THE WILMINGTON POST W. P. CA5ADAY, E d 1 1 r d Proprietor. WILUIXGTOy. K C, Kwi'T Moim.m;. fctrr. 21, 177. Hoo. John I.ynrha Washington daily i loU Lned on ibe 21th. Il will be printed at the Uongrrwonal r7ooe office, and the intenli m U to make il model paper in it typo praphkal appearance. One editor of the .Vrr think that it i a burning ahame to the nation fr the member of the Cabinet to drive, or It aeo, wilij (Jen. Bnlier In daylljrht or gxaligbL Tbi opinion woal l not hart ten. Hatler were it not genevaHy be lieved it i neither rUuineor Crawford, ha" Xiijrsbary that U Oaman Paaha. Wo Bake no apology (or ptilrtasaiog elsewhere the corr e pood e ace frota IUchaUOod. InJ;a,totbt CktcarWr Oti, describing the interview between Trrtident Hayes and hcnator Morton, giving tlie ire na tor "a cooditioa, &Cwr There is do man who stands a bijh aod u k loved aa Senator Morton by the dowatroddeo Ripabiiean vf the south; he ha beeo, under a!! circum stance, their defender, and as wo Ha to oha aaid, be ba tbo prayer of the united Republican party of the south for his immediate rrcoTery. Trie coun try cannot a .Tor J to luee so valuable and able a Senator at tbu time. COI.O.NEL THUS. A. Ml'OTT O.I Til K HTHlKrt The .VorfA .finer trua Etruw for St'p- tember-October contain an article writ ten by Colonel Scott, rreident of tho ' Tennsylvania Railroad," -vaieh U perbap the mot powerful railroad com bination in America, upon the recent strike. The article ha importance at co turns; from the leading railroad man of the country, if not the ablest. While his judgment upon the question which he diacuoa mar to influenced. and poaaibly somewhat warped, in con sequence of hi surrounding, still what he say ruut be accepted a the scots rntnl of our vaat transportation I nter t. If his view may have that ono ided character ioeprab!c from hi position thry rauvi DeTrrtlxle be ta ken a uttering the voice of a vajt bud new interest which reaches to and io "eoce the profoundest depth of finance commerce, and, indeed, every branch of buioeM. The corn .inj grain raUcr, the cotton platter, the rold and iron miner, the manufacturer and the trader, every claa which produces anything which i to be transported overland, or which i to be ei ported, will -ire car to Colonel Scott's surgrstion. The tint part of IhU article is a graphic "ketch of the event which laid so much property in ruin, and created aucn dijkler Ia the great bninea com aneecial and iiHuatml interr!, with rtionin cowmeat rfch a.a crurral to the writer. About the mid-JIei f the arti cle indication lgin In appear a to it real character and the lal half i aa open titd bold demand on the gov ernment for abIu(e ad urumary prrv tevtiun againt och evil a. have rv eently occurred lie urge that a mar itime law aa l l h protection of the I'nitrd State roc lit wherever a small learner may float, so it ou al to guard and regulate that cnaimeree which v carried on by railroad. Aod be ap peals to Coogre at it rowing session to treat this ixportant ulject "imlepen deatly of party n. anl with Ue uailed rraolie to nut rqutty to all I lection to hfo and property and the im partial enforcement if the laws, inclu ding the gwarantv to evevr mao of the right to work f r auch compensation as ha may agree upon with other men, frea aroca interfrreme rr lntimidatoo.' la abort, the appeal i to give all aur iater-atate com marc, land acd water tha right la appear uj petition or ca erwiao before Ualtctl f tateo tribunal to red rem tha evils iocsdeal to anlawfol coaabiaatioaa. A ad ha peopoaea bat the United Stales furnish whatever force U reuiaite to carry out thee end. This la his own language i hi prop. tlo a to force "What is aeeded. therefore, would clearly aeeaa to bo Uui proper forest (of regular national troop) shouU la so disponed at proaaiaewt poiat. larga cittea aad other great bawiams ceolrca ia aaaay of which the govcraaaeal aaa arsenal, custom noxe, nau, aavy yara aal oiar peoamrty af iU own to protect -that their aaoveaMnU aaay roasbiae rapsJiy, aad thry b da reeled agaua4 pmaU a daager m ai to be ahi to act etfectivaly aad with. da. before rtoJeecw ran become trt- atfaat.'' laau tass wo gtv otr aaoai atacaxv a L Wo beliovo Hat all jast kwo ohl t bo em forced, aad that all cfec tivoeaVcera, ahokI bo faraiahed woh ali arct ary ateaju l eafseco cwwapli aace, TTe deatro to see tho tiaao wmea ewitahJo aawi jw laws shall coro