Hlfl TOUTOTO POST. WILMINGTON, Nrb4 'ARIl187oi f I our monthly cAiiSiAiu- j APRIL. MS.' MJ JT W.'J IV JVj.' 1 3 4,5-6 7.1 8 9 , 110 11 12 13 14 15 16 fc- 17 18 19 20 -21 22 23 24 25' .20 27 28 1 20 30 ! WILniNGTON MARKET. ' Wilmisoto, N. C. April 23, 1870.O prRTTS TURPENTINE Sales of 175 bbls. at 41 cents per gallon lor bbls. I CRUDE TURPENTINE Bales of ,95 bbls. at i. M Th 'for nftw Vlririn. f2 75 for soft, and SI 70 I for hard, 2S01bs, .V R03IN-Salcs ol 903 bbla. at U CO fdr Strained, and 15 10. TAR. Sales of so ddis. at iw & oui. t- rova 17 to 2H cents per lb. ; . DOMESTIC MARKET. Beef, 1620 cents U. ' v Mutton choice, 13l$16 cents J lb. Vel choice. 20 cents 18 lb. - i Fresh Fork, in carta, 1J115 cents, in Market 20 cents lb. Sausages. 25 cents $ lb. ; Fresh Tripe 20 cents $ stick. . . Hogshead cheese pound, 25 cents. Lemons 50 cents dozen. , Opossum, $1 00 $ piece. Ducks, 1 00 pair. : Efsts. 20 to 25 cents "ft dozen. Choice fresh water fiah $ bunch, 50 ccats i Oyiters New River, $ gallon $1 00, to $1 .-25 ; oca piaetv w p rwiuu. . A Mullets Salt, at 00 cents $ dozen. Seal Side trout 25(350 cents per bunch Potatocs-f-Bweet, ijl bushel, $1 50 ; Irish pota toes, buShel fiw. Beets 60 cents per peck. Apples, choice eating fl 25 bushel, i Oranges 75 cents dozen. Poultry, H 00 pair. Cabbages,1525 cents $? head. - Cranberries j25 cents per quart. r A Butter Beans, quart 20 cents. Country Butter, 9050 cents $ U. - -r Onions, 10 cents quart, $2 SO " bushel. Turkeys, 2530 cents U lb - 1 WHOLESALE 1 RICES.. I BEESWAX. iScantlinsr, . 15 0C20 00 lb.;.. 35Q3G M nite pine. w wajw w BEEF CATTLE. 100 tts..00 000000 . BABBELS. Spls.'T., new N.T.;.....$2r52 80 hand do.. 2 00 a 75 LIME.. , bbl.i....:'.000160 MOLASSES. gallon. Cuba hhd. ... . . ; 4043 do tierce.;. 5560 do bbl.;..i 47 t BAGGIHO. iSyrup.... 001 00 Onnnv.. 23a24 Dundee........ 0033 Rope...:....... 710 BRICKS. KAILS, U. !:' Cat 15 005 50 Wrought......... 0000 ; oils, gallon. , Rosin.. 1. . ..'.fO 00090 a Ml.:....l9 0010 00 coffee, lb. 'Java.......;.... 8035 Lard 38 65 Laguyra .-so mo... 1823 Kerosene .... 00 39 Linseed...... 1401 50 3ti Domingo..... 2528 tiiwmjtfl. 19 lb. Pitch.....; 0 000 00 - feautjts, bushel. . . 1 251 65 POTATOES, 1 bbl. ' Irish bbl..U.3 504 00 Sweet; bush.; 1 20 1 30 PROVISIONS, $ lb. V Bacon. N.. C. . Hams..r. 1718 Sperm... ........ .5056 Adamantine..... 1820 Tallow 2000 domestics. yard. Sheeting, 4-4.... 1216 -Yarn, bun 2 00S1U I-X8H, ft bbl. Mullets MiddUngs 2123 Shoulders. . . . ,1718i Hog round . . . , .202a Bacon, Western Bides. .4810 ' Shoulders .... 1415 'Hams.. . . J , . 2224 Pork. 19 bbl. Jakbbls.$8 00a00 O0 Pine do..7 00a 8 00 Mackerel No.libbll5 0000 00 No. 2bbl.O 5010 00 No. 3 14001600 Kits....... 3 50(0 00 Herring, Nova Scotia bbs,.....; 0 00 000 flerrine. smoked-- Citv ui'ss 34 3534 75 Thin " 330033 50 Prime; . 30 0031 00 boxes. . . . .00 0000. 00 Codfish..... m 10 N.C,Roe...0 0000 00 vloub. bbU. - - Rump. : . .31 w3a uo Beef i bbl. 14 5000 00 Butter. fl. i Country.5. . . .. .4000 Goshen.-.; 5500 B-amilv t'J 00(1200 Snoer 550 000 -Western... 0000 Bine 5 75$e00 Cheese. 19 lb. : o&anr. H bushel. Engiisn aairy. .aoow State 1617 Lard, lb. - .... Art Corn; North.. 0 000 00 Corn. E&s Co. 0 25(30 00 Oats......... 800 b5 N. uarouna.... i(gw Northerns.,.. .-2200 Peas... i Oi(Siio Rlcelronsrh.. I00ia5 Rice, CaroUna. bt7 EL I. rice.... . 00 00 bbl.......:4 00000 sugar. h. atmt. lb.... 10(4 30 Cuba.,........ 1315 GTOXT BAOS,...3032 Crushed .lw Porto Rico. 1213 ftrjANO. Peruvian, O t6n...fW000000 A Cofiee....... 1415 HAT. B do 141 Cdo.. A. 1214 Eastern... -U45l 50 Northern...; .750i 90 Havana Brown.. 0000 HTOBS. Urnen salt, sack. Liverpool from Dry, ,...17(330 innit. SI lb. : atoreli.:$l 60165 Alum,f) bush 1 7500 FWHah. ass'dS (3 .. . 10 SO AT. lb. American. ref.O a "10 Brown... 62 American. , SHINGLES. IS M. sheer 0 ' 10 Swede 10, 12 Hoot. Common.:.. 