rs- t ,; . lJ ' , ' . ' , I, i i ' , . . Volume viii. on.vno CI fjjjrjrl Caatwcll. J. Mcslcr UQlii -ji, William IielLim translated J ts Society, IWore tii Hibef- They proved to be nvxinmente, V , , ,,,s . originally set op in all the Pbceoeeiau 1U3 AiJomtlon. r n h' I . f ii ciue o JAffiea aoj Europe, end eo- fVth 1ST? taioeu airtctioa far navigating the sea rs- k,oHen .1 lri.d . the o..r, 1 between tho ciuw d IreJod. They ft llV- ..... r..-.lilw established the identity ef the i . i.-n it j:. 1 th . i the 1 " irl the" MtJtt; f.Al .vl. "lit- :b Winter l-n'l. a.l rnr- -.-iia' o cvt'fvd. it bt-in; the Iryuia-I r K'ln b'lr-'n lit- Ol. iis 'i.;l ievf-,f n rth Utilul, . rfi . i? rf ill. n i 'U i. . . r "T1.. Urrfinl .errral .mailer ! . I a I fn III A iTTki.JE 111 .A3w, " - . !l!L t;rvai Unaio ou.Uu of two "r'.i I r.n'im.1 n.l ! u- V: . -.ivi .K-r... ' .iJ K if I 'et l'rtaa n-l rt . . . . ..... . . i . afpryjtl Juj-itul bi - 'iiiiU . jai.l -1" ''- ntli jl) siiie. trr ltu I v' i l jT Biift. a i urt i r :. wtU.- ait'". C m; r-l Nor til lfcnii3X. h'c '! ! '' mile, it ,i wiaiI rute f r the "..,'itAti-o it ' t!ai contain f i'rutn v .r jMtrxu. Iiu-;er ui ilwuur. ii the mra. id l"'tr and ' "oni4U-'.tt in th" rhe re ub.Jiri.K-'l tn:i thir if ( oxinlir. Tli "uiil tn m ki". fijUt miKi.o. aii u.u: -. .n ial a hIf ruitliu r.' ; --l in tc'iltare, l ia t r-1 - a'i1 mtnuUi urr. Abut half a nul i- : t n prrr'Ti'n in I t n.l f i. y. aT'.C'4it iral Uxi t. r? uijj!1 twin 3 !tiohc Tii" -r.! .ril i y c (va1i4u. the ininu!!- 'urrt an i ti''ui f et(omttIf' 'rrly ' nai rbi" KpnojIiart nu uvr n t hundred lhou.anl. !. rvM r-1 1'iweutrr a!'H Itir-niii i.m riaJnler. ru ri lu-ili rt ( r4 Rncotn I'albolirr . I lr;a ere a nraltLy an I .- .itk iHi lh birthi pr.-l 'mi i it-r i'aiu al Ibe rv.c 1 1 -' 1 vr .la. About two bun lf 1 t ! 1 ai;t! tierr year, of w!m at-u ri ka.t (n.uc ! Anern . 1 1" i i arK ar r"tinitc I i aai i. tii tatr de:eodail.. to ixti'a uh.1' , their Rtraimt Umy currin io N V.vck. l'eaolai i. Jr il h U 1 1 . Th rtuBiie of Ir'.aa I i al i It thre nuliwn il llar rt a i i m qk" a four milliou tu;u' ( land, lithe ruoimulati :i. It- jpprrd nd other n t i" f .r the ipp1t of the I'ro-tanl I "....-. h in ; IrvtaO'l Thlt eetblwhnnt coitiiutr I ue of the grievance of the ln!i je--and a jurve ! tLai U4oiifiii iainal the j;oernoienl. Im !i jf- ! a cuAJt !' ti Arvlbi'J.". Uii iahop aol abvut teo thouand t 'irrT. ao rceie lre aUn- tr.-u the -uj k trvaaury an 1 the (rurral tatalto.i. Ue Uf e cleT7 are upp.rtH l A- alary contributions. Irrlaivl- uaic-. tieety harbow. of which tho prnui- ( pl are Cork. Waterlorl. V- nUal. kiatale. lUnUy Iliy. Valcnue. . it, ! liuetha. IXiblio and Kington, l ho ! ekaa: of Ireland U characterized iy , .Uae and humidiry. Tho erdurc t lie paiturv i prucriiall rich. , Ii Mil m remarkable (r it lotilitr aad ippropmtenei to all lln-N i rKuiUral u.e- The arable utfcc i ' entered ith a rich friable IfMni ot prrat rthB. and the toil coiw- ol ie;ot b!e BXMild. decoaipwl tr ami calcareout matter. cncl from tbo , uesestone beaeath. an ctnua! punr'i-r ud reproducer of the oil. i or two !taadrI ailr acruM the irotir of tbi couauy the majestic !.auun , cuare in etliog titc. ewably tflwiB fot many mile tho uoiU t ben j bank, and annually Je-ttiii una beanufal Nile. nourihoiont lor lie Mrnctual harvcou ami "r-lure ! -ia wBjeh ther are clothed. ll.iv of " tie saiaer lake are reoowti-. for laur beaalifal aod pictsrcspjea.nry. eoeciai;v the ! of Kii:rny in trry. Tk country iuierirl ita lis fci'Ja, cla.1 in eternal rrrea rtsiaf toward the -a iuto m.iiUin raors. Croesm; thr hibt here M tLer. are vrnerabl ruiu. catle a caheUra. f.r ax-t rrnow.ioi m wtoey aal soar and rornane-. 