iii i ..uili j i i ii .ii.,.,. .hi in, ...ii i . ii i jii. i m ii .i i i i jii i ill I ii II 1 1 i I ii ii.n u mm ii ui.ii m- ' m im n n mmmmmt inn mntrrmmm, . ,t mil. .ijmmrmmmm "." umpi r jm f mx, kin.ii t - ' - - ' , ' - ' k i : - !- . r .. , - I 1 I . , . I , J 1 ' ' ' ' ' ii iiii !L!riimuii,in "1 1 ' 11 JJl THE WILMINGTOFPOST. WILMINGTON, N. C, MAY 15.1870.' MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. TO PHYSICIANS. ; GREATER INVENTION OF THE AGE 'b CHEAPNESS, DURABILITY; CON ' , VENIENCE. ' - OUIl IIONTULY CALENDAIt. ! quality - hue -, Insurance v h j. . AatboritT i i SV- ' ;V'; 1 1 -i n 1 's-V . 1 n i may; i! If 1 I . 4 TV 1 i 7 f i V ' 1 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 30 SI "I WILMINGTON MARKET. , 'k Wilminotoh, N. C.:, May 14, 1870. , SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 130 bbls. at 86 centa per gallon. - ; i CRUDE TURPENTINE Sales of 133 bbls. at M ior uew 1W1 f I 55 for hard, 1? 280 Es. ROSIN Sales of 29 bbls. at 1. 75 for No. 1, mA -Pnia i v r UUX lUri omau saies ax zvhudal ceuus iu. i DOMESTIC MARKET. ,Beef, 1630 cents $ lb. Mutton choice, 1216 cents fi. Yeal ch6ice, 20 cents Ib.o Fresh Tripe 20 cents stick. Hogshead cheese $ pound, 25 cents.; Lemons 50 cents $ dozen. Opossum, $1 00 piece. . Ducks, 11 00 t pair.t Tk, r r T h Z k W- in " Choice .fresh water, fish bunch, 50 , ceats Eggs, 20 to 25 cents dozen $100. Mullets Salt, at 60 cente J dozen. ; Sea Side trout 2550 cents per bunch Potatoes Sweet, $ bushel, $1 50; new Irish potatoes cents peck. Beets 60 cents per peck. s Apples, choice eating U5 bushel. , Oranges 75 cents $ dozen. ' Poultry, 00 $ pair. , Cabbages, 1525 cents $ head. Cranberries 25 centb per quart. Butter'Beans, quart 30 cents. Turnips, 40 cents peck, 10 cents $ bunch. English Peas, 5060 cents i? peck. Strawberries, 2540 cents peck. Country Butter, 4050 cents $ ib. Onions, 10 cents $ quart, $3 30 $ bushel. Turkeys, 2530 cents & B WHOLESALE 'PRICES. BEESWAX. . iScantline.. 15 00(20 00 9 3b. ......... . . ..3536j White pine.00 0000 00 BEET CATTL3. LIMB. f 100 lbs. .00 ooop 00 uui.. .... ..v whb; oo I molasses, gallon. .- BABBELS. J Snts. T.,new Cuba hhd..... . 406S43 , N.Y.......I3 752 80 1 2d hand do.. 2 60 2 75 do tierce... 55(3)60 do bbl 45 "BAGGING. 1 Gunny . . ........ 2324 Dundee........ 0033 i Rope.;......!.. 710 .; - - BRICKS. '' oyrup.. ..w(ci. uu Sugar House; . . . ,ao33 NAILS, 15. ! Cat.........5 005 50 Wrought .....700750 V M......$9 0010 00 oils, gallon. COFIKB. 18 ibr Rosin.... ,...f0 40(3050 j Java 3035 Lard......... 1752 00 i Laguyra ........ Kerosene ..... 00(d) 34 1Rio..............l8(aa3 Linseed...... 120125 St. Domingo. . . . .2538 CANDLES, !) B. . Pitch . . . ... . 0 000 00 PEANUTS.. Sperm 5055 $ bushel... $1251 65 POTATOES, bbl. I Adamantine ..... io(o2u i Tallow.......... 2000 Irish bbl.... .$3 504O0 domestics, yard. Sweet, bush.. 1 201 30 Sheeting, 4-4....10l22 Tarn, bun 2 003 10 PROVISIONS, ID. T XT t - ' uokaju, xi. FISH, DDI. Mullets Jakbbls.f8 0000 00 Hams....,.....1718 Shoes' :i?6M8 Pine do..$7 00( 8 00 Hoff ronnd 207d)2;4 1 Mackerel' No. 1 ftbbl 15 0000 00 No.2ibbl.9 50lQ00 No. 3.....U 00(1600 IIiTOICT f iivi Ok-t o l Shoulders..., 14(315 Hams. . ....... 20(22 Kits. 3 50OW0 ' Herring, Nova Scotia Fork. bbl. City m'ss 32 0 J33 CO bbs,......,0 00 000 Tbin " 30 OOfcDbl 00 r Hernnff, smoked- Prime. . ;. 30 00(ol 00 f i boxes. ... .00 00(300 00 Kump .... 2a oofceao oo L Codfish..... 9 10 Beef t bbl. H 500000 N.C. Roe...O 00W 00 tloub, bbl. - gutter,. 9 ib. Country, v. . . .. .4000 FamUy...i.$7 509 00 Super 6 50& 0 00 v ; Fine:. . . . . .. 5 75 00 Oosben 3545 Western ...00c00 gbain, bushel. Enelish dair v.. 250.00 Corn,EasCo. l'40ai 45 liard.. lb.- Oats. . . . 