2 503 00 Contract...., 4 006 00 -; Umber. a ton, 130 C0135 00 Shipping .11 50 12 50 ; WQUORS, gauuu. BrandT Mil prime... y ouiuou fair 7 00 8 00 Mil FreSch... 4 00 9 00 Mil ord'y.. 5 00 6 00 AtJtle.NC..a75a3 00 . TOBACCO. " Peach 3 003 50 Navy...... ...0000 Medium..; oorauo Bonrboh;. 175 400 N. E. Rum 200 300 Manufactured. 0000 ; TALLOW. TJTtfBER. RIVER, Al. lt121 WiH r. bds..12 00O15 00 wood. l( cord. Scantling. . .10 0013 OO'.Oak .v:.f3 00m3&O Flooring. A io wcji i w Floorins MiU Ash ......... 3 000 00 Pine......... 2 753 00 Rou2h...,2100(32 00 Lani Plaster. Dressed .20 00(235 00 ton...........0000 DIRECTORY. City Government. Mayor Silas N. MaBtin, office City Hall. Marshal -Wm. P. Canaday, office City Hall. Clerk and Treasurer Benjamin Dubfee. I ' Grand Army of the Republic . Headquarters Department of North Carolina, at Wilmington, Allan Ruthbfobd, . ! - Grand Commander. besj. Dubfee, Asst. Adi't Gen. Post " Rutherioid" . No. 1 meet every Wed nesday evening at no. 1, JNortn water street. - i A E. R. Bbink, Commander. Ben. Dubfee, Adj't. post - No. 3 meet every Tliursday even ing at No. 4, North Water street. A i Wm. McLavbin, Commander. , J. 8. W. Eagles, Adj't . , . t ' Odd Fellows. Cape Fear Lodge No 2 meets every Tuesday evening. - , a 0. iopp, jn. o. 4vo. C. wood, secretary. '-. "v Temperance. . Mt Olivet Council No. 9, F. of T., meets every iionoay evemng. p. yallave rres. . s . ... . ' a T-fc TIT . nr jas. liiso, oecrctary; . -: t r - A Masonic ""' ri- St. J obn'8 Lodge No. 1. meet last Thursday in each tnontn. f :-, ix. u. musson, w. m. , W. VL Poissov, Sec'y., , t ; 1 i 1 Concord Chapter No. 1, meet third Monday in eacn taontn. . ' awmd juabtiw, u. r. c. V. OLDiuiijScc'r. - c:., .:ai, TTilninzton Council No. 4, meet first Wedncs- MISCELLANEOUS. To Contractors. OFFICE PEN, COMMISSION. 70.1 Ralxigh, Feb. 21st, 1870, SEA LED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by theCominis6ioaerS of the North Carolina Penitentiary at their oiuce, Kaieign n. c, until noon of Wednesday the 20th of April, 1870, lor the erection ol tne renitentiaiy on tne site chosen for that purpose near the citv of Raleigh, Bids to be enuor8ea "rroposais-'.ior puiiamg the Penitentiary," and addressed to the care of G. Wiu.;Weiker. See; to the Commission. The plan, drawings and pecincationa may be seen and inspected, and additional information if de sired obtained at tne omce or tne Assistant Ar chitect at Raleigh, N. C, or of L. T. Scolield, Esq , Architect, Cleveland, Ohio. Bids to be made.ln the form prescribed by the ' Architect, printed copies of which and or specifications may be procured on application to the Architect or Assistant Architect. Bids are invited for the foIlowiBg sepcrate divisions of the work, viz : ? 1. Stone Masonry and uut stone. 2 Brick Work. .; ' 3.' Plastering. . ' ' 4 Wrought and Cast Iron Work. . 5. Carpenter and Joiner's Work. 6. Painting and Glazing. , 7. Galvanized Iron Work and Slating. 8. Plumbing and Gas Fitting. The Quary is. quite near the site of the build- ins:. The stone are good and the Commission have the lease i)f the entire quary for all pur- poses of the Penitentiary, v. The Commission will receive mas lor me cnc& worn; Dotn to lay xne brick, they furnishing: the brick, or for the en tire job of brick work, the contractor taking four millions of brick already provided by the Commission, at the price paid lor them. Each bidder shall specuy what number of con victs he will engaere to employ on his contract, and what wages he will pay for them provided the Commissioners furnish guard and overseer, and board and cloth the convicts. Each bid to be accompanied with a written guarantee signed by two responsible sureties, and duly stamped, jThe Commissioners reserve i. a a. T . li i2.s a.: a : tne ngiib iu reject avj wr uius, ; w accept - or decline to close a contract, as in their discretion they shall deem it their duty to