(jr. rryij WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1S77. Single Copies 10 Certs. NUMBER 18 VOLUME vn r. tritanfGTON POST ADVii;. TISIXG lUTCi. r ,ttr teot- per line for ... :,c; i . --j-m aad twnir-tire i n j r :c rrf .wa AJJitionAi ia'(iiuii. t:i -ht (vi Ua, "'. ' . . dreruTBeit m l I S rate, except on . .at t a s-.l rates cm ' ' thau on C . I 1. isi-vm 'J iert in on lr . i n.-. try-! l I nr Vn vn I t tlinin "toil. i. . Ita'iUs of tour piiUcaJ cr eraiest From I i.u.'a alut lo all men and questioned by nooe who regard truth, jou have been unable to orercome the uoUwful combinations and obatacles which hare ..j.jx,! the practical aupremacy of the rovcrnmerit which your rotes bare es tablished. Tor many weary months roti hare waited for year deliverance. While the loo atrugg le for the I'reai-lo-y w, in prpgrrsa yon were exhort ed 1-v fTfrr repreweritAtlre acd orxan f the National Kepablican party to' Wrr. I krrp your allegiance tree to that party J T.Kdlv ! .: order that roar deliverance from tha i " lands ofyour oppreera tnlbt be cer- 'A fo-! ard hl i:i . CITY JTEMS. Col. Kd. Cir.a c!I itr.. i . t. Waahiugtcu. - Wedccsday and yr-.r.; ... lijrbtfal serine day. Vot every ki:i i Tktc caer '. 'i ii. i -- t .-it- tx;n .ifc. complete. Not the faintest nLm y u vi- V.'i :. M. !. I'at wj v:pi.. i in :. ,.. '. t ' -ae-U Psr n t -,- . cr ivt tm cpie; b.r cij : lo o- ; l J p'f f 'l'- 1 hp .: i- kit 'i t ! t ,,r i 'j ''t !."' )f.a tAf : bak or new in.ivi::. Aitit n.-'d Capital t.aii Caju. :i lai l m FaaJ . , - ; i i firnt im tn e hop anJ prorata eTer f 'a- ' ll nh:l klniffpU aria I t.,i . t btta'li ri. inf. i-.iM. ADANI05ru. f i-i way. AprtI 1, lsa, by iuu vrucr . : tl.c i"iiiOcr.t uuta tout rtitc alunc I i r . . VteiMTU .'MuuukU o lLo Uuiud fc'uto, Trr '. iiuw iu u;'uit, will the j - ' i, . ,vut-e iLt the in Jul ovcni- I'nc; 1 i. . :. : t'ir c lc ijccviily irer- j en i i r. :'.r tj. liya iiv w ijiterp ruti m of the . -.., !,.. iiuiic- awic iiu uir p. I n u plvl .LC ,1 . . i ili'juh there was one bid, certainly, by , an equally corapeteut physician, that I fr.:) , oir.rc 1 to perform the same nerrice for ( ni re than fifty doUAra leaaWlij is do IuumT Uu politics or personal lUvviil'ui anythioj t9 (to with it? ; Why did iiot the gentlemen of the ,; , l-ard nave this fifty dollars to the flinty" . , '." . . 4 1 Punch, Ben, jRinchl ranub wiUi cfcirej r.aich till you raise erery dinner's hair! I A U n year '4 trip for the scamps who Jaire -i; , - I,,. ! A five year's trip tor' those who wear ;,,. rue hpoila ol the victima to their lolul uan : ' ' l unch the I lend I?vil ia his lightened ' ' . lair, , Indulges iu i2ecIaa..itloD, and yet her ! crcr an Englishman is orercharged fire sentences are exquisitely mcloaiousand ! J? ,n hf inom r hi Hn at a r.,ii .f , nr . ,, j foreign hotel on any of the grand tour full. lirst and True Love, is pub ou . Js hi. of reference) to the Tiaes, that jooxnal . - i'iiic!i ti.t. thi n ; 1'l.n'u m'.i I Ik; it. 1 r r. .i:tN- KIKST NATION W. l!.Nu Uh Capital 'I wit i : 4 i . of the roTerunaeiit . . , . " , . . f ' . - . I w.. lltV-'l . I . iAicutive ff the I. niu-t the i . i!io uu:y wf ii5cer j iht' t o rival Mate 'lC... ... ; tlj.- lr.fal oac. and l-v i JlVj ti-aT i;. .....rau; t tue tiix, no pro- j a3j tnic , , . .. :a:e Ir-iui ili rui tic iulcuce i , I " , I lurilho,! always a h i uatc cather- cd i I : -ij .i-,- ft. ;.. ii.rri;ii- ;ur?f iiJ liret I, punch 'ciu oti i l-tvf :'.d law everything '11 ! 1. 1 IU' .;. 'J K. , ! UUl I K aHii. I aU.r. DAWSON DANK, l U . k i.. ilM . . ' I t- : . I' '.; r IlLl'E II LOO I IN TKOI V.l.t:. lhe U cLuioii'l. 'a , .v ' .t Mud, . ' -tc 11 Accoun: ' f tli .irr.'-' . it S luoiitU! to ja I i f Co!. f. '..'.:. a- lKeeir of ll Holt: of l r tf tf ou llic cri.iu chare "f fr-er. I: (wtr i!.r Crittt mlcu nf with inaiirrcciiocarv force i TN-ii i 1 1 j lo be roUte.L TL; grouu-li j .. v wuicU ikt.liiu ujj been 1 are UJtiiUg. lit I. KBA.S" CXjNMI'tl.tD. I Jliat the north l weary ol .