THE "WILMINGTON TOST. WILMINGTON, N. 0., FEBRUARY. 20lSlj870. OUR MONTHLY CALENDAR. ; down FEBRUARY. - S.i JfcL JIV;,: .W JIV JBV 1 , . . li 2 ..3 4 0 7 8i 9 10 11 13! H 15 1 1G 17 I 18 20 21 22! 23 24 25 27'- 28 . ' .' y fi ' .13 10 2G n SUNDAY nilEVIES. The world always speeds a man hill. One ox the greatest conquests is to resist It's a .poor stake that's not missed tout of the fence;; ; ' -:v;V:;-!. i When loveprevails, man will have reached perfection... . -1 A calm hour with God is worth a whole lifetime with man. WILMINGTON MARKET. ' 'sWiLMraoTow; N. C, Feb. 19, 1870.G SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sal es . of JSC bbls. 1.1, ' I . t . i j . ..' , - at 431 cents. , i r-ttTTim TTTRVRN TINE Sales - of 355 bbls. at $3 for' Soft, and f 1 75 for hard, $ 280 Bs. V' BOSIK-Sales of 581 bbls. at $1 75 for No. 2. TAR. Sales of527d bbls. at $2 $ bbl. 1 i COTTON Small sales at prices ranging from :. 20 to 23 cents, $ Jbi - - DOMESTIC MARKET. Beef, 12l16 cento B. ? j Mutton choice, mG&ie cents i. y Veal choice. 20 cants Tb. ' Fresh Pork, in carts.'. 121(315 cents, in Market 20 cents $ E. , I u : - i. Sausages, 25 cents B. Fresh.Tripe 20 cents $ stick. . -Venison 15 cents per K. ' . f. ' Hogshead cheese 9 pound, 25 cents. Lemons 50 cents $ dozen. , Opossum, $100 A piece. , Ducks, $1 00 $ pair. . r Kirm, so to 85 cents 1? dozen. j Choice ( fresh water fiah bunch, 50 ccrits 100. v'-;-r:H; v. v.: - f , Oysters New River, $ gallon $100 to $1 50; Sea Bidefi oo $f gallon. - Mullets Salt, at 60 cents ' $ dozen. Sea Side trout 25(3150 cents per bunch Potatoes Sweet, fi bushel, $1 CO; Iri6h pota toes, Dusnei, ji w. , ,; ueets oo cents perpeck. Cetery 25 cents pec bunch. Turnips, bushelJ $1 50; Z! bunch, 10 cents Apples choice eating $3 50 XI bushel. r Oranges 75 cents $) dozen. - Poultry, 60, 80 cents$l 00 $ pair. Cabbages, 1525 cents head. Cranberries 25 cents per quart. Butter Beans, quart 20 cents. . Country Butter, S540 cents lb. -Onions, 10 cents ft quart, $2 30 bushel. 1 Turkeys, 2530 cents ft; lb v : ; ;! ' ::-; r : '4 I- - ' I '4 - 'j -' V - WHOLESALE PIUUES. 3 1 beeswax. , s 1 lScantling.y .15 0C2O 00 ! BEEF CATTLE, t I i 100 lbsi.000000 00 i BABBEL8. SptsiT;.new N.Y.....f3 00325l 2d hand do.. 2 60.2 ?75 : , BAGGING. J ! Gunny..... ... . 2225 Dnndee....r... - 00(33 Rope...;....... 710 ! BBIOKS. i ft M....J.9 0010 00 COFFEE. 18 B). 1 I Javaj.....l..... 3540 Laguyra . . ...... .2528 Rio 18(23 St. Domingo, . . . .2528 Zi lb. : Sperm.. . . .4 . . :t . . .4550 Tallow, i . .1 . . . . il200 domestics, yard. ' v Sheeting, 4-4. . . . 12(316 Yarni, bun 2 10a 15 nan, fj DDI. ; i Mullets"'.' tr : i Jakbbls:$8 00(300 00 Pine do.if 7 00( 8 DO Mackere;" rf Vaio ,10(15 00 : 'Men slip on water when it is frozen and on whiskey when it ain't " ' j 4 No man need look for success in life, who wilfjlly flies in the face of Providence.; h The best counselers of human hearts may bear broken hearts in their, own bosoms. To; believe that aught can be a needful which God denies, is a most stupid error, r Iq the London Times appears an advertise ment for a (t Christian woman!? as a servant. It is no enme to yield to tempation. alter wo have exhausted the powei of resistance. ; Human nature, as it prevails to-day, has undergone no change since the creation of It may be a mistake to give sometimes, but it is better to give universally than not at all.- . . : We' should 'abandon ourselves to God most entirely, when he seems to be abandon-; ing us. i , ; . Take your; place modestly at life's ban quet, and ask for nothing that is not in the bill ot tare. . : . . . , , The Pope is said to have forbidden the bishops to meet for discussion in private. lie icois tucn vuuwcuug piaua '-oi opposi tion '.':; ' . . . T' ' ' : . - J '" The Younc Men's Christian '.' Assohia t i nn ot New Bedford, Mass" refuse to admit anv of the naughty Unitarians into their ' gym nasium. 