HIE WILMINGTON POST, WILMINGTON. N. C. ritlDAY. APRIL 87. 1877. WILMINGTON MARKETS. April 13. S'-icirs Ttr.rc.v rixn. Official quo-l-i'iou w fjtiict in' nominal during ear! j-art of tbeilaf, lucent beiog :"Vrcl fr coui;trr r-acLac anJ sellers !.i.!Jia ihiiu at ", aol later about 15 rssis i hanin;; hamN at the latter fig. ure ; a.so iea oi w can cuy mumcu at -0 cent! ; cJociilj. quieL Kosiv OSicial quotation quiet at I ') for trinel aud steadT at f 1 4 j fur CJood skrained, there being Utile or no inquiry f..r the former grade. We conld bear i f sa'e f only -100 bbla (rood gtrainrl iarir.jihe day at tl 45 j-rr bbl. T a Official quotation steady at $1 V per bbl., at which ricc the re ceipt of the day changed hand ; also aalcs of oO bbls., in order, at 11 oO per bbl. CtVI'E TCKrT-NTIXL Official quo tations quiet and iaaeliqe at $1 25 for Hard. tl 10 for Yellow Dip, and 2 00 Virgin, the receipt of l.c Uat being placed at thoee figure. COTTON. There wa a bc'.ter leeling in the market firtbi article, and quo tation were advanced a trifle. We bear of sale ot 41 bales at lyj cents tot Middling. The following arc the official quotation : Ordinary, (tood Ordinary, '.'j Strict (. Ordinary '') Low Middling, Middling. I'.', (ool MiaMim--. it r Cotton Spirits turj-ci.liiic liosin Tar, Crude turpentine bales IJI insls 7l7 bbl bbl Srii.n- Tt r.r.: :: .--'fficial ,uo talkn ot.cd steady at a dccliuc of ' cent jotcrdjy'i quotatio:-, about 10U cask changed baud during the djy at Z) cent -cr gallon for couutry packages Kcsix Official quotation was steady at $1 ' for Slrainrvl aud $1 l-jfoMiood Strained. We brer ol .alo of " bbl Mraiccd aid I", "7 do ("ood Strained alfl I en I U do M.ul at er uLI. ; clom firm. T t r.. -Kilici.il isolation steady , a!i ( th " y" rt-rt;! at tl l" I r w " I . t'tfi'i. Tt i. I L.n 1 1 i- "'Civial quo i.itiors .;tii.-t at 1 '2- for Hard and i i'..r Ytslow I an-l i'l for .rr-ui. l ho Iay rrvripin !- ing fUcrd al t.c f'jrts. CrT'N . - t MK .a ,:.'tatn,:i Wl .!i lr '. slit a.iaiuf on yetcrJjy' . . .u: . u-. Wi l.i jr i i a!e C I t.aKt j r: ri s"'X In to 11 J k--:ti yst j i-rditi. ! q :a'.ity. Tne f .' , wu'iT ai" i !)- !ioil n'lotj'.ton. s ' l,w 31 id i.ir,-. it'; " Middl.n;. ; I". " MuMUh. 1". " VAX Kll'l . 1.' bales lo-S casks .VI bbU lit bbk . . a a v otloo, ."pirit Turji. n:ine. Rosin. lar. Crude Turpen:ia. 1 1DIS Al'KlL -1. SMUT 1 1 rriMiNi: tt5cial quo tations o j -cr.nl and closed atcady at Si ceats r csllon K r couutry (package. I JO casks cbangibg hail tluriug the day at that figure. RoIx. Oihciai q j iJt..u ws nrni a; tl h. for Straiotd ai:d 1 for Good Strained, but i.- lrsLacli u in either of lbo gt is kie rcxirtel We hear ol sale of Jl bb! N. and No 1 at tl TiHhII W jr bbl. rat Of2cal quoUlious Lru at tl U rwr bbL, the reccift of lb? djiy elling at that price. fat vz Ti ti -l-MiM- -Jtliwiai .,uy ,o. quictat il for Hard and?!: 10 .. ,, i , - . x- lellow Dip au.l?J . ivr N ir-iu, ) tatiocs foe V I be receipts vf t!e .Uy l-cing plaxd at : that price. Conu.