r..,--- -, -- - --:,M inii-K - im Miiwiriii " :""'v'r" ,,,, v y it- h. WILMINGTON. N. C, MAY 15; 1870. f. i' ft! HEAVEN, IS IT FAR AWAY T Ob! He&fen is nearer than moit&ls think. When they look with a trembling dread At tne misty rature mat stretcnes on From the silent home of the dead. ' Tis no lonejy isle on a boundless main, No brilliant, hut distant shore, Where the loyely ones who are called away, jHUBi gu io- return no more. No, Hearen is near us : the mijrhty veil Of mortality blinds the eye, - That cannot see the angel bands ' On the shores of eternity. i The ere that shuts in the dying hour . Will open the next (o bliss : CSThe welcome will sound in the heavenly Ere the farewell is hushed iu this. ' Wo pass from the clasp of mourning friends, To the armr of the loved and lost ; And the smilins faces will greet us there, ; Which on earth wo have valued most.. Yst oft in the hours of holy thought, - To the thirsty soul is given r That power to pierce through the midst of sense,- i To the beauteous scenes of Heaven. Then very near seems its pearly gates, And sweetly its harpings fall ; Till the soul is restless to soar away . J . And longs for the angels call. j I know when the silver cord is loosed, ' When the vail is rent away, i w ; Not long and dark shall the passage be, . To the realm of endless day. , FAMILY AND FARM. ' Chaff is better for old horses than Lay,; because they can chew and digest it bet ter. t'' Vl; ; ; .:' ; Tomatoes and Pepper should be trans? planted in favotable weather, watered and shaded. 1 . Examine your-fruit trees and kill all ca terpillars and injurious insects that may-in- fest them. ' , i Never use bad hay on account of its cheapness, because there is not proper nour ishment in it. ; v : . ... Damaged corn is exceedingly injurious, because it brings on inflamation of the bow els and skin diseases. . V " Mix chaff with corn or hfians nnrl rln rnt I give the latter alone, because it makes tbc : horse chew his food more and digest it bet ;S ter. : - ' ' ' . u Weeding, transplating and watering are the principal things to be attended to this . month, Everything will grow, rapidly especially weeds! Hack feeding is wastefull. The better i plan is to feed with chopped bay, from a I manger, because the food 13 not then thrown i about and is more easily chewed and diges- ted; : ' " v- v-r--. ,";-3" . Sprinkle the bay with water that has salt 1 dissolved in it, because it is pleasant to tho 'i animaPs taste, and more easily digested. A teaspoonful of salt in a bucket of water is sufficient. - - ': p l- 'A Ncycr allow a peach or plum or an apple "to, rot under the tree; for if you do, the ,worm inside the fruit will go right back into 'the ground and begin its jwork again on the tree the next season; 1 Weeds and Grass should ' have your first aud continued attention during the month. Unless they, are kept in subjection, all your previous labor will be lost, and your manure feed crops for which it was not' in tended. j JThe. Loudon Horse Book says : All hor f i ses must not be led in the same proportions ; jWithout regard to their ages, their constitu : tions.and their work; because the impropri- 1 t ety ot sucn a practice is seii-evident. l et j , lit is' constantly done and is the basis of dis- V ease of every kind. , 1 I 1 Before the church and the world, l im it peach intemperance. I charge it with the I murder lot innumerable souls. In this coun jj try, blessed with freedom and plenty, the if Word of God and. the liberties of true re ;; ligioh I charge it as the cause whatever jj be their source elsewhereof, almost all the it poverty, and almost all the misery and al f most all the ignorance, and all the irrelicion that disgrace and afflict the laud. I do in my conscience believe that these intoxicat ing stimulants have sunk into perdition more men and women than