1 i -1 t - THE TffflaSTO WILMINGTON. N. d. DECEMBER 25, 1869, SANTA CLATJS. ' l4asWnighi1aQ Christns,nali i . 9 ; through the house, , ' 1 . - " Rtirrin?". not even a inouie : -4r:ww;; imnffbv' the chimney with Itthopeathat St. Nicholas soon would be there, The Aildren were nestled all snug in their beds ' While visions 01 eugar-piuuiB uuwu u .i mma in iter 'kerchief and I in my cap, uYa t aetUcdlour brains for a long winter's -, J ' t ; J j . . fholawn there arose such a clatter. - ! Ant-hAfiMi to see what was the mat- - ter - "' ! ' - 1 ' ' . Awar to the window I flew like a flash, , e Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon, onthe breast of the new-fallen enow; Ave the lustre of mid-day to objects below ; - When, what to my wondering eyes shoud appear Bat t miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, With a Uttle old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick, ! ; i vfore rarid than caleshi3 coursersjthev came, And Jie whistled, andshonted, and, called them ' byname ; i-r '" :;-f v:''''.. . f.-t v i "NowvDasUer ! now,Dancerlr now; 1'rancer ! ' now,' Vixen ! r'-V .- V.. . . '' -T On ' Comet, on! Cupid, on, Dondcr and Bhxen To the top eff the porch ! to the top of the wall ! :). Now, dash away, dash away, dash away all !" As leaves that bclorc the wild hurricane Ily, When they meet with an obstacle mount to the - -sky, " So up to the housetop the coursers they flew. With the sleigh full of toys and St Nicholas -And then in a twinkling 1 heard on the roof, The 'prancing and pawing of each little hoof, v A 1 drew in my head, and was turning around, - Sown the chimney St. Nicholas came with a i ' bound;1 . " ' ' He was dressed all in lur from his head ? to his ' V" Aud his clothes' wcrcall tarnished with ashes , and soot; -' b'uudlc of toys the had flung on his back, V And loeked like "a pedlar just opening his pack. His eyes how they twiuklcd ! his dimples, how. merry! '. 5 His cheeks were like roses, his apse like a chcr- His droll liitle mouth was drawn up like a bow; 1 ' And his beard on his hin was as white as the : ' snow ; I ' .The stump 6 a pipe he held tight in his teeth, r And the smoke it encircled his head like a ' iwreathl ' 1 Hehad a broad face, and a little round belly. That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl full ; ' of iellv. He was chubby and plump f a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, iupite of my self. : .. " : K, wink of his eye; and a twist ot his head, - Soon gave me to know I had liothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his " work AylndjUUdattlhcsi'j'-kif'ytftUth t urned with a jerk, - . . . , And laying his liucr aside of his uose, j Aud spring a npd, up the chimney he fuse. He sprang to his sleigh," to his team gaVe a whls- :. -..-.'tie, ;' !'; -i Aud away they all flow like the down of a this : : . tic; -j - ' .' ' . " But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of - sight, M'rry QHTiUma to all, and to all a yxxl night cilRISTilIAS-EVE. ... 15T l. s. c. iy to'-uight is Christmas Eve, aud, as hljf h I could reach, W my stockings on the wall," and lea a 3 on cacu. w on each for llin) Avho'llflll niystock- uite : ime before, but O, I'm sure He will t.. . ' )m )ilVtUctdayur:leiiM Christ inearth to pity ihc, whom tnaiiy corn. S i they treat mo so ? iudced I can- oyeHim ?next to you, tlMn all icsndjwcU. f t ... y ; hooi looked for Christmas, Mother the Year: A lge it is indeed to fejjl its dawn so w '11 be the day 1 so hae prayed to to Bleep and wake, and find Avhat it ing to -me. i . w in the street, and through the window the dav i . rewatched the little children pass; they seemed bo glad nd gay: - f . gajly did they talk about- the gifts they Ij. .1 t- P.