'The immense sum of $600,000; has been sent by the London Bible Society, towards ine consirucuon oi a rrotestant cnurch ln Madrid. The American Bishops at the Ecumencial Council object to declaring the - dogma ' of iuittiii.uiiiijr, uu we giuuuu mat it win luier fere with Protestant prosoljting:i .L - j A sensational preacher in Iowa conducts Sunday services in a billiard saloon, openinxr church with beer all around, and closing witn a treat tor treat lor the , crowd. f He draws large audiences. The Baptists are making strong effort for a Freedmen's Missionary Fund of $75,0001 They want to put 1,000- educated mission yr1---11 - "T A i -i-.T--- r- Melancholy Suicide on. .the North River. ine ierry Doai wnicn leiu xne sup au jo-u-bokenfbrarJayrStrjsetih this : City;" at 9:15 last'evening,- was the' scene of a melan choly suicide. When thefboat had reached the rjidlleof telrivjir, afwdnan M more than extraordinary beautv. elegantly attired lqsped from the-bow oftthei boat" ;intop the H44 pHefwisJiiaulhtlri AWbelJand must nave been nornbly mangled, ner body descended forever beneath the waves in ihe presence of a number of horror-stnek- euip&sgers, wao naa peen appriseu ui the occurence before it could be prevented. She had been observedVby the pilot upon its bow, but he did not divine her "inten tions until afler she had; taken the fatal leap. M sbdn a ;hehad done, so, the : "boat ?was stopped ancf preparations made? to ; rescue ner, but before these could be effected her fatf hadjbee4 ecided She sat riii tbes t la- 'w "u iUl BUUiU VVUllC gUlUg WW the place from which she leaped, and f dur ing that time her conduct was so eccentric and betrayed so much agitation as to elicit remaric. v &ne divided her attention between a ting hich she had' upon' the fourth " fin ger'pf herieit M$.H$ itfd letter; which - she naa drawn iromne ilQCket. - Her going out of the cabin before the boat reached the pier , was remarked as singular, but un fortunately none" of hertellow-passengers V 3 5Q0 00.Pork, biwrrrv ooo o oo Herrins:. smoked-- ! I boxes...i.00 0000 00 -Codfish... I. ; 9 J.10 j N. C.;Roe.i.O 0000,00 ELOUB. bbl. Family... J. 19 O012 00 Super i.;.Ii.6 50 0 00 Fine...t. 5 75(S 6 00 . on busheL ! Corn, North:. 0 000 00 Corn, Eas Co. 0 250 00 Oats. . ... .... vowoi uu Peas;...;.!.. 1 05110i Rice, rough., t oOl 75 Rice, Carolina.' 10 11 B. I. rice. .t...-'-'00 00 GLUE, ft... 10 20 Gmorx Bags,.. . 30 3p Ouako. Peruvian, - i $ ton..l$950000 00 hat. ' ' Eastern... i..145l 50 ; Northern ! 'i HIDES. Green ...i...... Ws9l White pine. 00 0000 00 - '.t, i LIME. , : bbl.. 000150f molasses, j gallon. Cubahhd..-...- 5055 do tierce. 5560 Hrv " VW , . Art Syrup.... V.V.. .601 00 aries into the field, and do j their. , full par ougar iouse.....4Uuo m garnering me coming aarvest, ? ; ;nails,19 ft. -,.; . ' ':; . . "V;-i"!'v Cut........ .10 005 50- 'A' young jaay. examining ner class at wrougnt . i : . ; . ..oooo oaooaur scnooj, asKea, - y oat m tne pomp OiLS, gallon. ' A and vanitvlbf this world ?" A littln oriA Rosin ;v: ; . ...10 00090 looking up in her face, very innocently re Lard......... . 38 65 I- , -Siri flAwora ! tnZ ' nerosene.... oo .r.rwvr;r-." y Ldnseea.,.. .. 1 WUOL DU nllorro 6tnlofa 1iw a f a moi " peanuts. chanical and perhaps sleepy parson at mbrnj 'bushel. .'?1 501 60 ing prayers, who prayed that "the inefficient insu oui,,, ,, uu temperate and theindustnous,dustrious.'V Sweet; bush:. 1201 30 I i - - - v J ' - L At Liverpool, recently, , during the ser vices at St. Joseph's Chapel, a false ' alarm of fire was raised and in the confusion; and panic which ensued fifteen persons were trampled to death, and a number of others badly injured. " v:"?;'.j; ' ' A parson surprised a farmer' whom 'be seldom saw at his ministrations, bj asking him directlyafter a little reproof of his sins ofomission; "Shall we see you atchurch next Sabbath "Yes," he: replied," slowly. 'Til .grrPT- a Hand $ u . j 4 y ws 11 "Say, stranger, do I smell of liquor "Yes, you do; and you are so drunk, besides that you can't stand up without holding on to the lamp post" "What on earth shall I do ? I'm a pedlar of religious , books, and as THE D EST If Til EWORLD I i :J 4 EX'MO nr . STAMP PROVISIONS, p ft. Bacon, N. C.-r- -,. -Hams. . .U324 MiddUngs. ....".2122 Shoulders 1718 Hog round ..... 2023 aeon, vrjstern oulders.. 