-U-AiAi ..vuut. l-r ibis i artKie qu;e. sna ui:. aaa.cxi. u c tr . t 1 ft m u4 a.cs ol y lais t pn.c raa-ioc frvn ; to t'ctnLjcr !. "Ike follow, leg are the i iTk ia!qutalion . rUiai7. . t :'. j (ood Ordinary. '. Liw MddUt 1", , Middliar If r.i.ci.iri. tVui-s, fMril Tu'p titic lioeia. Tar. i.Vidt Turi'suUtc, ; Utk h caa '.7 bW .V bbU r.v bus Ars.lL r firtans Tt arr-MtM- lflVcial ao tstWa vpewesl arm at aa aJrahcc of erst on ('atardav's jootsUoos, I Zi caAa cln;a naals Uariaf the Laj at r? real per cailoa kt co-jetry pad a7CK Rot I OSLcial iioiaLiaM for MaU4 aai G-.4 ?Hrai.asl roaia s Lraavx tl - 51 ii J. aU ot a sasa!l U cfI Sirsiatei at II M jsrr Taav Oirl aXfcea MeWj ki acaajtfsl. Lie rtxsftffa cef rOc at tl 43 Carx Twxarmc. TV rreirs of the day sold al(l 3V fat Hard and tl 10 for Yellow Dip aud 50 for Virgin, be an adrance on Saturday. i quotations, closing fins. ' CoTTux. The market waa duil and inactive and without retorted irunac tion. The laat c facial quoUtion were as follows : Ordinary, (tood Ordinary. Strict Ciood Ordinal Low MiddJio" Middling. Good Middling, : ct V P i'i " " 101 " " I0j 10 " RrXKIPTi?. Cotton Spirits Turj-entin", Iioein, Tar. Crude Turpentine, o- balc-i 117 cak 1278 bbia j:5 bbl W bbl A TBI I 21. SriRlTsTtT.rKxrixr Officials quo tations firm at JO cent per gallon for package, withale, howcrcr, of only about 23 caaks at that figure. Roarx. Official quotation opened strong, with bayers and sellers apart, but later there were ale of To bbls Strained at ?1 C3 do Strained to GoodStrainel at fl GO, 700 bbls Strain ed at ?1 CO and .'W do Cood Strained at $1 Co. There was a rumor to the effect lha 2,000 bbl Gool Staaiocd changed hands at 1 Co, but we failed to get it authenticated. The market closed Arm at tl 60(Vii?l Co, lorStraicel and Good Strained. Tan. Sales reported of bbU at $1 00 and 2o0 do at $1 Ci per bbl.. the market closing teady st the latter fig ure. Cmci'i: TLK.rEMl.Ni:. We hear of a lot billed at the closing figure- ot ycaterday, which were $1 oo lor Hard, $2 23 for Yellow Dip, and 2 M for Virgin, but the market closed at I V) 20 bid for Hard and Yellow Dip. Cotton. Official qiioilion fr thi article may bo quoted as dull and nomi nal. Tho follow in- were the laut official qw-jtalioti Ordinary, : ' Good Ordinary, Strict Gotwl Onlin.ry Low Middling, Middling. Good Middling, '.. i"i in: KKCKllTS. Cotlou. Spirit turpentine. Koin, Tar, Spirit turjcnlinc. !:. cak,. its bb!-1. ."Si " si I " Arm i .-riBir.-. Ti rix.N ri.M.. UtliciHl ;uo alious oeuctl Uict but closed f:rm at 30 crnu per gallon for couutry ackagc., ZW casks changing hands at that figure. licwiy. Official quotations wa firm at $1 C-0 for Strained and ?l C" for Good Strained. The sale of th day were a fol owa: 000 bbU Strained at M W, '.OJ bbls Cood Strained atf 1 G-i and 127 bbls (E) No. 2 at f 1 7l per bbl. Tab. Official quotation iuiet at an adrance of 5 cents oo yesterdays quotation, the receipts of the dy changing haods at tl 70 per bbl. CatrDE TrarENTixE. official mo lalions at $1 50 tot Hard and tl for Yellow Dip, and $2,5 for Virgin, the receipts of the day being sold at these igar. Corrov. Official quotations for this artk e was entirely oomiaaJ andwithout injuiry. The following are the official aaoiationa. 0 'a m I0i Ordinary, (iood Ordinary, Strict (rood Ordinary, lxw Middling, Middling Cood Middling, L'tS It. KKChllTS. Cottoa, Spirits Tarpcntiue lloaio. Tar, Crude Tur;entioe 2S bale lot CssLa ;r. bb! 'XjO bbU MARPfE. ARK1VEP. tsnr North fctatr, Crcxii, 1 jvcllc- 1 st- .ft. St . v - Wortli orth , Nor r.U1?,?C-k Lirerpo"!. 1 L Hed .-t, M4ry Nor Park lletHck IWn, 1;.vi.iU-m n. e. La, Holt, Ii-viii Tar, Me.. G ti Barker .V C. Mnr A 1 Hurt, orth, I ctt TiIU' WorVb' .. i:D-Mj. ); K H, Ss.hr Lwrlhi, tjasiriitN:. rortUnW, 3Ie.. for Savanuah. in di.lrts t; ,! Barker Co. ?tsanivn Nchr llur..n lnL- lliw.u Icl!rsiet e Co. j Stmr North Stat. t;rrn l ivfi:.