ttety (e4 terriawrr wkaia U ImuU ( tho l'ail4 Iraaam, aatJ wheal Uefw as lurca rvoor alwajt at kaad U CSMpwl oojcojco ioUsoaw Uwa. WlUartop. mVatioai i,COa,fa, toWfa),. tW.COO, aaWo f Urtnm Xaoaamaa asvt acattcrovl ra mt tirktjW arrit ai cZ2ats, tarn ararsl o nacesaity W a aargoe oroaamt a larper atiro aarcw rowtloJ aa iW Merai -tt U oWcr to peaioct U ri(ta aciU fffloat sl to yeratrto lh taac. Ii la true thai la go)pgiuo 'fa intlU' di rect ion vraC eocuxidter tit dancers of runaflcg areir fo'dusctiiCJ, 16 taw abuse of power bestowed for good ani proper purport on the one had, as la pursuing tha i"Iocl aeir-governmcn. ' course we encounter tlie dacccrs of asrarfanUat and anarciaV A popu!ar gSMrnmew tike aursi dsrising ie-aM- thoriiy fromihe popular will.coo.tanlly ii.mpton Ute fairly ouly ono-half the run thcriek of the fcylla of dfcs;oli3:a j proposition. He obeyed the command oa Uic ooa Lajd acd the CkarjbJi f i f fiouU Carolina. But the people of u ft,. ri,.. : n.,. ' IHlnoi answered the call of the nation, anarchy an the otner. nat nete-. ,. , . , , . . ' , , , , , i a n" made .o loyal men in ooutn ry u that Ten baiance of powtr ; Car.,!ina v;en R3 iQ nunois. Were which can ba icalrained eiicr by o.- t!ic .me till made rgain, would Wade ganiclaw or by tho will of the people ! II::asptcn rs'pond to the State or to when proceeding loo far, or that rr 3 :d hf. nj1!i;riSMi nt iKa ' ....... r . .. , - tpe. .i.izofthe outbreak ol too wm, iux indmiiulhU which coaic m iumrun said: "What might concieGtiuouareaaoniu. m ; have been ilic mult had prudence and Colonel Scott in hU api-caja io:Leino:p iou nil I' the hour, Ibis WW law loalia; power seems lo Lc ; -ing chiifly of liie enLreochcv! prlvi't-. of property, coaaolidate-1 an ca iicd, without giving suT.ciccl co'i?i"i' ration to the laboring claa-S ths aoy property claas, and their tjui:.'c vJ?- tujod. One misht infer from thcto ic of hi article that if the capita':-. ' l'.-'I their way unmolested, lht if wta!:h and power oould proceed to i o-. ti purpo-e without curb, theo all 1 i.t hJc things wguld be accorded to ti c laborer aai employees. lie miLoi u auggeMijn aa to any mode by whi-.h Laborer and skilled artiun ici''t pe tition for rcdicj, and sybaiil t!u-:r complaints to ionic kal tril uiKil w!..rc s-juitirs could hr a ljulcd u-iKr libt of calm at. 1 i:.:; a:ti.! Tho picture whivii draw is tbtt i.f powerful capital i-tt., m'.::j i;i .i juilj--mcul from wLich tlicroU i.. appeal UHn human 'acliou", a: : c'.r ij upon ready force wh"i i!; y 1 -.a it ikh sary. Tlii wu! I lc wvll p'ovid-d t';o high circle (.-I . ::c c , li.-iancv :ird busiiHA were men at -i". li"cs inf. lliblt -1 aul no other cla r . ; i-iio:i r.a tuti llcd to even a lc J'sst il i s a ,1 -, and moreover,! in i'io c :: duct of t.T:'ri in a governnAul like our every cla is entitled to bo luv.rd, :u: 1 t l-e ac- ' onrri-4 tha t icht Jui them. Any appeal U legislation, iu..-.!e . .. ... ' i of procccdaogs, with a view to remedy novo evils aa occurred in July and to protect communities and bwiue-a in tret.s aralnat rach dii er. which 1 (Ik not provide to the lah-.l.- saruoruodaby which their c.-n bo heard and adjnted, will be a fanurc. Labor n:mt hare its right a well a capital, and small busio; as w;ll i.s large, and ordaary men a well a great ones. Con err at iu nest .c.-'.-ic:), while it ooeht to Increase the arme to bo l leas than CAy thoiuand men, oj - - - . also to consider tho propriety oi crii ting some tribanal beforo wh:cli ial-r ers may present tbeir rjricrarce an. gt justice. If the e h;d been tri buna) weshovld cct have had th cene of Jule. Tho Uirenshoro A'rii -Vit r that , only seventy :IeiuocrVie id-iiiUt .' i the la-'t Cieicral A-m :.! theoueJvca with ru.-u Ly I :- i'. i a i ! ilion. I i. I Wo are aurp:ised to Icar.i that the iiUi- ' ber i o few. Jf the .W,A i . . in- ; lead of oou r.t ing lu ui the unit, will laLo the whola number cf H.