... - 'T5 iT ' . 4 . -.i WILMINGTON, N. C, SUN DAT MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 1870. VOL. III. NO. 355 . O i' 5 i 1 1 Jit V.; -T . ?. i!Vf.'i!;l;..V.,' 4 v i i Al t r fi., THE WILMINGTON POST. raViwABLtBf advance. "j iTBSJfSOT SUBSCB1PTION Per Year... ...... .. Six Months. .... .... r ' Three Months . ; ....... ... . . - - .... 2 50 . .'. . 1 50 .... 50 One Month. " Single copies, Fve cents. - Clubs famished at reasonable rates, - BATES OP" ADVERTISING: i Per square, one time, 1 1. Less than half square, one time, 50 cents. - Two times f 1 50 and all succeeding insertions half price additional. ) . Rates per month, $4 for one square, and each succeeding square lialf rates additional. Half Column and Column adrertisements re ceived on proper discount. Local advertisements 10 cents a line. Address, - , CHAS. I. GRADY, '. Editor and Proprietor, WilmiDgton, N. C. CITY. iThermometer 61. Arrests for the week 14. Wyman on Wednesday. March marches in Tuesday. .The Masonic meeting to morrow. Gone where the honeysuckle runneth Winter. . -.-; 1 ., ' -: . . ' February still coquettes with May. May it continue. - ' i You can have "tongue" for breakfast, and it need not to be your wite's.. Myers' sells it. ' For;uNobby" suits of fall clothing, go to Muhson's ! ' ' ' Yesterday, John Giles for reckless wills, was sent to the Work-house to make tiles. L. W. Holden, no relation of the Go vernor, has a house and lot ''for sale." See advertise ment. .' How smart the Post is getting. Turns. A generous acknowledgement, You "do us proud. 17 Blessed sleep is shorn bl its balm, by howl inar canines in this city. When will this Wednesday next is AsffVdnesuay Sunday next is the first in Lent. Shad are . Mars isthe Erening Star until Mach 12, also the Morning Star until Dec, lGth. Look out for your Ma's ! , Icl the cas j t . tLoity v3. W. H. Moore for selling liquor without.licence, the defen clant was found not guisty.- Lent commences Wtdiitadaj. We don't know when Borrow commtned, much more when it will end. Resigned. Gen; Ruth tord has tendered $ his resegnation as City, Superintendent ol Common Schools. 'The Jlobcsoniwi seems displeased because we refer to "jails." Ah! but why object ; .it looks suspicious. Sheriff Howell, of Robeson, departed for Lurnberton yesterday morning, having in charge the alleged murderers of Sheriff King.- , Treasurer jDurfee will sell the property of all delinquent tax-payers on the 18th day of March next. Pay your taxes, or you lose your prop. ." . .' ; ' - -.j Postponed. The grand ball of Vigilant "Fire Engine Co., No. 3, has been postponed from the 3d of March, until the 10th of the same month. '.'.I. Thenew kcture of G.: W. Curtis is called "Our National Folly." Wilmington might give "George" some points. Come South George ! 4 , Pancakes seeks office in Illinois. rz 1 TIT-! TV. -J. A. Jlat proposiuou. r u. .j. cat. . t . We suppose he wants a Tvtt office. Robe sonian. : . I ; ': 'v-: . As every "man of letters" should ! , ' s i "Brick" Pomeroy paragraphs the Board of Aldermen of this city. B. P. has the hon or to be the biggest ass existing. His paper has about as much idea of decency as a last years calf has of immortality. ' Cokoxers Inquest. The jury empan elled for the purpose of holding an inquest oyer the body of Job Batch well, who was accidently shot by Dr. Myers at Lillington, returned a yirdict yesterday, in accordance with the facts. v The N. C. Real and Personal Estate Agen cy agree to settle all the old claims only send along your tickets 1 All who have paid the old agents will please send descrip tion of tickets to Krebs & CoM Wilmington, N.C. . , .