. T" VOLUME Vni. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9. IS77 Stogie Cepfes 10 Cuts. " NUMBER IS mm J I W I 1 I I I I II aiLXISGTOM POdT ADVCtt- ! TISXNO KATES. ftf rm f liue lif i lie Aft .'t-.n ! twa'ti'T-fife rn! p-r li ra-h wl I:tivitl iiur rtKn. K tiw. Noipr-l vp". c.. ittut a t( -It t-ii ( r Infill at th '.I", l fif j-"rij Cn- ta". .ptit! rtr' can bw had for a lgtf tie tU" one w-k. 4 1 1 it ief 1 1 wv oti bai n- bu .J M .M'-d b Till Wll MIT5 p,r. Wilmington. N. I fna .u r'p4 ! --e Ti Wi. CITY JTEMS. HOLES for mt Of axle Apply U V. I. Casadat. TU rm receipt have bea sou aaaltr large daring the pt week. Wilmiegto i iocrrwing it trade is ihM aupl tfery year. K K"rrT. te-iwe M KI KI TIUN RETrRNX - - ttt i ni r AN iT'Kl'" rn.SNK.iTICIT o NK.W tRK MINNK.-wl A K AN S- NHItK-h WHH;'..I ni:v ih;ky -k.n-ti.vama. Ity fttntmtia WARY I. I ! kUI-TUI MAX las wntTK. STTt uae fcrJ wiWh; soften it villi lilt'.e bxai. it the bawl are eery Under v btrotiw chappeH. wr kid glove ll eight Mm..T Va tw. TlH atreet car are i'i runntwg out a far Maxktt a txj !U.Mi-Kh rrv(a. That will bt a ciirfri)cr t tW fuVli n HUl t (a the bal pj iaj roulo ia Ir.uiij.ii UawtDT. Kttrai f fVnilrt, (jrllnw jMMaiar) ft l JU Jn, in abnul a tbWpafBlr waler, ttu diM U-k.M at i atari ae ofan Lour , am f air, aa raSaVa I Very -vf ailarka. 1 1 IW.i om UarL4 aar K'rraaib, real b W. T laJ'J. Wr uiJfminil that LLa larjra ct i- n-tar5 hi tb fpir,f thr iol- liJ U.cii icvtirfi, a-J tkal ' II va Bin (CO at aex-a oa lh Ixrc tck f evil- ia thtf oni- C i:ll.AY At tbe luU Ictu t m. ingaouitr in tbo ooca'.ruclioa of tUe J to chaao tbe h'm? ticket axcaoga rariou j.loti in the atory, io the pure I meat eo taatlrareUcanjjrexulaovtr ana moral tone which characterize I at pleasare ia ibia city. all it. pz". It i full of the strongest I The Mayor wai UaUacted to aell real intorcsr, and exciting to tbe verge ol I and peraooal property on which taxes envativnaJi,m, yet it rootaino nothing are due prior to 1877., . ., . t offend errn the mot faatidious deli- Tbe east rrfulaj teetia t pf tbe cacy. Ii U pnblihed io a large doo- Hoard will rake Jcc yTfibtr, detitso To.utne of fire hundred page, I at 3 o clock, f. bound in morcro cl-Xli, gill and black, price l 7", and f r a:e t ileina berger' lie bv.k r.ni m.iic alore, on Market trr!. Two buui fur rent, on Tuird street bctwecu llruoawick and Maitoreratn-eLs B aa BOUor. -A youog aaaa write boa ooe ii Uxe rural Tillage ef Teorenr have been teachiaf; acboirer aiooa I rpllt chool about a year ago, bat I do not like it. IlietlMel Wi chosen a pjro- I . . ......4 - ait riMmt cch. Apply to Daniel ), aa 1 tUnK J woM nUr be o citnnor.tiratdr uniof cwirt hou.e. I Jor thaa- awytb Mig elee, for I liko etae a ad, oeaibrt e ay,4aaaty of Baooer, I at il tin- Drpllf, the tofy of a j and do not like worff? To Wu axlitor. ALL SORTS. A miu born to coma;..u i : '.i!irtrcut frota one ruedc to orJtr. To wbnt trade do tf r j :n!; ,?rcl belong? To the caiL- r-. "Misery Itjics comir-::y. anaxriagcab!e youur hniy. Bpring oien?n-."j rui : Opeoingi cLes'.aut L-j:j. Bet thin.