.a .. tliat i- , ccrla.u.y 1 i .. . . sclvet w.-'f ii are i:. " ' . '. ga'.c," i e ii.!. ' . bMV 1 1, jt'.il : . -my 1 - . . y ... Tl.e I). ... have b.'C c b!a kg 1 ir i : 1 ho;j.- gale 1 1 ... : Ciui,..vr ... f 1. . ; ... ., ni ot 1. 1 1 1 ,- ! : .;-r 1 .1 rc.i. v.i we ii-ki-'l, ' r.kte lo " : r drop but ll . i-.- h.ive liTj ; arid ' i otn. nn 1 l .Yi foil t inaka up a clul for the Ne.v V.-rk Leifjvr. Every week there are mi-n llaneout articles from the p i s of the lyt scholars aud divines, and ,.ie.t.-:tnt turieH from tLe best nri:. r. Sen 1 ti llobert IJotincr. cor ner Wi!.i;:m and Spruce streets. New 101k. lcr:us. $3 00 per :.unum in aJvjv.tr. in both cases jeiiJing tL-- appeals. The question has been dieuseil throughout the State as to tho rih o:' the Gover nor to gritrit ..ivl !i j.vuuii ana couj-iuc.-ajle ;:i;t:ojt has wnetner tne oovcrnyr i:aU cscecicd hw and review our own acts. On.the Utix Zrl..li rl Executive j.rero-tive on. t. Wo have J7 of November 1870,. your Lodge, hTtJ!r" T?100??1 I 1 ...... .S-.M- -1 I X. 1 . I. . 1 I Ullkb L tearueu taat iu ii:e n t-rer-.e l .ur:. on . . "'uic l" mower mnn or,i a . , Vi . 7. . I s . i - . jB.r.-tn - . . . . r. 1 a fl - AaaattvAC3 xalaaa Jt. r 1 1 1 l irnioa iu .-oiai.i; iui-u eaist-ence now well f.nJ. " ,1 Tii T.' Ho I seeolltct evervthini? rnnnt I , , . . v."uutcuor3- " SUCH with the event. In Af.snni u.ii iienaanip as this, my brethren, that Is ilarkef atreet. fourteen .,f ;Th bJ our. Wo also teach beating hearts and trembling limbs, ,?!lr! Kf . v , tLat iontcted 1 1 . 1 1 1 - ., " I CQaritV that nnlinn i t,v t. . .... usu assemoieu in me ante-room, the ;ar J1T, r k 7u vi , t"11" s r t,..urr;ih nr. j . 14r wants of brethren, but tht t.ro.J and Hanmaa were in the Hall, the !f.T. 'T,hl1,rouli ieyo every want, 1 s w I III!! Lia 2 Awl Wo 1 1 a j nhvaiAul 1 men decree, now ranks, were conferred i7:7. 7. -fij uuo oenen and some of us for tho first " ,7 1. ; . u ' lu.e weakness of ,humai than -1 t'.i . lii s ;r.x;.!uiii," - s!iuu!d 1 ';-iiver-nplied " We p'ayd 1 !i K.. liev. Tiio'L-ns AtlciiUHi, 1 I)., L I. 1 . la exivctt-d to preach iu St' Mark'. 1 i.urc: on Sund ty, M in i-. 1th, at 11 oV o.k A. M. Als , iii t!;c fame cliurc'. in the eveniu, the liev. A. A. aU.ni. I). !., will deliver ti.e third of a course aT rmons, he: vices brginning at S o'clo-. r.. A J .tre cordially iovited ."cats free. the cail 01' t:ic c. -s j.-.m t'ii- ir.-tri.t on Tuevl !V last, i- r;i:sry Tili, ;:usc cases ot .Mr. Heatoa bJr. ;;;:J.i-ihe contddoratiop. cf t!-.e 'Jour-, :ii- Honor Justice lieaue delivering the p nioii of the court, it was decided i!:r.t the acti-.u of the Governor wa- rl::i.d ..i lJ, and that no further i-.ttio.-) .. -i bv i.d agaiost Mr. Ueton. Thi is the firt case o.' L:1::J that has ever b-en decide ! i i North Caro lina, ar.d, wit'i tl.c e.teeptioi! of a ease in Massiichusetis, on:c years iu the United i?:ates. We bt-arti'.y congratulate 'Ir. lieu on on his deliverance from the tolls and snrires that have been .