- " ' " i null j jiii ii i win .nil.!. iii. i.i mi ji i i.n , i i i, iwmm. mmm n i u ' ; ; :V- : i "-.-v , j '-v".J ,-: v . ' i"' U'-"--"-':. i T . t 1 1 I i WILI fTON. CL, NOVEMBER 13.US70. STJNDAY;EADING.i ! "A Little While." ! t- . Oh ! for the peace that fioweth as a rfver, S' MakiiDg iife'a deeert places bloom and smile, Oh I fat ajalth to graspl Heaven's bright ' 'lor- eveA ' yi -v - 4 AmI4 th shadows oCartVa ,,littl0'while.,r j:-: .:'"; :J!- jji,;-'; '-"slj1! ,.; .j, 'r"t "A little while" to'weatr the robes of sadnes'i To toil ith wearv stsri'thromrh errih-riv . Then to pfur forth the fragrant oil of gladtjcss, au vii4u bu 4 vt tuu i v'o uiaiow 'A;littIfe while" for winning sonls to Jesus, Ere yet We see his beauty face to face : A I u IIVWV. iunv IV! 11 lUUiUJC Oil UillidCtUbSa ! ' Tl A. .11! A - . . uy leuriE omers oi a caviors grace i - ! -- i .!. - '& little wfrile" to tell the iovful storr Of him who made our i?uilt and curse his own: - To gain iresh jewels for, our heavenly crown. r-t r1.V!r::,-;-:4 J -",' f A little; wpiile" for patfent vigil-keeping, i To lace! the storm, to wrestle with te strong; A little while'' to sow be seeds with weeping, t Then binfcl the sheafs aid sing the harvest-son?. .--.'T l -," - ; I t tTis but Va little whilc;'jUthe way is dreary, . j The nighjt is dark, bii t we are nearnff land ; Oh . for t M rest ot lleavlini, for we are Weary, ; And lori to mingle with the deathless band! True eloquence I fiu l. to be qone but the serious ana uearty love oi tTutu : and that. Jivuose mind soever ls'IuUy possessed with a ?nt desife to know good tinners, and t'rfearest chanty lo infuse theknowl- "m Infn nrhnra nrhsn onnh n , Vk, his words, j like so many nim- tj servitors, trip around him at and in welifdrdercd files, as he f fall aptly into their own places. I- , , i i . J. ! Frothinguam, ur t..., v.Lri, B iffitk upon the subject of the Cross, Feccntly, iprougnt out a uisioncm iact not nerallypnown, but -jfvliich addslgreatly iihiKR siAiificance of fitbat symbol of . lour :M2ion..flUe8aid-:-i : ir I !- w. . ', .( : i The cri ity. Tbd bs is much older than Christian- Sonin oi u wns not uiscovereu. It always meant, first and. last; one thing- the pcrpemation ot lifd; It Was said that long ago t Worshiped ? by .the inbabitantH was possessed of high attri- SI' butes. AH certain jcertain int-vais up and down the shore fw 'ooden crosses were anangeu so al totrisei witli the current of the river in rne. sumDj ter time. For! a long part of the vear, especially in midwinter, and spring- time; tbeji waters were iow. - inose woouen I . - - "A i : " rmt L j ' crosses ha an unseemly look. They were black with! ithe loner siauditg and satnira- tion in. the : Iwater. Th?y stood tor nothing. , They suggested death, vacancy .and barren- n;ssi; Bui When trom a- mysterious source Oi the rivkm came down in the sprint: the tide and f I ed the cha&njel deeper and deep cijv the irilnbitants; wktched t hese J crosses with interest taat ms'ant to them life or death. As the waterj. fose their position rqse with li, and as the' current of pie; riyer 'touched toe ' trans versi beams, joy spread Urougli lue land. Their narps twanged ahd the fibibrels werej sounded, and the pxcessiorjiof the priests moved up and down, farfiis the great river 'touched the . transverse? teams it was the sign of fertility, Nt ! h ' and Egypt! was joyful' The water spread I over the ll Ijaod and I people fled from their lip riles, olhylto return however, anH luild r thera anewfand cultivate I the ground when the s'wblh n tiver subsided. The cross meant, iilcidenta lj' destruction. Life was the re sult of User death. ? K was curious that Christian tv dated its birth from' the death of the Redeemer. The eross, however, 4yvks no lirnitai iphf but an expansion ;; no death, The cross but. the revival from! ideath. meant