-n;. . r- :C l lef Ulalo s, and strike out as have bad no prorioo made Pit tlu ui, it r. i.i Cud a much greater nuiutcr tl a -;cl direct ox iadiicct hah at the t .pen-e of tho tftate. : ;Tke Democratic ii i iirs do not believe in the Uiblical iutil , they provide ft.r their lioceh!d t" .lie last iu an amiu; tlie "virtue a'"l i..'i liponcc" Iegi!a,.ive and "fair count" " lkai- crati have alwayi a parc ham tin- larder and take liud.y to -.1 f the o.3ce, wht'o tho rank ai d h ' ' ;i.e Ie furtunate Whites urtor the uan,; al burdens of taxation, deprivation . i a6A4U of tdacatioa for their cbildi c:t. aad a noiody'a a4ce, for the p.ivi . . of being recogirxl a leaaoera. The bourbons seem to cv r iy nr. . .. concerned aUut the President's wx. agement of the Now York C'as;:.i llou0; what Eeaator CVmkliii is .then, fo do when he get a good ren-Jy o.i : why CcrKrat Itullcr i received in r-K-d oociety, and whet bar Potiiiastor-t icn eral Key has any knowieJje el'a per- I mision to speak for the rsoutbr rn ) 1 pic, and also alou: tho diAtrib.i-.' i i ; ikeaa ino ,1-eucrai ccn in he ! roath fy rallaot wr vices in i e t c ia Soath tV olrna, Klori-la a:i i. -iana at tha last cVcTon. I WooUJ'at it ho aa well to la thee i sers stria a lut'e aa far as t:pub' w art cm erwed and seule up iLe; dl?rtact cf c!nQ as To wbefhrr the aajKtjroJ Sa say Tildea shalf lo et to bt kawekrd down a?a o, tow"l seesn V be sswch that matter ycf . Tao -T .Vara &u-.. pah: .,-4 a:' 1 - ot. i itxth.lioj. He waaproos tiireasWers cum to ava s.nco or - her ef th Ueorjia Oow laJM as th AW S.r- W have tr.e- sU.JUji C.3vrnVn. and kaaed tho .ti v. i vs. hmihi aiixn uf t-i :is j i i aaa we v .l io see r. rrr-rr ativw aa tho Mjv aaaaatoeat and jc- , BadwI as a aalautte ft repuVUean vkraaW reTar1a. I , . ' . i 1m Ita et rroaa X w'tr x s . i i a J aaal good arr a esff'Oe a-J tawoi opsmy taUeva w'.a lS tea d laervij UmJLt&xas ! I fT, wLU kavo Uto aco.ty awrfaorto iWrrfMkAcaolaVo rotate. i Javwoy tal cvfrwsaaieat aars vix i ail carry asdo arm." lSars Lo I aU4o to LWo aaatalrt iv. I c -r Occam strikes lit, V$At lUmrtOQ, the so .called .CoTttapc; tl Saiilh Corolina, some pretty neavy Lotv!. Wc publish the criticism be low : Wade Hamp'.oa said to the people f Koekfjrd. "When tbe iraf aanf I, the command of my fetaio as . t. j . t r .Aim as i nr. tv to e.insi Jer ." 7 thin thfi LaHTBSSPa of remorse or rebuke f Who war picdeat men and who the passionate, thai cr:'C?l hor? Who armed for r i-::i-ce. end who struck the first b!'jw? Who invited war, and whw j h'-ld back and counseled peace? If Mr. Himpn meant to say that alj ; wul!. idX0 uccn weu i,aj t not beCn 1, r ou'.It Carol na imprudence and r.T ''.on, wbv didn't be ut itTin'y We nhor'd have been glad to eredai hi 1:1 w.Ji l ho confession. Mr. Hampton said to the citizens of lllinou: "I come, fellow-citir.ens, an- We come becauM it m (' lnLt wi.dom to reacore pi. .'v.." Mi. liampton ii on uncoa c'iit Luuiorist. This is as good as the :'! y of the ohi toper pleading with Jehu 15. tlwuh to be temjerate. Why n:'.tC .! npji-al to lilinoM for peace when liiipoU ii a'. jcace ? Why not loll: to the South Cvrolina riile clubs ;th.n tho v, Is lorn of leatorinj peace? ''! he vtry cilrcs of stalesmanMiij) re pii't: th ? rc.tioration of ..he Union," said Mr. Hampton. Certainly I And 0'i. c i i'. with M. Llamp .0:1 .i'.in - l is level host again3t him. T!:c I'ihhi wis rv'o-od, nnd without Mr. II.-i.ipio i' J'-.d. '"The ethic of s'.i'.c n..:-!i;p" reijui-e that mail liko M'. Ila:a 1-c not allowed to experi inciit :.-r i.i iieir,v:- it. Mr. ll.imp'.oii of t lie present struck' Mr. ll.-mp'.on .l" tho past a fearful bio W when Le said: '"Jt wis remarked by Wellin.qvoti thai it is the duty of every lit. -.o'i I ) obt-v tin; laws of bis country, 1 whether ri-rhl or wr -nir. How thought 1 ' lr- "ainpum was when thera wal l need ol cut a sfnliuie'it, and how apt I t.xljUrA,:i u j, there ia Hill ' ioT M-. Iljrnp o i has he'd pledges from ii.) the n li JiK-crats ii.ce 186, aud has . I. I ' . - ii .-'... I.e.. ivf I n Air iJ-irid t sa, l,il ivit.v- va iuii i' tauj. .L r . of the cxck-mctit incidental l i th.- etlleun Kt tf the residential':i. i.e .-.-.ii: "There were men in ' t .e no-th who wore willing lo ioaugu ! rato ; Ko'.hrr ul-cl'io.-!; who were wilt j i r- ar.d an'.iop to produce another revolution." Mr. Hampton means by ' i"t-s t ) mv h.t iti '.iiat crisis southern ' Poinoc-- - pl.ivcJ a manlier part than , ff1Jriilt.rl I ii aiiM avra vuvu . a a . , t . f, - A w, is r.jut l.c a competent wit- M . I i :; i apt in the sweet p'.ii.tse .i! ptaeo. He eiutehes an iaeal ; haruu'iiy by i bun.. nek of hi txoweia, so ; i i-pea. a;id aakes it l:ke a bene- uicti j": "ur !n-a ls ot hi auditors, v.h io the actual aud realiftic senti- mi nt rr. uchen tremhlinely in tha back ; round, lea !ul ::nd supicioua, knowing 1.0:1 t xj i:eru'o the dufcrencc between Mi l p.uiui-i ttiui wuti j'ci - ii'i il..'l Tbe Hrmocrat'C partv has ac; '. in the amendments to the ( . t u.i.,.1 &t tu- uiett-ig they have hold Ur h-'f a d -. ?n year, and hare one d- i'.Urau y fo't.i io il i.