-aj t.irel'ully set fr him by his u eiiiic- 1 wave. T. 13. lvtc".-i : IWlur-, phia, have : ;.r. :i 1 entire by .Mrs. Cat. .. n . V;i:li.;,!, of tli ct leiir.iU-u i! .vol, ' J is c hold 01 :n . v he upon us me made acquainted with the mvste- ? la"l- U1 f judsmeuts ol the con- ries of a fecret society. Sad to say, Z k ' ,X 0t u 9 ,0TCS oI meu but tw of that number B. P 4Y' all to beware how we con- King and Zimmerman, are members of Sf"'. ore. we unconditionally cvn your L-Klge to-night.'tLo others have . iiL"!1 must resolve withdrawn or been suspended, And two, t r . i""'!7 .-"eives. .. if t- .V. l . ' I aet us. then. Brother Kn whi. . . IUMI ill Ml :i I, .1 1 r wiin i r, ; 1 h r i n j 11 o .a rr n a to the Ldge of undving light and love JLZXl aS canaor, and with where thS. C. of The Urn verse pre- dvcing our shields of de- sidw; they died with their armor on. . th ge of the world, while Pn.,.,..ii,:... 1 ...1 1 ., "couiiewforrcc. uem.uvnifiA.iim,. C. C, although a member of another 0D 0n,S a lle cred j r, c: ;,-1 , Lodge, I ue'er shall forget Stonewall, LUfr le Hs!L -ei us see ior wuiiin her walls was 1 initiated. That the chastening ol mild rer ro: MUV TitMtl ik ik i . i ' ? 1 4 :v f- mi. l.' i! -,v: " i'erue l"le::ii!i;.' the .author's tn..i';i--r: been pr:..:- d bclor.- i:i WarCeld's i.ti;i.- :i. .1 firmly tl: bi;h. .!. a-:d ,t :-now-a-uays, t p.t-( '.vltii novel-writer lil.e iur. wh , ,1 her w-orks u.l: li:.- i;' charged aud proved. at;d the memorea And rh.riti ,. i i'1,1,,1,1-, of by-gone days aud happy, happy lZ cv.-brxdc. !hou" 'Pent at her meetings are two mu . . .j it. Krx AttU. ilr, fh": 1 11 r 1 , -t 'i us iiu ue pages of its hittorv v.uli i;-.-On the 1-t-li o .Jarch 1. t"en numbereJ Friendship c ,r don No. J, was iristmitedr t:t the 10th i , , .i..r.. prnited !'r.un !it! hc. nrver t we'd i- ciir- : - to ' . the 1. D.'uioreal for March is very at tractive. Each month it graws in favor. N w is the time to subscribe fjr tLis v::letible niiiithly and receive the beautiful lliattr of cor.eetitioi . ; chromo, that is worih more tiia:i the cot cf tne magazine. T:u with other attraction", iriil I the April number. Sen-1 at j .T-. nr.ii:s Icmorcsf, 17 II ir; i" .-'rc-t. New York. 1 .iromo. "i'pear ia :. e to . Witu con.. . 'ii ... prt -i n. Iur .. Irs. . t is .-hing rn.iie ys i:i '1::0-S tio.-i, , ex- ,1,.. . . . ' , aim JxrueiPieucc JU1 vugusi niy own Lotiire, uerma- c C md iirftii,r.. i uia No. 4, spct inexiste-uce. Both T?.?10: l of these Lodges were f.,rm,l of mated- M VJtT IV"! ' al tatPIl from - ...1 li.ninh f I.. -I iu.i.mj ..mi luim.. I: .7. . . ;. I t " . .L ' ine lact that iu one of theni.Germania, visits her moth cr Lodge to congratulate and be con srite r,f a l th.it . . been, or may be said, that our 0-,:,-r 1 :n ii: :i . '.ir.t . ... 1 ' fu!. ! will be pub!.'. 