- ! WortB A WVrth I v.. r... jn. ! . I uam, ik r. ueiue. i . 1 Schr R C TbsMua. Ihornslike, IVn Land. J H CbalUsMra s U i Mcamahip lLaJeigb, tllirer, morr, A 1 (.uaoi. UaAship lWnefacUr, Jooeis, Nw York, A ICaaaui. PUer A r Hart, tlrrew. KerrtterilU WarU A Wortk. Schr James iXwaaLot-, Warrm rlfast; XI e U K Mitcfteil A Sia. Ss-hr Kstie iliuaell. Wrat, New York vU Norfolk, Williams A Marchi- ixhr Wroosio Tura, llulaJaipaia. Won A tVartn. Scar Clara, IrJ'.amsn, New York. Uaaa Coenrsaar. Nor Urk A O Vin. lVlr. Li. . nrw. N'or kark lUivr. trp VJv. l;vr- Caan Tt Cbarv !. L lU-. Nor bark ll.taau. Js?otoa t hsr tsta, Alas 8sraat 1 . iVrr bark Mimmss. Maaviiaw. Hat- T4 via tinvmaaah, K IVseaa A SrAr CK tter, Taraer. Cariema. Ur r Yect. 42 O lUrker A O : pt ta, A stCrrea. CLEARED. SlCiuiisliip D J Foley, Trice, lUlli morc, A D Cazaux. Stmr North Stat, Green, Fayette ille. Worth A Wortli. Nor Raak Heaa, Gronn, Stettin An derson & Loeb. Scbr Fannie W Johnson, Outen, 1'hiladclphia, Harris & Howell. Steamship Regulator, Doane, New, York, A D Cazaux. Stmr A T Hurt, Worth, FarctteTille, Worth St Worth. Stmr Wave, Robcaou, . FayetteTille, , Williams Si Murvhuon. i Nor brig Miletus, Olsen, Bristol, Erie;., Alex Sprunt & Son. Stmr Nonh StaU. Green, Farette ville. Worth & Worth. Nor bark St Olaf, Uasel, (ilasjow, CJI King. Schr Henry A 1'aull, Serange, Stet tin, William V Murcniaon. Stmr A I Hurt, Worth, Fayette Tille, Worth A Worth. Nor bark Forsete. Christciisc, Rotter dam, William & Murchison. Sleamnhip Benefactor, Jone, New, York, A D Cazaux. Steamship Raleigh, Oliver, Balti more, A D Cazaux. Stmr D Murchbon, Grresoo, Fay etterille, Williams & Murchison. Nor brig Dag, Jobsen, London, Alex Sprunt & Son. SIS W AD VER J'HSEMESTS. REPORT UF TUK UONDIT10N OK 1 MIT Kir. ST NATIONAL BANK of Wll- tnliizton. at w iimlniton. in Hie Htate of oria tufiiiu. ai tue ckmw oi oasincw, April nth. 17T. KfcOl'KCtS. I.uan unU die unla. J Ovrrrlntls KvT0 ."1 W.OTO 00 L'.K B-jnd to Mxurc clrculatloo... Otlicr stck!. Wood aud nion ign . I me from spproveil rrerve agents l)ur fromotiier National ItankH Iuc lrom SUlc &tukio4 bankers Ileal CKtatc, furnlturwand flxtnrea . Current ex pen ton aud taxes paid... Premium paid 1 i I - of other b.mk. Kr.i .tional curri'Ui'5 'Including nlrkciH .. fsi--U UurluJio.- - (ul'l Treasury cert iflndf.-i . Ical teinl r nitei l:clruiptton luinl wltn D.sflreaa ueir, " 1H.T n iit ol circulation 73 S.UI7 'H 1V" 0 1,7 So li 4.VW &- 1 l.l!7 KM 19,-75 W '. : 'j r. i,o w i o oo T..t.il I.IAl.lMlIl. '.iiil iwk i l in J-KJ.dtO ' Mirplti-. fuf.l r.! M L'nill1dtil profti. 4J.K S Natlou.il Bank Uot ou'.Iaudin . TI.VJU f) I'l vldcudx liniiaul J,''l 0". Indivi'liial Jcix;u -ul-jecl to check. .. !. S Iicmautl crtlll"-au- ot dcpoMt t.! W Due loutLcr MMmnal lUtnki. 4,7N" TO Not r nuil bills ro-dlcomtcJ o.fW 00 1 ..SK7S.1TJ m bl AlE Ol NoT;TU t'AKOLINA. ioI STV U Ni;V IIANnVKK, I, A. I. WALKL.il, llilcr ol the alx.v iiAint'd tvtuk. il oiciuul awrtir lliat the jt'-ovc latmcnt N truw to tlie lnl ol B7 kliowli'dc and belief. . K. WAI.KK.n. l.i-.Uler. hub -.ci 1 1 1 nuil oi u In l fore ni9 Ilils ijtUduyoi April. II. M. r.OW I !.', N,.