i ''J. t !-.. 'I VOMMK VIII. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, lIl)AYv NOVEAIBER 1877. Siigle Copies 10 Celts. NUMBER :( i I F . . - I . ...... t,( I'--. V"Mpcfnl lyp. "mi- , ,, II ..' "l " i . 1 " ii..-it. itl i ln -nl jl i!w ? r etrrpt n -t lal rn- txir tan le h vl fr a longer tki "J,ra,f ;i .inn imiiKftion on bo.-inc hootd PjhT. Mulai ia;to, N. C. pae Wripl'n 'wf I.) Tlir. WlL- it monU T j ccn. g. It'lvU JT. Lutine-v Manact.. It.,', a. Wu wi .! I r: it d I't tiiliJtiiiml fur (..( ;J, (TiLai.tGTOS POST ADVER. them ia euca ft dbcrtp&arj bHitxA U TISX.HG RATES, j ca.b f mwory atxj H pertdwel af f. . . . ,i . TlMft i, bowevv-r, wnnch im Uiaaea)e) r it fnt per 1 1 .r the hrtl in- j .....mi al l nlf (rnl f LoclM4 U-l I Mi; Htt ta-tbnaf arfhrr icttrr, an-i oi rarutvr nxroaca o lb at, a I i a leant la lui il eUoe, Tbc Fair c'iin lu-dAJ. "ilkftl a! r a. in- ib-rel tbe wrath) rew'Tstb r inu hr ytiv Uta kt),l va CA-im vf MtKii ioUcHt ho Lk I"1 AM. rania., out cftVeaSftl rVereiA Ij. " t!.. rigl.l nun f..r lhe!AC;U'u f r,i.rf- u. c,3rg for Mtrr tk-i , ikrbt aikI m the n. r mm, liNrlult lo 4rr OLi'Y ITEMS. IIOU.Kti fvr rrnl or ule App! to W. I. tlIADAY. II. f ..1.1" I - . ... 1 .. 1. -I I I.. 1 1. I . n. .-I ' .rn-rf i J r. f gr il mmj Ai44 4 V " -- 'y. ..r in- ( ;tr -,j .iji.'rtu vl Ihn nanl( w j ii :--m YiXr rT rf . U' f tri ciui r- - . .. !.Ia(L. lr'iK !rlnrf if. L)uxl i. - .j . . Ml . . u -1. r :.t 't . i . w '. ! in . 'i I 1 i II l v U! l trl ln;i'l I i .,' ji.l mm lr . i'Fl'J i ui I : 1 1. .ii. A i 'iMf n' 3 ; 1 f.'ji n; i kii.mm . ! uti. Ii -.1-1 l (t v . x.i I' 'c.i 'c, a uti pmi li i rrrnt Iar. AO'! '''i'1!! 1 . llio .icQ. ifc 'tat I " : ' aril 1 r "I'U.- fftrH' .1 u hi, r. " 1' 4jrt. , i, . I ' I. I . liV: J' 1 ' A t , m . t IjH Ul"1 i I " ,' r i U i . . . I. . I I ,1 u . .. . U U-t - I i- I .ta II H I'Km'.i II . y. II Ii i.i rna i Ki'. s.if . .n I'r. T car i lilt .f.,'iii iim rori a -I . .i- uihMfily in a'l nuUmin ii. i . 1 H i ;. rc an ii In-r i'f Oic hrxiM-buH ij .Irm bj ill .'I au. prrM fi -, l!i jruui UIh ljr il fmlnon p)ak4 in r"4'" tiiifij. lo lK pfnrriijA iii... l u j-aK-rn? far lb rbiMrc Vt I ., 1 1 iitii-ii, OBlua, aal ant 44 IIm )Ioor, Juj Mcxk, waais iVe Ukf fA ltiJ oaJaj. lock'oj veil. A Cdon bnQloola bank, m Ut o)'j (taWe Tbankngiviag, will lake . li'iiiioj iaU'lcau c ulcmc aumng ibe fl'yt lrcc. T1"c or Anr naia Clia!t- I'.ra-I'tjf, an oll rouvh TfZi?.vl ro'orril man, ilicd cj Wcl- ' A nf Siil.. cnuii I!i-4n mi badljr Llllfi fii t!- frp, tj a v'riWi dnj', on lluuto an lot on Marlrt uticvt, near Wewitli, or rrnt by W. IV Caiia-liy. Ir. A. K. Wright, who lia brcn ab- anl f.r tftur mtt at I In noilb, liai ruUirns to the cic . We bimI. r-t.nnl tliat a laru n4Q.ity f trt ! rjiU l..if Urn onii-mJ for tl.c (afi'i'i IVulral Uailaav. 