1 u l 01: the Crd of March, i;. u.j.';'u:.:i -i.., ;.ud 1 liwinei i.','' r aooge 10 congratulate and ue con- ranidlv tdvun, ; .. 1 t ratu!ated,to shor her that its weak ffiff fri ra ' " '' !' ' a s i.g ol a few- years ago t a strong, wou!d say to you, bra:!u : - , , one wi-: ih. other, ami eoiumeuce ,!,,.; ., . x . 1 1 price wwu n r .1 ,: 1 . . . . 1 v.iiic 1 has provi 1 r 1 Frank Ltsiie's llsann- i c rucs replete withg'XHl l 1.1 the appetite and s arj ' Ainr.ll : p'r:i.-e , ' the eve j variety 01 ,sioru- I ' .s. I Jioj't;.;. r. i 1. -j ii. ii Wt il 'o. M I once, f.r tiie b i. I I irze P tle. ! -e!y . c : i !l:J; t3 Illl h tu iii.v w togt-tlier the battle f ir 1 tie cause ot Lonevolence and UroiherJv Love. Ou the Dth of September 1 7I, Cum berland Lodge No. o, was instituted at rayetteville, and on the ilUi of the s.tuit.- month Centra No .'!. at Kaleigh. a December 1'Ut 1871. the Grand Longe w. s I it : v and regularly organ- ii.il lv ,-. ('. s ;...., ...,,! v inr I.odire l.om'i.J witli' tir t ...m.ri.ur. On the 17tii tie t a 1. ... ..... . . . . W , W MM . " " brvul ett ul' North Caroliua," and X h a.v without htr money. The itrr,rr th; this i not all "The Vied tho TrcAAktrrr with money lo pay the Yankee auao poaaibly the man 1 who tioed ber hubad!" lor woman- Ir VADkeel rwr dunce who would 1 t,:!Vr sach aq arjunenl lo oaibIe peo- ! pie aa au excuse for the repudiation ef Ma hmtest dbl. The p r people of North Carolina " .ta n,-," .i'i'! - ki J they ci-nl ! y .-p,:-. purest .if.i :m. k' eiif.t Il i im, 9. .'.'. t UeApu'Alc u't. o:' fjl.o 1 ' r - -r; .-i. dirtV laiifc . I'.t . :. . ii as :i-!i Of .-jMpers . - ! iar,' n.i' ! ich u. b wt, Amcricacs. '.r.e tie .v Lrtd and is a ci armie price one py, o.:e y r copies, oae year, 51 1 o k V rublihr, 5G7 1'earl tret , N ; 1 - n rl tl; . m'k L - s de r York 1 : o n l'a!t-i :a:n and the Constitution of North Carol 1 oa prevent the Legislature 1 .v.w...e : - - . v vi .-.Jir 1 HJ-11 net ' uft .ut u w urn . - 1.. of th slaves that were freed by the tw avw t .i .-. f, i- -k. I fu!i uf tt rrbeliioo the $275.C.0.000 tliX, oi . .nc-rrrl .i kc ihe AMI'S I.. 4. . . . r -1 1 n rN . Vva. J ,...! ffl,MU jti, I imp-ritic and impmaible for the Sute - a- . r , Jir; iUl-r. f ? r li'.OOO.OOO Of bood. taaued M lU...'i 1,,.,,, i.arV ; f.r hoort debt and the money spent o f-r.- i . . " i fr the 1 uri--s for which il wa in- tr.At the (?rTer talk about. Pray tell a where we would all be if il be The desire w t tjiri.v I i v mingtun -Mi. i.kn- 1 i iS: 1 Vu prUa.. u i li.: o.'i.or . Jjurmc.l ..i i.ave b- .:.! wilh blue p.A". : iii: srt ti : . 1 i. with a siew of it: ;r f.i.Vr d Wil .t c tl.e and a blue :!. heikd, with Lie Lo, -- llu. V.to;..,. .. t over a. The cn'si Mi'eic in the Am. I here are a great number of por f.r;i o . in Wilmington, ef no particu ar n ' t-. n. d nomination, who have I u: c in stant training for severs! uiwi.ins past for the Lrnten season, a:. ! iki-x that Ient is here the good rhurch people don't send them any sb-d. u r t-r.