-regard and io!U' tl-. m. VV'ado Hampton has al-i.i-lv l.- l;ni iu'.'i' the pledges be to tho Pre id. it. I. .is d..vca furth the lo-.'.ili v iv led l.o avi can mciubers of . .e ito '-'at i. e, has failetl in the ma n- to in ii.u.i"i ine eaKuu- .. . -i i i i . a.; i ! . i .ii.d .Leni io orga-aiwAir ! -.w he eoiuc up hre to ; I'liaea h .rn:oiiv to a people that uevor . . . - . ' . I .1.- mil. : inai never imcnmu wtm : iiu- .; I ..-'. i 'Ij's ! ,::. arul that liavo only . i - t....ii .hiii cjuai nsuus io u i i, ... i i. i. - n.o It is the hi-iheat iviui'.i.;... ;.t ij oar pcpla 4hat they re iv..l Mr. il.uaptoii rt -pectiuny.' UiJ , : tea 1 : n pticntiy. 1 i;o e I....' ot ii:o t'herokee iLrt'd t.n:r'l..i:t- h.tterlv that ail the aasiaaUot state ro io;isu who go that way keep .i i.wr: I : . '..'.o ii. Tnn io have a -prvv at i..o -tatr'oozpeuse. Ho want. t'.'i'-- eM--.-s to l turned out an 1 a V rn irsn j ut ia. We should think - . .. in.uii opj"e-i Jo th.s o L .on" a' he i I I.ii.r. n 1 vv. . i... v I t .ahin; of lr. W. H. Wheelor tho newly appointed Collector of 1 nit ma I Kevci.s:. t r tl-.e th l:trict say; To tin j-er rail friends of tho Doc ' t it ;s a u.a:;cr i graUiicatiou, as it . no .( s ik tit;.t:unr of his apprcfia- r uo j-.op.o, ii own cmairynjen i iblnirs, nh know him bet. there never has Utu a CX4Wotor apjH .j'.ol iu tue rule a ho garethe lid a.-grogating $3?C,x.,0. it : fired he :he rovorament. cn astorl I not..e tin Lort a time, aavd lhai toe, w'.H-at gng oatoidoM ba two coudty. Numoer of saco ia several poiu4. si lat UUtrict ofercd to b come I -' lroodaca. Ills bon was mx.'. i-fa-arJod. acted dpob. aad a- of uwi: 'nlerptesl. wilhia tbree day, wo learn. tr'n b; notiiieatioa id fiukc it. iaiWif OJ). lhrra aa eaat la ? - - I - ' - " " l; , ! a: :if-ie t tb ixmcooi liAier. He Li!e th mUm. t ad swi tp tho tHtati lt ho j woU I Vo u wcccd ooxaw taocdoav t . ntiQnA txl aa hrtwera Toocaha Ami 4 ra-of crsr Crowa wk a-Jaa4alal, lavvrs TiMoaiw. j I aa i.A.-,". I 1 W aaA"iia otLo Luar ka aw( . 1 . - I Va ltl. ki frm'. . Wewaaa will LaLa can ilai 1m as Mi rrvvccuU tVuaa ooropvlir ia oamt. Aawaa Uo otiu- caW-iairs arw oa. trovrrwoe raia, ot rsr&ax .w vsax, taewera! Lawtoav, axd tiewrral Isattoffwal. tVordra is straiauar every awrvo to o a rrt'extica. -av .vawata 4 i --w " m iedit-k;o3ir acnav in stne SlelMiaiMnber air. Aiorion cwu dentNnat lie will Becovcr, but Others Have tirade Fcaiu. 6rcUifTelesram to the Inter Ocoj i: JiiCH03r), kadScat. 1 Thevjsit of Prcs:.Qej(t I Iafcs no efal? or Morton to-day is a source cf much gratification lothe friendu ot the Scator,-and is a matter of efpecialnote fa the fact that the President aad his parly a the fi st wboharre been permitted to vi;it the afflicted Senator since his arrival here. There fs rio denying tho fact that the Lgenator's real condlrion has been care- furry concealed, so far as ie, and that he has been rcsMy ranch worse during th recent -period im which he iitepfcfted rOT?fTg lHah the peneri paWic h&re bec.T allonred to-bc'iere. The fact, bfmcve-, that so lars-e a nr n ber of c?.Hers were "owd to-dj?, even thongh they were c' a claw no. o Por ing themselves d.-.-lf in'Hcat?i sotne thltrgof an imprted condition on tbe part.of.tbe1 Senator. The even's of to day hare been -outlined to you by the Associated Press of to day, and I ne:d not dwell upon t'lem in detiMcd order. The interview between the- President and the Eu9c-rin, htlplcs .Senator, vrs very aiTcct'njr. Althe moment of the rresiden!'d a: r'.v:-.', Mrs. M- 'on, (!v. Burbank, the Se:i:.t-r"s I. r ti: r-i n-Taw, at whose honsc ! e lie-, and I 'r. T.;!..i:). hoii, were in the Ick c::ai:.bcr, orivt-.s-ing with fc-cn: i.T M"- a-i; r-adiu-j t hiui. The lVesU nl u.-A party; en arriving were u4i rvd into the parlor, whence after o lew jutoniru-' ct-nwiia- tioo, tho PCS iuoni I.lolu- V:.s fliduCUd to tbe sck einiii. ol ihj t -a-" man. Ou Liu tJiU-rLi'u: the r c:n, 1A ; Mo "ton audtiov. liuchank reliicd, leav ing the tWO to CollVCie i': tiiC J-:Vv;' CV o lr. Thoaipa'wi, the, uii'y. Tho-PresiUont hccinie iu;j:i' dia'.. iv and rery vibihly, aud, aiivantiii " th) bednido took ci.ato. .