- would receive ; ill the world is glad lo night," for this is ), Mother, on ilie cold, cold floor I've put toy utticsnoo it , ... other'A tom across thc toe, and r things nigni sup xurougn ; , . -f - - -i; jet niy lHtle . : slioei Motber,and it for you jl knawlthat He'll remember ybu, while He ilay me in my bed, Mother, and Ticar my pray- cis arignt, : -i. y,: - r. -VfV never came before, but, O, I'm 6urc he will ' to-nisht.:- ? V "XlpAC- The foilowins charming uibrcisau is Baid to he ' truer to nature ttian any poem tnthe language.- Like the sex against which it iw projected, it speaks for Itself.: I heard it t" . Who told you?" . " Her friend," (?) ' Tou don't say!"; - "'Tis dreadful!" Yes, awful!" v 41 Don't tellit; I pray !" ; . V II. " Good gracious !" "Whod think it!? "Well! well! well! 44 Dear me!" ; Pre had my "Suspicion!" -5 44 And I, too, you sec!', :' nr. , ',. Lord help us 44 Poor creature!" 44 So artful i" , : Rn alv V I . "wo neautyi". o beauti 44 Quite thirty !" II Betwccu you and I I". : IV. ' f I'm going i'V 7 44Dostayl6Ve!? ' ' ' 44 1 can't'" , 44 I'm' forlorn!" 44.FareweU,deari" 44 Good-hy sweet!" , 44 I'M GLAD BHE'8 OOUK T ; It your wood is poor;? your, ashes will be poor Take week- in the leach, nonndim? them - down solid. Itis easier done if 5 ttc, are:. dampened Then pour on water .until they begin to dip, after which let them stand one veefcio rot nett hang on your Kettles, anu com Wenciranninff off lve for-oDeratlong, L r J and you will not , have gooa ., soap, bood icatd ht ypHrlwhesJ- ndf png befortf the 1 ve "Is reauired put them excellent manure. Vie iiifllrilli'to ipwvtdamfmeasi Hydraulic cement will make dry cellar Sulphur is the best destroyer of "den worms. 1 Good cattle have wcll5forcd hcads, and full; mildesv;;a: ;T :; ? In clrnchin atllevkhomdbeddne be low the grinder&f7 - il :v:,v ; : , A quid otcAmmon; tobacca -will cure horses of the bots. . -. Pick apples'on a -' warm dry day. - The warmer the better. ' .: ' " TJnbruised apples keep longer, than those shaken from the tree. : ; Chimneys should be constructed small at the throat and Urge at the top: , . Kerosene on your perches" will rid your henery of yermiu bl all descriptions. Sulphur or lime sprinkled on " the fre quented spot. will destroy the white pine worm : "'-'..'- Allow your -wheat seed to become thor oughly matured before cutting? T will re-; lieye it of smut. -V; -X -r; j y y. . : . . Amou2 wild flowers there is none better than the dandelion, as it is an excellent bee flower which comes early: remains . until late, and grows plentilully near the apiary;" StvcraLnew grapes were exhibited at the last fair of the Pennsylvania Historical So ciety. Dr; A. P. Wylieof South Carolina, Showed two new hybrids!, one of whicVis a cross between the Clinton and the Royal Muscadine. - . - Plcntv of water should be wiihiu reach ot the bees. The hives should be placed in a grove or orchard where they will be shaded from the sun. The reason ot setting he hives low. is, that when the bees come. home heayily ladeiK and fall on the ground, they inayrerawLkuo the hives. Every farmer should have a well arrang ed poultry house, in some well-sheltered' nook, with a door opening iutd the orchafcl. It the orchard is not very near the dwelling house, the best plan will be to winter, the owls in a warm house 4u the barnyard and Pn nut, mi a shed in the ceutrc of the orch ard to be occupied bv them iduriug summen SecdliDg potatoeCcan.be grown as easy as