found a grave in that deluge which swept over the high est hill tops, engulphirlg a world, of which but eight were saved. Dr. Guthrie. An old farmer's experience is, that the success of farming is in experience ; that to ask a man's advice is not stooping, but often of much benefit ; that to keep 11 place- r 1 1 1 il- ' . z. ' li. I 4 I ; ; ; ior everymmg, auu cytrjimng u us piace r I M saves many a step and is pretty; snro to lead to good tools - and to keep them in order; - that: kindness to stock, like ; good shelter, is a saving of fodder; that to fight weeds: is to favor grain and do "justice to your neighbors; . that in making your; home agreeable, keep boy? out of tire city ; that it is a good thing to keep an eye but on expe riments, and note-all, good and bad; that it is a good thing to grow into farming not jump into it; that it is a good ruls to, sell your grain when it is ready; that th first jnellow soil in spring is your mellowist, and should first be put in; that all of farming 4s jsummed up in the manure heap on -the farm. 4: Some twenty yeaTB ago a beautiful ittle church in the West, was ready for consecra tion. On the day appointed the rencrablo Bishop Chase, with several clergy, was present. Just before going into the church, the bishop had written tho "deed of conse cration," and, in so doing, had soiled. his - hands with ink. He did not observe: this until after he was in the chancel, and dur ing the progress ot the services ; and when his eye zested upon his blackened fingers he was apparently- much annoyed 1 He called some of the clergy to his -side, and exhibiting the soiled - hand, said he must wash it. But ha was very heavy and un weildly, and could not get out and in the chancel without great difficulty, and there lore declined going . out into the vestry room, where there was a bowl. "Bring the bowl ana towel to me," he said. One cler gyman ventured -to suggest to. him, totto voce, that a wet towel might do as well, and would be less noticed by the congregation. The bishop looked at him over his specta cles and said, "Sir, I never wash my hands with a towel. At last the senior warden of the , parish was obliged to : go ou and Dring in a j&owi 01 water. And, by a sin gular coincidencet just as the officiating ticfsjmau wna giving out tne Jsist ifsaim r - "i ll wasa my nanas in innocence i . - . And round thin altar go" .; .. : the bishop dipped his hands in the bowl and washed hem. : Borne of the people of the parish to this day think that this was has inaugurated a ERA in the ; DRY GOODS TRADE ; of Wilminfrton. Now a HEDRICKT (only) as much for one dollar as jDrmerly it would require two dollars to pay for; The verdict of the masses, which Lally throng the -- ' - - , f; -.-xBANNB3K' STORE - .... . i is sufficient evidences EXCELSIOR being thfc motto- -he now of- Calicoes at 6i csut?,..V f Excellent Bleached Cottoi 16 ccnti Good Calicoes at 10 cents. , , Very best Calicoes at 15 cents. Good Alpacca at 50 cents 1 , r Extra do. at 80 cents, worth $1 00. New York Mills Bleached Cotton at 25 ecnt3, ; Good Hose,- 3 pair for 23 cents : 10 Papers Needles for 25 cents. Good Spool Cotton (200 yds.) "ai5 cents,' Kentucky Jeans V20 cents. -s , -Brown Twilled Cotton at 15 cents. - . Unbleached Homespun at 81 cents. IlairJFiusj 2 boxes for io cents. Fine Embroidered Collars, each 10 cenls. : Brussels Lace Veil woith $0 00 for 00. The great living public are Invited to rri vr" m. a call C ASU. CASH.. CASH. - r ' i - Will insura good treatment and o-ood hiiWraina The Remnant Basket is almost a! inillenium ior pruaent laoies oall and examine. 