do. All the work to' be forwarded as rapidly as practicable, and completed at the' earliest possi ble period. The Commissioners .reserve the privilege of taking possession of the several parts of the building, from time to time, as soon as in their judgment it can be occupied. Each bidder will furnish his post office address and hold himself in readiness; with his sureties, to enter ptomptly into contract on the accept ance of his bid. Copies-of the specifications can be had of the Assistant Architect by lnail ftig $5, which sum will be returned when the specifications are returned. Proportional pay ments on monthly estimates will bo made as the work progresses, retaining ten per cent. UDti the contract is completed. ALFRED DOCKERY, Pres. G. WM. WELKER, Sec. J. R. HARRISON, A. L LOUGEE, A. HOWE, Couimis'n feb 27 'i 355-td A JrOMiJLE 1VOIIK, THE NEW PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, WITH OVKIl lOOO 50,000 Illustrgftions It E FEU E N G E 8 , A FAMILY RECORD, AND , FAMILY ALBUM. THIS GREAT WORK contains a storehouse ol information that can only reach the mind through tne eye.; its illustrations carry one back to the most important era of the world, and are of themselves a, comprehensive review ot the Scriptures, representing the most Interesting Views, Characters, Symbols, Historical Events, ikuusup occura, Auuquues, VOHUD16T, - etc., etc. xney attract tne eye. correct erroneous impresssons, awaken, new thoughts, and furnish clearer views of Divine I Truth. Aa a help to parents, ministers, and Sabbath-school teachers id fulfilling the duties ot their separate and hiirh vocations ana to an others to whom immortal souls are intrusted- this splendid pictorial vol ume cannot be overestimated. It is the Best Edition for the Family,' , ' Most Valuable for the Student, 51 Most Instructive for the Teacher, V ' Most Appropriate for the Child, Most Useful for the Minister, ; - Most Interesting for the Farmer, ." Most Elegant for the Parlor, Most Profitable for the Study. : THE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE contains an unusually large range of Statistical, Tabular, unronoiogicu, auu ureutjtuugicai matter, it is printed on exceuent paper, trom clear and open tona - fn rtnn la nri nnti h.nriantnp nnartn imlmna And is bound in the most durable and attract8 ve manner, while the prices are sufficiently low to place it within everybody's reach. I EXPERIENCED AGENTS wanted throusrh- out the country for its sale, with whom liberal aranscements will be made. An opportunity of equal promise is rarely or never presented. 4 MINISTERS, TEACHERS. ? STUDENTS. FARMERS, YOUNG MEN AND YOUNtt WO- MEN-rtnosc who wouia meet witn the most profitable of all employments are I invited to correspond witn us witn a view to an agency. Not a lew sucn are now averaging irom $5000 to $7000 annual profit in its sale. There is a great want for tne book and a ricn field ofiered, while it will elevate the spiritual condition by con stant contact with and j conversations upon its beautiful and eternal truhs. . CANVASSERS ON ITHE NUMBER PLAN will be furnished tuc work in about fifty parts, at 25 cents each a handsome illustration in oil to accompany eich part. This plan is very pop ular in cities. AGENTS ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN will bo furnished the work in fine bindincrs. Tnis is also quite popular and profitable in cities ana large towns. , We arc also the publishers of POTTER'S STANDARD EDITIONS of Fainilw PulDit. Pocket and Photograph Bibles and Testaments more than: Two Hundred different styles so well known every whefcfcffrbr their accuracy of text, beauty of finish and durability of binding. Always ask for Potter's Standard Editions, and get the best. Catalogues containing styles and prices furnished on. application. For Circulars containing a mil description of The Pictorial Family Bible, and terms to