- . r r f I v . c IV- WO VOLUME VIII. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1S77. Single Copies 10 Cents. NUMBER 42 n Ki i it pi I II I 1 1 j ill I I i H WILMINGTON POST ADVER TISING RATES. Kiflj cnti per Hoc fur ibe fim in rlim and twentr fiTC ccuts r line tot each additional insertion. Kiht (S) line, Nonpareil typ, con Uitut a iuare. All advertisement "ill be charred at the above rate, except on special con ptcix rate can be baj for a longer lime than on wnc. All oimaanicrtion on buinc should b addrcl to The Wilmington Ir, Wilmington, ?. C The subscription priec to TilR WiL MiNimiX Iosjt in $1 00 per year; ix month 7o cent. Kennedt. Ilu-inr. Manager. I'EltiiKCUriON OFHIE EUITUkS OF T11IS PAPER. In our Iat umo we snokc of llw po litical persecutions of the editor cf this pafxr for polica. purpose. We expect tol t- tc beea tried before ta j, but tbe o c wmpuiofTand Ihe el for to-d.17, n our re-sders wii! havo to wait pa.irnJjr until !- next iitvie for an account of lhM political outran. Mr. J. J. CjIJej, one of the former edi tor of tuU paper liai bsen drad frm Peoria, III., to ianJ a Iria. ifi.ll the d uh fjcc- of .he nor.h arc cijing out (Mc.ficalioti, while tio I)cmK-ralj f t!ie -u.h are lit: tiling duwri overy i.u:wkvn irepubi:jai an.I crac.uii hm to the UaI ex.remi:, for nolliin r:-c but I' jecuiar icw. W? tru'y hp .uc - i' ;' trilt be ;iuc cv iii'. bu. we woi ! iiScc to ?ve the jir, jHCU ci, 'lA-rditi,nbUiCd Ke pnb iUiP ol ihe jou'.Ii j-tc'j::d a liale a Tc.y smalt crumb w'alfc the fcreat ; yVa.'H iigoinon. Ia other word, we hiai tha tlicre are :tvoidt t .hi, i ie.. j !c Ilcubltcan are d i'l cftry.u.n pwijiJ'e, hutuil'.allbg tht inhc, to p.ic i"y .'uc Democra:., w.u!J:i't it be i i pla- o f' than to re quire Icajx rat Co rncvl t'jcm not h I , na -y a v. oj i.i por t..M oi' the wa . i .. nut be be l it ! iUKcste a id Ijti rverything uvrr t them, an l the i have a., tho-e out cn II pub caiM out to the ien irrniiaiy on iccojn f ;hi r i"ital view, or b- .iot at tho :ike, I ;e Col frofr; or hun to a hc- ! Ve Oat. ..nr. 1 bca weth"-'i th? gran J. j .c-it ,n would be eminently u:ci."u . rKUKCL! INCi UIirCKLICAN. AT THE JiOnil, IS TIIK OKDEU OV DAY. Itr. llayfa-Tue rrea'.tlcatial Ilettur llalTs Wajh:n;tou Policy. Mr, ilayc accompauie er Iiur.tnd and I hare a su.al uuetion to nuke in reference to her. WuIIe didereo e of opinion may ey:t upon the ch'rac tc.- and condjet of her buaband, ac quaintance only i reqrircd I h her to briti erery in elh'scn: and repectaXc pern to the belief tht O. ' L.Jy of the White IToce i a paUe.M woman. le the M)-catIetl reform of tlu P.ci dent reat a hi warmei adm're.s be here them, thr reform oi" :ae aje . the one wrought by h'& uaprcea.toa-i.wife. He i. In hi oet esiay4(bu. the cxecu Iit etponeni of an incohoaie opuIar demand whicu p-eceded h'-i cleTa.Ion. ?fbe jiUkkI in the ; z'Ai and cL-.-cLcd zn bue waivu wa po.ionn tue foi.a-.u f America "..c, for, I lalie it, n na-ti-jn cau In be purer taan i capital. She ioual Vi.4-.2to. o.tlc a so.-Iety extratajn:, f irooa and no: seldom corrup:. SIio his bave.ye. 1: an ex ample of simpl.w.ty, dec.ncy and ho.i c; liriri-, w.i.ca ae.pi aer humble s:--it:-, the hiba3d, bri:uer and fa hor, t ea..e ;ja. ta.re i -m thin u;.ut In woman aovi besides tine u and U .i.un.i o; u i - j i - ia: i . I'ue clian-:; .i in t'jc '.one of ihi-u.v vr. i !e:tuej;e tlicwjii r n. h a w.io wm? lullJ catr,,w .leu v li d ia.t' . maja a :c ,'a"m t. r t .. . :ce fv a Ui r -;urj a .. na i e ad n- io.i- I..U-. 1 m. OW WJC-YOi 4 and h-"e n word o." tJ it e . or till ood wotn-n. w my pood lo .ur.o Ui dkc; .. : : .e lv- r Gjae.'a.'s jtuuioi.-r res .enc jome w e- s 2ce. under . ae :-o b o vuai.-..cci oi a i.ia. r . id k-I x't , uod I. who cU oi to w c..t.:.:l of charmed w :u bv . a-c ruai.i, w-s in;, w ta a i one:. Icar..., t. .ex rajiher-U;e, a- a uij ..liccu. co.n plexio , in c e-oujb ovr ccj, ad a rova. ci b.ick :i--. w-lcH aj dsrei ay .n o oad, A l i . over ce temple. II:: .