fc:.ii-tiZk' 'r'Pist'"-u " AAAy 4j Wilnlugton & Wcldon ,R, I GOD AND LIFE. 1 The stream that hocries by you., fixed ehore f r Returns no more: r t The -wind that dries it morn yon dewy lawn i Breathes and ia cone : 1 Those wither'd flowrs to Summer's ripnlng' , , 1 1 glow; iH friS&U. r$tr-. v' 1 u ; iNO,more snail Dlow Those fallen leaves that strew yon garden bed 6- rl'or,ye are dead. ? Of lauKh? 4f jest, of inirtb, ol pleasurl iast, :! . Notbing shall last; . On . shore, on sea, on hill, on vale, on plain, ' - ' Naught shall remain.; . .. Ol all for which poor mortals vainly mourn '. i ; f Naught shall, returti t -Life hath his hour in heav'n and earth beneath, ij . R; . :: f And so hath deattu . : ''I'.'. j'1 -". " rUOV, " Not all the chains that clank in eastern clime ', ; Can fetter lime; . For all the phials in ths doctor's store - k Youth comes no more; , No drug-Ott-Ae's wrinkled check renews, s . ';v ,Life8 early hues ; ; - . - ' -Not all thejtears by pious mourners, shed ' :-j ':: - - Can wake the dead. For all Sprib gives, and Winter takes again h I - rsWe grieve in rain fc Vainly forsuoshinc, and joys gone by, . ? t We heave and skrh : On ever ori with unexhausted breath, ' I i Time-hastens Ou to-Dcath;. Even with5 each word wespoak a moiiicnt fliu, t ; Is born, and dies. If thusthiris' lesser Nature's empire" wide '.i y-d . Nothing abide , ? .': f . 4 .p " ;. If wind, and wave, and leal and. sun, and llower, ' i . Have each their hour ; He walks on ice whose dallying spirit cliuga . r To earthly things ; ' And he alone is wise whose well-taught love X. - J- ' Is fix'd above. . , . , y - A A? .,' i-. m j- ! r : : Truths firm as bright, but oft to mortal ear .' r VV Chilling and drear; Harsh as the ravels croak the sounds that lull , ' Of pleasure's knell; ' , Iray reader," that at least sine minstrul'd stiiu l i , -I" Not all be vain , ' y . ' . And when thou bend'st to- God the Kuppli'nt -i; --'knee ! ' : Keuiembcr me ! i FAMILY AND FAlUI. Prune hedges this mouth. Cattle stalls should be 'rootiij.-' .The sudHowct neutralizes miasma. Wash your cattle with hot so:u it will prevent hce . , A good grafting wax j can . be'.nmde'-from four parts of rosin, kuc of beeswax, and que "v of tallow, i 1 . ' y, . The damage caused iu the . vegetable world bj insects every year, i3; estimated to , amount to more . than twenty millious of tlollars. i , i Baskets should never have any wet sub-Stancc-in them, such as apple, "parings or anything tliat will wet and decay the splints and spbil their appearance. " Tables without castors should" always be lifted caret ully from; one place to .another. . Nothing destroys a table more rapidly than ; ; shoyiDg ion its legs acrossthc floor.' ' ; Give hens a chance to -pick at tl'je llrst grass, chick 'weed etc., that starts. It will encourage them greatly. Let not the high price of eggs hinder Betting plenty for earlv chickens. . , Look out in advance for good fresh seeds of all kinds. Try those on hand to see if v all are surejto grow. Secure new, and yal f uable kinds. Good plants will never grow from poor feed. : ? v: Vy t' , . " Vox throat diseases in horses take devil's ibit or wild !. turnip if, green, grate a small 'one fine ; if, dry, a heaped spoonful mix it with wet bran , or oats. This , repeatedly v given, has never known to fail. It is also a certain cure for a cough. 