' ' v . - ' ! 1 t - - 1 , ' l - t, - ' ----- i - , v-r!v'- ;:;- v-' J: . ' ''-if'-'! ! ' ' " ' '' ' 1'"' vi N I- ILIimaTONPOST. i"' One llontli. Sickle copies, Fre cente jti-' tfe-v i CIub3 f arnlBhed at reasonable 'rates. RATE3.0F ADVERTISING: . rer euare, one ume, :, . .. j Less than naif square, one. time! 50 ceni. . Two time $1 50 and all euccceding insertions half price additional., ' !.- ! Rates per month, $4 for one eqtiare, and each eucceediDg square half rates additional. : Half Column , and Column advertisements re ceived on proper discount. ." I Local advertisements 10 cents a line. I ' Address. , i - CHAS. I. GRADY, I ' Editor and Proprietor,! . 1 I" - t Wilmington, X. C. O FIC1 Ali. MAYORS OFFICE, ! K ) City of Wilmington, Jx. (J., t February 1, 1870. ) Notice! Notice !-Sale of Mules i ; Will be sold at public auction at the j City l"Hall in thiscity on Thursday, the 3rd! day of February, 1870, at 12 M., five mules, ! propertyf the city," in prime order; and condition. Terms cash on delivery, f 1 - i . : i .'( '- By order of the Mayor. i Collector. ,! CITY. it -..'ii- - ' - '"" j- Sunny, sunnier, sunnieit. " Fur fun fetch 1 he Phat boy ! X higli-toned person. -A soprano. , Shad exchanges for $1.23 per pair, A melancholy man The Crier of a court. The mud is 'mud no more. Alas ! His 'dost, vf r . , . ;'; :' ' i " How's that ipr high ?" - The old Cape Fear. " Get your Bill I Office. cads at the Post Printing Get your Business Cards at the Post Prints ing Office. , : Get Envelopes printed at the Posr Print ing Office. I : , . An appropriate place for Veurt-ing -The Court House. ; New 8 styles of Printing Office. Bill Heads at the Post " 11 a f t R aft y'-Rafticst. The ri Ver all aloing'our wharves. ' : - 1, - :-: iWv, 'Roses are blooming. 27?.' "Vbere? On your nose ? "Why is the Post like an auction Because it is re(a.)d all over. . flag? IT New styles of Note Paper for business - ipujrposesi; at the Post PrinUng Office. Melancholy The 'Journal man's attempt to fan the old expiring flame of disunion. - Our last conundrum on the New Berne Times, completely smothered it. Ta J ta ! .sonny. : ; Whctc arc ' thoscimpopors ..that predicted tcr. i Evidently they; were not a severe winter Tutted Beauer Rasegral4 frenchman, was admit ted to the hospital yesterday,; suflering from fever. i The present mild weather signifies ap? proaebing earthquakes. Say, Pike, j bow's that lor low ? I1 . ." Change your brefl" as the Pllat Boy said when visiting V Arry Webb's!" "How's that for high.? ' - C --'t - ' -,Wby is Joe Qliori's "fresh . lot" like the "Phat Boy?' Because they are all " dun brown." Next ! v V ' . ' T Our ." Ladies No-Association-With-Tobac-co-Chetwers-And-Rum-prinkers Society "" is in a flourishing condition, ' Too bad ! . Strings of herrings appeared in market yesterday, selling atvtwenty-fiye cents per bunch. I What does New Berne;say now ? The merry smiles of Spring are as pleas . ant.as of yore when on the vernal banks of the Alabama we caught " -them chills Be careful children." I ; - Crocuses ses crockodiles and all sorts ot early blossoms now on hand,.4 county orders put up with quickness and dispatch." ! So says the season. V "Silence in the court room, there;" thun dered a police magistrate, the other, morn iDg ; "the cohtt has already committed lour prisoners without being able to hear a word -,of the testimony.", ' rcadcr3 l : t! -51-'' ;y. r.!:d eraaine rrj. All alive cLrc;'.. TI;3.Ghc3-fly; troupa tra the ahoe-i-est-shbwy-est chaps that ever nags ones "month and ey csM water Go see Ultra I h t v j i"QWathat fbrigU! - V -r The' cutter Seward has gone to Beaufort, and we hope ;will not make the ..Beaufort girls envy the Wilmington fair the lair choice they hare for flirtation. . Oh Pm a good old rebel" as sung by the 'Phat Boy" and. joe Engle " ard" at the " Shoe Fly" minstrels. " 'Ard on Arry." Aint it? O'ws that for high? We have enlarged our stock of letter, note, and bill head papers, and business cards, and now offer the public the advantage of obtaining cheap work in the