1 .' I-'-- '-- ftgt -A 1 " ."., - 1 V : i.'--s r nii j 1 1 j ij. 0 7' I J t s s t 4 ' ' 4 i ... n - t: f 7 :i "V V7JU X f ''a' 4 i .; . ii "TV , - j r I I t ! THE WILMINGTON POST. OFFliJIAI. OSIGAX. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY 1 ADVANCE. ! Per Tear; iV. 13 DO ' Six Months. . . . : . 2 00 Three Mbntlis..... ...:..l... ........ 125 One MonttW.:.;.;.. ,v...-. 50 ; Single copies, Five cents. : Clubs furnished at reasonable rates. - l RATES OF ADVERTISING : Per ejuare, oitfc time, 75 cent". . ! Iess than one square, one time, 50 cents. Two times $1 09 and all succeeding insertions half price additional. . . . ' , , ; i 'Rates per month, $3 for one square, and each s ucceeding square half rates additional. '. Half Column and Column' advertisements re ceived on proper discount. . " Locl advertisements 10 cents a Una .; s f Address'. - . .. , , C11AS. I. GRADY, - - 1 Editor and Proprietor, 'J- Wilmington, N. C. CITY. I Subsenbcrswill please notice that all papers; bearing the black cross will v be stopped unless payment is made. Small-Tthe Star. . Fresli water fisb in abundance. Weather delightlul 72 in the shade. Bald Head Lisrht House was built in 1817 u is a solid work. Another- change the Star large to Emailtype.. - " again from Tqe steamers will run. their regular trips to the Camp Ground to-d Jy. ; . ; The height of hospitality to . give your bed to a friend and sleep in the cellar ! . ' mm, - - -:--:v - ' Gentlemen fond of the mode should seek those Turkish vests found only at Mun sons. " '. " !' ,.' - ; 'I'- '"; - -,'-sf Tho river rose about three feet at Fayet tcville, Thursday. ' No fear of a. freshet at present. . - A fine lot of young beef cattle, for our market, from Little River, 3. C, arrived yesterday, a ; i ; Second Quarterly Meeting Conference at Fifth Street Methodist church to-day. , Rev. pr. C16P3, P. E. , . ort Caswell has a number of guns nioun t cd, but the fort is so badly shattered as to need rebuilding. ' ; - : ' Four steamers "are running regularly to the Camp Ground. Lively times are , ex pected, there i to-day.' ; . . il -: ' Friday noon hail stones, dropped in this as the Journal stated. The public arc notified' of a pic nic by our jolly "lire laddies" will be held at Hil ,vton. See advertisement. " - The S. B. Pioneer, with a large cargo of naval Stores and cotton, left for1 Philadel phia, Friday, at 4 I M. r fr The "Racer" is -for sale, let all race down to Cronly & Morris1 sale' and bid -for the fastest boat "down South." f? ? -v r The Cape Fear Social Circle, for, the .m or al; reform ation of young ladies and gentle men meets every Wednesday night. ; ; The free school for whites at Smithyille is doing very well, Miss Stewart has fully fifty scholars and the number is increasing. The NewrFibre company is about going iuto operation. The buildings are about completed and the raw material is arriving in large quantities. , : ; - - - , ..-fc All who love fine strawberries should re member that the "Excelsior" can be had at C. D. Myers, on Front street. Fresh, lus cious and "excelsior !" What can be better? v Postmaster Brink has returned from Ral eigh and gives cheering accounts of the , union among all classes of Republicans in the middle and Western parts of the jState. Special Notice. The i Republicans of Grant Township will, meet at Spriosc Branch ; on Monday, ;May 23d,-1870, to elect dele gates to the County Convention which meets June 1st, 1870, at Wilmington1 . The steamer Saragossa, Captain Hooper, from Savannah to Baltimore,' broke down at sea, Friday, was taken in tow by steam er Tennessee at 5 o'clock, P. M.," and towed! i t ancoragc about six miles from the west fern bar. f Capt.' Hooper took, a row boat and came to SmUkville . about 3:30 A. M., t where he notified Capt. Usher, Jpf the Rev enue'Cutter, of.Hheir4 condition; v No'tuff