'r Lobsters are chosen more by weight than I size,. the" heaviest are best, a go;d small sized one will not unfrequently be found to - weigh as heavily 'as one much larger. If fresh , a lobster. will be lively and ; t lie claws have, ; a strong motion when the eyes are pressed with the finger. r Jilvery house should be supplied with sev eral thermometers. Apples will keep better in cellar with ; a I.) w iemperaturp, fwhich may bepaaiutaihed if one or two' thermome ters are always at hand to indicate the ap l prbach of freezing. They arc always of use s,' in dairy an'd other apartments. " i;1, yhito mustard, ispihaehv water cresses, ; dandelions, and the leaves and roots of very small beets, are the best greens. Boil them with a little dalt aud safcratus in the water. If not fresh audi plump, soak them in salt and water l.half an hour before cooking. When thev are boilnd rnnmrli Hut will .Isiok 'to the: bottom of the pot. ..v , r Arc not the little busy bees contributing Mo our .table one of tire greatest' f and finest luxuries tot Jbe found on tho face of the earth ? Is'tbere . anything that excels the snowy flakes ' of white honey ?, Were not milk hd honeyf Hho types ot?xcellence among the I productions Of the" Promised Land 1 ry ;..;,y :y.;y-:: Mr. Samnelso, a member of the British Parliament has lately published k little work concerning the condition of working men in" Germany and Switzerland. He considers . drunken ncssv tho - greatest curse , upon the material and intellectual progress - pf the English workman, and, as an cflec live means against;this bane, advises that instead of the formation of temperance unions; or j of totally closing bear-houses, German beer should be introduced instead of .the- heavy adulterated. English beer. j Mr. Lyman of the Tribune saysr . in reply 4o a farmer. Cotton needs two sorts of fer tilizers, one to push the growth, and anoth er element to ripen the seed and give long and silken staple. Fine bone is as good a separate manure as he can buy; Let him r make a mixture of a bushel of plaster, a . bushel of bone-flour, and a bushel of guano. Thp will fertilize, yet not exhaust.- But no bought manure will give permanent fertili ty to a . . cotton-field. He ' cannot afford to , buy enough. Muck, yard-manure rotted. .J turf and leaves should be his dependence." s -r -v. - . t .- ..; . ! K(The following, by a correspondent of the ipu.ntry Gwtlemanr may bo profitable for next year : . . I of the threshing floor, on the end that the j Wind blows to. Get you a milking stool I and a small scoop your wife's flour scoop ' will do and throw the oats, with a slight turn of the wrist, to the other end of the A little prac- ivina Sweep off now and then, if you have much, the ut most circleor seed, the -light oats xor jeed, and the veedced to burn. 'You will now have acedioats worthy to sow, without buy ing at; $5 iper, bushel., X bate seen oats gjow in SweedsaluiiUl Ijwaiortyyears" 61d,4ut I never saw a heavy crop where the seed not lelected ks abpYnfesiiiW floor, against a gentle wind. tic& mix soon lenauievop: io.hjtqw. , half circle, and at the same distance. w E OFFER SPRING AND SUMMP:RTrade VVinrlow Shades. Children's Carriarp.R. IJATTA R0CO8,r 'ky FANCY FOLDING CHAIRS, : 5:?&&XJ;lp:: ARM CHAIRS1 PIC-NIC CHAIRS, ! 'K':y': '- SEITEES, RATTAN DOOR MATTS, ? I f WIRE SAFES, 1 i - - i COTTAGE SUITS. 1 , C ROQUET SKTTS, , ; ! V;';, y-'t:y'- CRADLES, ' ! ' - . " &c.,;&e. y-: :: A. iT11TII , j ,. J Granite Front Buildings,! South Front Street. SJGS-tl april 11 ; 4 DAVIDS WEII,, " THE " : :'" IEROUaNT TzVLLORS V AND ' j I. C LOTHIKRS, '.17 Mu rket Street, 1 W!LIGT0f3, H. G. ' yi'iiiM-i (JiiOTiiiKO ttnmcusvc Ktiek, ' " U;t Material, iicst BlyU, Best Wurkuuuiinl.ip uiul Lowest Prices. Al DAVID &. WEIL'S.' Hot liisiir. 