1718t ams......... DDI.' Mil Mil IMii; Dry............. 1720 IRON. TM ft. English, uss'd 8 10 American. ref.O 10 AmftrtoATi. i fiheer...i..V.9 10 Swede 10 01 12 TToot. . . ton, 130 00135 00 Uquobs; gauon.; Brandv ! ; ! French.;. 400(3 9.00 r Apple, NC. 2 75(800 Peach....3 001350 Whiskev r - f i v Bourbonl, 2 00 400 N. E.Rum 2 00 800 I.UMBEB. BIVEB, Tm , M. Widebda..$120015 00 sJcantling.. .lO 0012 00Oak. . . . . . Flooring.. ao uu Floorine Mill . I f Rou2h..!.21002200 Dressed . i .20 0035 00 City m'ss 3435(a34 75 Thin M 83.0033 50 Prime.... 80 0031 00 itump ... . si oo3a oo Beef i bbl; 14 5000 00 Butter,' S ft. Country. ...... .40oo (ioshen . vv, . .ooMW western . . . . . . ..oooo Cheese, 19 ft. ! State........ ;v 1718 it'll play h 11 with my business.!' N, Carolina.... 2300 . XAiposiuio uuj ui .mo jeai, ;VUU i , 1 . .11. J A. . 1 ' T A. rnounern...... (cduu I was comueiieu to Keep very; quiet on ount onions. dav; having erown inextressibl v wearv to4 bbl...... ..4 000 00 wards the close of a Sabbath day. frankly1 rnTii . i9iViiA I anu nunetuv nuuiuatucu uia uAuenent lam- Crushed.......... 1800 I er,,aiiu gravciy aauij ju, ibii b uave ,a usuq Porto Kico..... Uoo r spiritual iun." li, nine uuy uuee etuu iu nib auur, ".aunty I. should think that Satan must be an awful trouble to God." , "He must be trouble; enough; Indeed, I should think so,? she; answered. , "I don't see how he . came td turn out so, when there was no --devil ;td B do... ..151(00 Cdo... 16400 Havana Brown.. 0000 SAiiT, sack. Tjvemnol. from ' Bt6re....l 75000 Alum, bush 1, T500 soap, ft. Brown. . ... . . . . . . .6gI2 SHINGLES, 1? Al. Common. 4. 2 50(3 00 Contract a . . . 4 006 00 ; ? 1IMBEB. Shipping.. .11 5012 50 prime...9 50Ccgll50 fair......8 5010 00 ord'y.. 5 00 6 00 TOBACCO. Navy 0000 Medium . . . . . . . 0000 Manufactured. 0000 TALLOW. ft.. ,.ll12 . wood.mH cord. k.........3 00(a350 Ash . . . ..... 8 00(a0 00 Pino..,i..i.. 2 75300 ' XtAND PLASTEB, ton 0000 . DIRECTORY. , . City' Government. , Mavor Silas t. Mabtin. office City Hall. Marshal -Wm. P. Canadat, office City Hall. Clerk and Treasurer-- uenjtamin lubfeb. , ' Grand Army bC the Republic. ;, Headquarters Department of North Carolina, at Wilmington, allan authebfobd, j ; rt1 1 1 Grand Commander. benj. Dubfee, Asst. Adj't Gen. - Napoleonrouce ntered'a71cathedral and) saw twelve statues; "What are those ?" asked the Emperor. 'The twelve Apostles t" captain, "take them down, melt themj and! coin them into money, and let them ' go about doing good as their Master did." "Pap," observed a young urchin of ten der years, to his fond parent, . "does l the Lord know everything ?'' "Yesj1 my1 son," replied the hopefuljparent. "but why- do you ask ?" . 'Becaise our preacher when he prays is so long telling him of everything, l tuougnt ne was not posted The parent reflected. , . A traveler who has circumnavigated the earth, says that everywhere he- found the houses of worship free all over the ' world, among all religions except the Christian. The very people whose "work ts to xlisclple all nations, have adopted a system" "which shuts out from' the house of ; God a 'large part of the common people. V ' ? -' ' A little boy of Provincetown, Mass.Jfbur years old, very anxious ; for -aJ drum; the evening preceeding Christmas Eye, on "go ing to bed, made the following u prayer : PRuord-jfN 1 meetevery-. Wed- "'Now I lay me down to sleep,' luaniadnm, ncsday evening at No; r, North water street. .;, l pray tne riora,' a vsamaarum; , my-soul RT. Bbink; Commander to keep.- And ifJ should die below! wake,5 , Adj't, t Tudnt d drum? ' His prater was answered. Rvnts. DtTBFEE post No. 3 meet every Thursday even ing at No. 4, North Water street ' ! - Wm. McLaubin, Commander. J. S. W. Eagles, Adj't. i : Odd Fellows; Cape Fear Lodge No 2 meets' every. Tuesday 'ening. i A -' Ai J.YOPP. N. G. ATftninsr. Jno.' C. Wood, Secretary, 1 Temperance, v v ; Mt. Olivet Council No. 9, P. of ,T.; meets every Monday evening, i i S. D..WAllacb Prcs.v i Jas. King, Secretary". J, i J " ' Masonic 1 , St. John's Lodge No.' 1, mcet last ThufEday in each month! 1L II. Munson," W. M. , W. M. Poisson, Sec'y. ' . ' . i ; i ; i . Concord Chapter No.'l, meet third Monday in each month; . Alfbed, Mabtin, H. P.. . C. W. OLDnAM, Sec'y." :. Wilmington Council No; 4, incct first Wednes day in each moiith. , t , X .