-:.ry KuI'Mc. fo;i:i i -All'-nl. K. t l;UI!Rl;. I', i.. W'HU'll. I'luctort. J AMKssl'R! NT. pril -'t. C- C. Railway FrciiM Office VII.MiN-r"N. N. i . April .'s .Vol ice. y ill lii: . -LP. "x m. -.i. I;:, t- I'AV 1 IS 2 lilIT ANH C'MAIti-K-. tbs lo li" in. O si-, low :o-cJ In t oinpoii's Warrliouas st Wilinlnglou, N. C 1 lluiv 1'iiwrr. K. . WKIlDxli.-iin. ullis ln.r ; I I'.iir Mill Stones, .1. L. Hall. Troy. N. C; J lluttdic t'otton I lea, not markeJ; I Iron tirmt Mill, not marked ; I fiecc Cotton l'ie-s, 1. ltaVcr, I-aurin-burg ; i . ui on l'lanter. It. H. Anthony. Hbelby ; t Hn i-andy . .lamea Llodaay, Ialetivlile; I Keg IJinl. W IMtienn. Crowder a tTek ; 1 Itox Mcrobandlc. klm. Wrennhot. IJd ciilnloii ; I Isoi i Id Iron, 1 Measure, v. Ijred. I.ln roiotoa ; l i vox riluclnc. N. Kolk'Iit. adeboro: I KuuUio Tree. J. .s. imouu. l.lleTllle; 1 liox MervbaudtM, C. K, MlnmMi. In cuter, S. C : I Hag Seed. Vox no:h. Ro kta;liaoi ; 1 locs Nuts, not marked; I hot flatter. 1 Ihi Mdac. K. 1. Inrrmln. U klnban , i li)t Tin I'lalcbnd bolder, J II Aycx-k. "'.i'.r- ' L.L.Vllr. rolkton; '. H.llei Krw.. 1 lUod Wheel, noi in.... Kt rdcr. r W. i i u k, ion I Krcishl and T. At-t A. 1. I t pi Kreigbt AeoU To Holders of Claims Acainst llie Ccnnty Of New Hanoror. iir.iiKA'-. mi: I'M net i.tik.- rite- cutlcs tbcmrl . in 'li' aJjurtuieat o Ibe del-t ol tlie t'otmty, upoo a bala aalla fastorr to tlil lioard, as well ai the CredH or. ap-e.tr to e lntirmoalable : and. W Lrrsas. Tlie 1 reUlrr.- u U audit ; -iut.uij(iiDJriiiiio', - and aaaae enquiry .ticeruius tbc sh Iflo and coaald eraun ol cii clatn. and to Vrinpruulae and -t;ir en u b terma aa tbeyre) may III ;u4 jnd i;nllble," ao to "reeoaB' tcnd tiic payment of such pari sstkey iw9) ajay utcu e-iu'I'r an-l 'usi,' oftheclatms sr.cid . nJ Ucra. After a iMr omintlma oi lb Jo:.; o ?i'l c-nsi,i. (t.in f the rlaima. i iun.l 1U1 i.ut Ics. il , vbould c-e et:iei i jc i:- m:i amouat rf ibeir fc s 'Lie. and It Is l. ipra-Ucab!e to aat any HI ." s.,i.-. lv tuay r'tMlflH - alU . fcd " ltfc.i, t pou i:i!rirw 1.. ..I with ua- I dr b-.Jrc: the saitou. rlass of claims. we Bad no O.tpKiuoa oa their part to pro ps.- f ay Innn iiri sr-oeWMiae; aad X licrx.. Il Jt inipractu-ahie r to ta saaae 4ii4'Mtiois m t.- ei:etnet o aaid !aiB t kli ssiil rvsalt lsja-tory t all csMaerraed. r :t ISesie-t. Tnt it U the aaaa cptslua "4 lb Tmjrti that ajaat aad eet table Mtliruat sir aaia rieisae ra4 he the emtavage w .a4a eTU: Cosiaty. asaaai aader the Ac: ceeuag tal actal Board mt Aadii. $o tghly rve Ualta eTthe v-a;ae of aaM rum -hlhif1a Jadgaa ruaaly warrants e echaf e taa, Taa aWe rreanahie ea4 aaaalmowaly aJceSed y the Mat cttal a4 tbarwngh lsi1 Ixsll. teua. other iaie4. Las . ta a eaaeraaeaaa. ;t . d tax Cawaiy. iw are . tsg aelMI wwl SMiry the ja-ai t t as, ta that ew AaJBX r--s-woa. awl SMiry the as Siriaaia.in eatees. taa ana WIS at w uy 't ibasjarU ta te eaaa ta She) M h faaaea taT s rrsrtsnee rth lh pisNisi aftha AaaeT h,amsait. ari Tsei Baaed WHOLESALE PRICES. - TUe follow lux quotations represent UiUoleeal prices craeraUy. la makss wp saaall orders blcber prices hare lo.be raicaat. Jt w li IT fj a t ji w lti? 11 4Jt 1j iH 1M li H 15 1- invAtim Anchor Doable Astebor a BuuKisrtl Domestic- BAUUN Worth CwroUA, Hams, V S BAMMltlers, V Mktos ...