1 Spring Suits; in Meltons, Tweods, Silk Mixtures, Tricots and Wuter , proofs, all tho newest coloring and mixtures, from to 25 the suit. At DAVID & WEIL'S. iol!iiB8g r 7 ; Jioyo', Youths' and Children's Suits, 4 lor all arsjcs. All the favorite de signs and most fashionable fabrics ; from 5 to' 15 the suit. At DAVID 4 WEIL'S cnis i'uriiislting floods. Cents' Furnishing Goods of all de , scriptions and latest styles. Shirts made to order. All the latest nov elties in Ties and Collars-. Hats for the thousand. At DAVID & WEIL'S. M crcliasit Tailoring. We call your attention to our supc- ripr B.toek of Fieci Goods, of the latest and most elegant styles. In Trimming none surpass us, and, our gentlemanly cutter the best in the country deties competition. , . ;' - DAVID & WEIL, i .r-i-. 27 Market street, Wilmington, N. C. april o 365-lm NATHAN MAYER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN LIQUORS & CIGARS, Corner Market and South Water Streets, . (II. 13. Eilcrs' old fctand,) Wilmington, N. C. KEEI'S CONSTANTLY ON HAND A 1TNE and large assortment, of LIQUORS and CIGAliSj which he oilers to the. trade ; at the lowest New York prices. ' ,j leb24 . S3I-tf SHOO FLY DOM'T BODDER US? IS THE CRY OF THE WILMINGTON MEK chants since the arrival of Wuu EtUnger from New York. '' . '- GREAT SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT3. DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. f THE CRY IS STILL THEY FALL. We are receiving daily, by gtcanier, all Xhe la test styles ol Dress Goods, Fancy Goods.TIo sieiy, Milliuery Goods, Notions, TJoots, Shoes, Clothing, &c, which we oiler at retail live per cent, above New York Cost. X ; OUK MOTTO Quick ealcs small profits. . , Just received, a large lot of Spring Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, &c. .Cotes' Cotton S5 cts. per dozeu. i ONE FRICE ONLY Every article marked in llain ligures. y A i Remember the place 15 Market Street, munch ol 461 Broadway, New York. WM. ET1TNGER. ' inarch' 23 . " - 3(M-tf ttr. A. E. WRICUT. ID aR XJ Or 3c 1ST 5 - (SUCCESSOR TO II. McLIN,) Northwest Corner of JlarKet and Front StrCCtS ! ' .. OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC FURE DRUGS, and Medicines, Faucy and Toilet articles, etc., fcc. ! . ' Having cngagcu tnc services oi r, i . vy . CONOLEY who has been associated with Mr. Willis for the last live (5) years, Prescriptions will tcjcarijfully prepared. j.;f ! I tJ&c pleasure "In tecomniendiag-- M,r." J.: W. Conolcy to the public, who is in every way com oetent to attend to the -Drug. Business, under- staKding it perfectly well iu o ery-branch. E.-WILLIS. april 10 . J ob(-oi AGIC PHOTOGRAPHS. Wonderful and amusing. 25 cents a package, bam pies iu cents, r Address L. WILLIS & Co., P. O. Box 691 BiddefordMc. - rt uk april 17 G9:ti DR. J. E. VVdAKTS, :T?XAMINING SURGEON, F - PENSION BUREAU, -i : r-i .. - . -. v Wilmington,' N. C. atig 16 " - - j 299-" G RACKED BQNEi'mONE' MILKBONk Flour, and Floated Bone, guaranteed to pro duce same affect,: at HALF COST of Peruvian Guano. : .-. :A- ?;r - - .; , ', ;: Send for circnlarAxidrcssM :' . ; ' . . T LISTER BROTHERS, f f ivv yAXuAXUut Newark N.J,' .MAvKRIAGE HOOItABI. T?SSAT3 FOR iIEN".QN.;THE EON- 4', Marriage, as contrasted with. Single Life, and the. fearlul EvxL$ ot Celijjact, in modern? timw. Sent free, in sealed; enyelopes. ddress, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Box Pt, Pniladelpbia Pa. Jaa3Q . "1 ' ? 4 &im - y ': ' ' . yEWYORIL . THEJAD VANTAGES EN JOYr J as the result of a long established and successful business enables us to. offer inducements that makes this announcement worthy of i-'z --.vr -.ij-t-;i. ? i;f--;..