-n a triDg of herring, although tl.e nii..In-n are cr . i" - T r bred. ati. 1 r in Dcn.-ix-ztM .1 City. Th? ntit charter vtiii li the Igi-lature ir j-ois to pas f-.r tlie g-verumeu'. ft ti e city of Wilmi.igtoti i a beautilul ccimcu of Demoi-ratij bu'l Jojirg. Asa sample of it benutiful oiukt i 1 tli- division of r.rasant- the city, we gi-c the divid . g lines of oriaa thet rr ol ip.d t'cvclopm nt n av . tj,c propJt.ed five ward : avail to pu; il.ey. u: looting w.t'i ti' tellcctual f-,r,t Wud trrins at t'.e it,- Fear bii.h-. f.t kd i.ttic rivtr. running eaatw arliy r.lo;ig Camp urchius that ruu a.:cun 1 tl.t str. ets with j j'j -rett to Fourth, avutb va-J y locg a flig of truce in ilie.r ri r. Fourth to Walnut, eatv. .1: lly along Walnut to Fifth, sou.hward'y along ii.:: k: i rsAt i Ut t- I urj--s for which d .1 ri--c. ,rc lLka it.is.. eti4ed. for lo.OtW.OOO. a the Oiarrree m i. , , 1 1 sat il v. if we had to be taxed to the W. uli..,a rt f iA, Aal ?l . amosiatof f 273.lOO,0XJ to pay for the -" iso.j: f.- iva Mtii 1 'oifrskr"cr'ac,J toihe "LoaiC-AUAe? ' ) Fray wast new code of public morAlitf is it that the t.Wrrer ts teaching when it tell us that "at a matter of public polit-j" th "sir bond," iueurred lo Aid of the rebilHa. the payaaeat of wa.ew i f rbtddeo both bv the laws of I'eu.iwiaarT. I i..r b..:jds I-saed ",:f '- I A i ' .f i.ot. with ar-, , 4U . u . , ... c ft .:Jkn fj ;. . , 1 . . ..1,'ii.w . -.cvrtoi u lr a - k- ..-'.,. , : r . .,u.i. 1 I i.ua-t..e ,.! .. .. ...1 ta fniud Siatea aod of North Carolina ir, to ,At ; i..t in!,f. , ,,roWC ais .hou d be ad io preference to th il ,h.,- .tWAr bosiod, Uued fur aaoneys - - ite fiii.j , 1,,-.!i..jo U-irowsd u. hsitld oar ralroada tod lor fn .f Nefltt i .n4.aa :. tn h -id ! i.proveoU ? What tUt Wi.. wuh ,alm,t tsereoa. - lkl"k of e iaM f i", vt s ! w are with lb OkWrrer that "it will .Ia mw r T; Ft t va.-v :.at.Uu.. j Uja lwe to pay a doiUr 00 or 'IU eoa.ee i tr.e C.eoeral I oo a the law for- v. r u pmvLr ih 4iblic bda a d- ilar la be paid 0 th wax Vkt 1. p.epArrd to'boads? " TZ Va r,m" ,hr M Jb From the iaaao of such Ufaaou S- raere.4 1. Dre ,r.rv aad . teacaiojr. C" -" trtiia t-er cat. uatll - ' ' " lie sol ut Tons of iko-pe.-.. Witr.nr.vs. We, i!.e t io'd t.tueua f New Lerii- a i v.v , ..a ia me I to celebrate th.s lt day ot January, A. l. 1T7, a the Fourteenth Aanni vrary of our entancipatio-i froru slav ery, and while prai'ing tiol for p-t mercie, dj iu l.auib y aiid devoutly pray Him toshtrl 1 Us by liis Almighty arm, ami wu.-Iim..' tu tl:e Meiogs tf a free ard ri.j roa. j eople. and, eter nnndlui .1 tl.e luw lUid tried fnen l He I-as 'raiM-i u . lo counsel And &dt i U-. we - in ore partic ular It-el tje ..