-x to Bieaut p'.a,u" a iny. The youns niTi w sion has hd hi-1 winj c Some people reud t I.c .( ve:t j L'.-ru- naodment, "Do r.i aa tit:." ! ,1 be. TMlCll BETKETABya oFncK, WILMIXUTON A WEJ-TKOX n. K. LO., WILUIXGTOK, N. C. Kav. A, HST7. XEYV AD YERTHEKSMT riTHE rORTY-SBOOIU) ANN U At, METTT JL ISO of the Bteckboldei or lae V1I ni.ofton ft Weldon Bailroad Conirany w U uM ui udimoi mi centra nr. in t w Turviracinaj coi-2t secretary An Iriah jn;.cr an eble bodied nij womau lifa, m pub:i.'ieJ ihii day by to ail ia mm eetgaataaacaal. with noib T. It. l'etertHi V Lrolhcr. I'hiladel-1 in to eV oot write wbea J UlK like it, phia, and make tic moth toluinc )s-1 to hare plenty ef aaeaer and ro where ue-J l I ctrrmma lIlar Nerui of new I and whea I ofeaee. free of coat, and and gil niTi!a, wlmli arc thv largest I lead the edUor aquiet life ofeaae, with- tbe bcl and iaiit-tonio t, ai well aa tbe I oat care or trouble of any aort, ia tbe cbeapt bjLi cvtr published and to!d I height of any ambition. My friends at one dollar each. Oai of I bo Dcplba I think I ought to study law or uedicine, ia a wuniau'a ctery and a ouin". bok; I or keep on teaching; but to be a lawyer ll will inter. .1 nuny aixl terrify aoiue; I or doctor require too much atudy, and but it ran alio, ml uoik for it i- a lnk I too. much braina to start with and riitrn nil .i icndrr and Jrlictto hand. I teaching ia too hard work. Under there !l i ilio ..id Wri.Me uiu ! auTcfiii, I ctrcumaUncni, would yoa not aJrisc ia and i'i3ui. the ild iry n. i.-."u sh I me to become an editor?'' a vct piog uj f.tjiii t;,c dbiiufs ol Lu-I Wo certaiuly would, your idea of the omu alrgrA Jaiio-j anal i-piiil ja! dc.tlh; iifo of un editor, and of bin earround the oM pijau A laid bare to the ioga and freedom from care and toil, eye t-l nan. to sec if perchanve thtre J are aicgularly accurate. An editor ia may Ur wic .ri.I clvver p..jicians who I tho happiel being on earth. Ho has of thr s a perior Court f' tltia cuuuty Jcn he! it, u-hout the New and I little or nothing to do, and hia pay i; pp'iahn wm ande for lhe tpnoiut-I o many -i ( ol the M T. Unu nt, I all the heart could with. Ilia saoc- met tf ia aidttiol Kecerr for tbe I ruu one rle.ir aJKtrin., nnie'y, that I tum. with iU lVraian ruga and inrkey l4rdura Centra Railway l-...d with the naaater in aad b:a Honor. Jndrv'Moore. peiatrU I be by man, allugctLer j ardooed. blot- I did'y bound books, ita buffet atockeU et-Mayw Cajiaday U that poakion. I ted rtl and Jno nway with llisalw.L" noeat of winerf, Uquora, and Cll written folume. and coiiUiiM miny r'"' w",ca 0f,,'.alB, uul " or :.m n.,m T - C t.. I c t i iw purer oen io aunmoo au ai- .a .