- , j . ' Taos. B. Caus; T. I. G. M. ' . B. RraiSLL, Recorder, It Veni Butler's1 Easi'an'P The Enquirer' ., special cdnpondent. "Junius," telegraghs the folloV?mg:last good thing from, General Butler :. J-jU f Butler; replying to another attack frpri Dawes, said he disclaimed all intention of lecturing the House, and desired, once for all, to put a bar against the analogy of Saul of Tarsus and himselL He had; heard "it nineteen times and a haU-ifl Jthis Hon lahd there were three things! whicKhet;thoughjt might be omitted hereafter, because ; the country understood ; thesa : First, that he5 had voted for Jefferson Davis ; secondV that he had got a suddden conversion, and third, that, he had. not been in the Republican par ty ai long as some other people. All this was true. He had no doubt that in ' the olden times there were men who' stood By Judas against Paul because? Judas wat an elder apostle." , t.f Butler, Co and "Shoo Fly." , : tlPickles" gives us the last about Cox foiloWS: ' ''' ' ir Washington,' .February ' 11. Butler's "Shoo Fly" jig with Cox was .all the , talk at the,botels last evening. 1 met Dawes and Pomerby at the Arlington and the former saiu ue tuougur, tne, retort; was "better than Webster's ;; famous "git eout." Pmeroy was unusually moderate, and didn't think it exactly fair to pursue the little man in his humiliatibr; It seems that when Morrissey carried him. out in the fresh air he revived without the use or the, -uspal restoratives, thoughBrooksWbcl by 'fctottie in hand, auu uau aireaay a raw n xne corK, as ne evi aentiy consiaeredthe case a. , critical one. CoxTs first words on recovering were ad: dressed to Morrissey, "Jack, old boy, does ugmning- scorcn ?" w en, tsam; I've Known it to burn," responded the anxious Mor rissey, taking the bottle from Brooks and pressing the mouth of it to the lips of the wanderer after "Winter Sunbeams." 'I feel better now, - Jack.; Guess you better call a hack." ? The hackv was procured, and the whole arty drove straight to.the Nation al,! That evening an entertainment was giv en at Mrs. Cr's, in I street, to which Cox had' been invited; He' did v nbt appear ; . and the fact eicit ea considerable comment. Several excuses were volunteered,- but an .Qbiban, who had known Cox when he was a member from the Buckeye State, "pooh poohed" them all. uBah !" said he, "be cause Grant puce shut Batjef 'up in a 'glass house, every Jittle'i Congressional gamin thought be could throw stones at hitoj and poor 'Cox only forgot that Ben'had - move d out Jong 'ago;' - lri--it;' ' Mrs. Goiter Schneider's Notions of, Wo !; ': . .. man's Rights Gotlieb Gotterschneider is a little Round oUt Dutchman, with a strapping big vrow, who has evidently her own notions about Womah'sirights.iiJMrs. Gotlieb had an ad mirer, with whom, inGotlieb's absence, she was in the habit of adjourning to a neigh boring lager 'beer saloon, and indulging in copious jobations of the ;Germanj fluid,1 at the aforesaid admirer's expensed This eonr ing to the little man's, ears he vowed ven geapce(amiwith wrath in,hs eye, and' hick ory stickpin his hand, he watched the treacherous couple, and a few esrcnlngs silice found them together in their accustomed hauntthe lager, beerjpaloon aforesaid. The little Dutchman . "pitched: into", the dis- ;turberiofhis peace,, and;the wind-up of the anair xsu told by tfotiieb as : lollows : "1 tells Christina to valk straight home, and Shink ins,4he picks up der beer mug, und lets te beer spill over mine lace, und he hits me in der backnifJist.bootr,undXgoes .out ; und Christina" she ho come, und I go home und goe to ped, between two fedder peds, Iyas WI mat! ; lihd 'i Chf islina she Ccdmes uhd laugh3 at me because Shinkins hit mine two, boots." THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. .' tli500 Oasht f 1870V $1,500 Cash. 