- i ern trouble. It is wery. i f i -r trouble which uprour ii jH-iwhiu, crime of chattel j .mil lnrJ for rrpo. It i.i c.Ter ihem from sight by i ;. roiriv wi;h the wronc t'u-ur! t t. could ma. I.tti. tii.t - ! i - -I I w.i . i i... ".i Ii-Uirbt-d it peace. Hut -I ! i it t : dutr until, Ihrcogh . i i -ii n.i ch rocLed and agonized t.i- ii';i or, tne great crime waa put - v .; ! indium wa4ordainel for all. I- i . ! ili.it of jl majority of the peo t .i c arc nnabie by pbynical ; mm: '. mi ihnr right, they ior.it be ! : jHjWtii'ti rvitude 1 thi a ..... :i:-ir i vit ll'.iro heard in our hiMo r. Ii n ha'l picTail its eonsequen M r- t '"i be cvuflnci to Wunih the i . t'..i iu voiiioei be for- ;r--i i'i I.. i -. i. in.) O-'Ntlc ex.' I .! t -l ."i .' . Ill I l:"H I t htuiv '.f br frauduli nllv al!i pay warrant of two i'th ' a rat, i ii ihr i:uoudu in each a . I- lor turi i!y ittf u-lariO' t clt.ruu iIj v aUcuJancr, j - r.cr imvuali to the nn;l. i -.i : hvci tl.rr wrre tluc, and - L- a a ; ?!."' i f th - c i.i nr tin- tra'.a.t.va. I'hU thltl Jtuxi i r.a .- ti- : l;.. "bin Miniut''- tmr i t l,r I". I . f the . i I "r.i!v " - I I ' iri iia chivalry it iu. i .tjt M;iani alta.hin t hi Vn i - -: .;!u:iJ ppr'xachin to calaaim !.-it !m.i no taint rf n--rrim in hi - t! ai l.ae any accoudl uf a rc-i .ir .1 .fO.Unt trout l .c Lea itiful l'o cu ii.in: a a native if jleppcr cuurii r. i a '..a'.carii cvloac! of tic thtrtt :".o f V;ria.a lufantrr A. 1". Ili'.i ! I r. - loicu!. riel wi:h rcat ..i-:r.. i 1.1 U ar cf t;;r rebellion. I t Jjn. . " thr lK'3i.rAlic pity I - 1 i' -. J lL t.rtuf, Ac , m .o rliauntltLAlN il4: -Py y-.ur cbrticY" I i o v r r . r : tji .u:a in Irt. and at tii- ;iu - tb 7th ol Nirnlxr Ij-i I - 4ra.ii. by y..ur ritr. r !ert J l.:uf -a re ?.. y.f tiilr lo the oKice npi . nn an.l unral j-round. : t y .k 'a: aad prriect. Iy the r- '. U--aod action of the l'ri . .'. i i lai'.cJ ;ui I tiu.l niy:!: ; a'..U , maiovaiQ mr cfical riht . i pr-wwct ol li.Tal uor, ail I '. rr' i w,vlo na Ihit 1 am tn.l'.;. to I-iin)o alrufc;Ie whic'i un t! t kro tanbtr Jlcrm-J uj-n t i - - I - im n. 4 .naoc-Kir tUi circ.ui n. .1 mf ay yini that lac r. pub .i r l'ii . . jkI it a' - . - Ol. 1 oioeratic House of .1 rrfuie an arpro- i- i :oiy of the l'nited . ' I government of :i. ii maintained by the . Tb fubmiion to i : luirl tlie deeiieray of . .lii.t.l party or pple who en ..iri it. A -ovcrnmcnt worthy of the name .i ;oiitical party fit lo wieM pincr - never If lore blare Red at such .i tiirc.it. : . ;: i :: i-rir.- STUCo'ii.r. I.ui lu i.ii'.' ha ri3( forth. No ar- i . Luiiidcratioii Hhicii your i rt--ir. I.avc AUthccd to . iloa-.ir. Nj i llative ujwh t ti.v cuiMuuioiaUoii of . .- ;iiu i'y olricl leal , I luurw, uuoliv uaaiTecXel .. :i oi iLb t'rcid.'iil: no "i i. c.:-.!;i.i'. ' . ciu i. r i 'p o : . ' an race !io r. bu-m n cOiifiJ-rt 'ir j- p!" p!ca-,vd v. ;:i I.i'.:. ' aLvi j-i .ci u. . 1 he lv!i iu. . : c . tcron's m- s'i' iu ;..r tib'e. P. j" r.it.i; . ; for tho !..! '..! !. . inlcrcat uli. .': .... v son, Cacft'-i'.it -.1. . . ' 12 On a y-ir io rdr m -o .1- :hi y !.:l- i r r.:: ; I 'li.it ! rin o.i I lit I ll- -.Uil .' Air ; j I .x-. i urn 'i, lU'ii, p'.invili, i tuu poor " I n.jii'n pruyr. ! 1 A!.T.II;.I !Mn HlMMVlXDiiKAMt : I. '-i:v.--A'Vr.an ty the name of Ha i . ,j-J was .-.rn vteJ by officer VanSoe'cn, " i by order -4 ilio Max!ial, ou WoJues- 1 I . I . u ..I. -.-.i i: .i. - -.iir i.v.-.-, ii.ii; i-vi, in m ui.viiii;ii iruiu the Chief f Policj at Charleston, S. j C. itli biauiy and grand larceny. j Haood adiuii-i the bigamy, aud ssyt j he has two wiviw, one here witn him anJ the otlur in South Carolina cr Georgia. Hugood coum to liiitt tity muc three I months ago and stopped at Mrs. Mor J rbon's boarding house, on Front ntieet he Lad Uirec children with him and i represented himself to be a widower. I Ho Uted to Mrs. M. that he owned a lished in a large octavo volume, paper, cover, with the cilres cut all round, price sevt-nlj- live rcnM. and for' sale by all booksellers, or copies will be sent to any one, in any plao, al once, on their remitting the price of it in a letter, to the publisher, T. D. 1 Vterson Sc loth ers, Philadelphia, Pa. For ia!c by P. iieinsbergcr, at his Live Pook and Mu sic Store, on Market street. "Pickwick Abrrnd'' pu'ilihetl this i day by T. H. IVt.