-at. a -Two l, largo tiuU, poacrfu, , r... that the au- ,.nJanl -hanr a iul or ktit ! i. i . . .. .... . i . rf - "r ,mT rm-". i intr i nui utiacaua.iucu wua tac pnaM-a I wauled, and, in abort, with its ererT v,ap-t. I cf ,rc w,ic, be h undertaken to dc- I thing that human in tenuity can deriee I I a a - a . a . . t- t r . . . 7- ir. Kribe. and wC concieiiii .tM'r recom- or.uu comiorx ana p.eaaure, isa perlcct mm .irw lUni 11 ALL A I m 1 aV aTa. I I htt a r.aa4 aa kaM ka aa I ,. Nlhia elegant atrncture ia aow eoupleU. mvnJ ,u c,,cfu! I Uul of b and wigua a yoaDglord, with thewoTld rehref for tbe run one c.e.ar ajK trin, nmo j, that lumi witn iia t eraian ruga ana inraey r. to err- any -i... howen r Krral, bei..-rented ita coatly roewxd furniture ' .. . ir i i . . ... ,bj magnificent mirrors, iti beautiful i New Wk, nJ foriien. by ti. ai.d . u-at to plcturea, iU complete librarr of eplen- Tbero i.i : ! v u mailer i jrt . j. . ' The roan who r:i fb ar in h few T a.-J : cr to band'c 'Jbe TurL ; : - disappeared f i.; J . j mu.it be a p..c i- i. :t ''On' :ht ; :i. but ll.ty a...- . . . . . bu( cf a ; o -.'L, o ! Uhiruj jr u r id . po'lco lurco. ih v : ii . and are :;hv;n j ti: il.c "Xec,f'';y I- r . i:- tion." '()! v . : "a'ai-M b : r ' r ?i: r vv;::.crw,man.' no v acr 1 :-e Ji:,;. 1 g-t y ' it torn- : La't v-'u- sscrAR-r "OFKICK. W., C. A A. RAILRQAl fO.. WILMINGTON. N. C yov'. . il.- A yu;r li boo TO u;; th:i; ir..l : Dress '.n maalder,'' 1 v luru irnnn.;:i, My I.orJ." Vci.-ii i :. v. u ;.. We !:( uiv . not gii.y. " Whr-i V j?h.r: w- :-'v - ; And iIh v ." .d a 1 'I'HJS EIOUTU ANNUAL alKETINO o L tlo (Stork holders of the U'l.ni.usrlon. LoiumUii A Autrua'a KaU.ond DmiXicy w.i t be bfutal theOrSee oftho C-mj any, OK JiOVJiWUEK, 1(07. J. W. TIIOMTSON. OTa-t secretar. LEALfc'Ii IN Saddlos, Harnocs &o Jal'AIRINO PADDLE--, H.r N'Efev nad i . - k a pcciaTty. rR C'EH VEi; v L W " "uauu.iu5.uja mi ,:i'r lie wra si-c .ti-' r ati Tiltrd alre.-U. n . ti Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For- all the purposes cf a Family Physic ; aad for curuycCostiv-cnesa. JaunJico, IndiKesUon, Foul Stomach, iireatii. Headache, tryuipelas, Rheuraa tiam, Eruptiona axid Situt Uiacasos. BUtouaness, Dropsy, Tumors. Worms, Neuralgia ; aa 4 Din ner Pill, for purifyitij tha BlooJ. Are tin m,.M ss?? ' eiloctivo nn.l conacuial pur- jiaiivo over atis covercd. Thoy V i a.' J".' t 11 :l 1 i i 0 in their ii 'V:ttion, thoy arc still the most thorough and soan h iu? cathartic iuedici:i that can h. employed : 'ck;uui:i.r !!:-' -totu-ic'i and Low ehs auJfvn the blvovf . In v,.i I I i' - PJKIT OF THE SOUTH ii iti oi" a ;u;c:, i . 4 I DKrKXDEr FAMILY NEWSPA- J. I . it, t. o. Ao. aevo.ca io ccas. ro ;: o-, li.c.a- KOI K IXC. 'WL r... h tit .r .i i.Tit .MlllPf I. ll UatyV draigw it urpaMS toy rin9 w negaauy ami uoManuany or Taabion and pieasure at bis feet. And Ul-fufiU kil UtUBUt4. Geo- in b,ue reMum. eml. with , -v ij v ., . oriziual d-iu in ''I .