800 5( N. . Carolina, . .2300 Peas.....:,.. 1 05(1 10. Northern...... 2200 Rice, rougn.. i uu(i a& 'ONIONS. Rice. Carolina. 6 7 bbl........4 000 00 E. I. rice...... 00 00 Glue, lb . . . . 18 20 Qunnt Bags,. ,.30 32 Guano, Peruvian, " I J SUGAB, w n. Cuba........... 1213 Crashed ..... 141(15 forto Kico. . ... Il(cgl3 A Coffee....... 1402 ton...$90000000 Navassa;.eo oy75 oo Bdo.........,..13l10 - HAT. Cdo........... 12f14 Eastern.... ..114531 50 Havana Brown,. 0000 Northern. ... 1 251 40; salt, sack. JUJJJS3. Green ,. . ... . . . . Wg9i Dry... i... 17Q30 i ibon, lb. , English, ass'd 6 , 6i American, ref. 0 61 American, sheer 9 6J Swede...... .10 12 Hoop, 9 ton, 120125 liquors, gallon. 4 009 00 Liverpool, from store fl 551 60 Alum. bush 1 75(3100 soap, lb. . Brown. . ......... .6j2 uoniract 4 w(cgo w ' IIMBEB. Shipping.;. 11 5012 50 Mill prime,. .9 5010 50 Mill fair...... 7 00 8 00 Mill ord'y .. 5 00 6 00 . Apple, NC. 2 75300 TOBACQO. Peach..,.. 3 00(33 50 Whiskey Navy. . ..... . 00(300 Meuuim. . ....... uuoo Bourbon.. 1 75 400 NE. Rum 200 3 00 Matraiactured. w00 TALLOW. 1$ lb... ....... 11121 LXJMBEB, BIYEB, T$ M. Wide bds . .f 12 0015 00 wood, s cord. Scantling. . .10 0013 00'Oak. . . ... ...f3 00te3 50 jb looring. . .10 wigu w Ash 3 000 00 Pine ......... 2 753 00 Flooring Aim Roufirh....21 00(3)22 00 Dressed .; .20 0035 00 xjjLnu jrxtAaxjsK, ton. . .. . . . 0000 DIRECTORY. City Government. Mayor SiLis N. Mabtin, office City Hall. Marshal -Wm. P. Canaday, office City Hall. ' Clerk and Treasurer Benjamin Dubfee. - Grand Army of the Republic . Headquarters Department of North Carolina, at Wilmington,. ... Allan Ruthebfobd, ; ' ': ; Grand Commander. ben. Dubfee, Asst. Adi't Gen. 1 " Post RutherlordT No. 1 meet every Wed nesday evening at No. 1, Ndrth Water street. 4 E. R. Bbink, Commander. Ben;. Dubfee, Adj't. Post-!--Noi3 meet every Thursday even ing at No 4, North Water street. t V V Wtt MftTBiN, Commander. J. 6. W. Eagles, Adj't Odd Fellows. Cape Fear Lodge No 2 meets every Tuesday evening. A. J. Yopp no o.C. Wood, Secretary. P W' . Temperance. Mt Olivet Council No. 9, F. of T., meets every Monday evening, v a. D. Wallace, Pres. ' Jas. Xing, Secretary. . V Mason ir." St John's Lodge No. 1, meet last Thursday in each month. H. H. Munson, W. M. W. M. Poisson, Setfy. " ' Concord Chapter No. 1, meet third Monday in each month. Alfbed Mabtin, H. P. C W. Oldham, Sec'y. .... : ' Wilmington Council No. 4,' meet first Wednes day in each month. . . - New Tom, August 15th, 1863. Allow me to call your attention to m j pREPAnftTioti of conpoutiD EXTRACT BUCIIlh The component parts are BUCHU. LONG I LEAF, ', CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. Modb or PBEPABATioN.-Bnchn. In Tacno. Juniper Berries, by distiUation. to form a fine gin. Cubebs extracted by displacement with Buinis oDiainea iromwumper seines : -very spirit, it is more paiataoie tnan any now m use, Buchu, as prepared by Dmgglsts, is of a dark color. It is a plant that emits its fragrance ; tne action or a name destroys this (its active principle), leaving a dark; and glutinous decoc tion. Mine : is the . color of ingredients. The Buchu in my preparation predominates; the smallest quantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation ; upon inspec tion, it will be found not to be a Tincture, as made in - Pharmacopoea, nor is it a Syrup and therefore can be used in cases where fever or in flnnmation exist. In this, you have the knowl edge of the ingredients and the mode Of prepa ration. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, and that dP inspection it will meet With ' youV ap- probation, v v With a feeling of confidence. Iam, very respectfully, H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist and Druggist, of 16 Yearti JEJxperience. From the Largest ' Manufacturing Chemists . -A- lit -am a . in xne wona.j ) , ' .:! Novembeb 4, 1854. 