no narrow going down into the ground, liut a wide QUtreaching of power. The cros3j meant the exuberance ot life. It was the s gh ol lifeii iPitEAcli Jesus Christ. A minister m pne of ou arge cities prepared and preach- , iv cd, a most iconvincingsermon lor the bene ' x. r- fii of au euitluentialTmirnber of hiSTcbngre itiori, wlio wasS known j to be of an infidel tiim of ntindJi The sinner listened unmoved to the welturned sentences and the earnest aipeals ; h.is: heart waj iioafiected. ? On his return, frdni church he isaw a tear trembling inj the eyd of his little daughter,-' whom he . i , ;- 1 m- ' - - ' I ? i ...!'; -1 . I ... :. tenderly oveci ; and ne inquired uic cause. The child unformed ! hi 6i that she was thmk- ing ot wha ; her Sundayjschool teacher had Jusus Christ. Ltdld her !"And hat didshe tell you of Jesus Christ, m child?" he ';a$ked.: le said he came down from heav- 'Why,s i crt and died lor poor me;!" and in a mordent I tlie tears hshed from byes which had look- ,i fr. r- ,. . . ... r i ' e4 upon iiio uuauues ui uuij scybu&uiuiuud, as. in thejsimplicity ot cnildhood, she added, "father, should !: notove one who has so laved mc ?" t j ; :;' -. ': r J ilThc prbud heart of hc infidel was touch ; j egl. i What the eloquent'piea of his minister ; c uld noi accomplish, the tender sentence Z, oMsr child- ihad don, and he retired to j gfve Yen! to his own feelings in a silent but i i penitent prayer. That evening found him . ' at the praying ciicle, where, with broken- . ness of spirit, hc sked the prayers ot God's people. A giviDg an account of bis Chns - i: tlan experience, he remarked : 4TJnder God p I owe m J conversion tcj a little child who 1; lilst convinced me, by her artless simplicity, i ! ttiat I oilght to love ohe who had' so loved Tite liiBLE. It is related of Dr. Kenni- cott, wh spent thirty years in collating the Hebrew Bcriptures, and resigned a valuable livihff because his. studies prevented his rdsidiDgfon it, that his wife was accustomed t assistfhrm in his preparation oi ms poly glot Bible by rcatlmgsto him, as they rode oht for a;n airing, thepdrtions to which his immediate attention ws called 4 . v v Whenpreparing !fpr!-a drlve the d?y after the srreat work-Vas Ibmpleted she asked I him whjft book she should take, 'Oh," ex claimed he, u us letfln theBibU. . ; i No wonder that j be? was a happy, well balanced Christian rain,! as ready to die l calmly m Christ as he,had been to live and j v labor fof him. ! ! I j ! I - ' j His appetite for the word of God increas- cd withit8 gratification, i Instead of. fretting ;. at some ft rifling defects in the translation, his great gem usf, and consecrated spirit, i found fall sajtisfaetioh in ! a lifetime perusal its sacred -DSsres. rip who was hia nelvmeet ? in the Bible sense oC the word, who acquired a dttncuit iinguaetht she might aid his researches, apd her reward. Her heart was "so pene trated jwith ! the sustaining truths with ;pd1, tkt hr -compomre and ChnstUn UCiVJlsui asiuuisucu muox v ------- hnsband in his last acooies. Her widowed heart founla an anchor l ot safety ipi the? sweet,' precious promises, of the widowfs God. : "!' :--v ;r:f::--4 ;i Oh that I had reud other books less and my Bible 1 more;v j8ljd n aged mother in Israel when called k'iddenly to face death. Sha I we not utterthe same farewell cry, ana u regret and sliame were not banished at the coor ot heaven, should we not lament wws vui vtter ooorn tnougn contain ing valuable Chrittlan truth, had been suffered to crowd out the Word of God from our attention. Would it not be well if we, as a nation, as churches, I as individuals, should say with the man of God; after thir ty years of research, "Let us leginihe Bible" BOOTS & SHOES. AND SHOE STORE, JTJ&T? ' O t- hlTST THiT ' A LiAliGE VARIED ASSORTMENT OF LADIES and MISSES' all styles: ; BOOTS and SHOES, MENS and great variety. BOY'S BOOTS and SHOES in YOUTH AND CHILDRENSM SHOES. made uuur our own supervision, ana which offering at reduced price. j we are i i Call and examine, and satisfy yourselves. that . ' ;. .