Agents, address Potter's Standard Bible and Testament House, " " - JOHN E. POTTER & Co. Publishers, 614 and 617 Sansom street, PHILADELPHIA, jan 20 -- ; 344-3m. tlATIOriAL HOTEL, Cof. Halifax and Edenton b ts., North of the papitol Square, THE BUILDING IS NEW, SPACIOUS AND elegant. Every appointment for the accom modation of guests Rooms and Parlors cn suite for families, and single rooms complete, neauti- luiiy lunutuicu, wim an eju to comiort and con venience ''V r - THE DINING R002I Is large and superbly furnished in the most at tractive manner, whilst the servants are genteel, polite and attentive. . ' No expense or effort will be spared to render the St. Nicholas Hotel strictly a . : AFIRST? CLASS HOTEL, n f To oompare ; favorably with the best Hotels. North or South. A , . . . 1 Th -oatronasre of the trarelin? rtnbllft 1a fn. spectfully solicited, i Omnibusses and carriages at the depot to .meet every train, - CT" Charges' as : low as .1 an v other first-cla&s Hotel in the country., r " ; i. . - . A: A ; .A. J. BUTJESf Troprictohi ; . v : , (Formerly of ExchangeHoteL) , . Journal and Star copy, a - - " a jan 27- , . A 346-tf MISCELLANEOUS. 11 CUEAPNESSr DUR ABILIT x CON- r ' 4 - . TO SELL OtTS CELEBRATED Golden Fountain Pen. Acknowledged by all who have used them tobe the best Pen made or sold in this xountry. no. blotting ! No soiled fingers ! Sixty lines writ ten with one pen-of Ink I -Will outwear any steel pen ever made. Bankers, merchants, teachers and all classes, endorse them in tne highest terms of praise. Put up in neat slide boxes. No. 1, for general use; No. 2, medium ; N6. 3, ladies use or fine penmanship. , LIBERAL COMMISSION TO AGENTS I We are prepared to- give any energetic person taking the agency of these Pens, a commission which will pay f 200 per month. Wc invite all persons wishing employment, to send for sam ples and circulars. Two sample boxes mailed for 50 cents. WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., . - - Indianapolis, Ind., - J Manufacturer's Agents. march'3 : , , ,356-tf THE DE0T inTIIE YOntDI - THE SCIENTIFIC r AMERICAN. This splendidly illustrated weekly journal oi popular science, mechanics, invention, engi neering, chemistry, i Architecture, Agriculture and the kindred arts, enters its twenty-fifth year on the first of January ncxt,Ahaving a circula tion far exceeding that of any similar journal now published. i . The Editorial Department of the Scientific American is very ably conducted, and some of fhp. mnRt rrTnlar writers in this Country and Europe are contributors. Every number has 1G imperial pages, with fine engravings of Ma chinery, new inventions, tools for the workshop farm and household, engineering works, dwell ing house; Public buildings, ' A journal of so much intrinsic value, at the low price of $3 a year, ought to have, in this thriving country, A million readers. Whoever reads the Scientific American is en tertained and instructed, without being bothered with hard Words or dry details. . ATO IN VENTORS AND MEGHANICS this journal is of special value, as it contains a weekly report of ail Patents issued at Washing ton, with copious notices of the leading 'Ameri can and European inventions. The Publishers of the Scientific American are the most Exten sive Patent Solicitors in the world, and have unequalled facilities for gathering a complete knowledge of Invention and Disco ?cry throng q out the world : ana with a view to maris tne quarter of a century, during which this journal has held the first place in Scientific and Me chanical Literature, the Publishers will issue on January first the large and splendid Steel En graving by Jolm Sartain of Philadelphia, en titled: As- A.A A.,j i -'.1 A T . A ' "MEN OF PROGRESS AMERICAN 1NV&NT- a va:: ' oiis," ; . ' the plate costing nearly $4,000 to engrave, and contains nineteen likenesses of Illustrious Amer ican Ioventors. It is a