--.e la drc? I a .f.tie iKvere. but ;jj t e.y n-. ! n!v- a liulebdy, in jt-ort, . cve.".ui ala.d a mi a tn t: a. or sewed on il ouI.joj. U is t-e la. tile - ui. womrn, cowever, that a :racl xo L Sue 1 so f.ve ; uai elf-coaK-Iou4a, : a"f;v'cd, ad withal ao ca lay, .a: jou feci perf.t; 1 ale ia ieiti ij GoTem a; in hand of a man who u. i tL. wma i to guide him. Sue is so dexo .a ic and icenlal in mi ;n:rf o pca- :i u. pc ch, tha: you ."e. I a-. e e .ha: .s bu: yoar equi oltiie tejj; ...f raieda)exa:.el ta.ioa, f Jffl wa..'i he muM return .o.he do.n to.s'm; e nife and mo...cr. I'.tc.j American woman should bs glad cal hc s ii the White Houc. For tai reana I sug gest that Cua.Uuoogi, lirt in every good work, make sper ali.y of the reception of I.ucy 11 sye Lcl your ladies aipo'ua committee of reception and escort, in which the President and the politicians with him have no part, fcbt deserves it. city rrEiis. HOUSES fr rent or lalel. Afplj to . W. P. Canaday. Windy and wet Tbcrtdajr. Hot on Wednesday, and dry. Houseware gelling carce for reat now. - . ; . . , The street cars "Bill soon commence running ont Market street. Tbo doctors all say thai it b splendid for children to ride oa tbo street cars. The dlptheriaH raging in the dty. Two children died on Wednesday with it. We call atteolisn to the change of schedule on tho Carolina Central rail road. ....... Sol Smith Kusjcll rode in on the street cars f.x)m the depot for fife cents bated 20 cents. naiJ;ftrn.n Aii.n nihA ford, attouey at law U 2C Grant Placej Wash in -ton D. C. The connection of the street cars is now rcgu!ar and they pass each way jverr fi. een minutes. Hon. A. t- Seymour paed through cur city on laal cjaturday on hLjjvay to court it Stauley county. Capt. Phillip, of tho Eogincer cor.w, ;;.T nur ( iiv tml I fi a liar imnrnvp I m!...; nn l.t R,t,, anl Mon.lJ , v 4 I . i frou rALE I wo tine, large mules, I cheap for cah, , W. P. CANADAY. j Indies aiiou.d late more oui uoor ecrcie, and the very best known, so the d.tom ay, U riding on tho street car. i I You caa ride from Castle and Sixth to the Cemetery, and back, near five I mile, for tue sma.. sum of .one dime, '.'.. chcapet travel on record. u-..., ,.,,. t.J H,iiv Mn.r. and wiM soon have four weeklies two monthlies. PreUy good for ou- ci;r. We wish there were twenty, all . Maj. CRAiuiiiLr. and the uape Ex-Uot. Newe" has been re-nomina-FE.va I.mprovemenTo. We have re- ted by the llepublicka convention ol ceived a communication f.-om this dis- jrew- Jervy as their candldalo for Gov- tinguShcd gentleman, which we shall I publlsh with some remarks in our next. lwououC3 ior rent, oa auiruiicvi, between Dninswick and lianoverstrtcts, I :x rooms each. Apply to Daniel f O Connor, next dour westof court house, j ( ol. Hall, (S. G.) is mad, if he is not at work, and we tbink he ought to U kept at work all tho time to loep him :.om whipping itmo one. llo ccr- ta'niy does the best jub printing of any one in the city. Magnolia Keoord." This paper. waica lias ior me pasnew yeni oeeu m m a. r . . . . . publ.sUCU at Jiagnoita, U., Dy Air. .... . -. rm . - k I Sta. mgi, is to be removed to tbis city. We understand that is to Uke the place of the old Wilmington Joarnal In poli- tics. Two lloujes for rent on Castle, be tween Gth and 7lh streets, both two story. Apply to Daniel O'Connor, j Persons leaving or returning to the city will always find a street car at the depot lo convey them along any of the tracts inrouzu mo cut, wt t .1 1. . 4 . my F I the hotels, or to any bigness cart, of the cty, for 5 cents hand baggage . I free. "1-hco," Story, by Mrs. Fran ces Hodgson Burnett, author of "That Las o Lowrie's," will be published on Saturday next, by T. B. Peterson ' or Brothers, Philadelphia. "Theo" will be lu cloth and paper cover, and tho author's nanio must secure for it an ex tensive and-rapid sale. Bessie's Six Lovers," 'That Girl of Mine," and "That Lover of Mine," are ago Joan u. uoiuian, wo wdk, Oclocl-. present, J. G. "Wagne, Chair each ia the press of T. a Peterson & was his name. We hope this will bo majJj Oommissioncrs B. G. Worth, Brothers, Philrdclphia, for immediate publication. As the three books are w:l:'-en by the most popular authors of . t w'll nn itnnlit crania n1 uac ujt, - f lireic. Mrs. Cicero W- iUKRisa will, . I on October tbo lOtn, commence uo nu n ication ef a Monthly Maga ie in this ciiy called The SSoulh JLUanlu:; I ' I devoted to literature science aad art. Tha contributors arte well kuown and have attained considerable notorityia the literary world. Mrs. Harris the editor ana proprietor, corsiderab.e experienca w5ltr ,nd we judgo from the present outlook, tha'. we are at last to have urst ciass isi?t jr and proprietor every success ner gat energy and characteT deserves. 