4I am acquainted with Mr; H..T. Helmbolti : he occupied the Drue .Store opposite mv tp.a- dence, and was successful in conduct iner the 1 2 1 A. - . t . " 1 uumuesa wuere oiurs naa not Deer, equally so oeiore mm.- i nave oeen iavorabl v impressed niiu uxb cuarauter auu euLerprise. WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN. ' Firm of Powers & Weiehtman. - Manuiacturincr Chemists. : Ninth and Brown streets. Philadelphia. I: HELMBOLD'S FLUID Extract BUCHU T flip, tri-oaf Tkfi. Frt,. TT-i T-.:t..j r" .rYir Z W1 wm,WBW iiuuc, !8t. ted with Organic V CttB'"BB retiiures me aia oi Meaicine to Jfl Tf i. - , t L .i - J B""""eu io, on- ou"uu "V cubucs. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, : In affections peculiar to Females, is unequalled ivcicuuuu, t Miuiiuxiess, or Duppression oi cus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State oi the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, or the decline or change of life. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU CHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from tha vRtm diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no in- shiugx-es, ff m. j cuuveiuence ur exposure ; completely superced Common . . . . 2 503 00 ing those unpleasant and dangerous remedies. I vupaira auu mercury, m an tnese diseases- USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all diseases of these organs whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause orieU 1 uuug, wiu 110 maiier 01 now long standing, It is pleasand in taste and odor, immediate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate constitutions, procure the remedy at once. . The reader must be aware that, however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is certain to affect the bodily health and men tal powers. All the above diseases require' the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic . ; - . ' . - - - - " "j : Sold by Druggists : evertwherc. Pkicb $1.25 per botUe, or 6 bottles for $6.50. Deliv ered to any address: Describe symptoms in all VUUUUUUIKSUUlUt - ' - Address ; . .H. T. HELMBOLD.' . Drug and Chemical Warehouse """" 594 BROADWAY, New Tork. ; . NONZS ARE GENUINE Unless dpfaft up in , steel-engraved vrapper, signed C 8lmi16 my Chemical Warehouse, and HELMBOLD . - may 8 ' TO SELL OX7B GELEBBATED Golden Fountain Pen Acknowledged by all who have used them to be the. bant Pfin made or sold-in this country;' No blottinz I - No soiled flncers ! Sixty Unes writ ten with one pen. of ink 1 Will outwear any steel ; Den ever 1 made. - 5 Bankers. merchants, n.i!,?aasj Udxes. Nol, for general use; iTo. 2, medium; W Wo. '6, ladies use or nne penmansnip. ; r TjTBERAL COMMISslUrt TU-' AU1CJN1B i ' QC "We are nretjared to cive any enersretic person H taVino- thA hcphpv of these Pens, a commission whirh will Tmv 200 wer month VWe invite all 1 persons wishing employment, to send foT sam- g pies ana circulars. . Two sample boxes mailed for 50 cents. ADDBESB, i""1 - - r WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., Indianapolis, Ind., Manufacturer's Agents march 3. 