V VOW'MK VIII. POST ADVEK. - - .cents pr Vt? f " . ,,r'1 1'"' fr the purpose of restraining the Trus .?37i" tec, of. ctorch from aliowirg th. r,ltU. 0BP"" . mai si"" , 6,uLi iI be charged at j &leexct?"a c"r, f i ci be h I if longer f JTvp oa ! a,n.-r'.j.r3 uu-inf should Jiri u Tiir. W n.wirMX , t WtfauafW. . , s-rr.o ?r.rt Tin: Wiu- j pot i ' ir y - ttwic. I clirm. "l .r - of any P!"' j I "J jJjjjtM. IitOt Manager. BtfS OF NEW" HANOVEK irii Capital 8l.C0O.0C0 Z -.000 350.000 HiST NT10.VAL HANK. SU5O.000 r. III" KHt'4. I rr.Mcnt. DAWSON DANK. j j S 1 00.000 , r W KTKl IfWM;, t-4 i"i . I1.lrr I r -.i4'nt. ! ', t.lVE Til EX a LUT. Xt r that the quiet and uuustcn- j arum of charity that have a.Iur- 4 io!rrl and employmvnt t. J , ii4.i : ..ur drar. church - le 4inu- tj- pat winter, j i I;nij br the TptfU that were ilailr l each Kjr b thor who niade it a luu.r 4-oiyi' Wt their left t ai.tls kn-w 4 tb !' b 'heir rijjM, l u the rUl a well, will tJackea ar.-l v-isr. j kiw ihjt tuo wiatcr has ane ir t ite l;;r uttelh f.rib its leave. Hut 44i u beart arc leu-icr and v jars are cpen to the cries jf want lisw va 1 up a!l ever cur i:r, will soiiuue ihetr eiertioa t r: eve m 5erisg aod il trr thai etrry- .-t f rev!'. of t Je prca: wacU 11 :ac: r pllof our mJeriu r, i tlitrtauua, religious bow and ptcus entrap a I more of th crtlurc com Ws ( Ufs and po"d, hard, rem mfo.i tall a d deal of tie anietaadavrrj little of !he lalte sutbrsad ai mea. fueiad clothing. u4 ' taal and cerrtnoay -a warm farMst of the baby, a a;r l hoes irue bu t fcarrft. a tupp'j of nour L4 iuc the invalid mi the', and wfW; prayers, phaxisaica! fares ta4 kroad pradisg pDy lacterie. Lh , accoeiax to our ability, give it'Stn ta4 are in arcl. ltcl we:gh u las lateaUoo of our Lear'. It is sH-as avaja at much as the 'u.'irr awwaa that we disburse, aocordiog to w4ity. that evotitule these acts uf as,-ff tbtt are pleasing .to Heaven we wwi to L.I our hearu thitherward. & aittkcs things of wb.ch ooe aa Vs U tv-at largely ptwwcs wii, ecrian!t. Uat our charity .bou'.d be UrsTes fuebid. toe desereea as prtaJ crsd.t t fivieg of a supers Wadaace. asd laer that have Oady laAgt sbxiaa BTpxtiUcal profes.ioas, wsfdy Brosawrs aod Cbarvil ibrms sssftr la ta seedy, doo'l begin to ao (awpv as axh aa tbcte w icod ad a gl healthy ba.et ol rswa, a supply of aeedrd cloth a kia4 of &rewvl r d d.ar by Wl Ue. sjr' yea taw ol a pwr felUw i d- ".r'aaas a hf. -Ii.at kuel in ri7r. acr ssvratue with his aipairj aaaa TkB, asd his great need aWy ksip bk prayer oe creed. Tabavewktsi t woaada are washed kssJsi, last tb Onuly Motives W rvsesM; Vat aow. whatever the a47be, asere words are but westry. Oo graaa of aid just wow is ss kiiv tkaa tosses of saintly lore. J. if j will, ta yor fall heart; rvs ITsa a uft give alia a surt Ve wseiJ i fs'.l of good advke, o( rys. aad peaM. asd peaachiag aice. ks gtaeroaa swala ska aia asaa ar scarca as gvkd, aad hard to H ,;vs Uke a aaaa. awd speak im Wd,. avb: life is lha best mi erred; ad k skill wear a rejsj cTvwr. wk a ssaa skta ha is daw a," T'w-, ... tt i vr . a rreetvisr adsds sf Wiiecs Cross lsatwcraU ia ha Sasxa, asktag foe sMssVoacww. U ssuarea awT srera pet pa re se aasarlia Va TmWear TMm aavi 1 1 W roe4e4. TMK DELL n ELLS. DBLL. :?ome months aga a suit was coca rucnced io the court io Philadelphia I It wis claimed that the ringing of the I bells was a noisaoce and detrimental to the health, comlort and happiness of the unfortunate persons who lived within tre sound thereof. We do noi kvW jt how the suit terminated, ii io iccd il has