- t ..k.t a.ained io the death ol u. l..u r -1 t;wui3itu, Hon. Uocr.kT F. Lliiman, who waa F.ith to Mulberrr, eat .r.!'y Mult erry to McRae, Mcli to Tenth, aoutL i'y "! g , ' At a joint i-.s-c I t ' i i tieriiiaiiia lyodire iv. j city on tbe 2'..'i ;.. , ! auiuversary of the r.. .. ( nler, t..e t '..ow , , . i . . . . . . . . : erett i v .. i . . , C. C. an:- It. :. W.' 1...- t : brat-. 11.;- l-'l.U lo renew again t.:.- nj. it . i Lave ail lak.-n; to r. i-ii of friendship tti.it li: 1 us t to congratulate . Ivo t. ever advancer.ic: t v. ;:i,iy '. during the l'ytli ! ' r . 1 j : L'-t tts then, o i - .. : 1 -thanks to ti;.- t in , r .:'! . S. C. ol IL.tven aud Earth, -. kindly vouehs.tlV.il to us th.t and ru.ccss that our uo',1' . so richly drscrves. For i. U.vtiirc u to attempt t history of tne Cr'-. i. 1 . 1'ylhia.i, with which y.ui a isr as 1 a :u, v. ol.l ! Ik- l ; : my part, a s.igi.: re.-a.n.- . . trut, prve accept.ib'f. i ' . 1 day ol February lU, t' . I :i.c;i who.se por. i ... : - l ! w.k.. v.'it'i t .v t-'l i-r- ...... .t .. in Wa-ft.i'.iig'oa c.ty, ...i 1 t '.. , .i:: a.-.-unied an oid'.tt:.-:! t k-.-e; the content f"?i r:fi.:l . real t them by !.-. Ilr. . f thor. I pon tbe co!:c of tiie ntti.t', it w.. I 11 r t (irand . I .Is.-marr 161 ', Kuuin Lodge No. o. v.a instituted a: tjoldsboro, on the 1 Lh of November bcr 1S7, Calantha Lo No. 7: of this ' j city was instituted, an-l.oa December i :.h olt, 1&7J. Athuia No. .S. ,.t Newbern ihe 1 (.1 Mrch 22d, 1S73, ??;:-u 'ia Lodsre l:v- I Z Wlls instituted, on .Iay I2th. ; lS7o,. Justitia No. 11, at (i ddrbbro, on YlJVerllbcr 3d, Contenfiiia No. 12. at i Wilson, on January l'Jla. IS, , Doblin - Lodge No. 13 at Fayetfev:l, oi March Ur; Ita' 137, C!ii:?rn " IiL'r No. I i; at v. C.iatoti, Apii lt, Mv-ith- 1odge No. .. ; lo, at .Mount O.iva: Aorn M.h. Wood- -1 ' e , d su Lode No lo :.t Grernvilio and on , '.a ...at- i June 12th, Ci .r'ofe L'dre No. 17. at Vc u.a : ; ( 'ilarloite Dun p t!: ye t.- H7H Lodges : ' wi re " estabii.-:..-.! at Salem. Durham, n ". . ..r L tg--.t;ig-.. aud il.ty liiver, t!n dates I 1 ' ' ' i atn unable to give. Some of these Lod ' - ' ' o s l.avo arrenderlHl their cliartemj Maiie others have become dormant; bat - ....... ... Voimidering the dull times tliat we are pacing t:, rough, and other obstacles, the oatlo.ik is not as gloomy zs it might tc, i rue, our numerical strength is large as it might be, and our .';...-.:;. ,ai strenzth not as streoz as it Villi .r. ir : a-, r i i er'i-t i'v.- 1 t;:e r. .id- i;2 e..ca gi-nt.eiuau pre--:.". lo.--.g h:melf a e imiuittee Truth to Djck. and eaatn..r. die a.-i ' -'ur4' 1 'Siting su - ' J - ..:r. a- lr.m, k.' .uv k..,v ..wiw-, Mil u Jl'll Al.'. cierits as i. det-(ii--: i ble. to the::i n i . ... wt ot aiu nuc eMujiuiup me r ..--t tin tl.e ila u.iy "i : et Ward. ' Washi:v".- 'i L-dg"- N . I, Second Ward brgins at ti . '. : Fear ' in:o " Al a ' . ,, , wa arrv-d atrtai't river, running eastwardfy a. amp- U4UaU !u;krn ,.., bell street te Fourth, southward. y along cau.:Vi ence l.y a t,. ,:.. Fourth to Dock.westwaruly a'.wiig Dock iu Irop. i..o .