-r ..m 4t Hrothe'M. NEW AD VERTLSE2IENTS An Ordinance la Reference to JLocomotue Ka Kines and cars within the City of Wilmington, N. C. printshia communication.championsbia cause, and the offending land lord hat a very wholesome lesson given him iu a stigma that he finds attached to his house, which it requires no common effort to remote. A rain. Americans allow themselves to be imposed upon in a manner that English people would not submit to for I u enacted by Uie aiaj oraaiu .iMeriiKu an instant, probably froln the fact that tjieCltj-of WUmington. uk1U l, i rr class distinction is so much greater m England thn here. In America, those oraama "J" tbe authority othe nuhc: occupving iae poaiuon ol porters, rail- i Swtion i. n nin rw i.. i..r.,i e I . - - . - . . r t coiiductom. I irk.-Ml lrx .umraM I comnuir. nrnon or ivmna i. r.i,.. ...Ji Philadelphia, is a - oni natsion lo ( !i i; : masterf. salesmen. or hotel waiu-rs eren "i -"'J- JofonKHive eulu or i ' - - - i rauin-Hii mr trav anv nrnr r in a uvm - - . . l ..... . :.n l tin- , couduct themselves a- though, they anjr street wltniu the luaiu of the cujr, im oi Cniik- were s. n'ra' the position, and those "nisi rations j yg should be firatil ;hal lour j descension aliown them, . . ... . ii t ii tnrougli 1- rancr. ami hi r tu: n Home j i"ey pay Uocrany lor it. I twenty-flve feet, at or uar tbe rviitre ol iuii.1 Diekeui' Pickwick Paper whole snank s ongma. and conm: 1 lu strations crvJDg shouU, firiiUOe1 at tle of Mr. Piclcw-c'.V triii!ti-lial tour j descension aliown them, ecu thougl i. .. .. i . . were, as a reneral thine too "MmI for 'Ulu ui as w prevent the iwxat iwiuuic vuiimu- mr .. uo.c oi iuiil-. , ... ... ? hoi MISDIwn. nru. ..r mh v.ki I 1 I - . .. . .. l. I UK I mougu 1 an openlnc or snace or not ki ilin , '"yj along nucn atreet; bat In all such c.-- ao com pan jr. persuu or ponouM, mo omip . wiiu eoguies or earn, muiii PS.!! . m I " - a L - - I io oe sure, it is a lauuaulc ambition; 7l'T7 l a wwuiy or not imsi iiuui ion ami one great element oftlie atrewgih j ol our nation is that these pconlo ma v. I- f-.2. Xolocometiv ra-tm. rvtv. nnr . by force of brains, elevate themselves buroU-' car. sall ueUriveu wuhiu tUu lum. to tlie Hition ol merchauts. .. . oi ue nur aiiarrrau-r ntonfirm than iu.. railroad I is) miles au; hour. trhi in nn,hh.. a c--'44v uvv a is vunuiotvu u iim n vi W ' - .1 i i i , v:i.-,,.- ,i.. :. i.i t. jii t; i i .-. -. r.. I' 1 1 .1 u . 1. r .u:c . . u V I I c I .. .i.. I.u; 'i UI '.i IU.r' l .'. i i . la w l:l.h I V . .l'..l k .-i .1 l;i , .1 i u ut-. .ii-' I . r. ! K'l.i: . t i , i ;ii..'.. i i .. i ' . . v I V. .. '!! I-' . . - u.i t ai . .. . , i i i.wii :o ."ill . . i C .UC 4. . ' t..I :a-. . ; . . ..1 I. ...... I-.. . I j-n-iuuou t ... i ..H t . iio law- ... .MVpl i ... . i'v .. . o:r ... . . aac : ..: . .. . " li i .-. i . reajuj-i it-it ..' v.vll Jjv io.. . ...y r t i MvlC All'ff The 5--. manv i.eoi-V mm out with i;:i .. '. House, an I .- .. Ilp-Mi t!o :.: i paticli'. V ..:l-o!i v ' ti-'ti of ll.c ;. i .i , .i irriiiv' ..' Mon. Arid m. . .i.f i i' !i wliit i art. on f . l!ie S:ar- lir-Ti. : raufd tin ir u.u .. dhl t!n y ii-ff . I' 'i they kiep it vp ' -and if j- , - . v.c ihi sintnotr lor li.cr oi . .. ii il l-Ui ii , u:id said that he had to go on aod sel ;.. r to : it. About fix weeks ago he went olf. 1". :.- i and when he come back he brought a v!;! :. I youog wo i.ian Svrith li'w, who he in j troduced as Iiis wife, and tliey both slated that they hsd juit bueii married 1 ut a" i in bt. JoiinV t!iiup-'.i in Charleston, S. c ., lu.i. i.i '.'i.u. in a- i.rr uauguier oi ouj oi i!. lir.-t iu-. ;i of ili.ir Stale, and ; giving the italic ol 'hi r father. Mrs. M. vtrole to l iiarUtoa an 1 fuund o:it t!::t'. iliry lit.! iiii-in formed them-s-lvc, ;i. 1 gii- i'.hm lo understand tliat they ulu. l' L out other 'Hiart?rs, ( which tl.cy di.I. .h.j. ii.ixc b-n living t j i-u Sixth t: 1 1 !, i'i .i linuc u'.'ioning to j Mr. Jtck Yo:p ,-t i:ih-i ' There i n -I f:;i lut t!..:t he m a 1 t:rt ...blc 'I the !o:i ;a- uud i i (. (":.