-:,)'v;.; Get your Bill Heads at the Post Printing Office. The Journal of . yesterday remarks that tlie City prisoners are sent to the county .Work house among felons. We were unaware that "such like" were in the - said Work-house. Felons are generally suppqscd to be in the State Prison. Be2szinist. Alexander Freeman will im bibc from the flowing bowl. Often has he been admonished therefor but without avail. "Aleck," was brought before the City Court lor thioffence yesterday, . and on payment of ontHMS necosts, typified nfs narne. Thte finest binding and blank books furnished to order at the , Post . printing office ! . PniLHAKMGNic, The second concert of this society takes place to-morrow evening at the Theatre, when the sacred cantata of Ettlier will be performed. Extensive prep arations have been made to warrant js,in saying that none will be disappointed who attend. Seats can be procured at Heinsber gers, at any hour to-morrow. , ; The " w harves presentqaite a lively eij ap- ap- DCarauuu. iiumciuu am iu"K J are vTitlinaval stores, and the broad bottomed tars ot " Hold Hingland" hold their own among the most stalwart and merry of all the merry crews. : . iH Wi " ' ' i . From Henning's wharves up to Chad beurn's milh the river looks quite lively with steamers, barques, three-masted schoon ers and many a 4iTers craft peculiar to the "Fear."' . . . :.r. Sale ov Iioujs. The sale, of" the county bon h-raa- well attended jresterday, and but lew were u taken jp.": . Five bonds of $100 each having four years-to run a $73 ; and ten bonds of $500 each, having 9 years to run a f 00 to 68 were ; disposed of. ; "Mis representative PriceV as his colored brethren call him is in town, and after buying a few more lots'on seven dollars a day (?) he will continue to represent him self arid his chin until the navy depart ment declare him a deserter find consequent ly incapable of " representing'? even New Hanover County. V "We Bow r? "Men have strange fascina- tions" savs the proverb. Jordan Loftiris' was that of a boat, which, nolens volens. he would 1 Pnr r.fu' hrach of the laws Jordan )rougtit veiow ' wXV; day and found guilty. J udgment was sus- pendetl on paycaoot ofi costs. Ettinger's store on Market street, is the scene every evening of a wild and frantic crowd who not alone be-labor the counter but be-labor the clerks for goods. His stock of spring goodswill have to be replenished by more consignments from New York, it the rush continues. . . We have received letters from 6ome me chanics friends who appeal to us as the l workingman's friend" to attack the policy ot " taxing-iudnstry"; as shown in the city tax on carpenters, etc. Now we will pub lish any reasonable communication backed by a good name but we hope our . mechan ics will give Mayor Martin a chance. He will reduce taxation as soon as he reduces the city debt. ' k Only Two Dollars. Not to be out done by the Standard and other high priced papers we have resolved to send the Post to all our country subscribers for TWO DOLLARS a year if paid in advance ! ' Fair and Festival. The grand fair an d festival of the"Red Cross A. M. E. church, commences on Wednesday evening next, when addresses will be delivered by the pas tor, Rev. D. P. Seaton, and Mr. J. P. Samp son. Thursday evening will be devoted to the sale of articles. Tickets of art miircW for adults 15 cents ; children 10 cents. - Siiari Attachment. O. Andrew Hatch- eo was brought before Justice McQuigg yes terday charged with stealing a cross cut saw and "bit," in Harnett Township. An drew not having the necessary $100 where with to become