terminated, but our im- predion is thai the inj auction prayed tur W44 grated, and thmt there ia no re qmuf and hsppiocs in that pertic- ulir neighborhood now thao there waa rjwhefiih -WroHor aad UcUaclac U bells. unoycd all those distressed cili.eoa .. . i i i toercab-.u' wb' tmsscssed a er Tea and f uc-sirvd peace. lhu"rc:i tctU ace a rerfc of bsrbarisiu tiiil the t-iocttenth century and civil ! txcJ cviio unities thould be ashamed of. and unhl well dipene with. Our whule Und i flueded with newtpaper hx t-n each recurring week in fur no lhir iniliiwn readers of the where and the when, and een the ow the word ( (iui U io be dispensed on the fo-l-jwiig uiiJjt, the names of the minis ter uuaIIv being given also, and in owe iuunces not only the text, but the bcuu4 are published, so that, Ue till vi (are at a restaurant, one I uv dctde befurcband just where he ! m l jj i to urhip on the Sabbath, and , kuuw jut what religious dishes are to I be rrvrd ut to bim. Atd, moreover, U l i. t a fact tbsl ever drug store keeitibuu'snds of Almanac piled upon ulcir c ,UQ(,-r, which are even freer thau ibcg. el, and are cramed into the -t to uf all who enter or even f p. by. anJ every insurance company land j: Ut man, as well as the eta- ilont mtiJ banking houses scatter truaJci-t li.iir calendars annuallr, iht t i rr iujii. woman and child mar Uuw rar, the month, the day of the ui-julh and exac;ly when trunday cwnift. Therefore, wherefore the daily jn-1 alm4-. hourly ringing of lbs bella? l'cvp'.e do nt need the scund of bells t -end tbeui Ui their oCce, to the de- ior t,n lo tilf jr dinners They di not etvt the riniog of bells to sauuuuis the fact that court is about t ojn f r the dispatch of business, tail the c!ou is about to gel off same of l is funnr saving at the circus, or tuat the curuiu at l c theater is about to U- n.Kdl u; therefore, as we have aforesaid aid, wber.-fure why such a rm;if ff trie bell? Ik-I'm were rigina'Iy us1 to call people t .--ether lunr before the inven li n of priuting or even the first issue of the Wii.MiMilox lWr. They were ue-J a MgnaU for the assembling of cunrc.i:.on, picvi-jus to the ivenlion of the newsty cr the advent of alma uacs anJ a!ecdars by the inventors of sooibin syrups and labor saving soaps. lUit qo that every man tetds his own newpar and kuows more in a minute thsu those old lime fellows who first used the intolerable and no: bells knew in a Iil:ime, we hope that ur advanced civihta!in will at inn -dmiaed that the bell have their lorguts cut out by the rot. Our ccij;hbors. th.- .'t!? and ,Vj-, are foilowinj; t'u- catmple of the New York i.ta au I -.her bitter northern iVmocratic newspapers in ribald and disgusting abuse and hbellvtf insinuations upon Presi- dent llc aod his admiaistralioo. This is siricily in accordance with the IVurboa LHmocracy. and just exactly the way to have the Suth returned to it ones pro-perou condition through Ue iciuences that art brought to bear on the t'reideat. We ara aatiaflad. howevsr, that as long aa the world stalls aod there is such a thiac ia istcoea as lha DemocraUc paity, just so b ug will fools Incite to tollf. Wo will run exupter Io lha best interests of lae rrosrwaaily, aol bad asea stir op stnfs aod trouble when all eba woald be peace snJ harmony. With spparenl approval, and cer lAily ailb do word af censure, the SUr cse4 the blaspheaous raaolalioea ia which the iVmacraiic members f the Ohio Lrgudalura reoouwead thear faith ia the justica asd goodaasa of Almighty lVd. The Kichasood lkif reads lha orvhera democracy a lessoa ja