-, a:. a t. rr.. r, aen -et . i r.i.t.-y lvi, ... a t. r '. !i'.-r to the Cape Fear river, inclui.ug all that pe rtion of the city on ;s.c we: iJc of the river. Third Ward bi at th intersection pleased, ou our amiiveisary one jear i cf Fourth a,d Walr.j', m in.rg sooth ag. to addre.. us. therrh re. be ii I warJ'y aorc Walnut lo r.fth, ra t raVred, That we LutuUy And rev- ....... r:(ss ... r..n ..... erwutiallv Uw Uiore iLai Uovl atoi"'uV '" ' wxid.y along Mulberry to McRae, east wardly a on j JUcllae to Tenth, south WArJ y Aleng Tenth to IXxk, e. rd y . 1 1 .k . V . . . V. . . 1 k . I - , uj, k . x iv kruiku, i-k. wk-.v j oeslrove.; ; laatuf. , l6ki. F aii.-.i L-ijt A CIV 11 agaiul i . . :.i . .... : i kud n.ei at" we re ' ; :i utotive-s i.i p.v-r:iti i..-- j--:oti.j nearly a. I m.r.. -aert . I .nf'.u- eoces of Irien-t-hip . r . . , 1 the ble-ing of e .arity .i. . r l at. a this Ltnire ...-:.ci ai. l . t - - 1 the gem. j.iat-d t":t : - . - :;u lteil as a young toci, admiratioo of tc.i- ".: Leidgea were - t rm -' haul uo becra: . ' r - .r . . '".her i upon Fourth Wrl be-yins At the Cape Fer 1 D7 L l t-e irJ.r tan-- ra' ' river, runnnr etardtv alocr IKxi T . , , . . rintv.fi . , ,. . . j formol taa. Udge kept ..-i'c . Ha f-r wi.Ctt tht. J! , - l --'"k of CujMnlaAtaa vrvted irKuLarly or the Uaa f. i.si is.n . inu red by , cvu-Ur of the. Have A Wlsr el ai uU kioiu r n-.-k ro- tor ia th drUd iStaie. Th iVaao- ar-! ti tJnecAsner.i cf la ' crat dtaaed these a cor rapt. tsa '- r'rn:' the Matte aad iVaMscrats oa the said Coaaalioa tt fc.:es ar-.er frvi the sale of lh i: tha ttsa sW te TUdea Aad eatiaiA u ha&J l t wa . Uadrea ivior ia the daspattd IV.ocr-y. Ni'e aiggrrt. I S4Atm. Erery marasaaBaxkai IVtao- '-. r cartel haxgvr ever j ciauc ru-a calla Ueea Deaocati m a JklAr v4 iL Tae boad Hl(u accoeiiAe ik law. aad a 1 1 kHadaeerooaaUarteaUt Th e.jkt ,Wt tail W Ue ruleth in Heaven aud ou earth, aad while cau a !.aer Lear wards of cvonl trtoa tir Ute i!cvrel trieud. w ul :rve to iV..o t: exan- pi. he le.-. u. a. oar l.nUr. aod -til i i . 7 ever hevih Lis mr.uor We feel lhAt i a.oag 1 earth lo the b w hAve iuteit w.io k r looked upon us wita ... lo i .ta eo rn a lhv.ae Mtu. W()W n.i reou.-t.-.r r: u AVs'rei. I Lai w . heartly mpa- I CM-ur.la, we:a ars..y a.oog Oarch to ( ia aay of their uadertakiag.. lit; lhuilat.i. akUi.ois.K acd tskiiii.j u.e Cape rear river, sal lifs.s i.iwio- ( iirniiu on tm t in their rrrat k: ! r tra I.. .a .r.i, : . the I Jel'-ti'ed ! hMor arl t. .. froa lh I ... - ... L..bi,i honortJ I tsaisr rastM r ,r; I ia.ta i lalrgkiac. .... i.- . . . k. 1 1 . k. 1 ..- ... V ..-.k . 