- 1.;. -jd in Imb), and add; hiua in aillctioua.t terms, Upt'd over hi:n a.;d ki-s.'d h'.ui opuu lh iorehe.'il, the tears ..t the same limo all:nj!p4u l b pi:'ow. Senator MorU-u itfp'wi-Ud, ;.diis-ii, the i' c--ident by nana-, and e.p his . gratilicaliii :i.- . r : o i . a.. P;c.-uc:.; llayjs then i i sia.ii.-;- ter.i. . aayiug that tut :i.t he Leva vei y anxious for in..' v.el:'.i . Jt:. ingjhia i'lucKs, b .it L tl iu- h. .: : a i the fueling general thioa;. v country. fck;nator Miln :es he had indeed l.-ci: Vc . i UiKir, but that he-i i'..- ii. since his ilint.-.-. heii'. tv! on the way io r.cov.; . . ; l ect, Mr. Pre-iucn', i.i -i. itd l'i!..t i: e io taLe n:y seat in Cor.grc in ivC-v i: .-cr cxt and to wariuy ar-i t: r.;c-: y .-ut j-ott you iu ywiir i'.!:u m.-;.; ' :io ." 'i".v cordial annouitot-tiii-ii!. i-i . :-atcr'.-confidence and a.ipjHi i .( ti c !'.t ...I.i.t, accompanied by a warui iM-va e to" the hand, tbe only ruia.uiu niee.uer of which the fceaalor now ha the l-.-. greatly ad'oclcu the Pre i-'out, a:.d ij-. resumed hia seat in Mieiice, -t: ; for the mctery of h:s feo!iu,. i .. Senator continued fpoakin tor a tw moments in a hopelul n.-a:i ni: r i: . to the condition ol the count y at !.: -. . and eiT.Ts-iti a deep inter-'-: i.: t. e event of the day. The P. c-i .h-n: . -plied that ho, in his travels ar:.i .; .. .--vations, had souud llic indication , a hopvfel nature, aud a ra-jre c ! to fratcrniia'ion of Ih? two rre..t - . i and clajses in the country. 'J-'.. -Setialor Morton listenea with c eat Oflgorne'' a"d evident aatisfae.ioii, e plin thai fcucu was the rc.-uit ! hi- reading and observations, i ho Pa ident then referre! to Senior M".r cflj;ratolating him upr.n the fact t! Ktai aMTM ilLtiiaa lifiil lii t 'a '.r lit. M U 9Tr v m sm v - s M a w v vv f hia.U(o. I'snal appearauco ot h. ai h, aorbile the Jact tiiU. J:.iJ uur:i. z . lie pxt week Taken no tm'd fow. i ' Jierrator spoke cheerfailv ot ins i.i:. -lion aad pr.pecti, acd said: L ' lo day Li the nrt uc .;ae w. s'vi. uwv a? though I was t"'n2 to h-t wt .!. ; I Wicve I snail go 4o in IV- cemLer, aod when ther--, sh.i l t-L. -pleasure and pride in u;-r -o'. . r y -'ii in vur gwl work hr the ot r.e ce-un.rv.'! l he eoii t r:v. n i . , ...:i i , turned upon the coadito!i I t'. when Ir. '11iom:"'n i i . Of s-.efee inat lurtoer conve Ta. . n Hayes was taueli r:i'.c'.td e.: witii the SsrnAlvr: ihr great eh sb welled up iu bis tiuua: tears again um; t Li nr gtped tho Senator hand, pr tlghtSy Wvweea hi ea :ui, vJOjy trviug to rep - .a..:i -. siiSicicut'y t 4-'! h n to t-j - 1 ftcSin, stooped, an i k "d I.:.; oc the forehead, a 1 with chkin u: l Ik ! 1 . ' ! i iera&, 4mo win auiea, :eaT.u rouat aowi.2 rcnalo.- oi r'.on w Uja- affected hut, Kre the O dt a I ;.h asarkaMe fortr sMe" General Vrm IkUrer was a' ic -1 A brief itertkw. cxj-:o-6 ; to. t'.c S'DJUor his c-aUncalioa tiat v-j.i 1. tlon waa k ura.-ble. The general evpref?-a ii ! . thw Jvaaior'a appea-ance tau? t d... a ooe haa tea riau.l la L..:: was cor f arjrc t-a: h kmc.m . sev aad ahsttce rV-a. .1 d f! t . UUie. 1 a ro . m.mtt. s.sitii i - - , a-4 thero a n dU filu r , o.a haba T-ftmul T1u !at thai kc ana istt vp luoia pf3 rra4 v aia 4-a, j wiJl to kwuu A aod apssa. hat aiXaUiav. causes iua fns4 U aicsiro ttat VI siattC W pfcwai. Up if ts-iar t eve & issx ir-ii bea al'ywist La ae a:a. 71.1 pyajaaxa iay UaSk. aVai C5i a-.iif caca taal ko raa Wut llxs je: Vrrday.asl tlU W waa cieeefil ail' aorfaX yet kla paVywxaa aix.u k as scarrvfy W t a.t p at all. a-l , oUsw tkal W tvaa asra asaul dra- ; f oa JraU wtlWsl awpo a rroytrry. He lias now no use whatever of his left arm, nor of his legs. His right arm still retains its strength, but his face, which was at first badly distorted, owing to tho fact that one side was partialiyafilicted.haa not yet altogether recovered its old cast, though there is vwry great improvement, lie feeds himself, at times holds a paper in his hand, end reads and feems entirely hia?e!f mentally. Stiil there is a settled belief among the people here, who have watched his case, that he will never stitlleiently recover to visit Washington, perhaps not even to leave the house. The distressing pains, eyidc'-e thath's terrible disease is still work'ng upward toward the brain, con ttTrtie occasionally, t hough not so severe Tiom : present Judications I conclude that his death at any time would not be a si! -pi while his recovery would ba fciich. I,i);.:;aivus, Iud., Sept. 