1 wx fair ! K;ilay, faluf Jay, Smt w.y, 'ifl ir, Ttclar aotl WcUikm-Iuv of '.'i ii-al act'L. b-Jl ra:Mcii on Tliu'- ar. Ifatr Hair RenereT wrel accftm p4ial. It rrow btfr aind Bpe cia)l faifea lis color wkea ny fend faJdl. As ft drmiog ltlanrrptned, vtakiMg the Katr mdiati o?l b4 glbetft TKo paftai ycowtftiftftl ' prrjrtUMl Htf offrml, ft rflVcfs rnjftla A,'loh iji a oil Uiom Wbft'.Lftr oacft saftOft aVtiriftl of it wiit ttt Qaa iiicrv trftrrC liter d Umiam, Mmtvi, N. T.n " One Uovm lot roBt oa' lilrlef.l whfch Vq-e ordered to be printed with the proceedings of this meeting The follow ids resolution was oflcred end adopted: Rexttvtd Tht tbc Directors of this Osnpftny be tnthorized to make sale I iM Lore tracta of land, in the coon tj.oX repder, , at and adjacent to the sutroo on.tbe line of the Wilmington x rreiaon itailroad, called liurgaw w ' ftlao of about three acres of land avoc near wie. town 01 larooro. upon suck i Urma and. in euch nuantitiea aa my bjr them be deemed moat judicious . .... j!,.t rt. i9Siiia acorOAnce with the provisions ol ,wrrn 'ywr.wyeselatloiis of the Stockholders of ia rootl or-Jcr. 6 room. AppltQPfta Mid. WiJaaJiMrton A Weldon lUilroad O'Cootw Bait, Wo wt of Cbarrt I kxupnj oa the subject matter of the llftose. : -a I 01 meJanoa reicxreu to, that mar - . ?.fti bt adopted at their annual meeting, to r-DY JtCCuyHEJU). Mc . CftCM J beheld thfe daf. thia Company hereby one of the SmiibVille vlloim. ata!ariblll onkiag, in all rwicl, to the proris- In I . ; I t tbo bod of a M -white man was rUIW HU ' reoi.iuon. found wanhed UP Of! Ktfow'alfarah. on TUe then proceeded to the tbc II.uf.swkk sde ofjU mer; bret c,fca1nI of 0IfficIera fur bc CUduigJr, of Federal Toint and about four miles wbca L ,ir,J'M W!" unani .i.t.. ..r .:.i.-:ii. l... ci.. moual iOccted lVeMdt nl, and V. T. ' " " wiiiifcUTiiic. uu Jo uiui- I Xir ).. i y i, i . . . -n.-, i. . ; 1 3 auu u. i uiiiit-r were ciecica - j . t v wcio t: 0 u uuiiftS's iu uiuu cy in one or tbe pockets or deceased, Inclbcr with a Dumber of orders bcar- ng ilc name of TbaJdeui Moore, tbe be unTu'luna e grnlleinan from Tolnt t'awcM, IVoder county, who was drowned tfT o:ie of ibe 'wa-ycj ol tbia cily a abort t:nie back. Coroner Lcou- ar.l, of Iti!i3w:ck county, u,)SCUt;ut- ly bclil a i iu.Hicil ort-r tbe butly, tbc ury -cut riling a verlivt of acci-lonla! drow'W, wbeii it nu interred oq tbe Wr pilb'b ii anolbcr column piile I I"bind, wbt-re it can can'y b. found by it later, t' mil- t 'jniinuiiicaiion funi FarclliTiUc, vrnini' Cumlr'and ODunly ('f. I hi 1 1 . i a-. uxiir'WM d P;nr Kw. - Ut" ttt n .i.J ; mailer of tbe Uatsr Uiuxitori-1 v " rirc'Wac. 1 aa aaaaaft . . . u ' ' j -.v.-.-e-l a wido popiUrii fot U fi ( t II. u i C"t- aa -lablibol aulUorky wllb the v" i 'a im of 'njri'.a. .V )-t; Errimj ij-al. i-i . Btrult'-t i'if fKl' mi'.r Utr tSl o-Jx-n.-.! Ii,. II ili I w a : ia-lr un'y l.j tht' aunitair' ."-i.xi-nV brt'pl-! n titvp .it:j"i.J ith iw in;iailr, l.i. ail im j.fy t.' lln i4 ) lAr'ii.''L M '!, a'i a li .in-t ju, iVku; rc Mail. Aud. iVmN ili lfe 'k if a oic r .Iom. t u..-t arti)f 'tn.ati f'''' " fi.-n lln? mtf- uftitt li wfn ill t'. Ilibl- I'un.t juwal I la ! ax l l Url jiiih if a'l Li'hI if hrvati, ffwuM, piwaU l-ui r. Ac . iaiil mt w uh j..i l r ii f sar t- . 