1 Li eraf Magazine pub:shed iajtbis any place, at otu, ou tue. r rK F i , tne price ia a letfer, to the Pab.iihers, ci:. We congratulate the .literal T Petcr!ym & Broth. rs, PU!adel puo Ic on this acquisition, and wish the pa por at P. Ilcinshe:gera Col. K ine's pic nic r.u put off last night on' cccont of the rain, which was rery besi. . 1 , Anc iopnotca-1 ooareauon 01 ew irk marl I.iaL eminent stafpRman. York r 8enator ConVin, President. No Ilenublicans i houi i be Mowed to escape. Al hou!d oe j-iled, untl! the south U thoroaThlr racified. Just imsgine Solicitor Nonnent try. Id to jail a newspaper man. We will gire his speech .'a oit next iuc. One home for rent on tho corner of ita aou vamui airoeu, :u gooa orusr, iiL 1 nr . i i . I 8 room. Apply to Daniel O'Comor. next door west of Court Hou3C. Market s'-eet wi l be a beaut-fnl tr.Ptinr.fAr Phnr w'M h.A dead trets reolaced wl.h live onea. . - TV II.. ..!..)! . llAAAt,!, UO PUUU1U UUl speak of tho Eohtson County Comura- sioncr, unleM they want a libel suit. Ordered, th.st K-publicAns be in - "preng llepublkun doc- tr;ns and thereby paufiy tee corn., Maine only weiit 13,000 Kepublican majority, and some e bold enough to say that Ohio may give a small Repub lican mjor.ly. We will continue tiii paper if the Comm'ssloners of Kobejou county w:'l other than an upright and honefct gen Id us. We shall go up and sec about tleman. His purity of character ;s be the matter to-day. The nly pleasj.e avc anticipate in T...I ? . i. fia.il. i- ikjujvjn cwu i.y n te.ng near our broihe." of .he qii II, editor of Ihe Lumber.ou , who Ij a clevcrl gentleman. Ko Republica a iiou:d be tried for Lkitling a few repub' cans at a pad lime, I but Republlc-n papers suou d be at once -ouelc'.ied i'louiil not lr Ilowol to circulate. Mr. M. M. Kslz ha- ic:u ned .Vom 4 the north, where be has been to pur- chase goods, lie has now a;.iv; ig one of lhc larSc 8lu f goods ever brought to lb s mar keL For Sa i.e. Three horse., in splen- diJ couJilion chcap for 4U W. P. Canada y. eruor against Seven Day'd Fi ht Mc- Clellan, who the Democratic nomi- nee. Webopeour brethien of Ihe press wj1 not forcet our addrev. in "case we take quarte.s in llob-.,..n cou lty jail, they will please m.i; k r communica- Uonsin enre of Sheriff of Kobeson county, Lumbtr.on, N. C. Wo have been inquiring ubaul the size of the Sbe-iff of KobeMn county. though unsuccessful y. We do not like I to bvj jailed by a cm ill man. We ex- ft mm . ft i auk. vaw i lr i ri n i : a a n, nit r; - -- will f root a r rrj i all rirrht I " "o Gur forema , who is bv the wav. a Yer. marii 0biect"to iroinjr to K0ue30nf he says he is the best look ng man of "the establishment, and Mr. Norment, the Solictor, will certainly have him indicted as a grand pacifica tion. Seme th.uk that the President could net have come south if Gen. Hampton had not been his escort. 4Yc know the President wPl bo welcomed by the i ,.r !. cn, 1 1,, '.Tr ,1V .v'v 1 ueneral liampton iiiu ni not accompany him. OncHouxcfor rent on Market, be- twecn 11th and 12ih street.?, north side, in good order, G rooms. App'y to Dan O'Connor, next door west of Court jouse xrr i 1 T i , UUU lb Ut mUV tmi.M iiUJU.UU. VJWUW- ral of North Caro'in.i, now, we believe, a U. S. Special Agent Interual Revenue Department, was lu the city a few days corrected if wc haver been incorrectly informed MThackcav's I-ish Sketch Book" with Thirty-eight original Iilustratiana, w.n'nliT WISiam M. Thackerav. author of "Vanity Fair," and !s