- . . Western timoMft Bldea - bhonlaers. Dry HluxJ Bid 1 jSersVft.. Should BKKT On the boof. u a RR1TI4 Mnlnu Turoenline. Keoond Hand, each 2 00 ft Nsw York, each 2 oO f New Cltr, wch.. 2 00 2 S, BEESWAX 9 K 27 (d 'JX BKICK-wUmlaton, XL- 8 0 SjlO V Northern. oo ell ou BUTTaUl N'ortu Carolina, . M 30 Korthem.W w CAN DLJCt Sperm t Tallaw, t ou a AdamaAUn. V aeit 14 t 1j CHKE8B Nortnern Factory. EsUry7 li li S3 S mte. COFKKIs Java, V ... Klo w Luun. W B M CORN MEAL-? bushel 1 10 S 0 UU COTTON Tiki 4 6; i DOMESTIC-beUog,4rfjd 10 ( 11 Yam, w bunch : 1 riHH Mack erel . No. l.f bbUS 00 tsOJ 00 No.l, bbl 9 50 Mackerel. No. bbl 13 50 No. X X 7 60 s Mackerel. No. 3 V bbL 1100 11 50 Mallets. bbl 5 50 5 50 ft a Herrlnr. bbl o 110 UIM 1tt Cod, fl bbl 0 I fLOUB Klne, V bbl 5 00 4 5 . Baesw, Nortbern, v bbl 00 50 i Extra do. " Vbbl a 75 w 7 oo rwjnllT " V bbl .. 7 ( 76 j City Mill Super Y bbl 8 30 f it IM - Kxlra.bbl 9 50 W 50 family ft bbl ....10 00 10 SO i - V.x Kmmliy t bbl...12 50 &00 00 rEnnLiziiKa- reruvian Uuano, f ?X) ..so no 01 no fiiui& i i-nospnaist - - uu on ren w Carolina Fertilizer " "....:) 0J 90 OroandBooe, " ".. .oo on &i 00 Bone Meal " " no uu i ui " Flour. " 00 0 .57 t) Naraaaa Guann, ."., K65 00 Complete Maunre ' n5 00 67 W Wbann's lnopliate" " io w. 7o oo Wando l'liunpliHte, .....uwi 71) w BerxcrABruU s atliox. " WJ 00 s00 rtioenlz J 00 WUoox tllbb A Co.. iMMlu.-pu- lateo Guano ' vp OLUri ! .-J UKAIN Coru, nlore. -. :i 1 " Corn, c ro, V 5ii Bn Corn, yel.. V buuet (aU,V bushel Peaa. cow. buhlicl U1IK ireu.-t lry. V tt HAY Kaatern. V 1" " North lUver, W 1'sJ lbs UOOP IKON -f U.n LARD Northern y ti Nortn Carolina y lb LIME-V bbl U W 70 W. Nl 1 IV, (, l'7 a s 1 l-i i i .m il l W ! " lli -fill"" f, frfc IT tat rt. im 1 V. in- LUMBEK City u-miii wwed- Hhlp atuff. renawcd. s M ti..."f t Kouh edae pl..k. V M n. ..-J w rr .i :m Weet India carco, accordiug to quality, S M it 4 ... Ji i M 01 Dreaded floonuft. oe.jiiel .. ifi y I'' ttrantilnt una buuran, com- . moo, y M ft .1.3 o .'l i MLAf ililm.bhd fgl. " v i Cuba. bbi. 1 l w- l Hokht bouk. bliila. cai - bblaVgal (.1. :t Sugar Syrup. bbi. VCl w w N 411.H Cut. 4d to td, kef .. 1 7.i - Mi OILH Kertwene, tK l Ird. g-aL. : 10 u I IS Llnaeed.WEal I OO w 1 10 Rootu.vncal isu e 41 rBANUTti W bufchcl 1 .SO SB 2 ,VI l"OTATO wet,V buh. HU fce I U) Irish. Northern. V bbl a a;iu PORIC Northern, city iuea...Mi no m Zi .'hi Thin, t bbl Prime, V bbl Hump, ft bbl RICK Caroline, V t Kaat India.fi C I tough, fl bUKbrl RAGS Country, y B City fl .. . ROF1C - HALT At nm V bukhel... Liverpool, ft ucc A merlcan , aack PUG AH Cuba, tt Porto Rloo, l A Coffee, uo 00 I0 41 ...i on euw vo .00 ou sen) 00 .. 0 i H HO kn (l .. 1 'JI lot 1 l J1 tl a; 1 k n ?l 7 a lit .. Iii r 1 17' i .. I Oi Ml l'74 V!a lu 10'M 00 nys ou .. I !.'( H fl S C " f Kx C ft ft. II 10 Cmaheti ft fc BOA P Northern, fl BHlNGUkM Coulraev,f It. ''4 'i'jT 4 OU BOiV .. 2 v 3 trj tXMnmon, fl M. Cypreee sape m ...... , fg Cvereea Den. fi a. j BTAV W O bbL fl M KOaad-lR. -JU 00 s2jCU ..uu uo (iw -IS UO (aUO OU Crnreas.1 TALLOW TIMBKH fthlpplDg, f M n 0-i00 ft) MU1 jruae.fi M... ira uw atilLlr fTjl 50 uh eu Inferiors Ordinary, M. .. AaoA WHJB1UCY Northern. V gal. 10 A t 09 HonhCaroUna, aai ITS e S o WOOI L'nwiahed. fiBX ? f Unwashed. . U 1CTIN, SLJ.!0 Gold..! -109 111 Hllver --103 l' ELzcbange aigbt on Northern el Ilea . ; ajdnc' Caebanga JO day sou Northern ........IH1'4 rr' Par Vel Belllug Bank of New Hanover . UUiek -2S 1 too lt Drmt National nana Wllatiogtou ilulldiog isuieh.. MachaaLw - " NaTaaaa Uoa&o Cv N C Bonds Md F.s-CiMinua. I to Funding let - Da " labs. I to New ..... .... t . 11 .. : -1 44 110 ..