- -y-.yy attention;' Importing our foreign goods di rect, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress" ' our motto, we claim to lead the mar ket in j READY-MADE CLOTHIMG, of which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS 1 i-','. j - -'A our stock is constantly large and seasonable. We are the sole manu facturers of the I which we supply 'both ready-made and to order. . '. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have their measures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired. Address P. 0. Box 2256, NY. DEVLIN & GO i ! :yy ,A "257-, march G MAY MP EXCURSION. WILMINGTON & WELDON R.' R.a CO., & WELDON R. R. CO., ) NO. AND CiEN'L BUP'T., ton, N. C, April 9, 187CT. ) u Fries uhief Em Wilmington, IT IS PROPOSED TO RUN ONE OR MORE Excursion Trains from Wilmington as far as Goldsboro, leaving at 7 a. ra., and returning at 7 p. m.. Cars on tlii3 train? will be .chartered to parties at the following rates: v To Goldsboro and return $00 each Gar; To Magnolia " 50 " " To Teachy's , " 45 " " Less distance . " ...... 40 TAHTIKS OFTEN OR MOKE GOING AND li-ETUHNING: To Goldsboro, Mount Olive, &c. To Warsaw, Magnolias-Ac. ... . .'. Tcache''s and Duplin. Road ?l 50 each 1 25 " 1 00 " All points south ol Rock fish 75 IC Application for this Train must be made by the 25th ol April. P. S. It is expected the -Sleam&r Waccamaw will make a trij to Bmlthville ou this day. - . S. L. FREMONT; Chief Eng. and feup't. april 14 , . 3GS-2t Wilmington fc Weldon R. R. Company, j Office Chiet Engineeic and Gjin'l Sup't., J Wilmington, N. C.,. April 7tb, lb70. I Notice to IIorticuUuraiislM. V EGETABLES ANDFiiUlT WILL HAVE dispatches' by passenger trains to all the cities at same rates as last year. " Apply to Agents for rates and Trains. S. L. FREMONT, 1 Engineer and SuperintendHiit. april 10 ! j :0O7-yw t NOTICE. Wilmington & Weldon Railkoad, i April 7th, 1870.1 T f OLASSE WILL BE CARRIED TO CUAR iX lottc atl 50 per barrel and cars will run through" when there is a Car load of 30 barrels. 8. L. FREMONT. . april 10 j -367-3t : " 1ST K V AS S jk AMMONIATED JBOLUBIiE MANUFACTURED BY TILE : HAVASSA GUAHO COWPAriir, ' W1LU1INGTON, N. C., w v .. -yy-iyv. yi yy . :'l ' I N B A G S O ll B A lili E LS .- This Fertilizer is prepared with the utmost care, and . contains every ( constituent desirable v lor any Crop to wnicn it may De ap . ... plicL ? IV i& especially fdapt- lA:X ;ed tp the growth, iot - . .. . t COTTOlliycpRflfti;REALS I A TTDi ATKOroa OF EHUlTSr AND A It is manulaclur i: Which the ceieprateu & w.a . PATAKCO' GtJANO ? CO'S pfioSITATE Company;-65, South St., Baltimore, for Jits effi cacy, quality aud 4xniformity.- .ae 3t H , t J n ' B. R,- BRIDGERS; tresiaentr DONALD .MACBAE, , . 1 MiirM ' , 4 Treasurer and Secretary,' c V " ZiZ Zm i ...... ,tJ1 ,:,.fi:! ... ,..t 253 " Feet Front Iron and Glass. -. ;.--r--. -:r. Jz -4 VORKS CilLES, WALES & GIIJES , W-A. f -IJPOKTERS, MAISUFAC'TURERS A JJD JOBBERS t : WATCHES, DAMOXtfl) S, JE 13 MAIDEN LANE NEW YOKK.: Mahufaciurers of lull the grades ders and BOTH HICKEL AND FROSTED MOVEf.lEHTS. The liner grades all having three! pairs Conical Pivots, Cap Jeweled, in Gold Settings, aud acurately adjusted tdJlcaf, Cold and Ibsitkm, and all, even in the cheapest grades, have the STRAIGHT-LINE Esc9p1crnent, with Exposed Pallet Jewels, and Hardened and Tempered Hair Springs ; and for our lattii improvement in STEM WINDING inechanieni; we claim a STRENGTH S1MFLW1TY and HMOOlUNEStS hitherto unattained in any other manufacture, at home or abCotanily on hand, full lines, all sizes, in Gold, Silver, Diamond Set, and Magic Cases, Minute Repeaters, Independent t-4, 1-5 Split and Fly back Seconds, for taking three different