1 he bread Atlaa'w, ever fresh and free. arvsiB-ia Irelaad like a girdl-. dah ! i:s w a o I vary py Irom 4ore to shore, and a:rr its whole wrface.fl: alio; the teauprratyrr, pari 'jiaglhe ear with saltv itnpreiwaiioas, 'rrtjaus the fields with a genno w aad creatiog an bibac lor sad beaat sweeter and health ir, u 4a aoLUaa any wther lau-l on the lac of ! Ilia. ia tiii .f taa mt lr--, a-. i-l'ik i . ' iaw T . rrra'a. J Ui'A ' ' rla'as IN ttit f a1l wow r Mrta. i . ii t. 4I ' llaaiB aio" l . III tr - ajll SSStsUblM iaMi ) f f - . rti aaalat rvwia. r.. tj--! ta c' ' tbs Us 11 rnemramtre " Mm' U v , , . ..l nam ed native. f J Ari "yAS" be rrrrd r.s. r- aZl wo bv bir4. we iarcrd thrr-h w.tht much delay W. L U . I btslwai ribe -.U,,.f ,h liu$thfiu9 , 1 n. -4 jIa'u Vinland. u. Thai each diirgiu abouhi be ra- ! or tiderUoa, or the nrnftr c slrtwt New York ts eiisvetrd-a. ..aureu,,UKes ad lyrc. Tt. f4 " VJfZ? J?cJZl m Ulicd to tr while ia oOce. debate. Tbe corrr of -.he ParW . jd,e4 ui-ii aaJ Jd a a aiaee b ??Ji 'V! I&oJato t?rral FreuS 7- That r-artLamesit sbsMki be aa.e- , ramt House were filled -ub lrr Magaas'w. foe May ... eU 5 ZTZ 7 tfih- -- "V l ifficS.. lUre b Va- ! v neM mlVry erow.ed the r-f V,,,. , hke ai f-w, . . v T T , be relaraeU t tbe osejuaeni I'T" r" Jn.aiL" aavs th . riir. maa Ue KlstJsder ef la Lathed with seosaer Te axa-urr waa -:;. ri . , . , . " UTT1 i ia vT!.!! JrdlreSy Sstred the eec-rxte exrsx. ad lalce e . rwaderv and no Ttju JliTi f"' ? fit3JSSi fctffiffl- Tbe fg .tenune-1 ! & U ri a rnmal suae., a tJ-T-r sle thec-aetrr - w( A .iju. 1 LahiTVf M W bo had carUtv rsscostrared Ue lawiA ? lWaag-; thru lcal KKptH.i tad io- , L laaabWiag W the o aeiry aatx vhe P ' J UXm', i:Ceos3L) men, aad 1 IJras ligS to c ! deee. It a.a U M :.- avaaaU ClT, , V .iTL- v V lnm-t'rOM Latera. JZ?1 tlt aTrTrVaitd IrWb- ( tarr aad ecr I: V-a, rrt,f Srr, .ad -L A. tiodwy X Cwsc U sear U iSrr- w.rr I i the Itt i JS Ati. ttLklJha ia a tUav Irssaaaa i m aei ecWj. TVe lsfgsi wyre bcVl ! ateers-d S. si tm il St ah- sath aad tV-aai titmu, Fbabaid ta taseaU 4 llaly. at the uas rtaed ."V7.' ( Zji Oen OimUos aavVl kimaclf 1 U tfCK Ta tmrt tie fO-ky of ft- faltted to so lawg aa it sal! s5al, al . pa;, fV Apf.!, wm Lanre th-ea o . caiwl rj,! Vr" tei w -- 9 . f ".. brouze, evidently ef great antiquity, and covered with inscription. These mwrintiaria remained uadeciphered Iri.h with that people. a identity WDlCn ClKDUtU WJ rV.glVB, W, c. manufacturesjwrnmerce and even language, the Luguoian taoie car nedus back to a period at ksaat 1400 rear before the birth of Christ. They described the island of trio aa situ atcd twelve dart aail north of Cape Or legal in Spain, and recounted tta dis covery with much the aaue sarpri art I joy a ibe rediscovery of America br Columbui in M': create! in Spain d Europe nd rJurope. , . After the Thaiciaaa tho coualry conquered and aettled by Mileaiu from Spain; hence the term AlUceien. Cromencioc 1250 B. C unclar U ili n I'rinr In I ha frM n ttvnk1. In ' hit ior of Ireland baa been re ex Tea ' wan 'remarkable fidelity. No nation ' of ancient or modern Uvea preaeala lithi treasure of authentic ctrll re u)fi!i. No nation erer eTinced euci-aa aptr.ude and paaaion eren for hla&ericJ ' iu 5i.-. tneaio2iea and iaTeatlgaUoni a I hxit uch an array of. learned and I accoiuplUhed huloriaoa. In ereryage 1 and under all vuiiUides the Irih hate rutne! their public and prirtte recorda, Mihiu left the Uland to hie two ton. Ilttxr aod lleremon. The latter en-j-TiDX the vTtrj gnty of Leinater and thV nrt!iern districts, while lit her took the s .uthcrn part. They did not loog i-jri lire at peace with each other. a the reace of thi ditiouihed array ui' l.utT 1 hare aome heaitatios La re- i4fin rather uugallaotly haa it; the ii oi" their unhappy difUlon waa tiie n.fiouncaa of lleber wife, who i a:i oajt r eye upon a beautiful raliey, t'.-.t r rty of Madame lleremon At Tie ohntation of hi wife, Heber de uitrt.rl t.ieaion of the valley, aod Lui refucd. prepared for battle. The io t r-.there met al the head ef their rpctie follower at Geaiol in Lein- :er. A urribl cod flict eoned, which rrnltet i:i the defeat and neath of llelwr. His ambitiou eti lct her Ii-ivbatd. her crown aitd het whore ter n'.orr. lleremoa lhu became the aole n; narotiof all !..'. and. He ettablished I.m r..lrncp upon a freat eminence in :'i , f UtU an i callenl il after i. r . uv-n. li palace , . . , .., j mi) rularcil and be hi i 'n em rati . l'io farorit i 1 1 Kti.jj-..f Ireland. About i: . n I. r .!ara Kodhla, arnaiir i' ante to b Or- K a w .ii unlal aweta . i. bard and prieai. i iifi Ii .1 th law aud ancient hi- lory un-!