-1 ltu Hpecsal Taa u lm to N C Railroad J W h W K K Boada 7 VrxUuld I u t CCKR Wood. 70 W Urn in (ton City Bond, n ve...7" 7 Ve - " oldsacAt nteffttaU-'i'J I " ) New HanocC Bvul -ISyaara) fw (d Intl. T W w U U edo.k t Par I N C K K - . " 0i. CC Rallread - I"") , , l VUHJn - (- t " W a B a K K " RATES. OF rREIGHT. . '.. V . . . ; IVr ii. rr Klair lor Vr T Nw imi. ) Crwde Tarpcatiae r bh ' TarMt . e e ww x, HfXm Tsn-ullar r ! ruiaia V Shi tWae fhaie m aa e tt .Itate) ea as 1 ti reaanta V bag Wv MJ To Pm i tai r 1 A i Owde TarrwaUae kfcf Tar f Mil apa Tarpeaiiae f RoliSMI CMtaaabale Cacsaa tiauas W ti. . e w4 e :t raaaala W baahet f Ue e la Laaabee V M 7 e Se 7 ama s m OarirrMUa a ( eat sWaafieM s est nataa tasla. if sad : ia ea PaaaamS) Saakal e t3 tU Laaabariht - . CKISTAIXJLO II AI Tt Dl IV. : IU tre ta th -arrsrr eaa ' a3T ; e hiT aral. taw a-tN til. Hh a Mis ears p Taiaj i. attrtAHaA. r a mL u 9 f "1 1 Ku.aeH x meal ler boar Ta Sawnneae I Crada Tarpeaiine fiehg f l v; . Tarskel l4 ea Tarrauae bM wl ea Ti luwsn bi "223 SwI fa'aatT-T aH.l'l ' ea a J e at, e a Lamawe a JS HWteea s aa e W AD VEB 7TSE2TENTS. Til 13 rAPEIt IS ON FILE TTITH J. Where AdrerUslsa; Coa tracts caoi bm anJC 50 Cases More of our New Pony Whiskey j WILL REPAY ALL TROUBLE JUM j TO TRY IT, and yon will never be salUfied j with any other. claim and guarantee j it the llrT AM) MsT ELEGANT IN ! Til V. STATI". j.li 1; 1 VKKT MASH. i 1; Hi: v M l A M 11 jV H.UI i: I 'ATI-INT I'lvOLlS ami K.MriKF, Arc sowcii ;iii0 - i.immI.1 know, and antes j lar-c, tii.it wcliavc ouly to tulorm it frioud- I l.a! w deceive ilceri week 111 Iliirrcl. Mnir H;irr Is. and Ia-. I il'M ''.VI'KK TE.V atid lUoic- M xcd ! TEA, and ail grades, a! 1 in port er' prices. I For :! 01.lv I.O. fl Visits, Jau 1: t II n.t I , s,.iitli y r.-ul hit THE COMMON SENSE ( ( ITKH l.xci....l m in- ik, 1 tu Ujc '(iiantily ami iu,lit t "i m wmk. It will rut owa odder, en t ) rr:i 11 u tiu.k cd, as read- ll as Iihv or siraw. Il rtseisrsl tlx highest auardat llic (i.lti;nul K x liiultlon aud at thirty stte atvl ouolj l.tlrs. Ienrtb ot cut. ball Inch, lucii. aud oa. ami a. bairin Mies, wlrh can if riiaiifi .1 In a trfMtid. No. 1 haa cutung cbmic1i.i or nu lurlirs, .m l "i:l o ruotc work ILaii an 4s'. uia Cfiint iu tin. nmrket.- Il puce l . No. lUliluc r.a'-ll lil'lucbfs. ItK 1.H.-X ll, U r 4. Tn u - JI. COHl1, Mam I ai 11 hkl:, HO it7 WATER CT8EET, New "oi'k IT1U'I I" ( HUN MH.i. , ' l.'.H I, "J ! l-r Jtl,-. il TOhf er anil j if lor j ti. l.d frsrr-.mn UI,b a sh'led cori. ,rtrleWOs fla ! if.uird. im i kit famlli - -ii r'rst fr.utlSnm lserri)4ermar free -v. li. poiiu, HO. 107 WATW dinCETv New Yorlc a 4r aaA asm karma Cnaw UCaaiOJ earn k ly CCt SCS 15D LOTS. I .-ML UiT tC t LIT . 4l. s Ma Arr tr. r cakahay. 4 tia. Pwra4. X. namnMa, 1 IT" I i , r ' womw. r..!li i,-t troen IS low Z . " !T J vi horr acnordlag to Me. 1 IWifc-fliiit. m. .. MISCELLANEOUS. TDE WEIXS TEA GOUPANT. . Importers of. Parf Chiaa and Jiin Tets, 30 Fulton St. r. O. Cox 40C0 NEW YORK. THE WELLS TEA COHPAHT Supply Teas to Storekeeper, 1 a original peekaee at lowest Import prices, as per Maple seat on application. THE WELLS TEA COIIPANY Supply Teas to Druxrlsta, General BesJera ua ouers, pacKea in umubuiuv paekwsea ot one poend each, lav enllers 01 the sane cartel ty. and In 01U, luD lb. and lb. boxes. Vnll partlewlars on application THE WELLS TEA COflPANT Sopply Teas to