'p A VALUABLE PREMIUM -FOR ALL iThis splendidly Illustrated weekly f journal 01 nopulir' science, mechanics, Invention, engir neering, cnemistry, - .ruj-utcuLuic, , and the kindred arts, enters its twenty-fifth year on the first of January next, having ? a ? circula tion far exceeding that of ? any similar journal now published. , ; ,,,.' The jsoitoriai Aiepanmeni ui iu oucuiuiv; American is very ably conducted, and some of the most popular writers In this i Country, and Europe are contributors. Every number has 10 imperial pages, wna uuo cugraviuo chinery,5 new inventions, tools for the wbrKShop larm and household, engineering works, dwell- inff house, ruDuc Duuoins8- - j - A jOOniai oi so mucu uiinu&iu-; tiuuc, low price of $3 a year, ought ; to have, . in this thrivmg country, a muuon reaucro -, -Whoever reads the Scientific Americau i3 en tertained and instructed, without being bothered with hard words or dry details. 1 ' TO INVENTORS i AND MECHANICS this journal is of special value; as it contains ;a ; weekly report of all Patepts issued at ; Washing-' ton. with copious notices of the leading;, Ameri can and European inventions. The Publishers of the Scientific American are the i most Exten sive Patent Solicitors in the , world, . and;, have unequalled facilities for; gathering ; a. complete knowledge of Invention and-Disco 7ery through out the world : and with a view to , mark tbe quarter of a cent ury during which this ' journal has held the first Diace in Scientific and Me chanical Literature, the Publishers will issue on of P' 1 u t i l l fl 4 THE OROAfl OF. THE NATIONAL v-m ,'etpp&r. ; ;t;;i.H ...-; " ; in.-- 'I;! January first the lare and: splendid! Sieel :En- SXTrY7 T ITHTTniVrnn gravingby John Sartainiof Philadelphia en- fjr-fP Jjj fXJI lYAJliUl 'X "ME OF PROGRESS AMERICAN INVENT- ' . ' " back before .mine face mit his N4 TUESDAY NIGHT A- MEMORANDUM . BOOK, containing money. and valuable pa- pers. f The owner, ot the ;i3ooi, will, pay a liberal reward to 'any person who will return the. same to his, ofliec corner Water and Princess streets, K 1-'::'- - ' 1 F. MOORE, . . . Assistant Assessor. , dec 21 336-tf CRACKED 'BONE, BONE MEAL, BONE Flour, and Floatei Bone, guaranteed to pro duce same affect " at HALF - COST of Peruvian Guano, ( ;;!,: - ;;);;":;;. ; , ' Send for circular. Address . t ! -V;:' ; LISTER BROTHERS, i? ;: Newark, N. J.. . MARRIAGE IS HONORACLE. ESSATSFOR Y6 UNG MENON THE HON ors, pleasures, ; and ; advantages of a ' bappy Marriage, as contrasted with Single Life, and the feariulf EvitS ot, CixiBACT, iu.imodern times.; Sent free, in sealed envelooes,-Address, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. jan SO ' 347-Sm '-ARNOLD'S COS'MOPOWTAN. OYSTERS IN 6E ASON, I pJ f 5'J. --CHOICE-liquors; . . CIGARS, . BILLIARDS, T UNCH, SERVED AND, SENT TO ANY "JtL paVt of the city a,t aU' houfs,: without any extra leharffeV""-7'-'i - ? .JZ. ARNOLD, dec 16 - ' - hw;-334-lm T DURHAM: oil " r T"r -r v-m - ? TJXl Hit- 113, U(Tt OME'EIIIIVO NEW. The d af Durham"! IT M - -: - t-roi'f rf;WjIi BURKHEIMER'S, 2 MEN OF PROGRESS . - ORS," n the plate costing, nearly 84,000 to engrave, and contains nineteen likenesses of Illustrious Amerj, ican Inventors. It is a superb work of art Siuele pictures, printed on heavy paper, will be sold at $10, but any one sUbscriDiag forrthe Scientific American the paper will ' be sent for one year, together with a copy of the engraving, on receipt of $10. The picture is also ottered as a premium for clubs of subscribers. ' - - .: , i "$1,500 CASH PRIZES, JS In addition to the above premium, the Pub Ushers will pay $1,500 in cash prizes for lists ot subscribers sent in by February 10, 1870. Per sons who want to ; compete for these prizes, should send at once for prospectus and blanks lor names. -v :-. - ;f -t; ; -: f: ' 1 K " Terms ot Scientific American, one year $3.00; six months $1,50 four months, $1.00. To clubs of 10 and upwards. terms $2.50 per annum. SDecimen coDies sent free. Address the Pub lishers 1MUNN & Co. AND OF TIlE REPUBLICAN PARTY ' Let all who r love thuir coautr' the . -.. subscribe for IA-H ; : . ram jor, utiw xoriv. ir r5.l E?a1iISaiim How to get Hifc?ite.r-A '. pamphlet . of Patent iy . Laws and instruction to inventors 6ent free. FIRST NATIONAL BANK!!.: Mm this section.; OF WHiMINGGTON, N. C. United States. Depository and. Financial : 'Agent. f Directors i W. H. McRary, Jas. H. Chadbourn, 8.D. Wallace, V LI MtBBXT' Edwin E. BuHRUs's, President' . ' Asa K. Walkbr, Cashipr , . ; Wm. Labkiks, fTeUer.'rV' , ;? . 