seed 1 i ng"t oitii aloes. Early in spring sow h6 seeds thinly in pots, and when the plants are an inch or two high transplant into pots, one plant in each, aud after the weath er is sufficiently warm turn them out iuto the open grouuu, placed two ieet apart. This should be done in February. . A gehtlmau residing a tew miles north of Toledj, Ohio, has been experimenting in uie cultivation or cranoernes. - tie naa iour acres under cultivation this season, yielding 380 bushels; These be sold at the rate j of $1- 50 per bushel, the total proceeds of the four acres amounting to $1,330, -or $332 25 per acre. It j is quite probable that the marshes in the vieiuity of the lake can be made valuable for the cultivation of the Cranberry. Three hundred and sixty-eight imported fowls were sold in New York, August 18j for a; total ot $3,0770, , averaging, $8 25 eachTThc highest price paid was tor three partridge cochins, $80. Three houdans brought $55. ; Three dark brahmas, $52, The highest prijse paid for buff cochins was $46. Three ' gray dorkings brought $38. The lowest price, paid was for a pair of white bantams, $3. A fine pair of Toulouse geese sold for $2G. A fine pair of Embden geese, $17 50-rbeing 'lelBa than the amount of freight and duties would have been if imported alone. j In Normandy where the Creve Cieurs are principally raised, they have a curious way of hatching the eggs. As the hens of this breed are not much inclined to set, and at best are only ordinary mothers, the peasant women have a fashion of pressing youug hen turkeys into the service. This they do in the following way : Take a hen turkey of the preceding year that ' has never laidj andput her in a basket containing plaster eggs. Cover; this - basket with a strong linen cloth. It will be from four to six days before she will overcome the natural disinclination to set, and become attached to the eggs, or, as the French have it, t take an affection for them." When the preju-, dice is entirely overcome, they place the real Seggs under, she easily covering eighteen or twenty of them. Air epidemic bt coal oil lamp disasters seenis to be' prevailing-of late. An experi enced correspondent, speaking onj the sub ject says: "Is there a law in other States which imposes. a -.penalty of two hundred dollars for selling oil of less than 110 grav ity and no such law is ours ? Full two thirds of our people fill their lamps with what they buy for coal oil, and they receive ah inflammable mixture inore dangerous than gunpowder. Try the experiment ; put your finger into the lamp .you burn, then pass the finger through a flame. Should the oil tako fire throw the balance away. We have at least fifty explosions of lamps a week. ' The public only know; of those that burn little girls. Vc have not .one explo sion with oil! at 110 gravity." Such being tho cake, it seems' to us that there must be uuparponablo negligence somewhere- eithr er in those. who make the laws, or in those whose business it is to enforce them that accidents of the ki3d referred to are so fre quent. Of course, legislation" cannot pre vent idiot'c people from burning themselves, to'dealh by tilling lamps while lighted, or by kindling fires with coal' oil..'. Such peo ple deserve their fate. But for the innocent victims ot cupidity, or oflicial neglect there must always be sympathy, and that sym pathy should so shape our legislation that cases of burning to death by coal oil shall be few and far between, hereafter. Fourteen 'Follies. First. To think the more i a man eats, the tatter and stronger he will, become. - Second; To believe the more hours the children study at : school, the faster they learn. ry-':- .".