beingln-p6rta8mith?il! f oewara, uapt. Usher, put out to their as v sistance and brought them in to Smithville "about 9 o'clock Saturday mortihg;;;CaJt ouvi ouvv uia umceTB aeserve ereat- creait . lueir prompt answer to the appeal made A Sea Side Line. The happy consuma tion of a sea side line of steamers to Smith yille may not be reached this season, but we are convinced after a lengthy conversa tion with Captain Usher and Engineer Cain that the expense ot I rudnlng a steatofer be tween here and SnitthVille lias been vastly over estimated arid that a good and sub stantial vessel can , be purchased for a com paratively small sum and . that a daily, trip between Wilmington and. Smithville could be made each evening after business hours i urnuign th ix morning. A vessel char tered for the j season would pay finely, and therst man to fit up a good hotel ; or sea side house; at Smithville .will , reap a rich harvest.' " "Families i from every part of the State wouldi come here in 'summer did .we have conveniences to get to the sea side. Smithville by the Sea. The good old seaside retreat of .Smithyille, or sas it is called, "Smifiie," keeps as cool and shady as ever, and on our brief visit last week we were received with open! arms by those men of arms the "Gallant Fourth Artil lery" and such of the residents as we had the happiness of knowing, j Many new, ar rivals are adding to the xopulation . and. prosperity of the "ville" thus we 'find Captr Usher has taken quarters for the sea son at S., and Lieuts. Moore Shoemaker and Mitchell have their families safely en sconsed in the rural doniicils! of the land of fish and sea breezes. BOAT HACK, ETC. Boat racing has received a quietus lately because of the disaster to the fair Alic?, owned by the Harnett Club and left in charge of the late 8th Infantry and handed over to Company "G." oifvthc 4th Artillery. Poor "Alice" was "bursted" by a blow from a tornado, and like all her sex ; when badly damaged is beyond; repair. To comfort the "Harnett's" we have been assured that Lieut. Humphrey's crew "waxed" the boast ful pilots before poor ; Alice went under rcquiescat, d-c. "old girl." You did your duty and your light ribs now decorate the sanas oi "omime v A .'sail ror race took place last week and "old Jeff" came to griefno reflection on Jefferson D. r ' Decoration Day. Headquarters Grand Army of the Republic, Adjutant -General's Office, Washington, April 30, 1870. Gen eral Orders, No. 8. 1. The. annual ceremos. nies of "Memorial Dayj" which has been ' firmly established by national choice and consentt will take place on Monday, the 30th day of May. . t J ;; 1 Jl. All Departments- Districts,; Posts and Comrades of the Grand Army of the Re public! wherever dispersed throughout the land, will unite in such manner, and with such ceremonies for the. proper observance of the day as. may be best suited to each respective locality, and all organizations, communities and persons whose grateful aid, ' sympathy and prayers sustained us throughout the" dark days of the Nation's peril, and those.whose joyal, patriotic hearts beat in unison with our owDj and who have heretofore or may hereafter join with ns in the observance pt t : this; National Memorial Day, are hereby cordially invited.-to finite and are earnestly requested to lend their aid and assistance in strewing the pure garlands of Spring that come with votive memories of love arid prayer, o'er. the mounds that mark the country's altar, and fold in rest eternal our martyred dead. This is the third public observance of a day which has become marked and nation al for this sacred occasion. j.Many are now , missing from our ranks who "were with u before. Timet with busy finger,; counts the hours for all. "In jthe midst -of lite we aro in death," and one by one our veterans are "mustered out" to join the Grand Army on high. Let this teach us that we should so live that , when we too are, gone; it can be said : ', He was a citizen, a soldier 4 and com rade with0ut faar and yritheut ieproeh.,'j HI. It is delirable" that the memorial ser vices may be preserved,, and Depattment and Post Commanders will forward direct to the1 Adjutant-General, at National Head quarters a record of such proceedings as may occur in each locality. Should; the same appear in the press, or by pamphleta duplicate corrected copy is requested. '? By order of John A. LogA!