times. fggf Price-Lists furnished the trade on 'application, enclosing business card. For sale by the trade generally;, '.y. , . j . . v : , Wholesale Waierooius, 13 ftlaidcn Lane, New York, And GILES, BROTHER & CO., 142 Lake St., Chicago, 111- t ' - ; - . SP Watch No. 1089, Stp:.m Wisder bearing Trade-mark " Frederick Athertou & Co. Marihu, N. J.'1 ininnfacturcd by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me irora December, lboo, in the entire time. New York, Jan. 1 1870. Utica, Feb. I5tb, 1870. Watch :No. 105SI, Sfuai-Winder, Bearing Tratc-Mark Frederic A tcrton & Co., Marion N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by tue SO months ; its total variation from mean tim being live seconds per mo4h. . I Z. C. PRIEST, . Asst. Sup' I. N. YJ C. & H. R. R. Wkicii No. 1131, sIkm-Windeb, Bearing Tradb-Mark "Frederic Atherton S Co.," Manu factured by the United States Watch Co., has beenkarried by me seven months; its total vari ation from mean time being omy six scconas. A: Li DENNIS, President, N. J. R. R. & T. C & T. Co. wItcil No. 1251, Stem- Win deb, Bearing Trade-Mark 4,Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. jj," manufactured byf United States Watch Co., has been carried by me tour months ; its total) variation from mean time being only live s(frTfls ner month. I F. A. HASKELL; J 5:. T . 1 1 T ijon. nuQSon tiiverxi. ri. wItch No. 1117, Sem-Winder, Bearing Tradt-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, w .T b mQfinfnr.tiirp.fi hvrllnited States Watch Co . has been carried jby ine fitteen months ; its rikmrinti fmm hiein time beinff onlv an avcra'se of two-thirds ot & second per day. . IB. F. PHELPS, Con. N. J. Central R. R. r -xt mo, iB,r.wrn wrtr,cr V4.:,-V; rt'lSxrZZ ZZZZ? tPnX? 8tWatehr itt J XT 01T l -wi sir lt-o i-l r O N o ..ttn:Urittnn VI-irinTl N ,T manufactured b' itKr& WntoT carried bV 1 $ nntf,; . its total I variation from mean noiSneene I. VROOMAN, Enginder N. Y. C. & H. R. R. i UfiCA, Feb. 15th, 1870. w Jttt ?Jr o 'M)tT?PaX;nn- Tndp-mark Fav- PtSffStt Ma?NT"' manSrcdUr mfilTrtnnthRi its total! variation -lrom mean- time being: live seconds per montn I :- li TS V "til I E. O. WHIPPLE, I Con. U. & B. R. R. WItcu iNo. 1359 Stem-Winder. Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.L" manufactured byf United States Watch Co., has been- carnea Dy anc six momns; us to tal variation lrom mean time being only eight seconds per month. . liavc oeen traveung through diu'erent ectioiis of the country from NewiYork to GalvestonjTexas, and back, by steamer und railroad. , . of Whitney & Rlce17y iiroad wayr jN. i. BEWARE of worthless inunitatioiis . ''! ' Z d- . I on a ceriincaie 01 genuiutntss uum muse word MARION N. arc engraved on All others arc spurious. R. CLARK'S LONDON REMEDIES. "for Special Complaints" DR. CLARK'S Invigorator gives strength to the aged and. debilitate ; it Is .specially Uc signea for yonng men who have wasted their vJo-or by excesses of every kind, and all persons wfose systems have becjomo ; weak by impru denci are completely restored by its use. Price One dollar. " 1 . . " . , ' n DrI Clahk's . Pukieieu cleanses the blood from all impurities" : such as Scrolula, Syphillis; Merc'urial Rheumatism, Ilumors of every sort, Bad Breath, OlTensive Perspiration, Foul Feet Catarrh, Discharges fronithe Ear, Sore Throat Falling of the Hair, Ulcere, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the Lungs and Di gestive Organs. Price One Dollar. Dr. Clahk's Panacea relieves pain of every description ; Headache, Earache, Toothache, Stomache, Backache, Paiu in the Breast and Limbs It is an invaluable