latest style. v A glance into the store of our friend Gen eral Manning shows considerable activity among the river customers. Many country men come many miles "to buy of the Gen eral." ' : ' j . ' ' ' A boy was " sent up" in New York city for stealing a newspaper from the doorstep of a house. We warn the "vagrom" youth who pilfer Posts that "vigilant" ! police are after them, . e. the stealers. Business men would do well to remember I - . . . . that many who never "take a paper" still are attracted by a "Poster," hence all who wish to catch country custom should send out some oi our stylish hand bills. Come along, come along, make no delay !" Come right along to Meyers, j With horse, cart or dray : j And ; provide yourselves from the finest stock of groceries in the city I The Star learned .Tuesday what the Post printed six days before, L e.$ that a society ot young ladies has been formed, in this city for the suppression of tobacco chewing and rum drinking. Won't somebody assist this poor satelite in. the,.collection of its news ? Mules. Auctioneer Cronly sells, to day, in front of the City Hall, "five first class City mjles." None of those however that stand bn the corners, ; dressed in human clothing. No ; not any. Simply the work ing mules of the city, which.in his retrench ing poiicy the Mayor desires to dispense with. . ;" ' '!.'.. Attention. Tha Commissioner of later Dal Revenue recently ruled that all farmers who make it a business or occupation ;to sell in the market houses of other places must pay the regular retailer's license, but if they (merely, from time to time, sold as an incident production ot their own farms, they were exempt. :-: Tf :VTV"if " No musical family can aflford to be with out Peters1 Musical Monthly, It lis printed from, full-size music plates, and contains in each number at least twelve pieces of choice new music. Price, Z per year, i Subscrip tions received at this office, where ' a sample copy dan be seen. l . !'l The Post and Peters' Musical Monthly oneyearfef.$5t00.T 4- ! Billiards. -In the match game i ot bil liards,. 300 points, between Mr. Frank White and W. H. Stewart, tor ) champion cue, at the " Cosmopolitan ;" the former de feated the latter 73 points,; discounting 25 to his opponent. ', yiie game was! skill- fulljrplayed and crowds of admirers wit nessed. the exciting contest. 5 ' NAtjGry LizziE.-Lizzie Walker; likes to uaXk oft; with things not; "hern." Like wise purchase those things not legitimately procured; In other words, receive j stolen goods. Lizzie's dainty fingers will manipu late the clay at the Workhouse for one month for these offences. Also pay costs of suit, and stand pursuing her sculpturing work unti costs are paid. . l4-:- City jDoubt. The new Police i CJourt for our city is now a law. We are sure this is welcome cewi' to the ; tax payers, as it re lieves the county of considerable 'expense without additional charge to our city. The salary of the Judge being fixed at ; $1000 and fees of a Justice of the Peace. lYom present e vidences the position of Judge wijl not be less: profitable than hereiof ore. The Cheapest ajto the Best. As a gallant" Confederate Colonel remarked," I go 'qrhere 'jt can, buy the'meaTtndtrie bestit j is poor wisdom to bestow busi ness forcharity.w " Of course this geatiemaa gets all his printing done at the Post prinK ing office ! Others may cackle and crow treason, and do " mighty poor prijtisj, but the Post printing office sirapjj ofrs to do JOB WpRK .OP, ALLiONpS; la ' the newest styles for half the price charged by . .The action of the new administration gives aiyclas: jdi ur. cipzi"unnincnS-j dbtiesirl tl?e Jadg&eifiarM&jlityo nibi 7 It : z 1 3 1: r I: t jr - 2? tt t Confi4 ir r- 1 cur pre::nt rrorthy cd- c:.:3. will If 5 i a r men "eo net c..3 " ivJiainc.l t'r:-:rcc;-t Republican." virtue and' Jeflerscniah 'flA plicity. . ' , .V; : - -r mir',"r'r': : , Alas 1 PoorCuba" Brefercnce; ,tj)iur advertising columns it will 'be seen that?alf the perishable property of this vessel will be sold under the hammer