-r IK-reuion direcuoa lawn record now called the Psalter of Tare. Krery accennt the old hiatoriaet have left n bear ample evidence of the p!en I r of lhee aaaembltev. Te the' pr(-nl on any of ineee v.m, th ;imp profound defereoec to tiVent, winch Mtill the charactemtie of IrUh ihira'rr, wa scnipnlous'y paid.- A .penal palace at Tara w ej-proprl-at.1 to their use called 'i'mm wi i- ;' or the Council r the Ladle. Thi council bad julrinliction oeer all mattrr pert. lining tf "i'n and to iuuii. Iho L.n w- rir-. ired lo Ireland Al tin? t inMrument which once liit.i talaailai 1 u .nii wl ium liiml.l Mo i P mult waJ,. 1 ii I Kl ft mu-iv- n ' I l-nder the .sr. i-nt . le of Ire aau. ... . . tho only crime was an isu!t iH-hsh'e with ieaui ( aii indt'ii'y to lady i 't taJjr n'lf U-l IUmi uay l.j lorr ana irl o e .na a'0" r k 1 1 - x'i kmwii j (Mi ut -' rv.; l At - lo l-lc.l I-1 tosntil W oli? ...t . ira' aUrr l im tnijeffr if rH vf . aJ (t l ili 'liie. . b.-n.-r iiijTltitif tixir : . .. i.,., IM'. lhal upwards f fc mil'i n !.iman beinf aembIfJ ( x C4jj ,., th( Liberator Vinn4l t petition lr lhs rreloratmrs ot" tW t tnc,f0t In.U Parliamott, aid here M tj,,, lJif niorable ryutioa nevrc t) rr,A;:,. .that n .Mber power rare !, . u'ip- la'H and Coeamooe of IrsV land had. or by nphl o(tt.i to avr, any ewer to oskc ! la hiod Up land. - r- - . ji.ii ... I I x ii-reiw:e kuk..i.'lu.v4 i tfwh mwrte n-iui th.i- ijrrobrr"taeir ' '": i itt. aad a spoke to thuu . Aal Ue a rwlea ITsni'sM llatl. ' AdJ bmMw Ite vuUmm let lawls Ibeaoil ,- hi,k arrill aresHie M M krir ca. "I U.r vtnus a awl rtreiwoj. soaVAaanareaX an' - -a- ll i now time, ti talk cf r. ratatiK. V M...Mf ibe ia4avcM Ukrei by Xlale kta asWfsaAtl taavk WILO.GTON NORTH CAROLINA, admitted to Ce patrician order, he now hegaa to he called ratncius, and then accepted the mission to Ireland, offered hinv. by that Pontiff. Landing al Wick low in 432, he made hia way lo the aaaembly of notables aod scholar at Tara. There, in hi dicoure, he illus trated the doctrine of the Trinity by a common shrub of the country the trileaved shamrock. Upon the sub sequent convention of the assembly to chrialianily the nloimrock became the nalioual truibjem. t. l alrick was the principal agent under Divine Provi dence in thai work, and hence has come to be universally rrcoj ji..u a the Pair o a tiaint of IicIjskJ. The 17th of March is the day ct s'. 1 by the church for celobra'.ing his memory. The soil ol Ireland is exeiup. from venemous retile, ii: it i- proper to re mark that Ndiuus who wnie of Ireland ome centario bdoro the christian era and - the advent ol M. Patrick, mention tbi exemption. The pecul iaritr uy I poacd to .proceed from, the ciimato or the nature of the oil, rather than any preternatural cause. The ce, parMhc. rectories aad deaaerie, eatabirhed by the Apoe tre are the ecciesjaMical boundaries of thi Logluh church in Ireland to this day. Ci. Pattick dieil at Duwnpalruk in tee north of Ireland A. D. at age ol l'Jti year, ili was a life of great piety, purity, usefulness aud fame. URLY in.rruRY tuVTISCEO. About thi period the I woman empire Ml to pi:, and the unbridled fury of the northern nations eapandiog Irotu the chains of her broken wcr, wept like a tornado over Kuroo. All that wa vaJuablo in rl or M-ience was buried la the ijrate f dcs-datioii and covered with the chaos ot uinvcraal nirhl. Irelaud alone of nil the nations of Europe had been uiiC"U-tiered and uainvaded by the Konian lejnon. Here the scholar and po-in of lAirupe repaired as to a anctuary. 1 lie literary and retigioM foundation became so numerous that the island w at called the Island ef fc?aint.7 The country was crowded with irrcn of learning and cov ertdover wftb etninarie and colleges. In'the year A. I. P6 Ilnan Itoroimbe ascended the throne of Ireland. The use of uruarno began in ibis reign. The eon ofkbe-Kin were called O'lWiaa. Tho iie ot Ala'aoue, hi brother, weralll Mac. Ma hone, aod thoeeoflSial the tireat, O'Neil. Mac and (J wcte prtriied only to the royal issue. Without thc preliie the name indicated mcreJy inv;ubcr-hip of a particular nept or family and uot member of the family of the chief. Hence the saying -Br Miw n ii Yuu'lUUii" kuow Tru lil'limrn. they . ft U t-y lrV. hilli ' vi lr. ' Jttrmn. "U ot lrllmiotl thry. " Itinratiu the lo'n of Crian lo:oimhe that Ike J r i!i uaviga'or reached and titled the hrci of North Caro lina and gitve their i t lli nu-.