Peddlers in half pound and one pound bass, plain or printed, at a more liberal discount than Is glren else where THE WELLS TEA COMPANY Hepply Teas for dob Orders, and allow a larger cemmlMioa tbaa naoaJ.Mst In all eaaes gnaraatee the quaJity 0 their goods. Forms sent when required. send lor circular ad please say uudcr which, oX the foregoing heads you dslre particulara, so that we may send you ail the information , necessary without further trouble. THE, WELLS TEA t'OIPANY Is one of the larj-e&t and most reliable houaee In the trade; all parlies requiring Tea In quantities will do weil to aend their order dn ecu Jan 10--t. JOB PRINTING In all I'S. branches. NEATLY tlECUIKD by- S. G HALL. COMMERCIAL PRINTING RAIL H0AI1 PitMiTMG, In most o Its branches. Bis office Is supplied with Entirely Mew Material ot the very Latest Styles aai Faj.iom. ad he aUARANThUOS SATISFACTION tn all seats. rTedding Car), Invitations, c. eVc. Of the Uteit Styles. TKltMS MOUKItATl-1 OSee on rrtBeeas Street betweea Ft second. WILIIICTnii. n. v THE LADIES' FLORAL CABINET Ajfn rrcruKiAi. home coui'ANitN, rna HAa-ixsunEBT iLtA-eTaarao masAt or hoi irHLO a kt. ruivtu sn hok uiTKBrv'aa ijc ambsica Pt'UUABEli MONTHLY . I e voted lo Hooackerplo;. tfoaaebold FJe gancte. Faahione. Maaie. Lad lea' Faary Wook. Social AmuaemeaU. Moaaa fmim riowerm. window Oaralac. CMtacaa wwmu unonv Uoaa, aad llluauatad Hi Literature eVtHSaUTTluW TriOI. l and IV. I ' per J ear. Ineladlnc Steal Ilau K.raT. 1 iDt. The Otee Mel idea. ' 1 ' par year, tacladlag also rhrsmo"Xem j or tua w w.wrr osrota, - ur M w iadow ! Oardea C capita, ata maalb. rlthoaf perm lams. TocJabof aerea. an eatra curt uf "ta oae eagraviag rrea to aecai. Tbetarsaa lnciaae all charges fcwaaaiL lag and aiao poataga aa paw Sac oae y wmr Jt : for rZZS:? Wkai 1 r. " - hoaaa 4k-d iatiK ! Z - peraJt'a&iS. 1 - VoisM iTTcnttaawad NoV-traisif? Neoiaanas hoaad prwrtowa tolfTL ad prwriM tolfTL - - in 1 1 Tn n lo nan Stain tiral mm ram iii m i r. u. Maaaa. rjav sr,. m 0rjil. lt3,,V r. WlLJJAatai. m Hsmhma h. P. p. Haa JSUewi-h - ' " OCIaDf. aat Vt Vail, teeny r'V. Aart Laasa. hl.ssiaaaii aTa(w at kwnea Li'wTiJ.tVAksani. i an iimsani 1 n, gask. Ta. aa MxaixrrMixa. pmt aho aiciucicAi bkoiVbbuinu at ru e fTTa5t. MkMtyat. sa a !S.?Th'?s) aa. r-0 KJ.LANQ UR our own uZEe Saddlcs and Uarne, OF KVEBY DESCKirri,; Is. - Made or Repaired at ' Third !.. between alarkri t.i Demoresfs. IllnLstratrd AltIj .f d ITS TiHa r ; .UlglMSl. LIST OF PREMIUMS FOR ,L ' . Eacn Hnbscriber at $3 is entitled tea lection of one of the Ibilowlne ttmT 1 delivered or forwarded by M-11 ly on the receipt of the Kabacripuosv 1 Choice of either ot the superb OUfw ' moa, "After the istorm," "Hum jg Home." -Old oaken Uoeke," .aarC Captive Child," In all their origualbnl? Blse, 17 x M inehee. (Ketail prteatUaZI' An additional Chroitio can he had mil cents, or two for W eenta, or three few rj Inclodlng poatage ; or. mounted on eaaa. and stretcher for mining, SO NtUas extra, which Includes transportaUoa. . 3 Blonde and llruaette ; or, Tesatma. 1H11, 13 x !. Mounted for rraming. C ageirt-e. 5 A pair of splendid nlue inch Trlginjl. 8ciaeors, Japanned lows to fit the hml roatNgefree. I The True Friends; x II a vm J isviuvi vuiuiuu, .