decency py aaytng that the desaocraU of the Ohsa legislature -have doubtless bee a slaadered m bating such impiows rs luUous as taose iasjted t tsaaa. They sbao be all kM aad ao kaow lha forca of laagaag. or they aaay kara baea all drua; this aaay be poasikU. kal wa f.nsU be!ieve they are all disciples of IkAlsgersoll-ivnisla.'' e shall look fc eowtrsUcUos ac la asavses ike cosUraXctloa will ao coaae. s kikey left la a cask seeea years sHU kusa us rawil ask Hx. Ad a aaak Uala a Keatsxky aasrspaper aOea save days will tcae iU wksskey. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, THEBOUni AMI THE SUPHEJIE CODIIT President Hayes, in order to carry out his policy, must recngaixe tbe rojih on the Baptema Court Dene a. This is conceded by all Hut it is aid that this recognition ruui. be aa emity form only, thai the actual south uiu-t of ig nore!, mat a ixratr ft.ie w.m- i i.a not properly brIonjfHl to tky s-iuih siooe lSil, must fur.ii-di the m ui. That Mr. Erin tow, who it by antecedents and by association more f a north. rn than a southern man, n.ui be ap; iutctl. The President, if Le is t s!io-.r :.iine!f in earnest in e.iforcin U'n ;-: it y can not afford to lake a half h j 1 !. i'i mail. An actusj rrprcsciiu:c tf i ie south ern section is what is war t- I. If this is to be done. North Carolina offers Ham u el K. Phillips, the prcen. Solictor General of the Coiled States. As a representative of the a J v. meed thought, legal learning and high cultivation of the south, Mr. Philips has iu superior. WilY NOT TELL TllK t 11 1: '. 11? One of our city cotempurarie las down tbe manner in which northern mea bave been trintci hero. It s;iys in effect thai before the war ii northern mea come here and uiii.otJ their own business that is, become parasites on the existing roirr.uniic, they w ere per mitted to stay and "norl." That Miice the war a bad cia.s had c;ic who bad their own opinions upmi -.luii-, and were not likI. The p;ihli!;cr of the rawspaper aforesaid carpA-t bagt d here from Virginia without a dollar, while the average northern man, who come here after Ihe war, brought noi les than sV,lH, in greenback, cud:.' There is not a decent uiau in tliis State, nor a iar, nor it sneak who doss ::; know wll enough that many of the heaviest business men in this State, who were tbe oaners f Irgc laiiued iind other property were denjuncctl constantly by tis very paper as rarpft-b.ijrers Mni ply because they were K puhiican. We do noi care to dra u ih!i I'.riy record of infamous bl.tekgcard.fl.M a:sd ing, but if the Kojth is in I.iet jroin on its gool behavior and i!t -ir.' to Le admitted to the coiiinioii ! v.l .,f cu- tlemen th v imuji slop llii-. wretched fsJehool. The l're.ditt u il! i.ot -tiir the Lou Maria aiaj lit 'i I ro ;t;n .. wilti- out due i(-libr.sli-n, nr v,l; Ik- a:low himself, Ik- say. "t b. n.'..ir.i.-.d by the idea thst ho mul b i.o'hin that ou'd ineui at'.rct injnii.-usly the validity ot bit i . iii- tu (.flice. That matter he tboiihl ha I lucn autltorita tively and finally devihd. lie d:d not believe that there would ! ui.v di.o- sition to hirrle sU tii i.x tit!e if his administration corunici.th .1 ite!f by rt a acts to the judgment t i li e country. As so-mi as the nuiubcrs . the new Cabiort aero scllUl in the.r p -mIh n he should a-'k their arcful coi.-i.Iera-lion of the' situation iu the two itr? having cottluting governuieui-. a" I he was coundcut thai with their a! ire method cf solving the problem pre sented would be found whic'.i wjiii.l u.