356-tf THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY J as the; result of a long established and successful business enables, us to offer inducements that makes this announcement worthy of , ATTENTION. i Importing our foreign goods di rect, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the mar ket in M ' READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our ' stock j is constantly large and seasonable. ! We are the sole manu facturers of the which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. :- Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have their measures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired. Address P. O. Box 2256, N; Y. DEVLIN & CO. 257- march 6 SHOTGUtl best in the wobld;T SHD taB A CIBCCLAR rvvorin Hew York Office, 27 BEEZMAN ST. may 5 ' . " i " ' 374-tf NAVASSA i AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, MANUFACTURED BY THE NAVASSA GUAII0 COMPANY, 1 ' . OF " WILMINGTON, N. C, IN BA G S 'OR BARRELS . - ' , . , ' . . . i" - - S .. ' . '- .. ' ., . ,- V This Fertilizer is prepared with the utmost care, : and contains every constituent desirable lor any Crop to which it may be ap plied. 'It is especially adapt- ' ' 3 cd to the growth ot COTTON, CORN. CEREALS, AND ALL KINDS OF fellUITS AND VEGETABLES, . It is manufactured of the same material from "wfaicH-the celebrated PATAPSCO GUANO CO'S PHOSPHATE 13 prepared, ? and reference is made to that Company, 65 South St,' Baltimore, for. its effi cacy, quality and uniformity."; i;- -- R. R. BRIDGERS, President, , DONALD MACRAE," , o :v . . . Treasurer and Secretary, . -- WUmingtoo.N.C. , janl6 ' v. ... - . 343-3m Lb PRO nJ W CHEAP . JOB PRIlVTIlVCf, . ' : AT, THIS OFFICE g rjfe x rK-'; -1 .z" - V::v-.;?:,v..i; .. the onoAn of tiie H , Tt. u mnr IVwraL to the inwr(i than any other Company, and will eventually become purely mutual and oeiong to tne insurea. Examine its pamphlets before you Insure, it is to your interest to do so. t Principal oface 1015 Main street, nfliun u v a. a cents wanted evenrwnere. Agency in this City at the office of the "Wil mington rosT.". . . nov 14 . ; - oo-iy ir , 1 , n' , nil Ill ."' !AAvtiAv'i'a'ni1 rnnncAllnr nr Law' iiUOrney ana counsellor, ai Liaw, OFFIOE,' . 478 H St., between 9th and 10th Sts. WASHINGTON, D. C, of Claims and before the several Depart- in the State lately In rebellion by U. S. Treasu ury Agents, or by the U. S. Army. ; J! or supplies taken or purchased oy omcers of the U. S. Army. I t i V For rent or use of property, , or property de stroyed. I , - ' ' 1 ' h ot horses lost, kiiiea, or . which diea in tae. Military Service ' i For Back Pay and jBounty, and uettiement 01 Officers' Accounts. The Adjustment of Claims before the Bureau 01 Indian Anairs. v We have great facilities for Procuring Patents. We make perliminary examinational at the Patent Office to see whether the Invention has been anticipated, and give information for $5. All necessary drawings and papers prepared. Charges tor obtaining patents reasonable. Heal Estate bought, sold, rented, or -traded lor other property. x nere xs a large amount 01 nam money i - A 1 A Jl I J S - J A 0 S, J unuismuuieu,' wxucxi is auo iu oauors, uuw ue- ceased; who served in the ; united States IVavy. The friends Of deceased Sailors Would do well to write to us, that we may look into the ac-, counts in the Navy Department, unless they are sure the same has been settled. KgF Liberal per centage all OAved Lawyers send ing us cases 1 ! 4 : , tifiJusiness with any ot the Departments at tended to with promptness, nov 6 I 323-6m Purchasers of music will consult their own interest by subscribing to Petebs' Musical Monthly. It is issued on i the first of each month, and gives all the. latest and best Music, by such authors as HaS, Kink el, Thomas, Bish- PETERS'. op, Dauks, Becht, ' Vcc , Keller, . Vf ian, etc. Every number contains at least Twelve. Pieces of new and good Music, printed on fine -white pa per and Irom full size music : plates, every piece ofwhich is aiterward! printed in sheet iorm from the same plates, .and . sold at from 30 to 50 cents each and all we ask for this valuable mag azine is 3Q cents a copy, $3 a year, $1.50 for six months ; and we