-. . s ; jr . : Commanderrin-Chief. A- . " Wm. T. ColtinV, j1 .:.! tr ;f Adjutaut-General;: Official Hahsox E, Weayeb, Assistant Adjutanf-Geuerali :4..; ....,:' 1 1 I ? A Sniup Thick. A colored man bought anumber of tickets 6t the N.,C. R;t& PE Agency, pa .Friday,; and, vheu thefdrawing came ohi not having time to go and see if they drew anything,v"senV aiiother I colored man, wb returned apd said that they drew! nothing. SEortlyafreiwafds," on examinj ing his tickets hcxfound one missing, and, on going to the agency., where he bought them, was told that they Ji&d paid the priz? that his tickp.tlrnTO A r . i.Thu enterprising: house of Topham & Co? have made ... additions to , their , stock "and store. ,We, advise all. horsemen yes .and? horsewomen r to seek the pleasant hide-. bounds Tetreat ! 6t the iiaudso'me 'member of tho good old Washington t house-of Top' hamj&po. "Xbok ou fo'r thpsc diplonidt ic saddles," for leather heads. " i 1 ' j f Bald Head . Xight. Old Bald ?Head Light; merely wants a keeper and l a "small appropriation to be j a most valuable ad junct - to our long - neglected harborJ . ' We learn "that the proposed light at - Middle Island will be hardly; disccrnablc by reason of ; mists, &a, whereas since the woods were rcmoVed from Bald ;Head no riiist or fog obscures the liglit atthaVpoinL - i T in The PiiiLiiARMokic. Those w ho I have attended the concert given by the Phil bar monic society win unite - with, us in saying that each concert evidently ; surpasses ' the other showing certainly "the progress of the members and faithfulness of teachers. , The cantata of Esther was rendered last Friday night for the third time and all who attended the representation albeit- tliev badjvitnessed 'the serene - Cyrus and the mdy'j Mordecaiv " twice beiorc declare tltemselves perfectly satisfied, and hope the society will attempt some other and equally desirable musical chef dociivrc.? ; : ! The ladles as usual - covered -themselves with glory, as well a f notes i of .admiration, arid the; musWai lunteer H. M. Barry, . Esq., , delighted the audience by choice rendering of the old time ballads. Professor Grabau deserves great credit as well as the lady jjerformcrs who assisted. LETTEKS FROM. THE PEOPLE. , v SMrriiYJLLE, May 0, 1870. At a meeting of the Republican . party of Brunswick county, held at Smithville, and called by the Executive Committee of the partythrouglrtheirChairmaifjiHoif; Edwin LcgS he following; proceedingere had, namely: Delegates f rbmalrth dwhships in the county being present , except North West. William Brcwn was ' called to the Chair arid stated the object of the meeting to be to elect delegates to ; the Lum berton Convention to be held on the 9th of June, 1870. Lewis A. Galloway was requested to act as Secretary of the meeting. On motion, the "Hon. Edwin Legg, of Smithviilej and Rev. Julius Robinson, of Town , Creek were elected delegates to the Lumbertqn Convention, and , Lewis. Gallo way of : Smithville, and Smith J6t Town Creek, alternates. ' ' M T ' Resolutions cre v unanimously adopted approving of the course of the Hon; O. II. Dockcry, arid instructing the delegates from this county to use all honorable exertions to secure his rcnommatiou to the position he has .filled with so much honor to himself and benefit; to his consUtucnts. . v