-nd blsik and udyi oprepAration, no braina, nothing uecll of Wk anJ ark rnarple, it i onfinai u i . nu oiaia ana feul a jiuj0 m t0 aUrt with, and a, rf..al aa It ia ekerwtin. The lh ,riC? 11 ,,c du,lr- F "r l 1 once started the moner noura in uoon F.!iah architect hare aduned it ia I Hetoabcrgerliicb.iuk and muit t ore, tou io a steady atream, and tho chief I I I t . i a ' la Ma: tr 'ro I iaoor oi your me i to epeoa it Asior tbe Labor of editioc a newspaper, that Oi.t li viw f.Jf ron oi M-ikd. be- mere moooanine. a mere glance at I I n. Milnmna V n.w.MhM t .nAinvh I I 1 Ih ,it 1 I 'M h .1 r.i.l rw.rtria.if44l. . P 1 j to convince yon that it requires no la io rwi orm r. nwni. Appiy io iun oor to edit iland less brains. It ia cer sabd'jd or. which uaae without Uimg tLye. Dr. J. i. Ayer bailtaaj fare it the town ia acknowledgment f tlve diatiactioa they conferred upon him in takleg bia naae. Althoogh ll i a cnervu, gift, still the hearty good wtofcee of a whole people are of greater ?!of. and the geoeroet doaor has altihile eftiril them (Jro'om (.Wo) O'Connor, neit dwr wet of Court Mainly a glorious life, that of an editor. it,..,... a i.ie or luxurious ea-e and of elegant icisjrc a me lor toe gwoa, niiea, use that of the young lover in his first JalfClIVa I'K TIIK IkA R !(.'" A I.PKR tx. Nut. otn.-Tue Ibard asf at 3 o'clock, p. iu., Mayor liwu pre I aiaaPM.t if... m tt miittA.t Ia.. Vi Mtx.uv.oTii.- me ijani at fl . rQaft , . mQonb.m. Tk V ! i- ihjI ita frHr a, we s. f'mt prro and Ihew over -triMU Voiocra'K r e'-'r e W tt't v W where Ihrj come in. it l- im the aixalhcra iaie. Swk are rowdx ly the Rj-bli- I then teiaraa can b !! a a (j'f ui'. a rc intinilalKn a d l ia..a a un lH. "pacefal" m. Ytrk h elteJ a tfI:i.t lx'4liue, aa-J art urrd 1' iritmtl tVal'in la the U. tMiviini', reiJ T !. aa fi weee I the Ro- ranaiaaal ' Imm, ta saaa ai rtrtvm iihWIa H iar.amil. Ml aVa. Nr!ti( nl ifwaain are x-W i.'iw liae. ! I'eww-j lao aa b k ike aki-c. wKkeeer aynawt Maea arnlart iu!. a aa-'a. Irr wf au J MaryUil Save bee a ""alvo IWaaxwrata UateM. a ad wo iwwro eCia ar n,.4e U wrrat theaai fiiaa law ri iM wwev lhaa wa aoade by a I i aar ia Imm aal Ne- fVa t va. rsia al. twwmr rwal we r'-(tu iw Maeaatckwaettaw wwh it i -a lea ivar tjuveewne, aie Urea eaterety 4rTaa taf tyia( Vwawit. Tkey Ml awro ef tW Legw'alarw ?ew Y wk a4 IVawaCaraaie IT. rV . aa4 tW 8tCa t tUbaetanat, the eWtaWw H wm m thaak- rwT Lw th LrfwVa to . w eHhee. TW rrwwH. Ihw DaaaarratWa 4a'a it Jwaa hU tk,, rara. J aa the i y. Thai KepaWtcAa) Cvxpaw a a cU beeiy afewa la rUlical rami.' I -a- at a a II I f -..i S.i-Tk,ML,N m nln. I Jing. ,wnt, AWfrmc.i urn, iw. la a did clnion. cheap fur c.b. Q mnn '' vv. r. t4iAY. A Acr rejdnv, and tiio approval ot f jrtner record, the buine before tbe nirta'.i-" ii America, or High Ufej Board wu praMeraled with. a .Ne York w pnbliahel thia day br Xu Major reported that unlcr the W iHo not a wave of trouble rolls Aoraw bla peaceful breast; and that all men are not editors ia one of tho atranreet thiogs beneath the alaia lAtiirMl Otwier-Jtmrmal. "Utfc,- eaU a to akm nihwraUas. 