bounden to the blind god dess tor his wayward trick, was committed to jaVl ; there to dream over theapt but in elegant lines of the pastoral : He that takes what Is'n his'n, When he's cotched j . He goes to prizzun. (BreadCast upon the Waters. " If the great Providence has not literally cast bread up on the waters , he has planted the elements of wholesome nourishment en tre rocks, in the shape of Sea Moss FAkixs is made. This ;new "" r - article has everywhere won "golden opinions of psichore on principle. Imagine Meg Mer- tWaeB8S riliesin apolkva schottisf, or , German., ot a staple necessary and a delicious luxury; ior The thing's absurd. But honest old Cap while Its use lessens the expense of living the . rtfI Tanl Tnnau exquisite dishes prepared from it cannot be ob- tain Cuttle or Jack Bunsby, we warrant tained even at an extravagant cost, from any they enjoyed it before they joined the "Fat other source. Scientific -Committees, hotel, tr u rrK keepers, professional cooks, ladies whosuperin- Men's Club." The man that has no music tend their own kitchens physicians, nurses, dys in his soul Is harmless compared to the peptics and invalids of every class bear witness w . . WA ? v of these facts. To this mass of indorsements one tnat haa 110 mnsic ln hisfeetthe very we unhesitatingly add our own ; and without poetry of motion. The ' Egy ptian'd amsels riintr onrArd. fep. ar th tnnt . AMnnl. we nave ever tasteo. New styles of Bill Printing Office. Heads' at the Post At iiAST.--ln jusuucation oi our retnarss on the recklessness ot trapeze performances ana also as an item w news laaiwiu iniere&i all ' those who saw . Mdslle Zoe nerform her break neck act in this city, we clip the following from the Baltimore American : 4 ' Millie Zbe, last night, in her act of throw ing a Bommersault from the trapeze to a sin gle xopo upon the stage, fell to the floor The blood gushed Jrom. her lace, and she was picked up by a member of the troupe apparently Ufeless.Tne audience was great- f tiU ort hvh!HML.: Manaffer Sinn, who oc-1 w j o . cupieu on x luo vac kv v Uv. o nnHprtfttethft act ; this, however, was not heeded. To the great Telief ot the entire audience, the child,af ter receiving the nec essart medical attention, reappeared before the curtain, and was greeted with applause. A"crrT me nnrnnsft m ass Run? . in me navmeni 01 . . m. i 1 the expense attending the regulating, clean- -ti, ,f ' ?V j inn ia martof nrl ir e (Merle I mg trie market and pay u.uv. ,1.1 w.u. . tome consiaeration or tpe matter uy no Board of Aldermen, the fact appeared that the principal expense in keeprng some streets in oraer, is incurrea oy tue aamage aone to 1 them by country carts. It was thought no more than iust that the streets so freelv used L and occupied and requiring large outlay ought -in part, at least, to be kept in order by a revenue collected from those who use them, ' The evil of forestalling the market is another matter which the city government desire to abate by all lawful means. The carts which bring articles for sale, mclud- log almost every article of provisions, are required to be arranged by the Clerk of the Market ; the owners thereot enjoy the bene fits of o stand on the street and the use of the sidewalks free of any other, than the small charge ot ten cents. Owners of carts bringing peanuts avail themselves of this privilege as may be easily seen. Those who bring their peanuts to market f or shipments bstruet the streets to as great or greater extent. Why should they be exempt!. , The farmer, who lives cuiiirlver or sound and charters ajveis&ljpr . Hitto briDg his crop pays for the privilege of discharg- in? hia rmorlft Whartaere. which is resu- lated bv the city and amounts 10 a mucn a - - . . 