3 '''"' - - .' - t . mi: i - ; ; , Agent, F YSOBf iflfe I5EIO. r t . i. BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES, BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES, BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES. BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES, BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES, FROM FINLAYSON & BROTHER, FROM FINLAYSON & BROTHER, FROM FINLAYSON & BROTHER, FROM FINLAYSON & BROTHER, FROM FINLAYSON & BROTHER, THE VERY BEST GOODS, j ' f THE VERY BEST GOODS, 1 THE VERY BEST GOODS, j- THE VERY BEST GOODS, I THE VERY BEST GOODS, I j s ' j . ; , , . I AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT THE Lb WEST PRICES, . AT THE LO WEST PRICES, AT, THE LOWEST PRICES, . AT THE LOWEST PRICES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WHOLESALE AND! RETAIL, WHOLESALE AND j RETAIL, WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL THE LATEST STYLES, ALL THE LATEST STYLES, ALL THE LATEST STYLES, ALL THEELATEST 8TiTLE ALL THE LATEST STYLES. . AT S NORTH R03r! j:REST, AT 3 NORTH XfliONT: STREET, AT 8; NORTH FRONT STREET, AT 8 NORTH FRONT STREET AT 8 NORTH FRONT STREET. ? april as ' f ,'3itl SCMOOIi BOOKS. : 4 . i TEACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT iully invited to examine my assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, which is now very complete, f - - oct 3d . -I - - Slo-tl ? A DARK LLDE CLOAK, THE PROPERTY of Hon. O. XL. Dockery. ! The Cloak was left in the Theatre the night cf the celebration. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving he same at the oilice 01 col. L. iu. nice. may 5' : ;.--v ,r - :'; : . . 374-tf MAGIC PHOTOGRAPHS. Wonderful ahd amusing, 25 Ients a package. Samples 10 cents, Address L. WILLIS & Co., P. O. Box 691 Biddcford; Me. . ! april 17 j : r DR. J. E. VilAUTS, ; ' i ' pXAMlNINQ SURGEON, ! PENSION BUREAU, - Wilmington, N. C. auff 16 ! 299 WINDOW SASH, DOORS, AND BLINDS-all sizes, at the lowest cash price. i NATHANIEL JACOBI, ! , Hardware Depot, : No. 9 Market st. april 28 ; - 373 . Sole and Harness' Leather. JpRENCH CALF SKINS, : ! ! kSHOE LASTS, ''AWLS, &C, at NATH aNIEL JACOBrS, ' ; ' -.Hardware Depot,' ' - " f No. 9 Market st. april28 I: 373- -Builders ' dordware; ? IiVERY DESCRIPTION OI LOCKS,' HINt y ces, Door BoltsScrewsf Nails, Spikes, &c. r Hardware Depot,. No. 9 Market et. april 2S - -'-: - - - I'-rnT 373 COOPERS' TOOliM TURPENTINE TOOLS, v "k i i c rl -J Camentera'-Tools.H , . " ; ; Blacktmith's looia. Axes, Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Pitchforks, Trace Chains; &c Lowest ptfcea--ftV -t . . NATHANIBL JACOBrS -' Hardware Depot, . ; .:V;:-' u,r:'-No..9;Maket6t. april 3S LASS, PUTTY, &c lowest priccsr-by .,V-;f --;'.;;,r" v- Hardware. Depots -v-a'iliUtlS-Ko. 9 Marketst,. WJE OFFER SPRING 'AND SUMMER Trade VV , Window Shades, Children's Carriages, - RATTAN ROCKERS, , .. . FANCY FOLDING 'OHA.IRSJ ' . - l' ; ARM CHAIRS" LOUNGES, . - --'t. . SETTEES, RATTAN DOOR MATTS, HOTRE SAFES, COTTAGE SUITS. CROQUET SETTS, - t 1 CRADLE,, , r- j f &C, &C 1 Granite Front Buildings, : South Front Street. s 368-tf ; april 14' ; DATIB & WJEIIi. - i - ' I , THE MERCHANT TAILORS ' n : f":r r and ' : f :' - v;;;v27fMnrket 'street, v if'; " Clothing. -k - -Q Spbikg Clotiiixo Immense Stock, Best ' Material, Bet Styles, Best v Workmanship and Lowest Prices. At DAVID & WEIL'S. ClotEsiii?. -r. - Spring Suits in Moltona, . Tweeds, " " Silk Mixtures, Tricots and Water proofs, all the newest coloring and , mixtures, from 8 to $25 the suit. . At DAVID & WEIL'S. Boys, Youths' and Children's Suits, ' lor all ages: All the favorite de signs and most fashionable fabrics ; ' from $5 to $15 the suit. ' ; v :'V' I I '! - '1 :'; At DAVID & WEIL'S - rnts F uriiisSiiii g: oods. , Gents' Furnishing Goods of all de scriptions and latest styles. Shirts made to order. All the latest nov elties in Ties and Collars; Hats ior the thousand. At DAVID & WEIL'S, MerchaiitI'aiioosig. -yc call your attention to birstrr.s ' rior stock of " Piece G-ooda, of tho i- latest-'aM mst elbjxant' styles.' In 1 Trimmings noite surpass us, -end I our gentlemanly cutter the' best in ' the country deges competition. DAVID '&. WEIL, ai AiarK.eT i,rt;et. wiimingion, jm. . -i . I' ' -i-f-.1-- VaK 1 -1 fepril SI WnOLEPAXiTl DEALER IN LIQUORS! & CIGARS, Corner Markct,and South Water Streets, . (li. B, Eilers' old stand,) '"!,.. ; , J ; Wilmington, N. . 