guarantee to every yearly sub scriber at least 432 pages ; of choice new music, by the be3t authors, j 1 $60 ior $3. We do not expect Petebs' Musical Monthly to. pay us as a Magazine, because we give too much music !for the money. It is issued simply to introduce1 our new music to the musical world. Our subscribers sing and play the music we give them. Their musical friends hear the music, like it and buy it In sheet music form, where we make our profit! Remember! every yearly subscriber gets, during the year, at least 150 pieees of .our best music, all oi which we af terward print in sheet form,1 and sell for over 160. It is published at the Mammoth Music Store of J, L. Peters, 599 Broadway, New-York, where every thing in the music line can be had. N matter -how small your order, it will be promptly attended to. Sample copies can be seen at the office of this paper. 'I,. ' ' ! k. -'I ' " . janl3 I ; j ! 342-3m UATIOHAL HOTEL, Cor.- Halifax and Edcnton sts., - North of the' Capitol Square. j Raleigh; 2V.VC. , THE-BUILDING; IS NEW, SPACIOUS AND elegant.1 Every appointment for the accom modation of f guests. Rooms and Parlors eri suite for families, and. sibgle rooms complete, Deauti fully furnished, with an eye to comfort and con venience. V -.. "' - . ' 'Mr. THE DINING ROOM Is large and, superbly furnished in the most at tractive manner, whilst the servants are genteel, polite and attentive. I ' v No expense or effort will be spared to render the St. .Nicholas Hotel strictly a t w r FIRST CLASS HOTEL . To oompare favorably with1 the best 'Hotels, North or South. -1 - tr- -' The patronage of the traveling public is re spectfully solicited. Omnibuases and carriages at the depot to meet every train. , - Charges as 10 w as any other first-class Hotel in the country ' ; - - I: ' t A. J.-RUTJES, Proprietor. i ! (Formerly of ExchangeHotel.) r Journal and Star copy, i ' jan 27 A-.; -. , j, .; 'V" S46-tf LANDS " JLANDS. LMDS. A LL PARTIES HATING TRACT S OF xl land for i sale may-- find a ' market' for the same by applying. to the editor of the " Post." Persons wishing to sell will please send descripV tionof land and price asked, to 1 ; '"-' C, m - " ; CHARLES I.' GRADY; V V ' : - , j' ; Office Post" !- Wilmingten, N. C. ) fe37 " r 355 - GREAT EHTERPRIGE FOR TIlF STATE OF HO RT-U CAR 0 LI f Ai : SOMETHING KEWA VERY IMPORTANT ' c11nVNTIONG r FROM .WATER. " ,4 V SCIENTIFIC AND TROFESSIONAL GEN tlemen, as well as enterprising men of capi tal, are respectfully Invited to callat the Purceil House to& examine (in -.practical operation) a v porUblevshyao-carbon t gas machine, producing gas at one-half the cost of coal gas; and giving 100 per cent'more light "with the same sized burner. Territorial rights are fast being disposed ; of. i 930 ceunties have been sold within slx,weeksa Call audi examine what is destined to give light to iorty millions of peo ple, i r ... r HOWARD T1LDEN, -. " Patentee an1 PmTr?ofrt EQMHTY HfElIAME CO. : : : " Endorsed and recommended by the President ol the Faculty of the E. Medical college ot i ; 'the city of New York. - j r Pkofessob R. S. NEWTON, M. D., professor and President of the Faculty, late "Pre- founr Tbpnmr -and Praptiee' of Medicine. ri uincmnau, cc. - .a -j. One of the most eminent v medical men of. this age well Known as tne autnor 01 tne iouuwiug standard medicalworks : Nbwtonts "Pbactice ... a - .-J . A Jl - - - of Medicine." 