4wauin-Jthan; that char eejLJt&eu bei&e; uuder present 1 law inree cenis per bag. ; :"; - Get your Business Cards at the Post Print ing Office. . Mayor Martins Exhibit of the Con dition of City Financers. The Mayor has sent us a statement of the. financial condition of the city. Inexorable space al lows us not to publish it entire, so therefore we extract the main portions of interest. rue expenditures 01 tne city govern ment are set down at ttro huudred and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty nine dollars, . eight thousand dollars of which is allowed for contingencies; The resources at the same amount, made to correspond by the sale of bonds. The estimate of expencesi for the year ending January 10th 1870, ! are staged as follows: - Salaries $7,320. Streets Appropriations; $15,000. Hospital and Poor $5,000. Prisoners $1,000. ,. ., ; Public Buildings $3,000. ,UJO. t,5ol. City Court $700. Free Department $4, Police-$20,000. Light Gas and Oil Lamps, $7,000. Miscellaneous-r$4,000. :: INTEREST AND STATEMENT OF DSCT. 44.7oa Citv Hall Bonds . 7 S3.129 .20,000 W. & M. R.R. Bds 6 4 1,200 136,500 W C fc R. R. R ft t 44 It 7,590 18,400 230,000 ew Hods .8f $421,200 . .... .Funded . . . . . . . . . 30,319 $50,5" 0 Notes in Bank, l I 33,000 Past due Bds. J-Estd est $9,00 10,000 BUls and Ac s. ) 20,019 $504,700 ' $107-439 IntssNos SociABLE.-"If music be the food o! lo Pla7 on." said the dramatist ; if dancing ue the food of fun, dance ca say we, for nothing but a light heart can make ' the light fantastic toe trip more ' lightly. Who ever heard of a miser or a misanthrope enjoying. the scene where . "Her feet beneath her petticoat, Like little mice crept in and out.' ' We will wager that Lady Macbeth, or 1 danced.' says the chronicler, "to the sound of the timbrels, making itinklmsr music ually worn on their anklets. The Greeks, the Romans, the Assyrians, the Jews, all en - jpu 11. pwuu we.flapwrj,ncw was woaby.HerodiaafTxgbter.TpIt'irts danced uu uiauj. . Ae uaTsge inoes n. eyery i clime, savins the Esq uimax. celebrate their I testirals and feasta in - ' r T. - i some monotonous song. We bare dancing bears, and dancing dogs, and Esmeralda with her goat. Motes dance in the ' sun beam, the moonbeams :danco npon;the water, the poets declare tons. 8o, in , bar- j mony wnn everth let joy be unconfined" : : ' . last at the closinffWr? datuMrua ot the Inter 1 e t .i www., WA "yu- 1 as Servosa. Both narlora 3 wera thrown as cervoss. uotn parlors were nrown open as early as 9 o'clock, in the evening, i . " and each Gallant Knight and ladve fair" i iV't. V "7 t , vvv. I mucucucs luai, uioiu revei oi tue , t.. J i At midmcrht sunrier was announced a.nd I " . -1 .r-i J niiuwBcu buvu uispiny OA MGrev eved morn " .nJarh beerjed from " - -.--- 1 .1.. j ...; . 1 Buawywcu;urfciu, cfo uie suunu 01 joyous nnTutnr mnoi, iOTO,, &: r isoii m rnmnnhnnt th anrnrinH - I . ... 1 .w .w.v.- 1 ,Twa3 indced a festive, joyous assemblage and as the closing "sociable" of the season wiu i0Dg pe remembered by all who par- ticipated. ' "Buff.'' The Treasurer ot the State ot NNorth' Carolina returns to a bank two war rants of the Governor for the following nuiuums, umm iyi,j.Aii8J wiu uft.i-ii n . ' u - - - Doll abb 1 received by us tor printing proc- lamations. Governor. and n? overcome us ' has swept-somc money & close up the Treasury of the "old" and once honest North State ! A new Post Office has been established in Brunswick county, . on the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, called "Bernard," with Mrs. Susan C. H Unkler as post-mistress. The new office is located at the Qomt formerly known . as "Pretty Branch." Watek Works; -Our citizens below Sec ond street and particularly along Front street have for severat years used water from the Nprins on the lot reast of the; JaiW.