remedy in all Ner vous Disorders, and no family should be with outii. Price L J ;y . .r Dnl CLakk's Elixir is a certain cure for a weakness of the Genitourinary- Organs, and discharges of a muco-purilent nature, Leucor rhea, Gondirhea Spermatorrhea, atd Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured by its use. Price Onepollar. ! e v Dr Clabk's Rkgulatob, for females only, is guaranteed to correct sail Bpecial irregulari ties and difficulties of Single Liiies. Married Ladies are i cautioned not , to uis it when in a certain condition as itjs effect vould be too powerful. . Price U. :I All of these celebrated remedies are prepared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's immedi ate supervision, and are warranted fresh and pure. All afflicted persons should send a care fully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Clark, and the proper remedy will be sent promptly to their address. Dr. Clark can be consulted personally at Ms office, and will fur nish all the necessary accommodations to pa tients who place themselves under his care. All letters addressed to ;! , . DR. J. CLARK, w r - 1 ': Office No. lfr Amity Street, .. ; N. T. City, near Broadway. april 3 365-ly 4? SENT -FRE'E I - M. 6'KEEFE, SON & COS ; - And ; GUIDE taWffl f FLOYER AUD, VEQETADLE y ;;!jSARDEN, FQU lttO.( i H J. FuUiahedia Januaryi Every lover . of flowers rich intr fhici r ew and valuable work, free'5-' of I chargefslioiild address immediately M, 0KEE- .Rochester, N. X. ' ; , y nov l8 fetjun COiVhtis btcn earned-by ine since uuue, 100 , ns r a 'Manafi-er Knickerbocker T ifr r total variation from mean time being only live u- LASS1& u, nager JimcKcr&erLirtr seconds per month, f HENRY SMITDl; . -i-' . lbl?JWJi: A 1 rcas.-Pauama fl. R., 8S Wall street.4 Watch No. 1004, Stem-Widbr, Bearing .. ' 1110 vf.h 14th 1870 Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton: & Co., Marion, ,.:. xr V;,"La . N. J. manufactured by 5 ;United States Wateh 1 ,1 i ; 5 - " -. r :- m. t ' c o OF THE , CO., MARION, N. J." LES & CO 9 WEL X Y A 2TD SJL VEJt WAli E. of American Watches, Pendant Win- Key Winders. WATCH COMPANY .to January 17th, 1870; its total variation being only two, seponfo Watcu No 13013, SfaJkf-WiNDEK, Bearing Trade-Mark "United States Watch Co., Marion, N. J. has been carried by mc five months ; its to tal variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. GEO. LOVIS, Gen'l. Eastern Pass'gr Ag't Toledo, Wabash & Western R. R. fr ..v - A SCnburt, '.Pstv Feb.' ?C, 1869. , Watcu No. 1176, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manulactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months ; its only variation Irom mean time bUncr only five seconds during that time, .f i f ' HJ2JNRY DJ LANCE Y, Engineer, Phila. & Erie R. R. Watcu No. 1105, STESiWiNDBB,--Bearing rraae Maris d reaeric Aineuon uo., Marion, N. J.," manuiactured by United States Watch .Co., has been carried by me eleven months ; its total variation from mean time being only seven EGCOnas lnAnm-?PaTk Plflf.p N Y Viccs'tN fc SwSdR Co . Vicc-l'res t W. J. Car Bprutg and R. Cofi Watch No. 1125, Stem-Winder, Bearing iraae-MarK a reaenc Atherton B Ca; Marion, N. L, manufactured by- United. States Watch Co., has been carried by me fourteen months, six uiomjis ot txiat time at sea, ani in an tho vr riouaclimates of Europe. .During that time and "nee my returnrit.as not varied one second ussuwuw.bj yjcmretu muuiusillfl total variation from metimeingonlyW second per month: VV1LLARD DERBY, Of Derby, Snow & Prentiss, JersCityNj. Watch No. 1142, Stem-Winder. Bearing raTae-;arK f reaerie At ner ron .u o,, Anon N- J- manufactured by Umted. States .Watch -Co., has been carried by me eight, months ; its ' v"." otw"-r - v'SiU ofKclty & Co., 447 Broadwav. Watch No. 2183, Bearing , Trade-Mark Fay ette Strattou, Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by mc 15 months; itsjtotal variation from mean time being thirty seconds.