-j,-; y- .. Third. To conclude that if exercise is good for tho health, the mores violent and exhausting it is the more good done. Fourth. To imagine that every bour ta ken from sleep is an h.our gained. .,rr Eiftb. To act on tne presumpuon 4 mat the smallest room in the house is large chough to sleep in. lVl;;i-!:.-,,:: Sixth.' To argue that whatever, remedy rinses onco r feel: immediately better s is lgood for" the system without regard: to more ulterior effects.. The i4soothing syr xip for example, does not stop the cough nf children, does not arrest diarrhoea, only W cause, little laier, alarming cbnvulsiona, nr hWmom fatal Inflamatiohl ori the Tbr-aln or water on: the brain; or. at tleastjalvfaya nrAt Mfc Itift disease. ; : r 1 ' ' r Seventh j To commit an act which is felt mitseitta.be prejudF4' Pip? !u how prbthef-it ,caSe.ith ffo Qtherrt'o:-tekV5i whicli you'haVe tried yOtirself.witb"-. out making, special' inauixy whether all I : the wnma6nsare-alike'.1:rr' Ninth. , To eat without ah f arSnetite or to continue toeaf afte it has:teen satisfied,. Tentb. To eat' a hearty supper for j tho Pleasure exberiehcedjduring tWbrief ' time it is passing do wn the throat, at the expense vx a wuuib uigub ui uiaiuroeu iep, auu; a Weaiy waking in the morning.1 " ElejTeuth..f, To remove a portion of the clothing immediately after exercise, when the most stupid dray man :t in; Nevt Tort? knows that if he does not put a ' cover Jpri horse the moment he ceases - work - in. the winter, he will lose him in a few. days by pneumonia. .': v ' Twelfth.' To contend that because the dirtiest children in the t street ; or highway are hearty and healthy, ; therefore it ' is healthy to be dirty forgetting that contin uous daily exposures to the pure out-door air, in joyous unrestrained activities, r is sucn a powerful agency for health that those who live thus are well in spite of, dirt and filth.:...;;.. -:.:;.. r -': Thirteenth. To presume to reucat later in life, without injury, the indiscretions ex posure, and intemperance whieh in ihe flush of youth l were practiced i 1 Impunity. : i Fourteenth. To believe that warm air ia necessarily impure, or that pure, cold air is becesslarily more healthy than the confined air of a crowded vehicle : the latter at most can only cause fainting and nausea, . while entering a conveyance while walking brisk ly; lowering a window, thus still exposed to a draught, will give a cold infailiiblyj or an attack of pleurisy or pneumonia, which will cause weeks or months of suffering, if not actual Ueatu within four days. . , of Valuable Real Estate AT- .A 1 1 b t i o 11 ! I) CUSTOMHOUSE, WILMINGTON, N. C CoLLEcron's Office, 15th Dxc., 1869. T Y AUTHOKITY OFTHE JHN. SECRE- tary of the Treabury, I will offer fur salc'at ' it XJ 13 LIC AUCTION , at the CUSTOM HOUSE, ou TUESDAY, the 11th day of January, 1370, at 13 M., that VALUABLE THREE STORY DRICK DUILDIUQ Situated iu the southeast portiu ot the city, well known as the MARINE HOSPITAL. Built by the U. S. CJovenmieut at a cost of FORTY THOUSAND. DOLLARS, With grounds 306x330 feci, eouiprisiug ALSO j ( 71 CITY LOTS, ViZ : CQlAHES.JKAtlH ,UPO BLOCKS 107, 103, iOU, 110, ill, 120, 121 122, "1J23, 121, with . rXiOTS 1, 2 ud 3, upon 1 BLOC kS 91, 05, b6,a97, 9S. TERM: One filth CishJUalauce in for equal QUARTER YEARLY PAYMENTS; ffrst to he made Apiil 11th, 1870. D. RUM LEY, Collector. dec iy V 335-tds DURHAM SOMETHING STEW. i JJON VIVANT, The ftueen of Durham H.. BURK&EIMER'S, No. 6 Jfltrket Street, f S35-3w At dec iy JUST OUT! ' CHERRY TECTORIAL