1 ' . ; H. M. Bowden, Book-Keeper. ; " . S. D. Wallace, JB.,derk. 5 , , THIS BANK IS NOW OPEN! FORv. THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. , GOLD AND alLYEIi COIN, Government Bonds . and Securities, ' , - . : t NOTES OF SOLVENT and other "State Banks purchased and sold. I EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United States, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention i giveri to the accounts of business men. ; auc 14 y' ; ' ' 6-mos I has ; the f LARGEST CliiC ULATION i is the BEST- FAMILY PAPER, and is the ablest con ducted in the State. , 1 'The tl POST" is ollercd at very low rates subscribers '" 1 ' ! ; to Let each family in the' State have its " POST," and thus keep well posted on the current affairs of life. : ,:- " ' ;; 'COMECON; NEW,, SUBSCRIBERS fpHAT FOR RENT.' FINE LARGE GROCERY STORE U v si, 1n n,t.r Wo. 1 0 Sou th Front &i vect , lately occupied by ' ' ; FRED. F. FRENCH. THE BEST GROCERY STORE j 8' Rent low. Apply to :! .1 ii l ; .! - v GEO. 55.-FIIENCII, No. 10 Sonth Front Street (up BUirs.) dec 9 v i : i . f ; jg 332-tf ; SfflOIAl SAVINGS BilK; d o c k: s r& e t i ' (OPPOSITE SEAMAN'S HOME.) OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 9 O'CLOCK A.H., toZ o'clockrPI M.I andS Saturday Eveningafrom 6to8 o'clock.f fiu: i ollii DEPOSITS fOPrATOISTOfPROM FIVI2 CENTS TO FIVE T1IOU- 4 SAI DOLLARS RECEIVED. Interest staid on all sums of Five Dollars and upwards, that remain on deposit four months.', Special deposits of Fifty Dollars and upwards will draw interest at th a rate of four per cent allowed crary thirty days. 4 1 '"- "Come as the -waves come, when navies are stranded." ' . -r ' X Let everybody, come, and bring his wife. THE LADIES, are expressly interested iu possessing the Post. Its letters from the great" fashionable centres are remarkable. for their ability, and ' knowledge of the gret world ot FASHION ! L."' The POST?'-has ' regular correspondents at New York, Baltimore and Washington, and will have;bpeeial letters from England, France and Germany ! ': f ' . ; -t NQW-is the time to ; subscribe. ;. Clubs of five can have the!" POST,',! ; one year, for FIFTEEN DOLLARS ! !, ! when jaid in advance. mm OF 1. The Edinburgh lie view, " rpHIS IS THE OLDEST OS THE SERIES X In Its main features It still 1 follows in the path marked out by Brougham, Jeffrey, Sydney, Bmith and Lord Holl,amjl,ts mrinaiii tounders and first contributors. i 2. The London TQnarterIy Review 1 which commences: Its 128th: volume with the January number, I was set on foot as. a rival to the Edinburgh 'It resolutely maiatains its on- posilion in yuiiuo, nuu-" bliuvtb ium - vigor lu its literary aeparpmenv131'-'' '- ' i 3.' The Westminster' Review. has just closed its 93d voluma. In point of lit erary ability tms Keview is last ; rising to a levcl with its competitors;. It is the advocateTbf no- .... . 1 IS - I " 1 i. lineal ana reugiuu!..4ioru&m.7. eii 33.10 4. The North' British Reviews now in its 51st volumeVoccupics'tf Very1' f ish yoiid the narrow formalism 'orsehdols' and par- lies, it appciua w u.- wiaerracge oi sympatcics and a higher integrity of;convietion.Li, l; ,J . . 5. Blackwood's Edinhtirs Magazine. was commenced 52 jears goi Equalling1 the Quartilies in its literary and ?scientiflc depart ments, it nas won a wiae reputajion loritnb nar; ratives and sketches which enliven its pages. TJEltiTlJi Jt'OK ;i87U. . . - Per annum: For any one of the Reviews. . ;.--?. i-iV.; J $4 00 For any two of the Reviews. v. 4 7100 For any three ol tiie Reviews, ft. s si. iiVU iX)0Q For all four oi the Reviews 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine..'....-. J....; i 4 00 For Blackwood and-one eview-"i ; ; i-ix?i.? 00 ' For Blackwood and two of the Reviews. . 10 60 Jfor Blackwood and three.Of the Reviews. 13 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.... 15 00 Single Numbers XjI a Review, $L Single numbers of Blackwood, 35- cents. j I ' - The Reviews are published quarterly $ uiuui-wuvu' s iuugaziuc is uiuuiui)r, V01 umes commence in at&uuary. .4 7 0, .;,';;;:;.!