-; I " j j -;' THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. " " G. &. C, BRADLEY, li . Sign of Big Boot, ,41 Market street. pet '13' . . ! ' 463m A Assortment OF FANCY AND STAPLE SHOES Ml) JUST OPENED AT FINLAYSON & BRO'S NEW EMPORIUM AT Baltimore .Frioes. V Wholesale Buyers will save money by examin ing our Stock in the Wholesale Department. FINLAYSON & BKOS., No-8 North Front Street. Sent 25 ' 4l-tf, RESTAURANTS. GLOBE SALOON! THE RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT OF this Popular Saloon is aain open for the accom modation of the public. , ' j t Single meals served in every style. I ; Boarders by: the day, week and month will find every accommodation. I OYSTERS. IN EVERY STYLE. H E B A RJ Always contains the best of liquors at reduced prices. BROCK & WEBB. Proprietors. ! oct 20 i 48-lm "THE rjTMIE PUBLIC ARE INVITED. TO CALL AT the SALOON; OF WALKER MORE,' known as the ever popular i "CLARENDON Give him a call. Remember the number, 4 Market street. oct!7 48-tf DEW DROP SALOON, NO. d SOUTH FRONT WILMINGTON, N STREET, C. R OBERT J. SCARBOROUGH WOULD jlN- formihis old friends and customers mat ne has recently renovated and: refitted the: above Saloon, and would be pleased toj receive; a pon tinuancc of their patronage. ! , 'if' His BAR is always supplied with the BEST of LIQUORS. ' - i 1 I OYSTEBS Received almost daily from New River, of best quality, and furnished in any quantity or style desired. Raw.... . . .40 cents per dozen 1Z .50 cents . : 45-tf Stews, fries, &c. oct AGENTS; WANTED for 'New Hanover and adjoining Counties, lor the New j Family Medical worK, By Dr. Geo, M. Beard, of the University of the city 01 New York, assisted by eminent med ical tirotessors. Endorsed by leading medical authorities and journals. It is full of common Sense. 1;067 pages, fully illustrated. Tells how to get well, how to keep well, and what to do in every emergency. In these hard times peo niP rrmat, land will save doctors a bills. Hence, this book! sells rapidly among all elasscsi. Send, for full particulars. Address Publishers, 654 Broadway, N Y. Also wanted, oo-pnt fnr nnr Farmers' and Mechanicav Bolok. u-nii nf farts and fisrures for working'; ! men of every trade and occupation. Price to suit the times. 211 engravings. , oct 30 4w !DlUJEpVrlfitlTSi T7XAMINING SURGEON, r ZX: f "!: ; o ? ui 1 Wilmington C. aug 1ft 2W l-r GENERAL J0B. BRINTIN6 Tepnted in the best manner, and at he shor r- 1 l nntlna of tha IOtIK Xi i l-: t U . -.., "POST " PRINTING OFFICE, POPULAR BOOT Splendid BOOTS i i i i n ii 1 t as SALOON MISCELLANEOUS; 'V M. qRONLY, Auctioneer. Br CItONtY & MOARIS. EXTEN'SIVK SALE OF f FAIlJABLEREAl ESTATE, AUCTION. ' Mi ' '''' Vt ? SPLENDID TOPPORTUHITY FOR ' 1 IflVESTHEHT. ' 1 CUSTOM HOUS E wilmington n: b. Collectoh's Ofvicb, Oct 31st, 1870. r BY AUTHORITY OF THE HON. SECRETA ry of the Treasury, I will offer for sale, at ; PUBLIC; AUCTION, - At the CUSTOM HOUSE, on TUESDAY, NOV. 29th, at 13 o'clock M., that valuable three story Brick Building, situated in the Southeast por tion of the city, well known as, the Marine Hospital, Built by the U. S. Government at a cost of FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, With grounds 396x330 feet; comprising ' AN ENTIRE SQUARE. ALSO, "? VIZ: -SIX LOTS, EACH Urvx, 107, 108, 109,' 110, 111, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, WITH LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, UPON . 