-jDwing. to imperfections in the pipes, the city au tuorities fouud it necessary 10 cut OfTttier i suppiy. Anere is a Berious usmsp aBaiu Msmxrr: suggest in a formidable manner. . the neces sity for City Water; works. A charter was granted by the Legislature to a company, composed of several prominent men- ot this city. Why have they not done something ! It is time we were furnished with good fresh water. In the absence ot action on the part of the company. We suggest that the prop erty holders along Frqnt, Market and Wa ter streets, form a company immediately, and put in order the spring, and pipes lead ing irom it. It appears to us to promise good dividends. - - No doubt the owners of the ldt wOuld dispose of it for that purpose. Come fellow citizens, let it not be said of us. .' ' ' ; "' "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink." v Magazines, Books, &c.-IAppinc6tti. This eclectic magazine for March, is pleas antly readabfe. "The Vicar of Bullhampton" continues to excite interest. Gen. Wilson has an article on "The Errors of the Press ;" Arthur Pember on "The Coming Revolution in England," and Hartahorne a poem. These are but the main articles however. . Pub lished at Philadelphia. $4 00 per yean , Packard Monthly. This wide-awake and practicle magazine for March, is 4nll ot in teresting matter. Jx it cheap, and every thing ; presented is instructive. Packard publisher. New York Only : $2 00 per, year. ZdVi Encyclopedia. : The current number ot this valuable serial, has arrived. Every family should subscribe. T. E. Zell, Phila delphia, Pa. ' . ' " K: j -. - Harper's Magazine. The old veteran of the monthlies ! How we love to scan its pages, with ' no less to admire its trnthfal engravings than to peruse its ably written articles. The March number has an inter esting article on poor " Pussy This much abused animal is traced from as far back as runneth the memory of man. Frederick the. Great" is continued. - Shadows ;n. "Nature's Common Carriers;" Civil Ser vice- Reform ; " Our Relations with fBng laud ;" and the usual Chair" Jan cl Drawer" make up the prominent features of interest. Harper Bros., publishers, New York. r ; ' The Maiden Widow novel ;! by; 1Ia ,E D. E. N. South worth. T. B. Peterson & Bro., 'publishers, Philadelphia, 'PsvVThii novel is a sequel to ? The r J amily i J)obc,n and of course coming from the pen of Mrs. South worth is worthy of some considera tion. . The lovers of nhdilnted rornance, with all its glowing attributes of mystery, startling effecta, and thrilling situations have in this all that on be desired. 'r Mrs. ouulu r iUM Ku : u ' readers are her adnirers, and they are oaDyf, , - ? m - - . r WhuDid EilMatTV :Her NotcI- hv Miss Eliza A. Dudut T B Peterson & 'Wu' LTt-ifJ j.i t : ' r I uiuo., uuuuaucia. i uiiKueinnin. tn: tinrn we cannot but commend this novel, by Miss nM- r4 ' " H u xi r Dupuy, for the .moral' It teaches: Why n-jt, ,f ? '-iV' 'w i.''1, v . . j . Pi He Marry Her" has cvidentiv a1 point, asnosenoreaaaatar as webave will readily comprehend. As to the brobabiiitv thkt lb tneeaiik Suflkio any that itis i ivwuiuuiii auawuen oncer commE?iPirf "wrist t IKV . r . .- , . L - uw ' t 5- u . . . , ixau uuuu u. it is iikkiiiiiiiiiv nnnron on excellent paper and bound for the librarv. i . 