- WM. DUNNE, , Baggage Express, Utica. Watch No. 26oG Bearing Trade-Mark Fay- ette Stratton, Marion, N. J,, manufactured by umtca states vvatcn uo., nas been carried by me three months ; its total, variation from mean time being only 13 seconds at present date. . jauujb VVifiAUT, Col. ol ln: lievenue, 5th Dist., N. J. with winch the Country is flooded 1 insist f 1 . I 1 .. i - - ui wuviit yuu xiufvun) uuu set? inai mc the plate over vhe Alain Spring Barrel. . ST. - AUGUSTINE NORMAL SCHOOL AND ' ' . I ' ' ; COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. IlALEIGUy iV. 6'. THIS SCHOOL, WHICH IS DESIGNED for the education of colored teachers, will open-on Wednesday, September 3"th. Appli cants meet be able to read and write and under stand the four primary rules ot Arithmetic Tuition and the use of books will be free to all, but pupils, who are able, will be required to pay their bo&rd, in whole or in part. Aid will be given towards board in special cases. Applica tion, stating age, qualification and pecuniary ability, should be made to v REV. J. BRINTON SMITH, Ay Principal septW ' 309-tf Purchasers of music will consult thebr ow n interest by subscribing to Petbbs' Musicai Monthly. It is issued on tho first of each month, and gives all the. latest and best Music, by such authors as Hays, Kink el Thomas, Bish- op, Daaks, Becht, Ffcr, teller, iW lan, cte'v Every number contains at least Twelve Pieces of new and good Music, printed on line white pa per and f rom full size music plates, every piece of which is afterward printed. inj aheet form from the same plates, and sold at from 30 to 50 cents each, and 411 we ask for tbiai Valuable mag azine is 80 cents a copy, $3 a year, f L50 for six months ; and we guarantee to every yearly subl scriber at least 42 pages of choice new music, by-the best authors, .4a r v : ? S60 for $3; I S We do not eipect Petjees Mcsicai. Moxtiilt to pay us as a Magazine, because we give too much music for the money It is Issued simply to introduce our new music to the . musical world' Our subscribers sins and play the music we give them. Theijr musical friends hear the music, like it,- and buy . It In sheet -music farm, where we make our profit.i RememberU every yearly subscriber gets,; during the.year'.Rt least 150 pieces oi out best music, all fit which we af terward print in sheet form, ,v and sell for over $G0. It is published "at the Mammoth Music Store of Ji-Lr Peters, 99Broadway, New-York, where every thing in the music .: line can be had. Ke matter how small your order, it will be promptly attended to. --- - Sample cpjpiei can pe 6eelif a'e tfI2ql of twa paper. - ' , 4&n 13 . A -' 1 - "f ' - . 342-3m . OmcB ChietEnq. ; hkx. Sxjpkrimtei - . 1 i WiUUWdTOir, a, C. , Jlarcl 11, 1 K AND AFTER SUNDAY Ihe lSt .0 our PASSENGER Train on thU r leave Wilmington at feSOAi ll. and 10:0 and rriv at. Weldon at 6:30 A.- -M; P. M. i Arrive at Wilmington 4:10 A. 7:00 Pi M. . The day train will not run c Will leave Wilmington Mondays.' Wed and Fridrys, at 4:35 A. M., and arrive 1 mington same days at 9:45 P. M. ' ' . X: : .j ;. ; - : 5 S. L. FREMO -; yiX 'v-T yi "Engineer & march. 