- ii -. !iat ; .111 ,i-l An'ir ii .:r !. Wliil i-r!r i v : tree- bot!i io t?i forest axe ; u::i - : Dt W aj.riu,; dr. -, t. 1 -.m Liilii ri I a'.iil re1ni' i; ii. j, rt-i.iblica.ua f and sceuii i. : - r. I man, Mr. Hug!u-. Mr. Ci ashen, Mr. Timf, .Mr. Suj ien, ari.l others, figure in the liii! of t!i" work. "Picfewict Abrjad" is p:iL!i-hoi i;: :. l.irL-.- octavo volume, paper cive;-, wl:!i nlgc rut open all roiii'. 1, prii-o icvi-:ity-live cenUi, and i- for unit hv al! bookseller-. : or copies of it will l- - ut t i any one, to any place, at o:u. "ii th; ir remitting the price of it in a lc'.'.. r. i t!io Pub lishers. T. II. Peteri.-i Ilrothcr, Puiliidelphia, Pa. I'or sale at Ileitis bergei's Live Uo .! ari l Mu-le S'ore, Wilmington, N. C. TltLAiUKY 1:.!RI MLM, t)i i lei: in In i i.u.va;. Uev. i u asiiingtoN, D. ('..March 11. 77. T. M. Smith, Dcuuhj i.U : SlK: The frauds against the icvcuue, aod the determined resi.stance to the enforcement of the laws in portions of the Slate of North Carolina have be come o extensive that the ordinary means for Collect ion of the revenue have to a very gnat extent been set a defi ance, and i: ha become necessary in certain places to ell ;:;.oii the military arm of the povenur. t to protect the ciril odiccrsii; the peri rr.:ai.ceof their dutier". i -ce tli:il uuny oi the news pers in tlie Male naiucJ, ci iticiso the revenue olliccis with great ni verity, and j have but few words cf on Jcr.itiation j for thoo who arc chafed withiiola-i tion oi the law. it there aro just grounds of cornpl.iiru iu n-.-pect to the I character of the otlici r apj...inteil by yt.'i to eti;.r c ;.e Iav, or tut. manner i v.rygr.;' iu !:. i -iv cannot tell ' in which -u.h i U.i . ih transact th.ir . i .... ... i . . i . I buniucsi !l!i liic pu'iiu-, I di-irc that n.uc.i :. i.'. t..i- w uuao, L'ut under vou axaii iiike f.i.u i.iaiiv in ;ne .'..is . i, aiie several contra-j"tr.,v u .,irv ;, v Lli i.i a,o t:e -; itt mr:f-. tImS j eakn vry , public vrmr .n a otii: that will : I.i- Mi.tii'v We hote the 1 Tj:Hcri Ihv r "j ' 1 well iiieanini: i - .l i.... . . .- . l . . i .11 I tjt i i ' 1 1 . i on i.i ir. ii;uisi, e.i i.i . i '.'. . 1 t :h i.ui w.i. not ailow the '': , ' i , ucieiii -1 1 1 c i , w .o ijiiit. eoui;. ;o , i i i forward lo.u Icxm an. I iliilikrei:- . , ii ; performance "' their .;:;iie-. , It is written' by (ieor- W. )l. Key no'.di, in hi-j inimitable "tyle, which no author ha ever been able t e pia! ,Jand is an admirable '.-ontinu iti in ol'l.'s famom "Pthuni .tts Paper ! of thc president treasurer-, and hotel pro- S-XiSTLCT Pickwick Club," ami , lill become, tl,rs : Wf-kD0W r, min iMfflta ' a sovereign ieelinrcrons out lrmnntlr w-ithnt a hnii Mman tti n. 1 equally as popular. TheVhar ictcr$ j htfe, for instance ia the lordly hotel- I Jrrlve". u peualty for t acli aud ewrv are stitaiueil with gr.-a? .spirit and keejier who permits you to remain in- om?nce o'Tweuty louW fidelity, nml the f-cene- an l inci.'.enU ! SlPlu 0 welcoming you into bis house, Pec. 3. Itbhall not bcUwrul for any per- . . . - .. .. llll' r.lliroail TMlrti'iit nhn rnrwf ouuur rerauBMOiTO arc varied and lull ol Me. .No matter j the public of DQ wucre you ocn niv voiinne, every p.ie , chauts who servrs vuu iudlfferenll-r or roiul track teaahu. Uiroulnuiv of U:t ir.-i will set voii in roar, as Saniu.d WVilor patronizinirlr. " I ' city -wbcn. the. ikticeut of aakt.nxi.i . ---.i. - . .. . I aoc noi rVHirc the aid of nronrllliiK ivri ifr M in' 1 M - S'liu r..n. Air Tnr.. i 11 ow many A mer icans are there that and Uicu otlv at a. rai .r Jiii wi,U .u . " ' 3 ' 1 I ...:ti :nn:.. .1. . 1 . I nn v .a. i r.... - t . . 1 . in nisisi nini a uorse-car conunctor i , v ,w "" ",,ur. uimcr a sl.oll I,;. rl,. ii,f - i i i ioi iiirai auueverj onciuvol iweiiii ....... .v, . uuv , mnb a laiiivwu x irj' txillars. f jucnt suaii aiieu u vo ineousinesa pi tne road tllPV own kLmIt in - I )tt t fitxr rvfTI.i-jlo sh,ll :uM.j .u 'J C;' Yi:Z within the llm.t- of the city ...... u..v,t .oM..w ..c iuc K-iiauH wiuiout a car. or train of car. allarlid. . inai nacamen ana ex- I "w oe reiuireu 10 riu on tiieinnii.i of the public : press drivers. 