1 . b, l " 1 1 l .; I . . . mi i W ,m I awi iK't pari r r tj It.n- Imu I 1-I ii. 1 iS. II i'i. S Iit" i- i. 'j ln. n". :n I timrljr.ij i 'ti at I bate " ii. il k ft Mraa iwWvkoi T..V... . -l . . 1 iK.u. -I. t.,a. t: . Ii f.tmrr yrarv Tia 4-a . jht tt rtihrr rapTC to rri .. it uvir .liiTicull l rU h ,. i J. lati- tanr x( LiV ' j tii; 'i'. ' o.l. a'lf I ra a tba; .' .". . t iyng ' atvrKa ii rc tu.i: w. I b t h r p tt. u t k 4 1 x tU ul lu ' '" a !'?i iiirixUntr rrr- m o-l -i -1 ni i iM j'i't a.it a vin r.frf rnvi wyp'.a.- w 1 kit it l'f'.f t,,,, , ,..,i M , ibe J ,uh-. 1""., of fir iiutrr aa-'a' TiiNt: j I'.ni - fnf lo all Subarrifcrr lu Ibe UniUl Stale, llarpt r' liaiar, one year $1 UO II include prepaiysuent of IT. 6-i.-tia,;c by the pobliahrra. .-ul.M ripliorw to llarjr' Magaiine, W.i I'v, and liaiar, to one addwa for i.e.- jtar, 10 (, vr, I wo of llarpcr'a j l"in.lit.:.:j one atidrrs, fur goo jear, ..Ii i.ifol up f: ,,taT.t. fflC. n ntra opy of cill.tr the Msga- jjin... Wrrkly. or Uuu will be aup p'iftl f"t ercrj elob of lite Ssib- riUi4alfi I") ath, taid for by one r iiiiiiant , or ii ia.-ptt.-a uijc j tar, with imt uri cpy. for 3J ). lt.uk nu-iV".-r?tian U' supplied at Any liai.-. Tlir itilume i f ibe Itaur com mfit.i with lb yrar. Wken bk tiaaJ Mpvilivtl. it will be Modervioud that ibe .ulwnbvr w i-ht lucomrucni-t wilh lb La.i'..r acal aflrr tli rrcrip of lii ..ni.-.-. ( ri.- :nwaaloluneof f.iqera Rixaf, li o, a I tl..Ui blitdiPf. "i KO tl f'r f rnn.r, protided Ibe lit ...hi .Lot. jci cacrrd mi Jllar. f-.r 7 rarh. A rwwplre att foJip- Irw lw, mi w iv tiro famil or .IedH f ibe dcccaed, who will no doubt wb lo hare it re moved lo 1'oint Caswell. The body drif.ed wiih tbc current full twenty-fire inilc and if ;. (Siius "sajs that during h's lon cxpi-rience ns a p-'ot up and down the Cape Kenr Tlic Wiliulii-lon A btatiJ ILiitroad I r,fr o ba nerer ie:o--c known or.c to are avMing ickvii (when a iwrnon taka I be ca iicd roch a dinaiicc. It looked one buiMlrod rdt) f.-r UU a hundred. I frcali when fst di-tcovc-td and bad cycry peramcaa now ride on tbeatrret I suiTerrd liUtU or ao ftinti'aUon. cftfw. Fob i.xt.K T.i fi i cheap "or cn.b. W. T. Canauav. ... . . Vice I'j-esideuls. Tbc following wrro t kvteil Directors, rir: Vv. T. Wal'em, J. I Cameron, I'-OTT S. r.n.wn, . M. Sbmakcr, J. I!, raluur. L D. Child-, 11. F. New comer, II. Ii. Short and YV. II. (ira-haiii. tn motion, it w.v resolved that ttc next ani.ii il meeticg be held iu Wil niiito'i mi the Tuesday next Micceed- iK 'I'e 'b'rd MoihIjv in November, KS7&. Tbe meeting then mljourned. J. It. I'almkk. Cbairinan J. W TinMivoN, Secret iry. I'locve of tbo To-.ly c'eotld An- aT?uat Mi.tSiu:: of ibe Ktotkboldrrs of liie Wtl iHrztoa it H'eldon ltail load t'oni?auy, held !u Wilm ujrton The Si. Joseph Herald maa has beea wnUDf an article about "Kansas vem ocraU?' Kansas Democrats! What In the world axe theyl We nerer heard of them before! linst be a new rariety of grasshoppers. aaaawaift.awa aaaaaa It ia an