17-EErS . CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FINE -1 V and" 'large assortment- of LIQUORS and CIGARS, which he offers -to the -trade at the lowest New York 'prices. 5 iebSi - ; i , 331-tf SHOO FLY BOfiT BOBBER US, rS THE CRY OF THE WILMINGTON MER X chants since the arrival of Wm. Ettingerfrom New York. . . GREAT SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS. - DOWN WITH HIGH ' THE CRY IS STILL THEY FALL. Ve are reeeiying daily,: by 6teamer, all the la test styles ot Drees tioods, x ancy ijooas, uo sieiy. Millinery Goods, Notions, Boots, SJioes, Clothing, c., wmcn we oner ai retail uve per cent, above New York Cost. OUR MOTTO Quick sales small proiits. Just received, a large lot of Spring Dress Goods, EM Gloves, &c. Cotes' cotton a cts. per dozen. I . ' . VrW JflilUiJi XJaLiX jvvery aruuiu mumuu iu plain figures. ' - KemeniDcriue piace mai KUL oueuu , Branch: ot 481 Broadway, New ork. march 23 364-tf Railroad Meeting. - Office Wiu ' Charlotte Rutherford Rail Road Company April 33r'l7U, 70.) JN' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a gen-? eral meeting of the Stockholders :xf this Company is called to assemble lathe, city of Charlotte, on Wednesday, the 1st day of June next, to consider a proposed amendment to the Charter of the Company. By order ot the Board ot Directors. CALVIN J. COWLES, . - -. Secretary. april 24. , - - . - . 371-tdm United States Internal Revenue. nVJOTICE'ls hereby given, to all concerned, l that I have reoeivdt from Thos. Powers, Assessor fdr -this District, the Annual : List of Taxes for.ilS7(U, Bald list- embraces Special Taxes (Licenses) Incomes and .articles enumer ated - in 1 Schedule A. Internal Revenue Law. They will be due and payable on or before the 20th May,1 1870".: Til payment is delayed beyond cetoi willbe added, together with twenty cents for notice, and four cents per mile for travel in serving it. Taxes, ior ew.ianover cuuuvy are navflhfa to ma at my offlcoin' Wilminston from 1st to 10th May; Ior Duplid Co.to one of my. Deputies; at" Magnolia, May in j ror wayne county, to S. P. Wright, at Qoldsboro, May 10th and 11th for Wilson county, to S.-P. Wright, at Wilson, .way 12th and 13 ; for Edgecombe county, to myself, at Tarboro; May 6th ahd 7th; for Pitt county, jo W A. Cherry, at Greenville, iav 10th. 11th and 12th r lor GreenT county;-to one of myDeputies at Snow Hill,-' May 18th and 19th: for Lenoir county., to one oi my epu ties at Kinston, May 16th and 17; for Carteret pnnntv. to one of mv Deotities at Beaufort,' May 18th. and 19th ; for Craven Countvi'tO WVS. Pal mer,'at. Uewbem, May lst.to 10h ; for Jones county,-to onoof my Deputies, at Trenton, May 6th and 7th: for unsiow ccuniy, wi vuc vi tuj r8iffXds?.?m GEO.-P. PECK, .;CoUInt.-KcT 2d Dis., N.C. u s-- r ri. , : .253 Feet Front vonks U N iTEb.i&IS.JiW' - GILES, WALES & IMPORTERS," MANUFACTURERS Ai?D JOBBERS t ' ; . WA T CHES. D IAMO ND 8, JEWEL&Y 4 iO SIL VER WJtR 13 MAIDEN LANE Manufacturers of all the grades of American Watches, Pendant Win . ; ders and Rev Winders, ; ' i ; - BOTH JICIIEL AHD FROSTED r.lOVEr.lEIJTS. The finer grades all having three pairs" Conical Pivots, Cap Jeweled, in Gold Settings, and acuratcly adjusted to Utat Cold and Tbsition, and all, even - in the cheapest grades, have the STRAIGHT-LINE Escapement, with Exposed Pallet Jewels," and Hardened and Tempered Hair- opnnes ; ana ior our i8ie improvement in o Ajiiii abroad. Coi Repeaters ana-QjtiyuJLji&ja&d mincrio nnauainea, ui.:-uoywbuuruuuiuiaubiuc, a uvmv