superb work of art. Siuslfe pictures, printed on heavy paper, will be sold at $10, but any one subscribing for the Scientific American the paper will be sent for one year, together with a copy of the engraving, on receipt ot $10. yThe picture is also ottered as; a premium lor clubs of subscribers. W $1,500 CASH PRIZES,! In addition to the above premium, the . Pub lishers will pay $1,500 in cash prizes for liAs of subscribers sent in by February 10, 1870. Per sons who want" to compete for these prizes, should send at once j for prospectus and blanks for names. . , t a Terms of Scientific American, one year $3.00s six months $1,50 four months, '$1.00. To club, of 10 and upwards, terms $2.50 per annum Specimen copies sent free. Address the Pub lishers i MUNN&Co., 37 Park Row, New York. How to get . rataU3.A pamphlet of Patent Laws and instruction to inventors sent free. . 1. The Edinburgh Review, THIS IS THE OLDEST OF THE 3 SERIES. In its main features lit still follows in the path marked out by Brougham, Jeffrey, Sydney, Smith and Lord Holland. itB original founders and first contributors A A .2. The-Iondoii Quarterly Review, which commences its 128th volume with the January number, was set on foot as a rival to the Edinbubou. It resolutely maintains its op position in politicsj and shows equal vigor in its literary department. 3. The Westminster Review," . has iust closed its 93d volums. In point of lit erary ability this Review is fast rising to a level with its competitors. It is the advocate of po litical and religious liberalism. 4. The North British Review, now in its 51st volume, occupies a very 1 igh position in pet iodical literature. Passing be yond the narrow formalism of schools and par ties, it appeals to a 1 wider range ot sympathies and a liigher integrity. of conviction. , r wckla5ood's E. B din burg Magazine. Was commenced 52: years ago. Equalling the Quartilies in its literary and scientific depart-, ments, it has won a wide reputation for the nar ratives and sketches which enliven its pages. TERMS FOR 1870. 1 A , I . Per annum. For any one of the Reviews $4 00 For any two of the Reviews 7 00 For any three ot the Reviews. 10 00 For all four ol the Reviews. . ..... . .... . . 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine.............. ' 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 For Blackwood and two of the Reviews ... 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.... 15 00 Single Numbers ivjf a Review, $1. Single numbers of Blackwood, 35 cents. The Reviews are published quarterly ; Blackwood's Magazine is monthly. Vol umes commence in January. CLUBS. A discount oituxntyper cetit will be allowed to Chibs of four or more persons, when the peri odicals arc scut to any address. j POSTAGE. A ? The Postage on current subscriptions. U any part of the United States, is Two Cents a number, to be prepaid at the office of delivery. For back numbers the postage is double: PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subsbribers to any two of the above pc riodicals for 1870 1 will be entitled : to receive one of the . Four JReviews for 186ft. - New Sub scribers to all the five may receive Blackwood or two of the Ivcvicws for 1800. - -" , . BACK NUMBERS. Subscribers may, by . applying early, obtain back sets of the Revicwsfrom Jan., 1865, to Dec 1869, and of Blackwood's Magazine from Jan 1866, to Dec, 1869, at hall the current subscrip tion price. - ... igrrJNeithcr premiums to Subs cribc? a. nnr count to Clubs, nor reduced, prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the monevU remitted direct to the . Publishers.) No . preml- uw VOU vw JJf iu bv VIUUS, (- - "I" i . - The January number tciU be printed from new typet andarratufements have been made, which, i is hoped, wJU secure regular and early publication. TOE LEONARD SCOTT I FUBJLISHING CO. Ine Leonard Scott Publishing Compaky. also publish THE . FARMERS GUIDE to Scien tific and Practical AeTirnltnrfi. Rv ' Wwr- StAthbss. FtR-S.; Edinburgh and the Ute N. r. flouTpfl rroiessor ot Scientific Agriculture in Yale College New Haven. 