01 bainraire porters .J.'winoii-ei'n-inewiH'n aim fomaM. i .1 1 . .- 1 1 ,1 b 1 '. 1 and whem-oiug backwartl on the louder railroad stations, shall dothedutv they rearcar. not more than twelve ln.-lMs from are pard -for doing : that if they have J ,t113 of nu. tttMl Uie pt-mou r nr.n- in.il I f,ir ,,1.,., . , r 1 ouviug cnarse oi sucn ioeoinoiive rn?iii. paid tor .1 place, or a seat, or a perfor- nuui rlnn a Cell when appt-uaehu-K auv au.i niance. or a railroad trip, they shall I every crosa utreet: for any vlulaikm of in. have it? It i, 'too much trouble.' and I I5tlulr'n'"' luroiu ei IchUi tho roui-xu.v -"T11 o whii 10 an iiupuaiiuou, I penally 01 ruiy iioiiam lor iiKii ami io tuau to contend about it." IQcucv. " . I ' I f ... 1 r . -. .iilii.'-ih ntiiuiorr, . urieret lounty N. C. oif the mourn i ug of the 2t.ih of Ma ch. U I..'.. I... ........... ' ....uij.niuijiiii,iir,ioii haimis, r.q.. ... iiiT 1 itu ) xxtr wi uib ay -Mr. Water was a natire of the CHy of uauimore, and raniovcd U lieauiort lutbe j car is., wnere ue married and settled, and I "oartl orAl rnt n tit their liutltuii Ai-iil ll veil R IllL'Ill V numviv an.l i.i'..l .III... ivhi, u.,. " . - j " h.-im. .m&vtu until his death. Citizen tutined Ihelr norrow for his deuth' toy their larue alien- itancd at his luneral ; and tho Maaonlc Fra ternity, of which he had long ieen an honored and exemplary member, paid thaif last tribute of respect at his grave, in eere moules of the uiotit noleiiiu unJ lmpre-alve klinl. llelcfltwo ous ami a daughter, and a 'rse circle of film. I toiuouro L la lot.. Kkikmi. See. 5. No! ear. with or wlthoiit h.ii-( power, shall, under a ptUailyofTou Holim be propelle at a greater rate of snxsl ih.in four (llmllos au hour wiUiln the c tl Wiliumjrtou, unlcsB attached lo engines.' Hec. 6. ThUi Onllnanre hlmll tiikr- t-rlas'i i.u and after the 15th day of April, A. 1. 177. Toe rIkivo Ordlnaiiev was possisl lv 11. J .. . Mi . , . in tueir imi 1 in a .1 T. C. SEKVOSS. lipril IJ City C'lel'W and Tn-a-siii. 1 . An Ordinance In Reference ta Welchlna- Ileef Cattle in the C ity or Wilmington and for Other I'nrogei. SE V AD VERTISJXIEXTS. S l"l ti:..! h L.. ! 11. i . in.-1 I.. ! A X M5 D I X A X C li I X U. li l liOX TO DO(.H. K If tN.UTlili l.y Uie Mayor and Al i-run n f ll: x in AVIIiniagloa. N. C, ni l 1 1 lior. l.y . nl iiiMi by th authority if : uc Mint, in.iKc hi'. i..ac. Hon Daniel ,1 iri-'..o! rvluhied br the S :oh..!d tin ui, and Mcxsrs. Wright iui-ui for tiu iu. KW I'.HDK dr 1 ue revenues ot our poernui . 1.: essential to its nucccasiul operation ar;d . i. . :. -r :. . : .1 1 I lur inai 11 .cii.iiiee 01 11s u.iain ;c i t, and tlie citictis oi each coiu:n '. iiIv should ini-that the producers oi' i.ixa- f' l:"ii 1. Kery ov uer or keepoi ut a dog .h.-.ll amiunllv. on or her. r- tlse flr-vi .Uv ni May caui-e ll to Oe ri-glstereil, inirubered, li-riboil anil lioeiocJ. In the .fTiee t,l the I ork and Trraurr. ami nhnll .-u-e It to j .-ir i'liiil limes around m-i-k n rullur J UU:iiotiy markeil with the owner name I ..ml its rc-.itcrel iiumlx-r, nml ir mii th ;.Mers V ' and almll iy m'.-li li.-ns , lor a male ilojt oue doliar undlor a female il'.u- tl.re.. iloUars. All ilf 1 ur nlnj ut larv, j wn ii'Mit fueii niiur, aud all Uis not recis " i.iiiiioere.1, nriwriil mi.1 lii-rnxll mm .1 mciu a -I 1 . . i i. .ii. I an v.i.. I I.'. 1 1 ! II .. of the. pre-. 1;. - 1 ."south, wtud. Vi ' ir .tiy wtti iii ,' ran'! ! t'i ' 1 . . m 1 1 oj:u . t .a i.llio v I 1 .0 "IS tVuh' fit tion price, oct v-nr ' and frivor tlieir inl if.c:ne::t, a::d there- 1 '.ub ' ?I " The 1 hy "iye a moral Mipj-ort i lim oiucc.-s . . i.il Ilia I :iv 1 11 t ht 1 !. 1- f 1 .1 . 11 . 1 1 1 , . .!,.: r V; Mi .".nu 1 11c liov and tin.,' , , . 1 . ", i 1 - . . . . . m. ...'- ' 1 .'. i.a 'r 4 to f .... .11 ji ..g...i .a !. 1 I ....;.t i'.i i.' iiir 1 :. . : j .a. iJ . iu wat it ! ..... 1 n auuuoc to ! u" Wv :' " . o. -uJ ta lk v-- -f SU'. ra.J.r. o w -i- i : . ! . . . . ... 1 tire o. . 1 h. liter:. io ..a i : or 0 M it. I I Tvl. Hlk. ma-c.t li4i 1 .i ivc ;iu . Ti.- A :jm uu t.j..jr o.' 1. e Ji-. ha been 1 r rr .in-r" . . . . . . 