Alsp, resolutions approving the acts of the Hon. Edwio Legg, Senator, atid.cn dors ins him as the fir st choice " ofjthc; Rcpubli can party of Brunswick Icounty for rc-clec- tion. 4 --t A resolution Was also: unanimously adopt- ed counselipg unityin the Republican ranks, and disapproving of the, factious course of certain Rejpuljlicans -.and particularly of the interference of E. M. Rosafy, of New Hano ver County, in Uhe local affairs ;of Bruns wick; couuty, which; inthe opirijori pfHhis meeting fends orily to the. disorganization of the party for purely selfish purposes. f : - The meeting was addressed by the Hon. Edwin ;Legg, Lewis A Galloway, a Roys. Julius Robinson and Smithrof To wh Creek, John W. Davis, William Brown, Grissctt and Jones, of Lock,wopd's Folly, Mintz-and Gauso of Shallote, Revs. Andrews and Long, of Waccamaw:;; c ; The most enthusiactic u feeling .prevailed amon all present. TuafipcakerswcrB.fr quently interrupted with bursts;ol -applause.-Tl)e bouse -was crowded, i . ' Tkere bing o further business the meet ing v adjourned until .again called r by the Chairmaa of the Executive Committee ( to nominate candidates for the county.; ";; , r . u - wtxham'. Brown, ... , -- r . Chairmaru Lewis A.'X3allowaV1.V;:" - -. Secretary;-;. - :';......- Uepublicau Meeting- in.RichmoHd. .; - ! Rqckexgsam, jMay l8t"1870. t Pursuant to notice, ar large nuruber of the RepublicaiTpartyof:hlsc6unty i Or at the Court House' tb-day; When hefollow ing proceedings were had: ; - - -3 On motion of Capt.;B Kihgf- Mr. ,Ja, W. O'Brien was called .to .the 'Chair and Wml R. Terry requested to act as Secretary. -The object of -the1 meeting being briefly explained by the Chairman, it being for the purpose ot selecting delegates to represent usia-the" District Convention ; , to assemble in Lumbcrton on 8th J une proximo, for the purpose'bf nominating a candidate for Con gress-i V r-iv-"rf -y. .e.yl On motion oj Wm. R. Terry, a committee of piX'was appointed ito suggest the -names of suitable :persoD3 toact ; as ' delegates lq said .ConyentioiemmiiteV .retiicd arid in-': a " f e w.JmomeriU Lreturried withon t agreeipgr a to.-who.- should ,be aploointt delegates5 w&eri,' on motion, the. following gentlemen;; were .'appointed: Maj:: , R.' T. Longobf.Fletcher, ' H. S. Wade, '.Wash ington Dociery and.W. R. Terry. - ;; The following resolution, offered bv Wm.' R.f Tcri-y Tvas, on riibtion' of Maj. R. T.Xoncf, adopted with but one dissenting voice. , .Ifesolved, That the course of our Repre sentative in Congress, the Hon. O. H. Dock ery, meets with our hearty approbation, and me delegates appointed at this meeting to represent the county of Richmond in the District Nominating Convention to assem ble in Lumberton on the 8th of June next. are hereby instrhcted to cast the vote of the county for his re-nomination to represent us m tne a orty-becond Cpngrcss. John A. Long,' being disposed to bolt the Convention, made a few remarks,' when the Hon. O. H. Dockcry, being present, arose and in' his usul happy jarid forcible'''. kiylej gave -a brief account "of his stewardship ana denned his. position j which was received with the heartiest applause, h ' " S On motion, tlic proceedings of the meet ing wero ordered to be published in the Wilmington 1 Post and i Raleigh Standard arid the meeting adjourned sine die. J jAS; -w- O'Buien, : ; ! r 1 Chairman. 