oh'Thuwday the: 3rd day of March next in thiscity, by U. S.J Marshal Carrow..: Thus passes from history,? gradually, but surely, the.remaining linger-! ing memories of the . festive ,. and gallant officers the sad day of seizure," and the! happy reunions contemporaneous , with - her; retention. ; " - ' "'- -, : : : -: Still We Go !A.nother extensive dry I goods house, has been added to the numer ous ones now in our city ; namely ; n?hat .of William Ettinger, of NewlYprk:, His prints have The imprint of beauty and ; magnifi cence. His glove-s as soft as the Hp's of our. prettiest girj. (Who is she ?) His corsets well ladies, you know ! His sheetings as white as the driven snow. And , himself what shall we say ? kind, attentive-and polite 1 . Go see him. He opens? liis - store Saturdr. Magazines, &c Petersons Magazine The March number is resplendent in illu minated fashion plates ; illustrations on the modern coiffures; patterns lor . gowns', handkerchiefs, cloaKS, &c. . . It is in reality a 44 ladies magazine ;" a it embraces every T thing desirable to the. fair ones. T. B. Peterson, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa. Leisure Hours. Sparkling, .vivacious, in teresting and instructive .is the February number 6 of this cheap- little periodical. Only $1 00 a year.' J. Trainor King, Pub lisher, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' ' We asked the question somo time- ago Why there was no city clock ? We repeat, Why ? The old clock now is and has I been half past eleven ever since the downfall 6f the "So called.,, It supposed U stopped at the hour Butler's powder boat exploded and has so remained at 11J We Shaver-'-recently hea rd that several strangers Jolt their dinners, a few days since,' waiting1 ibr one o ciock, ineir uinner nour. A -colored friend asked' us ' thq. ffoDo wng 2 if' conundrum 44 Why is the cify dofck like, on hour glass?1'. Because it woa.t run. unless it . is turned.' Ori k Hrnut a 1" 5. T. -.TflBSSA. Gre85man"NatDan!et Jordan adWllIiam Leobc, festive sen's ot . Bacchus ; tooir occa sion Tuesday,, evening- to air their lungs in an exceedingly boisterous 'mariner-a'round the highrways and by-ways of the city. As Philharmonic Concerts are not given in the open airy and as ' the blue .vcoateil knights are jealously disposed to curtail the rights of these howlists, they were all placed in durance vile, and there did their so low-ing for thq , remainder of the night.? Being brought beijop thcfCity Court yesterday each was respectfully requested to deposit $20, in the City Treasury. 1 " Sold." How often does one hear of people being " sold ;" as. indeed did- the " Phat Bpyf our serious semqr tothejr iiht, but in the grave affairs5 bl State Mr money making, the wisest- man is he who sells his wares at the highest price and 0vyit4i(th least difficulty." ; T n So thought our good 'friend II -1 who ordered one thousand hahdbif IS f of FOTJR DOLLARS and had them t carefully nailed up at every cross road inhisijconty ! u;5 three days elapsed when a most remarkable procession proceeded to H's store and ab solutely ("cleaned him L6Ut.3 peytpoX every thing I Even some old razor back goods he had purchased with the good will of the place from a venerable antediluvian who was " sold " out by the j Sheriff on ac-, count of not advertising in the'PdSTno'rJin rlnlcrinff in some of those elegant Fosters : a . ; . ., printed in our officeV ' - Our Office Invaded Outrageous but like all heavenly endowments its very gentleness is alas I too oft a prey, to heart, less, flippant or designing men. We thought our Job like enduraneeliouid Withstand any thing that human ingenuity Could contrive. But ;.alas for human ; calculations ! or, yesterda, in the bright highnoOrit in ttA densely populated city of wnmington, with half a hundred ofiicep of th; jaw Datrpll ing the streets, aajacent io tue omcepiu Post, ourjsWctumJw ceremoniously titcaUed " The PhktBby." ,7 Our r6om door is six feet wide, and eight feet high. He barely escaped an abraslofi ol the skin on "entering. : In bis- hand'he held a cane ot ponderous dimensions. He looked iM?CrSeSwa8 four ieeVwide. 