4 a rswewataM it a ae ha atyiac Ile IV hoan achaaf 4li thawa mm Ukiaf riak of ateof of tho kiur fwtataf .aa4 ta ha, a at saaweatr. ho a A Nattoa of Ficmles. In tbe Hay of Bengal, on tbe high T. K IVtee.a A IVother. l'hiladeN iastiucliono f ihc lfcurJ. ba I at a .'or- j r0ad of commerce, ia a groopof islands plia. and u the pr.letHa of a man of I nr mectinjr. the -cc force had been I thickly eorerrd with iaapeoetrable ion i bealtoy uodfrUajag. I reduct to twenty eight private. I glee, and rwarnaiog with torches In the r"i oae. anrewa ooaervauoo, asxj The Mayor a: reported, that, irera I rainy, aud ticks in tbe dry eeaaon, prtcaS I oowllge ef the wvtiq I perwinal observation, the city mules I Except a sptcirs of pig, until recently and iu fh .. ( it bears eride a-re I 4rt, jn bad candilion. an I aked for a I unknown to scienot, there are no wild of briwg writtew by a perwo well a- I report from the i ffieer ha I njt charge of I animals that oCer any moleaUtlon to qua.aUJ with lb apper cuces of life I them. An .r-ler wi raed in reference man, hot to aaake op for this deficiency ara pirttrd. aal aa agreeable pet- I thereto, au'horirin- the annulment I tbe human inhabilaols .are amooc the dM-i.a fr the levtr of rwaianee, it I f the eonlrict if it wa found that the I moat savage aod hoeXllo that Toyagers r.,.u,.. ...ar k..i. tw.t MAtinta .j k. i i .r-t c I taTo encwoniemJ. i uey may truly be ii i . r I . . -.a . i. I termed a oauoa of pigmies,, being oa . " I " . .. iao Tcrare, oaiy lout feet hTa toebes ral . wery are peewTiarly grapkK, tnt M I gVal aervice wa, approved. birh, aad weighing from aerenty to an-l .h sI, awd ba rwweep Uvea of J The claim of J ti. Wagne for faUl j a-venty-fite pound. iut they are rhstee nartiealaHe rVmare charae- ia;ar t. k..rv owne.1 bv him. in rrornioeu. aou aiapiaj an agu- . . .. . . . I f .. .... . . . ity and nubnert truly wondeeful ie. are iwsaaiuas. r iiriaiifa in Aawevi- I CToaainj a orinjje wuniti mo cuy naiiia, -i-l.:- akin ia dark and their farm d. ca. llf a LJie tm .w lava, a taeoea i wm diaioweJ and me Auni rommit- 1 c.dolly oly. The go enlirclf naked. a the twewle-fowrth ?! ol Tetee- I tee notirial. ahave tbe hair of tbe head with piece B B.-a W t . . k v. .ui.... M.i Mr:M.l Tk !. i'a,:uiDln oi uitui. t bfvKea botue. aua lor ewaj a wiewa aw; wrai mj warw w w - tvtailllli 1 v "" O l . a I I l.V. I .klak.1 I 1 a I ...tfurlhfrlima ' 1' - - i i io s I a oec by daubing Ibcmv-lvM all over ia targe crtaev ew4waaot paper cowee, I to rervrt oa bainr ocfore tbeai. I with a mixture of red oere an4 oil, or with iheeJge catera all num4, and I Tbo cotuniUee on I.ighu reported, covrriag their peraoos toward night aa . .i:i- "V ,ivi; vl 1. .a ir?" -l OiUll'." VS y, man- I rv i -:jo.k- Umc urii;;; . y i2 him out '.. :; A man declare- ill for Liui to L-. c i:'. the b..t of ti:i:-.