1' ;- I." ot .: South'' 'in vnr i'ur S 1 1 tJ 1 i.i .Ml. Hcali !. .....v uiih it ifNn,,i Caroliua ruterexl tlia; 1 .iil iv. '. ugr a..i . ,y aiximT ) p'a : '.' . .. . .... r ..f -S..I 1 1 1 ..v v ii:i,i..r i. K .. . .. . . 11... ... .... l......! -.' TTai pv4itieai irucie ; f uie v aro.iua. ia invmui'iij rmcvAn , ... . 1. . . . . . ., . ., ... 1 tl. 1 r . . - 1.. I . . .1 i imm 1 n 1 u:aaa v ol their t.it..i anl.th Pfeideul . Lur Ld wte IB Xll nctl luattitutinr loin::,! . if- .L.-im..i.( Uai. .i luiiiIiui IU.' Ui DUlaUe r . m ( , . - - aw a Iarp itvaiuriir ol the awtui , my pca.-ii courj aa urjrtiviiAD:y ur of the sute. Vii allied chii- j Uk.v iajiv aud aUKic. 1 da row try ! tU ta l political pjtir h.-e .:.. i riat cvvaU aaay Tiodical the (.relral arJ iupu: pr.i.vij lia a; ai vl bu action, aad that peace. tra Urn tleci:I nd r o"i.m1 ju.hc .i0.-Ua and prmpttilj icay 'wrdoaa ef U M-n uoJer ib -.--i:u , erralu r be the por lion 0 arary cili .. aad lawawl oir ivuniry !y !:-r:c . ; .n ; - CapJina. -UU acd aviiu. j.u ttiv j-: P. 11. CllASiiXRuaiX, trJit of hi.:wry will rc-xuc froai the , iiuicruor, bouih CarvUiia. . eowarj'y -vpr-i now cat ux.o tacm L ( ritKr pUemen a-J tr ler. yu j "I he r'a f TTlff. wswrcia tu electoral ot ol .-s.r.h 1. u..b.k.i.r !.. Kml. swa ism tiaj r axis cier Ilia. Mce-Ml illltt. la acxwaiplialaa lhi ii-oult .u 1k fH the VR-tiaa, ol every K ti l . rutoa aad injury. IV.ra authentiv tniwKrtiiiia,! I Hal ".cr .-. . 1 r.-.uJr. a wraoi aaand tUrtiwa oe tur lailoti aod Norvhwaatora lUilway v'oiivjnr tur ciMBpetiaatiuo lor Uw Ion 1 hi. w 1:0, who had oxi wiUbrWata in an vAklrnU Tie -abaiatiaf caaiated tJ.-v'. arB iaclu4a fw fcr kUw a p,J ai .our B.Kr iir.l,ri s.w ti. ad -s) KT tae UMSNS of U4 ca iuj were twlhJui ta thir j-imi i- it--- t i oo-r-ao." Tuara-P- aad cxrnid rtht ia lr rai r ' -a imxaea! i. c. ..i. . .. - ... a-n aorw. It M-atnd thai ff daoifsl air.oTai'rnl. .Inr, n :nru ..oi- Da iwidtwla r l'rtfrw ba4 ymr W-aea, red t tta arai: . e a;vsl w laltf iisaw a hnq-i I ,r, ot Luanl lhlrr Lante 1 ku- aiifrr. Tha Jadf tal4 that the I jvof tires Uie Uai. -i.i.r famli.-, ci.aria mottraief coakl b at- wtrrd aasl rattere-l fvr t- . , .-..-e Uwrd. and It waa taol ewTtaua Ua4 Iha ep k t Jmt peaerul aad Criw de- pianirr vaki reoarcr it th faawrai taiaaia- u r a c rvtw j..r ii.ol ' 'i-ii-s. Ia jary aarardd tba "ata. tratdd.aau u.. a 1 KSt iai.-f tfc usa taiaal it atocSvc'e U u-ist, that if by av c.Im;. .aa w-.i -. aod t-e Uaa woat f atarwes watawaaaja th lawful aprern. . ec.. aad lay adwa thwSl tkat M &'-o 1 . 1 , . Oca. Joer. a v . i i . faigh'y f r tl.e vry V.'i I .1 1 trvalmct't tl.y ri t in- 1 1 . Ulfi-V ii-.-' i-i d'Lancv . 1 0 .. ; -. . . . . aothoni.-w .-.1 y . w 1 a .. . . attacked by a dor. io ..i ii ortce, .mi run o? a uv n.rc . , patrwg ami prarae rf the . of 11 an! -vi f.tt. e .! : - ; -? p, r , - . . ... - i "" nunbr will le ewpecially tou'ht aAer i... .. i.-;- . , ejreiullr rieaerre-l. It ewolaina! 1 . . . t iti - 111 t. . bie articles ie re-uiirni to 1 . t ,':. ... . ...1. :. I taxes lait.o-e ! . law. All l..w 1 are ' "- all be killed: and . very owner t .11. iij.i'i'i m i.s j i.ic oouiu, 131 - - K's-oer .l 11 Uoc who ilmll uiiMlf anrnl i aiii'i..! 1: 1 : v i 1. .r. 1 1 11 i o . o o ! , .ti i 1 i . ..... . . . 1 ... iil.e 111 a i.rv iiiierealin' naoer ! . .... 1 1- 01 inrni.i wnun nritila Lie lll.C Ol ir) uuerealin, pajr, ,Lu ,lllt.igt.llt M. 1 , ; , U)( :ulU):. ....rin.n j onlmanoe l,all l fl.,.t uo. erdli,- o.il.lidied at A 'fa r,-.-rri.i, by J. 1 f a communitv ;xc c-mteiiance io ,w,'," 1' r"ro" nJ orfmee -o. . I! I( sha.l 1101 be Inwful, from nn4 fr.ni: nd IUr Die paiuiiivol llila ordinal. to aiiltor my f.uli do. IniJl ternct. Wtni r of 1 h.. liole or half rj-ed. or any other riena, .1011.. or laaxniu U'-aj. I u al Ur( or h- oisiu any o lb. atreeia.alleyor wli.trTca ..1 thlseiiy. at any time, wlth.Mil being prv vide.1 won a good and utn-ient maid, rruderui- u InipMaibie for oan .ioa; lo Lite or map. or unlf aeoureil by a -oot and iifli-ieul nwd or etiaia. aadmoeead lliereoi .iiail be ht Id iy i.niie rwoper nraoa. na-l 10 . ol nesi.vi, each ami every dnj hall b .smat.ler. a n c-tnc at large, and liablalo ie kilted. And alaoSn everj raw arhea any I".'