1 w to Hock, aad eairardT along l:k to .efT ; 1 - V ' , . " , . aIarjkA3ki paSf . . the city l.KA. a.l aooih aad real of ' lv:,.fr tJ Apli :.v 1. a ! Lto waprtkiai the Fifth Ward. tb i-a of iLir ,.... Uaa, lonued ky I dc erstes t ei as with thai rrwu:kia cur cew rriA tioas roochA.ed iu us Ur ctuergtag frowi our buodavf ad being raaed U the dtgaity of AaerKvA ct!taeoaip. TMs.rs(, That a Cxjy ot i.v:e fjrrgo b eot to Li iuuU fos.ly, aad that it be farwkhed Use Wilaairrvoa 1T wtUi a revjaeat U patih. CXUS a ITT ti ? lakef. Jl-a U Cood. Virgd rV Crawford. Edward E Tackc, MAeT lVyaj. I li aVhbotl, W W Lawracv McOee, Jwpa MsawJord. Edward K PoxLey. Lice :' r 1 I1' l';r , ::l. .-s i 3 s u! ! be. but el us not b despondent, i d.irkfst hour is j ist betors tiie '. ..-.i. -.ad tru-t that we will yet see our i.oheO.d.i tiSend from the or a coat t li:? ::i antains of the oil North State, , a .1 iu LanttitH being felt by all of its ; . i .".a.i. '.a at. ; do sum il up. we find that thirteen our . ruer was a mere hand ful t-..-1 .g :t .: nsi iii Imts nearly lo.i). co , a iy of ta.i to recognize the fac; that 1 ia l o: aa Aliwi.e I'ruvidiM.cc l.aa ti. t-n gu...i.ng us onwani: Lrr irs have ' i i ui.i ie, uijiiey has be a i:.e!ssly xpt adi- 1, bat . a'd obstAc'es have been 'vt-rc iaie, and we enter up m a new pt-fr I to niht which we truii w4ll te idaigiit witii great good to our beloved " -der. We have great cause to rejoice, as member .f one of the greatest char italild;! rder on earth, for the evidences h.ch T2 coat tanllymultipiving around , u. that tur works are approved of Heaven, and that we constant one of th- silent, all-pervading influence ( aLli h ter 1 to lift mankind to a higher vxi.leiiee.' by retrAining tiie ii;. ttnieucies of man nature, aod developing the nobler attribul. Oar ler ! UAcd on the pnocipie of men j bc-ring each other burden, heighten- i ir s; sch other joy, aad providing a Ja. ru r agairt the lii and mifortaae m.idett to L.. iao life. We arc aouad together by :., Lvaest ties, cemented ly c-jkuaiona. . aad trateraai afectaoo, th :rip, giA, coon ten ;f rts aad li'.ss c.kkla:d to serve aa a .ms of rec aiuoa, witeiher on tea :r land. Le; u lan, Itrrihreo. la oer Ia.t live and walk txfor me a sins to i:l jrAJe the par pneap's of Jo- ;r;tuii.p. var greAl patrua, hoci wt dtnre ocr Bsmc. w at a cizjra-;or5 Ijf wata hi fr.esdttiip was pft; t ta cvcrt tt. lisa tjai r tytrwraaeJ aad txaa- tfease-i to 0.e. fcj iyssvt iHoAa j rl syracvis. los aa a-gssi cocvcirary, t ! lh" tvee of a f-w tx-ars rofata, t; I.' a. tf t-r.tf ptart. uituie auu a noiv one. m t ni i part of that great army of indus :,.. who are labtr.nj to rco .nstriic. i.i. tabernacle tf man. sllcatlv and m visibly you work, but i.onl- efl'.ctually. This lesson yt u are Ian;';, by tho little coral insect that . ia r beneath the iur!Vice of t'ae .- a. : i no Uiortid eye can penetrate.- '!":. i . of a Ltmdrcd suraincrs t.r the f; . a hundred wii.tcis tlternateiv tlarkea .t illume iu b toai, nn.l ye: i:.e w-.jrl; . the little it: feet n i.i.lfiea at.d.unv. i e ., but the d y of rkvriatia e :.. : , ua : uew i-':s:id, .::i!:f i!, fr.