TKOCBLJLS !" superior to all others For Coughs, Colds, Sore throat, andBronchit. f :i, i..;Uland Hoarseness. m?:..t- NOSB feO PHEASANT NOSE CURK SO QlJICK. Manufactured by - RUSHTON &CO., Astor Hoasc, New York. No more of these horrible tasted, nauseatin g. "Bkown" (Jvbeb ThmgK dec 25, . , ClTfZEHS CAUDIDATE FOR . : ' :;nAygR;iv:i?:' D R. W, HARRISS. :. V. i i MANY CITIZENS. dec 23 S38-te "3 rH TUESDATi NIGHT A,l4EMORANDUAl vJ BOOK, containing money randTaluabie pa pers. The owner of the Book wfll par liberal reward to any person who will return the same to his olflec corner Water,and Princess street, 7 ;'- . - ' F. Q. MOOBE s Assistant Assessor; dec 21 3S0-tf SHI) OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST SMOKING TOBACCO rV "' "'"' "' " , ' --. 5Z5EffiE0US. ODR EXTMSIVBi WARE jliOOEIS jlTTE ARE PREPARED TO ; EXHIBIT TO f the Visit at onr Fair tho largest and most yaried assortment of ; Cabinet Furniture eyer offered to the citizens of the two Carolina. Oar stock comprises ail the latest stylea of , j fARLOrk AND BED ROOM SETS, ALL SETS, j ;OFFICE AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, u . .. . i.hDINING BOOM SETS and eTcry.Tariety of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wash ' ; stands, Chaira, &e. ; On tho premiics is our Upholstering and Bed ding Manufactory on an extensive scale. Nome bat the best of workmen employed; T and all of oar work guaranteed. vAl full line (for all the latest, sty Fes of; window ; shades,. wall paper, curtain bands and upholstery generally. i ? ; ,We also, deal extensively, in sash,: i blinds and doors; ; , ..?Jw.. -.. ., Trices as low as any Furniture Honsc North or 8outh. r. A call respectfolly solicited. - . Cranitc Front Bail dinss, v ; South Front Street' no? 18 I i S36-tf JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, ALEX; BTKAUSZy . i ! U. S. SEBTOSS, iw e. BICE, ; E CONTRA0TOE3 AND BUILDERS. ESTIMATES AND PLAN8 GIVEN AND contracts made for the erection and com pletion of DWELLING HOUSES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WAREHOUSES OFFICES, BRIDGES, &;. . also, i ::-. . ! ; PAINTING, IlE'PAIRb, &c, done at short notice. i We manufacture all kindsl of MOULDINGS, J :;)('. . BRACKETS, ; j SCROLL WORK, j i f NEWEL POSTS, i ' ,- . r RAILINGS aud j BALUSTERS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Orders ! left at Office North! side of Princess street, between Front aud Second streets, dec 16 I 334-101 ARNOLD'S GUSlOPOLiljTAlN. ; ' ' ' ' - I V i ! - OYSTEHS IN SEASON,- j CUOICE LIQUORS, ! ! CIGARS, DILLIARDB, ' ; i ' i. j , LUNCH SERVED AND-; SENT TO ANY pact of the city at all houro,! without any extra charge. j j i Open, Until Midnight. ; f Proprietors dec 16 334-lm Grand Lodge Festival I DELEGATES TO THE GRAND LODGE Festival, to be held in j Wilmington pn or about the 2th inst., will please take notice that through the kindness -ot Col. Bridgcrs half fare will be charged visitors arriving "on the Wilmington & Weldonf Railroad. Exten sive preparations have been made by Giblum Lodge for the accomodation of visitors. READ THIS. " Money Can bej Made. SK AA FOR 50 CENTS. 