w ostantly on hand, full lines, all sizes, in Gold, Silver, Diamond set, and Aiagic cases, minute s, Independent 1-4, WSplit and Fly back Seconds, rbr,taKing tftrco aiiierent times. rr rrice-Llsta lurnisnea me traae on appneauoui enclosing,' ousiucsb caxu. uj p trade generally. ";.,- J " " ' "" . .. . v " ;' 'F ' ; " - - ." Wliolesale Warerooms, 13 Maiden Laue,Newor!i, : , . And GItJES, BROTHER & CO., 142 X.ake St., Chicago, 111. Watch No. UOS HfEM WiNDERbcaring Tradq-mark " Frederics Atherton & Co. from in - KeW Yoke, Jan. 17, 1870. . ; J MJtiqa, Feb. 15th, 1S70. Watch. No. ia5Si, : Stm-Windeb, Bearing , trade-Mark Frederic Atherton , & Co., . Clarion N. J., .manufactured by . United States Watch Co., has been" carried by mfc20 months ; its total variation from mean time being five seconds per month. ; ' Z. C. PRIEST, Asst. Sup't. N. Y. C. & H. li. R. Watch X No! IllSl, STiM-WjNii-faiiiig Trademark 4 4Fredehc AthertoiQ & Co.," Manu factured by the ; United-States Watch Co. has been: carried Dy m,e seven monuis ; x& o&l vari ation frbm mean time being only Bix seconds. A. L. DENNIS President, N. J. K. R. & T. Cd. Watci No? tiL-STiriDi, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States - Watch Co., has been carried by me four months ; its total variation from meau time' being bhl five seconds per month. F. A. HASKELL Waicie No. i llH Stem-Winueb, Bearing Trade-Mark ''Frederic Atherton &; Co:., Marion. N. J." mabnfactured'1 by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fltteen months ; its total variation 'from-mean ,titao being .onlyau avcracro of two-thirds of, a .6c0nd per day. B.vP PHELPS Civ N.-a Central li. R, WATin No. j;i037 r STEi-WiNDEB,- Bearing Trade-Mark ''Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, fjv J-'' mliaiifactured by UnitodStatesJWatch Co., has been earned y me since Jnne',: 1867, its total variation from mean time being: only five seconds per month. HENRY SMITH. i'reas..; Panama a. nau.swwk. . i i ; '; Utica, Feb. 14th, 1870. Watch No. 3,51?, Bearing ,Trade-Mark Fay ette StrattoG . Maiion, N Ji, ? manufactured by I': nited iStates' Watch Cb., has been carried by mc 1" months; its'' totfljl variation from mean time be'insr fifteen secefnds. I. YROOMAN, Engineer N, -T:. C & H. R. R. . ! I Utica, Feb. 15th, 1870. WatOeNo S,291 Bearing Trade-mark "X ay- ette Stratton, Marion, m J. manuiacturea Dy United States Watch Co., has been .carried by me 18 months ; its'! total- variation irom mean time being live seconds per month. - 1 Con. U. & B. R. R. . t I i - Watch- No.. il2is, Bhim-Windee; Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N . J. ."i manufactured oy United States VYatcn Co., has been carried by me- six months ; its to- tal variation irom mean iime ueiug - vuiy eiKut seconds per month. Have been ; traveung through different sections of the country from New I ork to uaiveston, . l.exas. ana uacn, uy steamer and railroad. f E. RICE, of Whitney & RICe, 17'JUroadway, jn. x. Marion, N. J.'i manufactured by United States VVatcii uo., nas ptson carnea Dy mo December, 18C8, to January-17th. 1870: 'it3 total-variation Demg only tm seconad tlie entire' time. r " : I. E. CHITTEKDEiN , Late Register U. 8. Treasury. BEWARE of worthless immitations with which the Country is flooded; insist on a certihcate oi genuineness irom inose words: MARION, N. J., are engraved on All others are, spurious. D R. CLARK'S LONDON REMEDIES. t - lEor Special Complaints' DR. CLARK'S In7igorator givc3 strength to the aged ahd debilitated; it is especially de signed for yonng men who have wasted their vigor Dy excesses oj every Kina, ana an persons whose systems have become , weak by impru dence are completely restored by its use. Price One Dollar. Da. GLABK'a Purifier cleanses tne blood from all impurities ; such as Scrofula, Syphillis, Mercurial Rheumatism, Humors of . every sort, Bad Breath, Offensive Perspiration, Foul Feet Catarrh, Discharges from the Ear, Sore Throat Falling of the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases of the Lungs and Di gestive Organs. Price. One Dollar. JJR. ULARK S AJiAwJSA, ruueves paiu 01 cvury description ; Headache Earache, Toothache, Stomache, Backache, Pain in the Breast and Limbs It is an invaluable remedy in au ner vous Disorders and no family should be with out it.! Price $1j K i r Dr. Clark's Elixir is a certain j cure tor a weakness of the Genito-Urinary Organs . and discharges of a muco-purulent nature Leucor rhea, Gonoxrhea, Spermatorrhea, aud Seminal Weakness, are speedily cured by its use. Price One Dollar. 1 h .' '-- y'V-1-.f.--s"t . Dr. Clark's . Regulator, for females only, is guaranteed to correct all special irregulari ties and difficulties of Single Lilies. Married Ladies! are cautioned not , to ue it when in a certaih condition, as its effects vould be too powerful. Price $1. I - 'r-'r All of these celebrated remedies are prepared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark's immedi ate supervision, and are warranted fresh and pure, j All ajdicted persons should -send a care fully written statement of their ailments to Dr. Chrk, and the proper remedy will he' Bent promptly to their-address. . Dr. Clark . can he consulted personally at his office, and will fur nish all the necessary accommodations to pa tients who place themselves - under, his care All letters addressed to .'4 v -j - .lJ. ' -. : .. , . r - 4 -: DR. J. CLARK, ? " i v j : bffice No.10 Amity Street, I -v i ' - N. Y. City, near Broadway. SE t 31. O'KJSEI, SON & CO'S SEED ATT GAT Mi 0GUE S And ' GUIDE to tne.i'vV-' Ft 0 V 1 R A tl D V EG ETAB L E Published in January. Every lover of flowers wishing" this neyr and 1 valuable work, free ot charge, should address immediately M.'0'KEEtr FE, SON &0.,-Ellwanger & Barry's Block, '- boy 18 kwtjw - Iron and Glass. OF THE V AT O H C 0 1 P A N Y , CO, JttARIQN, N. J.: NEW-YORK. . U vv aixx w uiBuiamsjuj wc ia'uui u u' Watce Nov 12012, SiEii-Wi5ESSr-Bcaring Trade-Mark .'United States Watch Co.', Marion, N. J. kas been carried by me five month3 : its to tal variation from mean time being only twelve ' seconds. ' - ' " - ' :; '' i : ; GEO. LOVIS, Gen'l. Eastern . ' Tasifgr Agt Toledo, Wabash & Western R. R. . i , - Sukbukt, Pa., Feb. 26, 1869. W at en No. 1176, Stem-Windeb, Bearing Trade-Mark "Fjederic Atherton & CoM Marion, N. J.," manulacturedhy United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months ; its onljLvariation rom mean time being only five seconds during that time. i - : HENRY DE LANCET, Engineer, Phila. & Erie K. R. Watch No. 1105, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eleven months; its total variation from mean time 'being only seven seconds in the entire time A. H. KING, 7 Park Place, N. Y. . ' ' Vice-Pres't N. 0. Car Spring and I. Co. Watch No. 1125, STEM-WiNDEBjBearirsg Trade-Mark Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried; by, me fourteen months, six months of that time at sea, and in all tke.va ripus climates of Europe. During that time and since my return i t has not; varied one , second a week. ' . , ' j "'' II. .LASSIJfG, M:. iager;Knickerbocker Life . .Ini. Co., 16F Broadway, N; Y. Watch No. 1001, STEMWi4fDBB,-Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen months ; its total variation from mean time being only one second per month. ; - WILLARD DERBY, Of Derby, Snow & Prentiss, Jersey City, N, J. Watch No. 1142, ' Stem-Winder. Bearing Trade-Mark Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eight months ; its total variation irom mean time being per month, eight seconds. ; , JAMES B. KYER, - ' of Kelty & Co., 447 Broadway. W.ATCH No. 2183, Bearing Trade-Mark Fay ette Stratton, Marion, N. J .', manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been : canied by me 15 months'; its total variation from mean time being thirty seconds. WM. DUNNE,, Baggage Express, Utica. Watch No. 2656 Bearing Trade-Mark Fay ette Stratton, Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months ; its total! variation Trom mean time being only 13 seconds at present date. ' ' 'JACOB WEART. Col. of In- Revenue, 5th Dist., N. J. ot whom you pnrcnase, ana see that the the plate over the Main Spring Barrel. ST. AUGUSTINE NORMAL SCHOOL AND ' 'r?:V''- COLLEGIATE HISTITUTE. RALElQUy 0. rpms SCHOOL, WHICH IS DESIGNED X for the education of colored teachers, will open on Wednesday, September 29th. Appli cants must he able to read and write and under stand the four primary rules of Arithmetic. Tuition end the use of books will be free to all, but pupils, who are able, will be required to pay their board, in whole or in part. Aid will be given towards board'n special . eases..-; Applica tion, stating age, qualification and pecuniary ability, should be made to ' REV. J. BRINTON SMITH, , - ' Principal septlO iS0i-tf R 0 SADALIS! THE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH RESTORE S,.puhfies the blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis," Skin Disease, Rheumatism, Diseases of women, and s all Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liv er and Kidneys. - Becommcnded by the Medical iraculty and many thousands ol bur best citizens. J , Bead the testimony of Physicians and patients who have used Rosadalisjsend lor our Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Almanac for this year,' which we pub lish lor gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says : I take pleasure- in;recommending your Rosadajus as a very' powerlulalterative. I have seen it used in two cases with hap py results one in case of. aecondary syphilis in which the patient pronounced himself 'cured after . Having taken five bottles ot your medicine. ; .The jother is a case of scrofula of long standing; which " rapidly improving-nnder itSi use, and the indication are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examin ed the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find- it an excellent com pound of 4tfteratiTe:.ingrente.vvWi - Dr. Sparks, of Nicholasvillel Kv. savs he ha3 used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfacto ry, results as a cleaner .pi the Blood I knowno better -fedjVwv vV Rosadalis is sold by all Druggists. , J fLaboratdry, 61 Exchange Racaltf W 1 Drs. Clement) & CoJ Proprietors! ' D ft i Omca CHuEsd..&QE SufssIktendeut 1 - r -c. WjLMUJGTOWi N. C May 7,1870. ) MNGE OF SCnEDULE. CN AND 'AFTER' STJNDATf tho th inst, 1 . our PASSENGER Trains on thia" roadwill leave Wilmington at6:S0 AIM-and 10:00 P.M., and arrive at Weldon at 6:S0 A. M and 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon 10:00 A. M. and 7:35 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:00 A. M. and 6:45 P. M. The day train will not run on Sundays. : AJM , AUUUMM.UUATiOKi AHD iTtfcilQHT I TRAIN mx. Will leave Wilmington 11:30 AIM.,- on Mondays, Wednesdays and i ridays,lmaklng close connec tion at Goldsboro tor Raleiglu.. Returning, leave Goldsboro on Tucsdays.ThTirsdays and Satur days at 6:00 A. ! M., and arriva at Wilmington at 2:00 P. M. - 1 f. --. .jkv-vff. ' Day trains leaying Willmington, at 6:30 A. M. and Weldon at 10:00 A. M., connect closely with tho Tarboro Branch train. L The night train leav ing Wilmington and Weldon aiso connect close ly ?with the Taiboro Branch train. . V ' i S. L. FREMONT, 1 : -- . Engineer & SuDt. .' maay 8 ; ... 1-tf ', ;-;v t y t ' r ' x : ' i -.. ' . ' ' f-': Wilmington & Manchester li.Ii. Co fct"'Lr'T"lha. i. Gekebal, 8upe3inteni)E2jtts Ori-ica, vYiLMinaTONi N. C., March 12,1868. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 13th IN etant. Passengers- for the W; & M: RR. will take.the train at the W. & W. R. R. Depot, smiths following Schedule will be run : . JV t)AX EZPIIESS TRAIN (Daily.) Leave Wilmington (W. & W. IV R. 1 fV. ' , i Depot)....... 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Florence..... Y.......V '.11:03 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville 3:00 P. M. Leave KingsviUo . . . ; . . . .... . : , . . .11:40 A. M. Arrive et Fkwerice. . . ... J ...... . .J. ...-8:14 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington........ . ... .-. ft 30 P. M . 1 jiflGIIT EXPRESS TRAIN (Daily.) Leave Wilmington (W.' &WiV R.R. 'i j Depot). . .... I : .1 . 6; 15 P. M . Arrive at Florence........... .. 1:43 A. M. Arrive at Kingsviile. . :00 A. M. Leave Kingsjcille..... i 3:45 Pi M Arrive at Florence .11:05 P. M. Arrive at W. & W. R. H Depot, ..... 0:12 A. M. i I s - , WM. MacKAE, - I i" I - , s Gcn'l Sunt. , march 26 , " ' . S61-tf . Eastern DMsibn WUVMINGTON CnARLOTTE AND ;' RUTHERFORD RAIL ROAD X . t4 .... ,r i OFFICE AT WILMINGTON,' N. C.; ) ' -1 V y v. January 27th, 1ST0. . : ON AND AFTER MONDAY, 31ST OF JAN ,uary, 1870, the Trains on the Eastern-Di vis ion of this Eoad will run daily, (Sundays except ed) as follows : : .. .' . yfm'i PASSENGER TRAINS. j -hi..-; ::r A; GOING WEST. r "' U'i...'.?i Leave Wilmington . . . ..... . .". . ... G:15 A. M ... 6:35 - -. . D:4i. ' . ...10:40 . ...1:00 P. M. ... 2:50 . 44 tJ:15 - ' Cape Fear Bridge, Bladenboro', . . . .i ...... . Lumberton,.... ........ Lanrinburgh,4..... . Rockinjrham. . l !! ii it Arrive at PeajDee, , . . .'. (; I, f. GOING X AST. , Leive Pee Dee,:i . TXl ". ; ; . . 5:40 u 1 'f 1.4. riockingtiam, 0:05 Laurinburgh,.... .. ........... 8:45 "u Lumberton, .10:35 " Bladenboro',.... 11:33 " it''. -its ' 1 Arrive at Wilmington,. . . '.".V.'.V 3.00 : K ' i ;;j--g"FRklGIIT TRAINS. - : : , ; " . " ,' . j . GOING WEST. ' ' " ; Leave Wilmington . i- 5:00 M' M -y ! !f Cape Fear Bridge,.. 5:25 " ;I i ; Bladenboro' 8:53 K fi :M Yorkvillc,. : . .;. '. 9:20 -. . " ! Lumberton, 10:45 " ' Arrive at Laurinburgh, . . ;. 2:30 P., M. 4 P'1' . - GOlKG EAST. ' - V- Lcave Laurinburgh, 5:50 A. M " i 44 Lumberton, ...V 8:10 -4 f! fj YorkviUe,...... 9:15 " f H M Bladenboro', ........ '. 9:45 44 r 1 9 ! Cape Feat Bridge, '.....'1:35 P. M Arrive at Wilmington,.. 2:00 44 i Passenger Trains - West connect with the" Wadesboro' and Charlotte Stage on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. , : ; - B. S. GUION, .. Eng. and Gcn- Snn't v jan 30 ' " V 847:tf . THE HORTH & SOUTH UNiTEQi; r f BY THE " ".' It- I-: GREAT ;METKOFOI.ITAW See that your Tickets are good S. Via JPrterahurg, Weldon, Hal I ;' I:1H' ttiffh and Chartoite :V , NORTH CAR0LNA RAIL ROAD ': Time Ta,TDle. - TRAINS GOINGJEAST LEAVE CHARLOTTE, Fbeigst . -! and Accommodation Statioxs. Arrive. leave. Arrive Lcavc. Charlotte, Salisbury, 3:40 AM 4:15 pm 7:13 AM 7:40 A M 6:14pm!0:19pm J, Greensboro 12:17 pm iy:37 pm 8:57 pm 9:03 pm ; a . i ... .. . ; . Raleigh, 7:45 pm - . 11:35 PM 8:15 pm 11:00 AMili45 ah ;15: Goldsboro. SO AM TRAINS GOING WEST ARRIVE AT CHAR- - '.' ' ' LOTTE. " ' k' -r '; Freight i and Accommodaiox. StATiOKsj Mail Tbain. .'Arrived Leave. Arrlve.': LeavcA i . 115 pm . ' : . ' 7: 19P M 7:40 pm; v-- 1:53 pm 2.10 pm j" 2ii0 Pm 5:30 Am . K -4 i 110:40 AM 1: '" Charlotte, 'I:. ! . Salisbury, GreerisVo Raleigh,; it"- ":' 10:00 am 7:37 am 5:06 am 7:5Gam 5:14 ah 13:00.MH LOO' AM Goldsbor f r !! I 8.80pm ACCOMMODATION FOR EASTERN NORTH v Tts I Wii-CAROLINA. Aiim iPasscngera frorn Raleigh to Wilmington: will take the accommodaUon or &15 p. m. tram. Passengers from Wilmington to Raleigh will take the morning train,- Close connection made at Goldsboro each way. " " : ' '' T ' ; " f - if Superintendent. march 10 '. i. v.' A V:- (". : '' fart ot tne ceremony of consecration, T - april 23 S73 ', . . i . ?!