1 Wm. R. Teujxy, Secretary. EprroB Post; Many of my Republican friends have spoken and written to me to inform them,: what representation the seve ral Townships and Wards are entitled to in the June nominating Convention A satisfactory answer is difficult to arrive at. The County Committee ordered that the popular vote for Grant shall servo as a basis,-'! arid a delegate bo ailbwed XbKcveri one u unurea votes casted, and one tor every fraction of a hundred over fifty. For in stance: A township that polled one hundred and fifty-seven votes is entitled to two dele- atcs, ; but it one hundred and forty-nine votes, only one delegate. K The 'popular Vote for Grant, iu the coun ty, was three thousand nine hundred and sixty-eght, therefore the Convention must be composed of forty delegates. Wilming ton casted two thousand three hundred and one of i the above votes, -and the cbuntv one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven, which give3 the county seventeen; delegates and the City twenty-three. ' ! The election for President was conducted under the old political division of the eoun- ty, which creates a serious; difficulty in ar riving at the proper representation from the towships of Caswell, l Franklin, Lincoln Union, iColumbia, Harnett and Grant from the fact that the! precincts of Lower Black River and -Topsail were .destroyed in the erection of towpships. This matter must be adjusted by the Obunty ExeOutiVe Com- mittce, and I will insist, on the Chairman of the sarrie to attend to the matterforthwith and inform tho "sub-committees. The quota of the Wards 1 requires the at tention 'of the City Committee, by reason ot the creation ot a new Ward. The delega tion from the townships mot mentioned above are as ; fallows: Federal 'Point,;! ; Masoubbro, 1 ; Cape Feiir, 1 ;s II olden, 3, and Holy,l i f ; I desire to answer these inquiries thus publicly so as to call the attention of our Executive Committee; to the fact that some adjustment iriust be. made forthwith. I mention figures! from memory yet I am certain that I am coTrcct.. , , Most respectfully,' S. V. Larkins, Wilmington May 11th, 1870. ; t ? . Smithville, N. C, May 9, 1870. ; Mk, Editok :-i-L notice in the issue of the Wilmirgton Stwioi the 7th inst., that I am announced as a conservative; candidate for re-election to theteeriate, &e. 4 ' :i: I pronounce the whole statement a false hood, I am at 'present ?Uai I always hitve been, a Republican. As to the question of toy announcing mytelf as a candidate, X will Vay and I trust may quiet the nerves of the Starts inform jint--that I expect, to sup port the noininees of the County Conven tion, and to do what I can for the success of ithe Republican j pai ty in the county , of UlUwntvui -. ,.. .... i j : '.i. . ... t ! - ... -1- By. publishing the above ,you .will confer a great favor. , T- " V - V . V Yours respectfully," I : ,V v ' - . E. Legg. ' - Towk Cbeek, Brunswick Co., . . l :: , May 7, 1870. ; ft? t ,1 hereby certify that the meeting held at Town Creek-was hot-a; Convention of; the Repuhlican partyj that the same was called without . the authority of the Executive .Committee of the county; and is -not con sidered valid or legal. . Said ' meeting was almost . entirely r composed of men from North Westv and the county; at large was riot represented. , That the legal meeting bf the Committee was held at Smithville, Jan uary m' 1870. '-- !''!' -"'of Town Creek'' xatnniifi.XCep.rjOunty Com. " Solomon c. Smith, . Secretary Rep. County, Com. ' The wheat prospect in .Guilford is fine.; . They are to have a steamboat on the Dan river. t" The clerks of : Raleigh petition for uni form hours of closing the stores; ' fc . ... The Agrieultural Sobiety of Cumberland intend having a Fair next Fall. if ; A lot of jight acre's lying' just outside of Hillsbbrp, tas' soidthe other day for; $100 an acre. C; 'Vjii,.? -r-..v .:--'.:A-.