2 vols. Roval oc- wvu. 'lw pagea anu t numerous EnsraviDs. Pricey By maU,:po8t:paid,tS. At . A KRST .CLASS ROTELEUROPEAN : oTL Plan. Location nnsurnaARRi). Tip1t,. ... Union Spuxre Wallaces theatre, and A. T. Stew arts new (uptown) si ore. -.-- BROADWAY & TWELFTH 8TSM - wmm ha 11 inn iiU STANDARD PEluOO I US mm 1 LLL,JUlL-i.V) Equality Life Insurance V- O W r EQUALITY LIEE 1 : - 1 'A OF . ,. .viR-a-nsri-A-i It is hiort Wierdtl to the instired than any other Comwanv. and will eventually become purely mutual and belong to the insured, ; Examine it pamphlets before you is to vour interest to do so. Principal office 1015 Slaiii street, RICHMOND, VA. . Agents wanted everywhere. Agency in this City at the office of the "Wil- J. TTft DREW, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ' . "f OFFICE, i 478 H St., between 9th and IOtk Sts. WASHINGTON, I. Q, WE PROSECUTE CASES IN THE COURT of Claims ahd before the several Depart ments.! 5 if ' " ' . , For Cotton, Turpentine, Tobacco, &c, seized in the State lately in rebellion i by U. S. Treasu- ury Agents, or by the U. S. Army. For supplies taken or purchased by officers of the U. S. Army. .. .-. For rent or use of property, . orproperty de stroyed. - For horses lost,' killed, or which died in th e Military 8ervice' : " 5 For Back Pay and Bounty, and Settlement of Officers' Accounts. . - The Adjustment of Claims before the Bureau of Indian Affairs, - We have great facilities for Procuring Paten' s. We make perliminary examinations at the Patent Office to see whether the Invention has been anticipated and give information for $5. ' All necessary drawings and papers prepared. Charges for obtaining patents reasonable. Real Estate bought, sold, tented, or traded for other property. rs-There is a; large amount of Prize Money undistributed,' which is due to, Sailors, - now de-' ceased, who served in the. United States Navy. The friends of deceased, Sailors i would do well to write to us, that we may 190k into the ac counts in the Navy Department; anleas they are sure the same has been settled. - fT'Liberal per centage allowed Lawyers send ing us cases. : "Business With any . of the. Departments at tended to with promptness. nov 6 828-6m CONSUMPTION PARALYSIS. . II! .1 'fl' II . ' ' r . ! A? 17OR EIGHT YEARS I . HAVE MADE THE . treatment of Consumption (Lung and Bron chial) " ; A S)PjLCIAIiTlT, and believe that l can arrest any case of this formidable disease however far it may have ad vanced)' in from SIX TO TWELVE WEEKS, I do not propose to supply new lungs, nor any large amount of new lung tissue, to a patient,; but I do propose to prevent farther progress of the disease, to leave the system in that improv ed condition, that' ' . ROBUST HEALTH MAY BE SPEEDILY RE-ESTABLISHED. Th FIRST CASE of CONSUMPTION which it was my good fortune to successfully treat was of a young lady in 1861. In the years 1863 and 3 I had charge of Hospitals Nos. 2, 3 and 15, Nash ville, Tenn., and of the many cases wnich. came under my treatment there, m , NOT ONE RESULTED FATALLY. In 1864 1 was Mayor and Health Officer of the City of Natchez, Miss., also Surgeon of the 28th Illinois Infantry, and in prescribing for THIS DISEASE, GOOD HEALTH succeeded in EVE RY instance; In 1805 1 removed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to superintend the general United States1 hospital, and of the TWENTY or more cases which I there administered to, I was ENTIRELY SUCCESSFUL. The same results have attended my practice during subsequent years, and I CANDIDLY BE LIEVE NO CAfcE EXISTS (however formida ble) that my TREATMENT will not SPEEDILY ERADICATE. I refer to the above, that to those whom this may come, that they may not