1 BLOCKS 94 J 05, OG, 97, 08 THE ENTIRE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD 1 QUE LOT. Terms of Sale. One fifth cash ; the balance ia four equal year ly payments (the first of which shall be made on the 29th November, 1871), with interest from day of sale until paid. ' 'Any failure o the part of the purchaser to ( make the payments as above, -will involve the surrender of the property, and the forteiture to the Government Of .tne payments already made. A certificate of sale and possession, subject to the foregoing condition, will be given the successful bidder upon the acceptance ot ms bid by the Secretary of the -Treasury and the deed executed when the last payment shall have been made . : All bids to be made subject to the cpproval of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Department reserving the right to reject'any or all bids if deemed for the interest of the Governmcnito do 86. if " D.ltUMLEY, Collector. 52-tnbv29 novo HARD.WAB6, PAIxTS, JACK CHAINS, DOG COLLARS, WELL Wheels and Buckets, Garden Plows, Kakes, Hoes. Shovels. Snades. Pitchforks, &c , &c. NATHANIEL JACOBI, No. 9 Market st. A XLES, SPRINGS, HUBS, Spokes, Rims, J. Carriage. Trimmings, &c. ; a full arsort ment at the Lowest Prices. NATHANIEL JACOBI, No. 9 Market st. (COOPERS' TOOLS, COUNTER SCALES, J Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, , &c, &c. . . . -J- NATHANIEL JACOBI, - i , No. 0 Market St. O L STONES, FILES, RASPS, Shoe Lasts, French and American Calf Skins, Sole and .'; Harness Leather, Shoe Findings, &c. - NATHANIEL JACOBI, -.V I No. 9 Market St. BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND DOORS, at manufacturers prices. . . : ODD SIZES MADE TO ORDER. NATHANIEL JACOBI, . No. 9 Market St.- IRON and STEEL, Hollow-ware, Varnishes, tPaints, tWindOw Glass, Neats Foot, Lard Engine, Train and Linseed oils, at the low, est vrices. v v NATHANIEL JACOBI'S, Hardware Depot ) Market. St. aug 28 1 '..y-'V'; , 33:tf COTTON PLANTERS . I Examine and Buy the Original ftAW BONE HOSPH ATE, BAUGHS It being the first made all othdrs'are imitations. Prices rfjd vcejd. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF 1IME. This Manure is . made of Raw - or Unburned Bones, rich in Nitrogenous matter dissolved in Oil of Vitrol, preser ting the Bone Phosphate in a highly soluble and quicaiy avanaoie iorm ana the Ammonia in such proportion as to insure a prompt and-vigorous" action upon the crops. Where Baugh'r Phosphate was applied the past season xm Cotton, 4-he indications, without exception," are 1 tnat It? will maintain its well earned J reputation. , It', will prevent Tlust on cotton: ", x:z: j! 1 :?-BAUGH &" SONS. Manufacturers, 1 Philadelphia. For aaleby Dealers tlrbughout the entire South, of whom we recommend consumers to buy. i. 1 . . .'. oct IT,-- 1,:; '- 4S-3m t- ' i ' 1 1 ' ' "' g&t Staples. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JU8T RE JLfe turned from the North with a new lot of FIRST- CLASS irORSESr BUG GIBS, Is prepared, rent tc his frlends a stylish turnout, at aoy times On nd after Monday, October SlsL The best 01 noraea wwayu uuu, wr bjhv ui Also, Horses itaken on livery and the best of care given tnem. . ir ; w . "Hs H f EDWAED TOMEROY, V tl Hi T oct so 1 ' 51-ly . MISCELLANEOUS. Grad Single Mbber Distribution O? THE SpBD CAnOUIA D E J E F I C I A l7Vd C 0 CI AT I OH! CONSISTING .OF'PitdPJiat'rfl'.mAirnwrM. iriANpS, JETfELBY, &c , TAKES PLACE AT WltJHIJfGTON N. C.i fTHUSDAY, pEC. 1st, 1870. 10Q, AWARDS MUSTEK DISTRIBUTED I WHOLE bEUTiFTCl'TES, $5; HALVES, , . $2 50 ; QUAUTEKS, $ 1 25. ':- j : VAJLUA.TION. No. 1 House and Lot of 5 Acres In r weensDorovN.C............ $5,000 2 Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. and 5. Block ax ' tt , o m Wilmington, N. C...... 9 Two Full Lots on Front Street. Wilmington, N. C 4 Desirable Building Lota, 66x225 i . feet on Front street, Wilminff- ton, N. C... ............. 5 House and Lot, on Block 105 corner Nun and Sixth streets, WUmington,NC........ ..,f 6 100 acres land on Middle Sound i seven miles! fro m Wilmington N C. 7 One Grand Piano " 8 One Fine Piano (B). . ! ! f ' 9 One Fine Lot on East Princess 1UL ftre WiltniDgton.NC...... Set of Double Harness, Gilt 11 ;Ladies' Diamond Pin. ...... . 12 fGents' Diamond Rinir . . - - 2,500 (i 2,500 2,000 .2,000 1,000 1 1,000: 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 20 250 250 250 200 200 200 200 200 00 200 200 IO . . rr O ' Diamond Pin .... 14 JLadie8' Gold Watch nni rihain 15 Ladies' Gold Watch lb Gents Gold Watch and Chain. . . 17 Gents Gold Wateh. ., . . ...T.. . . 18 One Piano. . 2lSenfift9aUv!-v--. 23 Ladies Set of Jewelry 23 Gents Bet Jewelry. ,. 24 Ladies Diamond Ring. .... . . .... 25 Gents Diamond Ring. 26 :One Sewing Machine J 27 Ladies Gold Chain 23 GentS Gold Chain 29 One Piano...!.. 30 Ladies Gold Watch. , 31 Gents Gold Watch. 32 -One Sewing Machine. ........... 33 Set ot Jewelry. 34 jSet of Sliver Ware. 35 (A Fine Oil Painting 36 lA Beautiful Set ot Pearls ... . 37 Fine Marble Clock 38 (A Fine Pair Bronze Figures ..... 39 A Beau tiful4 Stereoscope, with t views. .....i.................. 40 Ladles Gold Watch and Chain. . . 41 Gtnts Gold Watch and Chain... 42 One Musical .Box. .... ;. 100 J 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1C0 ti ti ii it t it tt 100 100 100 43 One Melodeon. 44 ISet of Silver Castors 56 other awards valuation $50 each; making of use, and ornament and property. EXPLANATION OF DISTRIBUTION. The numbers from 1 to 10,000, corresponding with the; Certificates, and printed on separate sups oi paper, ana .encircled with small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel The 100 awards are priuted on slips oi paper and encircled with tin tubes, and placed in another wheel. Both wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of numbers; and at the same time a printed slip of the awards is drawn from the other wheel. The number and award drawn out are Opened and exhibited to the spectators, and registered by the 'Commissioner. The award being placed against the number drawn. This operation is repeated until all of the awards are drawn out. gir'Foir information and orders address North Carolina Beneficial Association, Wilming ton, N C, P O, Box 59. ; JOHN LONDON, Commissioner. t3P The articles embraced in the above List of Distributions, can be seen by application to Brown & Anderson, Jewellers, and P. Heinsber ger's Music Emporium, Market Street, Wilming ton, N C. JSP Descriptions ofithe property on file at our office. All fractional awards, ten per cent, discount. . ' ; W. fl. OERKNt General Agent. Headquarters No 11 South Stcotid Street. Agencies No 11 South Front Street. " ; No 16 Market Street, over F M Agos tini's. i ' 'U nov 3 W . 52-lm ARRiWAY & CLEAPOR, SUCCESSORS to Elvin Artis, hereby informs their lriends generally that they have opened in the Saloon under the l'arcell Hone, and will be glad to serve them at reduced rates. Hair Cutting, 35 cents t Shaving, 15 cts. . . - 1 . JAS. H. CARRAWAY, CHA8. E. CLEAPOR. july 24 ? 23-tf AH0YHER LIBERAL 0FFEER I 1 SEPTEMBER 15th, 1870. ALL NEW SUBSCRIBERS : FOR ONE OR: more of Our periodicals for the year 1871, remitting direct to us the yearly subscription price betore the firSt of January, will be sup plied with whatever they may subscribe for from the first of October of the present year that is, THREE MONTHS GRATIS. , We publish ' ; The Edinburgh Review, The Westminster Review, The London Quarterly Review, The Noth British Review, Blackwood's Edinbugh Magazine. TERMS: ; Per annum. For any one of the Reviews. . ...... .. .... $4 00 Forany two of the Reviews.... .......... 7 00 For any three ot the Reviews.. . . ....... . 10 00 For all four ol the Reviews ., 12 00 For Blackwood's Magazine.. 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review. ........ '7 00 For Blackwood and two of the Reviews ... 