4 An entirely new, tJVv novel, and attractive article for young ladies and gentlemen, j Just the thing you. want. Samples sent free to any address on the receipt of 50 cents. I Address 8. ROUDENLUSH, dec 13 033-llfl FLAT FOR SALE. A FINE, NEW FLAT.13Xtl FEET, j j For sale low. GEO. tf5. FRENCH 10 South Front street, t. i t. ! : 33-tl uov ? THE UIV OURS ItNEH - - i V ' 1 HAS TAKEN AN OFlTCEj Ot'POSITE THE Court House, iu the rear of Squire I.Mc tjuigg's Office. . ! I Business promptly attcuded to. i ' ' i J. NUTT. scut i i i 300-tf nn i c JXAMINING SURGEON, J j ; . pension Bureau, j W iimingtuu, u ;aug i - THE LARGESTj BEST AiND CHEAPEST Assortment of the following goods in the city ' ' SADDLES, HARNESS, ! K TRUNKS, VALICES, i T -TRAVELING B AGs! SATCHELS, ! HORSE BLANKETS, I BUGGY RUGS and ROBES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, TRACE CHAINS, HORSE BRUSHES, CURRY COMBS, WHIPS, ' SPURS, AXLE GREASE, ! STEP LADDERS, FEATHER DUSTERS, Saddlery Hardwart; .and a large lot 61 Second hand" Saddles, Harness, tHames, Bridles, Reins, Halters Ac, cheap for cash, at . ... No.. S South Front street,! Wilmington, s N. C ' . i J. S.iTOPHAM & CO. noY4 Jijl.-...-; 8'm LEXANDERS KID GLOVES AT fl 25 per pair. ? .. vH.; V , - . , - Corner market & 2d 8t noY.25, ( : i - ; SITIlOOli BOOKS. rX'E ACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT- JL rally invitea o examine mj fc SCHOOL BOOKS an SCHOOL STATIONERY, Which ia now very iCfltfi-L TA PHOTOGRAPHS.' WONlJERFUL AND ? a aJSmk WILTJIS & CO.. P. O. Box 631. BidforuVMe- f 3 . ! dec .-- , - .!- ; - ,3-. CAP FEAR DID II AM ltfirf jifiTe . MISCELLANEOUS. HURRAH FOR CHRISTMAS 'ii-.::V,- :'.:- h.x -: - -- ; . -x- - i . ' i v . .-i .- ?. igTUDY ECONOMY BY BUYING PRES ENTS in Durable and Substantial. DRY AND FANCY GOODS, DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS. ILOAKS. At the recent GREAT4 FALL IN PRICED and lately received at - i :- i M. M KATZ'S, 36 Market Street. dec 19 -KJS-tf NOTICE. -1 BOO KS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE C API tal 6tock of the Wilhiinsrton North Carohna Life Insurance Company .will , be, reopened on the 20th instant at the following places, to wit : At J the office of said Company and at P. Heins berger's Book Store, in the city of Wilmington, under the direction of B. F. Grady, P. Heinsber ger, Col. Roger Moore, Dr. J. B., Seavy, and Major C. W. McClannny, at Kcnansville, under the direction of I. B. Kelley and J. D. Souther land. At Clinton, under the direction of Dr. C.i T. Murphy and J, H. Hill. At Fayetteville, un-l der the direction of W. C. Troy, W. N. Tilling hast and Dr. W. C. MeDuffic. At EUzabeth town, under the direction of Dr. W. A. Bizzell and Col. J, A. McDowell. At Lumbertonj un der the direction of J. T. Pcttcway aud B. Good win. At Laurinburg, under the direction of W. J. Everett, and F. M. Bizzell. At Rockingham, nnder the direction ol J. W. Leak and F. M. Wooten At Wadesboro', under the direction ot R. A. Crawford, CoL J. 1. Cox and J. M. Little. At Whitcvillc, under the direction ot B. ,V. Richardson and Col. T. S Memory. At Smithville, under the direction ol D. C. Allen and Dr. W. G. Curtis. At Goldsboro, under tbe direction of A. J. - GalloATay and J. M. Ed mondson. At New Berne, under the direction of D. T. Carraway and W. H. Oliver. At Tar boro', under the direction of J. W. Cotton and N. M. Lawrence. At Rocky Mount, under the direction of Captain T. H. Griffin and B. H. Bunn. At Wilson, under the direction of Col. T. S. Kenan, and Major J. W. Dupham. At Raleigh, under the direction of N. H- Jones and P.A.Wiley. At Greensboro', under the direction Of J. H. Lindsay and Dr. D.fW.' C. Benbow. At Salisbury, under the direction bt W. M. Bobbins and F. E. Shober. At Charlotte, under the di rection of W. R. French and J. L. Brown. J. II. ANDERSON, 1 Comtu ti. I P. HEINSBEKGEK, C. T. MURPHY. ) L. A. POWELL, t C. W. McCLAMMY. dec 19 GRAND SF0RT, For 01iiitinat5 lu.y5 A T THE FAIR GROUND THERE WILL BE TWO TROTS, and a "main" of FIGHTING MOVKS'! FOOT RAVE during the day. Ten Dollar Purse ! For the