'Diseases of Chlldben'! New- ton's Stmes Subgebt," &c, in jyecemDer num ber at American Medical lieviewpzge 78 says : "Amonff the more recent efforts ? to introduce popularly some of the new remedies, - we notice' a new preparation compounueu uy o. o. jua- bbnce, M. D, of Nobfolk, VAwhichj is furn ighed t0 tne profession and the public in any de- sired Quantity. : We recently examined his Labprai tout, and became f it7 Iv satisfied that all; his work: 5 istlone in the bBst manner, Dy tne mosiapprovca processes, and irom the best materials, giving j jtw ft Tiii rannnt. reasonahlv hPRitate to p-ivetbe KOSKOO a trial. K OSKOO ! THE GREAT T)l Ji r Tirrv,, Tlr,l ij iJlOOCl CL JLlVei JlLeUlCllld ! FOR HUMORS IN THE BLOOD, SCROFULA, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, RHEUMATISM, ; w ;, , KIDNEY AFFECTIONS,' : V" SKIN DISEASES, GENERAL BID HEALTH, &c NO QUACK MEDICINE FORMU ' AROUND THE BOTTLE., PREPAHEI) SOLELY BY. Dr. J. X -LlMISrCE -plrgaSic ClierJist, ''-' .--NdRFOLKprA; For sale by Druggists . and . Merchants evlry - . , - .- .wnere. - - . -- . (kditobial.) 1 - From Norfolk Daily Journal, Dec. 11, 186t Koskoo. This' medicine Js rapidly gaining fthe confidence of th$ people, and the numerous es timoniala ofits virtue, given by -practitioners of medicine, leaves no doubt that it is a safe lind reliable remedy for' impubity of ' thb blood, LlYBB DISEASE, &C, . ,';"" . ' . l:- The last Medical Journal contains an article from Prof. R. S: Newtonr M. D.f President of sthe Medical College, city of New York, that spekks in high terms of its curative properties, and gives a special r, recommendation of Koskoo to the practitioners ot medicine. . This is, we (be lieve, thellrst instance . where such medicine, have been pfficially, endorsed by thel Faculty f any of the medical colleges, and, reflects great credit upon the skill of DrV Lawrence, its (im pounder, and also puts "Koskoo' in the VA2? of all other medicines ot th6 present day. , ' -.-J ' i. J nii(&( v JS tfi?1011 attained by this unri- ISS1? 3hbQ I east Powder durfnS twelve years past is. due to its perfect purity, healthful esa and economy: Put up In tins, actual weight as represented, and will fcm fhr . The quantity -required, for use is from one fourth to one half lesa than other Bakinff Pow- ders. - (Sold by ocOTthronrfurat the United States. JK. 1 I f fin H AND OF .THE ; h &; .v. "i "' Let all who love Iheir country subscribe for the. Only tioiial - Paper- M - -ii r in this section. has : the LARGEST CIRCULATION ; Is the BEST FAMILY PAPER, and is the ablest con ducted in tho State, ? ft- The " POST is offered at very low rates to subscribers 1 1 ' : .. i f-t M Let each family in the Statefhave its " POST and thus keep well posted on the current affairs of life. - Vm m , -:mm:. - .; . ! r COME ON; NEW. SUBSCRIBERS ! "Come as the waves come, when navies aire. i stranaed." !; Let everybody come, and briDg his wife. .- THE LADIES, are expressly interested in possessing the Post. Its letters from the great fashionable centres are remarkable ibr their ability and knowledge of the grekt world of FASHION ! ; S : U 1 ine-ruai" has regular correspondents at New YorkV Baltimore and Washington, and will have tpccial letters from England, France and Germany ! j :xUr y''k - H' I Now isthie limcto subscribe. 1 Clubs of "fi ve can have the " POST," oneJ year;1 for "TEN DOLLARS If ! when paid ip advance,; , ; ; :-, OF ;. V- ' "i " ' ; f -V MAGlBTlTES .BLANKS,; 2 , ; i COURT BLANKS,!; , BT - W IXmUX V X O, V IU. , . .S-i5 S?' Vi -r.: ' - i ' '' ' 1 BUSINESS CARDS. if --.t '' ;NOTE HEADINGS, j ; BILL HEADS, V i.' ,4" CIRCULARS, '7.,:;v ; : C :l STATEMENTS, ; , .3-- : . - -envelopes; mv I 1 JIICnotb booksVS L - . i ". .. ' tags1, - ' ' ' I , Affl)r , - S. i 4 - "- - ii" '. - . .t -i r .. GBNERlIi JOB 7 7"- -r: r. : f - Executed in the best manner, and at the shor i' ' . st notice, at the JJ ; ; j ? P0STj,!" PRINTING OFFICE.' ' RET UB Jii OA N M:-.. .i:M -jr.i ' . -. ALL V' " n ;i-iy.r Q1 V . " -...y.. ;v:;;;:?,'e';,r," . Off J AS9- VV4U 7 I iff. :-v .. 1 i