- fair and just and stiluclry to the peaple of iheso Suits." The Ilotcii j AdrrrlUer well say: Governor Chamberlain i not the inun ' to refuse to make any eronal sacrili cea that the good of the country uiay require; bat as he says, he is not scting for himself. He does not regard hU right to the nthce he holds as ".ui ab stract right," but as a substantial and equitable right, and not more his right laan the right of the republican major ity of the State. It is, therefore, a question af very serious iiupoit, not to bim alone, but to the republicans of the State and of the couutry, whether ne should surrender it upou the demand of a miaority, even it that minority does represent the wealth of the State. The facta are undenied and undeniable that the claimed democratic msjority depends upon two or three euunties where the republicans were subjected to horrible outrage at the hands ol demo crats, and where the vetc ca4 was thou sands in excess of the whole voting population, the race- U-irg on the democratic siJe. It can n.-: be a!loced. either, ia respect to tJjvcru.r Ciiaiu bertsia, thai be would not eic t -11 bis authority io favor of gol g rumeat. His record on that issue unimpeach able. The situation io South ( arolina ia diCcult and complicated, dj doubu It may be impossible to re.-oucile the opposing parties oa a ba.s which is at ooc just aod peaceable. I'it it dots aot follow that Governor Cbamberlaia is wholly :sr-omible for the diCieulty. or that ke is the per-oa w I o should b asked to yield. Il kaa been s urgx a.ed tLat a coxciis- aioo, l- Veadcd by Vice Pmadetl j Wheeler asfcicompceesiv. disUBuishesl i reawablicaaa and eooerali ve democrats, assy be seal to South Caro'iua aad Loalsiaaa to arraaf terms of ca.pro aaasa betweea ike conteadiag parUsa. lty way af skswiwg ka was aot a par Usaa, Mr. Jaasaca Kssid weal to New Yc-rt awd raid a vuii ta Jiu Krsk's Uwyer iaataaii sd aaiuag wiik ather jadges of tkvadapetioe Oosart ta theu t asst a cowrtssry to tka atw lVcwsdeat. la oedec ts kava the wvrls "Para nasktn Xsaoeial tea)" c-ssivee tkesr fall I getker witk a kigk faa. CITY ITEMS. The Jiurnnl hss s jain collsped; this ice we don't charge for. A' not jro was entered against W. P. Cauaday, Et., iu the Ilobeaou Rouutj libel suit. Alderman Atkinson has goae to New York on business, and will return on M inday or Tuesday next. Judge Seymour, we understand, give general satisfaction to the people aad the bar, at Columbus court. Tax listing, we understand, conaen ces this year on the lstday of June, ioslead of the 1st day of April, aa here tofore. The resiJents on Market street ahould at once set out shade trees. Now la the time, and in a few years it will be the hinJioriic-t street in the city. The Ahleriu in who were elected yes terday do not qualify until the first day of June. Msyor Cauaday continues as the chief executive officer of the city until th:it lime. Wc sec considerable timber in the river, and hope that il is selling cheap, in order tli tt our people may be able Io build hou.ps, then rent will be lower thereby beiu filling the Kr. Mr. Solicitor Normtnt was notable to attend court, and Mr. M. llellamy. attoruey-at-lan, of this city, acted as So icitor in his stead. Wc are rlad to Icarn that Capt. Nornient is improving in health. ''Soft soap" lias been selliug ul 4 cents per bbl. for the pant week, to we were informed by a leading grocery merchant. The soft soaping business has been going on extensively for tbe pat week. Our neighbor, Grant, is having the old shingles taken off of his dwelling, corner Princess aod Second streets, and new ones put ou. Now if he will have the ohinglts taken off Ihe sides and g-K) I weatherboard p!.ir d on, he will do the city a service. . - The city sheu' l pj.