imntroTeTtihle fact that the five great piiicia states cast Keprsb-1 lican majenties. Thty are lluawis, Iowa, Kaaaaaa. kfinaeeota aad Nebra-ka. .Vi?TV AD YER TISEEX3ITS. Sarsap A'yer's axilla NEW AD VEH USEifENTS. A. CAtXPENTKQ DE.VLKR rjr beconU and Third street-. nor 9 if il HO uc copy one - ... lot tonv six Minn tl i h Ouo copy thrc month 50 ' W. M. TKk.W, oct 12 Editor and I'roprltor. .'onnty'CofflinisstoBfrs' Rooms, OCTOBER Mb, 77. J )AKT1ES HOLDING COVSTY lNtEiJT- etlncas. prior to January, lfc77, whieb have passed the Mncclal Board of Audit, can present the same to s. VAXAMKINOE, at oa Tuetil.y, the JOib 01' November, J UicCoumty CXimruission'-rs' Koom, lo be IS77. Wn.Mi.vrao.v, N. c, ) Novrmter L'O, 1S77. J Tbc SiiLUoldcri of ilic Wilm:ugton wno uotwe lor rent on tnc corner of a Weldon Ilailroad Cbmi .mv m. '1 ' 1 1 r ulrrrt r nw run i-n SumtiT. I 4.h mil Win.il .lrni. In .l , I I . . ... ... .... ? ' I " "t at. w. , iu Suw v.uti, . al ino llfKe Of llie rio,dent at !K5fl tiom o o clock a. ra. to 7 ot'ock p. 10., 8 room. Apply to Daniel O'Connor, o'clock is. in. this dav itr 1 bo eonree'ence ine eua -'. j ney 1 neai uoor weal ol Court lloao. ran not M arkrt In K.-Trulrr tilli itlrrrL .... . vi . t.LKlT.O.f Or UFF.C'ER.S OF Tilj Scrofula, and all fcCKtfulotwdiseascs.EryV hipcla-3, liosc or Su?iVn lliony's Fire, Erupt ious and ErujtlTi t!ic.i5e3 f the kin, Ulcerations Lot the Liver. Stomach. iL.Kuluevs, Lungs. 1 im Plef l'ituk. 1UU, "fB!nrhr'.Tt::iU'r5, Tit- Saddles. Harness &o jf -mn-wonu, uiirs?'; ItKrAltlINO SADDLE-, IlAJUf w aaul f B0nV$,S!de.aud Ucad, Fep.i;Uo AWak- IMVIU a a uaw uiii4(nii itll'l Ull 1 JUV disease, bvuliiuu. ..udIeaurial dis eases. Dropsy,. J)ypcj'ia, Linacia tion, Genc-ra! Dvb'llty. nid for 1'iui fyittsj the Ulood. "Thij Sarsaparilln ht n cnmMn.Tiin t f vegetable alterativu -Sul Li mnaIan (Irako, Yellow Doc k- w it U 1 be lotLdcs of Potassium raid lnii, and is the most efficacious mrdicir.i yt J known lor the dieae it i intended tacurc. Its iusreiUtnu are to skilfully combined that the lull effect tt each i e l, r.i.il Li!o it Is m mild a to be lir.nnU s even to children, it is still so effectual to purge out from tho system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome diM.t-e. The reputation it en joys i d.rivi d from its cures, and the confidence "Which prominent physician: all over the country repose, in it proves their experience of its iiscfulnc.. Certilicatcs 'attest in its have accumulated, nnd are con stantly bcimr received, and a many of these cases rue publicly known, they furnish convincing ivideuco of the superiority of this Sarsananl!.; over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superiority to any other medicine known tb.a we r.ceel do no more thn to ;u--urc ili- j ul -lio that tho best rjualitics it h. ve.r IHJsscsscd irc sirictly maintained. , . . rissrArtrTj v. r Dr. J. C. AYER CO.. Lowe!!, Mass., Prmcticot otd Anal'jtiat t aemuu. SOLO BT ALL MrCCI3T3 rvECVWuri.n. SPIKIT UF THE SOUTH. N INDEPKNDET FAMILY