pub- m x t-. I iisnea mis oay oy a. x eic.suu . Brothers, Philadelphia, w the Twenty- second volume oi iue.r j?eveuiy-nve K mm. mm mmm I Ccat Sterling Series of JNew and Uood BsokV It is publhrd i a large oc- tavo volume, paper cover, with the oxlges cut openalVround, price ceventy- ice o 3 e Tdflar: and is for salo bv all Book-ellus and Agents, and on all Rail Raad trains, or copies 01 n wm ue . uve Boot and music oioro, on iuarst sueet. Local ,loncE. Tha - Cincianati I Star is one of (ho 'as twell ass the I encapest papers ta tAe.,Knoift country. a . w - Thoreekjy wiiUon,..wixkll.l?U ;only o-j- I n y a l . - 1 -'-.. " . 1 mi ivn nn ir itv m the two dollar city weeklies, and much. better than most of thea'.v It li made I P oil teres tinjr readrnff for a!l classes ? v .sections j 'of jthej" country i neis w you eoonry psptr your cas not I ao oeiter than to subscriber tot it. n i Maj. Buar3 will' open ' the Cape Fear Military School on' the" 15tH of of October. We arc tioly glad that the Major has met with irreafc . rocces3--we i understand from him that be has 45 iMrhnUn f; mLm iLl I W h ! nwwT-. wt m "unuogioa wu we are iwaw W u7 WQ Will niW MTB, . JUI1. I w J i tit - . . r Burgess comes to this city; with splendid . , .F ' rccommenaauons, ana our. people Can 1L. 1 T xt-- .I'll' UU3K IUO UillUlOg Oi Uir CCi ,JFCn in I his bnnds. 'if .a. We notice that some of the Virginia LDemocratic papers are criticizing the course of Col. Ayer, the Special Agent of the Treasury for Maryland and Vir- ginia. lie was for scleral years in charge also of North Carolina, and won the good opinion ofeyerybody with whom be come in contact. It would be difficult to make any one here who knows Col. Ayer believe that ho was I yond question.. Mr. J.J. Cassidey, the former Editor I . .. . ... i oi iuh paper, wuo Has been on quite an J extended visit out west, has returned to hb home looking exceedingly well. Jesse is a very good loeking man, any way, but we must confess that there has been very great improvement made in his personal appearance, therefore our Jesse is really good looking now, and we do hear it whispered around that there is to be an increase 5n the Cassi- dey family, in the shape of a better. half to be added to our Jesse J. When it comes off we shall slap our hands and congratulate tfie happy pair. Frank Leslie's Sunday Magane for October is worthy of special favor. One scareeiy knows where to commence it quoting of its varied and liberal con tents. The Number U just replete with literai games. Interesting in the ex treme throughout its 123 pages, it is at once a book of poems, short stories, con tinued tales, histoif, sermons, pleasing and instructive anecdotes ; beautiful illustratiors, 100 of them ; wit, science. otc, etc. In a word, it is a Mbra.y ?ti itself, to be welcomed and enjoyed by readers of all ages who may be fdrtu- I . i . "ri n" enougn ly secure a cpy. . ediUons of this number w" I sc-ely be cauea Ior- ouoscnpuon pnoe vuo year wo ; ior a single numocr, cams. In each case it is sent free by mail. I Our readers should address their orders to Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 537, Pearl Street, New York. Frank Leslie Pbnulur Monthlr for October i an nxrellent nnrnhur of this r . " admirable publication. It hrs in all 123 nacres and 100 illustratior. It opens with an article entitled "Eng land's Queen" illustrated with twenty gold engravings; another article on "The Commune of Paris" is accom panied with forty illustrations. Among its many good stories is o no entiied Captain Sam's Charge,41 by the author f "Helen's Babies' ; followed by "The Ebony Bride," by Ella B. Washington; the continuation of "Tho Dreamland " . of Lore, etc, etc The amornt of 8truction entertainment! and amuse ment afforded by the articles, stories, anecdotes, poems etc., in this issue of 8 Monlhlg is not excelled by that ol any of its cotempararies. Single cepies are ccnu ouusuripuva $2.60, free by mail. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 637 Pearl County Covmtrsionkrs The Board of Countr Commissioner met insoecial 8C!jaion oa las Saturdaj afternoon at 2 runCan Holmes and D. 9. Sanders. It was ordered that C.W.Oldham be granted until the next regular; meeting . v:. V 1 - . l-t --rl I " BlTO Ul wuwlw I'omt townsnip. . 7 . It ww ordered that the school claim In ihn h.ndn. of KomiiM TtAsir tin referred totne wuBy Aorney, id couec MMW. A A mmmmt H mm Lm. M LD.AB mL mm mmm mWm m. mm mm. S mm w'l'i wuv. , OamoUon, it was.ordereuV thai tne oanaaru aveeper oe axiowi his weights and measures m the office Yr VC-J WnAl, ,u.,..v..u a...,-p tt.i 0 "till .,T; snips wro rewiTu, u uiuwo turned oyer to the eriff,with instroc t:ons :o proceed to collect the same. , r -mim. -'-rAlmmA that tli .! rlc of tha 7- ,.;",: 1 Board dra off,. , duplicate list from the jury list already made, for the use oi the Commissioners. On motion of Commis.ioaer Sanders a committee of one carpenter was or dered' appointed to exttnlae Smith Creek bridge and submit a report to -the next meetigg of the Board ' ' .Ordered th at the "Clerk f a ! h ( the Board wit ha list of the Overseers of Public Rp3dsi a the County of New Hanover at the!" next meeting. A comtnunifjtion having been re ceived from the Township School Com mittee with regard to tue Peabody Fund, it was ordered hat the late School Committee ftr-arsh the Bor d of Counlv Education t It h ?n itemized statement of. the Peabody Fund during their-term of office. - Oh motion, theBorrdadjoi'; jed. - i ; A DOUBLE Weddino. S;i Thomas' Catholic Church, in this ciiy, was the aceao Wednesday aifcernoon of a veiv unusual and interesting ceremony in th'ejshape of a double wedd og. The hoiir appo:ited fur the ceremony was 4 o'clock, and prec isely, at that time our young barrister Mr. Frank H. Darby led to tho alter Mhs Ll;: 3 V. Satchwell, daughter of oi:r old .lend Dr. S. S. Satchwell, of Pender couity, irad Mr. Thomas A. D. rby, with Miss Sal! :e N. Price, daughter of tlii la e Albeit L. Pi ice, E-q., took a 'posltioa by the:r tide Kev. Fa' her Gros, the officiating Trio-:, then united the hr.p py couples ia the bonds of weu-cck 1 i accordance vi:h tho beau li'ul a id lai pressive form of the Calcic Church, i..'.er which he extended his congratu lations una ihe to couples then retired from the church aud cuicred the car riages iu which they iud ju-i previous ly unived. A er a lew ail :utes spent in receiving the contra uihitiu-'is cud well wishes of tiulr inos- in-.hna.le Mends, they repaired to the depot to take the 5:33 train for the no.th, -where they will spend the honey-moon. St. Thomas' Chu-ch ' wa? crowded to its utmost capacity dmlng the ceremo ny, a great many persens being unable to obtain seats. Public Schools in the City. An adjourned meeting of the School Com mittees for District i Nov. 1 and 2, com prising the Towrsbfp of Wilmington, was held on Monday afternoon, at which teachers were selected for the various schools within their jur'sdic tion. We give the list below, as furn ished by the Secretary : district no 1. Heininway School (for white chil dren) Mrs. L. P. Kothwell, Principal; Mrs. Flora A. Wise, M. ;0. Wallace, Mary E. Duguid. Campbell Square School (for colored children) Mrs. H. L. Debnam, Princi pal ; Miss Susie W. Sampson, Miss M. J. Sweet, Miss Elizabeth Snith. DI8TEICT XO. 2. Union School ( for white children) MissM. E. Cook, Principal ; Mrs. P. W. Fanning, Miss Isabel ia Leete, Miss Ada H. Monroe. Williston School (for colored chil dren) ATr. B. E. Green, Principal ; Miss M. W. Howe, Miss I. L. llowe, Mii3 M. E. Norwood, Miss A. M. Tay lor, Mr. A. B. Black, County Examin;r, announces that he will meet the while teachers of District.- Nos. 1 and 2, for this city', at the Union School ho-se on Thursday, the 11th day of October, and the colored teachers of DIstricU Nos. 1 and,2, at the Williston School house, on Friday, the 12:h of October, tor the purpose of ascertaining their qualifica tions issuincc cer.'