- '. e-i dr , to tbe will, lii m si ro- jiiitv-tilbic in "Unqucatiou.ibly tho t -: i; :inied work of the kii: 1 in h? Wori.." i i.: i i v. a ; i.r . : Nor:c r:.'- -r i.;r. The iete- raa Magazine, v.-'u;- !: '.w i - i uirew Its original tit 'e 'f i w tuulhly Magaiine, 1..m i-.' i- t' o ka-t attilcd tbe popn'tari'y i: ..-: . ;j0 v.tUct, but has added to it m.ny t. a v-. .iuj has kept fully ai r,:, : ." tU '.mv, thanks to the enter,-.-;.-; c! -.I.r j-j u!i -her und tbe tact an 1 w;-. :n .,; ;;, i-J.t ir... For whatever is fc-1 uuJ n:- .: rca-J..blc ia the literature !tav, ;. d; . jvryand fiction, the jt. r-aJcr of t-j-ilay ljoka to lJarptrj i. . Inc. j i-: as ex pectautly as o:u tl:c r..ujr f n quar ter of a c. utury ai' tl-et, '" ;ame admirable t..b'c -f ;-!,!uit. .nud the same frealiueH.- a-J -ni -:;vtuiAs in its editorial uep-i;ui. t;t n j u then. ltoston J urn' ri u:.: .iitD weekly at HA. N. C. HAS r.Y FAR THE LARGEST rrrt'I.A- liw (if ANY TnEli l'.M'Kii 1'T.BLTSH ED IV TKK J-i.iL DEli COLNTUY, TEKM-i IN ADVAXCJi. vnf cope one yaar $1 prt "'"IW SIX HKIDUlS .. TT One ooj y thrtc month - oo W. M. TEitAVT cet 12 Edltir and 1'tupr.tor. Coanty Commisslonfrs Rooms, jAKTIi HOLDIXU COUNTY INDEHT- ednen-i, prior to January. lfT7. which have i-ama luc .Tpecjui uoara oi Audit can t-.-iSyut tho s4ime to . VANAMUINOE. at c'auiiy Cokaiulskloucrs' Koouj. to Ik? iuL.d.d iuto BONDti. The kaia cUlbia muat ba p.esenled on or f before tbe ZM Instant, NO BONDS Wl LL BE ISSUED AETER THAT DATE. doses of ' iio p,;i u iLy. '!. ' the diirct i vc ..j i ; ;o; orous hoalih. A"EK"s I'm - h i la; -". i i..: tnoro than .t .,: ;:: : i r ....sy. bao ota:.o- ! i v.rl l-rr: U r.-i.;;!;k:..ii for their v 1 .': caed :n ti-'ti : ; t1. tivi- orcr:.; i" x., composed t!; : .' :' thi ir rai:?e .. i v.. . 'v evade iheui. Not v the ever) -day ;v., body, but aio f rriiiul.n tU; diaeaacs that l.Ao l.;;:t..l : of human -kill. Wh.'.c th. y powerful til; ets. t:. , ..: . . ': time, the .-aU -t a: I . Is children. i:v t'.. a- ...i they prijn' ii:ik h lo-- !" . purgatives. anl . i : .. tho lKwel art' n. t !. reach the vital i i::, . !. nnd tstrentrth' u ::. ' . It from the i l-'iat'..: - .: ' Adapted to all t iu all t'winaU -. i. i.-..;..;:. ; calomel iiur a: v .1. i. t. i.. ..: - these Pill 1 '..a.: u. ly yuylKKly. i:.. Penes thoia -ii ant them phx-aiit tj t..:.. : will. purely vegetable, i,y l. aia l... lrom uieif u;e iu Ly ,u;.;; . Dr. Id C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mas: Practical aad Analytical Ihcmiu. OLD IT ALL DllCCCIiT;i tvmuvai i; 1 !.. y 1 .it i-v PRUl'L''"!!- STATKSMILK XrOtii 'olun. Free Siv-v'. J Ji ; i .