. aithough '-unsl la manner above mentioned, altall l.i'.enny peroU. ihe aald lull kille.1. KTrry owner kreparitf a d i urUa .!iail uie-t or loialr nur of the T'.vlhm of .eiiou .'iWtni ordlnaoe -..j.i hum noi rirrel: taeatr Hie d .lar i.ircs. b oflcawe. ilutice, and frown ion acl- i" v 10 olencc and frau l. Wr.Ii a .ev 1" ... r for April cum. "rin;.; the moral - it.i.orl ..f the people , 1, , I of viHir district in the enh rcenn-n'. if ' IISII.ll 1 xccllrnt I the law, I ilo'irc that vuu and y.ur - "' " lu-Miii. .ion. iu j0putle.. as.pcal cvr::ed:v to the .11.1 Hi- a Mi'.. :i to otner interestnr snten it- rent ami better c..ics . v...-.i.' :'. ;.e . ; v c mtaii. a racy article c:i!k! . "ll i ( -, day aioonn' the C-anyonj," au ejsjure of "1'he lliiic t ilaas Hm.t.I.jjt. ' useful ,,; 1 hini for firm and hrnH.olJ. nmi in i .,, ' tcrvstlr. acient-Hc department, etc., -4 . u I ' t-" lUwiiahed at $1 UO a ytar.'at 1 laule Creek, Michigsn. j Frank LeaMe'a Sunday Magazine for May is certainly not aupaased in merit 1 by aay el the Amr tatuous aaaabers " . ' r ' ' which precede w gratified " ' ' . in tV.e asauraoce tkat Mr. Ixslfe will j ' k a, aro notrt u Lnaure Hr tiu wei- com and valuable pabilcaiioo the tne i;vt ." e-sira.-d a., i .1J-.K1 i.i- r p , i - k'i' ;:!.'!. t .:r 1 l e4H Use '.tie i ali-e o ajraiDst ihos- wh . r Iraudin i ; i ::;:i -uewspcf to inilucnce iu - . . . ... the elTice.- : J due lcr:'ornix:i-c . desire to iu:nc 1 terminal:. u o. :..c r up all tr..u Is r.ja.r to that ma to- c.Vv-l- u w being jkii 1 forth fa. t'ta-. i.:r:iso u;il coaunue lie It 1 liai Uil l.y llic M.tii-i .4 1 1 . i A In. . n. n ofthe(.'lt of lluiui-tuii, and ll 1 I.i 1. i- oiuaiiuxi ny lue uutlioril.i ol tlie -inn. . jseeliou'l. It ahall lie tho dim of all i . sona brtnitLuK live lrl i-Mttic to' th.- i'il .f Wllmlncton for Mile. Iwire M-lllti nr oil. 1 lu( Uiem (or halo, to -uum tin iu to Is- , 11, ed and examined under tin- MirKl..ii r the lieputy Clerk of the Market, ulnsr dm s ilalialfbe to note In 11 Uk. kept for tli.it puroM-, tlie names of ili . II. 1 mid l.ui.i. and the weljht, isjlor. and a i 1 1. ui.u l scrlplkjn of eavrh animnl. , . See. C It ahall not Is- lawful f.u ..n . 1 aoo to buy or aril, or alt' iii4 to m 11. aio live beef rat 119 In the Cllv of Wlimliis-n-i' Until the name ahall ha e ireh n ri wt-iifii. 1 audexamUied an aforvM.ul. uud n ci-rtlit.-nt. thereof given by the l.-putt cieik of t! Market. Hi-c. i It shall nol lie lawful any r-- . lo ell, or ofter for wle.'wiUiln llie il Inn.' any beef meat IIIhhi havinar flint exhlbli. to Uie Ikrpul.t l l-rk of tho Malkrt the IO.I. lnri, er nnd l.--l of t lt- ntiluial (ton. wharh nucii nw-nl la taken, an.1 olilaiiM-t loon the lieputy I Ink of ih- Maikel a n tllil.Sai. thereo. ee. : The Iirixit v I'lrrk erf tl.e Mm ahall sjlis t ll- follow liiai ,t wvlchlnx, xamlnluc and errttfi In:- '. Iieef raltl.-, flfl.-ou eeiit il . air n no lual. and ft Ins orrftn-au . aretkiti a, ten cs.ni la thJe. It. I : ov r :i incut . i .0 . r ..in ' : l li.at .: .s t.iv de- ' c " .: uie:. I '. 1 break i I '... rcve.i ie, nd '- f" -. IsahalT u! t lawful for any te nia. :-.-to run at laife a nile m btal,ai aoi si., u doc finiauwiai 1 rga ahall kloe.i. ud toe owner or a'tptr thcrcwa aball baflnet not ereed!ng tea dollar. ' 'O i-etarm aLoahaal wroalttlly i.u ..1 . .... ,..,i,i f... ..k:w- , .faiiar w im ifc... wrf - 1 .ie:ae -. ii cataae, aaall be flaed .ug 1 aty are doaiara. aoauta. uc roa I eariia ui .at. ulatiar b iaaar el heautirat: i!!a.tratkms br Dirt, ar.d . . a a..t a 1 . . " I insTctn; ler. r-... -. - - " u.k4n, Koxt iLoxirf. a.Qtinued tW a , jtmciUau rorkcarancc. raxltt i0r -u't. m .aumber of inatrvaetira artica aad a - h new bov.k "Abroal -g-;u- .UU.rJ4 l-- v 4..i-. ..v i fm , f eerxrat falnrmallaA.- aanLiL Cnrtia Caild WlDtCfBti rerj jJ'yiB 1 an ay aw -.v mvi a . aw . wavar a m a ei-- and coB'raala tb diffrrett eu-.