7 r r ' j lUotbpfthe above works ,can be procured at Heinsberffer'8 Book store. . it"!-fi'l 'i . . 1 f . . , . u"i.ug very oeauuiui mine wjr a jruoiorapa marnasre uemncate: I printed in Black and Gold, has been pub- usnea 01 A;naer . 13ro., York, Pa. The i 4 1 - . I v vu wciuutaic 1a x uy 10 incnes. ana 1 contains places for the VPhqtograpbs of the m. ' w . i ... ". ."ivi i uiatiKu iuuuic Buuuui i'kl i - o 1 .! . : - . 1 ' " " J Daia. : wnnouir lomrv. to anv part ot the bblleotat HiWnta'Winr .ivsW r . if ?-f a - v " . Agents are wanted for 'the above publi- cation." 4 ' - ::1 'y:'3 v : - ? n. n. '.- xr.i rtt. .4i uaB OMa.Aaffl i,ew "ou tuuueu "tians ureitman m unurcn, ana otner rew Rl!rr?fl la in1 nroa onr trill To nnMiaha1 1 In ft ffiW rlm hr T Tl Vettrnn A TWhora I m i 1 1: i i 1 1 i si. a si. ii. ai r. i ill ix iiin. a n i i . w - .',, i , , 2eL i , i I reay uau agreat uuriDg ,Dn, llQtC PIate Pper' ancl S0Kl Dy T price y the publishers. state; I The lyheat crop promises well, y ' Salisbury had snow Sunday last. Charlotte bas a chickeri epidemic. And now Goldsboro bas an exodus. Asheville masgueledWednesdayf :;. -r-i.. . . - r 1 1 l: f juizauetniO JQs warms wi iu luuma. -, Three inc.hes.of .snow purifies Salem. Roanoke Island is to nave a mitil route. . The Chatham i Road will bring coal to Raleigh.',r.;,c,.. ; ', ";-;; '' "Rich in bright metal" is Western North Carolina. ; '."V-l; M ' ;! The sale of the North Carolina Rail Road; is offered; ' . .- I Members of.' Penhsy I vanians are settling hear Elizabeth "" f - The Citizen wants a daily ' mail to Ashe yille, from Way Creek. . ' 1 Eggs one cent in Rutherfordton. An old hen could make money there. H :' i.it'' mtwm 4 f , " There will be a semi-weekly mail be-j t ween this City and Fayette ville. Three Oxford boys played with a gun on the 22nd ihst. They have received medical attendance. 4 " Two illicit stills, were seized near. 'Lewis' ville last week by Revenue officers and the distillers put under bonds. The Nor$h Carolinian learns that the Steamer "Thomas Jefferson" will be put on the line between this place and Norfolk by the 10th kf March. - It is tlie largest and finest iJoat ever run oh the Canal. if We see notices .of n.Rpbin' Roosts - in vari ous parts; of the : State. There U one on Middle Fork Creek, some 13 miles south of this place, where, within the past few weeks, -large numbers ot these birds : have been killed.-$ak7 Press . . . . Opr Ringwpod correspondent tells us of the burning to 'de ath of a negro boy, named Richardson, near Jtbat place on .Wednesday. The bpy, some eight .years ofage, while piayiu .m uie iame woous, caugnt fire, his clothes being entirely burned off his person before help arrived. Medical aid Was calledin,'but the boy was so badly burned as to die Jfrom hls injuries the same eyeninglirca'iiretck!1 "7." , - A couple of nights Jsince a mink ted epremisVopfr.Pres at the-Ncrtnern end of the Seabord bridge, and gettbg wT '6Ta:l setting lin, deyonred half of her henshiiv th diiberately pick ig the feathers from the remaining portion J of the kody ma'de himself ac downy couchi ww w oiauiuuaovrcci, ureaminc doubtless of many more conquests in the ruture uut unfortunately : fpra his mink ship, his peaceful slumbers extended too far in the morning,, and at eight o'clock he was focs?dfroja. his reyerie by no gentle tbuch trorn ; the hand bl 3Ir. , Prescy, who ctptured the rogue. The animals will recompense tor the loss of the - nen, WeUion XfM$, - i, t , , - Q4 4 -4 4 r ,1 thc Rcpnblican State Committee of JTorth: n.i;- w i " i AU n )l Carolina held this day, the following mem- - t i Jir. . rri,, U!:..;r. .UVt! n n...';:: .1 ?4; b' - G. TToW . - U . . J - " V -&Uf U, w - n wri'k-" nw f"DKer' P A krrow, ueo t -n i urariam, U. Lu Harns, Joseph Ballard, WH nW.iimli: .