-licates&c. ; and on Saturday, the 13:h of October, he will meet the teachers of the several town ships of the county for the bam e pur poses. Many of the colds which people are said to catch commence at the feet. To keep these extremities warm, therefore, la to effect an insurance against the almost interminable list of disorders which spring out oi a "slight cold." First, never be tightly shod. BooL; or shoes when they fit too closely press against tho foot and prevent the free circulation of the blood. When, on the contrary, they fit with comparative looseness, tho blood gets fair play, and the space left between the ieather and tho stockings are tilled with a comforta ble supply of warm air. The second rnle is, never sit in damp shoes. It id often imagined that unless they are positively wet it is not necessary to change them. This is a fallacy, for when; the least dampness U absorbed into the sole it is attracted nearer the foot itself by the heat, and thus per spiration is dangerously checked. Any person may prove this by trying the experiment of neglecting this rule. The feet will become cold and damp after a few moments, although on tak ing off the shoe and warming them they will appear quite dry. i m---mm- mtm The North! State Pre, published at Washington, N. C. makes this remark able statement: rWe have bc? told by a friend in Martin county, that ac has in his possession a mare muic laat has been suckling a ca if for tlie n-wt two or three months, and that the mi: bas been continually increasing up to this time. Factories in Jfewbern. The cotton factoiy :'n now an estab lished fact, and very soon we will see the cotton yarn 3 spu u . almost direct from the seed. The; next thing needed is nn oil ml'l fo press the oil .from the cotton seed. Th'sw'-" make two' very valuable articles of comrnerce, viz: Cotton seed oil, which is ted for many purposes, and oil cake, wLvca ,is valua ble as food for cat He.'. As 'soon as the oil mill is 8tar:cd, a soip,' factory" will follow. Ihe residium from " the oil mill iurn?shes a very cheap aad. excel lent grease for making soip. t: , , We also waat a tanae. and a glass factory. No place furnishes a more favorable point than Newbern, for these enterprises. Nexbe n. 'an. ' NEW AD VEK 21SEMENTS. ANNUAL STATEMENT For Fiscal Year ending August 31, 1877, of tho County Reve nue and Charge3, and Amount Audited on every Axcunt, and the Permanent Debt cf the County. TItEAS-URETS STATEMENT GENERAL FUI), Counfyof New Hano ver, in a couu.. v, ;sa Ll.ijan Hewie;.f.l'oun ty ess. a .er, -"rm i ember Is:, 187S, to Da. To iiuo.'ntp.i 1 W'.rranf? fl9,501 08 lo i.m:uu- r it o:. t T:-'rets. ....... 2,107 3i) iuo. ?u . aia 'J su;-w 's Coui m -.,ion ..; 400 C6 $20,15.5 04 L'r.. y bnl noe an AutURt 31, 1S75 24 30 liy rraoivat cc tt ::oiu sll iku- T. xua Kei-i-'iiPtfHe, lV76...S12,Ga 10 belied, il Tax, lS7S...iuil 7.5 do uo 1877, ti.o.J 72-6,932 47 19,012 06 Eypmouui rcci iioiu Dc-.iuqueat Taxes 204 91 By i.mou.v. rccl :rc:a G W Bor--. tiCi.ux i.ejj'.sier '. 133 70 B; i.mo.:.it .-co U lVom J li ' Sa-.ip- o i, lei e 57 00 1 ' iimoun: :e -cj ei oiu Orou y fc . .o:..is, s.:l.:i)i'liOivc:' 67 45 By tn. Huc-e due vl uu;y x.casurer... 49 93 oi E. HEWLETT, County Treasure SPECIAL FUND, New Hanover County, in Kc.ount -wl.h Akliji.. Hewlstt, County . "inacrer, i . .-. n, t5t-;tC:uo-r lt, i!. i, to AUi,asi dis. , is. . : 1S70 Dr.- ben.1. 1. Ka aoccduc 'i reasurer ' 87 86 I'ai i col:-'oj.s ijrolilj ud oro - mi. s y rH r 3,7 29 IV iu Wiiv.an. JNo. 100. W b k D J Jbev;;..ej 250 00 Pa id v. fenii - N o. 84 1. i li lUtiiAi; : SCO CO Taid lu.- i nr Cou.. ty Bonds; each .jlH.one cou Don DtssL due r. ached 1,S00 00 1'Hia Trensarer a con.'rais- i-io- s JP8 10 Balance tl,30d31 1S7 C; Sept. By pynount ree'd i'roni S II nann-tiv,- .- Oct. By amount xec'd froii' BioUiC fc 500 00 Maunintr 3.C00 00 Nov. B amount ree'd from fc II iranuing 2,000 00 Dec. amount rco d 1:0m A i'. S L. aetc.. 001 79 Lva ' Lilt iej'd from De inouet Ta-es 81 2 17:. Ja By, amount receive J f cm S II ni rtiRiinlug " 2,9o4 43 JL ion By amount iec?u .rom x)e- i.uqueii axes 1- M..y tjv amouat ree'd rrom De in- quc at Taxes ' Ju yBvauiuuj. ree'd -'.om Dt.ia- qaeatlaxe 0,01 0,7J2 24 Bfi- a-ce brought down August 31sf, o IS 7 5,0i ol L.. HEv'x.iiTT, County Aieu.5aier. BOARD OF EDUCATION, Nw Hanover Co-. nt v. in si vOiiQ wi .1 Eiia.i liewieit, Couuty T .