-s :kn ordinance restricting the r.ui.o.i.l- ft m allowing an engine to o faster loan m miles au hour, inside ol" tl.i c iiy limit, and compel thcuitokicp th- bell ringing all the time that the engine iiioviug, Wc hope the lt:ird will attend to this matter at or.of. The Health Officer, IV Adam Wright, has been re-appoint! by M.iyor C'ara day for a term ot' twn years. Wc hope the Ir. will gel "p ail necessary boo Lis, and have mm idin.inee pasl so as to keep a record t 'l niarrisg, births, death-, ce, in the el y. In i-tlier wonb, we 1i"jk this department ot the ciiy will b- made ll-oioiig'i in its manage ment. Very nr. uinjr, the way the lrroo crats bave pulled each oilers hair for the lt wee1, over the city government. The Republican bave kept their hands o.T and enjoyed tho fun, while their sympathies were really with lhwe hon est Democrats who were fighting with noble courage tho4 ot their own party who were trying to f-ct control ot" tbe government of the city not 1r the city' good, but for tbe spoils. Ti r.mui.K AvriiKNT.--On Tuesday lst, fctxmt suudown. a loK.rrd woman ty the name of Margaret Maxwell, was on her way home, passing up the track of the , C. AA.K.R., near Seventh street, she observed an engine ap proachiog on the track she was on, she at once hu.-riedly jumped off the track she was on .to the' track of the W. A W. H. K. which is immediately aJjoior; an engine was also approach ing on that, but not beiug ,observedt the engine struck and knocked her down and passed over her, crushiBf bo'h of her legs in a temble ma&ser. S.ie was taken to a house near by and a bysician called, I ut nothing could be done for her, and she dkd lha aaaa evening. Margaret Maxwell sold pea nuts corner of Princess aod Water street, and was about) years ol age. Tbe verdict of lha Coroner's jury was that the wosaaa was nsa osrar ky accidenf; but they were "of ptalosi that if the employes oa said engine had kept a proper lookout ike accideat would have beea avosdesL Tkatbeata all ihe jury verdicts that we rver keard of. If the jury was or the oplaloa, as they say lky were, thai U accideat vs caescd t y earelewsaes, why la tka ame of eoaamoa sense did tbey swi commit the eegiceer lor ssaaalaagktee? Tke jary has beea gailtyaf ii asa, criaa- iwaU aeeWet. awd teerre the ot all gwwl citasessa. If tbey had smiacd tka eagiaeer we woi ftd bear of aaoikar assck aecidaai aooa. . Wa call ike attetitioa wl Uav Ck P. Maaraa ta this matxee, witk im ks-pa that ka will ka it theeocrVly sifted. tTUi a few exam pis all will b well. MARCH 23, 1S77. ' Or "Sew Oiy FATneas. By re ' fereoce to the returns of the election held In this city'on yesterday, It will be'eetf that the following named gen tlemetr ivill occupy seats arouud the Aldermiafci Ttoan! on and after the first day of June next: F. W. Foster, James- Lowery, Henry G. Flanner, Charles IX'Sfyer, L. II. Bowden, II. VenGlalin'." 