NEW'sPA. . l'KK. devoted to nc a. nolltlew. Iltera- are. Ac. Um.LSIIED WEEKLY AT ROCK I NO - HAM, N. C. HAS BY FAR THE LAReU-2r CHICTI-V- Tiei.N lir ANY OTIIKK PA l'KK 1TBUSHCD IN TKK l'KK DEE COL'NTUY. TERM j IN ADVANCE. fuadrd Into BONDS. The said claims maul be prcentej on or before the 22nd Ingtant. NO BONDS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THAT DATE. oct 5 tf. JOHN e;. WAQNEIt. Cbalrman. ami Fourth alccl lo II ikon Fifth IUttauo. (Colored) N. C. e . ..a t a I " vy. st. 1 w 10.. nas now a sx-nuoi a, (j. la acco.danco with Gene al Ticket, prrra.v! for kcboo' cbr'd cn, Orueia No, 17. received i oaa tbe Ad bicb ia -o'd l two ceols a nUe, or ja.ant General, tho Fi .h Datlalion N. rKW Aar tent, hvc p-)0 who j a ivt Wninoed of CoamaDv . & . . aaaaaa 1 Maxia chiw en 10 wi.ooi should Lave A nao0yer L-ht IofanU; Comraay iscni. 1? Caie Fear Llcht Infant : ti.mn.i. n 1 r . -A T :l.i rr. 1. f AUaboara behind ia the payment ' . . I "presented iu rsoa and o,7S7 shares of Ibelr roll taiea bad beat aellle up at "IT, , " , " u'- . by proxy. otcr.nwc learu that there will be ft p-r-7 r ,V ' I I The 1'rcaidcut, Hon. II. K. I'.ridgers, general omhaul.ng of dcliuenU at lfbc, Armory of tho Haoorer L-ghl thcn subaiitlcd tll0 auuual rciort of the thearfroacbi-z lerr. of iho Criminal .,n """"V "eua" Resident and Dircciors to tbc Stock- CwrU "4; " JV Pur: beltrs ol the Wilmington, Columbia & U 1 motion of liou. 11. li. Cridgcrs, Col. II. li. Siiort, of CalonibiH, was called to the chair, and J. V. Thojnp. son was apio:ntedscci'Ctaiy. D. F. Necooicr, W. A. Wright at.d J. W. Thompson were appointed a con miUec to eiamiac prox'c aud ascer tain the numbc? ol 1 hares of the capi tal stock of the Company represented. The committee repo..cd 2,723 shares GRACE'S HALVE A VEGETABLE PREPARATION. In. ventlon In the lTlh century bv Dr. William Orale. Burreon in Klnr Jatnea' irmv Tbroucb IU axwncy be awrod thouaanda of I i 4 1 . tbo most aariouaaorea and wounded, and 1 vr-M rrKuraaa or in WOO anew mm aan Public benefactor. Zjc, a box. by mall or sale by DrugKlala renerall v. AGENTS WANTED. Addresa 8ETH W. FOWL: a KONH. Boh- tou, Moju. aentA Ilk ruospj-xiiN i- a 1 1 1 : , STATESVILLE VlVJll 'AN, VolllliU' 1 U Free Srct!i---Ffn STREET CARS. rrwrrn Fo R Sai.K. Tbrsw borae-, in splen- dal eoodUkm, cheap for catb. W. 1. Camapav. Fl-xi.Air tXJlOOL TKkKTa. W haje pow icady a Sunday poc of clecliog a Lieulenan (Joloocl aad a M.ijor of the Datul'ion. S. W. Naih, of the Cape Fear LKbt lnTantj, bcinj the Sen ier Captain, presided, and Lieut. A. Sampaoa,of Company A, was e'eeiod aecreta.. Augusta I tail road Company, lessee, which was read. On motion of W. A Wright, it was Iicjeiv:J, That in accordance wi'h a recommendation contained i.i he re- THE AMC!;!' ' , : VOW In tbe y. .. ; il witlicm: t . ir 1 , , Is U ha.'i:N 1 . H'MN .. And l otie o! trie Milled IB the -.;.'