-'fe CLUBS. ! . j-j.,. a mcrnn TIT. ni Linr.iuii rur n 1 no n inivH Clubs of four or moro persons, when the peri- I The Postage, on current subscriptions, tc any 4art of the qnited States, is Two Cents a number, to oe prepaia at tne -office 01 delivery. For Back numbers the postage is double. .,- r FREMIUMS TO NEW SIBSCRIBJERS. New subsbribers to any 'two bf th'e above pe riodicals lor 1870 will be entitled to receive one of the Four Review .for 1869. New , ; Sub-, scribcrs to all the five may receive Blackwood or ttoo of the Reviews for 1869. ; l" -f. 1 . -. : - V BACK NUJUBfiRS. . I Subscribers may, by ' applying early, obtain back sets of the Reviews from Janiv18U5, to( Dec. 1809, und of Blackwood's Magazine from Jan.. 1866, to Dec, 1869, at hall the current subscrip tion price, :-.':; r ijs'. f?.;-?:- . , , "Neither premium's to Sub? cribcis, nor dis- 1 count to Clubs, .nor reduced prices lor j back numbers, can be allowed, unless the " mthey is remitted direct to the , Publishers. , No premi ums can be given to Clubs. ; j ; ;" ' - Tie January number will be hted, frorii new . type and arrangements have, been made which) i is Itoped, w'M secure ' regular and early publications t THE IEOWAKffll'SC6i?T tff. PUBLISHING CO. 140 Fulton StrectVN. Y. The Leonard Scott. Publishing Company, also puDiisn i tiiii H AiiMciKo uuiixj to scien tific v and ' Practical Agriculture J l By vHenrv Stephens. F.B- S4 Edinburg,' -i and the late N. P. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture t in Yale College New Haven.' 2 vols. Royal oc tavo. 1,600 pages and' numerous Engravings; Price $7. ; By mail, post-paid, $8.-' V "I870."v;TW;ENTY"FIF3tH YEAR 1870. - TM hS " wi ' t -wrtrm --r m -mr v JLMB.BU mm.WJj3.ISU tlU J ULS-i Mlrr iX :'H ' PRIcijlREDUCED A i ":. y'- . ' i-A-; ' ii -; '.; -'fti, , "THE BEST LITERACY AND SOCIETY l'Al'Eli lU ... . AMERiqAi" j .,:X.'t:-:t Ifow -Writers J; e:Aidetidmrm.iTp6 1 - ' -4. iy ! . -; r. , iij'." it is .well-known,1 is to '.furnish a pure, high- toned, entertaining paper of Literature. Art, and ouuctv tur Auicricau: uuiiikh. luhl siib.ii ttrumuia a right culture and refinement, and foster at the fireside those pleasures, sentiments . and sancti ties which make home the ; true , Eden . ot the heart, and it now", more than .ever, deserves the position it has held tor, nearly a quarter of a cen tury, as theleading organ of cultivated Ameri can Society. : -f , ... . M., .. i The conduct and character of .' the Home Jour' noli will continue the same m thefuture as in the past. 1 Among the fresh attraction for the New Tear may be mentioned : Astory ol great beau ty and intense interest, by 4an Eminent English"'1 novelist." -..;;' rrr?. "r'JTrv;;rj-J.'i?r; -a, A beautiful romance by "Alpnonse De Lamar- -tine" translated expressly for the Home Journal. Translations . from the ..German r, oil "Edmund Hoeferand Meissne'r."-;.;,;'!. !.'?;.; ;. ; -: A sferies of original stories from tlie cri of tile ! charming' t poet and rnovclisL-'; "Mrs. Lncv rt. r A'LL:; KINDS! GEO. Z. . FRENCH: REAL ESTATE AGEHT, AND Commission Mercliaiit, Punctual attention paid to "REAL ES TATE,; LUMBER and PRODUCE. 10,000 Acres of Land in different parts of the State for sale. oct 2a . 'V &30-Ui PUTNAM'S MAGAZiriE ;i 870. PUBLISHED BY THE PUTNAM MaVa zine Company. . j .t Among the Shareholders are.Mr. Wm.J Cullen Bryant and several practical business men. The contributors include the: ablest and most populan. writers in - every section. ..We intend that this Magazine shall be Wide-awake, Pure, Practical, Entertaining," and such as an intel ligent family cannot afford to do without." Solid information on all J matters; connected with the World's Progress in Literature, Science, Art, Domestic Economy,, the Art of Living, the comforts of Travelling, docial Science National Interests, and Individual Rights, will be specially cultivated and developed, together with Stories and Lighter Literature for the family... . , :-. At the head ot the Magazines of to-day." j Norwalk Gazette. 1 A, ,, !.. ;K".ui ,;1 h Pre-eminent among the Monthlies. Buffalo Com. Advertiser. 