--7 r JOHN U. WAUXEK. oet 5 tL Ch'i man. GRACK'M HALVE A VEGETABLE PRrPARATI)!f. In- veutluu In ia l?th enatmrr kr IVr William (rale. Sarceon in Kluir Jam' arinv TLroua-hlU aaencyb cared t bwostnda of iuo uiai eriuuorca aad woaudrd, aad wu-. nfinm ey an wno Knew Ij.iu a a punuc ocjxeraator. 2&o,a box, by nail r r or aic oy lrroinnai arnerany. AOESl'S WANTKD. AJdrcbKTU W. KOU I.E ONi r.v. '. M. fcjjl -iilt STREET OAKS. " In a And i- : lit lluJ i i i - - . . the S u ' , ! r..ii- - . KorJ'.ni- r .U.i. , lVa!:-' In .o i.! r-i.1.1 oi rnste-l Harpi-r.i J!j:i' $1 i0 lU'.il.'c- poatago ly the i:I!...h. r. aVubcriptiain-t t H.T-re- Week'v. nn 1 15. .- one :t, i . t i ' i up, II . I foe u st noaberger'e lire book J rtcwmmendios that oilj'ampabe placed j f-1 i1 aawj aMMH,M Mark etrooC J ai tho iolerecttao of JUroett and Nxth j ith a thick ooalinr of soft mad U proteotioa agalnat the moo- aiuitoea, with which iu adumoa to the lla4a. by Mrs. Kmm IX K. K. Sowth mwth, U Jwa pwhfavh4 hy T. B. Petet 1 Am Oaoiaanraae A -f r!v ww A Probers. rhUaWrhia. It W0U I nT ho a1grrrrav a srrwk of aarpet mcatloa i 4wrib tho aal firih anal UuMa treeto. ApptotM. I Lk ...I iTk. i.. l. . . . I .. irwww a m.v u w , vi - " fc r, 4a ewrwer ffi , .rr .... r.i fo inno.nt a de- I ntJ tha whole rear rotim) . . ..... . : . i i - i - i -at i : : . siw wa nti a.rafiS tm ww wrrr, i . . , . r..mincrcil tra- 1 TUer are cXCcUcol swtmaera. Laking 4 iohi. ApHv l laiel O'Cua a o. I , ,. , . . w I to the wa!er alaaoat beioro they can weatworiVortfw. TTJl "" "J J.V . T!k- 1 7Pf . a , jwi ... ....5.,Ue pnncipjj soppjy ot laeir looo Tho Melher-Io-aLaw; oe Mamew la I ncrwao ia. i iume. oyeva mm w. The folloaiije t'rd.oan: wpjw; I ' uooiweao ww avnanaaw a rweipiara A ttttio f!rl litHaajjawt treat of Iaaitav- XW.WW. That the Tree -we." aad Tax aola a. led Ibf rmaasio Io !1 Bel- Jr I Collector hait. on tho oHd Moaday I f0i ling, tbe meloa aeaaoa. Thia f rl eoch aaJeeere aaowia. coeaaaeoeiae I. . .,. v. w. foolhwweth', atylo Ma smtiat la) thio Nayreaaher J?lh last . maho aP aod oV- Z . . v J , aasaaai what wrirse anaiywa o vwwawaa wa wv PM 1 .jJl i..Uk taJ aa ti sum A. AabLI iik tw lw alMtAao Uee of all wo A Iw We NioarU Lavw. tao I 77' II. '. j. .wlorioea teat aaiasm asaa aaaa. i wm I IZlMl.tT iiwi aaw iwar I ,. . heooato4 !. tho eaxWww chapter, 1 s.W 7aa of U, tax wniiaa-co. I SJ thowweh iowoUkaof UUooo lalel ' , esw; aawl If thwr an to ttml wUl - VU ik. alsaaa of lift are wood 1 Z-i.C:-" . JTZ.: T I ash ftWlaaMaa awaawa tareotr. feaav ThaewwOlho fcaaaaliav ttgrrall nrawuea woo graatea to eeoex a rariaaJLtr aaviae. A immrip-1 dwailiat Mm, aew nearly t i liitm awJ atari liM- laaaV I l"VlaMaiaai was aaeo rraatea w aavl aa!ja thai wCI oacaoa) tnw I scrref at taoar ww eaewwaw. l rw howwafyla ami thrill tha) aoaTjrilh laaroat I X eoaataaUloa) waa ar-foa!4M io ewVe I Uaicot twasta hi iZi aJwaaal ami a. There la ahsa rroat I with tho railwa4 agrwla with a trarw ' awAa U get vp a riretxlatoaai Mo 1. ! v . i"uh o-e .ol a: my -r c.'ja - Ju-je aid U'Lcu uo l- i'uJirt K-d ' h'-v-.a :h riwrial tax hook, aal m tho aaaao dae be hali ilai evve a aotsce eoca I M.n.Tiukl i Kn.XM r.r ..V Is eavtahwlr a tho are talari JalianaMt of tn aasooatl" ' aataoe its muap r r . , . . I rJr a wkllwah ww al a baa to fcn etr-l . -tw -'trr- 4 "l 1 wkat wa 4, it aallnxa hoc wit. t-aeoU ia 0w awa every T 1 s tmm w.al. .ba wwawL "I aJ I 1 er.ctn J-7 , - An rv. e asi.