-it here the ntne f " rrf-' it M1'"," or tireat Ireland. Ignorant o of Iri-li history ttm ..! tl. afMl tUll error, that Columbus was the first to discover America sopie .vmi years later. In the Hear light T m lern cieuce thht lelief is beiar dip letl. Wc uow know that the American toiiiinent was known .and settled by liio Irish and' Pbcnccian humircds of vo ir lefore the Cnwco bailor was lor'i. The wcjiUrn coal was peopled Ir-mi Asia. The couliucut ot Stuth Araeiic, Caro- liOA and thuCiult 6tato, n ilh Mexico, VucaUu, Peru and Uraail, with liite men, principally Iruhj christiuns. i;om : of aha Kio taade there are no i .in: I aotkin; but earth work and tun. iii. i. vsWma r a .f ii in 1 ! r-mjt i.orUA m Imi IIuTL roetu ", ' VI Vt- airr na wt man m i o v mi -j Wv . kvAurJiBrv. tirDoraoce and vice. In Me j . i co, Yucalau, Peru aud Uraiil there ro uiaiu to this day, ibe evidence of ! a ovirfcation olderthan that of Egypt, i Va edifice of sculptured marble, 1 rvrAriilJ. statues and paintings richer Uin MerculaBCJm and Pompeii, tne priKLictiua of a people of a higher culture and rfitjment seeojingiy tnaa auy thai have ?UeceeIc.I them or that hi cxi-t there. Commencing at tbe pillars ol Hercules there flows incea-aaaslly-U wards the Carolina coast, Mr. ;V:yUUi tells me, a cut rent or river of tbe ev, with, an initial velocity of 3 aalca p haur, at a diataoce ol a few mil oely from the African coaaL la the Jaya.oT Slxabo this lined irota th Mediurranean to Ct Boja aler with rbwaecian cities to the num ber of MX Th evideoce i undenia ble that embarking upon this currant and com i oft by vhaioa called the outh cm route low hardy navigator aad ailor of Irelaad reaa-hod the coast of Nonh Carolina live hundred years at least before Cdumbu. and intruiucei the'relnjioa or fU Patri k. llumUldt aay that ih krstiBer related to tbe Jionbxan aetlled iu Viulaod that laxvher to the toulh, beyeod the Chesa peake Bay, there dwil,wbite men who clothed thesaselre In long white far- lesntaaad eatrnrsi orior sorm ir m feWBi4atAsa were aUached and calkd mUt aloud vocr. This aexouot was in- r" .7T .v.- ,Kr;-itn Northman t. 1 KScatT rrVewaio. In whkb banner. 2- That each electorate shoe Id be wVfaV. accMpnW by siogiag.- I eaUUedto one enber ef raj Twl were doabUea. Mr. Prealeat. , 3. That every male bousrwoWer, rrs IZLS la we aae to da, in celebca ; ideat six moth ia bbs elertorate, iT.VTauKk's day. and preUy muck in should be an elector. ?t?tl o 4. That there aboM be ny YT?? ' from scalping by addraain aoaie eaer relic woroa to tnaTMSfceraraj Ira 1i native Keltic. , i TUB MVC31fE.TT OT UICIU.3rr. Ever slace March the teeple 6Y Ireland bare been gorertred by a Lord Lieutenant and bocretarrMd a rrtrr Council, appointed by the Britiah Ckb-' ia et. In the abeenc of the Udrd TA'a- tentnt the rorernxnest tfebbdaefeVror the Arch du nop or jraDnn aaaxn rjotn mander of the FoTeeic Each ecKinty-is in charge of LientenanlL eneTailrih appointed bj the English Oro-wu; "The cities, towns and boroajroj are edVerned by local magistratea, uanaUr CathoEes; elected by tho people. Joliee b ad- minutercU by the local fjorn tjnancel lor; the Master of the 'Roll? fed JntfgW" in each of tbe cotfrta of 'jueen'a Ceoch Common Pica aa7d'lcequer; an as- uwib pruMccuiur tor cacu cviinir, a ti . -. . ( . i rerogauve uourt ana a tart or Aa- miralty; mj for civil aad criminal pleaJ are held by two of iis Judges, injeach cmuty in the sprinjr.aod sum mer of eaeh year. The execution ef the law i entrusu-d to the army, the mili tia. th ranntabulary and the Dublin olice. The army in Ireland nowconaiata .'2,411 men; the militia J7 regiments and oo.U'io aaen; the constabulary 13,- 0"; the police and magistrates about l he I mpenal Parliament meets annually at Ixndon. It contains 1,104 roencber!, divided into two houses, Lord and Commons. Ireland is entitled to H7 members, of whom 32 are members of the Upjer House. Thirty nine of the Irish Commoners represent bor oughs and cities. Tbe basis of repre sentation is one member of the Com mon for every 86,000 of the population. There