-ivw.iisu ui maM Itoatage free. 5 A Pocket Uiok Stove, parks In aimsii lucbes siuare. IS laches Uiick iaat m only 13 ounce, i'oslagu reUlrcd, li aam, ti Jenny Juue'a i'ook-Dook ; the a ptular of madern authorltieenn 0aka SMpage, handsome cloth lludiag. fa free 7 Mine. ltcuiore:.t .cllor Hyttcnat Cutting Ladle DrcKaee. Price, fT. aaS baa tiemortwi'a Cblldreu'a Magic UrcaaOaa. lTlcu,fl0. Poatagerree. This ) iUa rt. reived the lllgheet Honor at the (eaia ntal Kxhibltlou. - A Beauliful 61b cr-l'latod .skta Riat Postage free. The rlug la aolld while -im? double ntlvcr plated, richly "enrarf u real upon sun port a formed uf xlver taa and leaves. It u unique In tyle. ansa gant In flnlah. and a very bandaoms ga rom a gentleman to a lady, or vice vcrta. A fine Double rttlxer Plald . Betm Kolt. 1-oal-iric. 3 10 The Clilldrcu oT the Abli-y, a'hne ktaudard aiid highly eutereating wi.w K. M.Kochc. Octavo, cloth, gilt, enr ee lag. Poaufrrc. 11 Titaddeu.s of Vurww, a granule vrl ofrJctioo. lly Ml Jane IViler. , cloth, gilt, mlpsi;es. foat-rree. l --Tlic fHXitiUh chiefs, a standard kwA of great Interat and power. By Um Jat I'orter. Oetao. cloiU, gill, oxer aa saja l'oet-iree. t 11-A Itrgc tU,x of lirauUfUl and rmshs able otatlonery. euutalnln, .1 iielre at Latent aylo Note PaiH-r AMoited Unlaw L vc.oea to inairii. Ilisl-ni-c. 11 Any oueolhlr WmIUi mo.41 a N.W. each volume complete; clear lyia kaae some cloth hludlbk'-a u cdlttua. cres Nio. PoAt-lrer. 9 1 A Triumph 1.1m u Marker ! CM Printer, lor marking clothing, en, af ! e auOtcri lor aevetal name, la en. Complete. loat-Ilta. lit-Faney Work. page, sV.UMht llluat ral'.on. IHtatagt . rsiuU. 1 Ilouavbold LTeganclea. IValegtS da, is Window iiardcuini;. Pl.ig- 19 One dollar a worth 04 M me. ttrmand ICellable lettern. put.rer. fselerled (Tea Catalogue or Maaetlue lu oae wdrr. In remitting . small amount n.tils ) In L. H. Curreney. but a psiat offltrr onw a undoubtedly the utct sanure and cuassat ent ; or. moury may bo at-ul In a rrsistand letter, or by a draft made pay aide to oar r drr. Addreaa AV. JKNNINUx I'KMoRInT. 17 La at llth MlrcsHi. New Yeik Agent Wauled Everywhere, tw ,kan eiUaordihary induc-emrult will 1 rflma Hand for Circular and Terma. Jan. 11-41 "irry ,Svl-r riorr to UoUyt Jsadi' W or 1877, wAf Hiyr in race( Will weire the Magazine aol (1r. free of l'oslaje. THL" PVltUMlf it or (JODEl'S LADY'S IKK'H orFKBJ TO AKl WILL Oltl j To erery Sobeoibcr, whether JH or in a Club, who aj in s4aarv fr I sT7, ami remits direct w this office. A tVPV Ol THK XlOIIIKH Jo 1. A Lue Chroino from tbe pre vf Me Major A Koapp, f Nw otk. bare ibe rrpviUiioa of bda; lie Ut Cbrvih9 i rtsuri to Ibe t'hilcU btatra. Ibe pofulantr bat I be stK-birs Ut K seaHirr thp lart four JT baa IbUUCfv ibe iL!i.Lrt i. pUiih laaia oStt to bis thbecriWfs ahoiLW tm i The subject t. cae tkai rr7 j aether iJ! be dciiellrsj a t(i, asd OV- I be iwC ' aAT CU s lid j se4i or aubatf iptosi as I to lb. efceet ol the If 1 TW iairitLW U lLs Publirtl s TW isUblW 1 tta Til Uaasaa 1 far uMibtf la mm4i of heff ! fcjre Usel. Urwpjlrlrr, tVr is I thai ia la CesUhil fear Us f ! 1 b il lid 1 Mructaeal of ttit ,.'.t la eterr j prtaii!i2 to Art. !Srrs. L4lTaUi, be baa rsrard aw j lha Ufd ciocts, 4 taum itu the ! trj uia Ms4er ' v I sJ I.XIXKS I T Mr IW chor KnDr U LW hatWaC i hrtianae Suibt tes 'as aa aUs fe 1 anran La LW rrt a iaV i .... r r ' tiAJULUHL). j Till: fcTj-CT aU. TTit'K TO JCAlVWi Tilt: UOC5IM CiU. 1 Tin. rut.ir. usc' r safj ee Jltl Clsrt-lAL A at! UXl. j A Ikrs aCS saAasdrO ft j aA rkaac e' r ei LW Ja eiawa They KW '