set me' down as a quackg for certainly a quack could NEVER at tain to such responsibilities. REFERENCES : Maj. Gen. Chas. S. Lovell,' U. S. A., Colonel 11th U. S. infantry, whose son I restored to RO BUST HEALTH in six weeks, after most emi nent physicians ot Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had pronounced his case ritttrlv houeless: H. M. iymau, ja. u., sailor ivicaicai o ournai, Chicago, -n. n ... i. . i r . xuiuuiB, i. rw. rvjfitu, iiouisvnie, Kentucky: uiwwuui Atvitugot iiuuuis , ium wuuui are in debted to me for their lives Hon. Andrew John son, late President of the United States ; Gov. Yates, Springfield, Ulinois (who twice commis sioned me as surgeon ;) Brig. Gen. Swif , sur geon XJ. S. A. and Medical Director Department of Mississippi, Vicksburg, - Miss., under ' whose orders I have served as surgeon of volunteers tor several years, &c., &c For Bronchitis (acute) send for package" No. 1, price. i.A .$ 5 00 f or Bronchitis f chronic) send lor package No. 2, price. ... : . . . . , . For Iucipient, Phthisis send for package No.3, price.'...............;.... For Phthisis Confirmed send lor package No. 4, price.;. ;.... i. v.. i For Phthisis Third or last stage send for 10 00 8 00 10 00 pacKage xxo. t, price. . MS' no An order to oiic 'addresi lor three packairca fifteen per cent, deduction. J. An order to one address for six packagea and upwards twenty per cent, deduction. : Packages in all cases will be forwarded by express.'- .'C?': -A'-i.-:-.:.. Drafts on Neif York "only should be remitted. This method will be less trouble, -.cheaper and safer than any other. - v- - A -- . . " - - 4V- Yicksftunr. IfisRhutiTmi cp ij If US - -i-Jsr """ r w-r ; : y -- SSIliE N. B. Package No. 4 - taken alternately with "NERVE SF&IFKTVwiU cure- PARALYSIS however bad, or of however long standing, and will do so in trdm three to eight weeks. - . A cure In every ease warranted. " - ; Pachage No. 4 with nerve epeciflc costs $15. 1 ,marchS4 , . . . 3C3-6m. ' JOSXTH C. ABBOTT, ' f ' J iJ t3WABD CA5TWXLL, Attorcsys ti Lot cid Cccllbrsi PrHcssi CU9 7iliai22tbay H. C. acu5 j;(:f;;v r- ' ; ' - : z&tt 4 Authority, I b'r Endorsed and recommended by the President, of the Faculty oi the E. Medical College of the city of New York. Professor R. S. NEWTON. . M. D.. Professor and President of the Faculty, late "Pro fessor Theory and- Practice' of Medicine, . Cincinnati, &C -'''.. nn( nf t.hn most eminent medical men of this age well known as the author of the following 6TAKDABD medical works : Newton's "Pbactici? of Medicine," "Diseases of Children," New- ton's Symes Hukgeby," &c, in ueccmDer numi bcr ot Atnerican Medical Review page 278 says ; "Among the more recent efforts , to introduce popularly some of the new remedies, we notice a new preparation compounded by J. J. Lawi bence, M. D., of Nobfolk, Va., which is furn ished to the profession and the public in any dei sired quantity. We recently examined his Labora torv. and became Yk7y satisfied that all this work is done in the best manner, by the most approved 1 processes, and from the best materials, gliving as a result a medicine mebitino the confidence of the physicians and the public.' ' Alter reading the above high recommendation, Invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give the KOSKOO a trial. , - i KOSKOO! THE GREAT Blood & Liver Medicine ! FOR HUMORS IN THE BLOOD, SCROFULA, DYSPEPSIA! LIVER COMPLAINT, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, DEBILITY, SKIN DISEASES, GENERAL BID HEALTH, &c. NO QUACK MEDICINE FORMULA AROUND THE BOTTLE. PIIBPAHED SOLELY BY Dn. J. J. LAWRENCE, Organic Chemist, . : - NORFOLK, VA. ' s a For sale by Druggists and Merchants every. ' - i where. ; (editorial.) . 7. From Norfolk Daily Journal Dec. 11, 1869. KosKOO.