-ett.su e , lromSepvemoer, 1, i8.6, lo A-Ius. 31, IS . : Dk. To am', paid Towasiiins for fup-pc-rt o: teca-jois, as per monu' y bt a to m n:. re ii red 7,1 v i Tnum' -..- H ". rr v'r's i'omm fcS-O. S li -'0 To o..ajn.e 4,517 65 .895 CO ry bi'ancp b-oui'a;. o. nrd 3.10J 19 li - u.ko.. it re vived i;om o t ica "u..:, .-..ler.iT. w By luau .t received -' om iioard oi Edu-.r'.od.Kit-e.i.a B9 86 By amount received f:cm - H -u-a .' . t n i.cc.ud; sciteau.e a ix l.CiJ -U Ey :im -uat rmveu irom hungry biiijie- .- lor hnes 4'J3 43 Ul.vyJ 59 B-.lance brought d nv j 4.ri7 55 E. liEWL , ..oun.y Xfeascr-'r, DHBUSSKUEN'TS FBOM SSF 1ST. 1S70, TODECJSMBitt a.Di.io.o. Gro. e.-i.-,c.othiai5 ndWoodout d,.or l oo.; -- A - Me-l.c.nc.- ica; doer oor) . m r.: , r ... . n f . in.' tlftor DO .TJ IA C-j.-iwis-s. .id buriai (outdoor po.,... k'o'j Ko-pe Hop: aad Insane. PuOTO L.U .'..S o and B dyes ' Jai. Tux L Ac.v ; . sudPriutms j'a;: -ii- ;J..... St Oilel' ' ii.ld Itoo.iS..... K.t'c.:u:i.i """ Mod.ca. u ia.uanc?oa J..i J: Of - Vv" !tiv..isse ............ ........."' S-r. iri'e-o v --2 :-2 2..Ss7 v) b',l 70 i.7 1,0'rt 75 ii-j c; 4Jf 5 ; ( 2 oi 15 177 8 1,163 05 -J,ii.!3 75 1 Co n ..' Comm'.sioner . C'S r.-er M- c. pt. coronei inquests (. su f) rior Cu ri ...... 'Rejurer C . b.c - Just ce.s .-.' liie i'e.ce . . . . or.. y Soi.cior Wori ilou e - Iu crcii . : - eo o5 3J J57 22 54 .V J 25 Z ) 0J 13 00 13 1 W 10 di 5 b u r sE jIHNTs i.o:,r jauaiyist ls77, TO A LTC-UST 31 3T, lb77." Tr,nporJi.r'oja, for paupers (out ov; pv - v ; rvr.rr (l rA.?r e-.' e o n tnd rcni '.out l'Jd 49 doo- i--or) 8x3 01 ,2 itf cJi-a- anubuu.. Cow.tiooi 2 o ; w 'it,- aCU ? i. W H- " ' ru . .vue-.--.- -. J : ....-ritr, -.1 - '''O 4'J) Vt-n t S i ( c. Cier.c: -,rkjee ,r, Cier-c - 00.1 71 2J L0 7G 00 100 90 LJi 7 J A-7 it 1,S31 57 1100 8i7 25 108 3 5 10 40 1.65195 1,90933 do li-..c bv' C-Z Tax 1 - Au l -- !-gnd prnt,-rj.g. Ki. i ;n ry I.clis.. Midicat iiiteuimo on jitt.w. Juror-, Supcio? Court.,. Witnesses, Superior Cou l....... .... NEW ADVEBTTSEENMT3. Coumfy Oommissioncrs... .............. 422 25 Coiontr.uu,M.mn .,.. ' 511 7U Sledical experts 97 00 Clerk Superior tkurt 50 00 K9giBtero:i)eeda....M . ... 26165 Couf-taBles...........M.M... .............. mo 68 Justices of the.Peace. ................. 607 70 A.tornjr 1 100 00 Solicitor, Superior Courts... 45 00 311 W Judg, Bnperior Court 000 00 Dear aad Dumb Asylum. ............ 27 75 Incidental, Criminal Court 204 2 C-erk do . 745 99 Jcgo do 625 00 Solicitor, do t 875 74 V.ituesies, do - .... 1,27735 Jurors, do 1,63195 Stionery and Books.. ..... 122 60 DISBUitSEMiiNTS (GENERAL FUND) FOB THE YEAB ENDING AUGUST 31, 1877. Grocerl' Clothing and Wood (out poor door) $ 2,819 45 Tvac spor tation or paupers (out door poo .,... ioo 49 uleiicines&ad medical attendance (out door poor) 1,637 M Ccffins and buriali (out dror poor).. 7l 60 Poor House 1,996 OS Hjsplt&l and insane 5,218 00 S VanAmringe.'ii'c '666 72 T u uvZmHai,c., ao xn uo- C S Eliis. do 75 00 Janjtor. do 160 00 Public bulldiDgs 312 35 Roaus r-nJ Bridccs 413 24 Sheriff ites 1,833 27 Tax Li t. 211 8: Advert ising4nd printlnar ... 1.626 00 Stationery nd books 604 00 AIeilcal aiiendiiice on Jail..; 103 5.5 Jurors and wi.iiesei,SuperlorCourt 3,315 85 t-. uevitt', Fe ed c prisoners 85110 Coanty Commissioners Coroner , 1,164 30 867 00 127 00 507 22 1.141 05 178 21 .1,078 95 400 00 201 00 000 00 :J61 12 27 75 10 00 227 02 204 25 625 00 375 74 745 99 1,277 35 1,031 U5 122 60 199 63 Med-Cal experts u.ert Hper or Court Register o Deeds k Cca. abies- .'