first out Five Dollars ; Second out Three Dollars ; Third Two Dollars. Cars will run during the day, , Fare 25 cts round trip, Admission 25 ecu Is. dec 19 , 335-ot , FOR RENT. THE MANSI(lv HOUSE AT HILTON With garden, &c. Apply to JAMES & BROWN, Civil Engineers, &c. dec 19 ' 335-2t Bargains, Bargains. " JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK Auc tions, a great variety of D R Y GOODS! bought lor cash at a great sacrifice, and will be sold low. LOWER by 25 perlccnt. than the same goods can be bought at any other store in the city OF F K RED D A I LY: Bleached Cottons at 10 cents, worth 15 cento. Bleached Cottons at 15 cents, worth 20 cents,. Bleached Cottons at 20 cents, worth 80 cents. riaKsimpiTS nf State aitrl Northern'mannfaetnre, at HA1.F THJir'fJOai ol prouuctioi BLANKETS, SHAWLS and DRESS GOODS, at unprecedented LOW PRICES. Cash and quick sales hTthe line I FIGHT ON. The public arc invitedto give me a call at the 1IA1VNKH STOItK, So acknowledged by all iidetlirnt traders. . JNO. J. UEDKICK, Agent, Corner Second and Market streets, dec 16 ' . .. i 24 ... GTrAN D BALL. THERE WILL BE A GRAND, BALL Christ mas evening at the City Hall. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! The most elegant entertainment of the season. ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR I Ticketssold by George M. Arnold, proprietor of the "Cosmopolitan." - Committee of Arrangements. E.HOWARD, CHARLES 80UTHERL AND, W. M. JOHNSON, dec 19 - 835-2t f nfi A WEEK FOR AGENTS TO SELL lOU the greatest book ever published; ustrated Ifogic Wand arii Medical Guide and book of Nalurt combined; 320 Pages. Sample Copies mailed free for 50 cents. Mammoth cir adartfrte. Dr. R. F. YOUNG & COM5W Broad- IS' 335-wlt The People HAVE FOUND OUT THAT more CLOTH ING can be bought for the same money at 8S Market Street than elsewhere. ' Bring your CASH and iret BARGAINS. ? ..... "jiUNSON & CO., - i Citj Clothiers, dec 19 335-2t f RAIL ROADS, '4 Wilmington & Weldon R. R Co OrncB CniETEno, & Gi." BvriiiLirtvijzur 1 -? WitMlSGTOjr, N. C, April 9, 1863.' f,-- CDANGE OP SCREDULE. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, the 11th InsL, our PASSENGER Trains on this road will leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M., , and arrive in AVcldon 6:06 A. M. and 2:50P. M. v Leave Weldon at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M Arrive at WUroington4:Sa A.IM. and 7:15 P.M. Ihe day train will not run on Sundays. " 1 A daily through freight train will leave Wil mington (Sundays excepted) at 3:00 P.M.foi . the accommodation of Truck Farmers. Passen gers can also get accommodations on said freight train as far as Goldsboro. r v 'l . U- U " S. L. FREMONT, ; r J- ' - Engineer &8unU I apnl 11 . . f ,26S-tl CIIATIOE OF FREIQtlT TIlAin V:05PBtt;,; ...... - - i y- - WfKrrjfGTOS, & Weldon RiiLRoiik Co., UrriCK CHIEF JEKQ'B .AUD UEH'L UI"T 4 Wilmikgtob, N.: C, May 28, 1869. ON AND AFTER THE 29th INSTANT THE freight trains wUI run as follows : Leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 1 o'clock, P. M., and arrive at WUmington same days at 8 o'clock, P. M. i 8. .L. FREMONT, . Eng'randSup't. may o0 277-tf Wilmington & Manchester R.R. w GENBKALSUPKaiMSOTEXS'OmCll, HVilmington, N. C. April 10,1868. f ' ON AND AFTER APRIL 11, PASSENGER Trains of this Road will run on the follow ing Schedule: ' , EXPRESS Tit A IN. Leave Wilmington daily at. . . ; ...5:15 A. M. Arrivo at Florence. ............. ... .10:32 A. M. Arrive at Kingsvillc 1:45 P M. Leave Kingsville. .13:40 P. M. Arrive ct Florence . k . 