1 ' . ?;,-J. Lu, rt;i " The admirable plan of this publication takes j in allltopies of modern thought and study,' whil e 1 .cTcrj BUDjecs it luyariaoiy ireaiea ' wita'-asili-tyi"rfAlbany Evening Journal just out! v ;i . V -CHERRY TECTORIAL TROCHES !?' ' v . -. superior to all others : - ' ; - -;: : "t For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat; and Bronchit- istand Hoarseness. -Noke so Plbasant Noke Curb bo Quick. ; '.sManufactured by RUSHTON & CO., r:,:T,.,iV f r . As'tOr House, New York. , ' No more of these horrible tasted! iiauseatio ffV '.Beowh' dec 25 ;..S3Tm. STORAGE F OR ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE AT 10 South Front Street.' ; ; , . - m.' . ; ;ri ' GEO. Z.. FRENCH. AW I 820-tf 1; i . mi,"-" i 1 MAGISTRATE' 3 BLANKS, ' COURT BLANKS, AFFIDAVITS,' SUMMONS etcV t' ? rt BUSINESS X'ARDS, - - - LETTER HEADINGS, ttt SSlr.' 'Note .headings, BILL HEADS,' J : ' 1 u - - CIRCULARS, f... , XYV statements, L. -i ENVELOPES, AND ' - NOTE BOOKS, - i-i TAGS, rt jWprinting Executed in the best manner, and at the shor. ?.IiHnotice, at the k-x17. . 1 1 u r. Hooper. Occasional contributions from the well-kuown poets, ,"R.H. Stoddard and Edmund C.Stedman.1' Sketches by .the Home Journal's, favorite hu moristi "Barry -Gray." i' ! ; - 1 A series of papers oh literature, society and morals, by."Elizabeth B. Stoddard." 4 ! Contributions in prose and - verse, ' from the gracel Southern poetrrPaul IL Haync" ' .A continuation of "Sophie SparklersXettefs," and the admirable "Gipsy and Ty sketches,' by' "Marietta Holley." - r-j ,.r ;. Regular correspondence from all the great European centres pf 8ociety; Literature,, and- Art, and occasional, letters ?frpm the poetess. 1 "Esteile Anna Lewis." v - XX tA'.'jX'Z' --: : ' s Besides these; there will be editorials On topics of current interest. j editorial reviews and criti cisms of Literature, Art, Music, and Drama,-and copious extracts from new books; The depart ment of SocietyNews will reflect th,e beau nionde iv its various aspects at home arid abroad, tbus making the . Home : Journal rea.ilyTh'eXJourt Journal of AmericaJi .J,r:-;-:y.y-' ' These several departments,, kejxt fully up to the high ttaudard hitherto-hlaintaihed, Will thus 'coospire, with the new features, to make'the Home Journal a complete; and brilliant mirror of .the wit and wisdom, the humor and putho.the - uiUAxu guocip i me niuco- a jour nal commending itself especially to i every culti- vaieu uouseaoia in tn land. in lact. no one can auora to De witnout it. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUBS(teERS; The Home Journal and any f 4 magazine (either Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly, . Harper's Bazar, Atlantic Monthly, Putnam's; The Galaxy, Bltckwood'a Magazine, Westminister -Review, . or any of the English Quarterlies, ' republished here) will be. sent for $5, the ' full price being 7 00. ; ; -v;."-,.i"" j.-- j;: ; , - A-X ' The Home Journal and 1 either the f Riverside Magazine : or Young Folks, for $3 ; full rates; ' $(i 00. . . : ; ,' v r'''-'Xn - Home Journal and ' Littcll's Living- Age for -$8-30; full price, $li;00.- Zrnra tmr:k Home Journal and 1 Eclectic Magazine, f 6 00 : v full rates f800;'5J,i'- ' -x -' z1- :- - nOME'JOXfllNAL CLUBSMXJ Subscribers (both new and old) forming clubs for The Home Journal alone, will receive it at the ' foUowing rates :v;-;'? -11;' ::; V-p i -: Three copieson& fyear,"or oecxpy" three years, f 7 50; six copies, one year; f 12 1 0. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION THREE DOLLARS .mmiu- ' A"i YEAR. ?ttj;in r r Subscription will take date immodiatclyi or at any time the subscribers prefer, 4 it-v , . Address ' i:!-:t'r:iffr.r;--, MORRIS PHILUPS & Ca;1 ; v ; , No.3 Park Place. New YorkjCity. j , . s i 51. O'KEfeFE, SON & COS ' 'SEED GlTMiOGUEl . . And . GUIDE o-tnete? y: F LOW E n h fl DyEOET ABLE? r'!5 :GARbEN';iilti87Ci Published in January t' very1 lover Uf fiqwers wishing this- new and valuable Work, free ot charge, should address immediately M. Q'KEE FE, SON CO., EUwanger. S; Barry's Block, Rochester, N.; Y.' V ' . "-- ? i

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