13. The in ervlew between President Hayes and S.'tiatcr Mo. ton to day was quite affect in,. Tl:e a 'ncfiicement of the Presi d?r.i. s i onr.: ; did not have injuriaoa eli'ect i:r Senator's condition; -a.;.', r ia, rjvo! learning of the f.e . . -1 io-dav he h;'s been better t'.iaii y in -jut h : ..' Ot'th? was ;'-.!ruh iai :tice . Dr-pite the recent returns . ..1 ia':ns, : President Hayes i at once into t no sick room. ar.d i-i v view was witnessed bv on'v a :e.v oi tue .a-cny. jo opcuii-u the 'c-ouvt.. aiion President Hayes said he i!eroL.r.!lv Tek prreat concern and rate i ii; t';o cL'ator s conamon ana , ai d the entire na'ion was ; !v i-tere.Ced. Th? fc'enator ii iu i r the cxpreision of his ; n 1 .-a: d. l:e intended to be in i . i' s in December, and 1 ti.i ie j;ivo the Pi Ciidenl's ad .: his warm and hearty sup- recuvc-y, ai; o dot 1!;-. -d i ;Vt-!:rir. ;' hi i he V. .!;'! n.:ni-; - .i tort, ih . 1-Jtier. who was en ...: -, was addiuitted .o the the President's stay, and i-"a:c : - VI r. -ii dnri.i .Senator Mortor: "We shall l "I Int. i-s you sadly in Washington." 1 t be in my scat at tho regu- .. low, ;poiiiJod tlie Senator, t wo -.ha! i ml -s you :tt ine special .:.-.' l'at-v r cori'inued, ''and the wi. i in iss you. .tenerai .1 w.t v.:is i;-:a .io to i roceeci uiriner. t ::. ti n ci ,l:i- v' hi- voice, and tears t v. -. The Pre -ident was ;i m- d. ai.d both soon after I'r. -id ::t Hayes came over . .1 :raiti, accompanied by his Mr. Mack, ol" the Sandusky lhe .rain arrived in Kich t '.'.",, en J the party departed An imn-ciso concourse of pco ihe .i i t the depot. On the t... i '.; lhrkan's house the m . i : 1 with thousatids of v i l ! . . . uiwmI at 1 !. p'o i:-.t way to !-,. : Jli- President's carriage ! v.;.- :':"k-. ; oti'.ouqueU by the ladies. Tne e no i, tin r u- nuntstiaiion than j tli .-. i' .-:. (. .,1 aqiu.'t of the dibliu ! .-r; ; i . .i leaving (iovcrnor l :i ': li- use. the President very j L.. ,!e ...v ,ml ! ::i;hs for the cordi i ..' y i.e uo.'i ion. Telegrams to i h.t Senator Morion re : o...(.: :. I. -.k.-t liom tho visit, but , ii ..' .r;tc;,,,y condition of the in : ' i r ;i icliaticsi. I' IVit.IouI: Mania . . : . i - ustnjj his pardouii g 1 p e .' as iinlisc- imi ato'y and as j ret" . a - didC'a'dwcll of Hrog- den :: t ! e r-'my djys of lladicalism. j T;.e y . r. i j 'e ia'-ed a great hue ' r-.; v .. tho i. e ueut abuse of this pov w,. Padica! CJovernors, wl if. w.. wrong in then !.-. i (1 .v. Vance' lied : 1 j ;werul man, shot ::r d weakly man, in y d - .lie campaign of . v I. - w ;".!ie verdict of - .iy : hf least, in .-..'.. 1 f..i. H-ddriek ; .. : a ihiys inoo. Iu - K. i':-:pm.i'i, ill (.iui--. .i.:.d a vuiitiL' rirl. .. t ta:.i!ian w. i atter- -. i i m iry a huly, tnd to -. -c that would break olf , it w .; , :iecea y lo put f th? w..y, she w'aa ; . - :::e tuu: - lo the ...l f -hot, and .o make . 1 . r .; i oat was cut. . : r 1 a hot gun that . ' i"' in hunt ;:iir i :a toe io .lUnirbood of : -1- . '..k c ; the i' -a d he wound i'.' - - r-ou we e made 1 .' r i 1 r 4. u ui stance , Hi'. I. ; 1 ' v ' e. n It e '1 ' ..''.i.! :s he murderer. . a t: ; ;'..f the mur . . . . i, hut managed ... t.-v'ore the day of N i r.i t i nukes an aG . i I.. brother was -i- i.s rn.iuii;; over him a i o rear Jamca . . day Urfore his t - rt ;: i an l other that . i . .n im ktlU-d Martha ,- a '.:.; athdavit, accoru , .... ii. '. A signed by the 1 the caaaty "Uor. j, j ird n for Chipmin, t ;n ue hisii of lhe law, y'i. ' h-i teea a b:I- ii l.v- l- . e. ae s'ry, as td : vc i.oprwbable, fv." L.hcta fears Ua a; t o tan., La;p li r i;:ilraf. Ine uie Lu :.c ; a- mj liji.'forj coun ' - -" a-e kavwo. aad r, .c tiorcrncr Kveralv l..e p;r4ninj power of t i o; oaly a bat r e tho a a. X i n. --, a4 is a trast l.t v r:ht t ahaao j t;tn. Tm ar tbe sestecc cf ifi wpo ea4er.oa aad i t t t 2 ;ti y set - i "e. of iio, rr.ves iir . Ly ttst mil r i'jrf .fcUraa th : cs w u. rat ifcraartxratic ; c a-ijaLca wtkiaf. ka'. iH-i. ti, lrxnu i-e '- '-9 laWr y j re i;Tesrr ect Uif , d.?jr W a I w :d tal ettVef Kwis l f-- es.a'jC. i-Ainf ut fcasiSa-"a a4 i lri.rT l. a raa.avl a I I - - i .. aii Ui u'i iataiiaav What tbe President Wants. There is not a patriotic man in the Union who will not agree with the President' speech at ilaxiclta. Said he : We are for the Union as it is. Wc are for the Constitution as it i, with all its amendments. A voice "That's it" and cheers. We want the citi zens of every State to feel at homo in every State. "Amen," and cheers. If a citizen of Vermont travels to Georgia or Texas, for business or pleas ure, we want him to feel at home in those States. - . Now, that't just what we want It is just what the Iowa convention wanted. It is just what the Maine convention, wanted. It is just what the Cincinnati convention promised the country it should nave' We haven't got it, and we beg, in all candor and kindness, to remark to the President that to simply say we want such a state of affairs don't bring them about. Tho father who should go around tho house crving, "I want food for my family," and then expect them to consider themselves filled to repletion with turkery and lobster alau would be thought a very Hiacawberish kind of a man. It is his business, not to stand on the door step iterating and reiterating that the children want something to eat, but to take off his coat and get something for them. In like manner it is the duty of the President not simply to icant tho Union preserved as it isbut to preserve it ; not only to tea the Constitution with all its amendments observed, but to take caro that they are . observed ; not merely to want "the citiz;ns ofevety State to feel at home in every Statee" but to seo that tho laws are so enforced that such rights shall not be infringes! ; not alone to want a ciiizou of Vermont to be able to travel in or remove to Texas or Ueorgi with safetv, but to make sure that ho shall be able to do so in spite of opposition fromauy quar ter. ,'; ?crci. For the fouth time American rellcmtii aro victorious over teams from the old country. While our maiksmen in the match just ended, scored ninety-two more point i than did the Ihilish team, the visitors made a better record than the Americans had gained in previous yiclores, a result that attests astonish ing impioremcnt iu accuracy of aim. Should American riflemen continue to improve as they have in four year p:t-t, it will not require mere than throe years for them to attain the perfection of shooting. The best score on record are those of yesterday. At the three ranges L. C. Uruco of tho Americans made the unprecedented record of two hundred nineteen out of a possible two hundred and twenty-live. C. 1). Illy denbergh was close behind him with two hundred and sixteen, and L. Weber with two hundred and fifteen Two hundred and seveu, by Sir Heuryllal-' ford, was the British team's best .show ing. The wonderful performance of the Ameiicans deserves the widespread comment given to it it last cveniug. Bur, after all, the contest inu.-t lie re garded iu part as one between Ameri can breech-loading and ma:.-zlc-loading rille?, and the result is as much a victory for American gun makers as for American skill at the trigger. A". 1". Sui. Judjro Watts on Wijrleta'ls CorrcronUcut Ilalelgti News. JJ(Uor ot the Jctc$: the case of the State vs. John Ptathcr and wife, aud John Harvey, lltiocome county, was an indictment for larceny of a plow. It was difficult for the Solicitor to prove a connection between Harvey and the lValhers, and he arguing ihat thev knew the" character of each other by a common instinct, and that they com mitted the larceny together; and wa illustrating tho faculty cf communica ting ideas by atating that a few day belorc that he observed a etrange d come to a neighbor's dog, they put their heads together and wiggled their tail and parted, and that night aheep were killed and ihose two dojrs were caught committing the depredation, w hich tuey had agreed upon ia this Lurried con ference. The counsel for Harvey, who had the reply, insisted that l!ra;herand wile were the guilty partie. and . that Harvey did not know tho Trainer. Judge Watt, wUo was on the beuch summed up the testimony in the case and continued: Sioe, gentlemen,, these arc the facts in the case, and upon them Solicitor liudger iiiMsU tnat Trainer and Harvey put their heads together aod wiggloj their tails and stole lhe plow . Tho counsel for Harrey ay that Trainer and his wife were the one b put their head together and wiggled their tails and ttole loo plow So, em tlemea, it is rourduty to inquire wtU.e heads were put together aad who tail were wiggled. Tk tho caso. . . .. Vi-tira, AsocvilJe, Aug, 177. iiottvr from Ftorrnre MulDalc The Lord Mayor of Ijcd jn ha ro- eetvei . tac . coma.