--t, t G Horney T ATEvke ianiend Kl' ? r t?:''1 S11!" mill lit. i w - i it ixriHM r-v i i r m nnm a a nrAn w w" 4tJ ;V"" xuomasx-owers, o. : ouu uuinger, uaraes ii. uarns. and Dixon Ingram. nn fn.: ,.-Ai...- were mously adopted: liesohcd, That itis the judgment at.-, "ri. rx'i-v.- of this ol i the wuuiuuucc iuai juass vronveniion trr . held in1. . . , ... . .- - :i . .'inn s fr.irtn ririTono At invkKfna''wiiAr ... b"v vwvu v . uu iui ricaiucub mauL ami wi u - srHi in' Tit J in i.mji ,. i - oi uuiiuiog up noma Carolina ana rest onn good felling among all her people 'without regard to party, be earnestly invited to at- wuu. .. .-. , pi MMoiveat ThdX it is the opinion M this Committee that an election shonld bo XtelcT in. this State1 on the ' first Thursday iri Anirnatnovf r .7 lQ accordance With the first rCSQlUtlOtt above ffiven. and in the snirit of that rcso- n - i . luuOuU a ALaSS UOnVentlOll 01 tUO liCPUDIN cans of North-Cafolina is hereby calledp? ly to the( administration ot Present Grant. ; are cordially invited to attend. W. W. HOLDEN, . Chairman Bep. State Committee. J. C. L. HARRIS, Sec'y. . ,1 , 1POSTLINGS. GoldllCi. Pave the streets. Burlingamej was 48. Farragut is ailing. 1 ? . Georgia will cojaejj-1 y. -'Cadjr. Stanton still sufferai - A mea has doffed 'the blue.' Brownlow is failijvrapidly. Butler chamjpiornittemore. Ritualism incrcas in Mobile. The Hudson river is full of ice, Education will be Nationalized. Quesada has arrived in Florida. y "The Pope couscates the press. 4 Gotham will banquet Seward. . Missouri threatens female suffrage. The Ecumenical will soon " dry uj Rossa and Mack have been released.. Emporia Kan. has the ugliest edi ;or. . : n Lloyd Garrison favors woman's suffragirjr. The vote admitting Revels was partizan. Christmas is now a legal holiday in tihip The "Economical" (!) discusses infal t tv liability early in March. . Its out! "The Mystery of Edwin That's the title, " ." Holy Moses! 30 degrees below St. Paul. - zcroat -Mi. ' Hamilton and Flanagan are .Texas' nw The Pope has issued twenty-one I'anatlfc- r mas" against the right of private opinion. Pennsylvania exported $25,000,000 of'pc- troleum last year. : p -y l(. Fifty dollars is the penalty for- scltiig explosive Kerosene in Jtmuaio. r - -1- f . .$ : The Lake Superior .Indians are alarvirlg The gullotine is the Spanish war weapon control ,1 : U tor Cubans. " The Federal Courts will ; soon prize fighters. Brigham, is not "over young to marry yet." . ,: rr'r,-l;olt .-. Burlicgamc died of congestion 'Tot the lunges. . ' i' :v:' a Brien, the murderer has been slhtenced to be hanged on the eight of April.l LI ! The New York Times has the fastest com positor. ' ' - : r- fl Indian fight on Missouri Riycr 300 wid ows the result. .. . ; . 1 Jo Rocheforts punishment is four months im- prisonment and fine of 1,000 francs, r.: -;; i Something that should be put a stop to the girl of the period. ; V. . is:. i T "Still waters" have never been'sb r deeep-, tive as since the tax on whisky, f :1 ; . - s A mysterious : stranger who does w not 1 . know his Maker tne Cardiff Giant. - Potatoe pantomimes . are the - latest so- ny. . .'-i-;,; --'v- . . ;o Bishop Smith of Kentucky favors the re vision of the prayer book. . : i J.i ' Why such a howl- about the Virginia Contested election imbroglio? Its only a Segar case." 9: 4..; : a The -powdered ; tfesscJi of . Washington belles seem to be gotten up in a fair-$m scanzm manner. Ur r ,- v 4 1 i