-a . . .... a appears, au-I t -ikes '. its p: sister i-.i-s oa ta- oovim oi i. So li in, i;jy Lr.Hhci.s, W ll.. i. , work is ia scent, but Hie in. of ;ur virt- rifi a.-.- ttr'-v.r: . earth vi'ibie to :.ii. . , P;-t-eJ j f nn. my f ..ta: ;J; ,; i , , , , A nit !. - v. i . . v , u ,.vi !tlll lil ti? u ..low i:i li-1 net-,!, Ail'l ro.tltii' the ori'li ns vic. Htlll l.y the hcitrt i-.-k s! uuki r . I, With wor l ol k.aaat-Sk n.ny ; And bij thi- itarK nn i lr...a.id tide of sorrow pu. n way. Ye generous ouuii. inS'i: i:i;v you il.uj, 1 lie crvvpri ikn.l tin-y ..i.ih Sliou.'ilrr u .llama..-, 1 lo hau.l la honor, lovt- niul iri l-, i ta it -!'.t. Joshsayshe goes in torTildeu m lt0. It won't do; just loo i at the s-, ,uere and think of how ihe National Return ing lioard sUxd. The chance .-te against Samuel, cJuut them as you wi'i al1 the 8 are on the Republican i(le -VA IP AU VKKTJSEMEXF. Win. Jtio.i II 11 Inn a n ii, I5Kt)KLTi, Noniiwcsi Cor. "Front & Sscscd sis. KlrrTJt.!.y s. -LZt'lTM I1IK1AI roiisgo u: uc tr.t.- ua ti.e i u' c ,. (enseal. . 1 IToxupt as;at:oo to hu!i.e. r rt.:r. tHAJ it tl Ucdted 6tatea Intamal Kcreane. LLit tt t .t.j r. Tob's ik.'i j, jt ' ATM lMrr.-T. N ". V tt.Jll!..rox. lrt,run jt- l .NITti.hlAIts an. I Hrn-.. --ti Ju saj aaeKr(u.'Uqur. ' tfcrr ta. i l.. tdUwittuinpof Hub laeturwl l-iuj ToOicook. , lwu!liun.i seil At Wilmliif t. u. N t ..q u.c t.raAfj. . M ti, (f,,t , v loo TT)"e. f nelMt), r II. O'l H-Bkttl Jkt m.;6 r,Br K ti oT laqor, Hrnii trr: ,,j c . .ssAxsttml r ti lnm .',. Hon Tmjtn.T .i.tl aj.ii fil . ,., a nociaed UkAt U7 mnii' ; srtthia ttirtr i. ua r . . , aao t.oo !.i got I. f t irj ,.. . . , -- t". otiirlAc forlrlte- . , ( . ; noUUoaor I . . :n'..-T. 3, - s 4 nr.v, . : anara p.jr r. it. f situ. ip f t .' n SMS . to Li ttick. uk.T. Frtaaaa. . 1 .. . . k. 1 1 . f . . rk. . . - . - i i - , IKilWM mtm SXTWAL reaaen wtu rsosaier taatiae ra ef i a piaa Ir ut ksrtAairx:.k.a vt a -a- tai rlaew 0 lreTi atalai hss I JLZrr w"l,y - lh mate raat Jaaaee HratM w ia-! ljr. wa.ca tu lor.e. ar.J -1. rttsra, al ia cawe he am4 Utwsrs. nusr a rnH aad aUjiajt aa eWtio. ia I JiT iT'' l" T" awA.y.k! wm. . w- I (Ms Ba 4 .w JtrwT as - t. .v, klr asJ UiAraaaasMl ismit. 1 FXTX . s Msrsri . J1 11 ' kwd ia adabe cesaaty aeat I ! tax cfxakti of ti srof u 4 rjdliA. ryihaaA wa a- ' T- r lrT t TCw4wM Va Watk. flMtfVa) eV 4w VMtJNIIIi OHviIiTl Sin T jl urn ur.M, ZiscikU). Af-.. i IVOtTSlAJlA HTATlt Ui ni tOHi t.Vl Tfc.ts ItUitoA as rj-it-"j ' - -Kit tik lt ..t..-. Mk ik'. 1 j a I rjm is ;it . &4 i.aAv. w 1. . It AMM 4lM a r . ruA.,1 xf :t .; v lii It M MHA3A li " !.. - , s"" "tav'?. it - at - luS LmemA Ail tJk m farriAi. ra;!.. t,e iamkrr vTfisri.iu.ti.i, i,. 3. tiT o- ITUUts i cjt rir 1, rs:::tt. 1 o 1 Ik & 2 rfc4XU o' a .:. .... i j -m ... . . Ar-rsk;s4f-( rk Af sWm-.a mm . a. S' i.i i. . ! t . k WO i. La'r rtA. ite'iinvn t ... I ntJAJ aap wBhi ' ; n, av javt rw: .' r tes i- Jtrss iww " TWr ware f ad la the aj-d aeteei a