. k Justices of the Peace Attorneys T i.. So.ici:or, Superior Court j.... Jadge.SuptriOi- Court .. Intejest... Deaf and Dumb Asylum i....... Woii House Elec 'ona Incidental, Criminal Court Jude , do ..... Solicitor, do Clerk, do Witnesses, do Jurors, do. Stat'y und Books, do Taxed rencitted $10,457 96 The permanent debtot the county con sl.stso: ,ixty-iix (60) Bonds of tbe denomi nation ot 5t Veacii issued March 1st, 1809, and are due March 1st, 1879, and were issued prior to the adoption of the present Consti tution , These Band's bear six per cent, gold interest, payable semi annually. Amount Pei ma.ient Debt now S33,tW. Tne Floating Debt of tbe County, prior to January 1, 1877, as approved by the Special Board of Audit, is about $33,0CJ, which amount :s now being bonded. The said Boss aie to draw interest at the rate of six percent, per annum, end payable in ten year3. Tne Floating Debt, created since the 1st of January. 1877. amounts to $10,033 07. which pmouut will be liquidated with the Special. 'Pov n nxxr holnv rr I orti fnr thntnnrnmithr authority of the Begisllature. sept m ii. ADVERTISING ! $l,oOO WORTH FOR $87.6o. " The cheapest and best way to reach retid e.r, outside ot the large cj lies is qy using one or more ot our tix lists of over 1000 newspa per j, divMed to cover dJgercntsectlons of the coiuivy. .Weekly circulation over 000.- 0G0. A'tve. Iseinents received for one or ' more .is y. For catalogues containing n-.mes of aper, nd otner information saV i .or es! ma:es, address BEALK tt FOS- TiK, 41 Park Bow (Times Building), ,New.,MflMrf York, sept 28 4tB 1824 SEND FOtt : 1878 THE NEW lOiili OBSERVER. The Best Religions and Secular Family NeAvdpapcr, 3.i-5. a year, post-paid. Established 183. . t2L. 37 PARK ItUW. NEW YORK 'k SAMPLE COPIES FREE. September 28 1:R . NEWSPAPER advertisihtg. A booT conUininealist of towns In the U. tf. having 5000 pop., and the newspapers havinging largest circulation. All the Re-li-ious.. Agricultural, Boientttlc and other pc-ckii class Journals. Tables, of rates, s.iuving cost of advertising and everything wti.chan advertiser would Mke to know. Mailed on receipt of ten cents. Addreas GEO. P. ItOWELL fc CA., 10 Spruce St.. N. Y., opposite "Tribune" building. tepicmoerj itu P U L M O N A Is beyond comparison the best remedy for the cure ef cOtSfcfUDPTlON, ivek in its jioicsr advaekd 8TAOK3, Asthma, Bron- -m . . . W IB .1 mmmmmm mm m.rn.mmm. A.H mm ltllil di r.:?, caiarrn, ana ru uernaseuicuw ww NERVOUS SYSTEM. A circular contalu inc r art ulaes of manycaces successfully treated, full pdvice for the treatment of the ii,H.nfi nhove mentioned and certificates o'' actual cure, will be sent iree by mall to ail iuu Reams.' Address OSCAHG. MOSOS. sole Proprietor, is couruanai sireei, now yOi"K. ftfJIlVUlUC VJ Vw GRACE'S SAIiVE a vvmrATtT.E PREPARATIONS in- ventiba in tho i7tn century by Dr. William Giile, Smgeon in King James army iAi.ougJi iti agency no vuieu mjwuwuui " the most serioafi sores and wounded, and Wfc;. regarded byull who knew him a a rub. c oenefactor. 2jc, box, by mall.Jbc. i or sale by DrugglsU generally. Addross -SJBIH W. FOWLE A SONP. Bos-. ton, Mass. sepio iviv MAKE HOME HAPPY. A PlnUf ol Bupply of 1 Good Beadisg an! Beantlfal Pictore WILI. DO IT. THE 0IH0IN5ATI WEEKLY-STAR, H H o a 0 S fa H H I A fln l?ht-ps?e Ppr, iik4Sfoll cot- umna, cose U7 u" FVB. 'Tr UuTM paper published tot the money. It U uaepnan in puu, I TL. . 1 1 ,Um mmm nd. beids mub n l.v.. . fnnr TrrA(-nt original or e- feeterf tore. Ery sulweriber eio b U m-mo wjm muu v receiTM m copy oi o '""J r"'-."; miliJi .. 24x24 incbe. and ropy map i.ni of THB&TAB ILLftfTEATED ALMA. Sr expend of pMkinR fcnd mwluiJt pre- AicBta, lwye tbe mwt hberel in the 7XAZ mnm crrxiitT than, cvtr. We S o Pi want erery club agent in tbe country to communicate ith ui before commencing work. To any peraon aeeirmK y a club, will eend aamt.! copy of the picture and a canTMaer's outdt for lm? Tm r frfttm eomi of vaper frte. I V;m. before 'Mlrtl 0 l H lir for any " gur, though In no aense a party IS rTi-fV .57-.tht of all tbe State, and 4 M M 0 wac amons tbe first to urge tbe Justice of loeat governmen m , Persons to whom we have already sent the picture, "Tlie Poer tlw Poer Mak rrlead." by eayl. ao can hare ia iu stead another esculent en- naTing, of same aize, waic- - secured for mis purport. Si Taper xvilhom jnczure, une jjquot. 930 TTafnwC BU, Cincinnati, O. MAKE HOME PLEASANT. t f -i -'" " -.... V -,.-rr

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