'John ' Dawson. Hanle Vollert, Iac " Wi King, Joseph C. Hill. ' We have, no doubt but what our venerable friend John Dawson Esq will be made Mayor, and will preside over the affairs of our city with all the ability that marked his admlnUtrulion in a similar position in pt years. Hail to the Chief! Got. W. W. Hoklen, who has made a aa excellent Postmaster at Raleigh for the past four years, has been re ap pointed by President Haye. The Pres ident has certainly done well in this, and if he continues to keep those offi cers in who haye. done their duty, and tarn out only those who have failed, he will give satisfaction to the people of North Carolina. He has a'.so re appointed Col. Davis collector of cus toms at Beaufort, N. C, aud Major Grant Postmaster at Goldsboro. Both of these gentlemen hare made good, honest and acceptable officials, and justly deserve the reward the Prcsidcut has bestowed upon them. The Acaxtiu. Wc have rccc-ivcd the initial number of thi- excellent little paper, fiom which we learu the following: The Arn'h't is devotedfto the Good, the Beautiful and the True, is publis bed monthly at Atlanta, (!a., by Miss Annie Maria B irnc.", Ivlitor and Proprietor, at 75 cents a year. By reference to our dictiouary we liud Uie word acanthus to a deriva tion e-f the Greek nou:i i- ntth t, yjui fying a spine or 'thorn; i:i botany a prickle, and is described as using the name of a geuus ol several species, re ceiving their uames from their prickles. Judging from the mailer that wc fiud ia the culuuina ol this bright laced and (fhe:ry voiced little, waif on the rough fia of uewspaper literature, ve would say that iu uauic is a r.ii.s uuier that ioatoad of thornea ami i-pices auJ prickles, nothing in itcau be 1'cuod but what U thorn less all i- pleasant and kind and .moothe, iro:u the lavor lc 4Troddeii Flower" i i Tennyson at the head of the first coiumu ot lite iirst page, t the "Bdautiful Thought'' at tho bottom of liie last co!unit- he last p.ige. We stiitcicly uish oiir youi'; adven turer success iu iivr lUi.r.ny nu'lertak ing -that her pathway may Le lite from all acautuitixou.-. oliacli- that uln" way eucouiiUt u- uc.iill.t;terviau iuolfc U:rs iu h r n ad to jecess, and that it' auLhiiij oi i: ;icaulhi:n i.uture or reeinblaucc attaches to her i i.;..rial robos.il may ouly be an imbroidend iutitalioii uf the dowu ot" thi.tt'c and not the real and puugeut article itself. We hope that this frail co. '..le -hell adventure of a young souiitcru girl will soon develop iuto the rc-bui diuicu sions ef a Harper's Weekly or a lirst class Miasiasippi steamboat. Tkrhiui f. ad Fatal Ao.iii-M. -On Thursday evening, the 1'lh instant, about 0 o'clock, a colored ma!), Hull Mathis, met with a horrible accident on the railroad just above lney's Bridge, by which be loi.t his liie. It train and alightetl on the track just as 1 . , . i i ti which struck him before he c uid get out of tbe wsy. knocking him prostrate and running over him, ov .Uich his head was severest from hi, b-Jy, while both arm were br .lei:, on- of thern in two places, and. of coure caus- ing instant yoaag man. death. lVccaed was a belcnging t Sainpon county, an.? n".is nccompaalctl by his talker. Coroner Ilea let l held au in-i jcst n Fridaj the 16th, over the iHly -f the deceased. The evidence a i the effect that deceased jaaspe I from Ike outgoing train bound north 'en? of .ike wilneaeea said backward-; laiding on a aide Uack upon which a yard en rite approaching, moving backwards, the tender of which struck him. kn-oca- thao the whole pack of bis raesuiea, lag him prostrate upon the track, when a.ad can beat tkeaa every day of lha tka leader and eagine passed over his j week. tedy, literally seTerin- the heal from Ike traak, trddea breaking both ana, j The lraWicaa expected iwthiag, Tka oarpwe, as U lay near the sceoe of: J ia witn the kooeat bsiaaae tka accideat presented a ghastly aad j men nf lie deasoeralie party aa Wa revelling appearance. the wrsa d be sposier if tW city treaa- Tk verdVt ef tbe iarr u tie ' ury. edert that deceased rae l- bi death treaa belag areideaUlly tsa cur ky I Ftr- Ward ererytkiatx paasad yard eogiaa No. S5, ef the WUssiwgv. 