3:55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. .............. ft 15- P. M. Express Train connects closely at Florcnc , with the North Eastern Railroad: for Charleston . and Clferaw and Darlington Railroad for Chcraw . and at Kingsvillc with the South Carolina Rail road for Augusta, to which point cars run through icilhoiU change. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at b:0& P. M. Arrive at Florence.... 2:40 A. M. Arrive at Kingsvillc. . . . -&00 A. M. Leave KlngsviUc.. t...!. 4:00 P. M. Arrive at 1 lorence. 0:40 P. M. Arrive at WUmington..... 5:10 A. M. Accommodation Train 1 conneyts closely Florence with the Northeastern Railroad lor Charleston, ax4 at Kingsville with the" South Carolina Railroad for Augusta, Passengers for Columbia should take the Accommodation TnuV. wm, Macrae, .. Gen'ISupt. aprlo ' 264-tf Wilmington, Charlotte & Rather- 1 iora u. u. to. General SupxRrNTENDEKT'g OiTica, . Wirmington, N.-O., May 15. 1869. I ON AND AFTER MAY 15TH, THE PAS senger train on this Road will leave W il raington on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, A. M. . , Arrive at Rockingham same days, at 3i . A. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage) at 9 P. M. Leave Wadesboro (Stage) on Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday, at 1 P. M. ,1. Leave Rockingham on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 60 A. M. ' Arrive at WUmington same days at 3 P. M. W. I. EVERETT, General Superintendent. may 10 274-tf Sheriff's Column. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE TREQUENT dclaccmcut and destruction of notices placed in the public streets 1 have determined hereafter to advertise sales and publish all oillciai notices pertaining to my office In1 the columns ol the Post. - x . Hereaiter all persons desiring knowledge ol matters pertaining to sales, &c, over which 1 may have control, will find them advertised in this column. j. y. SCUENCK, k., ; - Sheriff: Wilmington, N. C, Aug. J, ISO'J. E. G. like. vs. Attach men U L. k). Was . $30 DUE II V NOTE. W A U K ANT OF ATTACHMENT RE turuable before E. II. McQuigg, Esq.' a Justice of the Peace for New Hanoyer county, at his office on the 27th day oi December, 1869, when and where the defendant is reiuired to ap pear aud answer the complaint. ' J. W. 8CHENCK, JiL, ... 1 - 5 Sheriff. Dated 30th Woveiuber, 1869. dec 2 sao-td RESTAURANT. FOR ALL! MOORE RESPECTFULLYTNFORM8 the public that he has opened a Res taurant (with BARBER SHOP In connection)' on Water street, between Market and Dock ; over the Auction room of Messrs. West. Mearea and James. Delicious dishes of all kinds. ' ' oetkJ4 - ' ai'J-tf TOE MORNING STSt? Published Daily, at Wilmington, H, C , WM. II. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, 'sTrm of St&scrijption, strictly in advance. One year . ........ . i ......... $7 00 Six Months .......... ... ... . , ... . ....... Z 50 Three Months.. .... ...i..,.. 2 00 One Month............... 75 iOSXPH C. ABBOTT. L D WABO CAMTWZLL, ADD0TT & CAUTVELL, Attorneys at Law and Counsellors. Princess St., Wilmington, N. C. nov 5 28 -tf CLIFFORD HOUSE, IO TSTortla Front St., WIL MiffM T Old C , FINE BOTTLED LIQUORS, SEGAItS, OLD ALES, PQIITER, &c. FUHNIsaED ROOMS BY DAY OU MONTH. , C ,:-.V-;'J. A. CLIFFORD, .proprietor iune27 287-tf; WORDS OF CHEER. Ofcihc Errors of Youth and the Follies of Ajc, in relition to MARRIAGE and SOCIAL EVILS, with a helping hand for the erring and unfor tunate; Sent in scaled letter envelopes,4 free of charge. I Address,' HOWARD ASSOCIATION, sept 29 811 i OYSTERS 1 7vW .v',;.-K 1 1 'i-. f

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