... M Hi ..I' .,U j O10 au'.iterii.riiiii 1 TtKMs "K i ni: , :ru:. Korjulle cil -i 1.. s. For una eo.jf one t . r Ad.lrt r. r.. : r - SAoJ which h p-od for Son- 1 Chariot- Uvrn twd FsyeUeyne hore rclercd to, the cjiairmaa appoint lm y wlU run uaU, ln. fUUM " h i-1.,,,.1 r- (-,lsrK. Wmmittee of five Stockholders who datfebe. cbvVdrew oaly, aad for wh ch Kitle Guard were represented: by PfOX wgfJe lhe sUU Qf Nyrth Caro,joa lQ Tbe Oar, will alteru- eti? two crt, ride S cha gl. or 2-5 o- bwuU, of Lomiany C, rewe- examine the coudiiion of tbe Koad and etary and Brooklyn. QN AND AFTER MONDAY NEXT the STREET CARS wl oommcuce ruunlng at 6oelock In the morning, and ran every li mluutca, each way from tbe Market Houte, port of the President and Directors until 6 t) o'clock. ex pi ainrdaj, when rt'BLISHM P AT TO o clock. aJtcruate between ib Ciu- I'KINT A N I f'HO-V!!! TUli ML.W 1 ii X iV. prk.ix t'-.; ;'w rr. 1 p. St. II ll '1...V.,, i; LU':h b J f lac, 0 tb W Otf i 3 p"'. a M . N" - S4vJ i' a i .. . . j : a.t. we lm . ,; , u iuc la r, bl tt-p Utn. C- I VJ- ": 11 l K. i''e of V"? t tf Vawi, I aaa loU, " ti M,rrr.lM.- ;hc W . aati t.catj .t ajfJe ail lit 1 , t llx.r roaaaaaad to Jfea aaaj ii,rxmf U lirrcwabonx I la Ury will d aa lara U IU atate demaaj Una 1 U ef -ly ! .ilea, tr Kcyt Wata ikat rtiarctioa M pwdtft wwaikj ftJ l yewr oiy la- wrTwaaJ jc4 la alaira wf eeety k-S it ra kre W aT M rfwrWall aea;:aaa l AA cimm 1. I fcVar that rai iak e Wad aUae ea " bow ere are W ata't a ""C. eoaadAca atweaa, fx a re W lh twVl tWralT Zl?rirt U ewe awoway wkack a-1 U we twwt. year, ia a ba- pay weer S ear 4 M a . r r aa . cnpi t ralt al ro 01 r - fw . IV. iM at cip-ii' of pufhar. C'tMh ..- each Toluaae, aalUble fr Iwodi... will bw aral by bmiI, pa4 liJ, c ivcv.pt tf 1 X c-h. ludcic Ui - yo'ewe acol gratia w 1 retxipl f aiwp. SulirijtAio.ia rrtrifctl tor Harju-r'a lrK-lKaWi fttly. .ltt.v" arc im.'1 lo op lhia bh wiiN "i csrrw. orJtf of IIr e .X .IcoiU-e. A Wrr- lliirta A UaraiEaa. Ntw Yok - Maaaafte-aBBwaaaa.T . IV. OaciwaiU l iaaava belieeea ikvcre eitjee fur i ccn.a. UfrrnAici TiruETi, The Wil- aeotiuz the foriptr, ad L'eateiiaBt A. I its eiu?pment; and to compare the rates. S'aropsoo, of lpaay A, rt-prcaelitinl B for 'Wiglit and passage, at preseui i.i... 1 ia iorco wiwu inose 01 lormer vears ..tr mtttr.. . . . r. . w . 1- I 1'.. I . 1 iuc Hi.jjgcwm ui iuc auaira 01 miiooa omc -.... vw.-r j tapuui vevrre u. aiauaon. oi un- i u, t VrmiiiT r m ontU t. 1.....1. . 1 - . 1 r 1 : . : I. i r.. I . . . . I ' . . J . . V are siow fiuag bwccmbioi i.rt, . A waa tue pui in womiaaoaoD I o4 tbe cftixcns or tins state. worklti7m-n or irgu'ar mrchanc, for I fvt Licwteaanl Ckleitf4, a iid received I The Chrirmaa named W. A. Wriirbt wjeh the cha-xc only two cents a j erjbiceo oo of the njne(eca Totes cast J and Donald MacKae, ol Wilmington, u -1,,'e la the vhl pArty jet.- aa4 aare: -',Mlieftwatiiz caaaa la law alaia waicai aUvw awaasrraj la Ua 1U aaowUis aoiwIiavaUaJlftf a Uctanl roU there tae aowUre beea 1 caaece wf eotta. TW llaea wilt be Tw iVaaed yet, lhe raaka will be col ep, tae e44 pa'ty wilt taaaJ f 1SJ0 m acrrraalve. aaj bOTru- tWUi bWyk kai apiUaewWU tka kvaaJ.