iiona elector for every thirty even )ersons iu the counties. In the towns one for every twenty eight and one member for each y,0K)of tbe popo. lation. The ofliceliolders in Ireland are gene rally selected by tbejEnglish government or Cabinet. They are usually, therefore, aliens. Aliens by birth and religion nod aliens by the absence of any local attachment or sympathy. CBOM WELL'S CONQUEST. In lo50 Ireland was overrun and con quered by Cromwell, after a fierce atrug P;ie ana terriDie Diooosueu. icepopu ation waa treated with the utmost rig our. No term were kept with the vanquished. Ever since that period aod Eoglish garrison sufficiently strong to crush cut all resistance occupies every atronirlnld. Aliens fill almct Tcjy oflicr, civil or military. The natives ot the. country have no fcal in the Cabinet, uo voice in the administration of jus tice, no ollice in the ditributiou of the mails, the collection of the revenue, no command in the army uoue ia th na vy. Ireland was, until latejy, governed pretty much aa a subjugated province, lnfeetcd with an insurgent population which it waa necessary ut degrade by ridicule or overawe bv direol force, a population ii nii untui iu i....r-ii by bribery or drive in o exile. The pro prietor of the soil reside chiefly at Loudon and in England, near the re sorts of the fashionable and the aristo cratic nobility. They spend the riches and tbe produce of Ireland in foreign laid". To he an Irishman in Jreland i to Invite petty persecutions and re proach. To bo an enemy of one native land, having the talents which render nuch tream useful to a tyrant is to secure patronage and official recogni tion. '1 he history of tbo world, except in these southern States do- not pre- 1 srnt a more cruel absorption of the I whole resources and revenue of acouu ' try, nd their appropriation to the le- gradation of the local popalation, the liamilialion of im pride, the debasement f its rentus and smbitioa, and the lavish generosity of its government to persons whose claim to notice consist in the aid they give or gave to the an nihilation of its rmierwwdence. Previous to !., even trader the j bl.HMiv rule of Crostiwell aad hi Piwi- la a and Kouud head, between whom I aud tbe Irish Catholic and Cavaliers there seem a mutual and uncrxpuera ble aversion, Ireland was atwas permit ted to enjoy a local pariiaue or legis lature, having the same relation to the Imperial Parliament that our (ieneial Assembly bears to Congress. In IT! the sbsmeful corruptioua of this body, the inequalities of it t-i of represen tation aod it grass aubeervieocy to the Imperial I lover o mem, cauvnl the form ation of several political sucietiea, whose object was to procure re form in these particular. Among these the society called the "t'nited Irishmen," was the most conspicuous, Thi was composed of i"riaot a well as Catholic. I tmd it included srvery man in theconatrrof any resrtahlllry or ioflueace, not in the pay of the government. This orgaaiaauon was based upon tbe fallowing proj-oeitiotis, vLr I. Irishmen shoald govern Ireland; to which end the kingdom should be divided Into 300 electorate, aa nearly equal as possible fa Mint' ef poyu- la'fon. UoUen no resign, TTr"7 cT i ha Arislocrrv shouhi be sboliahed. i-.njr.iuh i'eer or ue realm, AarmedT Deputy Lieutenant and UaHtatei,Tl all Earlisbmen. all OToteetanto. tiid Alt AP1UL 20, 1S77. preaslon and to further the designs of cOTrwmonf if wan Hrf armined to nre- gerntfriiment, it was determined to pre ctpltatavan armed insurrection. Ac oorsliagb toartial law was proclaimed, 5nd the Orange leagues and lodge tin jer' the name of yeomen and militia regiments wre enrolled, armed and otaced uader tho pay of the government, lVoieiUaeU only were enrolled iu theae organizations, and sectional antipithie were sedulously cultivated. The .Sher iffs, llagwtrates, Mayors of cities. Con stables: aad Police were required to be Orangemen. The people were goaded bj every conceivable instrumentality to resistance. Justice fled the lacd. Cor ruption aod mal-nd ministration were encouraged and rewarded. There no 'Jaw except for Orangemen. They maltreated and shot the defeucelc.