1 fisid xcf4 0lambia aad Aagw.ua ralltoad ' t e(snbScaai tackcta. All ti tka fJoroWs Jariea have ceased ta be of undiiaUa were grsnd atea. aad the ra arjsaaa ia iawesUgatiaj asstrmg aad . --t vaa very dlfa! aad took lha ww hff tie SolaalW. Cbt llaee. wiH tL. ..( lVtfallu .a-I , a tef ta the wsaloa aatrafes. Single Copies 10 Oats. Registration. The entire registra tion in all the Wards of this city, for the municipal election which was bald on yesterday, ia as follow. : First "Ward. Upper Division. Whites, 61 ; Colored, 823. Lower Division. Whites, 7J ; Color ed, 4G2. Second Ward Whiles, 300; Colored , S-o. Third Ward Whie, 246 ; Colored, 107. Fourth Ward Whites, 20C; Colored, 154 Fifth Ward Whites, 000; Colored, 0'X). Total First Ward, 926: Second Ward, 3o5; Third Ward, 853; Fourth Ward, 429; Fifth Ward, whites, 163; colored, 404. Entire Registration, 1.111 white; 1,540 colored. The City Election. The follow ing are the names of the candidates for Aldermen and the number of rotes polled for them at the different Wards in this city on yesterday. FIRST WARD UPPER DIVISION. F. W. Iioster, 138 James Lowery, 207 James Hcaton, IG7 Duncan Holmes', 100 S. II. Morton, 44 J. II. Strauss, 5 first ward lower division. F. W. Foster. 224 James Lowery, 237 James Heatou, 212 Duncan Holmes, 191 bECOND W AUU. Henqj. G. Flanner. 276 Charles D. Myerj, ' 228 John Colville, 101 Roger Moore, 49 Scatering, 3 THIRD WAUl'. I,. II. Bowden, 209 Henry VouGlaghn, 221 B. F. Mitchell, 101 L. L. Rice, 85 Scattering, 2 fourth ward. W. L. Deliosset, 151 ). Ct. Parsley, 151 John Dawson, 246 llanke Vollcrs. 238 FIFTH WARP. Isaac W. King,' 379 Joseph C. Hill, 363 W. H. Gjodmati, 110 J. D. Klander, 93 SAVl.N.,5 AND lH)IX;s AT THEPoLLS Yesterday. Said one prominent dem ocrat t another: "'Are you going to vote that ticket"? 'referring to the Daw oIi and Voller ticket the gentleman had iu his hand.) "Yes," says tbe oilier. "1 thought you promised to rote the democratic ticket?" shvr the firsL "So I did," :inrroi ihe second. "l i.al is not a ih u.iiiatic ticket," says the li st. The 'econd looked up at would be bulldozer and said, '"Well, if Cod Almighty has not given you sense enough to know a democratic ticket, my friend, I can't furui.-h brains for vc.u." An inuigiiant democrat threatened to call a democratic meetii.g and read all the Dawson and Vollcrs men out of the party. A by-stander suggested that aa the "Dawson aud Vollcrs party bad a msjority they might read the otherside out of the democratic party." Sensible. One of (he uewly elected Aldermen said to oue of tbe gentlemen who run on the independent ticket in the Fourth Ward, that be supposes! they would serve . , ' , . ed to go there as a staunch democrat. Taf indeendent looked at the young man with considerable disdaia, and said, "My in end, you had better wait until you bave more experience. before you talk about democracy." Cwl. William Thomas Collar furn ished nearly all the fan at the 4th ward, he u.aJ a ret many speeches which cret.i cousidcrable laughter. Tbe Colouel is very witty aad ha got off a reat many rich jokes, aod the sore headed DeuiacraU. who saw they were beat, culd u t eajoy lha Colossela joss. The rcu:L hss been a geocral inuasph of Cape Isaac D. Grainger over kaa : would be crashers, ha has aoe j cvit U seHe u. The Fifth Ward was WeaJy; asdy s j NUMBER 15 Republioin ticket la the field, or it looked so from the result. In the Second