- reeaatUi a t--f jLmIA caadViate. Waal da I anT, "TJZlr: "War kU eWiaaaye. S?alT AaaYX W Tt C u Ataml amale aay ereact. 4 ridV, rides for 0 croe. Ilr. Jiw.lVi JjTotk, pujufour mot eminent Gcaiau ci.i ca, died ai bis rrwdencr, iu th rtr, on Sunday nifhl Ja. f r. Koch ba rrt'dttl ;-i the city for .be nan tweoiv Tea v mt of that into be ha carrcJ e i a aiitVCtiful g-u-cerr buaruv II a hr I CVe:r ., wtrla ago ooe IxJ Slubba was eoaaailacd lo jail by Juaiictf Howe, charged wiih lAcroy. oa Mowdaylai Jaxb-ga HeaTw dia- csjafrrl ker. Tbe prom-culi.is witness ni tui! Ve wit d unk wbea she made Ibe afioJavil ' the Jc.Vr' Cort. To bouw ff root, ou Third at reel. bwtacwu Urunaw kk atd lUuevrf aJreU als roooas each. Apply to Daaiel qiVaaxr.Dat daor weal of euart houae. ( Catain 5?. W. Nb. oLCotcpauy It, Frta. Pb:llipa, of Tarboro, A. I'.ranch, reeeifing one T04, wkkh was caai by of Wil!oo, and N. 51. Loot, of Weldon. ibe uoujiuce. CapUe alabaoi was las tbe cco;3i:t!ee under the lotegoing tbrrcuou, 00 a. otita declared vnaai-1 rrsoluUoa. moualy elecled. I Itraolulion aulbr;z w- the a!c of A Tom waatbeu Ukea lor ktjor, j land in IVnder rouniy al and adjacent Abrata llolliday, Cap.a:t of Company I lo Ihirraw, aad in lalcccomW at or C. be;ug the oaly aoniiortN. He re ceived Ibe cuvire yvie, aad was iberc opoa declared irnaaiaoely elected. The meeti eg thau adjtMirued. sTO KUOLOEltU' MPtrTING.1 rroeeed tti of lb El&b.n -inal nczt T : rbo i, wore then otT.-rol and depecd. An etect'on fir j l'.-.-M-len! aad Un Director, a it cu bad, rcu'l i,: i-i lhe che'ec i f Hon. li. li. r.ride s for free ideal, ar.d tbe fo'Iow'ng gent'emea for i'feciors, vii. W. A. Wright, tk'c llaixiaa, U. II. alee ajof Ike 8toekoiaeia of tbe Drogdea, W II. WiPanl, tieo. Howard, Witaalaloa. Calaaibi'a A Aoiti W. T. Wa't,er, II. F. Necomer, S. II. IU IroaU Coaapaay, acbf l Wll- SLecaulrr. A J. De lionet, aad J. D aiarua oaTawaxrly. the JOth ol Canerun. Navrmber, 1ST7. Qj Ka.vn. n was twltcd iLai the WlOJIwnw, H. C I aJSual awe ling Im iieU i U.'atmit.oo Noweabcc 30ib1T7. on .he Tweday ae-.t afu-r lire tbird Faraaaftt to fwldigweJ aoJcr, lhe focdy a Notewber. 1.T. rw2e, Co- I T3' f tbxals was lke.ru pa tea- RaProad Cbaspary f rrT tbe Caauaiaa, awd tbe aaeei- tbe Oaatpaay, ! waa aameu. tlat day. I JotT, i-ca-a?n called to orcJer by I J " THOMfiiaa. Secreia.7. .Ibere alt eartbry gifts a rood aaother aUadw pre-eeaioewt. tvbe u worth her wxigkt ia irnad asor lhaa aa ftnay of acqaatataaeew. Tboae wbo hav P'arrd VuUaf.niaLaa iarchawa a KA 1 wea eeoaatae) a eoeraUiiew U ( taaMaaWraaaiite. ia wboae vrtaa awaa a. abort, vase ax. aa aat I areuy tapes ee eaJ awcertaja tbe BSatber I tae saaae Vkaod fewa, are boaaj W a ... ... . . I i .- - - v. v. t Uaa4af ftiasuce laaaa fee awt mm 1 er- aarea nim caaoai tcaca 1 im 1 Im lm tae eftW e tw waltra re aaa pcwa Coepay rrTraeaaaU. A aabar of laa CtUa, Wa tW P a Tiae a aaarcb far Lhe Tba eaaaIaea trperVml taat J,t aUed aieau lbearaLarat ea Ihraa- a.'' kWiau. aia a'cWdl la lhe erwav- arr "Mi-rJ wrl ta atrai la aOdal foaie, rvpoed -TVis fTr AT--aL-,-ria. rJ ZirS UTZZ I a reaalaan VtlaibkawaXiam.