'Twould not do ! ' His face ,.ilt.. . . - - i j 4 oar devil, secured a plank of double jointed neanshirtefa jub pulley, attachedjto . .Ii J pantalcchs. TAh 1 'twas not jmtii then :ttsaf: 17 Z 1 ;hat'L :t tv.?':?! Aral- ':T7crc .1 a He jp:;':cd cur r:-:r ; c.zl cizzlly iid t'uat itwtlisflrctipa gocthQ had ever saw. This, 'and Numerous i other jokes did he rpeipctatlisxfBliluii he -would laugh, our devil eat near him with chloro form spqnge, v ready at a moment's notice. Por Uhe had, great would have been the falL ,?Twas,only after many anxiouslnquiries that we ascertained what his business was witkus flynen!. ' in reply he pulled forth from his ponderous' pockets a card which read " ; ... : ; V. , -, . : -. ; l: ' iib' VitPhat . Boy, , : . Agent for La Rue's Minstrels." then he handed us an advertisement of the feame,1 for which this ton of fat has our acknowledgment. A few moments after, With the assistance of ten persons we man aged to secure "him a safe exit from the office, congratulating ourselves, meanwhile, that he had left us unsquashed. PHILHAKMONIC D A N I E L THEATRE. To analyze, particularize and.) comment upon the humble aspiring efforts of an, ama teur performance be it of whatever charac terj would smack of unquestionable pedan try; Equally so, would be' the indiscrimi nate beslobbering bf misdirected and hypo critically flattery.' ' " j j If we essayed the first ; the masses might With evident propriety condemn our action ; if the latter; the well thinking, could easily perceive flimsy Journat twaddle and the silli- J ness of unmeasured ignorance; or if not, the lack of truthfulness. 4 Therefore now,:as in the past, we shall temper our pen to unpretentious talent, and point out only in kindness, where the seem ing defects exist.; -. - -With the innumerable disadvantages at tending a novitiate, and that in the old and uninteiesting Oratario of Daniel-and this including the ) miserable acoustic qualities oi tne ineatre SKUJseemed attend' t on; the brinlrr confess that outset ; ever in perform unison o of their BroUjgna,; feare ""HSswucit novice, tne pan i was with some trepidation then , after he. preliminary, solos and duetts, preced ing theCaotataV-r had -been executed that we?listened to tbe opening Chorus "By the Rivers of .Babylon." This exhibited not wanfcof training : not laek of harmony, 'but melody..; The bass, Mr. Northrop, at times seemed, enveloped ; I anon ' the contralto, again the soprano. , Some nigh reaching C, others never gaining F. Mrs. Lippitt end ing: in drowning all by her thrilling fal settoj "f ' j' 4 This can be remedied, however, by care ful tuition, and not' being too proud to ac cept instruction from their teacher. The solo, by Da irf Blessed be the Name bf The Lord Forever,' was sung with rare feel- P ing and ajrticulation -something nowadays, not comprehended even- by professionals. The duett-Oh jMy Brother," although of harsh and .untractable r arrangement was sang with telling effect; reflecting great cretjit on Atariah (Mr. J. E. Lippitt) and Sistfr (Mrs. J. E. ; Lippitt). The ending of " Part Second,"" Sing, O Sing and Mag nify theLoVd "Chorus, being in commpn metre, the Society moved harmoniously through ivto the evident satisfaction of the audience. In the solo According to Your Desirfes," by Jthe KiiigQlx, W. H. Nor throp), we must say, Mr "Northrop, did not execute it ' accbrding to our desires." Mr. Northrop has a bass voice of great flexibili ty, rare power and much compass. But! he contracts iti. In other words Tie don't lei it out. Why he does not do it, is exceedingly ;6Uae.'.:... j. - . . .... 