-This medicine is rapidly gaining the confidence of the people, and the numerous tes timonials of its virtues, given by practitioners of medicine, leave s no doubt that it is a safe and reliable remedy for impurity - of tub bloop, LI VSR DISEASE, &C, i t A - The last Jlcdical Journal contains Jan article from Prof. R, S. Newton, M. D., President of tbe Medical College, city of New York, that speaks in high terms of its curative properties, and gives a special recommendation of Koskoo to the practitioners of ;. medicine. This is, we be lieve, the first instance where such medicine, have been officially, endorsed by the Faculty Of any of the medical colleges, aud ,. reflects great credit upon the skill of Dr. Lawrence, its com- nomndrr. and nlart rmtt lK"-c.-rtr" t hi in. Af I 4 ....vv .U;.u , An VA I aa other medicines ol the present day, ' r ieo - .. r S54-tf ' The standard reputation attained by this unrl vailed and infallible Yeast Powder during twelve jears past is due to if s perfect purity,' healthful ness and economy. Put up in tins, actual weight as represented, pad will keep for years. v . - ' The quantity required for use is from - one fourth to one half less than other Baking Pow ders. : . .- .--.."' :.', f y.-. - . ; .'..-. - 1 8old by grocers throughout the United StateaJ DOOLEY - DROTHER. MAFUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETRS. S ;QnEfly EHTEnpnicE Ton tie; STATE OFCOHTIl CACOLir. I SOMETHING : SEW A VERY TMPfnTiiv ; V INVENTION GAS , GENERATED A ! ; ' " FROM WATER;,:: I J SCIENTIFIC"; AND PROFESSIONAL GEN-: tlemcn. as well as entpmn.tnrr r 1 teL are respectfully invited to calTat the PurceU S!?.?0- pracUcal operaticm) a portable hvdro-carhmi - - m producins ras at onR-hiLif h ?.t A-T5 n&?iuZ J-00 Per : cent, more" light, with the same sized burner. Territorial rht ar fA? oemg disposed ot C0 ceuntiea have been old withm sixweeksA Call and examine what 2 destined to give light to fortv milHrt. rJ? - V - - r . AV I A;.;: Zt -A ' . . -A - a r " A - j; the onannoF tii& ANDORTHE, A Let all who the love their country subscribe for Only IVational Republican in this section. TEES ."3?CHP has the LARGEST ; CIRCULATION ; ia-he BEST FAMILY PAPER, and is the . ablest con ducted in the State. - ? ; The." POST is offered at very low rates Subscribers . -t--. v:"'i.A -' to ; Let each family in the State have Its " POST," and thus keep well posted on the current affairs of life. ' - - ;-v-.-. . - --A 'f.'.iJ C';tTA lf5 r"'.!"si COM ON NEW SUBSCRIBERS! "Come as the waves come, 'whe 'navies are . . stranded." f if- Let everybody come, and bring his; wife. the ' ' ' iLajdie; s ! . -A A .'A AA?Aj are expressly interested iu possessing the- Post; Its letters from the great fashionable centres, are remarkable for their ability and knowledge of the great world of FASHION l, 4; " , wt The "POST" has regular coVrespondentA al New York, Baltimore and Washington, and will uavcbucciiu iciiers irum Jntrianc, France'and Germany ! H ' ; w Now .is the time to. subscribe..-, Clubs of live can have the "POST,"', one year.' for TEN DOLLARS I ! t when paid in advance." -v;j tUA- OF A L L K.I NB S' ! MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS. COURT BLANKS, 4 AFFIDAVITS, , .'J ' - niTOTWD-oa iina LETTER HEADINGS, .: r ; NotE ? Readings J BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, . .STATEMENTS, '.i- .... ; JENTIXOIT?, NOTE BOOKS . ' - w :-- U ANTf w Executed. la the best manner and -at the shqr., -.. I : ;.: 1 At c) notice, at Ar w Ya v ' 1 ;."-.'....-. , .s-.. - ' -A1 - &r - C-- - ' J ft A r GOVERNMENT REFUBLICAN JPA.R , ; ... . , 1; I s -s Iv;; - - A ... : .; ( " UJf " i i! hy fff . - ', : '' ".!.' V P-i a I ' 1 1 ' 1 r - ' ,: ,AAVni. -?( :A'' 'At m". !??' 1 . A.:i: Czj in each month. . . i . Tiros. B. Cabb, T. I. G. M. " ft pf E73s?LL! Recorder. , TTTYITTAJ . j AT THIS OFFICE ;PateateaWid Proprietor: If AAJL oirch ZZt-it 'M , , HARLOW, Proprietor. . pril H ; , j ,SC3-tf- plef-

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