- people'at every fair aud market, ure of l Hrm a nit y from punishment, except sack as individual superiority and the rhUklti could iutlict. When brought to trial they were acquitted by partizan juries, packed by sherilM. Tbe slightest offenses on the part of the people were punished with w hippings, imprisonment, transportation and death. A,t last the United Jrishnaeu, now com posed of the bulk of the Irish popula tion, determined on insurrection. .Com pelled to choose between death on tbe scaffold and banishment, or death on the field, they preferred the latter al ternative. A half million ji" meu, Catholics, Protestants, and Presbyteri ans orgauized themselves into compa nies and regiments under the leader ship of Lerd Edward Tiugerald, Thos.' Addis Emmet, William James Mac Keven and Arthur O'Connor. The Keltic mid element being equally represented. The 21th March was the i?y li.xcd for tbe out break of the rebellion. J'reviom to this time, however, tho government, thor oughly advised through its secret agents, of event-, seized these and other lead ers, aud tlitew them into prison. Lord Castlercagh, who had commenced his career as a reformer and wa now chief secretary, by birth an Irishman, was the priDi instrument in crusmng the rebellion of 171'6. Lord Cornwal lis, smarting from his defeat at York- lowu, commanded the English forces. I he Irish lmd no leader., no artillery, no gon, no ammunition, luey ex pected to drive the veterau troops of F.ngland from the countrv with pike. Martial law wan enforced with reiuoic les cruelty. Everv man suspected of being euroiled amoug the Irishtuen was seized and tried by drumhead courts martial, organized to convict, aud either whipped to death or hanged. The Orange lodges glultid their furv in the blood of their countrymen. Nor age, nur sex, nor condition were spared. Even little childreu were .-onrged to compel them to disclose the hiding jIaccof their parents. Concealment wa punished lth death. The privacies of families were uivaucU nl ail hour ol the niirlit. The delicacy of female? was the subjoct of jest and .spoil lo a ribald soldiery. rzed women were stripped ot their clothing nud jewelry. Tlie dead were exhumed sn t the ds in' iu-'ic J ,i-ide . . 1 : . .. .- r . --. i . i n a- in aearch of plunder. Everywhere was beheld some .pecta !e ol atrocitv or a melancholy gloom. The fields were Uncultivated. In their midst stood the memorials of rapine and dv;vatatiou. "Vf hers rose tlit rlilmiify, n a t i i. I lit In '!. flic tlioiijliilul -iiili to- . im e vv.-.iil to flow. On brigbi ! I :o j . : ; : il l creej t'p sbiu iuk oil ia jc Tijii nvsloii.: i. . Teat-e llvivl m it li i ti llioe iils. :ior cirfil lo ' kDOH WheLhfr i;:li wr:ili nr ihivi r: mi" -'jiJ: Tiioc wa' m h ive ilispi" .iicJ ..n.l grow L'p " llirotin UK- heal Hi v ' l o i pltiyad. And all bill l i ' K . i i ; . J .1 rent pi t'.i; In the citto. friend- pa- d each oilier 1 with averted eyes. The sti!u, ivas in- terrupted only bv the of armed cut-throat. in ea-tiled treal and cr.mifd bands of plunderers men with savage ! cries who had thrown aide all huniaii- restraints anl were rr.aildrne.1 with drunkenness and fierce with bloodshed. Famine at last came ia w complete the wreck male bv the sword, and hun dreds of thouands perisnc l ot irva- lion. Treason filled up to the brim the bitter cup of Irish defeat and humilia tion. Itrviiold. Hitg'.ir. Armstrong. Bird. McNally. Mcfiucken and Ericn are the name tliat cuiio d-T n to u, on the stream of a f!f crested infa.ny. After sanguinary cv'.ib.v. at P.iiting lam, Kilcullen. I".t!ia:i-aii far! iw nJ Tar, the reWlfion wsr nbdiic l Ire land ws now .eied a t!ic .jitul of pirate. llcr ch. T,trs- de;rorcd or m exile. The couutry was given up to a licentioii .dd:ery, to p;c-. informers and pillager. lVssdttion m-ned al u her TTtxIant fieM. Kaia si. pictured in the apes.l rf her town The ji!s were crowded. The execution-, r a bur. The w.nk of d'ath al .ce pro ceeded. Sch of the nalrie patriot population as -raped 1 to t rei-o land. It was nnder the circi:ntan ce, and lo farther prevcat thc.vry eatiment of resistance, the govrrnaie-ut now determined upon destroying the very life of the nauon In IVceeabcr ITVi Lord CaMlercagh lntroduce-1 mt tne Irish Parliament