'Jf i yethelesstwas not until the duett of KJA?6fetW Queen (Miss Elyira, Wilson), and Mr. Northrop, that sur prise was created in our hearts. ( The soft, clear notes wafted along the drowning re cesses: of the theatre, came to our ears like the warbiings lof - the nightingale, f This, combined with' the tdagnificent stage pre sence bf itiss Wilson, made her a right re gal Queen,1' not alone lis spouse of the harcl hearted, peiianTjuloFsong. , Her ease and giacefomessthelon exception of a sligntrnerVbusness at jthe outset, won her many admirers.1 . The duett was encored; and we, with the audience, only regretted j This with the solo, jofi'Hbw Lonelyis ionr anjjul WJrnYnonf 'kot. Vrsiser;.of this modest, Wretty and accomplished Jadyv ; , j, Cjn the whplejilfcded fair! jto criticise) iwhereso many earnest voices lent; pleasure audi gratification to f V " voices. i irrei loot I 1 ton, to-day, with All, herdrawbacks, sani tary and otherwisft rktt In rlftfm n finely organized; complete and effective musi- -cal viauiaiiou as any intneDOUtn ;tll not ':3--UnioForr!innt!ippc ii t tlir"U as. that cf ::iiz3 Willon;-clfiiich profound depth as that of flit. 'f Ncrtarops aAirilannM ourselves -on ' tho- liifppy prokpeel rof many delightf ui . evenings durinV tne7 present and ensuing month -T-j- - vi - There Is one- thing to be''"' remembered, however that music is not - expression, and acting - not transfiguration. ; With these however attained ; we can look fondly on our little! bantling, reared by kind and wil ling ban ls. ' OFFICIALS In Board of Aldermen: Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 31, 1870. . The Board met in regular session, His Honor Silas N. Martin, Mayor, presiding. Report : The Finance committee reported in favor of adopting . the ' "Report of the Commissioners ? of the Sinking! Fund." Adopted, 'i! ; ': The Committee on Ordinance reported in the matter of-preparing an ordinance con cerning fresh meats, and recoiCrncSdcd that the existing ordinance be enforced It Was therefore: - 1 1 Ordcred, That the Mayor rigidly enforce, the ordinance concerning fresh meats and; publish and define what are considered fresh meats. The Police Committee reported . j, recom mending that the police force be kept at 30 privates and 5 officers. Laid on the ta ble. ' v : ' -. Further time was granted the Committee on Streets and Wharves to report as to the necessity of opening Bladen street. U ? The following resolutions were adopted: JResolve(ltThaX, $he Mayor be authorized to take me necessary steps to widen Wutt street, from Red Cross to Brunswick, eiffhtv (SO feet or more. Hesolved That the Mayor be authorized to sell at auction or.priyate sale five (5) of the mules By Alderman! Servoss. " ": ' ! ' . . : An ordinanc cerning the collection of onu L7 Teri.Thpusand A. J. Nichols land granted recommendation retail spirituous A communica liquors, ion from for the improvement of Nutt strceti was re ferred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves for report. ' "'.' Wm. Merrick' was granted the ' contract for lighting the street lamps at $59 per month, having made the lowest bid. ! A'committee oi" three, consisting of the Mayor and Aldermen Burney and Chad bourn, was appointed to report a mode of taxation for tho ensuing year. :'' X The City Treasurer , then presented the monthly statement of Receipts . and Dis bursements as follows : i! JANUARY, 1870 MONTHLY STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, j ';v. 1 ' ncceipi&: I i Merchants' license . Real and personal . . Bar-rooms Court lines Market rents:... ..' .$ 2,085 14 . I 7,610 71 . 860 00 . ! 135 43 . 39 00 . i 64 75 Dray and dog badges rv ruoiic Duudings.. Pound fees ...... . Market fees. . . . . . 93 00 50 75 39 00 1,732 13 Amount received frolm old Board 112,710 51 . .$ 3,375 85 .. 3,313 00 i 95 50 .. il,062 50 .. 