-.e, Wi I pl.i-d gratia i..: .' i i 9-rber T l a. h remittanc. . or .i : i oat extra copy, for i . rck tumh-.T-c j ie i time. eacn'.-rs with 1 : . .,!,. r-iXeceeab-.'r . r e. c i . . lime ia p-rc :.. ti t that the e. b.H-. .Ikt the cur ieo: n am -e A ceeap.c!.' c. w.'ii. , .'-x z't ow cwaprtaof Z t.ljar :a nezt clotn Uoinc, wi I t- a: by ti,4c, freight at cxpecac i-i fu-r'-aer fvr 1 5 per vv!-oe. r. c "'use. by aU, po:pAlJ. f C? Cl. a ti-e-. -f biadlag. M c m'j, b . '. t . fx I A Oetoph .c Ara.;. a x ! tl:e irt Fifty Vt;;:i- w II-rv' i'ga tiae La.' leva j --Kicd. :ezltisg araila rvicrre ijc vt aJ t. ricl wcajUt of tarorxaxu-ja wxtcla c?c titaWW ths perJiara i 'I'gw trateO l.ur-j rye, jd-i -v. cWAh, to erect a a4oaM I vho iwdkpoof4lwtTAle casflovoJ. fac" UoaUkTjaaWaaUoeT- tew topri- oral 4oUta' worth oT ilin aWiac of fLijau - i . Twkawiac aaJ hiWfcot ohte oe: !. l'KI N i A.N Tu:; . rUBLI-J LEADI No 1 V 1 1 . . iimm v . ae:r- lie. I ..1 k A-M AKIEK atUNDAY SKAT tbe Mac! ci i K..iiT t AKH wl cooaaieoo ruaniuc at I V r:i: -1 i " tioeeck tn the Mjmlnr aa.t ran m.n. l note", way ffom tb Market I!umc. I "r "" n ail sia'chrk. eaeevt lar.ly. Ua Jiry will ruu uotil 1J0 o clora. Hie Cat wlil altcrnaU bctwocu U. tn--1 - u:U IVuukiyn. ii- . u Tl. r w.ll iu t. iku. . f t i - v -.. 1'B'Dlllrt, VtC f0 tO ftruQa.fc!yii -vrr w A11 i.; l.o'oo wo::t;i T?:. 'l. .. . ul- .:-: UL I n. ... A- HakweriTtar ri.v.ee r ITxrper'a rtrMJcaai o-ly. KevyfaAfxex a rt '. :, .y Ik wi:hA iaa ik Ir ' Har per BrwiWe XMrrm Itaaffa 7,uua, New York Tberr w:ii be a aln oa tha rwar u U. Car J"'1 cr Uilaali OwwrO. OalcaaUn W t i-h Place ibe Car cotsv-ettStr Pr.t:: kt 'li Ccuiatao Petoma wohlwc to Mr us ww :tbr cr IL larrv HaiUuaa, wlii Cimi tbe ueel uses ia cXxwfwat m ftt ft -n- st ! way of rcaebtac tabecal reewwt rrt. lm 'a ctywmwleraOwd a r M he eLwbwti will taX- tKesa to way of f fc ilo , oe aa aavy tt awn of taw rwwtrwciiis aw4ia asiaana. to U t esaryr itliiow. a cawta, 7 tneao walla X racad. ad wtm Iu: rwa. The Twry tbii- m Sau wa ia Cwiui Prww roq wxaswa rewnri aay a4- !Crw, cas law arl of Ux Trtim V TAO f-rertalewtawt. WAMHI HOTrm Kt Vi i. s4at 3-u awawrtasaaeot NEWHPAPEa ADVCnTIdiKCa. ttowT aawjtaUaaac a Uat mt iowaw aataw fiay yiiay m A . i atwwTrpi "!reait! "lUTX. aa r. aw waXiLac. e wu . a onu r. r cAtaar H-.-. 1 ii-j is r i bar i j Tiir;tr m bewlrii ; . Pay at wort as i mtiU V CrL M () N A t areas4 wi - . axwsrwi . awi., c - .a .. . L.v 'v i . i aj f,a'1!i - t jr kaaaaaa. - fm -: t av A S! 4i J W wtAa4Uaf o the l oot