- la accoJipiisatsl. and t.o..ec: r4 am. their IVputics w;.i be re.,.i;;ci Ij givt their wu-.le t..ne aai ::... gtn'.lr acd faithfully, to the p: rforai aacwof 'iieir datie. Very r.pcttiki.i , 1 iRi : . i. i.At I. ! I .sjOO. r. I- V A' J Y'l N ' . Co?. l-Jt lit.. lUlcih. N. C. r U- atrvctly caioaxxi. U la. y are. jtrrat , tU ?amJ yf 63 w3T pal: t .He : . r ... , .;. ( B 'CAr u ftaml ... to tU oVa T S -2 tun cty. icvepting l he a. ar. fna Kraak Lralir, Pewrl i hdaja o Aikieriva, a.i l.ae-!tc 1 A iuu a r fw woJiiK-ml rar ia iae uate.j. th , ru.ae4 ta laacral atiajfw ; ri frora ewcapeiew : K:yteu i r -ai m rreewjaseat f tk I aiu-d ta'.e. ia , aa rrrarsl u ta !aca ac ! aitrcdee tn i, - .' tl - -tit.e fhT!r a daacavarxw ila cvMaatilateuaa. wat . , twrtacrw, Uar WWTW 4 aaiaiaa mm I . . . . . . v , . i 1 ml iv. . w .1.1. Miiik iJiia . ila .aatataw w a crrvaia rsaeaxtaa. a e a aai - m 7tat irtaoi -trrrvBrvw at .jm i ... - .-,.--. - - UtlVKM. A fa r -fwaoraa" that a I r--J vi ' trret. New Yek. lAai -J Aaaeriraa rs-rvera it ra'.uer ui . pxep'e . rrt ad True Lore." hy UaXrgei a feror-le-asuar awiasile taan raaiV f S' IUe. ir L- .J3U i r uj r.-irAad. avlAM el Voaaweaa. ta of . a f itaav. if Maif tata.w.ioi.v.. s Ii abail n tae du o. the ilartiaa rua ot ,ey HMaia u, out fejullr aae--a U.i uNumiic by SaaiavaT ol aii taa l.oeQMsl od the taa (n d keeters cf aVar l o tnmf r lnaie aay e it jro iiiousaua ihr f are beraar aaUjortaa -d il;wrl u kill by ahouiiag or ocaee i. aay atd a i S wbteb mir aVvjkrad mJ.:t lo be itaf ha tbia rtlMac Ac; i aaaaoer am aay iteal atiali aavaa'thtaa hit be aa I nil aialaf ainof a llaval Uaa eatri onr ariMefr, or Utal aoar t aSat wiab bAruiaaiavaaaa tka MarataaJaat eewae. aavd eax-a tbeaa U eraawwerWba aay lot aw a a laaaara. wttaua Ua rtXf 10 rt of aay dt "bwi hartag aaiaa ar ..iuersrisa tajaeed aa-y i iraaa la lata ru wbua vu an. a ae oav aay n mt fe Uaaa t&aa of am oaan or kaaiana afaaKaae aaaa aay aa-4 nar-'aM w aaaal aaiaHw uar-act tkiaa (a U Sintangi md aa aw tbetr 4aty. la tiaraUai uat t fr a aa ar l part 4 ta wan aaU v aa-ed cwetiaag any aa' am ira- Ve. V. KverT irmi V-lai'i.s pruvaunu of U1 onlnvam.- .Uaii ... IHil earrslliJB T w lit 1.1Uk ! i .'. '. every offrtcn ee. a A 11 ordrianee aivl tn -4 --t rtanrtw lueuiialitetil with ti.r ti.i . thl ordtoaaie are hr n ny rrs mnl see. T. 7ht rdtnari !a!r in -- t i. and after the 1 jb .! of A.c X V I' 1. . The hi. tirdlnaner wBs af i t k.rd of Aek-rtoca al U II nawtiiw. l'i April b. J". 1 . . sj;'. .rss .-; i: : nty c.?s. i- st... f D1U. WIU. Htlr.A th s; Audited bT the AwdSUaf CnatuillM . itl.a boara of Ctoaiaty Ctoaaaalaiawi ia aaleaa blli are aeramnaatst ty aa s- . pwx i aw h Itord tie 1e c-f ' K a.c lag CuaattvlUM o oar anm r tbartraal to ntrret Aetna irMait tw i Mk. ty. JitllJt i. n U).li i Tbia, a Or'riCK 0 UI Jf t i M W lava lo Ji -It " Ut CAU Ars.i '. s Oa aav4 a1r Ui aa laaaaat I w W a naa't f lata taaaaty oa Ua i aa i y Twaijiw t aaM eaaatraaaa ax Jay . ti. .. year. UI a a . aw -c-. m i eaac waawui. attawr at lka lira !,... . laaaa or ! Pavak So tw taa-e a4 iUuaa aa Ike !! a tta Orders fw.lrfril !, AJXtXaA Alit. ttt Jtts t,.;. aUXY.UI J AN tUITKliWA I M; Wanaaw . .-t a . r tH www-t fawriaaaf aouk err r writtea, i j- '. 'of ; h f l! cf iMonratioQ. aav! H iaMaah4 i N Ue 15 a ftitif, Le l . te- i olicc f nair aard of tYwa.y C -1 (a aes-a ia the fa. t ll . .1t ! i C -- the t:x I.M. a... adraaUaaa e aa U icni;vi. U v. 4 j dl . 0agrt taal'a alf ka ia Tixa i f.agUa aiatect uarj j-jcv ia u taerki 1 aasl Trow Lawe" ia avawia awd Waati- , lanfwoave-i cv rtaUfsi. aa ig s. . All aNaan -4 Mart, mt mmm. ? w Hi m naaii am a ta i aw aawavi J nrawav-aat I . - i TVm winian aJ bit aCavt ( raaaea aea btk r.n Uyawu a aWoaaf , awt rmt . am -a i i r.B r . w ainr-iarr ... f.brT. Ik lNctaa-aoa Jt DnXher. nila i .i ;i k.. k. ..i e... s. ay tlaa awtay iaf Hay iC'awaa'l Z ajD. La K rSS ELL. riel an-! pwrr-; tV kaa tta et saaa of-war ra i-V t-irbu' of. that Ivr. ala x: a wrJ ber r-aaa uos-raal la5Ua-Joax, saj yi(k It a very Kemria- ta toaaw.taia t.eit-V ' -.-. . . . . - . aajMaM exacawinw. Mat erTt awaxrs axaar IM fcyarrae. ao akra . TVa ar3aa aarsl mt Anaiinana at tawtf asrai a- A IX : Aew .Attorncv nt Ir. aataa Xetaawara t t

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