- "-ii'.n frai HLas Fioreuce Xighlinjalc. MY lAJtLf It Koi;h people kucw waa aa ijun umtne is w A l..llt.l I . . at iMUKwai, wone area ltn i-- aadthts Oxaioe. too, w ia iu wooJ ytyar there is noi aa ;tiaii ao woaoaa. k chiid who wooU ioi rive olof Ui aUadaa, or oct of tie,, J. II do Bt, we are hi lh Tor ka, who pwl an c&d u il, won4oJ. aod rwo thad they, for Or pal aa e4 to tho cm, , mdl. ."J.4 pt ee-ioet to or own urr.or f 1 1 . ! . . ' - " -ai 4 Lro as t; a rcr "ff UffaoJsi Jwf a.lirr- j fwaoaavt Uva aaoraua cxt. t,sd iXl . 1 ywa tave lajlUieU ti. roAaei; 1 laaateaj toiaxWwkat I u bopuaf l&taj I wuj bo aliewtd t rvpi tW abiU .jrua. aW all 01 U ti4 Cvewi la aavi ia&&krj .; rii crvaJsr U Iaa4a UI ayesai rt ty "uJ j aaaiawpevai an ai atwtw, rcu4 ff1 mia . fc7 4 ts) IWDr.1 llaoaot. LW W4 Mar. 1 aaww taraaea a. . ajarwrra I a at awr way aw ra laakMl casr fwrfo laatlai . . iat an aVEir AD VERTlSEESiil ' ORGANS, l.Al.ciK LUT OK K!K llHEl) A.Nii PIPE Tup UUUa.N:s JUaT UfiPKiVtft' MASON Jt HAMLIN OUu.Sh NKW KNUt.ANH oUUANn, DURPETT ORGAN!, aai JUSILEi: OUGASS. Tors-Uo at' HKINSUElltJEIi'S Live Book and Mumc uNta may 10 tr. gold; Uyo Ki'l icrcenbtu-kii. W cntuirr i maacasMu- oil n&n I .i wi.i Bt'i KrcruuiicKn. u limsi ti town to take nubacrlptlona Air clieaptMlMiiil Itlustmtisl bunlly pnblu' in ttit. world, Anyonocn lmnu r. -p cessful mx lit, Tito moot lc(ant vurkTw art given free to subHoribera. Th srtm so low tht almoitt everybody sahatrum one age ut ri'Hrts making over llj wrck. A latry n;cut reports Uarinc wwas MjOM-rlln-rs In Xvn Ji . Alt who aim uutko money fit. You enn devutsaLiiyuLr liuioto the buMlnesa, or ouly vour tuj it me. Vou notvl not Ins a ay froav 2mm over 11 1;; I. Vou enn do 11 aa veUatUMNL Knit p:r(h ularn, direelloua and teroas trt KleK.iiit aud eotislvo Duini fr, Iffw v iu! i'ro:ltlili work Kond ua your a44na, at .i:io'. It eot notliliii; lo try Uts Hi ss, .mi one woo rugate ntiil te i i:r; :il j;iv. Addresa "llio People Jo rex -furl laiut. Malm-. iu INlC' 5C I 11EU0 JKW IIAKUEI.S t llDICK WI.VC. Poultry; I'-iK. liallitibiiud Kiuit, AlraU,Lu4 To'uuYuaud iVrn. eoiton Tie, - lloaarfrWt P K I T K WAV Ja b.U( 'Uajv. l'.i kt i and CoiiimlsMja itttTiiai.lV OHIM:iT TAKEN i J'ilt SALT 1 HP. PPTfLL l'XlVimv. iliin j in our ordcii uud m aar 4 v.incc. OIFKKINC. Mo!. --l.vs ANli MY HP P. Cor.N. HAY. I.I.IJC. :oTTii TU. ITt, I'OTEWAV A lat'lil !JvL, (!) flltltl lT OlfUT-lTH t IKftir. I'MM Ii SI ATI.. tl A Mlii A, ) I'lMH.-l ui Nui Hi taiu- lu P,Sj il irv.-y Tt-rry, Inins, ,f end all rxbtf rrishloro ol Uie littuk ol CUi iml jn.aaist John I. WiainniH. i;. J. Inly nd mMi, Mtovkboldera nl fal l llauk o 1 larrutMa. In uninaiM of n UcK-ree mad la Ik tilDo i-ut'.lled milt at Jun torn. I7.l h.-rrby giro n.ill.) lo Hie rmptoraji4 k4 holders nfllio I Link .( irJ-. r" aenl una make r-.f ol ibclr claim M lueul my . .m.-.. iii Uic. it i( lajrifh, ) at . lMfoi. MkSHA . lhe I.H. , lay ilCXTohw f IsTT. No w ill ! rts.rivel afirf ia day. t.K. M MMr. aufi U-tiw Coin uiualioaat. XX is ViNIt:!tr I I. Ill r NP.VrHTHk. LKSs TltPK. 1 IIA I IIKK.M In W't Wll.l, Iiimkkn Willi.. CKol'KKKV iiii a.- IT I NoUSl ALL UK-si- ..vsi 1 1'. I I li iWN-i 1 Mi r At. I. I" iV .N 1 StVEl AV iPjl.l.sAI.I. Ill JN PATWiX auj 1- Wa.r.lwra, k. I . iml nHf .a.'-t t 'V" . I HIM, but II l'll !- tliffo lli..ll(ii a jr a) rltlirr alt. In fA tt " rouuU ltw l u. to ui it i al 11. c ftti( J..J t ,rel 1luJ fwrninl. f'. j- t k In your bjil lirl 1" away li...n :tra liSi'it. iiti-an !;! your liuo- 1 1.- um, or on ) jour if W liti- ;pal a im die i t f,S I'cr Jjjf, All liu riij(e it u' loouty rl. AI Ibe i(Ylil I. ismm.' j rati tint Im iiial.i y a4 a4. at a ) uilur l i.iiit'M U ou iiui'Ui in'.'f'i i .-4ln- 1 1 ' in. an.l . j'..' rr KAinm a I ourv, li llAl.t.l.ll t -. !.- VI .' r i'i i w II k 1. r 1. ! . V u u a I al.-i I. it i . ;, - a f yf. I.y JUUt it 'AMI!' to (I'll i t P ;,: . i V. . i. ii i.i.. i. ; s '. '. x,v' r.i CONSt Ml'l JON i'OSHIlTI.V TRIP Ai' :.Vr : . - i at. &!ru t-. i t t M4raU I i vtniuii haw Vva- " 1 . " S iir I.I...1 at. i , , a- t il oaf iM-'.H lo i,4 . ! ""- . . Kilt , $777 e Us an r,1fcJ rfy aaiSa . i ' If jrr lift tt at -t ; . ''' 1 ri 1 ,, fci i U-. " J . I fltll tlt Me i I j. t V KM- AUuiaov !-' II S71IAaTO.Y. .V. t1! a rat r) w tiav. 4aa,. aiaoav aa - at It i.'L2si; VTw f oi- aMftaifj. tn:iaro 7X, 114 rCaTV1r' aaari. ' 1 'JLa-a ataaaa acav a

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