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 18 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews .... 15 00 LEONARD SCO IT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton Street, New York. oct 13 - 46 CARRIAGE MAKER. JP. II. HAYBEN, I (Formerly pf Baltimore,) INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE CAN furnish the finest work, and of better quality, than any Carnage mas er m tne ciy; r 1 He is also manufacturing toe celebrated anOilJCl i;-: ..-:ir-;v-;-'-"v;?- t SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. tiO to tne Slim oi tua uiw uvmou wjli.v, West side of Third street, between Market and Princess streets,near the Court House. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, I FARMING UTENSILS and , BLACK-SMITHING Of every description .done in the best manner. HORSE SHOEING IN STYLE. BUGGIES, U FARM WAGGONS and -'-"- WHEEL' BARROWS, " ntrn t mxcsm tdt mttV . al A TV! I OCtiJ 43-tf SHIPPING. .-'i, 4 4 : .FOIl KEW fYORK, i f SJilZmG TWSPAYSB FRIDAYS i noii newtork, and wednes t BAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM tj'$M:. fWIIMINGTON ' I T1IKOUGH - CONNECTIONS WITH W RAILROADS i LEADING HOUTjDF JVILIIINGTON. 1No passengers taken. For Freight applyjoj BAHRY BRdfHERS, AGENTS. may.2 7rtf HISCELElNEOUS. er A Book of 12o closelv nriuted n.io-pa . lnfpi j vvuwuuo m, xiob u me ' uess American Advertising Mediums, giving the names, circu lations, and full particulars concerning the leafling Daily an'd Weekly Political and Family Newspapers, together with all those having large circulations, published in the interest of Religion; Agriculture, Literature, &c, &cJ Every Advertiser, and every person who con templates becoming such, will find this book of great value. Mailed tree to any address oh i1,025 cents' "GEO. P. ROWELL Sd MayJ iffirt 4 Park Row, New York.! Co., which issues this interesting Wi book, Is the largest and best Advertising Agency in the United States,, and we can cheerfully rci commend it. to the' attention of those who desire to advertise their business " scientifically and svKtematicallr in euch a wav : that is. so to secure tlge largest ; amount of publicity for the sept 9 45-ly HONES, HEALTH, HAPPINESS. HOW TO BE OBTAINED FOR FIVE DOL larft t Plactatlons, : Farads, Yilla Sites and Town lots, at the great premium land saler Biken, IS. C. r The f "Saratoga of the South." 48 hours from N,! Y. The most deligtful climate in the world. Free from the rigors of Northern win ters, exempt from throat diseases, Vineyard and. orchards in full bearing. For descriptive phamplet, address, with swrnp, j. (J. UEKBr, Augusta, Ga. oct S0-4w rri tVENTYVFIVE DOLLARS a week JJ Salary ! Young tiaen wanted as local and traveling salesmen. Address with stamp R..H. WALKER, 2i Park RoW N. Y, oct 30 4w , j 1 ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. j Prizes cashed and information furnished by GEORGE UPHAM. Providence, R. I. oct 30-4W j s i f STAMMERING cured by Bates Appliances. For description address Simpson & Co., Box 5076, N Y oct 30-4w u iii jua iai.ao ents Wanted. 13 Salary $10,0U0 per year. Circulars and sam ples of work free "Address Crystal Sewing Mi dune Cd, Boston Mass I octiJ0-4w I iiODO PEl WEEK Can be made by parties who are wide-aw without f. interfering with other business dress GEOvW. WINSLOW, 78 Broad. N Y A CARD. A Clergyman, whhilejresiding in South Amer ica as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Or gans, and the whole trin of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great num bers have been cured by this noble, remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe lor preparing and using this madicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, five of charge. Address .rn9P.PM T TNMAN Rtntinn n Rihla TTnnco New York Citv. i octSfl4r !A A MYSTERY