a bill Ia rmult for the ibot perfect anion ' of Ortaf Crftala aad Ireland; a voluatarr atro- SUglc Copies 10 Cf lis. I there shall beat an Irish heart in an ! irishman' bosom. Irishman's bosom The last organized attempt at rebellion was made in 1313, when Daniel O'Oon nell, and J. Macneoaara Cant well, with six others, were arrested and tried to gether at Dublin for high treason; while Thomas Meagher and Smith O'Brien were sentenced at ClonmeJ for tbe same offense. None of them, howover suf fered more than line and impritonment. l be practice of putting men to death for political offences being very gene rally abandoned by civilixed nations. Suffer me, Mr. President, in conclu sion, to congratulate you and this So ciety upon the auspicious signs which now pud the horizon of Irish national ity. I am persuaded we have not long to live, who only live to see the Irian parliament again assembled at College Green. We have not long to wait who only wait to hear in Tara's Halls the Irish harp and song! "O weary heart, O alumbcrlns e e. O drooping eaol whose dasMnle Are fraught Wjlth fear ami palo. Ye shall e free nraiu: " Ibe sunny smiles of Ireland a beanty shall vet relume the shrines where her chivalry are proud to kneel. Erin's j gorgeous banner of gold and green shall float again above her palaces, and her emerald crown shall eucirele the brow of one of her own children. The asaaaaioaliou f J-orl Cautirell. ot Cantirelt'a Court, la among the most note- me examples oi loepernay oi tneconqueror, I bis gentleman was Marshal General of the supreme Confederate Oounel I . fsir John Gray, C'h, Et. Ireland, pp. Hi, ?7. Having after a protracted siege surrendered bis oca tlp, ou coodltlon ot being permitted toleve the country. 'Cromwell's letters 1. C'arly la from, r.'l) he waa cmelly massacred by tli Koundbeads on the parade ground of Kilkenny. (81r Johniiray, ih.) Upon the rthtoratlon of Charles II, his eon, Edward Cantweli. baring lalied to obtain the re to tal) on of Ins eatataa. acoompanled 41r Kd ward Andros to America, la lttTK, alter be ins twlre lierlflT or JNew Castlo. I e la ware, he was appointed by that nobleman Gover nor of the Kogliali ael Hemes is on the Dela ware. 'Gordon Hist. I'enn. iThe aduiialvtration In Ireland, 1 am glad Ut learn i.s now I -77 1 greatly mitigated. 1 have every confidence that PrekidanlUayaa will remedy the same grievance in the southern fclatea. CITY ITEMS. April thus far has ; been a general washing day. The Spring organ-grinder has put in his appearance. The right size for the average gW'il- miuglon youug girl Exercise. A sure Democratic receipe lor the removal of stains from characher get rich. a tarnished Head the new story in the New York Weekly by Mrs. M, V. Victor called "The Ciay Captain," commenced in No. 1. twenty even tramps last t ie tide ain't done runnin vet. week, : this and way A Second street printer who is en deavoring to make both ends wir is living on hogs-liead-checic and soused pig's feet. Jchn Hear uow furnishes his bibu lous friends with their thorite drinks served in blue glasses and decorated w ii!i strawberries. j Oi-r Charlie says that he knows an -.j other boy over whom the toe of a boot has more practical influence tbsn all ' the kind words ever spoken. - A man may understand the true iu- j ward ncss of the hard money question if he will ouly go out on the street and trv to borrow some of the article. 1 he last two or three wceka of change able weather have been w eeks full of cou tending emotions for the dear ladies who have bought their new spring hats. The strawberry aweet by and-'jr Las come again. Draw forth your ockei-book. par Iwcuty-ivC cents for a half dozzen smile if you -a, and go f ibe aregoric. .!as ! poor Ilalcigh is dwaxd - the tempera.. ic tidal wave bat atroik it. Whai on earth will become of Colooel bilUaunders of the Ot.i'r aad Major o v: lhardt of the Stale Depsutment ? It i said that Raleigh u lo vote "wel or "art ' .1 its next uiusiopsl clesttoa. If ibe.. arc lo base no naore whiskey sImjj s iu ihat i Ullage, bow de DcnjocraU Lvpc v vcr again lo carry aa clccU'Ki there . Now is the Uaoe to make up ciwbs k the New York Family Sery raper, it is tilled with interesting