- G'l Jag aear tw aeaicaa J- aKetiej was oeclartd la Vt aaly arga- tokwnr Thai b waal we tktrii it ry a laateamt-eat I iaeo. . .1 . r leaseoU Vewbea weewied Uelaxt its Waaxh al laa nra.. .ace waaca aaava-i yaa tTeaaaaaa ea laa vim swy, aaeav i caef a year era. aiaearleftaea. I R. u. IVWrtee, Uara toaeafiarif tbtrc will be a Car lo Uic CcincUry every aJ tutuutm. also one to Broooklya every ra ml Dale. There witt be a alga on the rear of ibe tar jat over tbc daab board. deaigaaUng wblcb place tbe llir . ;otog either Crook I ja or e lUrr y. '.Vrawwa wiablng to take tbe ear oa either of the tlir Railroads, will BnU Uj street ewra the cheap sal aad tanat comft-t-sblcway or reacbleg Uoeta. Irtea arrtv- LEADING RLBU1. !.!':, cF Nul.iii e.ii; 1 f . 1 a Li! It MlftT , !,; ' - - iupvnur '-ar. 2e. .ui,"t aunt wVi! r.r;?.!!,. KliTiit) :m r,t jut- : A hol'l. usn?Hr,. ,. Mel. evcrrUi lo n."k A F11L-T C! '. Ibtikliri.vcij 11. per ear. i.'f t J 4' Tw ! .u: AUVl-Ui iM'u. : al.oo woktu roR.tma. ..iAf .nVrw C-rra Nat- I 7. .rftV r"Lu..of StockbcdJe.. alaa Wil .1 , 1 r ik. .W Cbawaa. I Uaabta Awgwaea fUawlRR. a.Tearwaliaeaffleaar ai uaat. oa 11 ntoimj i . In :w''wwia.kMl nort etU (WW aaU raTiiT I Mrectaea iU laa rmri af the - tataa ratnka. aaasea if be "Maial ra iW fmfit af Keatacsy eraau aee taiat w aa Tt.c cbsap- aul N . . cr uetJis.ia o? ! . : or aavreof ofm .f lm: In ibe erlly will always fad a ear atlh pf'TjiTtl1' upprrend of Trxwit rlreef. near Ualoo Do pot. wnirn win lake tbeaa to any of tbs HuU-t ka imiu, or loaajroUiw part of the ?lre-t Car Una. ; ITU front o aavd Hlitfe) atreeta. la tbe tramrrrnr iiiiioa. ewtr rreU. for rrrr nwr inrre tulles of rwad. aad rrtarn tat i "-n.. 1 it rery eatmpeat our la IU Uattad Htaiea, rmotu are rattiaMlorrmtH; a-rg-liesMv. oataaemrt wf tae tfrlvers. u the itasfnairatwaL aagwat t .- AJt'.ifttn,i ... i .- ii. lie.. FrT e--. nitin ft j Mi I .' !;' . TKK. 1; JV T- York. 1. , or net. ii..tri-. NI'V,- a 1 , -.'; Hautar w RiiiitT. 7a awn a eMSta t NEWSPAPER ADVEaTI8l.. A 000T otilxitsC a h of Iowa ia tae waiag Mfttuwamfapm lawtagiag Uifni etrrwlataoav. Ail iLe tt soa. AawwliajravL eawtta aavd xftee wi cua iewrmais. Taklee aa raaaa, BAowtag coat of ad verUatag aav4 e-veaTtaoavg wawa a ad vi naii rwId Itfte fee k www. owrwrM mf W ewata. Aitrai p. RnwraUO. a CJC. w aws-aia am.. T ItU.N LW AT OM ir. Lareaav etp'.rv ci. t . feereey vA.tvl ii4 . ( Tilt HAklC At I J'i : i. - ii v Wl .' s. 1 (kajOVBAaTMt . V Valaal yara.a.y MaJaani aa4 I r. CAJIAUAT. tax $1H owufa aaU mmm wa? jS aarcr. stir la f f f Ut-a ay aaywweae . aV a a af si tawr ax . a aaxy avi awka aiaa.ry ee aa tUa la wwra a ami as O-s aaajiaiaatai taat ww wrf ta ikt .'. ta4tUtt4 r4aa. rf 4 qsmw aas v lit - a fi aatw e?ywaVaa MaH.rTT a O Jwar gftaa Jtti.j.jaM. Sv-ai mum Mipt, a .ft r s.si.-it. - a etMt iAm n i ism iii I n r 1 1 i 1 St t ; 9 i ; f a3 afiaerty

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