Ward one of the dem ocratic candidates got Blighty nneasy about his election, aad done some tall flying around to get up. In the 3d ward there was only one ticket, and no excrement whatever oyer the matter. Altogether it has been a grand vic tory for the Republicans. NEW BOOK Ac. "The Mystery," was printed from the author's manuscript, and was written by Mrs. Henry Wood, the author of ' Edina" and "East Lynne," expressly for T. B. Peterson A Brothers, Phila delphia, her American publishers, and is net yet issued . in London. "The Mystery" is a charming book, and those who take it up to read will not become weary enough to lay it down, and at its close will wish it had not ended so soon. The characters are without ex ception finely and yet 'distinctly drawn, and preserve their distinctness and originality under all circumstances. The story is one of love, told in Mrs. Wood's best style, with well spun theads of incidents and plot crossing it in every direction, giving it a life and an appearance of reality which but a very few authors have succeeded in producing in their stories. "The Mys tery" is published in a large octavo volume, paper cover, with edges cut open all round, price seventy-five cents, and is for sale by all booksellers ; or copies ef it will be sent to any one, to any place, at once, on their remitting the price of it in a letter, to the Pub lishers, T. B Peterson & Brothers, Phil adelphia, Pa. For sale in this city by r. lleinaberger. "The Steward," by the author of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist," is one of the most humorous books ever written, is full of illustrations, and is just published. "The Steward" is published in a large octavo volume, paper cover, with the edges cut open all round, price "Seveuty-five cents, and is for sale by all Booksellers, or copies of it will be sent tosnyone, to any place, at once, on remitting the price of it In a leUer, to the Publiehers, T. B. Peter son & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa. For aale iu this city by P. Ueinaberger. T. B Peterson ' & Brothers, Phila delphia, hare in press for immediate publication "Thr Cardinal' $ Daughter" a sequel to Frrne "FlftHiny" by Mrs. Catharine A. Warfield, author of "The Household of Bourerie." It is printed from the author's manuscript, and has never been printed before in any form. aThe VardUart Dujktcr," has an ela borately wrought plot, well conceived characters, and a certain smoothnessof flow which is essential to success in story-telling. It is strong in plot, vari ed in incident, while Ike interest is never allowed to flag, and the charac ters are depicted with genuine power. It will be found fully equal to any work thU popular writer has ever pro duced. The admirers ef Mrs. Warfield will not be disappointed with this her l.txl Arfinh aa l nnaaMaai alt tit Ol qualities which have made her so great a favorite wita in em. ii win oe pun ished on tiatomav. April 7lk. price 11.75, in uaiXbrm style with her "Jvtt, kold s a?erere." Booksellers and all others will do well to send In their orders at once.' for tbe book is certain to hare a largo sale. HEW AD VKR T1&EMKST&. CHARLES C. PRATT-5 GXNERAL PRODUCE MISSION MERCHANT DEALIIl II BUTTER, CllEESE. EGGS. HOPS. POTATOES, ONIONS. APPLI, OKAN.r. TIRPILVTINI TOBACCO. BOIN. TAK, WOOL, DKnp Firm PEANUT m g wck street. New Ysek Li. rxMMxs Kocmjiu cusitaa Use CwasHy is. aw a Xaasjary. . mt Ifco aasaa fcaUa asssas. mt4 ml Xmm TW ims swssss isy ta laaTat sm vt'M(aM4 a auA wf siNsa 1 1 VT 'yjyyy Vta at H - I Cassffrsiiaa a. s