13' . ; y 1 y Wiim Ington & Manchester R f Ok 'j CSNKRAL SunCSTNTBKDENT6 Ott If Wiuohgton, N. C.,.MarchJL3;se ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, TI1E 1 stan V Passengers for the W. &. A vrill take the train at the W. & TWV II. R. and the following Schedule will be run : DAY EXPRESS TRAIN (Bali Leave Wilmington (W. & W. R. II.' ; Depot). . . 4: Arrive at Florence......... ,11:) Arrive at Kingsvillc ..... ... . . . . . . . 3. Leave Kinffsville , ; . , . .11: Arrive et Ffcrence . i : 3: Arrive at "Wilmington. ... .......... Otl INICSHT EXPRESS TRAIN ( Uti Leave Wilmington (W.'& W. R, R. Depot). . . . .... .... ....... .... . . fc. . . 6: Arrive at Florence.. . . . ....... . .... . . 1: Arrive at Kingsville. i. .... . .-. DA Leave Kings vi lie . . , . . . Z ; ;. i 3: Arrive at F lore uce. :TT1 1:( Arrive at W & W R. R Depot . . .1: 6 . 4 VYJV1. MACit. 1. . ' - . : Gen'l march 2 . ; ' j Eastern IMsIoi RUTDERFOUU RAIL ROA1 ' . - .. e A f OFFICE AT WILMINGTON,' N. ( 1' i AAXy- t January 27th, 1S70. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, SIST , C uary, 1870, the trains on the Easter ion of this Road will run daily, (Sundays cd) as follows; ;, . .. , t j PASSENGER TRAINS. 1 : ; t I..-, QOISQ WBST. A Lieave vvnmingtou. . . . ........ ...... G: 4 C'ape Fear Bridge, . ? ; 6:1 , Bladenboro, .......";...., V; t Luraberton,-. ........ .... . . .KM : Laurinburgh, ........... ... . . Li Rorftlntrhnm O.i ''it Arrive at Pee Dee, . .' ! ! . '. V ." . . . . . '. . 3.': ';. .. ''; - ; GOING KAAT. Leave Pee Dee, .... .. ..... ..... .'. 5: tt Rockingham, G:' Laurinburgh, . . .-. . . .;; 8: Lumberton, . j -. . . 10:J Bladenboro', n:j Cape Fear Bridcrc &J ( ; 4 (C Arrive at Wilmington, ..... v. ; .... ; 3 ( " FREIGHT j TRAINS K tr I A'." . QOXJfQ WEST. " . ,X ' Lcaye Wilmington . . ; v. . .'. ?A;A. ;i 5:1 ' Cape Fear; Bridge,... . . .5:1 Bladenboro ; . , . . .,.,. 8:! " Yorkville,.... .... . ... 9:! Lumberton, A.V.'l. , .10:' Arrive at Laurinburgh, . i , V. .-. V. 2:1 ' .t . - 'A going' east; ., . Leave taurlnburghj .'... i;V; 5:! 4in. Lumberton,. . . 8:1 ; Yorkville, ; . o;: i Bladenboro', r-, r. 9:4 V Cape Fear Bridge,... . ... ... l:i Arrive at Wilmington, . 2:C Passenger Trains West ' connect w Wadesboro' and Charlotte Stage on Ti Thursdays and Saturdays, ? s" . -Ji yy , , :7-'r-;,-- i .iB:SV-GTJII Jfing. and UcnJ jan30 THE NORTH &, SOUTH UNI ' BY THE . i GREAT fIETROPOrj liHfss'! iytpf THROUGH PASSENC i , f ROUTE Z- " Sec that your Tickets arc goo. T"ial Petersburg, Weldon, cffiflt incf Chartottc. ri J- NORTH CAROLNA RAIIi R j! Tinie Table. TRAINS GOING EAST LEAVE IlARl . i-iAl y'A- .Ai 1 lf -SBBS i I ; ' - FREIGHT Statiqxs. and Mail' T ; Ail. A CCO MM PATIO N '"y ;- ' -; Arrive leave. Arrive 1 . -r. ...... r Charlotte, 3:40 am ' ialisbury, 7: 13 a m 7:40 am V: 14 r m 6 Greensboro 12:17 p m 12:37 r m 8:57 r m H T , ?- . is. ir-' -j i j Raleigh, 7:45 pm 8:15 pm!1:00 xm 1 Goldsboro. 11:35 pm 1io;30-a m TRAINS GOING WEST ARRIVE AT.. AA 4' ' ' LOTTE. - - - - A: Freig: and ACCOMMOI 8tatio5S.1 Mail Train. Arrive. Leave. Arrive. Charlotte, :li 7 10:00 am 7:37 am 5:06 am 12:00 mw 11:25 pm 7:19 pm Salisbury, ,7:5G am 5:14 am Greensp'.o 1:52 pm Raleigh. GoldsDor 1:00 a M j VsOpmI 2:10 rMT I 1( ACCOMIIODATION FOR EASl ERN N ,,:v,. CAROLINA. fi Passengers from Raleigh to WilmlnHc takothe accommodation or 8:15 p. m. Ira t Passengers lrom Wilmington to Ralel, take the morning train.: Close conu made at Goldsboro each war. r : .. ::-,Jr l:?ALBERTOHNSC 8uperlnten( VuiV V MM Mt V . TEACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RES tully invited to examine my assort n 8CHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIO wMchUjow y.c?mvflc oct 3d ' s ; m - yAy' - ' '-,;.- "."-'!,-

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