SOLVED. Fifteen Min J. utes Private Conversation with Married Ladies by one of their i number. Sent free lor twjo stamps Address Mrs 11 METZGER, HanO- re.Pa oct 30-4W In all parts of the United States, to sell j 1A. II. NELSON & CO.'S S iUUMINUM GOLD JEWELRY I Agents are making $2C0 to $300 per week sell ing th Aluminum Jewelry. The best imitation of. gold ever introduced. It has the exact cold r which it alwajs retains, and 6tands the test Of the .strongest acids. No one can" tell it from gold Only by wqght the Aluminum Gold being about 1-4 lighter. AH Nelson & Co, are sell ing their goods for 1-10! the price gold jewelry is. sold1 fori ancl oa moet liberal terms to agents-i 14 eashJ balance in 30, 60 and 90 days. We send persons wishing to act as agents, a fall and complete assortment lof goods, consisting of seals; Bracelets, Lockets, Ladics? and Gent's Chains, Pins, Rings, SlOeve Buttons, Studs, &c., for f 100 125 to be paid when the goods are re ceived, tha other $75 iri 30. 60 and iO davs. Par- Uea.wishing to order ' goods and act as agents will address ! I H NELSON & CO, 40 & 42 Broadway, N Y. OCt 30. - 4w October, 1S70. J. & P . COATS - BEST SIX CORD : . i , : - .!', : ' ' ;.: , k IS NOW THE . . Thread put up for the American market whicb 18 i SIX CORPS IN ALL NUMBERS, i ' i From No 8 to No5 100 inclusive. For Htod and Machine oct 80 . !..'- 4w pEN DOLLARS A DAY J OK ALLJ 1 Stp.nfil Tool Samnles mailed free A o iruL- lam, 645 Broadway, N Y octSOW HnWENTY-FJVE IDOLLARS A DAY I J- 40 new article for Agents s Samples free H U8HAW. Alfred, Me oct 30-4 w! t i . . m ' wy. . a W ' ' ' 50 CdltS tO $9 DCr LVeDIDg at UOIlie , We are prepared to furnish profitable employ ment to Men and Women at their homes. One oerson in each locality ! throughout the United States", :can engage in this business at great wages, i We send, tbeb, full particulars and a i valuable sample, which : will do to commence work. 'Any person seeing mis notice, ;wno, wants tjrofltable. permanent work, should send I tts their address, witnout aeiay. . , ; ; . i E C ALLEN & CO, Augusta, Maine. oct SU4W VOID QUACKS. tA victim of . early indis cretion, causing nervous aeDiuiy, prema- ture decay, &c, having tried in vain every ad vertised remedy has a simpleneans of self-cure, which he will send tree to njs i leiiow-sunerers. Address; J H TUTTLE; 73 Nassau st, New York, oct 80 1W . 8 - Pill : !:!' J Newspap Advertising Wilmington & Weldon Ri II. Co. Onrca ChxeiEkg. & Gih. SurainiwlnjMT I WruaxexoH, N. C, Aug. 15, 1870. S CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , .... -N AND AFTER MONDAY, the 9th inst.. J strains on this road will leavA WUmlnfTtnn atC:CO A. M. and 9;S0 P. M. and arrive at Wel don at 6:30 A. M. and 3:00 P. M, Leave Weldon" 10:00 A. M. and 7:35 P. M. -Arrive atiWilnring ton 4:00 A. M. and 6:45 P. M. The dav trafn will not run on Sundays. , , Morning train North will leave Union Depot at 6:15 o'clock. Night- train North will leave Union Depot at 9:50 o'clock. . "7- u AN ACC03IMODATION AND FREIGHT - ' TRAIN . '; ' Will leave Wilmington 10:30 A. M fSundavs ex. cepted), .making; close connection atGoldsboro lor Raleigh. Returning, leave Goldsboro at 6:00 A. M,fr and arrive at Wilmington at 2:00 P, H. Day trains leaylng Willmington at C: 15 A. M. and Weldon at 10:00 A. M., connect closely with the Tarboro Branch train. The night passenger trains leaving Wilmington and Weldon on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays, also' connect closely with the Tarboro Branch train; and with steamer to Washington, N, C j S. L. FREMONT, 1 : Engineer & Sunt, mays- . . . 1-tf Wilmington & Manchester R.R.C i iijojMr 1 1 mmz GSNISBAI. SUPSSINTXNDSMS OrVlCB, 1 Wilmington, N. C, March 13, 1868. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE ISxhJN sUnt, Passengers for the W. fc M. R. R. will t4ike the train at the W. & W. R. R.v,Iepot, and the following Schedule-will bo rnn: t DAY EXPRESS TRAIN (Dailyfy'' Leave Wilmington (W. & W. R. R. r : Depot.;.. 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Florence ,11:03 A.M. Arrive at Kingsville. ........... 3;00 P. M. Leave Kingsville..... ..11:40 A. M. , iwi.ju.i.,.. ........ . . ..... 3:14 P. M. Leave Wilmington (W. & AV.- fi,-A3a p. Depot)... , o;o r. xu. Arrive lat Elorence L43 A. M . Arrive at Kingsville. .;. . . . .... 00 A. M. Leave Kings viUe.. 3:45 P. M. Arrive at Florence. .1 1:05 P. M. ArriVe at W. & W. R. 11. Depot ..... i 6: 12 A. M I WM. MacRAE, ! Gen'lSnpU inarch 20 " 361-tr . " I SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE FICE, ) -a R. K 1870. i Wilmington, Columbia, fe Augusta ; Wilminston, iN. u., May O N and after this date Passengers going South will leave the W..&. W. R. R. De epot 3:50 A M. and 6:30 K M. JNO. C. WINDER, Gen'lSup't. may 26 Wilmington. Charlotte & Ii. R. R. Company. ' " ' " ffi jj2faJk ... - .... -. . . i- i .i ... , 7r yt Excursion Tickets v DURING FAlR.WEEK-NoTemher 14th to .19th inclusive to Wilmington and return From head of Road as iar.as Laurinburg..f2 00 From Laurinburg as far as Lumber ton,... ,1 75 From Lumberton as far aa Abbottsburg... 1 50 From Abbottsburg as far as Marlyille . . , 1 25 From Marlville to Wilmington. ........... 1 00 All round trip tickets. I-Freighton Cotton from head of Road $1 50 per bale of 450 pounds or less. , i " ' :: . ' " S. U FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent.' 'V .'..';' ; 53-tf novO Wilmington. Charlotte & R. R. R. Company.- " Office Chief Eko. xm Gen'l StJp'T, . Wilmington; N. C, Oct. 28, 1870. ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. X," O' ,N AND AFTER NOVEMBER 1st thoTaa- senger Train will ran the following sched ule: , v. Leave Wilmington at 7 o'clock a. m., and arrire at the head of the Road at 4 o'clock. p. no. Leave the head of the Road at 6 a. m., and ar rive at Wilmington at 3:30 p. m. daily, -(Sundays excepted). . , , '. :, Two regular Freight Trains per week will leave Wilmington' at 6 a- m., on Tuesdays and Fridays, and arrive at Wilmington on Mondays and, Thursdays at 5 p. m. , . Through Tickets to Cuarlotte.... .... ....$10 S. L. FREMONT, - Chief Engineer and Superintendent. - oct so - . :. ' r . 5i-tr Office oi the Secretary ot the Wil. & Wei; W VL Co., Wilmington, Nil C Nov. 1st, 1870. - ; rvr i iri I Ml tmr- , THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING Of the Stockholders of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company will be held in Wil mington, on Wednesday, the 16th inst. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. nov 3 . . i . - 54-3V INSTRUCTION IN THANKFUL FOR THE VERY LIBERAL patronage bestowed upon him during the T)ast vear. the under3icmed resnectfnllv effsra his services lor the ensuing year to his friends ana tne puniic generally as instructor ox music on the Piano and Organ and Singer. ... 5 Long andVaried experience in teaching, and his careful attention to the talents and capabili ties of each pupil entrusted to his care, will, he confidently hopes, enable him to irive entire satisfaction to all who honor him with their confidence. - t : ijiiWlitVgy Wi'Ml',' l.'j)'lWiwliWf "'.. . Being an experienced Organist, he can offer those who wish to study fihhv trrandest ol all instruments, peculiar adyantages. , r ; In his singing lessons, especial attention will, be paid to the cultivation - Of the voice to Its fullest extent. , , . tf . . , Lesson's will be given either at the residence of nunils. orhis own, on Third street, between Eed Cross and Walnut. - - - W-F. GRABAU, ' i i V J Organist of 8 W John8 Church.7 oct a ' .-tC" - ' VOCAL AID INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC . r ... n '-4. Srl, 3? f- !".'j. '; ".-tZi'": .1 1 4 Mil;