readieg eaeb week, and the erorkj f S"hkf esvre NUMBER 401 The KL Bey. Theodore Lyman As- ! r:.i r vr4i. r i: . :n aistant Bishop of North Carolina will visit s. Mark's Parish on Friday even ing April 20th and administer the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation. A fir dial invitation' is extended to all to be present. Service at 8 p. m. Seals free. AroLLixaaxs Bbcsxkx. At the request of Mr. W. J. Buhmann we cheerfully- giye to the public our opinion about the above named natural mineral water. We have tried it aud without hesitation pronounce tbe ajol linaris water he is endeavoring to iu troduce, the most, palatable Selte water we have ever tasted, and as a most pleasant and cooling beverage alone it deserve patronage, eveu if its conspicuous medicinal proporties dki not give it a much Mronger claim on the attention of our people. We do not propose to advertise Mr. It's busi ness for him, but as we take a friendly interest in him personally, we wow Id liko to see him succeed, and in order to assist him as far as we are able, w c tabu pleasure in giving fl opinion for his benefit. rS' ''The Man with Five Wives," by the great French novelist, Alexaudcr Du mas, published this day by T. P.. Pe terson A Brother?,' Philadelphia, is fully equal lo aoy'of his celebrated "Three Guardsmen Series," and w ill be found to be one of the most exciting as well as one of the best historical novels ever printed. The vividness of style, and animated descriptions in which Dumas so greatly excels, will be fouud iu thi volume to posse-ss: all tneir original brilliance ; while the utmost care ha been takeu to preserve the many useful lessons that may Ve derived from a pe rusal of the work. "The Man with Five Wives'' is published in lrge octavo volume, price lie venty-five cent , and is for sale by all Booksellers, ci copies of it w ill be sent to auy oue, Kiel paid, on remitting price to the Publish- ' ers, T. B. Peterson & Brother, Phila delphia, Fa., iu a letter. . Tor sale ul P. Heiosbergec's Live Book aud Music Store. Petersons' Dollar Series of (iood Novels. Country (Quarter, by the Countess of Blessington. With a praise worthy desire to cater to the want of American reader in these light times. Messrs. T. 11. Peterson cc Brothers Philadelphia, have deurmiucd to issue a collection of the choicest works of fiction ut the low rate of One Dollar a volume. This, collection w ill be known m icitiniui asjiiai .(lic oi l too l Novels." Each volume will be com plete in itself, and w ill contain a much reading matter n i-. iinaHy given in a two dollar Wok. Wc predic. a large ale for this ami for the .-Uwieed-ing volumes of the fcric-, a it will be the largest and cheapest ?encs of book at One Dollar each, erer i-suetl in thi country. ''Country uartcr" maktn o0) large pages, audi will be found foi sale by all Bookseller-, or cooir.s ol it will be sent to any one, jot-pai 1 v.i remitting One Dollar In a letter to tl. Publisher, T. B. Pelcrsou V Brothci. Philadelphia, Pa, Tor sale at P. Hiin. bargcr's Live this citv . Ii md Mu- More i r Camp Meeting Hotirv, April 17th 1-:,. Mn. Ei'irua Please permit me i. publish through your column, th Iinc Blufl Camp Meeting of tbe A ii E. ion Church, which will uimiwiKr en Thursday May 10th. The fell wiog ditinguiahssl lMiim have been invited and are exprsrieil i-. be present, vi : liuho)s J. W. II o-. ana IO max Hers. C. Km'"ti, It. Morris, W. II. iUnk. 1L R Howell W. Irioe, D. A. Sanders, it. 1. ai.) F. House. S.TL lluoler. .1. W. Iai I W King, J. Hootr and A. 1 . Movrr. A general ids itaUon is hereby givcu to all the resident Minrslrr aud their CODCTegaUoos) lo alirad. lr u gu up and camp a while ia the wildexBeaa. The com nut ice of arrangement promise to .mate oJr stay a comfortable possible, W. J. Mo. r I I. Witminrow iMiia-t SB w a ip vkm riai:ji:T.. EHLVK WINES ad CLAKLTJ K sV. M. UAIaLsM AN'rs c:uatiaTi v UPKalAL WIJtE VINLTJArf. InpjU tttpigik. Keijmretl PicklUg Vtgsr. Kiircil Ciitr Vi-gr - . ) t-x 1IM a., l retu T,s.aa sm i avrra aM Of 1t3t " STTS OlMMIWOStft fstaMam ta lanriam taw si mt iaSMi t !. sriM aa a awMa s fcwea sa rn tts. aa Ubt gsonii va a rvta t

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