4,863 66 DLiburscmcrdti. Old debts. . Interest.. Fhe department. . . . Street department . . Balance on hand . . . . SI2.710 51 I certify that the foregoing is a correct' state ment from my record of receipts and disburse ments. Benjamin Dubfez. Approved by the- Mayor. The colored schools in the South number five thousand four ; hundred and with two hundredj and, fifty-six hundred and fifty-three scholars. forty-five and three Congressmen were affected with ! ?f sore throat,' when asked to address the Woman's Suffrage Convention in Washington. Nervous Headache, Liver rCompIaint, &e,9 &c. The brain being the most delicate and sensitive of all oar: organs, is necessarily more or less affected by all our bodily ailments. A headache is often the first symptom of a se rious disease. ; If the nervous system is affected, there is always trouble at its source in fhe peri cranium, f And it may be here remarked that as the nervous fibre pervades the entire f frame, ho part of the physical structure can be fleeted without the neryes iufferlDg ympathetically. Liver complaint ot every type affects the brain, j Sometimes the effect) is stupor, confusion of ideas, hypochondriasis ; sometimes persistent j or periodical headachd.,, In any case, the best : remedy that can be taken is. Fijlntatios Bit- tcrs. - In headache proceeding from Indigestion or billloumess, or both, the stomachic and antlv billions properties ot the preparation will soon ; relieve the torture, by1 removing its jCause.' If! the -complaint- is ; purely-.: nenrous in i other j words, if it has originated in the. nervous sys-l tern, and is not , the 1 result of sympathy, the BtTTEEB will be eqqauy nleaeloiisy-.-y' f - So light and delicate ar all the ' preparations made from SsA.Mossj Fxklne that it Is ' inval uable for invalids ancL1 all those requiring y light citizensi r n Snow on Black mountains. Chlotta his btrn burners. ;ByJ:bhIb The tt La line's ware in Raleigh. Rutherfbrdton has horse thieves. t A hairless horse amazes Rutherford tonr Thieves still infest Raleigh smoke houses Raleigh Baptist Fair commences on tho 8th. ! New Berne masquerades it i .. t on the 22nd inst. I . ! But four cases of smalll pox at Golds- boro. I , The National Hotel (new) has opened in Raleigh. The Spartenburg mail route will be re-opened. probably The Tremaines chirrup in Goldsboro" on the 12th inst. - The Biblical Recorder fordton $tar. The Star rakes the Ruthfcr- saVs "let her rip.". The quarterly meeting of the I. C. Tem perance society was held at Statesville yes terday. .1 I Johston county, has thieves Sheriff at tempts to arrest threves-J-thieves imprison 8herifl. The Standard's article in, reply to the Post, proves that its editer is still in the field for Congress. Alas j poor Fish I I :- . - 1 For the information of I Grady, we would state that Fayetteville Street is to be paved Wit hcobble stone. Want a Job? Standard No, too hard work ! ' .- Eagles) is out in the Sentinel denouncing somebody who " rode into office on colored S322Lt Wundewf the joun men rhadJetter drink is forty. J Jmad dogs. ms are numerous. tating is " aus ge sphielt." : Stanton's will has been filed. Prentice wrote with a pencil. Gotham still has the small-pox. Cincinnati revels in calico balls, j Cnainettes of amber are popular.' . The summer hotels will be filled. j Will we have a postal telegraph ?" ; i Sparrows hop around Philadelphia. Ths Pneumatic Bore, bores New York. I Prince Arthur and Nellie Grant like each other. j ! I Alabama produces the cotton. : . . : 's heaviest bale of f Washington City Government has uo' money. ; '' ' - .. !;vj- j Chicago teachers whip "their children to death. ..- . .j : " j.,' i P Thebe is one knave less.in tho wprldr- Salnave. .L, f'' '' ...T"': The Spanish gunboats have arrived at Ha f ana. - ; .- I The Zurich University has sixteen students. , j . -':- If emale Charleston is being sold on " Bullard's " Panorama. vj ..i ;.4- ; -ij:-: j ' "The Phat Boy" say's Wilmington wants' a Bill Poster. . ! " - '.. ' - , I Oh ! wont ice Cream be dear though next summer. You bet ! "t";- I M Senator Revels is a native of Fayetteville, Cumberland, county. . j f . v The Ladies Boat Club, Eric Pa., is grad ually growing in number, j i; f The Tennessee Legislature passed resolu tions of regret on Prentice's death.- i I l i i - -;- , II-cCRONIiY, Auetionecrl Bf citonLY & SIORRIS. FIRST CLASS AND WELL KNOWN ATJCTIO-N t . i i ! j This day at 13 .Vclock,' M., wc will sell in front oftheCITXHALL, v FIVE FIRST CLASS MULES i wlthoat fault or blemish. City not desiriog to tsethexn' i By order of SILAS N.! MARTIN, Mayor. m ( 1