-.v.;' The conductors on i the North Carolina Railroad will be required to wear uniforms while on duty after the first ot next month. At a ball given in Augusta, Ga., at a rail road " meeting, in a contest for beauty, the judges rendered their decision in favor of Miss A. McK., of Mofganton; :' . The Ncwbern Baptist Sunday School ecl-' cbrated its May Festi.yal.with thanksgiving services at the .church aad an excursion down the river, on Thursday last. A deaf and dumb colored woman, walk ing on the iide of the track of the Chatham Railroad; last Thursday, was struck by the cow catcher on the engine of the down train, breaking her ankle.: f A large pear orchard;! near Hillsboro, of upwards of four, hundred treesi was de stroyed in a single day ; supposed to have been caused by the healths flAw.nfUijie. sap-1 being twdealy.checked by the recent spells of cold weather. v t ;)!;. The Cumberland County Agricultural So ciety organized last week for the ensuing year by electing the following officers : Maj. Jonathan Evans, President- Col, Wm. Al derman,' K. JY Braddy, James Kiikpatrick, Tbos. J. Curtis, and K. M. C. Williamson, Vice Presidents; A. A. McKethan, Treasu rer; and John P. McLean, Secretary.1 The, former Executive committee was continued. From the Standard report Of trie proceed ings of the Ladies' Memorial Association of Raleigh, for decoratingttie graves bf the Confederate dead, we clip the followiusr : Gen' Ransom delivered i! one of the most eloquent and elegant addresses it has ever Veen our-pleasure to hear. It was unexcep- uonaoie, ana ; was so pronounced by hear ers of every shade, of. political opinion, and from every section: His flights of fervid eloquence "were soul stirring. We will not attempt a report of his speech. We h ope i t '. I ! i . K 10 gut a copy ior puoiicaiion at an early day. , :'v.; :;.'.; .j-;'..; The oration having been concluded and an ode sung by, the choir, the assemblage dispersed to strew flowers on the graves and thence to their homes. : v ' . ; i Outside the cemetery and city, graceful tributes to the fallen brave were also given. Mr. C. B. Denson, of Pittsboro, N. C, pre sented Mrs. Selby,- the President of the As sociation, with two beautiful shields which were used in ornamenting the entrance to the cemetery. , - , . The flag on $ the capitol, by order of the Executive, was lowered at half mast. Col. Prank,-commanding the U. S. Garri son here, also lowered , his flag to half mast at the same time, to ; evince his - respect and that of hitrpopa for the occasion, ., POSTLINGS. Gold 1141. 4 ' Pave the streets. ; Love never grows old. 1 Opium eating is increasing. , . ; ; i White duck pants are sweet. :-,f ( -' ' ' " -.-;- - :-;i'- . , :3 After the showers the flowers. .; Gipsies are prigging Jersey hens; -:, :; The St. Paul Pioneer is twenty-one. Cultivatedeonccit grows into insanity. - ; ( 1 Nothing travels so quickly as scandali ' Parepa plays the soul-stirring Uewsharjp The star alpaca braids are" Vlnstreprobf.'? They have had a snow storm in Vermont.! Iowa females v object : to waxed , mous taches. , . l'j ;'v;''C;'a"-.'x:--'t;;" Down East fishermen report a fine run of mackereL . ; . . x V-isl:.sf'f. ?i!r5i4"f. -'ll " - Xoitbor :, acU nor i gases seem r to affect nickel-plating. , One peculiarity of the Quinton tomatoes is fcmeatiness ' rtVMMi The Jewish. Talmud, consists of . twelye larce folio 'vblumesVitr ?- y' It ought to rain all through the .week, accoraing:tb;.custbmlfS Times 'are so hard in t Wisconsin ithey live on chewing-gum.. y r i.: syti. : The London Times' firidi isbmething sub lime about "Shoo Fly." ' c ' ,M M"r . The last of Commodore Perrys men died Two ladies preached from Boston pulpits last Sunday. - ' ! - - i- - ' i" DiP"dff sold the Sancy diamond in 18G5 for $100,090. . r - :..;VIS li-i - The "Recreative Robstcrs" is'thV nahiVof . . a London Club. I " ;-v' :?r ' " - t Govl BuUock has sued "the" Atlan ta Con-1 An "anti-moustache mo vemerit Iia been started m Boston. " J , Detroit ha3 a "Detective,. .Collectiyo and Protective Agency.V. . , . ; , j. ttv:' ' Fashion decrees that ladies boots shall ;be laced not buttoned. j - ,'v 5 w ; . - - j :n .t; t' 1 1 Washington is renewing her, efforts to. sc jcure a new opera house. v . 1 l Bismarck's real disease is - said to be very like our delirium tremens' " -;r ; 3 They sluice logs through a Minriesofa dam ?at theatc of 1,500 a minute. .IvV? 1 A $20,000 soldiers msriumentHiaia'bc' Erected in Charlesto wn, Mass - ' New Albany is the champion , opium eat ing village of the State of , Illinois. ? A-Western paper quotes s Saircy ariiji: Drink fair Betsey, wotcver yoxidd?" At a recent sale of old coins in NewYork 5a one cent piece of 1800 ,Drought $3G,w Rochester foundlings aro ; provided with pails of milk when left on door-steps; V The fashionable style of suicide now? in. iNew York is juinping off a f cWry. boati - j The Spanish troops in Cuba call the 'na-f ftive bands supporting them "contra-gucr-illas." '- tf't-J&?tl, I Offenbach has written the i"- music, iorft a: new fairy opera, of which ;the librettcvis byi Maine brags of end of if s citizens - who ' has grown a beard eighteen inbhes in (welvc !months: i. "-v-;-,?;t;J'' -j; . , Ruffians in Blunt couuty, Tenn., forcibly . prevented a minister from ireacbing on , Sunday. ;:, ' ' . : '." , ".i; -.:S-. At the burning of the ship Eli ; Whitney at Tahiti one million oranges were thrown overboard. The Philadelphia contributions J to thq Richmond euflEcrers already', amounts to hyt-saoo.;, ". -Pr--p Among v the Romans the month ofiMay was sacred to Apollo, and almost every klay Was a festival. - '- ' ' : 7- I In the Pitsburg'Dircctory is to bo found -ihe name of " Johann. Gottlieb ChHst Kriip- f fenbausenstein." . . " '' . '." ' $ A female artiste on the piano, four years old is causing considerable wonder in Zu- rich Switzerland., . . .&.; i '?., Galveston is sanguine of overcoming the . . commercial obstacle of its bar7 by tiding , vessels over on caissons. " Ir r An anchor that belonged' to f Americus ? Yespucius and bears his namo is.now ono ' 'Of the sights at Brussels. v?il.Tki? ': Sixteen million bottles of (champagne j were produced in Franco last year, of, which , riiore than three fourths were exported '! A traveller writes home from Paris The?' word I have stood most in ; need of since 4 pay arrival here is the French fbr?anui.vt jl A gentleman on the ; Macon ahd 'jBrur0 wick Railway lost his watch in tho late ac-M Ciderit while timing the breakneck ; r engin- eer. Wives and Mothers. Only womanTctows '' . iwhat women endure ; arid if there be any means Of assuaging the distress of body .and . mind which so many thousands experience, f day after . ' day and week after week, with a fortitude whien puts to shame the boastful courage of man, who 1 will deny that so great 1 a blessing i to ? theJ sex 'should be found in every household V j f s f j Millions of men have bQca benefited . by r its rise, but among the feeblefii sickly of the op- posite gender, who, pefhapsf need it !inost," iti" i virtues arc not so widely uhown. - This tore- inost remedy of the ae:e-this specific for every. r species of debility, general or. local, constitu- k ? tional oa casual, is Plantation BiTTns. u One V right of woman, at least, ' will be conceded- tho right to strengthening herself to sustain the,r ills of which the laws of nature -have mado'her " the urifoitnnate heiress. . A-y ; f ti The acknowledged hcalthfulncsa;! unrivaled ji? flavor, delicacy, great convenience, and .extraor fj dinary cheapness of Sea Moss 4 Faiunb, will al-,; ; ways keep it in the foremost place amon art!- "ties intended, for ft table-dessert. ; " ' ; ' ATIYERS5. fc,:lt AND 13 FRONTlSTIiEETik EVERY, DAY .ON : . AND .TETlSSf DAY 17tii INSTANT. -::-:".-.-;; . - :--v ... -v-'' '- ii ... - rift 1 DR. F. W, PCOTER'S- PLANTA-,S ;, I:.;: TION. GEORGE MYElisT- 4 : ' Imav 15 jl and 13 Front street; .T -4. Q JUST IN AT THE NEW HAT, STORE ; A NICE SELECTION OF PHI H UblllllLiU HATS, Straw and Fur, U rHj 'H'4?': S A WAXJG "CANESVS" . i 4-: T! No. O.lTORTH FRONT STREET;- I THOS. Ht SVRIGHT. , s ;may 15 - 1 f. . 5; - j Hf-h